Chapter One

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Based on the mobile game Marvel: Strike Force. Ultimus has taken control over nearly everyone in this dimension. Everyone except for Steve Rogers; aka Captain America. When Steve finds a way of breaking Ultimus’ control, their world begins to fight back
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; AU; non-con; consent after the fact; mind control


Steve watched as the group left his dimension, heading back through the portal to their own home. They'd asked him to come with them, but even though there was nothing left for him here, no one who was free of Ultimus' control...this was still his home. And maybe if one dimension could figure out a vaccine to the mind control conducted by Ultimus, that same dimension could figure out an antidote.

For now, though, Steve had to return to his base. Most of the people in his dimension had been taken by Ultimus, to be used in his invasions of other dimensions. But there were still a lot of corrupted heroes and villains patrolling. And Steve was still feeling kind of weak from the vaccine being extracted from his blood. He really couldn't afford to run into anyone on the way back to his base, but the chances were that he wouldn't be able to entirely escape one of Ultimus' patrols.

Frank Castle watched quietly, closely, carefully keeping an eye out for possible dissent, either from other dimensions fighting his ruler, or those of this world who had somehow missed receiving the education that would convince them of Ultimus' right to lead them all. There had been a report of a portal opening. Unfortunately, he had arrived too late to see it in operation. His only hope was catching whoever was on this end of the portal ... catching them and getting information from them.

Steve had been able to keep under the radar, at least for the most part. He knew Ultimus was aware that he hadn't been captured and converted but didn't know if any orders had been given about catching him...or killing him. He made his way carefully from the site the portal had opened, his shield grasped firmly in hand. He was ready for anything.

It was only due to his careful watching, and the fact he was so highly trained and skilled, that Frank saw Steve. Captain America. Somehow, the old soldier had escaped the education that would have put him on Ultimus' side. Ultimus had ordered him captured, if possible, but if not, eliminated. His continued freedom was a threat to everything Ultimus wanted to accomplish. Frank remembered that he'd admired the captain... looked up to him... when he was a child. When he'd joined the special forces. Of course, now his loyalty belonged to Ultimus. He didn't know how to explain why, so he hoped his once hero didn't ask why. Ultimus was his leader and that's all that mattered. His leader wanted Captain America. Frank began to follow... hunt... stalk the older man.

Steve was still on his guard, though he was expecting an attack; not for someone to be tracking him. He was picking his way slowly back towards his base; really, an abandoned shack in the middle of a forest, far enough away from any patrols that he was unlikely to be discovered. Of course, he had contingency plans...traps to alert him to an approaching enemy. But those wouldn't do him any good right now.

Frank had decided to follow the captain and see where he went. That way, if somehow Frank failed, he could at least send a homing signal to Ultimus so others could retrieve Rogers. He didn't think he'd fail... he was one of those Ultimus gave an alternate name to, which meant he was skilled. But it was Captain America. And he was alone. If he didn't do things exactly right, instead of being the punisher, he'd be the one being punished.

When he reached the forest that was his base, Steve checked the surrounding area, the traps he'd set, to make sure no one had found his base. He couldn't relax even when there was no sign of an intruder. After all, in this dimension, nowhere could really be considered safe.

It was apparent when Steve switched from 'travel mode' to 'assessing mode'. Frank knew they were in the vicinity of the Captain's base. He preferred to make his move in the open than inside the base, where Steve had home advantage. Not that Steve didn't have a small advantage outside where he was more familiar with the terrain. But it was still less of an advantage than inside, where Rogers could have hidden weapons.

To be honest, Frank felt very nervous about going up against the super-soldier alone, but it was what Ultimus required, and he would obey, no matter what his instincts were. Instincts and feelings had to be ignored. Obedience to Ultimus was all that mattered, even if it led to his death.

Breathing slowly and deeply, Frank focused... and then attacked. If he could subdue Rogers, then he could convince him to join Ultimus using Ultimus' favored recruitment technique. But he had to subdue Rogers first. Just as he'd had to be subdued before his own recruitment.

Steve had been on his guard, expecting and anticipating a potential attack. As soon as he heard the sound that indicated someone was there, he was turning, shield raised defensively to block the attack before he pushed into an attack of his own.

Frank wasn't surprised he'd been noticed, though it was unfortunate. He knew he wasn't really a good match against a super-soldier in a hand-to-hand fight. If he'd been allowed to shoot Rogers, he might have had a chance. But Ultimus wanted at least an attempt to convert before killing; and he'd chosen Frank rather than Barnes, or Stark, or anyone who might have been equally strong, or had equipment to equalize a fight. Deep down, he wondered if Ultimus wanted him dead, but he wasn't supposed to question his leader, so he ignored that thought. And he fought... as hard as he was able, using every dirty trick he knew to try to get an advantage.

Steve wasn't all that surprised that it was Frank Castle facing him. After all, there would always be the chance that someone like Tony, or even Bucky, would react to their shared history. Ultimus' conversion was similar to brainwashing, after all. And people had come back from that.

Steve didn't fight to kill Frank, only to disable him. To subdue him. If he could be subdued, perhaps there was a chance to break the conditioning. To bring back the man Steve remembered. He owed it to Frank Castle to try.

Frank, deep down, knew he was no match for Rogers. Deep down, he was certain he would die from this encounter and the urge to run was strong. His need to obey Ultimus was stronger. He kept fighting, using every bit of training, ability and natural instinct in him. It enabled him to get some good hits in. It also put him in position to receive some hard hits.

In the end, it was bad luck that did him in. His bootlace had untied, and he stepped on it, stumbling back, accidently stepping onto a stone that turned his foot wrong and caused him to fall. When he fell, it was against a tree with a branch that had broken off, leaving a sharp protrusion at shoulder level. He skewered himself on the tree with a surprised, shocked cry. He held himself in place, on tiptoe, knowing if he lowered down to stand normal, or attempted to pull off, he ran the risk of ripping himself further open. He wasn't getting free without help.

Steve paused, hesitated, considering his options. Logic told him that he needed to leave. Even if he wasn't prepared to kill Frank, there was the risk of bringing Ultimus and the rest of the converted down on him. His base was compromised; he should pack everything up and leave, take off. He'd evaded capture most of the time, after all.

But Frank was hurt. And the man was someone that Steve had known and cared about. And... he was lonely. The rest of his dimension, hero and villain, had fallen to Ultimus. The heroes from the other dimension had been the first time Steve had fought alongside anyone since his home had been invaded and everyone he'd ever cared about lost.

Maybe...just maybe...he could figure out a way of breaking the conversion. He had the vaccine in his blood, after all.

"You're not going to get free without causing yourself serious damage, Frank," Steve said quietly. "I don't think Ultimus will care enough to come and retrieve you. To help you. He's invaded other dimensions and turned multiple versions of us to his cause." As he spoke, he moved to Frank's side. "If you fight me, you'll get hurt a whole lot worse," he warned, before carefully beginning to pull the branch free of Frank. He hoped that Frank had enough of himself left to realize that fighting right now would be futile. Hoped that his self-preservation was still strong.

Frank heard the words and knew Steve was right. That wasn't what held him still. He had a mission to fulfill for Ultimus; a mission he would fail if he attempted to fight from his current position. If he held still and let Steve maneuver him, once he was free, he could continue the fight without the certainty of failure. It ended up not mattering. He passed out

Steve freed Frank from the branch and then carefully bandaged the other man's wound. Lifting Frank into his arms, he carried the man to his the small shack. It wasn't big, but it was enough for his needs.

Steve was under no illusions. Frank would fight to capture or kill him. He placed the man on the mattress and cuffed and tied Frank, making sure there was little give, ensuring that getting free would be difficult, if not impossible. Then, he moved over to some of the resources he'd picked up during his last outing.

If anything could tell him how to break the conversion, it would be the books from the sorcerers' Sanctum.


It was close to thirty minutes later before Frank woke. He didn't move, though, assessing his situation. He was bandaged; Rogers had removed him from the tree and tended his wound, then. He was also cuffed to the bed he was lying on in such a way he couldn't pick the locks. His legs were also tied to the bed, making certain he couldn't fight the captain should the man move close enough. There was just enough give in the bindings that Steve could turn him over if needed, but no more than that. He had a blanket draped over him for warmth, which he needed. Apparently, Rogers was smart enough to check for trackers, bugs and other devices that would bring Ultimus to their location... Frank was naked as the day he was born under the blanket.

Frank swallowed hard. His gamble at waiting to be removed from the tree before continuing to fight had not only failed, but he was now in a position he couldn't get out of. Any chance he had of contacting Ultimus had disappeared with his clothing. He might as well have fought and bled out, for all the good waiting had done him.

Finally, he turned his face to look at Rogers. "Why'd you let me live?" he asked, in confusion.

Steve hadn't been idle while Frank had been unconscious. He'd been reading the books he'd taken from the Sanctum and he had...well, he had an answer. A way of breaking the conversion. But it was only possible to do it for one person, by creating a new bond to take the place of the control Ultimus had of someone. He was almost certain that Frank would agree to the act afterwards...that the man would realize Steve had done what was necessary once those actions had been taken. But to free Frank, Steve was going to have to do some things that wouldn't be pleasant for either of them.

Sitting down, Steve looked seriously into Frank's eyes. "Because this isn't you. I know you don't have a problem with killing someone who you feel deserves it. Killing someone who's one of the bad guys. But attacking me like this...that isn't you. It's what you're doing because of Ultimus. Because he's turned you to his cause. Just like everyone else in this dimension."

A small part deep inside Frank agreed with the words. That part was ignored. "Ultimus doesn't want you dead. It would be a waste. Join him and all of us and you will not be alone..." Frank attempted to convince Steve.

"Joining his cause would turn me into a slave," Steve said quietly. "I don't want to live like that. And I know you don't want to live like that either. I have a way to break his conversion. I think it will work. But it means another person taking control. Another person being your master. Me being your master." He paused, looking into Frank's eyes. "I know you can't agree. That you can't voice your consent. I hope that, once it's over, you'll be able to understand why I've taken the actions I'm about to."

"Ultimus won't be my master... you will?" Frank's voice was lacking in emotion, even if he was scared. How was changing masters an improvement? He would still be a slave. Although, he remembered Steve and he knew Steve would probably, maybe, be a less harsh master.

"Yes," Steve said quietly. "But it won't be the same as Ultimus. I won't expect you to bow to my will...and I won't force you to act contrary to your nature. You'll be as free as it's possible to be." He paused. "If I had another way, I would take it. I only hope that, once this is over, you can understand and forgive me." He moved to retrieve the book, wanting to make sure he did it exactly right. If he was going to do this, he was going to make sure it didn't need to be repeated.

Frank began to tug at the bindings, fear at being taken from Ultimus suddenly overcoming him. Deep down, he wanted free of the monster who had enslaved the planet, but the mind control wouldn't allow him to give in that easily.

"You won't get free, Frank. I've made sure of that." Steve's voice was sad. Regretful. The ritual demanded that he use sex to bind the man to him; to break the control Ultimus had over Frank. He clung to the hope that, in his right mind, Frank would have consented. Even if it demanded sex, he hoped that the price wouldn't be considered too high to pay for least enough freedom that he could give.

Steve reached out and carefully moved the blanket, enough to expose Frank's backside and thighs. He placed one hand on the man's lower back and rubbed gently. "I know you can't consent to this, but it's the only way to break his control. It's the only way to give you back your least as much as I can. I'll be as gentle as it's possible to be," he promised, before reaching for the oil he used to keep his shield clean and in good condition.

Frank's eyes widened as he realized what Steve intended. He began to struggle harder, though all struggling did was tire him. He was completely vulnerable to whatever the captain chose to do. Deep down, he understood why. And had he had enough will left to fight Ultimus, he would have consented. Belonging to Steve was so much better than belonging to Ultimus, even if he had to give himself in that way. He didn't have enough will to consent, though. And Ultimus' will was such, he had to fight. Even if it caused more pain. Not fighting caused terror to well up, which... caused him to fight.

"I'm sorry, Frank." Steve's voice was sincere, even if his hold was firm as he held the other man down; made sure that Frank's struggling couldn't result in the man breaking free. He coated a finger in the oil and pushed it slowly inside Frank. While he wanted this over as fast as it was possible to do so, he wasn't going to cause any damage. He wasn't going to risk tearing inside, even if it might ultimately leave Frank sore and chafed.

Frank closed his eyes tight at the intrusion, clenching tightly around Steve's finger, unable to stop himself from doing so. "No... you can't..." he ground out, in a shaky, nearly terrified voice. Ultimus wouldn't allow any of his slaves to be free. He would kill him if he allowed Steve to take him away and make him his. If Steve took him like this, Frank was a dead man. He couldn't move away from Steve's finger, and he shook.

"It's the only way," Steve said. "Ultimus is bending you to his will. He's made you act against your nature. He's killing your spirit." He continued to rub Frank's back, even as he held the other man down. He continued to rub in slow circles inside the other man, widening him a bit before he then coated a second finger and pushed that inside.

Frank let out a tiny sob as the second finger was inserted. It wasn't comfortable or comforting. He could feel himself stretching, opening for the larger man, despite his attempts to squeeze shut. "He'll kill me..." He sobbed again. "If you take me, he'll chop me up in tiny pieces and leave me as an example to all the others..." He was beyond frightened. Deep inside, where the smallest amount of his will remained, he followed the urge to shift just slightly enough that Steve's fingers could push deeper. As much as Ultimus caused him to not want what was happening, that small part knew if Steve could push deep enough and rub a certain spot, it would make things easier.

"I won't let him," Steve replied. "I'll take care of you. Look after you. You won't need to go back to him," he promised. His fingers slipped in deeper, pushing further inside Frank. He knew there was a spot that could make things marginally easier on the other man and he sought it out.

" can't s... stop him..." Frank started to cry. He felt so helpless, and Ultimus' control was pushing him to fight, punishing him for failing to get away. He imagined the worst. And deep down, though he never would have chosen to become Steve Rogers' slave before Ultimus, he was hoping the older, larger man succeeded.

And then Steve found the spot he was seeking. The nearly wailing moan Frank let out made it clear it felt good. The fact he immediately began to arouse also made it clear. Still, the conditioning had him shaking his head and whimpering, "No... no... no..." even as he began to rock back toward Steve's fingers, seeking more of the stimulation.

Steve could hear the words and they made him feel terrible. He wouldn't have chosen this; wouldn't have forced Frank into this. Was this really any better than Frank being a slave to Ultimus? Steve told himself, promised himself, that he would only do what was needed. That he wouldn't force Frank to go through this again. "I know," he said out loud. "I'm sorry, Frank." He responded to the other man's movements by pushing his fingers in further; making sure he hit that spot. It wasn't what was needed to complete the spell. For that, he needed to go all the way. He needed to take Frank fully, even though this wasn't pleasant for him. He wasn't turned on at all.

Eventually, the stimulation to his prostate overpowered Ultimus' conditioning enough that he stopped protesting. Frank began to moan softly, continuing to rock back onto Steve's fingers, and tried to widen his legs further so he'd be more open. "Please..." he whimpered, not sure if he was begging Steve to stop or begging for more.

Taking a deep breath, Steve slowly withdrew his fingers. He didn't find this arousing at all, but he needed to take this step. Needed to complete the ritual. "Just one final step and then we're done. You'll be free...." he murmured, his voice filled with regret. He got himself to the point he needed and coated his member in the oil, then pushed inside Frank.

Frank closed his eyes tight and sobbed softly as he felt Steve push in. Ultimus was trying to maintain his control and the overwhelming wash of fear, shame and failure being pushed through the connection he had with his first master was overwhelming.

Frank was fully hard, the prostate stimulation at least making it so he didn't hurt as Steve stretched him further than he'd ever been stretched. He could feel the captain slowly entering him, Steve was being exceedingly careful to allow his body to adjust. It wasn't comfortable; he was over full and it stung. But then Steve pushed past his prostate, going further and deeper than fingers could, and rubbed the bundle of nerves; and while it wasn't comfortable and he was still overfull and stinging, it also felt good. The sobs began to mix with soft moans of pleasure.

Steve gently rubbed his hands over Frank's hips, trying hard to provide some measure of comfort through touch. He didn't thrust hard, not wanting to add more soreness and chafing. Instead, he kept his movements slow and gentle.

Frank slowly relaxed, enabling Steve to move more easily without resistance. The moans increased as the sobs decreased. Ultimus still tried to assert control over his feelings, thoughts, emotions... but the pleasure of Steve gently thrusting was slowly overpowering the conditioning.

Steve continued to thrust gently and smoothly inside Frank. While this might be necessary to free the other man, he wasn't going to create any more pain or discomfort than he had to. Despite the fact he didn't feel turned on by this, he could feel himself beginning to grow and swell inside Frank. He wasn't sure if it was the ritual making sure it would be completed, considering that he didn't feel aroused.

Frank's breathing became ragged as he continued to moan softly. He opened his legs further and instinctively turned his head, baring his neck to Steve and beginning to push his bottom back into the larger man, as if to encourage him to go deeper. Harder.

Moving deeper and harder wasn't done with conscious thought. Steve found himself driven by a deeper, almost primal need to do so. He couldn't help but press into Frank's neck, nuzzling even if he didn't bite.

Frank's moans became groans, and his own member was fully swollen, hard and weeping precum. "Please..." he began to beg softly, even though he didn't know what he was asking for.

"Let go." Steve wasn't sure if that was what Frank was asking for, but the words felt right. His own member was hard and swollen; enough that he knew that if Frank released, his own orgasm would come over him at the same time.

And just like that, on Steve's order, Frank began to spasm in orgasm, his release wetting the bed in front of him as his body clenched around Steve's member, the tremors and squeezing trying to hold the larger man in place, if not pull him deeper.

Steve's own release hit him at the same time and his fingers tightened their grip on Frank's hips. Light surrounded the two of them, sinking into their skin...leaving identical marks on their hands.

Almost immediately, a bond opened between the two of them. Steve's regret, remorse and guilt could easily be felt. He believed freeing Frank was necessary...but the method of doing so felt so very wrong to him.

Frank couldn't really see what was going on, tied facing the bed as he was.  Not that well anyway, though he felt the warmth and saw the mark form on his hand. What he immediately noticed was Ultimus' absence. A sudden spear of terror at being cut loose, adrift and alone, shot through the new bond. Steve's feelings were felt, but they didn't fully make sense to him. Regret, remorse and guilt because Steve didn't want him and was now stuck with him? Would Steve leave him, now that Ultimus no longer controlled him? Would Frank be able to control himself and live alone, when his entire being was aching for Steve to control him? He let out a frightened whine and began to struggle to get free of the bindings... not to fight Steve or run away, but to hold onto the larger man and beg him not to abandon him.

Steve could feel the fear coming from Frank and he couldn't help but respond to it. His arms wrapped around Frank, even while his fingers worked at the ties to let the other man loose. His whole being screamed at him to hold onto Frank; a deep, possessive need that was almost scary. His breathing hitched and he let his head drop gently against the back of Frank's neck. "I'm sorry," he whispered. Guilt was warring with the desire, the need, to claim Frank. But he'd promised the other man freedom as far as it was possible to give. He didn't want a slave, even if the ritual required he take on the role of master.

Frank was able to calm slightly at feeling Steve press to him, but as soon as his restraints were loosened, he was twisting around to face the older man, wrapping arms and legs around him tightly; hiding his face against Steve's chest, burrowing as close as humanly possible without Steve being... "...In me... please... need you in me..." he begged, in a tiny voice. He could feel Steve's guilt and regret still, even if he could also feel the desire. He was afraid the guilt and regret would make Steve leave.

Steve couldn't help but respond, wrapping his own arms tightly around Frank; though he was careful not to put any pressure on the wound. He hadn't been close to anyone...hadn't had any kind of physical contact with another person...since Ultimus had invaded. He still felt guilty, regretful, remorseful, but...he needed this, needed this connection, as much as Frank did. He nuzzled the other man's neck as he responded to the begging...the pleading.

Frank slanted his head so Steve could get to his neck easier. He continued to beg. "Please... in me... need you so much... want this..." He whimpered softly. He knew he wasn't explaining well, but if he could make Steve realize there was no reason for guilt or regret... maybe the other man would stay. He might still be a slave, but if Steve was his master, it was bearable.

"You don't have to go through this again," Steve whispered, not certain that it was truly what Frank wanted, or if it was the ritual forcing the words. "I wanted to give you your freedom back. At least as much as I could." His voice was sad. He didn't let go of Frank, though. Despite his feelings, his determination to 'do the right thing', the loneliness had taken its toll. He'd let go if Frank asked, but...if the other man didn't, he couldn't bring himself to.

"You... you don't understand..." Frank whimpered, frustrated that he couldn't think of the words. Giving up, he thought on what he felt as strongly as possible, hoping Steve would feel it. His total lack of regret at Steve taking him as he had. His gratitude that Steve had found a way to save him. His hope that Steve not leave him. His desire for his new master to take him when Ultimus wasn't trying to force him to fight the bond. "I couldn't agree before," he whispered. "He wouldn't let me. But if I'd had a choice, I would have said yes...."

Steve closed his eyes, tightening his grip on Frank, half-afraid that he might start crying. He pressed a kiss to Frank's neck and tried not to let the loneliness and pain he'd felt since Ultimus' invasion seep through to the other man. He wasn't sure he succeeded. But he believed Frank's words and feelings and he positioned his new lover, allowing him to push into Frank once more.

The sense of relief when Steve pushed in, claiming him again, was staggering and bled through the bond easily.  "...Yours? You won't leave me?" Frank found himself asking, in a slightly begging tone. Maybe it was the bond, but having Steve buried inside of him felt right. And for the first time since Ultimus took over his life, he felt hopeful. Maybe he wasn't entirely free, but now he had a master that would allow him as much freedom as was safe. That was important.

"I won't leave you," Steve promised. "I need you too much," he admitted. "It's not completely, totally safe here...but I've made this place as safe as it's possible to be. I've only left when there's a need to gather more supplies. It isn't on Ultimus' radar."

Frank relaxed at the words, the feeling of hope growing along with a new feeling of safety and belonging. "You saved me..." he whispered, nuzzling against Steve's chest and shoulder, tightening his legs around his new mate's waist so Steve would stay inside him. "I don't care if the bond is making me horny... I need to feel you have me. Haven't felt safe in so long..." he admitted softly.

Steve cupped Frank's face and kissed the other man, gently and tenderly. "I'm glad I saved you," he whispered. "I know it was hard...scary. I meant what I said, though. I'll protect you from him."

"It was only hard and scary because he made me fight. Thank you for... for doing what you needed to. For not quitting when I fought. I know you didn't know that deep down, I wanted to say yes..." Frank shivered. "If you'd given up, I'd still be his slave. I know now I have to obey you, but... it feels different."

"I hoped you could forgive me afterwards," Steve said quietly. "I don't want a slave in you, even if I am your master and you need to obey me,"

"There is nothing to forgive," Frank said quietly. "But if you need to hear it, I do forgive you. You rescued me. What... what rules do you have for me, Sir?" He might not be a slave, but Steve was his master and Frank knew there had to be some rules. He gently squeezed, feeling his master still in him. It was comforting.

"No dangerous behavior," Steve said. "We're the only free people here in this dimension. At least unless or until one of the other dimensions can come up with a cure for Ultimus' conversion. If you want or need to leave this base, for whatever reason, it needs to be cleared with me and we'll go together." He hesitated. "I try only to disable and subdue those converted to Ultimus' cause. I know it's not their fault. But I don't expect you to avoid permanent or fatal injury if the alternative is you being killed or captured."

Frank nodded. Without Ultimus pushing down his own will and personality, he could remember. "I wasn't a pacifist before. After meeting Red and Karen, I tried to find other ways, when possible, but if it's them or me, I'll do whatever it takes to stay alive for you Sir..." His voice was low and serious.

He could feel Steve in the back of his mind, a sentinel against Ultimus. Maybe the other man could control him just as much as Ultimus had. Frank found himself trusting that Steve wouldn't abuse that power. He felt freer than he had in a very long time.

"What else should I know about the bond?" he asked curiously.

"You already know that the bond allows us to experience each other's emotions," Steve said. "It also allows us to communicate through our minds. Considering the amount of people under Ultimus' control, being able to talk in that way will be beneficial and less likely to draw unwanted attention."

Frank slanted his head, wondering how that worked. Do I just... think with intent at you? he attempted.

Steve smiled as he 'heard' Frank's words in his mind. I heard you, he said encouragingly.

Frank grinned brightly at the super soldier. I can always talk to you this way?

You can talk to me in any way you wish, Steve said. But when we aren't here in our base, it's better to keep to this form of communication. He leaned forward and brushed a tender kiss against Frank's lips.

Frank hesitantly returned the kiss. It had been a long time since he'd been allowed affection. Will you come in me again, Cap? He smiled hopefully, squeezing around Steve's member again.

Steve nodded, leaving unsaid that this time, he actually felt aroused. He hadn't the first time; had taken the actions only because he believed freedom was more important, no matter the price. Now, though, with Frank's submission...feeling the bond...and it had truly been a long was almost embarrassing how quickly his second release came over him.

Frank could feel his new master moving gently in him, so when the older man stilled, his member pulsing deep inside, Frank knew what was going to happen. Still, it was a surprise how much his master gave to him. He could feel his master's seed filling him up, coating every part of him inside that had been sore and tender from their coupling bond. And it was soothing the soreness. "Does the bond enable you to heal minor hurts, Master?" Frank whispered curiously, before pausing. "I am sorry. You have not told me what I should call you. How do I address you, sir?" he quickly asked. For all he knew, Steve hated the term master, but the bond had urged him to say it.

"Frank...I don't want you as a slave," Steve said seriously. "Even if I am in control, I want you to be you. That includes whatever name you want to call me. I don't have a preference. Use whatever feels right to you."

A sad, hesitant feeling crossed the bond as Frank admitted, "I became used to having no will. To instant obedience without question. What if I don't know what I want or feel? Our bond urged me to call you master, so the bond was happy with it. I don't know how I feel about it...."

"This isn't something you have to rush," Steve said. "It's going to take time to get used to having that freedom back again. But it's not going to cause any problems if you call me one thing and later use another name. I'm not going to pretend that I'm not attracted to you. That I don't want you. But I've always been attracted to you, not a slave with no will to act or make decisions on your own."

Frank gave Steve a sweet smile. It was obvious he trusted and believed his mate. "Do you think the bond lets you heal tiny hurts?" he asked again, a hint of impishness bleeding through the bond, as he let Steve feel how soothed he was inside by Steve's release. Outside was sticky and itchy, but inside, the chafing had eased.

"It didn't mention that specifically...but I was more concerned with making sure that there wouldn't be any permanent or lasting harm to you than the benefits," Steve admitted. "If it does let me help you in that way, I can only figure that's a good thing." He gently stroked along Frank's hips as he continued, "There wasn't much in the way of personal experience with these bonds. What I read seemed to be hearsay, or records from a third party not involved in the bond."

It might have failed, Frank thought. What would you have done then?

Tried to figure out what went wrong and put it right, Steve admitted. I couldn't let you continue existing as a his slave...anymore.

You wouldn't give up on me. Frank smiled. Is there... can we continue this conversation in a shower or bath? His own release drying on his stomach was getting uncomfortable.

Steve nodded. There's not a lot in this base...I was looking for somewhere I could easily defend more than somewhere that had creature comforts...but there's a bath. And a generator, to give hot water. Carefully withdrawing from Frank, he lifted the other man into his arms and carried him through to the bathing area, where he began to run the bath in the tub that was plenty big enough for both of them to sit comfortably.

Frank didn't protest that he could walk. The bond had taken a lot out of him and before that, he'd lost blood to the wound. If his master wanted to carry him, he was content to snuggle into the larger man's arms and be carried.

Once the tub was full, Steve carefully lowered himself and Frank into the water and began to wash the other man. He was clearly thinking of something and after a few moments, he put voice to his thoughts. "I was trying to figure out why Ultimus sent you after me and not someone with more enhanced abilities, such as Bucky or even Tony. I'm beginning to wonder if it was because he thought there was a chance, I might be able to use our shared history, our friendship, to break through to them. The conversion is a form of brainwashing...and that's been broken before."

Frank moved however Steve directed so that his mate could bathe him, much like a child. He felt a bit like a child, to be honest. He'd been powerless and controlled for so long, it was difficult to take over responsibility for himself again. It was very easy to give that control and power to Steve. At Steve's words, he slanted his head thoughtfully. It would make sense. Ultimus is always careful to make sure his pawns are grouped in ways that keep prior family and friends apart, he thought. I was almost always sent out for anything that did not require a specific power or skillset I did not possess. Most likely because I didn't have close prior connections except maybe two people.

Karen and... Red? Steve asked, not sure who Frank was referring to when he said Red. He continued thoughtfully, If we made use of those connections...if we were able to break the control over the people we have that emotional connection to...they could bond with others. Our lives wouldn't have to be spent on the run. We could start fighting back.

"Yeah. Them..." Frank agreed quietly. "We would need to plan ahead who. Do one at a time. Ultimus is almost like a hive. More than one at a time and they are less likely to be freed and more likely to overpower us..." he said, as he snuggled into Steve.

"I'm leaning towards freeing either Bucky or Tony first," Steve said, cuddling Frank close. "Buck because of his enhancement...Tony because we could really use his genius."

"Maybe Bucky first? We could use the strength to help subdue anyone else we try to free. At least until they can bond someone and not be at risk anymore," Frank offered, his ability to strategize kicking in after over a year of not being used.

Steve nodded his agreement. "Judging by your reactions to injuries, just getting hurt isn't going to stop someone under Ultimus' control."

"It won't," Frank agreed. "They'll just continue fighting till they can't anymore. It's why I kept fighting when you first took me, even though deep down, I wanted you to do it... wanted you to rescue me "

"That will be the hardest part of forming the bond initially," Steve said. "I told myself that you'd want freedom at any cost. That being Ultimus' pawn, his slave, wasn't a life for you...for anyone, really. But it still didn't stop me from feeling guilty. Any bond will have to push through the resistance caused by Ultimus. I think it will help that you can voice that, despite what you were doing and saying out loud, deep down, you truly would have consented. And you were able to voice that consent after the act."

"So... you bring our next rescue here to hopefully break through to them without Ultimus' influence. You explain the plan to deprive Ultimus' of his pawns by the forming of bonds and how that will be done. I explain how I gave consent after the fact, since Ultimus wouldn't allow it before..." Frank paused. "...Then you both pick a name of someone good to have on our side, you go bring them back and bonding happens?"

Steve nodded. "But whoever they bond with, it needs to be a relationship that can work. A bit like us. I cared about you before Ultimus came and took over. When I realized it was you following me and I found the details about the ritual...I saw the chance. I wouldn't have kept you if you wanted your freedom. I was prepared to let you go. Even if it would have meant being alone for longer."

Frank nodded. "But it should maybe also be someone that couldn't be broken free just because they had a close relationship with them? Unless they were married or something and Ultimus broke up their family...."

"I agree," Steve said. "A close relationship with someone means they could break that person free without the bond. Whoever we can break free first, though...they might have an idea of who they're willing to bond with. I think we should take all of our thoughts and opinions into consideration."

"If you can break them free enough to talk, if they have names, we can write them down. Even if they don't end up with a particular name, it gives us an idea of someone to go after next..." Frank whispered.

"That's a good idea," Steve said. Kissing the side of Frank's neck, he murmured, "I'm going to need to go on another supply run. I have some things here, but with two of us, we'll go through what I do have very quickly. A group from another universe came through a portal to our dimension today. That's why I was out. They used my blood for the vaccine. I think going out today might be the best idea, as Ultimus will likely be investigating where the extraction took place."

Frank felt a tremor of nervousness at the thought of Steve leaving him so soon after getting him, but he couldn't think of a good reason to protest. "Okay..." he said, with a crooked smile.

"I know it's daunting to be separated, but I'd rather you were here," Steve admitted. "I can't run the risk of losing you. Not so soon after getting you. And I've managed to avoid detection, for the most part," he added. "I've had more than a year to get used to it."

This time, a tremor of sadness passed through the bond. "It's been a whole year?" His voice caught. It was hard being under Ultimus' control, but he'd had no sense of time. Steve had been alone for so long.

"More than a year," Steve admitted quietly. "The group from the other dimension asked me to go with them, but...I couldn't abandon this world."

"You aren't alone anymore. You have me..." Frank nuzzled his mate.

"I know. And that feels so good," Steve whispered, kissing Frank's neck. "It feels good to have someone to care love. That's why I don't want you to leave with me today," he admitted. "I'm too scared of the thought of losing this."

"I understand..." Frank sighed.

Steve kissed him tenderly. "And we can test the limits of the mental communication," he suggested.

Frank nodded. "That would be good to know," he agreed.

"The water's getting cold," Steve commented. "I'll get us out. Get us dried off. While I'm out, I'll see if I can find some new clothes for you," he added. "I don't mind having you naked where I can see you, but if we're going to be bringing other people here, I... don't want them to see," he admitted, slightly embarrassed by the possessiveness he couldn't stop coming through the bond.

Frank flushed with pleasure at the possessiveness. "I could wear your clothes till you get me something... or my other clothes are cleaned..." he suggested.

"I would like that," Steve admitted. "But it would probably still be a good idea to get you some more clothes. Since eventually, you will be coming with me on trips out." He carefully got them both out and began to dry his mate off.

Once everything has settled with the bond? Frank held still as he was taken care of. And my wound has healed?

Exactly, Steve replied. I don't want to risk you getting hurt worse. I've cleaned and bandaged the wound, but I'm not a doctor. If we can, I think it's important to free someone with medical training. Once he'd got both of them dried off, he began to dress.

Right. Someone medically trained to go along with our inventor and soldiers... Frank hummed softly, pressing closer to Steve. Think you have time to take me once more before going? He was hopeful.

If I did, we'd have to clean up again, Steve thought, with a trace of amusement. But I can take you again once I come home, he promised.

Okay. I will look forward to that... Frank's own impish amusement bled through.

I will see you soon, Steve promised, kissing Frank deeply. We'll stay in touch through the bond. He picked up his shield and left the base.

Frank found some of Steve's khakis and a shirt to wear, then curled up on the bed to rest and wait.

Steve left, heading through the forest and leaving, after making sure no one had attempted to breach the area and that the traps were still secure. He kept up communication through the bond with Frank, even as he kept on his guard and stayed watchful.

There were several deserted towns not far from the forest, which Steve had used to collect canned foods and other supplies. He always made sure to only go to the town after Ultimus' troops had left; that was the only reason he was able to get food that was still edible. When Ultimus' slaves were using them as a base, food was readily available.

Sneaking into one of the towns, Steve quickly made his way towards one of the houses he knew had been used as a base only a few weeks ago. He'd kept watch long enough to know that it was now abandoned.

Frank kept his focus on the bond, so he knew what Steve was doing. Still, he was becoming more nervous the longer Steve was gone.

Steve sent reassurance and care through the bond, so that Frank would know he was going to come home. He collected food...enough for the two of them to last on for a while; and enough to potentially feed another two people for at least a week. And then he gathered some clothing for his mate.

While he was slipping out of the town, Steve caught a glimpse of a familiar red and gold suit from out of the corner of his eye. Tony. The word came through the bond without thought, Steve having grown used to sending Frank constant messages.

Frank sat up at hearing the name through the bond. It was one thing to talk about finding and bringing the other man in, but to do so without a plan was dangerous. Especially if Steve wasn't able to break through to him. He didn't even think about it, he carefully left the safe house and began to slink through the forest in the direction be felt his mate was, too worried and scared of losing Steve to think about the fact he was disobeying.

Steve had begun following Tony without thinking about it. Yes, waiting would be better. Forming a plan would be better. But...he'd been alone for so long. And while he now had Frank, having the other man meant that he was even more eager to start making a stand against Ultimus. The two of them alone couldn't do much.

A shift in the bond drew Steve's attention to his mate and his eyes widened when he realized Frank was leaving the base. Frank. Go home, he ordered.

Frank was too focused on helping his mate. Too scared at him facing Iron Man alone to obey. He was too focused to understand a basic command.

Ultimus had sent him to look for Frank. So far, he'd had no luck. But then, he'd seen Steve. Tony quickly flew at the super soldier, bowling him over before going on the attack.

Steve's preoccupation with telling his mate to return home had left him open to Tony's initial attack. He recovered quickly, though, raising his shield in front of him defensively. "Tony. This isn't you," he said. "Ultimus is controlling you. We're We don't hurt each other."

Tony shook his head, some small part deep inside wanting to listen. "Ultimus demands allegiance. I will take you to him...."

"No, Tony. I won't go back with you," Steve said. "I won't go with you to Ultimus. He's making you do things that aren't you. How many people has he forced you to hurt or even kill through your inventions? That's why you became Iron Man, remember? So that you could stop the weapons you made killing people."

Tony paused in his attack, Steve's words jarring a memory. "I wanted to save people..." he mumbled to himself.

"You did save people," Steve said. "You saved half of the world's population when Thanos attacked. This isn't you, Tony. Don't let Ultimus keep making you into something you're not."

Tony shook his head. "I..." He took the armor off. "Ultimus keeps track of me..." he said uncertainly.

Steve let his breath out slowly. "There won't be a tracker embedded under your skin. If you take everything off, he won't be able to find you." He removed one of the outfits he'd picked out for Frank. It wasn't a perfect fit, but it would do. "Here."

Tony hesitantly stripped, putting on the new clothing. He felt like Steve was right and he needed to go with his friend, but there was still part of him screaming in his head to take Steve to Ultimus.

Steve shifted, on his guard in case Ultimus took control and Tony turned on him. He gestured towards the forest that his base was in and began walking in that direction. "There's a way to permanently break his control, but requires bonding to another person," he said.

"Explain...." Tony walked beside Steve, knowing the man would want to keep him in sight.

"It's a ritual," Steve said. "It involves sex. The intent to bond. I followed the instructions in one of the books I took from the New York Sanctum. At the end, the bond leaves one person in charge and the other in their care...control. Dominant and submissive. The bond overpowers and takes the place of the connection with Ultimus." While he walked, he reached out with his mind to check where Frank was.

Frank hadn't made it as far as he'd wanted. His wounded shoulder had sapped his energy, so he'd had to stop several times to rest.

"How do you determine who is in control and who follows?" Tony asked.

"I believe that it's mostly determined by the one who initiates," Steve said. "So far, it's only occurred the one time. But it worked. Frank is free of Ultimus...has as much freedom as it's possible for me to give him." Frank, I'm coming back with Tony, he informed his mate. Stay where you are. I don't want you to hurt yourself any further.

Tony nodded. "You can only bond one person?" he asked quietly.

Frank found a safe spot next to a tree and sat down to wait.

"Yeah," Steve replied. "I was actually talking to Frank about it before leaving to get supplies. We were talking about the best people to target first to get free. Figured I stood a good chance of breaking through to you and Buck, given our shared history. When I saw you... I had to try. But the only way to truly be free of him is to form a bond with someone else."

Tony swallowed. "Guess I need to find someone who won't mind that I have a wife and child, if they still live...." He continued to walk with Steve. "There's your Frank..." he whispered, as they came within view of the other man.

Steve nodded and sighed, then moved over to Frank's side. "I told you to wait back at the base." He helped his mate to stand, intending to carry Frank so that no more strain was put on the wound.

"You were planning to face Iron Man alone... what if you couldn't break through to him?" Frank asked obstinately. Underneath the attitude, it was clear he had been scared for his mate.

"He got through. Not to say you shouldn't tie me up until I get a bond mate too... Ultimus is still fighting in my head..." Tony admitted.

"It's not the first time I've faced off against one of those controlled by Ultimus," Steve replied quietly, lifting Frank into his arms. He looked towards Tony. "I've got restraints back at the shack."

Tony continued to walk next to Steve, noting how Frank cuddled close to the larger man.

"It's the first time I've been aware of what is at stake..." Frank whispered. "I got scared and didn't think."

"But you know I've survived for more than a year on my own," Steve replied, his voice gentle but still stern. "I wouldn't do anything that would risk taking me away from you."

Frank hid his face against Steve's shoulder. Yes, sir. I know. I didn't stop to think of that.

Tony was looking around warily as they walked.

When we're back at the base, we'll deal with this, Steve said. Out loud, he spoke to Tony. "The base I's really only a shack. With four of us there, if we include another bond mate, it'll be a tight squeeze. If we're going to build up enough of an army to fight against Ultimus, we'll need to figure out a bigger area. Preferably somewhere underground."

"I was building something. It was almost finished... before Ultimus caught me. I had a really round-about way of getting to it that involved Friday... so, if I was caught, Ultimus wouldn't be able to get the information from me. From the sounds of it, everyone else was caught too, so..." Tony swallowed.

Frank just snuggled closer. I'm sorry, master.... The bond was taking Steve's disappointment with Frank's actions and...  Frank felt remorse, but he also felt a need to be punished. He didn't think that was entirely him.

"Everyone except for me," Steve said quietly. "Bruce developed a vaccine, but there was only enough for one dose. He gave it to me. It's taken me more than a year to find a way of fighting back. To be honest, I'd given up," he admitted. "A group from another dimension came. I let them extract the vaccine from me, so they could use it in their own world. That was when Frank followed me back here." Through the bond, he sent feelings of love and reassurance. Even if Frank was in trouble, it changed nothing of how Steve felt of him.

"Do you think if we got Bruce back... he could make more vaccine if we can break people free that know us, like you did me, and give it to them?" Tony asked, a hint of hope in his voice.

Frank relaxed slightly at sending Steve's feelings. The bond still urged him to seek correction, but he wasn't worried.

"I don't know how it would work if you've already been exposed to Ultimus," Steve admitted. "The vaccine prevents the conversion in the first place. But it isn't a cure. It's possible it might not do anything, but it's worth trying." Looking at Frank, he added, "We were talking about breaking a doctor free. What about Doctor Strange? You know him, right, Tony? It would probably also be beneficial to have one of the sorcerers on our side."

"I do know him. We didn't really get along well..." Tony smirked.

"Do you think you could stand being bonded to him?" Steve asked. "We'd have to knock him out, probably. I actually have a tranq gun back at the base. Figured I'd need it, if I wanted to avoid killing."

"I could stand being bonded to Justin Hammer, if it got Ultimus out of my head permanently..." Tony snorted. "My only worry is how this will affect Pepper and Morgan when I finally find them."

Frank swallowed. "Give me the tranq, tell me who to aim for... I'll get 'em for you."

"Once we manage to stop Ultimus, we might be able to do something about the bonds," Steve said. "If not, I'm sure Pepper and Morgan will understand you did what you had to so you could get back to them." He looked seriously at Frank. "If you're going with me to capture Strange, there won't be a repeat of now. You do exactly what I say when I say it."

Frank flushed. "Yes, sir..." he whispered. By this point, they'd reached the shack.

Tony followed the other two in. "Ok. Just in case, you need to tie me up. We need to sleep before going after Stephen and it's getting hard to keep Ultimus out of my head. Maybe some rest will make it easier, but you may need to bring my future bond mate to me."

Steve nodded in understanding to Tony. He carefully lowered Frank onto the chair and then retrieved the restraints. "We'll bring him here tomorrow," he promised Tony. "You need to be aware that he'll fight. He'll resist. Ultimus' control won't allow for anything else."

"So, I'll be forcing him. Hopefully, he can forgive me after. If not, just one more sin I'll have to live with. Needs to be done, though. We can't beat Ultimus without it..." Tony's smile was grim.

"Frank fought and resisted," Steve said quietly. "But when the bond took hold and his mind came back, he confirmed that he would have consented. That he wanted to consent. I pushed on because I believed freedom was worth any cost."

"I guess we will see." Tony paused before finding a comfortable position. "Best do it now. Not sure how much longer I can keep him out."

Steve moved quickly to bind and restrain Tony. "I brought food back with me. Nothing fresh, I'm afraid. But there is a generator here, so we don't have to eat it cold."

"I'm not picky. It'll be nice to actually taste something... " Tony smiled crookedly.

"It took a while for me to realize that's what I was doing..." Frank snorted, abashed. "The texture was what got me. Something that wasn't a liquid diet...."

"Yeah. It looked like Ultimus only cared about the necessity of keeping his slaves alive. Nothing past the bare minimum of feeding and clothing." Steve set his pack down and removed the food and clothes he'd gathered. He then moved to the small camping stove so he could heat up some food for them.

Are you still upset with me? Frank thought, remaining quiet and out of Steve's way.

"After I no longer have to worry about Ultimus getting in my head again, I can show you that base I was working on. It had a fully functioning kitchen." Tony smiled.

I told you that I don't want a slave, Frank, Steve said. But when I give you an order, I expect it to be obeyed. Your safety is important to me. I'm going to respond to those actions. I'm going to spank you. Out loud, he said to Tony, "That would make things easier. Maybe we could even grow some food, as long as it could be kept indoors or under sun lamps." He handed Frank and then Tony some food, then began to eat as well.

Like a little kid? Frank's feelings were dismayed, but not arguing. He took the food and began to eat hungrily, still recuperating from blood loss.

"That was the plan, although I started the base before Ultimus showed up. It was complete and only needed to be moved in when he came. I had just enough time to set it up that anyone controlled by Ultimus wouldn't be able to get in. They'd be misdirected to an abandoned SHIELD outpost." Tony also began eating.

Like my mate, who did something he knew he shouldn't have and could have been taken from me, Steve responded to Frank, before he began eating as well. "It'll be better to move to the base as soon as you're bonded," he said to Tony. "This is barely big enough to fit two people in comfortably."

Tony nodded. "Shame the compound was the first thing taken out." He sighed.

Your mate was a naughty little kid? Frank was still slightly dismayed, even if he was teasing. Underneath the teasing was apology. He hadn't meant to upset Steve and it made him nervous that he had.

"Even if it wasn't, we wouldn't be able to use it as a base. Too risky," Steve replied. You were naughty, he sent through the bond to Frank. But we'll deal with that. I'll punish you and forgive you.

Tony slanted his head. "This bond. Does it let you talk telepathically?" he asked. "You both seem to be having a silent conversation."

Frank blinked. "Yes... I'm finding out what is going to happen later." He looked at Steve. He'll see....

"Frank disobeyed me by leaving the base when I told him to stay behind," Steve said. "I was confirming the punishment with him."

"Let me guess... He's going to spank you." Tony smirked. "Good to know the way you handle disobedient subordinates hasn't changed...." he said to Steve.

Frank relaxed slightly at finding out he wasn't unique to being spanked. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

"Less disobedient subordinate and more disobedient submissive mate," Steve said, a bit wryly. "That's where we're at. It's a relationship. Not just sex to break Ultimus' hold. It might be partly to do with the bond, but I did care about Frank before...well, before all of this happened."

Tony nodded. "I'm happy for you, Cap. If you had to do this, at least it is something you aren't unhappy about." It was clear he didn't think the same would be true for him.

"It's far from an ideal situation," Steve said quietly. "But you might not be entirely unhappy." He picked up the book and passed it to Tony. "This is all the information there is on the bonding. It might help you have more of an idea of what to expect." He moved over to Frank's side and helped his mate to stand.

Tony nodded, taking the book and beginning to read.

Frank stood, staring at the ground.

Steve wrapped his arm around Frank's waist and led his mate into the other room. Even if Tony would hear, he wouldn't see anything. Gently squeezing Frank's hand, he took a seat and drew Frank down across his lap, settling him in place with an arm wrapped around his waist.

"I'm sorry..." Frank whispered, sincerely. He reached down to hold onto Steve's ankle.

"I know." Steve rubbed Frank's back for a few moments before he proceeded to bare his mate. Taking a tighter hold on his mate, he lifted his hand and brought it down in a firm smack that he then repeated.

Frank whimpered but held still. He needed this. He'd disobeyed his Dom and he couldn't get away with that. If Steve didn't address it, the bond would.

Steve continued to swat firmly, working his way down to Frank's thighs before he started over from the top. "I'm not going to give you an order for the sake of it, Frank. If I tell you to do something, or not do it, it won't be without a very good reason. And I expect you to obey me."

"Yes, sir. You know more 'bout what we're facing. Need to obey..." Frank whimpered softly. Need to obey my Dom. Bond doesn't like me disobeying. Feels wrong. Made my stomach hurt... he admitted.

"The bond doesn't have to hurt you," Steve said seriously. "I'm taking care of you. I'm punishing you. And I'll forgive you. Once this is over, it won't be brought up again." He completed the second circuit of swats and began a third, going a fraction harder and faster.

"Y... yes, sir!" Frank gasped out, before slumping and quietly crying. He already felt much better having been punished. Lighter. Freer. He lay submissively over Steve's knee and waited for his Dom to be satisfied with the results.

Steve finished with a final few smacks to Frank's sit spots and thighs and then stopped. He moved Frank onto his lap instead of over it, hugging him tightly. Through the bond, he allowed feelings of forgiveness, love and care flow through to his sub.

Frank shivered, letting out a tiny sob as his bottom contacted Steve's slacks, but then he was clinging to the older man tightly, nearly burrowing against him. "I love you..." He sniffled.

"I love you too." Steve kissed the side of his head. "I'm glad you're my bond mate," he whispered. "I'm glad I was able to bring you back."

"I am too..." Frank nuzzled. "If I was gonna belong to anyone, I'm glad it was you."

"I've been alone for so long," Steve whispered. "Bringing you home to me has made me so very happy." He kissed Frank's neck.

Frank slanted his head to give Steve better access to his neck. "I was alone for a long time too... even before Ultimus. We won't hafta be alone ever again...."

"We don't," Steve agreed. "And we have a chance to save the other people we care about too. To bring them back. To make a stand against Ultimus. I didn't have hope before you came to me. Now, I do."

"There's hope for all of us..." Frank smiled crookedly, pressing his forehead against Steve's.

Steve nodded. "I think we should try to get an early night," he murmured, kissing the corner of Frank's mouth. "If we're going to capture a bond mate for Tony...we need to be as prepared as it's possible to be."

Frank nodded slightly, returning the kiss chastely. Now, sir? He cuddled close.

There's no reason not to, Steve answered. I'll check if Tony needs anything before we turn in. He squeezed his mate gently and then stood up, wrapping his arm possessively around Frank's waist.

Frank pressed close, following wherever Steve led.

Steve wrapped his arm possessively around Frank's waist and led his mate through to the other room. "Tony. We're going to turn in for the night now, so we can go and retrieve your bond mate first thing in the morning. Do you need anything?" he asked.

Tony looked up. "I'm good. Thanks."

Frank cuddled to Steve, unabashedly.

"Does the bond urge closeness?" Tony asked nervously.

"I think it's partly the bond," Steve said honestly. "But also, partly the lack of any kind of family or closeness...physical touch or comfort...for so long."

The bond makes it more obvious what we've been missing out on, but I'm the one choosing to act on it," Frank whispered.

"I don't think you need to worry about being forced into something you're not comfortable with," Steve said. "Barring the action taken to cement the bond, you probably don't have to be romantically involved at all." He paused and spoke quietly. "If there was another way, I would have taken it. But the alternative is to leave everyone else a slave to Ultimus...and if the choice was left to me, I would choose freedom." He didn't outright say that he hoped Tony would choose freedom as well...but ultimately, he wouldn't force his friend into taking the path. The commitment. "It's not going to be possible to free everyone through the bonding, so I hope that the more who are freed, the closer we get to the answer that will free them all."

Tony nodded. "Getting free is the most important first step. After, I can talk with my bond mate. Work something out that is acceptable." Tony was pragmatic and a realist. If anyone ever had a chance at normal, happy relationships again, someone would have to step up, even if it was to do something they found objectionable.

"I'll hear you if you wake up during the night and need anything," Steve promised, before guiding Frank towards the sleeping mat. He settled them both on it, wrapping his arms around his mate. It was immediately obvious just how much the contact with the other man helped, as a feeling of contentment came through the bond...a spark of hope that he was finally allowing himself to feel.

Frank relaxed back into Steve, his own sense of safety and contentment going through the bond. He was quickly asleep.

It didn't take long for Steve to follow his mate into sleep. He was more relaxed than he had been, but he was so used to sleeping lightly and being prepared for anything, he didn't fall deeply asleep. Still, he was able to sleep straight through until dawn.


The next morning, Frank was up early and began making breakfast while Steve checked the perimeter. He was plating food when his mate returned.

Tony glanced over as Steve walked in. He looked a bit unfocused. It was obvious Ultimus was trying to reassert control.

We leaving as soon as we finish eating? Frank thought.

Steve nodded to his mate. I don't know how long Tony can hold out for. I'll grab the tranq gun for you once we've eaten.

Nodding, Frank quickly handed plates and forks to the other two men before taking his own plate and eating. He was relieved when Tony ate and seemed to come back to himself after talking to Steve. "We'll be going soon."

"I actually have an idea of where he might be," Steve admitted. "Ultimus seems to send certain people to the same kinds of spots, I assume because of the skills and training being able to deal with specific threats. The location isn't that far from here, so you won't have to hold him off for much longer," he said to Tony. Once they'd finished eating, he cleaned everything up and then retrieved the tranq gun.

"Hold tight," Frank said to Tony, making sure he had water and food close before following Steve.

Steve led the way out of the shack and headed through the forest. He might have already done a perimeter check, but that didn't stop him from being on his guard. Once they were safely free of the forest, he handed Frank the tranq gun. We can't hesitate when it comes to one of the sorcerers. I've seen them at work. We need to take him out fast. He began heading towards the area he often spotted the sorcerers in. It had been a stronghold; a virtually impenetrable fortress. Now, it had fallen into the impression of a rotting corpse, with vines and weeds growing all over its face.

Frank noticed, as they moved out of the forest, that the area was crumbling buildings overrun by vegetation. What had obviously been a city street had weeds and wildflowers growing around and in potholes. How did things disintegrate so quickly? He was shocked. He thought he recognized the street they were on.

Ultimus didn't have any reason to keep more than the bare minimum around and in good condition, Steve answered. He wouldn't have wasted resources on keeping something if it wasn't of use to him. He paused, head tilted to one side...listening.

Normally, it was Stephen Strange who was sent out to this area. Mordo was generally used to 'clear out' other places of for the ever-elusive Captain America. He and Doctor Strange had never been sent out together...never actually seen each other since Ultimus had taken control and caused them to see the light. If there was a part of Mordo that wondered why two skilled sorcerers were kept apart, it was hidden deep down...far below, in his subconscious.

This time, Stephen Strange had been sent on another mission. Mordo hadn't asked questions. It wasn't for him to question, after all. But it was hard to miss that two of Ultimus' soldiers had been sent out...and neither of them had returned. Their trackers had been found, abandoned with their clothes, far away from any civilization. So, Stephen had been sent in one direction...and Mordo had been sent here.

Frank saw Mordo from his position behind a tree. Mordo is here. That means Stephen won't be. Should I aim for him? he asked Steve.

Yes, Steve agreed. We can't afford to be picky. I don't think Tony will be able to hold out much longer.

Nodding, Frank quickly prepared the tranq gun. He then waited until Mordo made his way in range, carefully aiming. He didn't pull the trigger until he knew the shot would hit, making the least amount of noise. After, he waited. If the tranq didn't work, they'd have to fight.

Mordo might have been on guard...might have been prepared for an attack. But he wasn't prepared for a tranq gun. Two of Ultimus' soldiers might have disappeared, but so far...there were no answers. Nothing to prepare for. He crumpled to the ground.

Steve waited, long enough to be certain there was no one else coming to the sorcerer's aid. Long enough to be sure that Mordo wasn't faking. Then he quickly moved to the sorcerer's side, wasting no time in stripping Mordo of his clothing to remove the tracker.

Frank kept an eye out, protecting Steve as he got their target prepared to travel. He held a regular gun, but he hoped he didn't need to use it.

Steve bound Mordo quickly and then lifted the sorcerer into his arms, moving to join Frank and then heading back to their base.

Frank followed closely, defensive and protective of his mate. It didn't take long for them to get home after reaching their objective, the need to get back before the tranq wore off and Mordo could possibly use magic causing them to rush.

Steve quickly carried Mordo into the shack. The man was bound and still unconscious, but it was impossible to say how long before he'd wake up. They needed to act fast.

Tony sat straight as the other two came in. "Stephen wasn't there..." he noted. "I never met this one. Guess he'll be grateful, and we can become friends, or he'll hate me. At least he'll be free to do so..." He sighed. He reached over and grabbed the bottle of cooking oil Frank had used for breakfast. "No offense, but it's going to be difficult enough getting it up without an audience. If you left his legs loose enough for me to get between, I read the book several times. I know what to do."

"Just be prepared for if he wakes up," Steve warned, carefully placing Mordo on the bed after freeing the restraints from Tony. He made sure that the rest of Mordo's body was bound, only leaving enough give for Mordo's legs to be moved. Then, he gently grasped Frank's arm and guided the other man from the room.

Tony waited for the other two to leave before taking a deep breath. Pouring a generous amount of oil onto his hands, he liberally coated his fingers on one hand and his palm on the other. He then crawled between Mordo's legs. Gently but deftly, he began to rub between the sorcerer's cheeks, coating him in oil before carefully sliding the first finger into him, rubbing thoroughly inside. At the same time, he reached around and grasped Mordo's member, squeezing firmly, if gently, and beginning to pump. He wasn't taking his time; there was no time... Ultimus was trying to get him again, but as perfunctorily as he was preparing, there should be no damage done.

The tranq hadn't affected him for it wore off, Mordo became aware of two things. First, that he was naked. The second that he was being touched, intimately, by another person. He began to struggle, pulling at the bindings to get his hands free. If he could free his hands, he could use his magic and put a stop to this.

"Whoa...  easy there, stallion. I don't want to hurt you... I'm trying to free you..." Tony said, as soothingly as he could manage while continuing to loosen Mordo up. He slid a second finger in, beginning to search for Mordo's prostate. If he could get the man aroused, it would be much easier.

"This isn't freedom!" Mordo hissed out, continuing to struggle. He couldn't help it...couldn't stop it. Even though, somewhere deep inside-that tiny little part of him that was still himself-he knew what was happening. Knew the reason. But he had to struggle. The control over him was too strong to allow for anything else.

Still, finding his prostrate wasn't so hard. Mordo stilled, momentarily, as pleasure sparked. As his member stirred in response. The stillness didn't last for long before he was desperately struggling once more to free his hands, heedless of the fact the restraints were causing friction burns and cuts to his skin.

Tony, realizing it didn't matter what he said and Mordo would do himself injury until he was freed, took a deep breath. "Okay, then. Fast it is." He pushed a third finger in, moving to stretch the other man further while rubbing Mordo's prostate over and over. Meanwhile, he stroked himself. It was taking longer than he wanted, but finally, even though his heart wasn't really in it, he became hard enough to do what was necessary. Removing his fingers, he lined up and pushed in, beginning to thrust so that he continued to rub Mordo's prostate.

Mordo continued to struggle, desperately and almost mindlessly. He knew what Tony was doing and he knew what it would result in... which meant that Ultimus' control knew too. If he could have stopped fighting, he would have. If he could have surrendered, he would have. But that part of him was so deep, it couldn't be reached. It couldn't surface. So, he had no choice but to fight...though his struggles became gradually weaker, as his prostrate continued to be stimulated. As his member responded. And as the struggles lessened, he began to push that Tony would rub his prostrate more. It was overwhelming the need to get away, enough that he could stop pulling so desperately against the bonds.

Tony felt Mordo pushing back and the knowledge that soon the other man would be free, they both would, caused him to arouse fully. He began to thrust harder and faster, aiming to rub Mordo's prostate with each thrust. "C'mon..." he breathed into Mordo's ear, as his hands stroked over the other man's chest, pinching nipples, his mouth nibbling at earlobe.

Mordo began to pant with need. He was still struggling, but it was with much less force. The last struggles of something that knew it was dying. He groaned, his body what Tony was doing. His member swelling to full hardness. His nipples growing hard and pebbled.

"C'mon..." Tony repeated, thrusting just that small bit harder and faster. "Give it up..." He reached down and began to pump Mordo's member again, beginning to do the final step in the bonding.

Mordo groaned as he felt his member pumped. It was enough to push him over the edge...that bit further that he needed. He released, with a long, drawn-out cry that he couldn't hold back.

Tony's release followed seconds behind, a low, relieved groan escaping as he emptied into his bond mate. He smiled faintly as a golden glow surrounded them both and a mark formed on their hands. It's done. We're both free of Ultimus. If you want to deck me after I untie you, I won't fight. He slowly pulled out of Mordo, moving so that he was beside the other man, and carefully undid the restraints.

Mordo took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he was untied. He sat up and rubbed at his wrists, wincing at the sight of the friction burns and blood from his struggles. "I'm not going to hit you," he answered. "I know what you did. I know why you did it." There was very little time before Ultimus invaded and converted everyone to find another way. The books were left in the hopes that someone would have escaped his clutches.

So, the wizards planned for this bonding spell, but didn't have time to do it? Steve said he got the book from wizards from another dimension. Tony found a washcloth and began to clean Mordo's wounds. "Hey!? You guys got any extra clothes? Kinda tired of being naked and now I don't need to be..." he called to Steve and Frank.

"Actually, we'd planned on using the book of Vishna. But only one person knows of its location. And by the time we realized it was necessary...the sorcerer supreme was among the first to be taken by Ultimus." Mordo winced as his injuries were cleaned but held still.

Steve stepped into the room, carrying clothes for both men. "I'll need to go out and get more." He kept his eyes averted as he handed the clothes to Tony.

"Ultimus is already sending out patrols to investigate your disappearance," Mordo said to Tony. "That's why I was out there. He normally sends Stephen." He frowned slightly. "I could possibly talk to Strange." His voice was slightly hesitant; not because he was reluctant, but because the bond was telling him he needed to ask for permission. That wasn't something he was used to.

Tony blinked, somehow realizing that Mordo was seeking his approval. I'm sorry. This bond... is aimed toward a Dominant and submissive pairing. Because I'm the one who took you, it has made me the Dominant. I have no intention of you being my slave or even of bossing you around. As far as I'm concerned, if what you are doing is not endangering yourself, you make your own decisions.... He carefully bandaged Mordo's wounds before rinsing the cloth and cleaning the other man from their joining.  As soon as Mordo was clean, he handed his bond mate a set of the clothing. If Mordo felt a need for Tony's approval, Tony felt a need to take care of Mordo.

Mordo began to dress, taking a few moments to gather his thoughts. I appreciate that, along with the fact that you did only what was necessary to free me. However, as you said, the nature of the bond is Dominant and submissive. It demands I look to you for approval or permission.

"Do you know where Stephen is likely to be?" Steve asked Mordo. He'd noticed the injuries and since Mordo hadn't received them earlier...and he knew they didn't come from Tony...he figured they must have been self-inflicted. If Ultimus' will was so strong, those under his control would harm themselves in an effort to get away, he figured they needed a doctor.

Tony quickly cleaned himself, then began to get dressed. If I said my instructions are that you let me know your plans before you do them, but otherwise you have blanket permission to do what you think best, will that satisfy the bond enough that you can make decisions without me?

Frank began to clean up the shack. Smelling sex in the air was making him want his mate to claim him again.

Mordo shrugged and answered, It's impossible to know for certain without trying. Out loud, he said to Steve, "I have a good idea of where he was sent. There was a portal opened, to our world from another, that Ultimus was not responsible for."

"I know where it is," Steve said quietly. "I was there when it was opened. Ultimus was invading their world. They came here to gather intel...and left after extracting the vaccine from my blood."

"That is near to where I started following you..." Frank said.

Let's try it, then. From now on, you can make your own decisions without my permission, if you let me know what you are doing. If it isn't dangerous, I doubt I'll tell you no. Tony smiled crookedly at his new mate.

Then I intend to go with the Captain to retrieve Stephen, Mordo said. We were friends before we became enemies. I believe I know what to say to break Ultimus' hold on him, however temporarily.

Steve nodded to Frank. "Almost the exact spot, in fact. It was when they asked me to go to their world with them. As tempting as it was, I had to say no. I couldn't abandon this world."

Great! Tony clapped his hands together once, briskly. "Mordo has pointed out that he knows Stephen well. It may be better to have him form the brief connection to jar Stephen loose long enough to bind someone. My connection was brief. If that's okay with you, Cap. You're the one that started this shindig...."

Steve nodded. "Whatever's the easiest way to jar someone loose so that the bond is formed, and the temporary freedom can become permanent," he said. "With Stephen free, it'll make things easier...especially if we have more self-inflicted injuries due to Ultimus' control forcing the fight."

"I can open a portal directly to the location," Mordo said. "No walking necessary."

"Are all of us going, or do you want some of us to stay and guard?" Frank asked softly.

"I don't think it's a good idea for all of us to go," Steve admitted. "But if you and Tony are here, Mordo and I can reach out through the bonds to communicate if need be." He looked towards Tony. "When we get back, maybe that's the time to move to that different base," he suggested.

Tony nodded. "We can begin packing everything that needs to go with us. As soon as you are back, I can think of the location so Mordo can portal us near there."

"Be safe..." Frank impulsively hugged Steve.

"I will," Steve promised, hugging Frank back tightly. "Is it easier outside or inside?"

"Probably outside," Mordo answered. "I assume the surrounding area is fairly generic, so there'll be less chance of anyone recognizing the location. Even if we will be moving from it immediately."

Steve nodded. He kissed Frank tenderly and then led the way outside the shack.

Tony glanced at Frank. "Let's get packing, then."


Mordo opened the portal to the location and stepped through, immediately moving to take a protective stance in front of Steve and forming sparks around his bandaged hands, ready to cast if it became necessary.

Stephen was aware the moment the portal was opened and moved to intercept whoever it was. The minute he saw Steve, he went after the other man. Ultimus wanted him. He was taking away some of Ultimus' top soldiers!

Mordo moved and cast, quickly, at Stephen. "Stephen, listen to me. You're the most stubborn, arrogant man that I know. I can't believe you would let anyone play you like a puppet on his strings. Even Ultimus."

Stephen turned toward Mordo, a hint of surprise on his face. So, the Captain had stolen another of Ultimus' soldiers. Never matter. He would subdue them both for his master. He quickly countered Mordo with his own spell; though deep down, he was screaming at himself not to hurt the two men, Mordo's words haven woken up the part of him who had struggled so hard, until he lost hope.

Mordo quickly raised a shield over both him and Steve, to protect them. "Come on, Stephen. I know you can hear me. I was the first person to teach you magic. You wanted it because of the control that had been taken from you. I know I can reach you, because I know it isn't in your nature to let anyone or anything control you."

Stephen faltered. Deep down, the part of him that had given up fighting because he thought he was alone began to fight again at realizing his friend was free. "Mo... Mordo?" He gasped, holding a hand to his head as memories assailed him. 

"I'm free, Stephen." Mordo took a step closer to him. "You can be free too."

Stephen stepped forward, hugging Mordo tightly. "How do you keep him out of your head?" he asked, obviously struggling.

Mordo quickly wrapped his own arms around Stephen in a tight hug as well. "Steve found the books that were left in the Sanctums. At the moment, the only way to break Ultimus' control is to form a bond with another person. The bond requires sex. It also forms a Dominant and submissive relationship."

Steve moved forward, not wanting to interrupt, but knowing they couldn't stay in the open for long. "You'll have a tracker on you," he said to Stephen. "But there haven't been any embedded under the skin. I have different clothes here...."

Stephen understood and immediately stripped naked, taking the clothes Steve held. "How many have been freed?"

"Including you, there are now five of us," Steve said. "I've bonded to Frank Castle. Mordo is bonded to Tony...though their bond is different."

Mordo opened the portal back to the shack. "We're going to be moving to a different base."

Stephen nodded, quickly following them back through the portal.

Tony looked up. "Hi, Gandalf. Glad they got you..." he snarked, before handing both Mordo and Steve a couple of the packed bags before picking up two more for himself. "Grab a bag. Make yourself useful..." He grinned at the two remaining bags.

Frank hoisted the two bags he held. "Did we get everything? I know we could probably come back if needed, but it will be better if we don't have to."

"If we've got all of the food, clothing and weapons, we have everything we need right now," Steve said. "Of course, we'll need to go back out for more supplies anyway. And for whoever you're going to bond with." He glanced towards Stephen.

"Do we have the books packed?" Mordo asked.

"Books are in that first pack you have." Tony smiled. "We have everything else." He sent Mordo a mental image of an area just beyond the compound he'd set up.

Mordo nodded in understanding and opened a portal to the area Tony had indicated.

Steve took point on going through...just in case there were any of Ultimus' converted close enough to hassle them.

Tony was thankful that there was no one there. When Ultimus had rifled through his memories, he'd made certain that it was clear no one was there. It kept the invader from viewing it as an important spot.  He walked up to the entryway and held his palm against a lock pad.

"Mister Stark! You have returned?" Friday's dulcet tone greeted them all. She proceeded to run scans on all of them and ask questions that seemed like nonsense on their own but would enable Friday to prove that they were thinking on their own and not being controlled by Ultimus. It took thirty minutes total to question all five of them, but soon, Friday opened the door to them, lights turning on as they walked into the elevator that would take them below ground into the secure area.

"I, uh... made it large enough to hold 100 people... and then I was caught before I could get anyone to safety," Tony said, with a sigh.

"It's more than enough, Tony," Steve said seriously. "Things would be a whole lot harder if we didn't have a bigger base. Not sure I could have fit another pair into the shack. Even four people were going to be a tight squeeze. Speaking of...." He looked towards Stephen. "The freedom from Ultimus' control won't last for long. You need to bond. If you can give me an idea of who you'd be willing to bond to, I'll head out and see who I can capture."

"I'm assuming you want as many powered or magical people as possible. At least at first," Stephen said. "Before you got to me, Ultimus had sent out instructions for me to investigate a portal he'd sensed. Not the same one you were at. If I don't go, he may send another person to check it out. And there will be a chance they have abilities...."

Steve nodded. "If we're going to ultimately save everyone, we need to get those who are either highly trained or enhanced out first. If you or Mordo can open a portal to that area, I'll go through...." He hesitated. "I'd also like it if you could take a look at Frank's shoulder," he said. "He was impaled on a branch while we were initially fighting. I cleaned and bandaged it...just think it might make sense for someone with actual medical training to take a look."

Stephen nodded. "I can open a portal if you and Mordo want to go through. Then I can take care of Frank while you investigate."

"Thank you," Steve replied. "I appreciate that."

"Depending on what's close by, it might be possible to pick up some more supplies as well," Mordo commented. "Since everyone needs to be stripped before being brought here, we're going to run out of clothes fairly quickly."

Tony nodded. "Friday... do you have coordinates for that portal Stephen was talking about? Do you know what is in the area?"

"Yes, mister Stark, the portal was in a mall area. Both clothing and food items can be found nearby," the AI reported. "There is currently only one sign of life there."

Steve nodded. "So,y we grab the individual there, preferably knock him or her out, then pick up supplies." He looked towards Stephen. "I have to warn you...they're going to fight. They're going to resist. You're going to be forcing them."

"On the surface," Mordo said quietly. "I think they will understand once they are free."

Stephen nodded. "Hopefully, they understand and can forgive me." He looked around. "Are you ready for the portal?"

"I believe so," Steve answered.

"It's probably fairly straightforward, but if you want to make sure there are no" Mordo took the book from his pack and handed it to Stephen.

"Thank you." Stephen took the book before opening a portal to the area. "You will be able to open a portal back?" he asked Mordo, in case he needed to be available to open the portal again when they were ready.

Mordo nodded. "There shouldn't be a problem," he replied, before stepping through the portal with Steve.

The individual Friday had indicated was a familiar figure, swinging towards the area where the portal had opened. Upon spotting the two who'd just appeared...and fully aware that they were missing from Ultimus' army...Spiderman lowered himself down on his web. "Hey! Two for the price of one! Let's get you back to Ultimus where you belong!" he chirped.

Steve looked at the webbing, then glanced at Mordo. It took only a second for them to communicate the plan. Steve threw his shield, causing it to cut through the webbing...then Mordo cast, freezing Spider-Man in place.

“Sorry about this, kid." Steve moved over to the immobile young man and began to strip him of his clothing.

"Aw, come on. At least buy me dinner first." Peter's body was frozen, but his mouth wasn't.


As soon as the other two had gone through the portal, Stephen had tended to Frank's shoulder, cleaning, stitching and rebandaging it. "You stock any antibiotics?" he asked Tony.

"Yeah. Here..." Tony brought over a large rolling shelf with numerous bottles of medication.

Looking quickly, Stephen chose a bottle and gave Frank a dose. Satisfied he'd done what he could for the other man, he picked up the book and began to study it.


Having removed all of Peter's clothing, Steve quickly lifted the frozen Spiderman into his arms.

"Dinner's off the table then?" Peter was still talking. "What about breakfast? A movie? Walk on the beach at sunset?"

"I'm almost tempted to put him through the portal now and then we can grab the supplies," Steve muttered, looking around uneasily. He couldn't see or hear anyone, but that didn't stop him from being on his guard.

"Let's just go as quickly as possible," Mordo muttered, following Steve to the mall.

They couldn't linger for too long, but between the two of them, they managed to collect several items of clothing; enough for the six of them for at least three changes of clothes. And while there was little in the way of fresh food, there was a lot of tinned stuff. Steve also collected some packets of seeds. Throughout it all, Peter kept up a running commentary.

Returning to the site, Mordo opened a portal and the two of them quickly stepped through, carrying Peter with them.

"Wait, you have a lair?" Peter's voice sounded awestruck. "An actual secret base? That's so cool! Wait, how did you keep it hidden from Ultimus?" He might be under Ultimus' control, but the sight of the underground area was bringing out that curious, scientific side of him.

Tony blinked in confusion at the gabby new arrival. "Who are you?" he asked uncertainly.

Stephen walked over. "Peter Parker? Why are you back in this dimension instead of your own?" he asked, swallowing hard and trying to prepare himself for what he needed to do.

"Wait...who?" Tony was even more confused.

"Uh, yeah, your Peter Parker nearly managed to rip a hole in this dimension when he tried to get everyone to forget he was Spiderman. Instead, he got everyone from other dimensions who knew who Spiderman was to come here," Peter said.

Steve blinked. "Is that what brought Ultimus here?"

"No. He would have come here eventually," Peter replied. "But he's swept through other dimensions. Everyone's fallen into line. Seen the truth. Except for you guys. What's up with that?"

Stephen moved closer, taking Peter from Steve's arms and moving them to the room he'd chosen for his own. "They bonded to each other. It enabled them to break Ultimus' hold over them," he said, carefully putting Peter on his bed and summoning lube. "The same way I'm going to bond with you, so that Ultimus' hold on us is permanently broken."

Peter's eyes widened, though with the spell cast still keeping him frozen in place, he couldn't do much more than that. "That's why I'm naked?" he squeaked. "I don't want this! No bonding! No!" Panic was making his voice sound higher than normal. The panic didn't really belong to him, but right now, it was overshadowing everything. Panic and fear. "You can't do this!" he protested.

Stephen grimaced, hating himself for what he was about to do, but knowing it was the only way to get Peter free of Ultimus. They needed Peter free. Luckily, he was a doctor. And luckily, he and Christine had gone through an adventurous phase. He knew what to do to get someone aroused quickly with minimal fuss.

He quickly positioned Peter's hands above his head, using his own spell to hold him in place. He then positioned Peters legs, so his knees were up toward his shoulders and spelled them to stay. He looked down at his handiwork; Peter spread open for him. He had easy access to all the younger man's most private and sensitive areas. And most importantly, he could see Peter's face. Could tell if he was making it feel good, even if Peter couldn't agree. It was bad enough he had to force Peter. He wasn't going to hurt him if it could be avoided.

Ignoring Peter's protests, hoping they were because of Ultimus, he said a spell to warm the lube up and gently dribbled it over Peter's member and down, then coated his fingers. Setting the lube to the side, he began to stroke Peter's member with one hand, while slowly pushing his finger into the younger man with the other. His aim was true and he found the tiny bundle of nerves immediately. He began to rub it gently but vigorously as he leaned forward and latched onto Peter's nipple with his lips, sucking in hard while licking and nibbling.

Peter yelped in surprise, then blushed at how he'd reacted. He couldn't squirm, not with being held the way he was, so he had no choice but to take whatever Stephen chose to do. And despite the verbal protests falling from his lips, despite the tension in his body that indicated he would be struggling and resisting if he wasn't spelled into stillness...his body couldn't help but react. His nipple responded, growing hard and pebbled in Stephen's mouth. A whimper escaped his lips, shaky but clearly aroused. And his member was responding. If he'd been in full control of himself, Peter would have been embarrassed at how quickly he was rousing. Then again, he'd only ever been with one other person...and she'd been taken from him long before Ultimus had ever entered his world and taken him from all that was familiar.

Stephen sucked and licked his way across Peter's chest to his other nipple. He latched on, giving it the same treatment as the first. At the same time, he began to stroke more firmly and faster while pushing a second finger into Peter's warmth. Despite the fact he hated what he was being forced to do, his own body couldn't help but be aroused by Peter's arousal.  He refused to acknowledge it; he refused to touch himself. He'd do what was needed. No more.

Peter's whimper was long and drawn out. His voice faltered in the verbal protests, a tiny part of the real Peter surfacing. He couldn't push into the touch. The spell made it impossible to move, whether away or closer. Ultimus' control was almost absolute, but the outside stimulus was enough to draw one word from his lips. "Please." It was uttered in an almost sobbing voice.

Stephen pulled away from Peter's nipple and looked into the younger man's eyes as he slid a third finger into him. He began to rub more briskly. Put more pressure on the mound of nerves. Meanwhile, he lowered his own pants and underwear enough to release his member. He let go of Peter's member long enough to lube his own up, then went back to stroking Peter. He then pulled his fingers out of Peter, lining his member up to the stretched and lubed hole,, and pushed in with one easy glide, rubbing over Peter's prostate immediately.

Peter moaned as Stephen pushed inside him, his body tense. He wanted to move, or perhaps his body wanted to move...but he couldn't. His whole body vibrated. His member was swelling, drops of precum pooling at the tip, and he was beginning to pant. "Please." He repeated the word, was the only thing he could do, the only thing he could voice. Inside, he could feel the cracks in the control over him wavering. He knew that freedom was very close.... "Please...M-m-m-master...." He choked the word out, that tiny bit of him...that tiny slither of freedom...that small part of him that existed, under Ultimus' control...pushing up, just for an instant.

Stephen groaned as he felt his member surrounded by tight heat. He looked in Peter's eyes and heard the words and made a quick decision. With a wave of his hand, he removed the magical bindings, then ordered, "Wrap your kegs around my waist." He began to thrust harder and faster, aiming for Peter's sweet spot with each thrust.

Peter did so immediately, wrapping his legs around Stephen's waist...and his arms around the older man's body. He was panting with need, eyes glazing over with pleasure, as he clung to Stephen, much like an octopus. With each thrust against his prostrate, he could feel Ultimus' control receding...bit by bit. And it made him cling even tighter to the man who was providing him that freedom.

Stephen could feel the tight grip pulling him closer and not pushing him away and could only hope this meant Peter wanted him and, in the end, it wouldn't be forced. He continued to thrust, hitting Peter's prostate each time. He leaned forward and kissed the younger man.

Peter kissed back, almost desperately. There were tears in his eyes, but they weren't to do with the sex; it was because he could feel the freedom. He pushed against Stephen, so that the older man's member would go deeper...harder. He could feel how close he was to the edge, and he whimpered against Stephen's lips, knowing it wouldn't take much to push him over.

Stephen groaned softly, shifting slightly so he could go as deeply as possible. He slid his tongue into Peter's mouth, claiming there just as deeply. He could feel himself, fully aroused, close to the edge. He began to thrust harder and faster.

Peter clung to Stephen, opening his mouth to give the older man access. Every movement he made was closer to Stephen...was submitting and giving everything, he could.

Stephen pulled his mouth away long enough to order, "Let go for me!" before latching on again, his tongue thrusting into Peter's mouth at the same speed he was thrusting into his body.

At the words, at the permission, Peter's release overcame him with near shattering force. He clutched at Stephen like the older man was a lifeline, a port in a storm. His body shook and shuddered.

Stephen pulled back, gasping in air before gently latching onto Peter's neck with his teeth; not hard enough to break skin, but some innate need to claim taking over. At the same time, he shoved in deep, one last time, and held himself inside the younger man, spilling his seed for long seconds, filling his now mate. A glow surrounded their bodies and matching marks formed on their hands. Ultimus doesn't control you any longer....

Peter groaned, head falling to the side, automatically baring his neck to Stephen. As the glow faded and he caught sight of the marks, a sense of relief and peace filled him. He's gone, he confirmed. Now you are my master. It was clear he was happy about that fact...relieved, too. He'd been adrift for a long time, even before Ultimus had invaded his world. Now, finally, he felt like he had purpose. Somewhere he belonged.

Only if you want that from me, Stephen thought. You didn't have a choice in the bonding. I won't force anything else on you. He continued to hold Peter tight, sensing the younger man wanted and needed that. To his surprise, he needed to hold onto Peter as well.

I want that, Peter replied. I alone...lost...for a long time. I crossed that line a hero should never cross. I just...lost myself. And then Ultimus came and enslaved my whole world. You set me free. I want to belong to you, he admitted. I think I need it. And it's not the bonding talking. He'd latched onto Stephen before the bonding had taken hold, after all.

Stephen carefully rolled them over, so Peter was laying on him, still impaled on his shaft.  He relaxed, still holding Peter tightly but gently stroking his hands over his back and bottom. If that is what you want, then that is what I will be. Your master. You will obey me. But you are not a slave. I expect you to tell me what you want or need. What you are thinking. I might make all final decisions, but you will have a voice. He kissed Peter's temple.

Peter relaxed visibly at the physical touch, at still being held tight. He nuzzled into Stephen's neck, able to breathe in his new master's scent...and that calmed him considerably further. As did the fact that Stephen was still inside him. If I thought all you wanted was a slave with no voice, I wouldn't have given myself to you. He pressed into Stephen's touch, as if he didn't want there to be any separation between them at all.

Stephen continued the gentle petting, kissing Peter's face gently. I'm happy you want this. I felt horrible forcing myself on you. I would have done it different if I could.

You did the right thing. Peter nuzzled against Stephen, seeking out more of the kisses. I didn't want to be under Ultimus' control. I'm glad I'm free of him. I'm glad it's you who freed me. His emotions were clear and easy to read through the bond. He felt safe with Stephen. The older man felt like home to him. Plus, he was very obviously attracted to Stephen.

Stephen smiled at that, kissing Peter again gently. At least one good thing came of all of this. We were brought together.

I felt so adrift. I don't feel like that anymore. Even though I'm not in my dimension anymore, I'm glad I'm here. Peter kissed him back. Will you take me again? I feel more...real with you inside me, he admitted.

Stephen hadn't fully withdrawn from Peter and at those words, he felt his member stir and begin to swell again. This time wouldn't be because of necessity, and he wouldn't have to feel guilty. He gripped Peter's hips and pushed up, hard, while pulling the younger man down onto him so their bodies ground together. I think that can be done... He allowed his own desire and need to possess travel through the bond.

Peter grinned and pressed himself hard against Stephen, squirming so that he could feel the older man's member inside him. His own attraction and need for Stephen came clearly through the bond. He wanted this. He wanted Stephen to take him, to possess him. Desperately.

It didn't take long, and Stephen was fully aroused, thrusting up into Peter at a fast and hard pace. You'll be feeling me for hours after we're done, he promised, before growling softly.

Good, Peter replied. That's exactly what I want. He groaned, his member swelling once more. He pressed into Stephen, nuzzling against and kissing the older man's chest.

Stephen smiled at that, thrusting that much faster and harder, holding Peter's hips tightly so he could pull the younger man down. His fingers left marks on Peter's hips and then, as if on instinct, he smacked Peter's butt; not hard enough to bruise, but he would feel the sting.

Peter jumped in surprise at the smack...but it didn't bother him. In fact, although it did sting, it went straight to his member. He groaned and pressed closer, arching his back as if to invite Stephen to smack again. He'd be sore afterwards and he accepted that...knew it...welcomed it. Yours. The word came clearly through the bond.

MINE, Stephen thought back, smacking the other cheek then squeezing it. He let his feelings of possessive desire through the bond.

Peter's own feelings of submission and willingness to be controlled came through the bond. He pressed into Stephen wherever he could, seeking out the possessive touches, squeezing...needing to be claimed and taken by the older man.

Stephen continued to smack Peter's backside while thrusting. He reached with his other hand and began to pump the younger man firmly.

By that point, Peter was nearly mindless with need and arousal. When Stephen began to pump him, he pushed wantonly into his master's hand, whimpering softly. His eyes were damp, and a couple of tears slipped out; not because of pain or discomfort or fear, but because he needed so much.

Let go, Stephen ordered, continuing to thrust, smack, and pump. I'll catch you.

A shudder went through Peter's body, and he was obeying, releasing with a long, low groan. At the same time, he dropped...his entire focus only on his master; on the sensations and feelings he had from the older man. Nothing else existed for him right now.

Stephen released nearly immediately after Peter. It took several moments for him to calm and once he did, he carefully pulled out of his mate, rearranging Peter so he'd be comfortable. He then retrieved a washcloth and cleaned the younger man and himself. Finally, he crawled back into bed, pulling Peter close and covering them both with a blanket. "Peter... come back to me, hon..." He began to talk gently.

Peter had only moved when Stephen had moved him. Otherwise, he'd remained still, dropped and keyed only to his mate. His master. And since he was so keyed into Stephen, it didn't take long for him to come back to himself. He blinked uncertainly as he realized what had happened and looked down, ashamed of his reaction. "I'm sorry...."

"There is no reason to be sorry. You reacted because of me. My actions. Because you trust me. That feels really good. I want all your reactions." Stephen kissed the side of Peter's head. "You are mine. If you drop for me, it is good."

Peter relaxed and cuddled automatically into Stephen's arms, letting his head rest against the older man's chest. "What expectations do you have of me?" he asked quietly.

"I expect you to be honest. Tell me what you are thinking, what your opinions are, what you want. Don't hide things from me. I make the final decision, but I will make my decisions taking your feelings into account, so I need the truth for that." Stephen paused. "I expect you to keep yourself safe. If you do something unnecessary that is dangerous, I will punish you. On the rare occasion I give an order, I expect to be obeyed. I won't order you around as a habit, though. I don't want a slave."

"Being honest should be easy to follow," Peter said. "If I can't tell you something out loud, I can think it to you. Or let you feel through the bond, if the words are too difficult." He hesitated. "Not being dangerous is going to be hard. Back in my home dimension, I was used to working alone. To being alone. The first time I ever worked with someone else was when I came here and met the other two Peter Parkers."

"Seems to be a problem all Peter Parkers share, whether they work alone or not." Stephen snorted. "I'm serious about your safety. If you behave recklessly, you will be punished."

"I know you're serious," Peter said quietly. " will you punish me?" he asked.

"I heard the others talking and it seems that spanking is used as s punishment. So, for serious offences, I will spank you. For minor infractions, I might ground you or sit you in the corner to think," Stephen said calmly.

Peter's eyes widened. "Spanking? Like a little kid?" He was obviously taken aback by the idea, even though his natural inclination was to submit, and he wasn't arguing...just very surprised.

"Like my submissive," Stephen replied quietly.

Peter paused. "Yeah...okay. I'll try not to do something dangerous. And I'll follow your orders when you give one. And I won't lie to you," he promised. "I wasn't planning to block off the bond anyway, know...if I did get stupid and tried lying to you, you'd know what I was up to straight away."

Stephen nodded. "I don't plan on spying on you through the bond. If you project to me, of course I will pay attention, but you deserve privacy. Unless there is a dire need. I will choose to let you keep your thoughts and trust you to talk to me."

"I know." Peter hesitated, not sure if his next words would make him sound insane, but...he was determined to be honest with his new master. "But knowing that you could look any time you want to...even that you could take control any time you want's sort of comforting," he admitted.

Stephen glanced into Peter's face. "Do you need that from me?"

Peter hesitated. "Maybe," he admitted. "I just...It feels better now. I don't feel so adrift. And it's because you took me as your own. This isn't the dimension I came from. I... don't even know if anyone from my dimension is here." He swallowed hard and said the next words through the bond. I know I shouldn't be, but... I'm scared.

Stephen hugged Peter tight. "We're all scared, kid. But as long as we stick together, we've got a chance."

"I got ripped away from everything I knew once already," Peter whispered, clinging tightly to Stephen. "I don't want to be ripped away from this too." He pressed closer to Stephen, snuggling into the older man. It was obvious that the physical contact helped to calm his sudden spike of fear, even if it was still there.

"We've got you now. And we're bound. I won't let you be ripped away," Stephen promised.

"Okay." Peter breathed in deeply and snuggled closer to Stephen. He still wrapped his arms and legs around the older man, though. Just to make sure.... He sent the words through the bond with a hint of amusement.

Imp... Stephen thought back fondly, pulling the other closer. Sleep now. We'll talk with the others later.

Peter nodded and obediently closed his eyes. Feel safe.... whispered through the bond, just before sleep overtook him.

Stephen smiled. "Good..." he whispered, before closing his eyes and sleeping himself.