Chapter Twelve

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); violence and mentions of violence; AU; torture scenes (not shown in detail)


It had been about a week since the major rescue and things from Ultimus had been suspiciously quiet. Trying to find more of his converted was easier said than done and it was possible that some had been taken to other dimensions. Certainly, it had been hard trying to find any trace of their family members.

And then Friday interrupted, while Druig and Pietro were taking a walk in the indoor park. "Masters Druig and Pietro, my scanners have picked up signs of the remaining Eternals in one of the towns Ultimus has been regularly using as a base."

Druig's eyes widened. "All three of them, Friday?" he asked, in surprise and hope.

"Yes, Master Druig," the AI confirmed.

"The others are out looking for supplies," Pietro commented, not sure if Druig would wait and reach out or not. It was obvious he'd go along with whatever his mate decided.

"I know..." Druig frowned. "And the supplies are important, so I probably shouldn't drag them away from retrieving them. At the same time, if we don't go after my family members now, they may not be there later, and we'll have missed this chance...."  He sighed before asking, "Friday? Who is still in the base that is capable of fighting? If I go, I don't want to leave the base undefended...."

Friday began to tell Druig who was left behind and who had gone to collect supplies.

"Okay. If we take Dane, Kate, Frank and Yelena... that gives us four fighters, plus you and me..." Druig said to Pietro.  "The only thing we won't have is a portal... but from the looks of the map Friday provided, it's closer than usual. If we sneak in and disable the tracking before they realize we are there, I can keep them contained while you speed everyone back and forth... if you think you can speed that many times without getting tired out. We can take less fighters with us. I don't really think we'll need them, but figure better to have them there so that the others don't get upset that we went by ourselves.  That leaves all the other fighters here to guard the base. Grant is still here too, which means if we run into problems, or they run into problems, we have a way to communicate with both the base and with those who are out gathering supplies."

Pietro nodded. "I can run that distance and not get tired," he replied, looking at the map so that he could be certain he knew the direction he would be heading towards.

"Friday, please have Dane, Kate, Frank and Yelena meet Pietro and me by the entrance to the base. And let Grant know that he and the rest of those capable of fighting need to be on the watch in case they need to get the kids out. I don't like that they're this close to base..." Druig mumbled the last to himself.

Friday immediately responded. "I have just done so, Master Druig."

"Let's go, then..." Druig smiled at Pietro and walked to the elevator to head up to the surface.

Pietro quickly went with his mate to the elevator, meeting the rest of them there.

The others had met them quickly, carrying their weapons. "I'm assuming Pietro is taking us to the location?" Frank said quietly.

Pietro nodded. "I'll have to make a couple of trips. If we all go up in the elevator, but only step outside when I can take you, that will make it easier." He paused, waiting to see if anyone had another suggestion.

Druig nodded. "I'll be in the first group, so I can control anything if they discover us before we are in place."

Frank nodded, checking his guns. "I'll go with Druig. Yelena and Kate next; Kate's bow will provide cover from a distance. Then Dane...." Frank automatically began issuing orders for a battle plan.

Druig didn't disagree. Frank was better suited for planning potential fights.

Since Druig didn't disagree, Pietro was more than willing to go along with the plan. Once the elevator was open, he grabbed his mate and Frank and sped them towards that direction, making sure he reached an area where there was plenty of cover.

Kate, Yelena, and Dane waited patiently at the top of the elevator.

Druig immediately readied himself for potential hostilities as soon as Pietro dropped them off, noting Frank doing the same.

Pietro immediately sped off to collect Yelena and Kate.

Makkari's head was swimming. She could feel not only Ultimus' control over her, but also the control of the person who looked like Druig...but there was something off about him. For one thing, he had no hesitation in using his powers on her and the others. And she didn't believe that was down to being controlled by Ultimus.

But she'd been fighting for a long time, without any possibility of breaking free. She could feel how wrong it all was, but that was under the surface, where she'd stopped fighting.

"Go back out," not-Druig ordered her. "Keep looking for signs of their base."

She winced as he added an extra wave of control and made her head throb even more. She didn't have anything left to fight his orders.

Sersi watched as Ultimus' Druig (she refused to believe it was their Druig) ordered Makkari out to look for the rebels' base again. She wasn't as completely under Ultimus' control as everyone seemed to think, but she kept that fact quiet. If they believed her controlled, it was one less layer of mind manipulation she would have to wade through if she ever got her own chance to escape. Wrong-Druig thought her cowed, so he used less energy to control her, and she might be able to make a move.

Gilgamesh started ahead, not responding. He hadn't responded much at all since Ultimus arrived. It was hard to tell if he was controlled, or just biding his time. Sersi hoped he was biding his time.

Frank frowned as he noticed a woman exiting the building. He'd brought localized EMP devices, hoping it would let them disrupt potential warnings to Ultimus. He was waiting until the right time to use them, though.

And then Kate was there, holding up a bow and arrow filled with tranqs. She motioned, silently asking if she should shoot, but he shook his head and held up a hand, telling her to wait.

Druig was staring at his old lover, trying to determine if she was controlled or not.

The other Druig turned towards Sersi and Gilgamesh, ordering them to search for signs of the resistance as well.

Makkari didn't have a choice in following Wrong-Druig's orders, but he hadn't directed her to use her speed. It was a small measure of resistance, but it was still resistance.

Pietro returned with Dane, making sure they were still out of sight, and sent a questioning thought to his bond mate.

Makkari was my lover a long time ago. If she is here, maybe the others are too. I need to wait till I see them, Druig thought to his mate. He held up a hand, asking the others to wait

Sersi and Gilgamesh followed Makkari out.

As soon as Druig saw all three, he motioned to Frank.

Frank immediately set off the EMP that would fry all their communications gear.

Kate shot a tranquilizer into Gilgamesh.

Dane's eyes were wide. "Sersi?"

Sersi's own eyes widened and what little control Wrong-Druig had held over her faltered, Ultimus' control slipping even further. "Dane! How?!"

"We're here to rescue you all..." Druig interjected, as he watched the tranquilizer take effect and Gilgamesh fall to the ground.

Makkari's eyes widened, and she made several hand movements, telling Druig there was another version of him.

Druig's own eyes widened, and he warned Pietro. Another version of me is here. He quickly handed hospital gowns to Makkari and Sersi, changing Gilgamesh himself. Get everyone as far from here as quick as possible. I'll make sure he can't mind whammy you all.

Be careful, Pietro said, before he grabbed for Dane and Yelena and sped back to the base.

Makkari changed quickly and then grabbed Sersi and the still unconscious Gilgamesh. She didn't know where the base was, but she could easily follow the trail of another speedster and quickly ran.

Trusting that Makkari was actually wanting freedom and was not planning to double cross them, Druig motioned for Kate and Frank to ready themselves for Pietro's return. He watched the door to the building closely.

The other Druig hadn't failed to notice that the other three Eternals hadn't returned. He was cautious and on guard as he stepped out of the building, looking around.

Druig immediately went on the attack, sending his own mental abilities against his counterpart. If Wrong-Druig was busy fighting to keep him from controlling his mind, he wouldn't be attempting to mind control the others.

While the other version of Druig fought back against the mental attack, Pietro ran back and grabbed Kate and Frank, quickly speeding back to the base with them.

Fighting against himself wasn't anything Druig had thought he'd ever do. "You don't have to do this... you can fight against Ultimus!" he called out.

"I'm not fighting him," the other Druig called back. "I'm working with him." He took a step closer.

At that moment, Pietro sped back into view, this time tugging Ikaris along with him. They'd reached the base when I got back. Your Dad made me bring him, he sent to his bond mate.

I'm certain he left you no choice... Druig thought back wryly. "How can you willingly work with him?" he asked Wrong-Druig in dismay. How could any version of him willingly work with Ultimus?

"I have what I want...what I need," the other Druig answered. A slightly bitter look came over his face...a hint of something broken inside him. He glanced towards Ikaris as the older Eternal came to stand next to his Druig and his mouth twisted. Abruptly, he stopped trying to block Druig and threw a mental attack at Ikaris.

Pietro sped towards the other Druig and knocked into him, sending him stumbling and breaking his concentration.

"No. I don't think you do... And you probably never did..." Druig said sadly, before sending a mental attack at his counterpart that would, if not kill the traitorous Druig, at least make him incapable of ever being a threat again. It would most likely kill him, though.

Off balance from attempting his own attack and being knocked into by Pietro, the other Druig didn't have a moment to raise his own shields. The attack took him out.

Ikaris, seeing there were no threats anymore, placed a hand on Druig's shoulder and held the other out to Pietro. "We need to return to the base."

"He won't be able to tell Ultimus anything..." Druig said softly. He wasn't quite able to bring himself to check and see if he'd killed his foe, or just rendered him to the level of an infant. He wasn't sure which would be worse.

Ikaris didn't encourage his son to check...and he didn't plan to look himself. Whether his son's counterpart was dead or not, the important thing was that they would be safe.

Pietro moved over and took Ikaris' hand and his bond mate's, then quickly sped them back to the base.

Thank you... for helping me get my family back, Druig thought to his mate, once they were at the base. He noted that the three rescued had already been whisked inside to the holding cells to be examined, have blood drawn and the usual.

The elevator ride down was silent. When they stepped out, he noticed the other four who had gone with them waiting anxiously. They let out a collective sigh of relief when he, Pietro and Ikaris stepped off the elevator.

"Thank you all for your help. I know it didn't go quite to plan, but it was appreciated...." Druig looked among them.

"Of course, we wouldn't let you go alone..." Yelena said confidently.

The others nodded in agreement, though a few of them glanced uncertainly toward their mates, as if they weren't sure if they were in trouble or not. They had gone in a group and with a plan, but none of them had contacted their mates to let them know what was going on. It turned out the only reason Ikaris had returned with the others was Grant had told Steve what was going on.

Family is important, Pietro said.

Ikaris let his hand move to Druig's neck and gently squeezed his son there. "Let's go and talk, son."

Druig smiled at Pietro. Hearing his father's words caused him to dart a startled look toward Ikaris, though. "Yessir...." His voice was hesitant and uncertain, though he didn't argue. He wasn't entirely sure what Ikaris wanted to talk about, after all.

Making sure neither of them were needed for any debrief, Ikaris guided his son with him through to his own bedroom.

"Dad?" Druig finally asked when they were alone. "What's wrong?"

"Druig, why didn't you let anyone know when Friday informed you of what her scans discovered?" Ikaris asked seriously. He walked over to the bed and sat down, gently tugging his son down next to him.

"A lot of you were already out getting needed supplies and I thought there were enough of us still here that could go, there was no need to upend everyone else's plans..." Druig answered honestly.

"But that's not how things are handled here," Ikaris said. "You didn't need to upend everyone's plans. But you did need to let us know what you were doing. Especially given how close to the base they were."

"I know the subs are expected to inform their Doms, but I'm not a sub. I figured if something went wrong, Frank would tell Grant and he could tell everyone else..." Druig wrinkled his nose. Of course, he knew he should have told Steve about how close the three, actually four, were to the base... But he'd figured he and his group could handle it.

"What if your counterpart had taken control of them all before you could stop him?" Ikaris asked. "This isn't about the Dominant and submissive relationships. This is about the safety of everyone here at the base."

"I didn't expect my counterpart to be there... And I took the same amount of people with me for backup that is always taken when we go to retrieve people. I admit I should have let Steve and the others know instead of expecting Grant or one of the others to do it, if something happened... But I don't think I was wrong to go..." Druig argued.

"Even when there are different groups going out, it's still important that everyone knows what the plan is and what they could potentially be walking back into," Ikaris said. "It has never been acceptable to go and do your own thing without making a plan with the rest of the family. And it's even more important to make sure everyone is aware now, given how much danger Ultimus poses."

Druig sighed. He knew his father was right, but it galled him to have to admit it. "Of course, sir. I should have thought of that," he finally said.

"I know things were difficult between us where Arishem was involved, but you are still my son. And I don't think I can let something like this slide." Ikaris hugged Druig close for a few moments and then guided his son across his lap. 

Druig groaned softly but didn't fight being positioned. Part of him knew it was heading toward this the moment Pietro brought Ikaris back with him. And that same part knew if Ikaris had let it slide, it would have been devastating.

Ikaris gently rubbed Druig's back for a few moments and then proceeded to bare his son. Pulling Druig tight against him, he lifted his hand and brought it down in the first firm smack that he then repeated.

Druig slumped as the punishment began. As much as he couldn't believe Ikaris was spanking him, that he'd done something deserving of punishment, it felt oddly comforting.

Ikaris swatted firmly, covering his son's entire backside, from the crest down to mid-thigh, before starting over from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "I know you know better than to head into a dangerous situation without making everyone fully aware of what you intend to do. There might be a lot of people freed, but this means that Ultimus will start growing desperate. Your counterpart was working with him willingly. We know there are others. We may face threats we haven't had to stand against before."

"Y... Yessir..." Druig gasped out, not fighting in the least. He knew he'd been in the wrong.

Beginning a third circuit of swats, a fraction harder and faster, Ikaris moved his other hand to gently scruff Druig's neck, just as he had done to his son before.

At the scruffing, Druig went boneless over his father's knee and began to quietly cry. "I messed up. I know better... I'm sorry, Daddy...."

"I know, son. I forgive you. I love you." Ikaris' voice was low and soothing, reassuring. He continued to scruff his son, even as he began to focus more swats to Druig's sit spots and thighs.

At hearing he was forgiven, Druig hugged his father's leg, even as the attention to his sit spots caused him to begin squirming at the burning sting on his bottom.

"I love you," Ikaris reiterated. He finished one final circuit of smacks and then quickly moved his son into his arms onto his lap, hugging Druig tightly and pressing a kiss to the side of his head, still scruffing his neck.

Druig continued to quietly cry, even as he clung and snuggled to his father. The scruffing obviously calmed him down, though, and soon the tears stopped. The snuggling didn't stop. "I missed you," Druig whispered.

Ikaris tightened his own embrace, needing to hold onto his son. "I missed you as well," he whispered. "You're so important to me."

"You're important to me too. Need you..." He sniffled. "...Better when you're near."

"I need you too," Ikaris said quietly. "And I'm sorry there were conflicts between us before. But there are none now. And I won't leave you again," he promised. "I won't let you leave me."

"Okay..." Druig sniffled again.

"I love you." Ikaris gently squeezed the nape of his neck. "You belong with me."

"For always..." Druig agreed quietly. "Now Pietro is yours, too..." he added, almost in a question.

Ikaris nodded. "Your bond mate belongs to me the same way you do," he confirmed.

Druig smiled at that and sent a mental note to Pietro. You have a dad now....

So, I answer to him as well? Pietro's voice was faintly amused, although there was more than a hint of gratitude that came through to his mate.

More like you answer to him first. Druig's feelings were wry. Cuz chances are if you listen to me before him and I haven't got his permission, we'll both be in trouble instead of just me. He added in his own amusement. Besides. We answer to each other if we're being honest. I'm not terribly commanding.

Druig looked at his father. "Can Pietro join us?"

Pietro snorted softly. I don't think either of us are.

"Of course," Ikaris replied.

You can come join us if you want...? Druig asked his mate. He snuggled against Ikaris some more, not concerned at his mate seeing him sat, red butt still bare, on his father's lap, cuddling.

Ikaris pressed a kiss to Druig's head, completely unconcerned by the fact that his son was bare from the waist down. He gently rubbed his son's bottom.

A few moments later, there was a light knock on the door and Pietro stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.

Ikaris didn't say anything, just held his arm out to Pietro, who hesitated only briefly before moving over to join the embrace with his bond mate and new father.

"Thank you for bringing dad out to help. Next time I'm planning something, I need to make sure I tell everyone else before we do it..." Druig smiled ruefully; both because he should have thought of doing that in the first place, and as a warning to Pietro that he needed to do that as well.

Pietro might not be used to paternal affection, but he was happy to cuddle in with Ikaris as well. "So... if it happens again, we both get spanked?" he asked, having noticed Druig's red butt.

"Yes," Ikaris replied. "I wouldn't treat my sons differently."

"Okay." A clear feeling of happiness came through the bond, that Pietro was accepted into his bond mate's family.

Druig grinned, affection for his bond mate clear. He hugged his father tightly. "Pietro and I are very much alike," he warned in amusement.

Ikaris wrapped his arms tighter around both of them, commenting, "I wouldn't have thought you'd bond with someone who wasn't similar to you."

"You never know. Kate bonded with someone who is more like you than someone like herself..." Druig shrugged.

"True." Ikaris looked at the two younger men, both of whom he now saw as his sons. "But I think the two of you fit together well."

Pietro smiled, but his feelings were a bit distant through the he was thinking about something.

"I think so too..." Druig smiled. What are you thinking of love? he asked his mate.

You said that Makkari was your old lover, Pietro said. We know that we have the protein that lets more than two people bond. If you want to bond with her, I'm willing. At least then she wouldn't bond with someone who's a complete stranger to her.

Really? You're okay with that? Druig asked, interest in Pietro's idea clear.

I'm secure in our relationship and how we feel about each other, Pietro said honestly. I think it would be good.

Then if Makkari is willing, I think it would be good as well. Druig smiled.

"What are you both talking about?" Ikaris asked, having noticed the mental communication going on.

Druig startled, giving Ikaris a sheepish grin. "Makkari. Pietro believes, if she is willing, we should bond with her. Since we are capable of bonding more than one person."

"It might be better for all involved," Ikaris said. "And it would open up another line of communication for her to use with you."

Druig nodded. Truthfully, once Pietro had suggested it and he knew his mate was okay with the idea, he'd decided to do just that. He still loved Makkari, even after all their time apart. "We should probably head to the holding cells, then. Talk to her and see if she agrees," he said.

"I'm sure they've already had it explained it to them, so all you need to do is make the suggestion to her." Ikaris carefully pulled Druig's clothing back into place and then helped both of his sons to stand.

Druig nodded. "Let's go ask, then..." he said to Pietro, after quickly hugging Ikaris 

Ikaris hugged Druig and then Pietro, then headed to the door with them, figuring he'd be there to see and speak to the last members of their family as well.


Sersi paced the holding cells anxiously. She, Makkari and Gilgamesh had been examined, had blood drawn and had the situation explained to them. Now they had to wait for potential bond mates to be found. She glanced over to the door as one of the people at the base came to the door with, "....Thena!"

Bucky glanced from his mate to the holding cells. He looked directly at Gilgamesh. "Thena loves you... And now you're back. Can't see any reason you shouldn't bond with both of us. Unless you don't want to..." he said, in a slow drawl.

Gilgamesh stood and moved to the cell door. "I want to."

Nodding, Bucky opened the cell door so Gilgamesh could step out. It closed behind them as he and Thena led the strong man to their room, his future room, only stopping long enough to grab some supplies.

Sersi sighed and smiled at Makkari. "Now we wait for our turn, I guess."

Makkari nodded, glancing towards the cell door as it opened to allow Druig and Pietro to enter.

Pietro smiled at Makkari but looked towards Druig to explain. After all, he didn't know sign least not yet. But even though they'd develop the ability to talk mind to mind, he figured he would learn anyway.

Druig and Pietro (and Ikaris, since he had tagged along to see the rest of the family) had passed Bucky, Thena and Gilgamesh at the elevators. He'd grinned happily at his other two siblings, glad that they were able to be together again. But he had his own mate to go find and so he and Pietro had continued quickly to the holding cell to see Sersi and Makkari. He blinked as he realized he'd just been staring at both Makkari and Pietro with a love-sick look. It wasn't until Pietro had looked toward him, sending a gentle push through the bond, that he stepped forward and began to explain why he and Pietro were at the cell... and to ask Makkari if she was willing to bond to both of them.

Surprised, Makkari looked at the two of them, but it didn't take long before she was nodding her agreement. When the cell door was opened, she stepped out to join her two new mates.

Sersi watched as the three gathered needed supplies, then disappeared to wherever they were going to live. She sighed and sunk onto the nearest bed, before looking at Ikaris. "I guess I'm to wait until they rescue some more people...."

"I'm not sure if the bond I'm involved in is able to include a third person." Ikaris hesitated. "I can ask the scientists who were running the tests." He could also ask Peter if he'd be willing. If they formed a three-person bond, then there'd be two people who wouldn't be able to forget who Peter was.

"You would do that for me?" Sersi asked softly, touched. They hadn't been together in a long time, after all; and they'd had their reasons for separating.

"I don't want to leave you here alone," Ikaris said quietly. "I still care about you." He reached out to his own bond mate, deciding it was important to make sure Peter would be okay with it before he checked with the scientists. He didn't want his bond mate to feel upset or abandoned. Peter, one of my family members is here and has no one to bond with. Would you be amenable to seeing if our bond could include three people? He left unsaid that he expected Peter to be honest. He wouldn't make his bond mate include a third person if there was even a possibility it would cause emotional hurt or discomfort.

Peter immediately responded You found more family?! That's wonderful! Of course, if it can be done, she should join with us. Family is important. Do you think she'll like me, though? She may not want to bond to me once she meets me. I can be a bit much to handle sometimes.... His insecurities began to leak through the bond.

I believe you'll like each other, Ikaris replied. Why don't you come and meet her? If the three of us bond, then there'll be two people who can never forget you, no matter what happens. He sent waves of reassurance and affection through the bond towards Peter.

On my way, sir! Peter sent through the bond, even as he was running toward the holding cells. He was there within a couple of minutes, skidding to a halt next to Ikaris. "Hello, miss..." He blinked, looking at Ikaris and Sersi, having not been introduced, so didn't know her name.

"Hello. I'm Sersi..." Sersi smiled at the young man.

"This is Peter, my bond mate. He'll be yours too if we can form a three-person bond." Ikaris wrapped his arm around the younger man's shoulders. He didn't tell Sersi what Peter had gone through with having everyone who'd known him forget who he was. If Peter wanted to tell her, he'd do that himself.

"I hope it can work..." Peter smiled shyly, leaning into Ikaris.

Sersi's smile grew at seeing the affection and trust between the two. "I hope so too..." she said quietly.  "Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself, while Ikaris goes to ask the scientists what he needs to?"

Peter opened the cell door and went inside, closing it again behind him before jumping up to perch on the ceiling. "Well, this is one thing you should probably know..." he said impishly.

Ikaris smiled, seeing Peter's action, and quickly went to check in with the scientists about the ability to include another person in the bond.

Sersi's eyes widened as she saw the younger man perched on the ceiling. "Are you a mutant?" she asked curiously.

"No, ma'am. I was bit by a radioactive spider..." Peter blushed. "I... I'm Spider-man..." he said hesitantly. Having Peter Parker completely forgotten about and the only way people knowing him was as Spider-Man still haunted him, even if everyone on base now knew who he really was (or remembered).

Sersi heard the tone in his voice and smiled sympathetically. "Why don't you tell me about yourself...?" she encouraged.

Peter did just that.


Ikaris had quickly gone to the lab where the other Peter Parker and Harry were working. He wasn't really rushing, even though he wanted the answer quickly so that Sersi was no longer at risk of being controlled by Ultimus. "Do you still have the samples you took after I bonded with Peter?" he asked them.

"Yeah." Harry nodded. "What do you need to know?"

"Do you know if we can include a third person?" Ikaris asked.

"The protein that we believe indicates the possibility is in your sample," Peter said, after quickly grabbing the sample just to confirm he was correct. "So, there's a really good chance it'll work."

"Thank you." Ikaris quickly returned to the cells and to his own Peter and Sersi.

Peter had pretty much explained his entire life history by the time Ikaris returned; including the last couple of years, where no one had known who he was or remembered him, and was finally winding down, explaining how Ikaris chose to bond him, when Ikaris returned.

Sersi had a semi-stunned look on her face, having received so much information in such a short period of time, but she remembered everything. "Well... you won't be alone ever again and if I can bond with both of you, you'll have a family who will love and take care of you..." she promised, looking to Ikaris for the news on if she could bond with them.

Ikaris, having experienced his own run-down of past events, recognized the look on Sersi's face. He walked over to open the cell door. "Our bond has the ability to include a third person."

"Yay!" Peter quivered from excitement and dropped from the ceiling onto the floor, before grabbing Sersi's hand and pulling her out of the cell, then grabbing Ikaris' hand and tugging them both toward the elevator. "C'mon! We have the coolest room... Well, I guess all the rooms are alike, really..." Peter stopped only long enough to grab a change of clothes for Sersi, before tugging them both toward the elevator. "But compared to where we were living before we were rescued from Ultimus, it's a really great room. And you can decorate it if you want. I have a few things up, but I'm not really good at decorating...."

Sersi gave Ikaris an amused look but followed along willingly.

Ikaris laughed softly, traces of amused fondness coming through the bond, as he went along with the two of them, allowing Peter to pull him along as well.

It didn't take them long to reach Peter and Ikaris', and now Sersi's room. They went in and closed the door, fulfilling the bonding requirements and getting to know each other better.


Kate was sat at the dining room table, arms folded on the table, head laying on her arms. She wasn't certain... but she was fairly positive... that Druig had got a spanking from his father for their unplanned rescue. She couldn't help but wonder if she was going to receive the same from her mate. Even though they had not gone alone and had planned and had let people at the base know what was going on... they'd still gone without receiving the go ahead from the base-command. And she hadn't told Norman.

That was the biggest problem, as far as she was concerned. She should have told her mate. She felt guilty that she hadn't thought about it until they were back at base. She hated the thought he'd be disappointed in her again and she really didn't want a spanking... but she felt guilty.

Norman could feel his bond mate's emotions through the bond and thought he had a fairly good idea of what was causing it. It didn't take much effort to find her...all he needed to do was follow the link between them to the dining hall.

Taking a seat next to Kate, Norman rested his hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently. I can tell you're feeling guilty about what happened today. You're not in trouble with me, he said gently. I think Druig is in trouble with his father because, as the person responsible for the plan, it was really his responsibility to let those in charge know what was going on.

So.... I didn't mess up too badly? Kate thought hopefully, leaning into Norman's touch. I didn't want to do anything wrong... I don't like disappointing you... she thought sadly.

You didn't mess up. Norman wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug as he added, Next time, I would like you to reach out to me and let me know what's going on, if I'm not there anyway.

Yeah. After everything... I wish I'd told you. Even if Druig had told Steve and everyone knew, it'd feel better knowing I told you myself... Kate shifted so she could snuggle against her mate, a tiny frown on her face. Never felt the need to tell anyone what I was up to before... she admitted.

It's something to get used to. Just like the rest of this. Norman gently gathered her into his arms.

Sometimes I feel like I'm losing what made me, me and becoming some totally new person... Kate sighed. Not in a bad way, exactly, but... it's scary.

Every experience you go through changes you, Norman said. Just some changes are more obvious than others. And it doesn't mean you become an entirely new person. It just means you're changing and adapting.

Even if adapting means I am more willing to give up control and obey someone... want to do that... when before I wanted to be totally independent and not have to be accountable to anyone else? Kate glanced at him from under lowered lashes. When it means I feel bad for not telling you stuff immediately, even if I didn't exactly have to tell you immediately?

I would argue that kind of adapting is more like growing up, Norman replied. From what you've said about your past, I don't get the feeling you were very responsible or cared much about your own safety before Ultimus attacked. Even those who are in charge here are still accountable to the rest of the group.

Kate grinned at that. That's not so bad, I guess... She nuzzled his cheek before kissing him.

He kissed her back, raising his hand to gently cup her cheek as he deepened the kiss; though since they were in a common area, he didn't do anything more than that.

A contented feeling flowed through the bond. Even though he wasn't doing anything more than kiss her, it was enough to feel wanted. I love you, she thought happily.

I love you too, he replied, letting those feelings flow through the bond towards her.

Kate snuggled close and settled. Her mate wasn't mad or disappointed in her. He loved her. And everyone was safe at home. She wanted to just appreciate the feeling.


It was later that night. All the children were safely in bed and the adults were cleaning up the common areas. It was at this point, Druig brought up the obvious. "There was another me here. One that willingly followed Ultimus and used my abilities against us...."

"I know other dimensions' versions of us have come here," Steve said. "I met a group from a dimension that included a Spider-Man with them. They were fighting back against Ultimus' invasion of their world." He frowned. "I would like to believe that there isn't a version of me that would willingly work with someone like Ultimus, but he might well have found one."

"From now on, until proven otherwise, we will need to assume that any alters of ourselves that we find in this dimension are working with Ultimus..." Tony sighed.

Grant winced. "As much as I'd like to give people the benefit of the doubt, since I was given that... we can't take any chances."

"They might not be willingly working with Ultimus," Coulson said. "Maybe we can try and avoid killing them. If it's possible."

"We can't risk leaving them alive if they are on Ultimus' side willingly," Ikaris said. "But if we can...we have two people here able to control and compel others. So, if we capture any of our counterparts, we should be able to find out for sure."

Druig nodded. "If they are willingly working with Ultimus, we do what is necessary to protect ourselves, our base, our world...."

Marc nodded. "Jake says he's more than willing to do what is necessary; he just needs to be pointed in the right direction..." he said carefully.

"It is appreciated," Ajak said softly, smiling at her mate. She knew Marc and Steven weren't keen on the idea, but unfortunately, they were in a situation where they couldn't risk the safety of the resistance. They couldn't risk the safety of the worlds.

Reed cleared his throat and looked towards the sorcerers. "I know you can open portals within this world. Is there a way you can sense portals being opened by others?"

Stephen glanced toward Wong and Mordo. "It is possible... just not terribly easy. But... there are some elements that occur whenever a dimensional portal is open, if we make Friday aware of these elements, perhaps she can...?" He looked at Tony.

"What do you think, Fri?" Tony asked his 'other' daughter.

"I am certain I would be able to use that information to determine when and if an interdimensional portal is opened," the AI confirmed.

"Very good. I will make certain to get that information to you as soon as possible," Stephen said.

"Very well, Doctor," the AI replied.

"Is there anything else we should prepare for?" Clint asked quietly.

"I think it's safe to say we should be prepared for anything desperate," Steve said. "We've managed to free a lot of Ultimus' converted by now. He's likely to throw anything at us he possibly can. Since the book of Vishna is likely our only hope of freeing our world entirely and destroying Ultimus once and for all, we need to make retrieving it a priority." He looked towards Wong. "Are we any closer to a point where we can make a move for it?"

"I believe we are closer, but still not close enough. It will take a bit longer to safely retrieve it..." Wong said somberly.

Steve nodded. "Then until then, we'll continue fighting back and freeing as many people as we can."

Stephen nodded. "Until then, might I suggest we all go to bed and get some rest? Those who are newly bonded likely need to get used to their new situation.” 

"That sounds like a good idea," Bruce commented. He stood up and held a hand out to Clint, so he could lead his own bond mate to their room. By this point, they'd moved in together.

Clint took Bruce's hand, squeezing it gently, and moved to follow his bond-mate to bed. "Good night, everyone."

Everyone else responded, wishing goodnight to Clint and each other and the room began to clear.


Meanwhile, in another base, one that wasn't so deep underground....

A humanoid figure dressed as Spider-Man stepped into what had become known as the war room and looked around at the rest of the group as a spider ran up under his sleeve, moving briefly under his costume before it settled. "Druig is dead." His voice was a low whisper, carrying an echoey there was more than one voice speaking. "He was killed by his counterpart in the resistance."

Gwen Stacey pulled a chair out from the table and sat down, lounging back comfortably. "Of course, he was. He was too impatient to act." She shook her head. "They know they have counterparts here in this dimension."

Kate Bishop leaned against the wall behind the table.  "I can understand that. Moving so slowly is booooring."

Pepper smirked. "It may be boring, but if we take our time and follow my plan, we'll find their base. And then... we'll destroy them." Her tone was cold and anticipatory.

"It's a delicious plan, love..." Tony chuckled darkly. "I especially love how you've detailed how each of the rebels will be executed."

"We know how many there are. And we know how they've managed to break the control over themselves and each other," Mordo commented. "But getting all the possible information first is definitely the better option." He glanced towards Spiders-Man. "Are your scouts in place?"

"Of course. Though there were two speedsters involved. I was unable to hitch a ride with either of them," Spiders stated. "I could have perhaps risked it, but the chances of my scout being discovered was too high."

"They can open portals," Gwen said. "If you see one open, send the scout through." She shrugged. "They wouldn't know what a lone spider means." She leaned back and rested her feet on the table, crossing them at the ankles.

"Who did you send your scouts on?" Pepper asked calmly.

"Just one," Spiders answered. "The big one who was taken out by the tranq gun. Gilgamesh. The other scouts are in position at the areas the traps are set."

"Well, hopefully your scouts are not seen. But if they are, they are unlikely to realize what they are..." Pepper chuckled.

Gwen yawned and stretched, then glanced towards Kate. "You got any plans tonight? Since we're playing the waiting game and all."

"Nothing specific. You?" Kate stood straighter, a gleam in her eye.

"We have some prisoners in the cells...." Gwen smiled, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Spiders shook his head. "Playing with food...."

"Who says I'm going to eat them?" Gwen looked at him with a wide-eyed, innocent look.

"Playing with my food is fun!" Kate interjected, letting her teeth grow slightly as she grinned further.

"I much prefer going straight for the kill," Spiders stated.

"And where's the fun in that?" Gwen stood up and held an arm out to Kate. She always liked to watch....

Kate took Gwen's arm and made kissy noises toward Spiders before sashaying out the door, hips swaying provocatively.

Pepper shook her head, an amused look on her face.

Mordo pushed back slightly from the wall. "If there is nothing else, I plan to check the magical traps I have set."

"I have nothing else..." Pepper stood.

Tony waved his hand toward the door. "Please let us know if your traps have sprung, or you find any other information."

"Of course," Mordo replied, before he slipped out of the room.

Pepper looked at Tony, slanting her head toward the door. "Shall we go make sure Kate doesn't turn any of our prisoners? She's crazy enough. If she sired someone, they'd likely be even worse. Gwen might allow it just because it amuses her."

"Be honest. It would amuse us. Even if it was inconvenient..." Tony chuckled and took Pepper's arm and walked out with her.

Spiders watched as the two of them left the room and then slipped out into the corridor himself. He was hungry, but not for the kind of food a normal human would eat. If he followed them to the dungeon, he'd end up consuming one of the prisoners.

And then he'd regret it.

The others wouldn't. They expected it of him. They'd all seen what he really was under the suit and to them, it just made him even more useful. He could devour someone in seconds, never mind that it was instinct that drove him and not a desire to actually consume human flesh.

He'd eventually reach the point he couldn't stop himself anymore, but for right now...he'd resist. He headed to the small 'room' that belonged to him.


In the cells, Gwen was standing by, watching as Kate toyed with one of the prisoners. She might not be a vampire-had no wish to become one, knowing the legends that surrounded them-but she couldn't help but feel fascinated by watching them feed. And if she was honest, she'd love to see one of them turned too.

There were a number of prisoners in the cells. They were all adults, though some were older than others. Gwen's attention was drawn to a young man in his twenties. Despite his gaunt appearance and the fact that he clearly hadn't been fed... she found him cute. He reminded her of her own version of Peter Parker, before....

Well. Better not to think about that.

Smiling, Gwen walked over and crouched down in front of the chained man. "How would you like me to undo those shackles?" she cooed at him.

Harley stared at the woman. She was pretty, but her eyes were empty. Dark. And he'd seen her take other 'pets' from the cells. Both men and women. He didn't know what happened to them, but they'd never been returned.

Kate had found the one she wanted to feed from and began toying with them, enjoying the fear in their eyes when they realized they were the one she had chosen.

"It's okay, sweetie. I'll take good care of you," Gwen purred. She reached out and undid the shackles from Harley's feet and then unlocked the chains that held his hands bound from the wall. She pulled him to his feet, holding the end of the chain like he really was a 'pet'.

Kate waved happily at Gwen, a silent goodbye, before sinking her teeth into the neck of her own 'toy'.

Gwen hummed softly, pulling Harley's chain as she guided him from the cells.

The younger man swallowed hard and tried to remember what the advice was when finding yourself in a hostage situation. Make them see you as a real person, right? "My name's Harley," he said.

"I'm Gwen. Gwen Stacey." She smiled at him, a feral gleam in her eyes.

Kate stopped feeding just short of killing her victim. "I like you. I think I'll let you live so I can taste you again another day..." She smiled, her mouth and teeth bloody. She stood and left the cell long enough to get food and water for her 'toy' and put it close enough they could eat and drink. "Go on, then. Make new blood." She paused and then asked, "What's your name, anyway, toy?"

Her 'toy' swallowed hard. "Scott..." he said, in a hoarse voice, before passing out.

Sighing, Kate left Scott, the food and water within his reach for when or if he finally woke up. She headed back upstairs and to her own room, to wait for it to be fully dark outside. She'd go out when she was no longer in danger from the sun... try and get more information for Ultimus.


Gwen dragged Harley to her own room and slipped inside, moving over to the bed. She chained him to the headboard and then stood back, wrinkling her nose slightly. "You need to get more meat on your bones," she decided, before going to her food cupboard. She brought some food over and sat on the bed, beginning to feed him.

Harley thought about spitting the food at her, but he was worried about antagonizing her. He'd lost track of how long he'd been stuck in the cell had been a long time, though. And he was rapidly losing hope of any chance of rescue.

Gwen continued to feed Harley and then collected some water for him, encouraging him to drink. Then, caressing his face, she began to sing to him.


Blade watched from hooded eyes as the vindictive tart who enjoyed tormenting her food left their base and began to check for traps and ways to further Ultimus' cause. He hated working for Ultimus. He didn't trust the overlord, and the people he was working with were horrible. But he didn't have a choice. Ultimus had his own dimension in an iron grip and if he didn't help, had promised to destroy his dimension in its entirety. So, he followed Kate and made sure she didn't do anything that would draw Ultimus' ire, or the notice of the rebels.

Namor had had to leave to go to the ocean, immersing himself in water so that his skin wouldn't dry out. He might be forced to work with Ultimus, otherwise his people would be slaughtered, but he'd lied to the overlord and claimed that he needed to visit the ocean to stay hydrated...when really, he could have easily filled a bath with salt water. It was a small deception, but it was all he had.

Skin damp, Namor returned to the base, spotting the vampire who he knew enjoyed tormenting the prisoners. His hand curled into a fist as he fought the urge to kill her. His people's lives were at stake....

Kate, secure in the knowledge that Ultimus had anyone not fully on his side cowed enough that they wouldn't fight against her, sashayed into the nearby city, hunting for any people who might have escaped Ultimus' initial invasion. It wasn't likely, but one never knew. And she had a good nose for finding people. It was one of the reasons Ultimus allowed her the nightly forays. She could smell Namor and Blade and grinned, giggling softly to herself. She'd have to do something extremely disturbing to acknowledge their presence.

Namor grit his teeth as he watched the vampire head into the town. It was deserted...was supposed to be deserted...but what if there was a survivor hiding there? If she found someone, he didn't know what she'd do to them.

Instead of returning to the base, he followed her.

Blade silently followed as well. He couldn't help grinning when he heard a howl, though.

"Oh poo!" Kate pouted when she heard the howl. "Go away, Jack! You always scare away my toys!"

Jack Russell stepped out of the shadows, eyes glinting yellow, his canines slightly extended, but otherwise in his human form. "It's so much fun to scare them, though! Isn't that why you make them your toys?" he innocently asked. They both knew he scared anyone away from her that he could get to before she did, so that she couldn't play with them or take them back as prisoners. She never complained to Ultimus about his actions because she didn't have any concrete proof that he was working against her. As long as his actions weren't going against Ultimus, the overlord wouldn't care anyway.

Namor stopped a short distance from them, glancing he was on his guard. In reality, he was making sure there was no one still lingering around. "Any people have long gone. They're either in Ultimus' dungeons, or they've been taken by the resistance." He shrugged and allowed a note of disdain to creep into his voice. It was easier than to try and hide his semblance of hope.

He'd overheard the information about some of the newer people taken by the resistance. And he knew that Shuri was one of those. They'd been on opposite sides, but their uneasy alliance had turned into true friendship by the time Ultimus arrived.

If only that had been enough to save their worlds....

Kate pouted some more, then sighed. "Fine... Ultimus wants to meet with us first thing in the morning anyway. Might as well go back and get ready for that..." She turned and sashayed back toward the base.

Jack glanced at Blade and Namor. "Is there any way we can get out of meeting with him?" he whispered, once he was certain she was out of earshot. He knew the other two weren't any happier serving Ultimus than he was.

"Not unless you want to pretend we're going after some sign of the rebels." Namor shrugged.

"A deception that could be easy, if there was proof we could give." M'Baku moved from where he'd been quietly patrolling. For a man who was so big and loud when he wanted to be...he could certainly move quietly when he wanted to.

"The problem is, we don't want to find proof... as that would put the rebels more into Ultimus' sights and we want to find out how they freed their people. Find out if they can help free ours..." Jack said hopelessly.

Blade nodded. "So, we meet tomorrow and grit our teeth and kiss his ass and hope he doesn't know we brush our teeth and use copious amounts of mouthwash after..." He snorted.

"The sorcerer left the base and was checking the traps he laid," M'Baku warned.

"The you think their way of freeing the people here has involved magic?" Namor asked. He was familiar with magic himself...but he'd had no experience with it being used for mind control. Or to free someone else from it.

"All the other dimensions that have managed to hold Ultimus at bay, their leaders were sorcerers. It is a very high possibility that they were the ones who figured out how to free people and keep them free. But we could not hope to find out how without talking to them. Ultimus' sorcerer doesn't seem keen on sharing any information with anyone but Ultimus," Blade said.

"So perhaps we should be looking for the rebels. Just away from Ultimus' gaze," M'Baku stated.

Namor snorted softly. "The only chance I have to get away from him is by going to the ocean. But my people do not exist in this dimension."

Blade sighed. "I don't think we will find them... they will find us. But... yes. If we can meet them away from Ultimus' gaze, it would be best. He holds all our people hostage against our 'good behavior'."

Jack frowned. "There has to be a way to help them without it coming back and giving him reason to hurt our people...."

"I know one of the people who was taken when they hit the last base," Namor said. "If I could leave a clue that she'd find, somehow...she'd know to come and meet me at the ocean."

"If you can do that and not be found out, we should make the attempt, at least," Blade agreed.

Jack slanted his head. "We'd still have to pretend to be on Ultimus' side... or he'd hurt those he is holding over our heads. But if we could help the rebels on the sly...."

"I have something that she will recognize," Namor said. "I just need to figure out where to leave it."

"Perhaps close to the last area they attacked," M'Baku suggested. "Or somewhere that still carries supplies, since they will continue needing to collect those."

"One of the cities they have not recently gone to is near the ocean. They may go there to look for supplies and survivors..." Jack suggested.

Namor nodded and glanced back towards the base. "I can't leave again tonight without drawing unwanted attention, but perhaps tomorrow night."

Blade nodded. "We should all return. Unless we have something to bring back, they get suspicious if we are gone for long periods of time, together."

M'Baku grunted in agreement and began to head back to the base.

Namor started to follow.

"I'm gonna circle around and come back from another direction. So, they don't think we been hanging out together more than when that crazy bitch saw us..." Jack muttered, beginning to do just that.

Blade waited for a few minutes after everyone else had left, then straightened his shoulders and began to head back to the base himself. He hoped this would work and wouldn't blow up in their faces.


By this point, Spiders' hunger had driven him from his room. The spiders that made up his humanoid form were demanding human flesh...and he couldn't keep fighting them. Not knowing that the longer he did, the less control he would have when they finally erupted. At least his reluctance couldn't be seen, even if he hadn't been wearing his suit.

Gwen had heard the sounds of his movements and she slipped out of her own room, leaving Harley tied to her bed. "Can I watch?"

"There's nothing to see," Spiders muttered, facing the direction of the dungeons.

Kate wandered up by this point. "Just don't take Scott... I liked the taste of him so gave him some stuff to keep him breathing," she demanded.

"Fine. I won't," Spiders said shortly, walking away towards the dungeon.

Gwen pouted, watching him leave. "Why won't he let me watch? You let me watch...."

"Maybe he doesn't like us seeing his real form?" Kate shrugged. "Most people don't like spiders, so maybe he thinks we won't like him...."

"I like spiders." Gwen's pout grew even more before she looked towards Kate. "Why don't you bring your toy to your room? No chance of anyone else getting to him if he's there."

"That's true... and I am feeling a bit frisky. Get him all hot and bothered and I'll have a part of him to eat from that I normally can't..." Kate's grin was lecherous.

Gwen laughed softly. "I have mine in my room. He's being a good boy for me. Maybe we can 'play' together later?" she suggested mischievously.

Kate nodded. "That would be fun!" She grinned. "I'm going to go get Scott now." She skipped down into the dungeon to gather her 'toy'.

Spiders hadn't begun to feed yet. He was wandering around the dungeon, looking at the prisoners...really seeking out someone who might not survive for much longer. He couldn't stop the need to eat, but maybe he could redirect onto someone without much time left.

Kate was pulling Scott out, but she noted Spiders moving around. "That one there is sick..." She pointed a thumb toward an old man in the corner. "I couldn't stand to take more than a sip from him. He's eaten up with cancer and the lack of treatment the last several years took its toll on him..." She gave him a tiny smile, then disappeared upstairs with her 'toy'.

Spiders moved over to the old man. He couldn't do anything about the fact that the prisoners there would see him in his natural form, but then again...he was a monster either way. He pulled his hood off and dissolved into hundreds of spiders, quickly consuming the old man. It was as quick a death as he could make it.

Fury had turned his head away, seeing that the spiders were feeding, but he looked back when they reformed and covered themselves in the suit once more. And he watched as Spiders leaned down and gathered the remnants of the bones into his arms, almost reverently. Then, he spoke. "You don't have to willingly serve Ultimus. You have a choice." He'd seen them all come down...the vampire; the young woman who took prisoners with her and never returned them; Stark and Pepper, who were clearly versions who had never chosen to do the right thing. It was ironic that the only one who seemed to have any humanity in him...was a man whose body was made up entirely of spiders.

Spiders didn't respond until he stood at the door of the dungeon, head bowed over the bones. When he did speak, it was in a hollow voice. "I have no choice." He quickly left the cell, taking the bones with him. Some leftover memory of his life as a normal human prodded him and he took the bones outside.

"Talking to them won't do anything but frustrate you, sir..." Maria snorted softly from the other side of the cell.

"I think there's a chance," Fury said. "Not the others. But him." He paused. "If he even is a him," he added. "If I can keep talking to him, maybe it'll get through. Eventually." He sighed. "I wish I knew more of what's going on out there."

"It's been a long time since they've brought in any prisoners," Rhodey said quietly. "Maybe Ultimus is winning, but maybe...just maybe...someone's been able to mobilize forces. Cap was still free."

"Who knows how many prisoners there actually are? They keep us together, but I don't think we are the only ones they had..." Happy added.

"Maybe not. But given how many people there actually are in our dimension, if they had the prisoners to fill the space, I would assume they'd take it." Fury glanced around at the empty spaces, each one indicating that a life had been lost, and sighed. "If I thought it would do any good, I would have told that femme fatale to take me instead." He'd tried to offer numerous times, but Gwen had refused.

"I don't know which is worse. Her or that vampire..." Happy cringed.

"At least the vampire, you know why if someone doesn't return..." Maria sighed.

"The kid she took this time is the one Tony befriended back when he let everyone believe he was dead." Rhodey sighed. "Guessing that never happened to the Tony keeping us prisoner. Or if it did, he never cared enough about Harley for it to make a difference."

"I've got to believe that none of us knew the Tony and Pepper running this base. Otherwise, I've gotta wonder what the hell happened to turn them like this where they'd willingly do this to us..." Happy muttered.

"Our version of Tony had a lot of people to support him, even if it did happen later on." Fury sighed. "And Pepper was one of those." He paused. "I wonder if the arc reactor is in this Tony's chest...."

"It's hard to say what happened. It'd probably depress me to know," Maria sighed, leaning back against the cell wall. "I don't think Scott will be brought back. I'll have to let Hope know... if I ever see her again."

Rhodey looked down. "I think we can say the same for Harley," he said quietly. "I hope we'll see our Tony again...although it's going to be hard to tell him."

"If they didn't kill him already too ..." Happy whispered.

"We have to believe that there are people out there still who are alive and who are free," Fury said firmly. "I refuse to think otherwise."

Maria nodded. "There's still hope. There has to be."

"We've been in bad situations before and pulled through," Rhodey said quietly. "We got back the people Thanos snapped away. It took five years, but we did it."

"Yeah. Yeah, that's true..." Happy sighed.

"We'll just have to continue hoping." Fury leaned his head back against the cell wall.


Meanwhile, Kate had taken Scott up to her room and tied him to her bed, beginning to play with him again. She wouldn't drink from him; he needed to replenish his blood before it was safe to eat from him again... but she'd get him used to her touch, so that when she could feed from him again, she would have a choice of locations to eat from. He might even beg her by the time he was recovered enough to feed from.


Spiders carried the bones outside the base. The dark didn't bother him. Truthfully, he felt more at home outside than he did in the base...but Ultimus preferred his tools to stay within the areas he'd put them. And their master had demanded their presence in the morning.

Carefully, Spiders dug a hole in the ground...deep enough that he could bury the bones and then cover them up again. Then he stood there, not sure what to do. Pray? He wasn't even sure he believed in God. If there was a God, then surely Spiders wouldn't be in the state he was now, a hive of spiders with the consciousness of a human man.

"I'm sorry." The words were woefully inadequate. He wasn't even sure who he was saying them to. The old man he'd just killed? The others he'd devoured? The spirit of his Uncle, who'd always taught him to do the right thing and would break if he saw what Spiders had now become? Or maybe he was saying it just to assuage his own feelings of guilt. The dead couldn't hear him, after all.


The next morning, after breakfast and the children had gone in for their studies, Friday informed Steve and the others about a group of individuals wandering around a particular town they had asked her to watch. "I couldn't see what they were doing or if they are potential rescues or not..." the AI said apologetically.

"I think we should try and see, at least," Steve said. "Open a portal some distance away, so that we can view them from a safe distance."

"Friday, please triangulate where the safest position to observe is..." Tony requested.

"Of course, Mister Stark," the AI replied. It didn't take long for her to run the calculations and then she was giving them the coordinates.

"So... who is going and who is staying?" Frank looked around at the very large group. Now that so many had been rescued, there wasn't the need for everyone to do constant patrols. Or even go if they weren't inclined.

"I think this needs to be a recon mission," Steve said. "So, I wouldn't advise a very big group go out."

"I would like to go," Shuri stated. "I want to see if there are any signs of my brother or mother in this dimension."

Tony shrugged. "I have no problem with that. Maybe those who are used to spying should go as well? Coulson? Clint? Yelena?"

"Any of those would work," Steve confirmed. "Perhaps even all of them."

"I'm willing to go," Coulson confirmed. "Perhaps it's also worth taking someone experienced with sniper rifles as well." He looked towards Grant, extending an olive branch of sorts.

"Two snipers would be good. Different angles..." Grant said softly, nodding in acknowledgement of Coulson's olive branch, but also looking toward Frank, who was a trained sniper.

Tony nodded. "So, two snipers to keep an eye on things from a distance. Shuri, Clint, Yelena, Coulson, to do the spy thing... the rest of us waiting in the wings for backup if something happens and it is needed?"

Steve nodded in agreement. "We don't know what you might be walking into, so it's important that you keep touching base with your bond mates."

"I can open the portal," Mordo offered.

"I'll stay here with Friday. If she notices anything, I can tell Mordo and he can warn the rest of you," Tony said.

"Understood," Coulson said. "If there's nothing else, we need to cover, then I don't see any reason to wait."

Mordo nodded and stood. "If we head out of the base, I'll take us to a safe distance from the base and then open the portal." He waited for the others who were going, then led the way out of the base.

Tony watched them go, then said, "Keep an eye on them, Friday. Let me know if anything happens."

"Of course, boss," the AI chirped.

Mordo opened the portal, and the group went through.

Once the snipers were in a position where they could easily see any potential threat, the scouts began to fan out.

There wasn't any sign of people there. Shuri was looking carefully for any signs of her brother or mother...even so, she nearly missed it. The necklace had been placed somewhere there wasn't a chance a person could stumble upon it accidentally.

Shuri slowly picked up the necklace and quickly darted a look around. There was no sign of Namor. No sign that he'd ever been there. But there was no other possible source where the necklace could have come from. The question was...had he left the necklace as an elaborate trap to capture her for Ultimus? Or was it possible he'd somehow found a way to stay free of Ultimus?

The others had scouted their areas with no luck at all. No signs or information was left at all and if Friday hadn't noticed activity in the area, it could have been assumed it was deserted. They finally made their way back to Mordo and the portal.

Shuri kept a careful hold of the necklace as she headed back to the portal. She didn't speak about it while they were outside, planning to explain what she thought it meant once they were all safely back at the base. She did make sure to scan it for any trackers before heading through the portal.

Mordo closed the portal once they were all through and quickly led the way back to the base.


"Tuesday, did you notice anything before our 'friends' showed up in town?" Ultimus’ Tony asked, back at their base.

"I noticed an anomaly just before they appeared out of nowhere..." the AI responded. "It is most likely they are portalling to locations. I did not have time to pinpoint the location of the other side of the portal."

"See if you can lock down a location for that next time, Tuesday," Ultimus’ Pepper ordered.

Vamp-Kate was with them and had a strange look on her face. "Does Tuesday stand for Terribly Unethical Evil Sentient Destroying All Yams? Because yams are horrible little creatures. Especially the ones with marshmallow eyes and pecan noses...."

Blade started at her. "Your sire tortured you and cut off air to your brain before turning you, didn't they?"

Kate blinked. "How did you know?" she asked suspiciously.

Pepper shook her head in exasperation. "Alright, people. We need to set up a few more 'lures' to get them to come out. Use their portals. If Tuesday can get enough info, it will help us narrow down a location for their base."

"We know that they'll be trying to take people and turn them to their side." Gwen was studying her nails. "Can't you use some of our prisoners' life signatures as bait? Make it look like there are people to go after and then attack them because, of course, there won't be anyone there?" She glanced up. "I think mine and Kate's toys are important to some of the rebels. As long as you don't kill him, you can take what you need from mine," she offered generously.

"I'm not a bio-scientist..." Tony growled, having had to remind them of that fact more than once. "I don't manipulate living matter in that way. To get enough bio-material to register on a scan, we either have to leave a prisoner out there to be found, or kill them... Which would rather defeat the purpose, as I doubt they'd risk their own lives for a dead body...."

Gwen shrugged in clear unconcern. "You could still leave a dead body for them to find. Sow fear through uncertainty. If one person they know is dead, how many more do we have waiting for the same fate? They'll be more likely to rush and make mistakes."

Tony grinned at that. "Sounds perfect. Pick someone. We'll leave them to be found."

Pepper chuckled. "Who do we have downstairs that will draw the most horror or worry?"

"There are a few of them who look the most likely," Gwen commented. "Is there any way of scanning past history here in this dimension? See if any of them had personal connections to the rebels?"

"Tuesday... can you get on that? Look at archived news on those we are after... see if any of our prisoners are mentioned with them," Pepper ordered.

"On it, sir," the AI replied, proceeding to do just that.

Tony and Pepper quickly looked through the information Tuesday had provided. "From the looks of it, the one most connected to all of them who we currently have downstairs is darling Fury..." Tony chuckled.

"Can I do it?" Gwen asked, immediately perking up.

"Sure. Why not...?" Pepper said magnanimously. "Just... don't do it until he is at the spot we want them to find him at. We want them to feel like there was a very small chance they could have found him in time but were just too late."

Gwen's grin was more in line of a child getting a longed-for Christmas present than anything else. "Just point me in the right direction," she said happily.

"Jack... Help her get Fury and take him to this location..." Tony grabbed the werewolf and handed him coordinates.

Jack swallowed hard at the order. He didn't want to see anyone killed by these nutcases, particularly an innocent man whose only crime was knowing the rebels against Ultimus. Straightening his shoulders, he nodded slowly. "Okay. We doing it now? Do I have time to go get my equipment?"

Pepper nodded. "Get whatever you need, then go," she agreed.

"I'll meet you down in the cells." Gwen got to her feet and skipped out of the room, humming softly under her breath, as she headed down to the cells.

Fury straightened slightly as he saw who was coming down to the cells. Had she killed Harley already? Was she looking for her new victim?

Gwen quickly stepped over to where Fury was chained up. "Good news! We're taking you on a trip!" she chirped.

Maria's eyes widened and she shot a stricken look toward Fury. "...No..." she whispered, in a hurt voice. No one who had ever 'gone on a trip' had ever returned.

Jack had quickly gone to his room and gathered his weapons... along with one other item that he'd decided to risk using. He couldn't, wouldn't, stand by and watch one more person murdered and not do anything to at least try to stop it.

Fury knew exactly what it meant...and he wasn't all that surprised. There were still a lot of prisoners left, but enough had been taken that he knew what fate awaited him. Gwen's phrasing made him hope that Harley, at least, still lived...although he wasn't sure how long that would last for.

"You know what? I wouldn't mind going on a trip," Rhodey said quickly, noticing the look on Maria's face. "I could really do with getting out of this place."

Gwen hardly spared him a glance. "Not this time, sweetie." She waited for Jack to arrive before moving to undo Fury's chains.

At that moment, Jack arrived. He saw Maria's face... saw Rhodey's face... and hated himself for the hundredth time. But at least this time, he was going to at least try to change things. "Let's go..." he growled lowly.

Gwen reached out and undid the chains, pulling Fury to his feet.

Fury didn't fight and didn't resist. He turned towards the others, mouthing, 'Don' t lose hope.'

Gwen dragged him towards the door of the cell.

"So... how are we going to do this?" Jack asked conversationally. He knew Gwen loved to talk about her plans for the prisoners in front of the prisoners, as it lent an extra anxiety and fear to the moment for them. He needed to know her plans, so he could somehow slip his own plans into the mix.

"We're going to take him to the coordinates. I'm going to stab him and let him bleed out." Gwen shrugged and smirked when she noticed the fear on the faces of the other prisoners, although Fury was doing a good job of staying calm. was the anticipation for the others that she was most interested in.

Rhodey wished he could do something...anything. They'd all resigned themselves to dying. But watching others get taken and being unable to do anything about it hurt so much worse.

"So.... making it as slow as possible?" Jack asked, with a grin. She didn't have to know the grin was because she was doing the best possible option for his own idea to work.

"The slower the better." Gwen began to drag Fury from the cells.

Jack followed behind her, whistling jauntily. Inside, he was feeling disgusted by her eagerness... but he couldn't let anyone see that.

Once they were out of the cells, Gwen began to drag Fury out of the base, heading towards the coordinates they'd been given. "You're not like many of the others. By now, they'd be begging and screaming for their lives," she said curiously.

Fury snorted softly. "I've faced death before. Multiple times. If it's my time, it's my time." He shrugged. While he sounded blasé about it, he was also somewhat relieved that it was him they'd chosen...and not one of the others. All he could do was hope that those who found his body wouldn't rush in and do anything stupid.

"Maybe I should make you beg..." Jack said off-handedly, as they got closer to their destination.

Fury eyed Jack, but all he said was, "You're welcome to try." He wasn't foolish enough to believe there wasn't a point he'd break, but he also knew it would take a lot to get him to that point.

They'd almost reached their destination and Jack knew, for what he planned to take effect, it needed to be done soon. Jerking Fury to a stop, he stabbed the syringe with the compound into Fury's neck, plunging the mystery fluid into him. Glancing at Gwen, he said, "This will heighten whatever you do to the hundredth degree. He'll be begging before you're even half done..."

It was the truth. The concoction unfortunately did cause everything done to a person to be magnified considerably, so whatever Gwen did would be felt keenly. But... that was the sign that it was working, so Jack had to hope Fury did end up begging. If the concoction worked, Fury's bodily system would slow down to the point he would appear dead. It would slow everything down enough that if Gwen did stab him like she said she planned, he wouldn't bleed out. When the rebels found him and took him back, hopefully they would realize and give him the antidote to bring him back. Hopefully, at least one of the rebels had a knowledge of ancient drugs and would recognize the one he'd just injected Fury with.

Gwen's grin was feral and wild and promised a world of pain. She turned on Fury and began her work.

And it clearly took effect. Fury didn't beg...but he reacted. He wasn't a stranger to pain or to torture, but the drug was far more potent than he'd ever expected. And Gwen had had a lot of time to perfect her techniques.

Finally, though, she brought it to an end. And she stabbed him; not somewhere that would immediately kill him but ensuring that he would bleed out fairly quickly. And then she turned to Jack, calmly using a bottle of water to rinse the blood from her hands. "Let's go. He'll bleed out before they can get to him. He's already nearly dead."

Jack nodded. "Duilich a charaid. Tha mi an dòchas gun lorg iad thu a dh’ aithghearr agus gun urrainn dhaibh do chuideachadh," he whispered to Fury, confident that Gwen wouldn't understand but would assume by the tone of his voice that he was being derogatory. In reality, he was apologizing to Fury and wishing that his friends would find him quickly. He turned and followed Gwen back to the base.