Flag’s Island

Summary: Follows Losing Control. Barry, Thawne, Caitlin, and Cisco move in.
Warning(s): Contains harsh spanking; explicit sexual content; M/m, D/s. AU


Thawne and Barry had spent a few days reconnecting; Thawne taking care of the younger man and making sure their relationship was mending and improving. Five days after they'd left Star Labs and he'd brought Barry to the cabin to take care of him and make things right, the two of them were finishing breakfast...Barry sitting on Thawne's lap.

Once they'd finished their breakfast, Thawne raised his fingers to the collar around Barry's neck. "I think it's time to remove this," he said quietly.

Barry blinked and gave Thawne a grateful smile. While Thawne had been taking care of him and his bottom had begun healing, it was still sore and tender. It was all part of the punishment and being taught, so he hadn't complained. But Thawne removing the collar so that his speed healing would kick in... that was a sign the punishment was over. He'd already been forgiven. Now it would be time for his clean slate. "I'm good for you now..." he whispered, holding still until the collar was gone, and then he was holding onto Thawne tightly. "Now we talk to Flag?"

"As soon as you feel ready to." Thawne wrapped his arms around Barry and held on tight, pressing a kiss to the top of the younger man's head. He didn't know if Barry still needed a bit of care and control from him, or if his sub felt emotionally ready to see another person.

"I need to get you safe..." Barry whispered. "I'm ready..." He sighed. "Sides... I have three weeks to figure out work and living on an island, if he says it will work. If he thinks Waller will be a problem, we need to find a better place."

Thawne nodded. "Why don't you give Flag a call now, then? Set up a meeting?" Although phrased as such, it really wasn't a suggestion and was closer to an order.

"Yessir." Barry pulled out his phone and dialed the number he'd got Felicity to look up for him. It took a few rings before it was answered.

"Who is this, and how did you get this number?" A suspicious voice filled the room since Barry had put the phone on speaker.

"Hello, Colonel Flag, my name is Barry Allen..." Barry explained who he was, who he was with, and why he was calling.

"So, you want to bring your lover here to live... keeping Waller unaware..." Flag tried to confirm. He waved Floyd and Santana over to listen in. "Why?"

"Protection." Thawne had stayed quiet while Barry explained what had been going on, but he spoke up now. "After everything that's happened, I can't go back to Star Labs. And as soon as the others know our relationship, it will cause problems...at least unless they can be reassured, I'm not a threat."

Floyd moved over so that he could listen. "It's not like we don't have enough space," he said, softly enough to only carry to Flag's ears.

"You realize the people you will be living with are considered deadly?" Flag asked. Not that the island wouldn't provide protection- it would from outside sources- but he wanted to make certain there were no surprises on either side.

"We know about the squad and who is on it," Barry admitted. "That's why we don't want Waller to know. She...might take it into her head to 'recruit'."

"Of course, we're also aware that it might not be possible," Thawne said. "If it is, my abilities are very similar to Barry's. A speedster would likely be useful."

"We have managed to hide GQ's presence here from her so far," Santana said softly to Flag.

"As long as we're careful, hiding from Waller won't be an issue," Flag agreed quietly. "I don't see why it shouldn't be possible. Since you apparently know where we are..." He sounded a bit put out by the fact, though it was clearly down to worry.

"Only because of my friend Felicity," Barry admitted. "And she won't tell anyone who'd be a threat. She doesn't trust Waller either."

"The knowledge of your location is safe," Thawne promised. "And it's possible we might be able to help each other."

"Well, there is an empty bungalow available. When can we expect you? Do you need an airlift?" Flag asked.

Thawne gently squeezed Barry's waist and whispered, "How long do you want to stay here for before we go to the island?"

Barry looked around. He'd enjoyed the one-on-one time with Thawne. "We should probably go as soon as possible. If it won't work out, better to know early enough we can make new plans. We could always come back here another time if we wanted..." he suggested shyly.

Thawne nodded and brushed a kiss against Barry's shoulder. "An airlift would be helpful." He answered Flag's question. "As soon as it can be arranged, if possible."

"I have a guy that isn't on Waller's payroll. I can have him pick you up. How soon can you get to these coordinates?" Flag gave them the location.

"It'll only take us a few seconds," Thawne replied. They both had their speed abilities...and even if Barry wasn't fully healed quite yet, it wouldn't be long before he was.

"Okay. In that case, let me call my man and find out when he is available," Flag said. "Call me back in thirty minutes and I can tell you when to get there."

"Okay," Barry agreed.

"Thank you," Thawne responded. "We'll speak to you in thirty minutes."


Back on the island, Flag had quickly called his man to arrange the time to pick up Barry and Thawne. It didn't take long; his pilot was available to fly that night, and all that was left was to relay the time. While waiting for Thawne and Barry to call back, he called the rest of the island occupants together.

"We'll be having two guests arrive tonight, possibly to move here permanently if they mesh with the rest of us," Rick told everyone.

"Who are they?" It was difficult to tell what Croc was thinking, since his face didn't show emotion like a normal human's. But he shifted closer to GQ, not sure if whoever was coming there might be a threat to his mate.

"Barry Allen and his mate, Eobard Thawne. They are both speedsters. Thawne... has a bit of a past that should get him locked up. But given his ability, and Barry's love and worry for him, they are hoping he could join us..." Flag said. "We have the room. And I think they won't be a problem for us. But that's why we are giving them a trial period. If anyone objects to the new arrangement, they'll go somewhere else."

"They might be able to help us, too." Floyd had been thinking about it; about what Barry had said about his friend, who'd discovered the location of the island. They could get help from the friends of the Flash.

Harley popped a bubble. "If Dead'sy and Diablo think it's a good idea and won't stress little boy out more, I'ms okay wit's it!"

Flag rolled his eyes, ignoring the nickname (he'd given up on any type of respect for his actual age and rank) and focusing on the comment on his mental state. "I don't stress out that easily, Harley!" he grumbled.

Digger chuckled. "Yeah. If he stressed that much, we would have pushed him over the edge months ago!"

Floyd didn't make any comments about Flag's mental space. Yes, there were times his and Diablo's mate needed to 'drop' and be taken care of, much like a child, but outside of those times Flag needed, Floyd wouldn't bring it up. Instead, he said, "We can at least see how this trial period goes. Maybe we can help each other."

"Good. And just in time, too..." Flag grinned as his phone rang. "Flag here. Your ride can pick you up at the coordinates I gave in an hour. Can you be there by then?"

"We'll be there," Thawne promised. "Do you need us to bring anything?"

"Only any belongings that you need or want to have with you. We have supplies brought in every other week for our community meals, plus any personal items that need restocking... But I am also able to get emergency supplies when I go out for my weekly meetings for work." Flag paused. "I usually only go out once a week for those meetings, and it might cause suspicion if I have transport come every day. Will that cause problems for Barry's job?"


"No, Colonel. Once I know where the island is, I can run back and forth..." Barry admitted.

Thawne gently squeezed Barry's waist. "We might need to bring our own personal supplies." He hadn't yet laid full claim to Barry, even though he'd claimed his mate in other ways. But Barry had asked for it when he was fully healed. Once they were settled, there'd be no reason to wait.

Barry nodded. "We'll see you later tonight, once your pilot drops us off," he told Flag, before hanging up.

"I only have what you got for me, since I haven't gone home to pack," Barry said to Thawne.

"Do you need to get anything from your apartment?" Thawne asked.

"Maybe a few more clothes. I'm going to keep the department for appearances... So, I don't need to take everything. I can stop by for a few minutes every evening to change out as needed..." Barry said uncertainly in case Thawne disagreed with that plan.

Thawne nodded. "That sounds like a good idea," he agreed.

"Do you have everything you need?" Barry asked, a little more confidently. "We can get everything from here now and then go to my place. And, if you need, to your apartment...."

"I don't know if there's anything left at my apartment." After the truth had been revealed about him, he had been imprisoned...and hadn't been able to return to his apartment.

"I... I didn't let anyone take anything out of it..." Barry blushed at the confession. "It should still all be there...."

"Okay," Thawne said quietly. "There are a couple of personal items I would like to get."

Barry nodded. "If we have everything from here, should we go now? We can go to your place first."

"Now's as good a time as any," Thawne agreed. He reached for Barry's hand, holding it, as they sped towards the city and his apartment.

They didn't rush to pack, not wanting to risk forgetting anything (even if Barry could pick it up after work if they did), but they still made good time. By the time they were meant to be at the coordinates to meet Flag's pilot, they had everything they wanted to take with them. It took little time at all for Barry to take Thawne's hand and speed with him to their ride.

The pilot was ready to go immediately. "Buckle up," he said jovially. Once they were secured in the chopper, he took off, heading toward the island.

Thawne stayed close to Barry in the chopper, holding his mate's hand. He didn't say anything, just stayed physically close to the younger man.

"We'll be there in five minutes..." the pilot announced.

Barry fidgeted, nerves building as they approached their destination. He could see three men waiting at the landing pad and could only assume it was Flag, Deadshot and Diablo.

Flag stood and waited for their guests to exit the chopper with their bags. Once the pilot had taken off, he walked forward. "Welcome. I'm Rick Flag. These are my lovers: Floyd Lawton and Chato Santana."

"I'm Eobard Thawne. This is my lover, Barry Allen." Thawne shifted a little closer to Barry, although he didn't actually touch the younger man, instead trying to judge what his submissive needed.

"There are a few spare bungalows, so you have options to choose from," Floyd said. "We normally all eat together at least once a day."

Barry looked around; his eyes wide. "It's so quiet here..." he said in a surprised voice, before blushing. Why he expected otherwise, he didn't know.

Flag smiled. "Quiet is what most of us need after missions," he acknowledged. "Come pick out which bungalow you want, and then I can introduce the others."

"It's different," Thawne said, wrapping his arm around Barry's shoulders and drawing his mate in close. He led Barry after the three men, heading towards the empty bungalows.

"This one looks nice. Who will our neighbor be?" Barry asked curiously, as he pointed out a bungalow that he liked. 

"That would be GQ and Croc that would be next to you." Flag smiled.

"We can take that one, if you'd like it," Thawne said to his mate.

"I... The flowers in front were Mom's favorite," Barry said hesitantly. He didn't want to make his lover feel bad.

"If that's the one you want, here is your key." Rick handed it over. "That big building in the middle of all the bungalows is the group dining and recreational area. It also has the radio room, medical suite, and the office where I'm officially 'supposed to lead' from." He added finger quotes.

"You don't lead from there, then?" Barry asked, confused.

Flag smiled, leaning back into Deadshot and Diablo. "The dynamics in reality don't match those on paper. We'll explain when you meet the rest of the group. Go ahead and put your bags away... Take a look around the bungalow... Come up to the main building in fifteen minutes. Everyone will be there, and we can answer any questions."

"If you need anything to snack on, there are a few basic foods and water in the bungalow," Floyd said. "You can add anything extra from the storage room in that big building." He placed a hand on Flag's shoulder, squeezing his mate gently.

Diablo just took hold of Flag's hand and squeezed it gently, even though he didn't say anything.

Thawne took the key, letting his arm wrap a bit firmer around Barry's waist. He didn't verbally respond to his lover's comment about the flowers. There were going to be things that reminded Barry of his mother...and maybe the flowers would help his lover remember some of the good times.

Barry watched the other men walking up to the main building, then turned and let Thawne direct him into what was to become their new home. It had a small sitting room, a tiny kitchen with a tiny table for eating, and a door leading into what he could only imagine was a bedroom. He went that way, carrying his bags.

He wasn't wrong. The bedroom was a decent size with a king size bed, but what caught Barry's attention was the bathroom. It was huge, with a large sunken tub big enough for two. Next to it was a shower, also large enough for two. "They value being clean..." Barry joked, his eyes wide and his grin wider.

"I don't expect the size is an accident." Thawne followed Barry into the bedroom, placing his own bags inside, before following his lover into the bathroom. "Flag didn't hide his relationship with Floyd and Santana. If there are others in similar relationships, being close is going to be important."

"That means they shouldn't be upset at ours," Barry said, with relief.

Thawne nodded in agreement. "I don't think they will be. What do you think about the bungalow?" he asked.

"I think it will be comfortable. It will be nice having privacy, too," Barry said quietly.

Thawne nodded. "Do you need a snack or anything before we go to meet the others?" It was second nature to take care of his lover; probably always would be.

"Not right now, thanks..." Barry smiled, snuggling close to his lover. "Let's go meet the others and see where everything else is. Then maybe we can come back and try out that tub?" His voice was hopeful.

"That sounds like a good idea," Thawne agreed. He held Barry close as he led his lover out of the bungalow, towards the main 'meeting' building.

When they reached the main building and went inside, Barry glanced around somewhat nervously, shifting slightly behind Thawne. 

All the squad were sat around a huge table with drinks and snacks in front of them. Before Flag could welcome them and start introductions, Harley burst out with "Oh! Another little boy. But we already has a Little Boy and a Baby Boy, so whats to call ya....."

Flag closed his eyes in long suffering resignation.

Digger chuckled. "Littlest Boy? Sproutling? I'd say kitten, but that's too feminine...."

"Not helping..." GQ muttered under his breath, also looking resigned.

Thawne raised his eyebrows and cast a glance at Flag. "Does this have anything to do with those dynamics you were talking about?"

"More than it doesn't," Diablo said softly.

Croc didn't say anything but shifted a little closer to GQ...not exactly protectively, but more making it clear who belonged to him.

Flag sighed. "You know that I'm in a relationship with Deadshot and Diablo. GQ is in one with Croc. What will become apparent, if you choose to stay, is that both GQ and I are submissive to our mates... And the rest of these Yahoos delight in telling on us whenever we do something... not recommended." He snorted faintly, though it was clear he wasn't really upset, even if he was a little disgruntled. "Harley, in particular, likes teasing about our situation by calling me 'Little Boy' and GQ 'baby Boy'. I can only imagine she sees something in you two that has made her decide Barry needs a nickname as well."

GQ nodded. "Don't worry. Teasing is limited to the island. No one wants Waller figuring out exactly what's up between everyone. She might decide it's not in her best interests and do something to Rick if she ever figured it out."

Barry blinked. "You think she'd hurt you if she decided you were too friendly with the Squad?"

Flag's smile was bitter. "Waller only cares about her objectives being met. She thinks she has control over me and that I control them. If she knew it wasn't that clear cut... Yeah. She'd take me out of the picture... In whatever way put her at the top."

"It's actually one of the reasons we're all here and not still locked away in a high security prison," Floyd said. "When we formed our relationship, it wasn't going to work without us able to be as close as needed. For Waller, we pretend. Outside of that, we all know who's in charge." He shrugged.

"She doesn't know about GQ," Croc said. "Even if she suspects, she doesn't know. Not for certain." There was a heavy protective note in his voice, and he shifted closer to his mate.

"Well. Our relationship actually isn't dissimilar to your own." Thawne might not have chosen to reveal that straight away, but if they chose to stay, it would come out eventually anyway. Better that he have control over what was known and what wasn't.

"I knew it!" Harley crowed. "So you's can be Half-Pint!"

"Half-Pint?" Barry asked in befuddlement.

Digger chortled "Like the kid from that Little House on the Prairie show!"

Flag shrugged with a grin. "Guess you have to stay, now. Harley named you."

"It's not so bad," Katana said softly, not looking up.

Thawne couldn't help but think that at least they were accepted...even if the dynamics weren't what they'd initially thought. He guided Barry over to one of two empty chairs, guiding his mate to sit down and then sitting himself. "I'm Eobard Thawne. This is Barry Allen."

"You know me, Deadshot, and Diablo," Rick said. "That's my brother in all but blood, GQ, and his mate Croc. The two mouthy ones who named you are Harley and Digger." He ignored their affronted protests. "The quiet but deadly one is Katana."

Thawne nodded. "We appreciate you all letting us stay here," he said. "And if we can help you with any missions, or anything to do with Waller, we won't hesitate," he promised.

"Thank you. We will most likely take you up on that offer." Flag nodded.

"Is there anything else we need to cover? Or anything you'd like to ask?" Floyd looked towards Thawne and Barry.

"I can't think of anything. I guess if something comes up, I can ask then," Barry said, before pausing. "Do any other people regularly come to the island; other than your pilot, I mean?"

"We have a doctor that comes on a weekly basis just to make sure we all stay healthy," Flag said. Sure, it was mainly for GQ's condition, but Lee also kept the rest of them well.

Thawne nodded. "That's good to know. We'll both heal quite quickly if we do end up injured, but things can always go wrong."

"Lemme show you all the supplies. You can grab anything you might need!" Harley offered.

"Thank you." Thawne wasn't sure if they had many more supplies than what he and Barry had brought with them already, but he figured it might be worth looking at anyway. He stood up and held a hand out to Barry.

Barry stood and took Thawne's hand, so they could go to the supply room.

Harley had followed, blowing bubbles, and leaning on the door. "This here's the list..." She pointed to a clipboard with a notepad hanging on the wall by the supply room door. "If you use the last of something, or if you did ever need something that isn't here, write it down. Flag'll make his order...usually a Wednesday. Then it'll get delivered with our bi-weekly shipment the following Monday. If it's something ya need right away, tell him personally and he'll pick it up for you when he is at his office if he is going that week... he usually goes at least once a week due to meeting with Waller," she instructed helpfully. "You saw the dining room. The sick room has a big sign on the door. So does the radio room. The kitchen was next to the dining area; I'm sure you saw it. The fun room was to the left of the entrance. We all try to eat at least one meal together, but you can come to eat in the dining room every meal if you want. There's usually at least two people here during mealtimes. See ya's in the morning!" she chirped, before skipping out of sight.

Barry blinked. Looking into the supply room, he asked Thawne, "You see anything we might need?" He didn't think they'd need to add anything to the list. Anything they discovered a need for, he could always pick up and bring back with him after work. He'd get Cisco to help him by making a pack that would keep stuff from creating too much friction.

Thawne was looking around the supply room with some interest. "I think most of what's here, we already brought with us." He noticed that there was a fair amount of lube among the supplies, but given there were at least two other relationships, he figured that made sense. "We brought toiletries and changes of clothes with us," he continued, leaving unsaid that they'd brought enough sex supplies to last them for a few days.

Barry nodded. "I could pick stuff up when needed too... if you allow."

"I don't expect there's anything I wouldn't allow you to pick up and bring. Unless it's something that would potentially be dangerous," Thawne added.

Barry nodded. "I... Need to tell you before I bring anything anyway, since I'm still grounded, right?" he asked uncertainly.

"Exactly," Thawne replied. "You'll be sticking close to me, outside of going in to work." It wasn't as if he could, or would, stop Barry from going back to Star Labs. Of course, even though Barry had got in contact with his boss and told them he wouldn't be in.... "Have you told Cisco and Caitlin anything?" He couldn't help thinking about Cisco...the fact that he'd formed a close relationship with the younger man. It hadn't been the same as the one he'd formed with Barry, and the betrayal hadn't been the same...but still. He knew it had to have had some effect.

"I sent them a message- Joe and Iris too- to let them know I was safe. But I haven't actually talked to them. I'm trying to figure out the best way to bring it up..." Barry admitted.  "Especially to Cisco. He was almost as devastated as I was when the truth came out."

"I know." Thawne sighed, looking troubled. "He needs to know the truth. And we probably need to talk." It wasn't that he was reluctant to talk to Cisco; he just didn't know how the younger man, who had been more like a son to him, was going to react to him. And if Cisco hated him, as he'd assumed Barry would, it would hurt. A lot.

Barry bit his lip, taking Thawne's hand and squeezing gently. "Cell phones don't work here, but if you want, I could bring Cisco here to talk in person. If Flag says it's okay, that is. If he doesn't want anyone else to know where the island is, we could speed to the cabin so you could meet up with him."

Thawne nodded, gently squeezing Barry's hand in return. "I need to speak to him." The thought was hard. He hadn't planned for any of this, figuring the team at Star Labs would just see him as a villain. He'd convinced himself he was okay with that...but it turned out he truly wasn't.

Barry nodded. "I'll ask the Colonel tomorrow morning if it is okay to bring Cisco here. When I return to work, I'll call Cisco and arrange for him to meet up with you; either here if Flag says it is okay, or at the cabin. Make an appointment..." He smiled crookedly at having to make an appointment with his friend, but with no cell service, it was necessary.  They began to head back to their bungalow. "Can we take a bath?" He glanced longingly at the bathroom when they were safely inside their new home.

"We might as well make use of the rub." As soon as they were inside the bathroom, Thawne reached out and began to slowly strip Barry...letting his hands rub and squeeze the younger man's bare skin.

Barry made tiny sounds of happiness as Thawne began to touch him. "...Belong to you..." he whispered, voice giving away that he was already aroused. He began to run his own hands over his lover, rubbing and squeezing where he could reach. He didn't undress Thawne, though. That felt too forward, and he was still submissive, even if he wasn't dropped.

Once Barry was completely naked, Thawne drew the younger man in and kissed him, deeply and passionately. "You do belong to me," he whispered against Barry's lips, sliding his hands down Barry's back and over his buttocks and thighs, pushing his legs apart to stroke his fingers along the younger man's member.

Barry whimpered softly, immediately opening his legs so Thawne could take what belonged to him. His grip on Thawne's arms tightened as he held on to keep from falling. His attention was completely on his Dom and what Thawne was doing. He was completely ready to obey any order.

Thawne shifted enough to strip off his own clothes, while still keeping in contact with Barry. Then, he led his mate over to the bathtub and began filling it. At the same time, he stroked and gently squeezed Barry's member, wanting to bring his mate to the very edge.

Barry whined softly, holding still so Thawne could stroke him without attempting to pull away or hide. "...I... I'm so close..." he whimpered, holding on because he hadn't been given permission, but it was difficult. Being controlled and owned by his Dom caused him to feel more needy and clingy. He wasn't dropping, but emotionally, he was becoming less in control of himself, relying fully on Thawne.

"Not yet." Thawne released Barry's member, having brought his mate as close to the edge as it was possible to get without tipping him over it. The tub was filled now, and Thawne helped Barry into it, getting into the tub as well. Picking up a washcloth, he began to wash Barry's body.

Barry shivered, moaning softly, but he obeyed. He didn't release, although he had to take a few deep breaths to prevent losing control. He got into the tub and began to shift wherever Thawne directed so that he could be washed. Whenever possible, he stole a quick kiss from his mate, nuzzling against Thawne's shoulder or arm as the older man took care of him.

Thawne reciprocated the kisses, relaxing as his mate nuzzled against him. "I love you," he said softly, as he continued to wash Barry thoroughly and intimately.

"I love you too... So glad you stopped me... Took me back... Saved me from myself..." Barry whispered, letting his hands gently run over Thawne's shoulders, squeezing. When Thawne washed him more intimately, he shifted so his body was more open and vulnerable. He loved feeling his Dom's hands rubbing over him at any point, but when the touch was more intimate, it felt more possessive and more like he was owned. No one else was allowed to touch him in those places, after all. "Feels so good and right..." he murmured, assuming Thawne would know what he meant.

"It feels good and right to have you submitting to me like this," Thawne whispered back. "I couldn't do anything else other than stop you...bring you back to me. I can't lose you, Barry." He wasn't strong enough to keep his distance. Not when Barry had demonstrated so clearly that he needed Thawne.

Finishing washing his mate, Thawne put the washcloth to one side and drew Barry in for another deep, lingering kiss. He pulled Barry closer and tighter to himself, positioning his lover so Barry would easily be able to feel Thawne's erection pressing against his backside.

Barry pressed as close to his mate as he could, enjoying the feel of the slipperiness of their skin causing them to glide easily against each other. He squirmed as he felt Thawne's erection, trying to cause his mate's member to slide between his cheeks and rub his entrance. He moaned softly at the friction. "Please, sir..." he begged softly. "Please push into me and claim me fully...."

Thawne gently stroked his fingers through Barry's hair, kissing him a bit harder and more firmly. He then reached out, retrieving a bottle of lube, and coated his own member in a liberal amount of it. Adjusting Barry's position slightly, he grasped his mate's hips and pushed inside.

Barry groaned, the sound filling the room, as he was stretched around his Dom's shaft. He held himself loose and still so that Thawne could adjust him as needed to be able to push all the way in, giving his mate a bright smile of complete happiness and bliss. He'd needed to be taken, needed to feel his Dom claim him fully, so that what little distance remained between them would be destroyed by Thawne filling him up and marking him deep inside. He returned the kiss eagerly, just as hard and firm, even if it was offering and submitting instead of taking.

Taking a firmer hold of Barry's hips, Thawne began to thrust into his lover, enjoying the feel of his mate surrounding him. He nipped lightly at Barry's lips, 'encouraging' the younger man to open his mouth, then pushed his tongue inside...claiming Barry in that way as well.

Barry obediently opened his mouth, sucking Thawne's tongue as he clenched tight around his master's shaft. It felt so good, being filled in every possible way by his lover, being claimed in every possible way. He never wanted it to end, and hoped Thawne would continue until he left him walking funny the next day, so it would be obvious to everyone on the island that he'd been thoroughly taken.

Thawne couldn't exactly be gentle, even if he was careful not to cause any tearing or bruising. He needed Barry too much to hold back, even if he thought he should. Still, the water helped to make their bodies glide together more than push, and he knew the lube would ensure there was little bruising inside. As he continued to thrust, continued to taste inside Barry's mouth, he felt himself hurtle towards his own release.

Barry was holding on by a thread. Thawne's control, power, and lack of gentleness had pushed him to where he was hanging on to the edge by his fingernails. He began to whimper, moan, and let out tiny sobs of need as his insides became more sensitive with each thrust. His Dom was gliding over his prostate with each push in and pull out. There was no mercy or time to recover and prepare; it was constant onslaught against the sensitive gland. "...Please..." He began to beg for release in the neediest voice possible.

Pulling away from the kiss, Thawne pressed a hard, biting kiss against Barry's neck, beginning to suck on the skin...leaving a mark behind. Finally, he whispered, "Let go now." He wanted to feel Barry fall apart and then be responsible for putting his mate back together again.

Barry shuddered at feeling his neck bruise, and then Thawne was ordering him to let go and he couldn't have held on even if he wanted to disobey. His body shook, almost spasming as his release hit, clouding the water as his body clenched like a vise around his Dom, vibrating around Thawne's shaft.

Thawne couldn't hold back when Barry's orgasm hit, and his own release hit at almost the same time. His fingers gripped tighter on Barry's hips as he groaned, long and loud, in response to the pleasure of releasing inside the man he loved.

Once Barry's climax calmed and his breathing evened out, he gave Thawne a tender smile. He could feel the older man's release inside of him and it was soothing. He could feel that he belonged to his Dom again and they were no longer apart. "...I love you..." he said softly, squeezing gently around Thawne's member, appreciating that his mate was still buried inside of him, even if he was soft now.

"I love you too." Thawne stroked Barry's cheek and kissed him again, more tenderly and gently this time. "You're mine. I won't let you go again," he promised.

"I'll never leave you... Need to be with you... Belong to you..." Barry promised, kissing back. Eventually, Thawne naturally slipped out and Barry carefully moved so that he could get cleaned up again before they got out of the tub. He was looking forward to sharing the king-size bed with his lover.

After cleaning them both fully once again, Thawne helped Barry out of the tub and got out himself, drying himself and his mate off carefully. He didn't bother redressing either of them, figuring they'd sleep just as well naked...perhaps even better. Clasping Barry's hand, he led his lover through to the bedroom.

Barry pressed close to Thawne, following quietly to the bedroom. When his lover pulled back the comforter and sheets, he crawled into the bed. As soon as Thawne was next to him, he was pressing close again, plastering himself to the older man in a needy way. Even though he'd just had some really good sex, he could never get enough of his mate.

Thawne wrapped his arms around Barry, holding his mate close and tight, and kissed the top of his head. "I have you," he whispered, a note of satisfaction and possessiveness in his voice. "You're mine."

"Forever..." Barry's tone was just as satisfied. Feeling secure in his mate's arms, he quickly fell asleep.


GQ was laying on top of Croc, snuggling close, neither of them feeling like doing anything. "So, what do you think of our new island-mates?" he asked curiously.

Croc grunted softly, his hands resting on GQ's lower back. "Bit difficult to think much about them without knowing them better," he admitted. "They didn't react badly to seeing me, so that's a point for them."

"They both are Metas. And I think they said the youngest one works in a crime lab. Despite what you portray to the rest of the world, you likely aren't the scariest being out there..." GQ lightly teased, before kissing Croc's chest.

Croc snorted softly. "Don't tell that to anyone outside the island. I have a reputation to maintain." He was joking, sort of...but he was also very aware that his appearance was fearsome to most of those outside of the little family they'd formed here.

"Our secret..." GQ grinned, kissing Croc's chest again before sliding down a little bit and kissing his belly. He darted a playful look up at his mate. "Could... Could I lick you? While you rub, squeeze, and smack my bottom?" he asked clearly, even though he was blushing.

Croc smiled at the request, eyes roaming appreciatively over his mate's body. "Of course." He moved his hands low enough to cup GQ's bottom, beginning to gently rub and squeeze.

Grinning, GQ shifted so he could get a better angle. Once he settled, he was straddling Croc, his backside facing the other man so Croc could see the results of his handling. He was still laying on his mate (he loved skin on skin, full body contact), with his head over Croc's member. Leaning down, he buried his face against his mate's groin, breathing deeply, scenting his Dom, and then licked a stripe from root to tip. He let out an appreciative sigh at being allowed to taste.

Croc groaned softly...appreciatively...at feeling GQ licking him. His member jumped immediately, responding to the stimulation, and he squeezed GQ's bottom reflexively.

GQ hummed happily at feeling his bottom squeezed and he clenched in response. Wanting to hear more of Croc's pleased sounds, he licked from root to tip again, this time allowing the tip of his tongue to dip into the slit, trying to lick out some of the precum that was pooling there.

Croc's groan was louder and more drawn out, his member now half-hard with precum easily coming to his mate's reactions. He squeezed GQ's bottom again, then delivered a very light smack.

GQ's quick breath and then moan betrayed that he liked the smack. His own member twitched in response, beginning to fill. Knowing that his position allowed Croc to see everything made him feel vulnerable and that aroused him further. Feeling emboldened by the sounds Croc was making, GQ took the tip of Croc's shaft into his mouth, sliding down until his mouth was full and the tip almost touched his tonsils, and began to suck greedily. The remainder of Croc's considerable length, he palmed and began to squeeze and stroke.

Able to tell how his action had affected his mate, Croc delivered another light smack, then began to gently rub and squeeze the spots he'd just smacked. Under GQ's ministrations, his member was quickly growing to full hardness...and he knew it wouldn't take long before his release hit him.

GQ hummed happily at the smack, then moaned at the rubbing and squeezing, the vibrations from his vocalizations surrounding Croc's shaft. He wished he could take in more of his lover, but he was happy he could take as much as he did; it was still more than he had the first time. He clenched again, the muscles of his bottom visibly contracting along with his sphincter. His cock and balls were swollen to full hardness as he thought about someday taking all of his Dom.

It didn't take long for Croc to reach the very edge, and he gently squeezed GQ's bottom. "I'm going to...let go," he warned, in case GQ didn't want to taste his release. His voice was rough...heavy...with arousal.

GQ latched on tighter, only backing up enough that he would be able to swallow and not choke when Croc's release filled his mouth. He gently squeezed Croc's shaft with his hands, encouraging his mate not to hold back.

That was all it took; the encouraging squeeze from his mate, and Croc was releasing hard. He couldn't help crying out as pleasure shot through him.

GQ had prepared himself and as soon as Croc's release hit, he began swallowing, not wanting to lose any. He was rather proud of himself when Croc finally slumped, finished, and he hadn't spilled a drop. Sucking his mate clean, he gently licked the area he hadn't been able to hold in his mouth, cleaning Croc the rest of the way. Once finished, he lay his head on Croc's hip, nose buried against his mate's groin, breathing in deeply. He kept his bottom in place, still craving Croc's firm and possessive touch.

Croc hadn't let go of GQ, even through the force of his orgasm. As it receded and his mate settled in place, he continued to stroke and rub, squeezing and occasionally smacking. "I love you." Instead of arousal, it was emotion making his voice hoarse this time.

"I love you too... So much..." GQ responded, his voice sounding almost floaty. He hadn't released, but it didn't matter. His bottom was becoming sensitive from Croc's attention; he knew he'd feel it all through the night, and that was what he needed. To feel like he belonged for as long as possible. "Feels so good..." he whispered, quivering slightly, and arching his back just enough to make his bottom more vulnerable. "...Only thing better to make me feel like you own me will be having you in me...."

"Those gloves should be here soon." Croc pitched his voice so that he didn't disturb the 'peace' he could tell his mate was feeling. "When they do...we can try. Experiment," he promised. In the meantime, he continued to pay attention to GQ's backside...ensuring his mate would be sensitive for him.

"I'm looking forward to that..." GQ whispered, before humming happily at the attention Croc was giving him.  "You smell so good to me..." he mumbled, nuzzling his mate's groin again. He was content to keep his bottom up and in position for as long as Croc was willing to allow him. His erection hung between his legs, occasionally dripping precum onto Croc's chest.

Croc moved one hand from GQ's bottom, reaching for his mate's member. As gently as he could, he stroked one digit along the length of the sensitive flesh. At the same time, his other hand continued to stroke, rub, squeeze and gently smack GQ's backside.

GQ shivered at the gentle stroke. He knew Croc was very worried about harming him with his claws or teeth, so he didn't ask for anything more than to have his bottom fondled and smacked. If Croc gifted him with anything else, it would be because Croc felt safe doing it. He was already fully aroused, just from that, so it was obvious he liked it.

Very carefully, Croc continued to gently stroke GQ's member, just using the blunt side of his digit so that he didn't risk scratching his mate. Leaning his head forward, he pressed a kiss to GQ's back, then licked up his mate's spine.

GQ squeaked as his spine was licked, almost melting down onto Croc. His member jumped in interest, and he moaned loudly. A surge of excited vulnerability tore through him, and he found himself begging, "Please... Wanna be devoured by you..."  He didn't care what form that devouring took, only that Croc make him that vulnerable and reliant on him.

While Croc wasn't really comfortable using his teeth, outside of when he'd bitten to mark GQ at his mate's request, he had nibbled his lover before...and they'd both enjoyed it. So even as he continued to stroke his digit along GQ's member, and continued to play with his backside, he began to gently nibble his mate along with the licking.

GQ groaned at feeling his mate's teeth. He knew the power Croc had, the ability to kill with just one chomp, and the fact his mate was keeping such iron control over himself and GQ to be able to nibble turned him on even further. He whimpered softly. "...Thank you... Need you so much... It's perfect...." His arousal ached, but he didn't want the attention to stop, so tried not to let go.

Croc couldn't respond with words, not unless he wanted to stop giving his mate attention, but he gently squeezed GQ's bottom as he continued to nibble, keeping that careful, iron control over himself so that he wouldn't risk harming his mate.

GQ's moans became progressively louder and needier as Croc continued. Eventually, though, he had reached a point it was impossible to hold on, no matter how much he wanted. "I... I'm gonna..." he gasped, before his body seized and began to shudder and shake, releasing like a geyser. It continued for nearly a minute before he collapsed weakly on top of his mate, his cum slippery and sticky between them. He couldn't say anything. He couldn't think. All he could do was feel.

Croc made a tiny, satisfied growl, deep in his throat, and let his hands stroke gently over GQ's sides. In a few minutes, he'd move them enough so that he could clean them both up...make sure they didn't get stuck together. For now, he was content just to stay in close contact with his mate.

GQ nuzzled against Croc's hip, obviously out of it. He'd dropped slightly from the vulnerability he'd been feeling and now was close to falling asleep.

Able to tell that his mate was close to falling asleep, Croc gently stroked along GQ's hair and back and whispered, "Go to sleep. I got you."

With Croc's permission given, GQ stopped fighting himself. He was asleep seconds later.

Croc held his mate until he was sure GQ was asleep, then he carefully moved to clean them both up, ensuring they wouldn't be stuck together when his mate finally woke.


Barry and Thawne had quickly settled in, making themselves at home. The peace of the island was something Barry realized he'd been needing and hadn't known. Flag showed them the computer and let them know it was secured against Waller spying; even if they couldn't use cell phones, they could email or video call. This had made it easier to contact the others and reassure them he was safe.

He had finally confessed to them that he was back with Thawne. He'd given them all the information he felt was safe to give them to convince them he wasn't being coerced or forced. Predictably, none of them were happy, but as he hadn't expected them to be, he wasn't disappointed in their reaction. He knew they'd have to mend their own relationships with Thawne in their own time. He only hoped they would want to.

Cisco... Had been so upset, he'd disconnected the video call before Barry could ask for him to come meet. Caitlin promised to talk to him and try to convince him to meet. If she succeeded, she'd send an email with time and place. It wasn't what he'd wanted, but it was better than nothing.

Pushing away from the computer, Barry stood to go join the others in the rec room. Flag had a meeting with Waller, so he wanted to be out of view before the older man connected. As he walked in, he noted GQ reading over some type of report, getting more and more agitated.

"What's up?" he asked, moving to sit next to his mate.

As Barry sat down next to him, Thawne wrapped an arm around his mate. He wanted to ask how the meeting with the rest of the team had gone...particularly Cisco...but able to see that GQ was getting agitated, he didn't want to draw attention away from the other man.

Croc was sitting next to GQ, close enough to be in physical contact with him, and automatically pressed close...able to tell that his mate was bothered by what he was reading.

"I... I knew they'd done stuff to me..." GQ said despondently. "But this...." He held up the papers. "I... They didn't just try to make me like you..." He looked at Croc. "I could live with that. But they put other DNA into me too. If any of it ever kicks in...."

Flag frowned, torn between wanting to be there for his brother and needing to be on time to meet with Waller so she didn't get suspicious.

Croc wrapped his arms around GQ and gently pulled him into his lap. "If that happens, we'll deal with it," he promised. "You accepted me for who I am. I would and will do the same for you."

"Croc has him," Floyd said, quietly and reassuringly, to Flag. "Go meet Waller. Then you can come back and be here for him without worrying."

Flag nodded, sighing silently, and going into the room to have his teleconference with Waller. He closed the door so she wouldn't accidentally see anyone she shouldn't.

GQ pressed closer to his mate. "They used Dart Frog DNA..." he whispered.

Harley blinked at that. "Ain't those the ones that are poison to touch?"

GQ nodded miserably.

"If something kicks in like that... I could get my friend Caitlin to try and find a way to counteract it...." Barry offered hesitantly. "Her and Cisco helped me a lot to figure out my ability... And she has her own unique condition that would make her want to help if she could.... Both of them do, really, but hers is more dangerous than Cisco's."

Croc's arms tightened around GQ. "You aren't poisonous to touch now," he said. "If it develops, we will handle it."

"The team at Star Labs are very good at what they do," Thawne said. "If something like that should occur, they'll figure out a way to help."

GQ nodded, though he wasn't feeling optimistic.

Digger glanced around. "Maybe when Flag gets back, we discuss having two more outsiders know about the island? The Doc knows and it's ended up being a good thing. Having two scientists on our side might not be bad...."

"It would be a good thing..." Thawne said quietly, though his hope to have at least Cisco there wasn't entirely selfless.

"We'll work it out," Croc quietly promised.

Harley shrugged. "Having two more won't be any different. The only reasons we have it secret now is so Waller don't find out 'bout Baby Boy. And now Half-Pint and the Professor. If you's three aren't worried, Flagsy shouldn' mind."

"There're a couple of spare bungalows, too," Croc added. He didn't know the relationship between the scientists...if they'd stay in the same bungalow or not. If they didn't have that kind of relationship, at least they'd be able to have their own space.

Barry bit his lip and tried not to look too excited. It was up to Flag if he thought it feasible or not, even if it was clear his mates would likely make the decision and he'd go along with it. The idea of his two friends being allowed to join them hadn't occurred to him before, but now that it was being discussed as a possibility, he wanted it.

"I can't see it being a problem," Floyd said. "Especially as the rest of the Squad don't have a problem with it."

Croc didn't say anything, but he carefully palmed the back of GQ's head, stroking the soft strands of his hair.

GQ had fallen into a quiet, depressed state. Not only was he worried about what might possibly occur to him...he was remembering the experiments that had been done on him. He pressed close to Croc, needing to feel safe.

Flag finally exited the computer room, a disgruntled look on his face. "I've got an assignment. And apparently, it is too delicate to risk the Squad going in, so I'm on my own." He sighed. "My ride will arrive in three hours, so I need to pack. Anything I should know before I head out?"

Croc looked down at his mate, then up at his mate's brother. "You should take a look at the copy of the report," he said quietly. If Flag knew what had been done to his brother, he'd be better able to support GQ.

"We were talking about bringing Barry's scientist friends to the island, to help if anything comes out from the experiments done on GQ." Floyd frowned, clearly worried. "Has she told you anything about this mission she's sending you on?" Given Flag's previous death wish, Floyd wasn't too happy having Flag out of reach of him and Diablo.

Flag nodded at Croc, holding out a hand for the report. He began reading it as he answered Floyd. "I'm doing a retrieval. One of her informants got made. Had to run but is in an area he can't get out of without help." He frowned at the report's information. "Should I have Lee come in early? Do some blood work to make certain this isn't hurting you?" he asked GQ.

GQ swallowed. "I don't think she could do anything. She's not a researcher and what I have isn't an illness or disease that she would have studied...."

"That's why we've been talking about Barry bringing his scientists here," Floyd said. "The rest of the Squad's okay with it. Just need your okay to go ahead." He paused before asking, "What's the informant's location?"

"Yeah. If you all are okay with it, I don't see why not. As long as we can trust them not to tell Waller about GQ..." Flag glanced at Barry and Thawne.

"They won't. They don't want Waller taking notice of them either..." Barry asserted.

Flag nodded before looking back at Floyd. "She said it was up north somewhere but wouldn't give me an exact location. Apparently, she's afraid I'll tell you all and then you'll follow me and expose her operation to people she doesn't want to know about it." Flag sounded disgruntled again. He'd obviously had quite the argument with Waller about the situation and lost.

"She's not wrong," Katana said very softly.

Floyd looked more than a little irritated by that. "I'm not happy about you going off on a mission alone, where I don't know what's happening or if you're safe."

Thawne glanced up at those words. "You'll have comms with you, right? Soon as you get to where Waller wants you, you can give your location. Barry or I can speed Floyd or Diablo to you."

"That would be the best idea," Diablo agreed, sharing Floyd's worry about their mate. 

Flag nodded. "Actually, cameras won't be a problem. Waller plans for me to wear one so she can see what's in the area herself. I'm sure one of you could piggyback in on the frequency and watch too. And now I'm not sure you should sneak in. If she sees you on the camera..." he said worriedly.

"Get to the location with the camera in place that we can see through," Diablo said. "If it looks like you need help, at least we know we'll have a near instant way to get to you."

"Alright. Well." Flag looked around. "If there is nothing else, I'll go pack."

"I'll come with you." Floyd stood up, clearly intending to stay with Flag as long as he could...hoping his presence would be a visual reminder to his mate not to take any chances or do anything stupid.

Flag smiled, almost bashfully. "Okay..." he said, waiting for Floyd to move closer before leaving the main building and heading to their bungalow.

"Let's go ahead and fix dinner so Rick can eat before he has to leave," GQ said quietly.

"I can try to help." Croc stood GQ up and stood as well, as Floyd left with his mate.

In the end, they all got together to make dinner. By the time Flag and Floyd returned with Rick's bags, everything was ready and on the table. "Smells wonderful," Rick said, with appreciation.

Diablo moved over and took Rick's hand, guiding him to the table, where there were three seats next to each other. Flag would be able to sit in the middle, with Diablo on one side and Floyd on the other.

Flag squeezed Diablo 's hand, following him to the table, and sat down.

Barry looked around, then chose a spot with two seats next to each other, looking at Thawne for his approval.

GQ went to sit as close to Croc as he could get.

Floyd sat down on the other side of Flag, placing a hand on his mate's back, and rubbing gently before he reached for the food.

Thawne smiled at Barry and took a seat next to him, filling his own plate and then Barry's.

Croc sat close to GQ, wrapping his arms around his smaller mate.

Dinner was quiet and subdued at first, but that lasted only as long as it took Harley and Digger to get tired of the moodiness and begin their usual antics. Three hours later, Flag had walked to the chopper that had come for him. Knowing Waller was watching, the only ones who accompanied him were Floyd and Diablo. And they kept their sendoff platonic, so Waller wouldn't figure things out.

After that, no one felt like staying up and they all went to bed.


Floyd wasn't really able to relax with Flag out of his sight. They'd got the camera set up, which was good...and he was making sure he kept an eye on the feed, ready to ask Barry if he needed to get to his mate's side quickly.


Two days had gone by uneventfully. Uneventfully, except that Waller herself had come on this mission with him. It made Flag nervous, wondering what her angle was. And then she started talking about how Flag was so much more careful now that he was leading the Squad, and she began wondering out loud why that was, and it made Rick nervous. She seemed to be attributing his behavior and attitude change to having someone to be safe for, going so far as to suggest it was one of the Squad. And while that was entirely the reason why, he didn't need her watching him closely and trying to figure out who.

As a result, when they finally made their move to get the asset out, Flag made sure Waller made the escape with the asset while he ran interference and drew the attention of those they were taking the asset from. It wasn't necessary to do things that way, but he didn't really give Waller a chance to protest and had gone off to be bait before she could give a different order.

Even though it had been two days since Flag had left, Floyd hadn't really relaxed...or stopped keeping watch on what was going on through the camera. It was worrying that Waller had decided to join Flag on the mission...and Floyd figured that was the reason his mate had decided to put himself into a dangerous situation.

Without hesitation, Floyd took the camera feed to Thawne and Barry. "I need to be here. Now," he said, clearly stressed and worried.

Barry looked at Thawne for his guidance even as he said, "I thought I was supposed to go in on my own, in case Waller is watching, so I can claim it is a coincidence and help Flag?  If you are there and she sees, won't it give her more ammo against you?"

Floyd hesitated, a torn look coming over his face, aware that his mate needed help.

"If Barry goes and it's too much, he can always come back here for help. Or I can take one of you there," Thawne said. "But you probably don't want to reveal your relationship to Waller, or even that you have any positive feelings for him, unless you have no choice."

"Fine." Floyd gave a sharp, jerky nod.

"If I'm going to be there by 'coincidence'... It would be typical of me to have Cisco and Caitlin with me... If we have the coordinates for where he is, Cisco could vibe there... Meet me... Then we help Flag...." Barry offered.

Floyd nodded quickly and gave Barry the coordinates without hesitation. The Squad had already agreed for Cisco and Caitlin to join them on the island, after all.

Barry nodded. "I'll just speed to Star Labs, enlist their help... Shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes...." With that, he stepped out of the building, then sped away.


Cisco was depressed. His best friend had finally contacted him but was now living on an island somewhere. Even if Barry returned to work most days... he wouldn't be able to hang out like they used to. Not if he was with Thawne. And Thawne? Was another matter. Barry had obviously forgiven the man and accepted his reasons for lying. Cisco didn't know if he could do the same. Thawne had nearly killed him. Even if he was leaning toward forgiving that... It was harder to let go the sense of abandonment.

He glanced toward Caitlin. "I'm gonna head home. Don't stay too late. And don't let Frost bully you into going places you aren't comfortable." He smiled.

And then a brisk breeze blew his hat off and Barry was there.

"I need your help. Or actually, Colonel Flag needs your help...." Barry jumped straight to the point.

Surprised, Caitlin quickly turned to Barry. "What do you need?" She wasn't in as much emotional turmoil as Cisco clearly was, so it was probably easier for her to immediately agree. With a quiet sigh, she then asked, "Is it me you need? Or Killer Frost?" The heavy note of reluctance in her voice made it clear she didn't want to allow her alter ego to come out.

"I always need you, Caitlin. But where we are going, Frost is probably going to push her way out. It's going to be dangerous..." Barry reluctantly said, explaining what was going on.

Cisco had moved closer to Barry and Caitlin. "So, let's get going, then..." He opened a portal to the location Barry had given and all three of them jumped through before looking for Flag.

Fighting could be heard in the building next to where they had exited. "This way!" Barry said, leading his friends into the fray.

As soon as she heard the fighting, Caitlin could feel her alter ego, under the surface, trying to push her way out. She wanted to push back, even if would cause discomfort under the surface, but reluctantly, she ceded control to her own version of Mr. Hyde.

Barry smiled sadly as he saw Caitlin submerging and Frost taking over. "We're here to rescue... So only do what is absolutely necessary to do that."

Cisco nodded. "Got it."

Frost didn't respond verbally, even though she probably heard what Barry had said. Whether she would follow the instructions was anyone's guess.

Giving Cisco a look, Barry sighed silently, and then they were all heading to save Flag.


With Barry, Cisco and Frost's help, Rick had completed the objective with only a few scratches. He'd noted that Barry and Frost were careful in their actions. Cisco? Not so much. The younger man was taking as many chances as Flag himself was, which brought Rick up short and caused him to be more careful.

When it was all said and done and they were out of the danger zone, Waller found them all- eying Barry and his friends suspiciously. "A bit far from Central City..." she commented.

"A dangerous item, belonging to Star Labs, was here," Barry responded. "We came to retrieve it, only to find the Colonel outnumbered and fighting for his life...." He made the connection necessary for Waller to believe it was a coincidence.

Waller still looked suspicious but didn't push. "Alright. Wheels up in five..." She turned to face Flag.

Flag nodded. Once she was out of hearing, he asked Barry, "You going to bring them to the island for a visit?"

"If they agree," Barry said, giving Frost and Cisco a hopeful look.

Frost just shrugged. There was no reason for her not to go with them. In much the same way as Caitlin had, she could feel her under the surface...straining to break free...and a few seconds later, Frost was submerged again, and Caitlin was free.

Cisco looked reluctant but could tell Barry wanted him to go. "Yeah. Okay. You should prolly catch your ride. I've gotta get home and pack."

Flag nodded. "Get those wounds looked at," he told Cisco, before turning and going to join Waller on the chopper.

Cisco waited until the chopper was out of sight before opening a portal back to Star Labs. "Meet both of you back here in an hour?" At Barry and Caitlyn's nod, he left to go pack.

Barry went to send an email to Thawne, letting him know what was happening.

Thawne responded immediately, expressing his concern over Cisco's injuries...wanting to make sure Barry and Caitlin hadn't been injured as well.

Barry made certain to let Thawne know he and Caitlin had been careful, so the only one with injuries was Cisco...and potentially Rick. But he knew they'd be getting checked over when they reached the island. By the time he sent the second email, Caitlin and Cisco had returned.

"Ready?" Barry asked his friends.  At their nods, he took a firm grip on both of them and sped them to the island.


Floyd hadn't been able to relax, knowing the amount of chances Rick had been taking, and he'd been pacing ever since Barry had left the island to go and help. He wasn't even trying to hide how worried he was from the rest of the Squad.

Everyone had picked up on Floyd's worry and agitation.

GQ was pacing next to Croc, worried for his brother. Harley and Digger were waxing their bat and boomerang respectively. Everyone was on edge.

It didn't take Barry long to speed straight to the main building, depositing Cisco, Caitlin, and himself next to Thawne. "Rick was on a chopper back with Waller. I didn't have time to ask if he was allowed to come back immediately, though. Waller was already suspicious, even though I had a valid reason for being there as far as she knew," Barry said apologetically to Floyd and Diablo.

Diablo placed a hand on Floyd's arm and gently squeezed. "He'll come back. Soon as Waller lets him. Then you can take control." He didn't bother sugarcoating it, or trying to hide what would happen. The only ones unaware of how things were on the island were Cisco and Caitlin...and they would learn soon enough.

Floyd didn't say anything, his jaw clenched tight, though a fraction of the tension slipped out of him at Diablo's hand on his arm.

Katana had wordlessly stood and gone into the supply hut, coming out with two first aid kits. She immediately handed one to Thawne. From the look on his face...the way he was eyeing Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco...she figured he'd need one. She gave the other kit to Floyd, so that as soon as Rick came back, he wouldn't need to waste time retrieving it himself.

Barry eyed the first aid kit sideways. "Who do you want first?" he asked, knowing that even if he told Thawne he wasn't injured, the older man would want to see.

Harley came over, looking at Cisco and Caitlin with interest, then grinned. "Are you Half-Pint 's friends?"

"Half-Pint?" Caitlin repeated, confused.

"She means Barry." Thawne hesitated, wavering a little. He wanted to check over all of them, really...but Barry would likely be the easiest, since they'd already repaired their relationship. Was it better to talk to Cisco first, or to give him a bit of space? He wasn't sure.

Barry could sense Thawne's hesitation and could hazard a guess what the problem was. "How bout we go to the first-aid room, and you reassure yourself I'm okay? Then you can check Caitlin, since I'm pretty sure she is fine, but she'd also say something if she wasn't. Then you can check Cisco while I show Caitlin the bungalows that are available." He paused. "Hopefully, Rick will be back by then and we can introduce everyone officially."

Thawne nodded, giving Barry a grateful look. "Yeah. Okay," he agreed quietly. He wrapped an arm around his mate, leading Barry to the room.

Cisco just stood awkwardly waiting for Barry to return, wishing he hadn't agreed to come. He was tempted to Vibe out, but he didn't want to hurt Barry.

Caitlin shifted a bit closer to Cisco, looking him over anxiously. "How did you get injured?" Frost had been in control, so she hadn't been able to see much of what was going on.

"Remember when I vibed myself next to Flag to get him out of the middle of that group that was attacking him? So, I could get him to a safer spot where he wasn't being overwhelmed?" Cisco asked.

Caitlin frowned in obvious worry. "Maybe we should both go and see Thawne, when he's finished with Barry." She wanted to assure herself that her best friend was safe.

Cisco frowned. "I kinda got the idea that was going to happen whether I wanted or not."

"I mean at the same time," Caitlin said. "I'm worried about you."

"I... I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that," Cisco admitted. "I get the feeling he's going to make me strip to make sure he finds all the wounds. Unlike you, I doubt he'll trust my word on it." He sighed.

Caitlin bit her lip. "You're not going to fight him?" She was worried that Cisco would refuse and resist...and therefore end up making his wounds worse.

Cisco sighed again. "No. I'll cooperate," he said quietly. He didn't admit that one of the wounds hurt badly enough to worry him. He wanted it checked out, and unfortunately for his modesty, the location would mean stripping. He didn't want to worry her worse, do he kept quiet about it.

"Okay." Caitlin hesitated. "Look, I know he was lying to us, but...he wasn't lying about his feelings for Barry. And I don't think he was lying about his care for you." She could understand he felt angry...betrayed...but she'd also seen that worry in Thawne's face.

"Maybe..." It was clear Cisco didn't believe it; couldn't believe it. Not without some action on Thawne's part to prove it.

Caitlin might have said something else, but at that point, Thawne was walking back to them, holding Barry's hand. The older man seemed relieved to see they were still there...that Cisco hadn't vibed himself or both of them away.

"You're next..." Cisco gave Caitlin a faintly queasy smile. Between his nerves, wound, and anger at Thawne, his stomach was roiling.

Caitlin glanced at Cisco, still clearly worried, but she finally nodded and went with Thawne to get checked over.

Barry fidgeted as he stood in front of Cisco. "Are... Are you mad? That I forgave him?" he finally asked uncertainly.

Cisco sighed. "No. You seem happier and healthier than I've seen you in months. I can't be mad at that. I wish I could let go of my anger..." he admitted unhappily.

Thawne didn't need to take long checking Caitlin over. Thanks to Frost, she had no injuries at all...although she was very worried about her best friend. "I think you need to check Cisco over thoroughly," she said. "I'm sure there are some wounds I can't see."

Thawne nodded. "I plan to do that anyway." He just hoped he wouldn't have to fight the younger man on it.

Barry frowned. "If you can't stop being angry... Just don't do what I did. I almost self-destructed. In the end, it ended up working, but only because Thawne helped me. If he'd really hated me, I'd be dead now."

Cisco blinked at that, worry crossing his face. He didn't have time to comment, though, as Thawne and Caitlyn were coming back out.

Barry smiled at Caitlin. "Come with me and I'll point out the available bungalows!" He took his friend's hand and led her out to pick her 'home' on the island.

Cisco stood, watching them leave, his worry for Barry causing him to forget to mask the pain he was in.

Thawne took a step closer to Cisco, not trying to hide his worry. It was obvious that the younger man was hurt, even without Caitlin having warned him. "Are you bleeding anywhere?" If Cisco was, stopping the bleeding was going to be his first priority.

"Probably..." Cisco answered distractedly, before thinking better of it. Wincing at the overly honest answer, he turned to face Thawne. "I promised Caitlin I'd cooperate and let you check me over. Don't expect anything beyond that..." he said in a surly tone, before going into the examining room.

Well, that was better than Thawne had hoped for, even if he'd hoped to be able to reconcile with Cisco. He followed the younger man into the room. "If you're cooperating, I hope that means you won't try to hide any of your wounds."

"You telling me to strip?" Cisco didn't answer the question directly. He wouldn't hide any injuries per se, but he wasn't going to point out each and every one either. Not if it wasn't bothering him.

"Yes. I'm telling you to strip." It would be easier for Thawne to see any injuries that way. Far harder for Cisco to hide.

"Then I guess you don't need to worry about hidden wounds," Cisco snorted, as he began taking off all his clothing. If he hadn't promised Caitlin, and if he didn't have a pain so bad he was scared, he might have refused. He had promised and he was scared, so he didn't argue. Instead, he tried to bolster his nerves by being stroppy, sarcastic, and bordering on dismissive and disrespectful.

Not behaviors he had ever exhibited before. Before the 'betrayal', he was respectful and attentive, to the point some had questioned if he was the older man's submissive (instead of Barry). He'd respected his mentor almost to the point of hero worship. Finding out the truth had broken him inside, leaving a gaping hole filled of shattered feelings.

Being in Thawne's presence was difficult. But to his confusion, anger wasn't the prevalent emotion. He was angry, but the emotion front and center was extreme sadness, surrounding a ball of loss and need. Despite everything, he needed to be important to the doctor. He needed to feel like he mattered to Thawne; that what he did mattered. He needed Thawne and wanted things to be like they had been... But that couldn't happen, and feeling that need and desire made him angrier, at himself.

Thawne didn't say anything immediately. His eyes were drawn to the injuries on Cisco...more than he'd truly expected to see. Shaking his head, he opened the first aid kit and moved over to Cisco, beginning to check, clean and treat each of his wounds. "Is this the first time you've pulled these dangerous stunts?" He didn't really expect Cisco to answer him honestly, but he was hoping that the younger man's response would help him gain an insight into what Cisco had been doing.

He knew Cisco was angry with him. He couldn't blame him. He hadn't blamed Barry for his feelings, even when those emotions had caused his lover to start down a self-destructive path. He'd expected to be the villain; had never expected to come back from his actions. No matter how much good he'd tried to do with and for Team Flash, there'd always been that knowledge there, lingering below the surface.

And he'd always known it was going to come out eventually. He'd also always known the fallout would be bad.

"Until recently, you know exactly what I have or haven't done..." Cisco avoided the question. Even if Thawne didn't have any right to chide, scold, or disapprove of his actions... Deep inside, it felt like he did have that right. Before Barry brought them to the island and made it clear he believed Thawne was on their side, Cisco would have thought the older man wouldn't care. Now?

"Why do you even care, anyway?" he asked sullenly. Having Thawne care, along with his own traitorous emotions deciding Thawne still had 'rights' over him, was making him nervous. Everything he'd been doing since Thawne was discovered... It would have greatly upset his mentor before. If he got just as upset now? Better to not confess anything.

"I've always cared," Thawne replied. "I was lying about who I was and where I came from. But I never lied about how I felt, about how I feel. About Barry or about you. And if these injuries are a pattern of behavior, which I suspect they are, I'm not going to just stand back and watch you self-destruct. I wouldn't do that for Barry. I'm not going to do it for you."

Cisco blinked at that. As much as he wanted to call Thawne a liar and throw his words back in his face, a large part of him wanted and needed to believe him. He reacted by answering snidely. "Well, since they're all from the last month, I guess they are a pattern. My new pattern..." His tone clearly implied the question of 'what are you going to do about it?' "You wouldn't have even known if Caitlin hadn't been worried enough to drag a promise out of me..." he added in a grumble.

"That's not true." Thawne's voice was calm, not raised, or angry. "I might have had to ask Barry to help, but I would have made sure I treated your wounds even if you did refuse to cooperate. I'm not going to let you walk around with untreated wounds. I wouldn't before and I won't now."

Cisco just stared at Thawne, looking into his eyes. Try as he might, he couldn't see a lie. Swallowing hard, he finally looked away. "The only part that hurts is my rib. But it really hurts..." he admitted quietly, extending a small olive branch. He paused before adding, "Before, you wouldn't just take care of my injuries...."

When Thawne was still Wells, he would have taken care of the injuries and then he would have taken care of the behavior and attitude. Cisco didn't know why he felt the need to remind the older man of that, even if the reminder was only a vague hint.

Thawne had been checking and treating every one of Cisco's visible wounds...but when the younger man mentioned his rib, Thawne immediately turned his attention to that injury...checking carefully to see if it was broken, or cracked, or bruised. "I would spank you," he said. "For putting yourself in danger. For giving me attitude for caring about you. And neither of those behaviors are acceptable even now. I might give you a bit of leeway, given what happened, but I'm not going to stand back and let you endanger yourself."

Cisco swallowed and shifted at the words, hissing softly as Thawne checked his rib. "Even now... Are you saying...?" he couldn't bring himself to ask if Thawne planned to spank him now; still cared about him now. It would hurt too much if he was misunderstanding.

"I'm saying that, as soon as I've finished treating your wounds, I'm going to put you over my knee and I'm going to spank you," Thawne said seriously. "You know not to put yourself in danger. And you know not to give me that kind of attitude when I'm taking care of you."

"And you expect me to just give in and accept that?" Cisco asked seriously. "Just obey you, after everything?" He wished he didn't sound happy and hopeful about that.

"You can try to fight me," Thawne said. "You can try to resist. You can give me attitude and tell me that I don't have that right anymore. But I'm not going to stand by and let you self-destruct. I didn't do that to Barry. And I won't do it to you."

"What if I do fight? What if I just decide to vibe on out of here?" Cisco dared his ex-mentor. his father-figure.

"You think I wouldn't come after you?" Thawne asked. "I can run as fast as Barry can. Even if you went somewhere, you thought I wouldn't be aware of, I'd still come after you."

Cisco blinked at that, an irrational urge to test that overcoming him. He pushed it down for the moment. "So, what's the verdict on my rib? And everything else?" He changed the subject.

"The rib doesn't feel broken. I think you sprained it. I'm going to strap it up and you'll need to make sure to rest." Thawne began to put action to words, carefully strapping up Cisco's ribs. "I've treated and bandaged the rest of your wounds. Most of those wouldn't have occurred if you weren't acting dangerously." He frowned.

"I was helping to rescue someone..." Cisco protested as he began to dress again. He conveniently ignored the fact that only one injury was from the rescue and all the others were because of dangerousness.

"That's not what caused all of those injuries. It's not even what caused most of them," Thawne said.

Cisco pouted. "Well, you weren't around to care. I didn't tell Caitlin cuz she was already worried about Barry... And it isn't none of your damn business anyway!" he declared, in a snide voice. Then promptly opened a portal, jumped through it, and closed it before Thawne had a chance to disagree.

Thawne sighed, not that surprised when Cisco vibed away. He had no intention of stepping back and leaving Cisco to his own devices.

Quickly stepping out of the building, Thawne went to find Barry. "Cisco just vibed. I'm going after him." He kept the explanation simple and to the point.

Barry blinked. "Okay. I'll move his bags into the bungalow closest to us. Unless you want to keep him closer... I think the couch in our living area unfolds out into a bed...."

"I think he should stay in our bungalow, at least for the time being," Thawne said, needing to keep Cisco close as much as he needed to keep Barry close. He quickly went to retrieve the inhibitor.

"Everyone is waiting for Flag to get back in the main building. I'll stay out of the bungalow until Cisco has been settled..." Barry offered. "If you want "

"Thank you. I'll be back soon," Thawne promised, before speeding away.

Barry grabbed Cisco's bag to take to their bungalow, then joined everyone else in the recreation room to wait for Flag.


Cisco hadn't given much thought before vibing away. If he had, he would have picked a place Thawne didn't know about, instead of Star Labs. It was what it was, unfortunately. He sighed and held a hand against his rib. He was sore and worn out and conflicted as hell. He didn't feel up to vibing again. If Thawne had actually been telling the truth and came after him, he wouldn't run again. He wasn't sure if he was hoping the older man did as he said or not, though.

Taking a chance that Cisco had gone somewhere more familiar, given that he was injured, Thawne ran to Star Labs. It took him only seconds to find Cisco...a sense of relief going through him when he saw the younger man. "Cisco...."

Cisco spun around at hearing Thawne. "You came after me..." He sounded relieved. He couldn't pretend to be upset when it was so obvious that he had wanted to be chased. And then the action of spinning caught up to him and he winced, whimpering, and holding his rib.

"I told you I would." At the evidence of the pain, Thawne moved quickly to Cisco's side, moving to check the rib he'd not long strapped up.

Cisco didn't shift away. He hurt enough, he was worried he'd aggravated the injury, and Thawne would help him. He was beginning to believe that now. "I wasn't sure..." he whispered.

"I thought it would be easier, to be the villain. To have you and Barry hate me. I accepted that would be the cost of my actions from the start." Thawne spoke as he carefully probed the rib, making sure Cisco hadn't hurt it worse. "Both of you have self-destructed. And I won't stand by and let that happen. You can hate me as much as you want, but I'm not going to stop keeping you safe."

"I... I don't hate you..." Cisco admitted. "That's what hurts so much. I don't hate you and I'm so angry and I love you and feel so guilty because... because..." He swallowed and closed his eyes. If he told Thawne how much he needed him, he may as well put himself over the older man's knee. He'd pretty much be saying he accepted Thawne's decision if he did that.

"I love you, Cisco," Thawne said quietly. "No matter what happened, or what was revealed, that has always been true. I know you've been hurt and I'm sorry for that. If I could have protected you from that pain, I would."

"I don't think I'll ever understand why you had to lie... Why you couldn't just tell the truth. I don't care anymore, though. I'm tired of being angry. I'm tired of pretending I'm not falling apart without you..." Cisco wiped at his eyes furtively.

Thawne stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Cisco, holding the younger man as tight as he could without hurting his wounds. "I'm not leaving you again," he whispered. "Never again."

Cisco tensed up briefly before just slumping into Thawne's arms. He began to cry softly. "I did everything I knew you'd disapprove of..." he admitted, in a small voice. "It was even worse than you've already guessed. I was so bad...."

"What else did you do?" Thawne asked softly, holding Cisco a bit tighter.

Cisco admitted to a lot of activities that Caitlin and Barry had no idea about. Some of it of questionable legality... a lot of it having the potential to leaving him stranded in a different universe. When he finally finished the very long list, he was quivering in Thawne's arms. If he'd admitted to even one such activity before, his mentor would have responded with a very painful, harsh spanking. Doing things that could kill him or permanently remove him from the life he had here was not allowed and he knew it. He didn't know if he hoped for leniency or for consistency.

Thawne didn't so much as loosen his hold on Cisco, holding the younger man tightly throughout the whole confession. When Cisco finished speaking, Thawne spoke in a low voice that was serious...nearly stern in its intensity. "I know you've been in emotional turmoil since everything fell apart. I know you've been hurting. But that is no excuse for pulling those dangerous stunts. Even without me there, you still had Barry and Caitlin. If something had happened to you, they would have been hurt." It would have affected him, too, even when he was trying to pretend otherwise.

Cisco's quick intake of breath and soft whine gave away that he hadn't thought of his friends while he was self-destructing. "No wonder Caity made me promise..." he whispered guiltily, choking back tears. He very noticeably wasn't struggling or trying to pull away from Thawne's tight grip, even though he knew Thawne planned to spank him. "I was a horrible friend...."

"Not a horrible friend," Thawne disagreed. "You were in a lot of emotional turmoil. But you were thoughtless, not horrible." He rubbed Cisco's back gently and said, "I think we should continue this back on the island. Once I've handled your behavior, it's really important that you rest."

"Yessir..." Cisco mumbled against Thawne's shoulder, still clinging. He wasn't going to argue against Thawne handling him. He felt too out of control and unsettled, in need of Thawne's control and help, to argue against something he knew he deserved.

"I want you to open a portal back to the island." Thawne could have sped them both back, of course, but he was worried about further aggravating Cisco's injuries. 

Cisco nodded, still holding onto Thawne. Hesitantly, reluctantly, he stepped far enough away to open the portal. He stepped through with his mentor, not wanting to get too far away. Now that he'd accepted Thawne was back in his life, he wasn't fighting anymore. Once they were back on the island, he let the portal close, then slumped tiredly.

Thawne still held Cisco close, guiding the younger man to the bungalow he was sharing with Barry. "I thought it would be better for you to stay with me and Barry until you're feeling a bit more settled," he said softly. "The sofa will extend out into a bed. 

Cisco snuggled and nodded. "Thank you..." he whispered, making it clear Thawne had been right in making that decision. "Is Barry with everyone else?" he asked nervously. He'd rather his best friend not hear him being punished, even if he knew it was happening.

Thawne nodded. "He knew that you left and that I was bringing you back here. He's in the main building with everyone else." He led Cisco into the bungalow, closing the door behind them, and then headed over to the sofa.

Cisco quietly followed. He snuggled again, saying in a tiny, subdued voice, 'I was really bad. It's gonna be hard, isn't it?'

"You were really naughty. Not 'bad'," Thawne corrected. "But yes. I'm afraid it is going to be hard. You did everything you knew you shouldn't and knew that I'd punish you for."

Cisco whimpered softly but didn't protest or argue. "I deserve it," he admitted, in a whisper.

Thawne brushed a kiss against Cisco's head and whispered, "I love you. And I'm here now. I'm not going to leave you again," he promised. Taking a seat on the sofa, he guided Cisco across his lap.

"Love you too, sir, so much..." Cisco reached down to grip Thawne's ankle, forcing himself to relax. He didn't want to strain his rib, and he didn't want to fight his mentor. He deserved to be punished, and he needed his father-figure to be consistent. Even if it hurt a great deal.

Thawne pulled a cushion over and carefully positioned it so that Cisco had some support for his injured rib. He rubbed Cisco's back for a few moments and then proceeded to tug his pants down, following those with his underwear 

Cisco sighed in relief as he was given support, a rush of affection for his disciplinarian going through him at the show of care. "Thank you, Sir..." he said quietly, his emotions already beginning to drop as he was made bare. It was difficult to remain obstinate and argumentative when he was over his mentor's knee, bare butt vulnerable to correction. Since he'd already lost a lot of the obstinance and argumentativeness, he was quickly sliding down toward a submissive dependence.

"I've got you," Thawne whispered, the words a promise, before he lifted his hand and brought it down in a firm smack that he then repeated. While he did hold back on using his full strength, the swats were harder than those he'd given Cisco in the past.

"I know..." Cisco said, in a tiny voice, before hissing at the first swat. He couldn't help but shift in response, his intentions to not fight or squirm immediately fleeing in the midst of the sharp pain. He wasn't sure how he was meant to take a full punishment when the first swat hurt worse than any swat he'd ever received in the past. He whimpered pathetically.

Thawne wrapped his arm around Cisco's waist, making sure the younger man was secure in place, and continued to swat firmly, covering every inch of Cisco's bottom from the crest down to mid-thigh, before he started over from the top.

By the end of the first circuit, only Thawne's firm grip was keeping Cisco still enough not to hurt his rib. His bottom was wriggling as he tried to shift away from the painful swats and he was already vocally crying, even if he hadn't yet begun begging for it to stop and promising to be good.

Delivering a punishment was never easy...and Thawne never got any enjoyment out of doing so, even when it was necessary. And it was necessary. Even if he might have been inclined to go easy on Cisco, it was obvious that the younger man needed consistency. If Thawne chose to be lenient, all that would do was hurt Cisco and have even more of a negative impact on their relationship.

Completing the second circuit of swats, Thawne began a third, starting over from the top again. That was when he began to speak. "You can't risk taking yourself away, Cisco. You can't put yourself in danger. Even if you thought I didn't care, you knew there was Caitlin and Barry. You knew it would hurt both of them to lose you. And it would have hurt me if you'd succeeded in taking yourself away. If you'd been killed." A hoarse note crept into his voice, betraying just how emotional he was feeling.

Being reminded that Caitlin and Barry could have been hurt by his actions; realizing that, despite everything, Thawne could have been hurt by his actions, tore down what little resistance Cisco had left. He slumped over Thawne's lap, submitting completely to the punishment, submitting completely to his father-figure. He sobbed brokenly; not because the spanking hurt so bad (although it did hurt very badly and would for a while after). He sobbed because, for the first time since Thawne's betrayal, the jagged hole in his heart was starting to mend. The fear and loss and anguish that had tormented him was being addressed and taken care of.

Despite himself, he believed everything Thawne was telling him. Maybe that made him a fool, but he couldn't help it. Thawne was too important to him to give up. "...Love you..." he whimpered out sadly between tears. "...Hurts so much and wanna be angry but love you... Need too much... Sorry... Don't wanna be bad... Wanna be good for you... Wanna be yours..." he choked out. Maybe Thawne didn't want him as a son anymore, especially after how he'd been behaving.

"I love you, son. I love you so much," Thawne whispered. "And you are mine. Nothing could ever change that. Nothing could ever change how I feel about you." He was still swatting, but had gentled the smacks a little, knowing that Cisco was sore enough that even light pats would be effective.

“...St... Still yours?" Cisco begged, in a tiny, scared voice. If Thawne was lying, he didn't have the ability to handle it. Not at this moment. He shifted minutely, offering his bottom for more punishment; in effect offering himself, if Thawne accepted. "I'll be good for you! Please...?"

"Still mine," Thawne replied...promised. "I'm not going to let you go. Not again. You're mine, Cisco. I need you." It obviously wasn't in the same way that Cisco needed him...but he still needed his son.

Cisco's crying subtly changed at the words. It wasn't the heartbroken, scared cries of loss. His tears were calm, accepting... Relieved.  "I'm sorry I was naughty and deliberately did what I wasn't supposed to..." he whispered, in a contrite tone. He noticeably didn't ask for the spanking to end. He knew how wrong he'd been, and he knew he deserved to not sit comfortably for however long his dad decided.

"I know you're sorry," Thawne said. "I know...and I forgive you. I love you, Cisco. I'm not going to let you put yourself in danger. Any repeat of this kind of behavior is going to end with you right back in this position," he promised.

"Y... Yessir..." Cisco sniffled and swallowed hard. He was so sore, even if he felt better emotionally. And it wasn't just his backside that was aching now that he'd calmed enough to pay attention. "...Hurts, Daddy..." he whispered. "Not just my bottom...."

Thawne carefully moved Cisco into his arms, settling his son on his lap and holding him tight, even as he asked softly, "Where else does it hurt?" He'd treated his son's physical wounds, but even though he'd been as careful as possible while punishing, he was aware that the strain could have pulled at Cisco's injuries.

"My rib is still sore, and I tensed up so much, the rest of me aches too..." Cisco admitted quietly, cuddling as close as he was able. "Don't think I was hurt... Just... Too much of everything..." he added on. Considering how he had gone into the mission with Barry, he wouldn't be surprised he had strained all his muscles. He tried to keep the whimpers of pain from his sore bottom to himself. He'd pretty much asked for that when deliberately putting himself at risk for no good reason.

Despite what his son said, Thawne still carefully looked over Cisco, checking the wounds he'd already bandaged...making sure none of them had been reopened. He only moved Cisco enough to check him over, still keeping him as close as possible.

Luckily, none of the wounds had reopened. Cisco didn't argue about being checked, though. He had his father back. Emotionally, he was incapable of arguing any more.

"None of them have been reopened," Thawne said quietly, rubbing his hand gently over Cisco's hair and back. "I'm going to check those wounds every day, though, until you're fully healed."

"Okay... Daddy..." Cisco looked up at Thawne, biting his lip uncertainly. Did the older man want him to call him that?

Thawne smiled at the form of address and brushed a kiss against his son's forehead. "Thank you, son," he whispered, his voice warmed through with affection.

Cisco gave a tiny smile and snuggled close to his father, relaxing in his arms. "Do we need to go meet everyone else?" he asked quietly.

"As soon as you're ready to, we can," Thawne said softly.

Cisco rubbed his eyes, then carefully stood, and slowly pulled his pants up with a whimper. "I think I'm ready, sir, if you are," he said, in a respectfully deferential voice. He waited for Thawne to lead him out, fully intending not to leave the older man's side at all.

Thawne stood up and wrapped his arms around Cisco, kissing the side of his head. He guided his son out of the bungalow, leading Cisco towards the main building.


The rest of the island's occupants were sat around the dining room table, eating snacks, getting to know Caitlin, and trying to keep Deadshot and Diablo calm until Rick returned when Cisco and Thawne entered the building.  Harley immediately stared at Cisco with a considering gaze before asking, "Are yous like Deadsy, Diablo and Little Boy? Or are yas different?"

"Different," Thawne said...although the differences weren't huge, there was the important distinction that he put voice to when he added, "This is my son, Cisco."

Caitlin quickly stood and moved over to her best friend, looking over him anxiously. "How are you feeling?"

"Better than I have for months..." Cisco said honestly, even though he knew she meant physically.

Barry smiled, happy for both men.

"Good," Caitlin said empathically. "What about your physical wounds?" she asked.

"They've all been treated," Thawne said. "And he's going to have plenty of time to rest and recover."

Harley was smiling sweetly. "I'ms happy for ya..." she said quietly. Just then, a helicopter could be heard approaching. "Ricky's back!" She clapped her hands and squealed. "C'mon, Dig. Lez go get sandwiches for everyone. Lil Boy will be hungry and Deadsy and Diablo prolly hafta spanks him for being naughty dangerous the ways they's acting...." She pulled Digger into the kitchen to make food.

Floyd hesitated only a second before he was standing and heading outside, to meet the helicopter. If Waller had decided to come with Flag, he needed to know so that he could warn those who weren't technically supposed to be there. And if it was Flag on his own, Floyd needed to take control of his wayward mate immediately.

Barry looked toward Diablo since Floyd had left so abruptly. "Do we need to hide? You don't think Waller came too?"

GQ looked nervous and ready to bolt if he got the signal.

"If she's here, Floyd will send the signal." Diablo held up his phone. "There's a back door." They'd made sure one was in place after rescuing GQ. He quickly pointed it out.

Everyone waited nervously for Floyd to either signal 'bug out' or 'all clear'.

"It's clear," Diablo finally announced, after what seemed like an eternity, having received the notification on his phone.

Barry visibly relaxed.

GQ turned and hid his face against Croc's chest.

Harley came in and looked around. "Why da fuck is everyones looking like Waller showed up? Waller didn't show up, did she?!" She looked toward the door nervously.

Croc wrapped his arms around GQ and cuddled his mate tightly. "You're safe," he whispered. "I got you..."

"Floyd went to make sure," Diablo said to Harley.


The helicopter had taken off and Floyd turned to Flag, not even making a token effort to hide his concern. "Did you get any of those wounds treated?" He was fairly sure he knew the answer, but he asked anyway.

'No, sir... By the time Waller finished debriefing me, all I wanted was to come home," Rock said honestly. He paused before saying ruefully. "I know I'm in trouble. Can I get something to eat before you handle me, though? Haven't eaten since breakfast early this mornin'..."

"As long as there are no injuries that need immediate attention." Floyd was clearly expecting Rick to be honest with him.

Rick sighed and looked down. "I don't think any of my injuries are serious... But you'll probably want to look at them yourself to make sure. I'm so tired, I might not realize something is serious..." he reluctantly admitted.

"Harley started making sandwiches," Floyd said. "We can collect the food and me and Diablo can take you into the first aid room to check you over. Or we join the others, but you'll still be checked over." Considering he'd spanked Rick in front of the Squad before, the suggestions were seriously meant. None of them would care if Rick was naked in front of them, even if his mate might.

"I...' Rick paused uncertainly. While he really had no modesty to speak of any longer, especially in front of the squad, they had new people living with them now, who might mind. "Is it wrong of me to ask you to decide?" he finally asked wearily.

"No. It's not wrong." Floyd placed a hand on Rick's shoulder and guided his mate into the main building.

Diablo quickly stood to walk over to Rick. "How are you feeling?" His own worry was just as obvious as Floyd's.

"Tired... Hungry... And numb enough I can't tell you if I'm seriously wounded or not..." Rick was completely honest.

Harley frowned. "Is the sandwich enough? Should I make soup to go with it? Do you want some fruit?" She got up to head into the kitchen. She was looking at Floyd, though, obviously expecting him to answer.

Floyd nodded. "He's not eaten since breakfast, so he needs something more substantial." He began to strip Rick of his clothing, even as Diablo retrieved the first aid kit.

Harley nodded, quickly going into the kitchen, and beginning to make a heavier meal.

Barry blinked at Floyd taking care of Rick in front of everyone else. He didn't say anything, though, as it appeared to be a normal occurrence. None of the rest of the squad were protesting or acting like it was unusual anyway,

As soon as Rick was naked, both Floyd and Diablo began checking and treating the wounds on his body.

Cisco decided cuddling with his father would be a good alternative to staring at Rick being treated.

GQ frowned as he saw all the wounds. "What did you do? Run straight at the guns instead of trying to avoid them?!”

"That's a really good question," Floyd muttered, his worry for Rick making him sound irritated.

"What?! No!!" Rick sounded equal parts offended, sheepish, and guilty. It was obvious that even if he didn't run directly at them, he hadn't tried to avoid them either.

"You didn't try to avoid them, though," Diablo said quietly.

Rick looked at the ground. "I was a little focused on other things..." he said lamely, knowing it wasn't a good excuse.

"You know that's not a good enough excuse. Or a reason," Floyd said, as he and Diablo continued treating and bandaging their mate's wounds. Fortunately, Rick had been right and there was nothing serious enough to require them contacting the doctor.

"I know." Rick sighed. "I just... I wanted the damn mission over with. Waller was driving me up the wall and I missed both of you..." he whined.

"We missed you too," Diablo said softly. "But taking chances like that could have resulted in you being killed. In us losing you. And that isn't acceptable."

"I... I'm sorry. I should have done better," Rick admitted softly.

By this point, Harley had brought out soup, a fruit and cheese tray, and left over pasta from the day before. Rick’s stomach growled loudly.

Since their mate's wounds were all treated, Floyd gently pushed Rick into one of the seats. "Eat. Then we'll talk," he said.

"Can we get the talk out of the way first?" Rick asked hesitantly. "As hungry as I am, I don't think it will stay down, knowing... I upset you."

"You need to eat something, love," Diablo said softly, stroking Rick's hair.

"Yessir," Rick said softly as he reluctantly shifted, looking at the door to the first-aid room. "Can I get dressed to eat? Or get a blanket?"

Floyd quickly went to retrieve a blanket. Returning, he carefully wrapped it around Rick...figuring there was no point in the other man getting dressed yet, as he would be punished after they'd eaten. Floyd then took the seat on the other side of Rick.

"Thank you," Rick said, in a subdued voice. He glanced around the room; every single island resident was there, including the guests. "Can I assume we are getting two more joining us and not just Eobard and Barry?" he asked, as he began to serve himself food.

Harley poured Rick a drink and put it in front of him, obviously not affected by the fact he was eating naked, wrapped up in a blanket.

Barry fidgeted uncertainly but didn't say anything. This apparently was a common, or at least accepted occurrence.

Cisco looked at Thawne and nodded at Rick. "Yeah. Caity and I plan to move here too. If that's okay with everyone, anyway."

"We actually talked about it before you came here," Floyd said. "Not for entirely unselfish reasons. Barry said you both are scientists and... well, GQ, who you can see with Croc, had some experiments done on him, the results of which are causing him and his mate a lot of stress and worry. And that's carrying to the rest of us, too." He placed a hand on Rick's shoulder, squeezing gently. "We were hoping that you might be able to provide some answers or help in case some of the bad effects of DNA splicing come out."

"Of course." Caitlin had kept her eyes carefully averted while Rick was being handled. Now that he was covered, even if it was just by a blanket, she reached out to serve herself some food. "After we've eaten, why don't you give me and Cisco all the notes and research you've got already, and we'll see what we can add to it?" she suggested.

GQ straightened at that, looking relieved that they'd have some more help in figuring out what was going on with him. "Yeah. I can get that for you as soon as everyone's eaten. From what little we've been able to figure out, they were trying to make me have Croc's abilities without being like Croc. But whatever they did has made me different in other ways as well, and it's the unknown that's scary..." he admitted.

Cisco nodded. "Yeah. I was really scared about my abilities when I first got them. Once I knew more, it was less scary.  I'm not really a biological scientist like Caity, but I can do anything tech related that will help you figure out what is going on."

"If you can give me blood samples, too, so I can run my own tests, that would be helpful." Caitlin was already thinking...taking mental notes in lieu of having a pad and paper, or a tablet, immediately to hand.

GQ nodded. "Yeah. I could give it to you after breakfast tomorrow. You should take tonight to settle in. Make lists of what you might need to have shipped in."

Rick was steadily eating, which went a long way to calming everyone down. He knew it didn't mean he was out of trouble, but at least his family weren't scared anymore.

Caitlin nodded. "I'll do that," she agreed. She cast a glance at Cisco, making sure he was eating as well. Even though Thawne had her best friend, she'd been worried about him for a long time.

The room was quiet except for inconsequential chit chat for the next thirty minutes as everyone ate. Soon, they were finished, though and everyone was chipping in to clean up. Rick sat quietly as everyone moved around him, letting his food settle, and preparing himself mentally for what he knew was going to happen, in front of everyone as soon as they had finished. He could have asked to be taken back to the bungalow, but Floyd had decided it would be public and Rick knew he'd worried everyone, not just his lovers. So, he didn't ask.

Once cleanup had finished, Floyd helped Rick to stand, squeezing his mate's shoulder, and pulled the chair out from the table, taking a seat and guiding Rick into position across his lap.

Diablo shifted enough that he could easily reach out and gently grasp Rick's hands, squeezing them gently.

Barry winced, seeing Rick positioned. He felt like an intruder, a voyeur, watching. But everyone else, at least those who had lived on the island before he arrived, acted as if it was normal and acceptable to watch. He didn't fully understand why it was necessary, but he also didn't feel it was his place to ask questions. Biting his lip, he glanced toward the door, wondering if he could slip out without causing a problem.

Cisco wasn't any more comfortable than Barry, although his discomfort was because he'd been spanked for pretty much doing the exact same thing as Flag not more than an hour before. If public punishment was a thing, his dad might decide to be public with any future punishments if he didn't learn his lesson this time.

GQ noticed Barry glancing toward the door. "You don't need to leave," he said quietly. "They are doing this in front of everyone because everyone was worried about Rick and would have been devastated at his loss. And he knows better. Having everyone present reminds him that what he does affects everyone; and lets everyone see that he has been taken care of."

Floyd rubbed Rick's back gently for a few moments and then moved the blanket enough to bare Rick's backside. He then lifted his hand and brought it down in a firm smack that he then repeated.

Thawne wrapped his arm a bit more firmly around Cisco's waist and reached out to gently grasp Barry's hand, pulling his mate in closer. "I think maybe it's good that things aren't hidden here or kept secret."

Cisco snuggled close, unable to look away but wishing he didn't have to see.

Barry swallowed and nodded as he watched Floyd begin spanking.

Rick's quick intake of breath was the only indication he gave that the smack hurt, at first. He shifted minutely as Floyd continued smacking and whimpered softly. His mate wasn't going easy on him, and he knew his backside would be ruby red and he'd be sobbing before it was all said and done.

Thawne kept a careful watch over both his son and his mate, making sure they were both comfortable.

Floyd settled quickly into a pattern of swats, working his way over every inch of his mate's bottom, from the crest down to mid-thigh, before starting over from the top.

By the end of the first circuit, Flag was shifting after every swat and hissing. He was also tensing up and hiding his face from view. GQ knew it was because his brother was already crying and ashamed of the fact he was crying. He didn't say anything, though. He would if it felt necessary, but Rick's discipline was Floyd and Diablo's to administer and he didn't want to interfere, even if he was a witness.

Cisco winced as he saw Rick's bottom changing color from pale to a darker pink than he'd expected for a first circuit. It was obvious Rick wasn't receiving any leniency.

Diablo gently squeezed Rick's hands and leaned forward, kissing his head. "You don't need to hide," he whispered. "There is nothing to be ashamed of."

Partway through the second circuit, Floyd began to speak. "You don't need me to remind you how unacceptable your actions were. You could have taken yourself away from us, and that is not okay. That will never be okay," he sternly.

Rick squeezed Diablo's hands back, gripping tightly. It wasn't until Floyd spoke that he stopped trying to hide, though. Floyd's words sunk into him, making the guilt he'd felt bubble up. "No, sir... Not acceptable..." he whimpered out, before the first sob escaped. And then he was crying hard, not trying to hide at all. He began to wriggle helplessly over Floyd's lap, sobbing out his remorse.

Cisco hid his face against Thawne's shoulder, unable to look any more when the highly capable, brave, and strong soldier broke for his lover.

Barry winced as the dark pink of Flag's bottom turned red... And continued to darken. It was obviously going to be very painful. Having been spanked harshly himself, he knew the pain would only be secondary to the emotional drop that would most likely occur due to Flag relying completely on Floyd and Diablo. He hoped that Flag wouldn't be called on any other missions for at least the next week. He'd need to recover.

"There is never going to be a good enough reason to put yourself in that kind of danger," Floyd said, beginning a third circuit of swats and going a fraction harder and faster. "No matter what happens. You belong to me, and you belong to Diablo. You belong to both of your masters. And you have no right to risk taking yourself away from us."

"No, sir... No right... So... So sorry... Knew better... Should... Shouldn't have done it... I'm sorry, master..." Rick finally slumped, going boneless over Floyd's knee, giving up completely.

At seeing Rick give up, Harley quietly stood and went into the first-aid room, returning a few moments later with a bottle of aloe gel and an ice-pack. She handed the items to Diablo so that he could use them as soon as Floyd had determined the punishment was over. This was the harshest spanking she'd witnessed Flag receiving... But then again, this was not the first time he'd been admonished for taking chances with his life.

Barry swallowed at Rick breaking completely. The other man's backside looked angry... Almost raw. But the way Rick was pushing his bottom up toward Floyd's hand, it was obvious he still felt guilty and thought he deserved more. He couldn't hold it against the older man; he'd felt the same when his lover had taken him in hand. He still did feel a little guilty, sometimes.

Diablo took the items with one hand, while his other still held one of Rick's, squeezing the other man's hand gently.

Rick wasn't in charge of when he received a spanking...but he also wasn't in charge of when a spanking was over. Floyd delivered one last smack and then stopped, carefully shifting Rick enough so that both he and Diablo could begin using the ice pack and aloe gel on their mate's backside.

Thawne gently squeezed around Barry's waist, even while he was holding onto Cisco. The affection was close to possessive for both his son and his lover.

Rick continued to repeat his apologies even as Floyd shifted him to take care of him. He didn't fight or argue or try to pull away from the care. Even if he still felt guilty and thought he deserved worse, it was Floyd's decision, and he would obey. He couldn't stop crying, though it wasn't as hard as while the spanking was occurring.

"Maybe you can stay home for a bit. We can tells Waller you was injured more'n you admitted. Get you a break..." Harley offered out to the universe in case someone liked the idea and wanted to make it happen.

"The doctor's supposed to come to the island soon. She can sign him off from active duty," Katana said softly.

Floyd nodded his agreement, even as he and Diablo continued to treat Rick's bruised, raw bottom.

"You all make those decisions for him?" Cisco asked quietly. "I thought he was in charge ...."

"We're his Doms," Floyd said. "Waller needs to believe that he's in charge...in control. If she had any inkling that Rick submits to us, that he's our submissive, she'll either try to turn it to her advantage, or separate us in some way." And he knew Rick wouldn't survive that.

Cisco nodded at that. "Are there any other things we need to keep from Waller, or that she has been led to believe that aren't really true? So, I can make sure not to do anything that would get her to question?"

"She doesn't know that GQ is here," Croc said. "She may suspect, but suspecting is different than knowing."

"And she obviously doesn't know that the four of us are here..." Barry added. "So hopefully, we never have to meet up with her anywhere else where she can question us enough that we have to worry about what we say...."

Cisco nodded. "I'd be much happier if I never have to meet her. Oliver certainly never cared for her... Although I think there was history there, he wasn't admitting to."

Flag had finally calmed down enough where he wasn't crying any longer. He lay over Floyd's lap, shivering slightly, his bottom pained even with Floyd providing ointment. He stayed limp, not wanting to move until his master indicated he should.

"That doesn't surprise me. Waller would try to use anyone she possibly could." Noticing that Flag was calming, Floyd carefully situated his mate so that he was nestled between him and Diablo, adjusting the blanket so that his bottom was covered and no longer exposed.

Flag clung to both his lovers, snuggling close, his eyes half-mast due to weariness. It had been a very long few days with little sleep and meals only caught on the run.  The high emotion from his punishment was just too much and he was losing his fight to stay awake.

"So... Tomorrow the doctor gets here?" Cisco asked. "Will we need to have her check out our wounds again? Even though they were taken care of?"

GQ snorted, "Prolly a good idea for all newbies to get checked even if they weren't wounded. Gives her a baseline to work with if something happens later. Especially since we're keeping ourselves secret from Waller, so she probably won't want to go getting files from your old doctors. Since that would be a risk of Waller noticing and asking questions."

Floyd nodded his agreement with GQ. "It's a good idea. That way, if you are injured worse, there's more help available." He noticed that Rick was nearly falling asleep and stood up, carefully supporting his mate's weight. "I think it's time we got our little boy to bed."

Diablo moved to help Floyd support their mate, wrapping his own arms around Flag to keep him steady.

"...Nigh'..." Rick mumbled to everyone in the room, leaning heaving on Floyd and Diablo. He didn't bother looking for his clothing or even his shoes. He'd get them in the morning from wherever Floyd had put them.

"Night, Little Boy... Deadsy... Diablo..." Harley said with a fond tone and gave a little wave.  "I think I's gonna go to bed too. Night everyone else!"

GQ smiled faintly. "Bed does sound good. We can answer more questions tomorrow. I'm sure you'll have some..." he said to Caitlin and Cisco.

Caitlin nodded, covering a yawn with her hand. "Bed sounds like a good idea," she agreed, standing up. "I'll head to my bungalow...night all."

Thawne stood, wrapping an arm around Cisco's shoulders and holding a hand out to Barry. "I think we should follow suit."

Barry took Thawne's hand, letting his lover lead him out. Cisco snuggled close as he went back to Thawne's bungalow with him. He'd move into the bungalow next door eventually, but he didn't want to leave his father just yet.

GQ wrapped his arms and legs around Croc and nuzzled his mate's neck before whispering naughty suggestions into his mate's ear.

Responding to the suggestions, Croc stood up and lifted GQ into his arms, putting his mate over his shoulder.

GQ laughed happily as his mate carried him to their bungalow.

Digger stood and watched everyone go, shaking his head in amusement before giving Katana a good night and heading to his own dwelling.

The End