Chapter Eleven

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); AU


The following day, after breakfast had been finished and the children were all in the 'classroom' to learn for the day, those who were going to go searching for more rescues were gathered in the 'war room'.

"We have information on a building that seems to have numerous individuals in it; most of them seem to be under the control of Ultimus, but there are some who seem to be moving of their own free will.  If we plan to rescue the ones who are being controlled, we need to do it in such a way that we deactivate their alert signals before we do anything. Otherwise, they will call Ultimus and reinforcements before we even come close to getting all of them." Tony looked around at the group.

"What about an EMP?" Peter asked. "Fire off the pulse in the right area, it should knock out anything electrical. So any beacons would be taken out...but also any computer systems or anything else they could use to call reinforcements." Given that Stephen had already mentioned the idea of grabbing a whole lot of rescues at once to him, he'd been thinking about it already.

"I could make one of those easily and quickly." Phastos nodded. "It'd come in handy for other occasions, too."

Tony nodded. "That should work really well, as long as Ultimus doesn't have any tech we've not encountered before. As soon as the EMP goes off... Pietro can rush Druig into the building to take control over everyone. We can then separate those who were mind controlled from those who willingly followed... Figure out what to do with the ones who were willing...."

Bucky frowned. "I don't like the idea of execution... but we don't have a jail cell to keep them in. Bringing prisoners back here would be too great of a risk."

Jake glanced at Ajak. "I could take care of them. After everyone else is gone. It wouldn't be the first time I... handled such problems."

"I think...." Ajak hesitated and glanced at Druig, then at her bond mate, before she spoke. "I think we should give them a chance to switch sides willingly. If they refuse, then we can't leave them alive. They'd be able to give Ultimus more information about how we're working." She left unsaid that Druig's ability would allow him to compel those willingly working with Ultimus to tell the truth.

Druig nodded at Ajak to show he understood what she meant. "I can make certain that all our 'captures' tell the truth. We can question them. Those who followed Ultimus willingly because they believed in him, or wanted to, will be separated from those who were forced to follow him, either through mind control or fear tactics."

Steve nodded slowly and took a deep breath. "We'll do what we need to." He didn't like the idea, but they really had no other choice. If they wanted to free everyone, they had to make the tough choices along the way.

"Great. So... first we need to get the EMP ready, then we need to get into position to send it, then we need to take Druig in to control the masses; Loki should help, just in case I think..." Tony glanced at Loki. "...Then we interview everyone to see who is willing and who was forced. We bring those who were forced back here to bond and be permanently freed and those who were willing are... taken care of by Jake. If you are certain you are okay with that...." He glanced at Jake.

Jake nodded with an unhappy smile. "As I told everyone once the kids were out of the room, I was a hitman. It isn't the first time I've eliminated problems. Steven and Marc aren't terribly happy at discovering this, but they'll get over it."

Ajak reached out and gently grasped Jake's hand. "I'll stay with you while you do what needs to be done." He might not feel affected by taking those actions, but she'd still be there to share the burden with him.

Jake's smile was more at ease and friendly when he looked at his mistress. "Thank you...."

Stephen nodded. "Okay then. We all know what we are supposed to be doing. Wong... if you and Mordo want to handle the portal and any other magical needs that might arise, I will stay back here at base and get the infirmary ready for all the examinations and blood draws we will need to do when all the new rescues are brought back." He glanced toward Lincoln and Bruce. "If you two can stay and help me, we can draw blood faster and do examinations faster."

Lincoln nodded. "Of course I'll help. We want to keep everyone as healthy as possible."

"Of course," Bruce replied. "There's enough of us now to make it a fine art. Especially as the quicker we can get them secured, the better. Especially since Ultimus will still be trying to regain control until they're bonded."

Phastos stood up. "I'll go and get the EMP ready."

Everyone quickly began to ready their own parts of the plan. Friday gave them all updated information as events occurred at the building in question. Finally, the AI stated, "It appears that several of those wearing uniforms suggesting they are willing followers have left the building. There are currently three wearing those uniforms and eight who I believe are being controlled. If you are ready to leave now, I suggest it is an optimal time to go, as there will be less resistance." The AI paused. "I have also located another building only a few miles from this one that has eight more people. And I think I have located Thor Odinson three miles away from there."

Tony blinked. "Well...Okay then." He looked at Steve. "Is it recommended to try and go to all three locations today? Or stick to our original target and wait on the others?"

Steve hesitated and glanced around at the others. "If the EMP can reach that distance, I think we should try to hit all three locations."

"It'll take that area," Phastos said. "Only problem is that it'll knock out our own comms for the same amount of time. We'll have to rely on mental communication to adjust for anything that goes wrong."

Steve nodded. "Well, we know more about how the mental communication works and that there's no limit on distance, so...I think we should try all three. With Loki being perhaps the best one to get through to Thor."

Peter Quill glanced at his mate. "If Loki goes after Thor, I should stay with one of the other groups, so that if something goes wrong, he can let me know and we can send help..." he suggested.

Okoye nodded. "Maybe Wanda should go with Loki? Her abilities would aid in capturing someone of his abilities."

Tony nodded. "Stephen? If there are three areas, we will need three portals...."

Stephen nodded. "Lincoln and Bruce can cover the infirmary. They are more than capable and can ask help of Pepper or Ross if needed, since they are with the children. Everyone else- split into different groups from your bondmates. That will enable us to have communication between all three groups."

It didn't take long for those who were going out to split into the different groups, the bond mates each making sure that they were separate, so that once the EMP was activated, they'd be able to communicate with the other groups.

Stephen went with Loki and Wanda. He figured their capture was likely to take the least amount of time, so he'd be able to help them get to the compound quickly and then be able to help Bruce and Lincoln in the infirmary.

As soon as the EMP was activated, the groups went through their respective portals.

Loki headed through first, hoping that the sight of him might be enough to make Thor least. His bond mate had told him that Thor in this world had grieved his brother's loss. He could only hope that Quill was right and Thor would be happy to see him, even if he was a different version of Loki.

Thor felt when the EMP went off, as it didn't exactly affect his ability to control lightning, but it did cause it to flicker momentarily. He glanced toward the portal when it opened. Ultimus had been trying to figure out how to find the resistance for months now, with no luck. They never were in the place they were expected to be. Now it made more sense. They were portalling to other areas, most likely quickly, after each attack against Ultimus forces. He went to relay the information to Ultimus, only to realize all his equipment to alert the leader was dead. He couldn't communicate. His eyes widened as Loki stepped through the portal. "Loki? But... Thanos crushed you..." he said, in a small voice.

"In your dimension. Things went differently in my own, until Ultimus invaded." Loki raised his staff. "I am free of Ultimus' control. And I would see you freed as well, brother." He was a little bit hesitant over voicing the address...still not sure this version of Thor would accept him.

Wanda moved quietly, steatlthily, preparing to use her magic if it became necessary.

"My brother lives... even if from another dimension!" Thor started to cry, unashamed, Ultimus' control slipping as the high emotion overwhelmed him.

Thor had never been one for subterfuge. Loki knew that better than anyone. He stepped forward and he hugged Thor tightly. "I live," he confirmed. "We are fighting back against Ultimus. Come, brother." He began to lead Thor towards the portal.

Thor willingly followed, holding onto Loki as if afraid his brother would disappear if he let go.

Stephen quickly handed Loki the hospital gown. Even though the EMP knocked everything out, he wanted to keep all potential tracking equipment away from the base.

Thor immediately stripped, without hesitation or embarrassment, and put on the gown that barely fit.

Stephen kept the portal open until Wanda, Loki, and Thor went through, then let it close and followed them back to base. He sent a message through to Peter, so that he could relay to the others, Thor has been retrieved.


Understood. Peter quickly relayed the message to the team he was with.


Steve was immediately relieved to hear of the successful first mission and he wasted no time in passing that message along to those he was with.


Soon, the message was spread among everyone. Stephen began to draw Thor's blood and give him an examination.


Back at the first building, Peter Quill was following Steve and Druig. Druig was quickly gaining control over everyone and leading them down and outside, where they could be given the hospital gowns and Steve could begin questioning to see who was a willing follower and who wasn't.

Shaun was frustrated. He'd finally felt Ultimus' control over him loosen, only to discover he was being controlled by someone new. The only thing that kept him from fighting was the feeling that the new 'controller' was only doing it to protect everyone.

Sif acted as if nothing had changed, even though she knew immediately when Ultimus lost control and Druig took over.

Misty Knight removed her clothing and quickly put on the hospital gown when given the item. And she looked up at Steve, ready to answer any questions.

Colleen Wing was looking around at all the people who had stormed the building. She recognized Steve Rogers from the news prior to Ultimus arriving.

Coulson had spent far too long under Ultimus' control, but he could recognise freedom, even if it was temporary. He very quickly began to get changed into his own hospital gown.

America had been under Ultimus' control for a long time. She had had her ability used by Ultimus until she was past the point of exhaustion. But she wasn't the only one. The first taste of freedom she'd had in a long time and she quickly began getting changed, not wanting to lose the small bit of freedom she now had.

Scott Summers didn't know anyone with him, or those who had now rescued them, but he recognised some of them from the news. He quickly changed into the hospital gown.

Mobius began to change hurriedly. He knew a bit more about Ultimus than the others, but he was also aware of the fact that they needed to hurry. There was a sense of urgency in his movements.

Druig glanced at Steve. "Have you questioned everyone? Are there any actual enemy here that need to be taken care of?"

Steve nodded. "Those who were willingly working with Ultimus have been separated. The rest can go through the portal." There was a note of regretful sadness in his voice. Even if it was necessary...he didn't feel good about it.

The portal was opened so that those who were rescues could go through. Druig turned toward the others as Jake stepped through the portal with a serious expression. "If you all lead these eight back, I will go to the other site. They don't have anyone capable of controlling the ones there, other than Peter with his webbing." He watched as everyone but Jake and Steve started to walk back to the base.

Jake quickly did what was necessary, making certain to do it so that Steve and Wong, who was still holding open the portal, didn't actually have to watch. He then returned to the portal and stepped through it with Steve and Druig. Wong let the portal close.

Mordo was still holding the portal to the other site open. Druig walked to that portal and, just before stepping through, glanced at Jake. "You want to come through with me and wait?"

Jake nodded and stepped to Druig's side. Together, they stepped through and quickly moved to meet up with Tony's group.

The people in this building were all together, Peter having webbed their feet to the floor so they couldn't leave. Tony looked over at Druig. "Guess we should have brought Wanda with us." He grinned sheepishly.

Druig smiled crookedly at that. "Well, I'm here now..." He quickly took over control, so that Tony could ask their questions.

Peter had webbed the people in the building to the floor, but he'd still been watching case someone was able to break free of the webbing. He recognised one of the people he was holding and began to sidle a bit nearer to the only other person he'd met in this dimension the last time he'd been here.

As Tony began to ask the questions, Sprite groaned and scrunched up her face. "You always give me a headache when you control me, Druig...." she complained to her brother.

Kingo snorted softly. "You'd rather stay a slave under Ultimus' control?" he asked her. He looked towards Druig as well. "Guess we're finally meeting the resistance." He smiled. Feeling free, even if it wasn't totally free, was making him feel much better.

Ikaris' body was tense, though it wasn't because he was working with Ultimus willingly. No. This was the first time he'd seen many of his family members since they'd rebelled against Arishem. His gaze lingered on Druig...on his son. Ultimus had kept them from each other while they'd been under his control.

Shuri let her mask disappear as Druig took control over her and blinked, shaking her head. She looked around warily, but didn't say anything...even though she recognised many of the people there.

Yondu was looking around, taking in all of the people there, watching for anyone he recognised. It seemed like most of their 'rescuers' were Terran...but then, he wasn't even sure they were being rescued. Perhaps this was another enemy?

Tony was asking his questions quickly, determining who had been controlled and who was a willing follower of Ultimus. Then he came to the one he had considered a son; and who had been forgotten about until the recent telling of a story. "Peter..." he breathed out softly.

Peter's eyes widened. "You remember me?!" he squeaked.

Sharon Carter was watching closely. "Hello, cousin..." she whispered to Tony, before glancing at some of the others who had accompanied Tony. "Everett..." She smiled at the man who had been her boss at one time. "Bucky... Sam..." She looked at the other two men. The last time she'd seen them, she'd been hiding her position as the Power Broker from them.

Pyro only knew the people here by reputation and the news. He stayed quiet. He was grateful not to be under Ultimus' control, but he wasn't certain being under Druig's control would be better. Not yet, anyway.

Kamala looked around at everyone. She asked hesitantly, "You're the good guys, right?"

Jake waited for Tony to indicate who had passed the questioning and who hadn't. It didn't take long. Everyone had been controlled but two. Tony pointed them out to Jake and Jake carefully took them out of sight of everyone else, while Tony passed out hospital gowns to everyone who was left.

"They're the Avengers," Shuri said. She glanced towards the group...specifically towards Tony. "Right? You existed in my dimension too." She quickly began to change into the hospital gown.

Ikaris noticed that Jake took the ones who were willingly working with Ultimus away, but he said nothing to draw any attention to what was about to happen, instead wordlessly getting changed into the hospital gown.

Kingo and Sprite changed quickly, along with Yondu, who'd followed the path of Jake with his own eyes.

Sam nodded to Sharon. "It's good to see you." His voice was honest...even if she had deceived him and Bucky, he was still glad to see her.

Jake returned without the other two he'd left with, glancing around to see everyone had changed into the gowns. "I can bring up the back... if you want to start moving everyone through as quickly as possible..." he said softly to Tony.

Bucky nodded. "I'll stay in the back too. There's been enough time... even without them sending out alerts, Ultimus has got to have figured out something is going on here and be sending reinforcements."

Tony glanced around at the group. "We'll explain fully once we are safe. If you'll please follow me..." He quickly led them out of the building and to the portal that Mordo still held open. He began to lead everyone through, so they could walk back to the base.

Peter stayed as close to Tony as possible. He'd been alone for so long, having anyone know him was a relief. Having his mentor recognize him left him feeling clingy.

For his part, Ikaris moved so that he was walking close to Druig. He'd spent a year trapped under Ultimus' control, but it hadn't stopped him from thinking about and worrying about his family. Even if they had wound up on opposite sides.

As soon as the last person had stepped back through the portal, Mordo had closed it and they'd all quickly returned to the base. Druig led everyone to the infirmary, where Stephen, Bruce and Lincoln were finishing drawing blood and doing exams on those from the first two locations.

"They seem to be free enough from Ultimus at the moment that you can stay here..." Stephen said to Druig, having noticed that there were a few who seemed to know him in the last group.

"I can take them down..." Bucky offered.

"I'll go as well," Loki offered, figuring he could stay with Thor for a bit longer. Besides. He felt a little bit more secure being close to his brother.

Tony nodded. "We probably should give a little bit of room so they aren't as crowded. Friday can let us know if we are needed here..."

"Of course, sir," Friday quickly interjected.

Bucky motioned toward those who had finished having exams and blood drawn, leading them to the cells. "We're only leaving you here long enough for you to do what is necessary to permanently break Ultimus' hold," he said. "We'll explain that to everyone once the other group has been examined and brought here."

Thor nodded, moving to stand next to his brother. "It makes sense." He waited for the cell to be opened and was the first to step in. 

Sif quickly followed Thor. She glanced toward Loki as well. "I know we never got along, but I am glad to see you for Thor's sake."

Misty and Colleen moved to a far corner of the cell and settled into place.

Shaun sighed and went to another side and sat down. He didn't know any of these people.

Loki nodded to Sif, even as he shifted to be nearer to Thor. He'd have to leave his brother to bond, but until then, he planned to stay by Thor's side.

Scott looked around and then walked over to Shaun. "You look about as lost as I feel," he commented, a small trace of humour in his voice.

"Who else has been freed?" Coulson asked, as he stepped into the cells. "Ultimus hasn't been able to hide the presence of a resistance, but he's not revealed the exact numbers."

Mobius was looking around curiously, even as he stepped into the cells. "My understanding is that this is the first dimension to be fighting back...but not the only. There's a reason Ultimus has left this world alone for long periods of time."

America sighed as she stepped into the cell. "I feel like I'm spending most of my life trapped in a small room," she muttered. "Though at least you don't seem to have any of those bracelets that stop powers from working."

Shaun smiled crookedly at Scott. "I don't know anyone here... not yet anyway. I'm Shaun..."

Misty and Colleen moved over to sit next to America. "Hey, kid. This isn't even the weirdest I've seen..." Colleen said quietly. "But I think we're safe, at least."

Misty nodded. "Yeah. What powers do you have when you aren't wearing bracelets?" she asked curiously.

Sif glanced at Coulson. "Son of Coul. This is a large base. Mayhaps they have a small army?"

Thor smiled at Loki. "You are truly here..." His voice was filled with happiness.

"I'm Scott." Scott smiled at Shaun. "I'm a teacher at a school for mutants...or at least I was, before Ultimus invaded our Earth."

America smiled hesitantly at the two women. She might have been reluctant to share her powers, but...Stephen Strange had been in the infirmary. And if he was free of Ultimus' control and working with the people here, she figured she could trust them. "I can open portals to other dimensions."

Coulson nodded to Sif's comment, but glanced at America at her comment. "I'm surprised he didn't keep you with him, then. Surely he'd need your abilities?"

Mobius snorted softly at that. "Ultimus doesn't need someone else to open portals for him. He can do that himself...."

Loki smiled at his brother and pressed close to his side. "Yes. I have those here to thank for my freedom."

Shaun nodded. "I was in between jobs. Hadn't really found a niche for myself, even after I discovered I inherited magical abilities from my father..." He sighed and looked down at his wrists, where the ten rings would have wound around, had he been wearing them when Ultimus showed up. If he'd been wearing them, maybe he wouldn't have been caught.

They continued to talk and 'get to know' each other for a bit longer, but eventually, enough time had passed that the last group of rescues were led down to the holding cells to join them. It became very crowded very quickly.

Druig winced at seeing how crowded it was. "Friday? Could you explain to everyone how we are free and what they will need to do in order to become permanently free of Ultimus themselves?" he asked the AI.

"Of course..." Friday answered and began the explanation.

At the end of the explanation, Bucky added, "We figured it would be easier for you all to decide who you want to pair off with, then... we'll take you to one of the empty rooms, so you'll have a bit more privacy to form the bond."

Thor looked around at everyone present. "Who is your bond mate, brother?" he asked Loki.

"I have bonded with Peter Quill," Loki answered. "I believe you know who he is."

"He lives in this dimension?" Yondu looked up, a hopeful look on his face. In all the people around, he hadn't spotted Quill.

Thor glanced at Yondu. "You know Peter Quill? We travelled together for many months after Thanos was defeated. He is a brave warrior...."

"He were my kid. Back in our world. Till he took the wrong job and was killed...." A pained look came over Yondu's face.

Thor blinked. "Is Peter in the base now, brother?" he whispered to Loki, before looking back at Yondu. "I remember Peter mentioning his adopted father who raised him and died to keep him alive...."

"I already informed Mister Quill, Prince Thor..." Friday intoned, just as Peter came running from the elevator, nearly running into his bond mate in his haste.

"Yondu is here?!" The sound of fearful hope carried through the cell and caused everyone to quiet.

"Kid?" Yondu stepped forward, eyes widening as he saw his adoptive son. In a few quick strides, he reached Quill and wrapped his arms around the younger man, hugging him tightly.

Peter didn't care that there were cell bars between them. He held onto Yondu just as tightly, tears starting to stream from his eyes. "You're really here, daddy... I lost you and never thought..." He swallowed hard, trying not to begin sobbing.

Thor looked at Loki. "It seems we are not the only ones who lost our versions of each other but have a second chance."

"I'm here," Yondu said reassuringly, hugging Peter as tight as it was possible to do so.

Loki nodded. "For all that Ultimus has ripped dimensions apart, some good has come from it," he said quietly.

Thor asked, "As soon as we are bonded, we are permanently free of Ultimus? We just need to choose a partner?"

Loki nodded. "The presence of a bond mate gives complete protection against Ultimus' control. You will feel and be able to communicate with whoever you bond with, but the relationship doesn't need to go any further than those involved are comfortable with. Some of those here aren't involved in a sexual relationship at all. And others have more of an equal relationship."

Thor nodded. "So the sooner we find someone to bond with, the sooner we are free and can be with the rest of you."

"Exactly," Loki agreed.

"In that case..." Thor turned toward Yondu. "Peter Quill's father. Would you be amenable to bonding with me, so that we can be released from this cell and join our family outside?"

Peter blinked at Thor. "His name is Yondu Undata, Thor..." he offered, with a tiny smile at the Asgardian.

Yondu rubbed his hands gently over Peter's back, even as he looked towards Thor. "As it seems that our family members have bonded to each other, I think it would be a good idea," he said.

Thor nodded as Friday unlocked the cell.

"Peter and Loki can lead you to an empty room. Supplies have been set on a shelf by the elevator, if you would take what you need," the AI stated. As soon as Thor and Yondu were back outside the cell, she relocked it.

Loki walked next to his bond mate, heading towards one of the empty rooms, pausing long enough for Yondu and Thor to gather supplies they thought they might need.

"When you're done, Friday will let us know and we can come back and take you to have the second blood draw; they want to compare before and after samples to see if the bond actually changes anything..." Peter said, with a giddy smile.

Thor nodded. "It would be good to know how the bond changes us...."

"I believe some changes have already been observed, especially in those who are from other dimensions." Loki grasped his bond mate's arm. "We will see you soon." He led Peter to their room.

Yondu turned to Thor. "It all seems fairly straightforward. Only thing left is to decide who leads and who follows," he commented.

Thor nodded. "I... I am willing to go either way. If you are more comfortable leading, I will follow you. If you are more comfortable leaving me in charge, I will take control...."

"Be easier for me to take control," Yondu admitted, knowing that it wasn't easy for him to submit. He reached out to strip the hospital gown from Thor.

Thor grinned at that and let himself be stripped, proud of his physique and not ashamed to have Yondu see him naked. "Am I allowed to touch you?" he asked mischievously.

Yondu snorted softly. "Probably make things easier if you do," he commented.

"Much more fun too..." Thor grinned as he removed the hospital gown from Yondu and took in the sight of the man who would be bonding him.

Yondu didn't try to hide, or act ashamed of his body. He might have a different physique to Thor, but he was still confident in his own body. He let his hands rub gently over Thor's body, touching and exploring the hard muscles.

Thor allowed himself to touch and stroke as well, his body beginning to flush with arousal. Different physique or not, Yondu was a handsome and strong man. And Thor was thousands of years old. He was confident enough in his own person to realize he was pansexual. Yondu was attractive.

It didn't take much for Yondu's own arousal to become obvious, his body growing flushed and warm. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Thor's lips, stepping close until their bodies were flush with each other's.

Thor opened his mouth obediently, perfectly happy to give himself to Yondu. He already felt good and knew it would feel wonderful before it was over. His arousal pressed against Yondu's thigh, making it obvious he was more than ready and willing.

Yondu pushed his tongue into Thor's mouth, even as he gently pushed the Asgardian towards the bed. He pulled Thor down with him and let his hands roam boldly over the other man's body before reaching for the lube. His own member was thick and firm, making it clear how good this felt to him.

Thor groaned, sucking gently on Yondu's tongue as he let himself be manhandled to where Yondu wanted him. They were moving very fast, but that was a good thing. Maybe after they were bonded and completely free of Ultimus, they could take their time.

Yondu could feel Ultimus at the edge of his mind, trying to get in; trying to regain control. Even so, he chose not to rush things to a dangerous extent. He moved Thor enough that the other man's legs were spread and his entrance was visible. Then, he coated a finger in the lube and pushed that slowly inside the Asgardian.

Thor groaned more loudly, opening his legs as far as he could and raising them so that he was completely exposed to Yondu. He wanted it to be as easy as possible for his future bond mate.

Yondu took his time, moving his finger in slow circles inside Thor, beginning to widen the other man. Eventually, he coated a second finger in the lube and pushed that inside as well. At the same time, he leaned in and kissed Thor again...harder and deeper.

Thor responded eagerly to the kiss, opening for it and accepting Yondu's domination.  He relaxed his entrance so that Yondu could easily move his fingers. He could easily take another finger. He groaned loudly as he felt Yondu rubbing him inside. It felt so good. 

Able to tell that it felt good, Yondu coated a third finger in the lube and pushed that slowly inside. His other hand moved towards one of Thor's nipples, gently tweaking it before pinching the nub between thumb and forefinger.

Thor whimpered softly as Yondu toyed with his nipple. It didn't take long for it to be a hard, aching red. He pulled back from the kiss, gasping in breath. "Feels so good... can... can be rougher. I can take it..." He groaned.

Yondu smirked at the response, at the words, and lowered his head to Thor's chest. He wrapped his lips around the Asgardian's other nipple, engulfing it in his mouth and gently nipping.

Thor whimpered and moaned, while arching his back so his nipple was pressed upward in offering to Yondu. "Please..." he whined softly.

Yondu let his teeth graze over the nipple, even as he continued moving his fingers inside Thor. Finally, though, he pulled his fingers free. He coated his member in the lube. And he pushed inside the other man.

Thor's groan was loud and needy and he gripped Yondu's arms tightly as he begged, "Go deep... hard... mark me inside as far as you can... please...."

Giving a grunt in acknowledgement, Yondu angled himself so that he could begin to thrust hard and deep and fast. He continued to suck and bite Thor's nipple, leaving it hard and red and swollen before he turned back to the other nipple.

Tears pooled in Thor's eyes as his arousal reached a point where it was painful. Yondu's thrusting, sucking, and biting eased the ache. He needed it so much. "So good..." he sobbed out softly.

Yondu's own member was at full arousal, the harder and deeper he thrust, seeking out the spot that he knew would send both of them over the edge. At the same time, he continued his actions of sucking and biting Thor's nipples, switching from one to the other every so often.

Thor's gasp as Yondu finally thrust over that spot, sending sparks through his body, was shocked. His body quivered from the strong effort it took not to immediately spill in release. His entrance clenched tight around Yondu's member, as his body tried to pull the other man deeper and hold him inside.

Yondu could feel how close to the edge Thor was. He was close as well. He pulled back from Thor's nipples enough to growl out, "Let go now!" before latching on once more.

At Yondu's order, Thor sobbed out as his release tore through him, his body shaking uncontrollably, clenching and pulling Yondu inside as he lost all control.

Yondu's own release came over him at the same time and he released hard inside Thor, fingers tightening his grip on the Asgardian's body in response to the force of his orgasm.

Thor was almost out of it, delirious from arousal and release, but he was with it enough to notice the glow on his hand and the bonding mark forming on it. It worked... he thought woozily.

It did, Yondu agreed. He carefully pulled free of Thor and moved to collect items to clean them both up with.

Thor slowly lowered his legs so he was laying flat, but didn't otherwise move. It was easy to continue to let Yondu be in charge; for the moment, at least. They'd figure out how their relationship would work as they got to know each other better.

Once we're dressed, we'll meet with our family members and perhaps they can give us a tour of this place, Yondu suggested.

That sounds good... I hope you don't mind them seeing me walk funny... Thor thought in amusement.

They are probably used to that kind of sight. Yondu snorted softly as he gathered clothes for both of them to dress in.

That... is probably true. Thor grinned and just watched Yondu gathering items, enjoying staring at his bond mate's naked body.

Once he'd gathered the items of clothing, Yondu moved over to his bond mate. It was automatic to reach out to begin dressing Thor, keeping the least for the time being.

Thor's smile turned gentler as Yondu dressed him. I know we have yet to figure out how we'll be... but I enjoyed you being in control of me. And it is nice being taken care of. So, if you decide you don't like the idea of me controlling you, I can live with it. If you decide you do want me in control sometimes, I will do my best to make you feel as good as you have made me feel. Either way- I think I made a good choice in bond mate.

I've enjoyed being in control of you, Yondu admitted. I don't believe I would be happy not continuing with a relationship with you, but we can see how things go when it comes to dominance. You may find times when you'd like to take control and I don't believe I would be unhappy with that. He began to dress himself.

I am glad to learn you want to continue a relationship with me. I would not be happy if you'd decided you didn't, Thor admitted. I'd have accepted it, of course, but it would have been difficult. He carefully got up off the bed and moved to stand next to Yondu. He was walking a little funny, making it obvious who the bond saw as in charge.

Yondu placed a hand on Thor's arm and gently squeezed. We will join our family members and then see what the rest of the base is like. He guided his bond mate from the room.

That will be good. Thor scooted closer to Yondu, shyly taking the other man's hand and holding it. They went to look for their family.


Back in the holding cell, there were still sixteen people trying to get to know each other and see who they might be able to connect to so that they could bond.

Kamala looked around uncomfortably. She would do what was necessary to be freed of Ultimus, but she'd been raised in a very strict and fairly conservative family. It was hard to think that she'd be having her first intercourse with a near stranger.

Shuri was in one corner of the cell, wearing the hospital gown like it was a shield. She knew a few of the people in the base, because there'd been their counterparts in her dimension...but in her world, her brother and her mother were dead. And she was reluctant to let another person in, even if all it was was having sex to form a protective barrier against Ultimus.

Kingo was looking curiously at each person in the cell, trying to figure out if he'd met any of them during his long life. He'd taken on the mantle of a movie star, but after their battle with Arishem, he'd 'retired' from that life.

"You keep looking at your wrists. Are you missing something?" Scott asked Shaun. He'd already begun talking to the other man, so figured he might as well continue on.

"I... I inherited 10- Rings from my father. They enable me to do things that I wouldn't be able to otherwise. Ultimus caught me by surprise and I didn't have them on, or I would have fought him harder. I... I'm just wondering if I would be able to find them now and use them against him." Shaun smiled crookedly. "I supposed I should be thinking about who I will bond with instead. But it is easier not to think of that.  It wouldn't be the first time I avoided my responsibilities." He sighed softly.

"Well...we might be able to find them," Scott said encouragingly. "If you think of where they might be...of course, you need to actually bond so that Ultimus can't take you over again," he added.

Shaun nodded. "I don't know how we are meant to choose a bond mate and do so quickly. There is hardly any time to get to know anyone..." he mumbled.

Druig had returned to stand outside the cells by this point and heard Shaun. "It isn't easy to pair off with a stranger, it is true. But we figured some choice was better than none. Most of us, the only choice we had was if we would bond or not, as we were found in pairs and had to bond with who we were found with. Some of the earlier ones didn't even get the choice of if they wanted to bond. They were bonded before they were freed from Ultimus; it was the bonding that freed them, so they had to give consent after the fact...."

"At least it seems like we're in a better situation than that," Mobius commented. "It very much appears that there's no other way to break Ultimus' hold. At least not once the conversion's taken place."

"So who did you bond to?" Sprite asked her brother curiously.

Druig grinned. "His name is Pietro." Pietro, come and meet my family... he sent through the bond.

Shaun swallowed and looked around the room.  He looked at Scott. "Do you have any family here?" he asked, deciding that he'd continue to talk to the only one who had attempted to talk to him.

Pietro immediately sped into the cells, stopping next to Druig. "Hi." He waited for his bond mate to introduce him.

Scott shook his head to Shaun's question. "I don't have anyone here I least not personally. I've seen Captain America and Iron Man on the news, though."

Druig grinned and wrapped his arm around Pietro's shoulders, tugging him in close. "Pietro, this is my little sister Sprite. My brother Kingo. And... my dad. Ikaris." He glanced at his family. "This is my mate, Pietro."

Shaun nodded. "I saw them on the news too..." He bit his lip. "Are... are you attracted to anyone in here?" he asked curiously. He figured if you had to have sex and bond to someone, it might help to at least be attracted. "Do you think you'd want to be in control of the bond? Or are you more a follower?"

Pietro smiled, leaning into Druig's side. "It's good to meet you," he said.

"You seem happy," Kingo observed. "Bonding seems to have agreed with you."

"Honestly? You seem like the most interesting person to me in here." Scott shrugged. "I suppose because we're both kind of outsiders. As for being in control or following? I don't know. I think I could go either way."

Druig smiled even more brightly. "I am happy. Bonding was one of the best things to ever happen to me." He leaned over and kissed Pietro.

Shaun smiled, almost bashfully. "I don't think I'd want to be in control. I have enough trouble controlling myself, let alone being responsible for someone else. But... I don't necessarily want to be controlled all the time either. I guess the bond doesn't work if we don't have one of us technically in control, though. I think of everyone here, I've felt the most connection to you too...."

Ikaris couldn't help but smile slightly at his son's obvious happiness. "I'm glad to finally see you again, Druig," he said quietly.

"I mean...apart from the initial action to actually bond, I don't think either of us needs to be in control all the time," Scott commented. "What do you think? Do you want to try?"

"I'm glad to see you too, daddy..." Druig said softly. "...Mom is here..." he added.

"I think I'd rather try it than risk Ultimus getting hold of me again." Shaun nodded. "Should... should we ask to be shown a room?"

Ikaris winced slightly at the mention of Ajak. Things hadn't gone well between them the last time they saw each other. Still.... "It'll be good to see her again."

"I think so." Scott glanced towards Druig and Pietro outside the cell. "I think...we're ready to try bonding." He stood up and offered Shaun a hand.

Shaun took Scott's hand and stood as well.

Druig blinked. "Oh... okay." He turned toward his family. "I'll return once I've shown them to a room."

Friday opened the door so Scott and Shaun could exit, Druig leading them out.  "Go ahead and take whatever you believe you will need from this box..." He pointed at the supplies that were beside the elevator.

Scott glanced at the supplies and then gathered what he figured they might end up needing...then moved in case Shaun thought of anything else he'd like to add.

Shaun nodded at what Scott had chosen, making sure that they had one set of clothing each. "We're ready," he said to Druig.

Druig led them to an empty room and let them in. "Friday will let you out once the bonding has been completed," he said, before the door closed them in.

Shaun looked at the closed door, then looked at Scott. "So... I guess first we should... get out of these gowns..." he said hesitantly, almost a question.

"Have you been with anyone before?" Scott asked gently, not sure how much experience Shaun had.

"Not a man..." Shaun said quietly. "...The last woman I was with was... um... a while ago." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

Scott nodded. "Okay. Well, if you feel more comfortable getting out of the hospital gown, you can." He began to remove his. "If you'd rather keep it on, it'll still be possible."

Shaun swallowed again, but took off his own gown a bit self-consciously. It felt unfair for him to stay covered up while Scott let himself be vulnerable. He could be brave when it was needed... Even if it was reluctantly. His body wasn't anything to be ashamed of. Katie was always telling him he should stop hiding under all the clothes he wore. But hiding let him remain hidden. He could never get over his childhood fear that he'd be found. Even now that he knew the truth about himself and his father was gone.

"Good," Scott murmured encouragingly, allowing his gaze to move up and down Shaun's body appreciatively. Then, he moved forward and rubbed his hands gently over Shaun's arms. He leaned forward and brushed a gentle kiss against the other man's lips.

Shaun flushed at the praise, but smiled crookedly. When Scott kissed him, he returned the kiss, hesitantly but not reluctantly. If he was doing this, he may as well enjoy himself. He let his own hands carefully hold onto Scott's waist.

Still letting his hands rub down Shaun's arms gently, Scott led the other man towards the bed and helped him to lay down. "If something hurts or doesn't feel good, let me know," he directed softly.

"Ye...yeah. Okay." Shaun's breath suddenly left him and he had to take a slow deep breath to calm down. "Yo... you're really handsome..." he offered lamely, not certain what he should do, but wanting to somehow let Scott know he was okay with this. He winced as soon as he'd said it. His bond mate was going to think he was bonding with a complete idiot.

Scott smiled gently. "So are you." He let his hands rub gently down Shaun's hips and his waist. He kissed the other man again, a little bit more languidly, before pulling back enough to begin kissing down his neck, chest and over his stomach.

Shaun shivered as Scott kissed, his body responding to the stimulation more quickly than he'd expected it would, considering his nerves. He blushed at his quick arousal but didn't try and hide it.

"It's okay." Scott murmured the words against Shaun's chest. "You don't need to hide. Or feel embarrassed. Let yourself react however you need to." He resumed kissing Shaun's chest and stomach.

Shaun shivered and moaned softly, his hands moving up almost of their own volition to slowly card through Scott's hair and gently grip his head. He opened his legs without thought, bringing his knees up slightly so it was easier for Scott to fit between them, surrendering.

Gently grasping Shaun's member, Scott began to stroke it firmly. At the same time, he gently tugged one of Shaun's nipples into his mouth, beginning to suck gently.

The gurgled moan Shaun let out at Scott's actions would have embarrassed him, if he wasn't suddenly fighting himself to hold still and not start thrusting into Scott's grip. His member began leaking precum and was quickly at full arousal. His nipples were hard, red, aching nubs. His grip on Scott's head tightened, even if it stayed gentle.

Once he was happy with the state of Shaun's nipple, Scott moved to do the same with the opposite one. He reached out and picked up the lube, coating a finger in it and gently rubbing that finger against Shaun's entrance...though he didn't push inside. Not yet.

Shaun whimpered, squirming slightly at feeling Scott's finger against him so intimately. It felt good and he couldn't help but push toward it.

Scott responded by pushing that finger inside Shaun, beginning to move it in slow circles inside the other man.

Shaun moaned and felt his stomach flip at the intrusion. "Feels good .." he whispered, in surprise.

Scott pulled back enough to murmur, "Good. I want you to feel good." Then, he resumed sucking and gently nipping Shaun's nipples. He continued moving his finger in slow circles inside the other man, taking his time...but eventually, he coated a second finger in the lube and pushed that slowly inside.

Shaun felt his stomach flip again and a very needy feeling rose in him... and a desire to do whatever Scott asked, if it let the man finger him easier. "Please..." he begged, lifting his knees closer to his shoulders to make it easier.

Scott couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the plea from Shaun. He continued to move his fingers in slow circles inside Shaun; continued to stroke his member; and continued to turn his nipples into hard, red, aching nubs.

Shaun tried to hold on. He knew it was important to the bond that they release together. Still, it was difficult. "Need... need you in me..." he begged. "...Won't last much longer...."

Scott's own member was fully hard with arousal. He withdrew his fingers and coated his member in the lube, then pushed slowly inside the other man, taking his time about it. 

Shaun groaned softly as he felt himself stretch around Scott. He kept his eyes on Scott's face, his eyes wide open so the other man could see how much he needed to be taken by him. "I... I'll belong to you, right? The bond will... will see you as in control. B... but you'll belong to me too. We'll be partners?" he whispered, in a shaky voice, obviously having a difficult time holding back his release.

"We'll be partners," Scott confirmed. "We'll belong to each other." He gently grasped Shaun's hips as he began to thrust. "Let go. Whenever you're ready," he directed, knowing it would only take that for his own release to come over him.

Shaun gave Scott a loopy smile as he began thrusting. Feeling his mate rub him deep inside while stretching and filling him was indescribable. And then Scott hit that spot and his vision whited out as he spasmed in release, mouth open in a soundless wail.

Scott's own release came over him at the same moment and he let go hard inside Shaun, fingers tightening on the other man's hips as he let out a long, drawn-out groan. As the waves of his orgasm receded, he felt a warm glow; and saw the mark that formed on their hands. And more importantly.... Ultimus is gone.

Relief flooded the bond at those words. I can hear you... we're really free...

We're free. Scott kissed him gently before withdrawing. He picked up washcloths to clean them both up, automatically keeping the control he'd already taken.

Shaun lay boneless on the bed, just watching his new bond mate, the need to continue submitting stronger than he expected. I liked having you in me. Felt really good... he thought, not trying to filter his thinking. Think I'd like to have you in me a lot more, for longer....

Scott smiled at the words, as he finished cleaning Shaun and began to dress the other man. I think we can arrange that, he agreed. We can continue to have a relationship.

Shaun smiled back happily as he was being dressed, a feeling of safety and contentment flowing through him.  I'd really like that. I... I want a relationship with you. Beyond the bond. I like you.

I like you too. Scott brushed an affectionate kiss against Shaun's forehead once his bond mate was dressed, then quickly dressed himself. We can take a look at the rest of the base. Get to know the other people here.

That will be good. And see if they have a spot where I could work out. I'm a bit rusty, but if I practice, I could fight better... even if I'm not facing another dragon. Shaun grinned impishly.

I'd be very surprised if there wasn't an area to work out. Scott reached to help Shaun to his feet.

Shaun took Scott's hand and stood, impulsively moving in close and hugging the other man, kissing him chastely on the mouth.  We could work out together.... The bond had settled quickly and now he felt the need to get to know... get closer... to his bond mate.

I'd like that, Scott agreed, hugging Shaun tight in return and kissing him back just as chastely.

Shaun finally pulled back from the kiss and smiled. Let's find the others....


Misty watched as Shaun and Scott disappeared. The large group was slowly becoming smaller. She'd understood what the bond required and like the others, she wanted free of Ultimus. But she knew herself and she knew she didn't want to be the one who submitted. She glanced around the room to see which of the other occupants looked scared and in need of someone to take charge and protect them.

America was sitting against the wall with her knees drawn up to her chest. Part of her wanted to open a portal; to flee to another dimension. But that was the worst possible thing she could do. Because she could feel Ultimus at the back of her mind, still trying to get in...and what if she led him to a new dimension and put all of them in danger too?

Misty saw the young woman, barely out of her teen years most likely, sitting against the wall like she wanted to be anywhere else but was afraid of what would happen if she left the safety of this base. She walked over and slid down the wall to sit next to her. "This whole situation just sucks, don't it?" She sighed, looking where her arm should have been but wasn't. Her prosthesis had been lost at some point after Ultimus took control over her. "I'm Misty, by the way. Well, Mercedes, technically, but my friends call me Misty. Misty Knight."

America hesitated, glancing at Misty's face, studying it, before she answered. "I'm America Chavez. I...should be used to threats from other dimensions," she admitted. "I can open portals between them. But I never expected anything like Ultimus."

"I've found, it don't really matter what you are able to do or what you know; there is always something unexpected around the corner that you could never have prepared for..." Misty snorted softly. "It's how you handle those situations that makes you who you are, though... so..." She looked at America. "...You haven't jumped ship to another dimension. Even if you have the ability and are currently free. Why?"

"Because he's still there," America answered. "Still inside my head. And I know that eventally, inevitably, he'll take me over again. If I jumped to another dimension, I'd carry him there with me and give him somewhere else to conquer."

Misty nodded. "See... that there tells me you think ahead to possibilities. And you care about other people. I admire that." She gave America a serious look. "You understood that their method of keeping Ultimus out permanently... might be permanent in and of itself? They didn't say as much. But it was implied that once we bond, we'll forever be connected to our bondmate."

"Yeah." America took a deep breath. "I only recently figured out how to control my ability. Before that, I was jumping between different dimensions every time I got spooked or...but I got help to control it. Not to say that I won't randomly jump one day, but it shouldn't happen."

Misty nodded. "With everything we've learned in the last several years... heck, even the last few months, I bet they learned a lot... I don't think you accidentally jumping will prove a problem. I think the bond would let your bond mate find you and get help to get to you. Or you find them and be able to return on your own. How good are you at taking orders?"

"Better than I used to be," America admitted. "I spent a lot of time on my own, but when I started training and learning...I didn't have a choice but to start following directions and orders."

"Think you could obey me, if I gave you orders?" Misty asked quietly.

America looked at Misty, clearly thinking deeply about the question and her answer. "I think so," she replied. "I normally have a good sense for people and you...seem trustworthy."

Misty smiled at that. "I'll take good care of you, baby girl... you won't regret bonding to me... if you agree to bond to me."

"I think you'd be the best person for me to bond to," America admitted, almost shyly.

Misty smiled again, carefully standing and holding her hand out to America. "Let's go get Ultimus out of our heads, then...."

Placing her hand in Misty's, America got to her feet.

Misty had seen enough of the others leaving to know what to expect now. When Friday opened the cell door, she stepped through, pulling America with her. When their escort, a young woman by the name of Kate, led them to the elevator, she stopped to get supplies. Then, once they were led to an empty room, she stepped in, waiting until America was safely inside with her before closing the door.

Once they were alone, Misty turned to face America, reaching out and rubbing her arms gently. "Have you ever been with anyone before?"

America shook her head, biting her lip uncertainly. "Before, I was never in one place for too long to form those kinds of attachments. And then I was too caught up in training and all that entailed...."

Misty nodded, not terribly surprised at the answer. "Okay, sweetie. Here's what we're going to do..." She gently walked America to the bed. "I'm going to take off this hospital robe..." she said softly, as she did just that, leaving America naked. "You're gorgeous, baby..." she breathed out, letting her hands rub up America's arms, over her shoulders, and down over her breasts, cupping them in her palms and gently squeezing.

America whimpered softly as the hospital gown was removed and her breasts were squeezed. Her body responded, her nipples beginning to harden, and she couldn't stop a soft groan escaping her lips. Hesitantly, she reached out to gently rub her own hands down Misty's arms.

Misty smiled, "You're allowed to touch too, sweetheart." She let her own hospital gown fall to the ground so she was naked as well. She then leaned forward and kissed America, slowly but firmly.

Closing her eyes, America pressed into the kiss. A little bit bolder, she let her hands continue to run over Misty's arms...exploring and learning the body of the woman who was willing to bond with her.

Misty continued to gently kiss America as she backed the younger woman to the bed. Pulling back with a grin, she gave a soft push, causing America to fall back onto the bed. She watched as the younger woman's arms and legs spread open from falling. "Stay like that," she ordered, just looking over America's body, taking in her breasts, her stomach, all her private areas that were open to view, due to how she'd fallen onto the bed.

Taking a deep breath, America obeyed...even though a part of her wanted to cover up, feeling shy about her body. But she'd promised she could obey Misty...and that was what she planned to do.

"Good girl... being so good for me..." Misty praised, in a happy, aroused voice. She moved so that she was between America's legs, making it impossible for the younger woman to close her legs and hide herself from view. She leaned over and took a nipple into her mouth, sucking it in greedily while she began to gently pinch, rub and twist the other nipple between her thumb and index finger.

America groaned, her head falling back at the stimulation. Her own body flushed and warmed with arousal and she let out tiny little sighs and moans as her nipples were played with. It didn't take long for them to become hard, aching nubs.

Misty continued to lick and suck at America's nipples, shifting from one breast to the other, until they were both reddened, and glistening. She then leaned back slightly. "Beautiful, baby... You're so good for me..." she breathed out, kissing each nipple one more time before carefully stepping back and staring at America's body again, taking in the way she was flushed with arousal, breathing more heavily, getting wet between her legs... she licked her lips at seeing the moisture pooling in the younger woman's folds. "I'm going to move around so I can taste you..." she said, quietly but clearly. "I'm going to straddle you to do it, though... Put myself over your face. They call it sixty-nine. If you get afraid or can't breathe or anything that just feels bad or wrong, tap my thigh and I'll move. Can you do that for me?"

America took a few deep breaths, trying to force down her sense of arousal enough to respond. "Yes. I...I think so," she whispered, tongue darting out and licking at her lip. She hadn't moved from being sprawled out, taking Misty's order to stay to heart.

"Good girl..." Misty praised again, maneuvering and shifting until she was positioned over America, her pussy over the younger woman's face within licking distance, her own face over America's own pussy. She looked down at the flushed, wettened area and licked her lips again, putting her arms in such a place she could use her hands. Carefully, she pulled the wet folds apart and exposed America's slit, then leaned down and licked her from clit to perineum. "Mmm... tastes really good, sweetheart... really, really good..." She moaned softly and licked another stripe, going the opposite direction, coating her tongue with America's juices.

Groaning softly, America's head fell back as she began to pant, her arousal growing. She hadn't been given permission to do similar to Misty and she whispered, uncertainly, "Mistress?" She didn't know if Misty would like the name or not, but it felt right to her.

"Mmm.. yes, sweetheart?" Misty responded immediately, finding she didn't mind the name, even if it didn't feel completely natural. She began to gently thumb America's clit with her thumb, while she continued to lick her slit over and over again before finally delving in deep, pushing her tongue inside as far as it would go and swirling it around America's walls, licking the juices from inside as well.

America whimpered, her breathing growing deeper and faster as Misty's tongue delved deeper. She almost couldn't find the words to voice her question, but...she wanted to make the older woman feel good too. "Can I...taste you as well?" It didn't come out as clear as she wanted it to, unable to help but respond to the pleasure Misty was giving her.

Misty removed her tongue for a moment, kissing the flesh surrounding the entrance that was giving her such a tasty treat. "Yes, dearest... you man taste and touch as much as you wish..." She gave permission before delving back deep into America's entrance, forming a seal around the hole and beginning to suck along with licking, trying to draw out as much of the younger woman's juices as possible, wanting to drink her down. She continued to gently but firmly rub her thumb over America's clit, knowing the action would encourage more of the juices to be produced for her.

America whimpered as her juices were sucked down. She couldn't help but groan, but she held back as she moved shyly to tentatively lick Misty's own entrance, closing her eyes and moaning softly at the feel of the other woman.

Misty shivered at feeling America's tongue, pulling back slightly and whispering "That feels good, precious... you're doing good...."  She moved her mouth to America's clit and began to suck and lick there while she pushed a finger deep into America, searching for her G-spot.

America flushed at the praise, clearly feeling good about it. She continued to lick and every so often kiss Misty's entrance, even as her body clenched and she whimpered loudly when Misty found that spot.

"There we go... that's it..." Misty continued to rub firmly over that spot, continually, latching onto America's clit and sucking and licking it more rapidly now. She could feel as she moved her finger inside America that the younger woman was getting very wet again as Misty worked toward bringing her to release. The feeling of satisfaction she had at bringing America to this point aroused her further. America's tongue and lips did the most to arousing her, though; she could feel her own juices flowing toward her entrance and her mate's mouth.

America's groan was low and drawn out, caused both by Misty's actions and on being able to bring pleasure to the other woman. She swallowed convulsively, giving a sound that was between a pleased whimper and purr.

Misty could feel her own juices dripping out for America and wanted to taste more. Keeping her finger inside, rubbing that spot repeatedly, Misty began to thumb America's clit again as she licked around the edges of the younger woman's slit, sliding her tongue into her entrance alongside the finger and licking up every bit of flavor she could. Taking a short but quick breath, she ordered, "Let go whenever you need to...."

With a gasping groan, America let go, only having needed Misty's permission to fall over the edge. Her whimpers and gasps were long and drawn out as the waves of her orgasm washed over her.

Misty could feel America's orgasm as the younger woman's body clenched around her finger. She moaned softly, shuddering as her own release hit her in response. She moved her finger and thrust her tongue in deep again, sucking hard to get every ounce of America's fluids that she could. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a warm glow on her hand as a bonding mark formed.

America's whole body warmed as she swallowed Misty's own fluids down, groaning softly as the orgasm began to fade. Ultimus wasn't in her head anymore and a wave of relief swept through the bond towards Misty.

I think it worked, baby girl... Ultimus is gone and we are a bonded pair... Misty sent through reassurance. She stopped sucking and began to gently lick, removing any lingering juices from inside and around America's entrance, cleaning her mate. Once America was as clean as Misty could get her with her tongue, she carefully withdrew, carefully shifted away from her mate, then got off the bed and gathered washcloths to more thoroughly clean America. She then began to dress the younger woman in the clothes she'd gathered.

I can feel you in my mind...but not him any longer. America relaxed the more Misty took care of her, cleaning her and getting her dressed. The actions clearly put her more at ease.

Exactly. We are bonded together and can feel each other... and no one else. It feels good. Misty sent through waves of reassurance. She was happy with the result. As soon as America was dressed, she quickly cleaned herself and dressed. Let's go meet the others.... She wrapped an arm around her mate and led her out of the room.

America leaned on Misty without hesitation, clearly more comfortable and at ease in the older woman's presence.


Mobius didn't really know any of the people in this least not outside of his work with the TVA. He understood what they needed to do in order to break Ultimus' control, but he couldn't really see himself submitting to anyone else. He glanced around, wondering if there was anyone there who would feel okay with him approaching them.

Kamala had watched the other girl, woman, who was close to her age, leaving with one of the other women. She knew intellectually what that meant. It was still hard to reconcile it mentally. She'd been raised in a protective family. She'd only dated a few people in her life and hadn't ever gone further than kissing. The idea of bonding to someone through sex, when she didn't even know any of these people, was daunting. But the idea that Ultimus would take control over her again was even more daunting. She bit her lip and glanced around the room uncertainly, hoping someone, anyone, would take the first step towards her, because willing or not, needed or not, she couldn't seem to work up the nerve to introduce herself.

Mobius saw the younger woman who looked even more uncertain and unsure than the others and he walked over to her. Physically, they were quite far apart in age...but someone had to make the first move here. "How are you doing with all this?" he asked, his voice low...compassionate.

"N... not good..." Kamala admitted sadly. "I know it needs to be done. I don't want Ultimus to control me anymore. But... I've never done more than kiss someone! I'd always thought my first time would be with my husband and that we would be together forever after... and my parents were modern enough that they would let me choose and wouldn't arrange a marriage with a stranger, so I'd know him first! Now, I'm to be with a stranger and it doesn't even have the benefit of my parents doing a background check..." she tried to joke.  She sighed as she let go of the childhood dream.

"I know," he said reassuringly. "In an ideal world, none of us would be in this kind of situation. It appears that we have more choice than those who were freed earlier had, though, so we're fortunate in that regard." He held his hand out to her. "I'm Mobius."

Kamala shyly took his hand. "I'm Kamala..." she said softly. "If... if we bonded, would you be in charge of me?" she asked uncertainly. "Would you help me... adjust?" She knew most wouldn't want someone else in charge; as often as she'd snuck out and tried to do her own thing when her parents tried to protect her from the outside world, she was surprised that she did want that.

"I think it would work better between us if I was the one in charge," Mobius replied, a little wryly. "But even if it's necessary to break us free of Ultimus, we don't have to do anything more than is needed."

Kamala's smile was a little crestfallen. "Even if the circumstances aren't ideal, bonding to you would be a commitment. I do not intend to break that. If... if you don't want me beyond what is necessary to break Ultimus' hold, I'll accept that, but... I... I wouldn't object to more..." She wrinkled her nose, not certain she wasn't coming off as needy (maybe she was?) or crazy (she wasn't, but a committment to him meant no doing things with anyone else and she was a good girl, but she wasn't an angel....)

He nodded in understanding. "Well, we'll see how things go after we bond." He still had hold of her hand and he stood up, gently pulling her up with him. "If you're ready, I believe the sooner we get Ultimus out of our heads the better."

She stood up easily with his help and moved closer to him so he could lead her out.

Friday had already opened the door for them and soon, they were walking toward the elevator, the cell door closing behind them. She looked curiously at the man who was leading them.

Ross smiled at Mobius and Kamala. "Once you have your supplies, I'll show you the room that will become yours."

Mobius nodded. "Thank you." He paused by the elevator to collect the items he thought they'd need and then, with his arm wrapped around Kamala's shoulders, followed Ross towards the room.

Ross left them at the door to the room. Kamala waited for Mobius' instructions on if she should go in first or follow him in.

Mobius gave Kamala a reassuring smile and led her into the bedroom. "Would you feel more comfortable taking off the gown yourself? Or would you prefer I do that?" he asked her.

Kamala smiled bashfully. "I can do it... though... the idea of you doing so doesn't upset me," she said softly.

He nodded and reached out, running his hands down her shoulders and chest gently before beginning to remove the hospital gown from her.

Kamala squeaked as his hands brushed over her chest and she blushed at the sound, but held still. It felt good and her nipples immediately tightened in response to the proximity of his hands. She stood still as the gown dropped to the ground, fully exposing her, and she didn't try and cover up.

He smiled as the gown dropped, letting his hands rub and stroke gently over her bare skin. "Beautiful," he murmured, his voice low. Appreciative.

Kamala bit her lip in a shy smile. "Can I see you?" she asked hopefully 

"Of course." He removed his own hospital gown, allowing it to pool on the ground at his feet.

Kamala's eyes widened as she took in the sight of him, and giggled nervously. "You're... big..." she blurted, before blushing darkly and biting her lip, embarrassed. "Sorry... that's not a bad thing... I just I've never seen... um..." She swallowed and muttered under her breath, "..Shut up, Kamala, before he changes his mind...."

"I won't change my mind." He smiled gently. "I know you don't have any experience. Don't worry. I'm prepared for any reactions."

Kamala gave him a grateful smile and shifted closer to him, reaching her hands half-way up before stopping and asking, "Can I touch you?"

"Of course," he replied encouragingly. He reached out and let his hands rub over her bare skin, the touch feather light.

She let her own hands touch him, almost reverently, letting them stroke over his shoulders and chest, slowly working their way down to his member. Looking down, she very gently, almost fearfully, let her fingers stroke over his member, memorizing its feel and look.

He didn't try to guide her, or to direct her touch and exploration. His member swelled in response to her touch, but he didn't push for anything and continued to gently touch her.

Kamala smiled as her touch caused him to swell and she felt a sense of happiness that she could make him feel good enough that it would happen. Her touch became more certain and she continued to stroke his member, letting her finger trails up and down his shaft and under and around his balls. Her other hand gently rubbed over his chest and belly, then around to his back. "You are very handsome..." she murmured. "...A silver fox. I want you to teach me every thing that will make you feel good and happy...."

"You're already making me feel good," he murmured, shifting towards her so that she could feel and see his reactions better. He ran his hands down over her shoulder blades and gently cupped her backside, drawing her closer to him and kissing her lips.

Kamala returned the kiss eagerly, whimpering as his hands cupped her and pushed closer to him, letting her hands rise to hold onto his shoulders while pressing her hips against him so she could feel his arousal against her belly. She was quickly becoming aroused as well, feeling wet between her legs.

He kissed her a bit more deeply, a bit more intensely, before gently pulling her over to the bed. He guided her down with him and began to press kisses to various parts of her body, going from her chin and neck down towards her stomach.

Kamala's breathing quickened and she grasped at him wherever she could reach, her body quivering under him. She felt very achy at her core and whimpered.

He kissed his way back up towards her breasts and licked one nipple before gently nipping it. At the same time, he pressed one finger against her core and began to slowly push it inside her.

Kamala groaned softly as he nipped her, arching her back to offer her breast to him, even as she shook at his finger entering her. "...So good..." She whined quietly.

Mobius smiled at her response and engulfed her nipple into his mouth, beginning to suck and continuing to gently nip. He also moved his finger inside her, moving it gently, seeking out where would bring her the most pleasure.

Kamala couldn't help herself. She began to squirm on his finger, opening her legs as far as they would go so that he could rub as deep as possible, while pushing her breast toward his mouth greedily. The noises she was making couldn't be called words by any stretch of the imagination, but it was clear that she liked what he was doing and wanted him to do more of it, perhaps harder.

He continued to suck and gently nip at her nipple, until he was happy with her reactions. Then, he released it to do the same to her opposite nipple. At the same time, he gently crooked his finger inside her, rubbing a bit more briskly and more firmly.

Kamala let out a high-pitched whine of pleasure, her body clenching around his finger as he found that spot. The ache inside her grew. "...More... please... please... please..." she began to beg.

Mobius smirked at that reaction and slowly withdrew his finger from her. Taking a firm grip of her hips, he pushed inside her, even as he still sucked and nipped at her nipples.

Kamala whimpered softly as she felt him slide in, stretching her. "...Feels so good..." She whined as his shaft put pressure inside of her and eased the ache that had been building. She opened her legs further, her fingers carding through his hair and holding his head to her chest in a needy way.

He pulled back slightly, enough to whisper, "You feel so good to me." Then, he engulfed her nipple once more. He grasped her hips more firmly, allowing him to thrust into her harder and deeper.

Kamala's head fell back and her eyes closed as all she could do was feel him inside her while tasting her. All she could do was accept him and what he gave to her. All she could do was submit. "...Yours..." she breathed out, in the neediest voice she'd ever used.

He grunted in agreement as he continued to thrust inside her, ensuring he was making her feel as good as she was making him feel.

Kamala felt more than she'd ever felt. She could tell she was tightening inside, her body preparing for release. She sobbed out softly, "...Please... Can't..."

He pulled back enough from her to order, in a low, intense voice, "Let go." His own release was growing closer, preparing to let go inside her...but he held on, knowing it was important they let go together.

At the order, Kamala shuddered, her body clenching around his member tightly as she went into orgasmic spasms. She sobbed softly as she lost all control over her body.

Mobius' own release came over him at the same moment and he let go hard inside of her, fingers gripping her hips a fraction tighter as he rode out the wave of his own orgasm.

When it was over, she lay under him spread out, not hiding anything. She belonged to him now and he was allowed to look however and whenever he wanted. Even if she'd wanted to cover up, she was too drained to move. She gave him a fuzzy headed look... He'd obviously taken her over the edge. It would take a few moments to get her wits about her.

Mobius didn't immediately withdraw from her, instead taking a few moments to let them both calm from their orgasms. And he could now feel her inside his mind, replacing Ultimus. He reached out and took her hand that had the mark on it, showing his own. We're both free now.

Tears slid out of her eyes and down her face as gratitude slid through the bond toward him. That makes me happy. Thank you... You saved me.

You saved me just as much as I saved you. He carefully withdrew from her and retrieved washcloths to begin cleaning them both up.

Kamala watched him move through heavy lidded eyes. We saved each other... But I feel safe now. I didn't think I'd ever feel safe again.

I'm glad. After he'd cleaned them both, he began to dress her.

You take really good care of me... she thought, as he dressed her. You could have just told me to get dressed... This makes me feel closer to you, though.

It feels natural to take care of you. He finished dressing her and then dressed himself, before reaching out to help her to stand. I think we should join the rest of those in the base now.

Okay. She stood and shifted close to him, snuggling.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her from the room.


Sif stood to the side of the cell, watching as one pair after another left and didn't return, presumably because the bonding had worked.

Sprite was leaning casually against one of the cell walls. She'd asked Druig a few questions about what he was up to now, but had taken to watching as people gradually left the cell. She knew what they were doing, of course...and guessed the bonding worked, as no one was coming back to the cells.

Sif glanced toward the smaller woman. She looked very young, but had very old eyes. Sif could relate. "You are an Eternal?" she asked.

Sprite looked towards Sif. "I was," she replied. "I'm human now. My name's Sprite."

"I am Sif. Even if you are mortal now... You still have much experience. You do not seem as young as some of these here..." Sif paused. "If you are interested, perhaps we could bond. We might have a bit more in common."

"You're probably right," Sprite agreed, moving closer to Sif. She eyed the woman who'd offered to bond with her, clearly appreciatively.

Sif stood straighter under Sprite's perusal and grinned. "Looks like one of your family is here to lead us to a room..." she said, noticing Phastos waiting by the cell door that Friday had opened as soon as they had agreed to bond together. Wrapping an arm around Sprite's shoulders, she walked out, ignoring the door closing behind them. They were one step closer to freedom.

Sprite smiled at Phastos, a happy look coming over her face at the sight of another of her family members. "Hey, Phastos."

"Sprite." Phastos smiled at her. "Let Friday know when the bonding's complete and then I can give you the tour of the base. 

Sif stood slightly behind Sprite so she could talk to her family member, but when they began moving again, she quickly gathered needed supplies. She followed almost protectively as Phastos led them to a room; not because she distrusted Phastos, but now that she'd chosen Sprite as her mate, it felt natural to be protective of the smaller woman.

Sprite had gathered some clothing that she preferred herself and when Phastos led them to the room, she waited for Sif to lead the way inside.

Sif stepped into the room, eyes automatically tracking to make certain they were safe out of habit. She then moved to the side and motioned Sprite into the room before carefully closing the door. She immediately removed her own hospital gown, then went to the smaller woman and carefully, but quickly, began to remove Sprite's hospital gown. The sooner they bonded, the sooner they were free of Ultimus. And Sprite was cute, so it wouldn't be a hardship to move quickly.

Sprite gave Sif a tiny smile and held still while the other woman stripped her. She allowed her own gaze to move over Sif's naked body, making a tiny appreciative sound.

Sif grinned as soon as they were both naked; then, with a tiny chuckle, swept Sprite off her feet and carried her to the bed, gently tossing her onto it so she bounced slightly and quickly crawled on after her, hovering over her with an intent look in her eyes. "Do you have any requests or guidelines I need to know about before I start ravishing you?" she asked, in a soft growl.

"No questions." Sprite smiled slightly as she admitted, "I'm more inexperienced than I've let on, though. So you will have to guide me." She shrugged, unconcerned. She was an old soul, too old to be embarrassed about being inexperienced.

"That will not be a problem." Sif grinned, before leaning forward and kissing Sprite deeply. She was still leaning over the smaller woman, so took one hand and reached between Sprite's legs, gently rubbing her inner thighs and outer folds, deliberately avoiding her entrance or clit.

Sprite groaned softly, pressing into the kiss and opening her mouth in submission. Her face was growing flush with her arousal.

Sif slipped her tongue into Sprite's mouth, deepening the kiss for a few moments before slowly withdrawing and beginning to kiss along Sprite's neck and jaw. She continued the gentle massage of her mate's inner thighs and outer folds, rubbing and gently squeezing, still avoiding the most sensitive areas. She slowly moved downward until she reached Sprite's chest, where she sucked one nipple into her mouth and began to worry at it with her tongue and just enough teeth to sting slightly, but not hurt or do damage.

Sprite groaned in response, arching her back to press her nipple into Sif's mouth. Her hands shifted to hold onto Sif, though it wasn't demanding or an attempt to guide the other woman.

Sif sucked and licked until the nipple was a hard red nub, then shifted and began to suck, lick and nibble on the other nipple. Tiny murmurs of appreciation escaped, as she enjoyed teasing her mate.

Sprite groaned softly, her back arching as her nipples responded, betraying her arousal. Even though Sif was avoiding her most intimate area, she was still quickly growing wet and heated between her legs.

Sif chuckled softly at the groan, giving one last lick to a nipple before beginning to kiss her way down Sprite's stomach, her fingers gently exposing the smaller women's clit. With a satisfied groan, she latched on with her lips, sucking and licking with a gentle pressure. She slid one finger into Sprite, beginning to rub and massage inside, seeking the spot that would make Sprite squirm uncontrollably.

Gasping, Sprite did begin to squirm uncontrollably. She couldn't have stayed still if she'd tried...and she saw no reason to. If her body wanted to react a certain way, she'd let it. And her body was singing with pleasure and arousal.

Sif grinned as she continued to suck, lick and finger her mate, using her free arm to hold Sprite's hips still so she couldn't escape the attention. Carefully, she added a second finger, stroking inside more firmly, even as she gently began to nibble around Sprite's clit, in between sucking on it and licking. She left tiny little love bites all around the sensitive nub and along the outer folds of Sprite's sex. She didn't draw blood, but it could be felt and would leave a mark that no one else would see, but Sif would at least for the next few days, any time Sprite was naked.

Sprite began to whimper, her body arching as much as she could with her hips being held so firmly. "Please...." She couldn't help the begging as Sif marked her.

Sif pulled back and admired the marks she'd left behind before pulling away. "Get on your knees..." she ordered, in an aroused voice.

Breathing in deeply, Sprite did as ordered. Her body was completely flushed with arousal and she was panting softly.

Once Sprite was on her knees, Sif got onto her back and scooted herself under her mate until her face was below Sprite's privates. She grasped Sprite's hips and pulled her down until she could make a seal around the smaller woman's entrance with her mouth. She began to suck hard and thrust deep with her tongue, trying to pull all of Sprite's flavor out of her and drink it down.

Sprite let out low groans and moans, unable to help but begin to squirm as she whimpered, her body reacting to the stimulation.

Sif felt herself getting very wet, Sprite's actions fueling her own arousal. She kept a firm grip on Sprite's hips, holding her core against her mouth so she could keep thrusting her tongue deep and licking Sprite's juices out, sucking and swallowing the fluid in her mouth. She growled whenever Sprite squirmed too far away, smacking her bottom to warn her to stay in position, even as her fingers gripped hard enough to leave marks.

Each time Sif acted possessively and 'warned', Sprite's arousal grew and more juices flowed. Her whimpers grew louder and more pronounced the more Sif thrust inside and licked her down.

Sif pulled back just enough to say, "Let go when you need to," before pressing her mouth to Sprite's opening again and continuing the onslaught of thrusting, licking, and sucking. She reached down between her own legs and began to rub her clit, getting herself ready to release at the same time as Sprite.

With a long, drawn-out groan, letting her head fall back, Sprite released hard. Her orgasm rippled through her and her fingers clenched as her whole body arched.

Sif felt Sprite's body vibrating over her and it sent her over the edge, her own orgasm flowing through her. The bond mark formed on the hand gripping Sprite's hip.

Sprite felt heat...warmth...envelop her that had nothing to do with the orgasm. She saw the mark on her hand out of the corner of her eye and slumped slightly in relief. He's gone. She thought the words towards her bond mate.

Good... Sif thought back, leisurely licking Sprite clean before scooting back out from under her. She got up and wet some cloths to finish cleaning her mate, then dressed Sprite before cleaning herself and dressing. She went in and brushed her teeth and made certain her face was clean, then came back out and took Sprite's hand. Let's go find your family.

Sprite put her hand in Sif's and leaned on the other woman as they headed out of the room to find the others.


Peter looked around at the other seven people who were left. He was still feeling a bit in shock. Not only was Ultimus no longer controlling him, though he could feel him in the back of his head trying to reassert control, but people remembered him. It had been a long time since anyone he'd been close to remembered who he was. It... was a lot to take in.

Colleen glanced around at the others as well. She'd seen Danny as they came into the building. It was obvious he'd bonded to someone else. That hurt a little; it would have been nice if they could bond together. However, it wasn't unexpected and if she was honest with herself, she and Danny had grown apart long before Ultimus had arrived. Maybe a bondmate who wasn't Danny would be the best thing for her.

Sharon stood in the corner, just watching everyone. She'd been on her own before. The five years after Thanos had snapped everyone away, she'd had to survive on her own skills. After everyone was snapped back, she'd had to make certain she wasn't caught by those who still wanted to hold her responsible for what had happened in the 'civil war' between the Avengers. Sam had finally come through for her; getting her pardoned, enabling her to get a position in her old organization, but by that point, she trusted no one and kept her more clandestine activities as the Pawn Broker going. No one had found out. And then Ultimus had come and taken over everything and she wasn't certain how much of what she'd been up to had been discovered by anyone else because of Ultimus, or if it was still secret. And if it was still secret, would it stay secret once she was bonded to someone?

Pyro knew no one in this cell. He knew he needed to bond, though. He didn't want Ultimus to gain control again. He saw a younger woman, close to his age, and winked at her.

Coulson knew one of the people in the cell...Sharon. Sharon Carter. He didn't really recognise the others, though one of the younger men had a look about him that struck a familiar chord with Coulson. Like he should know who the younger man was. Still. It was more important that he try and get Ultimus out of his head than worry about a lost memory and he moved a bit closer to Sharon. "It's good to see you again," he said quietly.

Ikaris had watched with obvious tension as Sprite had been led away by one of the other women. She might be human now, but as far as he was concerned, she was still one of his...even if she was more worldly than the majority of people would expect.

Kingo was looking around at the others with obvious curiosity. As far as he could tell, they were all a mixed bag. He didn't recognise any of for Ikaris, but his fellow Eternal was in a somber mood again.

Shuri noticed the way the other young man was looking at her and tilted her head slightly before moving over to him. "My name is Shuri. I'm from Wakanda. Have you heard of it?" She knew enough about this dimension to know that Wakanda did exist...but if her counterpart existed here, she hadn't met her. Or indeed anyone else from Wakanda.

"Is it? I guess it is good to see anyone not controlled by Ultimus..." Sharon smiled faintly. She had a hard time believing he really cared about seeing her personally. He certainly hadn't made any effort to find her or see her before Ultimus, after all; and she hadn't even known he was alive. "It is good to see you. I thought you were dead."

Peter wished Tony or Stephen or one of the ones who had seemed to remember him would return. So he could find out how they remembered. And find out if it was going to be a problem.

Colleen walked over to Kingo. "Hi. I'm Colleen. You look familiar, but I'm not sure why..." She wrinkled her nose. "Were you on TV?"

"I'm John... but everyone calls me Pyro..." Pyro answered. "...I have heard of Wakanda. A lot of advanced technologies came out of there just before Ultimus took over. Technologies that helped a lot of poor. Did you have anything to do with that?" he asked, with interest.

Coulson winced at her comment, unable to help but think of the fact that they hadn't seen much of each other, at all, since before he'd died. "I was dead, for a time," he answered. "Then everything turned into a giant mess when HYDRA came out...." He sighed. "A lot of things went wrong." And he'd made a lot of mistakes.

Ikaris couldn't help noticing that the others were beginning to pair talk to each other. Except one younger man who looked...well, kind of lonely. He walked over and sat down next to Peter. "You seem like something's troubling you."

Kingo gave Colleen a charming grin. "I was, actually. A Bollywood movie star. The Shadow Warrior films. Have you heard of them?" He paused. "Of course, my real name is Kingo. And I'm an Eternal. Like Ikaris, Sprite and Druig, who you've met."

"This isn't my home dimension," Shuri said. "In my dimension, my brother and my mother are both dead. And I became queen of Wakanda." She looked sideways at Pyro. "Do they live here, do you know?"

"Yeah. A lot of things went wrong..." Sharon said, thinking about how she'd helped Captain America, only to be forgotten about by pretty much everyone; until they needed her help, of course. But then again, it wasn't really their fault either. They probably thought she'd got the same help and considerations they had, not realizing only they got it because they were psuedo-Avengers.

Peter looked over at Ikaris. "I... I was forgotten. Because of a spell. I had to be forgotten, because if I wasn't, there would be a lot of dimensional incursions and gazillions of people would have died. Only... now it seems like some of them have started remembering me. I'm worried that means the spell is failing cuz of Ultimus and what happens if people remember?"

"OH! I saw all of those! They were very enjoyable..." Colleen grinned. "I'm Colleen."

Pyro's eyes widened. "They still lived, as far as I know, before Ultimus took over. Maybe we can look for them...."

"What happened?" Coulson asked her quietly. He could try and explain that his own team had had to handle betrayal and the resurfacing of HYDRA, along with a lot else that went wrong, but...he wasn't trying to focus on himself and mistakes he'd made. Sharon was different now. Something had happened to her too. Maybe she needed someone to talk to.

"Well...we can find out why that happened." Ikaris looked towards Druig, as his son had stuck around outside the cell. "Druig, do you know why some of the people here remember...?" He paused and then looked at Peter. "I didn't ask your name yet. I apologise. Mine is Ikaris."

Kingo's smile widened. "It's good to meet you."

"If they still live." Shuri wasn't quite ready to let herself hope. "What do you think about the idea of bonding?"

"Became a fugitive unable to return back to the US because I helped Captain America rescue his friend Bucky. I gave him information and his shield, which apparently was enough to be considered treason. Once Steve and all his allies were cleared and could stop running, I thought I'd be able to come home... but I'd been forgotten about by everyone I'd helped and the government wanted their pound of flesh from somewhere, so I remained a fugitive. At least until Sam finally stepped in for me." Sharon shrugged. "I survived, though. Did pretty good for myself until Ultimus came in."

"I'm Peter. Peter Parker..." Peter said hesitantly, not sure if his giving his name, when the spell was obviously weakened, might cause a problem.

Colleen grinned. "I'm pleased to meet you too."

Pyro nodded, not wanting to offer hope when he didn't know for certain. "I think if it got Ultimus out of my head permanently, I'd bond to my worst enemy. Since that isn't anyone here, I've got hope that it won't be too bad..." His grin was mischievous.

"I'm sorry," Coulson said quietly. "That wasn't fair to you. Not when you tried to do the right thing. You shouldn't have been punished."

Ikaris nodded and glanced towards Druig. "Do you know anything?" he asked his son, placing a hand on Peter's shoulder and gently squeezing in an effort to offer reassurance.

"So, it looks like we've got a connection of some kind due to you having seen some of my moves." Kingo raised his eyebrows. "What do you say about us bonding?"

"I think you are right," Shuri said, considering him. "We're the closest in age here, so perhaps it makes sense for us to bond." A slightly mischievous look came over her face as she added, "If you can keep up with me."

"Yeah, well. They didn't view it as the 'right thing'... it's all a bit subjective, really." Sharon shrugged. Truthfully, the part that hurt worse wasn't that she'd been a fugitive; she'd made the choice to go against orders and she was a big girl capable of accepting the consequences of her choice. What hurt was how none of those she'd helped, or considered friends or family, had thought to find out what had happened to her. No one had bothered to try and find her and make sure she was okay. Even if she couldn't return home, it would have made things so much easier if she could have known she still had friends who cared about her.

Druig nodded. "There's another Peter Parker here, who apparently met you? And told a story about you... that... seems to have jogged the memories of more than one person. Stephen Strange remembered casting a spell for you and now that seems to be unravelling, at least for anyone who heard the story. But he thinks whatever Ultimus did and whatever the bond is doing, it is removing the problem that made it necessary for the spell in the first place?"

Colleen grinned. "Mated to a Bollywood star? Sounds fun. How do you feel about bonding to a ninja?" she teased.

Pyro laughed. "We'll see who can keep up with who..." He grinned and held a hand out to her.

"Maybe. Still. You being abandoned was wrong," Coulson said. "I haven't exactly made very good choices in recent history, but I was trying to do least before Ultimus showed up and derailed it all. If you're willing to bond with me, I promise that I won't let you be forgotten about again."

Ikaris nodded and looked towards Peter. "It sounds as if the memories coming back won't make things worse...and that you can be remembered without risk," he said quietly.

Kingo grinned. "I've always liked strong women."

Shuri took his hand and glanced around at the others in the cell. "It appears as though the last ones are pairing off together," she noted.

Sharon blinked at that. "I... I'm not entirely innocent. I've done things that you'd probably disagree strongly with..." she warned.

Peter relaxed at that. "That... that's good. I don't want gazillions of people to die because of me," he whispered.

Colleen's grin broadened. "We should have a lot of fun together, then...."

Pyro nodded. "No one wants Ultimus to take over again. Shall we?" He slanted his head toward the cell-door, figuring she'd know he meant that they could bond and keep Ultimus out of their heads.

"I've done things I shouldn't have," Coulson admitted quietly. "It's not only you."

Ikaris looked around at the others and then focused on Peter once more. "I'm going to assume that I'm not one of the people you knew before, which means that I'm a complete stranger to you. But...I've been taking care of my family for a long time. I can do the same for you. If you want...."

Kingo jerked his head towards the cell door. "Shall we get this started?"

Shuri walked towards the cell exit, figuring that someone would come to lead them to where they needed to go.

"Kinda feels like I should confess before you tie yourself to me, though. Just in case." Sharon snorted. It was easy to say he wouldn't forget about her, but she didn't want to be a regret either.

Peter blinked. "You'd wanna do that?" He glanced around and realized that the others had all paired off and if he and Ikaris wanted to have a chance at keeping Ultimus out, they didn't really have much choice. "Guess you don't have much choice in partners... having you wanna take care of me instead of throttle me is a good thing."

Colleen nodded and tucked her hands around his arm. "Lead the way...."

Pyro joined Shuri at the cell door, noting that someone was waiting to lead them.

Frank stepped back to let the two couples who were ready to go exit, then led them to the supplies. "Get what you think you'll need and I'll lead you to the empty rooms. I'm Frank by the way. You'll get to know me better later, once you're bonded."

Coulson looked after the four people who were led from the cells and then focused on Sharon. "You can tell me whatever you need to, but it won't change anything. Like I said. I've done things I regret now." He had many of those.

Ikaris shrugged. "I get the feeling you might do better with someone older and willing to guide you."

“Even if I became a criminal mastermind?" Sharon smirked.

Peter bit his lip and nodded hesitantly at Ikaris. "I... It would be nice to have someone help me figure out what to do... Mr. Stark forgot about me... even though I think he might remember me now, if what Druig said is true... and my Aunt May died... and I've just been alone for so long, even with Ultimus controlling me, and if you could help me, it'd be really great...."

"I've seen worse," Coulson said, a bit wryly. "A lot worse," he added, remembering what had happened with Grant Ward.

"If we bond, you won't be alone again," Ikaris said. "It'll be impossible. You'll be able to feel me all the time. And I'll be able to feel you."

"Sounds like a story..." Sharon eyed Coulson curiously.

"You couldn't forget me..." Peter whispered.

"An agent who I believed who I trusted...revealed himself to be HYDRA. And then he became a monster," Coulson said quietly. "So believe me when I say a criminal mastermind isn't something that bothers me."

"I couldn't forget you," Ikaris confirmed. "Even if another spell needed to be cast."

"A monster? Like .. literally or just figuratively?" Sharon blinked.

"I don't want to be forgotten again. I can follow you. Obey you. If you're in charge...." Peter smiled crookedly.

"He was possessed by a hive of parasitic creatures that HYDRA then used to further their own ends," Coulson said. "By the end, he was a literal monster. But before that, he was a traitor who pretended to be a loyal member of SHIELD."

Ikaris nodded. "I'll be in charge of you. You'll obey me. And in return, I'll take care of you." He held his hand out to Peter.

"Eew... I'll never understand HYDRA. How he could willingly let a parasite take over his body..." Sharon cringed.

Peter took Ikaris' hand, trusting him.

"He was dead by the time the possession happened," Coulson said quietly, a note of regret slipping into his voice.

Ikaris helped Peter to stand and wrapped an arm around the younger man's shoulders to lead him towards the cell exit.

Sharon blinked at the note of regret, misunderstanding it. " So... I guess we treat enemy killed like vampires now. Burn or decapitate their bodies so parasitic monsters can't use them as vehicles...."

Peter obediently followed Ikaris' to the door. Friday immediately opened it and Tony met them to lead them to a room.

"It's good to remember you, kid..." Tony whispered, as he led them to the supplies. Friday closed the door behind them.

Sharon looked around, suddenly realizing, "We're the only ones left. I've not been very good at following or obeying the last forever years, but... It'd feel too weird me being in charge of you, even if you were willing to follow a 'criminal mastermind'," she teased faintly. "Assuming you want me and don't want to wait for them to find other people to choose from."

Coulson didn't comment on what she said about the bodies. For all he knew, maybe they should start doing that. Instead, he said, "At least this bonding means you'll always have someone in your corner." He held a hand out to her. "Are you ready to try?"

Sharon swallowed and nodded, taking his hand. "Yeah. Okay." She let him lead her out of the open door. Since there was no one left, Friday left it open.

Sam was the one to come and meet them and he smiled at both Sharon and Coulson. "If you come with me, I'll take you to your room. Once you've bonded, you'll be able to join everyone else." He paused at the elevator to allow them to pick up supplies.

Sharon gathered a change of clothing, but otherwise left Coulson in charge of what he thought he'd need. Soon, he had everything and they had followed Sam to an empty room. She stepped inside and waited.

Coulson followed Sharon inside the room. Once the door was closed, he turned to her and reached out to remove her hospital gown. "If anything hurts or feels uncomfortable, let me know," he directed.

Sharon smiled crookedly. "Okay. If I do something you don't like...." She swallowed and stood straight, allowing him to get a good look at her body. She had scars; as an agent and as Pawn Broker, she'd been shot or stabbed before.

He reached out and gently ran his hands over her body, touching smooth and scarred skin alike. At the same time, he stepped forward, closer to her, and kissed her.

Sharon let her hands rise up to rest on his shoulders, kissing him back but making certain to let him be in control of the kiss. She might not be overly submissive, but the bond needed her submissive at least for this time, so she was going to be the most submissive she could be. It wasn't as difficult as she'd expected.

Coulson continued kissing her for a few moments, then pulled back a little to trail gentle kisses along her jawline and down her neck. At the same time, he backed her towards the bed until he could pull her down with him.

Sharon let herself be pulled, falling back onto the bed when the back of her knees hit it. She was rubbing her hands over Coulson's shoulders and arms, ghosting over his chest, though he hadn't removed the hospital gown yet. Her legs fell open so that he could fit between them.

Coulson gently held her down, kissing along her neck and down her chest before he raised himself enough to remove his own hospital gown. Then, he moved back down to gently nip her skin, working along to her stomach.

Sharon noticed his own scar, where Loki's scepter had pierced, and let her hand gently stroke over it, acknowledging that none of them were free of scars... but then he was kissing and nipping down her body. She put her hands above her head and gripped onto the pillows to keep herself from grabbing onto his head and holding him in place; he was in charge. It was difficult to submit, though. It had been a long time since she'd trusted anyone enough to obey them. She whined softly as she fought her instinct to keep him from taking what belonged to him; fought her instinct to pull away and hide.

He gently squeezed her hips, acknowledging the effort she was making to hold still. Against her skin, he murmured, "You can hold onto me. If you like." Then he returned to nipping and gently sucking on her skin, until he reached between her legs. He began to gently suck and bite there too.

Sharon shivered and let her hands rest on his head. It felt really good. She wasn't certain if she wanted to hold him tighter against her, or pull him away. Despite her nervousness, her legs opened further, almost of their own volition, to give him easier access.

He kissed and nipped around her entrance for a few more moments, still holding her steady by keeping his hands on her hips. Finally, though, he pushed his tongue inside her.

Sharon's startled gasp as she felt his tongue work into her turned into a throaty moan and her legs opened even further. It was obvious she was still nervous about giving him control over her body. It was also just as obvious that it felt good to her. Very good. Her fingers clenched slightly and she had to fight the instinct to pull him close and tight again. She was trying to be good and obedient and let him take control. It was so difficult. She almost wished he'd tie her so she couldn't fight. Just take over.

He gently squeezed her hips, giving her silent encouragement, as he continued to explore inside her with his tongue. Giving her pleasure clearly felt good to him and his member began to fill and swell.

Sharon began to whimper and whine softly with need. She could feel her juices flowing for him, knew she was very wet. She put her hands over her head again and gripped the pillow as it took all her willpower not to pull away and hide her most sensitive areas; not because she didn't trust him, but because she did trust him and that scared her more than distrusting him would have.

He continued to lap her up, taking his time, making sure that he took her right to the very edge. Finally, though, he pulled his tongue free. Gripping her hips tightly, he pushed inside her, very slowly.

Sharon quivered, looking into his face as he claimed her. Tears pooled, then ran down her cheeks. She kept her hands above her head and opened her legs that small bit further, drawing her knees toward her shoulders. "I trust you..." she whispered, in an almost scared voice. Was trusting him a good idea? She'd trusted a lot of people, only to be hurt by them. It was easier not to trust. But she wanted to trust him. What he was doing to her body felt so good, she knew if she could let herself trust and love him, it would feel even better. Knew that the bond would work either way, but it would be better if she let herself trust him. She wasn't just giving her body and freedom to him. She was giving him her emotional well-being. He could crush her. It would destroy her inside if he forgot about her like everyone else had.

Coulson's eyes softened and he leaned forward to tenderly kiss her lips. "I trust you as well," he whispered. He began to thrust gently into her.

Sharon let out a tiny breath at the words and then he was moving in her and that felt so good as well. It had been a long time since she'd been with someone, even before Ultimus, so her body was tight and the friction was obvious, but she was wet enough to keep it from hurting and he was going slow enough to keep it from being uncomfortable. She whined softly, reaching down to hold onto his shoulders, her fingers clinging to him tightly as he thrust inside.

Coulson kept his thrusts slow and steady, beginning to gently kiss along her jaw and down her neck. He held her steady as he kissed and as he thrust, paying attention to her body language so he'd know if she was hurting or in distress.

Sharon slowly relaxed her grip as he was so slow and gentle with her. She began to moan softly in response to the thrusting, her channel slowly becoming more and more sensitive the longer his shaft rubbed in her. Her breathing became more erratic and her body tightened further around him as she slowly moved closer and closer to the edge. And then the world tilted. It was unexpectedly fast, but it had been a long time and he was being very gentle and considerate and thorough in his claiming. Her body began to spasm out of her control as her orgasm rocked through her.

His own orgasm hit him at the same time and his fingers tightened their grip on her hips as the waves washed over him. For the first time in a long time, he felt free, as he could no longer feel Ultomus in his head. You freed me.

We freed each other... Sharon thought back, a sense of peace and wonder carrying through the bond, as well as the nervousness she still felt at trusting him so completely. She wasn't quite able to trust herself enough to not be afraid at the fact she was trusting him, and it was clear the conflict was there. She tried to block most of her unease, though.

It's okay, he thought to her. How you're feeling. You don't need to hide it from me. He let a feeling of reassurance flow through the bond towards her.

I'm sorry... I... I trust you... I don't know why that scares me so much... she thought uncertainly, a hint of shame carrying through.

You've been alone, abandoned, for a long time, he said gently. It's going to take time to reach a point where you're not afraid. But we have time now.

Time... Thank you for understanding... Sharon hesitantly reached up and rubbed her hand against his chest. He was still inside of her and it still felt good. H.... how will this work now? she asked hesitantly, wrapping her legs around his hips and clenching around him.

We're bound together. And I won't leave you again, Coulson promised. I cared about you before everything that happened, but after dying and being brought back...and everything with HYDRA.... His voice trailed off. I want a relationship with you. Even if it's not me being in charge, being in control, of you.

I'll stay with you, then... we'll have a relationship... Sharon agreed, a feeling of happiness going through the bond. I know the bond encourages one of us to be dominant, though.... I... I can be obedient. Despite everything.

They have made it clear that the bond encourages a Dominant and submissive relationship, Coulson agreed. But that the bond will settle based on what the people involved want. You don't have to be submissive to me.

That actually makes it easier, Sharon admitted. I don't know what I want. I've been on my own for so long... but it wasn't something I chose. I guess once the bond settles, I'll know what it is I truly want or need. Hopefully.

We've only been free for a short amount of time, Coulson said. We have time to figure out what's best for us. And we can see how the others interact with each other. It might help us both to figure out what we want if we see what kind of relationships the others here have.

Yes, sir. Sharon smiled up at him. That makes sense. We'll still be able to do this, though... no matter what way our relationship goes, right? A flirtatious feeling flowed through the bond and she squeezed around him again.

He smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Of course. And next time, it won't be because we need to get Ultimus out of our heads, he promised.

Sharon returned the kiss eagerly, opening her mouth to him and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. I love you, sir....

I love you too. He kissed her for a bit longer, enjoying the feeling of being inside her...of feeling her under him. Then, he asked softly, Are you ready to explore the rest of the base and see who else has been freed?

If you are, sir. I'm happy to be with you... whatever you want to do... she admitted, feeling the truth in her words.

I'm glad. He carefully withdrew from her and began to gently clean her up. After that was done, he began to dress her.

Sharon didn't try and take back control, content to be taken care of. After being forgotten for so long, she needed to feel important and cared about.

Once she was dressed, Coulson cleaned himself up and dressed. Then, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders to lead her from the room.


Peter followed Ikaris, almost blindly. Everything was so confusing after being controlled for a year. Especially finding out that people who had forgotten him now remembered him. He pressed close to the older man.

Ikaris responded to Peter pressing close by wrapping his arm around the younger man and hugging him close. He could tell that Peter was confused and in need of reassurance. Once they were in the room, he spoke quietly. "I know that Ultimus is still inside our heads, still wanting to take control, but I'm not going to rush through anything. And if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable, tell me and I'll stop."

"Yeah... Yeah. Okay..." Peter quickly agreed. He wanted Ultimus gone yesterday, but he didn't want to hurt either.

Ikaris reached out and began to carefully remove the hospital gown from Peter's body, letting his fingers gently brush against bare skin as it was revealed.

Peter shivered. "Will I belong to you? Instead of Ultimus?" he asked, his body flushing as he began to become aroused, though he couldn't stop talking.

"Yes. You will belong to me," Ikaris confirmed. He guided Peter towards the bed and helped the younger man to lay down. Removing his own hospital gown, he settled on the bed above Peter and began to rub, stroke and caress over Peter's shoulders and chest.

"That.. that feels really good, sir..." Peter nearly babbled from nerves. He'd never been a 'ladies' man', or a 'man's man', for that matter. He'd never had a lot of time to devote to romantic pursuits and until she'd forgotten him, his relationship with MJ was the only one that had progressed to any real lengths. He was a virgin in every sense of the word and while he knew what was going to happen, he'd never done any of it before.

Ikaris smiled at that. "Good," he praised softly. "I want to know if something feels good to you." His voice was reassuring and calm. He leaned down to brush a tender kiss against Peter's lips; not to stop him talking, but just to taste him. The nerves were clear. Ikaris fully intended to take his time and hopefully make this feel as good to Peter as possible.

"Okay... I'll make sure to... " Peter paused long enough for Ikaris to kiss him, giving the older man a goofy grin afterwards, not finishing his statement. He'd figured they'd just get the bonding out of the way as quickly as possible. Ikaris was obviously trying to make it good for him, though. He appreciated that. "...You kiss really nice..." he whispered, in an awed tone.

Ikaris smiled and gently stroked the side of Peter's face. "So do you," he said honestly, before leaning in to kiss again, a little deeper this time. His other hand ghosted gently down Peter's chest and over his stomach.

Peter returned the kiss eagerly, his body quivering. He'd been alone for it felt like forever, having lost all his family and friends to save the world and being afraid to get close to anyone afterwards, because it would put them in danger. He wanted to belong with someone, to someone... and Ikaris was wise enough and strong enough to be able to be with him and not be in danger.

"I have you." Ikaris whispered the words against his lips, even as he let his hand move to Peter's member, fingers gliding lightly over the tip and then beginning to stroke firmly downwards.

"You do... you have me..." Peter agreed, breathless, a tiny gasp escaping as he was grasped.

Ikaris began to trail gentle kisses along Peter's neck, down his throat, even as he continued to stroke the younger man's member.

Peter's breathing increased and he whimpered and moaned softly at the gentle kissing and stroking. His own hands stroked over Ikaris' shoulders and back.

Ikaris continued to gently stroke and kiss, but every so often, he nipped with his teeth; not enough to hurt, but making sure his mark was felt.

Peter groaned at the nipping, the slightly rougher treatment causing his member to jump in Ikaris' hand and begin to leak precum.

Ikaris continued the actions on Peter's front for a few moments, then carefully turned over the younger man. He began to kiss and gently nip Peter's back side, even as he coated a finger in the lube and pressed it against Peter's entrance. All the while, he was still stroking Peter's member.

Peter quivered again, moaning softly. "Feels good..." he whispered, pushing his bottom up, almost following Ikaris' hand.

"Good boy," Ikaris praised softly, even as he carefully pushed that finger inside Peter, paying careful attention to the younger man's reactions to make sure he wasn't causing any hurt or distress.

"Oooh.... that feels... wow... I..." Peter stuttered, as he felt himself stretch around Ikaris' finger. He widened his legs to give his mate better access and arched his back so his bottom pushed up even further.

As he continued to stroke inside Peter, his finger moving in slow circles, Ikaris moved his other hand to rest gently on the younger man's bottom. He began to rub, gently squeezing every so often.

Peter began to moan softly, still pushing his bottom up so Ikaris could more easily fondle and penetrate him. "I really like you playing with my bottom, sir... feels so good..." he murmured, faintly blushing at the admittance.

"Good," Ikaris murmured. "Good boy for telling me." He continued to gently rub and squeeze Peter's bottom; continued to move his finger inside. He wasn't going to rush anything, more than willing to take his time. 

Peter continued to moan and groan softly, his entrance loosening for Ikaris even as his body sunk into the bed in submission. He was ready and willing to take whatever Ikaris decided to give. His body was flushed from arousal and his member was fully hard, but all he cared about was Ikaris fondling him and fingering him.

Ikaris was paying attention to Peter and to the younger man's reactions, so that he'd know what felt good and what he needed to avoid doing. Leaning forward, he kissed the nape of Peter's neck, nuzzling gently against the skin. At the same time, he gently smacked Peter's bottom; not very hard, but enough to be felt.

Peter let out a tiny meep at the slap, then pushed his bottom up higher. "Please... again, sir?" he begged hesitantly, blushing scarlet that he wanted it, but asking all the same.

Responding to the begging, Ikaris delivered another light smack, this time to the opposite buttock, then delivered another pair just below the first.

"Oh... that feels gooood..." Peter whined softly, beginning to thrust into the bed without thought, before pushing his bottom up for more smacks; and so Ikaris' finger would go deeper.

Ikaris coated a second finger in the lube and pushed that inside Peter. At the same time, with his other hand, he continued to deliver the light smacks, covering every inch of Peter's bottom.

"....Yours..." Peter groaned out, feeling completely owned. He felt himself stretching around Ikaris' fingers and felt the older man rubbing deep inside and warming his bottom for him and all he could do was beg, "...More, sir... please... more...."

"Mine." Ikaris whispered the word against Peter's neck, even as he continued to rub deep inside; continued to smack the younger man's bottom.

The submission wasn't verbal. It wasn't even physical, since Peter was already slumped into the bed as far as he could slump. It was mental and Peter knew that as soon as the bond had formed, Ikaris would be his master. "...Wanna obey you, sir... wanna be your good boy..." he whispered, voice shaky, close to release, but holding on until Ikaris took him fully and gave permission.

"You are my good boy. You belong to me." Ikaris withdrew his fingers and then lubed up his member, pushing inside Peter. As he began to thrust inside, he continued to gently smack, wanting to make sure Peter continued to feel good.

Peter's groan grew louder as he felt himself stretch even further for his master, Ikaris filling him up so fully he couldn't tell where he ended and Ikaris began. The smacks on his bottom aroused him even further. He was holding on by a thread.

It didn't take much for Ikaris to reach full hardness, thrusting deep inside Peter. Finally, though, he growled out, "Let go," giving permission.

Peter shuddered under his mate, releasing immediately as his body clenched around Ikaris.

Ikaris' own release came over him at the same time and he let go hard inside Peter, still keeping a firm grip on his mate even throughout it all.

Peter finally slumped under his mate, watching as a mark formed on his hand. I'm completely yours now.

And I am yours, Ikaris said. We're bound forever now.

Forever. Peter's smile could be felt through the bond. No longer alone.

You won't ever be alone again, Ikaris promised. I won't let you be.

A sense of relief and belonging went through the bond. Peter fully trusted Ikaris and it was obvious. It was also obvious that he was extremely happy. That felt really good, sir. Maybe after we are shown around and meet everyone else, we can come back and do it some more? The feeling was hopeful.

I'm sure we can do that, Ikaris agreed. I'll clean us both up and get us dressed, then we can see what the rest of the base is like and who else is here. He began to put action to words.

Peter helped as much as he was allowed, but he mostly just sent through waves of love and happiness through the bond.

Once they were both clean and dressed, Ikaris helped Peter to stand and wrapped an arm around his mate's shoulders. Let's go and see who's here.

Peter leaned against Ikaris and let himself be led out.


Once they were inside the room they'd been given, Kingo looked around and then at Colleen. "So do you want to do the honours? Or shall I?" he asked.

"Why can't we both do them?" Colleen asked flirtatiously. She moved closer to him, letting her gown fall to the floor as she winked.

Kingo smirked at her and removed his own hospital gown, reaching out to draw her close. "I was thinking more of taking the lead, since the bond needs a Dominant and all that."

"I can let you take lead... this time..." Colleen grinned.

"I'll be sure to let you take it the next time." He kissed her as he began to shift them towards the bed, letting his hands run boldly over her body.

"I'm sure you won't regret it..." Colleen laughed as he hit a ticklish spot, but was too busy running her own hands over his body to react more than that. She kissed him back eagerly as she fell back onto the bed, pulling him down on top of her, wrapping her legs around his hips.

He landed with his hands braced on either side of her, so he didn't risk falling onto her, and ducked his head to kiss and then gently nip the hollow of her throat, his hands stroking down over her breasts and hips, touching and squeezing as he explored and memorised her body.

Colleen was quickly wet. Groaning softly as he rubbed her breasts and kissed her throat, she reached between them and began to fondle his member, stroking it firmly, rubbing his tip between her folds so he could feel how wet she already was. "This is gonna be so good..." she moaned out.

Kingo groaned softly as he could feel her against him. He stroked his fingers around her breasts and kissed her again, a bit deeper and harder this time. "You feel so good," he murmured against her lips.

Colleen growled softly at that, gripping his shoulder with one hand while continuing to stroke with the other. She opened her mouth inviting a deeper kiss.

It didn't take long for his member to grow to full hardness, responding to her stroking. He continued playing with her breasts, even as he let his tongue slip into her mouth, brushing playfully against hers.

Colleen was wet enough, she knew he could easily slide in. Directing his member toward her entrance, she lined him up. Her own tongue playfully chased his around in her mouth. She groaned as he played with her breasts.

As he slid into her easily, he let out a low groan into her mouth. His fingers gently squeezed her nipples, rubbing and stroking.

Colleen's breathing was ragged and she clenched tightly around him as he played with her nipples. She felt feverish from arousal.

His own arousal was obvious, his skin growing flush and his own nipples growing hard. He continued to touch, stroke and kiss her as he started to thrust inside her, settling quickly into a rhythm.

Colleen lifted her hips up, meeting him thrust for thrust, groaning more loudly as their bodies joined as close together as it was possible to.

"You feel so good." He couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips. "So good...."

"So... Do... You..." Colleen gasped out, as she reached a point very little would push her over the edge.

He kissed her again as he thrust, feeling himself reach a point where he'd fall over the edge very quickly. His fingers gently squeezed her nipples. "Let go." He could feel how close to the edge they both were.

Colleen shuddered, letting out a loud, satisfied moan as she came apart under him, her orgasm long and hard.

His own release came over him at the same time and his fingers tightened a fraction as his orgasm rippled through him.

As Colleen felt him empty into her, his warmth filling her deep, she felt an accompanying warmth on her hand. Looking over, she saw the bond mark. Congratulations. We are now mentally married for life... she teased.

There are far worse people to be mentally married to.... he teased back.

Oh, for sure. We could be very, very, good together, my dear... She grinned impishly up at him.

I'm already thinking about our future. He chuckled softly. Are you ready to join the others now?

Yeah. Let's get cleaned up and meet them... Colleen smiled again, more gentle this time and full of affection.

His own affection came through clearly as he carefully withdrew from her, then moved to collect the washcloth so they could clean up.

Colleen helped clean up and soon, they were both dressed and heading out to meet the others.


Pyro had waited for Shuri to enter the room before following behind her and firmly shutting the door. "How do you want to do this?" he asked quietly. If she was a Queen, she probably was used to being in control and wouldn't want him to just start bossing her around.

Shuri shrugged. "I can lead. Or I can follow. My brother and mother ruled before I did, after all. How would you feel more comfortable?" she asked.

"To be honest, I'm not a follower or a leader. I've always been more of a loner, so this is going to be an adjustment for whole other reasons..." He sighed softly.  "Once we do this, we'll be in each other's heads, after all...."

"I've never been alone," Shuri said thoughtfully. "It seems as though our personalities are opposite."

Pyro smiled crookedly. "Maybe you should be in charge. At least you have experience with it."

She nodded, then admitted, "Though I haven't actually been with anyone in this way before. Even after I was old enough, after my brother died...." She hesitated. "Even if I lead, you may still have to guide me."

"I can do that..." Pyro's smile was gentle. "Let's start by getting these off..." he said quietly, carefully removing his hospital gown, then reaching over and removing hers. He gently ran his hands over her arms, moving slowly. "Just tell me if something doesn't feel good or bothers you...."

Shuri nodded and allowed herself to press into his touch. She let her own hands rub gently over his shoulders and down his chest, memorising the feel of him.

Pyro was in no hurry and he took his own time gently touching and memorizing how she looked and felt to him. Soon, though, he leaned in. "May I kiss you?" he asked quietly.

"Of course." She smiled at him, still gently touching his bare skin.

Pyro leaned in and kissed her; tentatively at first, but then more deeply as he realized she was okay with it.

She stepped closer to him, so that their bodies were pressed together, and responded to the kiss. Her body was growing warm as the first stirrings of arousal began.

Pyro continued to gently caress, letting his hands move over her breasts, gently cupping and squeezing them while he continued to kiss her.

Shuri sighed softly into the kiss and let her hands slide a bit lower, towards his member. She let her fingers stroke gently over it, even as she pressed more into his touch.

Pyro let out a tiny moan as her fingers stroked him. He didn't encourage more, but it was obvious he liked what she was doing. He let his kisses follow along her jawline and down her neck.

She smiled as it was obvious he liked what she was doing and stroked a bit more firmly, with some more confidence. Without pulling back from his kisses and touches, she began to move them towards the bed.

Pyro let her lead him to the bed, while he continued to kiss along her neck and shoulders, continuing to squeeze and massage her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples.

A soft whimper escaped her lips the more he touched and kissed her. When she reached the bed, she gently tugged him down with her, settling so that she was on her back, her legs slightly open.

Pyro shifted so he was between her legs, hovering over her, bracing himself on his arms so that he didn't crush her. He continued to kiss along her shoulders and down her chest, licking and sucking in a nipple.

Letting out a low groan, Shuri ran her hands down his back, touching and exploring as she had done the front of his body. She didn't hold back her reactions to what he was doing, tiny whimpers and moans escaping her lips.

Groaning softly, both at what she was doing and at her responses to him, Pyro shifted to her other breast, giving it the same level of attention he'd given to the first. His member was fully aroused by this point, leaking precum.

She gasped quietly as her nipples turned into hard, aching nubs. The sensations caused a warm pit to grow in her stomach and she could feel wetness pooling between her legs.

Pyro groaned again, pulling back slightly. "Can I... can I be in you?" he asked, in a very needy voice.

She nodded, breathing deeply, and placed her hands on his member, so that she could guide him into her.

Pyro whimpered softly as she guided him in, then he slowly, very slowly continued to push in until they were flush against each other and he was as deep as he could physically go. He quivered above her, his eyes lust filled but tender. "You feel so good around me..." he whispered, before slowly beginning to thrust.

She reached up to cup his face, then leaned up to kiss him. "You feel good," she whispered. "It feels good to have you inside me."

Pyro kissed her back. "I'm glad... you deserve to feel good... I want to make you feel so good..." he whispered, as he continued to thrust, slowly picking up speed. He was already close to release, but he was going to wait until she was ready. When she said it was time, he'd let go.

Shuri had never experienced this before, but it felt good to her. She didn't try to hide that fact from him, letting herself respond to his thrusts. Her body was opening up for him...drawing him inside. She was close....

"You are so tight and wet and warm... sooo good..." Pyro gasped, as he continued to thrust, trying to make certain she not only knew how good it felt to him, but to try and make it even better for her.

Moaning softly in response, she pulled him closer to her, so that there wasn't even a tiny bit of space between their bodies. "Now?" she gasped out, feeling that she was about to tip over the edge.

"Now.... is good..." Pyro gasped as he released deep inside her. He clung to her tightly, holding them both as close as they could be together.

She couldn't help crying out as her orgasm rippled through her, her body arching as she clung to him, breathing deeply.

When it was all over, Pyro noticed his skin felt warm, particularly on his hand. He looked and saw the mark forming. We're together forever, now, princess... he thought fondly.

Never to be separated. Her feelings were clearly relieved. She'd felt alone since her brother and mother had died....

Never alone... Pyro agreed. Though he was a loner by nature, he found he didn't mind that she would be always with him.

Do you have family we can search for too? she asked him, since he'd offered to help her find her family here in this dimension. If they still lived.

If I do, I don't know where to begin. I haven't been with them since I gained my powers... Pyro admitted.

I'm sorry, she said quietly. But if you'd like, we can search for your family while we search for mine. She reached out to touch his face.

If I find them by accident, then I will figure out what to do then. But there is no need to specifically search for them. They didn't want me. Pyro didn't seem to feel one way or the other about that. He'd had a lot of time to come to grips with the fact his family had disowned him for his mutation.

Then they have missed out. Shuri let her emotions flow through the bond; that she wanted him and was happy that they had bonded, even though the circumstances weren't the best.

Pyro kissed her. Thank you for that... he thought. He carefully pulled out of her, then went to get the washcloth to begin cleaning them both up.

I am impressed with how seamless this all seems to be now, she thought. It gives hope that ridding the dimensions of Ultimus for good will be possible. Once she was clean, she began to dress.

Pyro began to get dressed as well. It has been very seamless. Hopefully, that is not going to turn on us later.

I am sure we can handle it if something does go wrong. Once they were both dressed, she held her hand out to him.

Pyro took her hand. Shall we meet the others?

I think we should. She headed towards the door, walking next to him, so they could exit the room.

He opened the door for her and followed her out.

Soon, everyone was meeting in the main rec room.

Steve looked around at everyone who had gathered into the main room, taking note of how many people there were...and how many actually now had family members with them...and asked, "Is it worth looking at moving certain room arrangements? Since we now have a lot more family members freed than before...."

"It might be a good Idea..." Tony agreed. "Try and have the family groups close together...."

"There are 100 rooms total, with twenty on each floor, right?" Otto asked. "So I'm sure people can move further down if they need or want to."

"I know I would like to be close to my family members...." Ikaris was fairly certain his bond mate would want to stay close to the people who now remembered him, but he didn't speak up for his Peter Parker.

"So... Let's figure out who wants to room near who, figure out how many rooms are needed for that to work, then assign rooms or floors as needed?" Pepper said. "I can take lead on that... if it helps."

"That sounds like a good idea," Phastos agreed, nodding to Pepper.

They all sat down and began to work on the plan, Pepper keeping careful record and making recommendations. By the time dinner time arrived, they had rooms assigned. They would move after eating dinner.


After dinner, everyone figured out moving to make sure the family members were able to stay with each other. In the end, some of those ended up on the third floor, with empty rooms in the hopes that more family members could be found.

After the children had gone to bed, everyone gathered once more in the rec room, though instead of one big group forming, people were moving into smaller groups to start talking.

Peter dragged Harry towards Wanda and Pietro and their mates. The twins were from a different dimension to Peter and also Harry, so they were curious about what might be different.

"So, we figure there's differences in historical events and that might be why some counterparts are visibly different," Peter was saying. "Harry and I figured out there's a major difference in our dimension with one of America's founding fathers....."

Druig slanted his head. "Maybe that is what has allowed the bonding to overcome the problem of dimensional incursions. Or whatever Ultimus did to prevent it. There is just enough variation in the dimensions that any thing that 'ties' a person to a dimension prevents an incursion..." He looked toward where his own family was gathering. "Phastos would probably be the best person to ask about it. Or Ajak."

"Honestly, I just want to gather the differences right now," Peter said. "I never realised other dimensions existed until I came to this one the first time. And there are some pretty major differences compared to my own."

"Like no sorcerers. Or magic. Or Avengers," Harry supplied.

"We had the Avengers in our world," Wanda said. "Or at least some of them," she added, thinking of Tony Stark.

"I don't think any of us realized there were other dimensions until recently..." Druig smiled. "Even us, with all our knowledge... we were so focused on this dimension that it never occurred to us there were others. At least it never occurred to me."

"There have been theories about the mulrmtiverse," Harry said. "But mostly, I think, different branches from the same root. So the different versions of us come from differences in the history. At least, that's the theory we came up with. And now, we've got people from a number of different dimensions."

"Yeah. Maybe someone we find will know more about the multiverse or dimensions." Druig smiled.

"So far, Stephen and Reed Richards are the only ones who had any experience with other dimensions before Ultimus attacked," Peter said. "I didn't have a chance to look around or ask questions the last time I was here."

"You're making up for lost time now." Harry's amusement was clear.

"I'm not sure how much help either of us would be with history, but we did meet some of this dimension's counterparts back in our own," Wanda said. "There isn't much difference that I've noticed."

Okoye smiled faintly. "I already know of a big difference in our dimension from one of the others..." She sighed sadly. "The Shuri currently with us... says that her mother and brother are both dead in her universe. Unless Ultimus killed them, they still live in our dimension."

"More family members for us to find," Pietro commented.

"Is this Shuri different to the one you know?" Peter asked Okoye curiously.

"I haven't really had a chance to talk to her," Okoye admitted. "She does seem a bit more reserved. The Shuri I knew was very outgoing and opinionated. And not very quiet at all. But given she lost her family, that is understandable."

"I think a lot of those here have been affected in some way or another," Wanda said quietly.

"Of course... but most of those affected, it isn't as easy to see a difference. Especially if you didn't know the person before. It's a bit more obvious with Shuri; I just am not certain if the difference is what she went through, or if it is because she is that different form my Shuri." Okoye shrugged.

"Is she different in her physical appearance as well?" Peter asked curiously.


Ikaris had noticed that Druig was talking to some of the others and although he would have liked the opportunity to catch up with his son, given what had occurred the last time they'd seen each other, he was also aware that his own mate was struggling with suddenly being remembered again. He wrapped an arm around his mate's shoulders and moved with Peter towards where Tony was, figuring it might be good for them to talk.

Peter was grateful for Ikaris' support as he walked over to where Tony and Pepper sat with Mordo. Now that Tony remembered him, he wasn't certainly his father figure wouldn't be angry at him for asking for the spell in the first place.

Tony saw Peter walking toward him and immediately moved in, wrapping his arms around the younger man and holding tight. "I'm sorry you were alone for so long. I should have remembered, spell or no spell..." he whispered.

Peter blinked. "I don't think it works that way..." he said uncertainly, returning the hug just as tightly. "It isn't your fault you didn't remember."

"The spell wouldn't have been something possible to fight against," Mordo said quietly. "But it didn't cross dimensions. And the spell itself wasn't enough to hold against someone who did remember you. But forgetting wasn't your fault, Tony...."

"Still... I feel horrible that I did... Even if I couldn't stop it. For years, I felt like a second thought to my father. I swore no child of mine would ever feel forgotten. Then I do forget..." Tony sighed.

Ikaris moved closer to his bond mate, so that Peter would be able to feel he was there physically, along with through the bond. "I'm sure it does help that you remember now," he said softly.

Peter nodded vigorously. "It does... It helps a lot that you remember now..." he agreed with his mate. "...You aren't mad at me?" he asked hesitantly.

"Mad... No! How could I be mad? I wasn't able to help you when the vultures came after you and then your attempt to take care of it yourself backfired. You didn't have any other choice than to do the spell you did..." Tony reassured, hugging tighter before stepping away so that Ikaris could move closer.

Ikaris reached out and wrapped his arm around Peter's shoulders, drawing his mate in close against his side. "My understanding is that it was a hard situation all round," he said...though he'd known very little about it until that day. Still. From what he had learned, it had been hard for all those involved.

"Well, luckily, the spell is no longer in effect... at least for those who heard the story of what happened. You have your family again..." Pepper said firmly.

Peter nodded, tearing up. "Yeah..." He swallowed hard. "...Did... did Happy tell you about May?" he asked softly.

Pepper got a sad look on her face and nodded. "Yeah, sweetie. He did. Now that we remember, it makes it even worse..." she empathized.

Peter sniffed and nodded, but smiled crookedly. "She died living her beliefs. That's important. The best way to remember her is by living my beliefs... right?"

"I think that's a very wise way to live," Ikaris said seriously, gently squeezing Peter's shoulder.

Tony nodded and smiled. "She'd be very proud of you..." he said quietly.

"I know I didn't meet you before, but I'm glad that you've found your way to your family here now." Mordo smiled at Peter. "I'm Mordo. I'm a sorcerer as well."

Peter smiled crookedly. "Are you Dr. Strange and Mr. Wong's family?"

"I am," Mordo replied, leaving unsaid that there had been conflicts. Things were better now.

"That's good. Anyone being alone is... I wouldn't wish it on anybody..." Peter sighed.

"I don't think anyone here needs to be alone anymore," Mordo said quietly.

"No. They don't. And if we succeed in our plans, there will be even more people to not be alone with..." Tony said.

"It seems we stand a very good chance of success, given how many have been freed so far," Ikaris commented.

"We still have some specific people we are looking for... but now I think we should just head out and rescue whoever we find," Tony said thoughtfully. "Did you find everyone in your family?" he asked Ikaris.

"Not yet," Ikaris answered. "There are still three of them missing." It was clear he was worried about them.

"Who are you missing? If you can give Friday a description to look for and a last known location, maybe she can help you," Pepper suggested.

"Their names are Sersi, Gilgamesh and Makkari," Ikaris said. "I will note down all the information I have about them and their last known whereabouts, in the hopes that we can all be reunited."

Pepper nodded. "We will do our best to help."


Grant was sticking as close to Steve as possible, almost hiding behind him. Especially when he saw Coulson enter the area.

It's all right. We've talked and I've made it clear that you are my mate and I won't accept any problems here in the base. Steve sent through a wave of reassurance to Grant. He didn't say that he'd noticed something like regret on Coulson's face and in his voice, but it had been enough to make him wonder if, with the benefit of hindsight, Coulson had realised he could have made different, better choices.

The feeling of gratitude that went through the bond was staggering and Frank gave his mates a startled look from across the room, quickly moving to stand next to both of them.

Grant flushed slightly. I know I'm safe with you... it's just difficult. Knowing what happened here and that only my choice to distance myself far enough away he couldn't find me kept the same thing from happening in my dimension. I knew they despised me, but... I never thought Coulson would go to those levels. That I'm the one that caused it....

It wasn't you, Steve thought back. You aren't your counterpart. You might have started out the same, but your experiences shaped you differently. You made different choices and joined us here of your own free will. There might not have been much of a choice in the bonding, but there was still a choice.

Grant swallowed. I don't think he trusts me. Knowing what my counterpart did, I don't blame him.

He's only just met you. The you that came from another dimension and bonded with me and Frank, Steve said. Any kind of trust would take time to build, even without the history between him and your counterpart.

Grant relaxed slightly at that. Yeah. I .. I guess you're right.

Frank relaxed as well. Steve's got ya, kid... And when he can't, I do.

You're safe here. With us. Steve wrapped his arms around Grant's waist; reached out to draw Frank into their embrace too.

Sharon was watching everyone quietly, keeping to herself in a corner of the room. She watched Sam and Bucky with their mates. She also watched Steve with his mates. Because of this, she noticed how Grant was reacting to Coulson. A hint of curiosity bled through the bond, but she didn't say anything to anyone. People in glass houses and all.

Coulson could feel the curiosity coming from his bond mate and he moved closer to where she stood, so that she wasn't standing alone. That man is from a different dimension. The version of him that was here was the HYDRA agent I told you about.

Ah. Guess he was told what happened here. Or things were just as bad over there... he seems reluctant to be around you, Sharon noted.

I think there were conflicts between my counterpart and his in his dimension as well, Coulson said. A hint of regret came through the bond...guilt for how things had gone here, even before Ultimus had taken over.

Sharon reached over and took his hand. Maybe now you two can work out whatever issues there were?

He gently squeezed her hand. I think we need to learn about each other without the history of our counterparts between us.

Maybe we both need to let go of the past... Sharon thought, looking around at the others again and thinking about the fact she'd gone down a road none of them would have approved of.

I think that would be a good idea, Coulson agreed. This is an opportunity for all of us to start over.

Sharon nodded, leaning into him slightly. She didn't know if it was the bond, or knowing that she wasn't alone anymore and wouldn't be forgotten, but the need to be by her mate was strong.

She wasn't the only one feeling that way.

Coulson wrapped his arm around Sharon's shoulders and looked around at the others who were in the common area with them.

America might have known a couple of the people in the base, namely Stephen Strange and Wong, but she didn't really know anyone else...and she felt more comfortable sticking close to Misty, since the older woman felt safe to her.

Misty wrapped her arm around America and led her over to where Danny stood with Matt. Colleen had gone over to see them as well, pulling Kingo with her. I want to introduce you to some people... she thought.

Colleen had just introduced Kingo to her ex-lover and his bond mate. "Do we know where any of the others are?" she asked, thinking specifically about Luke and Jessica, but also all the people she'd met due to her association with Danny.

"I've given Friday the information about everyone I can think of," Danny said. "If anyone comes up on her radar, we can hopefully get them."

"But Ultimus has just lost a large number of his soldiers," Kingo said. "He's going to be even more on guard. Maybe even bring more people from other dimensions here. From what I've learned, he's got a large number of dimensions under his control."

Colleen frowned at that. "Do you think those dimensions include pocket dimensions, like Kung Lao?"

Kingo shrugged. "I've been alive for centuries, but I didn't hear about other dimensions until Ultimus invaded this one. I can't really say what the rules are."

"If there are other versions of Iron Fist, even if they aren't other versions of me, then it's likely," Danny said. "Maybe we need to gather more intel about the other dimensions Ultimus has invaded...make more of an effort to contact other dimensions who he hasn't reached yet."

"I'm sure they've already thought of doing that. The question is, are we able to do so?" Misty shrugged.

"I don't know about contacting other dimensions from here, but I can open portals to other dimensions," America said. "Maybe that will help? I was trying to learn magic, too, but my studies got interrupted...."

"It probably will help, if we have some clear direction on what we want to do or accomplish," Misty stated.

Colleen nodded. "From the sounds of it, the scientists have been doing most of the research by themselves. Maybe it is time those of us with experience with other dimensions talk to them and give them what information we can that they may not know."

"I think I heard a couple of them asking those from other dimensions about differences between them," Danny commented. "So it probably would help."

"Well... we can do that later. When they aren't trying to bond with their mates and their mates' families..." Matt interjected quietly.

"Speaking of which, did you want to come and meet my family?" Kingo asked Colleen. "We're missing three members still, but most of them are here...."

"I would..." Colleen smiled and took his arm.

Misty smiled. "Later, you two...."

Kingo executed a quick bow and then glanced around. He spotted Druig with Pietro and led Colleen over towards his brother. "I figured it might be easier to meet when we're not locked up." He grinned at Druig.

Druig grinned back. "Kingo... I'm glad we found you. Pietro... this is my brother, Kingo. Kingo... this is my mate, Pietro." He smiled.

Kingo smiled and reached his free hand out to shake Pietro's. "It's good to meet you. Colleen, meet my brother Druig...and his mate, Pietro. Druig is the one we need to thank for stepping in and freeing us from Ultimus' control long enough to be able to bond."

Colleen impulsively hugged Druig and Pietro. "Thank you. You have no idea..." she said somberly.

Pietro gently patted her arm. "As far as I'm aware, until Druig got freed, things were a lot more difficult, as the only path to freedom was through force."

Kingo winced at that. "Well, I will be grateful for that not being necessary," he said soberly.

Colleen winced as well. "Yeah... very grateful. Even if we didn't have much choice, having the choice made a huge difference in making it less difficult."

Druig nodded. "I'm glad I've been able to help. And finding the rest of the family has been helpful to me. Even if we are still missing three."

"I'm sure Dad's already on tracking them down," Kingo said. "He much prefers it when all of the family is together." He remembered how much calmer and at peace Ikaris had been when Ajak had brought Druig back into the fold, after all.

"He does prefer that..." Druig said softly, a tiny smile on his face. "I'm not against it myself..." he added. He'd changed a lot since the days when he'd abandoned his family because he didn't agree with them.

"Glad to hear it," Kingo said. "We might have all gone our own ways for a while, but I still agree that it's better to be close to each other where possible."

"Especially during times like this," Colleen added.

"I think we have hope now that Ultimus is an enemy that we can defeat, made more so because of the family members who have been found." Pietro glanced towards Wanda, who was talking to some of the others.

"Hope is so important. During my faint moments of understanding what was occurring to me, I never had hope of being free. Now..." Colleen smiled and snuggled to Kingo.

Kingo wrapped his arms around his bond mate. "Now we're free, which means we can free the rest of our dimension. And others, too."

"Wonder what they plan to do when we fill up all the rooms in this base..." Colleen pondered.

Pietro snorted softly. "I'm sure there are ideas already in place. But there's 100 rooms here anyway...and I know that it's possible for more than two people to fit in a room, even if it might be a bit of a squeeze."

Druig grinned. "But... thinking positively about the fact that someday we will fill up all the rooms is good."

"Or it's possible Ultimus might be defeated before it's necessary to consider filling up all the rooms," Kingo commented.

Druig nodded. "That would be ideal."

"I think some of the others are playing board or card games," Pietro commented, spotting some of the others forming into groups to begin a game.

Druig nodded. "You want to play a game?"

"Could be fun..." Colleen looked at Kingo. "Unless you are tired... it's been an eventful day."

"I could stand to play a game or two." Kingo smiled.

"Great!" Pietro sped off and then returned moments later with a deck of cards. "I can grab some of the candy from the kitchen, if you want to play with actual stakes."

"Candy?" Colleen perked up. "I haven't had candy in so long...."

"I think that's a yes..." Druig laughed.

"On it." Pietro disappeared again to grab some candy from the kitchen.

A slightly sad look came over Kingo's face. Pietro's ability made him think of Makkari. He hoped that they could find her soon as well....

Druig saw the look. "We'll find her..." he declared.

"I'm sure we will." Kingo looked at each of them. "So...what game do we want to play?" he asked.


Kate stood in the corner, watching everyone attempt to meet each other and bond. Seeing all the families reuniting reminded her of her own fractured family. She kept her feelings of sadness to herself.

Norman didn't have anyone else to reunite with. The newcomers weren't from his own dimension...and Otto was with Dane, while Harry and Peter were talking to those who had been taken from other dimensions. So he moved over towards his own bond mate and, able to understand something of what was going through her mind, he reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently.

Kate gave Norman a wane smile, squeezing his hand back. It's really good to see... she thought. I'm happy for them. So why aren't know...happy?

You miss your family, Norman said. Sometimes seeing others gain back what they thought lost makes you feel more keenly what you're still missing.

Kate nodded, shifting closer to her mate before laying her head on his shoulder. Yeah... that makes sense. At the end of it all, I really am lucky, though. I mean... I was pretty much alone before Ultimus. Mom went to jail. Jack... I dunno what he was doing. He kept in touch briefly, but when his engagement to mom fell apart, he had no real reason to stick around. Clint had his own family....  I'm actually less alone now than I was before.

It's not unusual to miss someone you care about, no matter what your history was like before. Your mom is still an important part of your life, no matter what happened between you before. Norman wrapped his arm around Kate, drawing her in close.

Kate wrapped her arms around Norman and nuzzled against his chest. Just like Harry is important to you... and you're important to him. Even if you both seem determined to avoid each other... Kate thought, in a semi-chiding, but more resigned attitude. She knew Norman's reasons for holding back. She even understood Harry's reasons for holding back. But both of them missed each other and wished things could be different, so why they wouldn't talk to each other and get on the same page when they had the chance, was beyond her. She'd give anything to talk to her mom again, even if things were tense.

Our relationship has been distant and strained for a long time. Norman spoke in a sad, resigned voice. I don't want him to feel like like I'm overstepping boundaries by reaching out. He's been happier than I've seen him in a long time, even despite needing to hide.

Kate didn't respond to that, just holding onto Norman tighter. She knew why he held back, after all. While she understood Harry's reluctance to immediately trust his father, she couldn't quite get behind his avoiding Norman. He didn't have to become bosom buddies, but he could make more of an effort to at least have a conversation at least once a week, considering they were all in hiding in the same building and the fact he and his father were avoiding each other was very obvious to nearly everyone. She'd already hinted to Harry about it. not feeling like it was her place to say anything directly, considering her own relationship with his father, but it kinda irritated her that he had this opportunity to reforge a new and different relationship with his father (who had changed from the man he'd once been, if what she'd learned was true), but refused to take the opportunity. Meanwhile, she'd give anything to try and reforge something with her mother, but wasn't given the chance. It was unfair. Then again, since when was life ever fair? She'd learned that a long time ago.

Norman could feel something of what was going through her mind, but he didn't try to explain further. He understood Harry's reluctance to get close to him and to allow him in. He changed the subject slightly. It looks like Clint and Bruce are going to play a game. Do you want to see if they need two more players?

Kate glanced toward the two men in question. Yeah. Sure. That could be fun.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Norman led her over to the two men. "There room for two more to join?" he asked.

"Of course," Bruce replied. "We're just setting it up."

Kate smiled at Clint and sat down in an empty seat. "So what are we playing?"

"I think we're playing Old Maid..." Clint laughed.

"Unless there are other suggestions," Bruce commented.

Norman shrugged. "Old Maid it is."

Kate grinned at all three men and settled in to play.


Jake sat on a couch next to Ajak, while she talked with some of the newcomers.

Ajak had beckoned Sprite over to join her and her bond mate. She hadn't seen the younger Eternal since her daughter had become human...and Ajak had missed her whole family, no matter the conflicts between them.

Sprite plopped herself on the couch next to Ajak and looked curiosly at Jake. "You're Mom's bond mate?"

Jake slanted his head. "Yeah. I am. You're the youngest?"

"Only cause I was made to be." Sprite snorted softly. "I'm human now. Finally had the chance to grow up."

Ajak's eyes softened and she wrapped an arm around Sprite's shoulders. "You certainly seem a lot more comfortable in your own skin now."

Jake grinned at Sprite. "Least you had a childhood to grow up from?" he offered. "Assuming you were able to act like a child occasionally. I know someone who never grew up completely, even though he's an adult...." He paused, slanting his head before saying, "...It is so true and you know it. You're much too innocent to be considered all grown-up." He wrinkled his nose before turning toward Ajak. "Steven wants to come out and meet everyone," he said, with a sigh.

Sif was sitting near Sprite and wrinkled her own nose. "Are you one of the groups of people paired to more than one person?" she asked Jake and Ajak, assuming that Steven was another bond-mate and that, for some reason, he was hiding out in their room, but wanted to come out.

"You could say that," Ajak commented, with a smile, before nodding to Jake. "It seems only fair for him to come out and meet everyone...especially as my family now belongs to the three of you."

"There's more than one personality involved?" Sprite looked interested. Like her other family members, she'd seen people in that situation before.

Jake nodded reluctantly. "Yeah. I'll try to come back later... I'm not much into playing games anyway. Steven much prefers that."

Jake's eyes rolled back in his head for a few seconds before he closed them completely. When he reopened his eyes, Sif could immediately sense that it wasn't Jake she was looking at, even if he looked the same. "How many?" she asked quietly.

"Three, that we know of..." Steven grinned softly. "Until Jake let us meet him, we had thought there was only two."

"Marc's the third personality," Ajak said. "You'll meet him eventually, I'm sure." She smiled at Steven. "Steven, this is my daughter Sprite and her newly acquired bond mate, Sif."

"Hi." Sprite waved.

Steven grinned happily and waved back. "Hi! Are we going to play a game too?" he asked hopefully.

"I believe that was the plan." Sif smiled, holding up a box of tiles. "Dominos...."

"Oh, I love Dominos!" Sprite said happily, moving so that the four of them could more easily play together.

Steven grinned at all involved, contentment flowing through the bond to his mate.

Ajak smiled and moved closer to Steven, reaching out to take his hand, her own feelings of contentment and happiness flowing through the bond.

Sif grinned as the game began. Soon, they were deeply involved in a lively match.


Shuri had eagerly taken in the base when they'd received the tour, expressing her interest in the labs and recovering some of her past enthusiasm. She was in the common area with the rest of the people, but it was obvious that her mind was elsewhere, as she kept looking longingly towards the door that would lead her to the elevator and back to the labs.

Pyro smiled faintly, sensing she wanted to be elsewhere. We could always ask for you to have your own spot there .. and go set it up.

I feel like I should stay and talk to the people who are here, she admitted...even though it was obvious she was tempted by his suggestion.

Why? Most are involved in their own little groups. We can always talk to them later, Pyro pointed out.

Shuri looked around at the others. You have a point, she agreed. I've never been truly happier than when I've been in the lab. Even taking the role of the Black Panther was more out of a sense of duty than because she truly wanted the mantle.

Then it is settled. "Friday? Is there a lab free where Shuri could begin to work?" Pyro asked the base's overseer.

"Yes, Mr. Pyro. If you will follow my lights..." The AI led them to an available lab.

As she settled in to work in the lab, Shuri allowed her feelings of gratitude to flow through the bond to Pyro.

Pyro settled on a nearby chair, his own feelings of affection bleeding through the bond.