Chapter Six

Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking (use of an implement); Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); AU


It was the morning after the truth or dare game. Knowing that there would be no forays outside of the base, and those who normally scouted for supplies had nothing to do, Marc snuggled against Ajak. Breakfast isn't for another two hours, mistress....

Ajak smiled and hugged him a bit tighter. Did you have something in mind for us to do during those two hours?

Marc grinned and nuzzled against her. Nothing specific, mistress. I'm just realizing how much I crave closeness and affection. Is it odd to just be realizing that now?

I don't believe so, Ajak answered, stroking her fingers through his hair and rubbing down his back. When you have wants or needs, I want you to tell them to me.

I will do my best, mistress. I was used to taking care of myself and ignoring any need that wasn't life or death. These feelings I have- wanting to tell you everything and let you control me- are... very new. Marc paused. Steven wants you to know that needing to constantly be touched is new too. Especially the wanting to be over your knee so you can spank my bottom. He blushed.

Being new isn't necessarily bad. They're only bad if they distress either of you or make you feel uncomfortable, Ajak said gently. Otherwise, I will do my best to fulfil the needs you both have.

Thank you. I... I'm confused that I am having the feelings, but not distressed. It feels like I'm finally being honest with myself. Only... I never even knew I was lying to myself, Marc admitted.

There's a saying I have heard humans use, Ajak said. You don't know what you've been missing until you have it. Perhaps that is what you are feeling.

Is that the opposite of you don't know what you have till it is gone? Marc asked cheekily.

I would assume so. Ajak chuckled softly, still gently stroking and caressing.

Marc snuggled. You know I like to be spanked. Is there something you like, though?

I like doing that, Ajak admitted. I like dominating you.

You do? I'm glad. I know you said it wasn't something you were used to. I hated thinking you felt obligated, but didn't like it. Marc kissed her shoulder.

She gently kissed the side of his head. I never experienced anything like this before, but I like dominating you, she admitted. And I like putting you over my knee, so I can spank your bottom. She slid her hand down his back to rest on his backside, lightly patting it.

He smiled, warmth spreading through his body and through the bond. It feels good when you do. In my head and heart.

She shifted enough to be able to sit back against the headboard, so that she could guide him across her lap. She rubbed his bottom for a few moments and then began to lightly smack.

Marc shivered and settled into place with a happy little moan. He left the bond wide open, so she could tell he needed what she was doing... needed her in control of him.

She lightly swatted for one full circuit of smacks, then paused to rub for a few moments before she began to smack again, this time a little bit harder.

Marc shifted slightly as her control and the sting seeped into his body, leaving him pliant and centered, focused entirely on his mistress. He groaned softly with pleasure.

As she continued to smack and rub the sting out, Ajak left the bond open between them, so that he could feel the pleasure she got from this; from being in control of him. It made her feel good.

Thank you, mistress, Marc thought. I love you.

I love you too. Ajak touched, stroked and explored as much as she swatted. It was clear, through the bond, that doing this felt good to her.

At some point, Ajak had lowered his pants to his knees- he didn't remember when- and his mistress' actions caused his bottom to be very sensitive to everything she did. Marc thought it was incredible, the feeling of helpless dependence on his bond mate, of needing to trust her, and being rewarded for that dependency and trust by her possessive touches and claiming. He would happily lay in place all day while she did whatever she wanted.

Ajak continued to stroke, rub, swat and squeeze. Having him in her complete control clearly made her feel good and brought her just as much joy as it did him.

Marc shivered as eventually, what she was doing brought him to arousal. Is there anything you want from me, mistress? Anything at all? Order it and I will obey....

I want you to hold on for me, she answered. I don't want you to let go until I give you permission.

Yes, ma'am. Marc shivered again, feeling his emotions slide faintly at knowing she controlled him completely.

Ajak continued her actions, enjoying being able to take him right to the edge.

Marc's toes curled, his fingers clenched around the bed sheet, and he whimpered as he fought to hold on. He was having difficulty not disobeying and releasing just from her spanking, squeezing and rubbing his bottom. If she decided to go further and rub inside, he feared he wouldn't be able to obey.

She continued her actions for a few more moments. Then, she moved one hand beneath him and took a firm, though gentle grasp of his member, squeezing it lightly. Let go for me now, she ordered.

Immediately, Marc spasmed in release, a soft cry escaping as he emptied for her. When it was over, he lay limp, lethargic and submissive, waiting for further instruction.

Good, she praised him softly, gently squeezing one thigh. You're so very good for me.

It's easy to be good for you, mistress. I want you to be happy. Marc's contentment and love carried through the bond.

I am, Ajak replied. I'm very happy with you.

The feeling of happy pleasure that he was making his mistress happy was overwhelming. I'm happy, he admitted.

I'm glad. Ajak moved him from being over her lap to being on it and just cuddled him tightly.

Marc cuddled and nuzzled against her in contentment. His bottom was very sensitive and he shivered from the contact, but didn't pull away. It was part of belonging to her.

Ajak kissed his cheek and just held him close, perfectly content just to snuggle.


When Grant woke the next morning, he was subdued. The truth or dare game had pointed out how messed up he really was. It made him wonder how Steve and Frank could stand being tied to him so closely.

I did messed up things too, Frank thought. We've both made mistakes. What matters is how we move forward.

Steve had woken up shortly before his mates, so he felt Grant's emotions at the same time Frank did. He wrapped his arms around both of them. Neither of you are alone now. We'll work on moving forward together, he promised.

How can you want to move forward with me? I mean... other than fighting Ultimus, I bring nothing good to you... Grant worried.

I believe everyone here can bring good, Steve answered. I wouldn't have bonded with you if I didn't see the possibility of a relationship forming from it.

You really believe that? Grant asked. He'd heard such positive quips from other people, but never in regards to himself; and after everything that had happened, those same positive people had been 'positive' he was evil incarnate. He hadn't really blamed them... not at first... but it was hard to understand Steve being different.

I do, Steve replied. It's not possible to get you into therapy at the moment, given that most of the world is still under the control of Ultimus. But once we get things normal and once people are freed again, we'll see about getting you help, he promised.

Okay... i know I need it... Grant felt shame that he was 'so messed up'.

There's no shame in needing help, Steve said gently. But you aren't alone anymore. And you won't ever be alone.

Grant swallowed hard, suddenly fighting tears. Thank you....

Steve just wrapped his arms around Grant and hugged tightly, opening himself up through the bond so that the other man could feel the truth in what he was saying.

Giving in to the need he'd always had to be wanted and cared about, Grant slumped against Steve, snuggling into the embrace.

I have you, Steve promised, holding him tight. I won't leave you.

Frank smiled at Steve over Grant's shoulder. We're family now, kid. You ain't losing either of us.

Frank's right, Steve agreed. The three of us are together now.

Grant sniffed back his tears and swallowed. I have family. I'm not alone. I'll spend every moment of my life making sure you don't regret it.

I won't regret it. I won't regret you, Steve replied. For all Ultimus has torn apart so many people, it's allowed you to have a second chance. To be able to start over. This time, with the right people.

Yeah. Another chance. Better this time. Grant snuggled.

I believe in you. Steve hugged him tight, reaching out to draw Frank in tight and close as well.

Frank moved into the group hug, holding onto both his mates tightly. We've got each other. And I believe in both of you.

Grant smiled at both of them. I trust both of you too.

They settled into a comfortable position to continue cuddling. They had a little while to wait before breakfast.


Mordo had woken fairly early and had spent a while in quiet meditation, focusing on keeping his mind disciplined. At the normal time that Tony woke, he reached out to the other man. It appears that forming a third-person bond worked without any trouble. Once it's safe to leave the base, perhaps we should focus on trying to find Pepper and Ben, along with the next ones we plan to free.

Tony paused in getting ready for the day, touched that Mordo would bring it up with him instead of waiting for Tony to ask. I would like to do that, he admitted. We never talked about it, but it should be possible for you to bond a second person too, since you wouldn't have any need to bond Pepper.  If it is... is there someone we should look for?

I didn't have that many personal relationships before Ultimus came, Mordo replied. Wong and Stephen have always been like brothers to me, despite our conflicts. If there is another who needs to bond, we can consider whether that is a good fit or not.

Well, only if it is a good fit. You should be able to have someone that you are attracted to as a bond mate, Tony insisted.

With Druig here, there's the chance to make decisions like that, Mordo replied. I don't intend to bond with another person if I don't feel drawn to them in some way.

Good. I know you understood and would have chosen the same if you'd been able to, but I still feel bad about you not having a choice beforehand, Tony admitted.

Ultimus took my entire will and turned me into his slave, Mordo replied. I will forever be grateful that the steps you took caused me to be free.

And I will forever be grateful you understand. And it doesn't hurt having another person in my corner to keep me out of trouble, Tony teased.

Mordo snorted softly at that. I'm sure it doesn't.

It really doesn't. Pepper will be happy for the backup when I'm arguing that it's a good idea to put extra anything in whatever I'm making that doesn't really need extra. Tony's mirth carried through the bond.

I haven't noticed this problem so far, Mordo commented. Does that mean I should be on the lookout for it? His own mental voice was faintly joking.

Tony's happiness could be felt through the bond, while his laugh could be heard through the wall. After breakfast, are you interested in helping me in my lab? he asked.

That would be nice, Mordo agreed.

Great! I look forward to it! Tony said, the bond still thrumming with happiness.

Mordo's answering happiness came clearly through the bond. They might not have a romantic relationship, but it was still good to spend time with Tony. He finished dressing himself.


Kate had woken early, but pretended to be asleep. She was snuggled against Norman and didn't want to leave his warmth, or the warmth of the bed, to face the morning or what she had admitted to everyone the night before, or what she had accidentally admitted to Norman through her body's reactions.

Norman could feel through the bond that Kate was awake, but he didn't force her to talk or get up. Instead, he kept his arms around her and left himself open through the bond, so that she'd know he was awake and aware and there for her.

Sighing softly, relaxing as she realized he was awake but willing to let her stay like this with him longer, Kate finally broached all her confessions.  So... last night happened... she thought, not wanting to break the quiet.

It did, Norman agreed. I don't believe it was a bad thing. It's allowed me to gain a better understanding of you.

Well, you didn't go running the other way, so I guess that's a positive... Kate teased nervously. You aren't upset at what you found out? she asked more hesitantly.

I'm not upset, Norman replied. I'd rather you be honest with me and tell me what you're thinking and feeling. Even if it does come through the bond anyway, it's important to me that you make the choice to consciously tell me.

Kate looked up at him, an apologetically sheepish look on her face. I'm sorry you found out through the bond instead of my telling you. I just... I didn't want to pressure you into anything and... well, I had acted like I had all this experience and then I broadcast that I was almost a virgin, I'm so devoid of experience and I was afraid you'd be upset at that, but I wasn't... I didn't mean to hide things for a bad reason? But from now on, I won't hide. Even if it is embarrassing... she promised, hiding her face against his chest.

I wouldn't be upset, Norman replied. And you don't need to hide anything from me. You don't need to put on an act or pretend, even though I understand it might be all too easy. But I'm not going to be upset with you if you slip up, as long as you do your best.

If I tell you everything when I think it, you'll think I'm out of my mind... Kate thought half-seriously.

I want you to be comfortable with me, Norman said seriously. You don't need to hide or keep things from me.

Even if it makes you uncomfortable? Kate snuggled closer, needing reassurance.

Even then. Norman hugged her a bit tighter.

So, I should have told you that I'd only had sex once before and it wasn't terribly adventurous or even long? Instead of letting you think I knew what I was doing? Kate flushed.

If you'd told me you'd only been with one person, I would have been able to make sure I went slowly enough that it wasn't uncomfortable for you, Norman replied.

"But it wasn't uncomfortable..." Kate said out loud in surprise. "It was awesome and felt wonderful and... I liked it," she whispered.

"I know you gave consent at the time." Norman switched to speaking out loud because she was. "And I believe that you liked it. But I would have been more...gentle if I'd known that your experience was limited. I'm older than you and it could be very easy for me to take advantage, even though that's not my intention."

"Take advantage how? If I want it...?" Kate asked in confusion.

"Sometimes your body might want something that your mind doesn't necessarily want. Or isn't necessarily ready for," Norman said. "I'm willing to try for a relationship that you want to have with me, but I want you to be absolutely certain that what you ask me for is what you want. And if it takes a while to make that decision, that's okay too."

Kate bit her lip and cuddled close again. So, all the things that aroused me when I heard them last night... you know the idea turned me on, but if I actually want you to do any of them, I have to ask? And if I'm not sure....

If you're not sure, you don't ask, Norman replied. And if you wanted something, but realised you didn't after we started, then it's important that you say so. I won't do anything without explicit permission and being certain that you want it.

Okay. Is... is it okay to say I think I'm falling for you? Maybe it's partly the bond, but I like being with you. I feel safe and you really are sexy... Kate nuzzled.

Norman smiled at those words. It's more than okay, he replied. And I'm feeling the same way about you. He stroked his fingers through her hair.

Kate's happiness at that spiked. Can... can we... before breakfast? I... I want to feel like I really am yours.... she thought hesitantly, not realizing what her need to belong to him implied.

Are you sure? Norman asked, letting his hands rub gently over her back.

Yessir... I... I thought you didn't want me. That needing to bond had forced you into something you didn't want and you wanted to be like Tony and Mordo... or Phastos and Everett. And I was attracted to you from the beginning... I handled it all wrong and I'm sorry. I know you get a lot of my feelings from the bond that seem like I'm confused, but... that's the one thing I always knew for sure. If you are willing, I want to belong to you. And I... I want to belong to you physically, not just through the bond... Kate forced herself to look up as she told him, even though she was blushing darkly. It almost felt like she was begging. Oddly, that felt good, so she knew she'd likely 'beg' again in the future.

You're a lot younger than me. And, as I recently learned, more inexperienced. Norman smiled faintly. I didn't want to push or force you into anything you might not be ready for. He slid his hands up under her pajama shirt, gently caressing over bare skin. He then began to remove her clothing.

Because you're good. I'm so lucky it was you I could bond to, Kate thought honestly.  You've been very understanding... Kate shivered as he caressed bare skin. When he began to undress her, she cooperated to make it as easy as possible, a feeling of anticipation and excitement going through her as he took over.

Not always that good. The admittance was made in a slightly regretful tone. He finished undressing her and then leaned forward, engulfing one nipple into his mouth. One hand slipped between her legs and began to caress her.

Kate gasped as wet heat engulfed her nipple and her back arched, instinctively offering herself to her master to taste. Her legs fell open, accepting his right to touch her most intimate parts, and her body immediately began to get wet in response to that claim. Maybe not always, she responded, though it was clear her focus on the conversation was wavering rapidly as her focus changed toward his actions. But you've been nothing but understanding and caring... careful... with me.

Norman didn't respond with words. Instead, he left himself open through the bond. Allowed her to feel the pleasure he took from giving her pleasure. Allowed her to feel how good she felt to him. He released the nipple he had been sucking and then engulfed the second one in his mouth. At the same time, he pushed a finger inside her.

Kate let out a tiny mewl of need as his finger entered her. She was very wet, so it was easy and didn't hurt at all. She clenched around him, unable to help herself, her body instinctively trying to pull him in and hold him. Her nipples were hard nubs and had begun to ache for him. Much like her core ached for him. She wasn't attempting to hide or hold anything back, so he would feel... would know... not only how badly she needed him physically, but how much she needed to belong to him emotionally.

They hadn't yet spoken of their relationship beyond her wanting to be physically intimate with him. She hadn't really given it much thought, because she hadn't thought it would be possible. But through the bond, it was clear there was a submissiveness to her nature that was pushing to be let out if she did allow herself to face it.

Norman continued to stroke, tease and suck. He used his free hand to caress and squeeze the other nipple and down over her chest and stomach. He continued to stroke inside her for a few more moments before he pulled his fingers free and then proceeded to push inside her.

Kate widened her legs further and groaned softly as he pushed in. His fingers had felt good; his member felt indescribable, reaching deeper and filling her more completely. Feels so good, she thought on a whimper, needing to tell him, even though she was certain he could tell by the riotous feelings coursing through the bond. She wasn't blocking anything.

Norman kept himself fully open through the bond, so that Kate could feel that she felt just as good to him. His care and concern came through clearly in the bond as he began to thrust.

Kate's eyes widened and she looked into Norman's face as he thrust. Tiny gasps and whimpers escaped each time he pushed in, becoming breathier and louder each time he pressed in. Somehow, he found a spot inside that she never knew existed, his member stroking against it firmly with each thrust, sending sparks of pleasure through her body and short-circuiting her ability to think clearly. Her eyes became almost drugged looking from the arousal.

Norman moved his hands to her hips, gripping them tightly as he thrust harder and faster. He released her nipple and kissed her lips hard, pushing his tongue into her mouth.

Kate opened her mouth to him, accepting his tongue and sucking, swallowing convulsively as her tongue twined with his. The strength of his thrusts caused the ache inside her to grow and she began to tighten around him, tensing up as her body prepared for orgasm. She managed to hold on, though; wanting his permission.

He gripped her hips tighter and pressed deeper into the kiss. Let go, he said, the words clearly an order.

Kate groaned deep from her chest and shuddered as her orgasm overtook her. Her body clenched around his member, squeezing tight. Waves of affection and trust flooded the bond.

Norman's own release came over him at the same time and he let go hard inside her, fingers clenching tight on her hips as he allowed his own feelings and emotions to flow through the bond to her.

When Kate finally came down from the high of her orgasm, she sighed softly, slumping under Norman. She could feel him still inside her. Feel the warmth of his release inside her womb, slowly exiting. Yours... she thought, with a sense of almost possessive satisfaction.

Mine, Norman agreed, kissing her tenderly.

Kate returned the kiss, contented happiness glowing through the bond.

He withdrew from her, reaching for a cloth to clean them both up. Then, he stretched out next to her and drew her into his arms once more.

"I'm happy..." Kate whispered, snuggling close. "Even with how messed up the world is... I'm happy."

"I'm glad," Norman replied, tightening his embrace around her.

"I'm glad you got me..." she whispered, even more softly, closing her eyes, content to snuggle until they had to go to breakfast.


Peter hadn't slept all that well; though this time, his nightmare had been of the moment Gwen had died, an instant before he'd been able to catch her, instead of about Ultimus invading his dimension. After trying in vain to get back to sleep, he'd eventually got up and dressed, heading to the greenhouse area. They were stuck inside the base for at least the next week or so, so he might as well get a head start on the indoor park. It would give him something useful to do, at least.

Stephen had felt Peter's restlessness. Had waited for the younger man to say something through the bond, indicating he was needed. But he hadn't. Part of Stephen was proud that the younger man was adjusting and seemed more able to move forward without Stephen having to control him. The other part was worried that it was less feeling more self-confident and more that Peter was trying to avoid being a burden. Just because Stephen wasn't as domineering as Wong, or as hands on as Steve, didn't mean he didn't care. If Peter needed him because of nightmares or illness or just loneliness, he'd prefer to know.

Because of that, as soon as he felt Peter leaving the quarters area, he followed. He looked around at the area that was to become a park. "It's going to be a big project," he said quietly.

Peter nodded in agreement. "Uh-huh. I'm going to ask Harry if he wants to give me a hand with it. Maybe some of the others, too." He glanced towards Stephen and mustered up a half-smile. "At least it'll keep me fairly busy. Might even tire me out enough that I don't dream as much."

"Dreaming about Ultimus again?" Stephen asked hesitantly.

"Gwen," Peter replied quietly. "I guess it's not so much of a surprise. I failed her, too. Couldn't save her." His gaze focused on the area he planned to make into a park. The dream had brought up memories that hurt, but it ran deeper than that. Peter kept his true feelings about the dream and what it meant inside, avoiding leaking through the bond.

"Don't hide from me, Pete. I know I'm not the savior you'd thought I'd be, but I still want to help," Stephen chided gently. "Just because I'm not able to dive all in, doesn't mean I don't want to swim or get in the water." He didn't say he might 'dive' later. He didn't know if he was capable of being the type of Dom Peter seemed to want, or love him with the same intensity, but it didn't mean he couldn't give everything and love every way he was capable.

"Sometimes it feels like I should," Peter admitted. "I know I'm too needy and clingy for your comfort levels. Even if you do a better job of hiding it than I do." His voice was wry. "You're trying to give me what I need and want. I...just want to make things as easy on you as possible," he admitted.

You don't need to try and make things easier on me. Just as long as you understand if I don't respond the way you expect. It isn't the clinginess or neediness that bothers me... I can handle that. It's when you automatically assume that I'm rejecting you and don't want the bond because I don't respond how you are looking for that bothers me most. I don't expect you to change who you are to be with me. I just want the same consideration. Stephen switched to bond speak, so that Peter could feel the truth in his words.

I don't want you to change, Peter said. I don't feel quite as...insecure? I did before. Like I said in the game last night. Whatever you're comfortable with doing. He shrugged. I won't block anything from coming through the bond if you don't think I should. Well. Except for when I'm working. I'm not sure you want to keep hearing my random observations when I'm looking at samples. Not unless you've suddenly developed an interest in biological science. A slightly more 'joking' note slipped into his voice, as he was beginning to feel better after the nightmares.

I was a surgeon before I was a sorcerer. You'd be surprised. Stephen's amusement was clear.

Well, in that case, I'll just let you feel all that's going through my head, Peter said. Even if it is weird and random.

That's how we get to know one another, Stephen thought. Besides. If it becomes too distracting, I can ask you to block then.

Peter nodded. "Okay. I know you'll be getting samples today. I'm sure my observations will be coming through at that point. I have theories, but want to see if any of those are accurate."

"I'll get samples from everyone. To see if anything is changing that we weren't looking for," Stephen promised.

Peter nodded. "In the meantime, we have a couple of hours before breakfast...would you like to do something together?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure. Why don't you explain your plans for this room to me? I can make a list of things needed, so when we are finally able to go out again, everyone will know what to look for. Plus, I'm interested in your ideas." Stephen smiled.

Peter's smile was bright and affectionate happiness came through the bond. "Great! Your room or mine?" he asked.

Stephen laughed. "I thought you'd tell me here... while you showed me the locations you were talking about. That way, I can see if there might be something you hadn't noticed and offer suggestions."

"Yeah, that's probably a better idea," Peter said sheepishly. He began to talk animatedly about his ideas, showing Stephen where he planned for what to go.

Stephen listened intently, only offering suggestions when he knew of an item that would fill Peter's vision more easily. He was impressed with his mate and it was obvious.

Being listened to and paid attention to made Peter's confidence grow and he became more animated and enthusiastic.

Stephen paid attention and listened until it was breakfast time. He was still listening, as he led Peter out of the room and to the dining hall. 


Druig woke up and stretched, but didn't get out of bed. If they weren't going anywhere to rescue people, there was no rush to move.

Pietro was already awake, moving around in his room, getting dressed. While he wasn't actually using his super speed, staying still and in one place was hard for him.

Ugh. I can feel you moving next door. Why you up already? We don't have breakfast for a while yet... Druig mock complained.

I take it you're not a morning person. Pietro's response sounded amused.

Only when I had to be... Druig admitted grumpily, but also amused. Usually because Ajak or Ikaris insisted there were things that I needed to do that couldn't wait for the sun to be fully up.

You're awake anyway, Pietro commented. Why not join me?

I'm awake, but not out of my nice warm bed. And I can feel you moving... Druig slid further under the covers. You could come join me....

To help you get up? Pietro's teasing amusement carried clearly through the bond.

Or I could help you get down... Druig teased back. That sounded better before I thought it....

Pietro laughed outright. I'll come join you. He slipped out of his own room and stepped into Druig's.

Druig peeked out from under the covers at Pietro and grinned, before lifting the covers up and patting the bed next to him. He was completely naked.

Pietro moved over and settled onto the bed next to his bondmate. Want to help me get comfortable?

Thought you'd never ask... Druig teased, as he carefully began removing Pietro's clothing, kissing each time he revealed a new body part.

Mmm.... Pietro shifted to make it easier for Druig, his arousal quickly obvious. He reached out to slide his own hands boldly over Druig's body, touching and exploring as well.

You didn't get to choose... first time we did this... Druig thought, as he moaned at Pietro's touch. Finally removing the last piece of clothing and leaving Pietro as naked as he was, Druig licked a stripe from his mate's clavicle to navel, before shifting lower and taking Poetro's member into his mouth and sucking. You didn't get to choose then, so you get to choose now. Top or bottom?

Pietro's groan was long and drawn out. His fingers moved gently to Druig's head, tangling lightly in his hair. It was hard to focus enough to form words, but he finally managed to send one. Top.

Druig smiled and hummed softly in satisfaction at the sound he drew from Pietro. Drawer. Bedside table... he thought, as he continued to suck and lick his mate to full hardness.

It was hard to pull his thoughts together. Pietro's member was growing and swelling to full hardness. He was able to reach for the drawer to the bedside table and withdraw the lube from it.

Druig took Pietro to the edge before gently sliding off and kissing his way up his lover's chest. I want you to come in me... he growled softly.

Your wish.... Pietro managed to draw the words together. He gently pushed Druig onto his back, moving his legs for easy access, and coated a finger in the lube to push inside.

Druig chuckled at being 'manhandled' and raised his knees towards his shoulders 'obediently', so Pietro could get to him. He groaned softly as Pietro fingered him. Feels good....

Good. Pietro continued, taking his time, finally coating a second finger and pushing that slowly inside. He moved to kiss Druig, then began to kiss his way down the other man's chest. When he reached his mate's nipples, he took one into his mouth and began to suck.

Druig's sudden sharp breath and arching his back were the only audible and physical reactions to Pietro's action, but through the bond, waves of pleasure carried. It felt good; not just physically, but mentally, that he could give over control to Pietro just as easily as he could take it. He'd found an equal. He hadn't felt like he'd had that in way too long.

The satisfaction that Pietro felt at drawing that reaction from his mate carried clearly through the bond. He continued until he was satisfied with the state of Druig's nipple, then released it to engulf the second in his mouth. At the same time, he removed his fingers, lubed up his own member and pushed easily inside Druig.

Druig groaned loudly as he accepted Pietro into his body, stretching around him. They fit together perfectly. He let his hands gently card through his lover's hair as Pietro made his nipples into tight, aching nubs and opened his legs wider, so his mate could more easily thrust. "You're so good to me... I feel so lucky you were the one I found when I needed to bond... we are perfect together...." Druig whispered, his voice full of his need and appreciation for Pietro. Through the bond, there were faint stirrings of love.

Pietro moved his hands to Druig's hips, gently grasping them so that he could hold the other man still; make it easier for him to thrust. I never felt any kind of connection like this before. The only other person I care about this much is my sister. The words flowed through the bond without true conscious thought; they were in Pietro's mind and he was completely connected to Druig, so they reached his mate.

Druig's emotions melted at the words, the barriers he put up around his heart thawing slightly. I haven't let myself care for a very long time. I have lost so many due to time; it hurt too much to care. But I find myself unable to keep from caring about you... from more than caring.... He closed his eyes tight and focused solely on feeling. On his growing affection for the man currently owning him and on how it felt to be owned. Pietro rubbing deep inside him with his hard length caused him to tighten and warm inside. When his mate rubbed over that spot, he howled with pleasure, unable to keep from vocalizing how good it felt. Belong to each other... he promised through the bond. My heart and loyalty belong to you.

You belong to me. I belong to you. Pietro's agreement was obvious; his feelings mirrored Druig's own. Responding to the openness from his mate, he opened himself up fully through the bond. He let Druig feel everything. Including that he was falling in love. Including the fact that he'd never thought he could get anything from someone else letting him be in control. Giving his mate pleasure felt good to him. He wanted to give Druig pleasure.

Druig's pleasure crazed moan emphasized his thoughts. It feels so good... You feel so good... Deep inside of me... so hard and thick... I'm all full of you and can't... can't get enough of being filled by you. Need you so much... not just physically... here too! He gently grasped Pietro's hand and pulled it up, holding it over his heart before looking into Pietro's eyes, his own beginning to fill with tears as ages old barriers were falling with each thrust.

Pietro placed his hand over Druig's chest, over his heart, finally pulling back from sucking on the other man's nipples. He kissed Druig, pressing against him so close, it was like he was trying to merge them into one being. I need you too. He didn't have as many barriers in place, but those he'd had were falling. He was opening himself up fully; physically, emotionally, mentally. He'd never been this open with anyone else before. Druig was his first. Druig was his only. That came clear through the bond.

Druig kissed back desperately, wrapping his arms and legs around his lover tight, holding him close, only allowing enough give for Pietro to continue thrusting. I love you, he thought, the feelings flowing through like water. I trust you with all of me... It was the truth, but through the bond, it was also clear that Druig didn't trust many people; not even his family. He trusted Pietro completely, giving the other man the power to hurt him deeply.

I love you too. They were tangled so close together, physically and emotionally, Pietro couldn't have hidden even if he'd wanted to. He also trusted his mate, with every fibre of his being. He'd never felt like this about anyone before. He let that come clearly through the bond too. Now that they'd found each other, he had no intentions of letting go or being separated. No matter what.

Druig kissed more deeply, giving everything he could to Poetro through the kiss. The bond was taking his emotions, his needs and wants for this relationship, and it was building on them. He was beyond aroused by this point, his member was hard and aching between them, and he opened his legs as wide as they could be; offering himself fully to Pietro's desires. His channel was tightening with each thrust, as if attempting to pull Poetro bodily inside of him and keep him there forever.

Pietro had already been at full arousal, even before he'd taken full control of the other man. He kissed harder and more deeply, pushing his tongue into Druig's mouth to take control in that way as well. Don't let go til I tell you too. The order came without conscious direction, but felt right.

Druig groaned, easily slipping into submissive acceptance at the order, opening his mouth further so Pietro could claim and control there while claiming and controlling the rest of him. And he obeyed, managing to kerp from falling over the edge into his orgasm, even though the angry red, swollen hardness that was weeping at the tip gave away how aroused and close to release he was. He shivered under Pietro, the domination arousing him further, and his body tightened just that small bit more, causing more friction.

Pietro held off on giving the order for a few more moments, enjoying the feeling of dominating and controlling his lover. It wasn't long, though, before he was relenting. Let go for me. NOW. His own release was close enough that he knew it would come over him at the same time.

With a tiny sob, Druig slipped over the edge, his release spurting from him in long bursts that covered both of their bellies and chests, his body quaking hard, his hole spasming around Pietro's member, clenching tightly then relaxing rapidly in an intimate massage. He was completely wrecked, physically and emotionally, and the bond amplified it all, sending the feelings to Pietro.  He would know how thoroughly he'd taken his lover apart.

Tears slid down Druig's face. He knew he'd never be the same. For as long as life allowed, he was Pietro's.

Pietro's own release came over him at the same time and he clutched his lover tightly as he rode out the waves of his orgasm. When it finally calmed, he still held onto Druig. Mine. The note of possession came clearly through the bond, as did the waves of love, need, desire....

Druig gasped in a breath, his emotions all over the place. "Yours..." he responded raggedly, a bit in shock at how intense his feelings were for the man currently holding him.

Pietro kissed him tenderly and then reached for a washcloth to begin cleaning them both up. It felt automatic to keep that control once he'd taken it.

Druig lay meekly, accepting Pietro's care. He'd given control to his mate. He wouldn't take it back until absolutely necessary, or Pietro chose to let go of it. He smiled at the other man. I can't decide if I like being Top or bottom better. We will need to do this many more times, taking turns, so I can compare, he thought impishly.

Pietro snorted softly. If that's not a reason to keep experimenting, I don't know what is. He finished cleaning them and then stretched out on the bed next to Druig once more, cuddling close.

Druig snuggled close, putting his head on Pietro's chest, taking advantage of his mate 'being in charge' to seek out and accept more affection. Thank you, he thought. You have made life a lot more bearable.

I'm glad. Pietro wrapped his arms around Druig tightly, gently rubbing his hair and down his back.

A feeling of hesitation seeped through the bond before Druig asked, obviously nervous Pietro would hate the idea, Would you share a room with me? If you really like your room, I can move there, but... we could stay together.

I'd like to share a room, Pietro replied. I don't have any ties to the one I'm currently using. I've only ever felt 'home' with two people. First Wanda. Now you.

I'm glad I feel like home for you. Druig smiled. I can't imagine not being with you now and ever feeling home if you aren't there. I can help you bring your things over after breakfast. If you'd like....

That would be good, Pietro agreed.

Druig leaned up and kissed Pietro again, before settling in to snuggle until breakfast.


Dane woke up slowly, not moving, keeping his eyes shut, trying to keep his thoughts under control, even as he reached out with his senses to see if Otto was awake.

Otto had woken fairly early, but as he didn't want to disturb Dane, he hadn't stirred, instead just holding his mate.

Sensing his mate awake, Dane impishly and impulsively began kissing the older man, any spot he could easily reach... neck, shoulders, chest, cheeks, chin... he was very affectionate.

You're very affectionate this morning. Otto spoke with a trace of amusement in his voice. He clearly enjoyed it, because he was responding by kissing back. And his body was clearly taking an interest.

Dane leaned up, kissing Otto's lips before trekking back down his torso with the kisses. He noticed Otto's interest. I have discovered I'm in love. I'm very happy. I need to let that love and happiness out! he thought impishly, right before sliding Otto's pajamas out of the way and beginning to kiss and lick the 'interested part'.

Otto's warm, affectionate chuckle changed to a more aroused sound as Dane began to kiss and touch his member. He moved his hands down and gently stroked them through Dane's hair. Don't let me stop you. Waves of affection and love came through the bond to his mate.

Okay. I won't, Dane thought, kissing and licking more eagerly. They both knew if Otto didn't want this, he would and could stop it.

Otto couldn't help the groan that escaped him as Dane continued to kiss and lick. His fingers gently gripped his mate's hair; careful not to hurt, but making it clear that this was affecting him.

Dane took Otto's member fully into his mouth and began to suck eagerly, wanting to make it as good as possible for his Dom.

Otto's groan grew longer and more pronounced. His head tipped back as his member filled and quickly grew to full hardness, responding to his mate.

Dane continued to suck, taking Otto deeper into his mouth, almost to his throat.

I'm going to come, Otto warned, the warm suction around his member making it nearly impossible to hold back.

I'm ready... Dane slid down just that small bit more and sucked just that small bit harder.

Almost instantly, Otto's release came over him and he let go, hard, fingers gently flexing in his mate's hair.

Dane swallowed quickly, taking everything his master gave to him eagerly. I love you... He felt a sense of satisfsction as he took in his masters release.

It took a few moments for Otto to be able to respond, as the last waves of his orgasm receeded. When he finally did, the emotion was not only clear in his mental voice, but also through the bond. I love you too.

A peaceful contentedness spread through Dane as he slowly withdrew. Licking Otto clean before carefully replacing his pajama pants, he then snuggled close.

Otto wrapped his arms around Dane, drawing his mate in close and tight. He opened himself fully through the bond, allowing Dane to feel how happy and contented and at peace Otto was.

Do you think we can actually save the universe? Dane thought, still calm and cuddling close.

I think we have a much better chance than we did before, Otto answered. We have hope. And there are people who are free of Ultimus' control. If we free others and perhaps form alliances with those from other dimensions, I believe we have a good chance.

Good. When we are free of Ultimus... I can stay with you, right? Even if you return to your own dimension... you'd take me with you, right? Dane asked, with a hint of hopeful worry.

We'll stay together, Otto promised. Whether it's in this dimension or my home one. Once we are truly free, we will decide where is the best place for us to be together.

"My place is with you. You're home for me now," Dane whispered.

"I won't let you get taken from me," Otto promised.

Dane relaxed, his trust in Otto clear.

Otto pressed a kiss to his head and just cuddled his mate, content to stay like that until breakfast.


Ross had got used to sharing a room with Phastos. Even though their relationship was (currently) non-sexual, it had been calming to not be alone during all the changes and upheaval, or when nightmares inevitably occurred. But now that Peter and Harry's theory about some being able to bond more than one person had been confirmed, he wondered if he shouldn't move out. When they found Phastos' husband, Ross didn't want to be in the way.

Phastos had slept about as peacefully as it was possible to. His full family wasn't there, but his son was with him and he had hope that they could free his husband, along with the other Eternals. And he was free of Ultimus. They could fight back against the being that was destroying the dimension. And it was thanks to his bond mate that he was free to make a stand.

Able to feel Ross' emotions through the bond, Phastos spoke quietly to the other man. "I'm not going to expect you or ask you to leave once Ben is found. We're bound together, connected. And we're free because of each other. You're important."

I wouldn't go far, Everett thought ruefully. I wouldn't be able to, I don't think. But when we finally locate your husband, I can't imagine he would want me in your bed.

Then we can bring in another bed, Phastos responded.

That's what you would want? Everett asked hesitantly.

I would still feel the need to keep you close, even after Ben is found, Phastos admitted.

Okay. If that's what you want. I just don't want to be in the way or cause problems, Ross admitted.

You won't be in the way or cause problems, Phastos promised. I'm free because I'm bonded to you. Ben will be just as grateful.

Okay... Ross smiled crookedly. Though he tried to hide his uncertainty, it was impossible to hide it all. He wasn't certain he could handle being in the same room as Ben and Phastos when the two finally reunited. It would just remind him how lonely his life had been prior to Ultimus and the fact he had no one to find.

You know, there are other people we'll free from Ultimus' control, Phastos said. It's possible you might find yourself forming a connection with one of them.

There's hope... Everett huffed softly, his smile growing. Don't mind my maudlin mood. I'll soon find something to take my mind off the fact that if Ultimus hadn't captured me, I would be a very lonely man.

You aren't alone now, Phastos promised.

No. I'm not, Ross agreed. Thanks to you.

Anything you'd like to do? Phastos asked. We've still got a couple of hours before breakfast.

Not in particular. I feel a bit useless, really. My skillset isn't very useful right now. Ross sighed.

You were able to lead us to a SHIELD warehouse, Phastos said. Which means I've been able to work on upgrading the uniforms, with Tony's help. Don't sell yourself short.

Ross paused. I guess I was able to give important information. I just wish I was more helpful, now.

You've been helping a lot with the children, Phastos commented. That's really important too. There'll be other things you can help with, particularly as we free more people.

Yeah... okay. It was obvious Everett wasn't entirely convinced... but he wanted to be.

And I'm glad you're here. With me, Phastos said.

I'm glad I'm with you too. Sorry to be so mopey. Ross smiled crookedly.

There's been a lot to deal with, especially all at once, Phastos said gently. Don't apologise for how you feel.

Thank you... for understanding. A feeling of gratitude flowed through the bond.

I will always understand and support you, Phastos promised.

I can feel that. Ultimus did bring one good thing into my life. It brought me you... Jack... I'm not alone anymore, Ross thought.

And for as long as I live, you won't be alone ever again, Phastos promised.

Ross' feelings settled. He was comforted by Phastos' words.


It was over a week later and they'd decided that things had settled down enough to go back out, searching for other people to free and more supplies to gather. There were enough of them now that a few different groups had formed to leave the base, with enough people left behind to take care of the children.

The Doms had decided that it would be good for everyone to experience some time apart and since this first mission was meant to be recon only, with no engagement of Ultimus' forces, they'd let people choose who they went with, instead of making sure to group everyone with at least one 'leader'.

That's how Kate found herself paired with Dane, Peter and Harry. She'd become pretty good friends with Dane, because Norman and Otto were good friends and hung around each other a lot when there was downtime at the base. They'd asked Peter and Harry to pair up, because Kate could feel how Norman wanted to get closer to his son and thought if she could become better friends with him that might be possible. And Harry and Peter had bonded early on, so it was natural to include Peter in the group of four as well.  All the others were older, or had so much life experience they seemed older, she wasn't sure which, that she didn't think to include them.

It didn't really matter, though. Four was a good group size and Pietro and Druig had ended up pairing with Grant. Stephen was going out with Stark for medical supplies. Everett was going out with Frank, Steve and Mordo for more food items.

Everyone else had elected to stay back with the children this trip. Something about setting up a proper 'homeschool' so that their learning wouldn't suffer. Friday was helping them figure out what classes they needed and whose abilities most matched those areas, so that they could set a proper schedule and curriculum. Ajak and Phastos were in charge of that.

"So...." Harry looked around at the three people he was now grouped with. "We figured out which direction we're going in yet? If we head somewhere with high buildings, or even trees, Tarzan here could swing us all up for a better look." He smirked at Peter.

Peter shrugged. "I'm good with any direction. Just so long as there's some form of cover, in case we do come across any of the converted."

"We're more likely to find useful items in buildings," Dane pointed out.

"And items to make life less boring," Kate added.

Harry glanced around and then pointed towards what appeared to be a town in the distance. "We could try there. Maybe there'll be stuff we can take back to use in experiments." His link to his bond mate was open, so faint hints of mischief and impishness would come through to Wong.

Peter snorted softly. "Provided Ultimus' converted haven't taken anything that could prove useful." He began heading in that direction.

"As good a spot as any..." Dane agreed, beginning to walk in that direction.

Kate followed quickly, a sense of excited curiosity carrying through the bond.

Wong sent back a questioning feeling in response to Harry, but didn't ask directly. He wanted Harry to feel allowed to talk when he wanted.

Harry walked with the group quickly, keeping an eye open on their surroundings...even as he responded to his bond mate's questioning feeling. Just thinking there might be things Peter and I can use for more fun experiments. I know learning about the bond is important and all, but sometimes I miss science just for the sake of science, he admitted.

Play is important. Even for us old people, Wong agreed.

I didn't think you knew how to play, given your advanced age, Harry teased through the bond.

Hahaha. Wong was amused.

The four had continued walking into the town. The first two buildings had been business offices, not likely to have needed supplies, but the next one they found was a toy store. "Wanna get some games for the kids? Maybe some dolls and balls?" Kate asked.

"There might even be board games. Card games. We can get stuff for the adults to play too." Peter quickly headed inside the store, expecting the others to follow him, and began looking around for games that all ages would be able to play.

Harry stepped into the store as well, immediately looking around. You interested in board or card games? he asked his bond mate.

Both are good, but cards may be easier to carry back if you have limited space, Wong replied.

While Peter and Harry went to grab games, Dane had grabbed a couple of children's backpacks and was putting dolls, toy cars, balls and jump ropes into them. 

Kate had grabbed some packs and given them to Harry before heading into the electronics area and putting some game systems, along with games, into the packs she kept herself. She put the packs onto her back when they were full, then grabbed a few more empty packs for anything they might find later.

Good point, Harry replied, taking the packs from Kate and beginning to fill them.

Peter was doing the same, masking a yawn behind his hand.

Harry noticed. "You still having nightmares?" he asked.

Peter shrugged. "Yeah. Luckily, my body seems to adapt really quickly to less sleep. If I didn't have my abilities, I wouldn't have felt safe coming out today." He'd been more open with Harry about his bad dreams and the exact content of them than with others. He picked up one of the card packs and looked over it. "There seem to be a lot of these Top Trump games...are they part of a set, or...?" Shrugging, he put several of them in his pack. They could always come back to get more if need be.

Kate had wandered to the front of the store to wait for the others. She kept an eye out for anything unusual.

Dane joined her shortly after. "We may want to come back here later. There are a lot of stores for non-essential items and it seems as if Ultimus has left this town alone; it isn't as destroyed as typical."

"Agreed. But I want to stop at that store for a few items at least..." She pointed to a store on the corner. It was obviously an adults only shop.

Harry and Peter had joined the two of them in time to hear Kate's comment.

Harry's eyes widened, as his interest was immediately piqued. "I'll go with you."

Peter snorted softly. "I'll keep watch outside." Adult toys weren't something he could see him and Stephen using, even if their relationship did turn more physical. Although...he couldn't help wondering what the older man's reaction would be if Peter got some and just happened to 'drop them' somewhere. He wasn't above a bit of light teasing and so long as no one else was involved....

Kate grinned and disappeared into the shop, grabbing a few of the tamer items and a lot of lube. She put the items in one of the empty packs she'd brought.

Dane did the same.

Harry quickly wandered through the shop, collecting several different items he thought either he or Wong or both would enjoy.

Peter did wander around inside the store, looking curiously at various items. He did put a handful of items in his own pack, mostly for 'teasing' purposes. Though none of them were items he would object to using...or having used on him.

They had met at the front of the store again, looking out to decide where to go next, when Kate had seen someone. The someone looked suspiciously like Yelena Belova. "I see a friend of mine!" she blurted, immediately heading toward where she saw the person.

"Wait! Don't go alone!" Dane immediately followed.

Harry didn't waste any time in following the two of them. It didn't even occur to him to let his bond mate know what was going on.

Peter glanced around, but didn't think twice before he also followed.

Kate became progressively more agitated as she chased after her friend. She always caught just a glimpse of the other woman, but could never catch up. The agitation carried through the bond 

Dane finally put a hand on her arm. "We aren't going to stop her this way...."

Kate? What's happening? Norman could feel the agitation from his bond mate, even if he didn't know what was causing it.

"Nah. We won't get to her this way." Peter didn't hesitate or stop to think. He used his web shooters to propel himself up, climbing up the side of the building. If he could get a vantage point, he could see better.

Kate didn't mean to ignore her bond mate. She was just so focused on catching who she thought was Yelena that she wasn't capable of paying attention to Norman; much like a toddler so focused on retrieving a run-away toy, they didn't notice their parent yelling at them to not leave the yard. She watched Peter climb the building, then once he'd reached the top, held her arms up expectantly, wanting him to give her something to climb up with. 

She'd left her bags on the sidewalk, so Dane quickly gathered them to carry. He looked at Harry. "Think we need to follow? Or guard here?"

Peter made sure he was secure on top of the building, then shot his webbing down towards her, so that she could use it to climb up to join him.

Harry eyed the other two and then looked towards Dane. "We'd probably better keep guard here. We didn't exactly look around when we followed her." His voice was slightly hitched with worry. They'd just done something he was fairly certain none of their bond mates would be happy with.

Kate quickly and nimbly climbed up the web, joining Peter on the roof.

Dane nodded and prepared to guard with Harry.


Wong could sense Harry's worry. What's wrong? he asked.

In the meantime, the rest of the groups had returned from their foraging for supplies. The one group that hadn't returned was obviously absent.


Peter scanned the area from their vantage point on the roof top. He couldn't see any sign of the woman they'd been chasing, but...he caught a glimpse of another figure. The person was dressed in green, wearing clothing that looked more like it belonged in medieval times than the present day.

Peter placed a hand on Kate's shoulder and began to slowly back up towards the edge of the building they'd climbed up. The man was holding a sceptre in one hand...and given everything Peter had seen already, he was fairly sure the sceptre wasn't for show.

Harry couldn't see what the others saw, but he did see Peter backing up. He didn't even try to answer Wong with words. Instead, he opened up through the bond, so that his bond mate could see the same thing he was.

Wong immediately asked Friday to get the coordinates for the four at the building and send anyone available to him so they could portal over. To Harry, he ordered, Wait. We'll come to you with back up.

Kate swallowed hard. She recognized the man from old news reports. She went with Peter without argument, a hint of fear escaping through the bond.

Peter's eyes were focused on the man. He hadn't noticed them...not yet. But they were stood on the building, in full view if he turned his head just a little more. He quickly backed Kate up towards the edge of the building and sent his webbing down so she could use it to climb.

Kate quickly climbed back down, her nervousness that Loki would see her driving her speed.

Harry moved quickly so that he could retrieve her and guide her away, leaving the ground clear for Peter to swing down if need be.

Loki had turned, in time to see Peter preparing to swing himself down. In time to spot another person just disappearing over the edge of the building. He quickly teleported himself over to Peter.

Peter yelped, shooting off a string of webbing automatically before he quickly jumped from the building, shooting another string of webbing while he was in midair and attaching it to the wall so that he could safely swing down.

"Crap!" Kate squeaked and turned to run. Fighting against Loki would be foolish; he was a magic user and thousands of years old. And all she had was a bow and arrows.

Dane drew his sword, but followed Kate. They didn't get far before a man wearing some sort of jet pack flew down in in front of them. He wore red leather. "Damnit..." Dane muttered. Worry, heavily tinged with nervousness, went through the bond.

By this point, Wong had gotten everyone present in the building who could fight together. They just needed coordinates to open a portal.

Peter's eyes darted between the two powered individuals. They needed to make a path through one way or the other, but which one would be easier to take down? Finally, he shot his webbing at the guy with the jet pack. He could fight against technology. Magic was a whole other ball game.

Harry looked around to see if they could somehow make an escape route, even as he sent Wong the information about just where they were.

We're coming. Otto's voice sounded through the bond, trying to stay calm...though his worry would be obvious. Wong just needs to know where.

Dane calmed slightly at the words. That's good. Cuz it looks like we're fighting. Seeing Peter go after the man with the jet packs, he drew the ebony blade and faced Loki.

Loki immediately responded by creating multiple clones of himself.


Wong glanced around at the others. "Harry sent coordinates. Are we all ready?"

There were various murmurs and nods of agreement from those who had gathered. Norman and Otto were clearly worried about their mates.

"Are we planning to capture, or just subdue?" Ajak asked.

"I think if capture is possible, that's preferable," Tony said. "We should know as soon as we see them if they are rescuable or if they are willing recruits to Ultimus' cause."

Wong opened the portal.


Peter Quill would have been watching more closely and evaded Peter's webbing, if Ultimus hadn't been controlling him. Ultimus was controlling him, however, and that left his response time a few seconds slower than it would have been. The webbing got caught in the jet pack, causing it to sputter and send him to the ground.

Dane cursed his luck as multiple Lokis surrounded them.  

Kate drew an arrow and shot at one of the multiples.

Harry quickly moved over to the guy wearing the jet pack. He had guns on him and had had enough experience with them that he was able to confidently pull one on the man.

Peter quickly trussed up the guy on the ground with his webbing and then turned to fire more at the clones who were surrounding the other two.

Kate was becoming more and more frustrated. Every arrow she shot caused a clone to disappear. But then another would pop into its place.

Dane closed his eyes, listening to the sword in his hands. He quickly pounced, aiming the sword, changing his stance at the last minute to bring the hilt town onto what he hoped was Loki's head and not another clone.

Peter Quill struggled to get free, but couldn't. A beacon on his suit was flashing.

Harry's eyes widened as he saw the beacon on the suit and he urgently called to Peter.

Turning, Peter used his enhanced webbing to short circuit the beacon, easier to do as Phastos had upgraded his shooters.

Loki crumpled to the ground and the rest of the clones disappeared.

Kate quickly ran over and broke the beacon on Loki's outfit. "We don't know how long they were transmitting. We have to get out of here...."

"I sent the coordinates to Wong." Harry glanced over his shoulder as the portal opened.

Stephen was first through the portal, followed by Tony. He quickly looked to see who needed help first, only slightly relaxing when he noted none of the 'kids' were injured. "Get back to base," he said tersely. "We'll take care of these two," he added, as Druig stepped through the portal.

Kate bit her lip, looking at the other three before quickly going through the portal.

Dane quickly followed, giving her the pack of personal items she'd got herself, and shifting his own personal items to one shoulder, carrying the other packs of games and toys as they turned to walk back to base. He glanced around to see who else had shown up to 'rescue' them.

Harry winced and moved to follow them through the portal. When he glanced at Peter's face and saw that his friend was about to say something, maybe argue, he shook his head and grabbed Peter's arm, tugging him through the portal with him. "Time and place, Peter," he muttered.

All of those who had gone out on patrols had come to join the 'rescue', with the others on standby to help if they were needed too.

Wong saw Harry corralling Peter and nodded at him. You are still in big trouble, but obeying quickly has kept you from adding to your punishment, he thought to his submissive.

Harry's shoulders slumped, but he didn't argue or protest. Instead, he just sent feelings of acceptance through the bond.

Otto and Norman were just inside the portal, having waited in case they were needed for backup. Otto moved over to Dane and quickly wrapped his arms around his bond mate. "I'm glad you're safe."

Norman moved a bit closer towards Kate, glancing towards his son...but it wasn't really his place to scold or deliver punishment, even if he was worried. Instead, he spoke to his own bond mate. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Dane quickly wrapped his arms around Otto, accepting the hug. Yeah. We got lucky, really, he admitted.

Kate shook her head, fidgeting slightly. No... I didn't even get scratched from scaling the building....

Wong smiled at Harry. They will be coming back through soon. Druig is in control of both of them and they are changing into tracker free clothes as we speak. I will walk beside you.

Otto and Norman wrapped an arm each around their respective bond mates to lead them back to the base.

Harry nodded to acknowledge Wong's words, though he was still holding onto Peter's arm. He could feel the tension in the other's body and wanted to try and calm things down...or at least let them get back to the base before Peter said whatever was on his mind.

Soon, everyone was returning back through the portals, Druig leading the two newest rescues. Stephen w1as the last through the portal and Wong immediately let it drop, moving over to wrap an arm around Harry.

Stephen walked over and took Peter's hand to walk back to the base with him.

Dane glanced at his three partners in crime and their bond mates, before looking at Otto. All the others were far enough ahead that any conversation would be mostly private. "Are you mad?" he asked out loud, figuring all of them were in the same boat.

Since Stephen had come over to take Peter's hand, Harry let go of his friend's arm and leaned into his bond mate.

"I'm disappointed," Otto replied. "You were just going out to gather intel and supplies. Not to get involved in a fight."

"We only went off course because Kate saw one of her friends," Peter said. "If we'd got her, there wouldn't have been a fight. Kate could have talked her down."

Harry winced and shook his head. Peter arguing wasn't that much of a surprise. He'd just hoped it could have been avoided.

"And if you had immediately contacted us that someone you knew had been seen, we might have been able to coordinate a rescue that didn't involve you being surrounded and having to fight!" Stephen said sharply. "Something you know better than to do, as it has been conveyed to you more than once!"

Kate swallowed uncertainly. "I thought I saw Yelena. I just wanted to help her. Like I was helped."

Peter didn't say that they'd been following Kate and that none of them had even thought to call their bond mates. Instead, he said, "Harry and Dane were on the ground, keeping guard. We only went to look."

"You went about it entirely wrong," Norman said to Kate. "It would have done no good to Yelena, or you, if there'd been more people there and she was leading you into a trap. As it was, any of you could have been hurt before we'd got to you in time."

"You know that none of us goes to look without letting the rest of the group know first. Without forming a plan." Stephen's voice was disappointed and frustrated. "You know this because we have had this conversation twice before!" On the words twice and before, Stephen swatted Peter's backside, once on each cheek, fairly hard. It wasn't a love pat.

"I've climbed up sides of buildings before..." Kate said softly, without thinking. Not exactly arguing, but trying to make him 'feel better' and not fully understanding the seriousness of the situation. She gave Stephen and Peter a wide-eyed look.

"Had you been recaptured, Ultimus wouldn't have left you alive. He doesn't leave those who won't work for him and can't be converted alive," Wong said. "But he wouldn't have immediately killed you either. He would have tortured you until you gave up the location of the base. We might have escaped to another base. We'd fortunately, or unfortunately, for those of us with a front row mental seat to your pain and suffering, know you were caught, so we'd have a small chance to escape with the children before it was too late."

Hearing Wong's words, Dane immediately saw the problem. It wasn't just that they'd endangered themselves, which was bad enough to deserve punishment, but it had endangered everyone else... including children who couldn't protect themselves from Ultimus and would be assimilated as soon as they were old enough if Ultimus got them. "I should have let you know immediately when we saw the woman. And held Kate back..." he said softly to Otto, obvious guilty regret in his tone.

Peter yelped at the swats, not having expected them. He didn't argue further, though whether it was because of the public discipline or due to Wong's words, it wasn't immediately obvious. More than likely the latter, as the first twinges of guilt were coming through the bond. Not for putting himself in danger, but for endangering the rest of those at the base...including the children.

Norman shook his head at Kate's words. "Wong is right," he said to his bondmate. "Not only was putting yourself in danger unacceptable, but your actions could have put everyone else here at the base at risk. Including the children. Children who can't fight back or defend themselves."

Harry whimpered and immediately pressed his face into Wong's shoulder, guilty regret and remorse coming through the bond. I'm sorry. He wasn't saying it to mitigate his punishment, or to try and get out of it. Wong would feel the sincerity in him.

Otto nodded to his own bond mate. "That's exactly what you should have done. Waited for us all to respond and come up with a plan. Waited for us to know that it was safe. If you had done, Friday would have been able to tell us there were two more of Ultimus' converted at the location. You wouldn't have been caught up in a fight that could have ended with you all being captured." He didn't try to hide his sense of fear and worry from coming through the bond. He'd thought he might lose Dane....

Stephen calmed slightly as he felt the beginnings of guilt in his young bond mate. Peter might not feel guilty about endangering himself, but acknowledging that he endangered others was a step in the right direction. Stephen had no doubt by the time he finished correcting Peter, he'd be repentant of endangering his own life as well.

Kate paled at hearing that she endangered the kids. Guilt speared through her and she almost envied Peter that he'd been swatted. She'd give anything to be able to focus on a stinging butt... or anything else, really... instead of the fact she'd messed up so horribly. She didn't say anything. Acknowledging how wrong she was and apologizing just meant she had to face it and she didn't want to face it. She wanted to pretend nothing very bad had happened.

I know you are. We'll take care of it back in our room. But I forgive you and love you, always, Wong comforted.

Dane shifted closer to Otto. Even if it put his backside in the same risk as Peter's, he wanted to comfort his mate. And maybe submitting to his mate handling him in front of everyone, or just submitting to his mate getting handsy with a need to feel he was safe, would comfort Otto. What will happen now, sir? His feelings were subdued.

Otto glanced around at the others, noticing that they were leading their charges into the base, and then focused on his own bond mate. I will take you into the base. We will go to our room and I will punish you. He wrapped his arms around Dane and led the younger man inside, heading to their room.

Dane swallowed hard at the words, but pressed close to his mate. I deserve to be punished. I'm sorry. I never meant to put everyone in danger. Not even myself.

I understand, but you need to think of that before doing something that could risk taking you away from me. Or endangering the people who have been freed so far. Otto kept his arm around Dane as he let his mate to their room, closing the door behind them before walking over to the bed.

I know. I have a responsibility to you... to everyone...  not to just do my own thing. Dane followed meekly. "Are... are you going to spank me?" His voice was small and contrite.

"I am," Otto replied. "Since it seems at least one of your compatriots will be as well." He hadn't failed to notice the interplay involving Stephen and Peter. Reaching the bed, he took a seat and guided Dane across his lap.

Taking a slow, deep breath, Dane let himself be positioned over Otto's lap. He'd admitted in front of everyone that he enjoyed being over someone's knee where they could play with his body... potentially smack... but this was not erotic, playful, or fun at all. He felt too guilty to want it or enjoy it. However, he did want to be right with his mate and he knew instinctively that submitting to Otto's correction would help with that. "I'm sorry..." he repeated, in a very soft voice.

"I know. You will be punised, then we will move past this. You'll be forgiven," Otto promised. He rubbed Dane's back for a few moments, then proceeded to bare his bond mate. Gently wrapping one arm around Dane's waist, he tugged the younger man in tightly against his stomach and then lifted his hand, bringing it down in the first firm smack that he then repeated.

Dane's breath caught in his throat with the first smack. It wasn't a harsh smack, but it was definitely hard. It would be memorable. His mate would likely paint his bottom a nice rosy color before he was finished. Tears pooled in Dane's eyes, but he didn't protest or fight.

Otto continued swatting, at the same speed and force, working down to Dane's thighs before he began again from the top. "I won't reiterate what you did wrong, as you're already aware of that. I will tell you that if you find yourself in a similar situation again, I fully expect you to make contact with me and keep yourself safe." The swats became a bit harder with the last four words, serving to emphasise what he was saying.

"Yessir!" Dane acknowledged, his voice tight, tear-filled and repentant. "I... I inform you of everything... obey your decision.... you're in charge!" Dane gasped emphatically, before his tears became vocal.

Otto could hear the tears and see that Dane's bottom was very quickly turning a rosy red. But while he wanted to call the spanking done and move straight on to comfort, he forced himself to continue a bit longer. He increased the force and speed behind the swats a fraction and began to focus more smacks to Dane's sit spots and the tops of his thighs, wanting to make sure this was a lesson that would stick in his bond mate's mind.

Dane couldn't help but cry harder as the strength and speed of the swats increased instead of stopping. He could feel Otto's reasoning behind continuing to punish and it left him with a mixture of feeling. It felt good knowing how much Otto cared about and wanted to protect him, even from himself. It felt bad that the older man believed he wouldn't learn without the very strict lesson. It hurt knowing that his master was right. He needed the strictness... the harshness... to learn, because doing things without thinking first was not an unfamiliar problem for Dane. He gripped Otto's leg tightly, trying but failing not to squirm.

Otto forced himself to continue for another full circuit of swats. Then, after a final flurry of smacks to his bond mate's sit spots and thighs, he stopped. Quickly, he gathered Dane into his arms, on his lap, and hugged the younger man tightly.

Dane twisted in Otto's arms, clinging to his mate and sobbing. He didn't care about his poor hot, stinging bottom. He'd deserved every swat. He cared that his master had forgiven him and wasn't angry. I'm so sorry....

I know. And I forgive you. I love you. Otto cuddled his mate tightly, opening himself up fully through the bond so that Dane could feel his love and forgiveness.

Dane began to calm as he felt the forgiveness and love. His fear that he had pushed his master away disappeared. He nuzzled close and snuggled unabashedly. I love you, master... so much. He continued to calm down the longer he cuddled.

Otto cuddled his mate tightly, stroking over his hair and back and pressing kisses to his face and neck. I have you, he promised. You're safe. With me.

"I'm safest with you," Dane whispered, putting his head on Otto's shoulder, completely submissive and relaxed. "Belong to you...."


Wong quietly led Harry into their room, after a brief nod at Norman to let the other man know Wong intended to take care of his son. Once in their room, he quietly led Harry to the bed, sat down and tugged his mate over his knee.

Harry didn't fight. Didn't protest. He went easily where his bond mate led and placed his hands behind his back, so that Wong could hold him and prevent him from trying to block his punishment.

Gently taking Harry's hands and holding them at the small of his back, Wong gently squeezed, rubbed and kneaded Harry's bottom, before carefully tugging slacks and underwear down. He then began to rub, squeeze and knead Harry's bare bottom, intending to make it as sensitive as possible before beginning. "I thought we might be too late. That I would lose you..." he admonished softly.

"I'm sorry," Harry whimpered, shifting a little in response to his master's actions, even though he wouldn't try to get away; and would try to limit his squirming for as long as he could. His eyes were already filling with tears, his feelings of guilty repentance coming through the bond clearly. He needed to be punished. Needed to be right with his master.

"I know, love. I will punish you and it will be over. Clean slate. I already forgave you. I just need you to remember how you are meant to act. So, I don't lose you..." Wong continued, in the same soft, calm tone. He knew Harry understood what he'd done wrong and why it was wrong. He just needed to help his mate atone, so they could move past it. He continued to rub, squeeze and knead, until he could feel through the bond that Harry's bottom was as sensitive as it could be from those actions. He then raised his hand and let it fall with a firm, sharp smack.

Harry gasped, whimpering again as the first smack landed on his now very sensitive bottom. He turned one hand over so that he could cling to his master. Wong's strength never failed to calm and settle him...but it also made him more aware of what he'd done wrong and why it was wrong.

Wong gripped Harry's hand firmly, even as he raised his hand and let it fall on Harry's other cheek with the same sharp firmness. Soon, he was covering Harry's entire bottom and upper thighs with unpredictably placed, sharp, firm smacks. He watched as Harry's bottom quickly went from pale pink, to bright pink, and eventually rosy red. He didn't go easy on his mate. Harry didn't need easy. He needed to feel Wong was firmly in control and had hold of him. Wong intended him to feel the truth of that for a while after the punishment ended.

Despite his intentions, despite his best efforts, Harry couldn't help but shift and squirm slightly in response as his master covered his bottom with the swats. He wasn't trying to get away, just allowing his body to react how it needed to...trusting Wong would hold him and not let him fall. It didn't take long for the first sobs to begin tearing from him, tears falling down his cheeks.

Wong forced himself to continue spanking, starting a second circuit, even though Harry's tears had him wanting to end the spanking and hold him close instead. He knew his mate, though. After a year together, he knew if Harry didn't feel thoroughly punished, he'd begin to question if Wong truly wanted control over him. He'd begin to question his own worth. Making certain Harry couldn't sit right for the test of the day was the only way to make certain Harry had no question about his importance to Wong. So, Wong continued the firm, sharp smacks, watching as the color went rosy red to ruby red and he could feel heat radiating off Harry's bottom.

Harry began to sob in earnest, the stinging pain from the swats mingling with the guilt he still felt. He was very repentant. He was very sorry. He clung tightly to Wong's hand, needing to feel that his mate had him. Needing to feel that he belonged to Wong. I'm sorry. It came through the bond, because by this point, he was crying too hard to talk.

I know, love. I believe you. Wong held tightly to Harry's hand, allowing him to feel the love he had for him through the bond. Feel the forgiveness and the promise that Wong would never let go of Harry. Shifting Harry forward slightly, Wong began to target his sit spots, quickly reddening them. As soon as they were the same hot red as the rest of Harry's bottom, he had to stop. He couldn't continue and could only hope he had punished enough to keep Harry from falling into a guilty depression. Instead of spanking, he went back to gently rubbing, squeezing and kneading, the possessive action helping him to calm his own emotions.

He hated needing to punish Harry.

Harry's crying had increased a fraction as Wong swatted his sit spots, clinging tightly to his master's hand. When Wong stopped spanking and began to rub, squeeze and knead instead, he slumped submissively over his master's lap...accepting the possessive actions just as he'd accepted the punishment. I love you. He sniffled softly, but despite the soreness, his gratitude and love for his mate came clear through the bond.

And I love you. Wong gently helped Harry up and onto his lap, in his arms, cuddling him tightly. I will love you and keep you with me forever. No matter where we both end up. You just need to make sure you don't take yourself away from me.

I'll be careful. I promise. Harry wrapped his arms around Wong and cuddled his mate tightly, gaining comfort from the older man's touch. I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to lose me. Sniiffling, he let his head rest against Wong's shoulder. The shadow of guilt was gone, having been overwhelmed by his master punishing and forgiving him. He felt at peace....


Stephen kept a firm grip on Peter's hand all the way back to base and through to their room. He didn't say anything... out loud. In his head, Peter was being thoroughly scolded. The last time you just ran off to 'capture' someone without telling any of the rest of us back at base, what did I tell you?!

That it was...dangerous, disrespectful. I wasn't in charge and it could have put the whole base at risk. Peter's mental voice was subdued.

So do you think that somehow... because you had three people with you... it suddenly wasn't dangerous or disrespectful? Stephen asked, genuinely curious and confused by Peter's actions. The younger man had been doing really well, not hiding his feelings and letting Stephen know what he was thinking. Of course, it had been over a week since Stephen had asserted his authority over his sub. Was Peter's actions today a bid to get Stephen's undivided attention and Domination? Stephen hoped not.

Kate saw her friend and took off after her. So the rest of us followed. Peter winced. I didn't even think about anything other than freeing someone else from Ultimus' control. I didn't intend to endanger everyone here....

I know you don't want to endanger anyone. But that's why the first thing you should do when you want to go after someone, is contact me. Stephen had reached their room by this point and gently pulled Peter inside, closing the door before heading to the corner and making Peter face it while he stood directly behind, almost hovering over him. It was a deliberate stance, meant to make Peter feel smaller and hopefully more dependent on Stephen. It was slightly dirty tactics, but Stephen didn't want to be overly harsh; what Peter had coming would be harsh enough, without needing to add on because his mate was arguing... and he'd appeared to want to argue earlier. When you contact me, I am able to get back up to help. I am able to get information that might protect you from being hurt or taken from me. And if the worst happens, I am at least able to warn the others what you were doing and they can be ready to flee instead of being caught by surprise and trapped.

Peter hunched, a little, able to feel Stephen's position behind him. It did make him feel smaller. His stomach was twisting from least from putting the others in danger. He bit his lip, standing facing the corner, unable to do anything other than submit. Yes, sir. His voice was still quiet. Subdued. He felt small. He felt dependent on Stephen.

I'd thought you understood the first time you did this and I told you to return home immediately. I explained to you... Stephen continued to hover, needing Peter to submit further. What he planned would be difficult enough without dragging it out because Peter was being obstinate. The second time you did it, I did more than order you home. It may not have been physical pain, but it was still painful; and you were grounded for so long after, I thought certainly you got the message that you aren't allowed to just take off after targets without my approval! Stephen let some of his justified frustration bleed through.

Peter whimpered softly at the continued scolding. His head dropped gently against the join between the walls, almost subconsciously baring his neck to Stephen. He didn't argue or protest. There wasn't anything he could say or do that would be an acceptable response.

I don't like being harsh with you, Peter. I'm your Dominant, not a slave-driver, and I much prefer taking care of you than forcing your obedience and punishing... but in this instance, to take care of you, it appears forcing your obedience is necessary. Stephen sighed, suddenly weary. Do you have anything to say for yourself before I tell you what's going to happen and what you will be doing in the future?

Peter took a few moments to (try and) get his emotions under some kind of control. He didn't really succeed. There's nothing I can say, apart from that I'm sorry for disobeying you, again. And putting everyone in this base in danger. He sitll didn't feel any remorse or guilt for putting himself in danger. Under the surface, the constant dreams had been taking a toll on his mental and emotional health. He didn't exactly have a death wish, but he knew he didn't care about his own safety like he was supposed to.

Stephen wasn't blind and he could tell what Peter was and wasn't sorry for. Punishing Peter in an attempt to get him to see his own value wouldn't work. Slumping slightly before taking a breath and straightening his shoulders, Stephen responded. Very well. I suppose being repentant of endangering the children is a start. Here is what is going to happen. Since this is the third time you've done the same exact thing... I am going to spank you. Not mentally. Physically. You will be going over my knee, bared and I will smack your bare ass till you have reached the needed point. Then I will be striking your freshly spanked bottom with the flat of my wooden hairbrush. You will receive ten on each cheek; twenty all together. This spanking will be for the repeated disobedience, as well as putting the base at risk with your reckless disregard for my orders. Do you understand?

Peter whimpered softly at the sentence, but he didn't argue or even protest. He'd put his trust in Stephen to dominate punish him if and when it was necessary. The idea of the punishment was daunting, but he believed Stephen would only do what he felt was needed. He was willingly putting himself into the older man's hands and he let that feeling come through the bond, along with his voiced response. Yes, sir.

Stephen could only hope what he was doing was the right course of action. He was terrified if he didn't do something harsh enough that Peter never forgot, that the next time the younger man saw a target to go after, Stephen and the others wouldn't get there in time and Peter would die. He forced himself to continue. "After you are spanked, you will be on house arrest. You will not be allowed to leave the base without my permission. Friday will keep you from leaving if necessary... will you see to it, Friday?"

"Of course, doctor..." Friday responded.

Stephen put a hand on Peter's shoulder, drawing him out of the corner and walking him to the bed, stopping only long enough to retrieve a thick, wooden hairbrush. "On the rare occasion I allow you out of the base, you will only be allowed if accompanied by me or one of the other Doms. Understood?"

Peter followed, still without argument or protest, even though he couldn't help but flinch at the sight of the hairbrush. "I understand." He whispered the words, but they were still honest. Still sincere.

Steeling himself, Stephen sat on the bed, putting the brush behind him, and pulled Peter over his lap before baring the younger man. Do you need me to hold your hands?

Peter breathed in deeply as he gave the question serious thought. This was the first time he was being physically punished and while he could cope with being hurt in a fight...he didn't think he'd be able to handle the spanking without throwing his hands back. I think so. He reached his hands behind him, so that Stephen would be able to take hold of them easily.

Stephen gently took Peter's hands and held them against the small of his back, less likely to be accidentally hit and damaged. I love you, he thought, just before raising his hand and firmly smacking down on one cheek, then doing the same to the other. Shortly, he was peppering Peter's bottom with firm hard smacks from crest to mid-thigh. There was no pattern. Some spots were smacked several times before moving on. Some only got smacked once. There were no discernable circuits. Stephen was aiming for a specific uniform color.

Peter's emotions plummeted as Stephen took hold of his hands. It was as if just that one more action of giving over full control to the older man sent all remaining fight over him. He slumped over Stephen's lap, whimpering softly as the spanking began in earnest. The bond was fully open between them...he wasn't hiding anything. Despite the pain of the spanking, despite the pain of Stephen's disappointment and frustration with him, he trusted his Dominant. He loved Stephen.

Stephen continued swatting, gently squeezing Peter's hands. He could feel the complete submission. He could feel the repentance. He wished he could stop, but this was the third time Peter had done this particular disobedience and he couldn't risk a fourth time. He increased the speed a fraction and smacked slightly harder, still randomly. Peter's bottom was a bright pink by this point, rapidly turning red.

Peter clung almost desperately to Stephen's hands, like the older man was a lfeline. He'd started crying moments earlier; now, he was beginning to sob. He was still limp, not fighting or resisting, but couldn't help shifting in reaction to the swats. In reaction to the building sting.

It was so very hard to continue on after Peter began sobbing, but Stephen forced himself to keep swatting. When he finally stopped and reached back, taking hold of the hairbrush, Peter's bottom was an angry, hot, dark scarlet color. There would most likely be some bruising. Stephen was determined Peter would remember this and never repeat the same actions that put him in this position. Holding the back of the brush against Peter's obviously sore bottom, Stephen said gruffly, "Ten on each cheek. And then it is over. Clean slate..." He raised the brush and brought it down firmly; not as hard as his hand, but by this point, it likely felt harder.

Peter's sobs increased in force as even the light touch of the brush hurt. And then it was landing and the sobs became harder, tearing from his throat. His body shifted more frantically, as if trying to get out of range of the brush, even though he was submitting and not actively fighting.

Stephen's own eyes were tearing up as he continued to bring the brush down onto Peter's aching bottom. He counted out the promised twenty, then threw the brush across the room, pulling Peter up and into his arms, leaning back so Peter could lay on him instead of sitting on his backside. "Shhh... it's over. You did so good. Clean slate. I forgive you... and I love you. I can't lose you.... you need to be good for me and obey my orders. I don't give that many...."

Immediately, Peter latched onto Stephen like a limpet, clinging to the older man. He was still sobbing, but the tears lessened somewhat as he was comforted. I'm sorry. I love you. I'll be good. I want to be good for you. He pressed as close as it was possible to be.

"I know you do... and you are good for me. You were just temporarily naughty, but I know you can do better..." Stephen soothed.

Peter just clung to Stephen, needing the contact. Needing to feel forgiven. He snifled sadly, pressing his face against his Dominant's neck and inhaling Stephen's scent. It helped to calm and soothe him further.

Stephen gently rubbed Peter's back and held him tightly, kissing the top of Peter's head. He didn't rub Peter's bottom, but he was keeping an eye on it. If Peter's healing didn't take care of it to Stephen's satisfaction, Stephen would rub some ointment onto his mate's backside. I've got you... he promised.

Peter's breathing hitched and he held tighter to Stephen. I need help, he admitted forlornly through the bond. Since Ultimus invaded,'s not like I have a death wish. But I'm not careful. Not like I used to be. Pressing closer to his bond mate, he made the next admittance very quietly...knowing that he needed to be fully honest with Stephen. The only way that he could see things getting better was if he was honest with his bond mate. Even if it did let Stephen see how broken he was. It still feels like I should have died instead of them. That it's wrong for me to be walking around, free, while they're.... He swallowed, voice catching, unable to bring himself to finish that sentence.

Stephen closed his eyes, his grip on Peter tightening. Thank you for being honest, he thought. I don't know how to help you with those thoughts. I know I am very glad you are alive and walking. That you are mine. I can only hope that when it is too difficult, you can think of that and it helps a little.

Even when I'm naughty and disobedient? Peter tried for a more joking tone, but his emotions were still raw and close to the surface, so it sounded more hopeful and thankful.

Even then. Stephen's emotions were fond. It was obvious he cared about his mate's welfare.

That's good. I don't want to be naughty and disobedient, but I didn't think today and I know I should have done. Peter shifted, a little, just to feel the stinging ache on his backside. He wanted to remember this even after the pain itself faded.

Stephen hugged more tightly, kissing the top of Peter's head again. Hopefully in the future, you will think. But for a while, you will be closely watched, so it will be okay.

And when I'm in my own room, I'm sure Friday will tell you if I end up doing something I shouldn't. Peter's mental voice was wry, fully believing the AI would 'tell on him' if she thought it was necessary.

She will. But... there isn't really a need for you to be in a separate room. I know you did it because you thought I needed space from you... but unless having your own room helps you, there is no need to be apart from me, Stehen said honestly.

Peter pulled back enough so that he could look into Stephen's eyes, biting his lip uncertainly. What about you having your own space? I don't want to crowd you or make you feel uncomfortable.... It was obvious that he wanted to be close to Stephen, but it was just as obvious that he didn't want to encroach on his bond mate's privacy.

As I have mentioned before, if I need space, I am more than capable of pulling back in the bond... and I have my lab I can retreat to. Stephen smiled. As long as you are able to respect my request for space at the random times I need it, there is no reason we can't share space the rest of the time.

Okay. Peter snuggled against him once more. I like being close to you, but I'll listen and respect when you need space, he promised. I love you. I want to make you happy.

"You do," Stephen whispered softly, cuddling his mate close.

"Really?" Peter asked, a happy note creeping into his voice. "When we were playing the game and you said you didn't have any happy memories...I wanted to give some to you." He voiced the admittance without any embarrassment at all.

"Yes, really." Stephen continued to cuddle.

Peter snuggled close, his eyes closing as he held onto his bond mate. Hope you don't mind...I think I might fall asleep on you. His mental voice sounded tired.

I don't mind. Rest... Stephen ordered, shifting Peter just enough that they would both be comfortable, even for a few hours.

Peter nestled in as close as it was possible to get, leaving himself open through the bond. As he fell asleep, his love and gratitude towards Stephen flowed through. Despite the day's events...he felt safe.


Norman wrapped his arm around Kate's waist and guided her into the base, quickly leading her towards their room.

Kate watched as everyone scattered like roaches when light hit them, going to various rooms or, in the case of Loki and Peter, being taken to the cells. She gave Norman a slightly uncertain look as he led her into their bedroom. "Are you mad?" she whispered hesitantly.

"I'm disappointed," Norman replied. "I wouldn't have thought you'd need to have it explained to you just how much is at stake here. Just what could happen, to all of you the rest of us, back here and with no idea the kind of danger you were in. It could have been too late if there'd been more of Ultimus' converted there."

Kate winced. "If I'd known there was more than one, I wouldn't have gone up for a look. We didn't intend to actually confront anyone. Finding out it was Loki was an unhappy surprise...." She didn't comment on what she should or shouldn't have needed explanations for. She felt like a foolish child to not have thought of any of the risk to everyone else. She'd barely given thought to the risk she'd put herself into. She avoided looking at Norman and it was obvious she didn't want to think about what she'd done wrong, didn't like feeling guilty, and was trying to direct the conversation into a more comfortable area of chiding. If he was focusing on her belief of it not being dangerous instead of what dangers there really had been, she wouldn't have to face what she'd done.

"It doesn't matter if there was only one...or one hundred," Norman replied. "You shouldn't have gone chasing off after a potential hostile, whether you knew her before or not. Not without making contact with me first." He led her into their room and closed the door behind them.

"I didn't plan to actually confront her, though!" Kate protested. That she hadn't planned not to, either, was clear. She hadn't planned any of it. It was spur of the moment. Impulse. The actions of someone still very young, even if technically an adult. The actions of someone used to taking dangerous chances and getting through by the skin of her teeth... or rescued by her more mature and experienced mentor.

"I doubt that you had any plans whatsoever. You just reacted without thinking." Norman led her over to the bed and sat down, pulling her over his lap almost immediately. "She could have been responsible for sending you into a trap, where you were facing two of Ultimus' converted that none of you knew." He bared her, then wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her steady. "Not only could you have put the entire base at risk, including the children, due to your could also have got yourself captured. Killed. You might have been taken away from me." A note of pain crept into his voice at that last.

Kate yelped in surprise as she was upended over her mate's lap. Despite seeing Stephen swat Peter, she hadn't truly expected to find herself in this position. "Wait! You can't... I don't..." She tried to argue, throwing her hands back over her bottom, but it was clear through the bond it was more embarrassed fear causing her to fight than true disagreement. She felt like she deserved it. And part of her was afraid he'd let her off easy. She hadn't meant to endanger anyone and between the guilt she felt at that and the sudden stab of guilt she felt on hearing the pain in his voice, she felt horrible.

"I believe I can safely say that the others will be in the exact same position as you." Norman moved her hands out of the way, holding them against the small of her back, and lifted his other hand, bringing it down in a firm smack that he then repeated. "You put yourself in danger. You put the people with you in danger. And you put everyone back at the base in danger. Including children who can't even defend themselves."

Kate had been squirming and wriggling with abandon, attempting to get her bottom away from the painful smacks. But his words slowed the squirming until she lay still over his knee; not quite accepting the punishment, but no longer actively fighting. She began to sob softly when he mentioned the children. "...D'dn mea.." she choked out, before giving up on speech. I didn't mean to! I didn't want to hurt anyone! I didn't want to endanger everyone! I just didn't think.... she didn't include herself in the hurt or endangered. She didn't believe she could be hurt or over-powered, because she thought she could escape and not be caught before that happened (completely ignoring the fact she'd already been caught by several different people at several different times in her life). She might not believe she was at risk, but the thought she'd put everyone else at risk, especially the children, filled her with painful guilt.

Norman continued to smack, settling into a pattern of swats, working over every inch of her bottom, from the crest down to mid-thigh. Then, he began again from the top. "You put yourself in danger as well," he said. "You can't escape being hurt or captured every time, Kate. You didn't escape Ultimus. He converted you. You were in his power for over a year."

I wasn't expecting him then... Kate thought. The feelings accompanying the thought were such that, had she spoken the words, they would have been small and pouty. She didn't want to admit she wasn't invulnerable... that she needed to be given rules and directions and be made to obey, because she was very careless with herself. She was still sobbing, albeit more quietly because she was trying to stop and trying to hear Norman's words, even if they hurt.

Just like you weren't expecting two more of Ultimus' converted to show up. Just as you didn't know there might be a trap you were walking straight into. Beginning a third circuit of smacks, Norman began to swat a fraction harder and faster.

At the harder, quicker smacks, Kate began to sob loudly again and squirm... not because of the pain, though her bottom was burning, but because she knew deep down, he was right. And she knew he knew she knew... but she didn't want to admit it. Admitting it would mean she would need to alter her behavior and she wasn't sure she could do that. She'd be an even bigger disappointment to him, as well as a failure.

"From now on, you are grounded from leaving the base unless I am with you." Norman spoke out loud, his voice stern, as he began to focus more smacks to her sit spots and thighs.

Kate quivered at the words, choking out another tiny sob.... then slumped boneless and accepting over Norman's knee. A sense of relief filled her that he was taking over and making it impossible for her to screw up so badly again. That she wouldn't be able to endanger everyone due to her own inability to think of the danger. "Y... yessir..." She whimpered softly between the now almost silent sobs. She still felt very guilty, but now that she wasn't fighting, she could accept the punishment and let it do its job.

It was hard to continue, to make himself continue, but Norman forced himself to. He made himself continue spanking until her backside was a rosy red. Her tears tore at his heart and he finally felt like he was able to gather her into his arms, cuddling her tightly on his lap and kissing the top of her head. "I love you."

Kate twisted enough to wrap her arms around Norman and burrow against him, not caring that it just made her bottom sting more as it pressed against his thighs. I love you too. So much. I'm sorry i was so careless and hurt you and almost took myself away.... was bad... She sniffled and nuzzled against his chest.

Not bad, Norman corrected. You were naughty...not bad. And I'll help you not to be naughty again, he promised, hugging her tightly.

"Okay," Kate said, in a tiny, hoarse voice, before snuggling more. I need your help not to be naughty. Really didn't wanna be dangerous and hurt everyone. She shifted again slightly. My bottom hurts. It was clear she felt it was deserved and wasn't upset about it. In fact, there was a sense of thankfulness that he hadn't let her get away with her attitude.

Hopefully, it will help remind you of what I expect from you. Norman stroked his fingers through her hair and cuddled her a bit tighter.

Yessir. Kate snuggled a bit more before admitting, I don't think I'd like spankings for fun.

I suspect a lot of people don't, Norman responded, a trace of amusement creeping into his voice.

Kate giggle snorted at his amusement. I like cuddling after I get into trouble, though... she admitted, a bit shyly.

We can cuddle for as long as you'd like, Norman replied.

Until we have to leave the room again? Kate asked hopefully, with a hint of mischievousness.

Of course, Norman said, clearly willing to go along with whatever she wanted...within reason.

Kate pushed her shoes off her feet, letting her jeans and panties fall to the floor before rearranging herself to be snuggled as close as possible to her mate, head tucked under his chin, head on his chest. Her bottom radiated a stinging heat. She was content.


Loki had been quiet and watchful as he and the human were led to the cells. Ultimus didn't have direct control over him anymore, but he could still feel the influence in the back of his mind, pressing in whenever he let his concentration waver even a little. Finally, he asked, "How is that you all remain free, without him attempting to gain control over you?"

"We've found a way to create bonds, between two or three people," Steve said. "It's not necessarily ideal. The bond requires sex and also for one partner to take a Dominant role, while the other becomes submissive. The bond enables us to keep Ultimus out of our heads."

Peter Quill had been listening quietly. It was not his usual mode of operating, but he had learned a lot when traveling with the other Guardians. This appeared to be one of those times that silent listening was best. Once he'd heard about the bond, though, he spoke. "Who can we bond with? I want that egomaniacal asshole out of my head."

Loki looked around at all of the others and then focused on Peter Quill. "Since we are the only two not bonded to anyone, I would assume the idea is for us to bond to each other."

Peter blinked. "Oh. Right. I knew that..." He gave a boyish grin, though he was obviously embarrassed at not paying attention.

"There are plenty of supplies." Steve indicated the position of said supplies. "Let Friday know when the bond is completed and she can unlock the cells for you. You'll find clean clothes and washcloths, too," he added. He paused, just to make sure there were no questions, and then slipped out, giving them privacy.

Peter watched Steve and the others leave, before facing Loki. "So how do we decide who tops?" he asked, with as much bravado as he could muster.

Loki walked over to the supplies and began collecting what he figured he'd need. "As an Asgardian, I am probably much older than you. I have also experienced sex with other males before."

Peter swallowed hard. "H... how hard can it be?" he asked, before the double entendre occurred to him and he giggled nervously.

"Not as hard as it could be, I'm sure," Loki said wryly. "Make yourself comfortable."

Peter looked around the cell. It had two beds and a divider. Nothing else. He looked down at the hospital gown he'd been put into, shrugged and removed it so he was naked before walking to the closest bed and sitting.

Loki moved over to the bed and sat down facing Peter. He reached out to run his hands over the other man's body, then leaned in to kiss him lightly.

Peter relaxed slightly and returned the kiss. He leaned onto the touch. If he was doing this, he was at least going to have fun doing it.

Loki kissed him a bit harder and deeper, pushing his tongue into Peter's mouth. At the same time, he moved his hands lower to gently tweak the other man's nipples.

Peter opened his mouth obediently, groaning softly at the nipple manipulation. He brought his own hands up to grip Loki's shoulders.

Loki kissed a bit harder, a bit more deeply, before he pulled back. He began to trail a series of biting kisses down Peter's neck and chest. When he got to one of the nipples, he engulfed it in his mouth.

Peter whimpered as Loki nipped at his skin, the slight sting causing his member to twitch in interest. When the older man engulfed his nipple, though, he gasped, then groaned loudly, suddenly fully aroused. He may have never been 'bottom' in any of his prior relationships (though some might have assumed things about him and Gamora), but his body seemed to be fully on board with the idea of Loki being in control.

Loki sucked and gently nipped the nipple in his mouth, reducing it to a hard, swollen nub. Then, he released it and did the same to the opposite. At the same time, he coated a finger in the lube and pushed Peter down onto the bed, so he could push the finger inside.

Peter whimpered and moaned at the sharp sting and ache Loki's actions caused his nipples. When he was pushed back onto the bed, his legs fell open to enable Loki to fit between them. He almost pulled his knees up toward his shoulders to expose the tight ring of muscle hidden between his cheeks, but instinct stopped him. He'd wait for Loki's orders, in case the older man wanted him in a different position.

Loki pulled back a little, just enough to order, "Pull your knees up to your shoulders." Then, he returned to nipping and kissing along Peter's chest and stomach. He coated a second finger in the lube and pushed that slowly inside.

Peter groaned again at the order, immediately obeying. Pulling his knees up exposed him completely and it opened him completely, enabling Loki to push in deeper. Peter was very tight. "Ne... never had... had an... anything in me 'fore...." Peter admitted, in a breathless voice, as Loki's fingers stretched him and caused friction inside that felt wonderful 

Loki gave his hip a gentle squeeze and then moved his hand to Peter's member, beginning to stroke it firmly even as he stretched the other man wider.

Peter's head fell back onto the bed with a thump as he groaned loudly. His neck was bared, vulnerable to the Asgardian prince. "...S'good..." He gasped as Loki stretched him. He tried to catch a glimpse of his future bond mate's member, curious as to how large the older man was... how much he needed to be stretched before Loki would fit.

Responding to Peter baring his neck, Loki moved up to kiss and then suck on the skin, leaving behind a mark. He coated a third finger in the lube and pushed that inside Peter, stretching the other man even more.

Peter's breathing was ragged and he whimpered at feeling his neck marked. He groaned yet again, very loudly, as a third finger was added. He could feel that Loki was pushing as deep as possible with the digits. He was so tight around them, he could feel every slight movement. He was thankful Loki seemed to be willing to go slow and loosen him up.

Loki continued to slowly open Peter up, still kissing and sucking on his neck, leaving marks behind. Despite Ultimus' control, he wasn't in any hurry.

Peter slowly loosened for his future master, moaning, whimpering and breathing erratically as Loki made a necklace of love bites around his neck. Peter's member was hard, swollen, glistening at the tip. He was still tight, but Loki's fingers were able to go deep. "I... I can take a fourth..." Peter gasped, wanting Loki to have more control over him, offering himself in the only way he currently could.

In response to the words, Loki coated a fourth finger in the lube and pushed it inside. He continued to stroke and squeeze and manipulate Peter's member. Continued leaving trails of love bites and marks; not just on the other man's neck, but over his chest and stomach.

Peter gasped softly as the slight sting of stretch was felt, then he groaned, low and long, his member twitching in Loki's hand... not releasing, but very close. In the back of his mind, he could feel Ultimus pushing, trying to reassert control; but his focus was so fully on the pleasure Loki was giving that it was little more than skittering in the background. He felt so full of Loki's fingers, the digits rubbing firmly around inside him. He whined when the rubbing brushed over sensitive nerves.

Loki could feel Ultimus at the back of his mind, trying to exert control once more, but Druig's ability kept it from being any more than mildly uncomfortable. Finally, he pulled his fingers free and lubed up his own member. Then, he began to push inside Peter, moving very slowly.

Peter whined when Loki removed his fingers and began panting as the Asgardian ever so slowly began to stuff him full of his shaft. He let out another groan as the other man rubbed over his prostate and kept pushing deeper. "Please..." he finally sobbed. "...Please make me yours....."

As he continued to push slowly inside, taking his time, Loki gently squeezed Peter's member. "You will not release without my permission," he warned.

"No... no, sir..." Peyer shook his head rapidly, almost babbling. "Not till you say..." he gasped out, as Loki continued rubbing firmly against his prostate, pushing deeper still. Peyer didn't know how his new master could go so deep. He was probably just confused from endorphins, he thought. He looked at Loki with lust glazed eyes, needy little sobs escaping open, panting lips.

"Good," Loki breathed encouragingly, leaning forward to brush a hard, possessive kiss against Peter's lips. His hands shifted to the other man's hips, holding him still.

Peter opened his mouth further for the kiss, tiny whimpering whines escaping as he was held perfectly still, unable to do anything but take whatever Loki chose to do.

Loki pushed his tongue into Peter's mouth once more, lightly nipping at his lips as he increased his thrusts a fraction. He moved his hands to Peter's nipples, encircling them with his fingers and allowing his skin to grow cold. It wouldn't hurt or burn the other man, though.

Peter let out another tiny sob, clenching around Loki's member and pressing his chest upward toward Loki, silently asking for more nipple play. They were hard, achy nubs.

Loki continued to caress and squeeze Peter's nipples, spreading the cold touch wherever he touched or stroked. He began to thrust harder inside Peter, seeking out the spot inside that he knew would bring pleasure.

Peter's eyes had gone from glazed to dazed, the over-stimulation causing him to drop... he only retained enough awareness to hold on. Loki hadn't yet given permission, after all. His nipples were a swollen, angry red. His member was hard, swollen, nearly purple, with copious amounts of pre-cum leaking out and shining it... slicking it... up for the Asgardian. Loki had found that spot nearly immediately and had been pounding it non-stop. Peter's body was an exposed nerve, every touch felt to the extreme, the pleasure so heightened it hurt; and Peter couldn't articulate. He couldn't even whimper or whine. The only sounds he could make were soft, sobbing moans, low in his chest. His focus was solely on his master; that's what Loki was to him now. His focus was solely on Loki and waiting for permission to fall apart.

"Let go." Loki spoke the words in a voice that was hoarse, showing his own desire and arousal. He shifted a fraction so that he could start pounding...deeper...harder...faster. His own release was so very close, but he held off, so that they could release together.

Peter wailed as he immediately obeyed, his release pulsing, pouring out of him in a hard spray that covered them both. His hole clenched and spasmed around Loki's member, weakly trying to pull and hold the larger man inside. Peter sobbed softly as Loki continued to pound inside, the prostate stimulation as painful as it was pleasurable. He would feel this for days after. He didn't want it to end. With one last sob, Peter fell the rest of the way over the edge, completely dropped. His body still attempted to hold Loki in, still reacted, but Peter was on another plane mentally and emotionally, drugged from the sex. A ready and willing, if now unaware, receptacle for Loki's seed.

Loki's own release came over him at the same time. As he let go, as he emptied inside Peter, a warm glow surrounded them. When it faded, their hands had identical marks on them. And Loki could feel Peter. He could feel that the other man had dropped. He carefully withdrew from the other man and began to clean Peter up, his touches gentle, attempting not to stimulate his sub even more. Throughout it all, he kept talking reassuringly through the bond. I'm here. You're not alone. We're both free of Ultimus now.

Peter slowly became aware enough to track Loki with his eyes. Even though he didn't talk and was obviously incapable of doing anything or making any decisions for himself. You got me... he repeated muzzily, feelings of acceptance and trust bleeding through the bond.

Loki cleaned Peter thoroughly, then began to dress his new bond mate. It was automatic to keep taking care...keep taking control. He continued speaking in soft, reassuring tones through the bond.

The more Loki took care of Peter, the more Peter began to come to himself and realize what had happened. He began to cry quietly, fear seeping through the bond. He wasn't afraid of Loki or belonging to the Asgardian, though. He was afraid that he had lost control of himself so completely that he didn't remember the last several minutes of their coupling. He didn't remember releasing so hard, he made it necessary for Loki to bathe him. He only vaguely remembered Loki releasing in him; and that only because he could still vaguely feel the sensation of his master's seed in him and feel it slowly dribbling out of him. The lack of solid memory and knowing he'd been so helpless and vulnerable was scary, so he cried quietly, reaching to his lover through the bond, instinctively seeking Loki's protection. It was clear through the bond everything he felt; and it was even more clear through the bond that Peter had accepted his position as Loki's sub whole-heartedly. He belonged to the Asgardian now. Completely 

Loki immediately responded, sending feelings of care and reassurance through the bond to his mate. You dropped and gave up all control to me. It is not a bad thing. I was right here to protect you and keep you safe, he soothed.

I... didn't expect that... Peter thought, still a bit muzzy and disoriented. I... I know you are my Dom now... but was... you didn't tell me to do that... He felt chagrined at the fact he'd reacted without permission. Even if he wouldn't have been able to stop it from happening.

It doesn't matter how you react, Loki replied. You would only be in trouble if you tried to hold back or hide from me. Your reactions belong to me just as you do.

I will never hide from you... Peter promised fervently. He was still disoriented. Still whoozy. It didn't matter, as long as he had Loki protecting him.

Good. Loki dressed himself and then helped Peter to stand. "We will go and join the others now. I'm sure there will be somewhere for us to stay." He wrapped his arm around Peter's waist to guide him from the cells.

Peter was obviously walking funny, sore from the vigorous claiming. He was grinning proudly, though, viewing the walk as a badge of honor. He'd been able to take everything his new master had given him... even if he needed to lean on Loki a little because he was very tired.

After checking with Friday where the others had gathered, Loki led his mate to join them.

Tony looked up when Loki and Peter entered the room. He could tell immediately which one was in charge. "Reindeer Games! Am I glad you're on our side now..." He smiled. "Quill. It's good to see you too."

Peter nodded in Tony's direction.

Ross cleared his throat. "The others should be joining us as soon as... they've taken care of matters."

Loki raised his eyebrows. "What kind of matters?" he asked curiously.

"We actually found you by accident..." Tony acknowledged. "One of the younger members of the 'resistance' saw someone that they thought they knew and the whole group of them took it upon themselves to go rescue said person without giving anyone else a heads up or forming a plan. That's a big no-no."

"I don't know if it's our place to mention it or not, but all those who left without telling anyone were submissives," Druig added.

Loki's eyes widened a fraction, but all he said was, "I see." He didn't know how Dominant and submissive relationships worked here on Midgard...Earth. "You are all in these kinds of relationships?" He looked around at those who were gathered in the room.

"Not all of us," Phastos said. "The bond forms whatever those involved need from it. For some of us, it is purely platonic. For others, they are more equal partners."

Quill blinked at that. "So... whatever the bond formed for us..." He looked at Loki and then back at the others. "...It formed what we needed it to be?"

"That seems to be the case." Tony nodded.

He glanced over as Wong entered into the room, arm wrapped around Harry.

Harry leaned heavily on his mate. His eyes were a little red-rimmed, but it wasn't immediately obvious he'd been crying. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, to the room at large. "I didn't think. At all."

Steve nodded, taking in the younger man's appearance and having a fairly good idea of what had transpired. "It's all right," he said quietly. "I'm sure not many of us can say we haven't rushed into a situation unprepared."

Wong nodded at the others, but didn't add to Harry's words. He sent waves of support through the bond, though.

"I don't think any of us could truthfully say that. But it is something we need to attempt not to do. We have too much on the line..." Stephen said, as he also entered into the room, drawing Peter with him. 

Tony noted the four newest arrivals, noting the same thing Steve had. "All water under the bridge, of course. We won't focus on past mistakes, as long as lessons have been learned."

Ajak nodded and smiled towards the others...including Otto and Dane and Norman and Kate in that smile as they also entered the room. "It doesn't need to be spoken about again."

Harry waited for Wong to sit and then settled himself on his bond mate's lap. He was feeling needy and clingy and didn't want to be out of touching distance of the older man.

Peter was alson feeling clingy, but he contented himself with sitting close to Stephen, where he could easily see his own bond mate.

Wong didn't mind Harry sitting on his lap and wrapped an arm around the younger man.

Stephen pulled Peter close.

Kate bit her lip and snuggled close to Norman, waiting for him to sit and tell her where to go. She was also feeling clingy, but it was taking the form of wanting to obey her mate. Especially since she had disobeyed him so horribly before.

Dane didn't wait more than a second after Otto had sat down to sit down at his mate's feet, laying his head on Otto's leg.

Quill wasn't blind. He could tell all of the newest arrivals were Doms with their subs. He could also tell that the subs were... acting oddly. And nearly all of them had faint traces, if not full-fledged, of tear tracks on their faces.  "You were the four that found us originally..." he said softly. "...But you got into trouble for it. I'm sorry. I'm glad you saved us, but I'm sorry...."

Norman sat down and gently pulled Kate onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist and tugging her in close.

"I'm glad you got saved." Harry let his head rest on Wong's shoulder. "But we didn't go about it the right way and things could have gone a whole lot worse. We really need to make better choices next time."

"Well. I'm grounded, so I'll have time to think about how to handle things next time," Peter said quietly, moving as close to Stephen as his bond mate allowed.

"I'm grounded too..." Kate said softly, giving Peter a commiserating smile.

Quill nodded, not commenting on what they said. It appears that... they were punished, he thought to his own mate.

Stephen wrapped an arm around Peter and didn't say anything about the punishments. He wouldn't embarrass his sub by bringing it up, but if Peter felt the need to tell the others, he wouldn't stop him. He turned toward Loki. "I know we did a quick physical and drew blood when we brought you in, but now that you are bonded, we would like to draw more blood to compare. It helps to see how the bond has changed anything... if it has. Also, I can give you some items for later, in case there is any soreness...."

Peter returned Kate's smile, slightly ruefully, and just cuddled against Stephen.

Loki sent a wordless agreement through the bond before he responded to Stephen. "Do whatever you need to. And yes. I would appreciate some items to help with soreness." He was fairly sure that Quill was feeling some soreness and if he could help his bond mate with that, then it would help him feel better.

"I know you said not everyone's bond is the same... that not everyone is in a Dominant and submissive relationship, that the bond forms what is most needed by those in the bonding..." Quil started hesitantly. "Does that mean the bond is sentient?"

Steve frowned at that, glancing towards Peter and Harry, who were the ones who had been studying the bond the most.

"We don't believe so," Harry answered quietly. "Peter and I believe that the bond only...allows what was already there, below the surface, to come out. It's like it removes some kind of inhibitions."

"Like alcohol," Pietro commented. "Only no hangovers."

"So... those who have formed a fully Dominant/submissive pairing did so because there was some inclination to have a relationship like that already and the bond just removed whatever kept the person from giving in to it?" Quill asked hesitantly. So, I've probably been fighting my nature my whole life, but the bond let me give in to it.... he thought. Explains so much....

Loki snorted softly. I've always felt the need to be in control, so the way our bond has formed doesn't surprise me.

Peter nodded in response to Quill's question. "That's the theory that's mostly supported by the evidence we've been able to collect so far."

Quill wrinkled his nose. "I always tried to be in control of everything... I can't say I'm not surprised, but... I'm not as surprised as I thought I'd be either. It's a bit unsettling, though...." All those times I argued with Yondu... and Gamora... and Thor for that matter... he thought sheepishly. If I argued with you?

Kate was also wrinkling her nose. "I never listened to anyone before. I didn't want anyone in charge of me..." she stated in confusion.

Dane snorted this time and not so softly. "Yeah? Me too. I'm beginning to think it was because I didn't want to accept that I actually wanted to listen to someone...."

I think we need to sit and talk about expectations and consequences, Loki replied. But I expect you to obey me. Not to argue with me.

"I tried to be in control all the time, back in my home dimension," Harry said quietly. "But I was never truly happy like that. And I ended up pushing my best friend away." He cuddled back into Wong as he said, "Even when we were constantly running and constantly on edge because of the risk of discovery...I was happier letting Wong control me than I ever was when I tried to be 'in charge'."

Norman winced, feeling guilty that he'd managed to contribute to the way his son had been feeling. He could only hope that he managed to repair things with Harry eventually.

"I felt it before." Peter picked idly at a piece of fabric. "That urge to submit." He didn't go into further details. Stephen already knew that Peter had been attracted to him when he'd first come to this dimension.

Yessir... Quill thought. He was still feeling a little off-kilter from dropping, as well as everything else that had occurred; and hearing that he was expected to obey actually helped settle some of the dissonance he was feeling.

"I always felt the need to prove myself. Mom wanted to keep me cossetted and safe, after daddy died, and it... I chafed at it. I don't think I ever really gave myself time to consider that being in charge wasn't really what I needed." Kate frowned and picked at a chipped fingernail. "It... It wasn't until I was freed from Ultimus and had the bond that I realized that what I thought I needed and what I actually need might not be the same thing..." She shrugged slightly, her face pink from embarrassment at not having realized sooner. "I do know I don't like upsetting Norman... I never want to upset him so badly he needs to spank me ever again!" she said fervently, not even thinking that sharing that with everyone else might not be normal. She was still feeling a little uncertain and was more concerned with making sure Norman knew she planned to do better. "But not because the spanking hurt... even though it did... but... because upsetting him hurt. It made my chest burn and ache..." She rubbed over her heart; her voice had gone soft and tiny and almost childish, at remembering how it had felt.

"I don't think the bond caused that feeling..." Steven said softly. "That is entirely a feeling from disappointing those you care about and who care about you and happens even if you aren't bonded....

"Yeah... I know..." Kate sniffled and gave a wry smile.

Loki arched his eyebrows at the word spanking, taking in the appearances of the four younger ones once more. Ah. So their behaviour now makes sense, he thought to his own bond mate.

Quill blinked and looked at the four again himself. Yeah. Okay. They do look like I did when I stepped out of line one too many times with Yondu. Have to admit I never thought of a lover spanking their mate as a punishment before, though....

Kate hesitantly lay her head on Norman's shoulder and snuggled. I really am sorry.... I know you punished me, but I just wanted you to know when I wasn't sobbing and trying not to be spanked....

"Yeah. Okay. The others should be bringing the kiddies in for lunch soon. And then I figure we can spend the rest of the day going through all the items that were brought back..." Tony clapped his hands and stood to head into the kitchen area. "Who wants to help get lunch ready?"

If it works, then I can only imagine it is a good thing, Loki replied.

Norman hugged Kate a bit tighter. I know. And I forgive you, he replied. Why don't we go and help Tony prepare lunch?

While others were moving to help get lunch ready, Steve stood and looked towards Loki and Quill. "If you'd like, I can give you the tour of the base and you can pick your room before lunch," he offered.

Kate smiled and stood. "What are we making the kiddies for lunch?" she called out to Tony, as she waited for Norman to stand and walk with her.

Quill didn't say anything to Loki's observation. His master wasn't wrong. But he certainly didn't want to give the other man any stronger idea that it should be used on him. Peter knew himself and he knew if Loki chose that method of correction, his backside was going to be perpetually sore. He couldn't help himself... he argued just to argue sometimes. He looked at Steve. "Yeah. It would be helpful, knowing where everything is...."

"If you start in the infirmary, I can get those blood samples and give you the items I promised..." Stephen told Loki, standing up carefully so he didn't knock Peter over, then moving to join the other three men. "Peter and Harry are the ones that actually compare all samples, so they'd likely want to get them as soon as possible." He glanced at his sub for confirmation.

Peter nodded quickly. "Yeah. We can check the samples after lunch. See if there are any changes we can make note of." He paused before saying through the bond to his mate, Unless you don't want me working in the lab today. He had the abrupt thought that he wanted Stephen to order him to stay within his eyesight and...yeah, he didn't have a problem with feeling clingy, but he normally found working in the lab soothing....

Norman stood and wrapped his arm around Kate, steering her after Tony.

I should really want to go and look at the samples, Harry thought to his mate. But I don't want to be apart from least for the rest of the day.

"I don't see why you can't work on the samples after lunch. I've been wanting you to show me what you've discovered recently anyway. You can explain things as you work," Stephen said calmly.

I do not think I would be much help in your lab, but if I bring the book I am researching into the lab, I can sit in a corner to read while you work, Wong thought.

Dane watched Kate disappear and Harry and Peter making plans for after lunch and he suddenly felt a bit useless. Sucks that all I'm good at is fighting. My knowledge of historical artifacts doesn't really help anyone.

Quill moved to stand next to Loki, ready to follow when the tour began.

Steve began leading the way towards the infirmary, expecting that Stephen would follow in order to collect the samples needed as well as give Loki the items. He began to explain what they were passing on the way.

There are a lot of people here in the base now, Otto commented. We could help with preparing lunch too. He gently squeezed his mate's waist.

Harry relaxed and gave Wong a grateful smile. I like that idea, he agreed.

Wong nodded, helping Harry stand. In that case, we should join them in the infirmary 

Dane leaned into Otto. Yeah. I can do that... He smiled and leaned over to kiss his mate on the cheek.

Stephen followed Steve and the others, only pausing long enough for Peter to join him. As soon as they were in the infirmary, he drew the blood and then handed Loki a bag full of items that would most likely be needed. "There are basic first-aid items there. So you don't always have to hunt me down to get something if you have a headache or stomachache or need lotion or something."

Harry nodded and leaned on his mate to follow the others to the infirmary. He stood by quietly as Stephen drew the blood, not straying too far from Wong's side and staying close enough to touch. He could tell Peter was feeling nearly as clingy, even though he was careful to stand back and give Stephen room to work.

"Thank you." Loki nodded, taking the baf of items from Stephen. Moving a bit closer to Quill, he then followed Steve from the infirmary as they continued the tour.

Stephen carefully handed the vials of blood to Peter. "I suppose we won't go to the lab to work until after lunch, but at least we can go set things up..." he said, gently leading the other man out of the infirmary and to the lab, expecting Wong and Harry would follow.


Steven watched as everyone exited the room, then looked at Ajak. Do you think they need even more help in the kitchen? Or should we just stay here until it is time to get the kids?

I don't believe we are needed in the kitchen and I am sure they will ask for help if it needed, Ajak replied. There's no reason why we can't stay here.


Lunch had been prepared, the children had been called in and fed... and introduced to the newest members on base. And everyone had pretty much done their own thing the rest of the day. Some had watched a movie in the rec room, while others had retreated to their rooms that night. Most of the submissives had been exceedingly clingy; luckily, their Doms hadn't minded and had cuddled them as much as was needed to settle them and help them feel secure. Loki had used the items Stephen had handed him to treat Quill; the soreness was still there, but the chafing wasn't as raw and afterwards, he curled up in Loki's arms and fell asleep, fairly early. It had been a very energy draining day. And night fell.