Chapter Seven

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); AU


For the next few days, things were fairly quiet on the base. Work had begun on the indoor park, Peter roping in Harry, Dane and Kate to help him. And the plants had grown to the point that they were now able to start having fresh fruit and vegetables, something that all of them were very happy about.

They'd also spent the next few days gathering intel on others they wanted to save. Friday had compiled a list of locations and areas where their targets had been and were likely to be. Many of the targets were either personally connected to those already freed, or people who those already freed believed could be helpful to them.

They'd made up several teams. They hadn't yet decided if the teams would all go as one to each place, or split up as necessary. It really depended on exactly when they made their move.

While they ate breakfast, Friday had been compiling the information on the locations of their targets. In the end, it was decided that the groups going out would split up. Since both Druig and Loki had the ability to exert control over others, they would go with a group each, but the others going out would also have tranq guns.

The sorcerers also split up, so that each group would have someone available to open portals.  One smaller group stayed back with Friday and one sorcerer, so that if something went wrong, they could receive word through the AI and back-up could easily be sent.

The first location they went to was a forest area. It was semi-peaceful and that was why she went there, when Ultimus wasn't sending her off on missions to capture or kill for him. Thena had no current orders, so right now, she was kneeling in the middle of the forest, head bowed. The sounds of nature calmed and settled her, making her feel at peace even though her mind was no longer her own.

They'd sent Druig in the group to go after Thena; not only because of his ability to control, but because he knew her. Hopefully, that connection would keep her calm. He motioned for the others to stay back. They could move in if necessary, but he would go ahead of them. "Thena..." he called out softly.

Thena's eyes opened. Her back was to Druig and the others, but she knew there were people there. She had her hands in front of her and her weapons manifested. Ultimus' control was vying with memories of long ago battles, names and faces that she remembered being her enemies. Ultimus saw no need to keep her sane and it kept her from realising what he'd done to her.

"Thena, it's me. Druig. Do you remember me?" Druig asked quietly, moving closer and preparing to use his powers.

Thena narrowed her eyes and her grip tightened on her weapons. "You are not part of the mission." Her mind was mixing between past and present, struggling to hold onto something real; something that wasn't intangible and slipping from her grasp. She shifted position, moving from a kneel to a crouch...preparing for battle.

Steve's attention was focused on Druig and his fellow eternal, but his gaze was also shifting around the area. Three more of their targets weren't far from their location...and if they weren't careful, one wrong move could alert them before they were ready.

Druig sighed. "No, I'm not part of your mission. You are part of mine..." he said softly, letting his power out to weave around her. "I need you to come with me."

The sudden cut of Ultimus' control over her, replaced by her brother's, was enough to send her into a full flashback. Letting out a warlike cry, she leaped and turned, lashing out at Druig with her weapons.

Steve quickly raised the tranq gun to fire off a shot. At this rate, they were going to bring all of the targets at them at once.

Druig increased his control over Thena. He didn't like to do it, but he needed to make certain she didn't have enough freedom to fight him. If he got knocked out, he would lose all control and then they'd have to fight four of Ultimus' controlled with no help from him.

The stronger control worked, although Thena's whole body was tense. Her grip on her weapons was white-knuckled.

"We need to get the others as soon as possible..." Druig said to Steve, glancing toward the others.

Steve nodded. "They might have heard her...." He began to move towards one of the other set of coordinates, holding the tranq gun at the ready, prepared for if he had to use it.

Druig looked at Thena and held out a hospital gown.  "You need to follow me."

She put her weapons away, changing out of the clothes she was wearing and putting the hospital gown on, then followed him.

Druig kept her beside him, as it enabled him to make certain his power was still holding her in control.

Bucky was up in a tree, watching the approaching figures. He pushed the homing beacon on his uniform.

Brock walked out to meet Steve and the others, holding his weapon in front of him.

Steve raised the tranq gun, fully prepared to take the shot and fire it at Brock if he needed to.

Pietro, who had accompanied the group and his bond mate, wasted no time in running towards the tree, zooming up it and grabbing Bucky, bringing him back down...all within the blink of an eye.

Stephen glanced toward Bucky. "He pushed the beacon...." He used magic to short circuit the beacon, but it had already spent several moments transmitting.

Pietro glanced at his mate. You control them? I'll grab the last one in this location? He prepared to zoom off the moment he had Druig's agreement.

Druig nodded. "Yes. Get the last one..." He immediately sent out his power to draw Brock and Bucky into his control.

Pietro zoomed away and came back only seconds later with Sam with him, having found the other man making his way towards the commotion.

"We need to get back to base as fast as possible...." Steve said worriedly.

Druig nodded. "Strip and put on these gowns," he ordered the three men.

Bucky immediately did as ordered. He kept looking at Steve while he did it, though.

Brock obeyed as well.

As soon as all four were changed, Stephen opened the portal.

Grant helped Steve herd the new captures through the portal. Brock was a HYDRA member. Is there any way to figure out if he was controlled by Ultimus willingly, or if he was forced? Not every HYDRA member wanted to help Ultimus. If he was one who didn't, this would likely change his allegiances.

I don't know if there is a way, Steve admitted. He was a double agent, but I have no idea where his true loyalties lie now. He hesitated. The only way I can think of is for Druig to order him to tell us honestly.

We might need to do that before he bonds to someone... Grant suggested.

By this point, they were all through the portal. Stephen closed it and they began to quickly move back to base.


Meanwhile, the other group had moved into position to capture their targets.

The other targets had been located in one of the cities Ultimus still used as a base area. Reed Richards had been sent into the city to look for any signs or clues of the whereabouts of those who had been freed from Ultimus' control. He was accompanied by Danny Rand, who had been sent along to serve as a bodyguard.

Yelena Belova had been used by Ultimus to try and set a trap before. This time, she was just meant to guard the perimeter. She would be a first line of defense to keep Reed under Ultimus; control. This time, she had a partner in Matt Murdoch. Between her eyes and his ears, they would be able to contact Ultimus before the rebels even began trying to rescue Reed.

At least, that was Ultimus' belief. What Ultimus didn't know was his control over Yelena was slipping. Between having broken the brain washing from the widow program and hearing Kate calling to her, small bits of Yelena's personality were attempting to break through. She hadn't overcome enough to actually break free, but she had broken through enough to have presence of mind to 'lose' the beacon. And to help Matt 'lose' his. It wouldn't keep them from being tracked, but if anyone showed up, it would prevent Matt and her from alerting Ultimus.

The group heading towards the city had been informed, by Friday, that two of their targets were guarding the perimeter, while the other two were in the main city itself.

Ajak and Tony had ended up being at the front, with Loki ready to exert his control. They needed to act quickly to take out the first two and then grab the others, hopefully without drawing attention or having a beacon pressed to alert Ultimus.

Wong kept to the back, ready to lend his own magic if needed, but mostly ready to open a portal.

Yelena saw the newcomers and drew her weapon, preparing to fight.

Matt was the first one to make contact, though. He stepped out in front of them, blocking their path.

Frank stepped out from behind Wong. "Hey, Red. How bout we do this the easy way and you just come with us?" he asked hopefully.

Matt paused. He recognized that voice.

Loki took note of the fact there were no obvious beacons on either of the two. He doubted that Ultimus would have sent them out without a beacon to call him, which meant that either they were hidden...or two of the converted had somehow managed to lose them. He prepared to take control of the two.

Matt shook his head, Frank's voice confusing him and making him want to not fight these people... but Ultimus was urging it.

Yelena noticed the difficulty her partner was having and moved out of the shadows and stood beside Matt, weapon ready. No sense in hiding when it appeared she'd been seen by the tall, pale brunet.

'C'mon, Matt. You know me..." Frank cajoled.

Since Matt seemed to be listening to Frank, Loki used his sceptre to take control of Yelena instead. Since there were no obvious beacons, he'd wait a few moments before taking control of Matt too.

Matt shook his head again, stepping closer to the group. "Frank?" he asked, in a confused tone.

"Yeah, it's me, Red. We've come to rescue you from Ultimus," Frank said softly, carefully moving into Matt's space. "We're going to need you to take off your clothes and put on this hospital gown, though. To get rid of any trackers Ultimus might have placed."

"He... he's trying to stop me..." Matt admitted, even as he hesitantly undressed.

Yelena blinked as Ultimus was no longer in control and instead... Loki was in control. Hearing Frank's words, she automatically stripped naked, no modesty at all, and waited to be handed a gown.

"He will," Ajak said softly. "Until you are able to get rid of his control entirely. As we have." She handed them both a hospital gown each.

"You don't have beacons...." Loki observed, his control encouraging Yelena to tell him if they had something else hidden on them, or even embedded under the skin.

"I removed them..." Yelena slanted her head. "Something inside me told me I should. I couldn't go against him more than that...." She put on the gown.

Matt put on the gown as well. "How do you get him out of your head permanently?" he asked hopefully.

"It requires forming a bond," Ajak said. "But it can be discussed in further detail back at the base. We still have two targets to collect."

Loki nodded and began to walk towards the other set of coordinates. They would hopefully take the other two by surprise, as there'd been no need to fight.

Yelena and Matt fell into step with the others. Yelena felt no urge to fight; Loki had subdued Ultimus' control over her.

Matt was obviously fighting Ultimus control, but so far was succeeding. Frank stood near him to give him a familiar anchor, in the hopes it would help him until he could form a bond with someone.

"If it becomes too much, I can magically tie you so that you can't run away. Then once a bond is formed, you'll be safe..." Wong whispered to Matt. "Just let me know if it is needed."

Soon, they had reached the location their intel had placed Reed Richards and Danny Rand.

Reed had been looking and observing, using the resources that were left in this place to his advantage. In actual fact, because Ultimus' soldiers were being taken, Reed had chosen to use himself and the others as bait. To draw in those who had been taking away Ultimus' soldiers. He was expecting an attack...though he'd expected to have more warning, given that there were two on the perimeter who should have fought back even if they were ultimately subdued.

Danny was standing a short space away from the other man, eyes scanning the surroundings. He couldn't hear anything, but that didn't surprise him. The others with them didn't make much noise at the best of times.

The group paused next to a building, giving them some shelter from being seen. Ajak moved closer to Wong to whisper, "Do you think you can short-circuit their beacons from here?"

"My abilities don't work that way..." Wong snorted softly. "We'll just need to work quick. Maybe we should have Stark work on a device that will do that, though."

Frank waited for those leading to decide what to do.

Ajak nodded in agreement. "That would be a good idea," she murmured, before looking towards Loki.

Loki nodded. They were fortunate, really, that Yelena and Matt had removed their beacons. It gave them a bit more time. They might not be able to stop the beacon from being pressed, but hopefully, they could move quickly enough to be gone before Ultimus or any of his converted reached them.

Quickly, they moved out, heading towards the two men.

Frank stayed back with Yelena and Matt, holding a tranq gun in case Loki's abilities weren't enough.

Wong immediately sent out ropes of magic to bind Danny and Reed.

Reed hadn't been surprised when he saw people approaching...but he hadn't expected or anticipated magic that roped around him and bound him before he could press the beacon.

Danny immediately began struggling against the ropes of magic that bound him.

Loki raised his sceptre and exerted control over both of the men, then proceeded to order them to chage into the hospital gowns Ajak gave them, as soon as Wong let the magic drop.

Wong waited just long enough to be certain Loki had control of the two men before dropping the magic bindings.

"Hi, Danny..." Matt said hesitantly. He was still fighting Ultimus, but being close to another friend had loosened the hold just a little more.

"As soon as they are changed, I can open a portal," Wong said quietly.

Danny blinked and stared at Matt, even as he quickly got changed. "I'm guessing this was a planned rescue mission."

"It's exactly what I was expecting," Reed said wryly, as he too changed. "But I didn't anticipate the perimeter guards being captured without a fight."

The two men were changed within moments.

Yelena shrugged. "You are not fighting either," she pointed out, figuring it would be obvious why the perimeter guards hadn't done as expected.

Once the last two had finished changing, Frank looked at the others. "Can we go right away, or do we need to neutralize whatever he was working on?"

Wong prepared to open a portal to the usual location.

"I wasn't working on anything," Reed said. "I was using the group as bait to figure out how Ultimus was losing his soldiers." Since he was no longer under Ultimus' control, he would be entirely honest.

"There's no reason not to go through the portal straight away," Ajak said.

Wong nodded and opened the portal, waiting for everyone else to go through before following and closing it behind. They then began the trek to the base, taking the four newest rescues to the holding cells.

Ajak led the way, Loki sticking close to the prisoners so he could exert more control if he needed to.

Frank kept talking to Matt, who kept talking to Danny. It enabled them to remain tentatively free without being controlled, so Loki only really needed to concentrate on Yelena and Reed. When they reached the holding cell, it quickly became evident they weren't the only ones there. Stephen was finishing up drawing the blood of one of four people already in the cell.

"You're just in time. I'll get your blood while Steve explains what needs to happen," Stephen said, beginning to draw Yelena's blood first, adding it to the four vials he already held before moving on to Matt, then Danny, then Reed.

Steve had drawn Druig to one side while Stephen drew the blood, explaining the situation with Brock and that they needed an honest answer about whether he'd been willingly working with HYDRA or not. Then, he stepped away from Druig to explain the bonding process to the group.

Sam was listening intently. When Steve finally finished the explanation, he said, "I barely remember what it was like to be free. I'll do whatever it takes to get him out of my head." He looked at Steve. "Gotta say, it's good to see you, Cap."

Steve smiled, faintly and not really happily. "I wish it could have been under better circumstances."

"So you all bonded... The idea is that we form bonds with someone else here?" Danny focused on Matt and gave a slight shrug. "You're the only one here I have any emotional connection to."

Druig had taken Brock to the side, compelling him to tell the truth and freely give information. There were really only two things they needed to know. "Are you still loyal to HYDRA? Did you help Ultimus of your own free will?"

Brock swallowed. "HYDRA was a mistake. I regret ever joining them. I don't believe in their cause and I'm not loyal. Not anymore. Just, once you've joined them, the only way out is death. I fought against helping Ultimus, so he quickly converted me..." His voice was soft and he was looking at the ground.

Druig nodded and went to let Steve know what he'd learned.

Matt tilted his head, turning his face toward Danny. "Do you think having a prior emotional connection will make it easier?" he asked curiously, moving to Danny's side. It was clear he'd already decided that he'd bond with Danny, easier or not.

Bucky shifted to sit next to Thena. "You've gone through a lot," he said gruffly. "I won't pretend to understand everything you've gone through, but I can understand some of it. If you are willing to bond with me, we can help each other. And it will keep Ultimus out of our heads."

Yelena watched as the other people in the cell slowly begin to pair off.

Danny shrugged at the question. "I don't know. Even if it doesn't, I'd still choose to bond with you," he said honestly.

The flashback no longer held her in its grip and Thena had had the chance to calm down while the others had been collected. She looked at Bucky with interest, taking note of his metal arm." You're a warrior too," she observed." My mind is not quiet. If you think you can handle it, I will bond with you."

Reed looked at Yelena. "Given that, under Ultimus' control, I was prepared to use you as bait, I feel I owe you. This dimension isn't my own, but if you will have me, I will bond with you."

Sam glanced towards Brock, noticing the only two now not paired up was them. "Last time I saw you, we fought and brought a whole building down," he commented. "You gonna fight me again?"

Matt smiled at that. "Yeah. Me too...."

"I've learned some techniques," Bucky said. "I'll help you."

Yelena nodded. "It is not the first time I have been used in such a manner." She shrugged.  "If you are willing to accept me, then I accept you."

"No, sir." Brock's voice was husky and hesitant. "That was a mistake I should have never made...." He was still slightly under Druig's influence and it was obviously the truth.

"Well. I wouldn't have used you like that in my right mind," Reed said honestly.

"We can't let you out of the cells until you're fully bonded," Steve said apologetically. "But we can put up partitions in the cells, so you can have some privacy. And there are plenty of supplies...."

Yelena looked at the cell. There was currently one partition and two beds.  "We could take turns... yes?"

Matt winced. "If we take turns, could I go first? My head is aching from him trying to take over again...."

Danny glanced around at the others and noticed that no one seemed to have any objections. Shrugging, he turned to Matt. "Okay, let's do this." He wrapped an arm around the other man's shoulders and led him over to one of the beds, moving the partition in place so they had privacy.

Matt let himself be led by Danny. It was disorienting. He hadn't been in control of his own senses for over a year and he would need time to get used to it again. Until he did, he trusted Danny to help him.

"You ever done this before?" Danny asked softly, snagging one of the bottles of lube as he led Matt over to the bed. He sat down and helped Matt to sit as well, rubbing his hands gently over the other man's upper arms.

"No... not with a guy, anyway..." Matt's smile was crooked and he leaned into the touch.

"Me neither," Danny admitted. "I know the mechanics, though. Do you want me to take lead on this?" As he spoke, he let his hands slide under Matt's shirt, gently rubbing over bare skin, without removing any clothing.

"If you don't mind..." Matt quivered slightly. "My senses are out of whack, so it's hard to gauge how, or where, or... anything, really..." he reluctantly admitted.

"It's okay. I'll guide you." Danny leaned forward and gently kissed Matt. Then, he began to remove the other man's clothing.

Matt relaxed as he realized Danny didn't mind leading him. He returned the kiss, a hint of gratefulness in it, but also curiosity. If they were doing this, he may as well enjoy it... and learn everything he could about his future bond mate.

As Danny stripped his future bond mate, he began to stroke, rub, squeeze and caress...letting himself get to know Matt's body. Memorising it. He deepened the kiss a bit, pressing in closer, content to take his time as much as was possible. He didn't want to make Matt regret doing this.

Matt further relaxed at Danny's gentleness. He remembered how they clashed so vehemently when they first met and how they'd finally learned to work together. And now... he began to explore with his hands and other senses as they slowly returned to him. He was helpless, but the nervous fear from that was easing into needy desire the more Danny claimed of his body. He moaned softly.

"Do whatever feels right," Danny murmured against his lips. "I won't stop you." He let his hands stroke and squeeze gently over Matt's shoulders, chest, stomach...inching towards his member.

"Okay..." Matt whispered, in a shaky voice. He continued to let his hands explore, pausing before removing the hospital gown so he could feel skin. If Danny didn't want him doing that, he'd stop him.

Danny shifted only enough to make it easier for Matt to remove the hospital gown. He gently grasped the other man's member, beginning to stroke firmly.

Matt's breath caught in his throat and his member immediately responded, hardening and getting heavy in Danny's hand. Matt found himself pushing his hips toward Danny, instinctively seeking more. His own hands gently scratched over Danny's chest, flicking over the other man's nipples.

Danny didn't try to hide his reactions or responses, moaning in encouragement and letting himself push into Matt's touch. He continued to stroke and manipulate Matt's member, even as he reached for the lube.

Taking encouragement from Danny's sounds, Matt let his hands stroke downward until he could gently begin to stroke his lover, trying to arouse him like Danny was arousing him.

Danny's own member responded, growing and hardening at Matt's touch.

"Me in you? Or you in me?" Danny whispered against his lips.

Matt paused, his breath catching in his throat. What did he want? From all explanations, whoever was in 'top' position their first time was who the bond saw as the Dominant partner and while they would work out how things were handled in their own relationship as far as the amount of domination involved, there would still be one of them clearly in charge. Matt would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that part of him wanted to be the one in charge... but he also had to admit most of that want was due to his fear at giving someone else that much control over him. If he ignored the fear and looked deeper, he could admit that he wanted and needed someone else to be in control. He wanted and needed Danny in control. He felt so off-kilter and uncertain about everything and the safest he'd felt so far was when Danny took charge. "You in me..." he whispered, the words dragged out of him like a plea. He opened his legs so Danny could fit between them to bolster the begging request. That's what it was, after all, despite the fact he had been answering a question.

"Okay," Danny murmured, kissing Matt again deeply. He had to admit, being in control filled a deep need inside of him. They'd argued and butted heads for so long, he needed to have that control over the other man now. He fit easily between Matt's legs and coated a finger in the lube. While he continued to stroke and manipulate Matt's member, he pushed the lubed finger slowly inside.

Matt's quick intake of breath and throaty moan from the intrusion carried easily through the room. Everyone would know Danny was doing something to Matt and probably could guess what. Matt blushed and raised his knees slightly so Danny could finger him easier, maneuvering his own hand so he could continue stroking Danny to full arousal.

Danny groaned as Matt succeeded in bringing him to full arousal. He coated a second finger and pushed that inside Matt, beginning to move both in circular motions inside, gradually stretching his mate.

Matt's breathing was ragged. Danny's fingers in him were a complex combination of pleasure pain. It wasn't really comfortable, the stretch stinging and the sensation one of being just the wrong side of full. The feeling of helpless dependence on Danny and the knowledge that the other man decided what would happen, what he'd be given, left him with a warm, anxious feeling in his stomach that was enjoyable enough that any discomfort became desirable. He found himself wondering what new and perverted things Danny could do to him that he could beg for. He'd always known he was a bit kinky. Maybe once they were free of Ultimus, his Dom would want to explore just how kinky. "...More... please..." He moaned softly. The sting had stopped and while he still felt overfull, the idea of more caused his cock to twitch.

Danny was watching Matt's reactions carefully. Wanting to make sure that, even if it wasn't necessarily comfortable, he wasn't causing pain. When Matt begged for more, he coated a third finger in the lube, pushed that inside, and continued to slowly widen the other man.

Matt groaned as the sting returned and over-full became nearly unbearably full. He found himself wanting to see just how much Danny could stretch... could fill him. He moaned softly, hips slightly jerking as he rutted shamelessly against Danny's fingers. "... Please more..." he found himself begging.

"Are you sure?" Danny asked quietly. "I'm not planning for this to be a one time thing. You don't have to take everything the first time."

"Yessir... need..." Matt whined softly, Danny's promise of other times letting him relax and accept his need more easily. He knew they'd likely be having a discussion once the bonding was complete, but... he'd always been curious, but never brave enough to ask for it before. He'd only been with women and he didn't think they'd want to go that far... hadn't even asked, because he'd been afraid he'd be looked at with disgust. But... Danny was about to become his master. If he couldn't be honest with him about his need for there to be a little pain, his need to push his body's limits, then what was the point?

"Tell me if it gets too much and it needs to stop or slow down." Danny's voice was firm. Authoratative. It was almost instinctual to demand that kind of obedience. He coated the fourth finger in the lube and then pushed that into Matt, watching his mate's reactions carefully.

"Y... yessir..  promise!" Matt's whispered agreement was fervent; and then he was panting and moaning softly, as his body adjusted to the fourth finger. Danny was being very careful, moving slowly enough not to tear or do damage. The sting of stretching was perfect. Matt didn't know how he could possibly take more... be filled more... but he wanted to be. The thought of that level of submission... of being owned... left him hot and shaky. He continued to softly moan and began to squirm slightly on Danny's fingers, clearly enjoying the extreme intimacy. When the sting had eased again to the dull ache of being stretched full, he begged once more, uncertainly, ashamed at what he wanted and afraid Danny would be repulsed by him for needing it, "Please... you... your thumb too?" His voice was shaky and it was obvious he was nervous at Danny's possible rejection of him. It was also obvious how aroused he was at Danny doing what he already had. His member was completely hard, taut, deep red and weeping at the tip where it jutted up, laying against his stomach.

Danny watched Matt's face carefully, making sure it was what the other man really wanted. He'd never gone this far with someone before, even though he had experimented a little. With Matt, he found himself wanting to go all the way. He could see how aroused Matt was at his actions and he responded...he gave his lover what he asked for. He lubed his thumb up and he pushed that inside as well.

Matt gurgled softly as he felt himself stretch just that small bit further. The heat in his belly grew and his instinct was to hide his face and close his eyes... so, he did the opposite. He turned his face to where he sensed Danny's gaze was and left his eyes open, so that Danny could see how he was taking him apart in the best possible way. Tears of needy arousal slid down his flushed face. His eyes were almost feverish. He held still as Danny gently twisted and rubbed all five digits... but as soon as the sting eased, he found himself rocking against Danny, causing his master to slowly... so very slowly... go deeper, until his fingers had pushed in past the knuckles.

Matt was panting and groaning again, still pushing toward Danny's hand instinctively, face still determinedly looking toward Danny so Danny could see everything he felt. Rocking gently against Danny, Matt could feel as his master continued to slowly slide in deeper and deeper, until suddenly, the widest part of Danny's hand pushed past the stretched but still tight ring of muscle. Matt could feel in his entire body when it occurred, his poor stretched rim suddenly contracting tight around Danny's wrist. To Matt's dismayed shock, he immediately released, his body spasming and wriggling, riding Danny's fist through the hardest orgasm he'd ever had.

"It's okay," Danny murmured, noticing the dismay and the shock. He reached out with his other hand to stroke the side of Matt's face. "Are you hurt?" His concern was obvious. Matt releasing so suddenly wasn't an issue. He just didn't want to have caused any pain or tearing. He carefully pulled his hand free, so that he could check. They still needed to form the bond, but first, he'd take care of Matt.

Matt's groan as Danny removed his hand made it clear he didn't feel any pain. Far from it, though he'd likely be sore later. In fact, the opposite was true; he was quickly aroused again. The slight feeling of disappointment at being empty was mitigated by the knowledge that soon, he'd have Danny's cock pounding in him, making his ownership complete. Before that could happen, though, his mate needed reassuring that he hadn't been harmed. He held still so Danny could look. "Felt good..." he whispered. "Felt good to know I could take it for you.... that you'd give it to me."

"Maybe when we experiment again, we should do it when we're not in a prison cell with a multiverse invader trying to get into our heads?" Danny suggested, as he assured himself that there was no visible tearing. "Later, once we're settled, you can tell me what you'd like me to do to you. And I'll do it as long as I can safely do so," he promised.

Matt smiled crookedly, sensing that Danny wasn't repulsed by his kinkier nature. "It's good you'll be in charge... I get the feeling you'll tell me no as often as you say yes... protect me from myself..." His whisper was amused. His member was fully hard and leaking precum again. "Bond me? Make me yours completely?" he asked softly, sweetly, offering his life to the other man.

"I'll take care of you. I will protect you," Danny promised, leaning forward to capture Matt's lips once more. He kept kissing as he lubed his member and then pushed inside, his path made much easier now.

Matt moaned into the kiss, letting his hands rise to grip Danny's shoulders tightly. He opened his mouth to the kiss, inviting deeper claiming over all of him. He had been loosened quite a bit, but Matt squeezed around his lover once he was inside, tightening as much as possible to make it pleasurable for Danny.

Danny gripped Matt's hips, holding him steady, as he began to thrust inside his lover...his mate. At the same time, he pushed his tongue inside Matt's mouth, claiming deep as he possibly could.

Matt's breathing became more erratic as he accepted Danny's claim and ownership over him. He could feel himself tightening up, ready to release... but this time held on. He wanted permission.

It didn't take long for Danny to reach the point of release himself. He pulled back from the kiss enough to order, "Let go now," knowing that he would release at the same time.

Matt immediately shuddered in release, his body spraying both Danny and himself with the salty fluid. This time, the release didn't just feel good. It felt like an explosion starting in the heat of his belly, radiating out... the exit his needy, achy cock. He emptied completely, but the emptiness quickly filled with a different type of warmth.

Danny's own release came over him at the same moment and he released hard inside his mate. He felt a warmth spread out and fill him and noticed the marks that formed on both of their hands. Fairly sure it worked.

A sense of peace and relief flooded Matt at hearing Danny in his head, flooding the bond with his emotions. I'm yours now... Ultimus can't have either of us... maybe I'll get my abilities back now and can help you instead of being a burden.

You're not a burden, Matt, Danny replied firmly. And you're mine now. You've saved me from Ultimus. He's not in my head anymore. But I can feel you there. And it's a really good feeling, he admitted.

Happiness carried through the bond at Danny's words. It is a really good feeling. I'm glad I belong to you. Matt nuzzled Danny's neck. Now that the endorphins were wearing off, he felt weary. And the first twinges of sore.

I'll get us both cleaned up and dressed, then we can figure out where we're staying. I'm sure there'll be medical supplies I can use to treat the soreness and any chafing there might be. Danny began to give action to words, retrieving the washcloth to begin cleaning up Matt.

Yessir. If... maybe if you could leave me just a little sore? So, I feel you whenever I move? Matt thought hopefully.

You'll probably still feel a little bit sore, Danny replied. But I won't avoid treating you.

Matt had thought he might be disappointed if Danny didn't allow him to stay sore. At his mate's words, something settled inside of him. Yessir, he thought, a wave of acceptance and love escaping into the bond.

Danny's touches were gentle and tender as he finished cleaning Matt and then began to dress his mate. His own feelings of love and care for his mate came through the bond clearly.

Matt helped where he could, but overall, he relied on Danny. As soon as they were dressed, he leaned on his mate so he could be led to the others and free the bed up for one of the others.

Danny kept hold of Matt, keeping him close, even when they stood with the others.


Bucky looked at Thena. "Do you want to go now?"

"The longer he is in my head, the more chance there is that I will lose control again," Thena said quietly. "I can't stop myself from experiencing the flashbacks, but...I hope that it will help. Not having him there anymore."

Bucky wrapped an arm around her and gently led her to the other bed. He then moved the partition, so that the other four were left standing in their own space.

Thena glanced towards the partition, then moved towards the bed. She began to remove her clothing, not hesitating even for a moment. She was committed to doing this and would see it through.

Bucky removed the hospital gown as well, before moving closer to her. "I can make it feel good for you. Get him out of both our heads," he promised.

"The bonding requires you to lead and I to follow." Thena settled back on the bed and watched him out of half-lidded eyes.

"Doesn't mean it can't feel good," Bucky said gently, smiling and moving to sit next to her on the bed. Carefully, slowly enough she could stop him if she wanted, he began to gently stroke over her shoulders and arms.

She relaxed and leaned into his touch, moving to press into him. A soft sigh of pleasure escaped her lips. Even before Ultimus, it had been a long time since she'd allowed anyone to touch her in this way.

Bucky continued the gentle stroking, rubbing over her back and leaning in to press gentle kisses to her skin.

"Mmm...." She let herself continue to press against him, gently rubbing her own hands over his shoulders and arms, touching and exploring.

Slowly, he kissed his way from her neck, down her chest, until he could take a nipple into his mouth. He gently flicked his tongue over it, then sucked.

She gasped, quietly, her back arching. Her own hands rubbed down over his back, still exploring his body.

He continued to lick and suck her nipple, occasionally nibbling gently until it was a hard, red nub. He then moved to the other nipple and gave it the same attention. He slid his hand down and began to stroke between her legs.

She groaned, arching into his touch and pressing into him. She reached out and gently glided her fingers along his member, wanting to arouse him too.

Groaning softly at her actions, Bucky soon was half hard and quickly arousing further. Lifting his mouth from her breast, he raised upward enough to claim her mouth in a more fervent kiss.

Thena returned the kiss with just as much fervour, pulling him closer, even as she continued to stroke his member.

Bucky continued to stroke between her legs, over her clit, finally slipping a finger inside to see if she was ready.

A low, aroused groan escaped her lips and she pressed against his finger, kissing him more desperately.

Bucky continued to rub, slightly more insistently, to get her ready for him.

Thena's moan was longer and more drawn out as her body responded; as she began to grow more wet down there.

Bucky carefully added a second finger, thrusting the digits gently into her.

She gasped, arching into his touch, her body growing flushed and her belly growing warm with arousal.

He continued to gently thrust his fingers, while moving his thumb over her clit in firm circles.

She began to pant and gasp, her moans coming faster, her breathing heavy and deep. It wouldn't take much to push her over the edge.

Bucky began to kiss along her neck with languid, sloppy kisses, nibbling gently along the way. Deciding she was ready for him, he removed his fingers, carefully lined his member up to her opening and pushed in with one, smooth, deep thrust.

Thena let out a low, sharp cry, fingers clenching tightly on his shoulders as he pushed inside her. It had been a long time since she'd been in this position...since she'd taken a lover.

"I got you, sweetheart..." Bucky murmured against her neck, before moving to capture her lips with his again. He slowly pulled out until just his tip was in her, then thrust forward again firmly. He moved languidly, slowly pulling back, then thrusting in as deep as he could.

A soft whimper escaped her and she clung to him tighter, her body pressing against him. She kissed back hard, almost desperately.

Bucky began to thrust faster, feeding off her responses.

She groaned, hips moving and thrusting towards him. Her head fell back, automatically baring her throat to him. Her breathing was hard and fast, her body flushing in pleasure.

Bucky groaned, his own arousal spiking and nearly to the edge. His thrusts were fast, hard and deep. His hands gripped her hips, pulling her toward him so they would join more deeply and completely.

She pressed as close to him as possible, as if she wanted to merge their bodies together as one. Her own release was close and her grip on him tightened even more.

Bucky was close. Speeding up just that small bit more and gripping her tightly enough she'd feel his hold even after they finished, he ordered, "Let go. Release for me."

Immediately, her orgasm came over her and she cried out as she released, the waves of her orgasm flowing over her.

Bucky's release followed directly on the heels of hers. He could feel when the bond took effect, warmth suffusing and surrounding both of them, a glow shining out from them as a matching mark formed on their hands. It worked... he thought.

She relaxed against him and smiled as she saw the matching marks on their hands and heard his voice inside her head. It did, she agreed.

We are free of him. He smiled down at her, before kissing her cheek.

We are. Her sense of gratitude came clearly through the bond.

Smiling again, Bucky carefully withdrew from her. He took one of the cloths and wet it, cleaning her up before dressing her in some of the provided clothing. He then cleaned and dressed himself before wrapping an arm around her. He opened the partition and led her out to join the others.

Thena leaned on Bucky, allowing herself to relax against him. Her mind was quiet for the moment, apart from the feel of him there...and his presence was a comforting one.

Bucky glanced at Danny and Matt, then at Sam, Brock, Reed and Yelena. "It's worked so far...."

Reed turned to Yelena. "There's no reason to wait any longer." He reached out to place a hand on her shoulder, so he could guide her to one of the beds.

Yelena nodded, letting herself be directed.

Reed led her to one side of the partition and let his hands rub gently over her shoulders and down her arms. He began to remove her hospital gown.

Yelena only paused long enough to be certain the partition was closed. When he began to undress her, she swallowed, but didn't stop him. She cooperated and, once naked, made certain to stand in such a way that he could get a good look at her.

Reed let himself look appreciatively over her body for a few moments and then he leaned in to kiss her, running his hands over her back and down over her shoulders, before he moved them both onto the bed.

Yelena hummed softly in appreciation of the kiss... the gentle touch... letting her own hands run over his chest. She grinned up at him and let herself fall back onto the bed, legs splayed open so he could see everything.

Reed removed his own hospital gown and then positioned himself on the bed with her, leaning in to kiss her again. He then began to press gentle, featherlight kisses along her neck and shoulders. At the same time, he moved one hand a bit lower to gently stroke and squeeze one of her nipples. His other hand slipped to stroke between her legs.

Yelena returned the kiss, opening her mouth in acceptance, widening her legs so he had better access. Her fingers tangled in his hair.

He continued to press kisses to her skin, gently squeezing and tweaking her nipples with one hand, while his other stroked firmly between her legs.

Yelena made tiny murmuring noises. Her nipples were hard and pebbled and she was beginning to get wet.

He gently pushed a finger inside her, even as he continued to kiss her and squeeze and tweak her nipples. He pressed closer to her, so there wasn't any space between their bodies at all.

Yelena moaned softly, gently nipping and licking at his lips even as she opened her legs further.

He continued to stroke her, continued to arouse her, gently nipping at her lips in return before pushing his tongue into her mouth. At the same time, he pulled his fingers free and grasped hold of her hips. Positioning her just right, he then slowly pushed into her.

Yelena gently sucked on his tongue. She was wet enough that it didn't hurt, even if she wasn't truly aroused. She wanted to get the bond done as quickly as possible too... get Ultimus out of her head.

Reed didn't force anything, even as he began to gently thrust inside her. He kept his movements slow and gentle, still kissing her. His hands moved back to her nipples, returning to stroking and squeezing, gently tweaking, making them hard, red nubs.

Yelena appreciated the gentleness. It was comforting in its own way. She moaned softly as he tweaked her nipples and raised her hips to meet him so he could go deep.

Reed went deeper, but still kept control so that he was thrusting as gently as possible. His fingers gripped and stroked more. He pressed deeper into the kiss, letting his tongue tangle with hers.

Yelena's breathing hitched and she had to pull back to breathe, nuzzling against his neck and shoulder.

He pressed a gentle kiss to her neck, then leaned his head down to engulf one of her nipples into his mouth. At the same time, he began to thrust a little bit harder and a little bit faster.

Yelena groaned, arching her back so he could reach her nipple easier.

Reed continued to suck and gently nip at her nipple, then finally released it so that he could do the same to the other one. At the same time, he was continuing to thrust deeper inside of her.

Yelena squeezed gently around his member, her breathing increasing even more.

He flicked his tongue over her nipple, increasing the force behind the thrusts a bit more. His hands began to stroke, rub and squeeze over parts of her body, pulling her closer to him.

Yelena moaned louder, gripping onto his shoulders very tightly. She wasn't as aroused as she could have been.  The situation really wasn't conducive to arousal, but she was aroused enough that it felt good having him thrusting in her. She was ready for him to pour his release into her.

He gently gripped her hips tighter as he thrust that bit deeper and harder...then released inside of her, still holding her tight. Still pressed as close to her as possible.

It was a relief, feeling his release pouring into her and filling her up. "Y... yeees..." she moaned out, as her own body responded with a mild orgasm and then she slumped wearily under him.

He felt it as the warmth filled him and the marks formed on both of their hands. He gently stroked her arms as he asked, You can hear me? Feel me?

Yessir. I can... it worked. Does this mean we are free? Yelena smiled up at him, attempting to snuggle.

I believe so. Reed wrapped his arms around her and cuddled close.

Yelena squeezed around him, as she cuddled closer into his arms. Then... we clean up and... wear those clothes they left for us? And they let us out of this cell?

That is my understanding. Reed carefully withdrew from her. He then began to clean her up, it being automatic to take care of her.

Normally, Yelena would not have trusted anyone to take care of her and would have been irritated if they tried. When Reed began to wash her up, then dress her, the urge to give in and let him overcame her normal reluctance. The bond is working in more than one way, she observed, a slightly worried feeling going through her. Would the bond change her personality?

We are bound now, Reed said. From what's been told to us, the bond adapts to the needs of those who are involved in it. He finished cleaning and dressing her and began to do the same to himself. Fighting back without weapons, but forming bonds...bonds with near virtual strangers. If it had happened in other worlds, it would be known by Ultimus and he could combat it. He wrapped an arm around Yelena, prepared to lead her to join the others.

Are you saying that deep down, I always wanted someone to protect and take care of me? Yelena let herself be led.

You are not fighting me or resisting me. You are submitting to me. So yes. I believe it is a need you have. Reed led them over to the others.


"I'm sure you want to get Ultimus out of your head as much as I do." Sam held his hand out to Brock.

Brock took hold of Sam's hand.

Sam used his grip on Brock's hand to lead the other man towards the second bed. Making sure the partition was fully in place, he turned towards the other man. "I will be the one in control of this." He spoke the words plainly.

Brock swallowed hard, his gaze falling to the ground. "I... figured you would be..." he finally said. He let himself slump, taking on a more submissive stance. He didn't even move to take off the gown.

Sam couldn't deny that he felt some satisfaction from what he was about to do. Brock had been on HYDRA's side and they'd ended up fighting each other. He needed to be in control of the other man. There was no other way this could work. So he led Brock to the bed and he stripped the other man of the hospital gown, leaving Brock naked and vulnerable to him.

Brock shivered where Sam put him. He felt his nakedness, his vulnerability, and he could honestly say he was scared.  He'd been on opposite sides, fighting this group .. this man. He'd not really believed in HYDRA; it was opportunistic. They could give him more and he'd seen the 'good guys' do enough questionable and downright wrong things that he'd become disillusioned. If he wasn't really helping people, he might as well help himself. In a way, he knew that made his actions worse. And he knew Sam had every reason to hate him. The only reason Sam would bond to him would be to save the world. That it would give him the ability to punish Brock for his actions would only partly make it palatable to the other man.

Brock... was out of options. Being bonded to a man who hated him and wanted him punished? Was still preferable to being a slave to Ultimus. Besides... Brock felt he probably did deserve punishment.

Sam let his hands stroke gently over Brock's body, squeezing and caressing wherever he wanted. It settled something in him to have this control; healed some old hurts he'd never fully realised had been there. He bore Brock down onto the bed and pinned the other man there, leaning forward to kiss with hard, almost bruising force.

Sam wasn't being harsh, which probably shouldn't have surprised Brock as much as it did. Still, he was definitely the one in control and made certain Brock felt that control. Brock barely managed to push down the panic at feeling himself pinned under the other man. The bruising kiss made him feel even more helpless. He found himself slipping; he couldn't fight, this was too important. He didn't know if he was allowed to respond; even if he could respond, what could he do? He wasn't foolish enough to think Sam would want him to kiss back. Accepting what Sam did and submitting was all he could do.

So that's what he did. He opened his mouth to Sam's kiss, accepting and submitting to the other's control. He left his body loose so Sam could move him however he wanted. He gave up to the other man, accepting that he wouldn't belong to Ultimus... he'd belong to Sam. He could only hope Sam would be a merciful master, even if he was stern.

Sam's kiss turned more gentle and less demanding as he felt Brock's submission. He let his hands stroke and squeeze and caress over Brock's body. One hand drifted down to Brock's member, gripping it lightly before beginning to stroke, firmly and surely.

Brock tensed and whimpered as Sam took hold of his member, but forced himself to relax again. He moaned softly as Sam began to stroke him, the action feeling good despite his fear.

Sam pulled back slightly from the kiss, raising his free hand to gently cup the side of Brock's face. "You know you don't have to fear me. Don't you?" he asked softly.

Brock looked into Sam's eyes and swallowed. "I've spent all of my adult life distrusting or fearing those who controlled me. If I didn't distrust or fear, it was because they didn't have any control..." He closed his eyes briefly, before giving Sam a sad smile. "I know it's my own fault. And you aren't HYDRA. But my fear and distrust kept me alive... kinda hard to let it go." His voice caught in his throat. Sam had temporarily stopped stroking, just holding his member in a firm, possessive grip. Brock's stomach twisted into hot knots at feeling himself be claimed just through touch.

Sam leaned in close, pressing a gentle kiss to Brock's neck. "I'm not HYDRA. And even though I am in control of you, I don't control through fear. That's not my nature. We might have been on opposite sides once, but we're not now. I believe you're no longer a tool for HYDRA and you're free of Ultimus. Which means you don't have to do things you know are wrong. Not anymore."

"You trust me to do what's right? After everything I've done wrong?" Brock asked, clearly surprised and confused.

"With help and guidance," Sam replied. "Which is why I am in control of you."

"You don't just want to have control over me," Brock suddenly realized. "You want to teach me to be a better person....”

"I don't want a slave, Brock," Sam said. "I want a relationship."

If Brock looked like he had no clue what to say, it was because he didn't. "W... with me? A... after everything? You could take over and make me behave and follow your orders and it would still be better than being Ultimus' slave. You don't owe me anything... why would you want to give me that?" It was more than he ever expected and he knew he didn't deserve it.

"I don't want you to be my slave, Brock," Sam reiterated. "I want to help you and train you. I want to give you a second chance, because I believe you can do better. Be better."

Tears pooled in Brock's eyes at the words. "I... I want to do better. Be better. Belonging to you is the first step..." He relaxed under Sam, opening his legs wide in offering. He was still nervous, but the fear had gone.

"You belong to me now," Sam said softly. He returned to stroking and gently squeezing Brock's member once more. At the same time, he reached for the lube. Coating a finger in it, he gently pushed it inside Brock, beginning to move it in slow circles inside the other man.

Brock twitched and whimpered softly, but he didn't pull away. He held still and took what Sam was giving to him. It was obvious he'd never been touched in that way before, though. He was very tight.

Sam didn't rush. He took his time, slowly moving his finger in gentle circles inside Brock. Yes, Ultimus was at the back of his mind, trying to take over him once more...but he refused to rush and risk causing harm.

Soon, Brock was able to relax and accept Sam's finger deeper without his body attempting to block or keep his master out. He trusted Sam. To his surprise, once he relaxed, it wasn't uncomfortable. It actually felt really good to him. Hesitantly, not sure Sam wanted to make him feel good, even if he didn't want it to hurt, Brock admitted, "Feels... feels good. You doing what you want... what you are doing right now... feels good...."

"I'm glad," Sam said softly. "Tell me when you want me to add another. To stretch you further." He was more than willing to take his time; to make this as good as he possibly could for the other man.

Brock lay quietly under Sam, just focusing on the feel of the man firmly stroking his member, while rubbing inside of him as deep as possible. And he came to realize... It didn't just feel good because Sam was avoiding hurting him. It felt good because Sam had chosen to do this and Brock was obeying him. Maybe a life with Sam in charge wouldn't be difficult. Maybe it was what he needed. Still... even though it felt wonderful and Brock thought he could lay there for hours taking it if Sam wanted to continue to do it, Ultimus was trying to push in. There'd be his whole life to give himself over to Sam's whims and desires. "I can take more..." he finally breathed out, in a shaky voice. It was quite a self-revelation, to realize he wanted Sam as his master... wanted to submit.

"Good," Sam praised softly. He coated a second finger in the lube and pushed that slowly inside Brock. He began to move both fingers inside the other man, continuing to slowly stretch his submissive.

Brock groaned softly and let his head fall back, baring his neck to Sam. It was tight and he could feel the sting of stretching. It felt just as good as one finger had; and was slowly beginning to feel better.

Sam continued to move the two fingers slowly inside Brock, still taking his time. He then leaned over and kissed, then gently nipped Brock's neck; not enough to break the skin, but enough to leave a mark.

At feeling Sam's lips and teeth on his neck, Brock whimpered softly, clenching around his master's fingers. His member twitched in Sam's grip and grew harder as he became immediately fully aroused. "Please..." He whined softly.

Finally, eventually, Sam coated a third finger in the lube and pushed that inside. He gently squeezed Brock's member, gently grazing his teeth against the other man's neck.

Brock groaned softly as Sam stretched him further and continued to claim his neck. "...Master..." He whimpered softly, his tone clear that he was submitting completely to Sam.

"Mine." Sam whispered the word into Brock's neck, even as he continued to stretch until he felt that Brock was ready for him. Then, he coated his member in the lube and, after withdrawing his fingers, he pushed inside his sub.

Brock's groan was low, long and needy. It was difficult to wrap his head around the fact that the man he had fought, tried to kill, was pushing inside of him as deep as possible. That he needed to obey the man taking him; that he belonged fully to him. But it didn't matter that his head was having difficulty. His body and heart were more than accepting of it. "...Sir... completely and forever yours... obey you from now on... be better for you... please... take me apart... please... fuck me till all I know is you... please, Sir...." he begged, the words coming from a place deep inside he had never acknowledged before.

Sam grasped Brock's hips, holding the other man tight and steady as he began to thrust inside. He was going hard and deep, fully detemined that Brock would still be feeling him after they'd separated.

Brock whimpered and moaned softly, opening his legs as wide as possible to accept his master into him. He didn't try to contain his sounds. It was important to him that Sam know it felt good to be taken so completely by him. His member was completely aroused, dark red and glistening from pre-cum.

Sam's member grew and swelled as he continued to thrust inside Brock. He lightly bit Brock's neck, once more leaving a mark behind, even though he didn't draw any blood. He continued to thrust hard and fast inside Brock, gripping the other man's hips tight enough to leave behind imprints of his fingers.

Eventually, the sensations inside and outside Brock's body were too much. He began to whimper and sob helplessly, the need to release strong. The need to feel his master paint him inside with his seed was stronger. "Please, master... it aches... please... I need..." he begged.

"Let go." Sam growled the words into Brock's neck. "Let go for me now."

Immediately, Brock's body clenched around Sam's member as his own member shot his release onto his chest in a hard spray. He sobbed out Sam's name softly, slanting his head so his neck was more vulnerable.

Sam's own release came over him at the same time and he emptied hard inside Brock. As the last waves of his orgasm washed over him, he felt a warm heat and saw identical marks appear on their hands. I don't feel Ultimus anymore. Do you? He thought the words to his new bond-mate.

No, sir. He's gone. The only one I feel is you... Brock thought back. A sense of peace and warmth spread through him.

And now you belong to me. Sam kissed him gently. You're mine now.

I belong only to you... forever. Brock returned the kiss, a sense of happiness overcoming him. Thank you. For giving me another chance. You saved my life 

And you've saved me from Ultimus. We've saved each other. Sam held him for a few more moments and then carefully withdrew. He began to carefully clean up and then dress his mate.

I know I'm yours now. I'm to obey you. Are there any specific rules I need to follow? Brock asked.

No lying or hiding things from me. No dangerous behaviour without a very good reason. And if I give you an order, I expect you to follow it. Sam finished dressing Brock, then cleaned and dressed himself before helping his mate off the bed.

And if... when I inevitably mess up... what will happen? I... I'll still be able to stay with you? Brock watched Sam anxiously.

You'll still be staying with me, Sam promised, wrapping his arm tightly around Brock's waist. I will punish you if you do something you shouldn't, but I won't send you away. Or give up on you.

Okay. That's... comforting, really. Kinda surprised I'm not being punished anyway... he thought hesitantly.

Do you need to be? Sam asked directly. Cause I can do that. Give you a clean slate. Start over. He kept his arm around Brock, guiding his mate back to the others.

Brock gave the question serious thought as Sam led him back.

Stephen was outside the cell, ready to let them out. "I'm assuming that the bonding took place for everyone? Now that it is safe to let you all walk around freely, I would like to give physicals so I have a base to form medical opinions on. And draw blood again to compare before and after bonding results."

Brock waited for Sam to follow Stephen before following closely behind. I think I do, Sir. After everything I did to you... to everyone... I need a clean slate. And I need to prove my intentions to obey you... no matter how difficult.

Then once the physicals are done and we figure out where we are staying, I will punish you, Sam promised. He still had his arm wrapped around Brock's waist, noticing that the other bonded pairs were all sticking close to each other too.

Thank you, sir. Brock pressed closer.

Stephen didn't take long to give physicals and draw blood. Soon, the newest recruits were given a tour of the base and given a choice of rooms.

It didn't take long for the new couples to settle into the rooms and start collecting supplies from the storage area.

Once they had everything they needed in their room, Sam led Brock over to the bed and sat down with his new mate. "I'm going to punish you now," he said softly. "I'm not going to do something that will cause permanent or even lasting harm. I am going to put you across my knee, bare your ass and then spank you."

Brock blinked at that. That's... that's not as harsh as I expected, to be honest. How can you treat me so kindly after everything?

I don't want to treat you harshly, Sam replied. You belong to me. And I know you've made mistakes, but I believe you're sorry for them and you want to be better. And I'll help you to do better and continue to make the right choices. He gently squeezed Brock around the shoulders and then guided his mate into position across his lap before baring him.

I hope I deserve your belief in me. I want to... Brock thought, before reaching down and grasping his Dom's ankle.

I'm sure you will prove my faith in you is justified. Sam wrapped his arm around Brock's waist, pulling his mate tight against his stomach. Then, he raised his hand and brought it down in the first firm smack, right in the centre of Brock's bottom. He began to pepper his mate's bottom with the firm swats, not delivering them in any discernible pattern.

Brock didn't try to be brave. Part of atonement was to let Sam see how sorry he was and know that what he was doing had an effect. When his bottom began to sting, he began to squirm. When his emotions of guilt and fear and regret overwhelmed him, he began to cry. And through it all, he let his feelings flow through the bond so Sam could feel his relief and gratitude that Sam wanted him... wanted to give him a chance and believed in him.

Sam kept the bond open between them, so that his mate could feel that Sam wanted him...wanted to help Brock deal with at least some of his guilt. He continued to smack firmly, Brock's backside turning pink and then shading to red under his palm.

Brock was vocally crying by the time his bottom was red. He had squirmed a lot, but he hadn't actively tried to get away or begged for the spanking to stop. He needed it. It was clear through the bond that what Sam was doing was helping with the guilt. Letting Sam be in control and decide what his punishment was and how much he'd receive was comforting.

Sam continued to swat, beginning to go a bit harder and faster. He also began to focus more smacks to his mate's sit spots and the tops of his thighs, making sure Brock would feel it when he sat down later.

Brock clutched Sam's ankle, his squirming at nearly uncontrolled levels. And then... he just slumped... boneless over Sam's lap. He was crying so hard, no sound came out. Through the bond, Sam would know it wasn't because of the pain, though his bottom hurt terribly. It was relief that Sam believed in him, would hold him accountable, would help him do and be better.  He was crying because he felt that he truly could have a second chance. Sam had kept every promise he'd made so far and Brock believed he would continue to do so. And because of that, Brock had a home.

Sam finished with a final few swats to Brock's sit spots and thighs. Then, he stopped. He carefully moved Brock, so that the other man was on his lap instead of over it. He wrapped his arms tightly around his mate and cuddled tightly. It's over. Clean slate. I've got you.... he promised.

Brock just clung tightly to Sam, crying out the pain and guilt from years of wrong decisions, repeating over and over, You've got me. Yours now. I can be better because of you...

Sam held his mate close, stroking over Brock's hair and back. He pressed gentle kisses to his mate's head, sending soothing waves of caring reassurance through the bond towards his mate.

Brock continued to cling and cry, though it lessened with each second Sam calmed and reassured him. Shortly, he cried himself to sleep, feeling safe and protected by Sam. He was snuggled as close as could be, gently snoring, his ear pressed to Sam's chest.


Bucky had made certain to pick a room as close to Ajak, Phastos and Druig as possible. He knew it was important to be with those you loved and who loved you when healing. He hadn't been able to have that, unfortunately, circumstances preventing it. He wanted to make certain his mate did have it.

Thena had quickly taken stock of the room; how big it was, how many defensible areas there were...any points that enemies could come in. Once she was satisfied it was as safe as possible, she'd begun to put away the supplies she'd gathered from the storage room.

Bucky put his own supplies away then waited for her. "You feel up to going out and meeting the others?"

"My mind is quiet at the moment," Thena replied. "There's only you and me there and that's...comforting."

Bucky nodded. "That's good, then. I'll avoid talking that way unless it is necessary or you request it then. Ready to go meet the others?"

"I don't mind if you talk to me that way," she answered honestly. "But yes. I am ready." She closed her drawer and walked over to join him.

"If you don't mind. I had my brain scrambled so many times that it's quite honestly a little unsettling for me. But if it doesn't bother you, it can be useful if we are in different areas." Bucky smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, before leading her out to meet everyone else.

Thena leaned against him, allowing him to lead her to join the others. It was a bit unsettling, being around so many people, but she would have to get used to it eventually.

Bucky settled himself in such a way that he could provide a buffer for her as they met everyone.


Matt was cuddling close to Danny in the room they'd chosen. Eventually, he would need to 'memorize' it so he didn't trip over everything whenever moving around. But that could occur later. Danny had gathered items out of storage for both of them. Matt was happy to let the other man choose for him, since he didn't see color or style the way Danny did. Danny had to look at him; he may as well like what he had on.

Matt was still feeling needier than usual; he'd dropped hard and while he was mostly able to take care of himself and function normally, emotionally he felt the need to continue obeying Danny for everything, letting the other man take care of him. It had been a very long time since he'd trusted someone to that degree; and the only time his trust had been taken to the extreme they'd taken it. Would it bother you... if I said I wanted to give myself completely to you? To decide everything that happens to me... that you do to me... in complete control of me? he suddenly thought. He suspected Danny already sensed his need... already knew Matt's deep, dark secret that he wanted to be completely dominated. He also knew it was something Danny would never do without an actual discussion.

If that's what you want, Danny answered. His arms were wrapped tight around Matt, just holding his mate close. If you want me to take that kind of control over you, then I will. It doesn't bother me that you want it.

What if I mostly want it, but know sometimes, I'm going to fight it and want to control myself? Matt bit his lip. Part of me feels like I shouldn't want it and is fighting giving in. He didn't hide his confusion at his own needs and feelings.

So.... Danny paused, trying to make sure he was understanding his mate correctly. You want me to dominate you entirely. But that also means me proving that I can dominate you entirely? That even if you act like you're fighting and isn't what you really want, deep down?

Not exactly. I think what I mean is I want you to dominate me completely and most the time, it won't be a problem, but sometimes part of me feels rebellious and fights... even if it's something I wanted. Matt snuggled closer. When I get like that, I don't know if proving you can control me anyway would help. I'd be too busy rebelling. Maybe after I calmed down, it would help, but until then.... I just don't want to treat you bad cuz you're trying to do what I said I needed and then suddenly, I'm acting off the rails. It isn't fair to you. I just needed to let you know, I guess.

Okay, so we deal with those times as and when they occur, Danny said. And I handle it in whatever way feels right in the moment. He brushed a gentle kiss agaist the side of Matt's head as he commented, It also looks like you sometimes need some pain. I'm willing to give you what you need, but we will be setting some hard limits.

Matt flushed faintly. Yessir. What are the limits? he asked. Knowing he'd allow anything that didn't permanently maim him, he figured Danny would be best suited to deciding what he'd allow.

No drawing blood, Danny answered. I'm not going to do something that will cause tearing. Especially if it's inside. And anything that does happen, I'll be treating afterwards. He paused before continuing, I won't leave any permanent scars on you. If you decide you do want something permanent, like a tattoo or a piercing, we'll discuss it together and make a choice then. Running a hand through Matt's hair, he continued, Outside of sparring and training, no physical fighting. I'm not going to use my fists on you.

Matt swallowed and nodded, nuzzling against Danny's chest. Yessir. What about hard spankings? Is there a limit on how hard? Or using items that cause pain, but might not scar or draw blood? He imagined nipple clamps, a chastity belt meant for orgasm denial and a cream that would cause a burning sting if put inside him as examples.

Danny gently stroked his hands down Matt's shoulders and back as he thought about the questions and the images his mate was sending him. I'm willing to experiment, but I'm not going to just cause you pain, Matt. You're going to let me cuddle and take care of you just as much as you want me to use things like that on you.

A feeling of surprise shot through the bond and a slightly confused but pleased Matt asked out loud, "You want to take care of me and cuddle me more?"

"Yeah," Danny said honestly. "Holding you like this? It feels good to me. After how much we argued and fought each other before...I need to be in control of you. But a big part of that is holding you and giving you affection and taking care of you."

Matt nuzzled. "I... I could get used to it..." he said quietly.

"Good," Danny replied. "Even if you think you need pain, I think you need to be held and taken care of just as much." If the way Matt was cuddling and nuzzling was any indication 

Never really thought about it. Matt was nuzzling Danny's chest again. Have to admit I'm a bit screwed up in how I approach my relationships, though. If you think I need it, you're most likely right.

I need it too, Danny admitted. I'll do my best to give you what you need, within reason. But I need to take care of you afterwards.

Matt smiled, kissing over Danny's heart. Okay. I like when you take care of me. Surprised me, but I do.

Good. Makes it easier for me to do, if you like it. Danny pressed a kiss to his hair. I'm free of Ultimus' control because we bonded together. I'll be forever grateful for that.

I'm free too... and... and got something I didn't think I'd ever have. So... thank you. Matt leaned up and kissed Danny, chastely, not wanting to 'take over'.

Danny returned the kiss, gently cupping the back of Matt's head. You're mine now.

Forever... Matt agreed, warmth spreading through him at the knowledge he was owned.

Danny kisses him a bit deeper, a bit more firmly, before asking softly, Did you want to go and meet the others now? Or do you want to stay in here for a bit longer?

As long as you keep hold of me, I will be happy. Whatever you think best... Matt thought, opening his mouth for a deeper kiss.

Danny pushed his tongue into Matt's mouth, claiming his mate thoroughly. If we go and join the others, I can cuddle you either on my lap or tightly next to me...depending what the other couples are doing.

I'd like that, Sir. Matt sighed happily at being claimed so thoroughly and at the idea of being claimed in front of others.

Danny kissed him a bit more deeply, a bit more thoroughly. Then, he stood them both up and wrapped his arm around Matt's waist to guide his mate out of the room to join the rest of the group.

Matt followed quietly. It was a bit obvious in the way he walked what he and Danny had done.


Reed had checked with Yelena where she wanted to stay in the base and had then settled them both in the room, before they'd gone to collect supplies from the storage room.

"I suspect more supply runs will be made soon," Reed commented out loud. "With the amount of people there are here now, we'll quickly go through the clothing options there are." He glanced at his mate. "Perhaps it's worth considering if there are any items you would like if it's possible to get them."

Yelena nodded. "I could make a list..." she responded. She paused. "What... now that we are bond... what will we be like?"

"What would you like from this?" Reed asked directly. "From the explanation given, it doesn't have to progress any further than the initial sex to create the bond."

Yelena thought about it. "I don't really know..." she admitted.

"Well. It's not a decision you have to make immediately," Reed said. "And you don't even have to share a room with me, if you think you might be more comfortable alone. There is an empty room next door...."

Yelena shrugged. "I have no need to do that. Do you?"

"I'll admit, it is nicer not to be alone after everything that has happened." Reed finished storing the rest of his items. "Would you like to join the others now?"

"Yessir. It would be good to become acquainted. I only know Kate..." Yelena moved to his side, the bond urging a submissiveness even if she didn't know what she wanted.

Reed rested a hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly, and guided her out of the room to join the rest of the group.

Everyone was meeting in the recreation room before dinner. The only ones not there were Sam and Brock, Matt noted.

Tony glanced over from where he was playing checkers with Morgan. "Welcome back to the land of Ultimus free living," he greeted the newest arrivals. "Dinner will be in about an hour."

Danny snorted softly and glanced around. "There are a lot more people freed than I expected." He took note of the positioning of some of the others, especially the fact that Harry was sitting on Wong's lap and clearly quite comfortable with it, and sat down as well, gently guiding Matt onto his lap as well.

Reed looked around at the group and then walked over to one of the empty chairs to sit down as well. "If Ultimus had shared how many people had been freed already, I would have come up with a different, better plan," he commented.

Steve frowned. "Ultimus didn't share all of the information?"

"We're tools to him. Puppets." Reed smiled tightly. "You don't give your tools any more information than you think they need to know."

Yelena snorted. "Guess it is good he didn't tell you, then... or we might not be free."

Matt snuggled back into Danny. "Yeah. This is much better."

Bucky led Thena over to where her family were sat. "Hi. I'm Bucky."

Ajak smiled at both Thena and Bucky. "Hello. I'm Ajak. This is Phastos and that's Druig, who I believe you have already met." She gestured to each of the family members in turn. "And this is my bondmate." She indicated the man cuddled up next to her. "This is Steven. Or Marc, depending on which personality is in control."

Reed was frowning, an obviously concerned look on his face. "I'm from another dimension and I'm sure that means there are others here from other dimensions, too. It seems that Ultimus can affect the worlds in such a way that an incursion doesn't happen, but we have no such protections here...."

"We think the bond allows this dimension to recognise those who are bonded to someone from here as belonging here," Harry said.

Reed frowned. "You think?"

"We really don't have enough data to be entirely certain," Peter said. "But there was a marker in your blood, in the blood of others from different dimensions, that is no longer there after the bonding occurred."

"I hope you're right," Reed said seriously. "Someone from my dimension was responsible for an incursion that destroyed an entire world. I would rather it not happen to another."

Stephen frowned slightly. "I remember. So... you are the one I met...."

Reed glanced at Stephen. "Charles said you were not the same as your counterpart in our dimension." He left unsaid that, for him, it remained to be seen if the older man's words were true.

"I'd like to believe I'd make better choices..." Stephen smiled crookedly.

Peter glanced towards his bond mate. "I know you don't remember, but you stopped an incursion from occurring here in this dimension," he said.

"Well, that's good. I'm glad someone remembers it." Stephen's smile was slightly mischievous.

Peter smiled at Stephen and shifted a little bit closer to the older man. I can't tell you everything, but I can answer any questions you have that I can, he offered.

I will need to remember that you have information I have forgotten, Stephen thought.

Huh. Maybe there's something I can do to help you, Peter thought.

Harry leaned his head against Wong's shoulder. Later this evening, after dinner, maybe we can experiment with some of those items I brought back from our excursion? he suggested.

Perhaps, Wong thought back. We will see how the evening goes.

"Tomorrow morning, I think we should make plans for leaving to collect more supplies," Steve said. "We'll want to begin planning out our next rescue mission, too. Particularly as it looks like Ultimus is using at least some of his converted to try and trap us."

Tony agreed, "it is very important we plan thoroughly and know what is around us before leaving base. He's setting traps now. We can't afford to have people going off on their own." He looked pointedly at the ones who tended to do that.

Kate wrinkled her nose and shifted closer to Norman, obviously remembering the effects of her punishment and feeling clingy because of it.

Dane gave a sheepish nod and shifted closer to Otto.

Norman automatically wrapped his arm around Kate, gathering her in close.

Otto did the same with Dane, gently rubbing his mate's hair and down his back.

Harry was already pressed as close to Wong as it was possible to be, but he wrapped his arms around his mate as a sliver of guilt went through the bond.

Peter shifted a bit closer to Stephen; not touching, because he tried not to make Stephen uncomfortable with his clinginess (aside from when he was crying and needing coddling due to a spanking). Still, being within touching distance and able to see his mate was comforting.

Yelena noticed how the others were reacting. "So... no one is allowed to leave without planning first, or just those who are submissive?" She hadn't quite figured out how she wanted her and Reed's relationship to work out and he hadn't seemed inclined in any particular direction. She suspected he'd be happy to never lay another finger on her and focus entirely on his experiments, so he probably wouldn't care if she chose to be 'free'. But maybe it wasn't an option?

"No one is permitted to leave the base without permission and without planning first," Steve confirmed. "And no one is to leave while already on an excursion to try and save someone alone." Looking around at everyone there, he continued, "We'll save  who we can, if you make a list of those people you want to bring out of Ultimus' control. But it needs to be planned out. If Ultimus can't convert, he will kill."

 "He'll kill even someone who could be useful to him, even someone he could control," Harry said quietly, remembering his own version of Peter Parker being killed by Ultimus.

Yelena shrugged. "Alright then. Seems straightforward enough."

"So.. lists of people..." Matt paused. "Will that be part of the planning later?"

Steve nodded. "We can't free everyone from Ultimus through bonding, but if we can free enough, we can start fighting back. Some of the bonds actually allow for more than two people to be involved, though it does depend on certain factors. 

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked curiously.

Marc snuggled closer to Ajak. Could, I go over your lap, mistress? So you could rub or smack my bottom? All these new people, I feel like I need them to know how much I belong to you... A sheepish feeling came through on the heel of his thoughts.

"Peter and I have been running experiments on the bond," Harry said. "We found a protein that exists in some of the samples post bonding and theorised that could indicate the possibility of adding a third person to the bond." He gestured towards Steve, Frank and Grant. "They proved that theory to be correct."

Ajak shifted slightly to gently guide Marc across her lap. She began to rub over his back and bottom.

Yelena blinked, but otherwise didn't react to Ajak and Marc's actions.

Bucky glanced at Steve. "Two, Punk? Really? I'm impressed..." he teased his lifelong friend.

Matt spoke curiously. "You took all of our blood. Do any of us also have this protein?” 

Steve smiled slightly at Bucky. "Frank and I had already discussed it before we even knew it was possible. So when it was, we took that step."

"Reed and Yelena's. Also Bucky and Thena's." Peter answered Matt's question. "We think the ability to bond more than two people depends on the type of bond formed. You can probably already tell that some of us are more submissive than others."

Harry shifted slightly as he saw Ajak handle Marc. Through the bond, Wong would be able to easily feel that he wanted to be in the same position.

"So, the less submissive, the more likely for more than one bond?" Matt asked hesitantly.

Frank snorted softly. "Not likely... don't think level of submissiveness controls it at all. Since that can fluctuate, depending on circumstances." He looked at Peter.

Stephen interjected. "I believe it is more tightly connected to the submissive, though. If they are able to share their Dom with another or not. Not sure what genetic marker determines that, but...."

Matt had a chagrined look on his face. "So, you're saying I have a jealous gene?"

"That's probably a really simplified way of putting it, but ultimately, yeah," Harry said. "Me and Peter have it too, so you're not alone." It didn't bother him. After all, he and Wing were in a relationship and had been for about a year now. He couldn't imagine them easily adding in a third person, even if it was possible.

Peter didn't say anything, but it had been bothering him. He didn't like the idea that he'd effectively trapped Stephen because he was too clingy and needy. He'd already started looking at ways to make the bond more open. Harry didn't think it was possible, but had chosen to help him with the experiments, since Peter would have carried on himself anyway.

"Can't say I've complained... I don't particularly want to share either..." Wong smiled, pulling Harry more firmly onto his lap.

"It could also be that instead of having 'a jealousy' gene, those of us able to share were... molded to be that way..." Yelena whispered, thinking about the fact that from the moment she was old enough to catch a marks eye, she was trained to use her body. And when she wasn't being used to catch a target, she was being used by those who controlled her. It would never occur to her to want someone to be with her and only her, or that it would be acceptable.

Reed glanced at Yelena and spoke inside her mind. Even if our bond allows more than two people, you don't have to choose to share.

I know. Yelena looked at Reed. I don't know what my reaction will be, if the choice ever becomes possible. My training... it can't have escaped your notice I only aroused enough to make our coupling possible. They... didn't want us to form attachments. So, they trained us to not feel... and then trained us to pretend that we still did feel. And now I don't know which is real and which is pretend. She shrugged. That is why I am glad for you. That you could choose someone else. Someone not broken.

I don't intend to choose anyone else, Reed answered. You don't need to make any decisions. All you need to do is let things progress naturally. Don't push or force yourself to feel or react in a certain way.

Yelena looked at Reed. Thank you for that. For not expecting... I was afraid to disappoint you.

Just then, Sam walked in, leading a slightly limping Brock. It was obvious the sub had been spanked. Sympathetic looks from all the subs who had been punished in that way were sent his way.

Sam noticed that at least a few of the subs were sitting on their Dominants' laps and saw no reason not to do the same with Brock. He sat and settled his sub on his lap, arms wrapped possessive lay around Brock's waist. "We discussing our next move?"

Steve nodded. "We're planning another supply run for tomorrow, so if anyone wants to make a list of things they need or want...."

Stephen smirked. "At the rate we're picking people up, we may want to get more lube for the holding cell."

"Well, there was that adult shop we found...." Peter commented, a slightly impish note in his voice.

Kate blushed. She hadn't yet pulled out any of her 'surprises' for Norman.

Stephen nodded. "If you mark it on the map, we can make sure to get some. Luckily, we haven't needed to use many of our medical supplies. Hopefully, that trend continues."

Tony glanced at Steve. "Maybe we should make an early night of it. Give the newest members time to adjust to their new space? We can do a supply run tomorrow and have another game night tomorrow night?"

Steve nodded. "That's a good idea," he agreed. "We'll turn in after dinner. Have a meeting after breakfast in the morning to make sure we're picking up everything that's needed."

"Well, I know some kiddies that are getting hungry, so I'm gonna go start dinner if anyone wants to help," Frank said, standing to go into the kitchen.

"I'll help," Kate immediately offered.

Grant and Dane nodded. "We'll help," Grant added, catching Dane's eye.

Some of the others stood, intending to help as well, since there were a lot more of them to prepare food for now.

Dinner was made in record time with all the help and then everyone enjoyed a quiet meal. The children had a few hours to get to know the newcomers and then it was bed time, everyone choosing to retire since they had an early morning.

Dane had cuddled with Otto, unashamed, while with the group, but he had kept all his interactions chaste, even when the children weren't around, for fear one of the children might walk in. Once they were in their room, though, he immediately stripped, a saucy grin on his face and walked to their shower with just enough swagger to catch his mate's attention.

Otto noticed, Dane's actions serving to draw his attention. Would you like me to join you? he asked 

I think I would like that, Dane thought back, as he got the water to a good temperature.

Otto undressed and headed to the shower, stepping in to join his mate.

Dane shifted so his entire back side was pressed against Otto, shoulder to knee. He was washing himself at the same time. What is it about water... that intensifies feeling? he asked curiously.

Otto wrapped his arms around Dane's waist, drawing his mate in close. He pressed a kiss to Diane's shoulder. It's not something I've experimented with, he admitted. But it does enhance the effects of a spanking. He gently squeezed one buttock.

Dane whined softly. Enhances everything... He wriggled his bottom into Otto's hand.

Otto gently ran his fingers over Dane's body, caressing and squeezing. He continued to kiss along his mate's neck and shoulder.

You... ever thought of... keeping me immobile? Wh... while you did whatever you wanted? Dane's breath caught.

I hadn't thought about it before, Otto admitted. Would you like me to?

I dunno... maybe... I just thought... your arms are a part of you and they're really strong and...  the idea intrigues me. Dane blushed darkly, a sense of uncertainty going through him. Would Otto be offended of him thinking about that?

We can do that, Otto agreed, kissing the side of Dane's neck. I like the idea of it too, he admitted.

Dane smiled brightly, slanting his head so Otto had better access to his neck, before turning around in the other man's arms. I washed my front. Just need to wash my back, he said softly, but instead began to soap up Otto's front.

Otto brushed another kiss against Dane's neck and then put soap on his own hands. He began to gently wash Dane's back as his mate soaped up his front.

It's nice... Dane thought... Taking care of each other.

It is, Otto agreed. Taking care of you makes me feel good. He pressed a tender kiss to Dane's lips.

Dane returned the kiss, smiling again. His smile turned mischievous as he began to gently wash his mate's member.

Otto's groan was low and pronounced as his member hardened in his mate's hand. His fingers flexed slightly on Dane's skin.

Dane smiled again, leaning up to kiss Otto. "Am I clean enough for you?" He licked Otto's nipple.

The groan was longer and even more drawn out as Otto managed to say, "I believe so." His words came out in an almost breathy gasp.

Dane hummed happily, latching onto the nipple and beginning to suckle greedily.

Otto sighed with pleasure, letting his head tip back as his hands gently ran up and down Dane's back.

A feeling of contented happiness traveled through the bond as Dane shifted to give attention to Otto's other nipple.

Mine. A wave of love and desire came clearly through the bond, washing over Dane, as Otto's body reacted to his mate's actions.

Forever... A sense of submissive need flowed back and Dand sunk to his knees at Otto's feet before beginning to nuzzle, kiss and lick his master's shaft and balls.

Otto moaned and let his hands tangle gently in Dane's hair. His member was very quickly growing and swelling, drops of pre-cum pooling at the tip.

Dane's feeling of contentedness and submission grew with his master's arousal. Finally, giving a long lick from root to tip, Dane took Otto's erection into his mouth and began to suckle again, firmly.

It was almost embarrassing how quickly Otto's erection sprang to full hardness. He didn't try to hide or hold back, though, letting his mate feel how much he was affected...and when it got to the point Otto couldn't hold back any longer.

Feeling his master's feelings was heady and when it was apparent Otto would soon release, Dane shifted his position so the older man could easily push all the way down into his throat without choking him. He continued to suck, but also began to instinctively swallow, feeling the weight of his master's member triggering the reflex.

Otto didn't manage to give any more of a warning than Dane already had. He released, hard, inside his mate's moutth. His fingers tightened their grip in Dane's hair, although he didn't pull or cause any pain.

Dane swallowed as much as he was able, pressing his face tight against his master's groin as he drank down what he was given. What he couldn't swallow bubbled out of the corner of his lips, sliding down his chin and dripping onto his chest. When he finally had to detach and breathe, the last of Otto's release landed on his face. His eyes had a slightly glazed, needy look in them. He looked debauched.

Otto reached down, gently stroking his thumb over Dane's lips before helping his mate to stand. Since they were still in the shower, he carefully cleaned off the remnants of his release from his mate's face, neck and chest.

It was obvious through the bond that Dane had dropped slightly, a faint clinginess having blended with the need and desire he'd already been feeling. He nuzzled against Otto when given a chance.

Once he'd finished washing his mate, Otto turned the water off and then helped Dane out of the shower, where he began to dry his lover off.

Dane easily moved where Otto directed, need, desire, and longing flowing through the bond.

Once they were both dried off, Otto wrapped his arms tightly around Dane and led him over to their bed. I love you.

I love you too... Dane thought, shifting as close to Otto as possible. His neediness was growing.

When they reached the bed, Otto guided his mate down onto it with him. He let his hands roam gently over Dane's body, squeezing and caressing.

Dane shivered and snuggled, the gentleness causing him to slip just a little more into his submission as his focus centered on Otto. His body was flushed with arousal, his nipples pebbled and his member slowly beginning to thicken.

Otto led one hand move down to Dane's member, squeezing it and gently stroking. At the same time, he lowered his head to engulf one of his mate's nipples in his mouth, beginning to suck and gently nip. 

Dane's moan was needy... but there was an element of relief to it. Submitting to his master's desire made him not only feel good, but it eased a need in him that only eased when he gave himself totally to Otto and submitted. He relaxed back into the bed, his legs falling open so that he was completely vulnerable. His focus was still completely on Otto and how it felt to have the man touching him, claiming him. He lifted his arms over his head, crossed at the wrist in an act of surrender.

One of Otto's metal arms moved and held Dane's hands in a gentle but firm grip. Otto continued to stroke his mate's member and continued to gently suck and bite and nip his mate's nipple. Once he was satisfied with the state of the nipple he was currently working on, he released it and kissed his way across to the other, so he could take that one into his mouth.

Dane's breathing caught as his hands were held firmly in place. He tentatively tested the strength of Otto's grip and once he realized that the older man wasn't going to let go of him, he sighed softly, a pleased happiness slipping through the bond. His nipple was sensitive from the attention Otto had given it and the other was quickly becoming just as sensitive. His member was slowly getting fuller as his master continued to fondle it, but it was a lazy arousal, slow and languid, and Dane was in no hurry for things to reach their climax. He wanted to be completely owned by Otto, so the longer it took for him to reach that point, the more time his master had to play with his body.

Otto was perfectly happy to take his time. He sucked, nipped and gently bit Dane's second nipple, until it was the same as the first. Then, he began to kiss and nip his way down his mate's chest and over his stomach, leaving behind little marks as he sucked and bit the skin.

Dane quivered, spikes of pleasure and happiness letting Otto know that he enjoyed Otto's attention and wanted the man to lick, suck, bite... wherever he wanted. If he left marks, even better. The idea of having visible marks from his master made the pleasure increase.

Otto responded to the feelings he could sense from Dane. He continued to suck and bite, leaving behind marks that he kissed. At the same time, he stroked Dane's member, firm and sure.

Dane moaned softly, everywhere his master marked becoming highly sensitive. His belly quivered under Otto's lips. He shivered slightly, legs falling open just that small bit more, and his fingers clenched and unclenched helplessly as his master held his hands immobile. Warmth filled him. Yours.... he thought suddenly, the sense of total submission pulsing through the bond.

Mine. Otto left the bond open, allowing his mate to feel all of the love, care and feelings of possession he had for his mate. Once he'd finished marking Dane's entire front to his satisfaction, he turned his mate over to continue doing the same to his back side.

Dane groaned as he was turned onto his stomach and Otto began to kiss, suck and bite his back. His member still wasn't fully aroused, but it was aroused enough that being pressed into the bed caused a pleasurable pain. He couldn't help but squirm a tiny bit, enjoying the friction; not thinking about it, or he would have held still, since Otto hadn't told him to do that or given permission.

As he continued to leave marks behind on his mate's back side, Otto moved his hand beneath Dane's body and continued to stroke and gently squeeze his mate's member.

Dane whimpered and whined softly, not trying to stifle the sounds the actions drew from him. He slipped just a small bit more as his lover claimed even more of his body and continued to control. Since Otto didn't tell him to stop, he continued to squirm to get friction; but instead of squirming against the bed, he was gently thrusting into his master's fist. It felt so good. He still wasn't at the edge, slowly climbing to the point where he'd be at the edge, but he didn't want to reach that point until his master had claimed every inch of him that he could possibly claim. He knew when he fell, he likely wouldn't be aware of anything going on and he wanted to remember every second possible.

Otto took his time, working over every inch of Dane's entire backside. He continued to stroke and squeeze and pump Dane's member. A sense of satisfaction filled him as he left marks over every part of his lover's back side, leaving behind marks of his ownership. He made no attempt to hide or block those feelings from coming through the bond.

Dane clenched his fingers again, tentatively testing Otto's grip on his wrists to see if his master still had complete control of him. He clenched the cheeks of his bottom as desire continued to grow in his belly. And he moaned softly in satisfaction as he felt the marks being placed, the slight sting of each one leaving him more and more sensitive. His legs parted a little, in unspoken invitation to be marked on the more hidden and sensitive areas of his body as well.

Responding to Dane's movements, Otto began to bite and suck the more sensitive and hidden areas of his mate's body. He reached for the lube and coated a finger in it, pushing that slowly into Dane's entrance.

Dane whimpered as his inner thighs began to sting as much as the rest of him and dropped just that small bit further into submission. He gurgled when Otto pushed a finger into him, a spike of pleasured need shooting through the bond. He obviously liked having Otto claiming inside of him.

Otto kissed the base of Dane's spine before continuing to gently bite and suck and mark every part of Dane's body he possibly could. He moved his finger in slow circles inside Dane, taking his time about it. Eventually, he coated a second finger in the lube and began to push that slowly inside as well.

Dane quivered as Otto kissed the base of his spine, shivering and letting out needy whines, the spikes of need and pleasure strongest when Otto was paying attention to his bottom. He'd mentioned it in the truth or dare game, but Otto was only proving it further to him. He really liked having his backside played with, in whatever form it took.

Noticing the reactions from his mate, Otto began to gently squeeze, rub and caress Dane's bottom. He continued to move his two fingers in slow circles inside Dane, gradually widening his mate.

Dane's moans and sighs of need increased as Otto squeezed and caressed. He was slowly widening for his mate, but he wasn't truly worried about how wide Otto got him; if the stretch hurt slightly when his mate took him, that would be another 'sting' of belonging that would be felt through the night. Having his master's fingers in him, though? That made him feel warm and gooey and wish that Otto could always have something in him that he could feel throughout the day. His member was fully hard by this point and he was creeping toward the edge.

Otto continued widening for a few more moments, perhaps longer than really necessary...however, he could feel through the bond that the action made his mate feel good. So he didn't rush. By the time he withdrew his fingers and coated his member to push inside Dane, his own member was once more fully hard.

His master was thick and long and filled him up so completely that Dane didn't mind his fingers being gone. He sighed happily; love, devotion, submission, and need poured through the bond as he opened his legs just a slight bit wider so Otto could fit easily. His whole body stung wherever Otto had marked him and it increased the need he had. Please, sir... please fuck me hard... wanna feel you all night... he begged.

In response to Dane's begging, Otto gripped his mate's hips tighter and began to thrust deep and hard inside the other man, making certain Dane would feel him for the rest of the night and at least part of the next day 

Dane groaned loudly, his fingers clenching into the bed as he felt Otto thrust home. Feels perfect... He whimpered softly. So stuffed full of you... all of me yours... Do anything you want and I... I can take it, master. I can.... he thought, almost frantic with his need to convince Otto to claim complete ownership of him.

You're being so very good for me, Otto murmured. You're taking everything I want to give you. I love you. He began to thrust harder and faster, gripping Diane's hips tightly to hold him still.

Tears came to Dan's eyes at those words and he quivered under Otto. Love you too... so much... best thing in my life ever did... giving myself to you... He'd finally reached full arousal by this point. His insides were as sensitive as his outsides and he knew he'd feel his master until at least the next morning. A feeling of contented fulfillment flowed to Otto. Dane was hanging on the edge and only needed permission to let go to fall and completely leave his life in Otto's hands.

I'm glad you gave yourself to me. Otto kissed the side of his neck. Let go for me, my heart. So we can release together.

All it took was Otto's command and Dane began to spasm in release, sobbing softly as his body shook and clenched uncontrollably. And he dropped, hard. His only awareness was Otto... instinctively tracking his master's presence, even if he was incapable of communicating and currently couldn't function without Otto's help.

Otto's own release came over him at the same time, but once it faded, he wrapped his arms around Dane and held his mate close and tight. Through the bond, he sent through waves of love and reassurance.

Everything was hazy. Only Otto was clear; his weight blanketing Dane; his arms holding Dane tight and protectively; his shaft still buried deep inside Dane; his release coating Dane's insides and filling him up, warming him. Dane's entire being was focused completely on Otto and his body was limp, loose, pliant for his master.

Otto held Dane close and tight, letting him stay under for a few more moments before he began to gently call to his mate.

It took a couple of minutes, but eventually, Dane blinked his eyes blearily. "I hear you, sir..." he whispered. "...Love you...."

"I love you too." Otto kissed his lips gently and then carefully withdrew from Dane, so that he could clean them up again.

Dane whined softly when he felt Otto's absence, but he stayed in place. He wouldn't move unless told to.

Otto finished cleaning them both up and then stretched out alongside his mate, drawing Dane into a close, tight embrace.

Dane snuggled close, putting his head on Otto's chest. He was still feeling extremely submissive. His whole body was sensitive and he could still feel every touch of his master from earlier.

Otto wrapped his arms around his mate, cuddling Dane close and tight. He stroked Dane's hair and down his back, his touches gentle and undemanding, more soothing.

Settling at the gentle caresses, Dane fell asleep.


Peter had finished getting ready for bed, undressing and cleaning his teeth, before heading through to join Stephen. "You planning to go out gathering tomorrow?" he asked curiously.

"We do need to get some more supplies. We have a lot more people, so better to have an abundance just in case we can't find anything for a while," Stephen responded, as he changed into bed clothes and went to brush his own teeth.

"Okay." Peter sat on the edge of the bed, so that Stephen could get in and make himself comfortable first. "Cause you mentioned picking up some more lube, due to the bonding. I was also thinking, your comfort levels aren't the same as mine. I picked up some things from that shop, but if there's anything you want to try out...I'm pretty open." He shrugged.

Stephen was walking toward the bed, but paused at Peter's comment. "Gotta admit, until the bond, I never considered anything Ds related. Was never with a man either. So... no. I don't have anything in particular I want to try out. But if there is something you...."

"I mean, I saw a couple of things that were interesting," Peter admitted. "And I picked up one of them. Along with some more tame items. But like I said. Different comfort levels." He shrugged and waved towards the pack. "It's all still in there. I won't be upset if you don't want to try." He looked towards Stephen. "I want you to be comfortable with whatever happens."

Stephen glanced toward the bag. "Peter, I'm willing to consider anything within reason, that reason being nothing that will draw blood or cause permanent damage. I'm not going to be picking it out, though.  If you want to try something or somethings specific, you need to ask." Stephen's voice was firm, though it wasn't chiding.

Peter bit his lip. "Well, I wasn't really sure about the less-tame thing I brought, which was why I wanted to see what you thought of it. I do think I want to be restrained. Maybe blindfolded? When I broke free of Ultimus' control while we were bonding...I realised I liked being held in place." He sounded a bit uncertain, not really used to discussing his newfound kinks.

"We can start out small and see how it goes..." Stephen opened the bag to see what kind of restraints there were.

Peter hadn't picked up handcuffs or anything like that; the ties and blindfold were made of silk material, that shouldn't cause any scratching to skin.

Stephen pulled out the blindfold and ties then walked over to Peter. He gently maneuvered Peter so he could put the blindfold onto him. "So... you liked being restrained...."

Peter's breathing hitched as a spike of arousal went through him. "Yeah," he admitted. "Once Ultimus' hold was loosened...I liked it."

"Okay... we can try it then..." Stephen said, in a husky voice, before beginning to removing Peter's nightclothes.

Peter's quickened breathing and flushed skin made it clear that being blindfolded was turning him on. He shifted slightly as Stephen removed his nightclothes, beginning to feel vulnerable...and it felt good. He was fully open through the bond, so it was clear just how much he was affected.

Stephen couldn't honestly say tying Peter up aroused him... for all his quirks and eccentricities, Stephen was a fairly basic man at heart. He wasn't unaffected by Peter's arousal at it, though. While he didn't particularly find it exciting or pleasurable, knowing Peter was enjoying it meant he could do it without hating it. So, he focused on Peter's feelings instead of what he was doing.

Once Peter was naked, he gently prodded him into a position in the middle of the bed. He raised his bond mate's hands above his head and tied them to the headboard, only leaving enough give that Peter wouldn't hurt himself (or the bed) if he squirmed. Satisfied at the job he'd done, he moved back, shaking his hands out a little. Tying was more intricate than he usually did and he could feel the old injuries. Wordlessly, he maneuvered Peter's legs into position and tied them. When he was finished, Peter was wide open; his chest, belly, groin and entrance was exposed. His legs were spread wide and bent in such a way that if Peter tried to shift and 'hide' any part of himself, it wouldn't work.

Peter had known that being tied would arouse him; being restrained by Stephen's magic had affected him in a similar way, after all. He hadn't expected being blindfolded to feel similar, having only picked up the blindfold because it had been with the restraints.

Being tied and blindfolded made him feel vulnerable. He was positioned in such a way that he was completely exposed to his mate and instead of making him panic or want to fight, he instead found himself dropping into a more submissive, more needy mindset. He was entirely open through the bond, as vulnerable and exposed mentally and emotionally as he was physically. Everything he felt came clear through the bond...including his love for and complete trust in Stephen.

Stephen sent through his own wave of affection and care before also sending through another feeling of reassurance. He then closed off the bond so Peter couldn't feel him. He could still feel Peter; he kept the connection accepting Peter's 'transmissions' fully open, so he would immediately know something wasn't working or was upsetting Peter, but his own feelings and emotions were blocked. Peter wanted to be vulnerable and at his mercy. The best way to do that was if Peter had no clue what he was planning. He moved quietly, not talking, standing at the foot of the bed and just staring at the younger man. Not touching. Just looking, memorizing, Peter's body.

Peter couldn't help but shift slightly. He knew Stephen hadn't left, even if the older man had closed the bond off his end. He could feel Stephen's eyes on him, but he couldn't see his bond mate watching him. He was entirely reliant on his other senses. He felt himself dropping that slight bit further, needing to trust Stephen fully...knowing he couldn't break himself free and had no idea what his bond mate was planning.

When he didn't feel panic or distress through the bond, Stephen felt it safe to continue. Carefully, using his magic, he floated a ribbon over Peter, letting it gently rub over his skin in a feather light touch. He watched closely to see physical reactions

Peter shifted, a little, as the ribbon rubbed over his skin. Through the bond, it was clear that it was a little bit ticklish. He wasn't distressed or upset, but it was hard not to shift.

Stephen smirked at the response before removing the ribbon and gently flicking Peter's nipples with his index finger... not rubbing or pinching, but a quick, stinging snap against the sensitive area.

Peter gasped, back arching a little. The bond sparked with further arousal and he whimpered softly.

Stephen continued to flick the sensitive nubs, watching for physical responses, listening through the bond for other responses.

Peter's whimpering grew more pronounced. His nipples responded to the simulation, growing red and sensitive. His member stirred, beginning to fill, as spikes of pleasure-pain went through him.

Silently reaching over, Stephen grabbed a bottle, pouring lube onto the palm of one hand and the fingers of the other. Reaching down, he grasped Peter's member and began to pump it firmly, almost roughly. With the lubed fingers, he rubbed around Peter's rim just long enough to slick him up, then pushed two fingers in deep and just held them there; not rubbing or moving... just stretching and filling.

Peter yelped, though through the bond, it would be clear that surprise rather than pain had caused the reaction. He hadn't expected or anticipated claiming like that and the actions caused him to drop that bit more. His member responded immediately, growing and firming in Stephen's hand. Master.... It slipped out without conscious thought, sounding needy.

Stephen allowed a soft growl at that, but didn't respond otherwise. He continued to firmly pump Peter's shaft, letting his thumb rub over the tiny slit at the head, smearing lube and precum, allowing a nail to gently dip in and flick the small opening. He bent the two fingers buried in Peter, just enough to seek for the sweet spot.

Peter whimpered loudly, beginning to squirm as much as the ties would allow. He was quickly growing past the point he could form any words at all, even through the bond. He just needed.....

Stephen continued to pump while he methodically searched for the spot that would undo Peter.

Peter let out a sobbing breath as Stephen found that one spot. He gasped and began to squirm more frantically, almost wantonly. Through the bond, he was mostly incoherent by now.

Knowing immediately when he'd found the spot, Stephen began to rub against it, applying a gentle pressure.

Peter groaned, beginning to pant as his arousal spiked. He was so close to letting go. The only thing that kept him holding on was some instinct telling him he needed to wait for permission.

Knowing Peter was close, Stephen released. Peter's member, reaching up and pinching, twisting, first one nipple then the other as he pressed his two fingers as deep as they would go and rubbed the tiny bundle of nerves hard. Let go... He finally opened his end of the bond and nearly growled the order.

Letting out a sobbing gasp, nearly a cry, Peter released hard. His whole body shook with the force of his orgasm. It was stronger than anything he'd ever experienced in the past.

Stephen continued stroking inside Peter as the younger man's orgasm tore through him.  He watched as Peter's release covered his mate's stomach. He couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction, knowing he'd taken Peter to that point.

Peter's breathing slowed and calmed from deep, panting breaths as he rode out the waves of his orgasm. He was still open through the bond and as his ability to think came back to him, he sent a wave of gratitude through the bond to his mate.

Feeling Peter calming, Stephen carefully withdrew his fingers and went to get a washcloth, cleaning Peter. You with me? he asked through the bond.

Yeah, Peter responded. Thank you. For doing this. For not thinking it's strange that I wanted it.

Of course you aren't strange. That's me... Stephen thought, as drolly as he could.  He carefully untied Peter. "Go ahead and get your pajamas on." He handed the items to Peter. "We've got a big day tomorrow." He smiled.

Peter snorted softly and took the items, storing the ties and blindfold away and then getting into the pajamas. "I hope you'll let me help you feel good too, soon," he said softly. "I want to bring you pleasure too. I love you...."

"I know. And making you feel good felt good to me..." Stephen went in and washed his hands and put the dirty washcloth in the hamper, before returning to the bed and pulling back the comforter. He got in, then patted the spot next to him.

Peter climbed into bed next to Stephen and closed his eyes. "Doesn't mean you can't have physical pleasure too," he said. "I picked up some flavoured lube. That's not too out there, right?"

"Not out there at all. As long as it's a good flavor..." Stephen snorted and pulled Peter in close. "I'm not saying never. I'm just saying not tonight. Tonight was to give you what you needed."

"I know. And I'm grateful." Peter cuddled into his mate. " long as you let me give back in some way...eventually. I don't want to just take from you all the time. That's not the kind of relationship I ever wanted with you."

"I know," Stephen said calmly. "Some day. Right now, sleep."

"'Kay...." Whether it was being tired out, or just because his body was growing used to following Stephen's directions, Peter was asleep within seconds.


Kate was quiet on the way back to their room. As soon as she was safe behind doors, she stripped and went in to take a shower. She stood under the water, carefully washing completely and even shaved her legs. Biting her lip, she considered shaving there as well. Would that go over well? If not, it wasn't like it wouldn't grow back, but still.... It wasn't something she felt comfortabe asking. If she felt comfortable asking, she'd ask for his help so she didn't accidently nick herself.

Norman gave Kate her privacy. He picked up one of the books that had been brought back from a recent excursion and started looking through it. He'd been studying the history of this world, curious to see if there were any differences.

Deciding 'hell with it', Kate threw caution to the wind and shaved herself smooth. Then immediately had 'buyer's remorse'. "Damnit," she whispered to herself, before quickly finishing up, then getting out and drying off. She then pulled on the nightshirt she'd brought in with her and padded out into the bedroom. She climbed up onto the bed beside him and glanced toward the book. Interesting read? she asked.

A bit dry, Norman admitted. But it's interesting to see how events turned out differently here, in comparison to my home dimension.

How differently? Kate asked curiously. Do you think I exist there? Is your home really different? She scooted closer.

She wasn't going to ask for anything, even if she'd prepared just in case. Norman, while not turning her down and doing his best to take care of all her needs, also hadn't really shown any indication he wanted her or needed her that way. In fact, it sometimes felt very much like he'd prefer not to touch her, even if he had enjoyed the few times he had taken her. It felt like she was an obligation. Kate didn't want an obligatory fuck. If he was in her or claiming her, she wanted it to be because he desired her as much as she desired him. The only way to be sure that was what was happening was if she made no moves and let him make the first moves.

Of course, the minute he showed he wanted it and wasn't just doing it for her, she'd be all over him. But the first move had to be his. Hopefully, if he made a first move, it wouldn't be an awkward question if she wanted him to do something. Then she'd be right back to feeling like an obligation. She wanted him to do what he wanted to her.... the only question that wouldn't make it feel like he was fulfilling an obligation and actually wanted her was if he asked her if something he wanted to do was okay to do... or, better yet, started and just asked her during if she liked it (since she likely wouldn't know if something was okay until she'd tried it at least once in her life, and she trusted him).

These were all thoughts she'd had in the shower​ and she'd been doing her best to block the bond at that time, so he wouldn't know how completely she was washing and preparing herself for him. She'd come to the conclusion in that time that... even if it meant being spanked for not listening or obeying like she should, she wanted him in control of her completely. That meant in the bedroom as well. But as much as she wanted that, he had to want it to. She'd been paying close attention to Peter and Stephen... she may not know the mechanics of their relationship, but it very much appeared to be a strain there. It wasn't that either appeared unhappy or that they wished they weren't bonded. It was more that any time Peter got snuggly, Stephen's response was reserved, like he'd never have chosen to be that way and was only doing it for Peter because he cared for Peter and wanted him happy. That wasn't what she wanted for her and Norman. She'd rather pull back and be platonic with him and just get his permission for when she needed to take care of herself, than for him to 'take care' of her needs when he didn't feel comfortable... just because he cared about her.

She was very glad he cared about her. It could have been so much worse. She was very attracted to him and hadn't bothered to hide the fact. But she had seen friends go after other people before; try to convince them to change their minds about what they wanted... to want the same thing... and it never ended well. If Norman didn't truly want her... just wanted to protect and take care of her... then she'd take what he was willing to give and leave it at that. She just needed to know what he truly wanted when her desires weren't being taken into account.

She'd come to all those conclusions in the shower, blocking the bond. Now that she was sat next to him on the bed, the bond wasn't blocked. She was still grounded and it didn't feel right (and truthfully, she'd been surprised it had been allowed for during her shower). So, she didn't hide the fact she was feeling hesitant or uncertain about shifting closer to him. She didn't want to interrupt his reading.

I knew there were differences in the current times in both of our worlds. We didn't have any Avengers, or Captain America. The only enhanced hero who existed in my home dimension was Spiderman. And Ultimus executed him during the first wave of the invasion. Norman closed the book he'd been reading and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer. He might have been hesitant to have sex with her, given the difference in their ages, but he felt good having her close to him. He let those sensations come clearly through the bond, so she'd know that he wanted her close.

I was reading up on the history of your dimension, he continued. There are some differences in the historical figures. Differences in myths and legends passed down through the centuries. Those differences could account for the way some of the people of different dimensions appear physically different and have different histories, while being fundamentally the same at their core.

Kate sighed internally and pushed down any desire she'd begun to feel, but shifted closer to Norman, putting her head on his shoulder. Is there any way to study that... beyond memories?

Not really, Norman admitted, letting his fingers stroke through her hair. Maybe if we had more people from different dimensions.

That may not be an impossible thing, Kate thought.

There are probably more people from different dimensions here in this one, Norman agreed. How are you finding all of this?

Kate pressed closer and thought I dunno. I'm a fighter. Then I got caught by Ultimus and was a puppet. Then I got freed, but I'm not able to fight the way I'm used to. Nothing is ever going to be normal again. I... I don't know what life will be like, if I'll ever be able to... "I don't know. It's scary..." she finally admitted, in a small voice.

Norman nodded in understanding and gently gathered her onto his lap, stroking her hair. "It is scary," he agreed softly. "Ultimus is an enemy none of us can fight. At least not yet. And we all have people we want to see free. But we're moving in the right direction. Perhaps things will never be 'normal', but different doesn't necessarily mean bad."

Maybe not... Kate sighed and lay her head against his chest. She hid her disappointment that he wasn't interested in her; it wasn't like she truly expected anything different and there were more important things than her own desires. Besides... she could admit that the largest part of her disappointment was because of fear. Fear that she'd not find her family or friends. Fear that the bond wouldn't allow her to find someone who did want her. Fear that she'd be alone the rest of her life... if not physically, then emotionally. But she wouldn't let that fear dictate her actions. She was stronger than that.

Norman kissed the top of her head. You're not alone, he sent to her. I know we only met each other because of Ultimus, but that doesn't mean that I care for you, that I love you, any less.

I know... but I know you don't really want to be with me.  You're stuck...tied to me... and... I overheard talking. We aren't one of the pairs that can bond more than one.  Kate cringed. She hadn't meant to bring it up. Hadn't wanted to. And the first time he said anything about her having him in her corner, she spilled? No wonder he didn't want her like that. An experienced, mature woman would have kept her fear to herself....

You're mistaken, Kate. Norman's voice was calm and he left the bond open, so that she could feel the truth in his words. It's not that I don't want to be with you. But you're so much younger than me. You're closer to my son's age than my own. And you're scared. Even if I'm who you think you want right now, who's to say what will happen once Ultimus is no longer a threat and your world is freed? You may want someone closer to your own age once things have settled down.

I... I know I am young. I know that bothers you. I'm trying not to expect anything. I don't think the bond will let us go when this is over, though.... I guess it doesn't matter, though. Kate swallowed. I'm more afraid that the bond won't let us go and I won't want to be with anyone else and you won't want to be with me cuz I'll always be younger than your son.... I know it's childish and I was really trying not to ask for anything or want anything, but I guess I hoped that as long as you didn't hate the idea of being with me, that you would want to give us a chance. That we'd get some type of fairytale where it worked and we'd be happy ever after. It was stupid. Kate blushed. I'm sorry. I really tried not to want anything... I didn't want to make it weird or anything.

It's not stupid, Norman answered. And I'm more than willing to give us a chance. To have a relationship with you. I just don't want you to feel trapped when all of this is over and your world can go back to something like normal.

I won't feel trapped. Our world will never be completely back to normal. I don't think I could be with anyone else, even if they found a way to break the bond. It... it feels like it's already changed me so much... and you are the only one who would understand that... Kate admitted.

I won't say that a big part of me isn't relieved to hear you say that, Norman admitted. I am attracted to you. I do care for you, deeply. And I love you. He let his hands rub gently over her body; not removing clothing, but touching her where the pajamas didn't cover.

"I love you too. I'll take whatever you're willing to give me... and I trust you to know what's best... even if I might be scared or disappointed, I'll accept your decision. I'll obey you..." she whispered, nuzzling against him, not pushing but happy with what he was doing. There was quite a lot of skin available to touch, since she was wearing a short night shirt.

He continued to gently stroke and rub and squeeze and caress, still not moving her nightshirt out of the way, but taking advantage of where it didn't cover to explore her body.

Kate snuggled in contentment. She'd promised to obey what he decided was best, so she wouldn't push for more than what he was already doing. I'm glad I belong to you... she thought.

I'm glad you belong to me too. Norman let his sincerity flow through the bond. He was content just to touch and hold her right now, wanting nothing more than to just be with her.

Kate felt herself 'calming' as he gave her affection, her desire redirecting into a need to just let him touch and control. Her fears had been eased by talking to him. They had plenty of time to go further. Her need to listen and obey was stronger at the moment and she slipped slightly into submission.

He brushed a gentle kiss to the top of her head, just allowing himself to inhale her scent, as he stroked and touched. I love you. He sent the words and emotion through the bond. His entire focus was just on her, perfectly content to just hold her like he was doing.

Kate quivered at the words, a sense of almost giddy happiness flowing to him. She nuzzled his chest in response to the kiss. It felt so protective and caring and she hoped it never stopped.

He kissed her head again, able to feel her emotions and wanting to continue making her happy. He was perfectly content to spend the rest of the evening like this, holding and caressing and giving her gentle least until they both fell asleep.

Kate shifted just enough to wrap her arms around him and entangle her legs with his. She was happy. Contented. She'd prepared for if he wanted to do more; she'd ask... maybe when they weren't in bed... what he'd prefer her to do. She was feeling the need to let him make decisions for her more keenly.

"It's late," Norman murmured softly to her, his lips resting against her hair. "If you're comfortable, we can sleep like this. Pressed as close to each other as it's possible to be."

"Yessir..." Kate nuzzled a bit more, closing her eyes. "I'm comfy...."

"That's good to know." Norman closed his own eyes. Having her close soothed and settled something within him; it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.