Green Lost

Summary: Tommy put himself in danger to save the other Power Rangers. Jason lets him know exactly what he thinks of his behaviour
Authors: Cat/Kindred Isa
Pairing: Jason/Tommy
Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers


The battle was won but nearly lost when Tommy knew that his powers were in great danger as was his life, but he had been determined to fight anyway, having told the team that he was fighting no matter what, considering that fact that Shellshock would be hard for them to defeat without him. The battle was harsh and Tommy was soon weakened but he soon grabbed the weapon that their friend Billy had created to defeat the creature knowing that the only way to defeat it was from the inside so he climbed into a crate of watermelons to be eaten. Once inside the creature, Tommy soon was firing at it but felt it hard to breathe falling out of the creature once he'd done his job landing hard, his powers now fully depleted laying on the street in his green tank top and jeans panting and bruised leaving the others to finish the battle with the water hose and froze the shell monster. Once everything was done and over, Tommy knew that he was in deep trouble from the look his boyfriend was giving him. He was now on his way to the secluded beach to meet up with him still feeling weak having lost his Green Powers.

The loss of his powers made his heart ache cause he knew that the battle was now over for him and he could no longer try and protect Jason and the others should they ever have need of him and the Dragonzord. With a heavy heart he went to his boyfriend halting when he saw the hairbrush in Jason's hand. "Uh Jase...You don't really need that."

Jason raised his eyebrows, but didn’t comment on what Tommy said. Instead, he patted the blanket next to him. “Come and sit down, Tommy.” He didn’t say ‘while you still can’ – but that was probably implied. He couldn’t get over the fear he’d felt, seeing his boyfriend lying on the ground hurting. He was going to make sure he never had to go through that again.

Tommy chewed his lower lip and went to the blanket and sat down, trying to cover the slight groan that had escaped his soft lips as he crouched down. He was still bruised from the battle and sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to sit after his boyfriend got a hold of his ass with that brush. He looked up at Jason and gulped. "This is about the battle, isn't it?"

“What do you think, Tommy?” Jason shook his head and sighed. He then slipped his arm around Tommy’s shoulders, mindful of the bruises he knew his boyfriend was still feeling. “Do you remember what you promised me last time we talked, Tommy? About how you wouldn’t hurt yourself?”

"How could I forget? I couldn't sit for days," he muttered, feeling his boyfriend Jason holding him, and then looked up into his dark eyes. "I know we discussed about my being hurt and charging in when I shouldn't; but Jason, that thing was too strong without me and the only way to stop it was from the inside...I couldn't let it hurt you, Jase. If I was going to have one final battle, I wanted to help you the most...I love you, Jase."

Jason sighed, and kissed Tommy softly, holding him close. “I love you too, Tommy. But I was so scared I’d lost you. I thought you were dead...” He paused briefly, having to calm himself down. “I was worried. I don’t think you were thinking about how I would feel. You just put yourself in danger without a moment’s thought.”

Tommy looked at the blanket with a few tears already in his dark eyes. "I am sorry, Jase...I just couldn't let that thing hurt you...Didn't want to lose you either and I had to help save Angel Grove. I didn't think about how it would affect you and I'm sorry for that. All I could think of was losing you." He looked into his boyfriend's eyes and felt the sorrow in his heart deepen. "I couldn’t let them win, Jase...they took my powers from me and to lose you too was far too much to bear. That thing was going to kill you all without me there. You heard what Zordon had was too powerful for all five of you alone."

“And so you decided to just rush right in, weakened, and let the monster eat you? It might have worked, but it wasn’t a great plan.” Jason shook his head. “I think we need to talk – back at my place.”

Tommy gulped a little and looked at his boyfriend and nodded. "I...I thought it would work. Zordon told me that it needed to be heated under its shell so thought it would work." The teenager pouted a little suddenly at the mention of going to Jason's to talk about it. " I'm getting spanked again, aren't I?"

Jason nodded. “Remember how upset I was when you smashed your hand into your locker? I felt even worse this time. You promised me, Tommy... So, yeah. You deserve a spanking, and you’re getting a good one this time.”

Tommy whimpered hearing that and chewed his lower lip, looking at the blanket again, but nodded sadly. "I am sorry, Jason...I couldn't let you die, but I deserve it for breaking your trust. I really didn't try to hurt you or break the promise...I just lost my sense when you were about to die, but I do deserve to be punished for what I've done."

“Come on, then.” Jason got to his feet, and helped Tommy to stand as well. “We should get this over with.” Even though he was angry, he still draped his arm over Tommy’s shoulders, and squeezed him tight. He wanted to make it clear that he still loved Tommy, despite being unhappy with him.

As they walked back to Jason's car to head to his boyfriend's house, it comforted him that Jason still held him after he helped him up from the blanket. He helped gather the blanket and they headed back to the car. He then got into the jeep and sighed, knowing he wouldn't be sitting for a while, and looked at Jason as they drove home. "I am really sorry, Jase, and know you need to punish me...I don't blame you for being mad and for what you're going to do to. I love you more for loving me enough to correct me when I need it...even when my butt hurts for it."

Jason smiled, and reached over to take Tommy’s hand. “I know you’re sorry. And I’m glad you understand. I love you, Tommy. Enough to make sure you don’t take anymore stupid chances with your life.”

Tommy took his love's hand as well and smiled shyly. "I know, but it seems I still need you to take me into hand. I love you so much; just wish I could still fight with you to save the world."


When they arrived, Tommy got out of the car and headed towards the house, knowing he needed to get it over with. Once he opened the door with the key Jason had given him, the teenager checked to be sure the house was empty before his clothes came off with the boy soon standing in the corner, knowing that was where he was supposed to be till Jason got in to spank him again. His bruises were more prominent now that he was naked in the corner, as he chewed his lower lip, knowing what a sight he presented to his boyfriend.

Jason closed and locked the door behind him, before he stepped into the sitting room. Shaking his head at the sight of his naked boyfriend in the corner, Jason sighed at the sight of the bruises still evident. He retrieved the hairbrush, and carried it over to the couch, sitting down with it next to him. “Come here, Tommy.”

Tommy turned around at the sound of his boyfriend's voice and slowly walked over to the couch, knowing he deserved to be spanked for having worried Jason; but more importantly having broken his promise to him. He chewed his lower lip and saw the hairbrush, his heart going up into his throat; but he hardened his resolve not to fight his boyfriend. He lowered himself over Jason's lap without being told to or pulled over and let Jason rearrange him for his spanking. He then whimpered and held onto Jason's leg as he dreaded when that hairbrush would be picked up and applied to his prone, bared backside.

Jason took his time getting Tommy settled so that his bottom was in the perfect place for a sound spanking. He rested his hand on his boyfriend’s behind for a moment. “Remind me what this spanking is for.”

"For worrying you, Jase, and for going into the battle when I knew my powers were going to let me down. I only had one more battle left - but Jase, you were going to die...I only wanted to help and... ouch!" Tommy let out a gasped yelp when Jason didn't seem to like his explanation, earning him a good smack to his bare bottom. "Okay...I shouldn't have been there and shouldn't have been so reckless.”

Jason shook his head slowly. “You’re not acting like you understand why you’re getting this spanking. You didn’t have your full powers. If you thought you knew how to fight the monster, you should have told me. You say you didn’t want me to die – did it ever occur to you that I might feel the same way about you?”

"I am sorry, Jase...Could only think about losing you and it consumed me...I couldn't lose you and was s...I was scared, Jason...I was scared of losing my powers, you and the team." Tommy sighed, and knew that he had to admit his feelings on having heard the news that he was losing his powers. "I...felt helpless...still do...Jason, what if they attack and you guys need me? I...I can't help anymore."

“You have to trust us to be able to handle it,” Jason replied, gently rubbing Tommy’s back. “I understand how you must be feeling; but I can’t worry about you. I have to know that you’ll stay safe; even though it’s difficult. You’ve lost your powers, and it isn’t fair – but I expect you to be careful. I know you’d feel the same if it was me.”

"Got that right, Jase. I would want you to be careful if you were powerless, too," Tommy admitted and sighed, nodding. "I won't get into battle; but if they come after me, I will defend myself the best I can till you get there."

“I want you to be careful. That’s all I ask.” Jason was silent for a few moments, and then spoke again. “Are you ready for me to spank you now?”

Tommy didn't trust himself to say anything and just nodded. "Y..Yes I deserve to be spanked for worrying you yet again and risking my life. I will be more careful."

“I hope so. Because if I have to do this again, I will be using my belt.” Looking grim, Jason began swatting Tommy’s bare bottom hard, determined to get it through to his stubborn boyfriend’s head – through his butt – that endangering himself was not an option.

Tommy cringed at the thought of Jason using his belt on his bared bottom. "No...Not the belt, Jase...I won't do it again." He soon grunted when he felt the first smack to his prone bottom. "Ohh!" He hissed when Jason began to punish him in earnest, wishing he'd not done something so stupid as upset his boyfriend; never wanting to have hurt him. "I am so sorry, Jase...I love you."

“I love you too, Tommy. And because I love you, I’m going to make sure you never put yourself in danger like this again.” Jason tipped Tommy over his knee a little, exposing the crease where bottom met thighs, to smack the tender areas there, ensuring that Tommy would feel this every time he sat down.

"OOOOHHHH OWWWW JASE!" Tommy began to yelp when he felt his bottom pushed further forward, getting his tender sit-spot peppered with hard spanks. "NOOOOOOO! JASE!!! PLEASE...IT HURTS!" He groaned and chewed his lower lip again, knowing that his boyfriend hadn't even gotten to the brush yet. This was definitely going to be a long and sore afternoon and weekend!

“If it didn’t hurt, it wouldn’t be a spanking.” Jason knew that he probably sounded heartless, but he was determined never to have to see Tommy hurt again. All he had to do was remember his boyfriend lying on the ground... And as he thought that, Jason found the smacks he was delivering were getting harder. “Don’t you ever put me through this again, Tommy.”

"Ow..I won't." Tommy howled as the spanking got even worse and he was unable to do anything to stop it, laying over his boyfriend's lap whimpering. "I AM SO SORRY JASON! I WON'T RISK MYSELF AGAIN WITHOUT POWERS!! CAN'T LOSE YOU!!"

“You won’t lose me.” Jason paused in the spanking, noticing how red and sore Tommy’s bottom looked. He then picked up the hairbrush, and rested it on Tommy’s bare bottom. “Never again, Tommy. I never want to have to do this again, you hear me?” He brought the hairbrush down in a hard swat on Tommy’s right cheek, following with a matching swat on his left.

Tommy screamed when the solid wooden brush came down upon his very red and sore bottom with force, definitely getting Jason's message. He began to buck with yelps with every single swat, his dark eyes blurred with tears, wanting to tear that brush from his boyfriend's hand. "AGHHHH OWWWWWW! GAHHHHH JAAAAASSSSSSOOOOON THAT HURTS!!! YEESSSSSS I HEEEEEEARRRR YOUOWWWWWWW!! GAHHHHHHH I WILL BEHAAAAAAAAAVE PLEEEEEEEEAAAASE!!!! STOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPP!!"

The solid wooden brush continued to rain down on his sore cheeks even after Tommy gave up with a yelp, having lost the battle to get away from Jason's lap. He soon just lay there, whimpering and hating that brush right now; vowing never to get in this position again and definitely not anytime soon.

Jason landed a few more hard swats with the hairbrush, and then dropped it, feeling kind of sick to his stomach. Wanting nothing more than to have his boyfriend in his arms, he pulled Tommy up and into a tight embrace.

Tommy sobbed in his boyfriend's arms, unable to hold it in any longer; considering how sore his bottom was. " so Jase...I'll try and not do it again...definitely not without p...powers....please forgive" The teenager cuddled up into his love's arms and hissed when his bottom touched Jason's leg. "Owww.."

“I forgive you, Tommy. I’ll always forgive you.” Jason kissed his forehead. “I know you’re sorry. I love you.” He held on tightly, reluctant to let go. He still couldn’t get rid of that image of Tommy lying on the ground...

"Love you too, Jase. Even when you spank me; and man do you spank hard. Don't think I can sit, and won't for days I'll bet." Tommy smiled a little, but then hissed when he moved forward and kissed his boyfriend. "Glad it's Friday, though, man."

Jason smiled, and returned the kiss, holding his boyfriend tightly. “I spanked you hard, I know. But I’m serious about keeping you safe.”

"I know." Tommy smiled and snuggled into his boyfriend's arms. "So what do you want to do tonight? I know we did have a date planned, but don't think going to the movies tonight is a good idea."

“We can just stay in – maybe watch a movie here,” Jason suggested. “I can do some popcorn. We have soda in the fridge.”

"Sounds great, and we can make out without the usher getting in our face about it, too." Tommy grinned and kissed his boyfriend. "And maybe some ice for my butt, too?" He grunted as he moved a bit to get a movie, not caring that he was naked finding a movie. "Got the movie...You get the sodas and the ice." He kissed Jason again and winced as he put the movie into the player before he laid back onto the couch on his front.

Jason headed into the kitchen, and got a couple of cans of soda and a bag of ice. He walked back into the sitting room, and sat down next to Tommy, reaching out to gently rub some of the sting out of his bottom.

Tommy hissed a bit, but smirked as well when Jason rubbed his naked butt. "Don't start something you don't plan to finish, Jase." He winked and opened his soda, taking a sip of it. Taking the ice, he groaned, putting it onto his smoking ass. "Damn, you really got my butt this time, man."

“You deserved it.” Jason kissed Tommy lightly to take the sting out of his words. “Don’t do it again. I can’t lose you, Tommy. I meant what I said. If I have to, I’ll spank you again. And if you endanger yourself again, I will use my belt.” He rubbed Tommy’s shoulder lightly.

"I know, Jase. I did deserve it, and let's hope you don't have to use the belt next time; cause man, that would really hurt. I seem to lose my head when you're in trouble, though, but wouldn't change how I feel for anything; even when my butt hurts in the end." He smiled and returned the kiss passionately. "One day, I do hope I regain my powers and fight at your side again.

“But until that day comes, you’ll stay out of the fight,” Jason said. “I love you, Tommy.” He sat back on the couch slightly.

"Love you too, Jase baby." Tommy smiled and watched the movie with his boyfriend, glad to finally at least have a quiet evening with Jason, even if his butt was sore again. The teenager snuggled even closer to Jason, feeling even more in love with him than ever as they watched their movie, forgetting for once that they were power rangers.