Chapter Nineteen

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); violence and mentions of violence; AU
Authors: Cat and Hope1iz


Time had passed slowly, yet very quickly, after Katie had been resouled and had her vampirism removed. She'd slowly become more comfortable around other people, her natural friendliness and bubbly personality overcoming her reticence from so many years of being a monster and her guilt from that. She still stuck close to Namor, though, looking to him for guidance and support.

There hadn't been any treks out of the compound in the several weeks since Katie being saved. Clint was getting antsy. "I think it has been enough time. They won't be expecting us to send out a group..." He argued in favor of getting a few people together to search and scavenge, as well as looking for and leaving a message for Natasha and T'Challa.

Bruce nodded in agreement with his mate. "I know the dark counterparts are a problem and they might well be planning something, but even if she's from another universe, Natasha would still get a message to us somehow, I'm sure of it, if the sorcerers had found a way to break or disrupt the bond."

Steve sighed, glancing around at the rest of those who had gathered, and then looked towards Bruce and Clint...nodding slightly. "We can have a few different groups go in different locations. If we can use the speedsters rather than the portals, it'll mean that Ultimus' people won't be able to sense the portals opening."

"We've had some developments that would make it easier," Pietro said. "Druig's been practicing. He can use speed too. So, if three separate groups go out, each of us can go with one...and easily communicate with the others."

"The three of you will also be able to make sure that the three groups can communicate with each other. Then all we need to do is make sure at least one person on each team has their mate back here at the compound," Tony said.

Steve nodded. "One speedster with each it worth having at least one magic user with each one too? One of the sorcerers, or Wanda?"

I know you want to go out, Bruce sent to Clint. Would you like me to join you? Even if I stay behind, you can still share what you see with me.

If that is acceptable to you... I can leave the bond open, so you see through my eyes, Clint thought. "If we have a fighter with each group and a sorcerer with each group, that is three groups of three..." he added out loudSteve nodded...and looked towards those who hadn't had much of an opportunity to go out yet. "If any of you want to join the groups, we can work it so that those who don't get to go out this time can go out the next time," he suggested.

"I'd like to go... As a fighter..." Colleen interjected.

"So, we have two fighters, me and Colleen. We need one more fighter. And then we need to figure out which magic users are going..." Clint looked around.

"I can go with one of the groups," Nebula said.

Clint nodded. "I and Makkari can go in a group with whichever one of you magic users want to join us. Druig can go with Colleen and Pietro can go with Nebula. But which magic users are going?"

"I am willing to go." Wanda glanced towards Pietro. "I could join you and Nebula. It would be nice to go out together, even if we can't do that much."

Pietro nodded, a spike of happiness forming through the bond at being able to spend a bit more time with his sister.

"I will go with Clint and Makkari," Wong said quietly.

Druig looked at Colleen, then at Loki. "You want to come with us?" he asked.

"I would," Loki agreed. "It would be nice to get out of this base, even if only for a short time."

"Since that's settled, I suggest that anyone who wants specific things from outside the base make a list and hand them over to those going out," Steve said.

It didn't take long, despite the large group, for lists to be made and given to the groups. Soon, all three had left, speeding in different directions.

Katie stood, wistfully looking at the elevator. "When do you think it will be safe for us to sneak outside?" she asked Namor. He was the one who had to worry about his home planet being destroyed if Ultimus found out the truth.

Namor's eyes tracked the groups as they left before he answered Katie's question. "It's not going to be safe for me to leave. I can't risk Ultimus learning that I'm still alive, because then my people will be at risk. You'll be free to leave the base, at least when it's mostly safe to do so, once you're bonded." He didn't say bonded to him just in case she didn't want that and would prefer to wait for someone else.

Katie nodded and gave him a sad smile. "Maybe they can find some way for you to get outside where Ultimus won't see you or learn you live..." she said hesitantly, as she said nothing of herself. Even if someone else would be willing to be bonded to her... she had no intention of leaving Namor's side. If he didn't want to bond her, then she'd just stay inside with him until Ultimus was conquered. He'd promised she could live with him when it came time for people to return to their own dimensions. He took care of her when he had no reason to; helped her even though she'd annoyed him. Her loyalty was to him.

Namor nodded. "I don't really need to go out...although it would be nice to be able to visit the ocean and immerse myself in the water, rather than using the water here. But it isn't necessary...and a large part of me would prefer not to risk it at all." He moved a bit nearer to her as he added, "If you bonded, you could perhaps go out with Spiders. You and he are close...."

"We are friends!" Katie agreed in a chirpy tone but didn't say anything else. There weren't any unbonded people in the compound now; other than her and Namor, anyway. If she had to bond, she'd rather it be with Namor, but the way he kept suggesting it to her without including himself in the equation, she figured he must not want to. "I don't have to go out either. I spent centuries avoiding the sun....'

"You don't have to avoid it now," Namor commented. After a brief pause, he suggested, "If you bonded to me, you'd have no fear of getting controlled by Ultimus if you went out."

Katie gave him a small smile and impulsively threw her arms around him in a tight hug. "If I have to bond, I am most comfortable with you. But I don't want to be more of a burden than I already am..." She sighed. "I am used to not going out. I can wait until Ultimus is gone...."

"Bonding to you wouldn't be a burden," Namor replied seriously. He wrapped his own arms around her and hugged her close. "I just know you are dealing with a lot. I didn't want to put any pressure on you to choose."

"You treat me so good..." Katie smiled again. "It isn't a pressure to choose. Not when the choice is bonding with someone I trust, bonding a stranger, or... Ultimus getting in my head. But I know how messed up I am, and it isn't fair to you to be stuck with me...."

"It's not being stuck with you," Namor replied. "I am choosing you. But it's your decision to choose me as well."

Katie looked up at him with every once if trust she had. She was broken... like a wounded little bird that needed help and could only trust its neck wasn't about to be snapped. It was clear in her eyes. What was also clear was her complete trust and devotion to Namor; the complete innocent love she had for him. "I choose you..." she said simply, quietly, then smiled a smile so bright, there was no way he'd not know it was what she wanted.

"Good," Namor murmured, letting his hand gently stroke against her cheek. He leaned in to kiss her, a gentle, chaste brush of his lips against hers. Then, he took her hand, drawing her in close against his side. "We can go to my room...unless you'd be more comfortable in yours," he said.

"Will I be sharing a room with you once we bond?" Katie asked hopefully. "We can go to your room...." She shifted closer to him, nearly snuggling.

"If you would like to share with me, then of course you can," he replied. "And if you'd like to, at least until more people join us, you can keep your old case you ever need some privacy." He kept her close to him as they reached his room. He opened the door and led her inside.

"What would you like better?" Katie asked hesitantly. She was used to being alone but didn't particularly like it. But she didn't want to overrun his life completely. He deserved to be comfortable too.

"I would like to keep you close to me," Namor admitted. He closed the door behind them and then led her over to the bed. Settling them both on it, he drew her in for a deep, lingering kiss.

Katie smiled again, just as brightly as before, and relaxed. "I want to be close to you too..." she admitted, with a hint of relief that he felt the same. When he began to kiss her, she pressed close, opening for him and offering everything she could.

"I'm glad." Namor whispered the words against her lips. He began to slowly remove her clothes...making sure she was okay and comfortable with each piece he removed from her body. As bare skin was revealed, he let his hands rub and gently squeeze.

Katie wasn't bashful or reluctant to be naked for him. She was uncertain about actually making love, though. It had been a very long time that anyone had gone out of their way to show gentleness, and never during sex. Before she'd been turned, she was a virgin. After? She didn't really get aroused or want sex the way living people did. It was a means to an end. She'd offer her body to people who were cruel and enjoyed inflicting pain; and while they were completely focused on their own pleasure (after they'd 'put her in her place' and thought she wasn't a threat as 'broken' as she was), she'd drain them. None of her experiences had been gentle or loving on either side of the pairing. So, while she had no qualms about showing her body to Namor...she wasn't sure how to handle his care and gentleness.

Once she was completely naked, Namor carefully bore her down to the bed. He kissed her a bit more deeply and passionately, then began to trail soft kisses over her body. His fingers encircled her nipples and began to gently stroke and caress them. He wasn't rushing through anything, instead taking his time and treating her as gently as possible.

Katie shivered, arching toward his fingers, and letting out tiny, pleasured gasps as he explored and claimed her body. She was very focused on the gentleness and how cherished and cared about it made her feel; another novel feeling. She let her own hands hesitantly run over Namor when she was able to reach. She wasn't used to being so weak, so was avoiding putting any pressure in the touch, afraid she might accidentally hurt him.

"You won't hurt me." Namor whispered the words in a low, reassuring tone against her skin. "Feel free to explore my body as much as you want. I welcome your touch."

Hearing him, Katie began to more confidently explore, memorizing Namor by touch and sight. She shifted slightly so she could also kiss him, adding scent and taste to ways she would learn him. He was her center of attention, completely.

Namor allowed himself to press into her touch, making sure she knew how much it affected him, in a good way. He ran his hands down her chest and stomach, squeezing and stroking along her bare flesh. He didn't touch her center, not yet, instead focusing on other parts of her body. He followed a similar path with his lips, kissing her bare skin.

Katie quivered at the touches, letting out a tiny whimper as she felt herself rousing. "Feels good..." she whispered, squirming slightly as the ache began to build at her core. "Did...didn't know it could feel this good..." she gasped out softly.

"Feeling good is the way it should be," Namor whispered. "If something feels good and you want more of it, you can tell me. And if something doesn't feel good, or hurts, you need to tell me...because I won't do anything you don't like or that hurts you."

"Okay..." Katie promised, then shivered, as what he was doing felt very good. Her own hands rubbed over his arms and back and she was kissing him everywhere she could reach.

Namor continued to gently kiss and caress her body, paying attention to where she seemed to like it the most and making sure he stroked or kissed her there more. Eventually, he let his fingers drift to her center, gently stroking between her legs.

Katie's soft groan at feeling him stroking between her legs made it clear how good it felt. She opened her legs further, instinctively inviting further, deeper claiming. "...So good...."

"Good," Namor breathed. He stroked around outside her folds for several long moments, then finally pushed his finger inside her.

Katie gave another happy little moan as she felt him finger her, along with a tiny quiver, and further widened her legs for him. "I like being yours..." she gasped, before giving him a toothy smile.

"I'm glad. I like you being mine too." He continued to gently stroke his finger inside her, taking his time, even while he continued to stroke, caress, and squeeze the rest of her body. Finally, though, he couldn't ignore his own arousal any longer...and he removed his finger, then carefully and slowly pushed inside her...watching her face to make sure he wasn't causing her any pain or discomfort.

Katie kept her eyes on Namor's face the entire time he was pushing in, a soft moan escaping as she felt herself open for him. It didn't hurt at all, even if she was very tight. She liked how completely he filled her. She wanted to be sure he saw how good it was, not just hear.

Leaning in, Namor kissed her tenderly. He sheathed himself inside her fully, then began to thrust...gently and slowly...making sure it was as easy on her as it was possible to be.

Katie wrapped her arms around his shoulders loosely, not to hinder him, and kissed him back. She could feel herself becoming tighter with each thrust. She knew she was getting wetter; his movements were smooth and slick, not pulling or dragging against her in the wrong way at all. It took very little time at all for her to reach the edge, holding on for his permission.

It took a surprisingly short amount of time for Namor to reach the edge, his member growing to full hardness inside her. He leaned forward and captured her lips once more in a deeply intense, passionate kiss. "Let go," he whispered against her mouth.

With a loud, long moan and a delicate shudder, Katie immediately released. Her body clenched around Namor, trying to hold him inside. She panted against his lips, attempting to catch her breath as she lost all control.

Namor's own release came over him at the same time and his orgasm rippled through him. The bond opened between him and Katie, allowing her to feel his desire and need for her...along with his care and need to protect her. At the same time, an identical mark formed on their hands.

At feeling Namor's feelings, Katie's own feelings exploded from her to her mate. She felt happiness, trust, deep love, and a growing confidence that only knowing Namor was on her side and cared deeply could provide. Thank you... she thought, gratitude and love growing.

Thank you, Namor replied, his tone and feelings sincere. You trusted me enough to give yourself to me, and that is beyond price.

You are the only one I could give myself to. I love you... I trust you so much. I know I'll become a good person because you are on my side... Katie nuzzled Namor's shoulder.

I'm here for you. I will always be here for you, Namor promised. And now we're bonded, so you're entirely safe from Ultimus.

I want to be there for you too... Katie responded, kissing him gently. I know I can't do a lot, but I'll do what I can.

There's a lot you can do for me, Namor replied. And you trusting me enough to bond is beyond price.

Katie smiled again at that, leaning up and kissing her new mate. She snuggled closer, a feeling of peace and happiness filling her.

Namor kissed her gently and stroked her hair. If you need to sleep, you can. I'll be here and I'll keep watch over you, he promised.

Okay... "Love you..." she whispered out loud, before closing her eyes for a nap.


Clint glanced at Wong and Makkari. "I don't know if we'll find seems as if there are a lot of Ultimus' forces in the area and they probably took most of anything with use, but it will be good to look around anyway."

"Agreed. I sense some magic use in the area. It is good we were carried here, instead of using a portal," Wong said.

Makkari signed to them that she'd take a look around the area and let them know if she found anything. Of course, that only took a few seconds and then she was back. I found something, but I don't recognize it, she signed. If it's a message, it might be aimed towards someone in particular. She began to lead them over to the area.

Clint and Wong followed, cautious and watching to make certain there wasn't a trap.

When Makkari showed them the item, though, Clint couldn't contain his excitement. "My kids... They're alive and free..." he said, in a hushed tone. "This is a family code that we used between all of us.... Do either of you have something I can use to respond?!” 

Wong silently handed Clint a pen and watched as the other man wrote similar marks on the item. "I'm telling them to go to the tiny hut where Steve originally had his base... It is defensible and we can have someone check there easily to bring them back when they show up there. The coordinates will be coded too, so no one other than them should understand..."

Makkari watched without making any comment through sign language...though she opened the bond and sent the information to both Pietro and Druig, so that they could pass the information on to the others they were with, and to the rest of the group back at the base. This was a good sign, and she was certain the others would see it as such.

As Clint was writing a response to the coded message, he was speaking with Bruce. My kids are alive... And they left a message. They will be with us... Hopefully soon....

I'm so happy to hear that, Bruce replied, letting his emotions come through the bond so that Clint could feel the sincerity. What coordinates are you giving them? He assumed his mate wasn't going to send them directly to the base. 

Steve's old base. It is defensible enough for a short time and easy for us to check frequently... Clint quickly responded, in case Bruce had a better idea.

That's probably the best place for them to be, Bruce agreed. I'll pass it on to Steve and the others, so that they know where to keep an eye on.

By this point, Clint had finished the message and put it back into its hidden alcove. "You two want to get a few more supplies, or are you ready to return? We've already been out several hours."

I have collected several supplies. We may need to come out again in a few days, especially if we're going to add more to the base, Makkari signed. But I think we have enough for now.

Clint nodded. "I'm ready if Wong is."

"I have filled my pack. We should return to unload," Wong agreed. 

Makkari wasted no time in speeding back with the two of them.


Druig, Colleen and Loki hadn't found any messages, but they had found evidence of another group hiding. "Make note of this location..." Druig said quietly. "We will want to keep an eye out or figure out if this group is safe to approach."

"I've already sent coordinates back to Kingo so he can inform the others..." Colleen agreed.

"I could leave some magic here that would activate if someone does arrive," Loki said quietly. "It isn't the same as the magic used by the sorcerers, so they won't be able to feel me casting...and it shouldn't be sensed anyway."

"That might be a good idea. Would it tell if they are friendlies or not?" Colleen asked.

"It should be able to pick up on any signs of Ultimus' control," Loki answered. "But it would be difficult to say whether they could be potential allies or not. However, once the magic is activated, I can send one of my clones here to observe."

Druig nodded. "Please do that, then."

Loki nodded and took a few moments to concentrate before he said, "It is done."

"My packs are filled. Is there anything either of you want to examine before heading back?" Druig asked.

Loki shook his head. "I have collected supplies as well, and we have news to take back to the base. I do not have anything else I wish to examine."

Colleen shook her head. "There is nothing imperative. I would like to come back here for supplies later. Bring an extra pack. I saw a candy shop...."

Loki smiled. "I am certain that all of the children, and a fair few of the adults, would be happy that a candy store has been found."

"Definitely. So, we will make sure to return here with an extra bag for candy..." Druig smiled. "Until then, we should return and unpack what we have." He took hold of both of his friends and sped back to their compound.


Pietro, Wanda, and Nebula arrived back at the base at about the same time as the other groups did. They had found extra supplies, including some weapons that had apparently been abandoned by Ultimus' forces...though they had been careful about bringing any back with them, since they weren't sure if there would be any traps or tracking devices left there.

Lincoln moved to stand next to Nebula, kissing her on the cheek. "See anything interesting?" he asked, as he began to help her unpack the bag she carried.

"There was no sign of Ultimus' soldiers," Nebula answered, allowing him to help her unpack. "We found weapons that appear to have been abandoned, but I didn't bring them back. I've marked the location, so they can be checked for any trackers or traps before we bring them back here."

"That's a good find..." Lincoln agreed. "They will probably want to check them as soon as possible."

Nebula nodded. "I will inform Steve and Tony, at least...." Since Steve was the one mostly in charge, and Tony was the one more likely to check for any traps or trackers.

"I think they are all meeting to discuss what Clint found. He found evidence his children are alive and free..." he wrapped an arm around her to lead her to the main area where information could be discussed.

"That's good." She leaned into him, a feeling of safety and belonging coming through the bond.

Soon, everyone was gathered in the communal area to discuss what had been found, along with planning on how to handle it.


Lila looked at the rest of her team, weariness in her eyes. "It's been several days since we left the messages. I don't think we can afford to stay in this cave much longer..." she said reluctantly.

Cooper nodded just as reluctantly. The location had seemed ideal for locating the group the HYDRA lacky had said was fighting Ultimus. But...the world was a big place. Just because they had been very active in the area didn't mean they lived in the area...or that they would return to this one, specific spot and find a hidden, coded message. And even if they did, there was no guarantee that the group would realize that's what it was. Even if a version of their father was in the might not be a version that had a secret code with his kids. It might not even be a version that had kids.

Cassie nodded. "I spoke with the professor this morning and he indicated that he and the rest of our family believe we need to move on. Even if we don't move far, they think our little cave is too close to being in a travelling path for Ultimus's followers."

Eddie nodded. "Yeah. Venom has been...too well fed... the last couple of days. They are bound to have noticed and will start looking around."

"So... We head out. We can check the messages one last time before we leave?" Lila looked at her partners.

Lyja nodded. "I don't think we have a choice other than to move on. We could always come back this way when we return to join the rest," she suggested. She didn't argue against checking the messages again before they moved out. So long as none of Ultimus' followers were close by, there was no harm in doing so.

Cooper nodded. "Does everyone have their bags? Nothing we need to do before leaving here?"

"Other than trying to get rid of as much evidence that we were here as possible..." Cassie shouldered her bag.

Eddie shouldered his bag as well. "Shouldn't need to do much of that. We've been careful to clean up after ourselves and disturb as little as possible from the very beginning."

It didn't take long before they were heading out. It wouldn't take long to check the messages they'd left. Plus, they would take one last look to see what Ultimus' troops were doing. Get an idea of the safest direction to head.

Lyja had managed to take on the forms of a fair number of HYDRA agents. As they moved out, she kept watch...prepared for if they needed her to take on the form of one of the enemy.

When they'd reached the location of the message, Cooper had quickly retrieved it, visibly excited to notice writing he hadn't put there. "Dad found it!" he whispered furtively. "He gave us coordinates to a safe location to meet up with them!"

"That's great," Lyja whispered back. "Do you all want to head there now?" She looked around at the others.

Lila nodded. "Let's! And once we are there, we can contact the Prof and let him know. The others will want to start heading our direction...."

"The note is recent. If they sent us to the other location, they will probably be watching for us. Maybe we should wait to let the others know in case they take us someplace else instead?" Cassie asked hesitantly.

Eddie shook his head. "We should tell them anyway. But have them wait until we've been there a few days and can be sure we aren't being set up. As much as we don't want to think the worst, if Ultimus somehow got into your dad's head...."

"It's better to stay on our guard," Lyja agreed. "We can go to the location, let the others back at base know...but we perhaps shouldn't reveal all of us at once. Just like we did with the HYDRA agents, we should only let them see one of us to begin with."

"That's not a bad idea, except we don't know if there is a place for us to split up and hide. And we don't know when he'd be coming to meet us either, which means us being separated into two groups longer than I'm comfortable with. We should stay together...but just be very aware that we may need to make a quick escape..." Eddie said.

Lyja nodded. "Either way, though, I think we're agreed that we're going to head to these co-ordinates and check them out?" She glanced around at everyone else, to make sure they were on the same page.

"Yes! We are agreeing about that!" Lila couldn't hide her excitement at possibly being reunited with her father.

Lyja nodded. "Are we leaving now, then? We haven't left any traces of our presence behind, so there's really nothing else we need to do."

Cassie nodded. "Let's get going. If it takes longer than planned to get there, hopefully, we'll still be there before dark...."

They all quickly began the trek to the new location.


Later that evening, Bruce was getting ready for bed. He knew that Clint was feeling antsy, wanting to go and see if his children had got his message. We can go and check the hut tomorrow, he promised. We might not be able to open a portal, but we can ask one of the others to speed us there.

Clint gave Bruce a thankful smile. That would be good. Thank you. I know I must be driving you up the wall with my pacing.... He quickly changed into sleep pants and crawled into bed. He waited for Bruce to join him, so he could snuggle close to his bond mate. He'd got used to cuddling and now couldn't sleep without it.

It isn't driving me up the wall. I completely understand how you feel. I feel the same way. Your family is mine. Bruce reached out and drew Clint in close. Do you need help settling? he asked.

Clint snuggled close, squirming slightly before a sheepish feeling flowed through the bond. Yessir. Think I do. Too keyed up to sleep, he admitted.

Bruce sent through a wave of reassurance. You don't have to feel ashamed or embarrassed about needing. Making me aware is a good thing. A whole lot of problems would probably be solved if more of the bonded pairs were open with their wants and needs. A slightly wry feeling came through the bond.

Sitting up carefully, Bruce gently drew Clint across his lap. He placed a hand on his friend's back and rubbed down Clint's spine, not stopping when he got to the other man's backside, instead rubbing over that too.

That's true. We've been friends too long, I've cared about you too long, and trust you too much not to be honest. Clint's affection and love were clear. When Bruce began to rub, he slumped in acceptance, a tiny, happy whimper escaping.

And I care about you enough to give you what you need, whenever you need it. Bruce continued to rub up and down over Clint's back and bottom. After about a minute or so, he began to intersperse firm pats to Clint's backside along with the rubbing.

Thanks, Big Guy... It... It helps so much. Is helping so much... Clint admitted, already feeling himself begin to calm as his bond mate took control.

I'm glad. I would do anything to help you, Bruce said seriously. He continued rubbing and patting for a few minutes more, then eased Clint's sleep pants down and off, leaving the other man bare and vulnerable, before he resumed the affection.

Clint shivered as he was made vulnerable, a feeling of safety and peace overcoming him. He relaxed completely, contented, and willing to accept whatever Bruce chose to do. Placing himself in Bruce's hands finished settling him.

Bruce left himself open through the bond, allowing Clint to feel safety, care, love, and reassurance. Even as his bond mate settled, he didn't move Clint. It wouldn't be a problem if the other man fell asleep; Bruce could easily move him into a more comfortable position.

Clint sighed happily. Thank you, Brucie. Thank you for helping me. Know it's odd, but...really like when you rub and smack my bottom. Feeling you be in control and like I'm yours... Feels safe.

It's not odd, Bruce replied gently. You're so important to me, Clint. I want to do this for you. I want to help you. You're my best friend. And you are mine. You're safe with me, he promised. He began to pat a bit more firmly, a little bit harder, enough to begin to sting a bit...which he then soothed with rubbing.

Clint shivered again, a feeling of complete love and devotion flowing to Bruce. He felt accepted. I love you... he admitted with a tiny sniffle, allowing Bruce to feel through the bond how good it felt for Clint to be under his control being handled.

I love you too. Bruce kept the bond open, so that Clint could feel that Bruce felt good about this...about taking this control over Clint. It made him feel good that his bond mate trusted him enough to do this. This fulfils my own needs as well. he admitted.

I'm glad. You deserve to have your needs met too... Clint thought. His bottom stung just enough to be able to feel it when he fell asleep.

And you're doing exactly that for me. Bruce continued to gently smack and rub for a bit longer, ensuring the sting would linger, and then he moved Clint into his arms once more, cuddling his bond mate close and tight.

Clint clung to Bruce, snuggling as close as he could. Giving a contented sigh, he closed his eyes. He was soon asleep.

It didn't take long for Bruce to slip into sleep as well, holding onto his bondmate.


Betty looked toward Charles. "Have they contacted you for their nightly check in?" she asked worriedly. They might not have been hers by blood, but she'd grown close to the people in their tiny group and loved them all like family. The kids felt as much hers as if she had given birth to them. And she worried when they weren't close enough for her to protect.

Charles nodded. "I think this is something that we want to call the whole group together for," he said seriously. "Because what they've told me is likely to change our plans going forward."

"Laura's upstairs with Nate." Betty nodded. "I think Elsa and Wade are with Colossus...."

"I'll send out messages to all of them and ask them to join us here." Charles proceeded to do so.

Elsa was the first to show up, Wade and Colossus close behind her. "What is happening?" she asked, with a hint of worry.

Laura came down the stairs with Nate. "Is everything all right with the others?" she asked, clearly worried.

"We might have some good news," Charles said. "While they were out, they left a coded message for Clint. And they received a response. He's given them coordinates to head to."

Laura's eyes widened a fraction. "With our family's code?"

Charles nodded. "Yes."

"So, Dad might" Nate whispered hopefully.

"That's wonderful!" Betty was happy for them, giving Laura and Nate a huge smile. "I'm assuming they plan to check out these coordinates before sending them to us, or you would be telling us to get ready to leave tomorrow...." She turned her smile on Xavier.

Charles nodded. "That's what the plan is. They want to make sure it's safe and see exactly where it is before any of us join them."

"I just hope they're careful." Laura was obviously worried. She was happy that Clint might be free...but having her older children out, no matter how careful they were being, was causing her nerves to fray.

Betty was worried as well, but she wrapped her arms around Laura in a protective hug. "They were taught by the best. And they know how important it is to be careful..." she soothed.

Elsa looked around. "Maybe we should start packing up whatever we plan to take with us, just in case? That way, we can go immediately when we get the go-ahead."

"I do not have much to pack up," Colossus said. "But I can carry items for others.” 

Laura nodded and sighed, letting herself relax into the embrace, even though she was still a bit tense with worry. "I just hope that they'll be safe." She sighed, then added, "At least we have most of our stuff in packs already." After all, they always had to be prepared for a fast getaway.

"Yeah. It won't take long to pack whatever isn't already ready..." Wade said.

"So, save it for tomorrow and make an early night of it?" Elsa asked.

Betty looked around. "Sounds good to me."

"I agree." Laura sighed and then reached out, wrapping her arms around Nate in a tight hug. "We have hope," she said softly.

Nate nodded slowly, although he didn't let himself hope too deeply. After all, it was possible that this was a trap....

Giving Nate a small smile and ruffling his hair, Betty head upstairs to bed.

Everyone else followed soon after.


Emil Blonsky leaned back in his chair, watching the others quietly. There had been a bit of argument over who would stand guard tonight, but he'd ended up drawing the longest straw. He could tell some of the others were irritated about that.

Illyana sat quietly in one corner, talking to her dragon toy. Outside of her 'safe space', Lockheed couldn't talk back to her...but she knew he was listening. He was her protector, after all.

Sam sat next to her, a tired look on his face. He hadn't been sleeping the last few nights, but Riktor had already scanned him and found there wasn't a psychic attack or was just the events of the past year making his subconscious act out.

Riktor came into the room and began handing out food to everyone there. "We're going to need to go out again for supplies very soon," he warned. "We're running fairly low on everything."

Emil nodded. "We could do it tomorrow. Soon as we finish eating, you young ones can go get some sleep. I stand watch all night, since I'm not the best one to be going out..." He sounded equal parts rueful and irritated with himself.

"Not your fault the supreme asshole managed to get hold of someone who knows your weakness and used it against you..." Jessica tried to soothe.

Emil smiled crookedly. "Maybe not, but becoming my other half wasn't helpful in the least, so better not to risk it again."

Illyana glanced up, a pout on her face. "If I could open the gateway to my safe space, Lockheed could fly and tell us where it's safe to go."

"Opening portals of any kind isn't safe right now," Riktor said. "We don't know what Ultimus' soldiers can sense." He'd hesitated over reading the sorcerers' minds; not because he had any care for them, but because he didn't want to risk the door opening both ways.

"They can sense them. Rollins' last message to me said they'd been trying to track another group that had magic users in it, using their portals. He said those in charge were very irate that it hadn't yielded a capture yet, so they were watching for any little disturbance." Jessica smiled faintly. "He is still refusing to get out... Thinks as long as they don't know he's really against them, he can still get valuable information." She was obviously worried for their absent 'spy' friend.

Sam focused on Jessica, blinking a few times to focus. The absence of one of their members could have contributed to the return of his nightmares. "Is there any more information about who else is free of his control?" he asked hopefully.

Jessica smiled crookedly. "He was working to find that out- but he did say that Captain America was the one causing the invasion the most problems. If that tells you anything. I wish Jack would just give up the spying and come back, though. If they ever figure out...."

"As long as Ultimus doesn't have any mind readers here, he should be safe," Riktor said. Glancing around, he added, "And, well, we have a plan for if this place is compromised."

Jessica looked around and sighed. "Yeah. Hopefully won't ever come to that, though. I'm not confident the plan is all that great. Just better than nothing...."

Emil snorted. "Yeah, well. Whole situation bloody sucks anyway, yeah? We'll just have to be extra careful. Which means everyone who is going out for supplies gets enough sleep...."

Sam leaned his head against his knees and closed his eyes for a moment. "Can't sleep," he mumbled. "Nightmares still there."

Illyana glanced sideways at him. "You need a protector."

"Well, until Sam can find a dragon of his own...." Riktor moved closer to him. "You don't have to go out for supplies if you'd rather stay and rest. But I can help you sleep."

Sam opened his eyes and looked at Riktor for a few moments before he nodded. "Yeah. Okay. I need to sleep...." he admitted.

"What kind of dreams?" Emil glanced over, worried. "Just bad ones, or premonition type ones? As in anything we need to watch for?"

"Just bad dreams," Sam replied. "I don't have any premonition abilities."

"Unless the bitch scientist experimented on you and made you get other abilities," Illyana suggested helpfully...well, helpful as far as she was concerned.

"If that was the case, it would have shown up before now...unless something traumatic triggered it," Riktor said. To be honest, the whole year plus since Ultimus had taken their world had been pretty traumatic. If Sam was gaining other abilities, just about any event could have triggered it.

"Maybe tell us the dreams? And if anything in real life starts echoing them, we can be on our guard? Plus, it will let us know if you gained a new ability?" Emil suggested.

Jessica nodded. "Plus, sometimes talking about things gets it out of your head enough to help...."

Sam grimaced a little. "A lot of them are about the past...history. Things that were done...." He looked down, body tensing a little at the memory before he forced himself to relax. "I dream about the invasion. A lot. People turning on each other. All of the...." He swallowed and shook his head. "More recently, it's been the group here I've been dreaming about turning on each other...but that's probably just fear and strained nerves and...." His voice trailed off. "I don't look too closely at the dreams," he admitted. "The next one that isn't deeply rooted in the past...I'll write down everything I remember about it when I wake up."

Riktor slid a pencil and a notepad towards him. "I grabbed some when we were out last. If you write down every detail as soon as you wake up, there's less chance of you missing something."

Emil nodded, giving a sympathetic look. "It probably isn't premonition or anything to worry about. But given everything that's happened the last year... Better safe than sorry." He didn't mention his fear that Ultimus might be worming his way into Sam's dreams as a way to get a foothold in controlling the younger man.

"Yeah. You're right," Sam agreed, reaching out to pick up the pad. He looked towards Riktor. "Maybe when I'm asleep, you could start binding me in place? Just in case I panic in my dreams and use my ability." It hadn't happened yet but considering what had happened to his family...he figured Emil was right. Better safe than sorry.

Riktor nodded. "I'll do that after I help you get to sleep."

Emil gave another sympathetic look. Part of the reason he preferred to take watch while the others slept, and sleep once they all woke, was in case his dreams or some other outside force caused him to lose control while he was sleeping. At least then, they had a chance to get away or defend themselves.

"On that note... I'm going to get some sleep. I'll see you all in the morning." Jessica wandered over to her bed.

Illyana curled up on her bed, cuddling her stuffed dragon close.

Riktor followed Sam over to his bed and helped the other man to lay down, before helping him sleep and then binding him so he didn't need to worry about hurting anyone. Then, he got up and went to his own bed to lay down.

Emil kept watch through the night, relieved when nothing happened, and he could let the others sleep undisturbed.


Jack Rollins was in the barracks of all those who followed Ultimus willingly. He didn't want Ultimus to win. Far from it. But when the egomaniac had invaded his dimension, he'd had two choices. Run and hide or be assimilated and forced to serve through mind control. And then he'd realized HYDRA was willingly helping Ultimus without being mind-controlled and saw a third option. Spy. And give what information he could to those still free of control, so they could continue hiding more safely.

None of the HYDRA goons realized he'd defected from their side long before Ultimus showed up. They assumed his long absence from doing anything visible was because he hadn't been needed. They had no clue he regretted joining them and had begun withdrawing from them as soon as he was able to get away. The only reason he'd come out was because Ultimus was such a huge threat and running and hiding, while understandable, wouldn't do anything to get rid of the tyrant.

The day he'd run into Jessica Jones was when his idea began to show possibility of doing good, though. He'd been sent out, alone, to locate and capture anyone not already helping Ultimus. He'd found her, but somehow persuaded her that he wanted to help humanity, not Ultimus. They set up a system where he could pass on any information he'd found. He'd met the rest of her group and Riktor had read him, seeing that he'd been telling the truth. He cared about the tiny group and knew they cared about him. He knew where to run if his cover was ever blown. Or if things became untenable.

Which they could very well do. Lying in bed, he could hear the other lackeys talking about the newest set of commanders sent by Ultimus (after the doppelganger of Tony Stark got himself torn apart by his pet vampire). From the sounds of it, they were beginning to realize they were only canon fodder for Ultimus. If even the most ignorant of Ultimus' followers were beginning to realize that it meant things were becoming very dangerous to be anywhere around his followers. Being in position to gather information from among the ranks wouldn't do any good if he ended up killed in some stupid skirmish that Ultimus threw his troops into.

He needed to figure out what to do.


She'd been in hiding since Ultimus had invaded. She'd watched as people turned on each other, as they became little more than slaves.

She'd spent the whole year and a bit hiding, moving from abandoned building to abandoned building. She didn't keep much with her and only took what she needed when it was desperate, including new clothing. The T-shirt and jeans she wore now were worn down, nearly threadbare, so she was going to have to steal some new clothes to replace those soon. Which meant she was going to need to head out into the more open least when she couldn't put it off any longer.

Laura finished eating the rabbit she'd killed and picked up the meat she'd left to dry and become jerky on the rocks. She shoved it into her bag and drank a small amount from the bottle of water. Then, she stomped out the remnants of the fire, trampling it into the ground, removing the last traces of her presence.

She was going to need to leave this place.


"Have we found any further information that will enable us to capture or destroy Steve Rogers?" the Ancient One asked in a frosty voice, looking toward Mordo specifically. "Have you been able to track their portals?"

Janet Van Dyne grimaced. The Ancient voiced this question every single day since they'd begun looking, and the answer was always the same. She looked toward Mordo as well, not expecting a different answer.

Wong sighed, answering for his fellow sorcerer. "They are still avoiding using portals for the moment. We have put traps out to nullify their bonds. But the world is a big place. Unless we get a more specific location that is confirmed they return to often, we likely won't catch them in our trap." He looked to Mordo. "Am I wrong?" he asked drolly.

"They have our own counterparts working with them," Mordo said. "Unless they slip up or make a mistake, they'll be thinking how we do."

"Where are the traps located to nullify their bonds?" Natasha asked. "We can look into trying to draw at least some of them to those locations."

"I don't believe we'd draw them anywhere unless we caught one of their people and took them there as bait." Wong shrugged.

"Is that something we should consider?" T'Challa didn't speak much; he wasn't experienced in infiltration like Natasha was. But at least the question could be considered a valid one. 

"Is it possible to do? If so, then do it..." the Ancient directed.

Mordo nodded. "We know various groups go out looking for supplies. If we can separate one or more of them from the rest of the smaller group, that would be possible."

"Good. The sooner the better. I have a meeting with Ultimus. You all know what to do now. Go do it," the Ancient ordered.

Responding to the directions, the group began moving away to work on traps, or magic, or finding more information...or whatever else they needed to do.


Colleen had appreciated being part of one of the teams that went out. But it had made her need to do something even stronger. It hadn't really been enough time to assuage the need. After unloading her pack and putting the supplies away, she'd gone to work out. It still didn't help. Her body was tired, but she still felt wound up and anxious. Growling softly to herself, she returned to her and Kingo's room, stripping and dropping her clothing in the middle of the floor, padding into the bath and turning on the shower full blast with the hottest water she could stand. She slipped under the steamy stream, just letting the water pour over her.

Kingo had been spending a bit of time with his family members while his bonded mate had gone out. When she returned, though, he could feel that Colleen was on edge and anxious. He excused himself from the others and headed to their room, reaching out through the bond to check in with her before he walked in.

I'm in the shower. Colleen responded immediately when she felt him reaching out to her. Did you have fun with your family? she asked.

It was good, Kingo replied. We talked about having a picnic with all of us and our mates if you'd like to join. He closed the door behind him. Going out didn't help at all? he asked.

A picnic would be nice, Colleen agreed. She'd washed her hair, shaved, soaped, and rinsed every part of herself, from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Now she just stood under the water, hoping the heat would get rid of the antsy-ness. It helped a little... she admitted. Just not completely. I would have liked to stay out longer if it were safe.

It's difficult, Kingo agreed. Maybe going out a bit more will help, even if it's just a little. I know that there's been talk about going out with shields around certain areas, so perhaps that will make things a bit easier to handle.

If they can do that, we could go out together, Colleen thought wistfully.

That was my thought too, Kingo said. I can't take you on a proper date with the world the way it is right now, but even just sitting under the natural stars would be good to do with you.

Colleen was surprised when his words caused her to begin quietly crying, her tears mingling with the water pouring over her. I want that. A lot... she admitted. A strong feeling of need for him suddenly overwhelmed her. Not horniness... Need.

Responding to the emotions coming from his bonded mate, Kingo stripped off his clothing and headed into the bathroom. He opened the shower door and stepped under the spray with her, reaching out and wrapping his arms tightly around her.

Colleen shifted so she could wrap her own arms tightly around her mate, slumping against him and just holding on. I love you... she thought, finally beginning to feel herself calm and settle as he held her.

I love you too, he replied, hugging her a bit tighter. The water cascaded over their bodies, but he ignored it. His entire focus was on her.

Colleen nuzzled his shoulder, letting her hands rub over him restlessly, taking comfort in feeling him being physically with her. She hadn't realized how much she needed his physical presence... how he was such an integral part of her emotional wellbeing. "Thank you..." she whispered.

He kissed her shoulder, then trailed a series of kisses up her neck and along the line of her jaw. I'm here, he said through the bond. And I will never leave you.

Colleen slanted her head so he could kiss easier. At his words, she gave him a happy smile, shifting her arms up around his shoulders. And then she was jumping up, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist, pressing her body as close to his as possible and kissing him hard... trusting that he could catch and hold her despite the impetuous action.

He immediately and easily wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close to him as he returned the kiss, gently nipping at her lips. Through the bond, waves of need, desire and love flowed from him to her.

I'm all clean... she thought impishly. Does master want to make me dirty? She gave him a naughty grin, rubbing her nose against his before kissing him again.

Well, we're certainly in the right place for it. He kissed her a bit harder, his hands rubbing against her bare skin.

Colleen giggled at that, opening for the deeper kiss, sucking his tongue into her mouth and letting her own tongue dance along his playfully. Are you going to put me in my place? she teased, obviously in a frisky, saucy mood now.

We should move somewhere a bit more comfortable for that. He gripped her waist and buttocks tightly as he switched off the shower and then carried her out. They were both still wet, but he collected a towel to begin carefully drying her off, exploring her bare flesh with fingers, lips, and teeth.

Colleen shivered as he explored her with hands and lips, kissing and touching him eagerly as he dried her off. She was already wet for him and ground against him so he could feel how wet. "My handsome Bollywood Stallion..." she purred seductively, a hint of amusement leaking through the bond. She was very attracted to him and needed him as soon as possible, that was clear. But she knew she was laying it on a bit thick too.

Kingo's chuckle vibrated against her skin. "You are my beautiful warrior," he murmured. His body reacted to her grinding against him, his member growing thick and hard. With a low growl, he caried her through to the bedroom and bore her down onto the bed, kissing her hard and passionately as he positioned his member to make pushing inside her easy.

Colleen growled playfully at the words, nipping gently at his shoulders before licking and sucking the area she'd nipped. Always and only yours, she promised, loosening her legs enough that he could push into her and move.

Just like I'm yours. For all of eternity, he promised, capturing her lips in another deep, hard kiss as he pushed inside her.

Feeling him fill her, feeling that his words were true, caused something in her to loosen and seep out of her. The anxiety she couldn't get rid of eased and was replaced by the warmth of love and acceptance. She kissed him back just as deeply, eagerly, offering him all of her. Pound me, lover... Wanna feel you the rest of the day and all night....

Responding to her request, he began to thrust into her, going deep and hard. His hands gripped her hips tightly while he kissed her deeply, like he was a thirsty man trying to drink from her.

Feeling her mate thrusting into her hard and fast... making her sensitive inside for him... was the last piece needed to release her anxiety. She felt as the tightness in her chest and lungs eased, moving down to her center where she and Kingo were connected. She could feel herself squeezing around him tightly, causing a hot friction between them. "So good..." she moaned against his lips. It wouldn't take much at all to tip her over the edge.

"You feel so good surrounding me," he whispered against her lips. "Bonding to you was the best thing I could have ever done. I'm so happy we found each other." He continued to thrust inside her, bringing them both quickly to the edge before he ordered, out loud and through the bond, "Let go."

Letting out her breath in a loud, long moan, Colleen obeyed. Her body began to shiver and quake under and around Kingo. Her inner muscles massaged his shaft as her body worked to hold him inside and milk his release to fill her up.

Her release triggered Kingo's own, and he let go hard inside her, groaning low in his throat. Waves of his orgasm washed over him as the bond thrummed with his pleasure.

Colleen clung to him through her release and then through his own, a happy, sated feeling pulsing through the bond. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world... she thought, her breathing still erratic enough to make speaking difficult. "I'm grateful we found each other, too..." she whispered breathlessly. I will never regret bonding to you. My heart is yours. She went back to mind speak.

And the same is true for me, he said, for a few moments being serious and letting her feel it through the bond. This was definitely the right move for us. And even when all of this is over, and our world is free...I have no intention of leaving your side.

I will follow you wherever you need to go. My place is by your side, Colleen agreed. I promise. She tightened her arms around him in a gentle but firm hug, leaned up and gave him a chaste kiss to seal the vow. Then she gave him a very sweet smile. "Can we nap together? Before dinner?"

"Of course," he replied, settling down next to her and wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. "I love you," he added, kissing her hair, and closing his eyes.

"Love you more..." Colleen whispered impishly, as she snuggled close and closed her own eyes. She was quickly asleep, a feeling of safety and love thrumming through the bond.

Cuddling her close, it didn't take Kingo long to follow her into sleep.


"...My name is Blurry Face and I care what you think...." Kamala sang softly to herself, dancing around the room, using her pillow as a dance partner. It was a few hours before dinner. The children's classes for the day were over, so they were all gathered in the rec room, watching cartoons, so Kamala had retreated to her room for some quiet. She was feeling a bit melancholy, thinking about her friends. Her family. She wished she knew what had happened to them, knew if they still lived. She was fighting the melancholy by singing an old song and dancing.

Mobius had been in the rec room, reading some of the books that had been gathered since Ultimus had invaded. His primary goal was to see if he could find any information on what, or who, Ultimus truly was...and he was hoping the books from the sorcerers' library might give him some more clues to add to what he already knew.

But he was hitting a dead end.

Sighing quietly to himself, Mobius reached out through the bond to Kamala. I hope you're having a better time and feeling less frustrated than I am.

Kamala still wasn't used to having anyone, even her mate, just randomly talking in her head. Having it occur when she was alone in their room startled her enough that she tripped over her own feet. Stumbling into a chair that was sitting beside the desk, she stubbed her toe. Ow! Shoulda worn shoes! And then fell onto the floor, skinning her knees. A few long seconds passed before, I'm okay.... Do we have any Band-Aids?

Mobius had already been moving when he felt her pain through the bond, though he went with a little less haste than he originally got up with when she confirmed she was okay. I'm heading to the medical bay now, he sent to her. I'll be there in about a minute.

Kamala blinked. Do I need to meet you there? she asked, confused. Are you okay? she asked, suddenly worried. A skinned knee and stubbed toe didn't need the medical bay, after all. She wasn't entirely sure it needed a Band-aid, now that she was looking at it more closely. She'd just asked because growing up, scraped knees had got brightly colored Band-Aids and gentle kisses. Now that she thought about it, the last time she'd had a scraped knee, she'd been ten. I really am okay... she added on in case he was going to the med-bay because of her. A very sheepish feeling flowed through the bond.

We don't have any Band-aids in our room, Mobius answered. And maybe you don't strictly need them, but if you're bleeding, we'll want to cover the cuts so that no dirt gets inside. He picked up the Band-aids...and he also collected some antibiotic cream too. It's just your toe and your knees? he asked. Nothing else that needs attention?

Nope! Nothing else... I'm just a klutz... Kamala sent back as breezily as she could, though her embarrassment was clear.

It happens, Mobius replied, sending waves of reassurance through the bond. And even if the hurt is only minor...I will still do what I can to take it away. It didn't take long before he was entering their room, carrying the Band-aids and the antibiotic cream.

Kamala was sitting on the chair, legs stretched out in front of her. She hadn't wanted to risk getting blood on the bed; even if she wasn't bleeding too badly, it was enough to look bad. She supposed most surface wounds were like that. She smiled at Mobius as he came in. "I didn't drag you away from what you were doing, I hope?" Her concern about interrupting his activities was blended with the warmth of knowing he cared enough to come take care of her, even if she could have taken care of herself.

Mobius moved over and crouched down in front of her. He began to carefully clean her knees with the wipes he'd brought with him before he began to treat the cuts. "It was nothing least nothing more important than you," he said. It was obvious he meant what he was saying.

Kamala blushed, but the bashful smile she gave him betrayed how good his words felt to hear. She ignored the small sting of the disinfectant, holding still so it would be easier for him. "I can't believe I tripped over my own feet dancing. Well, yeah. I guess I can believe it. If there is a way to have an oops moment, I'll find it..." she said with chagrin. "Still. Over my own feet! Wasn't even doing any fancy moves either. Not that I can do fancy moves. Don't really know how to dance all that good..." she rambled quietly, as he treated her.

"I don't either," Mobius said. "I've never had any cause to learn how to dance." Of course, it was altogether possible that whoever he was a variant of had learned how to dance at some stage in his life...but Mobius didn't have access to those memories or those experiences. "There's plenty that you can do," he added, as he finished putting on the band-aids. Then, he leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to each knee.

Kamala giggled softly, feeling warm and gooey inside. Feeling loved. Impulsively she threw her arms around Mobius's shoulders and hugged tightly, kissing the side of his neck. Thank you for taking care of me... she thought, just holding close and tight and breathing him in. You smell good... she innocently added, breathing in deep again, nuzzling the juncture of shoulder and neck affectionately.

Mobius wrapped his own arms around her, holding her close and kissing her hair. So do you, he whispered through the bond. He hadn't been tense... not really. But being close to her obviously made him relax. A sense of peace filled him, and he opened himself up through the bond... allowing her to feel just how she affected him.

Finally pulling back and giving Mobius a smile, Kamala asked, "Would you like to go to the 'park' with me? Until dinner starts? We could soak up some D vitamins from the sunlamp...."

"I would like that," Mobius agreed, giving her a warm smile. Standing up, he held his hand out to her.

Taking his hand, Kamala let him lead them to the park, a feeling of contentedness filling her. Everything felt perfect in that moment.

Mobius stayed close to her, comfortable and relaxed with his bond mate. That feeling only grew stronger as they began their walk.


Later that night, around the dinner tables, a rather loud, "I AM GROOT!" carried to all ears and stopped the conversation, as all those nearby tried to translate to see what their tree friend needed.

"Well, Groot... I don't see why it wouldn't be possible..." Thor said in a mellow tone, before turning toward Clint.  "He would like to accompany you when you go to check out the safe house you gave your family coordinates to. He wants to make sure the goats are happy." The last sentence was accompanied by a befuddled look.

Clint blinked. "I don't mind if Steve thinks it is safe for you..." Clint glanced toward where Groot sat next to Rocket.

"I don't think there's any reason for you not to be able to go," Steve said. "If it turns out to be a trap, one extra person being there won't make a difference...and since you can't be controlled by Ultimus, that would probably help a great deal."

"I am Groot." He seemed happy with Steve's decision, beginning to munch on broccoli.

Clint grinned before glancing at Steve. "So, Groot and I... I'm assuming you will want to go. Maybe we should take two speedsters with us? So, if someone does show up there, they can split the transport duties?"

"Or all three. Plus, one sorcerer. If something goes wrong, we can open an emergency portal if needed," Stephen suggested.

Makkari quickly signed that she would be happy to go with her bond mates.

Pietro nodded. "It's probably better we all you said. Just in case." They knew from Natasha's messages that traps had been set to nullify the bonds, but she hadn't listed the hut as one of the locations.

Hopefully, it was concealed enough that it hadn't drawn potential attention at all.

"So, Groot, Steve, Druig, Pietro, Makkari, Stephen and me?" Clint asked, to confirm.

Stephen nodded. "That's a solid team. Three capable of quick transport. Three capable of fighting if needed. One capable of emergency escape or medical assistance if it comes to it."

"And apart from the three speedsters, the rest of us have mates who will be back at the base...making it easier to communicate if something does happen," Steve said.

"How early do you want to leave?" Druig asked. "Should we make an early night of it?"

Steve glanced at Clint. "It's your family we're hopefully going to meet. What do you think?" he asked.

Clint looked toward Bruce. "My first inclination is to go as soon as the sun is up. But maybe it would be better to go a little later, so it is easier to spot traps?"

"I agree," Bruce said. "You might want to avoid coming all from one direction, too. Split into three groups and each come from a different direction, to make spotting any traps easier." And, if there were traps, splitting up the group made it less likely for everyone to be caught.

Clint nodded. "So... We can leave after breakfast tomorrow? When the kids have begun their school for the day? Druig, Groot, and I can go in one group. Makkari and Steve can go in a second group, and Pietro and Stephen in the third group?" He glanced around for everyone's agreement, after looking to Bruce for his approval first. He didn't notice that he'd become slightly more deferential since his mate had 'settled' him.

Bruce sent a wave of approval through the bond as the others nodded or voiced their agreement. He placed a hand on Clint's arm and squeezed gently, giving his bond mate affection along with the approval.

A feeling of contented relief spread through Clint at Bruce's approval, and he smiled at his bond mate. Everyone else agreed to the plan as well, so the topic of conversation turned to other items.

The conversation around the table was easy and light. The idea that there was another group free of Ultimus' control gave many of them hope that other people they cared about might have found a way to stay free...especially those from other dimensions, who missed friends and family members from their own.

Since everyone was enjoying each other's company, dinner took longer than usual. Eventually, however, groups began to stand and clear the table, glean up, or help get the children to bed.


The group of them had reached the area where the hut was without incident...though Lyja was a bit surprised to see several goats around that area. "I wonder what brought them here," she said softly.

"Looks like feeders and water troughs were set up for them... As well as a stable of sorts.... Maybe your dad set it up?" Cassie looked at Lila and Cooper.

"Maybe... Or Captain America... I think he is with Dad," Lila said.

Eddie shifted. "Well, Venom doesn't smell any danger and I don't see any traps, so if you four want to sleep, we'll keep watch."

"I can take a second watch, if you both want to get some sleep as well," Lyja offered.

"If I get tired, I'll let you know and take you up on that..." Eddie promised.

Meanwhile, Cooper and Lila had moved into the tiny dwelling. "The rooms are very small. There are two beds just big enough for two people each, if we don't mind crowding..." Cooper said.

"You and I can share one of the beds, bro... I'm used to your snoring..." Lila teased.

Cassie snorted. "As if the rest of us haven't been tormented by that the last several months...." She glanced at Lyja. "You want the side closest to the door or against the wall?"

"I'll take closest to the door," Lyja replied, figuring then she'd be less likely to wake the others if Eddie did wake her up to take the next watch.

"Okay." Cassie toed off her shoes and, since they were in an actual locked building and she'd have time to put them back on quickly if needed, removed her jeans so that she could sleep more comfortably. She then crawled across the bed and pressed close to the wall, so Lyja would have room.

Cooper was already out cold, beginning to snore.

Lila rolled her eyes, giving her brother a fond look before crawling in next to him and closing her eyes.

Lyja quickly toed off her own boots and pants before she removed the blanket from her pack. She settled down next to Cassie and placed the blanket comfortably over the two of them.

Sighing softly, tiredly, Cassie shifted so that she could snuggle, her back against Lyja's front so that she could be the little spoon and leach body warmth from her friend.

Lyja gently wrapped her arms around Cassie's waist, pressing in close. There was no heating in the hut, so all they had was the blanket...and each other for warmth.

Eddie kept watch out the window, Cooper's snoring a nice serenade. He reached out to Xavier while he kept watch. Hey, Prof? You there?

I'm here, Charles replied immediately. Did you all reach the coordinates without trouble? Are you safe?

We arrived just before dark. We are safe. The others are resting. We will have to wait to see if Clint comes to retrieve us quickly or not. We figure, if you wait till we are retrieved before you start making your way here, it is probably better. Just in case... Eddie responded.

Yes, the others here have agreed that's best, Charles said. They're all hoping, but no one wants to let that hope overshadow caution. If anything does happen and one of you is able to send me a warning, I can make sure the alarm is sounded here. He paused before continuing, I hope you're planning to get some rest as well.

I told Lyja if I got tired, I would wake her. But Venom helps keep me awake and focused. If they retrieve us tomorrow, I can rest when we are safe. If they don't, I can sleep while the others keep watch during the morning, Eddie thought back. He was a little surprised at Xavier mentioning him sleeping, though.

Just make sure you take care of yourself too, Charles said. I know Venom can do a lot for you...but even he has some limits.

Yessir. I'll make sure I rest tomorrow; either here, while we wait for Clint Barton...or wherever the other group is living once we've been retrieved, Eddie promised.

Good, Charles replied, his mental tone relieved. If this isn't a trap and they're trustworthy, you might want to warn them about Venom before he puts his head out, he added, since Venom's appearance could be quite shocking if someone wasn't used to it.

Good point. I'll make sure to mention it immediately, as soon as I can, Eddie agreed. Anything else I should tell them?

I don't believe there's anything else they need to know, Charles answered. I will tell you if anything changes, though.

Okay. I'll be listening for you, just in case, Eddie promised, settling back in his chair, and pulling his jacket more firmly around him to block the chill.

Good night. Charles broke the link.


She picked her way carefully along, keeping to the shadowed areas and the bushes. She didn't know if anyone was out who'd be able to sense her; so far, though, no one had tried to capture her, so Laura figured that meant she hadn't been discovered.

She'd been walking and running for a long time...although her body didn't get tired to the extent that others did, thanks to the heritage she shared with her father. Her steps faltered as she thought of him...pictured his face as he told her to run and that he'd come and find her once it was safe.

But he'd never appeared. And all she could assume was that he'd been taken by Ultimus. Taken...or killed. She hoped he was taken, because then there was a chance he could still be freed. Even if she had no clue how to do that, or if there was even anyone else freed. At the worst times, she thought she might be the only one left in the world whose mind was still free...but most of the time, she convinced herself there were others who had resisted Ultmus' control. There had to be.

Night was falling and she'd come to a forest. It was too dense to be a useful base for Ultimus' soldiers, so she might be able to shelter there for a couple of least. She moved between the trees as night fell fully. Then, once it had, she climbed up into a tree and curled up on one of the thick, sturdy branches...falling into a light sleep.


The night slowly crept by until the sun began to peek through the upper branches with dawn. It was still dark... still chilly... when Cassie began to stir from sleep. As her mind began to clear from the fuzziness of sleep, she noticed three things.

The first thing she noticed was that her bra (which latched in the front) had unhooked and fallen open, freeing her breasts.

The second thing she noticed was that, even though her breasts were free, they were just as warm as her back. Lyja's hands had slipped under her T-shirt and were cupping her breasts possessively.

The third thing she noticed was that her nipples were hard, achy nubs; she was arching into Lyja's hands to get more pressure and skin on skin friction; and she wanted nothing more than for Lyja to squeeze firmly. Well, maybe she wanted Lyja to pinch and twist her nipples a little more than she wanted her breasts squeezed. Who was she kidding? She wanted both.

She couldn't help feeling that she should be embarrassed or ashamed at wanting her friend to fondle her, but she wasn't. She didn't know what to do about any of it, so she didn't do anything. She just lay still, pretending she was still asleep, and enjoyed the sensation of her bare breasts being held in Lyja's palms.

Lyja had been asleep...not consciously aware as her hands crept under Cassie's shirt to hold onto the other woman's breasts. When she stirred, she was somewhat confused by the feel of soft, silken skin against her hands. Realizing where they were placed, she thought about pulling her hands away and apologizing...but she didn't. She didn't squeeze, pinch or twist...but she didn't let go of Cassie's breasts either. They felt good in her hands.

Cassie didn't know how long they lay there, her pretending to be asleep while relishing the feel of Lyja gripping her and wishing for more. But eventually, Lila and Cooper were getting out of bed, and she knew she'd need to get up as well.

Somehow, she'd need to relatch her bra without drawing anyone else's attention. She could only imagine the teasing if they saw her having to fix it; she was known for wearing things until they were so threadbare and broke, that one or more than one of the family would have to force her to replace it. They'd assume she'd let her bra reach that state, so at least it would save Lyja embarrassment. But she really didn't want to have Lila offer to 'clothes shop' for her again.

She continued to lay still and quiet as she thought about how to unobtrusively fix her clothing. While lying there, she arched slightly, pushing her breasts more firmly into Lyja's palms. She couldn't help herself anymore. For just a few seconds, she wanted to feel more pressure, even if it betrayed to Lyja that she was awake and was enjoying the 'cuddle'.

Cassie's actions made it more than clear she was awake...although Lyja didn't think Cooper or Lila were aware. She found herself responding to Cassie pushing her breasts more firmly into her hands by squeezing, gently. She wasn't going to go any further, especially as they hadn't had any conversations, but she responded to what Cassie seemed to be requesting.

Cassie let out a tiny, silent sigh at getting at least a small part of what she was craving. She snuggled back against Lyja so there was little space between them, arching so that Lyja could continue the gentle squeezing, almost kneading, of her breasts. She kept her eyes closed so Lila and Cooper would assume she still slept and not begin talking to her. She wanted to enjoy this physical affection for as long as Lyja allowed.

Lila glanced over to her two friends and assumed they were still asleep. Seeing no reason to wake them, she motioned to Cooper and Eddie to follow her outside so they could talk without disturbing the two other women. Soon, Lyja and Cassie were the only two inside the building.

"The others have left the hut." Lyja's voice was a mere breath against Cassie's skin, since they were pressed so close together now. "I don't think we can pretend to be asleep for much longer."

"Not long... But long enough?" Cassie's voice was a faint whisper as well, and full of aroused hope.

"Maybe," Lyja whispered. "But maybe we should also talk about it before we go any further." Cassie was an adult, but there was still quite an age difference between the two of them.

Cassie let out a tiny, disappointed whimper, but didn't argue. "You're right, of course," she whispered reluctantly. "Just... One more squeeze? Maybe a tiny pinch? Before I fix my clothes and wake up for the day?" she cajoled.

Lyja let her breath waft gently over Cassie's neck as she gently squeezed and then lightly pinched each of Cassie's nipples, before she slowly, reluctantly, released the younger woman's breasts. "When we're settled this evening, we can talk then," she suggested.

"Yes, ma'am..." Cassie whispered back deferentially. She'd meant to sound teasing at Lyja's gentle directions, but it ended up not being teasing at all. Deciding not to focus over long on her sudden new desire to 'listen' to Lyja and make her happy, Cassie slowly sat up in bed and rehooked her bra, then shifted it so it would do the intended job.  She had to wait for Lyja to get up, though, as she was on the side pushed against the wall. Her jeans were on the chair next to the bed.

Getting up, Lyja began to pull on her own pants and then put her boots on. She waited for Cassie before they walked out of the hut, though.


Laura had woken with dawn's light, and she began to carefully pick her way through the forest. She was on her guard, ready for anything...apart from the goat that appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

It had been a long time since Laura had reacted based on instinct, but she couldn't help springing backwards with a hiss, metal claws unsheathing. Unfortunately, the sound was one that would carry....

Eddie had been about to ask Lyja and Cassie how they had slept, since they'd just stepped out of the small cabin, when he heard the noise. He spun to face the direction he'd heard it from, his eyes narrowing.

Venom peered out over his shoulder. "Should we go investigate, Eddie?"

"We should wait... See if they come out on their own first," Lila whispered. "If they are hostile, going to them gives them the advantage."

Lyja glanced towards the direction the noise had come from, eyes narrowing. "It sounds like a flerkin when it's startled," she whispered, moving closer to the others.

"Flerkins are dangerous, right?" Cassie shifted closer to Lyja.

"Not as dangerous as me!" Venom disagreed, almost peevishly. He wanted to go investigate.

Cooper swallowed. "Whoever you are... Show yourself!" he called out demandingly, before yelping, "Ow!" when Lila punched his shoulder.

"Mostly...but if they like you, they're no more dangerous than the cats you have here on Terra." Lyja shrugged but moved closer to Cassie.

There was the sound of rustling in the bushes and then Laura's head peeked out, one hand with unsheathed claws in view. She looked scared...crouched in position like a wild animal ready to spring. Or perhaps flee.

Lila blinked at what appeared to be a human with claws. "Do you speak English?" she asked quietly, hoping to avoid scaring or angering the other girl, who looked to possibly be her own age.

Laura eyed the group with obvious suspicion. "I won't let you control me!" Her body was tense, although she was showing no signs of trying to attack...but she was still looking like she'd flee at a moment's notice.

"Yeah? Well, we won't let you control us!" Venom yelled back.

Eddie tried to shush the symbiote while Cassie admonished, "Venom!"

Venom pouted. "What? She started it!"

Shaking her head and moving forward slightly with her hands held out so Laura could see she was unarmed, Lila spoke. "We aren't under Ultimus' control, and we don't follow him. I really hope you can say the same...."

Laura's whole body tensed, even though she made no move to attack or to run...eyeing Lila warily. "How did you escape being controlled by him?" Her eyes were darting around, looking at each of them in turn...but also taking in the surrounding area.

"We somehow hid before he was aware of us." Eddie answered this time. "Pretty sure the Prof had something to do with protecting our minds, though. Anyway, we've been hiding ever since."

Cooper added, "We aren't the only ones, though. There's another group that has got free. We made contact and they're coming to meet us...." He wasn't certain giving that information to a stranger was a good idea, but she'd learn of it soon enough. Better she be prepared instead of possibly attacking whoever came to meet them. Assuming they showed up this day.

"What about you?" Lyja asked softly. "How did you stay free of his control?"

"My father...." Laura hesitated, her guard relaxing just slightly. "He told me to run and that he'd come and find me. But he never did...." A sad, haunted note crept into her voice, a hint of the loneliness she'd felt since the invasion had occurred.

"You've been alone all this time?" Cassie asked sympathetically. She didn't mention fathers. She knew what it felt like to not know if a beloved parent still lived. She didn't know if her dad was alive either.

"I never found anyone else who wasn't enslaved," Laura said quietly.

"It's not easy to find them. Most are too scared to risk meeting anyone else," Lila acknowledged. "We wouldn't have risked meeting the group coming for us, but... Our father," she motioned toward Cooper, "is part of it. He left a coded message that we found, and we managed to make contact and... Well, he told us to come here. We're just hoping it isn't too late...."

Clint and the others had arrived to the cabin shortly after Laura had made the noise to get attention. He'd remained back, watching, to make certain it wasn't a trap. But by this time, he'd heard and seen enough to realize it was just one more lonely soul in need of rescue. "Not too late, sweetie..." He slowly stepped out where he could be seen.

All the others stepped out with him.

"I am Groot!" Groot waved at Laura.

Despite the warning, Laura still jerked back at the new people appearing, although she managed to avoid hissing this time. Her wide eyes darted to each person...more than she'd ever seen since the invasion had occurred.

Steve stepped forward with a warm smile directed at all of them. "It's really good to see you," he said with feeling, including all of them...even those who he didn't know. "We can take you back to our base, but first...." He held up a selection of hospital gowns. They'd brought several, not sure how many people they'd be encountering. "We need to make sure there are no trackers on any of you."

Cooper blinked, glancing toward his dad. At Clint's nod, he shrugged and moved forward, stripping, and putting on the robe. "What about our packs? Do we have to get rid of everything?"

Lila followed her brother and quickly stripped and changed. None of them were shy about their bodies any longer. They'd been running and living in cramped conditions for too long to be bothered.

Eddie and Cassie quickly changed too. "I only have two things in my pack that I don't want to lose..." Cassie said softly. "Pictures of my mom and my dad...."

Lyja quickly got changed as well, listening to the response.

"I think we can check and if there are no trackers on any of the items you want to keep, we can take them with us," Steve said. "But you don't need to bring any clothing or food with you. We have supplies in our base...including a garden area."

Laura looked much more reluctant to change into the hospital gown, drawing her clothing a bit more protectively around herself.

Cassie nodded and ran inside to grab their packs, dragging all five outside so everyone could get any items they wanted to keep. She quickly found the photographs she always kept on her.

Lila smiled, pulling a photo out of her pack too. "All I want to keep is this photo of the family."

Cooper pulled out his own photo.

"I ain't got nothing..." Eddie smiled crookedly. "I'll just let Professor Xavier know that we made contact, and it is safe for the rest of them to make their way here.” 

By this time, Groot was satisfied the goats were okay and carefully wandered over to Laura. "I am Groot?"

Laura eyed Groot, slowly sheathing her claws, and tilting her head to one side, a confused look passing across her face as she seemed to try to decipher what the other being was asking her. She did glance towards Eddie at the mention of Xavier, as if she recognized the name.

Groot nodded as if knowingly and reached up a branch to gently pet Laura's hair. "I am Groot!" he said emphatically, before gently taking her hand and tugging her closer to join the others.

Eddie, meanwhile, had a vacant look on his face. Hey, Prof? They're here and will be taking us back with them. If you all want to begin heading this way to the coordinates, you can let us know when you get here so you can be picked up too. Clint Barton is in the group, by the way. If you want to tell Laura. He refocused on everyone for a moment. If you want to watch everything through my eyes and wait one more day before leaving, it will give you all an idea of what to expect.

Laura hesitantly let herself be led by Groot towards the others. She still looked uncertain...scared, maybe...but took the hospital gown from Steve, who held it out to her, and changed as quickly as she could.

That might be a good idea, Charles agreed, beginning to look through Eddie's eyes...taking in all of the group. There are more than I was expecting, he commented. I wonder how they have managed to stay free of Ultimus' control.

"Prof Xavier was wondering how so many of you are free from Ultimus?" Eddie asked out loud. He was curious about that as well.

Groot stood protectively next to Laura, realizing she'd warmed up to him at least. 

"We found a way to stop him from getting inside our heads," Steve explained. "We can give you more information once we're back at the base." He turned towards Groot and Laura. "Perhaps you two could go together with one of the speedsters?" They wouldn't all be able to leave at once...and since Laura seemed like she might be about to bolt at any moment, he figured the less people who went with her the better.

"I can take you..." Druig offered, smiling a little. If she started to panic, he could use his ability to calm her down.

Laura hesitated, glancing towards Groot before she focused on Druig once more and nodded slowly...although she did look somewhat nervous still, even if she was calming.

Druig looked at his mate's. "You two okay with taking four at a time? I can return back for two more...."

Stephen moved closer to Steve and motioned Eddie and Cooper toward them.

Clint moved to stand next to Lila, Cassie and Lyja. "We can split into groups of two if there needs to be more than one trip," he said.

Makkari nodded.

Pietro grinned. "Child's play," he responded, before taking his group back to the base at top speed.

Makkari was quick to follow.

Druig blinked as he was left with Groot and Laura and everyone else disappeared. "Well... Okay, then..." he said, with a hint of amusement, before wrapping his arms around the two and speeding after the others.

Laura's body was tense, not really comfortable, but she didn't pull away...and she didn't panic or lash out, even though this was an entirely new experience for her.

They arrived not far behind the others and soon, they were being led down to the rec area. Since none of them were or had been controlled by Ultimus, it wasn't necessary to keep them in a cell until bonding.

Eddie looked around the rec area. "Wow. You have quite the set up...."

"This was Tony's setup," Steve explained. "He was working on it before the invasion occurred...and once he was freed from Ultimus' control, we were able to make use of it."

"It's very impressive," Lyja said quietly.

"Speaking of being freed... How?" Eddie asked again. "How do you keep him out?"

Now that they were safe in the base, Steve explained the way they'd discovered to free people from Ultimus' control and how it worked.

Are you listening to this, Professor? Eddie thought, before asking out loud, "So... If Ultimus' hold is broken or blocked because of the bond and the bond is formed through sex, is that all? I mean, people had sex long before Ultimus and didn't form bonds. There has to be something else...."

"The bond requires a Dominant and submissive," Steve explained. "But more than that, it requires an intent to bond. It works if only one person is doing it with the intention to cause the bond," he added, thinking of his own experience. Frank might have given consent after the act, but during it was a different story.

So, it doesn't require any magical ability? Charles asked.

"So, we don't need magic for it to work? We don't need a spell or some sorta phrase to say to trigger it?" Eddie's eyes were wide. "Are you saying that if I had slept with someone who wanted to make me their sex slave and fully intended it, before Ultimus, that I could have been bonded to them, even if I didn't know they wanted that and didn't want it myself?!" His voice rose in horror.

Venom poked his head out. "Focus, Eddie... Past is not at stake, future is. You are submissive anyway. You'd probably have liked that if it happened!" he declared, ignoring Eddie's offended squawk.

"Honestly...I don't know how it works," Steve said. "Mordo confirmed that the books containing the spell were deliberately left, I assume because it was the best fighting chance if anyone could get hold of it. I followed the instructions that were clearly stated...but I don't think it would have worked if both partners, or all partners, weren't willing after the fact," he added, remembering how he'd had to force Frank to begin with. "It's also possible that the spell was one that had to be activated before it could come into effect." He glanced towards Stephen in case the sorcerer currently with them could shed any light on it.

"I am not as familiar with the spell as I probably should be. Leaving the books was a last-ditch effort. Generally, a spell has to be spoken in order to work. Sometimes if runes are used, as long as certain conditions are met within the area of the runes, activation can occur." Stephen frowned. "I spoke the words when I bonded Peter. I'd assumed you and Stark had as well. I have never heard of a spell being activated due to the intent of just one person, though. Especially if it involved other people. Although... With the exception of those of us who bonded before we found and freed Druig... All of those bonded had intent for the bond to form. Perhaps the desperation of those who bonded earlier, when the submissive couldn't agree, is what enabled the bond to form despite a lack of speaking the spell? Maybe Mordo will know...."

Either way, it sounds as if the spell wouldn't work unless all parties involved consent to it, Charles observed. And since there isn't anyone being controlled, it doesn't sound as if any bonding needs to be forced and our group has more choice in who they bond to.

Steve nodded to Stephen's words. "Tony and I followed the instructions of the spell entirely...but even though it had to be forced to begin with, consent was given after the fact. And Frank made it clear to me that he would have given consent during had he been able to, so maybe that's why. I've heard Peter say he surfaced during and was able to consent...and while I know Mordo and Tony never met before, Mordo was content once the bond was formed...perhaps he or Wong would be able to confirm in more detail."

Stephen nodded. "At any rate, I do not believe the spell could have been used with someone with bad intent...."

Eddie relaxed. "So, if someone not in this compound wanted to form a bond, it would be possible if they knew about the spell? Even if they didn't know or couldn't remember the exact words?" he asked. "Say... If a group who planned to meet up with us wanted to increase their safety against Ultimus taking over their minds by having at least some of them bonding before heading our direction...?"

Lila straightened. "You're thinking mom and Betty and the others should bond to keep themselves safe while they travel to the cabin?"

Clint straightened at the question. "Your mom is free of Ultimus?"

Cooper nodded. "So far. We were a small group compared to your group, but there were twelve of us. Mom and Nate stayed back with Betty and the others...."

"Betty?" Clint prodded.

"Betty Ross..." Cassie interjected.

Bruce... Come here, please, Clint sent through the bond urgently.

I'm coming now. Bruce's response was given immediately. He wasted no time in heading to the rec room, responding to the urgency he could feel from Clint.

"Do you want me to take some of them to the medical room so you and Lincoln can do examinations?" Steve asked Stephen softly.

"Yes, please. I believe Lincoln is already waiting..." Stephen said.

"I can wait here for you..." Clint promised his children. "Show you to rooms once you've got checkups." He glanced toward Bruce when his mate entered, holding out a hand. Betty is with Laura and Nate.

Eddie nodded. "I'm Eddie Brock, by the way. My tagalong friend is Venom."

"I'm Cassie Lang." Cassie introduced herself.

"Cassie Lang, the daughter of Scott Lang?" Friday interjected. "You were on my list of people to locate. I will let your father know...."

"Dad is here?!" Cassie got excited, halting her progress toward the medical bay.

"I will have him wait for you with Master Clint, while you get examined..." the AI promised.

Bruce's eyes widened. She's free as well? Hope sparked and slipped through the bond, strong enough for Clint to be able to feel it. Are they leaving now? He didn't ask about portals. While the dark counterparts were here, they could only afford to open portals in emergencies.

"I'm Lyja," Lyja spoke up.

The mention of medical bay and examinations had caused Laura to tense up once more, looking like a frightened animal ready to bolt at a moment's notice.

Lila moved closer to Laura. "I don't like being looked at by doctors either, but it's a good idea to make sure we aren't sick or carrying anything dangerous. If you want, we can go together. Anything they do to you, they can do to me first...."

She's with Laura! Somehow, they found each other! Clint sent back, excitement pulsing through the bond. They're going to start heading to the cabin as soon as possible. We'll probably see them in two or three days.

Stephen led all the newcomers to the medical bay where they could be examined.

Laura's eyes darted uncertainly around, but she listened to Lila and slowly relaxed her tense stance...though she was still on her guard. She gave a slight nod and prepared to go to the medical bay with Lila.

Bruce breathed in deeply and squeezed Clint's hand. I'm so happy they'll be joining us. We'll need to tell them that we bonded... he added; not exactly worried, but slightly concerned Laura and Betty might not understand the necessity.

Yeah. They know that bonding is necessary to stay free. Or they will. One of the ones we brought back is in some sort of mental communication with their professor. I'm sure he will inform them. We can tell them it was us two that bonded in person. Clint smiled, unconcerned, and squeezed Bruce's hand.


The others were in the medical bay by this time and Lincoln and Stephen did what was necessary as quickly as possible.

"Other than a little malnutrition, you all seem in good health," Lincoln said. "A few weeks of good meals and that should improve."

Stephen led them back to the rec room. "We can show you rooms now. It... would be a good idea for you to decide if you are willing or able to bond with each other. It will be unsafe for you to leave the compound until you have bonded someone, so Ultimus cannot get in your heads."

Bruce nodded. It might make things easier if they're able to bond to each other, he commented. Do you want to take Lila and Cooper to their rooms?

Laura had managed to get through the examination, though the drawing of blood had nearly sent her into a panicked spiral. Luckily, she'd managed to calm down...but as Stephen mentioned the bonding, she shrank back against the wall, clearly unsettled by the idea.

"Hey... It's okay..." Lila tried to sooth the other. "The bond will protect you from Ultimus. My father wouldn't have done it if it was something worse than Ultimus. And you get to choose. If you really don't want to bond to anyone, you can choose to stay safely in the compound, I'm sure."

I'm sure Laura and Betty will take whatever information they are given and make the best decision to get them safely to us, Clint agreed. And yeah. Even if they pick a room further away, I'd like to show them the options.

Cooper wandered over to Clint and Bruce. "So... You two bonded?" he asked curiously.

"I don't know anyone," Laura said quietly, still huddling a bit in the corner.

Bruce nodded and smiled at Cooper. "We thought it made the most sense, considering how long we've known each other. A lot of those who've bonded have been complete strangers to each other."

"You know me... Sorta. If you want to bond, that is..." Lila offered.

Cooper grinned at that. "Mom is gonna love that!" he crowed, motioning Eddie forward. "Tell Prof that dad bonded to Bruce Banner." He glanced at Bruce. "She always liked you...."

Clint blinked. "Well... Glad you approve?" he said hesitantly.

"Of course, I do. You bonded to a friend instead of a stranger. A friend who kept you safe for us. How could I disapprove?" Cooper smiled crookedly.

Eddie was carrying on a conversation with Xavier, letting him know everything.

Laura blinked and focused on Lila. "I don't know your name..." she said hesitantly.

Bruce smiled at Cooper, his relief obvious through the bond...but also probably on his face. "We've been looking for all of you as well," he said. "You three, your mom, Betty...we even considered the possibility that you could have remained free of Ultimus' control. I'm really glad you did."

Charles listened to Eddie and then quickly began passing on the information to the others in the group.

"I'm Lila." Lila smiled.

Cooper nodded. "The hope that we weren't alone kept us going," he admitted.

"I'm...." Laura bit her lip. "I'm Laura," she said.

Bruce nodded. "Hope is a very powerful thing."

"So... what do you think?" Lila asked. She wanted to get bonded as soon as possible, but everyone she'd come in with was like a sibling to her, except Laura. She hoped the other girl could get over her nerves enough to at least consider it.

Cassie noted Lila talking to Laura, then looked at Lyja uncertainly. "What do you think?" she whispered.

"I've never...done anything before. With anyone," Laura admitted quietly.

"Well, we did say we'd have a conversation later...." Lyja's voice was just as soft.

Lila nodded. "That's okay. With everything going on in the world the last decade... I haven't either." She smiled sheepishly. "But I did read a lot of fanfiction, so I do know what to do. I can take lead. And if I get unsure about something, we can figure it out together."

Clint cleared his throat. "I'll just take you both to what I'm hoping Lila will choose as her room. Once you've bonded, you can decide if you want to share a room or not. Then You can either come back to the rec area for a tour of the rest of your new home or find Laura a room."

While Clint was leading his children to empty rooms, Scott had made his way to meet the group. As soon as he saw Cassie exiting the medical bay, he was walking toward her as if sleepwalking. "Y... You're really here... You found us!" His voice sounded close to tears.

"Daddy!" Cassie quickly threw her arms around her father and held tight. Finally stepping back, she took Lyja's hand and tugged her forward. "This is Lyja... Lyja... My dad...."

Scott smiled at Lyja. "I interrupted what looked like a serious conversation. If you two are thinking of bonding, let me lead you to a room. We can catch up once it is safe for you both. Plus... I can introduce you to my bonded."

Cassie looked toward Lyja to see if she was okay with that.

Lyja nodded slowly. "We were just about to have a conversation about it, I think...I'm older than Cassie, so I don't know if that will cause any issues." She didn't mention that she was a different species entirely; they could all see that anyway.

Scott nodded at that. "Age doesn't seem to matter to the bond. Neither does race compatibility. When you meet everyone, you'll see..." He smiled. "If you follow me, I'll show you a room."

"All right." Lyja waited for Scott to lead the way.

Soon, with Clint and Scott leading them, everyone had been shown the available rooms with instructions to pick one. They were also told that if they chose to bond, they could share a room with their bond mate, or have a room of their own.

Clint smiled at them all, with a special smile for his kids. "Make a list of items you may need. If we don't already have it in storage, we can make plans to go on a foraging run to pick it up. When you are ready to meet the rest of the compound, come back to the rec room. We can show you all the other public areas you may want to use, introduce you to everyone, and have lunch!"

Lyja smiled. "It looks like there's a lot here. I'm keen to see the rest of this base." Plus, it was larger and much more spacious than she'd been used to, a long time, considering she'd spent so much of her life on a spaceship even before Ultimus had invaded.

Laura followed Lila quietly into the room, relaxing a fraction as it was just the two of them and not so many people.

Cassie leaned against Lyja, letting her friend lead her into a room.


Back at the other base, Betty was watching Charles, waiting for him to come out of his 'trance' that he was in while watching through Eddie's eyes. When he finally withdrew and could talk to the rest of them, she asked, "What did they find out? Are we leaving right away?"

Wade just sat quietly, watching, and waiting.

Elsa was barely refraining from pacing, anxious to begin moving out.

"They've found a way to free people from Ultimus' control." Glancing around to make sure Nate was occupied and not paying attention, Charles explained about the mechanics of the bonding, finishing with, "Clint and Bruce bonded to each other."

Laura's eyes widened a fraction. "That's...maybe the best thing that could have happened." An obvious tension went out of her, knowing that her husband was free and that her oldest children were now with him.

Betty wrapped an arm around Laura and nodded. "It means they're free and will stay free." She and Bruce hadn't been together in ages, but now the fact she would be able to see him again was sinking in. She couldn't help but be happy for him.

Wade slanted his head. "Why tell us that early? They coulda told us once we meet up with them again. Is it possible to do this bonding thing without a sorcerer present?"

Charles nodded. "Steve was the first one to bond..., and he did it following instructions in one of the books left by the sorcerers in one final effort to fight back against Ultimus' control. It doesn't have to be done with actual magic users around."

"Do you think it would be worth bonding before we leave here to go to the cabin?" Wade asked. "At least a few of us?"

Elsa frowned. "I don't know if I could bring myself to do that before witnessing the end results first. Not to mention, I view all of you as family. It would make it hard to want to do what is essentially a permanent marriage."

"Is there any other parts of this bonding we should know?" Betty asked pragmatically.

"Not everyone needs to bond," Charles said. "But it might be a good idea if at least a couple of people did. In case the worst happens and Ultimus is able to get inside our heads." Addressing Betty, he added, "Bonding means that those involved share thoughts and emotions. Not entirely unlike the telepathic link I have with all of you, but deeper."

Colossus stirred and glanced sideways towards Wade. "Perhaps it makes sense for us to bond?" he suggested. "After all, we have been close for a long time." And while Colossus cared deeply for Wade... he couldn't say that it was like a brother.

Wade nodded. "That's what I was thinking," he said, before looking back at Charles. "They didn't mention any side effects?"

Betty glanced toward Laura. "Bruce and Clint are already permanently connected. Maybe if we bond, it will help even things out when we finally meet up with them again. Make our family more of a circle instead of a horseshoe..." She smiled faintly.

"You'd feel each other's emotions." Charles answered Wade's question. "From my understanding, although the bond does require a Dominant and submissive, it's not necessary for it to continue after the initial bonding. Some of them at the base have a more D/s relationship, while others are more equal."

Laura looked at Betty and nodded. "This year brought us closer together anyway," she admitted. "I think you're the only one I'd be willing to bond to...outside of Clint."

Betty nodded. "If four of us have the bond, then if Ultimus somehow got hold of the others, we would at least have a chance to break them free again."

"So, bond before we leave?" Wade looked around.

Colossus nodded. "We may need to go and collect supplies," he said...since none of them had collected anything for sex so far.

Wade frowned. "Do we have cooking oil? Not the best, but we won't have to postpone leaving for longer than it takes to bond...."

Laura nodded. "We have it, if you think it'll be suitable enough." As long as she and Betty handled things right, they wouldn't necessarily need lube.

Wade shrugged. "Should do the trick...."

"Okay, then. Um. Maybe if you and Elsa can take Nate outside and wait for us...." Betty said hesitantly to Charles.

Charles nodded and moved over to Elsa and Nate. "Nate, why don't we go outside with Elsa? We can make sure there are no signs of our presence left," he suggested.

Nate blinked, glancing towards his mother and the others. "Okay...?" he said hesitantly.

Laura smiled reassuringly at him. "We just have to make some preparations before we leave. You don't need to do anything and as Charles said, it's important to make sure we don't leave any evidence of our presence behind."

Betty smiled at Nate as he followed Elsa and Charles out. "He's old enough, he probably knows exactly what is going to occur, but still. Felt wrong having him inside where he'd be subjected to hearing it," she said sheepishly, once they were out of earshot.

Wade grinned crookedly at Colossus. "You lead?"

"Thank you," Laura said honestly to Betty.

Betty nodded at Laura. "I view him like he's my kid too... Your family is my family... You are my family..." she said honestly, as she took Laura's hand and led her to the opposite end of the dwelling, in as private an area as could be managed.

"I feel the same way about you." Laura spoke honestly as she followed Betty over to the more 'private' area. "It makes it easier, that Bruce and Clint bonded. Because we already feel like family."

"I agree..." Betty smiled, reaching out a hand and brushing Laura's hair off her face gently. She let her hand trail down the other woman's cheek and neck before slowly and carefully beginning to undress her.

Laura smiled and moved closer to Betty, shifting to make it easier for the other woman to remove her clothing. At the same time, she reached out to begin gently rubbing her hands over Betty's arms...exploring her.

Betty didn't move too fast, but she was mindful that they were being waited on, so they shouldn't move too slowly. She began to kiss each area of skin she exposed as she removed clothing. Once Laura was naked, she gently helped her to lay down before quickly removing her own clothing.

Laura moaned softly, body already growing warm and flushed with arousal. She watched Betty undress, a hot, achy feeling between her legs.

Betty's own body was flushed with arousal. She couldn't help but wonder if the magic was already working due to their intent; she'd expected it to take a little longer to rouse. Once naked, she moved to lay next to Laura, beginning to explore with fingers and lips.

Laura arched into Betty's touch and lips, beginning to explore the other woman's body with her own hands. While she was submitting, since the bond required it, she didn't hesitate or hold back. She let out tiny huffs of breath and moans when the touches and kissing felt especially good.

"C'mere... I wanna try something," Betty whispered, drawing Laura up so they were sat facing each other. She then pulled Laura closer, entwining their legs so they were pressed as close together as possible, beginning to scissor. Rubbing and grinding her privates against Laura's gave both stimulation and mingled their essence and left her hands and lips free to hold Laura tightly and kiss deeply.

Laura groaned into Betty's mouth at the feel of them grinding together. She wrapped her own arms around the other woman, holding on tight as well. The hot, achy feeling that had started at her center now spread out through her whole body as she began to grow wet.

Betty began to run her hands over Laura's arms, back, and shoulders, before gripping the back of her head gently and deepening the kiss. She felt almost feverish with her own need, completely wet, pressing against her mate as tightly and hard as possible. Only pressure and friction was helping the ache inside.

Laura moaned, pressing against Betty...needing the friction and pressure. She began panting, pressing deeper into the kiss. She shifted to press her body into the touches, her body warm and her juices flowing.

Betty continued to grip Laura's head, kissing along her ears and neck while moving one hand around to squeeze her breast. She was surprised that she was already close, without doing anything more than grinding against each other. The bond magic had latched onto their intent and was egging them on. Or maybe enough people had bonded, that the magic was taking on a life of its own....

The whimpers and moans escaping Laura grew louder and more pronounced. Her whole body was flushed and hot with need and she couldn't help but whimper out, "Please...." She didn't know what she was begging for; she only knew that Betty was the only one who could give it to her.

"Let go..." Betty instinctively ordered, only holding in by a thread herself.

Letting out a quiet, barely-stifled cry, Laura's orgasm came over her almost blindingly quickly. Waves of pleasure swept through her, and she gripped Betty tightly, panting for breath.

Betty's own release was like a warm bath, rolling over her and loosening her body with a pleasant, languid feeling. She let out her breath with a soft, silent sigh, slumping against Laura, before hugging her tightly. It worked. I can feel you at the back of my mind. Let me get some water and cloths so we can clean up, and then we cand go outside with the others.

I can feel you too. A sense of wonder crept through the bond, along with a feeling of...not exactly peace or safety, but close to it. I feel better, Laura admitted, as she waited for Betty to gather what was needed.

So, do I. Ultimus can't take over our heads now... Betty sent a mental hug toward Laura as she quickly got washcloths and a bottle of water. Quickly washing Laura, she handed the other woman her clothes and then began to wash herself. The sooner they got outside to the others, the sooner they could begin heading to the cabin and rejoining their family.

Laura quickly got dressed, hope making her go a bit faster. And we'll rejoin the rest of our family. She waited for Betty to finish dressing, feeling the need to let the other woman take the lead.

Yes. It will be good to make sure the kids are alright. And seeing Bruce and Clint again... Betty agreed, excitement building. As soon as she finished dressing, she wrapped an arm around Laura and led her out to meet up with Charles, Elsa, and Nate.


Having retrieved the cooking oil and led Wade to the opposite area, Colossus turned to the other man. "I know you heal quickly, but if something hurts or makes you feel uncomfortable. tell me,” he directed.

"Okay..." Wade quickly agreed, following Colossus' direction. "I tend to not mind it hurting a little, though..." he admitted.

"I would mind hurting you, though." Colossus spoke in a serious tone, even as he reached out to begin removing Wade's clothing...letting his hands rub over skin as it was exposed, stroking and lightly squeezing.

"I know..." Wade said sheepishly. "I'd tell you if it was a bad hurting...." He shifted as needed so Colossus could remove his clothes. He was taking the 'submission' part of the bond to heart. Maybe he'd be pushier once the bond was stable, assuming Colossus wanted to continue having sex once they were safe from Ultimus. "I just... Sometimes a little pain can feel good... That's all I meant." He gave his friend a crooked smile. "You know me...."

"I do, Wade. Very well." When Wade was naked, Colossus became a bit bolder. He moved closer, pressing their bodies together, and leaned in to press his lips against Wade's in a kiss that was more chaste than anything else.

Wade returned the kiss, keeping it submissive and just as chaste, pulling back enough to whisper, "Yeah. You do. And you're still willing to tie yourself to me permanently. I'm very lucky...." He pressed another chaste kiss to Colossus's lips but did it in a way that was clearly an offering.

Colossus kissed back, pressing a bit deeper and a bit more intense, wrapping his arms around the other man in a tight hug. "I love you, Wade." He whispered the words against Wade's lips. "I have done even when you made things so very difficult for me."

"I love you too..." Wade said in a small voice, giving as many kisses as he was given. "I don't deserve you. Thank you for not giving up on me. For being willing to tie my crazy to you permanently...." He knew what Colossus was doing was a huge deal and that he was gaining more from the arrangement than the larger man.

Instead of answering with words, Colossus continued to kiss and run his hands over Wade's body before he finally took a step back to remove his own clothes. Then, he led Wade over to the bed so that they could both lay down, pulling the other man close and beginning to kiss him with more intensity.

Wade whimpered softly with need, returning the kisses eagerly. He began to run his hands over Colossus's back, shoulders, and chest, memorizing him by touch. It didn't take long for him to be fully aroused.

Colossus' own member was quickly springing to full arousal, but he knew that rushing things would cause pain...and not in a good way. He took the bottle of cooking oil and coated a finger in it before he pressed that finger against Wade's entrance. At the same time, he was kissing and caressing Wade...exploring and memorizing the other man's body in his own way.

Wade opened his legs wider, obeying Colossus's unspoken request for access. He let out a tiny whine at feeling the finger, wiggling slightly with want.

Very slowly and carefully, Colossus began to push the finger inside Wade. He was watching the other man's face carefully...making sure he wasn't causing any pain or discomfort outside of what was natural.

Wade kept his gaze on Colossus' face, a tiny groan escaping as he felt himself stretch around the larger man's finger. "Feels good..." he breathed out, as he felt the pressure of being filled spread from his entrance and move deeper as his Dom continued to push the digit in.

"Good," Colossus said softly, beginning to move his finger in slow circles inside Wade...gradually widening the other man. After a few moments, he coated a second finger and pushed that inside as well, moving both in slow circles inside.

Wade took a shaky breath and whimpered softly. Colossus was big; had big fingers... big everything, so Wade knew it was important he not rush or push for more until his body could handle it. He already felt stuffed just with fingers. He opened his legs further and tried to relax so Colossus would find it easier. "You're gonna fill me up so much..." he breathed out, in obvious anticipation.

Colossus continued to move both fingers inside Wade, pressing a kiss to the other man's shoulder. While they did have to go fairly quickly due to needing to leave soon...he wasn't going to rush so much that it caused any harm.

Wade groaned, placing open mouthed kisses on Colossus' chest and shoulders, squeezing gently around the larger man's fingers. He felt a sense of urgency, knowing they needed to move quickly, but he had no desire to rush. He was enjoying the feel of Colossus claiming him inside, where no one had ever claimed.

Colossus continued to move his fingers inside Wade for several long moments. Then, finally, he coated a third finger and pushed that inside, so that he could continue widening Wade...preparing the smaller man for taking his member.

Wade gasped quietly as a third finger was added. He was now stretched further than he'd ever been before; even the toys he and Vanessa had played with hadn't been as thick. And that had been a long time ago, before Vanessa died. "H... How deep do you think you'll go?" he asked, in a shaky voice. Colossus' fingers were long in themselves. His member had to be twice as long. Wade began to be a little nervous; what if he couldn't take all of his Dom in? Would it feel as good for Colossus? Would it affect the bond?

"I don't know," Colossus admitted. "I've never done this before." He'd never been with anyone, man or he had no frame of reference as to how deep he could go.

Wade's eyes widened. "I'm your first?" he asked, with a hint of surprised pleasure. Then he got sad. "I should be making your first time more special!" he protested weakly...not sure what exactly he could do, but thinking it had to be anything more than what he was doing.

"It couldn't be any more special than it is already," Colossus said honestly. "You're my best and my closest friend, Wade. You are the only one I would choose to bond to."

"You're my best friend too. I never thought I'd feel this close to anyone after Vanessa died, but you proved me wrong..." Wade teared up. "I'm so happy you are the one to bond me. If I submit to anyone, it would only ever be you. I love you so much..." He gasped again as Colossus' continued rubbing finally caused the bundle of nerves inside him to reach a point he couldn't ignore it.

"Do you want to try taking all of me?" Colossus asked softly, watching Wade's face carefully...his body that he could make sure he wasn't causing pain or discomfort.

"I want to take as much as possible... I hope I can take all of you..." Wade said earnestly, eagerly, beginning to wiggle on Colossus's fingers.

"I know you'll take as much of me as possible." Colossus carefully withdrew his fingers. He coated his member in the oil and then slowly and carefully pushed inside the other man.

Wade couldn't help but hold his breath as Colossus pushed in. He could feel himself stretching around the much larger man, but his lover had done a good and thorough job of preparing him. It didn't hurt at all, even if there was a slight sting. Why he held his breath, though, was because he wanted to feel how deep his Dom could go. He wanted to know the exact moment it was either too much, or Colossus had pushed all of him inside. And Wade wanted it all.

Colossus' hands shifted to Wade's hips and he held onto the smaller man, fingers gripping on tightly, as he continued to push inside. It would be a stretch...a close fit...but he could feel himself pushing in deeper. He continued to watch Wade's face, though...continued to make sure he wasn't harming the man he loved.

Wade groaned as he felt himself filled so deeply. "I... I can take it... If you move slow... I can take it!" he encouraged. He was so aroused, his member was straining and he had to squeeze his shaft to keep from coming before it was time.

"I'm only going as far as I can safely go," Colossus said. "But you feel so good, good surrounding me. I'm so very glad my first time is with you."

"I trust you... I know you won't harm me. So glad I can help you feel good. So happy we can share this...." Wade gasped again, moaning softly with need.

Colossus' member was quickly growing to full hardness inside Wade, and he pressed closer to the other man, so there was no separation between their bodies. He could feel how close to the edge he was...and he knew that Wade was at that point too. "Let go." The words were a low growl...the order given through instinct, rather than with conscious thought.

Wade immediately obeyed, releasing his shaft and beginning to quake under and around Colossus, his release spurting out of him like a fountain while he clenched tight around his Dom. He let out a tiny sob as he lost all control over himself.

Colossus' own release hit him at the same time, and he groaned as the waves of his orgasm went through him, carrying with them the feel of Wade's his mind. I feel you....

You're there! With me! Forever.... A sense of happy peace glowed through the bond and Wade gave his mate a contented smile, leaning up and kissing him deeply. Maybe when we don't have an urgent appointment to keep, you can push into me again and I can soak in and relish the feeling of feeling stuffed by you... he thought impishly.

I would like that, Colossus agreed, kissing him back tenderly. But for now, I will clean us both up so that we can dress and join the others. He began to carefully withdraw from Wade.

Wade held still as his Dom withdrew, unable to stop the whimper that escaped as Colossus rubbed inside while withdrawing. He was very sensitive now. It didn't hurt, but he knew he'd be feeling it for a while.

Concern sparked through the bond at the sound of the whimper and Colossus asked, worriedly, "Did I hurt you?"

I don't think so... Wade was quick to reassure. Just very sensitive. Not a bad thing, though I may walk a bit funny.... His grin was incorrigible. I'll hold still, though, if you need to make sure. He wasn't keen on the idea of being examined, but if it put Colossus' mind at ease, he'd deal with the embarrassment. He was self-conscious about his body and how he looked, even if he tried to pretend he didn't care.

I want to make sure there isn't any tearing or bruising, Colossus admitted. I know we don't have anything specifically for that, but we do have first aid kits...and if there is anything that needs to be treated, hopefully, the cream we have will help. He was clearly worried that he might have caused some injury, even despite Wade's reassurances.

Okay. I want you to feel okay about everything, Wade thought, carefully turning over so Colossus could check easier.

Colossus retrieved the first aid kit and began to carefully check Wade for any tearing or bruising. It's a bit red, he thought. Not really swollen or bruised, but I'm going to put some ointment on anyway. He began to carefully rub in the ointment.

It does feel better with the ointment, Wade admitted. You take good care of me.

I want to take care of you. I love you. Colossus finished with the ointment and then collected Wade's clothing, beginning to help the other man to dress.

I love you too... I'm happy I'm yours now... Wade cooperated as Colossus dressed him, but as soon as he was dressed, he threw his arms around the larger man and hugged tightly.

Colossus hugged Wade tight in return, though he was mindful of his own strength. A sense of peace and contentment filled him, just being able to be close to the man he loved.

Guess we should join the others. Wade snuggled a little more, before pulling away and taking Colossus's hand.

Colossus gently squeezed Wade's hand as the two of them headed out to join the rest of their group.

Elsa looked up as both newly formed couples came out within a few moments of each other. "Everyone got everything they need? We probably won't return here."

Wade looked around. "I have everything I need to keep. I'll carry Lucky, if that's okay with him...." He grinned as the elderly dog wagged his tail. 

Laura nodded. "It'll probably take us at least a couple of days to reach the coordinates. I packed supplies for all of us...." She began to hand out those packs.

Everyone shouldered their packs, then Wade picked up Lucky and put him in a makeshift front pack so the dog could see but wouldn't get worn out. They were soon on their way.


Lila led Laura into the room she had chosen and closed the door behind them before giving the other woman a smile. "Do you want to get it out of the way, or take a few minutes to think about it?" she asked gently.

"I don't think I need to think about it," Laura said quietly. "I've been running since Ultimus invaded. I don't want to worry about him getting into my head anymore. And maybe then I can find my father..." she added.

"I'll help you look for him," Lila promised, even as she shifted closer to Laura and began gently running her hands over her arms, sides and back.

Laura breathed in deeply and stepped closer to Lila, allowing her body to slowly relax the more the other woman touched her. The touching felt good and she didn't try to hide that fact, or pretend that it didn't.

Lila wasn't in a hurry. They were safe for the first time in forever. Yes, they would bond, but they could take their time. She smiled. "What do you think about a bath?" she asked, with a smile.

Laura blinked. "A bath? I haven't had one of those in a long time," she said, almost wistfully.

Lila grinned. "Me either. See that door over there? I think it has a working bath... Or shower... Either one would feel like heaven, though, I'm sure." She gently began removing Laura's clothes. "My dad handed me a bag when he left us at the door. It has bath stuff in it, along with clean clothes for both of us. We can get clean while we work up to bonding..."

"Okay." Laura held still for Lila to remove her clothes, her body a little tense...but slowly beginning to relax, even though she thought that the removal of the layers should make her feel less secure, not more.

Once Laura was naked, Lila quickly undressed as well so that her future mate wouldn't feel exposed unequally. She then took her hand and gently tugged her into the bath, turning on the shower to a comfortable temperature.

Laura closed her eyes in contentment and relaxed under the spray. "Feels good..." she murmured, some of the tension she'd been carrying for so long seeping out of her.

Lila joined her under the spray. "It does feel good," she agreed. After a few moments of just enjoying the water, she took soap and began to wash herself and Laura.

Sighing quietly, Laura began to relax even more, a tiny sound of contentment escaping her lips at the feel of Lila washing her. Almost hesitantly, she stepped closer to the other woman, moving more into her personal space.

Lila continued to gently wash until both her and Laura were completely clean from head to toe. Even after they were rinsed, she continued to gently rub and stroke over the other woman's body, the water enhancing the touch.

Laura whimpered softly, unable to help but press into the touches. Her body was beginning to grow warm...flushing...and she reached out hesitantly to run her own hands over Lila's body.

"Yeah... That's it... Feels good," Lila murmured, finally turning the water off and pulling Laura tight against her, kissing her.

Eyes widening a bit in surprise, Laura then hesitantly returned the kiss, allowing her arms to wrap around Lila in what was really a loose embrace.

Lila pulled back slightly with a crooked smile. "Too much?" she asked softly.

Laura shook her head. "No, I... I’m just not used to being touched," she admitted. Her father had been fairly good at providing affection and comfort, once he'd accepted her, but the earlier years and now this year since the invasion had been devoid of any kind of touch or real care.

"If it bothers you, just tell me to stop. I will listen to what you want," Lila promised.

"It doesn't bother me," Laura said honestly. "I just...don't always know how to react. Or what the right way to react is."

Lila nodded. "That's okay. Just make sure... If it does bother you or you want me to stop, you tell me."

"I will," Laura replied, relaxing more at the request. It helped her feel like she was making the right choice here.

"Good..." Lila murmured again, smiling, and giving Laura another kiss, before beginning to dry her off. Once dry, she led them back into the bedroom, to the bed.

Laura followed Lila, allowing herself to be led towards the bed. She didn't know what to do next, but she was obviously willing to follow Lila's lead.

Gently pressing Laura down onto the bed, Lila began to kiss her again. She took her time, slowly moving down her neck and shoulders.

Laura groaned at the kisses, her body arching. She moved her arms up and wrapped them around Lila, beginning to touch and explore the other woman's flesh.

Lila shifted so Laura could continue to touch and explore as much as she wanted, moaning softly so the other woman would know it felt good. She continued kissing her way down Laura's body until she'd reached her center. Carefully, she opened Laura's folds before kissing, then eagerly licking at her mate's core.

Laura gasped, her body tensing at the unfamiliar touch before she relaxed, whimpering softly. "Feels good." She sounded surprised at the fact, not having expected something so intimate to feel good.

Lila gently squeezed Laura's hips in response to the words, continuing the sensual exploration. It felt good to her doing this for her mate.

Laura whimpered even louder, her breath hitching at the feel of the pleasure. She began to grow wet, her juices beginning to flow in response to the stimulation.

Lila felt herself getting wet just from knowing she was responsible for Laura's arousal. She stopped just long enough to order, "Let go when you need to," before diving back down, sucking in the juices, and thrusting her tongue inside to lick deeper.

At being given permission, Laura gasped and released, waves of her orgasm rippling through her. Her fingers gripped tightly on the bedsheets beneath her. Her claws didn't come out, but it was a very near thing as her body arched up.

Growling softly in satisfaction at Laura's response, Lila climaxed herself, holding the other woman down as she continued to lick as deep as possible, wanting every bit of what Laura could give her. She felt the warmth spread through her body and knew, It worked.

I feel you, Laura whispered in awe. I don't feel so lonely anymore. She wrapped her arms more tightly around Lila.

Good. I'm glad. You shouldn't have to feel alone... Lila asserted, giving one last thorough lick inside her mate before withdrawing, gently kissing Laura's clit, then shifting so she could lie next to her new lover and pull her into her arms to snuggle. When you feel ready, I'll get us dressed and we can go meet the rest of the compound, she thought. She was obviously not in a hurry.

Okay. I'd...I'd rather wait a bit, if that's okay, Laura admitted. I've never been that comfortable around large groups of people. She snuggled into Lila's arms, letting her head rest on her mate's shoulder.

We can do that... Lila agreed, settling back and truly relaxing for the first time since Ultimus showed up.


Lyja and Cassie had been left alone in their room, with the offer of being able to get a tour of the rest of the base once they were bonded...or, rather, once they'd made the decision about whether to bond or not.

Making sure that the door was shut, and they had privacy, Lyja turned to Cassie. "I know there is an element of haste here, but you don't have to bond with me if you'd prefer to wait for someone closer to your age to come along," she said.

"Age doesn't matter to me." Cassie shrugged. "I'd rather be bonded to someone I'm friends with and trust. Especially when the bond is apparently going to encourage one of us to follow the other."

Lyja nodded. "I just want to make it clear that I won't push you into anything."

"I know." Cassie smiled impishly. "The only time you've ever pushed me into anything was when not doing things your way would get me hurt or killed..." She laughed. That had occurred more often than she'd willingly admit.

"You're important to me," Lyja said. "I'd do anything to keep you from being hurt...let alone killed."

"I know. That's why, I'm positive. If I must bond to anyone, I want it to be you..." Cassie said seriously.

Lyja smiled at the response. "I would like to bond to you as well," she admitted quietly.

"Good..." Cassie breathed out, relaxing. "I'd hate if you felt forced into it..." she admitted.

"No. I just wanted to make sure you didn't feel forced into it." Lyja moved closer to Cassie and reached out, beginning to remove the other woman's clothing.

"No. Not forced. Grateful I have you willing to keep me free. I would not like bonding a stranger..." Cassie shifted so her clothing could more easily be removed. "You had to notice I was attracted to you..." she added teasingly.

"I think the position we woke up in gave me a good idea of that." Lyja smiled. Once Cassie was naked, she removed her own clothing and then led the other woman over to the bed, so that they could both settle comfortably.

Cassie grinned at that. "Liked having you touch me. Liked being spooned..." she said happily.

"I liked it too," Lyja admitted, even as she reached out and began to gently rub her hands over Cassie's body.

Cassie settled, quieting as Lyja touched her. She'd been wanting to return to the morning ever since they'd had to abort their activities. She didn't want to distract with inane chatter. She began to gently explore Lyja as well.

Lyja smiled, moving closer and letting little sounds of pleasure and contentment escape, so that Cassie would know her touch felt good. Lyja wasn't in any hurry, stroking and caressing and gently squeezing down Cassie's shoulders, arms, over her breasts.... She shifted so that she could follow the same path with her lips, kissing and gently nipping.

Cassie shivered with a satisfied moan, breathing out, "So good...." Her nipples hardened immediately, as soon as Lyja stroked over her breasts, and her skin took on a flushed tone. Her core began to ache and get wet, her vulva turning red and puffy from arousal.

Lyja moved her fingers down to Cassie's center, beginning to stroke between the other woman's legs. She could feel the effect she had on her mate...and that was heady enough to cause her own arousal to become obvious.

Cassie groaned, opening her legs so Lyja had easy access, and arched toward the other woman, tilting her head back so her throat was exposed. "Aches inside..." she whispered softly.

Stroking her fingers over Cassie's breasts and chest, Lyja lowered her head to the other woman's center. She kissed and then gently began to lick the other woman's core.

Cassie let out a tiny gasp as Lyja began to lick, quivering. Her stomach fluttered with need, and she felt herself tightening as her juices began to flow for her lover, her clit and vulva swelling a tiny bit more, hot and achy with need. She pressed her chest into Lyja's hand, seeking more of the possessive touch, hoping for a little bit of the rougher claiming Lyja had started that morning.

In response to Cassie's actions, Lyja began to squeeze and lightly twist the other woman's nipples, beginning to turn them into hard nubs. At the same time, she continued to suck and lick Cassie's juices out of her.

Cassie arched into Lyja's hands with a tiny, very aroused sob. She opened her legs further, trying to give better access. She could feel her body begin to drip in response to Lyja licking and sucking, her body producing more for her Mistress to take. Tears pooled in her eyes, and she lost the ability to speak as her need grew, the ache deep inside her growing.

Lyja pulled back just enough to whisper, "Let go. Whenever you're ready...." Then, she returned to giving Cassie's center attention, taking everything her mate's body offered her.

Cassie gurgled at the order, almost immediately going into spasms as she couldn't help but obey. Her juices leaked out of her for Lyja and her entrance quivered and clenched gently around her mate's tongue.

Responding to Cassie's release, Lyja's own orgasm rippled through her. She gasped quietly, lips vibrating against Cassie's skin...but even as those waves receded, she could feel someone she knew wasn't her. I can feel you.... She whispered the words in awe.

Cassie blinked at feeling Lyja in her head. I hear you! she thought, excitement spearing through the bond. She was still splayed wide open for her lover, still wet even though some of the ache (not all) had dissipated. She instinctively covered the hand Lyja was cupping her breast with, with her own, squeezing it so that her mate would keep playing with her chest. I think I could go again... If you are willing to keep claiming me... she thought impishly. Do you think you would like to make the ache disappear... And make me feel you while we are meeting everyone else? she asked hesitantly.

I would like that, Lyja agreed. She resumed squeezing and tweaking Cassie's nipples...continued to suck and lick her center. But now, she began to gently nip; not enough to hurt or draw any blood, but enough to be felt.

Cassie groaned, feeling the nipping. The rougher, if still gentle, treatment against her hot, swollen flesh reignited the ache inside her. The sting of having her nipples squeezed and twisted caused the ache to pulse and her juices began to flow steadily again. Feels so good... she thought, leaving the new bond open so Lyja could feel how good it felt having her body claimed. Could feel how she ached inside. She wriggled slightly, trying to ease the ache but not sure how. As exquisite as it felt having Lyja's tongue, teeth and lips toying with her sensitive flesh, the ache was beyond their reach.

You feel so good, Lyja thought. I love tasting you. I love touching you. I love exploring your skin and making you ache for me. She kept the bond open between them, allowing Cassie to feel how good Lyja felt about giving her this.

A wave of affectionate love speared through Cassie at knowing that Lyja was enjoying herself too. Would willingly lay open and exposed for you all day and night, giving you all of me... she thought, with a sense of sappy desire, her need to belong and feel that she belonged growing.

I love you, Lyja thought, sending that emotion through the bond, even as she continued to nip and lick; even as she continued to squeeze and twist. It was obvious that giving her mate this attention made her feel good.

Love you too... So much! Cassie thought, the warmth of that love flowing to her mate. Her nipples were beginning to ache and sting, even without the attention from Lyja. Cassie whimpered and whined, wanting more. The thought of becoming so sensitive that she'd feel her mate even when Lyja wasn't enjoying her aroused her further and she wanted that. Please... More? Make me sore for you? Inside too?  Her request was hesitant, not sure Lyja would want to do that, even if she wanted to feel her for a long time after.

Lyja hesitated...not entirely sure this was what Cassie really wanted, or if she was just asking because she was caught up in the moment. Are you sure? she asked. You likely won't feel it straight away, but it'll be very uncomfortable, likely even painful, later on.

I want to feel like I belong to you inside and out... Not just mentally but physically... Cassie responded, an uncertainty creeping in as she asked, Is that wrong? Should... Should I not want that?

It's not wrong, Lyja replied reassuringly. I just want to make sure it's what you really and truly want. She kissed Cassie's center and then used a finger and thumb to gently part the other woman's folds. Then, she pushed her tongue inside.

Cassie quivered as Lyja began to assert her claim inside as well, a tiny, happy whine escaping as she felt her walls licked. Want to feel you forever... she admitted. Want to feel who owns me... She'd known the bond encouraged Dominance and submission in some pairs. She felt herself wanting to submit whole-heartedly, in every way possible. Want every part of me to be owned by you... she continued to think, as her breathing became more frantic with need. Would... Would you claim my bottom too?

I would like to claim every part of you, Lyja admitted. But I don't think we need to rush into everything all at once. Licking leisurely inside Cassie, she continued, I know you want to see your father...and the rest of this base. I can make sure you feel me for meeting the others and the tour of the base...and then we can come back here, and I can claim the parts of you I didn't claim before.

Happiness at Lyja's decision, both at the promise of future claiming and because Lyja had taken charge, flowed through the bond. Yes, Ma'am... Cassie quickly agreed, a flood of her juices flowing to Lyja's tongue as the act of submission caused further arousal. Lyja had found the tiny nub of nerves and was licking it, causing Cassie's body to give more. The younger woman was so aroused, tears pooled in her eyes and silently slid down her face. It was clear through the bond how good it felt being taken.

Let go. Whenever you're ready, Lyja directed, shifting slightly so that she could continue a relentless pushing against that nub with her tongue...seeking to bring her mate to the edge and over it.

Cassie's body shook as she felt the gentle rubbing against the sensitive bundle. She tried to hold on, not wanting the possession to end, but eventually, it was too much. With a tiny sob, she slipped over the edge, her body shaking and quivering as she spurt the remainder of her juices for her Dom.

Soon, she was laying limp. Lyja's tongue still inside her licking became a wonderful pain as her body became over-sensitive. She didn't want it to end, even if each lick caused her to let out a tiny whimper and clench around her Mistress. Didn't want it to end, even if her nipples felt like fire from the pinching and twisting. Didn't want it to end, even if her body was drained and all she could do was lie still and accept whatever her Mistress decided.

As much as she didn't want it to end, she wanted Lyja in control of what would be done even more. Her need to obey was strong and clear through the bond.

Lyja could feel that Cassie was at the point of being over-sensitive. With one last lick and squeeze, she slowly began to withdraw. Mine. She thought the word with an obvious sense of possessiveness, even as she moved away to collect washcloths. Returning, she began to carefully clean off her mate...going very gently over the more sensitive spots.

Cassie lay still, arms and legs spread open to completely expose her to Lyja's gaze. Her nipples looked red and swollen. Her privates were also very red and swollen. It was obvious that once the endorphins calmed, she would be very sore. The peaceful, contented, happy smile on her face made it clear she was looking forward to feeling the soreness. The feeling of complete, submissive acceptance of Lyja's claim, along with a gentle, Yours, made it obvious she was happy with her new position in Lyja's life. Even as she let out tiny whimpers and hisses at Lyja's gentle cleaning, the feeling of contented, peaceful happiness never faltered or wavered.

Once Cassie was completely clean, Lyja got some of the clean clothes and began to slowly dress her mate. She kept the bond open, allowing the other woman to feel how happy Lyja was with their relationship; how calm and settled and in love she felt now.

Cassie would have never thought she'd allow someone else to dress her and not feel weird about it. Lyja dressing her didn't feel weird at all and only reinforced the feeling of belonging Cassie felt. Her own love swelled through the bond. As soon as Lyja was dressed, she shifted closer to her mate so Lyja could wrap a possessive arm around her. She snuggled close before giving her Dom a chaste kiss on the cheek. "Thank you... For giving me what I asked for... It means a lot..." she whispered softly, preparing for Lyja to lead or direct her.

"I will give you everything that's within my power to do so," Lyja promised, kissing Cassie on the cheek. Squeezing her mate possessively against her side, she led Cassie out of their room.

Even though it had been fairly early in the morning when Clint and the others had gone to the cabin to retrieve his children and their friends, it had taken a bit of time for all of the new compound members to be examined in medical and to bond, if they had decided on a bond mate. Once everyone had returned to the rec area and been given the full tour of the compound, it was time for lunch.  "You'll get to meet everyone else," Clint said as he led them into the dining area.

"Yeah!" Scott grinned at his daughter and her mate, while shifting closer to Rhodey. "The kids will probably want you to read them a story. They ask every new arrival to read to them...."

Lila couldn't stop smiling. "Maybe after we've adjusted, you can let us know what jobs there are. I'm sure we will want to keep busy...."

"Give yourself a few days to adjust." Tony laughed. "In the meantime,” he began introductions while food was brought out. The sound of happy conversation was soon interspersed with eating.

It was peaceful.