Chapter One: A Costly Mistake

Summary: Follows Because I Love You. Sejanus decides that he can't let the eleventh Hunger Games go ahead, so he chooses to sneak into the Capitol alone, since no one in District 13 will help him put a stop to it. Unfortunately, he draws the attention of the wrong person....
Warning(s): Spanking (just two swats); violence; AU; spoilers for The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes; violence
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow/Lucy Gray Baird/Sejanus Plinth
Author's Note: It's been a while since I wrote anything more than a oneshot on my own, but this plot kitten has its claws hooked in me, goes! I currently only have three chapters planned, but be warned: it is going to be dark


Sejanus woke up in a tangle of limbs with Coriolanus and Lucy Gray. They had no heating in the hut, not like Sejanus' home in the Capitol, but when he was curled up with the other two, he found he didn't need any extra heating. Their body warmth was more than enough.

Sejanus carefully extricated himself from the others, climbing off the sleeping mat and pulling on his clothing. He slipped his boots on, wincing as his little toe slipped into one of the holes at the bottom. He was going to have to find new boots from somewhere...or get one of the people here in District 13 to make them for him.

As he walked outside the hut, squinting in the bright sunlight, Sejanus found his attention drawn to a group of people who were huddled together. Frowning, he moved over to them...close enough to overhear what they were saying without drawing attention to himself.

"The next twenty-four tributes are on their way to the Capitol." The speaker was the closest they had to a leader here in District 13. Se was a tall woman a bit older than Sejanus' mother, with a long, jagged scar that ran from hairline to jaw, marring her right eye. Her hair was thick and red, pulled back from her face with a simple piece of rope. Her clothes were patchy and badly stitched; the fabric didn't quite match where they'd been mended. Her last name was Cutter; no one knew what her first name was, or even if she had one.

"Are they going to be broadcasting the games live here as well?" It was the weapons master who spoke. Tall and thin, Drey was the oldest person in District 13. His voice was raspy and hoarse, and his face was thin and narrow. His hair was white and shaved close to his head.

"Of course they will," Cutter answered. "The last Hunger Games, they broadcast them everywhere. The Capitol uses what works for them. And the publicity of the last set of games worked." She shook her head. "They're even using mentors again...although not students from the Academy."

Sejanus narrowed his eyes and took a step forward.

A hand came to rest on his shoulder and Coriolanus' voice whispered in his ear, "Step away from them and come with me."

Sejanus shifted slightly and tried to jerk his shoulder free of the touch. "We have to stop this!" he insisted. "The games can't continue! You know that!"

Coriolanus didn't respond with words. Instead, his hand collided with Sejanus' backside in a smack that was loud enough to carry to the ears of the group.

Sejanus winced and forced himself not to reach back to rub the stinging spot. "Coriolanus, I can't just ignore it," he whispered.

"Are you going to storm the Capitol on your own?" Coriolanus pulled Sejanus round to face him and rested his hands on his shoulders. "Do you think you can win against them? Against Doctor Gaul? She'll chew you up and spit you out. She'll kill you. I'm not going to let that happen. Do you understand me?"

Sejanus swallowed hard, his eyes darting to Coriolanus' face before he had to look away again. He scuffed his foot along the ground, unable to help feeling like a child who was being scolded. "But...."

Coriolanus turned him slightly to the side and delivered another firm smack to his bottom. "I said, do you understand me?"

Sejanus sighed. If he pushed back, he knew Coriolanus wouldn't hesitate to give him a full-blown spanking...and probably right outside, where anyone from District 13 would be able to see. "Can't we talk about this?" he whispered instead.

"We've talked about it. We've talked about it multiple times. I'm not going to talk about it anymore," Coriolanus said. "This is your last warning, Sejanus." Leaning in close, he whispered, "Unless you want me to put you over my knee out here, where anyone can see, I'd suggest you let me take you back into the hut."

Sighing quietly, his shoulders slumping, Sejanus nodded.

"Good choice." Coriolanus slid his hands down Sejanus' arms and took his hand. Holding it firmly, he began to lead Sejanus back into the hut.

Lucy Gray was already awake, sitting on the edge of the sleeping mat. When Sejanus was led in by Coriolanus, she patted the mattress next to her. "Come sit down, love," she invited.

Sejanus slowly walked over and sat down next to Lucy Gray. He looked from her to Coriolanus and back again. "I was just going to..." he began.

Lucy Gray held up her hand to stop him. "You weren't, though. It wasn't a 'just going to', because you wouldn't have been able to let it go after you found out what you needed to."

Sejanus shook his head. "How can you be okay with others going through the same thing you did?" he muttered.

"I'm not okay with it, Sejanus." She reached out and took his hand, squeezing gently. "But we can't fight back against the Capitol. You know that our numbers aren't enough to launch an attack on the Capitol. There aren't enough of us to save the tributes. It's horrible and it's awful...but there is no way of saving them. Not without getting everyone here killed or captured."

Coriolanus sat down on the other side of Sejanus and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his shoulder. "We've both had Peacekeeper training. But we'd be facing a whole army who has similar training. I'll do anything to protect you, Sejanus...but I can't fight a whole army for you." He whispered the words into Sejanus' shoulder, then bit the skin.

Sejanus shuddered, whimpering softly as he felt the sharpness of teeth. That, paired with the gentleness of Lucy Gray's hand in his, was enough to cause him to drop slightly...becoming dependent on the two people who held his heart. "I'm sorry." He said the words because he knew they were expected; not because he felt guilty.

Lucy Gray let go of his hand and reached up to cup his face, then leaned in and kissed him, pressing her body against his. He could feel Coriolanus on his other side, hand sliding up under his shirt, and he whimpered softly as he slipped further, putting himself entirely into their hands.


When he woke up again, it was dark. His body ached...although it wasn't pain, and he welcomed the discomfort, because the marks were proof of who he belonged to.

Once more, Sejanus was in the middle of them both. One of Lucy Gray's hands was curled against his chest; Coriolanus' arm was snaked around his waist, the action domineering even while he slept. They were both asleep, their faces peaceful and composed...content. 

Sejanus wished he could feel that contented and peaceful.

Slowly, as he had earlier, he extricated himself from the hold of his lovers. It was dark in the hut, but he remembered the layout...and he remembered where every item of clothing had landed when it had been removed. He pulled the clothing into place, his fingers clumsy as he tried to go as quickly as possible...not wanting to risk either of them waking up.

He couldn't just stand back and watch as another group of children were sent to their deaths.

After dressing, Sejanus paused...lingering in the doorway of the hut. He cast a glance back, imagining he could see the sleeping forms of his lovers. Coriolanus' promise rang in his ears.

If I have to punish you again, I'll be cutting a switch and the punishment will be outside, where anyone will be able to see it.

It was a promise Sejanus knew Coriolanus meant. It was a warning he knew he should heed. But he couldn't stay back and do nothing. Even if all he did was get a message to his parents...try to save would be enough. He could do that without drawing any attention to himself. That was all he had to do.

"I'm sorry." Sejanus whispered the words like a confession. Then, taking a deep breath, he stepped out of the hut...and began to walk out of District 13.


Hitching a ride on the train carrying the tributes had been startlingly easy. The Peacekeepers on duty weren't keeping much of a watch, too busy tormenting the children they were transporting. And Sejanus was good at being sneaky. The train went slowly enough that he could clamber onto the back...and then it was just a matter of holding on as it travelled to the Capitol.

Of course, by the time the train reached the station there, Sejanus had been awake for far too long. His body was trembling with exhaustion...and he nearly fell when he slipped off the side.

His arm was grabbed by one of the Peacekeeper soldiers who hadn't spotted him climbing onto the train. The grip was hard and tight, almost impossible to break free of, and the Peacekeeper dragged Sejanus into the light. "Hey!" The man's voice sounded startled, his eyes wide and huge. "You're Sejanus Plinth!"

There was chaos all around them. Some of the tributes were trying to fight back against the Peacekeepers. Others were just staring wild-eyed. And one or two of the younger ones had collapsed onto the ground, crying for their parents.

The sight turned Sejanus' stomach and he did something he'd never done before in his life. He balled his hand into a fist and he dove it towards the Peacekeeper's face.

His fist connected with the man's nose and Sejanus heard the crack of bone breaking. Blood gushed down the Peacekeeper's face and he immediately let go of Sejanus to clasp his hand to his nose, cursing bitterly.

Sejanus darted away quickly, heart pounding. This was a problem he hadn't forseen. How many more people were going to recognise him? As he headed away from the station, moving into the main streets, Coriolanus' warnings about Doctor Gaul swam in his mind.

But she wouldn't be here...would she? She was more focused on her work in the labs and making sure whatever she came up with would cause her victims the most torment.

Still. He needed to be careful. That meant he needed to avoid the main areas...and anyone who might possibly recognise him.

As that thought occurred to him, Sejanus moved away from the main streets. He kept his head lowered, not sure if there would be any cameras likely to pick up his face.

This was probably the worst possible time to be thinking about how he should have listened to Coriolanus' warnings.

Luckily, Sejanus was familiar enough with the back streets of the Capitol that he knew which ones to take to get to his family home. There were other Capitol citizens hurrying along the streets, but no one was looking at him.

Of course, he didn't know what he was going to do...other than get a message to his parents and try to persuade them to use their influence. He hadn't thought past trying to get into the Capitol...but he was only one person. And while getting in had been relatively easy, he was starting to realise that he couldn't do anything to save the tributes. Not alone.

He should have stayed back in District 13.

Sejanus slowed his steps as that thought hit him. He couldn't go back now, not without at least trying to do something. If he did that, he'd be walking back to a severe punishment. It would be deserved, but then he would have disobeyed Coriolanus...he would have hurt the man he loved...for nothing. He had to at least try...but his steps were faltering, and the drive that had brought him to the Capitol was fading away.

And there were footsteps behind him.

Sejanus held his breath as he heard the sound of heavy footfalls...of harsh, raspy breathing. This was one of the problems in moving off the main streets. There were a lot of people in the Capitol who were still living in poverty...who were willing to turn on others to get food, or water...or even morphling. He should have expected it, really, that a potential threat might not just come from Doctor Gaul.

And to make matters worse, the only weapon he'd thought to bring with him was a small hunting knife. No gun. He could fight in hand to hand combat, but a long-range weapon would have given him more of an advantage.

Sliding his hand underneath his shirt, Sejanus gripped the hilt of the knife, prepared to draw it from its sheath.

Movement drew his attention to what was in front of him as a Peacekeeper stepped out of the shadows, blocking the road that would have taken him to his parents' house.

"Sejanus Plinth." The Peacekeeper reached for him. "Come along peacefully, or we will use force."

Immediately, Sejanus drew his knife free and slashed out at the Peacekeeper's arm. There was a tear in the clothing and a flash of crimson blood, but Sejanus was turning before the man could react.

He ran into another Peacekeeper who was behind him. Before he could react...before he could use his knife or his fists...the Peacekeeper dove his own fist towards Sejanus' face.

His whole world went dark.


When Sejanus regained consciousness, the first thing he noticed was the fact that his head was throbbing painfully. The second thing...and far more worrying...was the fact that he couldn't see.

A wave of panic flooded through Sejanus, and he had to force himself to breathe in slow and deep, to keep the sense of panic from overwhelming him and causing him to hyperventilate.

His face throbbed from where the Peacekeeper had punched him, but that seemed to be the only injury he had. Still, along with the fact that he was apparently blindfolded, he was also bound fast, his hands twisted painfully behind the hard surface he was laying on.

"There's no use pretending to be unconscious, Sejanus Plinth. I have your vitals monitored. I know the moment you regained consciousness."

Swallowing hard, Sejanus turned his head in the direction of Doctor Gaul's voice. He couldn't see her, but it sounded like her voice was coming from his left. "Why do you have me tied up?" He forced himself not to allow even a hint of the panic he felt to come through in his voice. She might have her suspicions about him, but she couldn't know anything for sure. If she had, District 13 would have already fallen. With that thought making him slightly braver, he continued, "I didn't realise coming back to the Capitol to see my parents was a crime worthy of imprisonment."

"You attacked two Peacekeepers." Her voice carried no inflection. She might as well have been discussing the weather, for the lack of emotion coming through in her voice.

"One of them grabbed me. The other one blocked my route to my parents' house." He tried to shrug, but he was tied too tight for even that small amount of give. "My training took over and I reacted. Really, they should have known better than to come after a fellow Peacekeeper."

"You're not a very good liar, Sejanus. I know you sneaked into the Capitol to try and sabotage the games." Her voice sounded very close to his ear as she whispered, "I also know that no one knows where you are."

She didn't know, then. Not about Coriolanus. Not about District 13. She thought he was working alone. There was still the bitter taste of fear in his mouth, but he could be certain of one thing: Coriolanus would come for him. He belonged to Coriolanus Snow. All he had to do was hold out until Coriolanus came for him.

He couldn't let her suspect anything, though. She had to believe that no one was coming for him, because otherwise, she'd set a trap. And she was just crazy enough not to care who she killed.

"I told you,” he said. "I'm only here to see my parents. I don't agree with the Hunger Games, it's true. But I'm only one person. It's not like I have any power to stop the games alone."

"You can't," she agreed. "Of course, that wouldn't have stopped you from causing dissent. Perhaps if enough people listen to you, they'd demand a stop to the games." Her voice got further away as she continued, "Fortunately, you've arrived at just the right moment. I've been looking for a live test subject for a new serum I've developed."

"Serum?" His whole body tensed as the bitter taste of fear and panic filled him once more.

"Yes." Once again, her voice was close to his ear. Too close. "I've been looking for someone to test this out on." As she was talking, he felt something sharp prick at his neck. "I've tested this on animals...but it's not the same as humans. And since no one knows you're here...and no one will miss you...."

He began to struggle, fighting to get free of the ropes that held him fast.

She tutted softly. "Hold still, Sejanus. I don't want to pierce an artery or vein."

He ignored her, thrashing around as he tried to get his neck away from the syringe he knew she was holding there. But she knew what she was doing...and he felt her hand grip him in an iron hold as a freezing cold liquid plunged into his neck.

"You should be happy, Sejanus." Her voice seemed to come from very far away as the sharp needle was removed from his neck. "I'm going to give you a front row seat to the games...of course, your mind won't belong to you anymore...."

Her voice faded away into the darkness that consumed him.