Chapter Twenty

Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


They had spent the rest of the evening together, eating dinner, spending time with the children, reconnecting with family that had been separated for far too long. Clint hadn't been so happy in a very long time. Knowing his wife was going to be making her way to the cabin where she, Betty, Nathan and the others could all be retrieved and brought to the compound had given him hope that he sorely needed. He knew Bruce felt much the same. He grinned at his older children, shifting closer to his bond-mate and cuddling in his happiness.

Cooper blinked at seeing his father snuggling with the other man, but wasn't upset. He grinned crookedly. "Does the bond encourage affection?" he asked curiously.

Lila was sitting with an arm wrapped affectionately around Laura. She couldn't answer for anyone else, but personally, she did feel the urge to be affectionate with her mate as often as possible.

Cassie was pressed close to Lyja. She didn't say anything either, because she'd felt a need to be close to Lyja before the bond. It was a bit more intense now, but it had always been there. She let a contented feeling flow through the bond, the feeling of sensitivity and near soreness from the bonding making her happy. She made sure Lyja could feel that happiness, as well as the hopefulness that Lyja would continue to lay claim to every part of her when they returned to their room for the evening.

Scott leaned against Rhodey and smiled at Cooper. "I think for some, it is more intense than others, but the bond does tend to encourage closeness."

Katie shifted closer to Namor. Seeing all the other couples being affectionate made her feel an urge to snuggle.

Kate watched her ex-vampire counterpart and gave her an understanding smile. And then shifted closer to Norman. Can I sit on your lap, Sir?

Tony was holding Morgan on his lap, but he'd made certain both Pepper and Mordo were as close to him as possible. Not only did that leave more seats available to everyone else, but it met the bond's demands that he connect with his bondmates.

Frank and Grant were plastered to Steve, giving him chaste but enthusiastic affection.

"I think the bond demands closeness, even for those whose relationships are more platonic," Otto commented, his arms wrapping around Dane's waist and pulling him close. "It certainly feels more settled when we're in physical contact," he added.

"It might not be that much of a surprise," Mobius commented. "After all, all of us are only free from Ultimus' control because of the bonds we've formed. In a very real way, our bond partners have saved us...our souls, if not our lives."

Norman gently drew Kate onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist and cuddling her close.

Namor wrapped his own arms around Katie and cuddled her tightly.

Ikaris smiled at his bondmates and wrapped an arm each around Peter Tom and Sersi, even as he commented, "I think Mobius has a point there. We've saved each other. The bonds are closer than friendship...almost closer than marriage. You can't be bonded that close to another person, or another two people, and keep a physical distance from them too."

Misty nodded. "I don't know that I could be happy with having someone tied to me mentally and not want to be affectionate. It would feel discordant." She took America's hand and squeezed it gently.

Jack Russell put his head on Fury's shoulder. "The fact that the bond forms according to what is needed, but all of us feel affection for our bonded... Ultimus estranged people from each other and made certain there was no closeness at all. It enabled him to keep control. The affection isn't just encouraged by the bond; I think it is necessary for our freedom."

Bucky put his arm around Thena's and Gilgamesh's waist, squeezing the larger man's side with his flesh hand, showing his own affection. "Loving each other, be it platonic or more than platonic, is a strong weapon against Ultimus."

"For those of us that have chosen a less platonic relationship... It is a really fun way to wage war," Colleen said teasingly, before leaning up and kissing Kingo's chin.

"It has also brought those of us who would never have met together." Pietro smiled at Druig and Makkari.

Makkari nodded and quickly signed her agreement.

"It has allowed us to be reunited with those lost in our own worlds," Loki said quietly, with an affectionate smile towards Thor.

"Aye, and allows us to remain together without causing calamity," Thor agreed.

"So, the bond is all-in-all a positive experience. Hopefully, I will be able to bond myself, soon..." Cooper smiled crookedly.

"Ultimus has been growing wise to us finding and freeing those under his control, but he still has soldiers here," Ajak said. "And both Loki and Druig are able to free someone from his control, at least for long enough to allow a choice to be made in forming a bond." She glanced around at the others. "Perhaps it's worth hitting another base that's likely to have people controlled by Ultimus. The more controlled we take from Ultimus, the less he has to throw at us when we can finally fight back."

"Do we know of any such bases? We only found the last base because Ultimus's 'followers' weren't actually loyal to him and helped people escape," Everett said, glancing at Fury and the other prisoners that had been freed when Jack Russell and the others had turned on Tony and Pepper's crazy counterparts (and thereby turning on Ultimus).

"Well, we know the rest of my family and the group they are with are making their way to the cabin. The fact they lived in hiding for a year indicates Ultimus's control wasn't as complete as we feared." Clint paused. "There could be other small groups that are hiding. Maybe there are clues we can have Friday looking for that will help us find and connect to them."

Steve nodded. "You were able to leave a message for Clint to find," he said to Cooper and Lila. "Maybe it's worth seeing if we can leave a clue of some kind for another group to find. Some way of showing them they aren't alone."

"But we have to be careful," Rhodey said. "We don't necessarily know who might be out there. And we don't want to risk even a coded message falling into the wrong hands."

"So, a message that freedom fighters would understand if they found it, but Ultimus's followers wouldn't," Marc said. "But what kind of message fits that description?"

Blade frowned. "Is there something that people of this dimension would know, that those brought over by Ultimus might not? And that those who willingly work with Ultimus might not know either?"

"The Avengers," Lyja said. "That's about the only thing I could think of that's so well-known in this dimension and perhaps might not be in others."

Harley stirred slightly. "The other Tony Stark wasn't Iron Man," he mumbleed softly.

"So what Avengers sign could we use to alert people who are standing up to Ultimus that the HYDRA traitors won't pick up on and tell him?" Brock asked softly.

"We might have to think about that," Bruce said. "But Ultimus already knows who's free. The symbols can be subtle enough to catch someone's eye...but perhaps not noticeable enough to draw the attention of someone looking more casually."

"Sort of a modern day 'Killroy was here'..." Dane said, with a crooked grin.

"What about the symbol that's on the Avengers Tower?" Mordo suggested. "It's something that would be fairly easy to recreate. And Ultimus won't necessarily realise what it's there for, even if his soldiers do notice it."

Grant nodded. "Even if the HYDRA soldiers saw it and recognize it, they would likely just attribute it to Steve rubbing their noses in the fact he is free. But if anyone not loyal to Ultimus who wasn't mind controlled saw it, it might let them know freedom exists elsewhere and they might investigate more closely... and if somehow, Friday was able to monitor...."

"I don't see why it couldn't be done in such a way that Friday couldn't monitor..." Tony added.

"We could send out groups in different directions to leave the symbol," Fury suggested. "In areas that are more likely to be hit for supplies, or that provide a lot of cover that groups might use as a base."

"Sounds good. Maybe we could get two or three groups to do that tomorrow? Unless they make very good time, I doubt the rest of the group heading to the cabin will arrive until the day after tomorrow," Bucky said.

"It's up to Steve..." Tony gave his friend and the Avenger's leader a crooked smile.

Steve nodded. "I think that would be a good idea," he agreed. "We won't use portals, at least not while Ultimus' sorcerers are here, but we have three speedsters who can take three different groups. And it will be another excuse for more people to be able to go out."

"It's a plan, then," Sif said. "I would like to be one of those who go tomorrow. As I have not been in an excursion group yet."

Misty nodded. "Yeah. What she said."

Steve nodded, glancing around at the rest of the group. "Is there anyone else who'd particularly like to go out?"

"I would like to." Pyro nodded. 'If the three of us..." He looked at Misty and Sif. "...Go, and our mates go, we have a way to communicate between groups. Not counting the speedsters."

"I would like to go," Shuri admitted quietly, an almost wistful feeling coming through the bond. She missed the freedom of outside.

Pyro smiled at Shuri in response.

Sif looked toward Sprite. "Do you wish to go?"

Misty looked at America as if to ask the same thing.

Sprite's eyes lit up at the prospect and she nodded quickly. "Yes. I want to go out..." she said longingly.

"Me too." America agreed with the other woman.

"Okay then. Looks like we have three teams. America can go with Sif. Shuri can go with Misty. Sprite can come with me..." Pyro suggested. "And the speedsters can figure out who they want to cart around!"

Druig laughed. "Pietro? Do you mind taking America and Sif? Makarri can take Pyro and Sprite and I'll take Misty and Shuri. If no one objects."

Pietro nodded. "Makes no difference to me," he agreed.

I have no objections, Makkari signed.

"Great. We can leave after breakfast tomorrow. Gives us time to figure out the sign we want to use and figure out the best way to put it up...." Pyro looked around for confirmation or disagreement.

There were various murmurs of agreement from the rest of the people in the room.

"Alright then." Tony clapped his hands together before helping Morgan up and standing himself. "It's time for all children to head to bed. And given the plans for tomorrow, the rest of us probably want to follow suit."

At those words, the various kids who had been playing games on the floor stood and waited for their parent or 'adult' to walk them to their room.

All the couples not helping a child began to head to their rooms as well.

Bruce wrapped an arm around Clint's shoulder, leading him to their room. It won't be long before we're reunited with the rest of our family, he sent through the link.

It feels like a dream... Clint admitted, leaning into his bond-mate. If you weren't here, I'd be going off the rails.

I'm glad I can help you in that way, Bruce said seriously. You help keep me calm and in control in a very similar way.

I love you... Clint snuggled close. I'm really happy Laura and Betty are bonded. It makes it easier. I can't imagine not living with you anymore.

I love you too. I can't imagine us being apart either, Bruce admitted. Us bonding was the best thing for us. With Laura and Betty in their lives once more, he wasn't sure what it was going to do for their current relationship...but he also knew he couldn't live without Clint.

By this point, they were at the bed. Clint quickly stripped and crawled under the covers, not bothering with pajamas; waiting for Bruce. Tomorrow, you can get reacquainted with Lila and Cooper. They were still kids when you last saw them. He smiled.

I look forward to that. Bruce got undressed and climbed into bed with Clint, reaching out and wrapping his arms tightly around his mate.

Clint shifted to press snuggly against his mate and was quickly asleep.

Bruce wrapped his arms tightly around Clint, closing his own eyes, and very quickly followed his mate into sleep.


Cooper watched as his father disappeared into his room with Bruce, then his sister and her mate went to their toom, and Cassie and Lyja disappeared into their room. He sighed and gave Eddie a small smile. "See you in the morning, man. If Prof talks to you tonight, let him know about the signs they plan to leave. Maybe he'll have some ideas."

"Yeah. For sure," Eddie agreed. "See you in the morning." He waited until Cooper was inside his own room before going into his. He quickly got ready for bed and crawled under the sheets before trying to contact the older man.

Prof? You able to talk? he thought.

I'm here, Charles answered. Is everything all right?

It's going well. They don't expect you to reach the cabin until the day after tomorrow, so they are sending out a group to put up secret signs to hopefully connect with other free groups. Do you think you'll be there then? Eddie couldn't help hoping they would be.

We're making good timing, despite having to be careful due to the amount of patrols out, Charles answered. I think there's a very good chance we will reach it by then.

Good. Everyone is anxious to see you all, Eddie responded. I'm anxious to see you all. Venom made an appearance so they know he is here, but only made the one appearance. He's been hiding.

Do you know why? Charles asked, sounding concerned.

He... He said he is afraid no one will bond with me if he hangs around too much and I'll be stuck underground the rest of my life, or until Ultimus is defeated. He thinks if he hides, someone will be more willing to bond me and maybe afterwards, they won't care he's there in me. Eddie reluctantly repeated what Venom told him. He didn't want the symbiote feeling bad or cutting himself off from everyone, but he didn't know if the fear was justified either. And it wasn't like there were many options of bond mates.

While I can understand his worry, it would be better if he puts in more of an appearance, Charles said. Venom is a part of you and he doesn't need to hide. The person who bonds with you will need to accept that.

Yessir. I told him that. Maybe hearing you saying the same thing will convince him, Eddie acknowledged, knowing Venom was listening in on their conversation.

You come as a package deal, Charles said. But in any case, we'll be there soon. Maybe we can talk about this in person.

Of course. I'll feel better once you arrive. It feels wrong, being separated. We've all been together for so long... Eddie thought.

We're family, Charles agreed. Did you want me to pass any messages on to the others?

Tell them Lila bonded with a girl we met at the cabin. Cassie and Lyja bonded. They all seem happy. And we are all missing you all. You'll like it here, though. It's amazing.... Eddie sent a few mental pictures of the underground park with the vegetable garden, berry bushes and fruit trees.

I think we'll all be really happy to be able to have fresh fruit and vegetables, Charles replied, clearly happy about being able to see the underground park. I'm glad that Lila, Cassie and Lyja are happy. I'll let Laura and Betty know. They seem to be happy and content with their bond. So do Wade and Colossus.

I'll let the others know. If they are anything like everyone here, you've probably noticed them all being more affectionate with each other. Apparently, the bond encourages closeness, even if it is more platonic. Although I haven't seen any that are purely platonic with the exception of Clint and Bruce. I'm not certain they would be platonic if it weren't for the fact Clint was in a relationship already with Laura, Eddie pondered.

I have seen the affection between them, Charles agreed. It's definitely more sexual between Colossus and Wade, but Laura and Betty are also quite affectionate with each other.

Yeah. I'm still learning the dynamics of all the relationships here. Maybe I can ask someone more in depth tomorrow. Although it probably is different for each couple, so who knows if the information I get will be useful? Eddie yawned. I better get some sleep. Considering today was easy for the most part, I'm really tired.

I'll let you get some rest, Charles said. You can always reach out to me when you need to. I'll contact you tomorrow and let you know how we're doing, he promised.

Yes. I don't think any of us will truly relax until you all are safely here too, Eddie thought.

I don't think we can really relax until we're all together again, Charles said, his mental voice a bit rueful.

Yeah. Be safe tomorrow... Eddie thought. His thoughts were becoming a bit muzzy, betraying that he was falling asleep.

Good night, Eddie. I'll contact you tomorrow, Charles said affectionately, before he slipped out of the mental communication.

Eddie fell asleep to the gentle dismissal.


Cassie had gone in to take a shower, too keyed up and excited about being reunited with her father, as well as worrying about the rest of their small family. Plus, her mind wouldn't stop thinking about the aspects of the bond they knew and what other potential aspects there were. The shower didn't help, but at least I smell nice now, she thought to herself.

Lyja had showered earlier, so all she did was get ready for bed. She could feel that Cassie was keyed up and having trouble settling and she sent a wave of reassurance through the bond to her mate.

Cassie walked out of the bath, a towel wrapped around her. "Sorry..." she whispered. "There's just so much going on and so much we don't know and..." She sighed. I guess I'm getting overwhelmed.

That's not unusual, Lyja said gently. You don't need to apologise. It's normal to feel like this, after so long on the run and then suddenly being reunited with family and close friends.

Thank you for understanding. I'll try to keep myself under control so I don't keep you awake, Cassie thought sheepishly.

Don't worry about forcing it, Lyja replied gently. She got into bed and held her arms out to Cassie in invitation.

I'll try... But I don't want to disturb your sleep... Cassie thought. She paused as Lyja held her arms out. She hadn't put on pajamas yet. Deciding Lyja obviously knew that- she was standing there in a towel, after all- she removed the towel and hung it on the back of the bathroom door to dry. She then quickly scampered to the bed and crawled under the sheets and into Lyja's arms.

Lyja wrapped her arms tightly around Cassie, beginning to stroke her mate's hair and down her back. I love you. I'm glad we bonded, she thought.

I love you too. So much... Cassie nuzzled Lyja's shoulder before pressing soft kisses to her collarbone. Glad we bonded... That we belong to each other. She looked up with an impish grin. Happy to submit to you....

Lyja brushed a tender kiss against Cassie's lips and then gently kissed her neck, grazing lightly with her teeth. It makes me feel good when you submit to me, she said honestly.

It feels good to me too... Cassie groaned at feeling teeth against her skin. Her body began to flush with arousal and her nipples hardened in response to the slightly rougher affection.

Able to feel the reactions she was drawing from her mate, Lyja began to gently suck on Cassie's neck. She let her fingers slip between her mate's legs, beginning to stroke her mate's centre.

Cassie moaned softly, opening her legs for her mate and slanting her head so her neck was vulnerable. Yours... she thought emphatically.

Mine, Lyja responded, gently pushing one finger inside Cassie. She continued to suck and gently nip her mate's neck.

Cassie clenched around Lyja's finger and moaned again. She was very wet already.

Lyja flicked her tongue over Cassie's pulse point, gently nipping the skin there, and pushed a second finger inside slowly, beginning to stroke and caress her mate intimately.

Cassie shivered and moaned again softly. Feels so good... She pressed feather light kisses against Lyja's shoulder.

Good. I want you to feel good. Lyja's fingers found the hard little nub and began to stroke it rapidly.

Cassie gasped, arching toward Lyja's hand and wriggling on her fingers with a keening sound. Feelings of intense pleasure shot through her and through the bond. Harder... she begged.

In response, Lyja began to rub that spot harder, putting more pressure behind the touches. At the same time, she began to suck on another spot on Cassie's neck...leaving more love bites behind.

Cassie quivered, clenching around Lyja's fingers, her breathing ragged. Her moans were desperate. "More... Please..." She whimpered with need.

Lyja continued to suck and bite, continued to put pressure against the sensitive nub...pushing Casise to where she knew the edge was. Let go, she ordered. I'll catch you.

Arching toward Lyja, Cassie let out a soft wail, clenching tightly enough to hold Lyja in her and began to spasm out of control. Her climax spurt out of her, the bond taking her past what a normal orgasm would have.

Lyja held her mate through the length of her orgasm, keeping the bond open so that Cassie could feel that she was there and wouldn't leave her.

When her body finally calmed, Cassie gripped onto Lyja tightly, nuzzling. Yours... she thought. She was sated but tired. You didn't get anything... she added on, with a hint of guilty worry.

I wanted to bring you pleasure. Lyja left unsaid that she was also hoping doing so would allow Cassie to sleep. Cuddling her mate closer, she added, You can return the favour tomorrow.

Okay. I want you to feel good too, Cassie thought, snuggling close. It didn't take long to fall asleep.


The next evening, everyone had gathered in the common area once more, so that those who had gone out could give their report on where they'd placed the symbols to draw the attention of anyone else fighting back against Ultimus.

"You didn't see anyone else while you were out?" Steve asked the groups.

Druig glanced at the others. "My group didn't see anyone... But there was evidence of people having been there and scavenging at some point. We left the signs. If we go back in a few days, we can see if a message is left for us."

Pietro nodded. "The same where we were," he agreed. "There were obvious signs of people having gone there for supplies. The messages have been left."

"So now it's just a waiting game," Fury said.

"Hopefully, not too long. It feels like the longer it takes to find people, the less likely we will be able to help them. Now that Ultimus is watching more closely." Bucky sighed.

"We are also limited due to the presence of our dark counterparts," Mordo said. "We can think like them...but they can think like us, so it's not that much of an advantage."

"We do have the advantage of having Nat feeding us information," Clint pointed out.

"At least as long as they believe she's on their side," Steve said. "I'm surprised Ultimus hasn't sent a mind reader to our dimension."

"If he does... We need to be ready to help them get out if necessary..." Tony frowned.

Coulson nodded. "If Nat can send a message if she's aware of any more counterparts being sent by Ultimus, perhaps we can then get her and T'Challa out at that point. It might not be a mind reader being sent then, but we probably don't want to take the risk."

"I'll make sure to get that message to her," Clint stated. "I plan to leave early in the morning to get Laura, Betty and the others." He looked toward Eddie. "The professor told you they'd arrived at the cabin not long ago, correct?"

"They are there and waiting for retrieval." Eddie nodded.

Lyja relaxed visibly, reaching out to slip her hand into Cassie's. "I'll feel better once they're all here with us," she said honestly.

Cassie squeezed Lyja's hand and nodded. Me too.

"Is the same group going to retrieve them that went last time?" Everett asked.

"I don't see any reason why they wouldn't." Steve glanced at those who had gone to retrieve the first part of the group, making sure there were no protests or objections.

"In that case, might I suggest we all turn in early?" Stephen said. "We know they are there. The plan is to leave at sunrise to retrieve them and we know it won't take long to return once we've made contact. While we are gone, the rest of you can make sure breakfast is ready and everything else we might need is available."

"Sounds good. Let's get going." Wong stood, pulling Harry to his feet to lead him out.

The others began following suit.

It didn't take long before they'd all retired to bed, ready for what the next morning would bring.


Clint had given Bruce a tight hug and a chaste kiss before leaving with the group to retrieve those at the cabin. It hadn't taken long to get there and only slightly longer to connect with everyone, since they moved carefully in case there were traps or Ultimus' troops nearby. They'd checked everyone for trackers and had them leave anything that wasn't important to them. Because of that, when they were sped back to the compound, they were all in the hospital gowns, ready to go to medical for the check-up. "As soon as Stephen and Lincoln have examined you, we can show you around; show you the rooms..." Clint said. He was holding Laura's hand tightly.

Betty noticed and was happy for her mate...but couldn't help a small triage of jealousy. Or maybe not jealousy...more that something wasn't complete. Since she was clinging to Bruce's hand, she wasn't sure why she felt that way.

Eddie was hovering near Charles. "This place is amazing, Sir..." he whispered, excited to show him around.

Nate was staring around at everything, his eyes wide. "This is so cool!" he enthused. "How'd you keep it all hidden down here?"

Bruce was holding Betty's hand, a happy and contented feeling coming through the bond...although he was still watching Clint. In case the other man needed any help or support. He'd been doing that all the time, so it was hard to stop.

Charles smiled at Eddie's obvious excitement. "As soon as the examination is over, you can show me around," he promised.

Colossus was sticking near Wade, hovering almost protectively over the other man...even though Wade was more than capable of protecting himself.

The examinations were quick if thorough and soon, everyone was being shown to rooms.

"Bruce and I have two rooms next to each other," Clint said to Laura and Betty. "I'm sure you noticed the bond encourages closeness, so it seemed best. The kids' rooms are close as well, so the family can be near each other."

Morgan quickly introduced herself to Nathan. He was only a couple of years older than her and Jack, if that, and she figured the older kids needed to stick together.

Nate's grin was happy when Morgan introduced herself. He loved his family, but it had been difficult being the only child in the group. He was obviously happy not to be alone anymore.

"Which room can Nate use?" Laura asked Clint. She'd only let go of her husband during the examination and now held his hand again. But part of her also wanted to reach out and hold Betty's hand. She pushed that desire away, focusing on getting the rest of them settled into the base.

"He is across the hall from us. Close enough to keep an eye on, but far enough he can have some privacy." Clint smiled. He squeezed Laura's hand and tried not to be too anxious at not being pressed against Bruce. He figured the bond needed time to adjust to things. Maybe once he and Bruce had bonded with Laura and Betty, it would stop wanting him to go to Bruce.

Betty squeezed Bruce's hand, clearly happy to be with him even if she kept checking on Laura.

"You all know about the bonding. Those of you who have not bonded yet will need to keep yourselves inside the compound until we find more people for you to bond with..." Stephen said. "...Unless you have already decided on someone who is here."

Elsa sighed. "I haven't. But I am happy to stay in the compound until someone is found. It will be a nice change from running and hiding."

Charles nodded in agreement. "It will be nice not to be on edge all the time." He turned to Eddie and smiled. "Which room did you take? I can have one close to you," he offered...although he was already considering the possibility of bonding with Eddie. After all, the two of them got on quite well. And he knew about Venom already, which was a bonus.

"My room is here .." Eddie smiled, leading Charles to where he was now living.

Everyone else who didn't already have a room found an empty one and claimed it.

Charles looked around, noting that there was an empty room close to Eddie's. "I was thinking, about what you said about you and Venom. You don't need to make any decisions yet, since it might be a good idea to take some time to think about it, but I'd be willing...I'd be bond with you."

Eddie blinked at that, a shy smile crossing his face. "Maybe think on it today...if you do not change your mind before tonight, then...well, I have to admit bonding with you when you know exactly what you're getting with me and Venom, instead of waiting for a stranger who might be able to accept that we are a package deal... It is appealing. And less scary than thinking about the alternatives."

Charles nodded. "But unless you have a burning desire to leave the compound, there is time to wait and see if you think there's anyone else you might fit with better. Especially as we're not from the same dimension. You might want to bond to someone whose home is actually here."

Eddie nodded. It made sense to give themselves time. He wasn't confident he'd feel comfortable with anyone else.... Bonding at all made him nervous.... It wouldn't hurt to wait. Before making a decision.

"In the meantime, I'll take this room next door. So we can take time and see if anything develops." Charles indicated the room.

"Okay, Prof." Eddie smiled. "I'm glad you're here."

Venom stuck his head out for the first time in several days. "I am glad too!"

Charles smiled. "It's good to see you too, Venom. You know you don't have to stay hidden inside Eddie, right?"

"I don't want to scare people. Once they are used to Eddie... Maybe then..." Venom stated.

Eddie gave Xavier a look as if to say, 'told you'.

"While I can understand that reluctance, the best way for people to get used to you is to see you," Charles said. "The more they see you, the less scared they'll be of you. After all, our whole small family accepted you without issues." He smiled faintly.

"Hmm... I guess. I can come out a little at a time," Venom agreed reluctantly.

"Well, until you do, I'll just have to make sure I keep telling everyone that you are there. So, they can look forward to meeting you," Eddie soothed.

By this time, everyone else had gone into their rooms.  "I should let you settle in, Prof." Eddie smiled. "We can talk more at lunch...."

Charles nodded. "I'll see you at lunch," he promised.

Eddie smiled again and waited until Charles had gone into his room before going inside his own.


Jessica paced impatiently, waiting for the others to join her to discuss what she and Emil had discovered on their latest foraging excursion.

Ilyana stepped into the main room and sat down next to Sam, holding her toy dragon tightly...almost protectively.

Riktor quickly followed her into the room, but remained standing, noticing that Jessica was pacing and not sure if that meant they were going to need to leave or not.

Once everyone was in the room, Jessica glanced at Emil, then began. "When foraging for supplies today, Emil and I stumbled across something very... Interesting. We need to decide as a group what we think of it and what we want to do about it."

Emil nodded. "We found a sign that indicates an Avenger was recently in the area. We need to decide if it was actually Steve Rogers' group, or if it is a trap set by Ultimus. If we believe it is Rogers' group, do we want to follow the clue they left to a new location?"

"I left a message for Jack to see if he knows anything, but he might not get it for several days. That gives us time to have a plan ready if he says it isn't Ultimus. If he says he doesn't know, then... We will either believe the sign blindly or ignore it." Jessica shrugged faintly, before glancing around the group. "This is big. Important. So everyone should have a say "

Riktor frowned. "What kind of sign? Do you think it was accidental or left there deliberately...assuming it is the Avengers and not a trick by Ultimus," he added.

"We might not be the only ones free of him?" Sam looked hopeful.

Ilyana didn't say anything, just listened with her head tilted to one side.

"I know we're not the only ones free if him..." Jessica answered Sam first. "Jack has said several times that Ultimus is furious about Steve Rogers escaping him; and apparently fighting him well enough that he has rescued several people from Ultimus and turned them against him."

Emil answered Riktor. "The signs are very recent. They weren't there last time we foraged. Given the sign is the Avenger's 'A', I believe it is possibly Steve Rogers' group reaching out. But we have no further proof of that and if Jack isn't able to give information about it, we will be choosing to follow the sign- or ignore it completely- on gut feeling."

"So...we'd have to leave this place?" It was difficult to tell what Ilyana was thinking, but she was holding her stuffed dragon tightly.

"If there is another group that's reaching out, it might be worth meeting them," Riktor said thoughtfully. "If it's real and isn't a trap of some kind, we're going to stand a better chance of fighting back with greater numbers. Unless Jack tells us this is a trick of Ultimus, I think we should follow this lead," he said firmly.

"I agree. If it is another group reaching out, we will decide if it is better to leave this place once we find out where they are. It is possible their base is more secure; in which case, it would be a good idea to join them. Assuming it isn't an Ultimus trap," Emil said

"So we're going to ask Jack if he knows anything?" Sam looked at all of them.

"I already left a message for him at the usual spot after we found the sign. I will return tomorrow to see if he has answered and continue to do so until he can give me an answer," Jessica stated.

"And then we'll figure out where to go from there," Riktor commented.

"If we can find other people, maybe I'll stop having these nightmares," Sam muttered, leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes.

"Have you had any luck figuring out what they might mean?" Jessica asked.

"No. I've been keeping a journal, but I think they're just regular nightmares. Not that that makes it any easier to deal...." Sam sighed.

"Well, maybe a change of scenery will help. If we end up moving, that is," Jessica consoled.

"I don't think it could be any worse." Sam made an obvious attempt to smile, but it looked more like a grimace.

Jessica gave him a sympathetic look. "Wish I could help you. I know how horrible dreams can be," she said softly.

"How do you deal with them?" Sam asked quietly.

"You don't want to deal with them the way I dealt with them." Jessica snorted in self-mockery. "I became a functioning alcoholic."

Ilyana glanced up at that. "We could probably get alcohol. If you wanted to try," she said to Sam.

Sam grimaced. "I think I need to keep my head as clear as it's possible to be."

"There will be no drinking until we are assured of safety from Ultimus. As that is not the situation currently..." Emil said firmly, leaving them to complete his thought.

Riktor snorted softly. "Things are difficult enough without adding alcohol into the mix." He agreed with Emil.

"Yeah. Well. Not like I found any alcohol to drink the last year. It's like as soon as people began to panic, they made a run on the booze... And once he caught them, it wasn't like they'd return it..." Jessica laughed. "Been sober too long now to ruin my clean streak."

"Pity," Ilyana said. "It might have been nice to try getting drunk." She hugged her stuffed dragon a bit tighter. 

Jessica smiled crookedly. "It really is overrated. It doesn't make you forget. Not really. Not unless you drink so much, you kill brain cells. It just makes it more difficult to not let what bothers you, bother you worse...."

Ilyana looked a bit disappointed by that. "It was worth a try." She sighed.

Emil put an arm around Ilyana's shoulder. "I'm sure it seemed like it." He smiled.

Ilyana sighed and let herself lean against Emil. "Could have done with forgetting more than a few things," she mumbled, almost to herself.

"Yeah. Problem with forgetting things in that way is you forget the good stuff too..." Emil said softly.

"There isn't much good I particularly want to remember," Ilyana said quietly, not looking at him.

"That makes remembering what little good there is all the more important," Emil said firmly.

Ilyana shrugged. "There's no alcohol to try and drink myself to oblivion anyway," she said, sounding resigned.

"And if there were, my point still stands. Remembering any good, even if there is little to remember, is important." Emil shrugged.

Ilyana shrugged, not voicing anymore arguments or protest. She just held her stuffed dragon, a pensive look on her face.

"Well, not much else we can do until I hear from Jack. So... let's go ahead and eat. Then... just... do whatever until bed time. I'll head over in the morning to see if Jack has answered me. He usually goes through in the evenings, so if he went by tonight, there will be an answer." Jessica sighed.

Riktor nodded. "I started preparing food. I can finish it off. It won't take long." He moved to head through to their little 'kitchen' area.

It hadn't taken long and soon, they were all eating.


Several days had passed. Jessica had checked every day to see if Jack had responded to her message. She'd begun to worry that he might have got caught when she finally found a message from him on the fourth day. She quickly took it back to the hideout to share with the others.

Riktor had returned to their hideout at the same time as Jessica, having gone out to collect more supplies. "Did you get an answer?" he asked softly.

"I did... I'm just waiting for everyone to gather round the table..." Jessica smiled.

Emil came in soon after Riktor. "Sam and Ilyana were right behind me..." he said.

As Riktor sat down, Ilyana and Sam trailed in, also going to claim seats at the table.

Once everyone was seated, Jessica pulled out the coded message from Rollins. "He said that he is unaware of any attempt by Ultimus to trap 'rebels' by sending fake Avenger messages. And he believes that is exactly something that Ultimus would have his HYDRA lackeys do, if it was him doing it. So he thinks the sign was legit." She looked around at the others. "So. Do we pack up and follow the sign to these coordinates?"

Emil nodded. "I think we should. It would be good to have allies. Even if we decide to stay in our own separate group and return here, at least we will have a place to look to for help if something happens and we have to leave."

"If we get close enough, I should be able to read their minds and make sure they don't have any bad intentions," Riktor said confidently.

Jessica nodded. "So. The sooner we do this, the better, I think. Pack up whatever you can't live without. We head out tomorrow morning, early. I'm going to go now and leave Rollins a message that we are leaving and we'll try and connect again once things settle."

Emil stood. "I'll start going through items."

Ilyana quickly stood, heading to her little area to begin packing up her few belongings.

Sam followed to do the same.


The day passed quickly in a flurry of preparation. Jessica returned from leaving a message for Rollins, they finished storing whatever they weren't taking and made an early night of it. Early in the morning, they left for the coordinates that had been on the sign.

They didn't have a speedster with them, so it took the full day to reach a tiny cabin in the woods with a goat barn, of all things. "They're raising goats..." Jessica muttered, with a hint of bafflement.

"They probably provide milk." Emil shrugged, even as he carefully looked for traps before opening the cabin door.

"It looks like no one's lived here in a while." Riktor reached out mentally, even as he looked around. "I can't feel anyone close by. Maybe their actual base is somewhere else."

Ilyana peered into the cabin. "It's even smaller than our base...."

"It looks like some people were here recently, even if they didn't live here." Jessica pointed out dishware that had been washed and set to the side of a sink.

Emil nodded. "It would actually make sense that their base is somewhere else. If Ultimus somehow got hold of the sign, figured out what it meant, and sent troops to the coordinates, it wouldn't put the rest of them at risk. It would just eliminate a safe house, but they could find others to take it's place."

"Should we try and sleep here, if we're going to be here a while?" Sam asked. "I guess the beds are enough for two people to use...if they press close together...and we'd need someone to keep watch anyway...."

Jessica nodded. "Two of us can do a shift so everyone gets some sleep. I'm used to staying up and watching, did it all the time as a detective, so I can take first watch."

"I expect that they'll have some manner of keeping an eye on this place," Emil stated. "It would be pointless to send people here, otherwise. I doubt we'll be here longer than a few days before they come for us. If no one has come by the end of a week, we can go back to our base, since it is larger."

"I'll be able to feel if anyone approaches," Riktor said. "So if there are any of Ultimus' groups nearby, we'll know."

"Yeah. You could do second watch," Jessica agreed. "Let's eat something, then bed down. It's been a long day."

They quickly set out to make a light meal that didn't require cooking. Eating and cleanup was just as quick and soon, they were resting, Jessica keeping a watch over their surroundings.


"Captain? I have noticed movement at the cabin area. Heat signatures indicate a group of five. They aren't leaving and appear to be staying the night," Friday informed the group, as they mingled in the recreational area.

"Maybe someone found our signs?" Druig suggested.

Steve nodded. "That's the most likely explanation," he agreed. "Friday, can you inform us if the group is still there in the morning? We can then send a group out to investigate."

"Of course, Captain," the AI responded.

"Same group going as usual?" Clint asked.

Steve nodded. "Unless it might be a better idea to send out another group, of course," he commented. "We don't know who might be at the cabin...whether they're people any of us might know or not."

"Since we don't know, then we should definitely have magic users and speedsters. After that, it doesn't matter too much, I guess..." Tony put in.

"So Druig, Pietro, Makkari..." Stephen started. "Perhaps Wanda should go this time, for the magic. And you, Cap. That should be enough... And it means none of the speedsters have to carry more than three people."

Steve nodded. "That's a good idea," he agreed. "As long as they're still there in the morning, we'll leave first thing after breakfast." He paused, waiting to see if there would be any arguments or protest.

Wanda nodded. "I am willing to go," she confirmed.

"Well, if you are leaving early, let's wrap up the evening, then." Tony smiled, wrapping his arm around Pepper and Mordo.

Others began to stand, ready to head to their rooms.

Within moments, everyone had retired to their rooms for the night and were quickly asleep.


It was about an hour after he woke up the next morning that Druig found himself outside of the cabin once again. He glanced toward Steve, expecting the Captain to take charge. They hadn't found any traps, but they were still being careful going up to the cabin.

A woman stepped out in a defensive but non-threatening manner.

"So, it really was a message from you," Jessica said softly, looking at Steve. "Rollins said Ultimus was looking for you, but didn't know about the signs, so it was a good chance it was you...."

Steve nodded, holding his hands up to show he wasn't armed. "We thought there might be more people who were free of Ultimus, so we left the symbol. It was the best one we could think of that would be obviously from an Avenger."

Jessica nodded, motioning for the others to come out. "I'm Jessica Jones...."

"Emil Blonsky..." Emil stepped up beside Jessica.

The others introduced themselves, Ilyana clutching her stuffed dragon tightly. She was obviously nervous, seeing so many new people.

The rest of the group with Steve also introduced themselves. Druig let a hint of his power out to set everyone at ease.

"We brought gowns that you will need to change into, to make sure there are no trackers on you. We also ask that you only bring items that are important to you. but can't be replaced for the same reason. We have storage that has anything you might need, so you can get new items once we reach the compound," Druig said.

Riktor and Sam immediately began to get changed into the hospital gowns.

Ilyana hung back, looking more unsure...hesitant. Besides, she didn't want to put her stuffed dragon down to get changed.

Emil shifted to Ilyana's side as soon as he'd changed. "I can hold him for you... Keep him safe till you are ready..." he encouraged.

Jessica was already changed and getting the few items out of her pack she didn't want to lose.

Ilyana hesitated, but then slowly handed over the dragon to Emil. She then changed into the hospital gown as quickly as she could.

"New items?" Sam perked up, as he grabbed a couple of things out of his pack.

Riktor did the same, taking a handful of items out that he wanted to keep with him.

Druig smiled. "We take foraging trips at least once a week to find food, even if we don't need it at that moment, so we have it available for if there comes a time we can't go out. We also bring back whatever clothing, toiletry items and 'fun things' we can carry. So... You'll be able to replace your lost clothing and other items once we are at the compound. And if we don't have something you need or even want, we can put it on the 'shopping' list."

By that time, everyone had changed and retrieved their irreplaceable items. They put the other items with the stash they were hiding for a time when they could take the time to scan it thoroughly. Then Druig, Pietro and Makkari took hold of those they were transporting. "Hold on..." Druig grinned, before racing back to the compound with his group.

When he and the others arrived at the entrance, Tony was waiting to greet them with Stephen. "Hello! And welcome. If you will follow me, our resident doctors will give you a checkup so we have a baseline to work with if you get sick. Or so they can, you know, find out if you are sick now. And then we will give you a tour and show you your rooms "

Riktor was looking around, his eyes wide and impressed. "There are so many people here," he whispered. "How are you able to hide everyone from Ultimus?"

Ilyana tensed up noticeably at the idea of a checkup and her grip tightened on her stuffed dragon.

Sam, who'd been relatively calm until this point, also looked a bit nervous. "We don't have...good experience with doctors," he said quietly. It was an understatement, really.

Stephen nodded. "I understand. Lincoln would be best suited to provide your exam, then. He's... Got unusual powers that caused him to have to run from people long before Ultimus showed up. His mate also would understand and could be there to supervise, if it helps you."

"Yeah. That's how we've got and stayed free, by the way. We have bond mates," Tony said, explaining the steps they'd had to take to break free.

"So...we'd have to bond with someone who can feel everything we feel? Like no privacy, or space?" Sam asked.

Ilyana looked distinctly uncomfortable by the idea.

"Unfortunately, it is the only way to ensure Ultimus can't take over our minds. We've found that the bond adjusts to what is needed, though; and with practice, you can block unintentional bleed through of emotions and thoughts. If you need to," Stephen said quietly. "It does tend to cause a closeness, though, so since you have time to think on it, you have time to choose who to bond to." He left unsaid that the earlier bond mates didn't have that time or choice.

"So we don't need to rush into a bond. That's good." Riktor glanced towards Sam and Ilyana, noticing that both seemed uncomfortable, and then addressed Stephen. "Where do we need to go for the medical examinations?" He wasn't really comfortable with doctors either, but he figured that if he needed to protect himself and the others, he could easily use his powers to do so.

"This way." Stephen led them to the medical suite. 

Lincoln was waiting with Nebula, having been informed by Friday that there were several nervous people who needed reassurance.

Ilyana did step into the medical suite, but hung back by the door, clearly reluctant to go further in.

Nebula looked towards her. "I know you're nervous, but the examination is nothing to fear," she said, doing her best to sound reassuring. "Everyone here has gone through one."

Emil had come in and shifted closer to Ilyana. "The younger ones have had very negative experiences with scientists and their examinations..." he said softly, hoping they could read between the lines and help ease the experience.

"I had to run. When my powers first manifested. I knew people who... Well, I understand your reluctance. If it wasn't necessary to make sure you remain healthy... But I won't do anything without explaining it in detail and getting your permission," Lincoln promised.

Sam had managed to get a bit further into the room than Ilyana, but despite his attempts to be brave, his heart rate had sped up a little bit.

Ilyana clutched at her dragon. "I wish I could go to my place..." she whispered.

Lincoln gave Steve an uncertain look. Forcing them wouldn't help anyone, even if they needed the information. He moved to Sam, since he seemed more inclined to cooperate and not panic, even if he was nervous.

By this time, Stephen had already examined Emil and was examining Jessica. He was quick but thorough.

Emil moved to Ilyana. "I know. But since you can't, you need to keep yourself as healthy as possible to keep Ultimus out, yeah? They didn't do anything bad. Only one needle to test our blood. I'll make sure you are safe."

Steve could see that both Ilyana and Sam were reluctant, Ilyana bordering on panic, but all they could do was hope that seeing the others being examined would help her to calm down.

Sam bit his lip, but managed to avoid panicking or running. It did help, a bit, to see that the others were also being examined without problems.

Since Lincoln was handling Sam, Riktor moved over to where Stephen was doing the examinations.

Ilyana was obviously tense. She had an almost death grip on her stuffed dragon. If she didn't know how dangerous it was, she would have opened up the portal to her place right there and then. Like Sam, she was keeping control over her ability and panic...but barely.

Stephen gave Riktor a small smile and performed the examination on him, explaining out loud each thing they were doing and why they were doing it, including drawing blood. He hoped hearing the explanations of what they were doing and why would help calm Ilyana down.

Lincoln was quick and efficient, not taking any longer than necessary on Sam, not wanting the younger man to become as uneasy and panicked as Ilyana.

"See..." Emil soothed the younger girl. "Riktor and Sam both are done now; very quick and they weren't hurt, were you, fellas?"

"Not at all," Riktor said. "Even having blood drawn didn't hurt."

"It doesn't hurt," Sam said, having relaxed visibly while Lincoln did what was necessary and was far more comfortable now. "And you don't need to have it done on your own, with no one else there," he added. "It isn't the same."

Ilyana hesitated, her death grip on her dragon loosening slghtly.

"I could wait to draw the blood... Till you've settled in and met everyone and are more comfortable... As long as I get a sample before you decide to bond with someone, there is no rush for that. I can just do the physical and get scans to make sure nothing is obviously wrong..." Lincoln said quietly, certain Stephen wouldn't disagree with him.

Stephen nodded. "That's acceptable if you feel better to do it that way," he confirmed for Ilyana.

Emil stayed by her side. "Do you want to do that, love? They do need to make sure you don't have any illnesses that could spread through the compound, but if they are willing to wait for bloodwork, you won't have to get a needle today, at least." He knew it wasn't pain or fear of the needle itself holding her back, so he hoped the compromise would help her calm further.

Ilyana bit her lip, still looking wide-eyed and nervous, but the compromise clearly went a good way to calming her and she finally nodded.

Lincoln quickly did the exam before she could get nervous and change her mind again. He made sure to explain what he was doing and why, just as Stephen had done with Riktor. He also made sure he didn't block her view of Emil, or make her put her stuffed animal down. With a hint of relief, he was finally able to step back. "That's it. We'll wait till you are more comfortable to get a blood sample. Right now, though, I'm sure you're anxious for a tour of your new home and to find out where your rooms will be..." He looked at Steve. "If you're ready to show them around...."

Steve nodded. "We've got a lot of empty rooms, so if you feel more comfortable staying close to each other, that won't be a problem...." He began to lead them frm the medical suite, beginning the tour of their base.