Chapter Ten

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); AU; elements of ageplay


Several days passed, with nothing eventful happening. The couples all continued to get to know each other better. Several trips to get supplies had been made. Research into the bond continued to be conducted. And they searched for people to rescue.

While Ultimus had been keeping many of his soldiers under lock and key, so to speak, there were a few sightings that Friday had been able to report on.

Most of the adults in the base had gathered together after breakfast, to make a decision on who was going to try and rescue who...and what plan they had in place in case something unexpected happened.

"Do we have a list of potential rescues?" Tony asked Friday, expecting her to name them.

"Yes, Mister Stark," the AI replied, proceeding to list off the people whose positions she could confirm.

Listening to the list, everyone quickly decided who was going after who.

After those who were going separated into groups, each group having a sorcerer and someone able to control others, they didn't take long to leave the base and head out in the different directions.

This was a rare occasion when nearly all the adults were going out. Only a few of the adults stayed back with the children; those who didn't have any powers or experience in fighting.

Outside the base, it didn't take long for the groups to set off in each direction, the sorcerers opening portals to the different areas.

Matt had no clue who they were supposed to be looking for. He had been teamed up with Nebula, though and she had a picture, so if they located the person, she would let him know.

Nebula was on her guard, looking around. She didn't have any weapons drawn, but she was quite obviously prepared and ready for anything.

Except for a mental attack.

Nebula's face went blank as something...someone...took over her mind. Took over her body. And then, she was straying from the route that had been planned out. Following the directions of the person who held her now.

Matt was confused, but he followed Nebula anyway. "Nebula? What's going on?" And then he was being controlled.

Wanda wasn't far from where she'd spotted the two and she made sure to keep herself hidden, until she could be certain that the two of them were alone.

Ultimus currently wasn't in this dimension, but he would return...especially as there were so many of his converted breaking free of his control. Wanda was working with one of the other converted...and his little charge, who couldn't be controlled, but was sticking with his friend. They had converted one of the buildings close by into a jail and that's where Wanda led the two she'd controlled.

Matt had had just enough awareness to realize he was in trouble before Wanda took over and had sent warning to Danny.


Danny got the warning from Matt and quickly stopped the group he was with. "Matt's been compromised," he said urgently.


Meanwhile, in his own group, Lincoln suddenly felt Nebula's absence...even though he could still sense that the bond was open. "Nebula has been compromised," he told his own group. Soon, the message had been forwarded to everyone and the rest of the refugees were going back to base to try and formulate a plan.

As soon as everyone was gathered, Steve quickly addressed the two whose mates had been compromised. "Do you know anything about who got them?"

"Matt sent me the warning and then it was like...he just vanished," Danny said, a worried note creeping into his voice. "Even though I can still feel him through the bond, I can't get any sense from him."

Steve nodded slowly. "Friday, are you able to get a read on their location?" he asked the AI.


Under Ultimus' control, Nebula hadn't been able to tell anything was wrong. It was different this time. The control had pushed Nebula down under the surface, but part of her was still aware. And she was fighting.

Wanda had control of both of them as she led them to the small building in the town that she and Rocket had taken. They would hold their prisoners there until Ultimus gave them orders, or came in person himself to deal with them.

Matt was also fighting, looking for any chink in Wanda's control that would let him retake control of himself.

Groot watched sadly as two more were taken into the building where his once friend had holed up. He didn't understand Rocket working for Ultimus. He wasn't like himself. Groot had followed as much as he could, though, keeping Rocket in sight, in the hope that one day, he could free his friend.

Nebula struggled inside as much as she was able to, but it wasn't a lot. All she could do was follow the woman into the building.

"You got more?" Rocket was sitting at a computer, several cells behind him...all of which were empty currently. "I'll send a message to Ultimus."

Nebula saw Rocket and the shock was enough to cause the control to slip a little. She didn't say anything to draw attention to that fact. Instead, she used the brief instance of freedom to send as much information to her bond mate as possible.

Matt was at a disadvantage. He didn't recognize voices. He kept quiet, hoping he'd break free of the control and could help Nebula and he escape

Groot's eyes widened. He recognized Nebula. He couldn't let them take another of his friends. Letting out a loud banshee yell of, "I am Grooooot!" he lengthened his limbs and smashed the computer Rocket was at, preventing the racoon from sending his message. He also bashed Wanda around the head with a suddenly very bushy arm, attempting to divert her attention enough to free the others.

Wanda stumbled and, at that moment, her control over both Matt and Nebula broke.

Nebula wasted no time in drawing her swords, aiming them at Wanda. "Don't move." She shifted so that she could see both Wanda and Rocket, even as she sent coordinates and who they were facing through the bond to Lincoln.

Matt immediately reacted once his concentration was returned to him, moving to help Nebula secure the woman who had been controlling them. The other individual seemed to already be held in place, though whatever was holding him didn't look person shaped. Not that the tinier individual looked like a person either. He wondered if his 'sight' had been messed with.

Groot wrapped his arms around Rocket, keeping him from trying to fix or reboot the computer to warn Ultimus. "I AM GROOT!" he entreated Rocket.

Rocket had been struggling, but when Groot spoke to him, he stilled, a look of confusion on his face.

"We're free of Ultimus' control," Nebula said. "You can be free too. He's invaded our world, our dimension, but you don't have to be his slave any longer."

"This isn't even my world. The only thing that matters is Ultimus' will. He'd prefer you living, but I'm certain he will be just as happy to have you dead and no longer a threat." Red light swirled around Wanda's fingers.

The confusion cleared from Rocket's face. "I hope you have some way of exerting your own control," he muttered.


Lincoln and Danny had quickly given the information to the rest of the group as Nebula and Matt were no longer controlled.

"We need to open a portal as close to the area as possible, but outside the building. In case it is a trap." Steve looked at the sorcerers.

Pietro stepped forward. "I'm going," he stated. "That's Wanda with them."

Stephen nodded. "Everyone prepare..." he said, just before opening a portal to the coordinates they'd pieced together.

Druig immediately went in, using his mind control ability.

Wanda dropped, the red light fading from her hands, and held her head. "What's happening?" Her eyes were darting around every direction, not recognising any of them...except for one person.

Pietro grabbed a hospital gown and sped to his sister's side. "Can't explain here. Get changed, so that we can go back to the base and everything can be explained to you." He gave her a quick hug, then stepped back so that his sister could change.

Peter Quill stepped forward. "Rocket? Groot? You should come with us too!"

Groot nodded, tugging Rocket forward. "I am Groot!"

"Hang on, Groot," Rocket said. "I need to make sure there are no trackers on me either. Though I don't expect you've got any hospital gowns small enough for me."

"I am Groot?" The young alien looked at Quill.

"I don't, buddy. But we can probably adjust the gown to fit better...." Quill smiled and took the gown and began to adjust it for Rocket.

While Qull was doing that, Rocket quickly changed out of the clothing he was wearing.

By that point, Wanda had changed and now wore the hospital gown. Pietro was standing close to her, almost hovering.

"Are we good to go?" Stephen asked, looking around.

Quill looked around as well, asking, "Were there any others we should get free?"

Rocket shook his head. "The last prisoners we had were picked up by Ultimus."

Steve frowned. "When we're back at base, can you give us all of the information about the other prisoners you had?" Were these people being sent to Ultimus for conversion, or people who had managed to break free? It was important they know.

"Yeah." Rocket nodded.

Steve quickly moved to lead the way back through the portal.

Soon, they were all through the portal and back at base. Stephen did a quick examination of everyone and drew blood then took Wanda and Rocket to the holding cell.

Pietro stayed in the cells to keep Wanda and Rocket company, while the others tried to figure out how to handle the situation.

"We can find her someone to bond with quickly.. to keep her free of Ultimus. I'm not sure how to help Rocket, though," Tony said. "Will bonding even work for him? My understanding was that he was the only one of his species alive."

Nebula nodded. "Unless it's possible for him to bond with a raccoon here on Terra, Druig or Loki may have to keep some form of control over him indefinitely."

"Groot wasn't under Ultimus' control," Steve said thoughtfully. "Perhaps it's more because he's not a fully grown adult. But maybe his physiology could also have something to do with it. Is it worth looking into?" He glanced towards the scientists.

"I can run tests. See if anything new comes from them," Bruce offered.

Druig frowned at that. "I can. But my form of control basically makes him a puppet. He won't be free. I thought the point was to give freedom?"

"If there's no one to bond with him, the only thing we can do is wait until we can retrieve the book of Vishna," Mordo said. "We may not have a choice but to keep that control over him. Letting him go isn't an option."

"Has anyone asked him how closely Ultimus actually controlled him?" Matt asked. "Maybe he can get by with a reminder or jumpstart every now and again, until we find a better way."

"It's always worth trying," Steve agreed. "If it's possible, we can make sure he's closer to those he has an emotional connection to."

"I am Groot..." came from a corner.

Quill nodded. "That would be best. If we could find your brother, Thor... Rocket became good friends with him too." He looked at Loki.

Loki nodded. "I would like to find Thor anyway," he said quietly. "Though there is no guarantee that he would be from this dimension."

"Last I knew, Thor was still alive in this dimension. He thought you were dead, though .. so I suppose our Thor could have been moved elsewhere and another Thor brought over..." Tony frowned thoughtfully.

"Either way, it's a good idea to look for him," Steve said. "We should try and reunite family where possible."

"Agreed." Bucky nodded. "The more families we can reunite, the less control Ultimus has... The stronger our bonds are...."

"And we'll find someone who Wanda can bond with," Steve said.

"Any ideas on anyone close that we haven't tried to get yet?" Grant asked curiously. "I know I've heard several mentioned, but...."

"She's not from this dimension," Nebula said. "So she has no emotional connection to anyone here, save her brother." She shrugged. "It probably doesn't matter who, as long as they are someone who will fight alongside us."

"You said you recognised one of the people close to our coordinates." Phastos glanced towards Ross.

"I said I thought I did. I'm not sure it was who I thought. But if it is, pretty sure they'd willingly join us. A lot of you might know her as well." Ross shrugged.

Phastos nodded and glanced around at the rest of the group. "She'd be an asset if we could get her to our side, from what Ross mentioned." He brought up the coordinates on his tablet. "This is the location she was last seen in."

"Well... Sooner rather than later..." Druig shrugged.

Stephen nodded and opened a portal for the others to step through.

Steve led the way through the portal, although he was prepared to let Druig take control as soon as possible. He just hoped to stop her from pressing the beacon, if it could be avoided at all.

Druig followed quickly, preparing to subdue the target as soon as he saw her.

Steve looked around, on his guard, as he moved nearer to the area Friday had indicated their target was.

The others who had gone with him and Druig fanned out, so they could surround her if necessary.

It wasn't necessary. As soon as Druig saw her, he'd sent out his power and taken control. He had her quickly change into the hospital gown after destroying the beacon she hadn't started. Then, he and she went back through the portal and walked to the base. The others would follow and he needed to get her to safety.

Ross met them at the entrance. "Hello, Okoye," he said, with a tiny smile. He then proceeded to explain everything about what was happening, where she was and how she would be freed.

Steve looked around the surrounding area, just in case there was anyone else they could rescue, but he didn't stay out for long before leading the rest of the group back. They had four people freed from Ultimus. It had to be enough for now.

Okoye listened stoically, only the slight tensing of her mouth giving away any response to what she was being told. She walked into the cell when it was opened, waiting until it was shut before looking at her fellow prisoners. "Where is your friend?" she asked Rocket.

"I am Groot!" Groot waved from the other side of the holding cell door.

Druig smiled crookedly. "Apparently, he was still too young for Ultimus to control? If someone could figure out why there is an age limit and what triggers it... We might be able to find a cure for the control that way...." he mused out loud.

"Is it worth saying that I don't feel him trying to retake control? Though maybe that's because someone else is in control...." Rocket said.

"It's not just that," Wanda said quietly. "I can still feel him, at the edge of my mind. Still trying to take control of me."

Druig slanted his head thoughtfully and silently released his control over Rocket. He could always retake it if needed. He didn't tell the racoon, though, waiting to see if there was a reaction.

"I'm assuming everything was explained to you?" Okoye asked Wanda.

Rocket blinked and focused on Druig. "I don't feel you at all. I don't feel anyone at all." 

Wanda nodded. "They've told me what it takes to break the control."

"No one trying to get in?" Druig asked for confirmation

"No one trying to get in," Rocket replied. "My mind's finally empty." He sounded relieved.

"That makes me happy." Druig smiled and opened the cell, so Rocket could leave. "Come with me. I know Stephen will want an exam so he has a base for you to form health decisions. Supplies and clean clothes have been left for both of you. Once you have formed a bond, we'll come release you," he said to the other two.

Rocket quickly followed Druig.

Wanda looked at Okoye. "My understanding is that the bond doesn't have to continue being sexual after the first time. But one of us has to be the one to take charge."

Okoye nodded. "That was my understanding as well."

"Have you done this before?" Wanda asked.

"Not with a woman. I was married..." Okoye shrugged. "Not to bond. Until now, I did not know a bond of this sort was possible."

"Nor did I. And I have not been with anyone in my dimension, so we are both experiencing something new," Wanda said. "I believe I can understand the mechanics. Would you like to take the lead, or would you prefer me to?"

"I will follow your lead..  for now. We can decide further after we are free of Ultimus' control." Okoye responded.

Wanda nodded. "I can manipulate our surroundings so that it appears to be another area. Do you have a setting you'd prefer?"

Okoye smiled crookedly. "I do not. But if it makes you feel more comfortable...."

Wanda shrugged. "I don't have a need to." She reached out and slowly ran her hands over Okoye's arms, the movements shy and a little hesitant...even though she was willing to take the lead.

Okoye smiled crookedly. "I think we do not have to do more than what is absolutely necessary." She let her own hands run gently over Wanda's arms.

Wanda took a deep breath and continued to stroke her hands over Okoye's body, taking a few more moments, before she moved to remove the other woman's hospital gown.

Okoye paused, taking a slow, steadying breath before she helped Wanda remove both gowns. This wasn't the Wanda she knew. She couldn't help wondering what had happened to the one she knew. She didn't ask, though. It wasn't like Wanda would know.

Now that they were both naked, Wanda rubbed her hands gently down Okoye's bare arms, stepping closer to the other woman so that their bodies pressed as close together as possible.

Okoye slanted her head curiously, allowing the closeness, and let her hands shift around in a light embrace as she began to rub Wanda's back.

Wanda leaned forward and let her lips brush gently against Okoye's. She was trying to pay attention to the other woman's body, to make sure she didn't do anything that Okoye didn't like, since she was so very inexperienced.

Okoye responded calmly. She might not be inexperienced, but this situation was forcing both of them into something they wouldn't have otherwise chosen. It felt fairer to her to let Wanda set the pace. If she truly didn't like something, she'd say, but if it didn't bother her, she would respond in an accepting way to encourage the other woman.

Wanda pressed a bit deeper into the kiss, growing a bit more bolder as the other woman responded. She moved them both towards the bed, so they could settle on it...and hopefully be more comfortable.

Okoye moved easily to the bed, lowering down onto it fluidly. While there was some bit of urgency to complete the bond before Ultimus retook control, she didn't rush Wanda. She knew this was difficult enough without rushing things.

Wanda's hesitancy and uncertainty was clear, but she settled on the bed and, breathing deeply, leaned in to kiss the other woman again. Her hands stroked down Okoye's sides, hips, her legs...before she finally, hesitantly, touched between the other woman's legs.

Okoye shifted so Wanda had better access to her most vulnerable areas and returned the kiss. She didn't balk at being touched and instead made a tiny sound of acceptance, letting Wanda know it felt good.

Wanda kissed a bit deeper, a bit more intensely, as she continued to touch, exploring between Okoye's legs through touch.

Okoye shifted again so that Wanda was not blocked at all and could fit between Okoye's legs. It was the only way she could think of to show 'submission', since Wanda couldn't 'claim' her the way the bond seemed to normally demand.

Wanda gently squeezed down Okoye's leg and then carefully pushed a finger against her, beginning to stroke a bit more firmly...touch a bit more confidently.

Okoye wriggled slightly, her breathing increasing as Wanda began to stroke. A tiny whimper escaped as the action began to slowly arouse her.

Wanda smiled at the responses she was getting from the other woman and continued to stroke. Her other hand rubbed and squeezed before moving to Okoye's breasts, gently rubbing and then tweaking one nipple.

Okoye's eyes darted to Wanda's face as she gasped softly, her nipple immediately hardening under Wanda's fingers. She opened her legs further in silent invitation for Wanda to claim her in whatever way was possible.

Wanda continued to play with Okoye's nipple, turning it hard and red and swollen, before doing the same to the opposite one. She then gently pushed a finger inside the other woman.

Okoye groaned softly at feeling the finger inside, arousing further, her juices beginning to flow and make her wet.

Wanda shifted, pressing closer, and gently nipped Okoye's lips as she continued to stroke the finger inside the other woman, continued to play with her nipples.

Okoye returned the kiss, wriggling slightly in response to the nipple play and having Wanda's finger inside of her. She wasn't entirely sure how the bond would form, since Wanda couldn't ejaculate into her. It felt very good, what Wanda was doing, and Okoye made certain to make appreciative sounds, so the other woman would know it felt good and was welcome.... but Okoye had no idea how to finish the bond.

Wanda was happy and relieved that Okoye felt good and she continued her actions, instinct encouraging her to press their bodies closer together. She might not be able to let go inside of the other woman, but they could be pressed as close as possible, without any space between them.

Okoye moved her hands up to Wanda's shoulders, gripping her tight as Wanda continued her explorations.

It was obvious that Wanda was growing aroused, her body growing flushed and warm. She kissed Okoye harder, with more desperation.

Okoye returned the kiss, her own arousal growing.

Wanda gently pushed another finger inside Okoye, her own arousal growing to a point where she knew it wouldn't take much to push her over the edge.

Okoye's eyes widened at feeling more full from the extra finger and whined softly, thrusting toward the digits so they went deeper.

Wanda pulled back from the kiss and began to trail a line of kisses along Okoye's jawline and down her neck. She let her fingers push deeper, searching for that one spot.

Okoye moaned softly, groaning loudly when Wanda found the spot and pressed against it with her fingers.

Wanda began to rub against that spot, putting light pressure on it.

Okoye trailed kisses wherever she could reach, squirming under Wanda as she was quickly brought to the edge.

Wanda could feel that Okoye was on the edge, the same as her, and she pulled back enough to whisper, "Let go." The order was given instinctively. It felt right.

Okoye shuddered as her release hit her. She gripped Wanda tightly, pressed as close to the other woman as she could get.

Wanda gasped and her body arched as her own release came over her. She felt something drawn from her...being pulled towards Okoye, almost sinking into the other woman's skin.

Okoye wasn't sure what happened, but she could feel warmth spreading through her and a connection forming. Glancing at her hand on Wanda's shoulder, she saw a mark forming.

Wanda could feel the warmth...and see the mark forming on both of their hands. And her mind was suddenly filled with feelings that weren't her own...that she could tell came from the woman she was now bonded to. I can feel you....

I can feel you too... Okoye answered, with a hint of surprise. She hadn't been certain it would work.

And I can't feel him anymore. Wanda slowly released Okoye and then collected some washcloths, so that she could clean them both up. It was instinctual and it was obvious when she realised she was doing it, as a hint of confusion and uncertainty came through the bond.

Okoye smiled and stood to help Wanda get the washcloths. I know. The bond is urging behaviors that aren't normal for me too....

Pietro said that the bond between him and Druig has settled enough to allow them to switch off the dominance between them, Wanda said. They are more equals. Though he also said that others here have more of a Dominant and submissive relationship, she added. I'm not used to sharing so much of myself with anyone outside of my brother.

Okoye nodded. I am used to being equal with my husband. I'm not terribly submissive and I don't tend to share a lot either. So, if it is possible to turn off the dominance and just be... partners? That would be ideal.

I believe it is possible, Wanda said. She handed Okoye the washcloths, so that the other woman could continue cleaning herself. She then began to dress.

Okoye quickly washed herself then began to dress as well. We should meet with the others. Find out as much as possible about what they've learned.

Wanda nodded her agreement. "Friday, the bond has worked and we are both free of Ultimus' control," she told the AI.

"Very well, Ms. Maximoff," Friday responded, opening the cell.

Wanda stepped out of the cell and began to make her way towards the main part of the base, assuming Okoye would accompany her.

Okoye did follow. They met Druig and Pietro at the elevator.

"We're here to show you lovely ladies around the base. We'll start at the infirmary, so that you can get your check-up. We'll show you to the rooms last, so you can pick where you want to stay." Druig put an arm around Okoye and Wanda's shoulders and directed them back into the elevator, so that they could go up to the infirmary.

Pietro moved to his sister's other side, telling her about those in the base and where the rooms were...and who was staying in which room. Through the bond, it was more than clear how happy he was to have his sister back.

Druig just smiled. He knew how important family was. They were still missing a few of his family members and he knew he'd be ecstatic if they found them.

Wanda was looking around, even as she listened to her brother. "So the people here have counterparts in our own dimension?" she asked.

"I think so," Pietro replied. "But I don't think everyone has a counterpart in every dimension."

Stephen was waiting with Lincoln in the infirmary. He overheard the question. "It varies from dimension to dimension, we've discovered. Some dimensions have versions of ourselves that are nearly identical. Others have versions of ourselves that are nothing like us..." he said, thinking of Peter. "Some dimensions don't have versions of us, but have versions of other people that aren't in our dimension. I... I know that the you that was in this dimension... no longer lives. For either of you..." He glanced between Wanda and Pietro. "So... that might make a difference in how it would affect things if your bonds were broken and Ultimus was no longer here. Or it might not. I am not certain anymore."

Lincoln was listening quietly, frowning. "If you'd please...." He motioned toward a small examining area, waiting for either Wanda or Okoye to follow him. Stephen would examine the other.

Wanda followed Lincoln over to be examined, Pietro following close behind her. "What happened to my counterpart here?" she asked.

Stephen winced, before starting to explain what had occurred between Thanos and Ultimus taking over.

Okoye listened intently. She'd known of a lot of what was being divulged, but not everything.

Wanda's eyes widened and she glanced at her twin. "That didn't happen in our dimension," she said slowly.

"And you don't have that kind of power," Pietro added. If you did, you would have used it to bring our parents back, slipped through the bond.

Stephen smiled sadly. "Be glad. It was a burden, from what I knew of it."

Druig sent a wave of sympathy through the bond toward Pietro.

It wouldn't have happened, even if you did have that power, Okoye thought decisively. You still had your brother in your dimension. You would not have felt as if you lost everything that mattered in the world to you.

Pietro sent a wave of gratitude back towards Druig. The wound of loss was still there, but it wasn't as painful as it had been.

I could not imagine taking that path even if I had lost Pietro, Wanda said in response. Still. I feel for my counterpart that she went through what she did. But her actions were not acceptable even so.

No, they were not. But it is hard to say how one will react when they are pushed past the point of breaking, Okoye responded.

Perhaps. I would like to believe I would make different choices. Wanda moved enough to allow Lincoln to do his examination.

I believe you would, Okoye thought confidently.

Stephen quickly examined Okoye. Soon, they were ready to continue their tour and pick a room...or rooms.

Would you like to room separately or together? Wanda asked. We could always change it later, if need be.

I am able to do either easily. Which would you be most comfortable with? Okoye asked.

It would be nice not to be alone.... Wanda said wistfully.

Sharing a room it is, then, Okoye decided. Is this one satisfactory? She pointed to a room near an elevator.

Wanda nodded. It's fine, she agreed. We can collect items from storage and decide on anything else we might need.

Let's do that now. Then we can meet everyone in their common area. I am sure you would like to spend longer with your brother. Okoye moved to the storage room.

Wanda sent through wordless agreement as she went with the other woman to collect items from the storage room.


Everyone was gathered in the common area. It had been decided that dinner would be sandwiches. Quill watched as different couples wandered into the room. They've been focused on finding everyone's family... he thought to Loki.

Yes, Loki agreed. I hope to be able to find Thor eventually, but so far, Friday has found no sign of him.

He travelled with the Guardians for a while before Ultimus. If I give Friday a list of places I know he liked... Maybe... Quill offered. Rocket and Groot were even closer to him and might know some I don't.

Loki sent through a feeling of gratitude. That will help, I'm sure, he agreed. And I will ask Friday to continue checking.

I can do it right now! Quill thought, before looking up at the ceiling. "Friday... I have some possible spots where you might be able to locate Thor. And Rocket and Groot might also have some locations... so you can look for him more efficiently. Since he liked to go to certain spots more than others...." He began to ramble.

"Of course, Peter Quill. Where are these possible locations? I will begin to search there and work my way outward. As well as ask if Rocket has any information he can share with me," Friday quickly interjected.

"Thank you," Loki said out loud, smiling at his bond mate.

Rocket had overheard Quill addressing Friday and the AI's response. He moved over to begin listing off the locations he was aware of.

Happy knowing that Friday had more information to go from in the search for Thor, Peter snuggled against his mate.

Kate and Dane were both sat on the floor in front of their mates, a coffee table holding a checkers board. They were playing a game while leaning against Norman and Otto's legs, the two older men quietly talking to each other while gently rubbing wherever they could reach on their subs.

Clint was helping some of the children who didn't have their parents yet. He smiled across the room at Bruce.

Bruce smiled at Clint before returning to his conversation with Phastos. He was interested in learning more about someone who had been such an integral part of history.

"King me!" Kate grinned at Dane, as one of her checkers made it across the board.

Dane groaned. "Not again! I thought you said you'd never played checkers before!" he accused, in frustrated amusement.

"Hadn't. Guess it's beginners luck?" Kate shrugged sheepishly, pressing back against Norman, seeking more of the 'petting'. She didn't care if it made her seem like a pet or like she was needy. She was needy. And she kinda liked the idea of being his 'pet'. Sometimes, anyway.

Norman, in response to Kate's movements, gently rubbed his hands over her shoulders and back, keeping the touches fairly chaste, as the children were around.

Kate was happy with the chaste affection; she wasn't after anything more involved or explicit. Not in front of other people. She just felt the need for Norman to prove that she belonged to him physically. He could run his fingers through her hair and scruff her neck and it would be enough.

Dane wasn't feeling any particular need to have Otto prove he belonged to him. He just felt the need for touch.

Tony and Pepper were sat on either side of Mordo, showing everyone that even though Pepper was now part of Tony's bond, Mordo was still a part of the bond and was actualy bonded to Pepper as well. Morgan was sat on Mordo's lap, so she could be next to all of her parents. She viewed Mordo as a second dad, as she could sense he was an important part of the family now.

Pietro was sitting next to Wanda, but also with Druig on the other side of him, as Okoye sat with his sister. He was involving all of them in conversation, wanting Wanda to like his bond mate and Okoye to like him.

Okoye was participating in the conversation easily. She answered all questions easily and asked plenty of her own; both of Pietro and Wanda, who were from another dimension, and of Druig.

Ross watched quietly as everyone was bonding. Phastos and Ben were watching Jack show them something and Ross couldn't help but smile at seeing the young boy's absolute joy in having both his parents able to be with him again.

Peter and Harry were talking animatedly off to one side, close enough to include others if needed.

"Maybe we could go out tomorrow?" Harry suggested. "If we stick close to the base, staying under Ultimus' radar, you can test out the new suit and web shooters in a different environment."

Peter nodded. "Yeah, that'd be good. I want to see what I can do with them." His enthusiasm for trying out the items was akin to a child's excitement on Christmas morning.

"Only if I and Wong are with you," Stephen said firmly, proving that even though he was holding his own conversation with Wong and Ajak, he was still listening to what his submissive was up to.

Steven had been sitting quietly at Ajak's feet, but a blank look crossed briefly over his face before he said, in a voice that was obviously not Steven, "I would like to watch these experiments... if I can?" He glanced over his shoulder at Ajak. It was worded in such a way that it would seem to be Marc talking... but the voice intonation wasn't quite Marc's either.

Brock was sat close to Sam. He didn't ask about him leaving the base. He was still proving himself to the others. Still firmly under Sam's control, because he needed to be. He tried not to bombard Sam with his feelings, but he wasn't attempting to block them in any way either, so even though he felt ashamed and embarassed about it, the feelings that he needed Sam to put him firmly in his place, where everyone could see, carried through the bond. It was less about Sam proving himself capable of controlling Brock; he knew Sam could control him completely. It was about proving to the others that he wasn't a threat. That even though he'd made the horrendous mistake of following HYDRA, he had truly repented of that and was being punished for the wrong decision. It was about proving that he'd do anything to be forgiven and be part of the whole family group. He needed Sam to show everyone else who was in complete control; he just didn't know how that could be done. He hoped Sam did.

Peter shrugged. "Sure, if you really want to watch probably uninteresting experiments," he said to his bondmate. "Though you don't actually have to watch...." He turned back to Harry. "I want to make a list of all the conditions we can try it out in...." And the two of them were back to talking and planning out their experiments.

Ajak noticed the shift in her own bond mate and the different inflection in the tone, but she didn't make any comments on it. Instead, she said, "I don't see any reason to say no. I'm sure we can arrange it."

Sam could feel his bond mate's emotions and he shifted a little to gently run his fingers along the other man's collar. The children were around, so he didn't do anything to overtly draw attention to it...but once the children had gone to bed, there was no reason that collar and leash couldn't both be in view. He let that reassurance, that promise, flow through the bond easily to Brock.

"I know how caught up the two of you get when you are experimenting. If you are leaving this base, you won't do so unless Wong and I are there to protect you from Ultimus or his followers if they show up. Because if you are distracted by experimenting, the chances of them sneaking up on you are rather high..." Stephen said firmly, in a wry voice.

"What he says is true. You two lose all track of most anything when you are deep into an experiment..." Wong nodded.

Marc/Steven smiled in a way that wasn't quite Marc/Steven either, but didn't otherwise act oddly. "That's great! I can help keep an eye out for Ultimus or his lackeys too."

Brock relaxed at the 'promise'.  He didn't want to traumatize the children either and he believed his master.

Because they were all eating sandwiches and doing so in the common room, clean-up was easy and eating quickly turned into game time. Still... time went by a lot more quickly than anyone had anticipated and soon, it was time for the children to go to bed. Each child had an adult that had taken responsibility for them now... so they were all quickly helped into pajamas and tucked into their beds.

Once all of the children were tucked up into their beds, the adults all congregated back in the common room.

Sam settled down and guided Brock into a kneeling position in front of him. He made a few adjustments to ensure the collar and leash were in full view and that it was clear to all of those around what they were.

"Are we planning on another game of Truth or Truth? Or Truth or Dare?" Steve asked, from where he was sitting between his two subs, arms wrapped around their shoulders.

Brock relaxed as Sam took complete control and showed everyone that he was owned.

Grant smiled at the former HYDRA operative. He understood the need to prove yourself; that you weren't who you'd once been. He leaned against Steve.

Quill shrugged slightly. "I'm good for anything... but what is the point of the game?" He looked around 

"I think the idea is to use it as a bonding exercise...and a way of learning more about each other. Particularly as some of those here are from different dimensions," Mordo said.

"We don't necessarily have to have it be structured like before," Peter commented. "Someone could ask a question and a person who can answer that question responds. Then they ask a question and someone else responds. And so on."

Quill shrugged. "Okay? But... are we still limiting dares? Because to be honest, the ones from last game were kind of lame. They felt more like a filler or throw-away, so that if someone didn't want to answer a question, they'd have something to do. I don't think they really told anyone what a person was like.... Or, at least, I didn't really get to know anyone through them."

Pepper straightened at that. "Having not seen this game in action for quite some time and never with this group, I want to know how 'risky' this game is."

"Well. We did have a couple more risky dares," Phastos said. "But since there are some people who aren't comfortable with being overly demonstrative, I think most of those giving dares tried to keep it open for anyone to join in. But actually, if it's answering questions...and sharing stories...that would be a good way of learning more about each other."

"Oh! I love stories!" Kate bounced in place, inadvertently acting her age and causing more than a few smiles.

Quill bounced in place too, acting younger than his age. "Me too!" he enthused.

Steve couldn't help but smile at the enthusiasm. "So...someone asks a question and whoever has a story to tell shares? And then they ask a question in turn?" he asked.

Tony slanted his head. "Makes sense. If someone doesn't have a story that fits the question, the person who asked can ask a second question...."

"That sounds good," Sam commented. "Does anyone have a question they'd like to start with?"

"I'll start," Marc/Steven said quietly. "What was the worst betrayal you ever felt?'

Quill blinked owlishly. "Way to start heavy, man..." he muttered under his breath.

Ajak looked at her mate with a thoughtful expression, then around at the rest of the group. "I should probably say that the worst betrayal was when Ikaris turned on me and attempted to kill me," she said slowly. "But it wasn't the most painful...."


She'd given it time. She'd given him time. Druig's departure had been understandable, even though it had been painful. But Ajak had been able to stay in touch with the rest of the Eternals. Sprite was the one she saw the most, but she also saw the others...all except Druig. And she'd sent messages. Overtures. Reached out to him.

Now, she was trying in person. She didn't want to make him come back. She didn't want to scold him. She just wanted to see the only member of her family she couldn't.

Druig had received the messages. But he hadn't been able to respond. It wasn't that he didn't want to see Ajak or the rest of his family (although he was a bit less willing to see some than others). It was that... he'd left them abruptly. Gone against Ajak's orders. Left without word. Taken numerous people with him and done exactly what the others had wanted him not to do. He couldn't see Ajak or the rest of his family. He couldn't face them.

Ajak had travelled to the area where Druig had taken his people. She'd moved through the forest towards where they were...making sure that no one else would follow her or be able to see where she was going. She wouildn't lead anyone else to Druig.

Druig knew Ajak was coming. His warning system may not have been complex, but it was effective. He had ample warning and opportunity to run if he wanted. Only.... He didn't want to. If he ran, he'd have to leave his people behind. But also, he had missed his family. Ajak was the only one to actually come after him, though, and it had been forever before she had come. If he ran, she might not make another attempt and he'd truly be alone... most likely forever.

Ajak had half-expected to be confronted as she made her way towards where Druig and his tribe lived. She knew that the younger Eternal would be aware that she was there...and she hoped they would have a chance to talk as she stepped into the village itself.

Druig swallowed and straightened his shoulders, stepping out of his 'palace': a dwelling that looked like all the others, except it was slightly bigger, to give him a room where the villagers go could approach him with their problems. "Ajak..." he said softly, once she was within range of his voice.

"Druig." She smiled, though there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "You look well," she said quietly.

"You look the same .." Druig smiled back hesitantly. "Are... Is... Everything okay?"

"Everyone is fine." Or at least as fine as they could be, given that Arishem planned to use Earth as the birthplace of a new Celestial. But she couldn't share the burden with any of them. "You're the only one who hasn't responded to any of my messages," she said quietly.

"Yeah. Well... given how everything went down before I left, figured it probably was better I kept to myself," Druig muttered bitterly, guilt underlying his tone. He hadn't agreed with his family, but he'd long realized there were better ways to handle the disagreement. He was just too proud to admit it.

"Druig. Do you think I could not have stopped you from leaving?" she asked. "I let you choose your own path. I've allowed the others to do the same. But you're the only one who refuses to respond when I reach out."

Druig wrinkled his nose as he thought about it. "How would you have stopped me?" he asked, in confusion. As far as he knew, no one could stand up to his mind tricks and if he'd wanted to go, all he would have had to do is make the others think they wanted to allow him to leave. He didn't respond to her comment of him refusing to respond to her attempts at contact. He knew that was childish and wrong. He had been worried about having to explain himself, like he felt like he was being asked to do now.

"I'm older and more experienced than you," she replied. "I could have stopped you. But I'm not here to argue or fight with you, Druig. I'm here because I care about you. I care about my family. And I miss you."

Druig pouted. She hadn't really answered his question as to how she could have overcome his ability and then reminded him that she was older and more experienced. Even if she was the only 'mother' he'd ever known, he didn't like hearing that he wasn't as wise as her. "You're the only one, I'm certain..." he said instead, with a snort.

"I know Sprite does," she replied. "She's been with Kingo for the past century or so, but whenever I've seen her, she's asked if I've heard from you."

Druig bit his lip and looked toward Ajak, almost bashfully. "Really? I... I missed her too..." He paused before adding on, a bit sheepishly, "...And I missed you."

"If you would come with me for a visit, we could send a message to her and you could see her too," Ajak suggested hopefully. She wouldn't ask Druig to leave his abandon them. But she hoped a visit might be possible.

Druig paused, obviously wanting to take her offer. "Why?" he finally asked, with a hint of frustration. "Why are you being so nice after everything?" Why aren't you yelling at me for just leaving without word or permission and not communicating...? was left unsaid.

"Because you're my family," she said quietly. "I miss you. And I still love you. And I would be happy, truly happy, to spend some time with you." She held a hand out to him in invitation.

"I... I can't." He very reluctantly turned away. "...I betrayed you... I don't deserve to come back home. And now I have these people who rely on me and if I left, it would be betraying them as well."

"Not even for a visit?" she asked, in a soft, sad tone.

"After everything I did... You are certain anyone other than you would want to see me? Ikaris would want to thrash me before he saw me, I'm certain." Druig sniffled. If Ajak was a mother figure, Ikaris was the dad... and Druig knew the other Eternal would view his actions as deserving of punishment.

Ajak took a step closer to him. "Perhaps. But that reaction would only be because of his high emotions. If he felt nothing, if he didn't care at all that you'd left, he wouldn't be angry."

Druig blinked back tears at that. "I really messed up."

She moved closer to him. "It's not too late."

"Isn't it, though?" Druig asked uncertainly, hopefully. If Ajak was serious, maybe he could at least visit occasionally.

"Do you think I'd be here if I thought otherwise?" she asked.

Druig paused as he gave the question serious thought, then answered quietly. "No, ma'am. If... it it isn't too late, then... I'd like to visit." He bit his lip. "I'm sorry... for how I treated you. Thank you for coming after me...."

Ajak stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Druig in a tight hug. "I hoped you'd agree to come for a visit. I got a plane ticket for you as well," she said softly.

"I've never gone on a plane... I haven't left my village since I brought them into these woods...." Druig admitted hesitantly. "I've had things brought into the village, so they are able to advance with the rest of civilization, but...." He left unsaid that much of civilization had been ignored by him personally.

"I'll be right there with you," Ajak promised. "Planes aren't much different to the ship we came to Earth on."

Druig nodded. "I'll leave one of the more settled couples in charge. They can take care of everything while I am gone." He quickly did as he said he would, making sure that his people would be taken care of while he was absent, then left with Ajak.

Ajak stayed close to Druig throughout the journey back to her home and making contact with the other Eternals. She couldn't help frowning as she said, "Sprite is on her way...Kingo left her."

Druig blinked at that. "Where did Kingo go?" he asked in confusion. He might have left without word, but he would never have abandoned Sprite to be alone. Even if she was very adult in her thinking, she was still a child in body and could be hurt.

"She doesn't know." Ajak looked over the message. "She said she was cramping his style." She sighed. "You can ask her yourself once we're home."

Druig frowned at that. "Maybe I shouldn't. I might be tempted to go after him and knock some sense into him..." he muttered.

"Ikaris is here as well," Ajak added.

Druig noticeably became nervous at that. "Is he terribly mad at me?" he whispered.

"He's not angry." Ajak left unsaid that he was disappointed. Hurt.

"But he's not happy, either..." Druig sighed, his guilt growing. Ajak was leaving a lot unsaid, but he knew. He'd betrayed his family and hurt them all. Maybe returning with Ajak was a first step in healing. Maybe.

"No. You and he will need to talk," Ajak said quietly.

Druig nodded. "Is he in his office?" he asked, in an almost childlike whisper.

"He is." Ajak gently squeezed his shoulder. "The humans have started creating food places that we can order from and have food delivered here. I thought we could do that and eat together once Sprite arrives."

"That would be good, ma'am..." Druig smiled, leaning into her, before impulsively turning and hugging her tightly. He then went to search for their 'father'.

Ikaris was, as Ajak had confirmed, in his office. He'd received the message that Druig was returning, but hadn't gone to greet them. He was still hurting from the way his 'son' had left, despite it being centuries ago.

Druig hesitantly knocked on the door, reluctant to just enter without permission, especially after being gone so long.

"Come in," Ikaris' voice called.

Druig took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped into the office, closing the door firmly behind him. If Ikaris decided to chide him like he deserved, he'd rather the whole house not hear. "Hello, Sir..." he said meekly.

Ikaris eyed him for a few moments before he spoke. "Ajak did succeed in talking you home, then."

Druig swallowed and nodded his head. "Yes, sir. She... I couldn't ignore her in person..." He flushed in shame that he'd ignored everyone for so long before.

"So all it took for you to come back was Ajak coming and talking to you. Did it mean nothing that the rest of us sent you messages and asked you to contact us, even if you wouldn't see us in person?" Ikaris asked.

"I didn't listen to Ajak's messages or requests for contact either, Sir..." Druig hesitantly pointed out. "If... if she hadn't come after me in person, I would still be ignoring everyone..." he admitted reluctantly, voice full of shame. It only now occurred to him that he'd been behaving like a spoiled child whose mother had to come retrieve him because he didn't have the sense or wherewithal to return home on his own.

"Which makes it worse," Ikaris said quietly. "You didn't choose to do the right thing on your own. You didn't choose to return to the family you abandoned through your own choice."

Druig closed his eyes tightly and turned his face toward the floor. "No, sir... I didn't. I... I was wrong."

"The last time you let your temper get the better of you and acted like a spoiled child, I put you across my knee," Ikaris observed. "I don't see any reason not to respond to your behaviour this time in the same way."

Druig looked up at those words, regret and anxiety on his face. "No, please don't... I'm not... I'm older now! I'm too old to... for you to..."  He didn't move from his position, though, waiting for Ikaris to tell him what to do. It was obvious he'd already accepted what Ikaris said as a done deal and wouldn't fight it.

Ikaris didn't bother arguing with Druig. He didn't bother explaining that his son knew full well what was expected from him and what was and what wasn't deserving of punishment. He simply walked over to his son and took a firm, tight grip of Druig's neck, like a lion scruffing its cub, and began to guide his son over to the chair.

"Daddy..." Druig whimpered softly, following meekly. Feeling his father's hand gripping his neck firmly made him feel small, helpless and naughty. He'd known shortly after leaving that he'd done the wrong thing. The fact that it had taken centuries, and his mother coming to personally retrieve him, for him to return home did make it worse. So much worse. He suspected that the punishment would fit the crime in ways he would be feeling for several days. He only hoped Ikaris would be able to forgive him afterwards.

Ikaris didn't say anything, although he gently squeezed Druig's neck in response to the word. He sat down on the chair and guided his son across his lap. Once Druig was in place, he made short work of his son's pants and underwear, leaving Druig bare from the waist down.

Druig whimpered again, automatically reaching down with one hand to balance and putting the other behind his back for Ikaris to hold him in place. It had been a long time, but not long enough to forget how things went. He was dreading what was about to happen. At the same time, he was grateful it was happening. It meant he wasn't cut off from his family. Ikaris wouldn't do this if he'd decided Druig wasn't worth bringing home.

Ikaris gently squeezed Druig's hand, holding it against his back. He let his other hand rub gently over his son's back for a few moments before he moved it a bit lower, lifted his hand and brought it down in a crisp, firm smack. Then he delivered a second one directly opposite to the first.

Druig didn't try and hold anything back. He yelped at the first and the second smack, beginning to squirm nearly immediately. Ikaris was never gentle in a spanking, preferring to get his point across as quickly and effectively as possible. All holding back would do was prolong the pain, because Ikaris never stopped until he knew the lesson had been learned and you were truly sorry.

The squirming didn't bother Ikaris. He knew that he could hold his son close enough that there was no chance of Druig falling. He tugged his son in tighter against his stomach and settled quickly into a pattern of swats, covering his son's entire backside, from the crest to mid-thigh, in the firm smacks. Then, he began again from the top.

It wasn't much further into the second circuit that Druig began to cry, not trying to hide the fact from Ikaris. He felt so awful and guilty about how he'd treated his family and he couldn't see how a spanking would fix that, but just the act of giving Ikaris control over him had helped slightly. Not trying to hide his tears was another way of submitting and he knew he had to fully submit before he could begin to heal. He'd torn himself from his family. Only his family could pull him back and tie him to them again.

After completing the second circuit of swats, Ikaris began a third and began to swat harder and faster. Druig's bottom and upper thighs were already a warm pink colour, but the harder smacks began to turn the punished skin a darker pink, shading to red in spots. "You acted like a spoiled child, Druig. You walked away from our family and you stayed away, for centuries. You abandoned all of us...not just me and Ajak. You abandoned Sprite, too."

"I... I did... I did, Daddy..." Druig sobbed out, the knowledge of what he'd done hurting worse than the spanking. "I did, Daddy... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...." Druig slumped, just sobbing and accepting the spanking. He wasn't trying to get away any longer. Now he needed to feel his father's admonishment... needed to be punished. He hated himself.

His son wasn't fighting the punishment, wasn't even squirming any more, but Ikaris couldn't call the punishment done. What Druig had done this time was serious enough that it needed a severe response, otherwise what was between them would an infected wound.

Ikaris delivered a flurry of smacks to Druig's sit spots and the tops of his thighs, turning his son's entire bottom and upper thighs to nearly a uniform red. Then, he reached out and picked up the thin, plastic ruler from his desk. He rested the implement against Druig's bottom, gently tapping for a few moments. "This is the last stretch, son. After this part, your punishment will be over and you'll be forgiven."

"You'll forgive me?" Druig asked hopefully. "I can come home?"

"I'll forgive you," Ikaris promised. "And you will always be able to come home." He gently squeezed his son's hand and then snapped the ruler against Druig's bottom; not much harder than his hand, but he knew the difference would be felt.

Druig wailed as the ruler struck, the sting different even if it wasn't that much harder. It was... impersonal. It left him feeling cut off from his father, like he had cut himself off for centuries. It hurt emotionally as much as physically. He lay limply, sobbing hard and unable to say anything.

Steeling himself, Ikaris continued to bring the ruler down...but could only make himself give half a dozen strikes before he had to stop. Letting the implement drop, he wasted no time in quickly drawing his son into his arms on his lap, hugging Druig tightly.

Druig clung to Ikaris, sobbing like his heart was broken. He kept whimpering, "Sorry, daddy... so sorry... " over and over again.

Ikaris cuddled Druig tightly and kissed the side of his head, moving his hand to gently grip the back of his son's neck once more. "It's over," he whispered in his son's ear. "You've been punished. I forgive you. I love you."

Druig pressed as close as possible, snuggling. "Love you too, daddy..." he finally whispered, once his crying had calmed enough to allow him to talk. "I missed you...." Ikaris scruffing him was a comfort and let him feel the control the larger man held over him.

"I missed you too. So much." Ikaris gently squeezed Druig's neck, his other arm wrapped tightly around his son to keep Druig pressed as close as it was possible to get.

Druig continued to snuggle close. He didn't try and fix his clothing, he didn't try and move next to his father instead of on his lap, he didn't try anything. Ikaris was in complete control of him and for the first time in a long time, he felt safe.


Ajak smiled at Druig as the story came to a close. She hadn't been fully aware of what had happened between Ikaris and Druig, although she had had a fairly good idea, considering she knew how Ikaris handled things. But Druig had filled in the blanks that she hadn't known of. "I'm still glad you returned home, even if it was for a shorter amount of time," she said quietly. Through the bond, it was clear that she was saddened about not having all of her family with them; that she hoped to bring them all together in their fight against Ultimus.

"I'm glad I did too. And I returned more frequently. I slowly withdrew my control over my village and let them take over control over their own lives. They're doing well...." Druig answered her. "We... we'll find the others."

Ajak nodded and gave him a small, grateful smile. "I'm sure we will." She glanced around at the others. "I can't imagine I'm the only one who has had experience with that type of thing...."

"HYDRA," Steve said quietly. "When I found out that HYDRA had been growing inside SHIELD. That agents I knew and who I'd trusted were really working for the organisation I'd devoted most of my life to trying to destroy." He shrugged. "It's not much of a story, I'm afraid, but it's the truth."

Brock winced, knowing he was one of those people.

Sam could not only see his bond mate's reaction, he could feel it through the bond. He gently squeezed Brock's shoulder, even as he sent through the bond, You're not their tool anymore. You chose to stand against Ultimus when it truly counted.

"My best friend." Peter paused, cleared his throat, and continued. "My best friend attacked me. As a result of that, I lost...the woman I loved." He took a deep breath.

Harry, sitting next to his friend and knowing more of the story, gently squeezed Peter's arm in a silent form of comfort.

Tony swallowed, looking down at his and Pepper's clasped hands, and reached over, taking Mordo's hand with his other hand. "I was betrayed by the man I thought of as a second father; he tried to kill me for the battery in my chest that was keeping me alive. That betrayal didn't hurt as badly as finding out someone I thought was a close friend had kept the truth from me about my parents because he didn't trust me to handle it... that he felt I would over-react and it was better to keep me in the dark. Greed, I could handle. Finding out my friend didn't trust me? Made me question myself."

Steve winced, knowing exactly who Tony was referring to when he said those words. They might have moved past the secret he'd kept, but the guilt would never fully go away.

Mordo gently squeezed Tony's hand in response. "I believed I had been betrayed by a man I'd trusted to do the right thing and my teacher, who I thought had made the right choices. Looking back on the actions I took after that time, I believe that the only person who betrayed me...was me."

Tony squeezed Mordo's hand in response to his own words.

Stephen winced this time. He had done what he felt right, but it still felt horrible knowing how he'd hurt Mordo.

Kate was staring at her hands as she listened to everyone else. "When I found out my mother was the one who was working with Wilson Fisk and had hired the assassin to go after Clint. She'd told me to stop working on finding out who was responsible and to not work with Clint... so, I guess she didn't want me caught up in the fire... she did the right thing in the end to keep me safe... but... It just made me wonder. Did I ever really know her? How much of my life was a lie?"

Norman listened to his own bondmate's words and just reached out to place his hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly, even as he sent a wave of reassurance and care through the bond. No matter the mistakes she made, she did the right thing in the end to protect you, he thought to her.

In the end, she loved me enough to do the right thing. Kate leaned into Norman.

"I guess any one of us can ask a question who answered...." Ajak glanced around. "Does anyone have a time where they went into a dangerous situation without a plan or backup?"

Pepper looked around at all the 'heroes' that were present. "There should be a lot of those types stories." She laughed.

"I think there probably are," Steve said, with a more chagrined look on his face.

"If we tell the stories, we won't get into retroactive trouble, will we?" Tony teased.

Steve snorted softly. "I suspect only if the lessons weren't learned from it...."

"Well... Not like you all didn't already know this one. When I went after who I thought were the Ten-Rings, gave out my address, basically was reacting instead of planning through ninety percent of the whole mess..." Tony said, in obvious embarrassment.

Bruce shook his head. "I remember that very well.... I was really relieved that you weren't dead, but I was tempted to shake some sense into you once the dust settled."

"You weren't the only one..." Tony said wryly.

"I remember doing a few ops like that," Clint said. "There'd be a plan in place, I'd get there and realize the plan was made on faulty information, but instead of waiting to form a new plan, I'd charge in and just do the first thing I thought of without back up or even warning that things had changed. Used to piss Coulson off royally." He laughed.


After the op had been completed, Coulson had sent Clint a coded message, asking the younger agent to meet him in his office.

This wasn't the first time Clint had done his own thing on an op. It wasn't even the first time Coulson had scolded him for it. But since talking and lecturing hadn't worked, Coulson was beginning to think he needed another way to handle this.

Clint walked to Coulson's office, whistling nonchalantly. He hadn't followed the plan...hadn't really followed any plan once the plan had been discarded... and he'd left his back up in the dust, unable to provide assistance, but he'd still managed to succeed and complete the objective. Because he was just that good. Now he just needed to face Coulson for his weekly scolding, where he pointed out everything had turned out all right in the end, and he could go home for a little bit. Take some time off with the family. He reached the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Coulson called, putting away the file he was working on.

Clint opened the door and stepped into the office, shutting the door behind him. "You needed to see me, sir?" he asked, noting that his report was on Coulson's desk. "Have questions about my report?"

"I want to know what happened to the plan." Coulson's voice was mild. Conversational, almost.

"I got there, it wasn't going to work, so I improvised..." Clint shrugged faintly. "Got the job done. You're welcome." He grinned cheekily.

"Clint. This is far from the first time we've had this discussion," Coulson said. "I've also explained to you, multiple times, just why changing the plan is a bad idea. You might get the job done...but your decision to change the plan landed another agent in the hospital."

"Who?" Clint blinked, suddenly worried. "If I didn't change the plan, we would have needed to abort the mission!"

"You changed the plan without checking with the rest of your team or your handler," Coulson said. "Agent Symes was the one who was injured. Because you weren't where you were supposed to be."

"I told them the other plan wouldn't work and to wait for my update..." Clint protested. "They weren't supposed to proceed!"

"That wasn't your call to make," Coulson said. "And this isn't the first time I've had to tell you this. You aren't leaving me with many options here, Clint."

"I had to do something... And if they had held back like I said..." Clint's protest wasn't very strong, though.

"It wasn't your call to make." Coulson's voice was stern.

"Aaaarg..." Clint huffed. "So... What? I should have just called off the whole thing and gave up any chance we had at getting the information?! I couldn't do the mission as planned."

"No," Coulson replied. "You should have used the comm unit for its intended purpose. To contact me, so I could have all the information and figure out what to do without anyone getting hurt."

"No one would have gotten hurt if they'd stayed put like I said..." Clint muttered unhappily.

"You weren't the one in charge of the op," Coulson said. "It was my call to make. Not yours. And if I can't trust you enough to keep me in the loop, then I can't trust you on ops period."

Clint turned stricken eyes onto Coulson. "Sir! You can't... You trust me to make split second decisions when you can't... How is this different?"

"This isn't a split second decision, Clint," Coulson said. "This is different intel that's already ended with one agent in the hospital. The intel changing means that the whole plan needs to change. You refused to follow the chain of command. Again."

Clint swallowed hard. He could continue arguing, but he knew this wasn't something Coulson would be convinced of or change his mind on. And an agent was in the hospital. Even if Clint believed that could have been avoided if they'd listened to his warnings, it still was his decision that had led to the injury. He couldn't help feeling guilty about that. "What now, sir?" he finally asked, in a whisper.

"I'm going to suspend you," Coulson said. "Talking to you and explaining to you hasn't worked. And I can't risk another agent getting hurt, or worse, because you won't follow the chain of command."

Clint's eyes widened in shocked consternation. He was one of SHIELD'S best agents .. or at least that's what he'd been told repeatedly. If Coulson was taking him off the board... "Please, sir... SHIELD needs me active! I need to be active! Isn't there some other...?" He wasn't ashamed to realize he was begging.

"Clint, you've left me with little option here," Coulson said. "You won't listen when I tell you things. If you don't want me to suspend you, then I need to use a different method to get your attention."

"But... There are other means?" Clint asked hopefully.

"If you'd rather, I can make use of a non-official punishment," Coulson answered. "It's a bit old-fashioned, but there is a precedent for it."

"I'll do it!" Clint jumped in fervently. "I'll do whatever it takes...."

"I'm talking about spanking," Coulson said seriously.

Clint blinked. "Spanking?" he asked, uncomprehendingly.

"It's been utilised here before," Coulson commented. "And there is a section in the training manual about it."

Clint blushed, not admitting he'd skipped over the training manual in large parts. "How do you want me, sir?" His voice was somber. He'd finally let it sink in exactly how serious his actions had been.

"Come round to my side," Coulson directed, his voice firm but not unkind.

Swallowing hard, Clint obeyed, moving to stand at Coulson's side.

Coulson moved his chair back from the desk, enough to give them both room, and then used a hand on Clint's lower back to guide the other man over his knees.

Clint closed his eyes, embarrassed that he was going over his boss's lap. He'd hoped at least to be over the desk. This was so much more personal.

Coulson wrapped his arm around Clint's waist and pulled him close against his stomach. He lifted his hand and brought it down in a firm smack at the centre of Clint's bottom, then repeated the swat.

Clint grunted as the first swat landed. He would have apologized, but he doubted Coulson would believe it was sincere. Still. He was sorry.

Coulson didn't waste any time, covering Clint's entire backside in the firm swats, down to mid-thigh. Then, he began again from the top.

By the second circuit, Clint had begun shifting in response to the sting, his breathing hitching.

Coulson paused briefly after the second circuit, hand resting lightly on Clint's bottom. The action was slightly possessive, but Clint was his agent. And he did care deeply about the other man. "If anyone else had been in this position, even Fury, they would have sent you packing a long time ago," he said. "One of the best agents or not."

"Why... Why wasn't I, then?" Clint's voice was small. He hadn't failed to notice the possessiveness and, to his surprise, it soothed him. Helped him be less nervous. It also made him feel guiltier for making Coulson have to discipline him for the same thing for the hundredth time. He still didn't quite see how him coming up with a plan to help the objective continue was wrong, but he was starting to understand that how he had done it was wrong.

"Because I know what this means to you, Clint. And I care about you. If I can keep you from losing this, then I will." While he was speaking, Coulson rubbed Clint's backside. Then, when he finished, he began to tug the other man's pants down.

Clint whimpered, but didn't fight as he was bared. As embarrassing as it was, the knowledge Coulson was trying to help him keep his job, that he loved, made him hold still. "I... I've made it difficult for you..." he admitted, in a small, regret filled voice.

Coulson didn't respond to the words. It was the truth, but he wouldn't pile blame onto Clint. He rubbed for a few more moments and then lifted his hand, bringing it down firmly. It wasn't really any harder than he'd been spanking Clint over his pants, but the sound of the smacks was louder.

It wasn't any harder, but it was on bare skin and, somehow, even more personal than before. Clint felt his bravado and attitude disappearing with each smack, finding himself wanting to give in, obey, make Coulson happy.

Coulson completed one full circuit of smacks to bare skin and then started another, going a fraction harder and faster. After that circuit, he paused to gently rub the heated skin once more. "From now on, any repeats of today will put you in this same position over my knee," he promised.

“Every time?” Clint asked in a shaky voice, finding it difficult to hold still or to not start crying. His emotions were high and he felt so out of control.

"Every time," Coulson confirmed. "Over my knee, like this, getting your bare bottom spanked." He shifted Clint forward slightly and began to swat his sit spots.

At the promise, Clint slumped and began to cry softly. "I'm sorry, Sir.. deserve to be spanked... Didn't mean to be so difficult. Know I'm not in charge... Gotta obey better...."

"Good boy," Coulson murmured at the words. He gentled his swats, so that he was now firmly patting instead of swatting.

At the gentle praise, Clint began to cry harder. He didn't feel good. He'd completely disregarded chain of command and got a colleague hurt enough to end up in the hospital. And he'd argued with his boss until Coulson had no choice but to physically discipline him. "I'm sorry..." he choked out.

"I know." Coulson's voice was very gentle. He still wasn't swatting as hard as he had been; still only firmly patting. "I know you are. And I forgive you," he promised.

Something eased in Clint at the words of forgiveness and he calmed. He lay meekly over Coulson's knee, accepting the firm pats; not moving in case the older man decided to smack harder, just submitting. And, for the first time in a very long time, felt like everything was okay.

Something eased inside Coulson as Clint calmed and lay in place. The other man's bottom was a dark pink in colour now and Coulson could feel the warmth every time he patted. After a few more circuits of the firm pats, he began to rub once more. And he spoke in a low, calming, reassuring voice. "Good boy, Clint. You're being very good for me."

"Want to be good for you, sir..." Clint whispered. "Need to be," he admitted.

"I believe you," Coulson replied. "And I'll help you to be good for me. I care about you, Clint. And no matter what, that won't change."

"Care bout you too, sir. Know I didn't act like it... Being so obstinate. But I do." Clint sniffled.

"Good. I'm glad to hear it." Coulson shifted Clint so that the other man was sitting on his lap instead of laying across it. He wrapped his arms tightly around Clint, one hand rubbing over the other man's back up under his shirt while the other continued to rub Clint's bottom.

Clint took a deep breath, then twisted in Coulson's arms and wrapped his own arms around the other man, snuggling close. "Feels like I'm yours now... Your agent...."

"You are." Coulson tightened his arms around Clint. "You are mine now," he promised.

Clint nodded and just continued to cuddle.


"And that was when I first realized I liked being submissive under the right circumstances..." Clint gave a crooked grin, leaning toward Bruce without thinking about it.

"The right circumstances being the right person?" Quill asked.

"Exactly." Clint's grin widened.

Bruce rested a hand on Clint's shoulder and squeezed gently, smiling at his bondmate. "It might be possible to find Coulson too," he commented, before glancing around at the rest of the group. "Anyone else have a story to share?"

"I remember a job I took once. Went in with no plan at all. Didn't even let anyone know I was taking the job, so no back up either..." Peter Quill said sheepishly. "Ended up getting stranded on a planet with a really bad storm coming in; and inadequate supplies or equipment to survive it."

"Was this while you were still with Yondu?" Loki asked his bondmate.

"Yeah. Was a couple of years before I took the Milano and went off on my own..." Peter nodded.


Figuring out where his whelp had got to was easier than Quill had probably expected, Yondu couldn't help thinking, as he flew the ship onto the planet. As soon as he'd accessed the logs and realised the trajectory of the vessel his kid had taken, the rest had been easy.

With good fortune and a great deal of skill, Yondu managed to land his ship before the storm was due to come in. After that, he was headed through the small town, looking for his wayward brat. On a planet like this one, the Terran would stick out.

Peter was frustrated. Everything had gone swimmingly... Until it was time to take off with his prize. The tiny ship he'd snuck off on had been easy to take. Apparently, there was a reason for that beyond Peter's stealth. It was in need of repair and while it had got Peter to the planet with no difficulty, it wasn't going to be able to get him off. It wasn't even in good enough shape to provide warm shelter when the storm arrived.

Yondu hadn't taken any of the rest of the crew with him. He didn't really believe that he would run into any trouble on the planet, but if he did, he was more than capable of taking care of it with his arrow.

Luckily, Yondu knew where Quill was more likely to be. Especially given the condition of the ship he'd taken. And he began heading towards that area.

Peter had locked up the ship and its cargo before heading into the small town to hopefully get shelter. He hadn't counted on there being no inns to stay. And the people were distrustful of strangers. It looked like he was going to be spending several frigid hours on board the malfunctioning ship after all. Unfortunately, by the time he realized this, the storm was already moving in and it was messing up his readings on his personal navigation. He had no clue which direction the broken down ship was. "Of frelling course..." he muttered, the first real twinges of fear sneaking past his bravado.

Tracking down Quill hadn't taken long, although longer than Yondu would have liked, given that the storm was rolling in. He spotted his charge and wasted no time in grabbing Quill by the arm. "Come on. We hurry, we'll get to my ship before the storm hits fully."

"Yondu?!" Peter yelped in surprise, but immediately followed his captain without question. "How'd you find me?" He was grateful the older man had found him... he knew he'd never have survived the storm.

Yondu didn't waste his breath on responding while he headed back to the ship. It wasn't until they were out of the town and safely in his own ship, with everything locked down and safe, that he turned to Peter. "You ain't nearly as sneaky as you think you are, kid."

Peter flushed at the comment. "Yeah, well.... Guess that's a good thing right now..." he admitted, with a sigh. "Thanks for comin' after me...."

Yondu snorted softly. "I'd always come after you, kid. Doesn't mean you're not getting your ass tanned for sneaking off, taking a faulty ship, and not thinking things through at all."

"Aaaaw... Yondu!" Peter whined. "I didn't know it was faulty...." He didn't comment on the rest. It was true, after all. And Peter had done it enough in the past to have known the consequences if he were caught.

"You woulda done if you'd bothered to stop and think, even just for a moment." Yondu still had a firm grip on Peter and he led the younger man over to his bunk, where he took a seat and quickly upended the kid over his lap.

Peter swallowed hard at finding himself in the familiar position. "Yessir... Woulda found out," he admitted, in a small voice. Normally, he'd be sqwaking and fighting by this point... But he knew he would be dead now if Yondu hadn't followed and found him. His lack of taking time to assess the situation before just taking off could have led to his death. He couldn't fight Yondu punishing him for it when he deserved to be tanned.

Yondu made sure his grip on Peter was tight and secure before he proceeded to tug the younger man's pants and underwear down. Once Peter's bottom was bare, he lifted his hand and began to swat, covering every inch but not swatting in any discernible pattern.

"Ooooow... Not so hard!" Peter whined and immediately began to squirm, though he was still obviously not fighting as he normally would have. His brush with impending death by freezing had sobered him enough to accept Yondu's decision without too much argument.

"You coulda died, kid. You're lucky I'm not going straight to using my belt." Yondu's voice was as serious as it had ever been. He'd lost count of how many times Peter had ended up in this exact same position for almost the exact same reason.

Peter shivered, both that the fact he could have died and the way Yondu worded his statement.  "...G...g... going straight to it?" he asked nervously, still shifting at the sharp smacks that truly stung. Yondu wasn't taking it easy on him. "...D...d... does that mean...?"

Yondu tugged Peter closer against his stomach and began to swat harder and with more force, focusing more of the smacks to the younger man's sit spots and the tops of his thighs. "I warned you what would happen the last time," he said, his voice as stern as it ever had been.

" yessir..." Peter choked out, before beginning to cry loudly.  He still wasn't fighting, though. He had been warned. And he'd still taken off without planning ahead, or even taking basic precautions. He was grateful Yondu had found him and was able to punish him, since the storm had hit so fast and hard and he'd be a Peter popsicle if the older man hadn't retrieved him. Even snug in the warm ship that Yondu had brought him to, it was still chilly; the weather outside was below freezing.

Yondu continued spanking, until Peter's bottom was a uniform bright red, from the crest down to mid-thigh. Then, he began to remove his belt. "The last time I tanned your ass for rushing into a situation without planning, I told you I'd make sure you remembered for at least a week every time you sat down." As he spoke, he doubled the belt over in his hand; let it rest lightly against Peter's backside, taking aim.

"..Y...y..yessir..." Peter sobbed out softly, reaching down and grasping onto Yondu's leg as tightly as he could. If he wasn't holding on tight, he'd throw his hands back and risk injury, which would get him even more spanking. " tol' me. I shoulda listened. Shoulda planned. Shoulda tol' you what I was doin'. Shouldn't a tried ta sneak out...." His bottom hurt so badly already, he knew Yondu's promise of remembering for at least a week wouldn't be a lie. Still... he knew he deserved it; and the fear from his close call kept him from fighting. That he was feeling the need to be held close and tight and snug... warm and safe... wasn't going to be admitted to, even to himself.

Tightening his grip on Peter's waist, Yondu brought the belt down firmly...though he kept a careful control, ensuring the force wasn't much more than his hand. He wanted to make the punishment memorable, not break his kid.

Peter just sobbed softly, slumping over Yondu's lap in acceptance of the punishment. "I'm so...sorry, sir... so sorry. Y... You had ta save me 'gain. Woulda died. Th... thank ya fer savin' me..." He cried helplessly.

"I always would, kid," Yondu promised, steeling himself as he brough the belt down again and then a third time, still not using any more force. "Doesn't matter what happens. I'd always come for you. I'd always save you."

"...Save me and then bl... blister m... me fer bein' stupid..." Peter attempted his typical humor, but it fell flat. He was still too unsettled at having almost been in a life-death situation and feeling guilty about how it had happened. On top of that, despite the care Yondu was taking, his butt hurt. Badly. Even if he hadn't already been crying before, he'd have been crying by this point.

"Just like you deserve to be," Yondu said seriously. "You nearly died. Blistering your ass till you can't sit down without feeling it is lenient." He continued to deliver well-placed strikes with the belt and after a full dozen, he stopped. He wasted no time in moving Peter into his arms and on his lap, hugging the younger man tightly.

Peter shuddered as his well punished bottom made contact with Yondu's thighs and then he was twisting to hold onto the older man, gripping into him tightly, still crying like a little boy and attempting to snuggle as close as possible. "Sorry...." he whispered, in a small voice. "Thank ya fer comin' for me..." he repeated...obviously feeling like he didn't deserve to be rescued.

Yondu responded by tightening his embrace around Peter, cuddling as tight as possible. "I always would come for you," he reiterated. "No matter what happens."

"Dunno why..." Peter mumbled, as he tried to calm himself down. "...Nothin' but trouble fer ya...."

"You belong with me," Yondu said simply.

"Even though I'm grown up?" Peter asked hesitantly.

"You'll always be the skinny runt I took from Terra. No matter how big or old you get," Yondu replied.

"Never too big ta go over yer knee..." Peter mumbled, remembering what Yondu had told him the first time he'd protested he was too big to be spanked. He nuzzled against Yondu's shoulder. The old space pirate wasn't typically the touchy-feely sort, but when he punished Peter? He never failed to provide comfort and cuddles. Peter inevitably took advantage of that by cuddling for as long as he could get away with. On the Ravager ship, it typically wasn't for very long; there was always something or someone that needed Yondu's attention and neither Peter or Yondu wanted any of the other Ravager's to catch him in such a vulnerable position. But here on this planet? They couldn't leave yet; the storm was still going. And they weren't leaving the ship. They were safe and warm inside, with nothing to do but wait out the storm. Peter made use of the fact that Yondu wouldn't be taken away, or need to hide that he was coddling Peter, and snuggled close.

For his part, Yondu didn't so much as loosen his hold on Peter. Aside from grunting an agreement to the younger man's words, he didn't speak either. Peaceful moments like this were few and far between. And he was going to take full advantage of being able to hold and cuddle Peter.


"Looking back on that moment... it really shouldn't have taken me as long as it did to realize he was my Daddy..." Quill sighed sadly. "I miss him..." he admitted, obviously choking up at the memory. He leaned against Loki.

Loki wrapped his own arms around Quill, hugging the other man close. "Sometimes you don't realise how important someone was to you until they're gone," he said, his own voice sad. He regretted how things had gone with his brother back in his dimension, before Ultimus had invaded and ripped their world apart. "The memories help, a little, but they aren't a substitute for the real thing."

"Do you have any to share?" Thena asked softly. Even though her own memories were so entangled, she was finding it soothing to listen to others' their memories.

Loki nodded, an almost faraway look coming over his face. "Everyone always assumed that Thor was the impulsive one out of the two of us, but that wasn't always the case," he admitted. "My penchant for mischief sometimes got me into trouble when I didn't think things through before acting."

Quill smiled at that. "So he wasn't just dragging you along for the ride?" he asked.

"He certainly was at times. But not always," Loki said.

"So...what were some of the hijinks you got up to?" Tony asked curiously.

"Well...." Loki looked a bit sheepish as he admitted, "There was one time that I turned myself into a serpent to try and take him by surprise in an attack."

Peter's eyes widened. "Did you get him?" he asked excitedly. He and Thor had carried on a 'friendly' rivalry up to the moment they last saw each other before Ultimus attacked.


Thor frowned. Loki was hiding from him. That was the only explanation. It was really too bad. He'd wanted to apologize for his friends picking on the younger prince. Maybe he'd gone outside. Thor left the courtyard, to see if he could find his brother.

The comments from Thor's friends had only been the latest in a long string of similar comments, all of which were saying that Loki wasn't a warrior...that he'd never be able to best Thor. That his magic was worthless, because he couldn't use it in battle.

That was the primary reason for his actions right now. Loki knew how much his brother adored snakes and he'd taken on the form of a serpent, one that he knew Thor would not be able to resist. And in his serpent form, he was 'basking' in the sun, right where Thor was certain to see him.

Thor walked down the path, every so often yelling out, "Loki?! Where are you, brother?" as he walked. He was watching where he walked carefully, while also looking around to see if he could catch a glimpse of his brother. Because of how closely he was looking for Loki, he didn't miss seeing the serpent on the path.  "Oh... aren't you a beauty!" he breathed out, carefully moving toward the creature, hoping to catch it.

Loki could have changed back before Thor grabbed him, since his brother was fully focused on the serpent whose form he'd taken. But he wanted to be sure that Thor was entirely off guard. If he could prove he could best Thor using his magic, it would stop everyone from seeing his magic as some sort of weakness.

Thor carefully caught the serpent, his hand closing just behind its head, holding it firmly around what would have been the 'neck' if it'd had a body. He carefully lifted it. Loki didn't want to be found, but maybe when his brother returned, he could show him his new pet and make things right.

As soon as Loki felt himself lifted up, he shifted back into his normal form. Letting out a warlike cry, he drew his daggers and lunged at his brother. 

Thor yelled in surprise, throwing his brother onto the ground before he fully recognized it as Loki lunging at him. He'd drawn Mjolnir immediately, only stopping from crushing Loki with it when his sight caught up with his reasoning. "Loki!" he bellowed. "What foul trick is this?!"

Loki winced as his back hit the ground. "I wanted to prove I could best you." He was pouting almost childishly.

"By surprising me so badly that I reacted to kill you?!" Thor was still shouting. He stalked over to Loki and carefully, if firmly, pulled his brother to his feet and began to check over him to make certain he hadn't accidentally injured him in his shock. He was gentle, if brusque. Once he'd determined that Loki was physically all right, he tugged the younger man along with him to a nearby boulder.

"You didn't, though," Loki insisted, even as he held still so that Thor could check him over. He did pull back a little as Thor began to tug him towards the boulder. "Thor?" There was a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"The only reason I didn't was because I am highly trained and as soon as I recognized you, I was able to halt the momentum of my swing. Else you would have had your skull crushed by Mjolnir." Thor had reached the boulder by this point and sat, tugging Loki over his knee in the same motion. He tugged his brother in close to his torso and pulled Loki's breeches down, baring him. "I could have killed you, brother. I would have never forgiven myself had that occurred...."

Loki let out a squeak when he was pulled into position, though he couldn't rightfully say it wasn't expected. He shifted slightly, but didn't squirm. Thor had a point. But even so.... "Everyone thinks my magic makes me weak. I just wanted to prove that it doesn't."

"Not everyone thinks that, brother. Mother does not think so. I do not think so. Have I not requested your aid using your gift often? Do you think I do so just to humor you? You are able to provide aid that cannot be provided by any other means. You are not weak. You are strong in a different way to me, but you are strong. You are also more intelligent than your actions have just proven...." Thor said firmly, in a scolding voice, just before he let his palm land in a firm, hard smack on his brother's exposed bottom.

Loki jumped, letting out a quiet gasp at the smack. He didn't try to be brave or stoic, or to stop himself from reacting. He'd been in this position far too many times to believe he'd come out of this with any kind of dignity intact.

Thor continued to smack Loki's bottom in random spots, the smacks quick, firm and hard, from the crest to mid-thigh. He wasn't gentle. His brother had nearly got killed by him because of his prank and Thor was determined he'd never play such a prank on him ever again. "You could have died, brother. You could have had your head crushed. Do you know what that would have done to me? To mother? To Asgard, though they might not realize the loss immediately?? Just because you are not as strong as I does not mean you are not strong. And your mind is stronger. Why else would I go to you for advice? But you nearly... because... how could you not think?!"

Loki hadn't really been feeling guilty, even though he understood and accepted the punishment at Thor's hands. At his brother's words, though, he felt the first stirrings of guilt...and the beginnings of tears fill his eyes. "I...I did not think past finding some way of proving myself," he admitted, not hiding the guilty note in his voice...or the fact he was close to tears. "I let the words get to me and I...I'm sorry...." he whispered.

"I hope you truly are sorry. Mayhaps that will mean you won't do something like this in the future. What the others say to you... I know it matters to you, but it should not. You are a prince. And you are my brother. And I value you greatly. You do not need to prove yourself to me..." Thor said, his own voice catching in his throat with unshed tears at the thought of not having Loki with him. He continued to spank. Loki's bottom was a vivid red by this point.

Hearing Thor's voice catch was worse than the spanking itself. The tears filling Loki's eyes spilled over and the first sob was wrenched from his throat. He reached down and closed his fingers around Thor's ankle, suddenly afraid to let go of his brother.

"I... I love you, brother..." Thor choked out, his own eyes spilling tears. He continued to spank at the same force as before, but the smacks slowed. It was getting difficult to see and he didn't want to accidentally hurt his brother, so he was taking more care to aim his palm so it only hit Loki's bottom.

At those words, Loki began crying in earnest...sobbing, really. He could tell that Thor was crying and it made him feel horribly guilty, while before, he hadn't felt anything of the sort. "I'm sorry. I love you too." Those were the words he tried to say, but they were garbled by his own tears.

Thor continued to smack for one more circuit, but hearing Loki's tears... his own tears falling... he couldn't continue past that. He stopped and quickly drew his brother up and sat him on his lap, holding him him in a tight hug, as if afraid Loki would disappear if he let go.

Loki immediately latched onto Thor, hugging his brother as fiercely and tightly as possible. It took a while for his tears to die down, but when they finally did, he sniffled sadly and whispered, "I truly am sorry."

"I am too, brother. I'm sorry that you felt the need to prove something that was not necessary for you to prove. I know my friends can be hurtful. I do not know why they behave in that manner... But I do not feel that way. I hope you know that... I do love you. It would be a loss that... I do not even want to think of losing you...." Thor held Loki tight, kissing the side of his head.

Breathing deeply, Loki snuggled into Thor's arms, soaking up the comfort and affection. He didn't often get this time with his brother, all too aware that he was already seen as weak and strange. But no one was around and he'd just been spanked and Thor was safe and comforting. He let his head rest against Thor's shoulder. "I love you too, brother," he murmured.

Thor carefully replaced Loki's breeches, in case someone came by, though the chances were slim, but he continued to hold onto his brother and just snuggle, every so often kissing the side of his face or the top of his head. It had truly scared him when he realized he was about to kill his brother; and the only thing that helped was holding onto Loki and not letting go.

Loki wasn't about to get up or pull away from the comfort. He just cuddled into his brother's arms and pressed into the affection and soaked it up, content to stay with Thor until they were needed elsewhere.


"I know Thor was very upset about losing you..." Quill said to his mate, snuggling close to the Asgardian.

Loki smiled at his bond mate, although it was a little sad. "I will take your word for it, as you know the events that transpired here better than I do."

"He was. Every so often, he'd comment that you'd fooled him before and come back to life, but the last time... he sounded like he was trying to convince himself there was a chance, but I could tell he didn't believe it..." Quill sounded sad. "...He sounded broken. I think if we find him and bring him here, even if you are from a different dimension, he will be overjoyed at having you with him again."

"I would willingly have Thor back with me, from a different dimension or not," Loki admitted. He did feel guilty for how things had gone between the two of them. If Thor could be found, perhaps it would give him a second chance.

"Everyone else is searching for their family... I do not see why we could not do the same for you," Quill stated, kissing Loki chastely.

Loki smiled and returned the kiss, just as chastely, tugging his bond mate closer to him before asking, "Who wants to ask the next question?"

Quill grinned at the response and glanced around to see who else might have a question.

Kate got a thoughtful look on her face. "We just heard about times when people acted without thinking things through completely. Has there ever been a time where you wanted to respond to someone else doing something without thinking, but you didn't? Why didn't you?"

Steve gave a small frown at that. "Speaking for myself, there have been times that I've been tempted to step in, but even though I've cared about the person involved, it's never felt right for me to be the one to step in."

Kate slanted her head, hoping for a bit more of a story on that.

Stephen shook his head. "To be honest, I've never wanted the responsibility of someone else before. Whenever someone did something I thought deserved a response, I always hoped someone else would take care of it." He snorted.

"I mean, there's definitely been two people whose actions I believed deserved a response," Peter said. "But neither actually felt like I was the right person to step in...especially because I've never been a dominant person."

Tony shook his head. "Can't think of anything... I tend to respond in however I feel is best whenever I think a response is needed.... Usually I'm the one doing things to give people that feeling." He smiled crookedly at Pepper's muttered, "You can say that again...."

Steve's smile was a little bit wry at Tony's response, having felt that way about his fellow Avenger on more than one occasion.

"A lot of it probably depends on the type of relationship you have with the other person," Ajak said. "With my own family group, it was normally Ikaris who took charge of any disciplining." She left unsaid that, more often than not, it was Druig who ended up being 'responded' to.

Dane nodded. "That makes sense. I can't say I ever experienced it, but then I've tended to be a loner most of my life...."

"Probably most of us have been in positions where we've wanted to, or felt like someone should, but not felt able to for whatever reason," Mordo commented. "Even if things might have turned out better if there'd been a different type of response."

"So... I guess we need a new question?" Kate said hesitantly, since it was obvious no one intended to tell a story to back up their responses.

"I'm not sure there is much of a story to tell," Steve said wryly. "So maybe a new question might be a good idea."

"So... anyone else have a question? Unless you have a story...." Kate asked hesitantly.

"You know...I don't know how much of a story it is, counterpart does exist in this dimension. And I did meet him," Peter said. "I kind of feel a responsiblity to keep reminding you all that he does exist...."


They were in the lab, working on the cures for the villains from the other dimensions, and Peter 3 moved a bit closer to Peter 1...the one from the dimension he'd found himself lost in. "So how are you doing? Really?" he asked softly, his voice filled with empathy. He knew firsthand how difficult it was to lose someone you loved.

"I... I just can't believe she's gone. But she believed this was the right way to do things. So I've got to make it work. So her death will mean something..." Peter 1 said, obviously fighting tears.

"I hear you." Peter 3 wrapped an arm around his younger counterpart's shoulders. "But, you know, we've been working on this for a while now. I don't know about you, but my eyes are refusing to read anything new. Maybe it's time to take a break, huh?"

"No time. Gotta take care of this before the universes implode..." Peter 1 disagreed, continuing to work.

Peter 3 didn't try to force Peter 1 to take a break, shifting to continue on his own cure. "How did this happen, anyway?" he asked. "Did someone open a portal to other dimensions? I know your friend Ned can open portals, but me and Peter 2 were already here when he tracked us down...."

"It was my fault," Peter 1 said hesitantly. "My identity got broadcast to the world by a bad guy who made it look like I killed him in cold blood. I didn't kill him, but... Appearances and all. It was making things really difficult for my friends and family, so I went to Dr. Strange and asked him to make everyone forget I was Spiderman. But then I got nervous because some people I wanted to know, so I started throwing out caveats and 'excepts' and I.. I messed his spell up. It somehow brought you all here."

Peter 3's eyes widened at the response. His first thought was that messing with a spell like that sounded dangerous. Actually, the whole spell sounded dangerous. Messing with people's memories? Probably not a good idea in the slightest. He didn't say anything about that, though. This was his counterpart. Who's to say he wouldn't have done the same thing in Peter 1's shoes? "Doctor Strange?" He asked the 'safest' question in his mind. "Is he kinda like Gandalf?"

Peter 1 grinned at that. "Sorta, I guess. He's a sorcerer. He wasn't happy with me. And when everyone started showing up from your world, he was even less happy. He wanted to send everyone back immediately. But then we found out some of them would die if they were just sent back without trying to help them and.. well, I argued with him. And...sent him somewhere else. Without his sling ring...." he said guiltily. He hoped the doctor was okay.

"Well...." Peter 3 glanced around the lab...towards Peter 2, who was still working, but probably able to hear their conversation. Then he looked at Peter 1. "We cure them all, we send them home. Then we work on using the sling ring to get Doctor Strange back and hope that he's okay with the results, even if it's not happy with the method?" he suggested.

"Yeah .." Peter 1 agreed, with an uncertain smile. Ten seconds later, he said, "He's going to hate me...."

"I mean, he's the one who cast the spell in the first place," Peter 3 pointed out, in what he felt was a reasonable, logical voice. "I'm guessing he didn't actually warn you about adding stuff in prior to actually doing the spell. Really, I don't think all the blame lies with you."

"He won't see it that way. He warned me immediately to stop talking the first time I added something to what I needed. But... Thanks.." Peter 1 bit his lip. "I figure he'll be angrier about me sending him to another dimension without his sling ring than the spell. He was taking a lot of blame on himself, saying he should have listened to Wong instead of being convinced by a teenager before we found out about everyone else."

"Well...can kind of see why he'd be mad about that. Even if I can see why you did it," Peter 3 said. "Not sure I could have done it any differently if our positions were reversed."

"I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't desperate to stop him sending everyone back. But I should have at least checked to make sure where I was sending him was safe. I hope he's okay..." Peter 1 fretted.

"Well. Like I said. We take care of the cures. Then retrieve him from wherever you dropped him," Peter 3 said. "Then...maybe let him have a bit of space? He might react better if you don't immediately apologise." Not that he knew anything about the man, but Peter 1 was upset enough as it was. If he had a plan, maybe it would help. Even a little.

"Yeah...." Peter 1 took a breath. "Yeah. That works. We'll do that..." Peter 1 visibly relaxed at having a plan.

"Okay." Peter 3 smiled before saying, "I don't actually recognise this particular component. I don't think it exists in my dimension. Do you happen to know what it does...?" He drew Peter 1's attention to what he was working on.

"Oh.. yes!" Peter 1 began to immediately explain.


"So..." Peter shrugged. "Like I said. Not so much of a story. Just a conversation. I only witnessed the second spell, not the first."

There was an odd look on Steve's face, like he was trying to figure something out. "Peter Parker in this dimension.... He was just a kid. Wasn't he? I remember...." His voice trailed off, as he tried to make sense of what he was suddenly remembering.

Tony's face was troubled. "He was when you met him. By the end of Thanos, he was technically twenty years old. I'm guessing he was closer to 17 or 18 physically when you met him.... I considered him one of mine. I mentored him. I... I forgot all about him. I remembered May and that she died helping Spider Man and I helped Spider Man... But I forgot Peter?" He sounded lost.

"Not just you, Tony." Steve looked uncertainly towards Stephen. "He asked you for help?" If they were remembering their Peter Parker, chances were the sorcerer did too.

"...Yes..." Stephen had a sad look on his face. "He was having a lot of trouble because of his identity being blasted worldwide. Originally, he just wanted everyone but those closest to him to forget that he was Spider-man. Not forget about Peter Parker entirely. But when the spell got messed up and started letting dimensions bleed into each other... and then he sent me into a different plane of existence so that I couldn't send you back before he helped you," he glanced at Norman and Otto, "it reached a point that the only way to fix the broken dimension, and make certain breaches didn't keep happening, was if everyone forgot about Peter Parker entirely."

"Poor kid... why?" Tony looked lost.

"I remember now... when his identity was exposed... you were still in a coma from ending Thanos..." Pepper whispered. "I tried to help... got him legal aid..."

Matt nodded. "I remember now. I was trying to make certain they didn't make an example of him. They called him a vigilante with no oversight. A risk. The reason why the Sokovia Accords were needed and should be brought back."

Tony winced at that.

"It was a mess," Bruce said quietly. "There wasn't much I could do about it to help him. I remember seeing all of the news outlets showing the story. His school found out."

Ajak winced at the words. "From what it sounds like, he reached a point of pure desperation. I hope it is possible to find him soon. He would be better off with his adoptive family, now that his only biological family is gone."

"I've kept asking Friday. So far, there's not been any sign of him." Peter had been looking at each as they spoke, surprised that all it had taken was him sharing the story about his counterpart that had triggered the memories. "If I'd known all it took was me telling a story about him, I would have done that a lot sooner."

Stephen nodded. "It makes sense that all it took was a story. From what I remembered of that night, not even taking into account doing a spell to erase memory of Peter, things were urgent. It was likely I did it as quickly as possible, so it wouldn't hold up in certain situations, such as an actual person who had met him talking about him, so the spell was able to weaken and allow memories free."

"Friday? Now that we are all remembering, is anything showing up in your scanner that wasn't before?" Tony asked.

"I'm afraid not," the AI replied. "There is still no sign of the Peter Parker in this dimension."

"People have been displaced from their own dimensions. It's possible that happened to him." Steve was clearly worried. How had their Peter Parker fared in Ultimus' attack? He'd had no friends, allies, or family. The only ones who remembered him had been sent back to their own dimensions.

He didn't voice his fear that the worst could have happened. They all knew how ruthless Ultimus was....

"If he felt like he had nothing left to lose fighting against Ultimus, he wouldn't have been as careful as he should have been..." Tony whispered, in a haunted voice.

"No... Unless and until it is proven the worst has happened, we think positively!" Pepper ordered. "We aren't going to assume he is gone until we have proof. He's still out there and we'll find him."

"We'll keep searching for him," Steve said. "Ultimus isn't sending out all of his soldiers at once. We keep hitting with whatever intel we get. Pepper's right. We don't give up."

Everyone was somber for a few moments, as they readjusted their world view to include a young man they'd forgotten until his story was told.

The quiet lasted for a little while before Steve cleared his throat. "Do we want to continue with the stories another night? As we have a lot to think about now."

Tony nodded. "Yeah... I think that'd be best..." he finally said, standing and holding out a hand to both Pepper and Mordo, needing closeness to his mates. He was very unsettled at finding out about Peter.

Stephen sighed and stood, pulling his Peter to his feet. "Goodnight, everyone. We will see you in the morning."

Kate was subdued, feelings of uncertainty, guilt and unsettled worry chasing through her feelings. She'd been the one to ask the question that led to Peter's story. Which led to them finally remembering the other Peter. Which led to everyone being subdued and morose. Part of her was glad she'd asked, because someone had been remembered. The other part felt horrible at being the indirect cause of everyone being sad.

Mordo took Tony's hand and stood up, gently squeezing Tony's hand. He didn't try to say that it would be all right, that they'd find Peter. Instead, he kept the bond open, so Tony could feel his affection and care.

You don't need to feel guilty, Kate. I know it looks like everyone is sad due to the question you asked, but it's probably a good thing. Because now, when this dimension's Peter is found, everyone will remember who he is. Norman helped Kate to stand, wrapping his arm around her waist, to guide her to their room.

Peter let himself be pulled to his feet and followed Stephen to their room, though he was clearly thinking deeply about something. I only told the story thinking about one person, but now, I kinda think two people should have had their actions responded to.

Kate snuggled close to Norman. I know that's true... still. I managed to end the party. Her feelings were rueful.

Stephen glanced at Peter and raised an eyebrow. I figured you meant the other Peter. Who else you thinking about? he asked suspiciously.

Peter shrugged and answered the question honestly. There were two people responsible for the spell that started the mess. The person who wanted it cast and the sorcerer who cast it. Especially as your Peter indicated Wong advised against the spell.

Stephen snorted, a hint of amusement coming through the bond. You are assuming Wong did nothing. We didn't remember who Peter was. Everything else that occurred? Including the fact I cast spells? We remembered that.

Did he spank you? Peter asked. Cause the question was whose actions should have deserved that kind of response and, you know, didn't.

The question was actually, 'Who did you feel deserved that kind of response but you didn't do anything about it?' Stephen reminded. And yes. He did. He is, for all intents and purposes, in charge of me when it comes to sorcerer stuff. And I disregarded his warnings and almost caused a dimensional divergence because I gave in to Peter pleading with me. And in the end, he ended up losing everything he was trying to preserve in the first place. I just didn't remember that part of the whole mess originally.

Well. You remember him now. Which is good. Cause it would suck to get him back and have the only person who remembers him be someone who doesn't even belong in this dimension. Peter snorted softly and headed into the bathroom to get washed up for bed.

That it would. I'm glad you remembered him. That you were able to jog the rest of our memories. Stephen followed in and quietly began to get ready for bed as well.

Peter got changed and then headed back into the main room, retrieving his notes from where he'd stashed them and beginning to add to them.

"What did you figure out?" Stephen asked, as he finished getting ready and returned to the room.

"Just another couple of theories I want to test in the lab tomorrow," Peter answered. "I don't want to lose them while I'm asleep."

Stephen nodded and waited for Peter to stop writing. "Anything you want to share?" he asked curiously.

"Honestly, it's just different variations of the same tests I already ran." Peter put the notes to one side. "I can't test my biggest theory about breaking the bond until Ultimus is gone...all I can do is the smaller tests and see if they have any effects on the samples."

"Yeah. Okay. Fair-enough." Stephen paused. "I think we need to kick up our rescue program a notch. Ultimus is starting to fight back, which means eventually, he'll find a way to make people more difficult to rescue. We should try and get as many as possible before that happens."

"You thinking about hitting a stronghold?" Peter asked curiously. "One of the towns or buildings we know he makes use of regularly, cause they aren't in as bad shape as the rest of the world?"

"If we can get enough information on their defenses... how many are there... how good their alert system is..." Stephen paused. "I think Druig and Loki could easily keep anyone there under control long enough to get them into the hospital gowns and back to a holding cell, but if Ultimus is given an early warning, he'd show up before we could get them all through the portal. Which would not be good for any of us. We need to find a way to block the alert system before we make our attack." He shifted and pulled Peter in close for a second, before suddenly raising his mate's arms above his head and magically binding them in place. He tugged Peter's pajama pants off, then magically bound one leg to one corner of the bed and the other leg to the other corner, leaving Peter naked from the waist down and 'open' to whatever he decided to do. He then sat back and just stared at his mate, letting his eyes roam up and down Peter's body.

Surprised, Peter didn't resist or try to block himself from being bound, or stripped half-naked. Being magically bound immediately caused his member to stir in response and he took in a hitched breath, not trying to hide the fact that Stephen's actions had started to arouse him.

Stephen shifted slightly so he was sat between Peter's bound legs and began to gently stroke up both his legs, calf to mid thigh, deliberately ignoring the obvious change in Peter's member. "We probably also want to designate a few more rooms as holding cells. So that we don't have to have more than four at a time in any given cell. I suppose we can determine how many rooms we need to convert to cells once we find a stronghold and determine how many people will be being rescued. Or... we have them all in the holding cell and once they decide who they are going to bond to, we can move them to one of the empty rooms and keep it guarded until the bonding is completed. That would probably be easiest. The only drawback to that is that they wouldn't be picking their own living space, but since all the rooms are identical anyway, it probably doesn't matter." He continued to gently stroke up and down Peter's legs.

Peter's legs twitched at the stroking, though with them magically bound in place, he couldn't do much else. His breathing increased a fraction, even as his member twitched again...responding to Stephen's actions. "I...." He took a deep breath and tried to focus on his bond mate's words. "Depending many there are, we might need to convert more rooms into...holding cells even if we did keep them there just long enough to decide who they'd bond to." He shifted towards Stephen's hands as much as the magical bindings would allow.

Stephen hummed softly, getting off the bed to retrieve some items out of the bedside drawer. "True. It really wouldn't be fair to keep ten or more people in that tiny holding cell we have, even if it was only for a few hours, let alone days needed to decide on their bond mates." When he came back, he carefully blindfolded Peter. He then unbuttoned Peter's pajama top and opened it so that Peter's chest was exposed to his gaze as well. He slowly looked up and down Peter's body, making tiny appreciative sounds, making certain Peter could hear him. "I'm curious... can you tell where I am looking, if you can't see me looking?" he asked conversationally, as he let his hand gently stroke down Peter's chest, bypassing his member, and going back to gently stroking both of Peter's legs again, once he was situated between them once more.

Peter whimper-groaned as he was blindfolded, the action making him slip slightly into needy dependence. It was clear through the bond, as he was fully open and not attempting to hide or block. "Sometimes," he admitted, answering Stephen's question. "Kind of like...the bond makes my spidey sense stronger." His voice was a little higher than normal, betraying his arousal and need.

Stephen smiled at seeing, hearing and feeling Peter's dependence on him. He'd be lying if he said it didn't make him feel powerful, taking control in this way. His own member hardened and grew in arousal. "Where am I looking right now?" he purred softly, staring at Peter's nipples.

Peter whimpered softly. He didn't really need to verbally answer; his body could feel the location of Stephen's gaze. And his nipples responded by hardening, just a little, as if the air had grown chilly. "Nipples," he whispered, answering the question obediently.

"Good boy..." Stephen murmured, in a husky voice. "...And now?" he asked, letting his gaze slowly move down Peter's torso, until it could linger on the younger man's arousal.

Peter shifted slightly, his member rousing a little bit more. "My...member," he whispered, dropping that slight bit more. By allowing this, he was putting himself entirely in Stephen's hands...and giving up that control to the older man made him fall even more into arousal.

"Good boy..." Stephen continued to stare at Peter's nipples and member, his gaze wandering up and down leisurely. While he did this, he slowly stroked his own member, coating it in the lube he'd pulled out of the drawer. Once he was fully hard, he carefully shifted Peter so his legs were spread a little further and his knees were lifted so that his entrance was fully visible. He stared where he planned to claim. "And now?" His voice was a soft growl.

The praise clearly felt good to Peter, both through the bond and in the way his body flushed, growing warm. His member wasn't fully hard yet, but it was getting close. "Entrance." The response was given in a tiny whisper. He shifted, a little, although didn't try to move from where Stephen had put him.

"Very good..." Stephen breathed out, before lining up his member against Peter's entrance and very slowly pushing in.

Peter let out a low groan as Stephen pushed into him. While it was a bit tight, he was aroused enough that it felt good, even as he began to slowly stretch.

Stephen grunted softly, groaning as he felt Peter's tightness around him. He continued to very slowly push in, paying close attention. If Peter showed any signs of pain or discomfort or voiced it, he was prepared to stop.  But if there were no voiced protests or signs of pain, he had every intention of pushing as deep as he could. "...Mine..." he growled out loud, the need to possess and dominate growing and flowing through the bond.

Peter gasped, head falling back, exposing his throat, unconsciously making himself even more vulnerable to Stephen. "Yours." The response was a needy whisper. "Yours, Master." His own submission came clearly through the bond, mixed in with the trust and love he had for the older man. He couldn't have held back if he'd tried.

Stephen growled softly again, continuing to push in until his balls were flush against Peter's backside, unable to go any deeper. He held still for a moment, enjoying the feel of his member being surrounded by tight heat. He wanted to last for as long as possible, so he cast a small spell on himself to keep from coming until he wanted to. You feel so good around me... so tight and warm and wet... He shifted slightly to feel all three.

Peter moaned softly in response, body shifting...trying to press closer to Stephen, even though the magical bindings made that impossible. He was completely helpless...completely dependent on Stephen. And it was causing him to slip even further, to a point where there was nothing apart from the man inside him, dominating him.

Stephen could feel Peter surrendering and it caused the urge to dominate to grow. He began to thrust, shallowly at first, but slowly increasing the depth, until he was nearly pulling completely out before pushing back in as deep as possible in one smooth, hard, glide. He was determined that Peter would feel him the next morning; that everyone would know Peter had been claimed, because Peter wouldn't be able to walk straight.

A soft whimper escaped Peter's lips and he shifted, trying to 'help' Stephen to go as deep as it was possible to go. It was done without conscious thought, his body just operating on instinct and opening up for the older man as fully as it was possible to.

Stephen began to thrust steadily, deep and hard, just fast enough to keep friction inside of Peter. He shifted every few thrusts so that he could be certain to rub against every part of Peter it was possible to rub, searching for the bundle of nerves that would make Peter lose what little control he had left.

It was immediately obvious when Stephen found that spot. Peter whimpered, unable to help crying out, as his whole body sparked. "Please." The nearly mindless word carried clearly through the bond.

Stephen grinned triumphantly at the begging, even though Peter couldn't see it. Let go whenever you need to... he ordered, as he continued to thrust against that spot, over and over, repeatedly.

Almost as soon as he was given permission, Peter was releasing hard, his body responding immediately. He couldn't help but whimper as the waves of his orgasm washed over him.

Stephen grunted as he felt Peter tighten around him in orgasm. He continued to thrust through Peter's orgasm, rubbing over the bundle of nerves, trying to keep Peter releasing as long as possible.

Peter whimpered as his release kept coming over him, his body clenching...pulling Stephen in deep, like he was unconsciously trying to keep his master inside. He wasn't aware of anything outside of the older man and how thoroughly he was being claimed.

Stephen continued to thrust, though he did slow down slightly so he could keep track of what was going on with Peter.

Peter was unfocused; not actually unconscious, but dropped. His body was following Stephen's movements, though he wasn't really aware of it; wasn't really aware of anything outside of where the two of them were joined together. Through the bond, it would be clear that he was fully open and vulnerable...trusting Stephen entirely to keep him safe.

Stephen could tell Peter had dropped and it left him with a feeling of power that was more than satisfying. He continued to thrust until he knew Peter would feel him all the next day and then, finally, released the spell that was holding him back. He pushed in deep as he could and then held himself in place, immediately releasing, long and hard, inside his submissive, filling him up.

A tiny sound that might have been a groan escaped Peter's lips at the feel of Stephen's release inside him, though he wasn't fully aware enough to make much more of a sound than that. His body continued to clench around Stephen's shaft, pulling everything he could from the older man.

As soon as his own orgasm had ended, Stephen carefully pulled out. He quickly checked to make certain Peter hadn't been injured during their coupling, then took the plug he'd taken from the bedside table and slid that into Peter so that his release would stay inside the younger man. He then lay down next to Peter and released the magical bindings, pulling Peter into his arms and holding him close. "Peter..." he whispered, slowly working to draw Peter up.

It took a little while, but eventually, Peter began to surface. Unlike the initial time he'd dropped, he wasn't scared or worried. Instead, he wrapped his arms tightly around Stephen and burrowed into the older man. "I'm here," he said quietly.

Stephen kissed the side of Peter's head, snuggling him a little more. "Good boy..." he whispered. Go to sleep now... he ordered, even as he held Peter tightly.

Peter closed his eyes obediently, pressing as close as it was possible to get. Love you, whispered through the bond, as sleep overtook him.

Stephen soon fell asleep too.


Kate had gone into the bath to get ready for bed. She was feeling out of sorts again. That had been happening frequently lately and she just didn't know how to sort herself out. The question/story time had been interesting, but then it had ended on such a somber note.... She was glad the memories had returned to people, of course she was. But it still had left her unsettled. Again.

Norman had begun getting ready for bed as well, changing into his pajamas and planning to brush his teeth once Kate had finished in the bathroom. He could feel that she was unsettled through the bond and reached out to her. As soon as you're finished, come straight to bed. He gave the order knowing that she'd seemed to feel more settled when he took that control over her before. Maybe it would work again this time.

Yes, sir... Kate thought back immediately. It did soothe her a little, the order, but only a little. She wished she knew what was wrong with her. Granted the situation they were in was far from ideal, Ultimus constantly hanging over their head and being so limited in what they could do. But still, she was free for the most part. Had a family now, so she wasn't alone. She didn't know what she wanted... what she needed... to feel good. To feel settled.

Norman finished getting changed and then put the clothing he'd been wearing into the laundry basket, before he waited for his bondmate to come out of the bathroom.

Kate quickly finished showering and drying off, throwing on her nightshirt and brushing her teeth before gathering all her dirty clothing and exiting the bath. She put the dirty clothes in the basket with her mate's, then went to sit on the bed. Sorry I took so long... she thought apologetically. She'd thought she'd been moving more quickly, but a quick glance at the clock proved her wrong.

You've got a lot on your mind, Norman commented. He kept the bond open as he stepped into the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed, so that she'd be able to talk to him.

I guess... Kate agreed, almost listlessly.  She truly didn't know what was wrong with her. She just knew she didn't feel right. She sat in the middle of the bed, picking at her fingernails, not even having a desire to read. Instead, she just waited for Norman to come out, figuring he'd order her into bed. That would only help a little bit for a very little while, but at least it would help that very little bit.

Norman didn't take long in the bathroom and he returned to the main room and to his bond mate's side. Sitting down on the bed, he gently tugged her onto his lap and gently rubbed his hands up under her pajama top, touching bare skin. "The way the game ended bothered you," he said out loud. "Was it knowing how easily the memory of someone had been removed from everyone was?"

"I don't know what it was..." Kate whispered. "I just suddenly felt so sad and... helpless. Hopeless. I don't know what's wrong with me..." she admitted; so quietly, he wouldn't have been able to hear if he hadn't been holding her and listening closely. She didn't pull out of his arms, though, shifting so that she wasn't sitting on her nightshirt and he could maneuver it more easily. She'd only put it on out of habit and because she thought it made him feel more comfortable anyway. She had nothing on underneath it, some part of her realizing that even if she had on the nightshirt, if she didn't have a second layer of clothing on underneath it, she was one layer of clothing closer to him and she needed to feel closer.

"But the story was the trigger," he said calmly, as he shifted her to get to her a bit easier. He didn't remove the nightshirt entirely, but he did move it enough so that he could more easily stroke her bare skin.

Kate wilted in his arms, just leaning against him heavily as he stroked her. It felt good, the affection, even if it didn't entirely ease the melancholy. "Yeah. The story was the trigger..." she agreed softly. "I'm sorry to be such a bother... if I could figure out what was wrong with me, maybe I could stop being so mopey and needy..." she said unhappily.

"I don't think it's as simple as that," he said gently, still touching and stroking. "Even if you could figure out the trigger, that doesn't mean you'll magically stop feeling this way."

Kate nuzzled against him like a kitten. If it's not simple, then am I never going to get better? Back to normal? Kate was close to tears.

That's probably not the case, he answered gently. It just means recovery might take a while. You aren't the only one having to deal with emotions like this. You aren't the only one struggling. It's normal. It doesn't make you weak or broken.

I feel like I am. Feels like instead of your mate, I'm a lead weight dragging you down... she thought sadly. I bring nothing to you and only take.

Kate. He placed his hands on her upper arms and gently squeezed. It's not true that you bring nothing to me. You've given me someone to be responsible for. Another chance to be a good person. And because you're growing closer to Harry, I have a chance of improving my relationship with my son, he said honestly.

That's all you want or need? Just a.. responsibility? I don't understand how that helps you... Kate sniffled. At least I can help because of Harry...

You're not only a responsibility, Norman answered. You've given me someone else to care about, to love. Even if the difference in our ages does give me pause, it doesn't change how I feel about you.

Kate sniffled again, snuggling closer. She thought wryly, I wish our age difference didn't bother you. It doesn't bother me. It makes me feel safer. Knowing you're more experienced, knowing how protective you are, knowing that you will be careful with me and help me be careful... No one had any choices because of Ultimus, but if I had been able to choose, I would have chosen someone like you. You make everything less scary.... she admitted hesitantly.

I'm glad to hear that. But I don't want you to feel trapped in a relationship with me when all this is over and your life can return to normal, he admitted. You might find someone else more suitable for you once Ultimus is no longer a threat.

Kate snuggled closer, a feeling of hopeless resignation filling her. She couldn't promise that it wouldn't happen as he said, even if every part of her was screaming that she belonged to him and always would. When circumstances changed and life could be 'normal' again, she couldn't predict what would happen. For all they knew, once things were normal, he may not feel a need to protect and keep her close and might want free himself. Nothing she said now would keep him from thinking about the future what-ifs. Nothing she did now would convince him that she needed him forever. She didn't have enough experience to draw from to be able to convince him either. So as much as she wished he'd stop looking at her age and would give in to the desire he said he'd felt for her, would take her and make her so completely his she'd never be able to want anyone else for thinking of how she belonged to him, she had to accept that it wasn't going to happen.

In fact, she was lucky he felt able to give in to his need to take care of her, since she was feeling so despondent, she didn't know what she'd do if he decided he was tired of cuddling her. She'd take what he felt able to offer and be grateful and not be a complete selfish brat about it. It was just sex, after all. People stayed celibate their entire lives and were just fine. She didn't have to have that. She'd had it twice with him now and couldn't imagine being with anyone else ever again, but she could be celibate. If it were for any reason other than her age holding him back, she'd probably be able to handle it better... but she could handle it.

So what if she wanted to belong to him in every way possible? Felt like she needed to belong to him in every way possible, obeying him and letting him be in control of their life together? Heck... not expecting more than he was willing to give was a good way to be obedient, wasn't it? Not bringing up wanting him inside her, wanting him to take what he wanted, wanting him in complete control physically. She could be obedient by letting him know how she was feeling at all times so he could take care of her, even though she felt like a complete failure and a huge baby being so scared and confused and depressed all the time. But how could she be obedient and let him know what she was feeling and keep her physical desire from slipping through?

Just one more thing to make her confused and feel like a failure. It probably was better he leave himself room to get free of her once Ultimus was gone. She was a mess.

Kate might have been blocking most of her feelings of desire and need through the bond, but Norman could still feel something of what was going through her mind.

He found her attractive. He was sexually attracted to her. And he did want her. He let his hands slide over her arms and he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers.

The kiss was gentle, but it wasn't chaste. And he let his feelings of desire and need flow through the bond towards her. And he shifted enough to allow her to feel the physical evidence of his arousal.

Kate inhaled sharply in surprise, a tiny whine of need escaping before she pressed into the kiss, letting her mouth fall open slightly. I... I was trying to be good for you, but I can't be good. I'm sorry... I just feel so much I can't keep it to myself... she apologized, fearing she'd pressured him into something he might want physically, but had reasons to avoid otherwise. She could feel his arousal and it only intensified her need to belong to him completely. Not just in the normal ways, but in every way possible. She wasn't sure how to explain it. She wasn't sure she even understood it herself. What she did know was that she loved him. I love you... She swallowed. That will never ever change....

I love you too. He pressed deeper, intensifying the kiss. You're not forcing me into anything. This is what I want. He pulled her closer, beginning to remove her nightgown.

Kate relaxed at the words, believing him. She had a hard time understanding herself, but she trusted him with her entire being and if he told her something, she knew it was true. She kissed him back with another needy little whine, shifting only enough that he could remove her nightshirt, leaving her completely naked and vulnerable. It felt right being vulnerable to him and she relaxed further, submitting.

Once she was completely naked, Norman let his hands run gently over bare skin. As he kissed her, he rubbed and squeezed over every bit of skin he could reach. And he adjusted her to make it easier to reach more of her body to claim.

Kate nuzzled and snuggled and pressed as close to her mate as it was possible to do. Need you in control of me... she admitted, with a tiny whimper. Only feel safe and... and settled... when you have me... she added on, with a hint of shame. She shouldn't need that, should she? She should be able to control her feelings and needs without burdening her mate.

It's not a problem, he replied reassuringly. I want to take care of you. It makes me very happy that you feel safe with me. He pulled away from the kiss, but that was only so he could begin trailing kisses along her skin, following the same path his hands had taken.

Kate shivered as he kissed a trail down her skin. It felt so good. But what felt best was that he didn't mind her moodiness, uncertainty, or fears. He understood her and loved her anyway. She moaned softly, arching into the kisses.

Norman smiled at the responses he got from her. When he reached her legs, he gently kissed between them and then pushed his tongue gently against her centre.

Kate gasped at feeling his tongue against her. She'd never experienced it before, even if she'd read about it, and it was better than she'd imagined. She began to feel achy between her legs and could tell she was getting wet for him. "Feels so good..." She groaned softly, her hands automatically finding his head, her fingers gently tangling in his hair as she held on; not holding him in place, but needing to hold him.

He couldn't respond out loud, not with what he was doing, but he sent an acknowledgement through the bond, also letting her know that it felt good to do this to her. He could feel her getting wet and began to lap at her juices.

She felt so vulnerable and wanted, feeling his tongue moving against her and in her. She felt like she belonged... that she was owned. It eased one of the fears she had and she felt herself relaxing for him, opening up for him. She could tell she was dripping for him. Her breathing was erratic and all she could do was whimper and moan at how good it felt, feeling his mouth on her most sensitive areas, having him taste her like she was a buffet for his enjoyment. I'm yours... she thought, her emotions shaky but clear. He could do anything to her and she would accept it, trust him.

You're mine, he agreed, even as his tongue delved deep inside her. His fingers gripped her hips firmly, holding her still so that he could taste. So that she had no choice but to lay there and take everything she gave him.

A feeling of peace coursed through her at hearing his agreement that she was his... that she belonged to him and the implication that meant he could do this whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted and she would submit. Even if she knew he would never force her, the fact that her obedience was expected was enough to let her drop slightly, giving him more of herself. She'd continued to shave herself smooth, which allowed her to feel his breath over her skin as he delved deep. She groaned more loudly, feeling herself beginning to tighten inside, even as her juices freely flowed.

He pushed his tongue deeper inside her, inhaling her scent as he continued to lap up her juices, like he was thirsty and wanted to drink her in entirely. His fingers tightened their grip on her hips, pulling her closer to make it easier to take her.

Kate moaned softly, her legs falling further open in offering. She felt so sensitive inside and feeling his tongue moving in her, lapping at her, caused her to feel like liquid jelly, her belly twisting with desire. Her nipples were hard and aching from arousal and tears were sliding down her cheeks from the high emotion and helpless submission she felt. She could feel herself dripping for him. She wanted to give him everything... all of her. She wanted him to claim every part of her that he could claim; mouth, breasts, pussy, bottom. She would give him her very breath if he asked for it, the feeling slipping through the bond to him.

You are mine. He thought the words through the bond to her with all the intensity he could. He could feel her arousal through the bond and it was clear, more than clear, how good it felt to him.

Kate let out a tiny sob at the possessiveness, slumping further in submission. She loved feeling his tongue inside her, she loved that he was enjoying her taste... that he wanted her in this way. She loved that she could give herself to him fully and belong completely to him. My master... she thought hesitantly, not certain the word fit or that he would like it, but it was the closest to how she felt that she could think of.

The stab of arousal that went through him at those words, at her submission, was immediately obvious. He shifted slightly and delved his tongue in deeper, swirling along the part of her he'd been seeking out.

Kate's eyes widened and she choked on her breath as feeling that spot licked caused a spark in her body that made her clench slightly, her body shaking with a need to fall apart. Master... she begged.

Hold on until I tell you, he ordered, even as he continued to lick and suckle on that spot.

Closing her eyes tightly, Kate shivered at the order, dropping a slight bit more. Somehow, she obeyed him. It felt so good.

He continued to push his tongue inside her, tasting her juices and gently tormenting her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. Finally, though, he couldn't ignore his own arousal anymore. Let go! he ordered, gripping her hips tight enough that he knew he'd leave the imprints of his fingers behind.

By the time she was given permission... Ordered to let go... Kate was beyond aroused. She felt so tight and achy inside, that the moment her Master told her to let go, her body immediately went into spasms, fluid spurting out of her like a fountain as she sobbed out her release. She could feel Norman's fingers digging into her, holding her fast, and she felt safe. Owned. She dropped just a slight bit further; not so much she lost focus, but enough that her focus was fully on Norman. He was marking her as his and it was exactly what she'd needed.

Norman could feel Kate's orgasm as it tore through her and the feel of it triggered his own orgasm. He released, harder than he ever had before, even as he took everything she gave him, pulling her essence deep inside.

By the time her orgasm faded, Kate lay limp under Norman, a shocked and dazed look on her face and carrying through the bond. Her breathing slowly evened out, but even so, she stayed where she was. Her Master would decide when he was through. Until then, she'd leave herself open, vulnerable and ready for whatever he wanted. It felt wrong to do anything else.

With one final long, leisurely lick to her centre, Norman slowly withdew his tongue and loosened his hold on her hips; though he didn't let go of her and instead pulled her close enough that she was settled on his lap once more. He kissed her shoulder, allowing her to feel his sense of satisfaction and need to possess that came clearly through the bond.

Kate leaned against Norman heavily, a lovestruck, goofy grin on her face and a feeling of satisfied belonging. The melancholy despair had mostly faded under the endorphins, but the biggest difference was it was obvious through the bond that she felt like she truly belonged to her Dom now. He wasn't just her protector who would occasionally humor her needs with a quick claiming. He was her Master and took what he wanted. The slight difference was enough to help her feel secure. She snuggled and nuzzled him, unashamed that she was naked while he was clothed. It made it clear their positions and aided in her security. Plus... he deserved to be able to see and touch what belonged to him.

Norman gently kissed her neck and then shifted enough so that he could lay back on the bed, drawing her down with him. Sleep now, he said gently. I won't let go of you.

Kate snuggled, her legs and arms wrapping and tangling with his. She put her head on his chest. I love you... was the last thought she had, before she obediently slept.

He sent through his own feelings of love and care before he too closed his eyes and slipped into sleep.


Tony stood at the door to Morgan's shared room, staring in at his sleeping daughter, before carefully backing away and shutting the door. "I forgot about him, Pep.... He was all but legally my son and I forgot him."

"We all did, Tony... You heard Stephen. It was the only way to keep the dimensions from destroying each other...." Pepper pointed out.

"If I had been awake, I could have helped him. Spells wouldn't have been necessary." Tony rubbed over his heart, over where the arc reactor had been once upon a time. It was a habit he did whenever distressed.

"You nearly died because of another threat that had already taken a lot of what you loved," Mordo said quietly. "It was impossible to predict something like this could have happened. It was even impossible to predict the spell going wrong the way it did." He took a step nearer to Tony, allowing reassurance and care to flow through the bond to the other man. "With more people remembering who he is now, the chances of finding him are higher. And he will also be a priority. Just like the rest of the family."

Tony reached out and took both Mordo's and Pepper's hands, squeezing firmly, taking strength from both of his mates. "Thank you... I needed to hear that, I think. We'll find everyone's family. And we'll find a way to defeat Ultimus and free everyone else...." He sounded like he was trying to convince himself, though it was a lot less hopeless sounding than it had been before he began to lean on Mordo and Pepper.

Mordo gently squeezed Tony's hand in return. "We'll find him. And we'll find the others," he promised. "And your memories of him have been returned, which gives hope that the rest of him will be too."

Tony smiled crookedly at Mordo, impulsively leaning in and kissing the other man before turning and kissing Pepper as well. "Let's go to bed. I feel really tired..." he admitted, in a weary voice.

Pepper kissed Tony back before turning and kissing Mordo as well. "Yes... Let's all get some sleep."

Mordo nodded in agreement. "Tomorrow, we will plan the next rescue." He moved to enter their room.

They all three entered and it took very little time to get ready for bed. They all three snuggled close together and were soon asleep.


Grant followed Frank and Steve to their room. He was quiet as everyone got ready and crawled into bed, Steve in the middle so he could hold both of his subs. Once they were all situated, he finally asked, in a whisper, "They plan to find Coulson again and bring him here, don't they?"

"I believe so." Steve wrapped an arm each around both of his subs. "But if there's a problem, we'll handle it," he promised his sub. "I know things didn't go well between the two of you either here or in your dimension, but things are different now. I won't let any harm come to you," he promised.

Grant nodded, licking his lower lip before pressing close and snuggling. "I know you won't let him hurt me. I just don't want to cause problems in the base...."

Frank snuggled close as well. "Seems to me that if there are problems in the base after he gets here, it wouldn't be your fault, since there aren't any problems right now. Everyone knows your past and has forgiven you and moved past it."

Steve nodded in agreement, cuddling both of his mates close. "We're all family here. And you won't cause any problems." He gently kissed Grant and then Frank.

Both men returned the kiss and settled into their Dom's arms. Soon, they were sound asleep.

Steve quickly followed his mates into sleep, cuddling both of them close and tight.


Dane walked with Otto to their room, a thoughtful look on his face. The question about getting into trouble for not thinking things through had made him remember all the times he'd taken chances, but no one had known because he was basically alone in life and no one was there who would have cared to take him in hand.

You seem very quiet, Otto observed, as he wrapped his arm around Diane's shoulders to lead the younger man into their room.

Just thinking about some of the stories. How they all got into trouble for doing things without thinking about it fully first, Dane admitted.

It seems to be a fairly common problem with many of those here, Otto commented. After all, you got into trouble for acting without thinking. And I can't honestly say that I haven't done the same thing. If I'd thought more, I wouldn't have ended up under the control of these robotic arms and trying to kill people I cared about.

Until you, I never got into trouble for acting without thinking. I didn't have anyone who cared enough to discipline me for that. Dane got ready for bed.

You have someone now. Otto began getting undressed as well. I care enough about you, love you enough, to spank you if you act without thinking and put yourself in danger.

You do. I never realized what I was missing until I finally had it. Dane smiled. He was stripped by now and went to brush his teeth, not bothering with pajamas.

I believe I have heard that mentioned by more than a few of those here. Otto's mental voice was amused.

Must mean it is true... Dane's own feelings were amused. Finishing cleaning his teeth, he walked back into the bedroom and got onto the bed, doing an exaggerated 'sexy' crawl while looking over his shoulder at Otto. I was often naughty before you got me. Are you gonna make me behave? He gave an impish wink.

That's the plan, I believe. Otto's fond amusement came clearly through the bond, even as he reached out and gently grasped Dane's hips, pulling his bond mate close.

Dane laughed softly as he was pulled backwards into his mate, feeling his bottom pressed against Otto's hips. He wasn't certain if he should stay on all fours, or rise up so his back was against Otto's chest, so sent a mental question to his master.

However you're most comfortable, Otto directed, letting his hands stroke over Dane's chest, stomach and legs.

Dane liked being on his hands and knees, because it put him in perfect position for Otto to just push in when he was ready. But rising up so his back pressed to Otto's chest would enable the older man to be able to rub his chest easier. Although... he could lean back into Otto so his chest could be rubbed and then Otto push him back down onto his hands when he was ready to push in....  With that in mind, he slowly rose up so he was flush against Otto's chest, from shoulder to bottom.

Otto gently ran his hands over Dane's chest and stomach, squeezing and rubbing. He then encircled his mate's nipples with his fingers, beginning to genty squeeze, twist and pinch. At the same time, he pressed a firm kiss to his mate's neck, nipping gently at the skin.

Dane let out a happy moan, letting his head fall forward so his neck was completely exposed and vulnerable to his Dom. Even if he did nothing but mark him with love bites, just being under Otto's control was enough to cause Dane to start dropping.

Otto continued to gently rub, squeeze and twist Dane's nipples, even as he carried on gently nipping his mate's neck. Through the bond, he sent through waves of love and care...his need and desire to dominate.

Dane relaxed further, leaning back into his mate, slipping further into submission.  It was clear that all he wanted was to belong to and be claimed by Otto in whatever form Otto most wanted. Love you, sir. So much. Dane's voice sounded almost drugged. If you mark my neck, I will go without a shirt tomorrow so everyone can see the marks... if you wanted.

I do want that. I love you. So much. Otto began to suck as well as gently nip Dane's skin, so he could leave a necklace of love bites.

Dane felt a pleased happiness that Otto wanted to show off his claim as much as Dane wanted to show it. The slight sting of the love bites felt good to him and he settled in place, holding still so Otto could easily suck and nibble around his neck. His nipples were hard, swollen nubs, an angry red from the pinching and twisting Otto had subjected them too. They stung as well, which aided in helping Dane submit further. His member hung, neglected, between his thighs, hard and fully aroused. He didn't even think of reaching to take care of it himself. His entire focus was on Otto's mouth claiming him and marking him as his. He slumped slightly and dropped just that small bit further; the only thing he could focus on was his mate and what Otto was doing to his neck.

Once Dane's nipples were hard, swollen and red, Otto moved one hand from his mate's nipples to between Dane's legs. He grasped Dane's member and gripped it firmly, beginning to stroke.

Dane shivered as he felt his master's hand on him, stroking. His focus was still on Otto's mouth and the stinging claim that was being marked into his skin. It was easy to widen his legs slightly so Otto had more control over his member, but even though he was fully aroused and leaking precum for his master, he didn't release. His body had become trained enough by this point that the only way he would release was if Otto ordered it. Otto could play with his body for as long as he wanted, mark anywhere and everywhere, and Dane wouldn't release until told to do so. Even if it hurt, he would hold on.

Otto continued to firmly stroke Dane's member, even as he left a full necklace of bite marks around his mate's neck. Once that was done, he shifted Dane enough to begin kissing and sucking on his shoulders...all while continuing to stroke and grip his mate's member.

Dane groaned as his Dom began to leave the claiming marks on his shoulders as well. Yours, master... completely... everyone will see... he thought, pleased at the idea of his whole body bearing the marks of his master's control and ownership.

MINE. The response was accompanied by a low, possessive growl. Otto marked Dane's shoulders and adjusted his mate enough to allow him to continue leaving marks. At the same time, he was still stroking and gently squeezing Dane's member.

Dane's member twitched in Otto's hand at the possessive response, but he didn't release. He moaned softly and let himself be shifted so Otto could continue to leave marks. Wish I could have them be permanent... he thought, the idea of having a permanent mark that couldn't be removed filling him with warmth. So I could see anytime I looked in the mirror... I belong to you.

Otto was clearly intrigued by the idea, but all of the possibilities he could think of required a professional to help. Perhaps when this is all over and our dimensions are free from Ultimus, he thought.

Yessir. When we are free of Ultimus... Dane agreed easily. He wasn't dropped to the point Otto needed to call him back, but he was dropped enough he needed his master to keep care of him... Look after him... He wasn't able to function without directions.

Good boy. Otto sent the words of praise through the bond. He pressed a harder kiss to Dane's neck and then squeezed his member. Let go for me. Now, he ordered.

Dane was hardly aware of his body beginning to spasm and shoot out his release for his master. All he knew was Otto had given him an order and he was obeying. His eyes were closed and he was lying back against Otto, accepting the claiming marks, a dazed, placid look on his face.

Otto gently kissed the side of Diane's head and then reached out with one of his robotic arms, picking up a washcloth and beginning to clean his mate.

I love you, Dane thought, his body quivering slightly as his master kissed, then cleaned him. Want to obey you...

I love you too. And you are good for me. So very good for me. Otto finished cleaning Dane and himself up, then settled them so that they could lay down comfortably together, pulling the blanket up and over them both.

Dane snuggled close, still dropped enough that he would do whatever asked without thinking or question.

Otto kissed his mate's forehead and wrapped his arms tightly around Dane. Sleep now, my heart. I have you. I love you.

Dane closed his eyes obediently and snuggled close. I love you too, sir... he thought, before falling asleep.

Otto closed his eyes and snuggled his mate as he too slipped into sleep.


Steven/Marc followed Ajak back to their room He was very quiet, both physically and through the bond.

Once they were in their room, Ajak looked towards her bond mate. "How are you feeling?" she asked gently. She strongly suspected this was a third personality...perhaps the one who had been in control while Ultimus had taken her mate...but didn't yet ask.

"Yeah. I'm feeling pretty good. Could be worse, you know?" Steven/Marc answered. The words weren't necessarily 'off', but the tone wasn't his normal tone, as either Steven or as Marc.

Ajak nodded slowly. "Are you the one who was in control while Ultimus had you all enslaved?" She decided to ask the question. The differences were subtle, but she'd been alive for a long time and she had a fairly good idea she was correct.

Her submissive blinked at the question before grinning wolfishly. "Was it that obvious?" he asked curiously. "I'm Jake. Jake Lockley. I'm not nice like Steven. Or moral like Marc. I did what was needed to keep us alive, though. They don't know about me. If they knew what I did, they'd be very upset."

"Not so obvious," Ajak answered. "But I've been alive for long enough that I've seen a lot of things. A lot of people. Including others with multiple personalities like you three." She walked over and sat down on the bed, patting the mattress next to her in invitation. "You don't need to explain yourself to me."

Jake walked over and sat down next to her. "I feel like I owe an explanation. Which is odd for me."

"If you want to explain, or if you want to say anything to me, ask me anything, you are free to do so." She placed a hand on his arm and gently squeezed.

"I've been paying attention to Steven and Marc. I think I understand how we are bound. I will answer to you, like they do. It seems to work." Jake grinned crookedly.

"It does work," she agreed. "I've got to know Marc and Steven's individual needs. I am more than willing to do the same with you. But I don't think we should hide your existence from them anymore."

"I kept it from them for a very good reason..." Jake said, with a huff. "I'm a hitman. And Konshu decided to start working with me when Marc and Steven 'got free' of him. I've killed a lot of the people they 'let go' and if they find that out, they'll just be depressed. They wanted to give these people another chance. I'm not so merciful. 

"Jake. They're going to figure out there's another personality," she said calmly. "They probably already have, given that they know neither of them were in control when Ultimus had hold of you. What a person imagines is often far worse than the reality."

Jake sighed. "I guess. If you think they should know, then let them know... but... be prepared. Steven especially isn't going to like what I got up to in our body. Marc might be more forgiving, but only because he's a bit more realistic and didn't fully expect Konshu to let him go anyway. He still won't be happy to know there is a ruthless part to him that was running around doing stuff, though."

"I understand, but since we've been bonded, Marc and Steven have grown more aware of each other," Ajak said. "It wouldn't surprise me if that begins to include you as well. Better for me to help them handle this than to just suddenly become aware with no warning."

Jake bit his lip and nodded. "Yeah. You're right. If it helps them at all, I never went after innocent people. Khonshu only had me going after bad guys. And before then, I only took jobs to take out bad guys...."

She nodded slowly. "It might not immediately help, but I'm sure the knowledge will be better in the long run."

Jake slumped slightly. "I just wanted to meet you. I don't really have a reason to be the one in control right now. I can withdraw."

"I don't want you to withdraw. I'm glad I've been able to meet you. That you came forward." She wrapped her arms around him, drawing him into a close hug. "You're as much a part of this as Marc and Steven."

Jake wrapped his own arms around her and hugged back. "Thanks... You've been good for them. Figured...maybe it'd be good to meet you and let you know about me..." He smiled crookedly.

"I'm really glad you did decide to come out," she said sincerely, hugging him a bit tighter. "I'm happy I've been able to meet you." She left the bond open, so that he could feel the honesty and sincerity in her words.

"Should I... should I introduce myself to the others? I mean, Rogers and Stark and them?" Jake asked quietly.

"I think that would be a good idea," she agreed. "It would help to know of your existence when planning out the next rescue, I'm sure. Especially as Ultimus is likely to be more on his guard when it comes to the next group we try to free."

"Okay. My abilities aren't really any different than Marc's, to be honest. The only difference between us is he still has a conscience that stops him from going too far and I... don't? I do have my moral code, don't hurt innocents, but I can be a bit cruel. Just saying. Cuz if we run into any of those HYDRA types that willingly help Ultimus without being controlled by him, I'm not likely to be nice," Jake stated.

"I'm not sure I could say that the people willingly helping Ultimus should be spared," she admitted. "They willingly went along to enslave their entire dimension. And I know a lot of people have died that might have been able to survive if everyone had come together to fight back."

Jake nodded. "I'm glad you understand me... I think the bond wants me to submit to you like Steven and Marc did, but I didn't feel like I could until you knew what I was like. And I knew you understood."

She smiled at the words, but spoke in a sad voice. "I have seen too much to believe that every enemy can realistically be spared. There are people who feel true remorse for their actions and who will attempt to make up for those. But there are many who would just revert back to their nature as soon as the personal threat to them is gone."

Jake nodded. "I understand that too. I... I try very hard not to cross the line I set for myself. I think if I am to submit to you, though, maybe I should let you decide if I take certain actions or not... from now on."

"I think that would be a very good idea," she agreed. "I'm proud of you for thinking of that."

Jake blushed faintly. "To be honest, I think it would be the only way Marc or Steven would be comfortable with my presence. If they knew someone they trusted could stop me from doing something horrible. And... I trust you. I've watched how you treat them and... you're good. You're also realistic and accept that I'm a part of them. So, I think listening to you when it comes to what I do? Would be a good thing for me."

"I think so too," she said. "Besides. Taking lives has an effect on people. You may not realise it now, but it takes its toll. Even if they do deserve it." Of all the Eternals, she was the only one who remembered fully all of their previous missions. And the job Arishem had given her had taken its own toll on her. If she could, she'd help her own bond mate keep from experiencing something similar.

"Even if it didn't affect me, it would affect the others... since we share a body. I'm not sure it could affect me. The parts of me that it might have affected are actually part of another person in the body... I think. I don't know for sure. I'm pretty sure it isn't just us three in here, but I don't know of the others yet. The one controlling the body is generally the one that needs to be in control at any given time...." Jake said uncertainly. "Congratulations. You're probably going to be the glue that holds us all together." He laughed softly.

"Well. It's just as well that's a job I can willingly do," she said, allowing a small smile. "If there are others, I'm sure I will become aware of them as well," she added.

Jake nodded. He hugged a little more, then reluctantly pulled back. "I guess it is time to sleep...."

"Once we are both undressed, I can still hold onto you  while we sleep," she offered.

"I'd like that..." Jake said. "Should I undress now? Do... do I wear pajamas?" he asked uncertainly. When he was by himself, he didn't, but this was the first time he'd been in control of their body at night, since bonding to Ajak.

"Marc and Steven don't normally," she answered. "But if you feel more comfortable with them on, then it isn't a problem to wear them."

"I don't normally. Just wanted to be certain that was okay..." Jake shrugged and began to remove his clothes.

"Any way you feel comfortable is okay." Ajak also began to undress.

Once he was completely naked, Jake waited for Ajak to tell him what to do. He felt like it was her bed; at least until he had shared it with her at least once and knew what side she preferred and such.

Ajak settled on the bed and simply held her arms out to him in invitation.

Jake crawled into the bed next to his Dom and snuggled close to her. Am... am I allowed to touch you, mistress? He finally decided to test their ability to mind talk, as well as finding out exactly what their relationship was like when he wasn't around.

Of course. She wrapped her arms around him tightly. You never have to ask for permission for that.

Jake nuzzled her shoulder gently before carefully sliding down enough that he could place his head on her chest, still snuggling close. He nuzzled her chest for a few moments, before finally latching onto a nipple and sucking gently, letting his tongue swirl around it while he sucked. It wasn't hurried, or even an attempt to arouse her, though he wouldn't be upset if it did arouse her. It was more a quest to get to know a part of her body; and a way to soothe the fact that he still wasn't certain he belonged to her. It was comforting that she was allowing it.

In response, she let her arms wrap more firmly, more tightly, around him. The action was arousing her, but she made no attempt to change his pace, or direct him to somewhere else. She was willing to allow him to touch or explore however he felt the most comfortable.

Jake continued to nuzzle and suckle her breast, slowly feeling more and more at ease and comforted by the fact she was allowing it. He only stopped long enough to move to her other nipple and continuing the slow sucking and licking, otherwise just snuggling in her arms. Oddly, he wasn't aroused by his actions, though he could feel she was beginning to be slightly aroused. In response, he let one hand shift lower to gently rub at her clit; not hard or quick and he was ready to stop if she told him to. He was happy to focus solely on his oral fixation.

Ajak didn't tell him to stop, or attempt to get him to move his attention or focus. She kept the bond  open between them, allowing him to feel the effects his actions were having on her...but she was content to continue allowing him to do what he wanted. Her own hands rubbed gently up and down his back.

Jake continued to snuggle while focusing on her breast. He'd occasionally shift from one nipple to the other, so that he didn't accidentally make her sore, but otherwise only focused on her breast. His hand continued to gently stroke her clit, though, only shifting enough so that it was his thumb rubbing her, while his index finger moved to her entrance and he could begin to slide it in and out of her in a very slow, thrusting movement. He wanted to make her feel good, even if what he needed was the comfort she was providing.

She didn't try to hide the fact that he was making her feel good, the slight arousal growing the longer he stroked her clit. She still didn't take control or direct him, though. Her fingers stroked gently through his hair, even as her hand stroked lightly up and down his back.

Jake let out a contented little sigh and whimper as she rubbed and stroked his hair and back. He felt contentment at being able to latch onto her and just... be. He felt young and needy; and feeling her in his mouth, filling his mouth, while she held him, it was difficult to put a word to. He was slightly dropped from the action, but not in the way Marc or Steven had dropped. He still wasn't aroused. But he felt very good. He gently began to push a second finger into her while he rubbed his thumb over her clit, stroking her gently inside, carefully seeking the spot that would enable her to get the most pleasure from what he was doing.

When he found that spot inside her, Ajak couldn't help but react. She gave a quiet gasp and her hands clenched on him, just a little, as pleasure sparked through her. She still didn't try to control his actions, but they felt very good.

Jake began to nuzzle, suck and lick just a little bit harder as he began to focus his rubbing on that one spot, thrusting his fingers, still gently but more forcefully, inside her to give her more pleasure 

Ajak's groan was long and drawn out. Her fingers clenched gently on his hair and back, even as she continued to stroke and gently caress him. Still. His actions had reached a point where she couldn't ignore the arousal he was causing.

Tell me what you want, mistress... Let me obey you? Jake switched nipples again, suckling like a hungry babe.

You are already doing what I want. You are already obeying me. She stroked his hair; down over his back. She held him closer and tighter.

A feeling of pleased happiness shot through the bond at her words. He rested her head on her chest, still holding a nipple in his mouth, but only languidly licking now. Most of his focus shifted to where his hand was stroking inside of her, making certain to pay close attention to her feelings through the bond so that he could get the pressure and speed just right to take her over the edge.

It didn't take much to send her to full arousal. She wasn't trying to hold back, or to hide, so it only took a few more moments of him stroking inside her for her orgasm to wash over her. Her fingers tightened on him in response.

He let out a tiny mewl as her grip tightened and he felt her orgasm. Peace washed over him at knowing he'd satisfied his mistress and he settled against her, going back to languidly licking and sucking, though it was obvious he was beginning to fall asleep, still firmly attached to her nipple.

As the waves of her orgasm began to recede, she calmed and her body settled as she resumed the gentle stroking and caressing, hoping to soothe him into sleep.

Jake felt accepted and understood. It was comforting to him... as comforting as being snuggled close while he nuzzled, sucked and licked the nipple he gently held in his mouth. He'd always been a bit orally fixated, but most women he'd been with had only tolerated it as long as it led to their orgasms; they didn't want him to continue when they were no longer aroused. That she didn't make him stop and instead continued to gently stroke his hair and back, while he continued his rather needy behavior, cemented for him that she was in this for the long haul and wanted him to feel good. He fell asleep still attached to her, arms and legs wrapped around her loosely, a needy 'boy' looking to be taken care of.

Ajak didn't let go of Jake, even after he fell asleep. She also fell asleep, still holding her bond mate in a tight embrace...almost protectively.


Peter grinned at Loki. Do you still shape shift? he asked his mate.

Not as much as when I was younger, Loki replied. Though I did tease Thor a few times by changing my shape. And his own.

That ability could maybe be useful... against Ultimus, Quill suggested.

Loki nodded. My ability to create copies of myself could as well, he commented. At least when we are in battle. If we could learn more about Ultimus, what he is and where he comes from, that might also help us 

I wonder if there is anyone, anywhere, who actually knew about him... Peter pondered. I mean, he caught so many dimensions unaware.

He had to have come from somewhere, Loki said. But many dimensions aren't aware of the fact that others exist. Even those that did become aware, due to bleeding into each other like this one, couldn't have anticipated a threat that could willingly cross into other dimensions and take control of every inhabitant. Ultimus subjugates the people fast. That's why it's important for us to find a way of reaching out to different dimensions and communicating with them...warning them.

How, though? Especially if we didn't know about other dimensions till recently, how would we contact them? Peter asked, with a sigh.

I overheard Steve Rogers mentioning a theory that some dreams are actually of other dimensions, Loki said. It's possible we could make use of that. Since they were in their bedroom, he began to get undressed for bed.

Peter nodded, stripping naked before padding into the bathroom to brush his teeth. If we remember details of our dreams, maybe we can somehow form a connection to those dimensions we dream of?

I know the sorcerers had sanctums here in this world, Loki said. During our next mission, while half of us goes to retrieve the next rescues, perhaps another group of us should try to infiltrate the sanctums and see if there's a way to make contact.

That could work. Peter came out, an excited look on his face.

Are you excited because of the possibility of infiltrating the sanctums, or something else? A trace of amusement carried through the bond as Loki went to clean his teeth.

I'm excited at the chance to see the Sanctums... Peter admitted. It's a chance to get out of the base, at least. And if we were somehow able to free them from Ultimus' control and somehow make them invisible to him... if that's even possible... it would give us more places to hide if he ever somehow found this place.

That's a good point. Although I believe there are contingency plans in place in case this base is discovered. Loki finished brushing his teeth and washing his face, then headed back in and settled on the bed, holding his arms out to Peter.

Peter immediately crawled onto the bed and into Loki's arms. The base was a comfortable temperature, so he didn't feel the need to put on pajamas unless his Dom told him to. They do. But it can never hurt to have more than a few secret bases.

You're probably right. Loki wrapped his arms tightly around Peter. Sleep now. It's been an emotional day.

Peter snuggled close and closed his eyes. He was soon asleep.


Bruce walked with Clint back to their rooms, clearly lost in thought. After a few moments, though, he spoke. Hearing you tell that story about Coulson seems to make the form our bond took make a lot more sense.

It does? Clint asked hesitantly. In what way?

You're not submissive to the extent that some of the other subs are, but it's like you said. You are submissive under the right circumstances. Bruce glanced at his friend. Is being dominated non-sexually something you'd want?

I think being dominated non-sexually is the only way I like being dominated... Clint admitted. For all our having sex put you in control of me... You weren't truly dominating me at the time.

Bruce nodded. But I was meaning, do you want to be dominated? There was no point in tiptoeing around the issue. The two of them had known each other for long enough that they didn't really need to be embarrassed around each other.

Only if it's you dominating me. I have only felt that need with Coulson.. and now you... Clint admitted.

I get that. Do you want to head to bed now? Bruce asked.

Unless you want to talk some more? Clint asked curiously.

Wondered if you'd like to do anything now...or for me to do anything now. Bruce wasn't entirely sure if asking was the right move, but he didn't know if Clint would only want to be submissive at certain times, or any other caveats, so...asking it was.

If... if you feel okay with it, it might help... Clint admitted.

Yeah. Maybe you should stay in my room, for at least tonight. Might make things a bit easier. Bruce gently squeezed Clint's shoulder. Grab what you need...if you want to wear pajamas. It didn't bother him if Clint preferred not to, but he left the option open.

Okay... It'll only take me a few seconds. Don't wear pajamas, but prolly better if I have them in case something happens and we have to leave the room quickly... Clint grinned crookedly and went to get his stuff.

Bruce sent through an acknowledgement and waited for Clint to be ready.

It didn't take long. Soon, Clint was joining Bruce, an armful of necessities in his arms. He followed Bruce to the other man's room.

Letting his hand rest gently on Clint's shoulder, Bruce guided the other man into his room and closed the door. "Put your things anywhere," he invited.

Clint looked around and put his toiletries in the bathroom, taking time to brush his teeth. He then came back into the bedroom and put his fresh clothes for the next day and his pajamas on top of the dresser. He then looked toward Bruce. Do you want me to take off my dirty clothes? he asked hesitantly.

Bruce had changed into pajamas while Clint was in the bathroom. Depending on how things went tonight, he might not stay clothed the next time...but he figured doing so would indicate he didn't expect this to turn into anything sexual. Yeah, he answered. You can put them in the hamper. He nodded towards where it was.

Clint nodded, then began to remove his clothes. Once naked, he put them into the hamper. What now, sir?

Bruce moved over to the bed and sat down. Come here. It was more of an order than he'd initially intended, but it felt right. Giving Clint an order...a direction...felt right.

Clint quickly obeyed, moving to Bruce's side. It felt good, being able to obey him.

Bruce reached out and gently grasped Clint around the waist. He squeezed the other man lightly and then guided Clint into position across his lap.

Clint shivered as he was positioned, reaching down and holding on to Bruce's leg.

Bruce took a few moments to settle adjust the other man's position so that Clint's body was well-supported by the bed and his thighs. He let his hands linger on the other man's back, rubbing gently down his spine before reaching the crest of his bottom, which he lightly swatted before he rubbed the spot he'd just smacked.

Clint groaned softly, settling into position and relaxing.

Bruce rubbed for a few more moments and then gently swatted just below the first, before he began to rub that spot too.

Clint quivered, his body almost sinking into Bruce as he went boneless in acceptance. He hadn't realized how much he'd needed to be taken over and controlled until his bondmate had offered. For the first time in a long time, the constant agitation he always felt under his skin trying to keep control over himself and all his situations eased. He was safe. Bruce had him and would make sure he was okay.

Bruce could feel that Clint was surrendering...accepting. He continued to gently swat, pausing after each one to rub the other man's bottom. Even though the smacks were light, they were still enough to leave the beginnings of a pink tinge behind.

Th... thank you, Big Guy... Clint slumped just that slight bit more as the sting built up. It... I feel safer now. Somehow... I really needed to give you control over me, I guess. First time I've felt right in a long time.

I'm glad to hear that, Clint. I care deeply about you and would do anything to help you. It might not be sexual or romantic love, but Bruce did love his friend. And he kept the bond open between them, so that Clint could feel that love.

Clint teared up at that. I love you too, buddy. I'd give you anything... whatever you needed... if I was able to... Clint admitted. Even if Bruce decided he needed sex or romance, Clint would give it; he was adaptable and he loved his friend and wanted to make him feel that love and be happy.

You already gave me everything I need, Bruce said honestly. I spent more than a year under Ultimus' control and thanks to you, I have freedom. And hope that we can free the rest of our world. I want to give you everything you need. He was continuing to lightly smack and rub after each swat.

As long as it doesn't bother you... that I need to obey you... I have what I need. It helps... having one person who I am expected to obey no matter what... Clint admitted.

It doesn't bother me, Bruce promised. And I'll continue giving you what you need. I'm more than willing to take that control even when there are others around, too. If you need that. He shifted Clint enough to expose his sit spots.

I... I appreciate that... I think I will need that. Maybe not immediately, but... if I start pushing, I'll need you to step in. I know myself well enough to know that. Clint swallowed hard, tears beginning to slide down his face; both because of the sting, but mostly because he felt so accepted and cared about. He completely slumped over Bruce's knee, accepting the smacks to his sit spots without even squirming. He'd feel this for at least long enough to fall asleep. It was comforting.

I'll step in every time you need me to, Bruce promised. You're that important to me, Clint. You mean that much to me. He was still rubbing after each smack, the other man's backside colouring to a warm pink under his hand.

"I'm lucky I've got you..." Clint whispered softly, high emotion and devotion to Bruce clear in his tone and in his feelings.

"It won't change," Bruce promised out loud. "I won't stop doing this, even after we find the rest of our family. You'll still be mine. For always." 

"...Love you man..." Clint finally couldn't keep the tears silent and let out a tiny sob, his emotions overwhelming him.

"I love you." Bruce carefully moved Clint so that the other man was no longer over his lap, instead cuddled on it, and hugged him tightly.

Clint wrapped his arms around Bruce and snuggled close and tight, not ashamed in the least to be sitting on his friend's lap naked, while Bruce was fully clothed. It made their positions that much clearer. Bruce was in charge and Clint would obey him in everything.

Bruce hugged Clint tightly, gently rubbing down the other man's hair and back. Through the bond, he sent through his feelings of love, care, well as the feelings that Clint was his and Bruce had no intention of letting him go.

Clint was settled. There wasn't another word for it, he was calm and relaxed and happy; he was settled. Can I sleep in your arms tonight, sir? he asked confidently. He was pretty sure Bruce wouldn't say no, but he also knew if his master did say no, there was a good reason for it, so he wasn't worried about the answer or shy in asking for what he wanted.

Of course. There was no need for either of them to take care of anything else; they were both ready for bed. Bruce settled back on the bed, gently pulling Clint down with him so that his bond mate was held close and snug in his arms.

Clint put his head on Bruce's chest, tangling up their limbs, and kissed his mate over his heart. G'night, Big Guy... he thought fondly, before falling into a peaceful sleep.

Good night. Bruce kissed the top of Clint's head and quickly slipped into sleep as well.