Chapter Five

Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); AU


Nearly a week went by, with the newest arrivals getting to know everyone. By this point, everyone was learning the strengths and weaknesses of the group and jobs were becoming more permanent, based on those abilities. And Friday was making lists of potential rescues, tracking them and making maps of their typical migration patterns, to see if any information could be gleaned by it.

They had found a blood bank and while the blood was too old to be of use in transfusions, it did enable Peter and Harry to continue to study the changes the bond might have made.

They'd also done several runs for supplies and the base was fully stocked now with food, medicines, clothing and amusement items. They were meeting now to decide what to do next. "I think we are ready to go rescue a few more people," Tony said. "We have reinforced the holding cell, so we could potentially bring back a group of people. Druig can control them long enough for them to choose who to bond with. If they don't bond right away, we can keep them in the cell until we do find someone they'll bond with." He paused. "As long as we've removed all trackers, there's little chance Ultimus can find them, even when Druig isn't controlling them. Not if they are in the cell."

Steve nodded. "We have a list of names and locations for the people we think we can more easily rescue." He looked towards Druig. "How many are you comfortably able to control at once?" he asked. The list of names he had were in order of preference, but also in order of ease to get to. At Harry*s request, he'd added both Norman Osborne and Doctor Octavius to the list. They had both serum and computer chip, in case the men weren't those who had come to their dimension before.

"I can control as many as needed. However, the cell is only large enough to comfortably hold up to eight, so we probably should rescue small batches each time." Druig looked at the list of people and locations. "How many times can you open a portal without being overtired?" he asked the sorcerers.

"If we're well rested, we can open portals several times each," Mordo replied.

"Preference on direction?" Stephen asked the group at large.

"It'll be easier to aim in this direction first, because that'll lead us to this other group." Steve showed Stephen the list.

"Alright. So, I'll open the portal. Steve, Frank, Tony,  Pietro and Druig go through, with me following. Pietro rounds a group up, Druig mind whammies them, Steve, Frank and Tony get them into hospital gowns and remove the trackers. I open the portal again, we all come through and drop them in the cell?" Stephen looked around. "Repeat if there is still room in the cell?"

There were varying nods of agreement from the others.

"The blood can probably be drawn just as easily in the cells, too," Ajak said.

"Actually, that would be better. We can get permission to draw blood when we explain about the bond. I prefer to get consent on all things, if possible. Now that it actually is possible." Stephen nodded.

Steve nodded. "Is everyone ready to move out?"

There were varying nods and voices of agreement from all involved.

At seeing everyone's agreement, Stephen opened the portal. Frank and Tony went through first as guards, Tony taking to the sky.

Sometimes, Otto wondered if it would be easier if he was completely under Ultimus' control. Every time he fought his way free, it was getting harder and harder. But after being a slave to the robot arms for so long, he couldn't just roll over and give up. Not yet.

He was facing Norman Osborn now. Trying to get through to the other man. "Norman, you know what it's like to be free," he said. "You can fight him."

Norman hadn't attempted to attack. Not yet. It gave Otto hope that he might get through.

Druig waited until Steve and Pietro went through before he went through himself. Stephen followed through last, letting the portal close.

"You bringing them here and then I take over, or are you taking me there and I take over, then you bring us back?" Druig asked Pietro curiously.

"Not to step into an area that's not my expertise, but won't it be easier to bring them here? Otherwise, extra trips will need to be made to take you to each location and bring you back again," Frank said.

"True. It's your call," Druig said to Pietro.

"I'll bring them here," Pietro stated. No sooner had he spoken the words than he was off, zooming towards the two men.

Otto noticed that Norman's eyes were fixed past him. He half-turned, just long enough to catch a glimpse of a blur speeding towards him and Norman. It seemed to take only seconds before the blur had reached them and was herding them towards another group.

As soon as Pietro had the two men in range, Druig was using his own ability to get them to hold still in place. "If you wouldn't mind changing into these hospital gowns, so any potential trackers can be removed...." he suggested, as Stephen held out two gowns.

Norman frowned and glanced towards the only man he did know...even as he automatically obeyed, changing into the hospital gown. "Otto. Do you know what's going on here?"

"I think we may have had a run-in with the people who are finding a way of breaking free of Ultimus permanently." Otto began changing as well. Even without the mind control, he would have obeyed.

"You know about us?" Tony asked, a hint of worry in his tone. He knew Ultimus knew about them and would attempt to send people after them if given enough time, but he hadn't realized Ultimus had communicated to the 'hive' about them. Did that mean some of their potential targets could be lying in wait or setting traps, albeit under Ultimus' direction?

"The computer chip in my head has allowed me some resistance to Ultimus' control, although it isn't a permanent cure," Octavias answered. "It's hard to miss the frustration when more of his control is slipping."

"He knows he's losing his grip," Norman said. "He's been sending out more patrols, to find answers. To find all of you." His eyes travelled over the group. "He doesn't know how you're doing it, but he knows you're fighting back."

Druig nodded. "We're going to take you someplace safe and go after a few more people," he commented.

Tony nodded. "Until we can make the separation from Ultimus permanent, we'll need to secure you...."

"Are you willing to go with us?" Stephen asked. "To become permanently free, you will need to form a bond with someone else.  It begins with sex. But once the bond is formed, it takes the form of what you and your bond mate need."

Norman frowned. "Sex? I haven't had sex in a long time...not since...." His voice trailed off.

"I don't think there's much of a choice, Norman," Otto said. "The alternative is to let him stay in control. To make you do things that you wouldn't choose to do."

Norman frowned and lowered his gaze, a shadow of guilt passing across his face. He finally nodded. "I'm not sure what effect us being here will have on your world," he said to Stephen. "I recognise you. From the last time I was here." Of course, he hadn't been in full control of himself then.

Stephen relaxed slightly. "Then you are the ones we gave the serum to. That eliminates that problem, at least...." He opened a portal within quick walking distance of the base, but still a safe distance away.

Druig smiled sadly. "One of the others at base can give you more details while we go retrieve the others on our list."

"This seems all very well co-ordinated," Norman commented, as he and Otto stepped through the portal, so they could be led to the base.

Tony followed after, everyone else following behind. He smiled at the two men. "Part of this base was set up before Ultimus took over. But it is amazing how quickly we've all come together to plan and use our best abilities."

Druig led the two men to the cell area. "You'll need to stay here until we bring in a few more people. Unless you want yo nond to each other?"

Stephen glanced toward his fellow sorcerers. "Mordo or Wong can explsin the bond more fully to you both. Since both of you are scientists, you'll likely have questions and since you are able to think clearly at the moment thanks to Druig, you can get answers before it is too late to change your mind."

"I'm not sure bonding to each other would be such a good idea," Otto said. "But we might feel differently once we have all of the information." He looked inquiringly at the other two sorcerers.

Tony nodded. "We'll leave you all to explain, then. We have a few more rescues to make." He turned, fully expecting Druig, Stephen and the others going after the new rescues, would follow.

Everyone else quickly headed out, leaving Wong and Mordo to explain the bonding and answer any questions.

It didn't take long before they were in a new clearing, Stephen closing the portal behind them and everyone waiting for Pietro to retrieve their other targets.

Frank wasn't terribly surprised when he saw someone hiding a few hundred feet away, watching the group. He was more surprised they hadn't had more reaction from Ultimus prior to this moment. He slowly slipped to the back, away from the group, then stealthily made his way toward the watcher. He didn't say anything to the others, because he didn't want their reactions to give away the fact the watcher had been seen.

Pietro ran quickly towards the people they'd targeted, the rest of the group moving out and on their guard, though no one had noticed Frank's actions.

Dane held his sword out, sensing Pietro's approach but not able to see anything but a blur.

Kate held her bow, notched and ready for the same reason. Ultimus had 'paired' them to go locate his missing soldiers.

Meanwhile, Frank had reached the hidden individual. The man was just finishing sending a message requesting backup at their location. Frank tackled him, beginning to fight to break the beacon that was now sending out coordinates to anyone nearby. There was someone watching, he frantically sent to Steve. He set off a homing beacon. We don't have much time.  He finally knocked the beacon out of the spy's hand, crushing it and stopping the signal. Just in time to be tackled himself.

Grant Ward didn't know how he came to be in this dimension. 'Before Ultimus' was a hazy dream. Sometimes now was a hazy dream, the overlord controlling every choice and movement. He knew this wasn't his dimension, though. And he knew he had to obey Ultimus. And Ultimus had decreed he kill this man. So he tackled him and fought to kill.

Steve reacted immediately to the warning as Frank put voice to it. While Pietro rounded up the two targets, he ran to his own bond mate's side, quickly knocking out the new enemy before his mate could get hurt more.

Quickly turning to Frank, Steve helped his mate to stand. Are you hurt? His own sense of worry came through clearly.

Druig immediately controlled Dane and Kate as soon as they were within range, before looking toward Steve and Frank worriedly. "I think we will be leaving quickly... can you help our two friends?" he asked Pietro.

He ordered Dane and Kate to strip and put on the hospital gowns, while Tony ran a scan on the weapons to make sure there were no trackers in them. Leaving Ultimus' uniform behind was a given, but if the weapons were clean, there was no sense in losing them.

Frank stood and took a deep breath. "Yeah. He's obviously trained, though. Wasn't an easy fight. And he sent out a signal before I could break the beacon."

Pietro nodded and quickly sped over to Steve and Frank, taking a hospital gown with him.

Steve wasted no time in stripping down the man who'd attacked Frank and placed the hospital gown on him. "I don't recognise him," he said. "We'll find out if he's from another dimension back at the base." He began to head back quickly to the others, though Pietro was able to reach them first.

Stephen quickly opened the portal, feeling a sense of urgency because of finding the spy. He motioned everyone through anxiously, immediately following and closing the portal so they could rush back to the base. Some of his worried anxiety bled through the bond. Tell the others we have an extra rescue. And put Friday and the rest of the base on alert. Just in case we weren't quick enough, he told Peter.

Tony had already warned Mordo of the same thing.

Peter sent an acknowledgement through the bond and quickly did as instructed, asking Friday to let the others know.

Very quickly, the adults left at the base prepared, in case they needed to evacuate the children.

It didn't take long at all, but longer than Tony was comfortable with, to get back into the base. He noted the state of preparedness. "Friday... keep an eye out. If it looks like we're being surrounded, we'll need to sneak out the 'back door'. But I prefer not to lose this base if I can avoid it."

Stephen grimaced. "We likely won't be making any forays for more rescues for at least a week or two. We'll need to let things calm down, as well as watching to see if they know where we are."

Druig sighed, looking toward the others. "In that case, should we take our three newest rescues to meet with Norman and Otto? Let them decide if they will form a bond or not?"

Frank shifted before asking, "Friday? Can you give us any information on our unconscious rescue?"

"Of course, Mr. Castle. Our unconscious visitor is Grant Ward. He is from another dimension. In this dimension, he was an undercover HYDRA agent who was killed by Agent Coulson of SHIELD. I don't know if it was the same in his universe." Friday paused. "Is there anything else I can assist with?"

"Just let us know if any of Ultimus' converted are getting too close," Steve requested. "Even if they don't seem to know where we are, I still want to know if they're close." He looked around at the rest of them. "I'd suggest we all take turns keeping watch, too. We can do so in bonded pairs. It'll be easier for communication that way."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to take these two to meet Norman and Otto. You want to bring him too, or...?" Druig looked from Grant to Steve.

Steve nodded. "I might as well. We can keep whoever isn't able to bond until we can find someone else."

Druig nodded and led Kate and Dane to the cells, opening them and sending them in to join Norman and Otto. "Did Mordo explain everything to your satisfaction?" he asked.

Otto nodded. "I think we understand everything."

Norman eyed the two new people. "What are your names?" he asked.

"I'm Dane Whitman," Dane said quietly.

Kate swallowed uncertainly. "Kate Bishop."

Druig glanced at the two older men. "Do you want to explain to them, or would you prefer me to?"

"We can explain," Otto said. He looked towards Dane and Kate. "Do you understand what's happened here, in your dimension?"

"Ultimus took control over everyone. We didn't have free will... at least not until he freed us..." Kate glanced toward Druig, who was on his way out of the room, intending to give them privacy.

Dane looked at both men. "Is there something else? And what do you mean, our dimension?"

"The freedom you have right now is only temporary," Norman said. "Ultimus will take over again. There's only one way to be truly free of him, at least as things stand right now. It requires forming a bond. The bond requires sex and it also forms a Dominant and submissive relationship. However, the others here have been able to work around the demands of the bond if they don't want to keep that kind of relationship."

"Ultimus is an enemy that can cross over different worlds," Otto said. "Different dimensions exist, with different versions of the people who exist here. And some exist here that don't exist in other dimensions. Both Norman and I are from another dimension. Ultimus has taken people from their homes and uprooted them, putting them where they are not known and where they don't know people. He's an enemy that is nearly impossible to fight. This bonding has only just begun to be formed. Prior to that, the only person free of Ultimus' control was Steve Rogers. Captain America."

"So... we need to bond with someone... or accept the fact Ultimus will get control over us again? Then I want to bond! At least then I'd mostly be free..." Kate decided quickly.

Dane nodded. "What she said. Can I assume that the fact they brought us here to both of you means that they want us to bond, either with each other or you?"

"That's the idea," Norman confirmed. "Did they draw your blood yet? I know they're collecting samples for studying, before and after the bonding."

"I have come to do that now..." Stephen said, walking into the room again, carrying two vials and syringes. "If you don't mind?" He motioned the two newest rescues to him. When they came to him, he carefully drew the blood and stored it. "Once you've decided who is bonding who, there is a sliding wall you can use to separate the room into two parts. It will give a little more privacy," he told them.

He then looked toward the still unconscious Grant. "I'll just take him with me to the medical suite. He should have woken by now." He used magical bindings on Grant and floated him out of the room, leaving the four to their decision.

"It seems we have more choice than many of the others here have had," Otto said, turning towards the two younger. "What would your decisions be?"

"I... I'm not too good at obeying orders... but I'm less good at being in charge... if that's what the bond wants..." Kate said sheepishly.

"I'm pretty much the same... but I always gravitated toward strong personalities, so I'd do fine either way." Dane smirked.

"A romantic relationship doesn't have to continue past the initial sex to form the bond," Otto stated. "It's really just down to who would be more bearable to bond to." He shrugged. "Norman and I are both more inclined towards dominant personalities, so perhaps it makes more sense for one of you to bond to one of us."

"Do you have a preference? I mean... even if we decide how things go after the bond, you still need to have sex at least once to form the bond..." Kate blushed.

Norman looked at Otto. He and the other man had been close friends, before their failed experiments. Norman was possibly the only one who knew that Otto was attracted to men as well as women. For his own part, Norman had never been attracted to men. He looked towards Kate and said, calmly, "Why don't you bond with me?"

Kate swallowed and nodded, moving closer to Norman. She was an odd mixture of excited hesitancy. Despite the life changing results that were about to occur, she found herself more worried about the fact she was both attracted to Osborn and was reminded of her father when she looked at him. The combination made her slightly unsettled. "So..  uh... what first?"

Dane looked at Otto. "I experimented a little in college, so I'm not clueless... just tell me where you want me...." he said, with a cheeky grin.

"Privacy first," Norman stated. He moved the sliding wall, so that he could give them privacy, then turned to Kate. It wasn't an entirely comfortable situation for him...she was young enough to be his daughter, even though he only had one child and that was a son. Still. Despite the age difference, he was attracted to her. And they didn't have to do this more than the one time necessary to form the bond.

Moving towards her, Norman began to remove the hospital gown from her body. He let his hands run over her skin, touching intimately and squeezing and caressing every so often.

Kate shivered and hesitantly began to run her hands over him. She wasn't a virgin, but she wasn't very experienced either and it was obvious in the way she kept looking up at him to make sure she was 'doing it right'. Her own body reacted quickly to what he was doing, flushing, swelling and hardening in all the obvious ways. She whined softly as she began to ache inside and get wet.

Instead of being bothered by the fact that she was obviously not as experienced as him, Norman found his own body responding...his erection hardening in response to her actions and to her arousal. He drew her in to kiss her, fingers slipping between her legs to stroke there.

Kate eagerly returned the kiss, she was more experienced with that, and opened her mouth to invite his claim, sighing softly with need as she felt his fingers stroking. She became wetter from his actions, her fluids dripping onto and coating his fingers.

Norman kissed her harder and more deeply. At the same time, he bore them both to the ground. Reacting on instinct, he held her hands up and out of the way, his other hand rubbing over her breasts and gently tweaking the nipples, before he finally pushed inside her.

At feeling her hands held immobile above her head, Kate felt a sense of safety overcome her. This man was about to become her dominant, but it didn't scare her. She somehow felt he would protect her, just like the bond would protect her from Ultimus. She widened her legs as he began to push in, arching her back to push her chest up as he began to play with her nipples. She let her tongue rub against his playfully, gently sucking.

Norman pushed all the way inside her, gently nipping at her lips. He squeezed the hands he held above her head and continued to gently squeeze and twist her nipples.

Kate began to pant with need, trying to wriggle closer, pull him in deeper, her own hands clasping at his. The ache was stronger inside.

Norman moved his hands to her hips and grasped them firmly, beginning to thrust deeper and harder inside her. His member was growing and swelling, quickly heading towards the moment of release.

Kate left her hands above her head for a brief moment after he grasped her hips, but it wasn't too much after she moved them to grip his shoulders. She began to moan in time with his thrusts, pushing upward to meet his thrusts, the moans becoming louder and more pleasured the harder and deeper he went.

Even though there was a sense of urgency to the thrusts, knowing that Ultimus could easily retake control, Norman was still careful to make sure there'd be no chafing or soreness when they were done. He squeezed her hips and kissed her harder.

Kate returned the kiss eagerly, greedily, somehow giving herself to him through the kiss. She was growing tighter with each thrust, moving closer to the edge as he claimed her body.

Norman pulled back from the kiss long enough to growl, "Let go." Then, he returned to claiming her mouth. Continued to claim the rest of her body.

Kate gasped at the order, unable to do anything but obey. Her body clenched around him and shuddered as her orgasm tore through her.

Norman's own release came over him at the same time and he let go inside her. As he did, a warm glow surrounded the both of them...and when it faded, it left a matching mating mark on both of their hands. He's not in control of either of us anymore. He spoke the words inside her mind.

Kate's eyes widened at hearing him speak in her head. We are free? That is a relief. Now what? Do I obey you? She impulsively wrapped her legs around him, so he wouldn't immediately pull out. Somehow, it felt easier to have this conversation with him still in her.

If that is the relationship you want, he replied. It doesn't have to go any further than this.

It doesn't... but... I don't want to be alone. And it... feels wrong to even think about finding another lover when I'm bonded to you. If I did, I feel I'd need your approval... Kate ran her hands gently over his shoulders and back as she thought. Besides... while I admittedly have not had many lovers to compare, this was by far the best experience I have had. I'd regret not experiencing it again, I think... She grinned impishly.

You don't have to make any decisions right now, he said. You can take time to think about it. I am much older than you and you might find you have a connection to someone your own age, once your whole world is free.

Maybe. It will be some time before our worlds know freedom from Ultimus. You may rue tying yourself to me and want to be rid of me by then. Kate smiled crookedly.

I think that is unlikely, Norman answered. Bonding to you has freed me from Ultimus. If you want to have a relationship with me, where I am in charge of you, then I am willing. He withdrew from her and then began to carefully clean her up.

Kate bit her lip and blushed as he cleaned her. I can't say I like being told what to do... but I also know I tend to attract trouble.

Well. I'll do everything I can to protect you. Even from yourself. He finished cleaning her and then himself, before collecting the clothes that had been left and beginning to dress her.

Kate smiled at being taken care of. He was doing it without thought, almost instinctively, and she was cooperating for the same reason, though before the bond, she would have taken offense at being taken care of in such a way.

Norman finished dressing her and then himself, then rested his hand lightly on her shoulder. "Once we are sure Otto and Dane are finished, I'm sure we'll be able to leave the cells."


"You just need to make yourself comfortable," Otto directed Dane, even as one of his robot arms reached to pick up the supplies that he needed.

Dane glanced around, moving to a mat on the floor. Letting the hospital gown fall to the floor, he carefully lay on the mat on his stomach, legs spread. The quicker the bond formed, the quicker Ultimus was permanently out of his head.

Otto moved over to Dane and settled between the younger man's legs. He used the lube on the palm of one hand and began stroking Dane's erection with it. He poured a generous amount of lube onto the fingers of his other hand and pushed one inside Dane, beginning to move it in circles.

Dane made sounds of acceptance as he was handled and breached. It didn't take long for his member to come to full arousal. There was only a moment's discomfort as Otto stretched him before it began to feel good and he moaned softly.

Otto continued to pump Dane's member as he added a second finger, pushing that inside the other man, beginning to move both fingers slowly in circles.

Dane moaned softly. "Feels good...."

Otto gently squeezed Dane's member, even as he added a third finger...taking as much time as he could for preparation, despite knowing they had to be as quick as possible. Finally, deeming that Dane was ready, he lubed up his own member and withdrew his fingers, pushing inside Dane.

"Ugh... yeah..." Dane gasped out softly. "Fo... forgot how this feels, been so long...." It was obvious he liked it. A lot.

Otto left unsaid that Ultimus didn't care enough to let his slaves have any form of human contact with each other; that family and relationships no longer existed under his rule, along with any kind of sexual pleasure. Instead, he began to stroke Dane's member more firmly. And he began to thrust, deep and hard, inside the younger man.

Dane was embarrassed at how little time it took for Otto to bring him to the edge. When he said it had been a long time, he wasn't just talking sex in general; he'd meant since he'd been with a man and bottomed. It wasn't because he didn't like it either. It was because he'd liked it too much. It had caused him to feel and want things he didn't understand, or think he should want. So he'd avoided that part of himself.

And now? Now, he had been without any physical affection or contact since Ultimus had taken over. It was impossible not to react to those needs he'd ignored for so long and respond. He choked on a sob as he gasped, "I'm gonna... I can't..." clearly embarrassed and ashamed that he was going to come so quickly, just from Otto thrusting in him and pumping his cock.

"It's been a long time," Otto said in understanding. "Let go." He gave the permission. "We'll let go together." It hadn't taken long for him to reach that point either, holding back only because some instinct told him to wait long enough for them to release together.

Shuddering, Dane moaned loudly and released, hard, his body clenching around Otto's member.

Otto's own release came over him at the same time and he let go hard inside Dane. As the waves of his orgasm came over him, a warm glow surrounded them...and he saw the mating mark appear on their hands.

It was as he felt the warmth of the glow around them forming that Dane knew his first lie was about to be exposed. He'd said he wasn't submissive. The truth was, he'd felt times where he wanted to submit, but was too afraid to listen to that urge. He was having that urge now, that desperate need to put his life into another's hands and obey, and there was no way to push it down and hide it. There was no way Otto wouldn't know his shameful secret desire. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes and waited uncertainly for the condemnation he was certain he'd be getting for wanting such a thing.

It's all right. Otto spoke the words inside Dane's head. Wanting to submit, feeling that doesn't make you weak. It's not a bad thing. He reached out with his hand that now held the bonding mark and grasped Dane's, squeezing it gently.

Dane clung to Otto's hand, fighting tears. I've fought myself for so long and... you really don't... you aren't angry or disgusted by me? He couldn't feel anger or disgust, but maybe Otto was better at blocking things going through the bond.

Neither of those things, Otto promised. And if you want to be submissive to me, if you want to have a relationship like that with me, it won't be a problem. My understanding is that there are others here who have also embraced that side of the bond.

Dane believed him and the tears were soon under control as he calmed. I'm still not really good at obeying... even if I do want to... He sniffled, sheepish chagrin going through the bond.

We've got time to figure things out. Otto carefully withdrew from Dane and began to clean him up.

Yessir... thank you, Dane held still as he was cleaned, the feeling of being taken care of settling him.

Once they were both cleaned, Otto picked up some of the clothing and automatically began to dress Dane.

Dane blushed at being dressed too, but he was smiling shyly. He obviously also liked that. May I kiss you? he asked, managing to stifle the impulse before just doing it. Maybe Otto didn't want that type of affection.

Of course. Any time. You don't have to ask, Otto said encouragingly.

Dane grinned, leaning in and giving Otto a kiss that was almost chaste... just enough past it that it would be categorized as a lover's kiss, instead of a friend's.

Otto let his hands gently rest on Dane's hips, responding to the kiss, but letting Dane set the pace for it.

Dane smiled against Otto's lips, pressing a bit more firmly, lingering a few seconds before reluctantly pulling back. "I guess we need to let them know the bonding took?"

"Probably a good idea," Otto agreed. "Friday? Can you let the others in the base know that the bonding took...I assume the same can be said for Norman and Kate," he added.

"You assume correctly." Norman moved the sliding door out of the way, allowing him and his new bond-mate to rejoin the others.

Kate grinned impishly. "Gotta say, I like this method of losing control over my life a lot better than UItimus' way."

Dane laughed. "Yeah. Me too."

Friday spoke. "I believe Master Everett is on his way to retrieve you. He will take you to the infirmary to draw blood again and then give you a tour of the base. You can choose your quarters and then it should be time for dinner."

"You are right as usual, Friday." Ross walked in. "I'm Everett Ross. I'll be giving you the tour."

"Are you from this dimension, or did Ultimus uproot you as well?" Norman asked Ross curiously.

"I am from this dimension. As far as I know, we've found five from other dimensions." Ross led them to the infirmary where Druig, Steve, Stephen and Grant still were. "You two," he glanced between Norman and Otto, "him," he looked at Grant, "and Peter and Harry."

"There will be more," Otto said. "Ultimus takes soldiers from other dimensions and uses them in his army to take over the worlds he invades."

Norman frowned. "Unlike the last time we were here, it appears Ultimus has a way of preventing the incursion that should be caused by having people from different dimensions in a world that isn't their own. It could be a side-effect of the process he uses to convert his soldiers."

"Yes. We have Peter and Harry examining our blood to find out everything possible about the bond. It's possible our bond will do the same." Stephen nodded. He turned toward Grant. "You can stop pretending. We've known you woke up thirty minutes ago."

Grant slowly opened his eyes, then frowned. "You magically tied me up?" he asked hesitantly. If that wasn't why he couldn't move, he was going to need to reassess his options. Being paralyzed would be a problem.

"I did. We need you in control of your mind so you can answer questions. Druig's power tends to... be like a drug. We weren't certain your answers would be clear if he controlled you." Stephen walked over to draw blood from the newly bonded pairs. "Friday, could you let Peter and Harry know we have more samples for them in the infirmary?"

"Of course, Doctor," the AI replied.

It was only a few moments later and Harry was stepping into the infirmary, alone, to collect the samples. He looked towards Otto and Norman and his eyes widened a fraction. "Dad?" he whispered.

"Harry." Norman recognised his son...thought he probably would have even if there'd been a thousand different versions of Harry in the room. He left Kate's side and moved over to his son, scanning him quickly for any obvious signs of injury.

Harry swallowed. "I'm not hurt," he said hesitantly. "I was free for over a year...didn't stay under Ultimus' control for that long."

Kate bit her lip and moved to sit on an out of the way chair. And did her best to block the bond, so that Norman could have his reunion without her intruding on his feelings.

Stephen looked between the two. "You are from the same dimension?" To Peter, he thought,  That is good... there is another factor to look at between the blood. If those from the same dimension have differences to the others...Harry's father is here.

Norman nodded to Stephen, without looking away from Harry. He frowned, unable to help but feel protective. No matter how strained their relationship had been in the past, Harry was still his son...and he'd just experienced the bond for himself. "Who are you bonded to?"

"One of the sorcerers, Wong," Harry answered. "If you haven't met him already, you can later. He...took care of me." He walked over to pick up the samples, glancing towards Grant and then at the others in the room. "Maybe now's a good time to test the third person bonding theory," he said quietly.

Peter's response was more of a wordless acknowledgement through the bond. Most of his attention was on the delicate measuring he was currently doing, so he was quite clearly distracted, even though he took Stephen's comments on board.

"Perhaps." Stephen looked at Harry. "You and Peter are the ones who have studied the blood most closely. Who is it you've theorized is capable of a third bond, going by your research?"

Harry glanced towards Stephen. "In theory, we think Steve and Frank might be the best, although anyonee with the protein might be capable of it."

"Are you willing to test it? If they are correct and you are able to form another bond, it would enable Tony and Phastos to bond their spouse when they find them," Stephen said to Steve. "Plus, we would need to figure out if only the Dominant adds the third person, or if both Dom and sub have to bond with them."

"I'll check with Frank," Steve said. Frank? You said you'd be willing to include a third person in our bond. Harry and Peter believe that it's possible with us.

I am, if you think it would help someone and that it is a good idea. Should I come join you? Frank thought back.

That would be a good idea, Steve agreed.

Stephen quickly finished his exam of Grant. "Druig, if you could take him to the holding cell for Steve and Frank."

Druig quickly 'took control' of Grant, leading him out.

Stephen looked at the four newly bonded. "I'd like to do an exam on all four of you. It will not only allow me to make sure you are healthy, it will let me form a base line for future times I might need to treat you."

Kate wrinkled her nose. "I'm fine...."

Dane nodded. "Yeah. I don't have any injuries."

Norman held up his hand to forestall any further protests his new bondmate might make. "It doesn't matter if you're fine now. In the future, you could easily be injured and it only makes sense that the medical team has a baseline for your general health before that happens." Even if the medical team was currently only one person.

"I know being examined is not pleasant, but it's necessary to make sure any future problems can be dealt with," Otto said to Dane, before turning to Stephen. "I'm afraid I can't detach the arms. You'll have to examine me with them in place."

Harry left the infirmary, carrying the samples with him.

Kate pouted, but didn't argue, the bond too new for her to feel comfortable disagreeing with her bond mate.

Dane nodded. Yessir.

Stephen looked at Otto. "That is fine. How much a part of you are they? It will help if I know if I need to treat them like an arm or a leg, or if it is more like hair dye; is there, but doesn't affect you."

By this point, Frank had met Steve and headed to the holding cell with his mate.

Otto began to explain the arms and how they worked to Stephen.


We're going to be the first ones to try and form a third person bond, Steve said to his mate, as they headed to the holding cells. I suspect that if it works, Harry and Peter will want all the details we feel comfortable sharing. And at least if it works for us, we know it can work for those who have lost their relationships because of Ultimus, he added.

I hope it works. I know Tony and Phastos are worried about their relationships because of needing to bond other people. Frank nodded. He looked at Grant as they entered the holding cell. Has anyone asked if he wants to bond and be free of Ultimus?

Not yet. I plan to ask now. Steve walked over to Grant and spoke in a quiet voice. "I don't think you've missed that those of us who are here are freed of Ultimus' control," he said quietly. "The way of doing it requires forming a bond. The bond requires sex and it also requires a Dominant and submissive relationship, although that part doesn't have to stay if those involved don't want to be in that type of relationship." He paused. "Two of our scientists believe it's possible for some bonded pairs to add a third person. They believe that mine and Frank's bond is the best one to experiment with."

Grant looked up at that. "And you want me in your bond? My history isn't the best. I can obey, though. I learned how to obey, even when it was better if I didn't..." Grant swallowed and looked down. "I don't want Ultimus to control me. Even if you are my Dom and control me, it is better than Ultimus controlling me."

"It isn't the same," Steve said. "You still have freedom. You still have choice. The bond doesn't turn you into a slave." He reached out to carefully begin removing Grant's clothing. As this is the first time and there are no guides to forming a three-person bond, I think we will have to follow instinct, he said to Frank.

Druig had released Grant and withdrawn by this point, leaving just enough control that Grant could communicate. Grant cooperated with Steve fully, not trying to fight or hide as the larger man stripped him bare, exposing him completely.

Frank whistled softly in appreciation of what he saw. Yeah. Instinct is good. My instinct right now is to get in a good position to watch you push into that tight ass.

That's a promising start. Steve thought the words to Frank, even as he let his hands run gently and reassuringly over Grant's body. "If there's anything you'd like to do, if you'd like to touch or explore, you're welcome to do so." He picked up the lube and used a liberal amount, then proceeded to carefully push a finger inside Grant while beginning to stroke and gently squeeze his member with the other hand.

Grant hesitantly reached out and began to run his hands over Steve's arms and chest. His member slowly began to fill at Steve's touch.

Frank grinned and moved so he could get a good view of Steve fondling Grant.

Steve continued, taking his time, stretching Grant slowly. He added a second finger as he continued to stroke and squeeze the other man's member, feeling it grow and swell in his hand. His own member was responding...stirring and hardening.

Grant groaned and widened his legs, pulling them up toward his shoulders so he was more open and exposed for Steve to fondle. His member was fully hard from arousal and he began to pant softly, precum pooling at his tip.

Frank impulsively leaned over and licked the salty wetness off, causing Grant to let out a surprised sob of need.

Steve only shifted enough to allow Frank to act and then he was adding a third finger, stretching Grant even more. Finally, though, he deemed they were ready. Quickly removing his own clothing, he lubed up his member and pushed inside Grant.

Frank shifted and pulled back long enough to watch Steve slide in, Grant's tight pucker stretching around his Dom's thick cock. He groaned along with Grant, the sight arousing him. Shifting closer to Grant's torso, he gripped the other man's hips to keep him immobile while Steve thrust and then leaned over, taking Grant's member into his mouth and sucking hard.

Grant groaned loudly as he felt himself stretching around Steve's shaft, felt himself being stuffed full of the larger man. And then his own member was engulfed in wet heat and a strong suction that he was certain would pull his soul out from his shaft. He began to sob, babbling nonsense as his need overcame his ability to speak.

Frank was holding onto Grant, so Steve didn't need to hold Grant still. Instead, he began to run his hands over Grant's chest, gently squeezing his nipples, even as he continued to thrust inside Grant, going a bit deeper and harder.

Grant's nipples pebbled under Steve's fingers. He ached with need, inside where Steve was steadily hammering into him and Frank was sucking him like a straw, and outside, where Steve's fingers turned his nipples into red, swollen nubs. "I'm gonna... I gotta..." He sobbed, his body quivering from the effort to hold on.

I'm ready to drink him down, Master. As soon as you give permission... Frank was fully aroused and feeling greedy.

"Let go," Steve commanded, feeling his own release coming close. As soon as Grant let go, he knew he would as well.

Grant groaned, loud and long, as he released hard at Steve's command.

Frank continued sucking Grant through his release, swallowing rapidly.

Steve's own release came over him at the same time and he released with a loud, long groan.

Frank continued to suck after Grant's release had finished, milking him dry. At Grant's whimper of pain at oversensitivity, he finally stopped, instead gently licking the younger man clean. When he finally let go of Grant's member, he let it slip out of his mouth, scraping against his teeth; not hard enough to scratch, but hard enough to draw another whine of sensitivity from Grant.

Grant was breathing hard and had a dazed look on his face.

Frank instinctively crawled off of Grant, then flipped him onto his stomach. Quickly removing his own clothing, he got between Grant's legs and pulled his hips up enough that he could see his red, swollen hole. Steve's release was dribbling out of him slowly and Frank groaned in appreciation at the sight. I want to be in him, master. I want to be in him while you're in me.

Steve's own member began to grow and swell, responding both to the sight and to Frank's words. He gave wordless permission, handing the lube to Frank to make use of.

Frank quickly lubed his already fully aroused member, then pushed into Grant hard and deep. Grant was already slick and stretched from Steve, so there was no resistance. Frank adjusted Grant, so he could push as deep as possible, opening his own legs so Steve could fit between them. The action caused Grant's legs to spread as far as was possible for him to open. It also enabled Frank to pound against Grant's prostate with each thrust.

Grant sobbed as his legs were stretched wide, the complete vulnerability causing him to begin dropping. Despite the sensitivity and slight pain from the sensitivity, Grant's member began to rouse from Frank's actions.

Please, Master, Frank begged. Pound into me so that I pound into him deeper.

In response, Steve pushed inside Frank. He grasped the other man's hips and began to pound into him, hard, so that each thrust he made would push Frank deeper into Grant.

Frank gasped as he was breached. He and Steve had a fairly active sex life, so it was only uncomfortable for a moment and quickly turned to pleasure as he adjusted to the stretch. He held himself still just long enough for Steve's thrust to push him forward in his own deep, hard thrust. Soon, they fell into a rhythm controlled entirely by Steve. Moans, groans and grunts filled the air.

Steve continued to thrust, pushing into Frank and watching and feeling as Frank thrust into Grant. It wasn't long before his member grew to full hardness. It wasn't going to take much to push him over the edge.

Frank was ready to go as soon as Steve ordered and he could tell by the sounds Grant was making that he was too. Order us, Master, he begged.

"Let go." Steve said the words both out loud and through the bond.

Grant gasped as he came a second time, his body clenching around and milking Frank's member.

Frank immediately released hard, shooting his cum deep into Grant for several long seconds, drawn out by Grant's clenching around him and holding him inside. He couldn't help but clench as well, trying to draw his master deep into him. His eyes were closed, but he could feel the warmth of the bond expanding to include Grant.

Steve's own release exploded over him and he gasped, fingers tightening on Frank's hips. As the waves of his orgasm faded and he came back to himself, his eyes were drawn to the mating bond on the back of his hand...and to the slight change it had undergone. I think it worked.

How can you tell? Twin questions from both his subs carried through the bond.

Frank laughed happily. "Well, that's one way to tell."

"I'm safe now? Ultimus can't get me? I can obey you instead?" Grant asked hopefully.

"You're safe," Steve confirmed. "If you look at your hand, you'll see the mating mark on your hand. Every bond has caused one to form."

Grant looked and smiled as he saw the mark. Thank you.

Frank groaned slightly and shifted enough to carefully withdraw from Grant. "We should get clean for dinner. And clean the holding cell. It smells like sex."

The younger man immediately collapsed onto the mat under him. "Needanap..." he mumbled.

I'll take you to our bedroom, so you can sleep more comfortably, and then return here to help clean up. Steve addressed first Grant and then Frank. He picked up a washcloth so that he could clean them up and dressed both himself and Grant, so that he could carry his second sub to their bedroom.

Frank held still while Steve cleaned him, then got dressed while Steve cleaned Grant and dressed him. While his mate was gone, putting Grant to bed, he began to clean the room.

Grant was surprised that Steve was cleaning him up and dressing him... but it felt good being cared for. When the larger man carried him to their room, he snuggled close. He was asleep before they even walked through the door.

Steve carefully placed Grant on the bed, drawing the blankets up over the other man so that he would be warm. Then, he returned to the holding cells to help Frank clean up.


While Steve and Frank were seeing if it was possible to bond with Grant as a third, Stephen was giving the other four newest members their physical, getting as much information from them about their past health history, as well as family history if they had it. Friday took notes. When he was finished, he smiled at them all. "Have you been shown the full base yet? Have you chosen rooms?"

"We were going to be shown the full tour, but we started out here," Norman said.

"Well, I'll take you around then." Stephen smiled, motioning them out. Starting with the labs, he showed them where Peter and Harry had been working. "Being scientists yourself, I'm sure they could make room for you. Of course, knowing Tony, there are other labs that aren't open yet because there wasn't anyone to use them...."

"This is as good as my own set of labs...or the ones I used to have," Norman commented, glancing around.

"We've mostly been working on studying the bond," Harry said. "So there's plenty of room for you both to use." He glanced towards Peter, who was looking at some of the most recent samples, and nudged him gently.

"Huh? Yeah, plenty of room...." Peter responded, only partly paying attention to them.

Stephen nodded. "You'll have time tomorrow to decide things. We like to take breaks in between rescues, so everyone can settle in and get used to each other."  Did you find something new? he asked Peter.

"It seems like we're needing to lay low for a while anyway, given the alarm that was raised," Otto commented.

Different marker in the blood samples from Doc Ock, Norman Osborn and Grant Ward, Peter answered. Could be indicative of being from a different dimension, but I'd need more samples to be sure.

"Yes. We'll likely be at least this week, waiting for things to calm down. Hopefully not more than that." Stephen sighed. More samples from them, or other people?

"It at least gives a chance for things to calm down out there," Norman commented. "Ultimus knows people are breaking free, but he still doesn't know how that is occurring. Or why it's happening now, rather than during the first invasion."

Other people, Peter answered. The markers are gone in the samples after the bonding. Mine and Harry's don't have them, but we weren't able to get samples before the bond occurred. He paused. I have a thought I'd like to run by you later.

"Yes... well. It could be a good thing for our group as well. We've been moving so quickly, trying to rescue as many as possible, that we haven't really gotten to know each other beyond superficially in some cases. And even with our bond mates, there hasn't really been much time to settle and allow ourselves to digest the enormity of what we've done." Stephen smiled, leading them out of the labs and to the 'playroom'... the area the children stayed when not eating or in their rooms sleeping.

We may not be able to get more of those types of samples right away. We don't always know we have a dimensional transplant until we've caught them, Stephen thought.

Otto and Norman followed Stephen with their own bond mates, continuing the tour.

Yeah. I guess just wait and see if we get anymore from different dimensions, Peter responded.

When they entered the 'playroom', all the children stopped what they were doing and stared at the new-comers. Steven was helping one little boy read a book on the pyramids. He looked up as they came in. "Hello. Have you come to meet the children?" he smiled, standing and moving forward slightly to form a 'barrier' between the strangers and the kids. He wasn't worried, but it was instinctive; knowing that some of the children were shy and needed the comfort of an adult to hide behind, until they got to know the new people.

Kate grinned brightly. "Hi! I'm Kate! This looks like a fun room... what are you doing?"

"Is that a book on knights?" Dane followed Kate's example and smiled, showing an interest in what the kids were doing to try and relate and not seem scary.

One slightly older boy's eyes widened and he ran around Steven, straight to Otto. "Are those attached to you? Do they work like real arms? What can you do with them?!" he asked in excitement, as he reached out and touched one of the mechanical arms. "Can you feel me touch them?"

Otto smiled at the boy. "I can control them like I do my flesh arms," he answered. "They let me grab things I can't reach. I could also use them to climb when I need to. They don't feel sensation like my flesh arms do." He let the arm the boy was touching reach out to 'shake' the boy's hand. "They're fused to my skin, so can't be removed."

"Are any of you from different dimensions too?" Morgan asked the newcombers.

"I am. And so is Otto," Norman said, gesturing towards the other man.

One of the older girls moved to stand next to Steven. "If he brought you here from your dimension... do you think he sent my mommy and daddy to another dimension?" she asked, in a nervous voice.All the other children suddenly were staring at Norman and Otto intently, obviously afraid their parents were 'gone forever'.

“Most people aren't going to be taken to other dimensions," Otto said, leaving unsaid that Ultimus would have no reason to take people who weren't enhanced or trained out of their home dimension.

"Your parents will likely still be somewhere in this dimension still," Norman said; not as easy with the reassurance, but still trying hard. "I'm sure everyone here is working to locate your parents so that they can be freed too."

Most of the children seemed to relax at least a little at the reassurances, though they were still obviously nervous. 

Steven smiled sadly at the group. "When you are done your tour, if there is time, you could come back. The little ones like to be read to," he said quietly.

"I still need to let them pick out their quarters and retrieve what clothing and personal items they may need from storage, so that may need to wait, since it will soon be dinner time," Stephen interjected.

"Maybe after dinner," Otto suggested. "Reading quietly before bed time is always a good way of calming down from the excitement of the day."

The youngest children seemed excited by that idea; happy sounds of agreement could be heard around the room.

Stephen couldn't help but smile at the response. "I do believe you've made their evening... if you'll follow me, I'll show you the storage area, where you can retrieve any needed personal items, and the rooms. Most of us have elected to take rooms next to each other, as it is easier when we need to discuss things if we are close by. However, there are many rooms to choose from, so if you need a little more solitude, it is available." He led them out.

"Given how well-set up this area is, it surprises me that it not only remained undetected for more than a year, but that freedom has only just begun to be possible," Norman commented.

"I could shed light on that, Master Osborn," Friday interjected. "My creator, Master Stark, had set this base up in case of another world-wide threat, making it so it could only be accessed if the proper protocols were met. That protected it from discovery. Sadly, Master Stark was taken by Ultimus before he could share this information with Captain Rogers. So the base was not able to be used until my creator was freed and able to share the information again."

"Thank you for that," Norman commented. "I assume that, outside of those already stationed here, no one else is aware of this place?"

"No one was told until Master Stark was freed from Ultimus... and he has only told those who live here. It is not without its flaws and there is still the danger of Ultimus stumbling across it by accident, but it is the safest we can make it." Friday was confident.

"That's good to know," Otto observed. "And if everyone stays on guard here...." He shook his head. "Ultimus is unlikely to attempt another form of conversion," he said to Stephen. "He won't hesitate to kill everyone in this base. The only thing that might make him hesitate is learning just how those here have escaped his control."

"Ultimus is ruthless," Norman said quietly. "Our own dimension's Spiderman was killed during the initial invasion. There was no attempt made at conversion. Only destruction." He hadn't told his son that. His and Harry's relationship was strained enough as it was. Since Harry seemed...not exactly happy, but at peace...he didn't want to disrupt that. Eventually, his son would have to know the truth, but maybe not yet.

Stephen frowned. "I suspect that was the case in many dimensions," he said softly, remembering Peter's nightmares. "Hopefully, we will be able to think of ways to prevent that occurrence before it becomes a problem."

"If I may suggest, sirs. Grant Ward, though he is from another dimension, may have some information that could help. Unlike the rest of you, who have been open about your experiences before Ultimus took control and what you could remember of during his control, he has seemed.... cagey?... about his activities before, as his counter-part here was killed by Director Coulson of SHIELD...." Friday suggested hesitantly.

"If the third-person binding took, he might be more open to sharing information." Norman didn't exactly know what the two younger men had found that made them think creating a bond with three people was possible, but he'd been there when Harry had brought it up. "Do you know if it did take?" he asked Friday.

There was a pause before Friday answered. "Captain Rogers says that it did take. Apparently, it tired Master Ward and he is sleeping, but after dinner, there can be a debrief to share essential information."

"Thank you," Norman said. He looked towards Stephen. "If we continue the tour...I don't expect any of the information that can be shared is so urgent, it can't wait until after we've eaten."

"The only place I haven't shown you is the quarters." Stephen led them to the elevator. "We all chose quarters on Q1. That's the floor where the holding cell is located, so you've seen the floor, if not the quarters." Stephen stepped into the elevator to lead them back down. "Tony says there are 100 rooms, though.... Twenty on each floor designated for quarters.... so, if you want a room on levels Q2-Q5, you can choose one of them. All quarters are the same, basically. The only differences are whatever personal touches you choose to add. " He waited to see what they wanted to do.

Otto shrugged. "I don't have any preference for rooms. I can be on any floor."

"Harry is on Q1?" Norman asked. He wasn't sure if his son would be happy with him being on the same floor, but couldn't help but think that being close to Harry might help heal something of their relationship.

Stephen stepped off at Q1. "Yes. I can point out which rooms belong to who. If that will help you." He proceeded to point out each occupied room, along with its owner or owners, depending on if the subs were rooming with their Dom or not.

Kate bit her lip as she realized not every sub stayed with their Dom. Norman hadn't seemed overly thrilled at having to bond with her, even if he'd made the experience as good as he could. Would he prefer to live alone?

Dane didn't bother worrying about it. "Can we share a room?" he asked Otto immediately. Now that he was finally accepting some of his urges that he'd ignored or denied for so long, he was reluctant to pretend he wasn't the other man's sub.

Otto nodded. "There's no reason why we can't," he replied. He wasn't going to pretend or hide; and definitely not if Dane was willing to be open.

Norman glanced towards Kate. "What would be your preference?" he asked her outright.

Kate knew she wasn't the type to listen or obey blindly. She wasn't typically submissive. But she also knew she'd been alone for so long and was with strangers, however nice and helpful they were. And... maybe it was because of the bond. But maybe it was because she was young, even if an adult, and scared, and lonely... and maybe some part of her just wasn't submissive because she hadn't found the right person to submit to. She didn't know, but part of her wanted Norman to take charge and tell her what to do.

If it was the bond, or her fear, or some latent submissive tendency that Norman Osborn brought out, she didn't know; what she did know was she didn't want to be alone. Swallowing, Kate almost whispered, her answer timid, as if afraid he'd turn her down, "Can I stay with you?"

Norman nodded. "It's settled, then." He turned back to the rooms, taking note of the positioning of the room Harry was sharing with Wong and that there were two empty rooms; one opposite and the other between theirs and the one Stephen shared with Peter. "We can take this one." He gestured towards the room opposite.

Kate grinned. "So, we go get personal stuff from storage now?" She looked at Stephen. "I'm assuming we need to limit how much we take, so that there is stuff left for future rescues."

"I think there should be enough clothing you can get a week's worth. That way, you aren't needing to do laundry every day. And next supply run we make, we can replenish whatever you took." Stephen smiled. "I'll leave you to it." He turned to go into his own room.

Dane looked at the empty room next to Norman and Kate's. "Is this one okay with you?"

Otto nodded. "It's fine with me," he confirmed. "We'll get the supplies from storage now. Come back and settle in."

Dane nodded and turned to go back to the elevator so they could go to storage. "Hey, Friday? How much time do we have to get ready before dinner?" he asked curiously.

Kate turned to go to storage as well, waiting for Norman before starting.

"There is approximately forty-five minutes until dinner will be ready," Friday announced, as the group headed towards storage.

"Cool!" Kate grinned. It wasn't much later that they were gathering clothes and other personal supplies.


Wong came into the lab where Harry had been all day. You should stop for the day. Dinner will be soon. Come clean-up and relax a bit before we eat. And you can explain to me what the riot of feelings I have been sensing from you means. His own feelings were of gentle concern.

Harry blinked, having not even realised what time it was...or that he'd been in the labs all day. Yeah, okay. He straightened, rubbing at the crick in his neck and stretching to get some of the kinks out of his back.

Wong walked over and gently began kneading Harry's shoulders, before leaning forward and brushing a soft kiss to the back of his ear. Come. We'll clean you up and I'll help you get the kinks out, he thought, with a hint of amused fondness that he didn't try to hide.

Mmm.... Harry leaned happily into the touch, turning so that he could hug Wong tightly for a moment or two, before moving enough so that he could be led from the lab.

As they left to return to their room so Harry could clean up, they passed the newest rescues (sans Grant Ward).

Harry noticed his father and he stiffened up, just a little. It was barely noticeable...Wong would feel it, since Harry hadn't tried to block off the bond. He was happy his father was here and free, of course he was...but their relationship had been so strained in the past, he wasn't sure being whole worlds away from where they'd started could make it better.

Wong noticed, of course. He shifted slightly in front of Harry, to provide a slight protective 'barrier', but masked it in introducing himself. "Hello. I am Wong. I am one of the sorcerers here that can assist you with portals to and from locations, should you need. I am also Harry's bond-mate." He worded it so that it would put Harry and him on more equal footing. He was proud that Harry was his submissive, but he would not divulge that information to his mate's father unless Harry wanted Norman to know.

Harry relaxed, obviously, when Wong placed himself protectively in front of him. It wasn't that he was scared, but he was uncertain. Seeing Norman from a distance was vastly different from being in the same base as his father.

Norman looked over Harry, as if trying to assure himself that his son was comfortable in the current situation, and then looked towards Wong. "I'm Norman Osborn. Harry's father." He didn't try to ask any questions, or pry into the exact nature of their relationship. He planned to try and make it better between them, but knew it would take time. Maybe a lot of time.

"I am glad to meet you," Wong said honestly. Despite the conflicting feelings he was receiving through the bond, he could tell Harry was happy his father lived and was free. And despite Harry's uncertainty, he sensed that Norman Osborn just wanted to mend fences with his son. "It gives hope that someday, all of us will be able to reunite with those we have been separated from."

"Yeah...maybe our version of Peter Parker got brought here too," Harry said, unable to hide the hopeful note in his voice. As jealous as he'd been over the interest Norman had shown in his best friend, Peter had still been the closest thing to a brother he'd ever had.

Norman figured he could count himself lucky that Harry didn't seem as able to read him as he could have been, because he hadn't been able to hide his flinch at the mention of their version of Spiderman. He didn't want to lie and give Harry false hope, but he couldn't bring himself to tell the truth either. "We're just going to the storage room to collect clothing. I assume we'll have a chance to catch up at dinner?" he asked his son.

Harry nodded, feeling a bit more at ease that he wasn't going to immediately need to continue making conversation with his father.

Wong caught the flinch, but didn't let on that he noticed. He made a mental note to himself to be prepared for Harry's reaction to what was likely going to be upsetting news. "Usually, after dinner, if we don't retreat to our rooms, we spend time in the recreational area. It gives everyone a chance to get to know each other and relax. We pretend it is for the children, but I think we all would miss it if we didn't take these opportunities."

Kate had been watching the by-play between Norman and Harry and couldn't help feeling a little jealous... though she told herself she was jealous because Harry had family with him now and not because Harry was getting Norman's attention. Even though her mother had gone to jail for working with Fisk, in the end, she'd done the right thing. She'd loved Kate; and Kate loved her. Kate couldn't help wondering where her mother had ended up.

Norman nodded and cleared his throat, almost nervously...certainly uncertain. "I'll see you then," he said to his son, before wrapping an arm automatically around Kate's shoulders and steering her to follow Otto and Dane, who had paused while the conversation was going on.

Harry let his breath out slowly as his father disappeared from view. Thank you. I...our relationship wasn't exactly good even before Ultimus showed up.

Of course. I wouldn't do anything else but support you. Wong wrapped his arm around Harry and led him to their room. If it helps, though... I believe he is just as nervous as you. I think he is sincere in wanting to connect with you again.

As they'd retrieved all the items they needed, Dane and Otto only paused at the door to their room long enough to make sure Wong and Harry didn't need something. As soon as the conversation between Wong and Norman was obviously over, they'd gone into their room after quietly saying they'd see the others at dinner.

Kate couldn't help feeling that strange awkwardness that occurs after saying goodby to someone, only to end up walking in the same direction together for another several minutes. She fidgeted closer to Norman to make room for Harry, who was beside her being led by Wong on his other side. Both of them studiously avoided looking at each other, which made it even more awkward, to the point she was fighting nervous giggles when they finally parted at their respective rooms and went inside.

Maybe. Harry sighed. I'm glad he's free. I just don't know what to do now about the relationship. I mean, I'm closer to you than I've been to him and he's my father. Of course, it was just us for more than a year, so it's not like there was anyone else to take the focus away. Once they were inside the room, he moved to the bathing area and began stripping off, heedless of whether Wong followed him or not. He was past the point of trying to hide or pretend modesty around his bond-mate.

I believe he is as nervous as you, but appears willing to go slowly. You do not need to push yourself. Give yourself time. Wong followed Harry, undressing as well. Once they were both naked, he pulled his mate into the shower with him, making certain the temperature was one that would most relax Harry, then began to bathe the younger man.

Harry sighed and relaxed further as Wong took over and bathed him. He moved only enough to make it easier on the other man; otherwise, he held still and submitted to the actions, tension seeping out of him.

Wong took his time, making certain to massage tense muscles, using the shower gel in place of oil. He massaged and cleaned Harry's more sensitive areas as well, making sure his bond-mate was thoroughly clean and loosened up inside and out.

Harry's groan was low and appreciative, his member stirring in interest at the actions. Feels good. He murmured the words through the bond, feeling himself becoming more relaxed...more pliant...the longer Wong worked.

Good. I want you to feel good... Wong turned Harry to face the wall and placed his hands against it as a brace, before continuing the sensual and intimate massage. Soaping Harry liberally, he slid his hands to Harry's cheeks, squeezing and massaging the tight globes before gently spreading Harry's legs so he could part them and clean between.

It felt good and Harry didn't even try to pretend it didn't. The tension seeping out of him wasn't just from today; after a whole year spent running and hiding, his nerves always on edge, letting himself relax even here had been difficult. It was easier now. Easier to place himself entirely in Wong's hands. The bond was fully open between them, letting Wong feel how much Harry trusted much what he was doing was helping.

Wong let his satisfaction that he was helping Harry leak through the bond as he pushed one soapy finger into his mate and began to rub gently inside. He paid close attention, pushing in another finger and then a third, as soon as he felt Harry loosen enough. He rubbed gently, but he rubbed deep, making certain to rub all around inside, so there was no part that Harry didn't feel his touch.

Harry groaned, unable to help pushing back so that Wong's fingers could go deeper. His member was growing quickly, responding to the older man's touch. To his possession. Please.... he begged through the bond.

Slowly Wong removed his fingers, pushing Harry's chest closer to the wall for support even as he pushed his legs further apart so Wong could get between them. Aligning the tip of his own thick and fully hard member to Harry's entrance, he leaned forward and gently nipped the back of Harry's neck. You belong to me. Say it...

I belong to you. Harry groaned at the nip; at feeling Wong's member, pressed against his entrance. My master.

I love you. Wong growled softly as he shoved upward with one smooth, hard thrust. The thrust pushed Harry off of his feet and against the shower wall, leaving him an inch above the floor, impaled on his master's shaft. Wong quickly shifted his grip to Harry's inner thighs to not only keep his legs open wide, but to provide enough support, as Harry no longer held his own weight. Then, he began to bounce the smaller man so that his member rubbed deep inside while his balls smacked the insides of Harry's cheeks and his rim, keeping his mate spread open on him.

Harry would have responded with words, but he was suddenly unable to think enough to form words, finding himself impaled...held off the ground...only able to rely on Wong to support and hold him. He whimper-groaned, feelings of love and submissiveness flowing through the bond, along with the physical effects as his body became flushed with arousal.

Wong got a better grip on Harry's thighs, keeping him off the ground, reliant on him for support, and pushed him closer to the shower wall, so that Harry's member would get some friction as well. The short quick bounces turned into slower but deeper thrusts as Wong used the position to advantage, each thrust hard enough to push his balls flush to Harry's entrance. It was making it so that the sensitive area was being spanked, even as Wong's shaft pounded against Harry's prostate.

Harry's groans and whimpers became louder and more intense. He didn't have any presence of mind to form words, even to beg or plead. He couldn't help but begin squirming in response to the stimulation, his body reacting naturally to the stimulation.

Wong continued to thrust, giving Harry no foothold or handhold beyond what he'd allowed from the beginning. His submissive would rely entirely on him and would only be released when Wong felt it was time. The feeling of power and control were just as arousing as feeling Harry's tight warmth surrounding his member and he felt himself grow just that small bit longer, wider, and harder.

Harry was giving himself entirely to Wong, both physically and mentally. Being held like this, with Wong in complete control, was so arousing...his member had swollen to full hardness and there was precum leaking at the tip. He didn't touch himself, though. He was too well-trained by this point.

After a year together, Wong could sense when Harry had reached a point that he'd soon be unable to wait for permission. He knew that Harry would view not waiting for permission as failure and he didn't plan to set his sub up to fail. Giving one last hard push upward, so deep and close that nothing would be able to escape his mate, he reached with one hand and squeezed Harry's member hard. Let go now! he ordered, before biting down on Harry's shoulder; hard enough to leave a mark, but not break skin.

Early on in their relationship, Harry had been embarrassed at how fast his release had come over him when Wong had given permission. Now, though, it didn't embarrass him at all. He viewed it as a good thing that his body responded to Wong so quickly. He released with a long, low cry, his muscles clenching around Wong's member as if trying to keep his master inside him for longer.

Wong groaned at feeling Harry tighten around him and his own release hit, spurting into Harry for a long moment, filling him up.

As the waves of his orgasm faded, Harry slumped back against Wong, trusting the older man to hold his weight. I love you. A wave of contentment came through the bond.

Wong finally released his teeth from Harry's shoulder, licking the spot gently. You will bear my mark for at least a little while, he thought, with a hint of satisfaction. Carefully, he lowered Harry back down so he could stand on his own feet, keeping a firm but gentle grip on the younger man to hold him steady. He slowly pulled out, then gently turned Harry under the water again to rinse him off. He kept a close eye on the water going toward the drain, to make certain there were no pink tinges to it.

Harry leaned heavily on his bond-mate, snuggling close. Wish you could mark me permanently, he thought through the bond.

Maybe someday. When Ultimus is gone and it isn't a risk to have my mark on you.... Wong turned off the water and gently drew Harry from the shower, patting him dry with a towel, then briskly drying himself off. He led Harry into their bedroom. Get on your hands and knees. I need to make sure I didn't harm you, he directed, as he began to put on his own clothes.

Doesn't feel like you did. Though it does feel like I'm well-used. Harry obediently got on his hands and knees, though.

Wong smiled at that, with a hint of satisfaction leaking through the bond. Still feeling the need to dominate, he let Harry stay in the exposed position for a few minutes after he'd finished dressing, just so he could get his fill of looking at his subs well-used bottom. Then, he moved forward, kneeling between Harry's feet and carefully pulled his cheeks apart so he could examine the reddened pucker. It was still slightly open, loose from Wong's rough claiming.

I don't see any tearing or chafing... he thought with relief. Impulsively, he leaned forward and slid his tongue in as far as it could go, gently licking. I don't taste iron, either. He continued to lick, just to the point Harry was at risk of becoming aroused again, before pulling his tongue out. Carefully releasing Harry's cheeks so they covered his entrance again, he gently bit and kissed the left, then the right buttock.

Finally, he stood and pulled Harry to his feet, beginning to dress the younger man for dinner. Now that I've had my appetizer, I'm quite hungry, he teased.

I think you want to see me squirm through dinner because of you. Harry was relaxed...teasing. Once he was dressed, he stepped into Wong's space and wrapped his arms tightly around the older man, hugging. Wong helped him feel calm and settled. Like he could face whatever was coming next, no matter what it was. He held on tightly for a few more moments, reluctant to immediately step away.

I do love to see you squirm because of and for me, Wong teased back, wrapping his arms around Harry and holding tight. He felt contented. Dominating Harry always satisfied him, but it was feeling his bond-mate relaxed and feeling safe and happy that brought him the most joy. "Let's go eat..." Wong kissed the top of Harry's head, leaving an arm wrapped around his waist possessively as they exited their room. He wanted everyone to know Harry belonged to him; and that he loved his mate.

Harry leaned on Wong, head resting on the older man's shoulder, pressed as close as it was possible to be without tripping either of them up. The bond was fully open, thrumming with feelings of love and contentment. He was safe. Wong made him feel safe.

In the dining room, Steven looked up from where he was helping one of the younger children find a seat. He grinned at seeing Harry and Wong before a blank look crossed his face and then the grin became a leer. "Glad you could join us," Marc said neutrally, though the look on his face was teasing and implying he knew why if they hadn't.

Harry shrugged. "We still need food." He walked over to where Peter was sitting, since there were two empty seats next to the other young man, and sat down. He could have probably taken the opportunity to sit close to his father, but even if he was feeling better right now, he wasn't quite ready to make the first move.

Others were beginning to file into the dining room as well, quickly sitting close to either bond-mates or friends. There were more than enough adults now to make sure the children each had someone to help them.

Grant sat on one side of Steve, while Frank sat on the other with one seat between him and his Dom. One of the smallest children had wanted to sit next to Cap'n 'Mer'ca and Frank was more than willing. After all, he had the good Captain next to him all night.

Tony smiled at Morgan, who was sat between him and Mordo and was jabbering Mordo's ear off. He glanced at Steve. "We should probably debrief immediately after eating. Then we can join the kids watching cartoons before it is their bedtime." He left unsaid that the adults could then watch more adult productions, or play more adult games. If he said that, the little ones would want to stay up.

Steve nodded in agreement with Tony. "The three person bonding worked." He said that immediately, because he knew that both Tony and Phastos had Pepper and Ben who they needed to get out. They could figure out how to rescue them as their next priority, once things had calmed down and they could safely leave the base again.

Tony smiled more brightly at that. "That's great news!" His sense of relief was able to be felt by everyone, not just Mordo.

Phastos nodded his agreement. "We have hope," he said, quietly and simply. He was beginning to eat, feeling his appetite returning at the thought he'd be able to save his husband.

Ross smiled at that. "We also have plenty of time to research possible locations this week, since we are staying in the base for a while."

Steve smiled slightly as he commented, "I'm sure Friday's already on it."

The meal continued, with snatches of conversation passing back and forth. At one point, Norman looked towards his son and cleared his throat. "You've been free...for more than a year? How did you escape detection for so long?"

Harry swallowed his mouthful of food. "I guess the same way Steve did. Never staying in one place for too long. Using the deserted houses and towns. Keeping watch. Soon as either one of us saw something suspicious, we were gone." He shrugged. "I had to fight not to bolt when Tony and Mordo stepped through a portal."

"You weren't alone for the whole year, though? You were with Wong? How did you meet?" Kate asked curiously. Except when Ultimus had decided to send her and Dane out together recently, she'd been alone the entire time. Granted, she'd been under Ultimus' control, so didn't really understand her position, but still.

Harry paused and frowned at the question. "I was under Ultimus' control when we first met. Wong wasn't. I guess maybe it was desperation that had him bonding to the first person he literally could." He gave his bond-mate a small but affectionate smile. They'd had a whole year to get to know each other and he was confident, fully confident, in his relationship. "I got some glimpses of the other converted. Enough that I recognised my father and Doc Ock." He frowned. "I don't know how many other people were taken from my dimension. I hoped I'd see my best friend again...that he'd find some way of getting free."

Kate sighed. "I guess we are really lucky Wong knew how to prevent becoming 'converted' and that Steve was immune to the process."

Stephen nodded. "Yes. Very lucky. Who wants dessert? I think we managed to salvage some ice cream the last supplies run we made." He tried to change the subject, feeling like it was getting a bit depressing for the children present.

"Oh, ice cream!" Morgan perked up immediately. "I want ice cream!"

It didn't take much before all of the children were clamouring for ice cream too.

Norman sighed, somewhat relieved that the conversation had been averted. Harry needed to know the truth, or he'd only end up hurting even more in the long run. But he didn't know how to tell his son that his best friend was dead.

Maybe it shouldn't come from him. Harry had formed connections to people from this dimension and if anyone would be able to help him deal with it, perhaps his bond mate could.

Kate could feel the relief as the subject was changed and it confused her. She darted a concerned look toward Norman, but quickly plastered on a smile and joined in. "Ice cream sounds wonderful! I'll help bring it out!" She quickly stood to go retrieve it with Stephen.

Harry sighed and let himself relax against Wong, taking full advantage of having his bond mate right there next to him. He glanced sideways at Peter. "We'll have to take new blood samples tomorrow."

"Mmm." Peter nodded his agreement. "See what changes there are, if any."

Dane looked curious. "Who from? I know you got before and after samples from all of us today...."

Peter pointed towards Steve, Grant and Frank. "Three-person bond. We need to see the changes." He wrinkled his nose. "It might get too confusing to add a fourth person, but if it was possible, it would help to know."

"Assuming the protein that made you think it was possible is still there and hasn't disappeared," Stephen said thoughtfully. "I can draw the blood first thing in the morning. Tonight, we relax."

Peter paused and a slightly mischievous grin came over his face and a gleam came into his eyes. He didn't say whatever was on his mind, though, and began to eat ice cream.

Harry noticed the look and shook his head in amusement, then began eating his own ice cream.

Soon, everyone was rating ice cream. Not long after, they had set the children up in the Rec room to watch cartoons while they debriefed over the most important information; mainly the fact Ultimus had sent Grant separate from Kate and Dane to spy.

"Is there anything you can tell us?" Steve asked Grant. "We know Ultimus is bringing people from other dimensions here, but he seems to be making a concentrated effort to keep those who might have a personal connection away from each other."

Grant swallowed. "Not every person working for Ultimus has been converted," he said, clearly but softly. "Eventually, they are converted, but there are many of them he leaves unconverted because they are more able to do what he wants if he gives orders and they use their own brains to carry the orders out. All these non-converted helpers are HYDRA."

Steve winced at the response. It wasn't a surprise-even Thanos had had people willingly working for him, after all-but even so.... He shook his head. "I would have hoped even HYDRA wouldn't willingly ally themselves with someone willing to enslave those he can and kill those he can't."

Grant snorted unhappily. "You don't know what they were truly capable of," he said darkly. "The bigger surprise is that I was the first spy they sent after you, considering I actively fought him and them, until I was caught."

"In your dimension?" Steve asked his newest bond-mate carefully.

"Yeah..." Grant paused. "I'm not going to lie and pretend I was a good guy. But I... most of what I did was from a misdirected loyalty to the wrong person. And then an effort to make up for that mistake through less than legal actions. Even with all I did wrong, I was trying to do the right thing..." he said earnestly.

Steve nodded and placed a hand on Grant's shoulder, squeezing gently. "I don't think you're the only one to handle things in the wrong way."

Grant relaxed at the words, finding courage to continue. "I don't know what this dimension's Grant did. I know he died. In my dimension, the man I was loyal to was HYDRA. He... got me when I was fifteen. Rescued me... at least I thought he did. Taught me how to be strong. Led me to betray good people. But... when I escaped prison, I decided I'd fight HYDRA. I never believed in them. And I knew how batshit crazy they actually were. I guess I became vigilante. Anti-hero. Anyway... If I'd been rescued by someone worth obeying, my life would have turned out a lot different. But maybe it's good I wasn't. Cuz, I know all of Hydra's secrets from my dimension. I don't think their secrets here can be that different."

"It would help," Steve commented. "Anything you're able to give us. Anything you can tell us. It doesn't have to be all at once. You could write it down as you think of it."

Ajak was sitting with a thoughtful look on her face. Finally, she spoke. "We know Ultimus is aware that we are fighting back and that he is losing his soldiers...but he doesn't know why. That must mean we are the only dimension who has either discovered the ability to form a bond to break his control, or we're the only ones willing to implement it. Either way, it gives us an advantage for as long as we can make use of it."

Tony nodded. "It's possible also that some of those who might be aware of the bonds' existence were killed early on and therefore unable to share the knowledge."

"My understanding is that it was the sorcerers' books that alerted you to the bonding," Otto said. "We never had any sorcerers in our dimension."

"So... a combination of events and people. It could be the only reason we are free is because we had the good fortune to have the right people at the right time," Ross ssid.

"And people just desperate enough to bond with almost complete strangers." Harry's comment was teasing, although that was exactly what had happened with him and Wong. They'd just been fortunate enough to be able to form a relationship out of it.

There were more than a few wry chuckles at that. A large portion of the group had been exactly that. Strangers. And now they were bonded for life. Luckily, the bond seemed to trying to make it easy on them, forming in whatever way was best for each individual pair, or trio.

"Well, it's getting late. Maybe we should join the children for at least one cartoon before getting them to bed," Frank suggested.

There were various murmurs and nods of agreement from those in the meeting and the adults stood to do just that.

When Tony went in, he sat next to Morgan, pulling her close to his side. He noticed several of the kids sidling up to various adults and made a promise to himself that they would put more effort into finding the parents of the children; even if they weren't powered and couldn't exactly help fight, they could take care of the base. The more people living in it there were, the more important that would become.

The adults paid attention to the children, speaking to them and interacting with them. When it was time for them to go to bed, Otto stood to head through with them...planning to keep to his promise of reading before bed.

Norman, figuring he might not have a better time, moved over towards Wong and Harry. "I'd like to speak with you," he said to Wong.

"Of course," Wong agreed easily, motioning toward a corner of the room, where they could have privacy without actually going somewhere else.

Norman walked over to join Wong. After making sure that Harry wouldn't be able to overhear, he spoke in a low voice. "Harry needs to know...his version of Peter Parker, our version of Spiderman, can't be saved. He was killed during the first wave of the invasion." He took a deep breath. "You can see how...strained our relationship is. He has a deeper connection to you. I think you'd be better able to help him with his grief."

Wong frowned sadly. He was easily able to block the sense of regret he felt, both at Harry's friend's death and that Harry and Norman were estranged. "Of course. If you feel it is better I tell him. But... it is obvious you cared for this other Peter as well. I can't help feeling a shared grief would help him. Even if it was coming from an estranged relationship."

"I did care about him as well, but that was part of the problem," Norman admitted. "Harry thought I preferred his best friend over him."

Wong's eyes widened with understanding. "You fear if you tell him, he will be more focused on your relationship with the deceased than on his own grief."

Norman nodded. "If he needs or wants to talk to me, of course I'll be there. But it might be better for him to have someone who he doesn't associate with the memories of his best friend."

Wong nodded. "Very well. I will tell him."

While Norman and Wong were talking, Kate stood next to Harry and awkwardly fidgeted. "You're lucky... that your dad and you are both freed and in the same place. I don't know where my mom ended up. I don't know if I'll ever see her again. Not that I saw her much. But at least before, I knew where to find her. As long as she behaved herself, the prison had visitation..." She sighed.

"Yeah...I guess we are lucky," Harry said quietly. His feelings about his father were mixed, but he was happy that Norman was free.

"Guess I am too, though. I got found and rescued. And if I had to bond to someone, it was someone who isn't a monster. Could have been so much worse..." Kate bit her lip, as she thought of endless could haves that would have been horrible.

Harry nodded slowly. "We've been lucky."

"Yeah..." Kate said, subdued. She put up a faint wall in the bond between her and Norman; not completely blocking, as that would immediately get his attention, but hiding the fact she was suddenly feeling lost and sad. He had enough on his plate without having to deal with her emotions. Especially when she had no good reason to feel the way she was.

"I guess trying to retrieve family members is going to be a priority," Harry said, trying to make her feel better. "If you give Friday all the information about your mom, she'll probably be able to track her. And if there's no one she can bond with immediately, Druig can probably keep her free for a while."

"Yeah..." Kate smiled crookedly. "Thanks, Harry."

Wong started to make his way back to his mate, trying to decide if it was better to tell him immediately, or wait until everyone had gone to bed and tell him in private.

Since the children had been put to bed and the adults who'd gone with them had returned, Peter looked around at the group and suggested, "Why don't we play Truth or Dare?"

Harry's eyes widened and he looked immediately interested. "I can't remember the last time I played Truth or Dare." The game suggestion had caught his attention and he looked immediately at Kate and Dane, both of whom seemed closer to him and Peter in age than the others.

"Oh..." Dane looked equal parts interested and trepidatious. "...Last time I played Truth or Dare, I ended up needing stitches...."

Kate blushed. "Last time I played, I accidentally puked on my future step-father..." she mumbled.

"I think there might be rules in place to prevent things like that from happening." Peter glanced towards the other, probably more responsible adults.

Steve shrugged. "I suppose it's not like anyone has to do a dare. And it's not like we'll be drinking alcohol." They hadn't outright discussed it, but had seemed to come to an agreement that they all needed to keep their wits about them right now.

Frank nodded. "And I think we can all agree that any dares need to be non-dangerous."

"Instead of playing for candy, like last time, we could always say that you are asked a truth question. You can choose to answer, but if you forfeit then you have to do the dare..." Everett suggested.

Marc nodded. "We could also make it group oriented. I mean, we could ask the Doms all the same question, everyone answers and those who forfeit all get the same dare. Then all the subs are asked a question, or are dared... that way, no one feels picked on or singled out...."

"That sounds like a good idea," Phastos commented. "It probably goes without saying that if someone is uncomfortable, whether answering a question or doing the dare, they won't be maybe we should still have candy bars. Just in case."

Tony nodded at Phastos. "Agreed. Hopefully, that won't happen, but it is a possibility. Who's starting?"

"I can," Harry said. After thinking about it, he asked, "What one thing do you regret the most? What would you change, if you could?"

"This is to the Doms, right?" Tony asked. "I always regretted that I didn't have a good relationship with my dad. I was able to heal some of that when we went back in time to stop Thanos, but if I could change anything, I'd want to make things right before he died."

"I regret the way I treated people before my accident. But I don't think I'd change anything. Even the bad things made me who I am," Stephen said.

"I regret fighting with my family," Druig admitted. "I would change my ever leaving them."

Wong frowned. "I regret nothing. Regrets aren't helpful. The only thing I would change is I would have destroyed Ultimus before he hurt so many."

"I would have...." Norman paused. "I would have been closer to you while you were growing up," he said honestly to Harry. "Maybe then, things wouldn't be so difficult now."

Harry swallowed and glanced away, but didn't say anything.

"I definitely would change going through the experiment that caused this." Otto shifted his mechanical arms. "The cost of this was far too great. It shouldn't have taken coming to a different world to set things right for me."

"I think...I have many regrets," Steve said honestly. "But I think the biggest thing I would change would be how things went with the Accords." He looked towards Tony. "I would have handled things between us a whole lot better than I did."

"I should have rebelled against Arishem a lot sooner than I did," Ajak said quietly. "Of course, if I had...I might never have found my way here. Or found freedom from Ultimus' control."

"I have one regret about helping humans advance," Phastos said quietly. "They used my inventions in a war, to kill and mutilate each other. If I could go back and change that...I would."

Everyone was quiet as they digested the answers. Eventually, Tony cleared his throat. "So, I guess it is time for the subs to answer a question. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done at work?"

"Is there an alternative answer we can give if we've never actually had a job?" Pietro asked.

"I let my anger get the better of me and left when I should have stayed." Mordo didn't go into too many details. Wong and Stephen would know what he was referring to.

"I can't really say about work...I flunked out of several schools," Harry admitted, not looking at his father.

Peter frowned. "Does making use of my alter ego to get money count?" he asked. "I was taking photos of Spiderman for the newspaper I was working for."

Harry snorted softly at that. "You and my version of Peter Parker really aren't that different...."

"Part-time job or regular obligation can count," Tony said.

Kate blinked at the question. "I've only really had one job while I was in school. I waitressed for a bit. I never really did anything horrible. Well... One time, this guy kept making rude comments and patted me on the butt... so, I kinda spit on his burger before I took it out to him." She blushed.

Grant winced. "Pass..." he said gruffly. He was pretty sure everyone could guess, but he didn't want to say it.

Frank also winced. "Me too...."

Dane shrugged helplessly. "I sent a rival researcher on a wild goose chase so I could interview for the position at the university without his competition."

Marc bit his lip. "I got my entire team killed because I trusted the wrong person. Plus side, I got noticed by Khonshu and brought back to life as his avatar...."

Ross glanced toward Steve. "Worst thing for me was trusting that psychologist we got for Barnes."

Pietro paused and then spoke in a slightly sheepish tone. "Someone was hassling my sister. I ran him to the other side of the world and left him in a desert. Wanda made me go get him...."

Druig snorted. "If he was harassing your sister, he had it coming."

Tony smiled at that, waiting for the answers to settle and give the Doms time to react if they felt the need, before issuing his dare to the two who'd forfeited.

Pietro nodded. "Yeah, that's what I told Wanda. But she's always been more responsible than me. Acts like she's decades older instead of just minutes."

Tony figured if there wasn't a response by now, the answers would be talked about later, and turned to Frank and Grant. "Since you didn't answer... I dare you ... Friday if you would please play Staying Alive by the Bee Gees..." The song began playing five seconds later. "...I dare you to twerk to this song."

"What the fuck?" Frank just stared, before shaking his head and standing, moving into the middle of the floor and... doing a passably good twerk.

Grant wordlessly got up and moved next to him, before beginning to twerk like it was a regular weekend activity.

"It looks like you've done that before," Pietro said, teasing a little...though all in good fun.

"One of my targets liked to club. I had to blend in." Grant smirked, standing straight and walking back to his seat when the song ended.

Steve laughed softly, looking at both of his subs fondly. "It's good to learn something new about you," he commented...that was why this game was a good idea, at least as far as he was concerned.

"Yeah. Now you know only one of us can dance." Frank snorted, grinning as he sat.

"Time for the Doms to answer again?" Ross looked around. "What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?"

"Dunno that it was weird. It was scary. Had a vision of the whole world dying. And in reaction, I made Ultron..." Tony said, with a sad look.

Stephen wrinkled his nose. "Once I dreamed I was performing surgery while dressed in full clown regalia."

"I dreamed I was a back-up singer for Beyonce..." Wong interjected.

Druig blushed. "I dreamt I became a dolphin and put on a show at Sea World."

"I had multiple dreams that my experiments went wrong...of course, then one of them did go wrong," Otto said.

"I dreamed I forgot how to speak at an important meeting for funding," Norman said.

"I once dreamed that I was on a talk show and speaking about Leonardo Da Vinci," Phastos said.

Ajak looked lost in thought for a few moments. "The strangest dream I had...I think I blame Sprite for those." She smiled. "For a long tume, I was dreaming about all of the myths she made up. It doesn't help that many of those myths have existed to the present day."

Steve was frowning. "I dreamed that the Avengers and SHIELD, plus a lot of other people I didn't recognise, all moved into Stark Tower." He paused. "Actually, that isn't the only time I've dreamed about it. The last time, there was some kind of incident and a lot of them became much younger. Three of them became children again...."

Mordo blinked. "It's been theorised that some dreams are actually glimpses of alternate dimensions."

"So... somewhere in a universe far away, some version of me is an operating clown?" Stephen laughed.

"Or maybe, in some other universe, doctors wear clown uniforms instead of scrubs," Peter suggested, in a tone that sounded entirely serious...only the gleam in his eye giving away the fact he was joking.

"And in one universe, you really are a backup dancer for Beyoncé," Harry said to his bond mate.

"Living the dream..." Wong said drolly, then sighed melodramatically.

"You'd prefer that to doing magic?" Mordo joked.

"Magic enhancing my life instead of being my life is the goal." Wong nodded.

Mordo nodded his agreement.

"Who's asking next?" Steve looked around at his fellow Doms.

"I will," Druig announced. "What’s something that turns you on, but you’re a bit embarrassed by?" he asked the subs.

Marc frowned thoughtfully. "I don't really get embarrassed. I guess something that turns me on that I wouldn't bring up myself, so I guess it could be viewed as me being embarrassed, I like being groomed. Washing my hair, shaving, facials or mani-pedis... as long as it lets me be touched while I'm being taken care of...."

Grant fidgeted. "Being cuddled while being told in detail what they want to do."

Frank grinned impishly. "Whipped cream."

Ross scratched his ear. "Being sung to."

"Uh... Being restrained," Peter admitted, almost tempted to refuse to answer, but deciding to go ahead anyway. Even if it was a kink he'd only just discovered.

Harry looked a bit more reluctant to answer, primarily because his father was there. After all, Wong already knew his kinks. Finally, he said, "Spanking." They hadn't been able to indulge in it much, due to the risk of discovery, but even so.....

"Haven't had a chance to discover any kinks," Pietro admitted. "But I don't mind the idea of experimenting."

"I suppose...." Mordo paused. "Being taken care of. Being able to relax enough to be taken care of."

Dane cleared his throat and blushed. "Laying bare over the lap of my lover while they do whatever comes to their mind to my bottom and only my I'm their cherished toy that they can play with... " Dane was scarlet by this point.

Kate's eyes had been getting progressively wider with each answer. Next to everyone else, I may as well be a virgin, she fretted. I've only been with two people, including Norman, and I've only done vanilla stuff. I don't know how to answer the question! She didn't realize she had been broadcasting her thoughts through the bond... or that she was broadcasting the extreme horniness that listening to the other answers had caused. I'm gonna take the dare. I don't wanna copy anyone else and I don't wanna admit I'm so inexperienced! "I can't think of something, so I'll take a dare."

Druig blinked and looked at Kate with a thoughtful, narrowed gaze, then toward his left before looking back at her. "Let your Dom draw a tattoo on your back with a permanent marker..." he finally ordered, tossing a black marker that was sitting on the end table near him toward Norman.

Norman took the marker, but he glanced at Kate before giving her any orders or directions. She'd already broadcast her thoughts through the bond about the question. He was paying careful attention to her reactions, fully intending to refuse and take it on himself if she was uncomfortable with or disliked the idea.

Kate's emotions were of relief. She'd been expecting to be asked to twerk or sing or something else equally embarrassing. Having her Dom mark on her was mild; and kind of a turn on, if he drew something to show possession of her. Not that she would tell him that without being made to. She knew he didn't really want her and she didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

Norman beckoned Kate over to him. "Where do you want it?" He was fully prepared to let her choose how much, or how little, she wanted to expose.

Kate stood and walked to Norman. "I can't see my back, so maybe you pick what seems the best spot?" Kate suggested uncertainly. She was less focused on where he'd put it, or even what he'd put, and more focused on where and how she needed to sit so he could get to her back. Luckily, to her way of thinking, she wasn't wearing a bra, so he wouldn't need to unsnap her to keep from being blocked. He only needed to pull her shirt up in back. Or have her do it.

Norman gestured for her to sit in front of him, back facing him. Then, he adjusted her position a little, raising her shirt so that he had a clear 'canvas' to work on. He wasn't an artist, but he'd often had to draw his inventions and what he envisioned at the end of his experiments, so when he began to draw, it was very quickly obvious what it was: a bow and a quiver of arrows.

Kate felt a sense of contentment, being sat in front of Norman, her back bared and vulnerable. A sense of right that surprised her. The contentment flowed through the bond. And then he started drawing and Kate's sudden breath and tenseness gave her away. She was very ticklish.

Norman snorted softly at the response, but didn't say anything. Instead, he rested his hand on the bare skin of her lower back as he continued drawing.

Kate swallowed and managed to hold still, her emotions a riot. It tickled. But it also made her tummy flip and tie in knots and her private area warm and achy and her nipples pointy. She wished she could stay sat with him, his hand on her bare back, even when he was done drawing. Or sit on his lap and cuddle. She'd never dare ask for that, but for some reason, she wanted it.

When he finished drawing, Norman hesitated. Kate wasn't blocking through the bond and he could tell what she wanted. He didn't feel right doing much more than he had already, not with his son sitting right there. But after he moved her shirt back down, he responded to her other want and gently tugged her into his lap to cuddle.

Kate blinked as one of her wants was fulfilled. How did he know? Am I not hiding things and he can tell I'm...? She blushed at realizing he might have heard her entire inner monolog and could feel that she was aroused, but she settled into his arms and cuddled, unwilling to draw attention to herself by acting embarrassed. If her master knew, it wasn't the end of the world. She didn't want anyone else figuring it out, though. She shifted enough that Norman was the only one who could see the shape of her nipples pointing under the front of her shirt.

Norman didn't respond to confirm that he could hear her thoughts, not wanting to embarrass her any further. Instead, he just held her on his lap and let her shift enough that he was the only one who saw. "I believe it is now the subs' turn to ask a question...." He looked towards the group.

"Okay...same question to the Doms," Peter said brightly.

Steve paused in thought. "I never thought until now, I would ever be turned on by someone submitting to me," he admitted.

"Honestly, just cuddling," Phastos admitted. "No strange sexual acts or anything. Merely cuddling."

"I would agree with Steve," Ajak said quietly. "Having someone submit to you willingly." She smiled at Marc.

Stephen smiled at Peter. "Having someone who doesn't get offended when my over-protective bossiness comes out."

Tony slanted his head. "Being appreciated."

Wong nodded. "I feel much the same as Stephen."

Druig grinned. "Someone who gives as good as they take and likes to experiment."

"Being trusted...I suppose." Norman was a bit more hesitant. After all, he hadn't really been with that many people.

"A person who can accept who I am, despite my flaws." Otto glanced at his arms and added, "And despite these."

Harry had noticed that his father was cuddling Kate on his lap and he'd begun shifting a bit closer to Wong. Through the bond, it was clear that he wanted to be cuddled too...and didn't really have any intentions of hiding it.

Wong glanced at Harry and quickly made the deduction that Harry didn't mind him being affectionate in front of his father. He quickly pulled his sub onto his lap, an arm around his waist, and kissed the side of Harry's neck.

Marc saw the other two and looked at his own Dom. I'm too big to sit on your lap, but could I sit beside you and snuggle?

Dane smiled at Otto. I think you're sexy. And extra arms means you can hold me tighter.

Harry immediately and happily cuddled into Wong's arms, a feeling of contented happiness coming through the bond.

Otto smiled in return, letting his own appreciation flow through the bond towards Dane.

Of course, Ajak replied, immediately shifting so that Marc could snuggle with her. Out loud, she voiced her own question to the subs. "What's the biggest lie you've told?"

Pietro frowned at that. "I don't think I could pick just one," he said. "But I did pretend to be injured once when I had to get the drop on someone."

"I came up with a very convoluted lie when I skipped class one too many times," Harry admitted. "It had to do with a dog that ran across the road and a lion that escaped the zoo.... I forgot the most important lesson when you're lying: keep it simple."

"I rarely lie...and there are no big ones I have told," Mordo said. "Perhaps only when I was a student and claimed to have completed studies I hadn't."

"I told Gwen's father I wouldn't see her again." Peter paused. "Though maybe that was more of a broken promise than a lie." He spoke in a low, regretful tone...somehow unable to help thinking that if he'd kept his promise, maybe she'd still be alive.

Grant smiled mirthlessly. "When I told myself I had to obey John Garrett because I owed him my life. He ruined me...."

"When I promised my wife and kids that everything would be okay as they lay bleeding out in front of me. They knew I was lying too..." Frank's voice caught and he cleared his throat, looking away.

A silence fell over the other subs. It felt disrespectful, somehow, to immediately answer on top of something so sobering.

Steve didn't say anything out loud. Instead, he reached out and wrapped his arms tightly around Frank's waist, hugging the other man close. He kept one arm around Frank as he reached out with his other and gently squeezed Grant's upper arm.

Stephen took the moment of silence to nod at Peter. If she was as brave as you, avoiding her wouldn't have kept her safe. She would have involved herself because it was the right thing.

You're probably right, Peter responded. Maybe there are even dimensions where she's still alive. The thought helped, a little. So did Stephen's comment to him. He let the gratitude come through the bond, so his mate could feel it was appreciated.

Probably?! Stephen asked, in a fake offended tone, teasing amusement underlying the words.

Oh, I'm sorry. Would you prefer maybe? Peter teased cheekily in return.

Uh huh... just you wait... Stephen fake threatened.

"Biggest lie I told..." Marc frowned. "I dunno. I kinda lied a lot before Ultimus showed up. Maybe when I told my ex-wife I didn't know what had happened to her father... when I actually witnessed his death."

Dane wrinkled his nose. "When I told people I had no family left. I still had an estranged uncle in jail. I was just ashamed to admit we were related."

Kate smiled faintly. "When I told my mom I'd given up helping Hawkeye and wasn't playing superhero anymore."

Ross cleared his throat. "I told a lot of lies so that T'Challa could take Barnes to Wakanda to try and help him. Can't even remember them all."

Peter didn't respond with words, but let his feelings of cheekiness and mischief and just general 'light' brattiness come through the bond...almost 'daring' Stephen to do something without actually saying the words.

Phastos nodded slowly at the answers. "Sometimes a lie can be said for a good reason."

"Yeah..." Frank said softly, leaning into Steve. "So.... What is something that you have never told anyone?" He glanced at all the Doms.

"If I wanted people to know, I would have told them!" Druig snorted.

Tony barked out a laugh. "I never told anyone that I set up my fight with Rhodey so that he would 'steal' one of my suits from me and become War Machine. I think he suspected later, but the Airforce always thought they'd pulled one over on me."

Stephen sighed. "I never told anyone that... I had given up. Was about to end it all when Mordo helped me and brought me in for training."

Wong thought about it. "I have never told anyone that I wrote Beyonce for her autograph... and she sent it to me!"

"That I really did punch Hitler." Steve paused. "Though that did actually come out during our last game of Truth or Truth."

"That I've always been driven by the fear of failure," Norman admitted. "It pushed me to do the experiment that created the Green Goblin. That could have cost me everything."

"I spent a few nights with Socrates," Phastos said.

Ajak paused to think about it. "Arishem made me to be a fighter, but...I never wanted to be a warrior," she admitted. "I would have been willing to live in peace with my family."

"I actually wanted to join the army when I was a younger man," Otto said. "But I couldn't complete the training."

I'm glad you had someone to help you during your darkest time. Peter switched almost immediately from 'teasing brat' to 'supportive bondmate'.

I was lucky Mordo found me. I am glad he is here now and that we are friends again, Stephen thought.

Peter was happy for Stephen and he let that emotion flow through the bond. It's good that you've been reunited with two of your friends, despite Ultimus trying to keep you all separate.

It is good. But we're also making new friends. None of us is alone anymore, Stephen said.

Frank looked at Druig. "You didn't answer, so your dare is to do your sexiest barnyard animal impression. Moo like a cow, quack like a duck, meow like a cat.... Something like that."

Druig started laughing before standing and going to kneel at Pietro's feet. He then began to make sounds like a cat in heat and rubbing against Pietro's leg with his head.

Pietro snorted with laughter and reached out, petting Druig's head and neck...almost like he was a cat, but a little bit more intimately.

Druig didn't stop until everyone was at least smiling from his antics. Most were laughing.

Once everyone had calmed down (at least a little), Norman was the one to speak up. "What's the most childish thing you still do?"

"Does cuddling count?" Harry asked, from his position snuggled into his bond mate. "Or cuddling someone in bed cause it's easier to fall asleep?"

"I still like to race cars," Pietro said.

"I've been known to swing through the trees and pretend I'm Tarzan," Peter commented.

"Sometimes I'll take the easiest route rather than the best one," Mordo admitted.

"I stick my tongue out at people and make faces behind their backs when they annoy me," Marc admitted.

"I pout when I don't get my way." Grant winced.

Frank thought about it. "I... make up silly nicknames for random body parts to amuse myself."

Ross wrinkled his nose. "I won't eat my vegetables unless I know I'm getting a treat after."

 "I watch cartoons. Not anime or animation for older teens and adults, but cartoons like Dora the Explorer..." Dane flushed.

 “I jump on the bed like it's a trampoline..." Kate admitted.

Everyone took a few moments to digest this...then Pietro directed his question to the Doms. "What is the biggest thing you've got away with?"

“Probably all of those fights I was in before I became Captain America," Steve said, wincing a little. "I would not recommend anyone else following my example."

"I sent the rest of the Eternals away to live and experience their own lives," Ajak said. "That was not Arishem's plan, but he allowed it."

"Most of the times I helped inventors throughout history when they came up with something more advanced than their time," Phastos admitted.

"I blew up the science lab when I was at school," Otto said. "No one ever found out that it was me. It was blamed on a gas leak."

Norman paused to think about his answer. "It feels like I got away without the murderous alter ego I created causing more harm than he could have done," he said. "I was very fortunate, compared to what could have happened."

Tony thought for a moment. "Somehow I got away with convincing my kidnappers I was actually helping them instead of making my first suit. I thought for sure I was caught several times."

Stephen snorted. "Anytime I use magic I feel like I've gotten away with something."

Wong grinned. "I got away with taking Abomination out of Super-Max to fight in the underground fight club."

Druig looked toward Ajak sadly. "I got away with just abandoning my family when I got mad at how things were being handled."

Ajak didn't say anything verbally, but she reached out and gently squeezed Druig's upper arm. She didn't have her whole family with her...but having two of them freed and with her healed some of the hurt inside, which would be obvious to her bondmate.

Otto waited for long enough to allow anyone to respond if they wanted to and then asked, "What's an amazing thing you've seen?"

Pietro paused and cleared his throat. "My sister can manipulate reality. Sometimes, when we were younger, she created images of what our parents and family would look like if they were still alive. Even knowing it wasn't was easy to believe. At least for a while."

"Sometimes results of experiments," Harry admitted. "Especially when they have a completely different result than what I expected."

"The first time Stephen cast." Mordo smiled at his friend. "After how hard you'd been working, I believe I was nearly as happy as you when you succeeded."

"People," Peter said thoughtfully. "First time I fought Connors, the city was evacuating. I was trying to get to Oscorp, but there weren't enough buildings for me to use for swinging so I could get there in time. A group of crane operators aligned their cranes so that I had a clear path. Officers stopped traffic so I didn't crash into anything when I swung close to the street." He left unsaid that he'd also been wounded at the time, which had slowed him down. He healed fast, but only when his body had the chance to rest.

Ross smiled slightly. "Seeing Wakanda for the first time was pretty damn amazing."

"When I saw a blind man be more observant and fight better than most sighted people," Frank said.

Marc said softly "I think I saw the Egyptian after-life. I left it... came back because other people were going to die... but for a short while...."

"The first time I met an Eternal... or at least the first time I realized my then girlfriend was an Eternal." Dane snorted.

Grant paused. "I saw a lot of amazing things working in SHIELD. But the most amazing thing I saw was a father willing to sacrifice himself to keep his son safe," he said, thinking of Deathlok. Until then, his experience had been that fathers and father-figures were selfish.

Kate grinned in almost fangirl like glee. "When I saw Hawkeye fighting Chitauri during the Battle for New York. He didn't have super powers, or a suit of armor, or super-intelligence. He just had a desire to help and protect. It made me feel like maybe I could be a hero too someday... even though there's nothing special about me."

"You don't have to have any of those things to make a difference in the world," Norman said to his bond mate. "And special doesn't mean you have to be enhanced or even highly trained."

Tony smiled toward Kate. "Norman is right. You're special because you love and care about people. And they love and care about you. Without that, all the power in the world wouldn't matter."

Norman gently squeezed his bondmate around her waist, though he was reluctant to do anything more right then. Not with his son there. Even if Harry was cuddling with his own bondmate and hadn't made any comments about Norman and Kate, Norman was reluctant to make his son feel uncomfortable. He was careful not to let those emotions come through the bond and just held her close.

Kate relaxed further against Norman. Her arousal had calmed enough that the physical evidence wasn't there any longer and she could have moved to sit beside him, but as long as he was willing to hold her, she stayed in place. Even if he didn't want her, he obviously cared enough to take care of her and she needed the connection.

Marc looked around, wanting to shake things up a little; and maybe get people to vocalize how their bond worked, so talking about it became the norm instead of the exception. "Did you enjoy taking over and dominating your bond mate? Do you think you'd like to dominate further and, if so, how?"

Stephen sighed. "No... because he had no choice and even though my only choice was to do it without his consent or leave him a slave of Ultimus... and even though he gave consent after the fact... I still feel guilty about that.  As for further domination, that is something to be discussed. We are figuring things out as we go along."

Tony nodded at Stephen's answer. "Same here. Situation sucked and it was the lesser of two evils, so I didn't enjoy it. We both already know neither of us wants to be anything more than platonic friends."

"I was kinda able to let him choose because of my powers." Druig shrugged. "I did enjoy it, because less guilt involved. I think both of us are Switch, though, so if there is more domination in our future, we'll be taking turns with it."

"Our relationship was formed very early on before Ultimus had controlled Harry for long. So, Harry was able to break free long enough to give me permission, at least. I didn't enjoy it at first, because even with permission, neither of us really had a choice. Now... I am fully in control. I don't think there is a further." Wong answered honestly. While he didn't want to make things uncomfortable for Harry and his father by being blatant, he wouldn't lie about or hide his relationship either.

"I gave consent during the act too." Peter said the words out loud, rather than through the bond, wanting to remind Stephen of that fact...that he'd been able to resurface during being taken and had chosen to give himself to Stephen before the bond had fully taken hold. He didn't say all that out loud, though. Even if the openness of the bond meant that those thoughts came through clearly.

"It was...." Norman paused. "This was consensual. I don't know what the future will hold, as it has only just occurred."

"I believe we are trying for a relationship. And that there is a clear dominant and a clear submissive." Otto made sure to check with Dane before he said the words outright.

"I didn't enjoy it with Frank the first time," Steve admitted. "I was the first one to form a bond and I...had no way of knowing for sure that consent would be given after the fact. I just clung to the idea that he would want freedom, even if it came at a cost. After, we chose to continue our relationship." He shrugged and then smiled at Grant. "It was easier with Grant, because he was able to give consent. So I didn't have to feel guilty."

"I didn't have to force it." Ajak cuddled Marc close to her as she said, "Ultimus didn't have a hold on either Marc or Steven, so we were able to form a bond without it needing to be forced. I'm unused to being a dominant, but...I believe it fulfills a need we all have."

"Mine and Ross' relationship is much like Tony and Mordo's," Phastos said. "Barring the action necessary to form the bond, we are"

Harry pressed a bit closer to Wong and decided that he wasn't going to hide his relationship with the older man. It would make him miserable if he tried. "Wong is my bond mate and my dominant," he declared.

Stephen gave Peter a small smile, gratitude slipping through the bond at the reminder. It was hard to remember that Peter had broken free and given consent during. Too much had been going on at the time. But it helped ease a little of the guilt being reminded of the fact.

Kate nodded, looking up at Norman seriously. "It was... very consensual..." She didn't say anything else out loud, but through the bond, she almost whispered, Some of the way my body and feelings reacted to questions asked... I would willingly submit if you wanted me that way.... It was obvious she believed he didn't.

Dane smiled, instinct causing him to move, kneeling beside Otto's leg and placing his head on the older man's thigh like a pet. A non-sexual visual of submission.

Frank's smile at Steve was fond. It was obvious he regretted nothing.

Grant grinned, almost shyly, obviously happy at the outcome.

Marc cuddled back happily before saying through the bond, You have given me what I needed. I hope you get something out of it as well. I would... if it did not make you uncomfortable... I think I might like if you dominated me in front of everyone. Even if it was only to put me over your knee like a naughty brat; no baring or spanking... just the position; it would show everyone.

"I am," Wong agreed, even as he pulled Harry tighter to him.

Plus, I want you to dominate me, as much as you'd feel comfortable doing. Peter used the bond speech, not wanting to make Stephen feel uncomfortable or forced by saying something out loud. He was growing more sensitive to Stephen's more reticent nature.

We can, perhaps, experiment. Later. When we have more privacy, Norman suggested, hesitantly because he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

Otto couldn't help but respond, allowing his fingers to stroke through Diane's hair and down his neck, gently squeezing in a more possessive way.

If you would like me to, I will, Ajak said. I could perhaps go a bit further. I do not believe they would mind.

I don't know that I'd feel comfortable taking control to the extent that Wong and Harry seem to have gone. I do feel like I want more control than what Tony and Mordo exchange, or Phastos and Ross. I hope you are not disappointed, Stephen thought.

Whatever you think is best... Kate thought back. She wasn't going to push for public when she didn't know if her feelings were actual needs or just curiosity.

Dane's contentment carried through the bond.

I want you to do what feels right to you. What feels right to me is you deciding... Marc admitted.

I want a relationship with you, Peter said honestly. Even if you didn't want to dominate me at all, as long as we had a relationship, I wouldn't be disappointed. He paused. Maybe now's a good time to tell you I was thinking it might make things easier if I moved into the empty room next door. You'd get to have your own space.

Ajak glanced around, taking note of the Doms who were cuddling their subs on their laps. She gently ran her hands down Marc's arms and then moved him across her lap.

Phastos didn't blink at her actions, instead asking his own question. "If you could meet anyone from history, who would it be?"

"Alexander Hamilton," Harry said. "The musical made me really interested in the history of him."

"Einstein." Peter shrugged. "I want to see how different or similar he is to the stories about him."

Stephen blinked at that. I... maybe it would be a good idea. At least until we get more used to each other and figure out what we're going to be.

Marc settled quite happily over his mistress' lap. He thought about the question, answering with a hint of amusement. "What name did you go by thousands of years ago, mistress? I'd want to meet you..." he said cheekily.

Kate laughed, "Robin Hood? Was he a real person?"

"King Arthur. I... learned that he is an ancestor of mine," Dane said quietly.

"Mata Hari." Ross shrugged.

"I dunno... Lewis and Clarke?" Grant looked a bit confused by the question.

Frank smiled. "Louis Pasteur."

Dane nodded at the answers. He waited a few moments, then asked, "What is something that people think you would never be into, but you are?"

"Comic books." Steve smiled slightly. "I like reading in general, but comics are my guilty pleasure."

"I love gardening," Phastos commented. "Not with any sophisticated inventions. Just using my bare hands."

"Computer games." Ajak laughed softly. "Sprite introduced them to me."

"I like cooking," Norman said. "It's not that different to experiments."

"Drawing," Otto said. "I wanted to be a professional artist for a while, but it never quite worked out."

Wong looked around before sheepishly muttering, "Bubble baths."

"Table Top Role Playing Games..." Druig said, after thinking.

Stephen smiled. "Nascar..."

Tony blushed, but had a goofy look on his face aa he spoke. "Tea parties... complete with stuffed animal guests," he admitted, obviously thinking of Morgan.

Kate grinned. "Maybe this week, we'll have time to do some of those things."

Stephen nodded. "Since we shouldn't be leaving base, we'll likely have time for a lot of things. What’s something stupid you’ve done that you’re most proud of?" he asked.

"I've done a lot of stupid things, but nothing that I'm proud of," Mordo said.

"I stood in the middle of a field and set off my web shooters just to see how far they could reach." Peter rubbed his ear sheepishly.

"I won on a race track against a whole lot of racing cars." Pietro shrugged.

"Climbed to the top of the tallest tree in the playground, just to prove I could." Harry paused. "I broke my arm, but it was so worth it."

Norman shook his head. "I remember that day."

"Went after the Track-suit Mafia all by myself; well, until Hawkeye got pulled into the resultant mess and helped me..." Kate said.

"Used a magical sword I didn't know anything about..." Dane shrugged.

Grant smiled faintly. "Jumped out of a plane to catch someone who didn't have a parachute and give them an antidote... knowing that if I caught them, chances were very high the antidote wouldn't work and they would explode and infect me with their illness."

Frank winced. "The way I introduced myself to my wife was really stupid. But... it got her attention and we eventually got married, so I'm kinda proud of it."

Ross smiled. "Some behind the scenes maneuvering to try and keep Tony Stark from becoming a scape goat when the accords fell apart and they couldn't get their hands on the 'renegade Avengers'. Numerous people told me it was career suicide, but I'm proud of doing it."

Tony blinked in surprise. "That was you? No one could ever tell me who gave the evidence that got the public on my side...."

"I figured it was better if you didn't know," Ross said. "That way, no one could accuse you of manipulating people to your side."

Marc frowned. "I dunno. I know I've done stupid stuff, but I'm not proud of it. Not ashamed either, but...." He shrugged.

Mordo waited, to see if anyone else had any questions or comments to make. Then, he asked, "What do you want to do when the world is freed and Ultimus is no longer a threat?” 

Druig wrapped his arm tightly around Pietro. "Find any family we haven't already found and then find a place to figure it out."

Tony nodded. "That exactly. Locate friends and family we haven't already found."

Wong nodded "And find those who were sent to the wrong dimensions. If they want to go home, help them go home."

Stephen agreed. "Once things are settled and all those who need to be returned to their homes are there... we figure out what to do with our lives."

"I don't think there are any arguments there," Steve said quietly. "Getting people back home, at least as far as it's possible to do, is going to be the first thing we do."

Pietro took a deep breath and leaned into Druig as the other Doms voiced their own agreement. I hope we can find my sister. He was worried about Wanda. Where had Ultimus sent her? Was she safe? 

Druig hugged tightly. We will. We won't stop until we find her.

Pietro nodded, choosing to trust in Druig, and wrapped his own arms around his bondmate, taking advantage of the affection and comfort.

Steve waited a few moments and then asked, "What was the greatest day of your life?"

Frank smiled. "I had two... my kids being born."

Dane responded, "The day I was rescued from Ultimus."

Kate nodded. "I had a lot of great days. But being free again... that's a big one."

"Any day spent with family is the best day," Ross said.

Marc shifted. "When Steven and I made friends."

Grant looked uncertain. "I'm hoping it is coming in the future."

"When I got bitten by a radioactive spider and got all my abilities," Peter said. "Before my uncle died."

Mordo smiled. "The first time I used my magic."

"When me and Wanda escaped from the labs," Pietro said. "It was the first time I thought maybe we could have a life together."

"I kind of agree with Dane and Kate," Harry said. "Getting free of Ultimus. Maybe coming here, knowing we don't have to keep running and hiding in a new place every couple of days...actually having hope, as there's more than just me and Wong free of Ultimus."

Grant nodded at that. "Yeah. I think everyone can agree being free is top three at least." He paused before asking, "What is the most embarrassing nickname you have ever had?"

"Shell-head? Tin Can? I dunno," Tony said. "I don't tend to embarrass and like to take things and own it so it can't be used against me."

Wong wrinkled his nose. "If I had one, I never heard it...."

"Zombie King," Druig muttered, with a pout. "Among numerous others, thanks to Sprite."

"At the risk of telling on myself." Stephen sighed. "Sleepin Strangefellow"

Tony blinked. "Come again?"

"On account I could fall asleep in any strange place." Stephen shrugged sheepishly.

"Doctor Octopus," Otto said. "I'm sure you can understand why."

Steve snorted softly. "Bucky used to call me shrimp, until I took the serum and became Captain America."

"I had the nickname Brainy when I was at school." Norman shrugged.

Ajak couldn't help but smile. "I think most of our nicknames were thanks to Sprite," she commented. "I didn't find any of those embarrassing. I knew she didn't mean anything cruel by them."

"I always figured if she gave you a nickname, it meant that she liked you." Phastos shrugged.

"Isn't it often the case that the most embarrassing nicknames come from those who love us?" Stephen asked.

"I think you could probably make some argument for that," Steve commented, with a slight smile.

"The rest of you didn't answer. Does that mean I can give you a dare?" Grant smirked.

"Those are the rules of the game," Steve said.

Grant grinned. "Sing the song 'Steal My Sunshine' to the rest of us."

"I think you might regret that dare," Ajak mock warned, chuckling softly. "My singing voice has never been considered good."

Phastos shrugged and smiled. "We agreed to the rules of the game." He cleared his throat and began to sing.

Ajak joined in, with a slightly self-deprecating look. She'd been honest about her voice.

Good or not, everyone clapped and hooted when the impromptu concert was done.

Wong sat for a few moments, looking very serious, before finally asking, "Have you ever picked your nose absent-mindedly and then eaten it?"

Kate had a horrified look on her face. "Eeeew! Gross! No!"

"When I was a kid, maybe...definitely not when I grew up," Harry said.

Peter frowned in thought. "I've done a lot of things absentmindedly when I'm caught up in an experiment, but pretty sure that wasn't one of them."

"Nope. Never," Pietro stated.

Mordo just shook his head, looking amused. "Nor have I."

"If you did it absentmindedly, how would you know?" Grant asked. "I don't think so...."

"No. But my toddler did stick his finger in my mouth after sticking it up his nose..." Frank said, with a grimace.

Ross shook his head. "No."

"I did it on a bet, not absentmindedly," Dane admitted sheepishly. "Got 100 pounds from it...."

"Money well-earned." Pietro snorted softly.

"I was broke and hungry!" Dane defended himself weakly.

"Not as hungry after the bet, I'd guess..." Frank muttered, causing more than a few chuckles.

"Okay. Well, I'm the last one with a question, so... Do you have a bucket list? If so, what is one thing on that list?" Kate asked.

"To learn how to cook. Seriously. Never did." Tony laughed.

Stephen smiled. "Mentor someone."

"Learn to dance," Wong stated.

"I'd like to find out where Arishem and the others came from. Send them back if possible." Druig snorted.

"Settle down," Ajak said. "Have a peaceful life with family and people I love and who love me."

"Repair my damaged relationship," Norman said.

"To finally be able to publish my findings," Otto commented.

"Learn how to cook." Phastos gave a chagrined smile. "I'm very good at burning water."

"Peace," Steve said simply.

Everyone quieted after Steve's answer, just reflecting. It was late. They'd spent several hours playing the game. And it had been a very long day for some of them. Kate listed to the side, her head resting on Norman's shoulder, as she fought sleep.

Dane yawned widely, starting a chain reaction of yawns.

"On that note, I think bed is in order," Tony said.

Steve nodded his agreement. "We'll need to stay in the base for the next week or so, so there'll be plenty of time to get to know each other and settle more." He stood, holding an arm out to each of his subs.

Harry yawned and kissed Wong on the cheek, then stood up.

Frank and Grant both stood, each taking one of Steve's arms.

Dane stood and held a hand out to Otto.

Stephen stood, pulling Peter up and leading him from the room.

Kate nuzzled against Norman, making unintelligible noises.

The others filtered their way back to their rooms.

Norman didn't bother making Kate stand, instead standing and lifting her into his arms.

Otto put his hand in Dane's and got to his feet, wrapping an arm around his bond mate's waist to lead him to their room.

Kate snuggled against Norman, happy for the closeness and grateful. Even if he didn't know for certain what kind of relationship he wanted with her, he was at least affectionate. She wouldn't have to go without affection.

Dane leaned into Otto, following him to their room.

Norman carried her to their room, reaching it at the same time Otto and Dane reached theirs. Both of them took their mates into their respective rooms.

" you..." Kate said, in a soft, almost tiny, sleep filled voice. Through the bond, it was clear she was telling the truth. They may not know what form their relationship would take, but she already loved and trusted him with her entire being.

Norman was surprised, but not in a bad way. He carefully placed her on the bed, moving to collect pajamas so that he could undress her and make her more comfortable for bed. Through the bond, his own feelings of care and even love came through. He didn't say the words out loud, but he didn't try to stop the emotions from coming through the bond.

Pure, innocent joy flooded the bond as she felt that her love was reciprocated. Kate's smile for Norman was bright, if tired, and she cooperated as much as possible as he changed her, trying to make it easy for him. She flushed a little as he saw her naked, but didn't try and hide from him. The feeling that she belonged to him and he was allowed to see or touch however he wanted surprised her with its intensity and drove any thought of modesty from her head.

Once Kate was changed, Norman got undressed himself. He stretched out on the bed next to her and gathered her into his arms. I have you. It's safe to rest.

Kate snuggled close, her head on Norman's chest, falling asleep.

Norman took a few more moments to fall asleep, enjoying the peace that came from no longer having either the Green Goblin or Ultimus inside his head. Finally, though, he fell asleep too.


As soon as they were safely behind closed doors, Dane stripped naked and climbed into bed. Had he not been tired, he would have asked permission, but he could feel Otto was tired as well and he knew his master would always expect him to take care of himself, so he wasted no time.

Otto undressed fairly quickly as well. He didn't concern himself with pajamas, since Dane was clearly comfortable naked. Once he too was unclothed, he stretched out on the bed next to Dane and drew his mate into his arms.

When Otto got into bed with him, Dane pressed close, tangling limbs, nuzzling Otto's chest. Contentment flooded the bond as he fell asleep.

Otto kissed the top of Diane's head and closed his eyes. He quickly followed his bond mate into sleep.


Down the hall, Wong had led Harry into their room. He'd debated waiting to tell the younger man of his friend, allow him to get a restful sleep, but waiting would only prolong the inevitable. There is somethong I need to tell you....

Harry blinked. That sounds ominous. I hope you're not about to tell me you think we should see other people, he joked tentatively.

Wong snorted. No way. No one else would put up with my Beyonce obsession. No... it's about your friend Peter. From your dimension. Wong's mood was somber. Your father. He... he was sad to inform me that he witnessed Peter's death. Ultimus murdered him."

Harry's eyes widened and grief and pain flooded the bond, Harry unable to pull his emotions back. Dead? But no...he can't be. He'd be useful to Ultimus! His mental voice faltered. dad was mistaken? There are other Spiderman. Maybe it wasn't MY Peter? The feelings of hopeless grief coming through the bond suggested he knew better, but he clung to the possibility that maybe Norman had been mistaken.

He seemed fairly certain. We know Ultimus kills those he is unable to control. If your Peter is anything like you... Ultimus wouldn't be able to control him. Wong held Harry tight. I'm sorry.

Harry didn't realise he was crying until the tears were running down his cheeks. Letting out a choked sob, he clung to his mate.

Wong just held Harry and let him cry.

Harry didn't know how long he cried for. He just held onto Wong and sobbed into his bond mate's chest, knowing that the older man was there and could protect him while he grieved. When the tears finally slowed down, his face felt stiff and his eyes gritty. We had some conflicts. I never had the chance to tell him I was sorry and that we...were still brothers. He didn't speak out loud, not sure his voice wouldn't crack.

Wong sent a wave of sympathy through the bond. He didn't say anything trite. He didn't know if Peter would have realized how Harry felt if Harry didn't tell him. He didn't know that it would be okay, though he knew, with time, a callous would form over the pain and it wouldn't feel so immediate and hard. He just continued to hold Harry.

Harry nuzzled in closer to his bond mate. Wong was calm and steady and Harry knew he could lean on the older man. He sniffled quietly and squeezed his eyes shut, his grief coming under control. Surprised you have any shirts left, considering how much I've cried all over you. His mental voice was sad, even as he tried for a more joking tone. A wave of gratitude flowed through the bond, just for Wong being there for him.

What? You think I don't do laundry? You think me a slob? Should I be offended? Wong teased back gently.

Harry snorted softly. At least we can do laundry properly here. No need to worry about drawing attention cause we're being too noisy. He nuzzled against his mate.

Yes. Coming here has made many things better... Wong agreed, hugging a bit tighter.

Harry gave his mate a tired, though affectionate smile and then, after looking into Wong's face to make sure it was all right, began to remove his clothing. He wasn't looking for sex, but he'd never tried to hide that he felt better when he could sleep in his master's arms naked, the skin on skin contact calming and soothing him so much more than he'd ever thought possible.

Wong could tell Harry was stressed and he knew what helped calm his mate, so he removed his own clothing before helping Harry into bed and getting in next to him, tugging him close again. Sleep.

Harry immediately cuddled into Wong's arms, his body relaxing. It didn't take long before he was falling asleep.