Forgiving Betrayal

Summary: After escaping the destruction of Raccoon City and saving the teammate who betrayed them, Chris takes Wesker to task
Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for the movie Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City; violence and zombies; treatment of a gunshot wound; AU


“Chris, I’m sorry.” The words that came out of Wesker’s mouth were choked and pained. His eyes landed on Sherry and he gasped out, “I wouldn’t have shot, kid.”

Jill looked at Chris and then down at Wesker. “We can’t just leave him here. Please, Chris. You’ve got to help me.” She began to wrap strips of cloth from the uniform around the wound, desperately pressing to stop the flow of blood.

Chris looked down at the girl he held and spoke gently to her. “Go and wait for me over there.” He pointed behind Jill, knowing that at least that area was safe.

Sherry edged slowly past Jill and Wesker and quickly ran over to stand by the wall. Her eyes were wide and her face was pale. She was shaking, but no sound came from her lips.

Chris crouched down on the other side of Wesker and helped Jill to finish wrapping up the wound. “We’ll need to stitch the wound once we’re out of here.”

Wesker gave a quiet gasp and grasped at Chris’ shirt, though the material just slipped through his fingers. “You should…leave me behind. I’ll just slow you down.”

Narrowing his eyes, Chris straightened up and looked at Jill. “He’s not going to bleed out. We’ll take him with us, get him stitched up. Then he’s on his own.” He couldn’t keep the bitter note out of his voice as he stood up.

Chris.” Wesker’s eyes rolled back.

At the same moment, Chris heard movement behind him. He grabbed his gun and spun round in a crouch, aiming his gun.

A mutated creature with Dr. Birkin’s face and arms was on its feet. It advanced towards Chris, who raised his gun and fired off several shots, backing up. “Jill, get Sherry and Wesker out of here!” He didn’t look behind him to make sure his orders were being followed, instead focusing his full attention on the man he’d looked on as a father.


They’d managed to get out of Raccoon City with minimal injuries and no bites that Chris could see. The only serious injury was Wesker’s gunshot wound; and if Jill hadn’t aimed well, Wesker would have ended up bleeding out.

Safely away from the remnants of the explosion and any passing drones sent from Umbrella, Chris looked at Jill. “Can you keep watch with the others? I’ll get Wesker’s wound sewn up. Make sure he won’t be bleeding out once we separate.”

“Look, Chris….” Jill glanced towards Sherry, who was standing with Claire and Leon, then towards Wesker, who was propped up against a tree, his eyes closed, breathing shallowly. She lowered her voice as she said, “I know Wesker betrayed us. I know he killed people and was responsible for other deaths. But I think we need to all stick together. And I think Wesker can help us.”

“Look, Jill, I know how you feel about him,” Chris said. “But he killed Sherry’s parents. And sold us out. I guess he left you behind?”

“Hey, I left him,” Jill replied. “I came looking for you. And my feelings have nothing to do with any of this. I just don’t think that leaving him behind to fend for himself is the right thing to do.”

“And we can’t trust him to put the best interests of the group ahead of his own,” Chris said. “Keep watch over the others. Warn me if you see anything out of the ordinary.”

“You mean like our friends turning into flesh-eating creatures and mutating?” Jill shook her head. “At the very least, if he’s close, we can make sure he doesn’t carry any information to whoever recruited him.” She walked away to join the others.

Chris looked at his sister, but Claire didn’t say anything, just turned to join the others.

With a quiet sigh, Chris removed his first aid pack and walked over to Wesker. He crouched down next to the man he’d once considered a friend and began to carefully move Wesker’s shirt away from the bandaged wound.

“Don’t make me leave,” Wesker whispered in a hoarse voice.

Chris glanced up, at Wesker’s pale, drawn taut with pain, face. “I don’t have a choice. You killed people, Wesker. You betrayed us. Left us to die.”

“I didn’t know what was going to happen….”

“You did when you took off after Dr. Birkin.”

“I’m sorry,” Wesker whispered.

Chris didn’t make a verbal response to that. He took out and unwrapped the sterile needle and thread, quickly beginning to sew up the wound.

Fuck,” Wesker gasped out. “That hurts.”

“Yeah? At least you’re still alive to feel pain.” Chris kept his attention focused on sewing up the wound, trusting that Jill would keep watch. He had to focus to keep his hands steady, so that his anger and stress didn’t cause him to jerk the needle in Wesker’s flesh.

“You’re pissed at me.”

More than pissed.” Chris finished stitching up the wound and sat back. “Here. You take the rest of my first aid pack. If we need anything, I know Jill’s got one. Leon, probably, too.”

“I don’t want to leave.” Wesker’s eyes shifted towards the rest of the group, then back to Chris. He swallowed visibly. “I know I fucked up. I know it. But I don’t want to have to leave.” He took a deep breath. “Look. I know I hurt you,” he whispered. “So maybe you should hurt me in return. Give me a beating. Just…don’t break any bones. Please?”

“I’m not going to give you a beating, Wesker,” Chris replied. “You’re already injured.”

“Just avoid that area, too.” Wesker struggled to his feet, holding onto the trunk of the tree for support. He cleared his throat. “I’m ready.”

“Wesker, I’m not going to beat you.” Chris looked at Wesker, taking in the other man’s stance and the pain on his face. The stitched wound showing through the rips of his uniform. He sighed and looked away, glancing towards Sherry, who was listening intently to what Leon was saying to her. They were too far away for Chris to make out exactly what was being said, but she didn’t seem to be distressed or upset, so he turned his attention back to Wesker. “You have to leave.”

“All right, if you won’t beat me, then….” Wesker let out a pained grunt as he moved his hands towards his waist. He undid his belt and doubled it over in his hand, then held it out to Chris. “If you concentrate the blows to my ass, avoid my back and kidneys and lower down on my legs, you can punish me without making the injury worse.”

Chris let his breath out slowly. He hesitated briefly, then reached out and slowly took the belt from Wesker. He looked down at the leather, running a finger over it, before looking into Wesker’s eyes and nodding slowly. “We’d better go far enough that the sound isn’t likely to carry.”

“Yeah.” Wesker slowly pushed away from the tree and walked slowly away from the rest of the group.

Chris slipped over to them and placed a hand on Jill’s shoulder, murmuring softly, “Me and Wesker are gonna go talk.”

Jill looked at the belt dangling from his hand, but didn’t comment on it. Instead, she just nodded and said, “Don’t go too far. And if you see anything suspicious, come straight back.”

“Yeah, of course.” Chris headed back over to Wesker and motioned for the other man to precede him away from the main group. They walked further into the undergrowth until coming to a fallen tree log. Chris paused, swinging the belt gently against his side, and nodded towards the log. “This seems as good a place as any.”

“Yeah.” Wesker walked slowly over to the log. Standing by it, his hands went to his pants. He undid them and pushed them down, then pulled off the remnants of his shirt to drape over the wood. After pushing his briefs down too, he straddled the log and bent forward, making sure his bare skin was only in contact with the fabric.

Chris walked over and stood by the log, letting the belt rest gently against the bare skin of Wesker’s backside. “You’re not pulling on your wound?”

“No. It’s not the most comfortable position I’ve been in, but I’ll live.” Wesker breathed in deep. “I’m ready.”

“Okay.” Chris brought the belt back and let it slap firmly against Wesker’s backside.

In response, Wesker grunted and clenched his fists. A near soundless gasp escaped him at the second and third strokes, a soft whimper coming from him as the fourth landed.

Chris landed the next two strokes against Wesker’s thighs and heard the other man gasp. He started a second circuit from the top, covering skin that was already tender and red. By the time he began to bring the belt down for the third time, the individual stripes were nearly impossible to distinguish from the rest of the red covering his backside.

“I’m sorry.” Wesker’s voice hitched and broke. “Chris, I’m sorry.”

“You can’t just apologise through words, Wesker. You’re going to have to earn our trust back.” Chris let the belt fall to punctuate every other word. “Like you’re on probation again.”

“But you’ll…you won’t make me leave?” Wesker asked hoarsely.

“No. I’ll give you a second chance.” Chris delivered a pair of strokes to his thighs. “But if you betray us again, if you turn against us, I won’t hesitate to put a bullet in you myself. You get that?”

“I get it.” Wesker’s voice sounded strained as he said, “I’ll make sure you can trust me and believe in me again.”

“Okay. Then I forgive you.” Chris delivered a final few strokes to Wesker’s sit spots and then stopped, taking a step back. “Punishment’s done.”

Wesker turned his face away, but Chris saw him wipe at his eyes before he slowly pushed himself up. Groaning softly, he pulled his underwear up over his backside, giving it a quick rub before slowly pulling his pants up. A soft moan escaped as he gingerly rubbed his bottom. “Good job we need to stay moving. Not sure I’ll be able to sit down for a while.”

“Yeah.” Chris held the belt out to the other man.

Wesker looked at the belt and shook his head. “Keep it. You might need it again.” He began to slowly walk back to the others.

Chris followed along behind Wesker, putting the belt in place around his own waist and buckling it. He didn’t know what their plan was next…but together, at least they stood a chance of getting answers at the very least…and maybe even vengeance.

The End