Christmas Day

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


Venom had kept his word and allowed Eddie to sleep. Charles hadn't woken him except once: to eat a good dinner, where he ate more than normal, even if Venom didn't fully show himself; and then he'd gone back to sleep. When he finally woken up the next day, Christmas, it was to the sounds of squeals of excitement and laughter of the children. He got up and dressed, though he waited for Charles to lead the way out.

"Everyone has decided to open gifts first and then breakfast!" Scott called out to the two men, as he walked to the park with Rhodey.

Cassie and Lyja were walking just behind the two men. "Venom should come out during gift giving so he can see and experience everything better!" Cassie suggested quietly; not wanting to push, but wanting to make sure the symbiote knew he was welcome to join in the fun.

"If he feels comfortable enough to do so, I'm sure all of us will be happy to see him." Xavier wrapped his arm around Eddie's waist and hugged his mate close.

Lyja smiled and gently hugged her own mate. "I hope he does decide to come out, since he has a fair amount of gifts under the tree as well," she said.

Venom peeked out at that. "There are gifts for me?!"

Eddie chuckled softly. "Of course there are. You're part of this huge, wild family too, ya big goofball...."

Just then, Nathaniel ran up, several of the other compound's children with him. "He really does exist!" one of the girls exclaimed. "Hi! I'm Chrissy...."

The children surrounded Eddie, Charles and Venom as everyone went into the park.

Tony was watching from a distance and smiled, snorting softly. "Looks like everyone is finally assimilating."

"Just in time for Christmas, too." Pepper wrapped her arms around Tony and kissed his shoulder, then held a hand out to Mordo and smiled. "Are you ready to celebrate Christmas?"

"I am." Mordo reached out and took her hand.

Tony grinned and led his small family to one side of the tree. Glancing around, he could see everyone in the compound gathered in small groups around the present-laden tree. He couldn't help but laugh happily as he saw Grant and Frank, dressed as elves... Santa's helpers, come skipping into the room. The children began to squeal.

Smiling and giving Peter a conspiratorial wink, Stephen made a small motion with his hand and 'snow' began to gently fall from the ceiling.

Friday began to play Christmas music.

The children began laughing and playing happily in the 'snow' as it fell. When they finally began to settle down, people began to hand out gifts to their friends and family members.

After all the gifts had been handed out, Frank and Grant snuggled against 'Santa', watching the members of the compound relax and enjoy bring together. It was good to see everyone focus on good instead of the constant fear that Ultimus caused. "I think the kids want to play games after breakfast," Frank whispered to his mate. He let go of Steve and Grant long enough to help one of the children they had 'adopted' put batteries into one of their new toys. He then wrapped his arms around the larger man again, snuggling close. "Want to stay here for a few more minutes, then go make pancakes?"

Steve smiled and turned his head slightly to kiss Frank. "That sounds more than good to me," he agreed.

By the time Steve and his mates went to the kitchen to begin breakfast, others were ready to help them. The compound worked together, either getting food together or helping with cleanup or babysitting duties. Breakfast was as relaxed and peaceful as they could make it. There was a feeling of hope and happiness

The rest of Christmas was filled with games and activities to keep that hope and happiness going. No one wanted the day to end. 

The End