Chapter Fifteen

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); violence and mentions of violence; AU


It had been several days since the last 'group' meeting. Not a lot had been accomplished and Dictator Tony and Pepper were being complete assholes, as far as Kate was concerned. They kept giving her looks, like they thought she was going soft or something. She knew she'd have to do something soon, or they might force her to prove herself; and the only things she could think of where she could do that were things she no longer had the heart or stomach to do. Maybe she'd been hanging around Spiders too long. Or maybe she had identified too closely with Scott Lang, comparing his relationship to her with her relationship to her sire (she didn't want to become her sire). Either way, she knew proving herself to the leaders of this base wouldn't help her mental state at all. She had to do something to get them from looking at her oddly.

Spiders' own mind wasn't doing well under the strain of keeping an eye on Harley and listening to what was going on at the base. He spent more and more time in his own room, refusing to let the spiders that made up his body fulfill their need for human flesh. It was hard to resist...and he felt like an addict looking for his next fix. But every time he thought about going to feed on one of the prisoners, it made him feel even worse than he already did.

Maybe he should just make his move now. Stop Gwen from hurting Harley, from hurting anyone, for good. It would take him out of the picture as well and he wouldn't have to resist the spiders that were demanding he feed.

Having made up her mind what she was going to do, Kate went down to the prison just before sunset. "You and you..." She pointed at a man and woman huddling nervously together in the corner, obviously a couple. "You're going to play a little game with me tonight." She gave a nasty grin. "The game is... Run for your life. If you get away, you live. If I catch you, I eat...."

Maria stood up angrily. "Why don't you take someone trained?! It would be more challenging! Are you afraid you won't catch someone trained?"

Kate wrinkled her nose and pouted. The point was, she didn't plan to actually catch them... But letting one of the others go would cause her trouble of a different sort. So she didn't say anything to Maria's accusation. Instead... "They smell better 'n you. I don't like stinky food."

She motioned the frightened couple out of the jail and began to lead them to the entrance of the building. "I'll give you a fifteen minutes head start before I start looking for you..." she said, before pushing them out the door.

Namor had been fairly close to the cells as soon as Kate had gone down to the prisoners. He sent a quick message to Jack. All it said was, Kate's on the hunt. They'd talked about it already. He knew the resistance was on standby.

Kate waited exactly fifteen minutes before slipping out the door to follow her 'prey'. She started moving in the direction they'd gone... But made certain to get distracted by various sights and sounds. It wouldn't seem unusual of her if anyone noticed... And it would give the couple more time to get away.

Jack had immediately informed Fury of Kate's hunt. He then tried to figure out a way to distract her while guiding the couple to the portal point.


Fury wasted no time in telling those in the base about the hunt that was going on. He was able to see through Jack's eyes and pass on to the others what was going on.

As they'd planned out, the speedsters quickly ran the sorcerers to different spots so that multiple portals could be opened at the same time as the one for the prisoners, so that they could hopefully confuse evil Tony's AI.


Kate didn't want to catch the prisoners and was hoping she could find something sufficiently interesting enough that she could convincingly be distracted and let the couple go. She hadn't counted on it being so boring outside, though. Animals sensed her nature and kept their distance; and any people out and about were either Ultimus' and 'off-limits', or were the couple she was trying to avoid without seeming to avoid them. If she could find one of the others to get distracted by, it would be ideal. Just her luck none of them were out and about... Or if they were, they were avoiding her.


Gwen had spent a few minutes playing with Harley, but she was growing bored with her toy. She'd brought him to the edge of orgasm and then stood up and left him in an uncomfortable, painful position, walking out of the room and heading outside the base.

She was bored.

Kate began doing cartwheels. If anyone came out and noticed and commented on the two prisoners, she'd play dumb. They already thought her insane and questioned her intelligence. It hurt, but it was useful. They underestimated her and generally believed whatever she wanted them to believe about her.

Gwen cocked her head to one side as she spotted Kate doing the cartwheels. "You look so graceful, Kate!" She walked over to the vampire. "What are you doing outside? Or are you doing someone?" Her question was cheeky.

"Thank you! I came out to do something, but the moon was so beautiful, I just had to do cartwheels instead!" She grinned, seemingly having forgotten her original task. "The moon told me to!" She nodded solemnly. "Do you think Namor wants some company? Maybe we can do him..." she suggested, also seemingly forgetting what happened last time they attempted to seduce Namor. She enjoyed giving the mariner a hard time; and at this time of night, he would normally be at the ocean, which was the opposite direction of the couple she didn't want to find.

Gwen grinned, her teeth flashing in the moonlight. "Yes, lets!" she exclaimed happily. "We could join him swimming in the ocean. Take our clothes off. It's a warm enough night to go skinny dipping." She held an arm out to Kate.

Kate took Gwen's arm. She didn't really tend to notice temperature, as long as it wasn't really hot. But Gwen's enthusiasm was contagious. Plus, it took them the opposite direction of the couple. "That sounds fun!" she enthused, as they walked toward the ocean. As soon as she saw the water, she began to strip. And all the scars her sire had left on her before he'd turned her became visible.

Gwen began stripping as well, completely uncaring of who might see her. She waded into the water and began to swim, ducking under to soak her hair entirely.

Namor had swum further out, fully submerging himself in the water. His people didn't exist in this dimension, but there were other things that caught his interest. He'd found an old shipwreck that probably predated Ultimus by a couple of hundred years.

Kate waded out... But she didn't know how to swim and dead bodies tended to sink, so she found herself walking on the ocean bed, hair floating out behind her like a halo.

Under the water, it was dark to most people...but Namor wasn't most people. He could see just as easily in the depths of the ocean as he could in the moon or sunlight. So when he swam out of the wrecked ship, he saw Kate immediately.

It was frustrating, that he couldn't have even this bit of privacy. And chances were good that Gwen was here as well, if the vampire was...although at least she couldn't hold her breath and therefore wouldn't be able to swim down to the ocean floor.

The vampire was naked and the scars stood out vividly on her body. Namor had no idea what was done to make vampires, but the old injuries he could see made it obvious that, whatever had happened, it hadn't been easy.

Kate was enthralled with what she could see. Why had she never thought to do this before? It was so peaceful and beautiful. Her intention to bother Namor disappeared under a new intention to see everything she could of this new place. The smile on her face was childlike in its innocence and she was very careful as she reached out toward the life that lived in the waters, obviously so. She didn't want to hurt or destroy; she wanted to learn. Until she remembered what she was and what she was doing here; face going very sad, resigned and hopeless, her shoulders slumped. She didn't look at Namor; she'd forgotten he was even there in her enthusiasm.

When she finally came to herself and remembered why she'd come into the ocean, she forced the same erratic, annoying, clueless persona back into place. She had to give the prisoners a chance to get away. Irritating Namor into doing something to her would allow her to have an excuse for why they got away, since she really should have no problems catching them, even if they had a huge head start. If what he did entertained Gwen and helped protect Harley for one night, even better. It didn't much matter if what he did was pleasurable or punishing. What mattered was the couple got away.

Namor had watched Kate as she seemed...enthralled with the underwater life. It had been obvious that she'd lost interest in the reason she'd come to the ocean (probably to bother him) in looking at the beauty of the underwater world.

In this dimension, his people didn't exist. His night time trips to the ocean were done alone, apart from when he'd met the members of the resistance. And even then, it wasn't like anyone had gone into the ocean with him.

Even after Kate's expression changed, Namor had still noticed the childlike wonder that had passed over her face. And he chose to respond to that part of her he'd seen. Swimming towards her, he took her hand and gently tugged her towards the shipwreck he'd been exploring. There was life there, in the places to see and explore.

Kate wouldn't lie and say she wasn't surprised when Namor took her hand and led her to the ship. When it became clear he was going to share this world, his world, with her, she felt an affection bubble up for the Mariner. She gave him an honest smile, one of the ones that was more childlike and innocent, and followed, careful not to touch or do anything until he indicated it was okay. Her destructive tendencies... her malice and insane depravities... weren't who she was, deep down inside. They were the way she survived in a world with a sire that only appreciated pain and suffering. They were the way she survived in a world with a Master who was hellbent on taking over every universe in existence. Namor was sharing his world with her, so she'd let him see a little of her true self.

Namor couldn't speak to Kate under the water, not in a way to have her understand him, although the thought flittered through his mind that he could maybe teach her his own language. He led her through the wreck of the ship, showing her where a family of electric eels had made their home. The electricty sparked and lit up parts of the ship that had been darkened by being so far under the water.

Kate's eyes widened at the electricity and her smile grew. This was ever so much better than chasing the poor prisoners, even if she didn't intend to catch them.

Namor continued to guide her through the ship, showing her the marine life that had taken up home...and the signs of the people who had once been on the ship. He enjoyed seeing her wonder and enthusiasm at the sights he was showing her and even once it was obvious she would follow him, he continued to hold her hand.

Kate was enjoying herself thoroughly, her wonder at what she was seeing causing her to forget for a short while why she had come down in the first place. But then she saw something; she couldn't say exactly what it was, only that it brought her back to herself and the present, that reminded her Gwen was up top; and if Gwen got bored, Harley was in danger, or the prisoners she was trying to let free were in danger. A worried look crossed her face as she looked upward to where she could sense Gwen. Reluctantly, she pulled her hand free of Namor's and gave him a sad, grateful smile, before turning to leave. She couldn't leave Gwen alone for too long.

Namor didn't try to force her to stay, but his answering smile was gentle. Motioning for her to follow him, he led her back out of the wreck of the ship, knowing how easy it could be to get lost.

Nodding in understanding, Kate followed closely. It never occurred to her to argue with him. When she didn't have anyone else around to impress or fool and if she felt she could trust the person she was with, she was happy to follow.

Outside of the ship, Namor glanced up towards where he could sense the interloper. Gwen. An irritated look came over his face and he gestured for Kate to go up to join the woman. Namor didn't want to interact with Gwen...even if he had been happy to show Kate his world.

Kate nodded and obediently moved toward the beach. She still couldn't swim and now was not the time to try and learn. She moved quickly though and soon had her head above water, looking for Gwen. "Gwen?" she called out, in a sing-song voice.

"Kate! Where were you?" Gwen was floating on her back in the water and turned over to swim over to the vampire. "I couldn't find Namor." She pouted.

"I was trying to catch him. But he saw me and kept moving just beyond me," Kate whined childishly. "I can't swim. It was so unfair!" She pouted.

"Namor is so mean!" Gwen nodded vigorously, before tilting her head to one side. "Want me to teach you how to swim?"

Kate blinked in surprise at the offer, before grinning and nodding. "That would be fun!" she enthused.

Gwen moved to start teaching Kate.


While all of this was going on, Jack was doing his best to locate the two prisoners, who were likely terrified and running. He needed to get them and take them to the portal. Luckily, his wolf senses allowed him to smell them. When he got close enough to let them hear him without him yelling, he said softly, "If you follow me, there will be a portal that will take you to safety."

It was a toss up between whether the couple was scared of the known danger, which was Kate, or the new danger, which was Jack. But really, they had no choice but to trust him. If they didn't, it was certain death. So they followed.


Gwen had left the base and Spiders had waited long enough to be sure she wasn't coming back soon before he slipped into her room, bringing in food for Harley and leaving one of his spiders outside to stay on guard.

He'd been hesitant over going in to Harley, knowing that the spiders who made up his form were hungry. But somehow, when he was with the younger man, the instinct to protect and take care of Harley came to the forefront. The only reason he could think of behind it was that the human reminded him of his own lost innocence.

"She's getting bored of me," Harley whispered, picking uncertainly at his food, but forcing himself to eat.

"I won't let her kill you," Spiders whispered.

"I think...I hope my dad's safe. My actual dad, not his evil doppelganger." Harley glanced at Spiders, but didn't expect that the being would tell him if Tony was still alive or not. He knew that Spiders would know...knew that there was a scout at the base. But the safe way was through ignorance. What he didn't know, he couldn't give up.

"If you could talk to him...what would you say?" Spiders asked softly.

"I don't know." Harley shrugged. "That I miss him. That I hope he's actually looking after himself and not working too hard. That I'm trying to remember what he always told me to do when I'm in tough situations and have to focus on staying alive."


Jack was relieved when they followed. He was more relieved when the portal opened and Steve stepped through to wave the couple through. And then his radio buzzed. "Tuesday is picking up portal signatures in several different areas. Anyone capable of checking them out, go do so..." Pepper's voice came through clear. He gave a wry look. "Got my orders. Soon as you go through, close the portal. I'll tell 'em I was too late."

Steve nodded. "Be safe." He quickly led the couple through to the base, the portal being immediately closed behind him.

Jack waited just long enough for them to be away from where the portal would have led to contact the others on the radio. "I got to where the portal was... it isn't here anymore."


The couple was quickly given hospital gowns to change into, just in case, then led back to the base. While they were in the infirmary being checked over and treated, Stephen explained how they were all free of Ultimus and what needed to be done so that they could bond to each other and be safe from Ultimus' control.


Spiders would have ignored the directions and stayed with Harley, but he didn't want to draw attention to himself. Not yet, anyway. So after removing the traces of his presence, he headed to one of the locations Pepper had given.

By the time he got there, the portal had gone, though he noticed Jack was there too.

"Hey. Far as anyone else knows, it was gone when I got here..." Jack said, with a shrug. "I don't know if we're meant to just hang around until everyone else says if they found anything, or what..." he huffed.

Spiders was silent for a few moments before saying, "Gwen left the base. I believe I need to make my move soon." He shifted slightly. "He wanted to give his dad a message."

"Believe it or not, I think Kate has been trying to distract Gwen away from him..." Jack admitted. "Least, it seems that way. Does he know if his dad is alive?" he asked in surprise. He hadn't had a chance to talk to Harley, but Spiders did have his spiders eavesdropping. Had the being told Harley about Tony being at the base?"

"Kate is changing," Spiders said, before adding, "He doesn't know who is at the base. He said he misses his dad. So I asked him what he would say if he could talk to him."

"She is changing. The question is, why is she changing? Is it something we can trust?" Jack sighed. "What would he want to tell him... if he could?" he asked curiously, leaving the bond open so that Fury could hear the answer and relay it to Tony.

"He misses his dad. And he's using what he was taught to stay alive," Spiders answered. "Kate has stopped taking sexual pleasure from her prisoner. And she keeps watch for me. If it's possible, I believe she is worth saving."

Fury acknowledged what he was hearing and asked Friday to send a message to Tony, asking him to come. If Tony thought it was a good idea, he could send a message that Spiders could relay back to Harley.

Jack nodded. "If she's changing enough to give up her own pleasure because her prisoner doesn't want it... then maybe she is worth trying to save. If she wants to be saved."

Tony had come when Fury called and, hearing the message from Harley, immediately asked that Fury give a message back.

Jack listened to his mate, then said quietly, "Tell Harley that, if his father could tell him in person, he would... that he would say, 'He and the rest of the family are doing well. And are just waiting for the moment that they can bring Harley home, so that they are all able to live together happily.' He is loved very much. He shouldn't give up hope."

"I will tell him," Spiders confirmed. "I believe Kate will keep Gwen out as long as she can, so he should at least have a peaceful night."

Jack nodded. Soon over the radios, they began getting reports from the other locations of the portals Tuesday had tracked. All of them indicated the portals were gone by the time anyone arrived to the spot. "Our illustrious dictators aren't going to be happy..." Jack muttered.

"They may choose to make an example of one of the other prisoners." Spiders thought about it. "I could volunteer. If necessary."

"Are you okay with doing that? I'm assuming if they want to make an example, they'll insist on proof that you've done so. I know it bothers you...."  Jack sighed, as they began to make their way back to the base.

"They just need to see the bones." Spiders left unsaid that he could use the bones of anyone; and it wasn't as if Tony or Pepper would be able to match the bones to any prisoners.

Jack nodded. "If you're sure."

"Free another prisoner in a different way." Spiders shrugged. "Less suspicious."

Jack nodded. "If you can let me know where, I can have them picked up...." he said softly.

"I will. Be ready," Spiders said.

Jack nodded. "I will."


Kate had spent the entire evening with Gwen, learning to swim. Faster than she'd expected, though, morning approached and she had to get back inside. "Thank you... thank you for helping me learn," she said as she entered the building, just in time to avoid burning.

Gwen waved after Kate and blew a kiss, then settled in to watch the sun rise.


Spiders had returned to Gwen's room and given Harley the message from Tony, which had earned him another tight, hard, confusing hug from the young man. Spiders couldn't cry, but the emotions welling up inside him made it clear that, if it was possible to cry, he would.

His spider let him know that Kate had returned to the base, which meant that Gwen wasn't far behind. Gently disentangling himself from Harley, Spiders tied the younger man up again.

"Thank you, brother," Harley whispered, as Spiders headed to the door.

Spiders paused, briefly, something twisting deep inside. He didn't react, though, and quickly left the room.


Kate had gone to her room. She wasn't going to talk to anyone else unless she absolutely had to. Tony and Pepper weren't going to be happy that nothing had come of Tuesday tracking the portals and she didn't want to have them question her hunt. Especially as she couldn't lie and say she'd drained the prisoners and left them in the forest. She'd been with Gwen all night, after all and the woman would know she was lying.

Tony and Pepper hadn't bothered to call the vampire to the meeting. They knew she hadn't gone to any of the locations. They wanted information. So they called the others who had gone to where the portals had been tracked.

Jack walked in, yawning. "Soon as this meeting is over, I need sleep. Spent all night chasing portals...."

"Any good fortune?" Gwen asked sweetly, as she headed into the room behind him. "Kate and I spent some of the night trying to chase Namor. But we had no luck." She pouted. "I taught Kate how to swim, though."

"There was no one at the portal I went to." M'Baku walked into the room and took a seat. "If Tuesday hadn't tracked the location, I would not have said one had been opened at all."

Spiders moved into the room, but said nothing, moving over to stand in the shadows.

Pepper frowned. "Unfortunately, they only had the portals open long enough to track; not to catch them doing anything. I suspect they may have been testing us, to see what our capabilities are."

"They can test all they want. We're still in the better position..." Tony chuckled darkly. "And eventually, they will make a mistake and we will catch them."

"Did you want to send them another message?" Gwen asked archly. "Maybe it's time we take another prisoner on a little 'trip'."

"Who are you thinking of?" Jack asked in a curious voice, though inside, he was worried. His body tensed slightly, though Gwen didn't seem to notice. Neither did Pepper or Tony, luckily.

"My toy is boring me." Gwen waved one hand airily. "Plus, he's important to your counterpart here." She glanced towards Tony. "What better way to get his attention than to kill one of his children?"

Spiders was never so glad that the spiders making up his body made it impossible to read what he was thinking, because this was not what he'd been expecting. He didn't immediately speak up, instead waiting to see what Tony and Pepper said.

Tony slanted his head, before smiling a cold smile. "His death would devastate my counterpart. Make it so."

Pepper chuckled meanly. "Do you want to take care of it now?"

Jack was broadcasting every word to Fury, so they could try and get a team together.

"No time like the present," Gwen chirped, clambering to her feet.

"You should have someone with you." Spiders stepped forward. "For protection."

Gwen looked him over slowly and then gave a seductive smile. "Will I get to watch you feed?"

"Yes." Spiders' voice carried no inflection.

Fury sent a quick acknowledgement to Jack and immediately asked Friday to call the others, letting them know what was about to happen.

"If you're planning for them to find him... maybe you should go to a place they've been before..." Jack suggested, hoping Spiders could somehow give a clue as to where the others needed to go in order to rescue Harley.

Spiders cocked his head to one side. "Isn't there that big tower that's owned by this dimension's Stark? Your toy's probably been there, if it's his dad. Let's take him there." He headed towards the door.

Gwen skipped after him, almost hyper now that she had a new person to torture and kill.

Jack watched as they left the meeting room. He then turned to face Tony and Pepper. "Since I'm not needed in this particular endeavor, I'm going to go to my room...."

Pepper waved him off. "Be ready if we call," she ordered.

Gwen headed to her room and stepped inside, leaving the door open for Spiders. "We're going on a little trip," she announced, without any preamble, as she walked over to undo Harley's chains.

Harley leaned back as far as he could get, eyes focused on her face. "No...please...I'll be good...." he whimpered; not entirely an act. He believed Spiders would find a way to save him. But Gwen was scary at the best of times...and she was acting like a child on a sugar rush right now.

Gwen's grin was manic as she pulled Harley to his feet and shoved him towards Spiders. Unseen by her, the spider that had been hiding in her room scuttled back under Spiders' suit.


They hadn't had a lot of notice...but it was enough for them to get their team together. Steve turned to the group who was going to the location Gwen and Spiders would be taking Harley. "We need to make sure the portal is opened some distance from Avengers Tower," he said. "We'll do what we did last night. Multiple portals at the same time."

Everyone who was going nodded. Tony straightened. "Mordo and I will go with the portal that is going to the tower."

Druig looked at Pietro and Makkari. "The three of us will accompany you. Both Pietro and Makkari can move us to the tower more quickly and I can use my ability if necessary."

Lincoln swallowed. "I can go to provide medical help, if it is needed."

Steve nodded. "Those of us who aren't going will be on standby, in case we're needed." He made sure that everyone knew exactly where they were going and what they were doing.


Harley was scared, even though Spiders was with him and, despite the fact that Spiders wasn't human anymore, he trusted the being and looked on him like an older brother. But Gwen had been telling him what she was going to do in a sing-song voice on the way and he was scared and had been a prisoner for more than a year and...the high stress and constant fear and worry was enough to make him begin to cry.

Which actually worked in their favour. Gwen assumed that it was fear of her and Spiders that caused the tears. And she took great delight in it.

When they reached the area, Gwen turned to Harley and smiled. "You can scream if you want. Actually, I prefer that." She took out her knives and began to advance on the younger man.

"Close your eyes, Harley," Spiders said.

Immediately, Harley did so, trusting Spiders and knowing that he wasn't going to be harmed.

Spiders dissolved into the horde, into thousands of spiders, and before she could do anything...before she could even scream...he'd engulfed her.

They hadn't wanted to arrive too early; if Harley's captors suspected even a small bit that someone was waiting for them, they might kill Harley before they could stop them. They'd left as quickly as they'd dared, though, trusting that the speedsters would get them to the tower as soon as possible. They did get them there quickly. The problem was trying to find where around or in the tower they were.

Spiders reformed quickly, leaving Gwen's bones behind, and moved towards one of the tower's windows, looking out.

Harley opened his eyes and moved to join Spiders at the window. "That's my dad." He pointed. "I don't know the others."

"Stay behind me. Just in case." Spiders moved swiftly towards the stairs. They'd only gone up the one level, so it took little time at all to reach the ground floor.

Tony was tense as Spiders came out... but then he saw Harley. His son didn't appear afraid of the one in front of him, so Tony could only hope that this was the friend who Jack said would be helping. "Harley..." he breathed out, opening his arms, inviting a hug.

Druig was keeping his eyes open, watching for enemy approaching. That didn't stop him from looking toward Spiders. "Will you be alright? Do you want to come with us?" he asked softly. "Jack indicated there would be a crazy woman with you...."

Harley immediately ran towards Tony, wrapping his arms around his father and hugging on tight. After more than a year of being locked up, of being starved...abused...he wasn't in the best shape, but he was better than he could have been.

Spiders kept his distance, but answered Druig honestly. "She's dead. I can't go with you." He couldn't risk it. Not with what he was.

Druig nodded, not terribly surprised. "When you can come with us, there is a place for you..." he said confidently. Anyone who was willing to risk their lives to rescue someone they had no attachment to, against Ultimus, was someone that belonged at their base, as far as he was concerned.

Tony nodded, looking at Spiders. "Thank you."

Druig glanced at his mates and nodded. They immediately began speeding everyone away, starting with Tony and Harley, heading back to the portal point. "Thank you. If you change your mind, I think you know who to talk to."

Spiders didn't say anything, just watched as they were sped away. He was going to have to come up with a realistic story to tell the dictators...but fortunately, the portal opening should help with the story he planned to tell.

To his chagrin, even once they were through the portal and heading back to the base, Harley couldn't stop himself from crying. He thought he shouldn't...that he was safe...but there'd been so much that had happened and even if he was safe now, he hadn't been for a very long time....

Tony just kept hold of Harley, not caring in the least that he couldn't stop crying. He was close to tears himself. "I've got you now, son. You'll see the rest of the family," he whispered. When they reached the portal, Tony didn't say anything, just helped Harley out of the prison clothes and into the hospital gown, whispering about making sure that they couldn't be tracked, then led his son through the portal.

Harley didn't fight, or protest, being changed into the hospital gown. Gwen had left marks on his body, though they'd been cleaned and treated as best as Spiders could manage without drawing Gwen's ire.

Mordo quickly closed the portal once everyone was through and they began to head to the base.

Tony had sent a message ahead to Pepper, asking her to get Stephen ready in the infirmary. Yes, Lincoln was with them currently, but there was only so much the young doctor could do while they were running back to the safety of base- and he wanted every available hand helping his son. He smiled as the speedsters, once again, took him and Harley first, depositing them in front of the base before retrieving everyone else. He led Harley down to the infirmary, sending a message to Mordo. Please come to the infirmary. He needs to be introduced to you as family.

Harley was calming, somewhat, even though there were still tears running down his cheeks. He was clearly reluctant to let go of his father, scared he might suddenly wake up to find it was all a cruel dream.

Mordo sent an acknowledgement through the bond and went to meet his mates in the infirmary.

Pepper arrived before Mordo did, quickly moving in and hugging Harley tight before stepping back so that Lincoln and Stephen could continue their examination. "As soon as you've been taken care of, we'll get you some warm clothes and a warm meal. Morgan wants to see you too, but we told her you needed to be doctored first...."

Tony smiled at his wife, before motioning Mordo forward. "Harley, this is Mordo, Pepper and mine's mate. Morgan calls him Uncle, so if you feel comfortable doing so, you can do that too."

Stephen took some blood, asking quietly, "Did Ultimus ever take control over your mind? Do we need to be worried that he could do so again before we find you a bond mate? Or did he never take over you? If he never had control over you, as long as you don't leave the base, you should be safe until we can find you a mate."

Harley hugged Pepper back tightly, then gave Mordo an uncertain smile. "Hello," he said quietly. Flinching a little as his blood was drawn, he looked even more uncertain at the questions. "He never controlled me. I...don't know what you mean about bonding. Spiders said something about it, but...I don't think he understood it either." His eyes widened and he whispered, "I didn't say goodbye or thank you...."

Lincoln smiled at Harley and nodded toward the corner of the infirmary, where a spider had set up a web. "Pretty sure you just did..." he said quietly.

Harley looked towards the spider and relaxed visibly. If the scout was here, then he could assume that meant Spiders was still alive...still okay. "He killed Gwen for me," he whispered. "He made sure I was fed and took care of the injuries she gave me...." He held still for the examination.

"He saved your life, then..." Stephen said somberly. "...Because the injuries he wasn't able to prevent are bad enough that you will be staying in the infirmary for at least a few days, so I can be certain you don't develop complications."

"It's better than staying in a dungeon," Harley whispered, trying for a faint trace of humour...though it fell somewhat flat.

Stephen smiled at that. "Now that we have you, we'll make sure you get better. Friday? Maybe you could ask Ajak to come and give us a third opinion... see if she recommends anything we haven't already done."

"Of course, Doctor," the AI responded.

Harley's eyes widened. "There are even more people here? many people are there here?"

Ajak was stepping into the infirmary a few moments later. She smiled kindly at Harley and walked over to take a look at him.

"Well... there are one hundred rooms... we've already filled at least twenty of them... two people per room... so at least forty, but I'd say closer to sixty, since we have several children that are sharing rooms..." Lincoln offered.

"Wow," Harley whispered. "No wonder the evil doppelgangers were trying to get under your skin." He held still so that Ajak could examine him.

"I think you've taken care of everything that needs to be taken care of," the Eternal said, once she'd finished. "Keeping him in here for a few days will be his best chance of recovering fully."

The spider moved so that it was over Harley's bed...almost like a sentinel. In response, Harley held up his hand so that the spider would come down to him.

Stephen nodded. "Thank you. What I think you need now is rest; peaceful rest, where you aren't afraid for your life. Your family will want to stay with you, but everyone else will stay out. Once you feel more up to it, when you leave the infirmary, we can have a get together so you can meet everyone else."

He and Lincoln both left, along with everyone other than Tony, Pepper and Mordo.  Morgan came running into the room five minutes later, having been told by Stephen where her family was.

Harley smiled when he saw his little sister. "Hey, Morgan," he whispered. If he hadn't been told he needed to stay on bed rest, he probably would have got up to hug her as well.

Morgan carefully climbed up onto the bed and then wrapped her arms around him, snuggling close. "I'm glad they got you back..." she whispered somberly.

"Me too." Harley hugged her in return, after carefully placing the spider on his shoulder so that it wouldn't get squished. 

Pete slunk into the room as well, sitting with his family for a short while. He'd rejoin his mate when it was time for dinner.

Harley blinked and cocked his head to one side as Pete joined them. "Peter?" His voice lilted uncertainly. The spell, already weakened by Pete's story being told, had loosened its grip enough that Harley could...remember his brother....

Pete smiled at being remembered. "Hi, Harley... It's good to see you."

Harley smiled, but his smile turned into a yawn. Now that he was finally safe, he was beginning to feel just how tired he was.

"If you need to sleep, sleep," Mordo said quietly. "We won't leave your side."

"Okay, uncle Mordo," Harley whispered, losing the battle to keep his eyes open.


The rest of the base was busy getting as much information as possible. Spiders had told them a lot. So had the couple that had been saved the night before. They'd quickly bonded, then chosen a room. While being shown the rest of the base, they'd discovered their child was one of the kids in the base and their kid had moved into their room with them. It had been a very busy twenty-four hours.


Spiders had waited until he was absolutely certain that the resistance had entirely cleared the area. He waited until he was absolutely certain that Harley was safe.

And then he began to make his way back to the base, preparing himself for what was about to happen and the story he was going to tell.


Kate had woken up about three hours later to angry screaming. Blinking in confusion, she quickly exited her room, heading into the 'war room', and looked around.

"Tell me that you, at least, wounded one of them back!" Pepper growled.

Kate's eyes widened and she looked at Tony, to see the other ruler of their little enclave stone faced, with a deadly look in his eye. "What happened?" she asked, somewhat nervously. It was never good when Pepper and Tony got angry.

"There were more in the rebels than I'd been led to believe," Spiders said. "If I'd known just how many people had joined them, I would have told Gwen to leave with me. Given how many of them there were, I wouldn't have been able to attack even one of them without being killed myself. I figured losing one soldier was bad enough."

Kate was surprised at the feeling of sadness that she felt at Gwen's death. Yes, she was cruel, vindictive and sadistic. Kate knew she couldn't trust her not to stab her in the back. But she'd always treated Kate like she was sane. Even Kate knew she wasn't sane, but it was nice to be treated like she was. Giving Spiders a sympathetic look- Pepper and Tony had both gone off on a diatribe that no one could understand, as it was in another language for some reason- she said quietly, "She wouldn't have listened, even if you had insisted. She liked to fight." Of course, she suspected it wasn't exactly the way it had been described to her... something about the story felt incomplete or wrong... but she wanted to help Spiders, so pointing out Gwen's more violent nature might at least redirect Pepper and Tony's ire to the dead woman.

Spiders just nodded. The most important thing about lying was to keep it as simple as possible. If he over-explained, or went into too much detail, it was more likely to arouse suspicion.

"So, what now? Did Tuesday at least get some information we can use?" Kate asked. She wasn't sure what she hoped the answer was, but it would be good to know either way.

Spiders shrugged. "If she did, I'm sure we'll receive our orders soon."


It was the day after Harley had been found and Peter Andrew was working in the lab along with Peter Tom and Harry. And...he'd hit a dead end.

Peter groaned softly. "I can't run this last test...Pete, you got any ideas?" He waved his counterpart over to him.

Pete looked at the test and the results and frowned. They'd been working long enough for him to have trouble focusing clearly. "What are we trying to find, again?" he asked, to be sure he was on the same page.

"I think there's something missing. I'm trying to run the simulation for extracting the DNA from Spiders' horde. But it keeps stalling at this point." Peter pointed to the screen. "I went into biology, but this is way above my pay grade. Am I missing a factor here?"

"I'm not sure?" Pete winced. "I was more into mechanical sciences...."

"Okay, well...the only thing I can think of is that maybe we need a specific compound. I mean, we're extracting DNA from arachnids, not humans." Peter bit his lip. "So I'll re-run the simulation with compounds I know exist in my dimension. If any work, you'll know if they exist here." He began to do so.

Pete shrugged, wishing this was something more like working with a robot, or a special pair of glasses, or any of the number of things he'd helped his father-figure with. DNA and bio-compounds and all that stuff? Made no sense to him whatsoever. He kept an eye on the screen. He recognized some of the chemical signatures listed, but most of it was gobbledygook. Until one item that he vaguely recalled Tony mentioning as something they used for that fake skin stuff that SHIELD had developed and that had eventually made Vision's body. "That! That made Vision!" he blurted.

"A robot?" Peter quickly zeroed in on the item Pete mentioned. "You know where it is?"

"What?! Vision wasn't a robot!" Pete defended his friend, offended on the dead Avenger's behalf. "He was... sorta advanced AI for lack of a better word. An evolution of AI. Caused by the Soul Stone. Which no longer exists..." Pete's voice trailed off. "But I know where to find some of the stuff that they made his body out of. I remember Mr. Stark mentioning that he was storing some of it for Helen Cho. She wanted to see if it could do more than just heal injuries without leaving scars...."  He quickly pointed out the lab where Tony had mentioned keeping it.  It was close by, which was a bit of a surprise to Pete, but then again, Mr. Stark had labs, warehouses and other buildings all over the world. Some of them were bound to be close to where they were currently at.

Peter nodded. "Okay, so that's not actually far from here. We could leave, grab the samples and come back. No need to open up a portal, so no reason to ping on the twisted AI's radar."

Harry glanced up. "If you're doing that, you should probably talk to Doctor Strange."

Peter paused. "I don't think it's necessary. We're not going far and he's busy with Hartley and Fury."

Pete was nodding along, not really paying close attention because he was trying to remember exactly where in the building the item they needed was. "Okay... let's go, then..."

"Where ya goin?" Quill asked curiously, having just come into the lab because he was bored and hoping to find something to do.

"To find the stuff that made up Vision's body..." Pete grinned. "Wanna come?"

"Sure. Sounds fun." Quill  immediately checked to make sure he had all his stuff on him. Just in case.

Peter quickly made sure his web shooters were in place and addressed Harry. "We won't be long." The three of them headed out of the labs and out of the base.

Harry stood there, torn. On the one hand, he really didn't want to tell on his friends and get them into trouble. On the other, Peter wasn't careful like he was meant to be. If they ran into any trouble....

Master? He reached out to Wong.

Yes, Harry? Wong immediately responded.

All three Peters left the labs and the base, Harry answered. They went to one of Tony Stark's labs. He pictured the location.


If someone could sigh mentally, Wong's sigh was long and hard. Thank you for letting me know. I'll inform their mates... he finally responded. As soon as he'd said that to Harry, he turned toward Stephen, who was standing next to him. "Your Peter has gone off with the other two Peters to find something in one of Stark's old labs. We need to let Ikaris and Loki know...." He turned to go find the other two men.

Loki was in the common area with Yondu and Thor, talking about some Asgardian delicacy that took three years to reach perfect balance of flavor. Apparently. Wong wasn't entirely clear if it was a food or a drink, or if it was edible for humans. "Your Peter went off with Stephen's and Ikaris's Peters to find something in an old lab of Stark's. So I've been told, anyway."

Loki blinked. "Why would he leave without telling me?!" He then paused. "I mean...."

"More likely to get into mischief with him than stop him, I wager." Yondu snorted softly and stood. "I'll go with you to retrieve him."

Wong snorted at that but didn't say anything, though he agreed with Yondu's assessment.  "Does anyone know where Ikaris is? His Peter is also with them, so...."

"I think he was in the kitchen with Ajak. They were preparing food." Loki stood. "I will go with you. In case you need help."

Wong smirked. "Any help is always appreciated." They moved to the kitchen area, where Ikaris and Ajak were. Sersi was also there. "I hate to interrupt your meal preparations, but your Peter has gone off with his Peter..." Wong pointed at Stephen, "and his Peter..." he pointed at Loki, "to get an item from an old building belonging to Stark. Without telling anyone else, of course. I found out from Harry."

Ikaris straightened and looked towards Sersi. "Will you be all right while I go and retrieve our wayward mate?"

"I'll finish our meal. I have a feeling he will need the comfort food by the end of it all..." Sersi smiled sweetly.

Ikaris nodded and went to join the others. "Are we opening a portal?" he asked.

"Supposedly, it is close enough to walk, which is why they decided 'not to bother' anyone with their plans. If it is that close, we may want to avoid opening a portal so close to our own base..." Stephen sighed. "Friday? Please make everyone aware of what is going on and that Ikaris, Yondu, Loki and I are going after them."

"Of course, Doctor," the AI responded.

"Which way are we going?" Ikaris asked.

"According to the directions Harry gave Wong, we are going here..." Stephen quickly made a 'map' for them to look at. "Are we ready?"

"Unless we need to take anyone else with us," Loki said.

"I wouldn't think so," Ikaris replied. "Everyone else is on standby if they are needed."

Yondu said nothing, but began to head in that direction.

"They are ready if we need them, but the less people the better, probably," Stephen agreed. They were quickly making their way to the building Harry had pointed out.

"Do we know what they're trying to grab?" Yondu asked. "Might help give an insight into what, if anything, was going through their heads."


Peter Andrew looked up at the building and then turned to Peter Tom and Peter Quill. "So...what does it look like?" he asked. "Is it stored somewhere the elements can't get to it? The lab looks like it's in pretty bad shape."

"I... think it is a liquid? That can be formed and then solidifies?" Pete said uncertainly. "Maybe? I've never actually seen it. I just know what it is called and what it was used for...."

Peter blinked. "Okay, so...we're looking for anything that's labelled with the name of the compound. Maybe we should have asked your dad...." he said.

Pete frowned. "Well, we could have, but you said we didn't need to bother anyone else..." he pointed out.

"Yeah. I figured we could get in and out without causing any problems." Peter shrugged and turned towards the building. "Split up? We could cover more ground that way."

"Works for me. I'll start at the top," Pete said, before immediately heading into the building and upstairs.

Quill frowned. "Guess I'll go to the middle."

"I'll take the ground floor." Peter glanced at Quill. "If we don't have any luck, we can all switch floors out. In case any of us missed something." He entered the building to begin searching.

Quill nodded, but he was already on his way up the stairs to the middle of the building.

They had been looking for a good twenty minutes when their family members caught up with them.

Peter Andrew was looking through one of the cupboards, trying not to get sidetracked by the different technology and experiments there were. If he'd had access to even half this stuff, back in his dimension, he could have done a whole lot more than he'd been able to. Heck, any support system in his vigilante superhero fight would have made things easier.

The back of his neck prickled, his spidey sense alerting him to...well, it didn't feel like danger. He frowned and moved away from the drawer he'd been rifling through.

The Doms had used their link to their mates to decide where in the building to go. Because of this, Stephen had been able to find Peter fairly easily. He'd also taken care to block the bond from his end, so Peter didn't 'hear' him coming. "Peter Andrew Strange! What do you think you are doing, leaving the base without word to anyone when we are in constant danger?!" His voice was stern, not happy in the least.

Peter jumped, immediately taken aback by his bond mate's sudden appearance...and the use of all three names, something that had never been good in the past. "I...." He bit his lip. "I needed to find something to help. There isn't much time left." Frustration bled through in his voice and through the bond, although the frustration was at the situation and feeling helpless to do anything. Plus, he was beginning to realise that, yes, he should not have left the base without a word or checking in with one of those in charge.

Stephen could understand the frustration, but the actions were still unacceptable. "We're here now. We'll look for what you came for and then we are leaving. When we get back to base, you will go straight to our room."

Peter's shoulders slumped. "Yes, sir," he said quietly. "I only know the name of what we're looking for. Pete said it was the synthetic skin that made up Vision?" He trusted Stephen would know what he was talking about and be able to help.

"It made up Vision. It was also used to heal wounds and not leave scar tissue." Stephen nodded. "I know what you are looking for. Harry told us. The others are aware as well." He began to look with Peter, not willing to leave him to look alone.

"It would have been useful in my dimension...." Peter continued looking, checking the places he hadn't had a chance to search yet.

Stephen helped Peter look, but it wasn't on their floors. "Hopefully, it is on one of the other floors and this trip isn't pointless."

Peter winced. "I hope so. Otherwise I'm out of ideas from a scientific point of view."

Stephen led Peter to a safer area in front of the building, but shielded from view if any of Ultimus' soldiers were in the area and looking.


Getting to the top floor had been easy, Ikaris using his ability to fly to good effect. He'd kept his own bond blocked, allowing him to track his mate without Pete realising what he was doing. "Peter Tom Parker." His voice was stern. "I know you're aware that no one should be leaving the base without permission. Especially now."

Pete's eyes widened and he turned to face his mate. "Yessir. I know, sir. I just wanted to help..." he squeaked out.

"I don't doubt that for a second, but you shouldn't have left without checking with me or one of the others in charge," Ikaris scolded. "There's too much danger going on right now to safely leave the base without a word."

"I... yessir..." Pete's shoulders slumped as he realized he'd messed up badly. "Can we finish looking, or are we leaving right now?"

"We can finish looking," Ikaris said. "Harry let us know what you were looking for. I'll help you...."

Pete quickly began looking with his mate, staying close.

Ikaris kept close to Pete, as he looked. He was preparing to give up when he found a cabinet that was half-hidden in some wreckage that had probably come from the battle when Ultimus had first invaded.


Loki had easily been able to direct Yondu to where Quill was and, blocking himself through the bond, had used his connection to his bond mate to teleport both himself and Yondu to where Quill was on his floor. Then, the Asgardian had moved out of the way. Quill was in trouble with Yondu, not him.

Yondu strode towards Quill and grasped his son by the shoulder. "Peter Jason Quill Udonta Odinson. Just what do you think you're doing?" Worry and fear for his son's safety had his voice sounding harsher than he'd intended it to.

Peter yelped in surprise as Yondu and Loki suddenly appeared. And then Yondu had hold of him and was using five names. He darted his eyes toward Loki, hoping his mate would step in and save his ass, but it was rapidly clear that Loki was staying out of it. "I was lookin for somethin ta help the other Peters..." He tried to sound confident, but his voice was high pitched and a bit quivery. He knew he was in big trouble.

Yondu frowned. "It don't matter what you was looking for or who you were helping," he said. "You weren't to leave the base without permission."

"I... I know I'm not. It's just so hard! I hate being locked in one place!" Quill sighed.

"It ain't so different than being locked down in a ship," Yondu pointed out reasonably. "We got told what you were looking for. We'll help you find it and then go back to the base."

Loki stepped forward. "Where have you looked so far?"

Quill quickly gave both Loki and Yondu the information about where he'd looked.

Yondu and Loki immediately began helping Quill to look where he hadn't already searched.

Quill sighed. They had searched the entire area he'd been assigned and hadn't found anything. "It isn't here. Let's go down and wait for the others..." he said, discouraged.

Yondu gently squeezed Quill's arm and wrapped his arm around his son's shoulders to guide Quill from the building.

Loki pressed against his mate from the other side as they joined Stephen and Peter Andrew.


Pete had noticed when Ikaris found something. "Is that it?" he asked hopefully.

"You tell me," Ikaris said, having opened the cabinet and looking at what was inside.

"You found it!" Pete nearly bounced in excitement. "Can you carry it by yourself, or do you need me to help?" He thought it best to ask. He was on thin ice with his mate and didn't want to do anything without permission.

"I can carry it." Ikaris carefully picked it up. "We need to be careful leaving. No portals were opened, but that doesn't mean there's no way to pick up on our presence."

Pete nodded, following slightly behind Ikaris. "We were very careful. But still..." He was realizing how risky their endeavor had been.

Ikaris didn't say anything to least not while they were still outside of the base and away from safety. Instead, he quietly led the way out of the building and to where the others waited.

Quill glanced over as they joined the rest of them. "You found it!"

"At least it wasn't a wasted trip...." Peter's voice and face were apologetic as he looked towards the other two who had come with him.

Yondu grunted. "Time to head back to the base, I think."

Quill nodded, moving closer to his mate and father.

Everyone began to head back to base, carefully but quickly.

Fortunately, they were able to reach the base without being seen by any possible enemy. Ikaris made sure to keep the compound he'd retrieved safe.

"So... what now?" Pete asked uncertainly.

Quill looked at Yondu. "I'm guessing you take the compound to the lab. I've got a discussion I need to have."

Stephen snorted. "We'll take the compound to the lab. Harry can begin working on it. You can work on it after we talk." He looked at Peter.

"We're going to have our own discussion," Ikaris said seriously to Pete.

Peter just nodded, not voicing an argument or protest.

Yondu just wrapped his arm around Quill's shoulders. "We'll see you later," he said to the others.

Loki gave his mate a sympathetic look and reached out to gently squeeze Quill's hand. I'll see you once you and your dad have talked.

Quill squeezed Loki's hand back and smiled ruefully. I am glad you are not facing the same thing, love.

Pete sighed and nodded, following Ikaris to their room. He noted Sersi had made herself scarce.

Stephen walked with Peter to give the compound to Harry, then led him to their room.

Only because you left me out, Loki replied. I would have gone with you if you'd told me.

Yondu waited for his son to separate from his bond mate and then proceeded to lead Quill to his room.

I know you would have... Peter's feelings were apologetic. It was very sudden, the decision to go. I was so focused on what I needed to take, I forgot about asking or telling those I should. It would have been nice... Us going on a trip together.

Peter quietly but obediently followed his father.

Maybe when things are settled and Ultimus is no longer a danger, Loki said.

Yondu didn't speak until they were in his room and then he asked, "Anything else I need to know?"

"No, sir..." Peter was subdued. "I messed up. Again. Should know better at my age..." he said in chagrin.

"It's a stressful situation for all of us. Don't mean you're not in trouble, but it is understandable." Yondu led Peter over to the bed and sat down, gently guiding his son across his lap.

"You don't go out and do stupid stuff cuz you're stressed..." Peter pointed out, as he reached down to hold onto his father's leg. "Guess that's why you're one of those in charge...."

"I'm also much older than you and have a lot more experience dealing with my emotions." Yondu wrapped his arm around Quill's waist, pulling him tight against his stomach, and proceeded to bare his son.

"I'm an adult... I should be able to control myself better. I just... can't seem to sometimes..." Peter sighed softly, hugging Yondu's leg as he felt himself bared. He couldn't help but clench his bottom in anticipation of the first smack he knew was coming.

"Sometimes you need help. Ain't no shame in that." Yondu lifted his hand and brought it down in the first firm smack that he then repeated.

Peter let out a tiny grunt at the sting that immediately blossomed on his bottom. "I'll always need yer help, daddy..." he whispered.

"I love you, kid." Yondu settled quickly into a pattern of swats, going from the crest of Peter's bottom down to mid-thigh, before starting over from the top.

"...Love you too, daddy..." Peter's voice was small and apologetic. He didn't try and squirm away. He wasn't crying; he knew what he'd done wrong, but he also knew he was forgiven already. This was a reminder. It hurt, but not unbearably so. He held still and accepted the smacks, slumping over his father's knee so that it was as easy as possible for Yondu to punish him.

"I know things haven't been easy, but you aren't alone in this. I'm here and I ain't leaving," Yondu promised. "You got your bond mate and his family too." He began a third circuit of swats, a fraction harder and faster.

"Got lots a people now. Gotta remember that. Not put everyone in danger..." Peter's voice caught, as he finally began to cry. Remembering he'd put everyone else in danger hurt.

"Exactly right. Good boy." Yondu finished with a final flurry to Peter's sit spots and thighs, then stopped and quickly moved his son onto his lap, cuddling Peter tight.

"I'm sorry, daddy..." Peter whispered, as he clung and cuddled to Yondu, still quietly crying. "I don't want to make it unsafe for everyone ..."

"I know, son. I know you didn't intend to be dangerous. And I forgive you. I love you." Yondu kisses his forehead.

Peter continued to snuggle. He wouldn't move until Yondu needed him to, or Loki needed him. He was content.


Stephen silently led Peter to their room. He was pretty certain Peter knew what he did wrong. He'd been punished for it often enough. Because of that, he saw no need to lecture. Once they were in the room with the door closed, he asked, "Do I need to ask what you were thinking?" He was pretty certain Peter hadn't been thinking of the danger.

Peter winced. "I wasn't thinking," he admitted. "I hit a dead end with the experiment. And then Pete said about the synthetic skin and I...did what I did before. Before I got brought here. Harry even said I should touch base with you." A slight hint of frustration, at himself, slipped through as he added, "I swear I used to be smarter than this."

"Has nothing to do with your intelligence, Peter. I think it has more to do with the fact you knew you'd be told you couldn't go... At least not at that time .. and you didn't want to hear it..." Stephen disagreed. He led Peter over to their bed, upending the younger man over his lap and immediately baring him. "We've been through this before, so you're getting the brush...." His voice was gentle but firm and he reached over and picked up the sturdy wooden implement.

Peter whimpered softly, both at the positioning and at the sentence, but didn't argue or protest. The last time with the brush had been hard...he had no doubts this would be worse. He wasn't sure he'd be able to get through the punishment without reaching back. The last time, Stephen had asked him if he needed to hold his hands. Hesitantly, Peter reached his hands back, an apologetic feeling through the bond that he didn't think he'd be strong enough to take the punishment without trying to block.

Stephen took Peter's hands and held them to the small of his back. There was no recrimination in his feelings for having to do so, only understanding. Squeezing Peter's hands gently, he raised the brush up and let it fall with a crisp, firm smack. He didn't pause, continuing to cover Peter's bottom with the firm correction, watching his mate's bottom turn color from pale to a dark pink.

It was every bit as bad as bad as Peter had expected...and somehow worse, too. He was tearing up already, body shifting in response to the smacks even though he wasn't trying to get away or stop the punishment.

Stephen was very careful not to break skin, but he needed Peter to remember this. Especially with all the danger they were in. So he continued to swat even after Peter was crying, continuing until the skin was a dark, vivid red. He then set the brush to the side and put a hand on the hot skin, squeezing firmly, possessively. "You will not put yourself into needless danger. I will not lose you. Especially not to your own impulsive impatience. Do you understand me?" His voice was firm and relentless, but his feelings were worried concern, affection and, underneath it all, love.

By this point, Peter was sobbing, the tears falling hard enough to obscure his vision. His sobs increased a fraction as his hot, aching bottom was squeezed. "Y-yes, sir...." His voice hitched and broke, even as he obediently answered his bond mate.

"Good boy..." Stephen said softly, beginning to softly rub the sore flesh.  "We'll put some ointment on it before bed," he promised, knowing it would be difficult to sleep if it was too painful, but wanting the punishment to make an impact, so not willing to take away the pain immediately.

"Okay, sir." Peter sniffled softly. Through the bond, his feelings were entirely submissive and open. He'd been feeling on edge and restless since they'd discovered the dark counterparts and not being able to leave the base had been hard. It wasn't like he'd wanted to be spanked, but something had settled inside him.

"C'mere..." Stephen sighed softly, pulling Peter up and into his arms, snuggling his mate close. "It's over. You've been punished and it's a clean slate. Starting fresh. You'll be okay..." He attempted to soothe. He felt hopelessly inadequate at it, but he knew Peter needed the comfort.

Breathing in deeply, Peter wrapped his arms around Stephen and cuddled in close. I love you. His feelings through the bond were sad, knowing that they weren't in the same place emotionally, but he couldn't be anything but honest. Thank you for taking care of me. He tried to push through the feelings of gratitude, knowing that Stephen was attempting to take care of his needs, despite his personal discomfort.

I couldn't do anything else... I can't stand seeing you upset... Stephen admitted. Maybe he wasn't at the same place as Peter was, but he still cared deeply about his mate. Loved him, even if he was afraid to use the word to describe it too often.

Peter just cuddled, taking advantage of the comfort for as long as Stephen was willing to offer it. He was going to need to return to the experiments, but he could do that in a little while.


Ikaris led Pete into their room and closed the door behind them before turning to look at his mate. "What were you thinkng?" he asked softly. "I know you're aware of how dangerously precarious our situation is right now."

Pete looked down at his feet and bit his lip. "I wasn't thinking further than Peter needed my help. He said he needed an element and I recognized the element he said he needed and then he asked me if I knew where it was and I did and before I knew it, we were heading out to get it and I didn't even think about the fact I shouldn't be leaving. But I know I should have thought about it. I'm smarter than that; should have slowed down and thought before just getting caught up in Peter's ideas...." He sighed softly. "I'm sorry.'

"There's nothing wrong with getting caught up in experiments or ideas," Ikaris said. "When it's safe to do so. But at the moment, leaving the base without a word to any of those in charge isn't safe. I need to make sure you remember to reach out to me before you do anything that could put you in danger."

Pete swallowed and nodded. "Yessir. I need to remember..." he admitted.

"I love you." Ikaris led his mate over to the bed. "I'm not the only one. Not the only one who would be devastated if something happened to you. I can't lose you. Even though we bonded to save each other from Ultimus, our relationship goes deeper than that. You're my family. And I'll handle this exactly how I handle everything with my family."

"I love you too, sir. Deserve whatever I get... need to talk to you before I do stuff..." Pete sniffled, following meekly along, not fighting in the least.

Ikaris sat down on the bed and gently guided Pete across his lap. He gently tugged his mate close against his stomach before baring him.

Pete reached down and held onto Ikaris' leg, taking a deep breath before allowing himself to slump over his mate's lap in acceptance of what was about to happen.

I love you. Ikaris sent the words through the bond as he raised his hand. He brought it down in a firm smack at the crest of Pete's backside and then delivered a second smack on the opposite buttock.

I love you too... so much. I'm so sorry. I want to do better... Pete whimpered softly as the spanking began. It hurt more than he'd been expecting, although not badly enough for him to attempt to get away.

Ikaris continued to swat down to Pete's thighs and then began again from the top. Pete's backside was colouring to a warm pink under his hand as he continued to smack.

Pete began to shift as the sting built, tears pooling in his eyes then slowly falling down his cheeks. He felt like a failure and hated that he put everyone at risk. He slumped further. He deserved every swat. Maybe it would help him learn not to be so impulsive- not to just say or do without thinking it through- considering last time he'd not thought and interrupted Stephen's concentration, his aunt had died and he'd needed to be forgotten about to save the world.

Ikaris began a third circuit of swats, going a fraction harder and faster. "I know it's easy to act without thinking, but that's the surest way of something happening that you'll later regret. But I'll help you learn," he promised.

I need your help... Pete admitted, before letting out a tiny sob, his emotions finally getting the better of him.

I will always help you. Ikaris finished with a final flurry of swats to Pete's sit spots and thighs, then stopped and gathered his bond mate into his arms and on his lap, hugging him tight.

Pete clung to Ikaris, just snuggling close for as long as the older man allowed. I want to be good for you... he admitted hesitantly, once his tears had stopped.

You are good for me. A temporary moment of naughtiness doesn't change that. Ikaris tightened his embrace. We've dealt with it and it's over. You're forgiven. I love you.

I love you too... so much... Pete continued to snuggle close. "Can I stay close to you the rest of the day?" he asked softly.

"That was my intention anyway." Ikaris stroked his hair and kissed his forehed. "If you want to go back to the labs, I'll go with you."

"That would be good, sir. I'd like to know if something good came from my foolishness, at least..." Pete gave a chagrined smile.

"As soon as you're ready, we can go," Ikaris said. Until then, he was content to cuddle with his bond mate for as long as Pete needed and wanted.

Pete cuddled for a little longer before kissing Ikaris. Standing carefully, he replaced his clothing. "The sooner we see if this stuff works, the sooner we can help the guy who helped Harley. Seems really important..." He smiled crookedly. "Maybe you can offer some advice...." He leaned into his mate, still snuggling, but not impeding movement.

Ikaris wrapped his arm around Pete's shoulders and guided his bond mate from the room, leading him back to the labs. "I'll do everything within my power to help," he promised.