Stories From The Island
Giving Grief

Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for various MARVEL movies and television programs.


Grant smiled at his father. "It's hard to imagine you behaving in any way that isn't responsible..." he admitted.

Coulson smiled at his youngest son. "Even as an adult, I wasn't always this responsible..."


It was late in the evening when Coulson returned from the mission. His body was bruised, but he was fairly sure there was nothing broken... even though he was limping a bit. He turned the lights on in his home and headed to his bedroom and the adjoining shower.

"Welcome home," said a quiet voice from the dark, in the general direction of the living room. "Did you get what you were after?"

Coulson froze on the stairs, his hand automatically going to the gun in its holster... before he recognised the voice and dropped his hand to his side. "You're early." He stepped in the direction of the voice, peering into the darkness even as he reached to turn the light on.

"Yeah...given the circumstances, I didn't want to leave my baby brother alone any longer than I had to..." Paul smiled crookedly, even as his eyes raked over his brother, taking in everything he could about his appearance.

Coulson was tired... though not just because of the mission. Losing his wife and son had been a devastating blow he couldn't recover from. Still, he tried not to show that. "Are you hungry? I could order in a pizza," he suggested.

"I already ordered's in the kitchen and needs to be heated up again...I'll go get it ready while you change and shower..." Paul said, in the tone only older brothers could carry off, making it clear Coulson was expected to eat and let Paul take care of things.

Coulson didn't really have it in him to argue... even though he thought he probably should. Instead, he nodded and, with a quiet sigh, went to do as instructed.

By the time his brother had returned to the kitchen, Paul had reheated the pizza and poured drinks. He'd also added a small salad onto the table. "Are you able to talk about your mission?" he asked curiously. What he really wanted to talk about was his sister-in-law and nephew...but while he believed Phil needed to talk about them, he also knew his brother might not feel ready to do so. It would be better if Phil was the one to bring them up.

"It was straightforward intel gathering." Coulson had managed to treat some of the bruises, but he couldn't hide the stiffness as he walked over to the table to sit down.

Paul frowned as he put a plate with pizza and salad in front of Phil. "Does intel gathering normally result in being bruised and sore?" he asked, with a hint of worry.

"I ran into some grunts." Coulson knew he should eat... knew his brother would expect that from him. But his appetite had been low and he hadn't been eating well since... before. If he let himself relax, the grief would overtake him... and he wasn't ready for that amount of pain.

Paul sat down with his own plate and began to eat slowly, watching his brother to make sure he was eating as well. When it didn't appear Phil was going to touch his food, he gently nudged the plate closer to his brother and gave him a pointed look. "Grunts that automatically decided to attack?" he asked, as a way of maybe distracting his brother enough that he would eat despite not wanting to.

Coulson shrugged. "I guess they figured someone sneaking in wasn't someone they could trust..." He picked up a slice of pizza and began eating... but it tasted like ash in his mouth.

"Huh...I forget sometimes your intel gathering goes beyond going to a library for information... Don't you usually have a partner or backup, though? What if they'd decided to shoot?" Paul's worry was obvious.

"I'm trained well. It was a simple in and out. I didn't need backup." Of course, if Paul asked Fury, Coulson's best friend would say something entirely different...

Paul frowned. "Even simple in-and-outs can go wrong and I find it hard to believe that Nick wouldn't give you someone to back you up, even if they sat in the car and only came in if you were made...." He shook his head. "Is he as reckless with his own safety? Maybe I need to have a talk with our brother...." He frowned again.

"He isn't reckless." Coulson stopped chewing, staring at his plate, unwilling to admit he was reckless. While he still had his family... there was a black cloud that he couldn't shift. A hole in his life he couldn't imagine being filled. Over-powering guilt that he'd failed them...

" he's only reckless with you? I somehow find that even more difficult to believe." Paul eyed Phil sternly and with a hint of suspicion, suspecting that Nick had no clue his brother had gone after intel alone. "Did he even sanction this op for intel? Did he know you were out there tonight?"

"I left a message for him..." Which was a weak argument. Coulson knew that and was certain his brother did, too.

Paul's eyebrows rose up. "And what is the likelihood he'd get that message before the week is over? Given how busy he is and leaving a message and not calling anyone else would indicate that it was something that could wait...?"

Paul keep his tone neutral and even took another bite of pizza, hoping to encourage Phil to keep eating.

It was hard to force himself to eat, but Coulson managed to take a few more bites... though he had to take a few mouthfuls of drink to get the food to go down. "Nothing did happen... and I got the intel that was needed," he defended himself.

Paul sighed. He didn't want to argue with Phil, although he had every intention of finishing the conversation once he was satisfied with the amount of food Phil had eaten. He decided to change the subject in the meantime. "So will I be seeing our other brother at all while I'm visiting? I tried to get his assistant to pencil me into his schedule, but she was a bit prickly about it. Not sure it actually got done...." His smile was crooked.

"I did tell Nick you'd be visiting," Coulson answered. "He was planning to come by here when he knew you'd definitely be at the house." He gave a half-smile, forcing himself to eat a couple more mouthfuls. "His assistant is a bit... abrupt."

"I guess I'll need to call and let him know I'm actually here, then..." Paul smiled, happy that Phil was at least trying to eat. "I've arranged with Cath and dad to be here for at least a week....Possibly longer, if I'm not in the way."

"You couldn't be in the way," Coulson said, immediately and empathically. No matter how depressed he felt... he loved his family and enjoyed having them close.

"I was hoping you'd say that..." Paul said, with a crooked grin. He finished his meal and sat quietly sipping his drink while Phil finished his own meal. "Do you have to go on any more missions?" he asked curiously.

"Not for a little while," Coulson answered. "I made sure not to have any missions planned for while you were here."

"Great..." Paul paused. "Would you like some more pizza, or should we clean up and move the conversation into the other room?" he asked quietly.

"I'm not very hungry," Coulson admitted, standing to clear the plates.

"I look like you've lost weight." Paul gave his brother a smile to show he wasn't going to lecture; not yet, at least, but he intended to get his brother eat more healthy amounts before he went home again. "You know she'd want you to take care of yourself better...." Ok. Maybe he would lecture a little bit. Phil had lost a lot of weight.

Coulson stiffened slightly, but all he responded with was, "I'm still at a healthy weight."

Paul just raised his eyebrow again, not voicing his thought of 'barely'. Finishing up clearing and putting away leftover food, Paul walked over and draped an arm around his little brother's shoulders, pulling him closer for a side-hug. "I'm worried about you, Phil...we all are..." he admitted softly, as he gently tugged his brother down the hall toward his bedroom. "But I know you are tired and we can have this conversation tomorrow." He kissed Phil on the side of the head, stopping just outside Phil's bedroom door. He was planning to stay in the guest room he'd always used in the past, but if Phil indicated he wanted him closer, he'd move into his brother's room with him in a heartbeat.

Coulson hesitated, thinking he should argue... protest that he was fine and that he could stay up to talk to his brother. But it was difficult not to relax against his brother... hard not to let Paul take care of him.

Paul hesitated a moment longer, but when Phil didn't argue or agree, or say anything really, he decided to take a chance that his brother wanted him to stay close and walked into the room with him. "Why don't you get ready for bed? I'll go get ready myself and then come back; if it won't bother you, I can stay in your room tonight and we can talk until we fall asleep," he suggested, a slight question in his tone.

Coulson nodded. "I'd like that," he admitted, his voice quiet. While part of him thought it might make him weak... the rest of him just wanted his brother to stay close. Maybe Paul's presence would keep the nightmares away.

"I would too. I've missed you, kid..." Paul admitted with a tiny smile. It didn't take him long to go back to the guestroom where he'd stashed his bag and change into sleeping clothes. Soon, he was back at Phil's room, knocking gently on the door to warn his brother he was there.

"Come in." Dressed, with his teeth cleaned and face washed, Coulson was seated on the edge of his bed, waiting for his brother to join him.

Paul quickly entered into the room, closing the door gently behind him, before moving and sitting on the bed next to his brother. "You look beat...the op must have been very stressful..." he said, trying to give Phil an opening to start talking if he wanted. If he didn't want, they could easily go to sleep.

"It was... necessary." Phil yawned, tiredness making him admit something he wouldn't have admitted if he'd been in full control. "Even if Nick didn't think so."

"So Nick didn't want you doing this op?" Paul managed, barely, to keep his voice neutral and non-confrontational. The fact that Phil had gone against what Nick had decided, when Nick was his boss, couldn't have sat well with Nick, though. It wasn't sitting well with Paul either.

"It needed to be done," Coulson defended himself... though the uncertainty in his voice was obvious.

"Was Nick against the op in general, or was he against you going in without a partner or backup? Or was it the timing of the op? It isn't like you to go against your boss, Phil...especially not after Nick became your boss...." Paul's voice was still calm, although there was a hint of worry and disappointed disapproval.

Phil could hear the emotions underlying his brother's voice and hunched in on himself. "He didn't think the benefits outweighed the danger," he admitted quietly.

"I see...." Paul paused. "Was he right?" Paul knew his brother was nothing if not honest if no one else's life depended on a lie.

"Maybe..." Phil admitted, his voice very quiet.

"So..." Paul paused to try and make sure he took the proper tone and used the right words to express himself. "You disobeyed an order, did something that could have led to your being hurt or worse...and it wasn't for anything important enough to do either of those things?" He was surprised he kept his voice calm, the thought of what could have happened making his worry spike.

Phil closed his eyes. He was tired... emotionally wrecked... and admitted, without any kind of conscious thought, "It was easier than being on my own."

Paul winced at the words, feeling like they were cutting into him. "Oh, baby are so wrong..." he whispered. Glancing quickly around the room and realizing there wasn’t a phone nearby, he reached over and took Phil by the arm, tugging him with him into the living room and to the couch. Sitting, he pulled Phil down next to him. "Putting your life at risk when you've been told by your brother, your boss, not to do something is unacceptable. I know you miss them. I know you miss them horribly...but you aren't alone. You aren't allowed to take yourself away from your family because you miss them.... You just can't!"

Phil didn't fight... couldn't fight... and went where his brother led him. "I... know," he whispered. "But it's harder to remember when my family isn't around..."

"Then...I'll move here. I'll stay until it isn't as hard..." Paul said softly.

Phil wanted to tell his brother that he didn't need to do that... to put his life on hold for him. But the thought of not being alone was one he desperately needed. He still woke up from the nightmares... still blamed himself, no matter what anyone else said. "I think I shouldn't need that... but I do," he admitted in a whisper.

"You should never not need your family..." Paul said gruffly, pulling Phil closer to him and holding tightly. "We loved them too...all of us. The thought of losing you after everything...I can't go through that, baby brother. I'll call Cath and dad later and let them know. You aren't going to be able to get rid of me...."

Phil immediately responded, wrapping his arms around his brother and hugging tightly. "I'm sorry..." he said, softly and guilt-filled.

"I know..." Paul continued to hug tightly. "Does Nick know you made it back ok? Or did you avoid talking to him?" His voice was wry.

"...I haven't spoken to him..." Phil admitted quietly.

"I think we need to call him. He's probably worried sick by now, if no one has told him you've returned..." Paul's voice was gentle, if a bit admonishing.

Phil nodded. "I know." He sighed quietly, not looking forward to having to admit his actions to his other brother.

"Do you want me to dial?" Paul asked softly, reaching over and pulling the phone on the side table to him. "I'd want to know immediately if I was in his position...."

"Please." Phil took a deep breath and sat back just enough so his brother could have his hands free.

It didn't take long for Paul to dial their other brother. He had made it a point over the years to keep in touch with both younger men and could dial by memory without even looking at the phone by this point. He put the phone on speaker so that Phil could talk also, then waited as they listened to it ring and waited for Nick to pick up.

Nick answered almost immediately. "Paul. I would have called you, but I thought it might be too late." There was a slight hint of strain in his voice... something only noticeable to his brothers.

"Hello, Nick. And I understand completely. I would have waited to call in the morning myself, but felt it was important that you know Phil is back home. He's with me and he's safe..." Paul began, giving Phil a look that indicated he should say something as well.

Phil cleared his throat. "Paul's right..."

"You didn't check in with me." Nick's tone was sharper. "I know you went on this mission alone... against my express instructions. You should have taken backup if you were going to completely disregard what I said."

Phil cringed. "I'm sorry..." His voice trailed off, as a helpless look came over his face.

Paul gave Phil a stern look, his own unhappiness at what Phil had done clear, but he didn't say anything. Nick was the one Phil had disobeyed the orders of. While he knew what he felt needed to happen, he felt Nick should be the one to make the first decision on what to do. When it became clear Phil wasn't going to say anything more, however, he sighed. "Nick? It's late at night and I can tell that you are worn out; likely from worry, but knowing you, probably also overwork. Go home. Get some rest. Come by here first thing in the morning and we can work whatever needs to be worked out, out." His voice was firm and it was obvious he expected Nick to listen to him. "I'm going to make sure Phil gets some sleep as well, so that when we meet to have our discussion, everyone is rested enough that we can keep calm."

"You're right," Nick agreed with a sigh. "Phil... I'm glad you're back safe. Listen to our brother, okay?"

"Okay," Phil agreed, his voice soft.

"Get some sleep, Nick..." Paul repeated, more a reminder that he cared about the other man than because he didn't trust Nick to do what he'd requested. "We'll see you in the morning." He waited until their brother had made his own good-byes and hung up the phone before turning to Phil. "I think right now, emotions are still high and you are most definitely in need of a good night's we'll talk about what you did tomorrow when Nick gets here. Right now, it's bedtime." His voice didn't leave room for argument, not that he expected Phil to argue, and he stood up before helping his younger brother to his feet and putting an arm around his shoulders. "I'm glad you made it back safe too. I love you, kid..." he said fondly, as he began to lead his brother back down the hall to where they'd be sleeping.

Phil allowed himself to be led along, too tired and worn down to worry about needing to lean on his brother. "I love you too..." he said, or tried to; a yawn that he couldn't hold back muffled most of his response.

It didn't take Paul long at all to get his brother into bed, since they'd changed before calling Nick. As soon as he was satisfied that Phil was safe and comfortable, he crawled in next to him so that he could be close by if needed. It didn't take long after Phil fell asleep for Paul to follow.


Phil's sleep had been fitful, as he'd suffered a few nightmares... but hadn't woken properly, due to his brother's comforting presence. He woke up slowly, having slept later than he had in a long time... even though it wasn't late in the morning.

Paul came out of the shower, already dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and toweling his hair dry. "Good morning...Nick called. He'll be here in about twenty minutes to join us for breakfast if you want to get a quick shower in first...."

Phil nodded, slowly sitting up. "I will," he said softly, before heading through to the bathroom to take a quick shower and dress.

Paul headed into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast, keeping an ear open for when Nick arrived. As worried and upset as the other man had been, he didn't expect him to take long getting to the house.

While Phil was still in the shower, Nick pulled up outside and let himself into the house. Hearing noises from the kitchen, he immediately walked to that room.

Paul glanced up as Nick walked into the room. "Hey, kid..." He smiled at the younger man. "Coffee's brewed and waiting for you. The bacon is almost done. What would you like in your omelet?" he asked conversationally. It was almost if it hadn't been nearly a year since they'd last seen each other and Nick wasn't visiting under less than ideal circumstances.

Nick shrugged, walking over to collect his coffee and sipping from the mug. "Mushrooms and tomatoes... though I'm not fussy," he said mildly.

"You never have been, bro..." Paul smiled again, quickly making up the omelet, then plating it along with bacon and toast and handing it to Nick. Hearing the shower stop, he began to make an omelet for Phil as well, remembering how his little brother always liked them made. "It's good to see you again, Nick..." he said, while he made the second omelet. "I wish there were better circumstances...."

Nick nodded, taking a seat at the kitchen table and beginning to eat. "I do as well," he said between mouthfuls. "But I'm glad you're here."

Plating Phil's food and covering it so it would remain warm- he expected his brother to walk in at any moment- Paul began making his own omelet. "I'm sure we'll be discussing Phil's actions when he gets here to defend or explain himself... but until then... how are you doing? You've only been leading your own team of agents for a few weeks now. Is it what you expected? Is the director treating you right? Who else is on your team? Am I asking too many questions?" He grinned impishly.

Nick grinned at his brother in return. "You couldn't ask too many questions. And I was expecting it to be stressful... I didn't realise just how much paperwork there is. Or just how many agents like to go off the reservation without warning." His tone was wry.

Phil stepped into the kitchen, a sheepish look coming over his face as he caught the tail-end of Nick's comment.

"Really? So you honestly believed you and Phil were the only two that routinely did that?" Paul's question sounded innocent. He was well aware of a few times before Nick had been promoted when he and Phil had both 'gone off' the reservation. Usually by the time Paul and their father had heard about it, the two men's superior officers had already taken care of the matter and neither Paul nor Ben had felt inclined to step in and take further action. This time was different, though. Not only had Phil gone off the reservation alone...but he'd disobeyed family, even if it was related to work and not a family situation. The only thing holding him back now was he wanted to see how Nick wanted to handle the matter before he did anything. Since it was Nick Phil had disobeyed.

"Of course not," Nick replied. "But it's different being on the other end of it." He looked towards Phil. "Are you going to come in and have breakfast?" His voice was gruff, but still affectionate.

Phil nodded, stepping slowly into the room and collecting his food with a murmured, "Thank you," to his brother.

"You're always welcome..." Paul smiled, finishing making his own omelet and plating it, then going to sit next to his two brothers at the table. "I can make more toast if either of you need more to eat..." he said, wanting to make certain his family was well fed.

Nick shook his head. "This is plenty... much better food than I normally manage to grab while working."

Phil didn't say his appetite was low... even though he was doing his best to force himself to eat, knowing how much his brothers would worry if he didn't try.

"I hope you're taking care of yourself adequately, Nick..." Paul couldn't help but give the younger man a worried frown. He knew how easy it was to subside on junk food and take-out when working in a high-stress, high activity job. He turned his concern onto Phil, noting how slowly- and how little- his other brother was actually eating. "You too...."

"It's taking a little while to adjust, but I know it's important to take care of myself as well as everyone else," Nick commented, his own gaze turning towards Phil.

Phil swallowed his mouthful. "I'm trying," he said softly.

Paul nodded, deciding that anymore work related questions, especially in regards to how his brothers were taking care of themselves, should wait until after the meal. Instead, he started a non-serious discussion. "Cath got two kittens a few months ago. They were supposedly two 'fixed' males. Turns out one of them was a female who liked to wander and now we're expecting more kittens..." he groused good-naturedly.

Phil's smile was small, but still visible. "I'm sure Cath likes that," he commented, forcing himself to eat and then take a sip of coffee.

"I'd offer to take one, but I don't think it would fit in at HQ," Nick commented.

"Cath is ecstatic...I'm not sure she'd let me give any of them away, even if you could take one..." Paul chuckled. "Still, if you find you change your mind...."

"You'll be the first to know," Nick promised. He finished his food and then carried the plate and utensils to the sink to wash them.

Paul finished soon after and began cleaning up his own dishes. "If you'd like to get another cup of coffee, I figure we can talk in the living room..." he said to Nick, while checking to see if Phil was still eating.

Nick nodded. "Sounds good to me." He walked over to pour himself some more coffee.

"I don't have much of an appetite..." Phil said apologetically to his brother, struggling to eat what he knew he should.

Paul nodded at Phil. "I gave you more than you needed, really. If you can get through half of it, I won't be offended if you don't eat it all...." Meaning he wouldn't give Phil concerned, stern looks about eating enough.

Phil nodded, forcing himself to eat just over half before he finished his coffee and stood to wash his own plate and utensils.

Paul waited for his brother so they could join Nick in the living room. As soon as Phil was ready, he wrapped his arm around the other man's shoulders and led him into the other room. "Phil explained what he did from his point of view, Nick. I'd like to hear your side of the situation..." he said to his other brother, concern in his tone.

Nick sat down on the armchair opposite the couch, allowing Paul to have Phil next to him. "When Phil asked about the mission, I told him it wasn't urgent and that he needed to wait until I could arrange for backup."

"From what Phil indicated, he went himself." Paul glanced at Phil before looking back at Nick. "I'm assuming that you didn't know until after he'd left?"

Nick shook his head. "I only found the note after you called..." He looked at Phil.

Phil lowered his head, unable to look either of his brothers in the eye.

Paul gave Phil a disappointed look before looking at Nick again. "So, basically you wouldn't have known if anything had gone wrong until at least a day later if not longer, meaning Phil could have been dead before you even knew you needed to find him."

"That sums it up." Only those people who knew Nick Fury very well would be able to tell how frustrated he was... and two of said people were sitting directly opposite him.

"If one of your other agents that you are responsible for had done what Phil did, what would your response have been?" Paul asked calmly.

"I would have suspended them, at least..." Nick replied, his voice just as calm.

Paul nodded, having suspected as much. Turning toward Phil, he asked, "Is that you want? To have your brother be forced to suspend you or worse? On top of knowing how horrible having to do so would make him feel? Assuming something wouldn't have happened to you and both of us would be worried sick about you or mourning your loss?" His voice was calm, but underneath was a steely tone showing how upset he was by the blatant disobedience and risking of life for no good reason.

Phil couldn't hold eye contact with either of his brothers. "No..." he said, his voice very quiet. "I know it was wrong... I was wrong... I'm sorry..."

Paul sighed and ran a hand through his hair before looking back at Fury. "I know how I'm inclined to handle the situation, but it wasn't me he blatantly disobeyed. How do you need to handle it?" he asked Fury quietly. If it was out of his hands and Nick had to handle it a certain way, then he would temper his own response to go with that, so that the punishment wasn't overly harsh.

"To be honest... I doubt anything official will be effective," Nick replied honestly, though he didn't mention the personal reasons as to why. "I'm content to let you deal with our brother... off the record."

"Very well. Do you have to leave for work immediately?" Paul asked with a tiny smile. While he planned to take care of Phil as soon as possible, knowing the other man would not be able to relax or let go of the guilt he was obviously feeling until he had been, Paul also wanted to spend time with Nick. "If so, I'd like you to come by tonight as soon as you get free. I'll fix dinner and we can catch up."

"I should probably take care of my paperwork then... so I can have dinner without worrying or stressing." Nick stood and stepped closer to Phil, clapping him gently on the shoulder. "I'm going to leave you in our brother's capable hands... but do this again and you'll get to learn firsthand why I got promoted."

"Okay," Phil said, his voice very quiet... barely a whisper.

"You be careful, Nick. Lead agent or not...if I find out you aren't being careful or taking care of yourself, I'll have no qualms about coming and taking care of you, too..." Paul smiled, but he was obviously serious.

"Yeah, I know..." Nick's voice was serious, even though he smiled at Paul. "I'll see you both later." He gave both his brothers a quick hug and then left the house.

Once he was certain that Nick was safely on his way, Paul turned toward Phil. "Is there anything else you want to say or talk about before we take care of things?" His voice was caring.

"...I don't think there is anything else I can add..." Phil admitted, his voice barely a whisper.

"In that case, I don't believe there is anything more I can add that hasn't already been said. Except one thing. I love you, little brother. I loved your family. I can't imagine the pain you've gone through losing them; as much as it hurt me for them to be lost, I know it was only a fraction of the hurt you felt. So I sympathize...I really do. But my sympathy does not extend to allowing you to do things that could take you away from me for no good reason. That will never be acceptable. Do you understand?" Paul swallowed hard, blinking back his own tears at what the family had already lost and what they could have lost with Phil's actions.

"I... know," Phil said quietly, flinching at the mention of his family. "I know I shouldn't have put myself in that kind of danger... and I understand why you're going to punish me," he admitted, his voice quiet.

Nodding slightly at Phil's admission, Paul took a deep breath. "Good. I'm glad you understand." Gently, taking his brother by the arm, Paul tugged Phil over his lap, pullling him in close and secure then quickly bared him. Feeling that nothing more needed to be said, he raised his hand and let it fall with a firm smack, following with a second and then a third beginning the process of covering his brother's backside with the stinging swats.

Phil jumped, letting out a slight gasp, and reached down to grasp his brother's ankle, bracing his other hand on the couch... so he wouldn't try to reach back.

Paul continued swatting, keeping the smacks firm and just hard enough to be felt but not harm his brother. Finishing the first circuit, he began a second, picking up the tempo slightly as he also spoke. "I don't want to lose you, Phil. Not because you let your grief control you and caused you to take unnecessary chances. I know you're hurting. Nick knows you're hurting. Because you are hurting, you need to obey Nick when he gives you an order. Not just because he is your boss, but because he is your brother and loves you and will do whatever he can to keep you safe, even if your job isn't always safe. You especially need to listen and obey when you aren't thinking clearly because of the grief...."

Phil swallowed, the tears threatening to fall. His vision went blurry and he felt an ache deep inside... an ache that had nothing to do with the spanking and everything to do with the sharp, piercing grief and guilt that had been plaguing him. When the first sob was torn from his throat, it was that, along with his brother's words, that made him begin to lose control of his tears.

Paul had just begun a third circuit when he heard the sob. He immediately stopped swatting, placing a hand on his brother's back and beginning to rub gently before carefully righting Phil and holding onto him tightly. "I know. I've got you, baby brother. I've got you and I'm not letting go..." he whispered, kissing the side of Phil's head and hugging him close.

Phil didn't hesitate, wrapping his arms around his brother and hugging on tight. The tears were falling down his cheeks, enough that he had to close his eyes. He pressed into Paul, hiding his face against his brother's shirt as he cried.

Paul could do nothing but hold onto Phil as tightly as possible and promise to be there. He could only imagine the pain his brother was going through, having lost his family in such a brutal manner. He continued to whisper into Phil's ear that he would be there, reminding Phil that their father Ben was there for him, as was Nick...and Cathy was ready to come out to be with him as well if Paul told her she was needed. He did everything in his power to make certain Phil knew he wasn't alone, that he didn't have to deal with the pain alone. Rocking his brother gently, he continued to hug him.

It took a long time for Phil's tears to die down, as he cried out the indescribable feelings of loss and grief... but eventually, the storm did pass, leaving him limp and drained against his brother, even though he didn't so much as loosen the near death grip he had on Paul.

Paul just continued to hold his brother tightly, although he did manage to fix Phil's clothing so that the younger man wouldn't get cold (or become embarrassed, once he calmed enough to pay attention to such details). "I think maybe a nap would be a good idea...Would you rather lie down in here, or go back to your room? I'll stay with you..." Paul said softly, hoping that the question and having to make a choice would keep Phil from withdrawing into his head and dwelling on the bad memories.

Phil fought to keep back a yawn, but managed to focus enough to whisper, "Maybe... my room?" He wasn't sure his legs would fully support him, though. He felt like the storm of crying had weakened him.

Paul didn't say anything else, just stood up with his brother in his arms. It was a bit worrying to him how easy it was to pick Phil up from a sitting position; the younger man had obviously lost a lot of weight. Paul determined that he would call their father and Cath as soon as the nap was over to let them know he was staying with Phil until his brother was on a more even keel emotionally and could be trusted to take care of himself adequately. Until then, though.... He carried Phil back into the bedroom and carefully put him onto the bed, before going to the hall closet and getting a blanket to put over the both of them. Returning to the bedroom, he got onto the bed next to Phil, covering them both with the blanket, then pulled his brother into his arms. "Sleep..." he said softly, kissing the top of Phil's head.

Phil curled up in Paul's arms, closing his eyes obediently. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, finally at peace... at least for the moment, with his brother close and knowing he still had part of his family.


"I'm glad Uncle Paul was able to be there for you..." Grant said softly. "...I'd hate if you'd gotten hurt or worse because of how bad you felt about what happened to Mom and me...."

Clint nodded. "It explains a lot, really...why you were always so careful not to do unnecessarily dangerous stuff around Uncle Nick. I always figured you wanted to set a good example for me, but knowing that he'd have handed you your butt if you'd taken unnecessary chances...." He glanced at Nick and grinned. "....Not that I can blame you. I've never had any inclination to test Uncle Nick's patience when it came to my health, either." He laughed.

Coulson smiled, reaching out to gently touch the shoulders of each of his children and grandchildren. "When you came into my life, Clint... I knew I couldn't take any chances with my safety, because I knew I wasn't going to do anything to risk taking myself away from you." Glancing at his best friend, he smiled and added, "Of course... I knew your uncle would have had some very choice words anyway."

Bobbi grinned at her father and at her uncle. "Uncle Nick has a way of getting through to people, even if they aren't family, just by looking at them a certain way." She continued, admitting with a bit of a laugh, "I mean, I never wanted to do anything to get him irritated at me even years ago, before you'd ever even thought of adopting me. Not that it kept me from being on the wrong end of a few choice words occasionally...."

Fury shrugged. "I expect most of you agents have memories of being on that end," he commented. He knew he wasn't known for his patience... even though he was doing much better now that he had his children.

Bobbi grinned sheepishly. "I suspect most of us do...although to be fair a lot of my reluctance to be on that end had more to do with my disappointment in myself for having earned your disapproval...Since I respected you so much. Now that we're actually family.... I'd like it even less, than the last time it happened...." She blushed, fairly certain her uncle wouldn't remember that time, even if it was etched into her memory permanently.

Fury looked faintly surprised... but then nodded as Bobbi's words triggered his memory. "I can safely say that, after that time, you haven't done anything since then to earn my disapproval."

"Not that you caught me at, anyway..." she muttered under her breath, looking down at her lap with a blushing, bashful look.

Grant, wanting to get that embarrassed look off of his baby sister's face, grinned crookedly. "Clint's never had to look out for me the same way Uncle Paul apparently had to look out for dad..."

"Not to say I wouldn't! Because I so would, if you needed it!" Clint broke in.

Grant winced, but was still smiling. "I'm sure if it came to her being hurt or my stepping in, I'd be the same way with Bobbi..." He refrained from laughing at the horrified look on his sister's face. "...I'm pretty sure any of us 'older siblings' would, if the parental unit was unable to do so...."