Chapter Three

Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); AU


Peter had managed to sleep through to the morning without any further bad dreams and he woke feeling more refreshed than he was expecting to, considering his interrupted sleep. And it had the added bonus of him able to keep enough control over his feelings and emotions that he could hold them back from the bond.

Peter slipped off the bed and headed through to the other room to wash up and clean his teeth.

Stephen had already got up and prepared for the day. He was putting on his shoes when Peter woke. I am going out to start helping make the young ones breakfast. I will see you there soon. He slipped out of the room, heading toward the kitchen.

Stephen wasn't the only one helping make breakfast. Everyone else was up as well and with everyone helping, either with breakfast or with getting the children up and ready for the day, soon everyone was sitting around the breakfast table, finalizing plans to rescue their next person.

Tony looked at Steve. "Friday located them." He didn't say who, because he didn't want to raise the son's hopes, but he knew Steve would know who he meant. "He's actually located in a building with someone else you might recognize. Oddly enough, the non-powered someone is harder to get to. Guess they figured the powered guy would be his own defense."

Frank slanted his head at that. "So... who is going and who is staying back to guard our base?"

Stephen glanced at Steve. "Peter is staying here. If Mordo and Frank stay behind with him, then the base will have a powered person, a sorcerer and a military tactician to protect it. The rescue team would have the same with you, Stark and me. Plus, the pairs can communicate with each other and know if either side is in trouble and needs help," he suggested.

Steve nodded his agreement with Stephen's suggestion. "With the bonds in place, I don't think we need to worry so much with setting up a comm system." He glanced towards Peter. "If you're still planning on setting up those sun lamps and find you need anything else, let Stephen know. We can see if we can pick anything up."

Peter nodded, though he was clearly sidetracked, thinking about his plans for today. Having an idea of what he was going to do made him feel better, rather than like he was useless. He was still making an effort to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself, but in his mind, he was jumping between planning out his work for the day...and also how he was going to experiment with the bond. Would distance make a difference? Could you open the bond every so often, the further you move from the base? he asked Stephen. I want to see if distance makes a difference to mental communication.

I can do that, Stephen agreed. He was busy formulating his own plans and contingencies, so was grateful Peter was learning how to control his own side of the bond. It was easier to concentrate when he didn't have his bond mate's emotions bombarding him. He turned toward Steve. "We should probably bring at least two changes of clothing, or at least a couple of hospital gowns for whoever we rescue."

Steve nodded. "We'll also try to get some more food supplies, too." By this point, they'd finished eating and cleaned up.

Peter headed towards the supplies, asking Stephen, Let me know the distance when you open the bond. Also, if it starts raining or there are other weather patterns. If I'm experimenting, I need as many variables as possible.

Of course, Stephen thought, as he went to get a pack and loaded it with several hospital gowns, some food, and basic first-aid items.

Tony was doing last minute recon with Friday, making note of the best area to enter from and potential problems.

Frank was getting last minute instructions from Steve on where they should take the children if the unthinkable happened and Ultimus found and attacked their base while the other three were gone.

Steve worked through a contingency plan with Frank and made sure that the others knew what the plan was as well. Then, he led the way out of the base.

As he'd promised, Peter began to work on setting up sun lamps. He'd also collected what he needed to set up a sprinkler system, to make sure the plants got what they needed to thrive.


They hadn't opened a portal to the building where their target was. Even if Stephen could do it, they'd decided as a group that it wasn't safe. They had a lot more to lose, now that they'd found the children. They needed to take every precaution. Stephen had randomly opened the bond and sent back data about his location, weather, and anything else that might help Peter's experiment, but when they finally reached the building, he blocked any unnecessary communication. He needed to concentrate on the mission.

Tony looked at the building. "Fri indicated our target has a workshop on the first floor, close to the front..." he whispered to Steve. He got the tranq gun ready.

Steve nodded his understanding, whispering back, "If we can take him by surprise...knock him out...if possible, I want to grab the other person too."

Nodding, Tony got ready to fly in immediately after the door was opened.

Stephen carefully magicked the door open, so it wouldn't set off any alarms. Then, they quickly moved in, heading toward the workshop.

Steve moved as quietly and quickly as he could, clearly on his guard. There might not be many of Ultimus' soldiers, but he knew how quickly that could change.

Phastos was in his workshop, fixing up some of the weapons to fire blasts of phasma. Ultimus was trying to invade another Earth that was giving him trouble. Their master had moved from subjugation to annihilation.

Tony knew if they gave the other man time to react, the fight would be long, difficult, and very painful. He didn't waste any time shooting the tranquilizer into the other being, hoping it was enough to take him down before he alerted anyone to their presence.

Stephen was ready to bind Phastos magically if the tranq didn't work.

Phastos had been taken by surprise by the tranq and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Steve quickly moved over to pick him up. "I don't know how long the tranq will last for, so if you can bind him as well," he said to Stephen.

"Of course." Stephen quickly did so, before handing Steve a hospital gown. "In case we have to make a quick retreat through a portal, we can get rid of anything that might have a tracker...."

Steve nodded and quickly stripped Phastos of his clothing, putting the hospital gown on him instead. "Let's see if we can grab the other," he said softly, putting the unconscious Phastos over his shoulder.

"Friday indicated he was in some sort of communication center on the second floor. Hopefully, he didn't pick up on our arrival," Tony whispered, leading the way.

When they entered the room, Everett Ross had just sent off an alert to Ultimus about the incursion. He turned toward the door, raising a gun, but Tony was two seconds quicker and shot him with the tranq before he could pull the trigger.

"Guess that answers that question. We need to go quick. Ultimus is on his way," Tony grumbled.

Stephen quickly bound Ross with magic, before stripping him of his clothes and putting him in a hospital gown. "Are we taking a chance and portalling directly into base, or should I open the portal just outside of the base?" he asked Steve.

"Outside the base," Steve answered, quickly picking up Ross as well. "I don't want to risk Ultimus being somehow able to track the portal." Since Wong was still held captive, Steve had no idea if Ultimus would be able to find the location of the portal.

Stephen nodded and opened the portal far enough away from their base that it wouldn't immediately be obvious that's where they were if Ultimus tracked them, but close enough they could get back to it without too much difficulty.

Staying on his guard, Steve quickly moved through the portal, carrying the two prisoners with him.

Stephen waited for Tony to go through before following behind. He quickly closed the portal. They moved quickly and within ten minutes, they were back to the base, Friday letting them in.

Tony quickly led Steve to a cell where they could hold the two men until Ultimus' hold was broken. "Friday? Could you have Frank or Peter bring Phastos' son? If anyone can break through to him, it would be the kid."

"Of course, Mister Stark," Friday responded, passing the message on.

Since Peter had taken a break from setting up the sun lamps and sprinklers, he offered to bring Jack and it wasn't long before he was arriving in the area with the boy.

Stephen removed the binding from Phastos but prepared to throw on a new binding in case the worst happened and Phastos didn't snap out of it when Jack showed up. The tranquilizer had worn off by this point.

Phastos' eyes snapped open, and he looked wildly around before his gaze fell on Peter and he hissed out, "Spider-Man."

Peter took a step back, his confusion clear. He wasn't in costume. No one should have known who he was.

Jack moved forward, drawing Phastos' attention to him. "Daddy."

Phastos' eyes widened and cleared, and he instantly reached for his son. "Jack."

Tony frowned, giving Peter a lingering look, obviously trying to figure out why, with several well-known and strong Avengers present, it was the man out of costume, that no one should know about, that got the Eternal's attention.

Peter... go finish working on your project, Stephen ordered, not particularly liking the comment, since it made no sense.

Frank watched as Jack was allowed into the cell with Phastos. Ross was still bound, and everyone was ready to stop the Eternal if he turned on the boy.

Phastos focused his attention fully on Jack. With one trembling hand, he reached out towards his son, tears filling his eyes. "Jack," he repeated, voice filled with emotion.

The boy immediately wrapped his arms around Phastos and hugged tight.

Frank relaxed at seeing the hug. It seemed to have worked. Phastos was at least freed enough to know his son.

Stephen also relaxed. "Do you know who you are? And what happened?" he asked quietly.

Tony was still on guard, but he appeared relaxed.

Phastos looked towards the group of them and frowned. "I know we were invaded by Ultimus and that the whole world's been converted under his control. Except for one person." He looked towards Steve. "He's not been happy that you're causing him to lose his soldiers."

Steve's smile was very faint and not entirely happy. "I hope to continue doing so."

"The... uh... way to freedom isn't easy. It's permanent. But until we find another way, it's preferable to being Ultimus' slaves," Tony said. He glanced toward Jack, not certain how much should be explained in front of the child.

Phastos looked down at his son, still hugging onto Jack. "Why don't you go with one of the Avengers for a bit?" he suggested. "I'll see you in a bit."

Jack frowned, obviously worried. "What if you forget again?"

"They haven't, have they?" Phastos smiled at his son. "I'm going to do whatever it takes to stay with you," he promised.

"Okay." Jack still didn't look so sure, but he was willing to believe his father.

Frank smiled at Jack. "They'll make sure your dad stays free..." he promised, holding a hand out to take Jack back with the other children.

Once Jack was out of earshot, Stephen quickly explained what needed to be done to keep Ultimus out of Phastos' head.

Phastos frowned at the explanation. "I'll be forcing him, then." He didn't ask who they expected him to bond to, fairly certain that was why they had another prisoner there.

"On the surface," Steve replied quietly. "I suspect the majority of people would agree after the fact, as it gets Ultimus out of their head."

"All right." Phastos took a deep breath. "I take it you have supplies? And it's going to be easier to do this without an audience," he added.

Stephen quietly handed Phastos a bottle of lubricant and several washcloths, before pointing to a sink in the corner. "So, you can clean up after."

Tony placed two stacks of clothing on a nearby table. "When you're done, you can let Friday know. Here's clothing, so you don't have to wear a hospital gown around the building. We can get more items next time we go out for supplies."

By this point, Ross began stirring.

Stephen and Tony turned to leave. "See you when you are free..." Tony said, before disappearing with Stephen down the hall.

"Good luck," Steve said quietly, before following Tony and Stephen out.

Phastos sighed and turned to look at Ross. "I apologize for what I am about to do, but I hope that once it is over, you'll agree with me that freedom is worth it." He reached out to begin stripping Ross of the hospital gown.

Ross' eyes widened, but he didn't pull away; the magical binding Stephen had put on him was still in place. Phastos could move him however he wanted or needed, but Everett couldn't move himself at all. He wasn't dumb. He'd heard the explanations; he'd come to long before he let them know he was awake. Deep down, while he would never have chosen this if there were other options available, he'd much rather be permanently bound to someone who wanted to help the earth instead of subjugate it. Still... Ultimus was urging him to fight. Since the only part he could move was his mouth, he began spouting obscenities and demanding, "Let me go! He'll skin you and leave it for everyone else to find as a warning!"

"That's a chance I'll take. The alternative is to continue being a slave. And even if I was willing to do that, I couldn't take myself away from my son." Phastos was making use of the lube as he spoke. He slicked up one hand and the fingers of the other. Then, he began to stroke and squeeze Ross' member. At the same time, he adjusted the other man to push a finger inside.

Ross closed his eyes and couldn't help grunting softly, then whimpering, as Phastos began to work on him. It had been a long time since he'd been touched in this way, Ultimus not caring about anything that made humans more human, so despite the fact the situation wasn't ideal, it didn't take long for his body to react. Soon, he was spouting obscenities, but instead of demanding Phastos let him go, he was making other demands. "Just fuck me already... split me open and push deep... c'mon... need it..." he groaned. Not being able to move had pushed him further into arousal than he'd ever been. Plus, knowing that it would free him... he wanted it sooner than later.

"Not without making sure I won't cause any damage first," Phastos muttered, even as he pushed a second finger inside. He began to move both fingers in circular motions, slowly widening the other man.

Ross moaned, the part of him needing to fight because of Ultimus quickly becoming overpowered by the part of him that had gone too long without any human contact or affection. He wouldn't delude himself into thinking this was anything but a one-time deal, but it felt too good for him to care that it would only happen once. His member was fully aroused and leaking, and he moaned again as Phastos stretched him. He'd never been with a man before... never had anything inside him there...but it wasn't uncomfortable and didn't hurt. Phastos was being careful.

Phastos was married and knew this wasn't anything more than to free them of Ultimus. Even so, his own erection began to grow and firm, responding to Ross' arousal. He continued to widen the other man, until he could safely take Ross. Then, he withdrew his fingers and coated his own member in the lube. Taking a firm hold of Ross, he pushed inside, seeking out the spot to immediately spark pleasure.

Ross whimpered softly as he felt Phastos push in, stretching him further than he'd ever been. The larger man knew what he was doing; Ross would freely admit that. His future bond mate adjusted him just right, got the angle just right, and shortly after beginning his claiming, Ross was seeing stars. He let out a rather loud yelp, not of pain, but of surprised pleasure.

Phastos continued to firmly stroke Ross' member, even as he pushed deeper and harder into the other man. It was a relief that Ross was gaining pleasure from this. It was necessary for them both to be free, but if there was pleasure involved, then he hoped things would be easier.

Leaning forward, Phastos pressed a kiss against Ross' neck. He didn't quite bite, at least not yet, but the instinct was there. He continued to thrust inside Ross, making sure to hit that spot each and every time.

Ross groaned louder, the pleasure spiking as he felt Phastos lips against his neck. An insane part of him wanted the other man to bite... to complete the domination that would tear them both out of Ultimus' grip. He knew there was a chance Phastos loved another- he had a child, after all- but even if they couldn't have a relationship beyond the bond, Ross found himself wanting the bond to be as strong as it was possible to be. Even if he was the submissive.

Phastos gripped Ross' hip and squeezed his member more firmly. As his member grew and swelled inside the other man, the instincts took over him fully and he bit; not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to satisfy the sense that he needed to dominate.

The bite went straight through Ross, causing a sense of helplessness that he didn't try and fight. He dropped on the very edge of release, but instinctively waiting for permission.

Able to tell that Ross was on the edge of release, Phastos pulled back enough to growl out, "Let go." Then, he gently bit Ross' neck once more.

Immediately, Ross released, hard, clenching tight around Phastos' member. He let out a broken sob of need.

Phastos' own release came over him at the same time and he let go hard inside Ross, fingers clenching on the other man. He noticed both the warm glow and the matching marks that formed on their hands. And he felt the absence of Ultimus and found himself slumping in relief. We're free....

Ross was breathing hard, and it was clear through the newly formed bond that he was only slightly out of sub space, still highly suggestible and in need of direction and protection until he could function on his own again. He doesn't control me anymore... you do.

Phastos carefully withdrew from Ross and began to clean up the other man, instincts telling him to take care of his submissive first. It was also instinct to send through reassurances and feelings of calm and safety. Once he'd finished cleaning both Ross and then himself, he dressed the other man so that he would be warm and feel 'safe'. You're safe. Free of him, he promised.

"Thank you..." Ross whispered, looking into Phastos' eyes, giving a sincere if sad smile. "You rescued me...." He slowly began to feel surer of himself... safe... as Phastos took care of him.

"We rescued each other," Phastos said quietly. He dressed himself as well and then wrapped his arms around Ross in a safe, comforting embrace. He let Friday know that they were both free and then spoke quietly to the other man. "We don't have to go and join the others yet if you need a bit of time to get used to all this. We can take as much time as you need to."

"I appreciate that..." Everett shifted closer, drawing strength from the hug. "...But I want to find out what is happening in the world, for real. Not what Ultimus was feeding me. Plus, I know someone who really needs you. If I'm within a few feet of you, I think I'll be okay." He left the bond open, so Phastos could feel the truth in his words. He was feeling a lot steadier and as long as his bond mate was close, he'd be fine.

Phastos nodded in understanding. "I think we'll be staying close to each other," he promised. He drew back from the hug but wrapped his arm around Everett so that he could lead the other man from the area, so they could join the others.

Everett moved as close as Phastos indicated he should, leaning toward the larger man but not encroaching. He gave a crooked, uncertain smile toward the others in the room, though his smile was more at ease and confident when he smiled at the children. "I thought the last time I saw you two was difficult times; wish life was still that simple..." he said to Steve and Tony, with a wince.

Steve nodded and gave a sympathetic smile towards Everett. "We're fighting back," he said quietly. "Hopefully, once we get enough people freed through the bonding, we can figure out a way of freeing everyone else. Fortunately, Tony had already been preparing this base and was able to keep it from being discovered by Ultimus even when he was converted."

Phastos moved over to his son, sitting next to Jack and ensuring that Everett could sit on the other side of him. "I'd like to take a proper look round later," he commented.

Tony nodded. "You'll have your pick of rooms. You can share... Like Steve and Frank or Stephen and Peter... or you can take separate rooms, like Mordo and I have. We have most of the children sharing rooms in groups of four, so they don't feel alone. Jack could room with you, though, unless he wants to stay with his current roommates. They are on the same wing as all of us, so if you pick rooms in that wing, you can be close to each other but still have a little space..." Tony rambled a bit, not wanting to outright ask what Phastos planned. Jack was at a unique age, like Morgan, where he most likely wouldn't want to leave his father but also would want to seem 'grown up' and 'independent'. Plus... it wasn't easy to tell if Ross would react to the bonding by being clingy like Peter, or more aloof like Mordo.

Phastos glanced towards his son and smiled gently at Jack, then looked towards Ross. "Maybe we could discuss sleeping arrangements once we've seen the rooms," he suggested. "We can see how close they are to each other and perhaps go from there." Even if his son didn't share his room, he wanted to be certain that Jack would feel free to come into his room any time he wanted to.

"Of course. If you'd like, we can show you the rooms now, so you can decide; then we can get you some extra clothes and other items, you can clean up and then we can have a late lunch..." Stephen suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea," Phastos agreed. He stood and smiled when Jack quickly climbed to his feet and put his hand in his father's.

Everett stood as well, shifting to follow behind Phastos and Jack. I'll stay in whichever room you want me... he thought.

Stephen began to show them around.

Maybe it makes sense to stay in the same room for the time being, Phastos responded. We don't necessarily need to share a bed, but even if we only slept together to form the bond and break Ultimus' conversion, I still feel the need to keep you close. He squeezed his son's hand, paying attention to the tour. "What do you think, Jack?" he asked out loud. "You're more than welcome to stay in my room with me."

Jack gave the question serious thought before responding, "I don't hafta stay in the same room as you...but there's an empty room opposite. So, I want you to sleep there," he declared.

Phastos chuckled softly. "That's what I'll do, then."

Everett smiled at Jack's answer. He couldn't help but notice Tony Stark's room was directly across from the room Morgan Stark and her roommates were as well, Mordo's right next to his. Yessir, he quickly agreed. If Phastos felt the need to keep him close, Everett was feeling the need to obey.  How much do you think the children know about these bonds? he asked, not sure how much they needed to keep hidden for Jack and the other children's sake.

I doubt that they'll have missed there is a bond of some kind, or that one person is in charge of the other, Phastos replied. Though I'm sure that the actual mechanics of the bond are kept from them.

True. They would have to be blind to not notice how bonded pairs interact with each other, even if they are circumspect. How much do you want Jack to know? Whatever you decide, I will do my best to follow... Everett thought.

I'm not going to hide that you're important to me, Phastos responded. I'm free because I'm bonded with you. If you need to be close, or have affection, or anything similar, don't hold back.

Jack quickly led the way into the room opposite his own, showing Phastos - and, by extension, Everett - where he wanted them to be.

Yessir... I'll remember that Everett promised. He'd got used to keeping himself aloof, his job and position making it difficult to form close relationships. He didn't think he'd need any of what Phastos said, but... he also didn't know how the bond would affect him. He already felt a closeness and attachment to Phastos that it normally took years to form with other people. By extension, he also found himself feeling fond and protective of Jack.

He smiled at the boy as they were led into a decent sized room with attached bath. There was only one bed, but it didn't bother him. The bond needed to settle still, so being close helped with that. Once everything felt more secure and less confusing, if Phastos allowed and they felt it better to do so, they could bring in a second bed.

"There's a bath area too. I heard the adults talking and they said that the place was big enough for about a hundred people to be here." Jack showed them the bath area before asking his father hopefully, "Maybe you could get one of the other Eternals free? Like that Superman guy?"

"I don't think we want Ikaris freed just yet." Phastos was clearly trying not to let his son know, but the sense of mistrust and feeling of betrayal through the bond made it clear that things were strained between him and this Ikaris. "Ajak would be good to add to the resistance," he commented.

"Ajak?" Everett asked curiously, as Tony and Morgan walked in with clothing and personal supplies for the men.

"If you can give Friday enough information, she could search for your friend," Tony said. "We've found that it is easier to loosen Ultimus' grip on someone if someone they were close to confronts them, like Jack did you. After his hold is loosened, it is possible for them to initiate a bond..." he added. "When we find her, we can also find a potential bond mate for her."

"Ajak was our leader," Phastos answered Everett. "We've all been here on Earth since ancient times, but she also has memories that the rest of us don't have." He nodded to Tony. "I will give Friday that information." He smiled. "I'd be interested in talking with you about how you created her. I knew humans would reach that point eventually, but she's far ahead of anything I would have expected from now."

Tony's eyes widened. "Having her freed and on our side would be extremely helpful. Would you like to begin now? I know that they are making the late lunch, but it will be at least another thirty minutes and I can introduce you to Friday."

"My dad is really smart!" Morgan said proudly. "Friday isn't even his first AI baby!"

Everett grinned. He knew all about the genius inventor's background and was beginning to realize his bond mate was as much of, if not more, genius. He was looking forward to 'learning' from the eternal... assuming his mate wanted him to learn.

Phastos quickly nodded. "She has the ability to heal herself, so the chances are good that Ultimus will have her involved in fighting." He frowned. "Speaking of...while production of what I was making will have slowed, due to me being freed, there's every possibility that there are alternate versions of me who can pick up where I left off. Ultimus has run into more resistance with one Earth than he was expecting." He didn't go into more details, due to the presence of Jack and Morgan, but his implications were clear. Ultimus no longer cared about conversion.

"So, the faster we move, the better..." Tony nodded. "Ready to start now?" He motioned toward the door, intending to lead Phastos to his workshop.

Phastos nodded and looked towards both his bond mate and son. "Let me know if you need me." He proceeded to follow Tony.

Everett blinked, then looked down at Jack and Morgan. "So, you two want to finish my tour of the base? Then maybe we can go help with lunch...."

The children quickly agreed and proceeded to continue the tour of the base with Everett.

Tony had taken Phastos to the computer control area, so that he could give Friday information. He also shared how Friday came into being, explaining about JARVIS. Soon, Friday was scanning the Earth, looking for Ajak.


Everett made note of everything the children showed him, then joined Frank in making the late lunch.

While Steve knew that the base was as well-protected and safe as it was possible for Tony to make it, he couldn't quite get rid of the habits that had formed for more than a year and had done security checks around the perimeter, checking with Friday in case anyone suspicious had been seen in the area...or, indeed, anyone at all. Even if Ultimus wasn't aware of the base, he wanted to be prepared in case one of the converted found their way to it.

Steve made his way to the kitchen and towards his bond-mate, reaching out to talk to Frank. I've been thinking that we might want to set up training sessions. Some of the people we free might not have seen battle for as long as they've been Ultimus' slaves for, so making sure skills and fighting ability are in top shape will be important.

Frank looked up, smiling at his mate. That's true. My main skill was long range, but I'm still pretty skilled in hand-to-hand, if you want to start training everyone.

If we spar together, it will give us a chance to get to know each other's fighting styles too. Steve stepped into the kitchen. "Anything I can help with?" he asked out loud.

"I think we're finished..." Everett said. "How do you get everyone to come to the dining hall?"

"Friday..." Frank smiled. "Friday? Can you let everyone know lunch is ready?"  I'd like that. I'm sure I can learn a lot from you.

Steve smiled at Frank. Maybe this afternoon? he suggested. Unless we're going out on another mission.

Okay. I know they were looking for someone, but I don't think they found them, so this afternoon would be good... Frank felt a sense of warmth and acceptance from Steve wanting to spend time with him.

That's good, Steve agreed. I'll bring up training and sparring later on. He moved to begin helping carry plates and other items through to the dining area.

It wasn't long before everyone was around the table again, eating. Two more adults enabled more of the youngest children to have an adult's help, instead of having to rely on the older children. Even though he hadn't had opportunity to have his own children, his job taking so much of his time, Everett easily fell into the role of caregiver.

Lunch was fairly uneventful. Phastos had taken the time to start looking at some improvements he could make to the base and was discussing those with Tony.

Outside of helping the younger children with food and feeding himself, Peter was busy making notes and observations. His scientific curiosity had been piqued by the bonding and he'd borrowed the book from Mordo, allowing him to use that to list several hypotheses that further data would allow him to prove or disprove. His focus on the work allowed him to keep better control over his emotions, avoiding bleeding through the bond.

Steve had begun talking to Frank and Everett about setting up training times and also involving some of the older children. In case the worst happened, he wanted everyone to be as trained as possible. He also included Mordo and Stephen in the conversation, not certain whether the sorcerers' abilities could be taught to any of them, but figuring the focus required might be helpful.

Stephen shared information freely. While it would take more than a few lessons to train new people to the arts, it would be helpful for them to be able to protect themselves from any magic users under Ultimus' control.

Tony took advantage of Phastos' knowledge to ask questions and listened to all his suggestions.

Frank mentally made a list of groups for various classes.

Mordo also shared information freely, knowing that mental discipline was important. Even if Ultimus couldn't convert them, there was nothing to stop him making other mental attacks.

Eventually, the late lunch was finished, and Frank began directing all the children in how to clean up, the youngest doing the easiest jobs and the oldest doing the more difficult parts. It was important for them to contribute to the family that was being formed.

"I think taking the rest of the day to relax would be good," Tony said. He left unsaid that he and Phastos would want to spend time with their children.

Steve nodded in agreement with Tony. "We can make further plans tomorrow morning," he commented, planning to bring up training sessions then too.

Everyone had quickly disappeared, either to their rooms or to the recreational room, where they could talk or play games. Frank had gone to the gym.

Since they'd agreed to do some sparring after eating, Steve headed to the gym to join Frank.

Frank smiled at Steve. What kind of sparring will we do? It's been a while. Last few fights I was in, I did whatever was necessary to not be taken down, so style went out the window.

I figured anything goes, as long as we avoid any damage or injury to ourselves or each other, Steve replied. We can get a feel for how each of us fights.

Sounds good, Frank thought, moving into the center of the mat.

Steve moved to stand opposite Frank. If we can, next time we go out for supplies, we might want to try and find some better clothes for use in here, he commented. There are probably still clothing stores around that haven't fallen into disrepair. He feinted and then moved in from the opposite side.

Any time it is possible, we probably should bring back clothes. The kids will grow. Plus, we will hopefully save more people. Frank prepared to fight.

I think plans are being made already to save others. Steve directed a quick jab at his mate.

Frank dodged before making his own jab. Yeah. Listening at dinner- seems that they want to go get one of Phastos' old teammates....

We'll need to find someone for her to bond to as well. Steve dodged and then came at Frank from the other side, feinting and then going in low.

Most of those bonded have been pairings of chance. Right place right time. I'm sure Friday would be able to let us know if there is someone to catch. Frank wasn't quite fast enough to dodge that move.

Ideally, we want to do what we did today. Capture the person who we want to free and also whoever they will bond with. Steve gently clasped Frank's leg before moving back and then coming in again, this time aiming a sweep at his mate's legs.

Frank jumped backward. Out of the way. Yeah. Ideally. But if we can't, we'll need some idea of where to look for a match.

I'm sure Tony and Phastos have already looked into people close by that we can use for a match. Steve followed Frank's movement, aiming to circle round behind his mate.

If they haven't, Friday likely has... Frank attempted to keep Steve in front of him.

Steve sent a non-verbal agreement through the bond, even as he changed tactics and moved in to attempt a couple of quick jabs.

Frank grunted as he couldn't escape all the jabs. He attempted to sweep Steve's legs out from under him.

Steve quickly jumped, avoiding the sweep, and then ducked down low, reaching to grab his mate around the waist.

Frank was embarrassed at how quickly he was getting tired; Ultimus had never used him in close up engagements and while he was still accurate in his long-distance marksmanship, he'd got a little out of shape because Ultimus didn't care about his slaves' health. If an ability or being healthy and in shape wasn't of immediate use to Ultimus, he didn't have them maintain it. It was good they were going to begin practicing. It didn't help him be able to move away from Steve's grab, though. He was caught.

Steve had noticed that Frank was beginning to get tired. He used his grip on Frank's waist to pull his mate closer to him, flush against his body, and kissed him tenderly. "It's all right that it'll take a while to get back to what you're used to," he said quietly. "Everyone here needs to get used to something again."

Frank relaxed against Steve, letting his mate take some of his weight, and kissed back. He felt warm, safe, and contented. I'll improve. I want to be a help to you...

You already are, Steve replied reassuringly. Not only were you instrumental in capturing Mordo, you've been a big help in taking care of the children. 

I'm just doing what I'd want someone to do for my kids if they were alive, Frank thought sadly.

I'm sorry you lost them, Steve said seriously, automatically reaching through the bond with feelings of empathy, reassurance, and love.

Thank you. It isn't as agonizing as it once was, but it still hurts... Frank admitted. Steve's support helped him.

Steve wrapped his arms tightly around Frank and held him close. Why don't we go to our room and spend some more personal time together? he suggested.

Frank wrapped his own arms around Steve holding tight. That sounds good to me....

Steve kissed Frank and wrapped his arms around his mate to lead him to their room.

Frank returned the kiss, then followed his mate back to their room.

Back in their room, Steve made sure the door was closed and then led Frank over to the bed. He sat down and drew his mate down onto the bed with him, cuddling Frank close.

Frank melted against his mate, pressing his head against Steve's chest. We're getting a small camp. Enough people that maybe we should start thinking of schooling the children.

That would be a good idea, Steve agreed. He pressed a kiss to the top of Frank's head and cuddled his mate tighter. If we get Ajak too, both her and Phastos would probably be good teachers.

They would. Some of the best, Frank agreed.

I think we should raise that in the meeting tomorrow, Steve commented.

Yeah. Frank looked up, kissing the bottom of Steve's chin.

Steve kissed him gently. Is there anything you'd like to do? Or talk about?

No, sir. I just... need to feel close to you. Frank held tighter.

I'll keep you close, Steve promised, tightening his own hold.

Thank you... Frank felt safer with Steve holding tight and it was clear through the bond.

You belong to me and with me now, Steve said. I plan to keep you close as much as possible.

I will stay near you forever, Frank promised.

Steve smiled at the promise. I know we are freeing others, but you are still the most important to me personally. Because you stopped me from being alone....

You've done the same for me. Frank nuzzled Steve. I was alone before.

Neither of us are alone anymore. Steve gently rubbed his hands over Frank's back; not demanding or looking for sex, but just because he wanted to give his mate affection. I love you, he added.

I love you too. Want to sleep in your arms tonight... Frank cuddled.

That's just as well. I want you to sleep in my arms tonight as well, Steve replied.

Frank smiled at that. Leaning on Steve, he followed his mate to their bed, curling up in Steve's arms after they got ready for bed. He fell asleep quickly and easily, Steve's presence helping him relax enough to rest.


It was the next morning and they had just finished breakfast. The children had been sent to the gym to play, while all the adults had a meeting about what needed to be done now that more people had been freed, as well as talk about when and where to rescue Ajak.

With Friday's help, Phastos had managed to track down Ajak. He'd also been able to track down a couple of powered individuals who were actually near her current location. All that was needed was for them to decide who was going to go out and who was going to remain behind.

Steve had already brought up the idea of schooling the children. All of the adults had areas in which they were able to teach, giving a wide range for the subjects. Now, he commented, "I figure we should keep the teams as they were yesterday...with the addition of Phastos leaving the base with us," he added. He glanced around, making sure that everyone was willing to go along with the plan.

"No need to change what works," Tony stated.

Frank nodded as well. He knew if his skillset was needed, Steve would tell him.

"Okay, good." Steve nodded. "We're also going to try and collect more and different clothing sizes. Particularly in children's sizes, since the chances are good, they'll be growing faster. Especially now that they can actually get the nutrients they need."

"Should we dedicate today for getting more supplies? Or wait till tomorrow?" Frank asked.

"Maybe tomorrow," Steve said. "If those staying here could work on getting the children's approximate sizes, that would help."

"Of course," Mordo said.

Frank nodded. "We'll even get favorite colors, just in case we can find something in those colors."

"Thank you." Steve gave his mate a warm smile, then looked around at the others. "Also, if you think of anything else we can pick up tomorrow, make a list and we'll see what we can do."

There were varying nods and murmurs of agreement from the others.

"So, do we have all the info needed to rescue Ajak?" Tony asked.

Phastos nodded. "Like me, it'll be better to use the tranq gun on both her and whoever we capture for her to bond with. If we let her gain the upper hand, we'll be looking at a lot of potential injuries."

Tony nodded. "I've got the tranqs ready. We have coordinates?"

Steve nodded and looked towards Stephen. "I figure we'll do what we did when we grabbed Phastos. Open the portal away from the base, just in case Ultimus has a way of tracking the whereabouts of portals."

"Of course. If we're ready now, I'll open the portal." Stephen glanced around. At the nods from the others on the retrieval team, he opened the portal.

Tony went through first.

Steve was quick to follow Tony, with Phastos following close behind him.

Stephen came through last, letting the portal close. "Which way?" he asked quietly.

Phastos gestured and began walking in the direction he'd indicated.

Steve frowned as he followed, clearly thinking of something...though it was a thought he should bring up when they had their next family meeting, as they didn't want to draw too much attention to themselves.

Ajak wasn't too far from the area the portal had opened, though the coordinates had allowed them to use buildings to obscure them from her view. She'd been sent out by Ultron on a recon mission, to figure out why some of his soldiers were being removed from his 'hive mind'...but not by being killed.

Tony waited only long enough to get a bead on the Eternal before he shot her with the tranquilizer.

Stephen immediately bound her with magic, then waited for Steve or Phastos to retrieve her. "Did Friday indicate if there was someone else nearby that we can capture with her?" he whispered.

Phastos frowned, quickly checking in with the AI through the comm link Tony had given each of them. "There was someone close by, but they've gone," he said, a hint of frustration in his tone.

Steve quickly moved over to retrieve Ajak. "We can still get her back to the base. You can talk her out. We can come back out to retrieve someone...."


Having a dozen children, some of them very young, meant they needed to be watched almost constantly. But even so, children were sneaky...even more so than many of the enhanced SHIELD agents. And they had a penchant for getting places they shouldn't.

One toddler had managed to leave the adults. He headed towards the elevator and was inside, going up towards the surface before anyone had even noticed he was gone.

Except for Peter. Peter's spidey sense had begun tingling, so he'd gone to retrieve his notes in the hopes that the itch under his skin would disappear. And he'd glimpsed the toddler right before the elevator closed and began to make its way to the journey.

Peter swore and took a split second to make his choice. There was no time to get one of the others, even if Friday reached out to them straight away. He ran to the shaft and used his webbing, swinging up and towards the elevator right as it reached the surface and the doors slid open.

Steven had taken over from Marc again, unexpectedly, and it had caused him to leave his post. Ultimus was nattering away in his head, but Steven was used to arguing or ignoring Marc now, so ignoring Ultimus as just another voice was easy. He'd been randomly walking for an hour and had no clue where he was.

Peter had spotted the person wandering too close to the base and he quickly grabbed the toddler...but there was absolutely no chance he could go back into the elevator without drawing attention. And there wasn't really anywhere to hide, either.

Peter immediately shot his web slingers at the stranger, binding him. "Friday, need Frank with a tranq gun...Mordo too," he added, adrenaline pumping through him. They couldn't let the person go...but they couldn't remove clothing and leave the tracker so close to the base. He hoped Mordo could open a portal and they could toss the clothing through to another location.

Frank had immediately responded, grabbing his tranq gun, heading up the elevator. He knew Mordo was also on the way. He came out to a stranger arguing with Peter... or maybe he was arguing with himself. It was difficult to tell. Not wanting to risk the stranger finding some way to contact Ultimus, he immediately tranquilized the man. "Take the kid back inside..." he told Peter, already beginning to strip Steven.

Peter nodded, quickly taking the toddler back into the elevator and going back down to the base.

Mordo waited until the stranger was entirely stripped before he opened the portal, wanting to minimize the amount of time it was open so close to their base. He then took the clothing from Frank and tossed it through the portal before closing it again. "We should take him back inside, in case there are any more coming this way." Though he didn't really think that was possible. The man hadn't put up even a token resistance. At the same time, he reached out mentally to his own mate. We've captured one of Ultimus' soldiers outside the base. One of the children managed to get loose and into the elevator. He's safe and I don't believe there are any more converted close by. He gave the report quickly and concisely.


Tony reported what Mordo said immediately. "Are we good to return?" he asked Steve.

Stephen prepared to open a portal immediately.

Steve nodded. "If we can be certain there are no other converted nearby. This could be a good thing. It means there is someone Ajak can bond to immediately. Go ahead," he said to Stephen.

"Mordo indicated they believed no one else is there." Stephen opened a portal to a spot close to base, but not directly there.

Steve carried Ajak through the portal, looking around immediately to make sure no one else had appeared. He trusted the rest of their group, but it was still hard not to be on edge, knowing that they weren't yet at the point they could form a true resistance against Ultimus.

Phastos quickly followed Steve through the portal.

Tony followed right after, moving out of the way for Stephen to come through and close the portal. They all immediately made their way back into the base.

Steve wasted no time in carrying Ajak through to the cells. At the same time, he reached out to his own mate. Did you take the other prisoner to the cells?

Yeah.. he's there. He's... a little odd. Not sure she'll want to risk bonding to him... Frank thought.

We'll see what she thinks when she comes out of Ultimus' control. She's lived a long time, so maybe she's seen similar things before. Steve headed to the cells, trusting that Stephen would cast to keep Ajak bound for once the tranq wore off.

Soon they were all in the cells. Tony had immediately provided Ajak a hospital gown when they'd caught her, so she at least was covered.

It didn't take long for the effects of the tranq to wear off Ajak and her eyes opened. She looked around and her attention focused immediately on Phastos. She blinked a few times and opened her mouth to speak.

Phastos stepped forward. "Ajak." He spoke before she could. "I know Ultimus has been in control of you for a long time, acted against Arishem, because you knew letting him destroy this world, even to cause the birth of a Celestial, was wrong. I need you to come back from Ultimus now, because I think you can truly help us."

Ajak closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes were clear. "I know you must have broken his control through more than just talking."

"You're right." Taking a step forward, Steve cleared his throat and began to explain what was needed.

"I see." Ajak's gaze moved towards her fellow prisoner.

Steven had woken just long enough to hear explanations. "Oh no... no... no... no... he'll kill us if we leave. You can't... I don't want to be here!" He closed his eyes tight and squinted his face up like a child. He shook slightly and then his face was smoothing out and he opened his eyes, looking around curiously, even though Stephen's bindings kept him from moving much. He blinked in shock. "Why am I naked? Why can't I move? Where the hell am I? Steven, you idiot, what did you get us into?"

Ajak showed a complete lack of surprise at the sudden change in expression and tone. This wasn't the first time she'd had experience with people with other personalities. She watched the man calmly. "Steven is the name of the other personality that inhabits your body? What is your name?"

Marc blinked at the question. "I'm Marc. Marc Specter. I uh... Guess you met Steven Grant? Sorry. I uh... didn't realize I was talking to him out loud...."

Ajak looked towards the rest of the group. "Some privacy, please?" she requested.

"Of course." Steve placed washcloths and clean clothing within easy reach and quickly motioned for the others to follow him from the cells.

Ajak turned back towards Marc. "My name is Ajak," she said. "I don't know which one of you has been in control for the past year, but a being called Ultimus invaded our world and converted everyone to follow him."

Marc looked shocked at her explanation. "I've been under for a year? His expression turned vacant, as if he was carrying on a conversation in his head, and then he gave her a worried look. "Steven wasn't in control either. I... I don’t know who was...."

Ajak frowned at that. "Ultimus has converted everyone on Earth to his cause, whether they are enhanced or not. But he wouldn't have taken over full control. His goal is to subjugate all worlds and people under him...and to destroy those he cannot convert. But right now, there is little chance to theorize," she said softly. "Did Steven tell you how to destroy Ultimus' control entirely? It is not ideal, but it is the only path to freedom we have right now."

Marc looked vacant again for a second, then looked at her. "He says we have to bond. The idea makes him nervous. If it is the only way, I won't fight it."

"There is no other way," Ajak confirmed. "The bonding requires sex. It also results in a D/s relationship, with one clearly in charge of the other. My understanding is that it does not have to be a purely sexual relationship, barring the first time." She was moving closer to him as she spoke. Once she was close enough to touch, she reached out and ran her hands down his chest. Then, she leaned forward to follow the same path with her lips, gently nipping at his skin. Even if this was necessary, she had enough experience that she could bring pleasure...make it as easy as possible.

Marc quivered. "So... I'd obey you?" His voice was shaky. "I... I can do that. I like strong women..." he joked.

"If you wanted that," she replied. "The bonding is necessary to break Ultimus' control. If you chose to have a relationship outside of that, I would not say no." She spoke the words against his chest, her hands sliding behind him to rub and squeeze down his back...gently clasping and squeezing his buttocks.

Marc shivered. "I... I have one relationship that is on again... off again... we hadn't seen each other for several months the last time I was in control. She always said I needed stability... as much as we loved each other together, we weren't anything close to stable... and I don't know why I told you that..." he said, in a shaky voice, as she caressed and squeezed. It took very little time before he was fully aroused and whimpering with need.

"You may tell me anything you wish," she replied. "And it will remain safe with me. No other soul will hear it." She moved one hand from his backside and used it to position him and herself, making it easier to guide him inside her. Once he was positioned, she clasped his buttocks once more, squeezing and gently caressing.

Marc groaned softly as he felt her push down onto him, controlling every movement. He found himself looking up into her face, into her eyes, and asking, "This will tie us together permanently? I will belong to you? I will obey you?"

"It will bind us together permanently," she confirmed. "You will belong to me. You will obey me." She could have reiterated, again, that he didn't have to...that he had a choice once this was over. But she'd already told him that and his wording made her suspect he needed and wanted her in control. She pushed against him, causing his member to slide deeper inside of her.

Marc shuddered as she enveloped him with her warmth. It felt as if she were pulling him into her, pulling his soul through his body, to his member. When he released his soul would belong to her. Now who is being dramatic? Steven sniped in the corner of his head. He ignored the snide comment of his alternate. Instead, his entire focus was on Ajak. His groans, whimpers and moans made it clear he was on the edge. In that moment, Stephen's magical binding disappeared, and he was able to physically respond. He immediately began to gently run his hands over her, needing to feel that she was real. Needing to memorize her. None of the moves were anything but submissive. He'd accepted his position and was happy to fall into it.

Ajak encouraged his touches and exploration, letting her body press into his and allowing herself to respond verbally. She pushed gently against his backside, encouraging him to go deeper. Her own body was responding, growing flushed and aroused.

Marc responded to the squeezing and pulling on his backside and began to gently thrust upward, moving at the speed her grip dictated.

Ajak leaned down and kissed him, rocking gently on his member. It wasn't going to take much to push her over the edge. Even before Ultimus, she'd never had that many romantic encounters. Her mission had always been at the forefront of her mind. Now, though, there was nothing to hold her back.

Marc was breathing heavy, his body shaking slightly as he continued to thrust. He was so close. "Please, mistress..." he begged softly, his voice strained with need.

"Let go," she ordered her own voice filled with desire and need. She began to rock harder and faster on his member.

Marc groaned, thrusting up hard one last time before he began to release, his body shaking. He held on to her tightly, pressed as far into her as he could go. He could feel as the bond took hold, his own feelings and emotions draining out of him toward her. He could feel emotions and feelings not his own, or Steven's, and knew they belonged to his new master. He could see the bond mark on the back of his hand, further evidence that they were connected.

Ajak groaned as her own release came over her, opening a channel between them, allowing her to feel his emotions as he felt hers. We belong to each other now. She spoke through the bond.

And Ultimus won't own either of us again... A sense of relief flooded the bond.

Never again. Ajak carefully moved from him, so that she could use the washcloths to clean first him and then herself. Then, she began to dress them both, taking charge automatically.

Marc flushed at being bathed and dressed. It made him feel almost childlike, but he wasn't offended. In fact, he liked it. Thank you. For rescuing me. I know you know of my... condition. You could have refused and waited for someone less broken.

You are not the first I have seen who has more than one personality inside his or her body. She reached out and gently touched his face, encouraging him to look into her eyes. And you deserve freedom as much as everyone else. She took his hand with her other hand, squeezing it gently. You are mine now.

I am yours. That's a good thing, Marc agreed.

Squeezing his hand, Ajak led him from the cells so that they could join the others in the base.

Steve moved over to greet them, along with Phastos. "I believe lunch is being prepared, but while it's being done, we can show you around the base and you can decide which room you'd be more comfortable with," he offered. "Some of the bonded pairings are sharing."

Marc stood slightly behind Ajak, almost hovering in a stance that was a mixture of protectiveness and shy submissiveness. Can I stay with you? he asked Ajak.

Of course, Ajak replied, immediately and without hesitation. She moved closer to Marc and wrapped her arm around his waist, the action one of affectionate possessiveness. "Lead the way, please," she directed Steve and Phastos.

The two immediately began the tour of the base, telling Ajak and Marc where everything was...finally finishing up at the bedrooms.

Tony smiled at the two before they left on their tour. "I'm going to have Friday do a scan of the area. Make certain no one else is too close to base."

"I'll begin lunch. The kids are going to be hungry." Frank looked toward Steve for permission.

Stephen looked at Peter. Are you okay? You weren't hurt before you subdued him?

Steve nodded, giving his mate permission.

He didn't even get close enough to do anything...don't think he was really looking for us anyway, Peter added. He was pretty aimless in his wandering. He bit his lip, wondering if he should apologize for leaving the base without permission. He wasn't actually sorry; he knew that hesitating, even to get one of the other adults, could have made things end much worse than they did. Still. He had disobeyed, even if was for a good reason. He didn't try to hide the feelings from coming through the bond, hoping that Stephen would give him an idea of whether he had done the right thing or not.

Stephen could feel the guilt but wasn't sure what exactly was causing it. You feel guilty. Did something happen other than you needing to stop him?

I left the base, Peter answered. I did it cause the kid was literally in the elevator with the doors closing....and I was fairly sure I wouldn't have enough time to get someone else. But I still did something you told me not to. He was feeling uncertain more than guilty. Having Stephen upset and disappointed in him before had been painful. He didn't know if the admittance would cause similar emotions. He hoped not...but he couldn't help but seek approval from the man he'd given himself to.

Stephen sent a wave of soothing pride toward Peter. You did what was necessary to save the child. You aren't my slave, Peter. I expect you to make decisions using the information you have available and what you know I'd want you to do if I had the same information. Even if it might mean disobeying a previous order.

Peter relaxed immediately, the words and feelings managing to settle the uncertainty. Thank you, Master, he replied. He did think that it would make things easier if his spidey-sense was less 'something is going to go wrong' and more that he could pinpoint where or when whatever his instincts were pointing him towards. Maybe I can learn better focus from you, so that my spidey sense can be better utilized, he sent towards Stephen.

We could probably all benefit from better focus. Maybe an hour a day set apart for meditation would benefit everyone. Stephen smiled.

Can't say meditation really appeals to me, but it would probably help a lot, Peter admitted. I finished setting up the sun lamps and sprinklers. Won't be long before we can add fresh fruit and vegetables to our diet.

That is very good news. You did well today. Stephen looked around. "Friday? Peter's grounding is over. With the children so active, I want him to be able to freely move where necessary."

"Of course, Doctor," the AI responded.

Peter's happiness spiked through the bond. Thank you. I'll be good, he promised. Out loud, he offered, "I can go help Frank with making lunch?" He worded it as a question as he wasn't sure if Stephen might have something else, he'd rather Peter do.

"Considering how many people there are to feed now, he likely needs the help." Stephen chuckled as he agreed to Peter's suggestion.

"I'll see you at lunch." Peter immediately headed off to the kitchen. He was still trying to keep his feelings from bleeding through the bond, but Stephen's pride in him and decision to lift the grounding had made him happy...and it was hard to keep that hidden.


It didn't take much for Ajak to decide on a room for herself and Marc to share. There weren't many differences in the rooms themselves, but she paid attention to any feelings she could sense from Marc about how close he wanted to be to others and things like that.

"We've been talking about starting up lessons for the children," Steve explained. "If you're willing to take part, I believe we'll be setting up schedules well as going out to collect more supplies, such as clothing."

Ajak smiled. "It's been a long time since I've been in the position of teacher," she commented. Glancing at Phastos, she added, "If I can make a suggestion about who to free next, I would recommend it being Druig. His ability is very similar to Ultimus, and I believe he could temporarily free someone from Ultimus' least long enough to allow them to act to take the next step to free themselves."

Steve nodded. "That might be a good idea," he said. "Friday helped Phastos to locate you. If you could work with her, we might be able to locate Druig as quickly as we did you."

"I... I know quite a bit about history. And self-defense. I'm not sure you really need me for any of those things, though." Marc paused. "I... was... am...  the Avatar for Khonshu. If that helps. He hasn't really done much since Ultimus showed up."

"Self-defense would come in handy." Steve nodded. "We want to work with the children to enable them to defend themselves enough to get away, should the worst happen." He frowned. "I haven't heard of an Avatar for Khonshu before...."

"I have met other Avatars in the past," Ajak said. "Though we have never really interacted that much until now." She gently squeezed around Marc's waist as she said, we should take today to rest and learn about the people here. We can figure out our responsibilities tomorrow.

Marc leaned toward Ajak. Yes, mistress. There is a lot I need to learn. I am so confused. "An... an Avatar for the Egyptian god Khonshu. He... he granted me powers in exchange for my service to him. I don't know if he still considers me his or if he left, though. So, I don't know if I still have his granted powers or not."

Steve nodded. "It could just be that Ultimus' invasion has forced him into hiding and that he will return. I'll leave you to get settled in and bring toiletries for you later on. Friday will let you know when it is time for lunch."

"Thank you," Ajak replied. She gently rubbed Marc's side, using physical touch as well as sending calming emotions through the bond to soothe him.

Marc smiled at Ajak, finding himself relax. He never liked competing. Now that we are bonded, he may decide to look for another Avatar.

Whatever comes, we will handle it, Ajak promised. She closed the door behind Steve and Phastos and then gently squeezed Marc's waist. Is there anything you need right now?

No, Ma'am. At least, I don't think so. I am still... it will take time to adjust. Not belonging to you, but that I missed over a year in my life and there is a megalomaniac taking over multiverses. Marc sighed.

Ajak nodded in understanding. "It is hard to adjust," she said quietly. "But we now have a chance to stand against him." She led Marc towards the bed and sat, guiding him down to sit next to her, close enough for them to touch.

Marc leaned against Ajak, putting his head on her shoulder. This Druig? Was he part of your family?

He was, Ajak confirmed, wrapping her arms around Marc and hugging him close. We were forbidden from interfering with the people here when we were sent to Earth. Druig couldn't stand to see humans harming each other, so he used his power and took control...tried to create a peaceful existence. She sighed. Coming back to this will not be easy for him. Her empathy for her family members, especially for those still held captive, came clearly through the bond.

Marc wrapped his own arms around Ajak's waist. So, if you free him, maybe he can use his powers to free people? Even if he never met them before? At least long enough for them to bond to someone?

I believe so, Ajak answered. She let her hands gently stroke over Marc's shoulders, chest and back...exploring him without the need to bond driving them to urgency.

Marc sighed happily. The exploratory touch felt good, helping the bond to settle and cementing the feeling of belonging to Ajak. Do you have an idea of who should bond to him? Or is it going to be whoever can be found close by?

Able to tell, through the bond, that the touching felt good, Ajak continued to stroke and caress, moving his clothing to make it easier. Druig is stubborn. Whoever he bonds to, it will be better if they do not clash.

I am stubborn. Normally. We have not clashed. Marc was amused. He was a bit surprised he hadn't felt a need to assert independence. Of course, she had said from the outset she didn't expect him to not have a choice. Which helped a great deal.

I am used to stubbornness. Ajak's own amusement travelled through the bond. She tugged him closer to herself, still exploring and touching his body, still caressing and gently squeezing his flesh. Being able to do this to was a new experience to her.

Marc nuzzled her neck. He could sense that doing this wasn't typical for her. Do you want me naked, Mistress?

Yes. She gently glided her hands over chest, untucking his shirt. She gently kissed his head, nuzzling him in return.

Marc shivered, nuzzling a little more before pulling back and standing. He quickly took off his clothing before moving back into her grip.

She tugged him back against her, becoming more bold in her explorations. She let her hands map out every inch of his body, stroking and squeezing.

Marc whimpered and moaned, his breathing increasing in tempo as she explored and possessively claimed through touch. Yours, mistress.

Mine, she responded, moving one hand towards his backside. She squeezed one buttock, then gave it a gentle pat. She let the fingers of her other hand stroke through his hair, petting gently.

Marc's quick intake of breath would have betrayed the excitement the pat caused, even if she hadn't been able to feel it through the bond or seen the evidence in his suddenly half-hard member.

Ajak noticed his reaction to the pat... felt his response through the bond. Tugging him closer, she patted his backside again, this time a little bit more firmly.

Marc whimpered, hiding his face against her neck, nuzzling, even as he pushed his bottom out slightly for easier access.

Kissing his hair, Ajak moved her other hand down towards his backside. She patted each buttock again...firmer now, almost a light swat, before gently rubbing and then repeating the action.

Marc shivered, holding onto her tightly, his breathing hitching with each swat and then exhaling with a tiny moan as she rubbed the slight sting out.

Tightening her hold, Ajak continued to swat and then rub. She pressed kisses to his head, nuzzling against him, reacting to his submission by becoming more dominant.

Mistress... Marc whimpered softly, kissing Ajak's shoulder. A brief thought of Ajak sitting back against the headboard and draping him over her lap so she could more easily swat, rub and squeeze crossed his mind before flittering away under sudden embarrassment that he would want that.

Sending a wave of reassurance through the bond, Ajak kissed his head gently. She then moved back against the headboard and moved him in place, draped over her lap. Rubbing his back reassuringly, she then resumed swatting, rubbing, and squeezing.

Marc felt himself overwhelmed by the feeling of acceptance from his Dom as Ajak not only reassured him that it was okay to want but gave him what he wanted. His fingers clenched in the bed sheet, and he relaxed on the bed, over his Mistress's lap, as she took possession over him and what would happen to him.  His toes curled at the pleasure of feeling a sharp sting that was immediately soothed by firm caressing and squeezing, just shy of too hard. He began to slip as he gave himself completely over to Ajak's control and decisions; not so far he didn't know what was happening, but far enough she would feel his complete acceptance and submission to her.

In response to the complete acceptance and submission, Ajak sent through feelings of reassurance and pride...letting him know that it was okay to need and want and that she'd give those to him. She continued to swat, rub, squeeze, and caress. Her other hand rubbed in gentle, soothing circles over his back.

The longer Ajak smacked, the more relaxed and accepting Marc became of his position. His bottom was becoming sore... achy... and it left him feeling almost drugged and giddy from the endorphins released. He was at the edge of becoming aroused, the tense, warm, fluttering in his midsection that usually occurred before arousal fully present. But this wasn't about becoming aroused or coming. This was about connecting to his Mistress in a way he would never connect to anyone else. This was about giving himself to her completely and accepting whatever she chose to do to him. It was exciting to wonder what different forms her ownership might take.

"Good," Ajak breathed encouragingly. "You're being so good for me." She could see and feel the warmth coming from his backside; the pink staining his cheeks. She parted his legs, exposing his inner thighs.... making him more vulnerable to her.

Marc shivered, opening his legs obediently. This exposed not only his inner thighs, but his testicles and perinium. If he widened his legs just a slight bit more, his entrance would be exposed. He was very open and vulnerable and felt that vulnerability deeply. It caused the warmth in his middle to turn hotter and his need to submit intensify. His needs flowed through the bond like melted butter.

Ajak rubbed, squeezed, and caressed his inner thighs for a few moments, before she began to lightly swat them to the same pink as the rest of his bottom.

Marc whimpered and shivered, instinctively opening his legs another three inches so she could easily swat. He was completely exposed by this point, no part of him hidden from his Mistress. He slipped that small bit more; still aware enough not to cause worry but dropped enough that Ajak and what she was doing took his entire focus.

Ajak kept a careful eye on him, both through the bond and outside it. As long as he wasn't dropping too much, she wouldn't call him back. She continued to swat, squeeze, rub and caress.

Marc shivered and whimpered softly as his inner thighs began to burn and ache the same as his bottom. It felt good... right... that his mistress controlled how hot and achy he would feel. It helped him feel grounded and complete in a way he never had before. His feelings went through the bond, hopefully to reassure Ajak what she was doing was good for him and encourage her to continue her possessive exploration.

"You're mine." Ajak whispered the words, both out loud and through the bond. "I won't let you go," she promised. "No matter what happens."

Marc closed his eyes tight at the words. Good... I need that, he thought, before whispering, "Thank you."

Ajak stroked and caressed his back, even as she continued to swat and rub his bottom and thighs. She left herself open through the bond, so he'd be able to feel her fully.

Marc couldn't see, but his bottom and inner thighs stung wonderfully. He couldn't help thinking they must be a very pleasant pink color. What color am I, Mistress? Am I the shade you want me to be?

A very pretty pink color, Ajak murmured through the bond. She allowed him to see through her eyes; to see the way she'd colored his backside.

Marc shivered at the evidence of her complete control over him. It helped him feel safe. It eased an underlying fear caused by the 'lost year'. He was willing to accept anything she might decide to do.

"I know losing a whole year is scary," Ajak said soothingly. "But you have me here to support you and help you heal from that trauma. You have somewhere to belong. Someone to belong to."

That helps, mistress. More than I expected it to. Thank you... Marc thought. He was already beginning to feel a fondness, a strengthening connection, to her. He really wasn't the submissive sort, usually... Steven was, but not him. Ajak's strength and caring and everything about her, really... spoke to that small part of him that was submissive and was drawing it out in unexpected ways. Feels good, being controlled by you... he admitted, almost shyly, a sense of desire and needing her to continue until his bottom, thighs and 'other parts' stung the rest of the day and night while he snuggled close surprised him.

I know it won't be long before we have lunch. Ajak continued to gently swat, squeeze, rub and stroke. I will continue so that you can feel the effects of my control throughout the meal and any meetings there might be. Later, we'll continue from this point, she promised.

It sounds wonderful, mistress. Thank you for taking care of me... Marc was relaxed. At ease.

I have you, Ajak promised.


Considering how many of them were in the base now, preparing food for the group didn't take as long as it could have done, not with so many people helping. Pretty soon, the table was laid, and Friday was announcing that it was time to eat to the rest of the people there, adults and children included.

Frank sat next to Steve and watched as the different pairs and groups came it to sit. The children spread out in such a way that there was at least one adult or older child next to each child that would need help. It was very efficient.

We're getting used to all this, Steve thought through the bond to Frank. The better we work together, the less likely we are to lose to Ultimus again. He reached out to begin filling his plate.

Frank helped the little boy next to him, then filled his own plate, brushing his arm against Steve. We'll take him down for certain.

Tony had one little girl beside him that he was helping. Morgan was between him and Mordo.

Stephen didn't have anyone between him and Peter, but he made sure the two youngest were sitting on either side of them so that he and Peter could help them.

Everett made sure Jack was between him and Phastos and that the last young boy was next to him. All the older children were capable of helping themselves.

Marc looked around curiously, as he sat where Ajak had put him.

As children and adults were eating, there were various bits and pieces of conversation floating around.

Phastos looked towards Peter, having noticed the webslingers on his wrists. He nodded towards them. "Did you make those yourself?"

"Uh-huh." Peter nodded. "Figured Spiderman needed webs. I did get to meet another Peter Parker who could emit webbing from his own body, which was pretty cool." He grinned.

"I could probably upgrade those for you," Phastos offered. "Like electrifying your webs."

"Really? That'd be cool!" Peter enthused. "I tried to do something similar, but the webbing was too thin to hold the charge and keep its strength."

Tony smiled faintly. "I made my Spiderman a suit with all kinds of protections and gadgets. I could make one for you."

Peter brightened even more at that offer. "That would be great!" he responded. "Especially cause my suit had to be left behind when I got rescued."

Tony nodded. "It wouldn't hurt to make suits for everyone really. An extra layer of protection when we go out."

"I could help with that. I uh... know where a warehouse full of material belonging to SHIELD was. Their uniforms were made to protect against all types if stuff, so...." Everett offered hesitantly.

Stephen nodded. "Pretty sure Mordo and I can come up with some protection charms to also add."

"We're doing a supply run tomorrow," Steve said. "We can hit that warehouse at the same time." He paused. "I was thinking it might be useful to have at least one bonded pair with us when we go out. Communication through the bond would likely be an advantage when we're out there."

Stephen slanted his head. "Who are you thinking would be best?" he asked. Steve was the group leader, after all.

Steve shrugged. "Honestly, any of the adults would work well. Everyone here has skills that would be useful outside. Having at least one bonded pair would allow us to split into two groups more easily, if necessary," he added.

"I could stay back for once. Let Mordo take on portal responsibility. Tony can go and then you'll have a bonded pair so you can split the groups up.  Then it just depends on who wants a chance outside." Stephen shrugged.

Steve nodded. "That's a good idea," he agreed. "We can finalize who's going in the meeting tomorrow."

Stephen nodded.

Everyone ate quietly for a bit.

Peter was obviously lost in thought, glancing around at everyone before he asked, tentatively, "What do you think about playing Truth or Truth after dinner?"

"What's Truth or Truth?" Jack asked.

"Kind of like Truth or Dare, but the aim is to learn more about each other," Peter answered.

Marc wrinkled his nose. "In truth or dare, you choose which you are willing to do and then after if you back out of your choice, you get a penalty.  So... this would really just be 'Truth or Penalty', wouldn't it?"

"What would be the penalties? Would it be preset, or would the person asking the ignored question give the penalty?" Frank asked.

"When me and Harry played, we had a pile of sweets that we had to give up if one of us didn't want to answer the question," Peter answered. "We could use pebbles or something similar," he suggested.

"Pebbles? Bah. Make it candy or cookies, or it isn't worth it..." Tony laughed. "Last time we went out for supplies, I found a couple of bags of candy bars. We can portion them out evenly and use them as 'fines' for not answering a question."

Steve laughed in amusement. "I'm not surprised you managed to find candy bars, Tony. Using them as fines for not answering questions is a good idea."

Tony grinned unrepentantly. "Figured they might come in handy someday. However, all the young'uns either need to sleep, or should go to play. I have a bag of candy bars and each of you can have one if you clean up after yourselves and go to your rooms to rest or relax," he promised the children.

The promise of candy bars was enough to encourage the children to clean up after themselves and head to their rooms, happy to play quietly or, in the case of the younger ones, go to sleep.

While Tony was making sure each child had a candy bar, the rest of adults moved to the 'living/sitting' room. When he returned, everyone had found positions on chairs or sofas. He began to pass out the candy bars evenly.

"Does anyone have a question they would like to lead with?" Mordo asked the group at large, once everyone was settled.

Everyone looked around, reluctant to be the one to start.

Peter shrugged and decided to be the one to start. "Okay, so I already mentioned my world doesn't have any of you guys. No Iron Man or Captain America or immortal, unageing beings. So, what are your origin stories?"

Frank blinked. "I thought Truth or Dare you asked a specific person... not the whole group." He laughed.

"But it's Truth or Truth, which is completely different," Peter replied impishly. "Besides. One person could answer. Then when it's my turn again, I can ask someone else."

Tony snorted. "Pretty sure the questions are also supposed to be able to be answered with one sentence or less...."

Everyone looked around, waiting for someone else to answer, since Peter hadn't specified.

Stephen rolled his eyes. "Fine..." He sighed and gave the briefest origin story in the history of origin stories, managing to keep it to one semi-brief sentence. "My turn to ask now. And since I want to actually get a candy bar if they refuse... I am going to ask Steve.... When we defeat Ultimus, if there is a way to safely break the bond, would you do so?"

"No candy bar from me, I'm afraid." Steve smiled briefly before saying, "I would discuss it with Frank and make that decision based on what we both wanted and needed."

Frank looked relieved at the answer.

"Your turn to ask," Stephen told Steve.

Steve glanced towards Marc. "How did you become the...Avatar of an Egyptian god?" He actually wanted to ask about the other personality that inhabited the man's body, but even if his knowledge was limited, he was aware enough to know that another personality formed due to traumatic events. He didn't want to ask something that would be traumatizing.

Marc smiled crookedly. "I... uh... was working with an archaeological group. We were betrayed and everyone was shot... killed. Not sure how or why, but Khonshu found me before my soul had permanently left and, in exchange for becoming his avatar, kept me alive." He glanced around.

There were a few sympathetic and empathic looks from various other members of the group. Betrayal was, unfortunately, something many of them were familiar with.

"Is it my turn now?" Marc asked. At Tony and Steve's nod, he looked around the room. "Mordo! What is your favorite spell to use?"

Mordo considered the question for a few moments. "It's hard to pick a favorite one," he answered honestly. "But while I was still a student, I was often fond of casting an illusionary double of myself. I didn't always enjoy my studies."

Stephen blinked at that. "Really?! But... when you were teaching me, I never would have guessed!"

Mordo smiled at that. "I was a child once too, Stephen." He looked towards Ross. "Have you found yourself in any compromising positions due to your work with SHIELD?"

Ross flushed. "A few. Luckily, I managed to not blow my cover or do anything that would... compromise me irreparably, despite those times."

Mordo might have been tempted to ask about one of those times, but the rules were one he decided that could be asked as a second question and motioned for Ross to ask one of his own.

Ross turned toward Peter. "How did you end up here instead of your own dimension?"

Peter blinked in uncertainty at the question. "Ultimus brought me here after...." He swallowed hard. "I don't know why. Feels like he just picked me up and dropped me somewhere I shouldn't have been able to find allies, even if I did get free of the conversion." He looked towards Tony, quickly changing the subject towards what he hoped was a lighter subject. "What's your happiest memory?"

Tony narrowed his eyes, feeling like Peter had skipped around the truth of his answer, even if he hadn't necessarily lied. He let it go, though. "That's easy. The day I first held Morgan..." His eyes crinkled up in happiness at the memory. He looked around. "Ajak... what exactly is your biggest power? You were leader of extremely old and powerful individuals, so it must be spectacular...."

"My main power is the ability to heal myself," Ajak answered. "I was also the Eternal entrusted by Arishem with our true mission...until I saw the truth for myself and realized that the fate he wanted for Earth was wrong and undeserved." She looked towards Frank. "Before Ultimus invaded this world, what did you do?" she asked.

Frank winced. "Hid from the law..." He scratched his ear in a mixture of shame and nervousness. "I went vigilante after I woke up from a coma... after my family was murdered."

He looked toward Phastos. "Is Jack your biological child or did you adopt him? Can Eternals have children?"

"We can't have children biologically," Phastos replied. "Jack is biologically my husband's son and a close friend who agreed to be a surrogate. In every other way, he is mine and Ben's son." He looked around. "Marc. You're able to communicate with Steven?" He was honestly curious. Like Ajak, he'd seen people with the same kind of condition as Marc in the past. But a lot of the time, personalities weren't able to communicate directly with each other, even if they were aware of each other's existence.

Marc paused to think of how to answer. "For a long time, he was unaware of me. But then something happened with the Egyptian gods and Khonshu and we almost died, and we had to work together to survive and... somehow, it enabled us to communicate. Which makes the fact neither of us remembers the last year worrying."

"Even so, I believe both of you being able to communicate is a good thing," Ajak said softly.

Marc nodded. "It does make things easier." He looked at Steve. "Did you really punch Hitler?"

"I did," Steve admitted. "It was a day I have very mixed feelings about, looking back on." He looked towards Stephen. "We know what Mordo's favorite spell is...what about yours?"

Stephen smiled. "Opening portals. The first one I did, was the first time I realized I really would be a sorcerer. Ajak, would this Arishem help us? Ultimus is taking over entire universes. That means Arishem is losing more than just Earth."

"It is possible, but it is very unlikely," Ajak admitted. "He only cared about the Earth to use it as a birthing place for a new Celestial and once we turned against him, my connection to him broke." She looked towards Tony. "Looking at this base you built, it seems like you expected an invasion of some kind...or did you just automatically prepare for the worst-case scenario?"

Tony winced. "I'm always preparing for the worst-case scenario. Some think I'm paranoid. It's caused more than a few issues for me in the past." He looked around. "Phastos, did you influence every major accomplishment or invention ever discovered by humanity?"

"Not every one, though I did influence a least until I retired," Phastos admitted. "But people have managed to do a lot on their own too. Like you." He glanced towards Frank. "How many long-range weapons are you skilled with? An approximation will do," he added.

Frank frowned thoughtfully. "I can shoot pretty much anything you hand me and hit... but there are three I prefer and consider myself an expert with." He looked around. "Mordo, how do you feel about having to give up your autonomy? I... I don't think any of us were terribly submissive before the bonding...."

"I believe the bond adapts to the individual needs and wants of those involved," Mordo replied. "I don't have a need to submit to Tony...and I don't believe he has a need to dominate me." He glanced towards his bond-mate for confirmation, then looked towards Ross. "Would you care to share one of those times you ended up in a compromising position?"

"I uh... was on a mission to locate and recover a stolen prototype that, in the wrong hands, could have led to extremely bad things. While searching for it, the target's rebellious younger sister stumbled across me and decided that I would be the perfect diversion and, also, the perfect way to make her brother furious. Before I knew it, she was all over me, and my stealthy escape turned into a frantic dash to escape a homicidal maniac while pulling my clothing back into place." Ross blushed darkly.

"I'm sure you aren't the only one to be caught in a similar embarrassing and awkward position," Steve said sympathetically.

Tony cleared his throat, semi looking at the ground. Everyone knew the reputation he'd had before falling for Pepper.

Ross smiled crookedly. "Yeah... Peter. Have you ever been caught doing something you really didn't want to be seen doing?"

Peter frowned in thought. "Only thing I can think of is being caught as Spiderman. That was by my girlfriend's father. He was the Captain of the police force."

Ross' eyes widened. "I can see how that would be difficult."

"Yeah. He wasn't exactly thrilled at there being a vigilante on his streets." Peter looked around. "What's your happiest memory, Frank?" he asked.

Frank smiled sadly. "Any time I think of my wife and kids before...." His voice trailed off and he swallowed hard, the smile more strained. "It also tends to be my saddest."

 He wrinkled his nose. "So... who do you think is Spiderman in this dimension? Is there a Peter Parker in this world too?"

Tony frowned. "I researched and had Friday looking and we could never find anything. It's like the guy doesn't exist outside of being Spiderman. Like something made his alter self invisible or something."

"I know him," Peter said quietly. "I met him when I came to this world before. And another Peter Parker, too. But the one from this dimension was younger than both of us. Best I can understand, he tried to get Stephen to cast a spell to make everyone forget he was Spiderman. Because it somehow became common knowledge. Only instead of erasing everyone's knowledge, it brought enemies from other dimensions who knew Peter Parker was Spiderman."

Steve was listening to Peter's explanation. At the same time, he was responding to Frank's emotions through the bond. He wrapped his arms around his mate, sending through soothing, loving emotions at the same time.

Stephen blinked. "Come again? I remember you and the other Peter coming through and all the enemies, but I don't remember anyone knowing a Peter Parker from this world. They were just after Spidermen...."

Frank snuggled into Steve, accepting the comfort gratefully.

"That's because you recast the spell," Peter answered. "To make everyone forget. Even you. But it must have only affected the people here in this dimension. Then again, if I forgot Peter Parker was Spiderman, then I'd forget who I was...." He frowned. "I take it you also don't remember his friend, Ned, who figured out how to open portals."

"Ned? Ned helped Spiderman. And he had his friend MJ that also helped Spiderman... we had to retrieve a sling ring from him...." Stephen frowned. "You're saying our Spiderman is also a Peter Parker and we just... forgot about him? That I made us forget?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Peter answered. "Cause they all started coming through. Everyone from every dimension who knew that Peter Parker was Spiderman. It was going to tear apart the fabric of this world."

"An incursion," Mordo said quietly. "It would have caused an incursion."

"Do you know what caused this potential incursion to start happening? It makes no sense..." Stephen frowned. "...You know what? Save that thought for when we aren't playing a game. We obviously managed to stop it, so... it's your turn."

"All right. What's your happiest memory?" Peter asked his bond mate.

"I... don't know. Most of my happiness has been so thoroughly twisted into sad or even horrible events... maybe I'm still waiting for it to occur." Stephen huffed softly. "Phastos, do you have any powers outside of invention?"

"Only if you count experience as a power," Phastos replied. "Each of us only has one ability." He looked around the room. "Marc. How much of your power have you explored from being an Avatar?"

Marc looked sheepish. "While I was an Avatar, I was stronger, less able to be hurt, faster... and I could teleport if necessary. I don't know what I can do now. Supposedly, Khonshu freed us after we completed his last mission. But... after losing a year... I don't know."

"Perhaps it might be possible to experiment and see if those abilities still exist, in a safe way," Ajak commented.

"Maybe? If you think it will be useful..." Marc said uncertainly.

"I believe it is always useful to know what you are and aren't capable of," Ajak said.

"Then I will try..." Marc agreed. He looked around. "Mordo... what is your favorite type of food?"

"I don't have a specific favorite...although I do really miss fresh fruit," Mordo admitted. "So, I for one am looking forward to when we are able to eat some." He looked towards Ross. "What would you like to do, once our world is free and Ultimus is no longer a threat?"

"Take a walk, in a park, with lots of people also walking around, playing games and socializing without fear..." Everett immediately said. He turned toward Ajak. "What has the bond taught you about yourself that has surprised you the most?"

"It is still very new to me," Ajak admitted. "But the most surprising thing, I suppose, is being able to see myself through someone else's eyes." She smiled at Marc and then looked towards Frank. "What is the strangest thing you have experienced?"

Frank snorted. "Daredevil. Guy had phenomenal skills. Then I found out he was blind. It was... unexpected." He turned toward his own mate. "If you could form this bond with more than one person, would you want to?"

Steve paused to think about that for a few moments. "I think being bonded to more than one person would make it harder to keep individual thoughts and feelings separate...but if doing so would free more people from Ultimus' control, then I would do it. But I don't think it would be a relationship like ours." He addressed Tony. They knew each other and were close, but he still had to ask. "How are you finding sharing emotions?"

"For the most part, Mordo and I have figured out how to control what we are sharing so we don't overwhelm each other," Tony stated. "We share enough to keep the bond happy, but otherwise…. We're becoming friends, though, so I think it will be easier the longer that occurs."

Steve nodded. "The bond seems to adapt to what's needed by the individual people."

"I wish it was easy for me to control things from bleeding through the bond," Peter muttered. He still hadn't figured out how to control strong emotions...not without closing off the bond entirely; and since he'd got into trouble for doing that, he wasn't going to close himself off without permission.

Tony nodded at Steve's words. "I think you're right. It seems to recognize what is needed and makes it easier to provide that." He looked at Peter. "Maybe that's why you can't control the flow of your emotions through the bond. Because your bond needs complete openness and transparency."

Stephen nodded. "Stark is right. You tend to... not do well... when you bottle things up. It's better for you to let it out."

Frank glanced around. "None of us forfeited candy. It's getting late, though. Especially if we're going for supplies in the morning."

Steve nodded in agreement with his mate. "We can always continue tomorrow." He stood up and reached out to guide Frank to his feet.

Peter sighed. He didn't argue with the observations, but the thought still bothered him. Not that he was sharing his emotions and feelings...but that he couldn't see how becoming friends with his bond mate would be possible, if he kept bombarding Stephen with everything from him.

You're over thinking it, Peter. It wasn't knowing your feelings that caused the problem. It was the lack of trust you had in me. You told me you felt one thing... acted like you felt another... and then got hurt when I questioned which of those two was the truth. I refuse to be a bully. I refuse to force you into something. Of course, if you act like you want to control your own life after you've told me you want me in control, I'm going to question. I wanted you to step back and think about what you did; not because I wanted you to feel guilty or 'see how wrong' you were. I wanted you to consider that what you were telling me you need might not be what you actually need. That you are basing your decision on a fear that I won't keep you around if you don't submit. That you were submitting because you don't trust me.

Anyway... when you stopped to think about how it was affecting me and attempted to pull back, it helped. Not because you were successful in hiding your feelings, but because it was obvious you were using your head again, instead of letting those emotions control you. And you were thinking about someone other than yourself, which was closer to how I remember you being. And because it allowed me to feel safe enough to pull back myself so I could think, without being afraid my pulling back would cause you to melt down and cause even bigger problems. Stephen smiled wryly at Peter. You don't have to learn how to keep your feelings in. I'm capable of filtering them... as long as I know you aren't going to fall into panic if I do filter them.

By this point, Frank was standing up and snuggled under Steve's arm. "Good night, everyone " he said.

Okay. Peter didn't argue or ask if Stephen was sure. He was trusting his bond-mate to tell him if it was a problem. It gave him a feeling of safety and security to have the bond...and to share his feelings with his bond mate. If Stephen was telling him it wasn't a problem, he was going to try not to worry. Even if he did attempt to block at least some of the more intense feelings from coming through.

The others murmured various reiterations of good night as they also began to head to their rooms.

As they were separating to go into their rooms, Tony glanced at Mordo. We can look for Wong in a new location tomorrow. I just remembered something he mentioned in passing when Thanos had snapped everyone away.

Mordo's spike of surprise and interest came immediately through the bond. We'll both be going out tomorrow, so if we can try and find Wong, it would help.

We will definitely look, Tony promised.

Frank followed Steve into their room. I wouldn't be upset... if you found out you could bond more than one person and did. If it saved another person and I knew you still wanted me.

I would still want you. No matter what, Steve promised, drawing Frank into a tight hug. "If we discovered that was possible, we would talk about it first," he said out loud." I wouldn't just take that action without discussing it with you first."

"I know." Frank nuzzled Steve's neck. "That's why I feel able to accept it."

Steve guided his bond mate to the bed and sat down, drawing Frank down with him and kissing him deeply. Maybe it's possible. There's still a lot we don't know about the bonding.

Frank opened for the kiss, gently licking at Steve's lips. A lot we're learning. I love you... need you so much....

I love you. I need you too. Steve slid his hands gently over Frank's body, beginning to remove his clothing.

Frank relaxed under Steve's hands. He felt safe, protected, loved... and it was clear through the bond how much he trusted his mate. He gently began to remove Steve's clothes as well, knowing his master wouldn't deny him.

Steve explored, touching, and squeezing Frank's skin as more was uncovered. He also shifted enough to let his mate do what he wanted.

Frank flushed, his breathing increasing. It was taking very little time and effort for his Dom to rouse him. "Belong to you," he whispered, in a needy, shaky, voice.

"You do," Steve confirmed. "Every part of you belongs to me." Since they were both naked, he bore them down to the bed and reached for the lube.

Frank whined softly in submission, opening his legs wide for Steve to fit between and drawing his knees up so that his most private areas were exposed and vulnerable to his master.

Steve coated himself in the lube and pushed slowly inside his mate. He leaned forward and kissed Frank, slow and deep, opening himself through the bond so his mate could feel that he was needed, wanted, desired, and loved.

Frank groaned as he felt himself stretch open, accepting his mate into him, feeling his master's shaft slide deep, filling him up. His own love and sense of belonging carried through the bond, making it clear that he loved, desired, and needed Steve also. And he truly felt pleasure at being possessed. It made him feel warm and gooey and his insides were doing flips.

Steve gripped Frank's hips tight, beginning to thrust deep and hard inside his mate. At the same time, he pushed his tongue into Frank's mouth, claiming in more than one way.

Frank gasped in air as his master claimed forcefully and thoroughly. His member hardened and began to ache as Steve thrust, rubbing deep.

Steve gripped his mate's hips more firmly, pulling Frank closer and tighter against him. He thrust harder and deeper, seeking out the spot that would bring his mate pleasure.

Frank felt wonderful with his mate's fingers gripping him so tightly and being stroked so deeply and hard. The minute Steve rubbed over the tiny bundle of nerves, his insides sparked, and he clenched tight around Steve's shaft. He groaned softly, "There...."

Steve continued to thrust, making sure he hit that spot each and every time. He kissed Frank deeper and harder, needing to feel his mate...needing to feel that he wasn't alone anymore. After more than a year of being the only person free of Ultimus' control, he desperately needed this connection to his mate. To the man he loved.

Frank returned the kiss feverishly, his member growing in response until it was fully erect and weeping. His channel tightened with each thrust, as if trying to hold Steve in place. He was hanging on the edge.

"Let go," Steve whispered, both out loud and through the bond. "Let go for me," he ordered.

Frank immediately obeyed, falling apart under and around his mate. His body spasmed as he released hard for his lover with a sobbing whine.

Steve's own release came over him at the same time and he gripped his lover's hips tighter, slumping over Frank and kissing his mate's collarbone. I love you.

Love you. So much. Frank was gasping in air, still quivering under Steve. He could feel the larger man's release inside him. Feel good... really good. He nuzzled everywhere he could reach.

You feel so good surrounding me. So good when you give yourself to me. Steve kissed and nuzzled his mate.

Frank returned the kiss, contentment and happiness bleeding through the bond. Giving myself to you is the best thing I could do.

Good. You saved me as much as I saved you, Steve said honestly. He carefully withdrew from his mate and retrieved a damp washcloth to clean them both up.

Frank flopped loose limbed on the bed. Having his mate clean him was very personal, but it made him feel that he belonged to Steve even more, so he didn't try to clean himself.

When they were both thoroughly cleaned, Steve stretched out on the bed next to his mate and wrapped his arms around Frank, drawing his mate into a close, tight embrace.

Frank shifted and snuggled until his head was on Steve's chest and their limbs were entangled. I love you. Thank you for rescuing me. My hero... He closed his eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Steve very quickly followed his mate into a sleep that was just as peaceful.


After retiring to his room and while getting ready for bed, Peter had been thinking about the game of Truth or Truth...and his bond mate's comment about the lack of happy memories. They were hiding from Ultimus and having to be careful not to draw the attention of the converted before they could make their move and strike back. But maybe there were still things that could be done.... "Do you like picnics?" he asked Stephen, as he stepped back into the main room.

Stephen paused in the act of pulling on his sleep shirt and blinked at Peter. "I suppose. Haven't been on one in a very long time. Life has been busy the last fifteen years."

"I know we can't exactly go outside, not with Ultimus' soldiers out there, but with the greenhouse and sun lamps and everything, it kind of has a similar feel. And you're not going out tomorrow, so...would you like to have a picnic with me tomorrow?" Peter asked hopefully. If it sounded like he was asking Stephen out on a date...well, he kind of was.

A hint of amused fondness leaked through the bond. I think a picnic in the greenhouse could be fun. Let's do that. He got into bed and waited for Peter to join him before turning off the lights.

Peter got into bed and under the covers, letting his eyes close. "You know, I am glad it's you I bonded to," he commented. "I like you."

Stephen tugged Peter in close and kissed the top of his head. I like you too. A lot.

Peter immediately cuddled against Stephen, the physical contact calming and settling him further. He didn't try to block the waves of contentment coming through the bond, trusting Stephen when the older man said that he would filter what was needed.

Good night. Stephen's fondness and care for Peter carried through the bond. It was stronger than the night before. His affection was growing.

Good night. It didn't take much for Peter to slip into sleep. He felt safe.


Ross walked with Phastos back to their room. He was obviously thinking hard.

"What's on your mind?" Phastos asked, noticing how deeply his bond mate was thinking.

I hope you can bond more than one person, Ross thought. If... if we could find your husband, you could bind him and then you two and Jack could have your family back.

Even if it wasn't possible to bond to Ben as well, I believe he would understand, Phastos responded. He has accepted a lot about me since we first came together.

I... I know. I meant more that if you could bond more than one, we wouldn't have to wait till Ultimus is defeated to free him. Or have him bond to someone else to be free. Ross smiled crookedly.

I'm sure we will discover if it is possible to bond with more than one person, Phastos replied. And then we can try and find him if it is.

Good. Families should be together. I... I never took time to get one. My work was my family. By the time I realized I'd like more, Thanos happened and now Ultimus... Ross smiled crookedly.

You are a part of my family now, Phastos said, as they entered their room. Even if you find a partner and family of your own, you will still be a part of mine.

Ross nodded, his shoulders easing somewhat as a sense of calm acceptance went through the bond. I'm not alone. I have family too.

You do, Phastos confirmed. He went to begin getting changed for bed.

Ross quickly changed as well, before crawling into bed.

Phastos got into bed and held his arms out to Ross in invitation.

Ross shifted until he was comfortably in Phastos' arms. It didn't take long till he was asleep.

Phastos wrapped his arms tightly around Ross and followed his bond-mate quickly into sleep as well.


Marc walked into the room he shared with Ajak, a thoughtful look on his face.

"What is on your mind?" Ajak asked, as she undressed for bed.

Marc began to undress as well, but he waited to see if his Mistress wanted him to wear anything specific or sleep naked. I am still unsettled by losing a year. Even if Steven was in control of our body, I should have been aware of what he was doing.

Ajak didn't give him any directions, only an encouragement to be clothed however felt more comfortable for him. Losing a year is scary and unsettling, she agreed. My family and I were sent to other planets. Each time we left, their memories were wiped. Mine were the only ones left intact.

Did they know they were missing memories? I think it might have been easier if I didn't know. He remained unclothed. If she didn't mind, he thought it would be comforting to feel her holding onto him without his clothes blocking.

She settled on the bed and held her arms out to him. When they learned the truth, they found out their memories had been wiped. But Thena began to remember. It was hard on her. She couldn't distinguish between friend and foe.

I'm afraid of what I might have done that I don't remember. Marc crawled into bed, snuggling close and putting his head on her chest, listening to her heart. Even if Ultimus had control, not knowing is scary.

I understand. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, stroking through his hair and down over his back. We'll be working at freeing others and some of those might have powers that enable them to help you regain those lost memories. Ultimus had me working with a lot of different powered people.

Even if no one can help me... I know I'm in a better place, so I'll be okay. He nuzzled gently.

She kissed his head and continued to stroke gently. This is the best place to be right now, she agreed.

I... I love you. I know it's fast, but... I do. He bit his lip and glanced up at her, almost shyly.

She smiled and kissed him tenderly. It is fast, but I love you too, she responded, leaving herself open through the bond so he could feel it as well as hear the words.

I love you too... Steven took over for a few seconds before they both fell asleep.