The Golden Apple
Chapter One

Mount Olympus was in an uproar as usual, considering the discussion had grown from a simple debate to one that involved everyone. It seemed that the topic was on Hercules’ best friend Iolaus. The blond had once again cheated death and the Gods were concerned about what would happen when he died again. Hercules never took the death of his blond friend very well and often went to the Gods. This had to be put to an end, or the revolving door to Hades would never end.

“He’s like a love sick puppy every time Iolaus dies.”

“And how do you know how Hercules feels about the little runt?” Ares growled, sitting astride the chair with his legs hanging off the arm rest.

Aphrodite sighed and put her hands on her hips. Her usual pink lacy outfit left nothing to the imagination but did she care? No. She only cared that they helped their brother and Iolaus with the push they clearly needed. “Hello? Goddess of Love? I know they have been secretly in love with each other for years. Every time Iolaus dies. It breaks big bro’s heart and he gets all mushy, sad and lonely. It’s depressing.”

“Tell me about it. He turns into a simpering woman when he loses the infuriating blond. I mean, what does he even see in him? Well besides that fuckable ass,” Ares admitted and raised a brow, looking at the others. “What? He has a nice ass. I’d hit that if given the chance.”

The other Gods just looked at Ares like he was either crazy, or had to agree with him, until Hades piped up. “Well the next time he dies, and the mortal will die, he’s mine. I am not going to lose him again. The last time he perished, he never even came to my domain. He’s fucking Greek! I was denied his soul the last time because some other being wanted him. Well, I am not going to let them have Iolaus!”

“And we’ll be right where we started. Did it skip your mind that they both helped us on more than one occasion? If it weren’t for them, we’d all be dead. Herkie and Sweet Cheeks have sacrificed enough and lost too much. I say we solve the problem here and now,” Aphrodite chimed in and giggled, holding up her hand. A golden apple appeared in one, along with a vial of oil in the other. “We get them together and make him immortal. Eeee! I love a good love story and they have earned it by now.”

“No way...He’s mine when he dies,” Hades grumbled and then winced when he felt the elbow to his gut. He turned to see his wife’s glare and groaned. “Alright, fine. We make him immortal.” He knew that he had to agree with the others, or he’d never get laid; at least for a century. “How are you going to do this?”

Ares grinned and created a dagger with green ooze dripping off the sharp blade. “With this. I cut him and it’s a slow acting poison. Hercules will be nearby and then we give Iolaus the choice. Fuck, eat the apple, or die.”


The day had seemed like any other for the hunter. He had finally returned home and was working on a new dagger, the heat forcing his leather pants to cling to his ass, the cheeks clearly visible, his bare chest a sheen vision for anyone to behold. His muscles glistened while he worked on the newest treasure he wanted to give to his best friend. 

Hercules had saved his ass yet again and it seemed that all they ever would be was friends and partners. Since he had died again, Iolaus felt more for the demi-god, but wasn’t sure how Hercules felt for him. It was true that Hercules would go to Hell and back for him. He had done that, having gone to the underworld to find him time and time again. 

He finished pounding the metal to create his artwork and plunged his tool into the cold water, just as a young man came running towards him. “There are bandits attacking travellers!”

Grabbing his sword, Iolaus ran down the path towards the woods. The bandits had been attacking more and more people and the hunter decided to put an end to this. Hercules would be heading back home in a few days and it didn’t help to wait for the demi-god. If they waited, innocent people would end up suffering.

The sound of fighting reached his ears and Iolaus reached the well-trodden path. Without hesitation, he waded into the fray, fighting the men bravely unaware that a simple cut would change his life.

Ares watched the blond fight and nearly growled, seeing the tight pants clinging to his perfect ass. The God of War wanted to fuck the hunter, but Iolaus would be pushed towards his brother. The demi-god was lucky and Ares hoped that the duo appreciated what the Gods were about to do for them. He created his disguise and approached the hunter. 

The clash of the blades rang throughout the woods. Ares didn’t trust anyone to do this and not make the wound too deep. Just enough to bleed, deep enough to draw the poison into the mortal’s body, but not enough to kill him outright.

Iolaus felt the sharp pain in his lower abdomen, inching lower towards his groin. The thin curve drew blood and a hiss when the hunter finished his task. He held his side and looked around, to find the man that had come for help gone. All that he heard was the cold laughter in the billowing wind. 

This wasn’t good and Iolaus grunted, heading back to his home, his hand stained with blood.

Finally getting back inside, the wind still gusting around the farm, the hunter grabbed some bandages to clean the wound. He wanted to scream when the fabric touched the sensitive area. It was too hard to see the wound perfectly. It was all the way down to his groin and damn if he could clean that perfectly. It would have to do for now and he hobbled over to the forge to clean up, put the fire out and get the blade cleaned. He had felt worse and a scratch wasn’t going to stop him.


Iolaus was sitting down when someone told him that his best friend was in town. He grinned and ran to grab a staff, hiding to attack him like he always did. This was a game for them both. As usual, Hercules got the drop on him. He landed hard with a smirk. He attacked again and laughed. "Hey, Herc. Miss me?"

Hercules dodged the attack easily, sending Iolaus to the ground and pinning him there easily. "I didn't miss you trying to best me every time," he commented.

Iolaus laughed and landed with a soft grunt. Damn, how did he always do that? No matter what he tried, Hercules defeated him. "And you always beat me every time, buddy. Going to let me up? The fish won't catch themselves."

Standing, Hercules offered his hand to his friend. "No excitement today? Besides you trying to catch me off guard, that is."

Iolaus took his hand and smirked. "Nope. For once, we may have the day off. Besides, one of these days, I'll pin you." Iolaus dusted his butt off and winked, heading to the nearby lake. "I am determined to get it right one day, but seriously, how do you always know?" He grabbed his fishing pole to start catching dinner.

Hercules joined his friend fishing. "I always expect it. I always expect you. When you're on your guard already, it's easy to see."

"Uh huh. I seem to remember almost getting the drop on you in your mother's barn. I got the rake and got you before you got my ass to the ground. I would have defeated you if your mom hadn't come in." He laughed and remembered that and for ten years, he tried to get the drop every time. 

It was almost a thrill to try and pounce his friend. Others thought the hunter was crazy for his attempts. He, so far, had lost count on how often he landed on his back for it.

"Almost doesn't count," Hercules replied, patiently waiting for a bite on his own lure. "And since then, you've never come close."

"Yeah, yeah and admit it. You like it when you best me." He finally got a fish and pulled. "Ha! I've got one. As usual, I got a bite before you, Herc."

"Enjoy your victory while it lasts." Hercules smiled when his own line was tugged and began to reel it in. "We both have one now."

Iolaus laughed and pulled, but found this one was going to be a challenge. "Uhhh! Ohh, this is a big one!" He pulled on the line and sighed once it came up. It was a boot filled with water. This wasn’t a first for him, but the last time he still caught a fish in it. "Huh. I thought I caught all the boots around here." He grabbed the boot and dumped it. Yep, no fish this time.

Hercules chuckled softly. "Try again. I'm sure you'll have better luck." He reeled in his own fish.

Iolaus sighed. "Yeah, yeah. You win this time, Herc." He cast his line back in to try and catch a fish this time.

Removing the hook from the fish's mouth, Hercules made sure it was dead before he cast again, quickly getting another bite.

Iolaus looked at the line and then turned towards his friend. "Uh...What are you using there, buddy?" He finally got a bite and got his fish off the hook after reeling it in. "At least I'm the better hunter." He smirked and watched the demi-god a bit too long. He was his best friend and they still competed. Would they ever grow out of that? Probably not.

"Think we've got enough? Or do you want more?" Hercules focused on Iolaus, watching his friend in much the same way he was being watched.

"I almost have thiiisss one." He pulled hard and the fish flew out of the water with enough force to knock him back. He landed on his ass and then laughed. "Ooh Oww!" Only he could find amusement in that catch. He was too busy laughing to say anything else.

"That's the third time you've ended up flat on your ass today and it's barely even time for lunch." Shaking his head, Hercules reached down to help Iolaus up.

Iolaus took the hand, laughing. "Yeah. OK, true there. I must have pulled up half the riverbank with that one."

Hercules pulled him to his feet. "Let's prepare them."

"Yeah. I'm starving."


Gathering up the fish, Hercules began to walk back towards Iolaus' home. "So what have you been doing while I've been gone? Anything you shouldn't be?"

Iolaus laughed and tried to look innocent. "What, me? Been working in my forge, but nothing, really. Truth be told. I miss the good old days."

"Really?" Hercules eyed his best friend. "I recognize that look."

"What look?" He had his usual troublesome look.

"The one where you try to convince me you haven't been up to any mischief."

Iolaus chewed his lower lip. "Well, does stopping robbers on the road a few days from here count? I mean, you weren't around and I could handle it..." He then muttered, "Until they kicked my ass...But I got them and help arrived. Other than that? Not much..."

"So you couldn't handle it." Hercules looked at him seriously.

Iolaus looked at his friend and blinked. "I had it under control. They just had a bigger number. Since when do I back down from a fight?" He went to get the fish cleaned up. "I can handle myself, you know, Herc." He neglected to mention the new scar on his hip from a dagger swipe, but it wasn't anything to worry over. He could hold his own. "Besides. You were off fighting Hera's goons."

"That doesn't mean you should get involved in fights against larger numbers, Iolaus." Hercules began to gut the fish. "You need to learn to back down from a fight when numbers mean you might get hurt."

Iolaus shrugged while working on getting things ready for lunch. He was getting hot and removed his vest after gathering the wood. "Hmm. I miscalculated," he admitted, but wasn't one to back down, even with a new scar on his hip, running under his pants. He only paused a moment, hoping it wasn't noticeable. "I didn't expect that many and my source screwed up."

Hercules spotted the scar and moved over, turning his friend's body so that he could see the scar. "That wasn't there before. You got hurt. I seem to recall that happening before."

"Hercules. It is just a scratch," Iolaus muttered and tried to get back to work on the fire. "Not my first scar, you know."

Frowning, Hercules turned his friend to face him. "A scar that was unnecessary. I told you before what I'd do the next time you were reckless and got yourself hurt."

Iolaus looked confused. "Huh? What are you talking about? I'm fine and you get hurt half the time, you know. I can't change the way I am, Hercules. I like the fight and if people need help and you're not here...I will help them."

"I'm not asking you to change the way you are. Just to be less reckless." Seeing no other way to get through to his best friend, Hercules sat down and tugged Iolaus across his lap.

Iolaus was startled and found himself in a position he didn't want to be in. He had been in a lot of trouble as a kid, which usually resulted in that. Had he not grown out of this? OK. He had got it as a grown up too, but the hunter thought he had passed this. "Hey! Hercules! This isn't funny. Let me up!"

"It isn't funny," Hercules agreed. "It isn't funny that you continue to act recklessly and dangerously." He tugged Iolaus' leggings down; paused a moment to rub his hand over his friend's bare backside before lifting his hand and bringing it down in a very firm swat.

Iolaus gasped with wide blue eyes in shock. He struggled when he felt his pants pulled down, only to halt any attempt to fight. Had his best friend just smacked his ass? That wasn't a gentle snack either. "Hercules, what are you doing?!"

"I'm spanking you, Iolaus. I know this isn't the first time you've been in this position." Hercules repeated the smack at the same force, then delivered another pair of swats.

"Owww! Obviously not my first, no." Iolaus had to admit that this wasn’t the first time alright. He had been a thief growing up. He had also caused a bit of mischief at the academy but that was a while back. He hissed at the slight sting and squirmed. "Owww...Come on. Joke's over..." 

He really thought he was over getting his ass tanned and Hercules had never spanked him before. "Sides....Uhhh...You never do this…"

"I think I should start. Telling you not to act so recklessly doesn't work." Hercules smacked his way down to Iolaus' thighs and then began again from the top.

Iolaus really didn’t like that idea one bit. He had got it so many times, he should have ‘spank me’ tattooed to his ass, or hand prints. The hunter finally gave up fighting and whimpered with his ass burning. "Owww! Ahhh...No, no...That's OK...Um Owww! Hercules stooooppp!"

"Not yet." As he began the third circuit of smacks, Hercules began to swat harder and faster, tightening his hold on his friend.

"Ahhhh! Noooo! Hercules, I am not joking! I am too old for this shit!" Iolaus  was yelping and struggled hard not to give in nor let his eyes water. That really hurt and so far, the hunter was trapped and forced to endure it. He grit his teeth and was determined to at least not cry.

"I'm not joking either. I don't want to come back and find you seriously injured. Or, worse, that your reckless behaviour has got you killed." Hercules began to swat Iolaus' sit spots and thighs.

Iolaus gasped and yelped, unable to withstand the assault to his sensitive sit spot. He yelped and that got him tearing up. It usually did when he was younger. "Ooohh owww! No! Please, Herc, stop; that hurts!"

"Then I hope it will stick in your mind the next time you're tempted to do something so dangerous." Hercules continued to swat, holding back his strength so that he wouldn't break his friend, but making sure the smacks were effective.

Iolaus wanted to snort at that, since it never did once his ass was healed up. He usually rushed into a fight, or was goaded into it. His temper usually got the best of him. His butt was burning and he could only lie there, tears wetting his face. 

Finally, the dam broke and he was a sobbing mess. His friend had never spanked him before, but at least he wasn't breaking his ass. It sure felt like it right now and the hunter hated being so weak like this. "Owww! S...SS....Sorry! Please owwww...I can't help it!"

Hercules stopped spanking and began to rub Iolaus' backside. "You need to stop being so reckless. I don't want you to die."

Iolaus hissed at the contact and pouted. His ass was burning and he sniffled. "Owww! I don't want to either. I can't help getting into trouble..." He knew that this wasn’t going to be the last time, if Hercules decided to blister his butt for fights. "Ohhh. Ouch! Not my last, I would wager. Knowing my history in the past." He had to admit the truth, despite the sore ass.

"I don't expect to only spank you once, Iolaus," Hercules replied. "It'll happen again when it needs to. I won't lose you."

"What?" Iolaus heard his voice squeak on that statement, his wet eyes wide in shock with his ass quivering with dread on that. "I can't lose you too...Herc, you mean everything to me..." He then groaned; his ass was doomed. "Ohh.. My ass is doomed."

Hercules tugged Iolaus' leggings back into place, then moved his friend so he could hold onto him. "I don't want to see you with more scars every time we see each other."

Iolaus hissed and whimpered, fighting the urge to bounce out the pain. His face was still wet, but at least that part was over. "I know. I'm sorry, Herc and for the record, you are as bad as Cheiron's paddle at the academy, or the butt walloping I got by the magistrates."

"Good," Hercules said. "I want to make sure you remember what you'll be facing the next time."

Iolaus gulped and didn't like that idea one bit. "You're not serious, are you? You know I can't stay out of trouble. It follows me and has my whole life. Um could you at least check the wound…? You've already seen my ass, so think we're past that embarrassment."

"We've always been past that kind of embarrassment between us, Iolaus." Hercules began to check over the wound.

Iolaus hissed when he felt his pants shifting over his ass. "Owww....Ok, yeah, but it was usually changing and bathing. You have just never spanked me before or beyond that."

"Well, this isn't going to be a one-time thing, Iolaus." Hercules retrieved the supplies so that he could properly treat the wound.

"Uh, yeah I kind of got that, Herc. Just you've never touched me like this even with a wound this low." Iolaus let his best friend care for him, since this one was a hard cut to even see all the way on his lower hip. He grunted and yelped a bit. "Ohhh owww...that stings."

"I know. But it needs to be cleaned out. It looks like you weren't able to treat it properly," Hercules said worriedly.

Iolaus hissed and whimpered. "Couldn't see it properly and kind of not asking anyone to look there. Well, not unless sex is involved. Sure not going to approach a stranger to look down my..Owww ahhhh...pants there, buddy.. owww shit!"

"I know it's hard, but you need to hold still," Hercules said. "I need to clean it out properly. I'm worried about how it looks."

"Trying, but it really hurts, Hercules. Owww! Gahh! That is a sensitive spot."

Hercules made use of his strength to hold Iolaus still, so that he could clean out the wound. It looked a little bit red and puffy and his worry was obvious as he cleaned it as thoroughly as he could.

Iolaus struggled to remain still and yelped when he was being held down and cleaned up. That brought more tears to the blue orbs as he panted hard. The pain in his ass and this were enough to make him yelp, clenching his jaw. "Owww! Shit, easy, Herc!"

"It's not looking good," Hercules said. "I'll need to keep checking on the wound. If we're not careful, infection could set in."

Iolaus joked a bit despite the pain. "So guess you'll be staying a while, huh? Ohhhh! Tender and ohhh not a good time for those type of thoughts. Guess it's um been a while since I had sex." He actually was embarrassed that anyone touching that close and on his hip caused the blood to rush south. "Sorry. Can't help that, Herc. Kind of a sensitive spot."

"I know. You can't help the way your body reacts," Hercules replied. He finished stitching the wound. "I'll be staying for a while."

Iolaus hissed and swore a bit while getting stitched up, his body was sweating with his arousal evident. His body wasn't going to give up on arousal yet. All he could do was hope it went down or dealt with it. Not exactly something you did with someone you loved deeper than a brother. He doubted Hercules felt that way, but he was the hunter's soul mate. "Uh, thanks. Love you, you know that, right? You have always taken care of me. Guess you still do." He tiredly laughed.

"I love you too, Iolaus," Hercules said seriously. "Getting aroused isn't a problem. And it doesn't have to be something you handle alone." He paused, waiting to see how his friend would react. If Iolaus would decide he wanted their friendship to move to something more.

Iolaus was trying to figure out what Hercules meant. It had the hint of his best friend helping him out, but how far did their relationship go? "Um. Serious question there, Herc. Have you ever done anything with other men? Well, probably not, considering I was with you most of the time. What I mean is, you need to elaborate. I'm guessing you want to help with this issue, but what else do you want?"

"I want you," Hercules replied. "Do I need to be more specific? We've been best friends for years, Iolaus. But you've always been more than that to me."

Iolaus hissed when he moved a bit. "No, I get it, big guy. Ouch. You used to hate me when we first arrived at the academy. I was a little shit then, before we became friends. Always into trouble. Now I am going to be honest. Why do you think I fucked anything I could? Girls, well that's me, but if guys wanted me? Um I was trying to get you jealous and make a move. I wasn't very subtle, you know. Does that tell you anything, Herc?"

Iolaus sighed and shifted. "Ok. Less subtle. I have loved you for years and sometimes I get a reaction when we fight."

"I don't hate you now," Hercules said. "But I didn't want to do anything unless I knew for sure. That you felt the same." He slid Iolaus' leggings down once more, allowing the other man's erection to spring free.

Iolaus shivered when he had his pants removed. The warm air seemed to make his cock jump from how sensitive it was right now. He lay there and groaned, already leaking. "I do. Seriously, I really do, Herc. I had kind of wanted you to pounce me for years.  I tried EVERYTHING I could think of. Geez, never been this hard, to be honest...Gotta cum or this will hurt."

In response, Hercules moved his hand towards Iolaus' erection. He took hold of the other man's member; began to stroke it firmly and surely.

Iolaus let out a soft groan. He knew that Hercules had heard him this way before. It was when he was with someone else, but never just the two of them. Back then, the blond would fuck almost anyone that wanted him or flirted. Not everyone, mind you, but it was years before he even explored male lovers. None were able to make him moan like this, though and they were either skilled or doe-eyed virgins. Hercules knew what he was doing. "Uhhh...Noone has touched me like this. Shit...You've been holding out on me?"

"You are the only one I'd touch like this," Hercules replied. The strokes became firmer and surer. With his other arm, he pulled Iolaus closer.

Iolaus was getting close and chewed his lower lip, his body heating up. "Uhhhh, Hercules...I'm so close. I just wish you could take me but uhhh...N...Not yet...Injured and you beat my ass." The blond felt it building and yelped. "Shit...I am not a doll, Herc. I can handle more."

"If you're sure." Hercules pinned Iolaus to the couch; leaned down and kissed him, kissed his best friend. He gripped Iolaus' member a bit harder...a bit rougher. So that Iolaus would feel the strength in his grip.

Iolaus returned the kisses with a fire he had held inside for years. He wanted more, but the pain in his lower abdomen and near his pelvic bone flared up. "Ohhh..." He let out a hissed groan. "Dammit, I really am not fond of daggers right now."

"Lay like this." Hercules moved Iolaus carefully, so that he was laying on the side that wasn't wounded. "Better?"

"Uh, yeah. That helps." Iolaus just let Hercules take control of this, since he was injured. He doubted sex was a good idea right now. He only just had been stitched up. His cock throbbed and he let out a cry. 

Damn, he felt almost drained from just that. Iolaus was trying to figure out where that sound came from. No one had got a moaning whine like that from him. That from just a few things? Well shit.

"We're not going to have sex yet," Hercules said. "You're not in a fit state for that, Iolaus. But for now, let me help you get some release."

"Yeah. I am not in the physical shape for that yet, Herc. Uhhh, I need help or I am going to explode. Also getting hungry." The blond laughed tiredly and then frowned. "Uh. If I do something stupid on the road, you wouldn't, would you?"

"I absolutely would and will spank you again if need be," Hercules replied. "But we're not discussing that now." He stroked more firmly, gently squeezing Iolaus' erection. "Let go."

Iolaus hissed and watched his best friend, finally able to let go. His side hurt a bit while he shot his cum, splattering all over Hercules' hand. "Ahhh...Uhhhh.." His cock jerked and the blond was close to falling asleep. "With my track record? My ass is pretty much doomed."

"You need to rest now," Hercules said. "When you wake up, we can eat."

Iolaus tiredly laughed and had to make a joke. "Is that an order there, Herc? Okay, okay. I know you too well, so probably should rest. I have the feeling if I don't, it goes under the category or personal endangerment. My butt already hurts and I know you said you would again. However, you know I am a horrible patient."

"Go to sleep, Iolaus," Hercules said firmly. "I won't accept you arguing about your health."

"Who said anything about arguing?" Iolaus muttered and yawned. He felt his eyes getting heavy before he was soon sound asleep. He was more exhausted than he thought; besides, arguing with Hercules? Bad idea right now.

Hercules stayed by Iolaus' side while his friend slept. He gutted and deboned  the fish, ready for cooking when Iolaus woke.


Iolaus had woken up a while later from his nap. He has somehow shifted in his sleep, feeling the cool breeze before noting the blanket had fallen off. The blond managed to snag it off the floor with a few fingers. That was when he began to wonder where Hercules was.

Hercules hadn't gone far from Iolaus' side. He'd checked outside, to make sure everything was quiet and there were no threats, and came back inside to see his friend was awake. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

Iolaus hissed a bit and sat up. "Mmm. I am ok. Hungry and my ass is a bit worse for wear. I'll survive," he joked and grabbed the waterskin nearby. "Hmm, you should cook the fish soon, buddy."

"I'm going to now. I was just waiting for you to wake up." Hercules began to cook the fish over the fire.

"Hmm. Just as well, since you're better at cooking than I am, Herc," Iolaus admitted; or, rather, he usually left the cooking to Hercules on the road. He just smiled, but groaned a bit. "Mmm. Going to feel that for a few days." Still feeling weak, he said, "Hercules. Ughhh...Um I hate to distract cooking the food and all, but my wound is burning. Could get a bit drunk to dull it." 

The wound seemed to feel worse and he laid back down, getting dizzy. He felt better laying down and groaned when he heard the shimmering.

Aphrodite had been worried when the plan to get the two together wasn't progressing. The blonde Goddess sighed and watched them, concern showing in her eyes. 

The only stipulation would be was their father would save the blond if they were fucking or he ate the golden apple. "Oh no. Herc, we have a major snapoo."

"Great, Dite and how can my day get any worse?" Iolaus groaned, lying on the couch when the sexually charged Goddess appeared.

"Well, you could be dead again? Um Ares poisoned the dagger and it's a slow way to go. Zeus won't do anything to save blondie unless you two are rolling in the hay. Special protection will extend to him then," Aphrodite said.

Iolaus hissed and just looked at the Goddess. "Wait, what? Ohhh come on, how many times do I have to fucking die to get that by now? And you mean we have to what? Now?"

Aphrodite sighed. "I know, sweetcheeks. It sucks but I can help with the whole owwie but I can't stop the gunk in it. Um so hate to be a downer but you two need to...ohhh right you need oils..." The Goddess produced a small clear vial of liquid. "Here and you may want to hurry? Ares is getting impatient and knows Iolaus is weak from it. He's sending some of his goons to finish the job." 

Well, that had been a lie but the plan was important to help the two helpless love birds to fuck already.

Iolaus sighed. "Really? When is Ares not after my ass? Can't Zeus do something instead of rushing us into sex? I am still injured."

"Well, daddy and the others are tired about the whole death revolving door. Every time Iolaus dies, you go crazy, Herkie, so daddy told us to help you both out. That oil was pressed from the golden apple. And Herkie, it was daddy's idea and we knew you were in love...Goddess of Love, remember? I saw it before you two darlings did. Anyway, daddy said to make you figure that out and that you were close by sooo, yeeaah."

"Golden apple? You mean? Are you sure? Wouldn't that make me…?" Iolaus asked.

"Immortal, yeah and you'd still get hurt but wouldn't die,” Aphrodite answered. “You can either use it in sex or eat the apple and save the bedroom antics for later. Either way, it's the cure to the poison, blondie and with that comes the no kill. I never thought Ares could come up with such a sneaky plan. Sooooo, apple or sex?"

Hercules looked at Iolaus and asked, seriously, "Do you want this? You're my best friend, Iolaus, and I love you. But I won't force you into anything. You can just eat the apple and we can figure out our relationship later."

Iolaus blinked and knew the implications of either. He would become immortal and heal the poison. He did want to cement their relationship but he needed to figure this out now. He was growing weak and the time it took with sex, it could kill him before then. "Sex may take too long with this poison. We can do the other stuff, but first, I need to heal. Growing weak, buddy." He took the apple, biting into the golden fruit; his body seemed to glow. 

The warmth was surprising. He had expected some sort of pain, landing on all fours, panting hard, overwhelmed. The scars and any previous injuries disappeared. If he could look more beautiful, it was now as an immortal. He sat there and ate the apple. It tasted amazing and he licked the juice from his fingers. "Mmm. That was really good. I guess we would still have to deal with the other part, huh? Herc, with guys you can't just plunge in like with women. I won't get wet and there is a bit of preparation for it." He noticed that Aphrodite had disappeared, but that was secondary to making sure his best friend knew this was what he wanted. "Herc? You know you have my consent for that. All you need to do is ask anything of me."

"I know it's different with men. That it'll be different with you," Hercules replied. "But we don't need to do anything more than what we have done already. At least not yet. We have time, now that you're healed."

"And if I choose to not wait? A part of me hoped for the oils to work. The poison made me very weak and the apple helped heal my body. We have time now, if you want to. I can wait, but we have been together for years, Hercules. How much closer can we become before that step?"

"We don't need to rush," Hercules said. "I know you're physically healed, but that doesn't mean you can't feel tired. Like you need to rest."

Iolaus groaned and looked at his best friend. "And hungry, you know, Herc. Something now comes to question. I can still get hurt but can't die, so are you still going to spank me should it be warranted?"

"Yes," Hercules replied. "You might not be able to get killed, but you can still get hurt. And when you do something dangerous, I will spank you for it."

"Then I will aspire not to do anything dangerous but in all seriousness, what about you?" Iolaus smiled mischievously. "I have seen some of your heroics."


Iolaus had wanted to say more on the subject, but as usual, Hercules was able to convince him to rest. The blond didn’t like the idea of resting, considering the visions he was starting to get. The memories that he would have preferred to have forgotten, to have lost in the darkest recesses of his mind. The memories that he never wished to experience, never to come to the light but now they were coming to light.

The darkness that surrounded him forced Iolaus into the corner, his blue eyes watching the shadows coming towards him. The demonic God was coming towards him, even though he had timidly confronted Dahak. 

To see the beast’s actions towards the innocent, the death and his attempts to hurt Hercules. 

The creature used his body and the blond was trapped! His eyes watered and he struggled to stop the dark beast, screaming, trying to stop it from harming those before his very eyes. 

The druids, the blood, the deaths, the lies and even trying to desperately get the demi-god to kill him. 

The death of the Dahak; sending him back would have condemned him forever. He would pay that price if it spared others the pain, the deceit, and lies. 

The blood, the smell and screams were too much. Iolaus soon was thrashing in his sleep on the bed, screaming. “No! Please stop! Hercules! Help me!” 

In his mind, he was running, terrified, from the creature that now controlled his dead body. That killed, finding pleasure in it. To end the world as they knew it. 

The darkness swallowed him up again. No matter how much he fought, Iolaus lost at every turn, screaming. “Nooo! Leave Hercules alone! Please no! Don’t hurt him!!”


Hercules hadn't strayed too far from Iolaus' side. He'd encouraged his best friend to sleep, making sure that he was within shouting distance.

So he heard the sound of the other man crying out. And he was at Iolaus' side in moments. Crouched next to his best friend, body angled in case Iolaus came awake swinging. And he spoke in a low, calming tone. "I'm here, Iolaus. You're dreaming. Wake up."

Iolaus woke up screaming and fighting. It took him a few moments to return to reality. His blue eyes were red from crying, his face soaked from the tears. His chest heaved. Feeling the warm, large hands on his body, he gasped and immediately wrapped his arms around Hercules. He sobbed and finally began to deal with the turmoil. "Hercules. I'm sorry...I hurt you...Couldn't stop him. I tried and he...He killed so many....The druids. He did that and lied. He tried to kill you! My fault. I gave in to him! I let Dahak into the world. I know he killed them, Hercules. He told me but it should be my fault too. If only I had been stronger. I murdered someone just because he said the man would kill an innocent family. I took innocent lives."

Hercules moved closer to his best friend, wrapping his arm around Iolaus' shoulders. "It wasn't your fault. Anyone could have been manipulated into doing the same thing. You were lied to. The only one to blame is Dahak."

"Hercules, you don't understand. I let that man die on a rope bridge. I did that. I am to blame, even though he lied to me. I still have to live with all he did with MY body." Iolaus felt the twist in his stomach when he remembered what had happened. It was like acid in his stomach and he wanted to be sick. He blinked back more tears, letting them slide down his face, twisted in agony. "Um. I never told you this either Hercules but it seems more important now. You know I was with a few men but I never let them truly have me. I was hoping to save myself for you and when I died, the bastard used you to get to me. He used your form and a part of me wished you were with me."

"I've told you how I feel about you, Iolaus," Hercules said seriously. "I know you've been with other people. I haven't been celibate either." He placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "We can move to the next, to the inevitable, step in our relationship...but first, I think we need to deal with this misplaced guilt you're suffering from."

Iolaus sighed. "It's not misplaced, Hercules. I let someone die and technically, Dahak was right. He hadn't killed those people yet, even though I wanted to save that family. He died an innocent man. This is all my fault...Maybe these nightmares are to punish me. You told me that you had already forgiven me when I went to the light but I haven't yet. I don't know what more I can do."

"I can help you with the guilt you feel," Hercules said calmly.

Iolaus looked at his best friend and groaned. "Something tells me that I won't like it. I just need the nightmares and what happened to go away or he will haunt me forever."

Hercules nodded. "You need a way to let go of this guilt and darkness inside you. Otherwise it will fester, like a wound that hasn't healed properly."

Iolaus sighed and nodded. "I need to get rid of this but how? It is not like talking about it has really helped much right now. You know, I am sure. Demons love to brag how they destroyed an innocent life. They are as bad as some Gods on that. The bragging, I mean." He tiredly glanced at his best friend, feeling the weight of his crimes and sighed sadly. "I know that look, buddy. You had that expression when you spanked me earlier."

"I think it'll help you to feel less guilty," Hercules said quietly. "At least to let go of the darkness that's plaguing you. It's clear you're not able to move past this alone."

"You may be right. I can't seem to make this go away. You would think that after a year in the light, the dark memories would be gone. No, there may have been bliss, but he is haunting me. The last laugh of that bastard. Making me relive it."

"He doesn't have to keep that hold on you." Hercules reached out and grasped his friend's shoulder, squeezing gently, and then settled on the bed, guiding his best friend across his lap.

Iolaus allowed Hercules to guide him over his lap and his breath came out with a broken sob. He felt the pain that he had caused indirectly, his hands bunched the blankets in his fists. His voice broke even when he whispered, "Do it, Hercules...Please release me from Dahak's hold...Please..."