Grant Coulson

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Full name: Grant Coulson (originally had the last name ‘Ward’)
Portrayed by: Brett Dalton
First appearance: Beginning Of The End Revisited
Parent: Phil Coulson
Grandparent: Ben Coulson
Aunt/Uncle: Paul Coulson, Cathy Coulson
Siblings: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Raina, Bobbi Morse, Gamora, Nebula, Jeffrey Mace
Nieces/nephews: Wanda, Pietro, Lincoln, Valkyrie

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“Wait a minute…lost as a baby? He didn’t give me away, then?”

Grant, to Fury. Revelations

Grant had a pretty rough home life. He was raised with abusive parents and an older brother who not only terrorized Grant, but made Grant terrorize his younger brother and sister too.

But that wasn’t the homelife Grant should have had. His whole childhood was manufactured by HYDRA. Taken from his father (Phil Coulson) as a baby, he was given to parents deemed 'suitable’ enough to eventually raise an agent HYDRA could use.

And it worked. Grant was rescued by a HYDRA agent, who abandoned him and then recruited him. Thanks to John Garrett, he became a part of Coulson’s team. Both men were unaware of Grant’s true biological family…and when HYDRA made its move inside SHIELD, Grant turned on the agents who had bonded so closely with him and who he’d bonded as closely with in return.

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“You’re going after your boy, then?”

May, to Coulson. Bringing The Family Together

Grant was left alone, abandoned, by the rest of the team…until Coulson came to find him. And not only find him, but adopt him. Take him back into the fold. As Clint said…Grant is truly one of Coulson’s ‘lost boys’.

Random Facts

  • He has an emotional support dog by the name of Copper.

  • He really enjoys ‘roughing it’; camping outdoors is no great hardship to him.

  • He really likes reading.

  • He had the nickname ‘Robot’ when he first joined the team.

  • His codeword for if he has nightmares and can’t tell his dad about it is ‘Piers Anthony’. Or he’ll carry the author’s book called ‘Nightmare’ with him where his father can see it.

  • His last name was changed to what it should have been all those years ago, now making him Grant Coulson.

  • Nick Fury is his godfather.