Chapter Two

Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); AU; references to violence


Assuming that everything was going okay with the new bonded pair, Steve headed to the room he and Frank were sharing, slipping inside. "How's your shoulder feeling?" he asked, walking over to his mate and wrapping his arms around Frank in a tight hug.

Frank snuggled close. "It is a little sore; he had to wash it out again. But overall, it feels better. I've got to take my antibiotics...."

Steve moved over to the bed and sat down, gently tugging his mate down with him. "I know it's not pleasant, but I'd much rather have you alive and healing as well as possible." He kissed Frank's neck.

Frank slanted his head to give Steve better access. "I've been wounded before and gotten less care. I won't complain about anything that helps me function normally more quickly."

Steve pressed a slightly harder kiss to Frank's neck, gently tugging his mate's clothing free for better access to bare skin. "Good. Because I'm going to make sure you get all the care it's possible for me to give you."

Frank relaxed as his mate became more affectionate. I like the sound of that. Being taken care of by you could become a habit, he teased.

I'd rather you not get hurt at all, Steve admitted. But I somehow doubt it'll be possible to succeed without any injuries. He gently tugged Frank down onto the bed with him, stripping his mate of the rest of his clothing and kissing and caressing more bare skin.

I try to be careful. Frank shifted so Steve could touch easier. And now that I'm not alone and I'm with someone who cares about me, I shouldn't get hurt much if at all.

I love you. Steve kissed him tenderly. I think tomorrow, we should sit down and make a plan of who to free next. Consider who each of us knows who can be part of this. He paused. Ultimus brought another dimension's Spiderman here. If he's done the same with others he's enslaved, it's important we know that.

Frank nodded. If he has done that, we would need to get them home. I don't know much, but all Science Fiction shows or books I've seen or read, having someone in the wrong time or dimension always caused problems.

I'm not sure what to do about the Peter Parker here now, Steve admitted. He's bonded to Stephen, but I don't know if it will be a relationship like ours, or if they will be more like Tony and Mordo.

I guess we'll find out soon. Maybe the problems only occur if the people in the wrong dimension are very similar to their counterpart in the dimension. Frank put his head on Steve's chest.

He didn't seem at all like the Spiderman in this dimension. Steve commented, brushing a kiss over Frank's head. He let his hands rub gently over his mate's shoulders and back, squeezing and rubbing...just wanting to give affection.

Maybe that makes a difference? Frank kissed and nuzzled against Steve's chest.

I can't say I know that much about the different dimensions, Steve admitted. I did recognize Spider-Man in the group that came through to our world, but he was in costume. I don't know if he was similar to the two different Spidermans I've met now...but he recognized me, he added. He continued to stroke and touch Frank, just because he wanted to touch his lover and mate.

Well, apparently, he's been here for a while, so at least the worst isn't happening, even if it might cause some problems. Frank settled, content to let Steve do as he wanted.

Steve nodded. And there are six of us now. Free of Ultimus' control. If we can target the people we know, the people who would listen to us, we can add more to that number. I believe I can reach Bucky. I may be able to reach Phil Coulson or Nick Fury, who in turn could reach some of their agents.

I wasn't close to a lot of powered people, but I had a little contact with Matt Murdoch and he may have known some. Frank paused. If we are willing to risk bringing in the less than heroic but still powered or skilled people who may be willing to fight Ultimus....

We need everyone who we can get on our side, Steve replied. If you can get through to Matt, it'll open up perhaps more avenues for us.

Yeah. Frank sighed.

If you're not sure about it, we don't have to go that route, Steve said. But we need people able and willing to fight. Even if they're not enhanced and are just highly trained and skilled. Like you. We couldn't have got Mordo without you...and Tony wouldn't have been able to fight off Ultimus without being bonded.

I think you overestimate my ability to convince anyone of anything. Shooting a tranq is much easier. Frank snuggled. If you want me to, I'll try.

If you have an emotional connection with someone, you have a chance to get through to them, Steve said. If we get any information about Matt, you can at least try talking to him.

Yeah. Okay. Frank wasn't overly optimistic in his ability to do that, but the bond was urging him not to argue, so he didn't make any other excuses.

We'll see what happens if the situation occurs. Steve kissed Frank, sliding his hands over his mate's bare skin.

Frank shifted, his member stirring at feeling his master's hands on him. He nuzzled some more, letting his contentment and happiness at belonging to Steve flow through the bond.

Steve responded, letting his feelings of love and possessive desire flow through the bond. He moved his hand to Frank's member, beginning to stroke it firmly.

Frank groaned softly, unable to keep himself from thrusting gently into Steve's hand.

Steve continued to stroke Frank's member, leaving himself open through the bond so they could be linked together emotionally as well as physically.

Frank whimpered softly, leaning up to kiss Steve. The feeling of safety and 'home' caused him to become clingier.

I won't let you go, Steve promised, kissing Frank deeply in return. You're mine. No matter what happens.

Even after we defeat Ultimus, Frank promised.

Even then. You'll still belong to me. Steve voiced his own promise, as he continued to stroke and gently grip Frank's member.

By this point, Frank was fully aroused, moaning softly into Steve's shoulder. Belong to you....

For always. Steve stroked his thumb over the tip of Frank's member, even as he pressed a hard kiss to his mate's neck. He was rousing quickly, despite not being inside his lover, gaining pleasure from taking care of Frank.

Frank shook at the possessive touch, opening his legs so Steve could fit between them. Going to come. His body quivered.

Let go for me, my heart, Steve directed. I want to watch.

Immediately, Frank released for Steve, his body spasming. He held onto his mate tightly, unable to do anything but trust Steve to protect him.

Steve held Frank close and tight through his release, protecting and possessive.

Frank was completely relaxed. Love you, he thought, letting Steve shift him however he needed. He felt good. He wanted Steve to feel good too.

I love you too. So much. Steve kissed his mate deeply, then gently turned Frank over onto his stomach. He retrieved the lube and coated his own member in it, then pushed slowly inside his mate.

Frank groaned softly as he stretched around his master, enjoying the feeling of being filled by the larger man, having him blanket him so that he felt confined by Steve's strength.

Steve kissed his mate's shoulder and pushed deeper inside Frank, beginning to thrust hard. He let his hands grip his mate's hips, angling Frank so that he could take his lover more easily.

Frank held himself where Steve placed him, squeezing around his mate to make it feel as good for Steve as he could. It made him feel emotionally good, being taken and held.

My good mate. Steve sent the words through the bond. You're being so very good for me. He gently nipped at the back of Frank's neck; not hard enough to hurt, but it was clear he wanted to leave a mark behind. To make it clear that Frank was owned.

A feeling of acceptance and pride slipped through the bond at those words. I want to be good for you... He slanted his head so Steve could bite him.

Responding, Steve gently bit Frank's neck. It wasn't hard enough to draw blood, but there'd be an impression, an indent, if his teeth left behind. You are. So very good for me.

Frank felt himself loosen, get slacker as he felt the bite, submitting to his mate. Feels good, sir. Being filled by you... marked by you... owned by you.

You're mine. I won't let you go. You will always be mine, Steve promised, as he began to leave similar marks along Frank's neck. His mate's submission and being able to mark Frank caused his member to swell and grow, his release coming close.

Frank groaned softly as he felt himself stretch further for his mate. It felt good, knowing that it was his mate doing this to him, stretching and filling and manipulating his body so it could take whatever Steve chose to give. He felt himself slipping at the domination, becoming even more submissive and accepting of Steve's actions.

Steve gripped Frank's hips harder and more firmly, tight enough to leave the marks of his fingers behind. He continued to gently bite his mate's neck as he opened himself up through the bond, allowing Frank to feel everything he did. All of his love, need and desire came clear through the bond.

Frank pressed his neck into Steve, inviting a harder bite. He arched his back, inviting deeper, rougher thrusts. He wanted to feel Steve in every fiber of his being, even when Steve wasn't physically in him.

In response, Steve thrust harder and deeper. He wanted Frank to feel him too. Maybe eventually, we can find something that will enable you to keep what I give you inside, he sent through the bond, before need and desire made concentrating on speech impossible.

Frank roused at that thought; along with feeling Steve rubbing inside of him and all the possessive touches, the idea of Steve's release staying inside of him to be absorbed instead of lost made him fully hard. If we find a plug....

The next supply run, Steve promised. Maybe we can go together. Get more than the basic necessities to survive. He reached under Frank and began to gently rub, squeeze, and caress his mate's member. Let go for me, my heart. I want us to release together.

Frank shuddered, immediately obeying, and releasing hard for Steve.

Steve's own release came over him at the same time and he let go hard inside his mate, fingers gripping hold of Frank tightly. It took a while for his orgasm to settle and once it did, he gently kissed the back of Frank's neck. "I love you."

"I love you too... so much," Frank whispered, slumping under his lover.

Steve kissed Frank's shoulder and then carefully withdrew from his lover. He cleaned them both up and then stretched out next to his mate, covering them both with a blanket and wrapping his arms around his mate.

Frank snuggled close, putting his head on Steve's chest. Sleep?

Sleep, Steve agreed, closing his eyes. I've got you. We'll figure out what our next move is tomorrow.

Frank relaxed, closing his eyes. He was soon asleep.

Steve quickly followed his mate into sleep as well, once more contented and at peace.


Mordo hadn't retired to his room yet, although he knew that the others were sleeping. He'd spread out the books Steve had taken from the Sanctums and was going through them, looking for some kind of clue...maybe an idea of where the book of Vishna was. Wong had been one of the first to be taken by Ultimus, but there had been a tiny window of warning. Long enough that he might have had time to move the book...or to leave a clue to its whereabouts.

Of course, that was all assuming that Ultimus didn't already know of the book's existence and had used Wong to destroy one of the only things that could stop him.

Anything I can help you with? Or have Friday help you with? Tony asked, from where he was double checking the security of the base.

I'm hoping to find a clue about the whereabouts of the book of Vishna, Mordo answered, not bothering to shield his frustration or worry from the bond. He'd been working alone since leaving Stephen and Wong...and by now, he'd realized being alone was the last thing he needed. Or wanted. At the moment, both it and Wong seem completely out of reach.

Is it something Friday might be able to trace? Tony asked, moving closer and sitting.

Mordo sat up and rubbed wearily at his eyes. If Wong was able to leave any clues behind, they'd be subtle. Nearly impossible for most people to detect.

Tony noted the weariness. Mordo had been at this for several hours. Okay. Well, you aren't going to find it if you pass out from exhaustion. Pack it up and go get some sleep... Tony didn't quite order, but his voice was firm.

Mordo nodded and sighed. I'll continue looking tomorrow. He closed the book he'd been looking at and stood, tiredness making him stumble slightly. It's not easy to get used to freedom again after so long without it, he commented.

Yeah. I know what you mean. Tony thought. Ultimus didn't care if he wore us down. If we stay rested and keep ourselves healthy, we have a better chance to capture more of his soldiers and free them.

You're right, Mordo agreed. I will see you in the morning. He headed to his room.

Sleep well... Tony watched Mordo disappear into his room, then went to his own.


As dawn approached, Peter began whimpering and shifting in his sleep. He hadn't been able to sleep properly when Ultimus had been in control. Now that he was free, the nightmares had returned.

Stephen woke at the whimpering, gently pulling Peter into his arms.

Peter blinked awake as he was pulled closer. There was an instant of confusion, but then he relaxed obviously and wrapped his arms tightly around Stephen, clinging to the older man once more.

Stephen gently rubbed Peter's back. "Bad dream?" he whispered, giving Peter a chance to talk about it if he needed.

Peter nodded, pressing as close to Stephen as he possibly could. "Felt like I was under his control again," he whispered hoarsely. "He took everyone from my dimension with him. I... don’t know why I was left behind," he whispered, sounding almost lost.

Only it was the opposite. He took you and left the others, Stephen pointed out. I suspect there was no real reason for it. Just him proving he could do whatever the hell he wanted. He hugged Peter. You aren't alone now.

Peter hugged Stephen tightly, almost fiercely. I'm still scared, he admitted. What if he finds a way to take me away from this too?

We are connected. If he did that, I would search the multiverse for you until we were reunited. Stephen smiled slightly. He won't win.

Okay. Peter relaxed visibly and cuddled into Stephen. Think I've fallen for you. Hard, he admitted. Don't have the best track record in relationships. Don't want to mess this up.

You won't mess anything up. I don't have a great track record either. If we are honest with each other, I think we'll be okay. Stephen rubbed his back.

Okay. Peter nuzzled against Stephen's neck. How long do we have before we have to get up, do you think?

Stephen glanced at his watch. We probably should get up soon. I know we need to make plans and the less time Ultimus has to adjust, the better.

I... kind of feel like I need you to take me again, Peter admitted, remembering what Stephen had said about voicing his needs. Like...I it would ground me? Make me feel less likely to get taken away.

Stephen glanced at Peter. If that's what you truly need. But I promise you I won't let you be taken away from me.

I believe you. I trust you, Peter said. But I still feel the need for you to be inside me. So that my body can remember along with my mind.

It will need to be quick... Stephen smiled faintly. He reached over and pulled out a bottle of lube from the bedside drawer. Are you certain? Stephen may be willing to be in charge, but there were some things he wasn't going to just take over without being absolutely certain Peter was okay with it. Especially when they'd be rushing.

I need it. I need you, Peter admitted.

Okay. Stephen rolled Peter over onto his stomach, running a hand gently down his spine. Pouring some lube onto his fingers, he parted Peter's cheeks, rubbing against his entrance for a few seconds before pushing the first finger in deep, rubbing briskly.

Peter groaned, relaxing immediately as Stephen took over...took control. He allowed his gratitude to flow through the bond towards the older man. He was thankful that Stephen was listening to him and giving him what he needed. It made Peter even more certain that choosing to give himself to Stephen was the right thing to do.

Stephen continued to rub until he felt that Peter was ready for more. He pushed a second finger in, rubbing deep. He slid his other hand under Peter and began to stroke his member.

Peter moaned, pushing back so that Stephen's finger would go deeper...pressed forward so that his member pressed more firmly into his master's hand. He began to pant, waves of need and desire flooding through the bond.

Stephen's grip tightened and he began to stroke faster, even as he added a third finger.

Peter's member firmed and swelled in Stephen's grip, drops of precum pooling at its tip. Please, Master. The begging came almost mindlessly through the bond.

Removing his fingers, Stephen slicked his own member up, then pushed into Peter. He began to thrust hard and deep, still stroking Peter's member in time with the thrusts.

Peter alternated between pushing back so that Stephen would go even deeper and pushing his member into his master's hand. He was reduced to merely begging through the bond, mindless with need and desire to be taken hard.

Stephen was surprised at how quickly he aroused and reached the edge. He suspected it was a reaction to the feelings coming from Peter. He began to thrust harder. Faster, deeper. Let go for me... he ordered.

Immediately, Peter let go, his release coming over him hard.

Stephen released immediately after Peter. Once everything had calmed, he carefully pulled out. Let's get cleaned up. We're meant to be in the dining room in ten minutes.

Thank you. Peter slowly got up. Are there clothes I can put on? I don't really want to be in the meeting naked. Don't mind if you see, but.... His voice trailed off.

Yeah. They gave us some last night. They are on top of the dresser, Stephen said. Not surprised you didn't notice. I think that's one of the things we're discussing. Gathering supplies. He disappeared into the bath, cleaning up quickly and getting dressed, before waiting for Peter so they could walk out together.

Peter got cleaned up and dressed quickly, then leaned on Stephen as they made their way towards the dining area.

The others had arrived already, and Steve was sat next to Frank, making a list. He looked up as Stephen and Peter arrived. "Help yourselves to breakfast. I think we're going to be looking at planting fruit and vegetables today. I collected some seeds from the mall."

Stephen made himself a plate, nodding at Peter that he should do the same. "Given the total collapse of civilization, that is probably for the best. Have we made any plans on who else to liberate from Ultimus?"

"Given it being easier to liberate without bonding, at least temporarily, if we know the people, we probably should list anyone we can think of who we might be able to reach through a relationship. Then list those it would be nice to free but will have to be force bonded. See who is close to who and where and... plan by that?" Tony suggested.

Steve nodded. "I've started making a list of all the people I think I could set least all of those who could help us." He turned the paper so that the others could look at it. "I've put Phil Coulson and Nick Fury on the list, because if we can free either of them, they can probably free fellow agents...and people like Natasha and Clint are skilled enough that they'd be useful to have free and on our side. If we all add to this list the people we know and have a personal connection with and then go from there."

Peter filled his own plate and sat down on one of the empty chairs. "I'm not gonna be much use on that," he admitted. "Not unless someone else from my dimension is here in this one. As far as I know, I'm the only one Ultimus brought with him here."

"I only know a few people myself. And the one that would be most useful doesn't really have a relationship with me. So, I'm not optimistic, but all we can do is try. Your abilities will probably be useful in subduing those who can't be talked out of Ultimus' control," Frank said.

"I was away from the Sanctums for a long time," Mordo admitted. "The only person I could be certain of having a chance of getting through to is Wong...and I suspect he will be among the more difficult to get to. Ultimus has invaded thousands of Earths. He'll know of the book of Vishna...and that we could use it to stop him, if we could get our hands on it. If he hasn't found a way to destroy it, then he'll be keeping the person who knows its location in a safe, protected space."

Steve frowned. "If the book of Vishna exists in the other dimensions, perhaps we could find a path to an Earth that hasn't been taken by Ultimus yet," he suggested hesitantly. "Like the dimension whose people were able to come here and take the vaccine from my blood. If we could get there, perhaps they would allow us to use their version of the book."

"Wouldn't that put a bullseye on them?" Frank asked uncertainly.

Tony frowned. "They already drew Ultimus' attention by coming here for the vaccine. Meeting with them again could convince him they are more of a threat and move their dimension to the top of his list. If you helped them, they most likely would help if asked, even with the risk."

"I got the impression he's already there, in their dimension," Steve said somberly. "There was a sense of urgency when they came through."

Peter glanced up at that. "Maybe their dimension got more of a warning than some of the others."

Mordo nodded, a slightly pensive look coming over his face. "We had a small amount of warning. Not a lot, but enough to begin making ensure someone could find the necessary information, even though Ultimus moved too fast for anything more to be done." He glanced towards Stephen as he continued, "Opening a portal, or even a line of communication, will take time. It needs to be in the right place."

Stephen stared at his food, lost in thought before finally suggesting, "Maybe, if we located a dimension Ultimus hasn't moved on yet, we could not only borrow the book of Vishna, but we'd be able to warn them of Ultimus' existence. Then, if he did make a move towards them, they'd have more than a little time to prepare."

Steve nodded slowly. "Then we should plan for that. If we can't find the book of Vishna here in our dimension...even if we can, if we can find a way to warn other dimensions of Ultimus, it will hopefully save others from being enslaved as well."

Peter was eating a lot. His high metabolism meant that he needed to eat a lot, given that he burned it off so quickly. He was looking pensive, though. Inside his mind, he couldn't figure out what he could add to this group. After all, he didn't know anyone in this dimension, outside of the people in the base already...and their version of Peter Parker too. He didn't really feel very useful at the moment.

"So... Mordo and I could investigate. Try to figure out where we can get hold of a book of Vishna. Perhaps Tony can work with Friday, locating where various individuals we may want to free are. That would leave Peter and Frank to help you with planting those seeds..." Stephen offered a suggestion. "Maybe make a list of other things we might need that would help sustain us?"

Steve nodded. "We're going to need to get more clothing, at the very least, if we're going to free other people and bring them here. Probably more toiletries, too.  More weapons would be useful as well...." He was continuing to write the list as he spoke, adding the supplies on the other side of the paper that had the names on.

"So today is a supply and prepare day? We rescue someone else tomorrow?" Frank asked.

Tony nodded. "That's prolly best. Rescuing them when we don't have enough supplies for them would be a problem."

Steve nodded. "We can get fruit and vegetables planted. From what I saw, Ultimus wasn't really interested in keeping fresh food available, so I'm sure anyone we free will appreciate being able to eat fruit and vegetables." He stood to begin clearing the table.

Mordo cleaned up his own plate and then moved over to Stephen. "The best place to check will be where portals have already be opened. There could be a weakness there we could use."

Tony stood and cleaned his own mess. "I'll begin locating all the people on our list. We can make a new list once we've freed them."

Stephen nodded. "Let's begin, then."

Frank shifted closer to Steve and nodded at Peter. "Never planted fruit trees, but my wife and I had a small garden when I first got back from Iraq... before she and the kids were killed...." he finished, in a whisper.

Unable to help but respond to his mate's words and the tone in his voice, Steve wrapped his arm around Frank's shoulders and drew him in close against his side. Through the bond, he sent through feelings of love and reassurance.

"We should really try and get sun lamps rigged up here." Peter tried to put aside his feelings of inadequacy and hopelessness, in favor of focusing on one thing he could potentially help with. He'd always had an interest in science, after all.

Frank relaxed, feeling Steve's support through the bond. "Do we have the parts needed to make a sunlamp? That would be good for us as well, you know... in case we have to lay low sometimes and are stuck underground for longer than a few days." He glanced around. "Where are we planting stuff? I don't think we explored much beyond the living areas and the research area. Is there s lab? Medical suite? Greenhouse area?"

Steve smiled slightly and gently squeezed Frank's arm. "Now's as good a time to explore what there is as any," he commented.

"If we don't have the parts for a sun lamp, I can probably get hold of them," Peter said. "If there are areas in good condition like that mall you grabbed clothes from, I can get things from there."

"Are places in good condition?" Frank asked Steve. "It seemed like most areas were just abandoned but not destroyed, unless they were the site of one of Ultimus' original attacks."

"There are a lot of places that have been abandoned and left to nature," Steve answered. "But we can probably collect a lot of what we need. You've seen the effects of the abandonment...." He was walking as he talked, leading the way through the base, so they could see what facilities Tony had included.

Peter followed the two older men with a thoughtful look on his face. He could see that there were labs and medical areas, along with a greenhouse area...but there was very little he could do right now. He could rig up sun lamps, but they didn't have the equipment needed for that. Not yet at least.

Stephen was working with Mordo, but he could feel Peter in the back of his mind. Your help is important. Even if you aren't doing something only you can do... helping Steve do what needs doing is important.

Tony had several screens up with the lists of potential rescues. Some were those that the group knew. Some weren't. He'd grouped them by last known location.

Peter sighed and sent an acknowledgement through the bond towards Stephen. He helped Steve and Frank with planting the seeds that could be planted and then wandered back through the base to collect some more of the supplies.

He happened to move past Tony and spotted the screens. He didn't linger, but he'd seen a familiar figure on one of those screens. Someone familiar to him. Someone from his own dimension.

And then Peter headed towards the elevator. The location on the screen wasn't all that far from the base. He could easily get there with his web shooters and check it out. Maybe he could rescue someone from his own dimension....

Unaware of Peter's actions, the others continued to work. Until they ran out of the supplies Peter was supposed to be bringing back replacements for.

"Shouldn't he be back by now?" Frank asked curiously.

Steve frowned at that and looked around. "I lost track of time," he admitted. "But you're right. Peter should have been back by now. Maybe he got talking to Tony?" He began to walk towards where Tony had been working.

Tony looked up as they entered the room. "Hey. All finished planting?"

"Not exactly," Steve answered. "Peter went to get some supplies a while back. We didn't notice how long he'd been gone for until we ran out of what we had. Did you happen to see him?"

Tony frowned. "Maybe? I vaguely recall him walking by, almost hovering for a moment or two. But I can't remember how long ago or for how long.... Maybe he is with Stephen and Mordo? He seemed a bit needy. Clingy. Reluctant to leave Stephen's side."

"Maybe," Steve said. "Could you check with Mordo?" He wasn't prepared to start worrying unless it became obvious that Peter had gone. And then he happened to glance towards the screens that Tony had brought up, zeroing in on one that showed a young man who looked closer to Peter's age than any of them did. "Tony? Frank? Either of you know who that is?" He gestured towards the image.

"No idea..." Frank shrugged uncertainly.

Tony was in the middle of contacting Mordo, Is Peter with you and Stephen? He never returned to give Steve his supplies, when Steve asked his question. He frowned faintly and squinted, trying to place a name with the face. "Fri? We have any information on the guy Steve asked about?"

"The young man on the screen has no identity here in this dimension," Friday reported.

He's not with us, Mordo responded to Tony, before relaying the question Tony had just asked him to Stephen.

"Are you certain, Fri?" Tony asked, before asking Steve, "What brought that particular person to your attention, anyway? What made you think that's who Peter was looking at?"

Stephen wasn't happy to find out Peter had taken off without warning. Where are you, Peter? You need to return to base now.

"I'm not sure," Steve admitted. "Just that I get the same feeling from him as I did the group from the other dimension. Not quite the same as the people who live here."

Peter was quiet for a few moments, but finally responded through the bond. I can't. It's my.... My best friend is here. I have to save him.

Tony nodded. "Good enough. So, Peter must have seen something like you did and took off."

Stephen stalked inro the room, clearly frustrated. "That's exactly what he's done. He thinks he saw his best friend and only he can save him...." Peter Parker, you turn around this instant. If it is your best friend, we'll form a plan to get him free. Going alone is too dangerous! he sent to the younger man.

A whole myriad of emotions and feelings came through the bond, finally culminating in reluctant acceptance. I'm coming back. It was clear from the emotions coming through the bond that Peter's desire to obey Stephen was stronger than his need to save his friend.

Stephen calmed slightly at feeling and hearing Peter's capitulation. Good. When you get back, we will form a plan.

Yes, sir, Peter replied, subdued. It wasn't long before he was returning to the base, making his way down in the elevator.

Everyone had gathered in the computer area to look at the information Tony had gathered on the area and the people surrounding the unidentified person on the screen. Stephen looked over as Peter entered the room. "Never leave without talking to one of us first. Never again," he ordered sternly.

Peter nodded, his shoulders slumping as he walked over to them. "I didn't try to confront him or anything, but...he was on guard. I couldn't see who he was guarding, but...pretty much everyone has been converted by Ultimus. And he was taking food inside...." His voice trailed off uncertainly.

"So... who was he? And how much food? Need to know if we should be worried about that location." Tony pulled up video feed.

"His name's Harry Osborn," Peter replied. "He wasn't enhanced, but he was always smart. Pretty genius level. We had some issues, but we were working them out. Before." He shrugged. "As for the wasn't huge portions. Not that I could see, anyway."

Steve was frowning at that. "In the year I've been hiding, I haven't seen any children under Ultimus' control. Is it possible he's been keeping them prisoner somewhere?"

Tony's gaze shot toward Steve, his eyes laser focused. "Why would you mention children? Did you see something?" He looked back toward the screen, searching.

Stephen looked at Peter. "Are you certain it's your Harry? If it is a different Harry, he may not be friendly toward you."

"It's not what I've seen but what I haven't seen," Steve answered. "Someone willing to enslave the people of entire worlds is unlikely to willingly spare children. If there are prisoners and they're being fed, why didn't Ultimus convert them too?"

"Harry is my best friend," Peter answered Stephen. "I'm about as certain it's him as I can be of anything." He glanced towards Steve, hearing what the Captain was saying. "Children's brains are still developing. It would make sense that the conversion wouldn't work on them the same way."

"There's no proof that he's holding prisoners other than that small amount of food we saw being carried..." Tony pointed out, though it was clear he was hoping Steve might be right in his wild leap of deduction.

"So, we go check this place out? Free prisoners if there are any? See if this is Peter’s Harry?" Stephen asked.

Steve nodded. "I think we need to at least check out the area."

"I agree. What's the plan?" Stephen asked.

Steve looked around at the rest of the group before speaking. "I figure we take the rest of today to prepare. Apart from Harry, there's not a lot in the way of guards in the area. If Peter can turn Harry, we might be able to get in and get any prisoners out with minimal need for fighting."

"I'll have Friday make note of building floorplans and anything else that might assist in a rescue." Tony nodded, turning back to the computer.

Steve nodded and turned to Stephen and Mordo. "If one of you can open a portal to the area, I retrieved Peter from, I'll go and see if I can find any kind of weapons or other supplies."

"I can open the portal," Mordo offered.

Peter was frowning thoughtfully. "Harry looked like he was carrying some fresh food with him. If there's a garden or something close by, maybe we can ambush him there."

"If we want to rescue whoever he is taking the food to, we probably won't want to be too far away from the building. In case Ultimus decides Harry being freed puts that location at risk and moves whoever is there," Tony disagreed. "Not to mention, we don't know where that garden is. That will take extra time, locating a garden and then planning."

"Okay," Peter replied, not arguing. He was very obviously quiet and subdued, still worrying, his mind still working.

"Now that we know he is here, you have the chance to free him..." Stephen tried to ease Peter's worry.

"Maybe." Peter sighed and tried to cheer up. It wasn't easy, though. He was back to feeling useless and out of place.

Stephen sighed silently. He tried to send encouragement through the bond, but truthfully, he and Peter were strangers. He may have decided to make the best out of the situation- treat the bond like an arranged marriage and at least try to make it work with the man he was bonded to- but they didn't know each other. He didn't know how to help Peter feel useful if the younger man was determined that helping plant food wasn't useful or needed enough.

Steve glanced at Peter, then at Stephen, then at Peter again. "Why don't you come with me to look for supplies?" he suggested. "We were talking about sun lamps. If I tried to find what was needed, I don't think I 'd come back with anything useful."

Peter seemed to perk up a bit at that. "I can do that...." He glanced at Stephen, though, instinct driving him to look to the older man for permission.

Stephen quickly latched onto Steve's suggestion at feeling Peter's mood slightly lift. "That's a good idea!" he quickly agreed. "Meanwhile, I'll do an inventory of our medical facility. I can let you know if there is anything we need to look for and bring back," he said to Peter.

"Okay," Peter agreed.

Steve looked towards the remaining three. "Anything else you can think of you'd like us to try and bring back?" he asked.

"No... I can't think of anything. Frank and I can make a list of possible spots that would give us an advantage when we go to the building tomorrow. Show you both when you get back," Tony said.

Steve nodded. "That would be useful." He looked towards Peter. "If you're ready, we can go now."

Peter nodded and followed Steve to the elevator.

Tony turned back to the computer screen, he and Frank conferring quietly.

Stephen silently sighed again and left to join Mordo in tracking the various portals.


Steve thought that the trip had started out quite well. Peter had demonstrated enthusiasm at some of the items they'd found...and had perked up a whole lot more when they'd found an electronics store. Steve had been about as lost as he felt when Tony started talking about electronic devices and things he wanted to invent. Peter had grabbed multiple items and seemed to be coming out of the depressed funk that he'd been in for most of the day.

And then he'd seen something. Steve wasn't sure what, but he'd gone quiet again. Like he was mulling something over. And then, while they'd been collecting some more food supplies, Peter had asked if he could go back to the electronics store. Steve had agreed.

Now, he'd been left for a while. A lot longer than Peter should have been gone. And when Steve had gone back to the electronic store, there'd been no sign of the younger man.

Sighing quietly, Steve reached out through the bond to Frank. I'm going to guess Peter hasn't suddenly gone back there.

"Uh... no. He isn't with Tony and me. Let me go ask Stephen," Frank said, out loud and through the bond. He left Tony to go find the sorcerers. When he found them and saw that Peter wasn't there, he sighed. "Friday. Did Peter return to base? He left Steve...."

Stephen looked up at that, his eyes narrowing. Peter? Where are you?

Peter had apparently closed himself off through the mental communication, since there was no response from him, and no emotions could be felt through the bond.

Steve sighed. I think he must have gone to that area. He seemed happier when we were gathering supplies, but something affected him. Turned him quiet again.

Stephen growled irritably. "He's blocked the bond. I could force my way through, being in charge, but it would hurt and weaken him, and I won't risk that when he's in a dangerous area...."

Frank frowned. He's blocked the bond so Stephen can't talk to him without causing pain and making him vulnerable.

Tony looked around. "So, we going after him? Can be pretty certain he's gone after his friend."

"I think we have to go after him now. If he gets caught and Ultimus realizes he can't regain control, he'll be killed. And any prisoners we wanted to save will be moved," Frank thought and spoke aloud.

I agree, Steve said. I'll come back with the supplies we managed to pick up. Then if either Mordo or Stephen could open a portal, we can go after him. He was moving as soon as he thought the words to his mate, going as quickly as possible to get back to the base so that they could go after Peter.

Okay. I'll let them know. Frank looked at the others. "Steve is on his way back. As soon as he gets here, you can open a portal for all of us to go through."

Mordo nodded but glanced towards Stephen. As it was his bonded mate who'd taken off, he wasn't sure if Stephen would prefer to take responsibility for the portal or not.

"I'm really frustrated and finding it difficult to focus... it would probably be better if you handled it for me..." Stephen said to Mordo.

Mordo nodded in understanding. "I will take care of opening the portal, then."

It didn't take long before Steve arrived, carrying the supplies with him. He'd picked up some weapons for Frank and quickly handed them to his mate, so the other man could see if any of them would be useful.

Mordo didn't waste any time in opening the portal.

Frank quickly chose the weapon that would be most useful.

Stephen was first through the portal, Tony on his heels. Frank waited for Steve to go through so he could follow his mate.

Steve quickly went through the portal and Mordo followed behind Frank, closing the portal behind them. He could easily reopen it and didn't want to risk any enemy from getting through to their base.

Peter hadn't had time to do much more than begin edging towards where Harry stood, guarding what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. Despite his desperation to save someone else he believed was from his own dimension, he wasn't foolish enough to go straight on, instead sneaking towards the building.

Stephen allowed Steve to take command. They'd formed a tentative plan and while they hadn't finalized it, it was better than no plan at all, since Peter hadn't left them any other choice but to move immediately. Luckily, it appeared that this Harry person was the only one guarding.

Peter had noticed that Harry seemed to be alone as well. He didn't notice the other group; Steve had made sure they didn't act to immediately draw any attention from anyone else, just in case Ultimus had extra eyes on the area. Peter moved closer, heading towards Harry, preparing his web shooters.

It made his nerves crawl, waiting to act. But they'd decided the safest course of action would be to let Peter act and not make their own move until they could be certain he hadn't sprung a trap. Stephen was prepared to move as soon as Steve motioned them forward.

As soon as he was close enough to act, Peter did so. He cast his web quickly, pinning Harry to the wall behind him.

Immediately, the other man began trying to break free, though the webbing held him fast.

Peter quickly moved forward. "Harry, it's me...Peter."

"Who?!" Harry demanded, struggling ceasing as a look of confusion formed on his face.

Peter faltered, staring at the other man...looking for even a hint of recognition. His shoulders slumped and he looked defeated as he realized...there was nothing.

The others waited just long enough to be certain Ultimus wasn't sending reinforcements streaming out of the building before they made their move. They quickly entered the building with the intent of freeing prisoners.

There were about a dozen children there, who all looked like they would run and hide at the strangers who entered the building...except for one.

Morgan Stark moved slowly in front of the others, squinting in the bright light that streamed in from the outside. "Daddy?" If she sounded uncertain, it was because she was. In the year since Ultimus had taken over, all they'd seen were adults controlled by Ultimus. By now, she was too scared to let herself hope.

Tony immediately let his face plate drop and knelt so their faces were level. "Yeah. It's me, Sunshine.... I'm free...." His voice caught and he had to fight sudden tears of happiness. They needed to get the children to safety. He could fall apart later. "Do you know if anyone else is in this building that needs help?" he asked quietly. "We need to move quickly...."

Frank glanced at the children, then Steve. "I can do a quick sweep of the building... to make sure we got everyone... while you get the kids through the portal."

Stephen was already opening a portal.

Morgan shook her head. "It's just us." She wrapped her arms around Tony and hugged him, fiercely and tightly. Then, she grabbed the hand of another boy, a little older than her, and tugged him forward. "This is Jack. His daddy is Phastos."

Peter hadn't followed the group into the warehouse. Somehow, realizing this wasn't the Harry he knew...he was frozen. Unable to react. Barely able to think. He'd lost his ability to block his emotions through the bond. All he could do was lonely and scared he wasFrank heard Morgan and looked toward Steve. "Want me to check anyway?" he asked.

Tony hugged Morgan tightly before looking at Jack. "Phastos, huh? Tell you what. Let's get all of you safe and then we can get information to hopefully find your parents."

Stephen had the portal open by this point.

Tony looked at Morgan. "I need you to lead the others through, Sweet Pea.  Friday will tell you where to go once you are there, but you need to help the others."

Stephen could feel Peter again. He felt sympathy for the younger man... but that didn't erase the irritation and extreme upset at Peter's actions. He blocked his own feelings. He wasn't going to lash out. He was going to make certain Peter knew how unhappy he was at the actions and punish him but lashing out wouldn't solve anything. Get your ass in here so we can go to safety... he growled through the bond. Okay. Maybe he hadn't quite blocked off all the irritation.

Morgan nodded and quickly turned to organize the rest of the children, with Jack's help. The two of them had clearly taken over looking after the other children, who were obviously younger than the two of them.

Steve nodded to Frank. "I'll go with you," he said, preparing to do just that.

Peter couldn't help but flinch at the irritation he could feel from Stephen, but he didn't argue or protest, instead following the direction with a sense of almost relief. I'm sorry. He sent the apology as he stepped into the warehouse. He didn't make any excuses or try to explain himself. He knew he was wrong and accepted it. The apology was an acknowledgement of that, rather than an attempt to mitigate what he knew he had coming.

Frank quickly headed further into the building, he and Steve making sure there were no other prisoners.

Tony guarded Stephen and the children as they slowly filed through the portal.

Stephen didn't believe the apology; he knew that Peter only regretted that he was in trouble. If a situation where Peter thought he'd found his friend ever happened again, Stephen had no doubt the web slinger would throw all instructions and caution to the wind and do the same damn thing. Because despite Stephen making it clear they intended to save people together, with a plan, Peter kept operating under the belief that only he was capable or willing to save Peter's friend. It was obvious the younger man didn't trust them.

Stephen couldn't help but think Tony and Mordo had the right of it, only connecting as much as the bond required, but retaining their independence otherwise. Maybe if he'd kept space between them, he wouldn't be fighting this sense of betrayed pride and a need to show Peter who was in charge. It wasn't like he'd wanted to become master to the brat. Peter had acted all needy and clingy and like he wanted to belong to Stephen and after forcing the bond on the younger man (even if there really was no choice if they wanted free of Ultimus), he'd felt the least he could do was give Peter what he claimed to want. Peter's inability to trust him enough to wait even one day so they could finalize their plans made him wonder if he'd misread the situation and Peter wanted freedom.

Peter followed quietly behind through the portal. He couldn't feel Stephen through the bond, but the lack of feeling was telling. He felt a sharp spike of fear go through the bond being closed off meant Stephen wanted to wash his hands of him. And Peter couldn't exactly blame him. He was used to working alone and being alone. Being part of a team was so far from what he was used to, the idea that he could and was expected to rely on others was taking a while to stick. The only time he'd been part of a team was when he'd worked with the other two Peters. And then they'd returned to their own dimensions, and he was alone once again.

And then Ultimus had enslaved his world and taken Peter away from everything and everyone he'd ever known. And Ultimus' will had pushed down all of Peter's fear and self-loathing and failure to save his own dimension...until Stephen bonding with him had freed him, but also given rise to his insecurities and feelings of only being able to rely on himself and....

I never wanted to be alone, but everyone I loved got taken away from me and I'm so afraid that it will happen again. Peter hadn't meant to think those words towards Stephen, but the bond was raw and open. He couldn't hide, even if he wanted to.

It hadn't taken Frank and Steve long to check the rest of the building and they'd quickly returned as the last of the children filed through the portal. "No one could break through to the guard?" Frank asked hesitantly.

"No. And without someone available to bond him, we can't keep him in the base..." Tony winced, hating having to leave anyone behind in Ultimus' clutches, but if they couldn't break Ultimus' hold immediately, it was just too risky.

Stephen heard Peter and felt him. He kept the bond tightly closed, though, unwilling to let his own feelings bleed through and further agitate his mate. He had no doubt Peter meant what he said. And he did understand what Peter was going through. But he was second guessing his own decision to give in to Peter's claim of needing him.

The kid was lonely and afraid. Of course, he was going to hold on to the only familiar, friendly face he saw once freed. Once they eliminated Ultimus from their world and gave other worlds a chance to free themselves, Peter wouldn't need him anymore. He'd want to return to his own world. Would he resent Stephen? Hate him for tightening the bond? Even though that's what he currently wanted? How much regret would there be? 

A worse thought… was Stephen allowing his sudden, bond-inspired need to Dominate to unduly influence his decision? What if Peter didn't really want to be with Stephen, with Stephen in control? What if Stephen was pushing something unwanted on the boy and then fooling himself into believing it was only because Peter wanted and needed it?

He needed space to think and assess the situation. So, he kept the bond blocked, only leaving it open enough that Peter could feel he was still there, even if he couldn't read his feelings. Return to our quarters and wait for me, he ordered, once Peter was through the portal. He waited for the remainder of their group to go through, planning to be the last one to leave.

"We can keep an eye on where he's moved to after this," Steve said. "And if we have someone in need of a bond mate, they can bond with him. If not, we'll free him along with everyone else."

Peter's shoulders slumped, but he didn't protest or argue. He went to their quarters immediately, trying to show he could be good and obedient.

Eventually everyone was safe on the other side and Stephen was stepping through and closing the portal. Part of him wanted to return to his quarters immediately and settle things once and for all. But the other part knew he was still too angry. Even if he did end up punishing Peter harshly, he would do it when he was calm. There was less chance of doing something in haste and regretting after. Besides which... he needed to make sure the children were in good health.

"Friday... we need to examine the children and make certain there are no wounds or illnesses they need treatment for," he said out loud.

"Of course, Doctor Strange," Friday replied. "Mr. Stark has already taken the children to the infirmary, if you would like to join them there."

"Please let him know I am on my way," Stephen said, heading in that direction.

"Mr. Stark, Doctor Strange is on his way to you." Friday relayed the message to Tony.


It took the rest of the afternoon to examine and treat the children. Luckily, none of them were injured, but there was a bit of malnutrition. Children ate what they were given, after all; and Ultimus didn't know what made a balanced diet. He made notes of what needed to be done to correct the problem and gave the info to Friday, so she could help whoever was cooking the meals at any given point.

By the time he'd sent the last child out of the medical suite, Morgan, all the children had been assigned rooms. They were sharing, so they wouldn't feel alone. Morgan took Tony's hand, insisting he walk her to her new room.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour, Doctor," Friday announced. "Mister Castle and Captain Rogers are making it, if you would like to clean up."

"Thank you, Friday," Stephen said quietly and headed to his room. He was no longer angry. The urge to put Peter in his place and show him who he was meant to obey was still very strong, though. He'd done a lot of thinking on how to handle the situation and had come up with a plan, but it really depended on what happened when he saw Peter again. Reaching his room, he straightened and opened the door, stepping inside and closing it behind him. He glanced around the room, locating Peter.

Peter hadn't really been sure what to do when he'd been sent to the room, but he'd remembered Stephen mentioning consequences for his actions. And while he knew he'd be facing serious consequences, he also wanted to show Stephen that he was sorry and understood where he'd gone wrong. So, he'd put himself in the corner.

Stephen was caught short when he turned from closing the door and noted where Peter was. He finally opened a little of the bond so Peter could feel he wasn't angry, but not enough the boy would get the full brunt of his feelings. He still hadn't decided what he was going to do. Have you been there this whole time? he asked.

Peter sniffled quietly and answered honestly. You told me to come here and wait for you. I... you said you might put me in the corner. I wanted to make it clear that I'll accept whatever you choose to do. Try as he might, he couldn't stop the fear that slipped through along with the words. Not of what Stephen would do, but that the older man would decide he was too much hassle. Too much work. That Stephen would wash his hands of him.

Come sit on the bed, Stephen ordered, before going into the bath to change clothes and clean up for dinner.

Peter quietly did as instructed.

Stephen returned to the room. "I have to admit to being at a loss here. You told me that you wanted to be with me. That you wanted to belong to me. But you don't. Not really. Or, at least, it seems you don't. You certainly ignore me easily enough."

"I didn't...ignore you easily," Peter said quietly. "I didn't go with Steve with the intention of disobeying you. I was going to wait. I... I just...." He took in a deep breath. "You know how... you see something? And it just raises all of these... emotions and feelings inside you? Because it reminds you of someone or something you care about. And this isn't my dimension, but what I saw made me remember my best friend. I let him down. Back in my home dimension. He wanted my help, and I couldn't give it. Not in the way he wanted me to." Dropping his head to his hands, he whispered, "I couldn't shake the feeling that if I waited, I'd be letting him down again."

"That wasn't your call to make," Stephen said bluntly. "Even if we weren't bonded and you hadn't said you belonged to me, it wasn't your call to make." Stephen's voice was sterner as some of his frustration and irritation began to return. "It was Steve Rogers' call. He is in charge of the group. He is the one with final say on how we rescue people. We had planned to do our rescue tomorrow. We only had one last thing to plan before the rescue, but it was a big part. We needed to find someone to bond with the guard; and it needed to be someone who knew one of us, because we didn't know if we'd know the guard or not.  Your actions made us have to rush our plan, so we didn't have anyone available to bond... which means we couldn't rescue the poor man. It would have been too risky to bring him back here when we didn't have anyone."

Stephen paused.  "That is unfortunate, but not a tragedy. If we can formulate a way to free our universe without bonding, he will eventually be freed one day- even though had we been able to follow our plan, we might have rescued him sooner. No, what was worse about your actions forcing us to rush is that we had no intel on what was in the building. We had no way of knowing if there were traps. If Ultimus had an army there. If Ultimus himself were there. Rushing as we did could have resulted in the deaths of every child we rescued, not to mention our own. But we had no choice because you forced our hand. It was either rush with an incomplete plan, or risk Ultimus relocating or destroying whatever was in the building. Quite honestly, I'm shocked Stark didn't beat you to a pulp for putting his daughter in danger." Stephen snorted.

"I'm not going to deal with your disrespect and disobedience toward me. Not until I'm one hundred percent convinced you do want to submit to me. Because your actions today indicate you don't want to submit and are just afraid not to because you think you'll be left alone if you don't. I don't want submission based on fear and refuse to encourage that." Stephen paused.

"I am going to punish you for ignoring chain of command and potentially causing disaster because of it," he continued. "Your lack of trust in your teammates is disheartening. You aren't the only one capable of mounting rescues, yet you repeatedly act as if you are. So, from now on, until I'm positive you won't just take off without word to do your own thing... leaving the rest of us to run after you like addled groupies when we finally piece together what you're doing.... you are grounded. You will not leave this compound unless I am with you. And if I am leaving, I might decide to leave you behind, depending on if I can trust you to behave. You are also no longer allowed in the media observing room. This whole mess began because you saw something on the screen and, rather than inform everyone else, you just took off. That won't happen again if you aren't able to see anything. You'll be given whatever information you need to do whatever it is you are asked to do." He glanced up. "Friday, you will enforce my instructions?"

"Yes, doctor. Mister Peter will be locked out of the information room, and I will prevent him from leaving the base unless you give permission," the AI stated.

Stephen sighed and shook his head, looking back at Peter. "While you are grounded and cut off from everything but basic electronics, I suggest you think about what it is you really want from me. I am willing to have a relationship like Tony and Mordo. I had to force the bond on you. I refuse to force you into submission. Think about it. Now go get cleaned up. Dinner is in twenty minutes. I'll retrieve you then."

Stephen had let the barrier he'd put up fall by then, allowing Peter to feel how frustrated he was; how uncertainly confused at Peter's actions he was; how disappointed he was that Peter cut himself off from the bond so that he could do what he wanted without argument, while claiming he wanted Stephen in charge. His need to Dominate, thanks to the bond, simmered under the surface.

Peter's shoulders slumped and he looked more and more dejected with every word Stephen felt. He'd already been feeling guilty. Now, he felt even worse. In pain. And he'd suffered through both physical and emotional pain before. But this felt worse, somehow.

He wanted to argue. To protest. Not the punishment, but that he really did want to belong to Stephen. That he'd messed up in a big way, but that didn't mean he didn't want this. That he didn't want a relationship. But he'd already been bad and done something he shouldn't. He wasn't going to add to that. So, he kept his head down, his posture very submissive, and uttered, "Yes, sir."

Stephen stepped out of the room to give Peter time to clean up. The bond was pushing him to make the younger man submit and he had to calm down. It was difficult. Maybe if he and Peter had decided on a relationship like Tony and Mordo from the very beginning, it wouldn't be difficult; but Peter hadn't seemed interested in that and now Stephen had to fight the bond pushing him into forcing the younger man into obeying him. Peter needed to decide, and he needed to understand that he couldn't say one thing but behave in a completely different way. It made it impossible for Stephen to confidently know what to do. He left the bond open. Maybe if he understood what Stephen was feeling and going through, he'd be more honest with himself. It wasn't like there weren't options. Stephen had promised not to leave him. Even if they went to a purely platonic relationship and Peter didn't submit, he'd stay with his bond mate. Was that the problem? Did Peter think the only way Stephen would stay was if he was submissive and having sex?

I hope you realize that whatever you decide, you won't be left alone. You don't have to submit or have sex for me to stay, he thought.

I never felt forced into submitting or having sex with you, Peter admitted. It was what I wanted. And it...wasn't even a new thing, he said, embarrassment bleeding through the bond. I felt that attraction before. When I came here the last time. Towards you. And then I went home and I... tried to see if a version of you existed in my dimension. It was clearly an embarrassing confession, even though he was driven to be honest.

So, you only want to submit during sex but not the rest of the time? Because it really feels like you are against obeying me outside of the bedroom. Stephen leaned against the wall.

That's not what I meant, Peter replied. I do want to obey you. I do want to submit to you. I just...I made a mistake. And I want to be right with you. He didn't know how to put his feelings into words, so he opened himself up through the bond. Let Stephen feel that Peter wanted to belong to him, even if those wants were scary. He'd spent the entire time in the corner thinking about what he'd done and that he wanted Stephen to be able to forgive him. His biggest fear was that Stephen didn't want him.

Peter. You actively decided to block the bond so I couldn't talk to you or tell you to stop. So, I couldn't find you. I know you are afraid I'll leave you, but I already promised I wouldn't. You don't have to agree to submit or obey me to get me to stay. If you are certain you do want to submit to me, then you need to think about why you made the mistake you did. Stephen was having a hard time believing that Peter wasn't trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince Stephen.

I was scared, Peter admitted. And I did something stupid. I never had anyone to rely on or to help me before. There were no Avengers or sorcerers or Iron Man in my world. It was just me. And I thought I could be enough, but... I wasn't. He took a deep breath and slowly sank down against the wall. I blocked the bond because I knew you'd tell me to come back, and I would do it. Because I want and need to listen to you and obey you. Part of me just... wanted to be enough. I think.

Stephen sighed. So, you're saying you blocked the bond because you knew you'd listen to me, and you wanted to do it on your own. So, confirm this for me. You want to submit and obey me.

I want to submit to you. I want to obey you, Peter replied. I made a mistake. I wish I could take it back, but all I can do is say I'll submit to whatever you do.

Alright. I'll believe you. But knowing that, I won't let your actions slide. You don't block the bond. Especially not when the only reason you did so is to avoid my telling you no. Stephen managed to feel stern. Deciding that this punishment needed to be memorable, he decided to involve the bond. Concentrating, he pushed a sensation toward Peter, causing it to feel as if Stephen had smacked his bare backside, hard. He continued to push those sensations through, making it feel like a full-fledged spanking from the crest of Peter's backside down to mid-thigh. He knew that the pain would linger, but there would be no damage at all- not even a bruise.

Peter had expected some kind of response, some kind of punishment, but he hadn't expected it to be through the bond. He couldn't help his reactions, the first being a yelp of surprise...and then tears, quiet sobbing that he didn't hold back or try to hide. He wasn't going to hide. He wasn't going to block off his reactions through the bond.

Stephen only punished enough that Peter would feel the sting as he sat through dinner. If he needed to continue after, he would. For the moment, his need to dominate had eased. Are you ready for dinner? If so, join me. We will go in together.

Peter took a few moments to be able to calm before he replied, I'm ready. He stepped out of the room to join Stephen after splashing some water on his face, so that it wouldn't immediately be obvious he'd been crying.

By this point, everyone was heading into the dining area. The children, having realized they were safe, were talking and laughing. They were asking questions of Friday and the other adults. They were also giving Friday information on their families, as much as they could. Some of them were very young.

Stephen had led Peter to the area as soon as the younger man had come out, pushing him into a chair where he was close to Tony and Morgan and could easily interact with the kids. Peter was being punished for his actions, yes; but Stephen thought seeing who he had put at risk might have a bigger future impact on his mate. He put food on Peter's plate and ordered him to eat before he began going around the tables and making sure all the children had enough on their plate for proper nutrition, encouraging them to eat everything on their plates. Even if he wasn't a pediatrician, he was currently the only adult with a medical background. 

Frank was helping as well, falling into a father role quickly. Some of these kids reminded him of his own children. Soon, all of them were calling him Uncle Frank.

Peter didn't have a big appetite, but he obediently began eating. His metabolism was high and the last thing he wanted was to put more pressure on Stephen by not taking care of himself.

Morgan had met their dimension's version of Spiderman and she was instantly curious about this version, who was very different from the one she knew. So, she began asking Peter questions.

It took a few moments, but Peter was soon responding to and answering the questions. He was still feeling guilty, and the bond made his stomach hurt because of that, but he did a fairly good job of hiding it.

Stephen finally sat to eat, assured that the children were being taken care of. He could feel Peter's guilt and could tell it was affecting his appetite. There wasn't much that could be done to ease the guilt; and quite honestly, Stephen thought maybe letting the other man feel guilty for a bit longer would be good for him. Maybe he'd think before acting in the future. Still... It will be okay. We got them out and they are safe now.

He turned toward Steve. "We've gotten a lot of information from the kids... some of it very useful. We should be able to plan our next step and act soon."

Peter's response was non-verbal, but still came through as an acknowledgement. He was feeling miserable, along with the guilt. The sense of rejection was still lingering. Yes, Stephen had taken control...but the lack of any kind of physical touch, even to punish, had had an effect on him. But he was used to hiding emotional pain. So, he kept a sincere smile on his face as he showed Morgan how his webslingers worked.

Steve nodded. "We can have a group meeting tomorrow morning to discuss our next step."

Stephen could tell Peter felt miserable and he felt bad about that. But he was also frustrated. Peter had been the one to cut off the bond while he ran off to do his own thing. And while he'd acknowledged he was wrong and Stephen had no doubt he was sincere in his apologies, Stephen didn't get the feeling Peter truly understood what the problem was.

Peter seemed to think it should be easy for Stephen to just step in and take over and punish when Peter 'made a mistake'. He also seemed to believe that if they weren't constantly touching and cuddling with Stephen taking charge, that meant Stephen was 'giving up' and thought Peter was 'too much work'. Peter failed to think about the fact that, for all Stephen had been the one to initiate the bond, Stephen had only had slightly more choice in the bonding; and that only in choosing who. If Stephen had been able to remain free without the bonding, he never would have bonded anyone.

Sharing his feelings and thoughts non-stop and feeling someone else's was stressful to Stephen... but he left the bond open as much as possible, because he knew Peter would feel rejected if he didn't. For someone as private as Stephen, it was a constant struggle not to constantly be irritable. For someone with a sarcastic and acerbic wit, it was even more difficult not to say something that, while a normal response for him, would only hurt Peter. It was even more difficult not to project those thoughts and feelings that he knew Peter would misunderstand. Luckily, he knew enough about the bond that he could filter without blocking completely. He was doing his best to handle things in a manner that wouldn't hurt his bond-mate.

But here Peter was, feeling miserable and Stephen could only guess it was because Stephen hadn't immediately said everything was okay... that the apology was enough and nothing more needed to be said. That Stephen hadn't immediately punished him physically. The fact Stephen needed to calm down and figure out what he needed to do, so he didn't do something both of them regretted, wouldn't occur to Peter. If Peter were able to think beyond his own emotions and needs, they wouldn't even be in this position.

Stephen could feel Peter was miserable, but the only thing that would help with that was something Stephen wasn't ready to do. What he could do was keep the bond as open as possible, so Peter could at least feel the anger was gone.

He nodded at Steve. "Peter will be staying in the base, whatever we do. Figure he can guard the kids "

If Peter hadn't been scolded for blocking the bond, he probably would have closed it off, so that his own feelings could be hidden from Stephen, too. But his focus shifted when Morgan mentioned strawberries and he was remembering, "I was going to rig up some sun lamps. Maybe I could do that later, after dinner?" This was said with a hopeful feeling sent towards Stephen. After all, it wasn't the media room. Or leaving the base.

"That would actually be very helpful. Let us know if you need any particular supplies to do it," Stephen said, letting Peter feel that he was proud that the other man was attempting to follow the rules of his grounding.

"I just need to know where the supplies are," Peter replied. "That way, I can go back and forth as I need to." Having an idea of something he could do was causing him to perk was feeling that Stephen was proud of him. It was enabling him to push past the feelings of unhappiness and other negative emotions and begin to think logically in regard to not only the bond, but things between him and Stephen. He hoped that the time and space of setting up the sun lamps would give him more space to think clearly.

"I can show you where the supplies are after clean up," Steve offered, though he made sure to defer to Stephen on whether the sorcerer was willing for that to happen straight away.

"That would be good. That way, work can begin as soon as breakfast is over tomorrow," Stephen said. "Tonight, I think we need an early night, though. It has been a very busy day."

Steve nodded his agreement. Noticing that everyone had finished, including the children - and Peter, who seemed able to put away a lot of food, given his slight frame - he stood to begin clearing the table.

After dinner, while Steve was clearing the table, Tony moved over to talk with Mordo. Just because they weren't in a physical Dominant and submissive relationship didn't mean the bond didn't have expectations. They needed to spend time talking with each other every day, or the bond began to itch. They may have communicated during the day, but it wasn't anything of substance and Tony could feel the lack. Sitting next to the sorcerer, Tony whispered, "How do you feel about having your own room in each of my homes? You can portal, so going wherever you need for work won't be an issue. If you find yourself a partner to form a family, we could change it to a suite, or a wing, or a bungalow on the property.... assuming, you know, that we get rid of Ultimus and aren't stuck in this bunker the rest of our lives."

Frank began to help Steve, but he also began to direct the children who were big enough to help, either with the clearing or with helping the smallest children to get cleaned up.

Mordo smiled at the offer. Considering what had occurred before Ultimus, he was calmer and more at peace, more as he had been when Stephen had first met him. "I would like that," he agreed. "I see no reason not to have hope we will defeat Ultimus and also give other dimensions the tools needed to turn him back. We have more protection than when he first invaded."

Tony smiled at that, relaxing at the other man's words and feeling optimistic. He glanced toward where his daughter played with one of the younger kids, keeping them occupied. "You're right. We have every chance now."

"Tomorrow, we will try to free at least two more." Mordo's comment wasn't directing or trying to take charge. He assumed the goal would be to free as many as they possibly could. Then, once they had the book of Vishna, they could launch a full attack on Ultimus. He paused before adding, "If Ultimus hasn't encountered this before...and I believe he is ignorant of how we are freeing people...then this will be something he won't be able to expect or anticipate."

"I think you're right," Tony agreed. He didn't feel like Mordo was attempting anything. He'd discovered that the bond seemed to have adjusted to fit what he and Mordo wanted in their relationship. It wasn't urging him to take control at all. It only urged him to keep their connection open.

"Of course, there may be others who have been displaced from their home dimensions," Mordo commented. "Like Peter. In the meeting tomorrow, we may want to consider how we will handle any others like him." He paused briefly before continuing, "I doubt there will be many." He had a theory about Peter's displacement into their own dimension but didn't express it out loud.

"Hopefully, there won't be. Even though our bond is platonic, I know it would be difficult to separate for long periods of time. Anyone who is from another dimension and bonds like Peter will have a difficult decision to make about going home to their own dimension," Tony acknowledged.

Mordo nodded. "Once Ultimus is defeated, I'm sure decisions will be made for the long-term." He looked towards the children and commented, "In the meantime...I feel it is a very good thing that at least some of what was lost is being found again."

Tony's sense of relief and happiness at having his daughter back was so strong, he couldn't have hidden it from Mordo if he'd wanted to. Yeah. It's a very good thing.

I have no biological family, Mordo said, though he didn't sound sad or like he felt he was missing out on anything. But I do have people I consider family...brothers. Stephen is one. I hope that eventually, we will find the other. Seeing the children helps with that hope.

Wong is a smart guy. If anyone could find a way to hide, he would Tony thought emphatically.

We had a little bit of warning, but not enough to fully prepare apart from deliberately leaving those books out, Mordo replied. I don't expect he was able to resist Ultimus. As far as I know, the only person who escaped eventual conversion was Steve. And that only because of the vaccine in his blood. But I will continue working with Stephen. Eventually, I am certain we will be able to retrieve a copy of the book of Vishna. And perhaps we can also find Wong by working together.

I will do whatever I can to help. I know we'd discussed possibly warning other dimensions while looking for a book of Vishna, even if it wasn't this dimension's book, Tony thought. Maybe while warning them, they can help figure out ways to stop Ultimus.

Forewarned is forearmed, Mordo agreed. The easiest way to open up a line of communication will be to enter one of the Sanctums. But those will likely be heavily guarded. It's not impossible to do so elsewhere, but it is much harder.

If they are more protected, it might mean it is less likely Ultimus would find out we contacted them. That would be good for all of us, Tony theorized.

We just need enough people freed to allow us to get to the sanctums with minimal fuss and potential casualties, Mordo agreed.

So tomorrow, we get two more, Tony agreed.

Perhaps we should look into Phastos being one of those, Mordo said. The stories about him may be more myth than fact, but it still seems as if he is someone we could do with on our side. And it would allow two more family members to be reunited.

If he's even half as good as I've heard, he'll outshine my abilities by miles... Tony snorted. But reuniting family when possible is good.

I think both of you putting your heads together will make this team very close to unstoppable, Mordo commented. His words weren't said just to soothe any bruised ego from the man he was bonded to; he truly believed them.

Tony smiled, feeling the sincerity. Thanks, for that. It would be very good to come up with a way to stop Ultimus permanently, he thought.

I agree, Mordo said. We don't want to send him away from our dimension to enslave another.

Tony nodded. Think it's time to get the children settled into bed... and then ourselves. We have a busy day tomorrow.

I think you're right, Mordo responded. He stood from the table, intending to help with getting the children to bed.

Steve moved over to Peter and Stephen. "I think we're all about to retire for the night, but I can show you where the supplies are so you can work with them at any point," he offered.

Peter nodded. "Uh-uh. That'd be good. If Stephen's okay with it." He'd been thinking deeply since his mind had snapped out of the self-pity. He was also making a conscious effort not to bleed his thoughts and feelings through the bond towards Stephen.

"I think that would be good. Once you are done there, come to bed. We have a lot happening tomorrow..." Stephen reached out and patted Peter's shoulder before gently squeezing it. Even if he wasn't typically a demonstrative person, he'd at least try, since Peter seemed to need more demonstration.

The spike of happiness that came through the bond at the physical touch was one that Peter couldn't have held back if he'd tried...even if he had been making an effort not to overwhelm Stephen with his thoughts and feelings. "I'll see you soon." He stood up to follow Steve to where the supplies were.

Stephen went with Tony, Frank and Mordo to get the children settled in.

Steve took Peter to the supplies and let the younger man take note of what was there and plan some of what he was going to start on the next day. Then, he gently encouraged Peter to head back to his and Stephen's room.

"Yes, Captain." Peter gave a quick grin and began heading back to the room, lost in thought. He'd come to the conclusion that Stephen was reserved, much like Harry had always been. He couldn't do anything about the bonding but knowing how Harry would feel being forced to share thoughts and emotions with someone was making him think about how to make things easier on Stephen. The older man had told him to be honest about his wants and needs...and Peter was thinking whether he needed the bond left open all the time. He couldn't deny it did make him feel better, but he didn't need it. So long as he knew he wouldn't be blocked from reaching out to Stephen if he needed knocking on a door and asking to be let inside. Then he got sidetracked, wondering if requesting access through the bond really would be like knocking on a door. How would it feel to the other person? His scientific mind began thinking about experimenting with it before it became a necessity. Would Stephen be willing to let him experiment with the bond? Maybe he could ask the other pairings....

Stephen had returned to the room shortly before Peter. He'd noticed his bond-mate blocking some of his feelings from coming through and initially, he was worried that Peter was about to rush off without word again, getting himself, and potentially everyone else, in trouble. He'd rushed of the other two times he'd gone off alone with Cap, after all. He forced himself to relax; he wouldn't assume the worst. Besides... maybe he could consider himself lucky Peter was blocking some things. The totally chaotic and confused feelings he was sensing indicated his mate was thinking hard, but not focusing very well. It was very distracting. He shook his head, amusement slipping through the bond. What are you thinking about? I can almost hear the cogs turning from here....

Do you think requesting access through the bond would be like knocking on a door? Peter put 'voice' to the immediate thought he was thinking, without actually mentioning what had prompted him to start thinking it.

Stephen blinked. Do you mean like... blocking the bond, but if one if us wants to talk through it, giving a mental nudge? To be honest, I was tempted to just 'shove' through today when you'd completely blocked me. I decided against it in the end; and you reopened it eventually.  He got ready for bed as he thought, what exactly do you mean? I doubt you are thinking about situations like this morning.

I started thinking that you're kind of like Harry. Sort of...more reserved and private, Peter replied. And then I started thinking about how he would feel if he was forced to bond with someone and share all of his feelings and emotions. And you told me to be honest about what I want and need and... I was thinking. I don't need you to keep the bond open all the time. You promised you won't leave, and I believe you. I trust you. I figured as long as I know I can reach out to you when I need to, I won't get distressed or like a needy baby. And then I started wondering if asking to talk to you, or share with you, would be like knocking on a door. He'd reached the room by then and, thanks to his newly rediscovered 'thinking of others', announced, I'm outside. Just in case Stephen wanted a bit more privacy before Peter stepped into the room.

Stephen was surprised at the thought Peter had given the situation. I think you are right, he thought, as he opened the door so Peter could come in. It very much would be like knocking on a door. "Are you certain you are okay with that? It isn't easy, I'll admit, but I am capable of hiding what I need to and leaving the bond open otherwise. I appreciate you being willing to try, but if it makes things harder for you...."

Peter stepped into the room and answered the question honestly. "I don't know for sure how I'll feel. I had Ultimus in my head, but that...wasn't the same. It's a bit scary to think about not having anyone there," he admitted. " bonded to me. Even though we met before, we don't really know all that much about each other." He wrinkled his nose, not sure he was explaining himself well. "I'd like to become friends with you. I got Harry to like me and want to be friends with me. I'm hoping that I can do the same with you. And I figure it'll be easier if you can have...well, as much privacy as I can give you."

Stephen smiled faintly. "That's very mature of you. I appreciate it. Becoming friends would be ideal. We can try it. Just realize if it gets difficult, I do expect you to tell me."

Peter nodded. "I know you don't want me blocking off the bond my end, but maybe you can teach me better control, so I don't always bleed through to you?" he asked, even as he went to get changed for bed.

"Yeah. I can teach you. Can also teach you how to reach out if you need me and there's interference. That would be good, since we don't know what we might be up against in the future." Stephen sat on the bed and waited for Peter.

"I was going to ask if I can experiment with the bond. Maybe tomorrow, when I'm setting up those sun lamps and you're doing...well, whatever it is you're doing." Peter finished getting ready for bed and moved back through to the other room.

"I don't see why not. As long as if, during any potentially dangerous moments, you stop the experimenting so you can fully concentrate on what you are doing." Stephen held an arm open in invitation.

"Shouldn't be that dangerous, but I'll be careful." Peter moved over to the bed and sat down, nestling into Stephen's side. "What do you think of playing Truth or Truth?" he asked.

Stephen wrinkled his nose and gave Peter a skeptical look. "Right now? I'm inclined to say let's leave it till tomorrow. We have an early morning. We're going to try and rescue Phastos." He scooted back into the bed, drawing Peter with him until they were able to get under the sheets.

"We can wait till tomorrow." Peter cuddled into Stephen's arms and let his eyes close. "I want to get to know you better," he admitted, around a yawn. "Figure out what makes you happy."

Stephen hmphed softly. "We'll figure this out together," he promised, closing his own eyes.

Peter's response was more like a sleepy grunt. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep...and he managed to stay asleep, fairly peacefully, for about three hours.

And then the nightmares started up again.

Peter began whimpering in his sleep, shifting like he was trying to get free of someone...or something. He wasn't pulling away from Stephen, so whatever held him was clearly in his dream.

Stephen woke immediately, sensing distress through the bond. "Peter..." He carefully shook the other man.

Peter jerked awake, panting, looking around with wide, frantic eyes. For a brief moment, he wasn't able to tell where he was...that he was safe.

"Peter... it's okay. You're safe. With me..." Stephen murmured quietly, so he wouldn't startle him further.

Peter settled, slowly, though his eyes were still wide. He couldn't hold his emotions back through the bond and they were bleeding through. Pain, fear...and a guilt that was so sharp and painful, it felt like jagged edges piercing him every time he breathed.

Wincing slightly, Stephen blocked Peter's feelings enough that they wouldn't overwhelm him, but let his own feelings of calm, safety through.

Peter's whole body was shaking, but he was calming...slowly. Feeling the calmness and safety from Stephen helped to soothe him, but he couldn't keep the tears from spilling over. He did try to regain control over his keep them from bleeding through the bond, even if they were still roiling around inside him.

"Can you talk about it?" Stephen whispered, not trying to push but thinking it might help Peter if he did talk.

Peter wiped futilely at the tears streaming down his face. "I killed them," he whispered hopelessly. "If I didn't...if I didn't try to save them. It didn't make a difference in the end." The words were broken as he tried not to start sobbing.

Stephen couldn't help being confused, but he was certain of one thing. "I am positive that you wouldn't kill anyone. If someone died while you tried to save them, it wasn't your fault. Sometimes, despite our most fervent attempts, shit happens."

Under most other circumstances, Peter might have found the use of the phrasing amusing; would have agreed with it. Not this time, though. His fingers curled inwards, hands clenching into fists. "I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop them. I broke my bones trying to break free and it...was all for nothing."

"Who couldn't you stop?" Stephen asked, realizing that nothing he said would help.

"Ultimus' soldiers." Peter curled in on himself, almost like he was trying to self-comfort. His voice was very shaky as he whispered, "He made them kill all the people I tried to save. Forced me to watch it."

Stephen hugged Peter. "Then it wasn't you that killed them. It wasn't your fault. It was Ultimus... and we're going to stop him," he said firmly. Confidently. He made it clear through the bond he believed his words.

Peter wrapped his arms around Stephen, clinging to him. "Still feel like...he could take me away from here just as easily as he took me away from my dimension," he whispered. "I only felt grounded, only felt safe, when you were inside me." He wasn't really asking for sex, but because he'd promised he would be honest with Stephen, he was hoping that telling the older man would help.

Stephen frowned at that. "I won't let him take you from here. The only way you're leaving is if you want to go." He paused. "We need to find a way for you to feel safe when we aren't physically attached though. Realistically, if the only time you feel safe is during sex, then the largest portion of your life you feel unsafe and that's not healthy."

"I can't really imagine it'll be like that all the time," Peter said, slightly uncertainly, even though he was fairly certain he was right. "I guess, logically, it's gonna take a while before I can truly settle. Once I feel more secure, I guess I won't be quite as needy and clingy...though judging by how I felt after our initial encounter, I don't think the attraction is going to fade."

"Yeah. After what you just told me, I guess I can understand the clinginess a bit better." Stephen smiled faintly. "But I'd still like to figure out a way to help you feel secure without my needing to be right there. Fighting Ultimus, we need to be able to work together without being connected at the hip. I don't like the idea that anytime I'm not looking over your shoulder, you'll get insecure and potentially do something like you did yesterday afternoon."

"I managed to do exactly what I was told when I went to look at the supplies with Steve." Peter looked at Stephen. "That's progress, right? Plus, I'm gonna be working on rigging those sun lamps tomorrow, so it...I us time to practice not being joined at the hip?" His mind made a jump and he frowned in though. "Can you leave portals open for any length of time?"

"It is progress. I'll be more convinced once your punishment is over and I tell Friday you are allowed to leave the base again, if instead of rushing off immediately the minute something catches your attention, you talk to the rest of us about it and then follow whatever plan we make, even if you don't agree." Stephen frowned thoughtfully. "And no. Portals can't just be left open for long lengths of time... not unless you are making a permanent doorway. Which I wouldn't do here because it would be risky."

"I didn't like disappointing you...having you upset and angry with me," Peter said quietly. "I hope that will be enough to not make me do something so stupid and dangerous again." He let his head rest on Stephen's shoulder, nuzzling into the older man. He knew Stephen was fairly reticent, but right now...he needed comfort. And he needed contact. "Sorry," he muttered. "I know I promised to give you space." Hopefully, he'd have a better handle on things after they got up and once he was able to work on the sun lamps.

"You had a nightmare. Even I'm not so reticent, I can't provide comfort." Stephen yawned. "Still... it's late and I've got a busy and early day coming up. Do you think you can sleep if I'm holding on to you?"

"I hope so," Peter responded. He closed his eyes once more and nestled in close. It was obvious that he felt safer in Stephen's arms, and it didn't take long for him to slip into sleep, holding on tight to his bond mate.

Assured Peter was asleep again, Stephen allowed himself to fall asleep.