Chapter Eighteen

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); violence and mentions of violence, including off-screen torture and a symbiote eating a person (also off-screen); AU


Grant was sat at the dining table, helping one of the children with their math homework.

Frank was standing by the stove, making breakfast for everyone, Kate, Dane and Ross helping him.

Stephen walked in and sat down, slumping tiredly. "If Mordo and Wong are as tired as I am after doing that spell for our newest friend, I don't think anyone will be traveling outside the base today. At least not to go anywhere that needs a portal."

"The spells worked, though?" Tony asked. He'd come in directly behind Stephen. "She's not a vampire anymore? And she has her soul? So, she can join the rest of us instead of hiding in her room?"

"Far as I can tell, everything went well. I'm counting on Namor to let us know if there are any unforeseen problems. Given the spells were only to take away the vampirism and give her, her soul... And she had other problems the spells wouldn't help..." Stephen sighed, thinking about the fact she had emotional issues.

Mordo walked in at that moment, overhearing what Stephen was saying. "Given we cannot leave this base except for very specific reasons, it is likely a good thing she is 'trapped' here." Like Stephen, he too was tired...though his mates could attest to the fact that he'd still woken up early. Unfortunately, his body clock was always on schedule, no matter how tired he was.

Sitting down next to Stephen, Mordo commented, "I hope nothing more straining than lighting a candle is needed today. Mental communication might even be too much." He was joking...mostly. Actually, communicating telepathically with his mates would probably be easier than speaking out loud right now.

"For us... I am going to say nothing is needed. Of course, the Captain may decide differently." Stephen yawned.

Tony moved behind Mordo and began to rub his shoulders. I think, if you don't have anything that must be done, you should return to the room after eating breakfast. Rest.

"We can find out... He'll be here soon," Grant said to Stephen, as he helped the kid put up his math homework, as Frank put a plate of food in front of the kid.

Soon, the others in the compound began to filter in, the smell of breakfast drawing them in.

That might be easier said than done, though I could at least meditate. If nothing else, that will allow my mind to calm. Mordo sighed, some of his headache caused by tension least a little bit.

Harley slowly walked into the dining room...alone, because Spiders had taken food for Namor and Kate, wanting to check on the former vampire. And Harley had figured he shouldn't be a coward and hide out in his room all day.

He was looking physically better, at least. A lot of the marks had faded, even some of the worst ones, and he'd put on a bit more weight...although the clothes he was wearing still didn't quite fit him the way they had before. Seeing his father still caused a tiny jump of fear, though...even if the reaction was lessening. He still couldn't quite lose the image of Tony and Pepper's evil counterparts.

Tony continued to massage. Whatever will help you most. I'd prefer you take it easy, though. You expended a lot of energy last night. He leaned forward and kissed the top of Mordo's head. He glanced at Harley with a sad smile. He wanted to wrap the younger man up in a hug, but he knew Harley was still uneasy around him, so he refrained.

Maria came in behind Harley. She knew Spiders had gone to take food to Namor and Katie. She also knew Harley tended to lean on Spiders a lot and was likely a bit unsettled. She carefully placed a hand on his shoulder, gently rubbing. If you want to sit down, I'll get you a plate.

Yes, Mordo agreed, respecting that his mate wanted him to take care of himself. It was easy to agree to the request. He allowed himself to lean back into the contact...into the kiss...and let his own feelings of reassurance come through the bond to Tony. Perhaps it is worth inviting him for a bit of family time later. A picnic in the park here, less people immediately around, might make him feel a bit more at ease.

Okay, Harley agreed, even though he was a bit hesitant. He looked uncertainly at the seats, noticing that there were two free ones near his dad. He hesitated, biting his lip nervously, but walked over to claim one of them.

I would like that. He needs to know he is safe and that our evil versions no longer have him... Tony agreed, shifting to sit between Mordo and Harley. He gave his son a brighter smile at the fact the younger man was attempting to give him a chance.

Maria quickly got two plates of food, putting one in front of Harley before taking the empty seat next to him.

Frank moved to sit next to Grant, after making sure his younger mate and the child had food. He began to eat his own food.

Harley's answering smile was smaller and a bit more hesitant...but it was still real. "Thank you," he said out loud to Maria, before reaching out to begin eating. It was another good sign; his appetite was growing to a more healthy amount. He was actually feeling hungry. He blinked and focused more on what was on his plate, instead of mechanically eating like he had been before.

Steve headed into the room and quickly moved over to join his mates. There was a thoughtful look on his face, though, as he collected his own food and sat down with Frank and Grant.

Harry stepped into the dining room, with Peter Andrew following close behind him. "I think our barriers are coming from the fact neither of us have magic in our dimension. That might be one of the reasons we're struggling to get it right."

"Yeah, but it's not like we don't believe in magic," Peter pointed out. "I'd have to be an idiot not to think it's real. So I don't understand why it's coming so difficult." Sighing, he went over to collect his own plate of food.

Grant noticed the pensive look on his mate's face. "What's wrong?" he asked, a hint of worry in his tone.

Stephen glanced up. "What are you doing that isn't working?" he asked, with a narrowed gaze.

"I had another dream about the dimension I mentioned before last night," Steve answered Grant.

"Only the two spells you okayed for me to try without your supervision." Collecting his own food, Peter Andrew plopped down on the seat next to Stephen, a full-on pout on his face. "Operative word there being try. I didn't get anything. Not even any flashy lights."

"Anything you can remember?" Grant asked.

Stephen got a funny grin on his face and glanced toward Mordo. "Sounds familiar..." He chuckled, remembering his own difficulty when he'd first started learning magic.

Steve nodded slowly. "It seems like they're aware of us. And are in contact with another dimension...."

"For some people, it takes longer to learn than others. And, of course, trying to learn as an adult can sometimes be more difficult than if you learned from childhood." Mordo shrugged.

"So...sorta like how it's easier for children to learn new skills, like a new language, than a lot of adults?" Peter perked up a bit at hearing others had had difficulty. "How're you feeling?" he asked Stephen. "Did you eat yet?"

Frank had been listening and slanted his head. "If they are aware and in contact with other dimensions, and seem to know something is going on, do you think it is possible to warn them?"

Stephen shook his head in amusement at Peter, looking at his plate of food that he was still steadily eating. He didn't answer the question about food, but he answered the other. "I am very tired, as are Wong and Mordo. But as long as everyone in the universe cooperates, we can rest today and that will clear up."

Steve nodded and put a notepad and pen on the table. "Now that I'm aware, I'm hoping I might be able to feel when he links with me again. Then I can write a message. It might not work, but I think its worth a try."

Peter nodded. "If those of us who are bonded to the three of you can figure out how to make use of the magic, it'd at least take some of the pressure off you if a similar situation occurs. Plus, we could help with opening portals. Especially if we do all end up splitting between different bases."

"That will work when you are awake?" Kate asked Steve curiously. She was being rather quiet, but listening to the conversations closest to her. "You said you'd dreamed it, so...."

Tony glanced at Peter, then at Mordo. "That's not a bad idea. Once the kids have started on school, I can have Pepper join us..." He looked back at Peter and Harry again. "If you don't mind having two 'old people' join you in learning this stuff, anyway."

"It's impossible to know for sure." Steve answered Kate's question. "But I think I have to try. Unless we figure out a way of making contact with other dimensions to warn them, this is the best chance we might have. And since they seem to be in contact with at least one other will hopefully be two warned that wouldn't have been before."

Harry shrugged and smiled at Tony. "We'll all be beginners...starting at the same level. Means we can help each other. Or be an ear for venting frustration," he added, with a teasing grin at Peter.

Peter shrugged and gave a good-natured grin as he finished the last of the food on his plate. "We already know some other shared abilities that are coming out."

Mordo nodded, but there was a slightly troubled look on his face. I think the sooner our mates' abilities can be harnessed, the better, he said privately to Tony. There are at least three enemy sorcerers out there who would have felt the magic we performed last night. They're going to be aware that it's left us in a weakened state.... Perhaps there wouldn't be an overt attack, but there was a chance Ultimus' people might see the opportunity to make a move.

Tony's eyes darted toward Mordo. We need to put Friday on high alert. At least till the three of you have recovered. And I'll suggest a schedule where anyone who might be inheriting a new ability will practice and learn.

Kate nodded. "Makes sense. Hopefully, you can make it work while you are awake. Unless you are able to sleep write..."

That would be wise, Mordo agreed. They may not try anything...they might still be holding all of their cards to their chest. And even if they do, we could still get a warning from Natasha and T'Challa. He was just unwilling to assume or even hope for the best. His own counterpart wouldn't hesitate to strike if he sensed any kind of a shark that scented blood in the water.

"I don't think so." Steve paused. "Though if this doesn't work, maybe hypnosis will be worth trying instead." Of course, he didn't know if any of them would be able to do hypnosis...but perhaps it was worth thinking of.

Tony nodded. He could feel Mordo's mood and it was affecting his own, making him feel paranoid. He did his best to temper the paranoia with a plan to face whatever might happen. "So... Those bonded to sorcerers aren't the only ones to experience changes, I'd wager. So I think setting up time each day for everyone who is experiencing, or could experience, these changes to discuss them with their mates and, where necessary, practice learning any new abilities. Or if it isn't a new ability, discuss what might happen due to that change and what might be expected...." He looked at Steve. "For instance, if Frank and Grant get your ability to shrug off wounds and even half of your agility and strength, will that change the parameters of what we expect or allow them to do when they leave the base?"

"Do we even have anyone capable of doing hypnosis?" Marc asked curiously, at Steve's observation.

Steve nodded slowly to Tony's comment. "I think it depnds a lot on whether we want to show our hands with this combining of abilities or not. If we can, I think we should avoid risking any of Ultimus' soldiers finding out about the sharing of abilities. When we come to attacking Ultimus head on, we need all the advantages we can get."

"We might not have anyone able to do hypnosis, but it's probably worth seeing what skills the former prisoners have," Fury commented. What he didn't mention out loud, but was thinking about, was that they could do with someone trained in therapy. So many of their number had been damaged matter how skilled the doctors they had were, a lot of those rescued from Ultimus had mental and emotional wounds.

Tony nodded. "True. Even if we discover we have new 'mad leet' skills, probably better to continue on as if we don't. Then when we really need them, it will catch our enemy off guard."

Maria slanted her head. "Has anyone talked to the other prisoners that were released? Found out what jobs they held previously? Was there a reason they were kept prisoner, instead of being mind-whammied like most of the rest of the world?"

Pepper had arrived by this point and she nodded, overhearing. "I haven't talked to all of them, but the ones I have talked to were doctors, or other professions that might be needed by Ultimus' willing followers. Since those jobs might still be needed and it isn't something that can be done while under mind control. So far, I haven't discovered a therapist, but I'll keep talking. They might know of someone who we could rescue that is one."

Fury nodded. "If they can point us in the direction of one, I think that's the first thing we need to take care of. I don't think it's just the civillians that would benefit from therapy...."

Harley swallowed down his mouthful of food and stared at his empty plate. He hadn't yet reached the point of being in a useful enough position to be used by Ultimus. The only reason he could think of for him being kept a prisoner and not controlled was to be used against those who were resisting.

Maria nodded. "It would be a good idea to find out who the prisoners were related to, as well. If they were being used as a threat to keep someone else in line... Finding the ones they were being used against to let them know their loved ones are free now...." She sent a wave of understanding through the bond, attempting to help Harley feel better.

"Maybe...." Harley cleared his throat before speaking up. "Maybe, if there were others being used against people...that means there are others who are fighting back? Resisting? Maybe they're in hiding...."

Tony nodded. "I actually was thinking about that. Ultimus has focused on us... On Cap at first, but now us... But I think that is just because we have found a way to block his mind control. Statistically, there has to be some people out there that got away from him. Even if they are hiding so he can't get control of them. If we can find them...."

We already talked about Betty and Laura possibly being able to find a hiding place, Bruce sent to Clint. Perhaps when we next go out, we should search out some of the places we made a list of.

Agreed, Clint thought back. If only to rule them out.

Frank began to clear the dining table, as it appeared everyone was finished eating and were now making plans and talking. "So... These practice sessions. We supposed to take notes to share with everyone later?"

"I assume that would be best. If nothing else, they'd at least help those who are studying the bond." Steve glanced towards Peter and Harry, who were the main ones doing so.

Peter nodded. "We've got some data from the tests that have already been done, but the more the better. Especially if there's a pattern in how quickly some can utilise abilities over others."

"Are those of us who have not yet shown if we are exchanging abilities with our bondmate meant to practice or talk about it anyway?" Yelena asked uncertainly. She didn't think she was showing signs of new abilities. She wasn't even sure if Reed had abilities that could be measured, outside of his intelligence. He certainly hadn't shown her any.

"It would be wise if we did so anyway," Reed said. "Not every ability can be measured in what can be visibly seen."

"Okay..." Yelena nodded. "Will we be returning to our room for this practice, or going to one of the shared areas?" she asked her mate.

"We'll need to go to the recreational area if we want to see if I can move fast like you two..." Druig said to his mates. "We can ask Namor if he feels comfortable allowing you both to try and control him with thought. If he feels comfortable allowing you to try on Katie.... Since I'm not sure she's capable to decide that on her own." He frowned as he thought about the implications that the ex-vampire wasn't mentally stable enough to make decisions. "We really do need a therapist," he muttered.

"There's no reason not to go to our own room," Reed answered Yelena.

Makkari frowned, tilting her head to one side, and then quickly began to sign to her mates.

Pietro nodded his agreement. "I'm not sure either of us would feel comfortable trying anything out on Katie, whether Namor agreed to it or not." And he suspected strongly that Namor wouldn't.

Druig nodded at that. "Not sure I'd be comfortable even asking him, if he's willing to decide that for her..." He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Prolly best to just ask about him personally. If Katie offers herself, we can see if he steps in and vetoes it before you decide if you are willing." He snorted. "Here we are assuming he'll be taking charge over her. He might not...."

Marc was listening to the three quietly, but couldn't help a small bit of anxiety leaking through the bond. Does it bother you? That I'm not mentally whole?

Not even a little bit, Ajak replied, her mental voice and the feelings coming through the bond reassuring. I am bonded to every part of you and I do not regret it.

I am glad... I love you. I wouldn't want to make your life difficult... he thought, with a sense of relief.

You do not. I love you. All of you, Ajak said.

I do not know if I still have the abilities Khonshu gave me, or if they can be shared with you, but if we go back to our room, we can see? Marc suggested.

We can certainly experiment, Ajak agreed. Though I wouldn't recommend trying to see if you have access to my abilities.

Marc stood and waited for his Dom to lead him to their room. I would never without your permission or express order. You are very powerful. I can feel it. I'd be afraid of causing a disaster.

I was referring mainly to my ability to heal myself...although treading carefully when it comes to other abilities is wise as well, Ajak agreed, as she led the way to their room and inside, closing the door behind them.

Considering in order to test healing myself, I'd have to hurt myself... That won't be a problem. Even if I was inclined to risk it, Steven wouldn't let me. Marc's feelings were sheepishly amused.

Ajak smiled at the response. It's good that you're aware of that. She turned to look at him. Meditating first may open up an easier way for skills and abilities to flow between us.

Marc nodded and moved toward an area conducive to meditation. I'll try


Everyone had gone off to various locations to discuss and practice. Grant and Frank were sitting naked on their bed, 'examining' themselves and each other to see if there were any physical changes.

 I can't see anything, Grant thought, in what could only be termed a pout.

What were you expecting to see? Frank asked, in confused amusement. You didn't take the serum, so it wouldn't change your body that visibly.

Why don't we try training? Steve suggested, from where he was sitting at the desk. He thought he'd felt something at the edge of his mind and was writing a quick message/warning about Ultimus, in case it was his counterpart linking to him. You might not be able to see physical differences, but that doesn't mean we won't see changes in other ways.

We can do that... Grant agreed. I was actually trying to see if old scars would fade or disappear entirely, though. He couldn't help be a little disappointed. Most of his scars were reminders of a time in his life he wasn't proud of, or was just painful to think about.

Frank sent through a sympathetic mental hug. Yeah. It'd be nice, but I don't think gaining the new abilities erases the past.... He walked over to see what Steve was doing. Do you think if you meditated yourself into an awake but seeming to be asleep state, you could 'dream' and they might see?

Steve sent his own wave of reassurance and care through to Grant. I know the scars might be difficult to see, but they're a part of you. And you won't ever have to suffer through physical or emotional scars again, he promised, before addressing Frank. It might work...but I'm not entirely sure I'm feeling anything. It could just be my imagination. Or wishful thinking.

"Listening to my gut seldom steered me wrong; and kept me alive..." Frank murmured. "If you're feeling it, I'm inclined to believe there's a reason...."

Grant padded over to stand next to his mates and glanced toward what Steve was writing. He grinned as his eyes roamed up and down Steve's fully clothed form. "Are we underdressed?" he teased, indirectly asking if Steve wanted him and Frank to put on clothes, or stay naked. The imbalance of being naked when his master wasn't had him teetering on the edge of dropping slightly.

Steve allowed a wave of agreement to come from him to Frank, even as he slowly and appreciatively allowed his gaze to roam over the naked bodies of both his subs. "Not in the slightest." Desire heated his gaze and came clearly through the bond. It was more than clear how much the sight of his two subs affected him.

Frank chuckled, both at his fellow sub's incorrigible behavior and the fact that it was obvious his Dom was affected by them. "What should we do... Sir?" His voice was husky and slightly sultry. "Are you going to train us?' he asked innocently, in a naughty tone.

"Oh...I think that's definitely the idea." Steve put the paper to one side and stood, pulling first Grant and then Frank towards him, kissing both deeply.

Grant hummed happily, kissing back eagerly.

Frank growled playfully and settled in to be trained.

Steve gently moved his mates over to the bed, tugging them down with him and letting his hands roam over their bodies. He didn't hold back through the bond, letting his need and desire for them both flow through.

Grant let his own hands explore Steve's body, sliding them under clothes when necessary.

Frank continued to eagerly kiss his mate, keeping it just submissive enough, but not being shy in the least.

In his head and through the bond, Steve sent through an image: of their first time, him claiming Frank while Frank claimed Grant. Along with the image was a question. It was what he wanted to do...but he wanted to make sure his mates wanted it as well.

"Fuck, yeah..." Frank groaned at the image at the same time an excited, aroused feeling from Grant swamped the bond. Frank pulled back from the kiss long enough to crawl into the middle of the bed. Gently but firmly helping position Grant- kissing the youngest member of their trio thoroughly while doing so- he grabbed a bottle of lube and placed it where both he and Steve could reach it. He then began caressing and squeezing Grant's hips and bottom with one hand, while stroking his member firmly with the other, making certain Steve could watch and see everything he was doing to their mate.

Grant moaned loudly as he was positioned and Frank began to manipulate and play with his body. He was aroused very quickly.

It didn't take long before Steve too reached full arousal, just watching his two mates. He moved towards Frank, stroking his hands down his sub's spine, gently squeezing and caressing. One hand slipped between Frank's legs to teasingly caress his member and balls.

Frank shivered and moaned softly at feeling his Dom touching him so intimately. Yours... Needy, submissive lust bled through the bond. He sent a mental image to Grant, asking his younger mate to move a certain way, and was pleased when Grant listened.

Grant followed Frank's request and moved onto hands and knees, his bottom up slightly higher than the rest of him, his own cock and balls dangling between thighs spread wide. He whimpered softly as Frank moved between his legs and began to fondle and squeeze his privates.

Frank sent a mental picture to Steve of the Dom positioning behind Frank, reaching his arms around the ex-soldier in a partial hug, gripping and squeezing Grant's cheeks, then pulling them apart to expose his entrance for Frank. Along with the image was a feeling of question, asking if his master wanted to do that.

Steve's arousal and interest immediately spiked with the mental image and he was moving almost immediately. He pressed himself hard against Frank's back, allowing the other man to feel his member and how hard it was. Then, reaching around Frank, he stroked, rubbed and squeezed Grant's buttocks for a few moments before pulling the cheeks apart.

Frank groaned at feeling Steve pressed tightly against him. Steve's arousal slid between his own cheeks, they were pressed so tightly together. That, and the strength in Steve's arms as the older man reached around and gave Frank what he asked for, made Frank's emotions warm and gooey. Swallowing hard, Frank watched as Steve played with Grant's bottom, the skin turning pink. He licked his lips as Steve opened their youngest mate up and he could see the tight pucker quivering faintly, as Grant's own moan reached his ears. He felt satisfaction, and that feeling bled through the bond as well. He quickly coated his fingers in the lube and began to rub Grant's rim gently, then pushed two fingers in as far as they would go. Twisting and rubbing as deep as he could reach, he pulled the two digits out until only the tips of his fingers were still inside, then thrust them back in. He repeated the action of thrust, twist, rub, thrust numerous times, until Grant was quivering and begging. He made sure Steve could see what he was doing completely.

Steve didn't even try to hold back how much what he was watching was turning him on. Kissing the back of Frank's neck, he reached for the lube himself. He didn't need to stroke his own member; it was already fully hard. He coated it in the lube and pushed inside Frank, letting out a low groan at the feel of his mate's tight, wet warmth.

Frank shivered as he felt himself stretch around his Dom. It caused his own arousal to spike further and he could tell, by Grant's sobbing moans, that he was only holding on by a thread. Quickly, he took his free hand and lubed his own member; then, removing his fingers, lined up and pushed into Grant with one hard thrust. He groaned in satisfaction at feeling his hip bones pressed tightly against Grant's feeling Steve's hip bones pressed tightly against his own cheeks. There was no space between the three of them at all.

"You set the pace, Master..." he finally growled softly, his hands gripping Grant's hips to hold both of them steady and prepare for Steve to start thrusting.

Steve kissed the nape of Frank's neck and then began to thrust. He wasn't gentle, instead pushing into Frank hard and fast. His arms wrapped tighter around his two mates, almost as if he was trying to meld the three of them together into one being.

Frank's breathing became rougher, gasping in air as the harsher treatment forced his own member deeper into Grant and causing his own hard and fast thrusting into their mate. His moans and groans of pleasure got progressively louder, with each thrust of his master into his tight channel, with each thrust of his own member into Grant's vice-like channel.

Grant was nearly incoherent with need by this point. Frank had been rubbing his prostate before ever putting his shaft into him. Once the older man was fully sheathed inside and the thrusting began, it was a non-stop pounding onslaught against the sensitive bundle of nerves. Only his need to hold on until Steve ordered him to release enabled him to not lose it. He couldn't stop the soft sobs of aroused need from escaping.

A feeling of pure satisfaction went through Steve at seeing and feeling his mates' reactions to not only him, but what Frank was doing to Grant. He held off for as long as possible...wanting to draw things out for as long as he possibly could...but finally, he was speaking in a low, intense voice. "Let go. Now."

With a longer, louder sob, Grant immediately spilled his release, his body clenching and squeezing around Frank's member spasmically as his cum shot out of him in several long spurts, wetting their bed.

Feeling Grant come apart around him caused Frank to immediately release himself, pouring into their lover with just as long a climax as Grant was having, filling the youngest member of the trio up. His own hot channel tightened around Steve, as if trying to pull the older man in and keep him there.

Steve's groan was long and drawn out as his own release came over him. His fingers tightened on his mates' bodies, hard enough to leave imprints behind, as he released inside Frank. His own orgasm lasted a while, his mate's tight, warm channel milking his release.

When it was all over, Grant lay in a sleepy heap under both of his mates, their weight blanketing him. It felt warm and safe, and a feeling of happy peace flowed through the bond. He was just close enough to reach the bedside table and slowly, carefully, so that Frank didn't slide out of him, reached in and pulled out two items, holding them out to Steve with a questioning, Please?

Frank noticed the two plugs with interest, but didn't say anything himself, waiting to see if Steve was willing to give Grant what he asked for. The idea of having his body absorb Steve's release instead of it running out of him and down his legs was appealing, though, and he made sure Steve knew he liked the idea.

Steve's own interest spiked and he took the plugs with an encouraging smile. Carefully pulling out of Frank, he placed one plug inside his older mate, ensuring that Frank wouldn't lose any of his release. Then, once Frank had pulled out of Grant, he did the same to his younger mate...ensuring neither could lose what was now inside them.

Once safely and sufficiently plugged, Frank flopped over onto the bed so that Grant could breathe, leaving enough room between them so Steve could get into the middle and hold them both. He gave Steve a dopey, lovesick smile. Can we cuddle? he asked hopefully.

Of course. Steve immediately moved into the middle of his two mates and wrapped an arm each around Frank and Grant, cuddling them both tightly.

Humming softly in satisfaction and happiness, both Frank and Grant put their heads on Steve's shoulder or chest, cuddling close. They fell asleep, safe in their master's arms.


Elsewhere, things weren't nearly as peaceful.

After breakfast, Harry and Peter Andrew had joined Tony and Pepper with the intention of practising, or at least trying to awaken, the abilities given to them by the bond. Their mates were still resting, tired out from the two major spells they had performed the previous night.

And Harry's frustration was mounting.

After yet another failed attempt at producing even the tiniest spark...or at least something that indicated all this wasn't a lost cause...Harry pulled off his sling ring and hurled it at the wall. "I can't stay here!" he snapped, temper and nerves fraying and on the edge of snapping. He stalked towards the door.

Peter Andrew blinked and quickly went after his friend. "Okay. We can try something else," he suggested. "We can take a break. Have some candy. Go for a walk in the park...."

"I'm going out. Outside." Harry no longer cared that they couldn't; that it wasn't safe to leave the base. He was sick and tired of being cooped up inside...not knowing where Ultimus was, or even if they'd ever be able to go out and live normal lives. He just wanted out.

Tony blinked at the outburst. Not that he couldn't understand it a little; the situation hadn't been ideal for a very long time. Still... Harry and Peter Andrew were two of the building residents who did get to leave more frequently, to get supplies and such. It was obvious that Harry was transferring his frustration at not showing signs of magic to the living situation.

He has a little more control over coming and leaving the building, Pepper observed, picking up on the same things Tony had. No control over if he'll get magic or not.

Yeah. If Peter Andrew can't change his mind, Friday will. Her orders after it was decided no one should go out for a few days were to make certain no one could get out. She's locked the entrance and if he tries to force it open, she'll get Wong. Tony wrinkled his nose and stared at the sling ring. "Why did we decide the first spell we should attempt is opening a portal? That... wasn't terribly smart of us. Since the dark-wizards can track portals...."

Outside the door, Peter moved in front of Harry, blocking his friend's progress towards the exit. "I get it. I do. I think we're all frustrated, but we can't leave. You know? If we do, we risk bringing Ultimus...or his soldiers, anyway...back here."

"You should come with me," Harry said, quickly and impulsively. "I know you're tired of being cooped up here...of having to listen to someone else's orders. Maybe we could make a difference."

"Or maybe we could get ourselves killed. Or, worse, captured and tortured into telling them whatever they want to know." Peter was ashamed to realise that he'd hesitated. It had just been for a moment, a split second of temptation. He hoped Harry hadn't noticed it.

Pepper blinked and looked at Tony. "Was that what we were trying to do?" she asked out loud in surprise. "I thought we were trying to make swirly windmills in the air...."

Tony stared at Pepper before he started laughing uncontrollably. Not even her irritated and embarrassed, "It's not that funny, Tony..." could help him calm down.

Harry stared at Peter. "You're actually willing to stay here? Where we're trapped and have to follow orders and...I thought you wanted to find your version of Harry?"

"I can't do anything for him. Not alone," Peter said. "When Ultimus is defeated...well, I want to find him. He could be back in our home dimension. But even if I thought it would be a good idea to go looking for him, it's not like I'd be able to just stumble upon him."

Harry gave a sharp jerk of his head and turned around, walking away...although he was heading in the opposite direction to the exit; at least, that's what it seemed like.

Letting out his breath slowly, Peter returned to the room. "I think maybe we should take a break," he said hesitantly. "I don't think Harry's going to try and leave...d'you think I should still let Wong know?"

By this point, Tony had calmed enough to answer Peter in a more sober voice, though his mouth was still twitching. "If he isn't going toward the exit, might be better to not say anything. Friday is watching anyway and will let Wong know if it is needed. Plus, I don't doubt he didn't feel some of Harry's emotions and will be looking for him right now."

"Okay." Peter was obviously relieved at the response. He truly hadn't wanted to tell on Harry. He walked over to the pick up the sling ring that was still on the floor, putting it away safely.

Tony smiled, wrapping an arm around Pepper and pulling her close, before placing a hand on Peter Andrew's shoulder and gently squeezing. "Why don't we go start working on lunch? We can make cookies for dessert, too."

"Yeah...okay." Peter's eyes lit up a little at the idea of cookies. "It's a shame we can't get any milk. I feel like cookies and warm milk at bedtime would be comforting."

"Well... If Steve's abandoned shack gets turned into a barn and we can fence in enough of the area in a way that isn't noticeable, we can corral goats. And maybe even a dairy cow," Tony pointed out.

"That would be nice. Although I suspect we might have to wait until we get rid of those dark counterparts and sorcerers." Once they were in the kitchen, Peter moved over to start getting out food items.

"True. Well... The last supply run we made, someone found and retrieved several boxes of powdered milk, so at least we have that." Tony helped get the items out.

"Are those ones we just have to add water to?" Peter asked.

"I'm fairly sure they are. It should give further details on the instructions." Giving Tony an amused look, Pepper added, "Some of the children could probably do with milk and cookies before bedtime." Many of the children were getting more excitable, now that another set of their parents had been found.

"Yeah. That's right..." Tony grinned impishly, before kissing Pepper on the nose. "The kiddies need things to look forward to. 

"I'd venture to say that perhaps all of us do." Pepper picked up one of the boxes of powdered milk, so she could check how to make it up.

"And I will not disagree with that!" Tony said emphatically, as he began to make dinner while Peter made the cookies.


Blade had dragged Spiders away from Katie long enough for the younger man to get a shower. Do you want to eat dinner with the others tonight? Or return to Namor and Katie's room?

Spiders hesitated, his desire to help Katie warring with the fact that he knew Harley leaned on him. Maybe...we can return to their room for dinner? But I can see Harley for a bit before, so he doesn't think I've abandoned him.

Blade grunted softly and nodded. You know. You've gone through a lot and are going through a huge adjustment as well. It's okay to take care of yourself and put yourself first once in a while... he gently suggested. They have Namor and Maria to help them as well.

Spiders paused at the suggestion and a slightly sheepish feeling came through the bond. I guess I never thought about it that way, he admitted. You don't think...they'd feel like I abandoned them? If I'm not there? I know Harley was worried about being round so many people.... Even though the younger man had tried to hide it.

I think, as long as you were talking to them before and after any time you needed alone time, they couldn't feel abandoned. And if you explained that you needed some time to rest on your own, both of them would be insisting you take as much time as you need. They care about you too... Blade pointed out.

I guess.... Spiders hesitated, thinking. It'd be nice to have some alone time later this evening, maybe. I miss just being able to sit down with a book and read.... He sounded a bit wistful. He got out of the shower and began to dress.

Then that is what we should do… retreat to our room tonight. You read to your heart’s content. I need to read some history of this dimension anyway… See what might have been different that I should know about. Once Ultimus is gone, if returning to my own dimension isn’t possible for some reason… Blade sighed softly.

It seems like there's at least one major difference, in that vampires don't exist here in this dimension. Spiders finished dressing and picked up a comb, running it through his hair.

Yes. Which… would not be a bad thing. I’d have to find a new way to occupy my time… and a way to keep making the serum that allows me to not become a full-fledged vampire. So far, the bond seems to have negated my need for it… but just in case… Blade thought.

Do you have enough serum at the moment? Spiders asked. It would probably be possible to recreate it in the lab, if there are enough samples.

I do. I haven’t needed to take it since bonding to you… but it would be a good idea to have extra made just in case… Blade acknowledged.

I can take a look at it in one of the labs in the next day or so, Spiders offered hesitantly. It had been a long time since he'd been able to do anything in relation to science...and he found himself missing it.

I’d appreciate that, Blade acknowledged. As much as I trust the people here… having you look into it for me feels even safer. He smiled.

A warm feeling of happiness came through the bond at those words. I'll do that, then. Do you need to shower as well? Spiders asked.

Yeah. I’ll just be a few minutes… Blade promised, as he made his way into their bath. He quickly showered and got ready, returning to the room to join his mate.

Spiders moved towards the door. I know Harry and Peter Andrew have been researching the bond. Maybe we should tell them that, so far at least, our bond has negated the need for you to take the serum? It might help with their research.

You're right. That could be useful information for them to know. We can tell them as soon as we meet up to get our dinner. It should be soon. Speaking of which... do you want to eat with Namor and Katie again, or with everyone else? Blade asked curiously.

Spiders paused to think about that. We've spent most of the day with Namor and Katie, so maybe we should eat dinner with everyone else? And he could see how Harley was doing, too.

Blade nodded. I think you're right. It will be good to get to know the others better. Plus... when Katie feels more up to facing larger groups of people, you will be able to help bridge the gap between her and them, since you will know them. Plus, maybe if you talk about them to her, she'll feel more comfortable coming out of her room a little sooner.

She knows a few of you, at I think you're right. If she gets to know more about the others here, she'll probably feel more comfortable being around them. Spiders slipped out of the room, so they could walk to the dining area.

Blade followed his mate out, carefully placing an arm around Spiders' shoulders. Even though the younger man hadn't indicated he needed that type of affection, Blade felt the need to give it. Even if it wasn't typically in his nature. Probably another side effect of the bond. But it wasn't a bad side effect, so it didn't bother him.

Breathing out slowly, Spiders allowed himself to relax into the arm around his shoulders. Allowing physical contact still felt alien to him, but it made him feel good...on some he thought he probably needed it. He just wasn't used to it.

Blade smiled crookedly down at his mate. Yeah. The bond has me doing things I wouldn't have ever done before... but if it ever makes you feel uncomfortable in a bad way... tell me.

Spiders tilted his head curiously. It doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. I'm just...not used to it. Are you okay with the bond changing that about you, though?

Blade thought about the question. Yeah. I think I am. I wasn't aloof or unaffectionate by choice. It was more by necessity and habit.  I don't think I'll ever be overly handsy or liberal with my feelings... but the fact I felt the urge to wrap an arm around you and just did it without feeling odd about it? That's a good thing.

That's good. That it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything like that, Spiders said. If you're okay with it...I'm okay with it. I like it, he admitted, a feeling of slightly awkward embarrassment coming through the bond.

You don't need to be embarrassed that you like it. Liking good things is nothing to be ashamed about. And now that I know you like it, I can do more of it without being worried that I'm making you feel bad... Blade squeezed gently, pulling his mate closer to him before impulsively kissing the top of his head.

Spiders sighed quietly, contentedly, at being pulled closer and the kiss, allowing himself to relax further. He didn't say anything, but allowed a wave of gratitude to flow from himself to Blade. The physical affection helped soothe something inside him that had been broken and wounded since his physical body had been consumed by a whole horde of spiders.

Blade's own gratitude flowed toward Spiders; that the younger man accepted Blade the way he was and appreciated him. It was soothing and helping fill an emptiness inside that Blade hadn't even realized was there, until Spiders filled it.

Spiders still leaned into Blade, even after they entered the dining hall. He did glance around for Harley, making sure he knew where the younger man was, but didn't pull away from or step out of the embrace, sticking close to his bond mate as they found their own seats.


Harry knew it was dinner time, but since he'd lost his temper and stormed away from the others, unable to leave the base, he'd been sitting in the park. He'd found a quiet corner and sat down, away from any other people, staring blankly at the growing plants and trying not to think about the fact he'd just thrown a tantrum like a little child.

Wong had felt Harry's foul mood earlier in the day. He'd not interfered, sensing that part of the problem was that Harry felt a complete lack of control over anything occurring in his life, and he didn't want to add to that feeling by reminding Harry that he was in control of everything. He'd kept the bond open, however, making certain Harry could reach out to him when he was ready... and so he would know if Harry needed him, even if he didn't reach out. He only took a moment to glance into the dining hall and see that Harry wasn't there. He quietly but quickly made up two plates before walking to the park to join his mate. He made certain Harry could feel him coming, but otherwise did nothing to give the younger man any choice on if he would be joining him or not. Harry had sulked long enough; and continuing to do so would only make the younger man feel worse.

Harry didn't try to hide where he was...or block anything through the bond. When he felt Wong's approach, he quietly stood from where he'd been sitting and walked over to one of the benches, taking a seat and leaving enough room for his mate to sit down next to him.

Wong walked in, carefully carrying the plates of food, and sat next to Harry. He quietly handed him a plate and a fork, an expectant feeling going through the bond. He might overlook bad moods, but he would never overlook or allow neglect to health. Harry would know he needed to eat.

Harry sighed...but he wasn't irritated or upset. He took the plate and the fork and began eating, not arguing or protesting.

Good boy... Wong thought, letting his love and fondness for Harry travel through the bond. Whatever had upset his mate, he at least wasn't to a point of doing something that would hurt him.

I wasn't very good earlier.... Harry thought back morosely, even as he continued eating.

Wong quietly ate his own food, once assured that Harry was eating. How so? he thought calmly. He knew Harry hadn't left the base; Friday would have alerted everyone if anyone had managed to get through the front door. He didn't think Harry had damaged anything. And he would have felt if his mate had done something to himself that Wong would take issue with.

I had a tantrum, Harry admitted, clearly ashamed. Couldn't get any spells to work, no matter how hard I tried. So I threw the sling ring at the wall and would have tried to leave...I even tried to talk Peter into leaving the base with me.

Wong nodded. You didn't, though. Instead, you came here and spent the rest of the afternoon in thought... he pointed out. Throwing the ring was naughty. Trying to talk Peter into leaving was naughty as well. But in the end, you made the correct choice. You returned to being my good boy.

Harry sighed again. I just...I thought it'd be easier. Being around other people fighting back, rather than it just being us, on the run constantly. But my nerves are still constantly shot. I just want to be free of the threat of Ultimus. I just want to have a normal life....

By this point, they'd both finished the plates of food. Wong carefully took the plate from Harry and set them both out of the way, before tugging Harry onto his lap and holding him tightly, kissing the back of his neck. Do you think you are the only one to feel anxious and in need of your freedom? You are not. And that is alright. Your feelings are perfectly understandable. I know all of us were hoping that... if we were all working together and fighting back... that Ultimus would be defeated quickly and we could return to life without Ultimus.

I know you're right. Harry leaned back, cuddling into his mate, relaxing at the show of affection. I'm sorry I was naughty.

I know. I forgive you. And you were only naughty for a short while. You didn't disobey or do anything dangerous. I'm proud of you for that. Even if you were naughty. Wong kissed Harry's ear.

Harry whimpered softly at the affection, slumping even more against Wong. I wanted to, he admited. But once I calmed down enough to think rationally, I knew you'd be disappointed.

Wong shifted just enough to kiss Harry's other ear. That is what is the most important thing. You wanted to... but you didn't act until you could think rationally and then you chose to do the right thing. You didn't act without thinking. I am so very proud of you for that.

Thank you, master. Harry sighed and moved enough to make it easier for his bond mate to give him affection. His happiness at Wong being proud of him came through the bond clearly.

Wong growled playfully before waving a hand toward the door to the park, closing and locking it. "Friday. Please make certain that no one attempts to enter until Harry and I have left?" He waited just long enough for an answering, "Of course, Master Wong," before he stood Harry up and was undressing the younger man. I think being a good boy deserves a reward.

Arousal and interest spiked immediately through the bond and Harry stood where Wong had placed him, moving only to allow the older man to undress him more easily. He was immediately submissive.

Wong smiled at Harry's quick submission. It didn't take long before Harry's clothes were folded neatly on the bench and Harry stood in front of him, fully naked. He pulled the younger man to him, guiding him until he was draped over his lap. Wong had spread his legs enough, angled himself on the bench in such a way that Harry's upper body was fully supported by the bench and his lower body was perfectly placed. He began to massage Harry's bottom, rubbing and squeezing gently.

Harry groaned softly, his arousal spiking once more at the attention from his master. He dropped slightly, falling into the mindset of depending on Wong entirely. Almost without thought, he put his hands behind his back in a show of submission and trust.

Wong sent through a sense of approval at Harry's action, briefly taking Harry's hands and squeezing before carefully placing them against the small of his back and ordering, Leave them like this. He then continued to use both of his hands to knead Harry's buttocks, every so often gently scratching his nails over them, or gently pinching, to get his mate's cheeks sensitive and tender.

Harry kept his hands obediently in place, groaning softly as his bottom grew more sensitive and tender as Wong kneaded, scratched or pinched. His member, dangling between Wong's legs, was very quickly beginning to fill; his body was growing warm and flushed with obvious signs of his arousal.

Good boy... so very very good... Wong sent through the bond appreciatively. Squeezing Harry's cheeks gently again, he pulled them apart so he could look at the tight ring of muscle normally hidden by them. He grunted softly, using a small movement of his pinky to bring a small bag that he'd left by the door to him. Another small wave of his pinky and a bottle rose out of the bag, the lid popped open and a thin drizzle of warmed oil poured onto Harry's tight hole.

Harry gasped quietly as he felt the warm oil between his cheeks. He shifted a little, not quite squirming...wanting to stay as still as possible for his master. He dropped slightly further, becoming even more reliant and dependent on his master...Wong his only focus now.

Wong growled softly, almost groaning, as he could feel Harry dropping. It pleased him to affect his mate like this. He continued to massage, squeeze and lightly scratch Harry's bottom. Every so often, he added a gentle smack. He kept the cheeks parted, however, continuing to let the warmed oil gently dribble over Harry's entrance, until it was completely coated. He waved his pinky, so that the bottle of oil closed and went back into the bag, and another item floated out. He waved his pinky so that the item gently rubbed between Harry's cheeks, getting the oil on it. And then the vibrator was gently inserting into Harry. Wong waited until the full seven inches was completely inside his mate before turning it on. The gentle buzzing sound could be heard clearly.

The groan that Harry expelled was almost obscene. Despite his best efforts, he began to shift even more; though he managed to hold himself back from writhing on his mate. It was hard not to let go at the pressure of the vibrator inside him. His member was already fully hard and precum was beginning to pool at the tip. Please.... he begged through the bond, nearly mindless.

Satisfaction flooded the bond at the reactions Wong was getting from his mate. He reached under Harry with one hand, gently squeezing in just the right place to keep him on the edge of release, but not able to go over. His other hand continued to rub, squeeze, scratch and smack his mate's now very pink bottom. A wave of his pinky caused the vibrator to begin moving around inside Harry, as well as thrusting in and out; Wong was attempting to locate the prostate.

A low whine escaped Harry and he began to squirm, unable to help it, as the vibrator began moving inside him. It was immediately obvious when it found his prostrate, because he gave a sobbing wail as pleasure so intense, it was nearly painful, sparked through him.

Wong's satisfaction increased at the wail and with another wave of his pinky, the vibrator began a relentless assault on the younger nan's prostate, rubbing over it repeatedly with varying degrees of speed and pressure, so Harry couldn't adjust. The vibration speed increased as well and Wong began to smack more than he was rubbing and squeezing, just short of the strength of an actual spanking. He watched Harry closely, to make certain it wasn't too far... but he wouldn't relent unless it looked as if Harry wasn't receiving pleasure. He hummed softly with his own pleasure at seeing Harry's pink bottom turn a vibrant red from his attention.

Harry's moans became progressively louder the long the vibrator was rubbing inside him. He still retained enough control over himself that he wasn't writhing over his mate's lap, but his squirming was nearly mindless. His member hung between Wong's knees, nearly purple. The only thing that kept him from releasing was that he didn't have permission from his master.

Wong continued to gently squeeze the base of Harry's shaft, aiding his mate in not releasing. He finally stopped spanking when Harry's bottom was a bright scarlet; while having his mate feel and remember how owned he was every time he sat was appealing, Wong didn't want it to make his mate raw. Wong groaned softly. He was fully aroused himself and looking at the reddened, swollen hole that the vibrator was sliding in and out of made it worse. It was time.

Carefully keeping his grip around Harry's shaft, so that the younger man wouldn't lose control and release, he waved his other hand, magically lifting Harry up off his lap and floating him at the perfect height. Carefully standing, he moved between Harry's legs. Unzipping his pants and pulling his own, fully engorged member out, he quickly lubed himself up, then turned off the vibrator and gently pulled it out. As soon as Harry's entrance was empty, he pushed his own thick cock into the space left behind, going all the way in with one hard thrust.

Perfect... Wong moaned softly, leaning over his mate and gently biting the back of his neck. Tight and hot and wet inside, hot and red outside... He wriggled his own hips slightly, so that his hip bones rubbed against the hot, 'punished' skin of Harry's bottom, enjoying the results of the spanking. The wriggling had the added benefit of causing his shaft to rub Harry's very sensitive prostate. He was long and thick, so he knew Harry would feel stuffed with him. There would be no way the younger man could move that wouldn't result in him being stretched and stimulated. Still squeezing Harry's shaft so the younger man couldn't release, Wong began to thrust; slow, deep and hard.

Once again, the groan that Harry expelled sounded almost obscene. If Wong hadn't been holding onto his shaft, he would have released straight away. As it was, even with his mate holding him, he still nearly let go. By this point, he was fully dropped...completely reliant on Wong. His only focus was on his master and the feeling of being so utterly and completely owned by him. Nothing else existed.

Wong continued the slow, deep, hard thrusts for several minutes. When they finished, he'd need to carry Harry back to their room... He doubted the younger man would be able to walk comfortably. Even though he took his time, eventually, he reached a point where he wouldn't be able to hold on. Shoving in deep and hard one last time, he held himself pressed tightly against Harry's bottom, so there was no space at all. His shaft twitched inside his mate as he barely held on. He leaned forward so he blanketed Harry's back and ordered, Now. At the same time, he released Harry's shaft and bit his mate's neck.

Almost immediately, almost embarrassingly fast, Harry was releasing hard and fast, letting go with another loud, sobbing wail. For several long moments, he wasn't aware of anything...was barely able to hold himself in the waves of his orgasm washed over him.

At feeling the force of Harry's climax around his own member, Wong's own release hit. He groaned loudly as he poured his seed into his mate. His release was just as long and hard as Harry's and he knew that he would fill the younger man with the result. The knowledge caused a possessive pride to flow through the bond. You will still be leaking me tomorrow... he promised, even as he continued spurting into the smaller man.

A wave of contented happiness came through the bond at that promise, even though Harry wasn't yet at the stage where he could form coherent words. His orgasm was finishing, but it still felt good to him to feel his master releasing inside. 

Wong continued to release into his mate for a few moments after Harry had stopped, but soon, he lay over his mate, taking in slow, ragged breaths. He gently released from where he'd bitten, checking to make certain he hadn't accidently broken skin, then summoned a plug out of his bag. Holding the item, he carefully withdrew from his mate and pushed the plug in, quickly enough that none of his release escaped his lover. He then carefully lowered Harry onto the bench, before releasing the magic.

He pulled cloths and a bottle of water out of his bag and quickly cleaned himself and fixed his clothing. He then began to gently wash Harry. Once his mate was completely clean, he wrapped the vibrator in the soiled cloths to clean later. Harry's release had fallen onto soil and already soaked into the ground, so he didn't need to worry about cleaning the bench or walkway. Finally, he gently picked Harry up in his arms, sat down on the bench and placed Harry on his lap, making sure the boy's well spanked bottom was on his hard thighs. He wanted to reignite the sting, even if neither of them planned to do anything else. My good boy... he thought possessively.

Harry whimpered softly as the sting was reignited, but didn't pull away and pressed as close to his mate as possible. Yours, he thought back, finally at the point of being able to think in words...although he was still obviously a bit out of it. He shifted a little, pressing his weight against Wong's thighs further, and gave the older man a bleary smile. I like feeling that you own me, he thought, the feelings of content and happiness coming through clearly with the words.

Satisfaction carried easily through the bond at those words. Good. Because I like making sure you can feel who owns you... He growled softly, nipping gently at Harry's ear. We will sit here and rest a while longer and then I will dress you and carry you to our room. I will ask Friday to request one of the others to retrieve the plates and return them to the dining area, he decided. You will keep the plug in, unless you need to use the restroom. A feeling of sternness carried through the bond, making it clear it was an order.

Harry shivered at the order. Yes, sir, he answered obediently. I won't remove the plug unless you tell me I can. Even if he did need to use the restroom...he wouldn't remove the plug without first getting permission.

Good boy... Wong praised again, the sternness turning fond, even if it was still possessive. He cuddled Harry on his lap for several more minutes and then carefully dressed his mate. Grabbing his bag and making sure the area was clean and nothing embarrassing had been left behind, he lifted Harry up. Wrap your arms and legs around me, he ordered, liking the feeling of being between his mate's thighs, even if Harry and he were clothed. He placed his hands on Harry's sore bottom to hold him securely in his arms.

Harry immediately did so, clinging onto his mate like a limpet. While his bottom was still sore, it made him feel who owned him even more and he pressed his face into Wong's neck, inhaling his master's scent, and letting out a quiet, contented sigh. Feel safest when you have me, he thought.

You are safest when I have you, Wong determined. I will always protect you, he promised. By this point, they were in their room. Closing the door, Wong quickly stripped Harry naked again, then himself, putting the clothing in the hamper to wash. He led Harry to the bed and ordered, Lay on your stomach. I want to see your scarlet bottom while I wash the toy. Waiting just long enough to be certain Harry was obeying, he emptied the bag, putting dirty cloths in the hamper and washing the vibrator before putting it away. He continued to look back at his mate's red bottom every chance he got, satisfied, possessive pride carrying through the bond each time.

Still slightly dropped, Harry obediently lay on his stomach, even as he watched his mate's every movement from out of half-lidded eyes. He was obviously content. Obviously happy. The turmoil that had caused his bad mood earlier was no longer roiling around inside of him.

Wong smiled at feeling the contentment. Bringing over a tube of ointment, he gently and carefully rubbed it into the still very red flesh of Harry's bottom. As much as he liked Harry stinging for him, he also wanted his mate to be able to sleep. After putting the ointment on Harry's bottom, he gently and slowly removed the plug, feeling slightly aroused at the sight of Harry's tight hole gripping it and finally letting it go with a tiny squelching sound. Humming softly, his pleasure at his mate's vulnerability clear, he quickly washed the plug and put it away, before climbing into bed and tugging Harry into his arms. Sleep now, he ordered.

Sighing softly, Harry cuddled into his mate's arms and closed his eyes. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, feelings of safety and home coming clearly through the bond.


Harley's anxiety at the evening meal wasn't as strong as it had been at breakfast. While Spiders and Blade weren't sitting close to him (Harley had once more taken a seat closer to Tony), he could see his 'big brother' and that clearly calmed and settled him...enough that his appetite was a bit more prominent than it had been the last several weeks. He'd put more food on his plate than usual and was actively munching his way through it.

Tony smiled at seeing Harley's appetite increase. He didn't initiate a conversation. Not yet; he figured he'd allow Harley to initiate when he was more comfortable. But he took every opportunity to smile at the younger man and offer him items of food whenever he'd pulled a bowl closer.

It took a few minutes for Harley to feel comfortable enough to actually try starting a conversation, although he did take the food items offered by Tony. When he did speak, it was slightly hesitant...but still obviously a genuine question. "Were you able to do do any magic?"

Tony grinned ruefully. "No. No, I wasn't. But then it turned out what I thought we were trying to do and what we were actually doing were two different things and it's no wonder I failed!" He chuckled ruefully.

Pepper smiled. "None of us were successful..." she pointed out.

Harley blinked. "Okay, but sometimes that does work," he said. "Like when you try to do one thing and another thing happens by accident. Are you going to try again and do it differently next time?"

Tony nodded. "You're right. And we are. And the one thing we will be doing differently is not trying to use a sling ring to form the magic, as that seems to mainly be a focus for portals?" He glanced toward Mordo, wondering if he'd got it wrong.

"The sling rings are primarily used for opening portals," Mordo answered. "But a lot of the time, opening a portal is the easiest spell for someone just learning magic to master. Many students have found it easier to use the sling ring first...but, of course, there are no rules dictating as such. It's just been procedure." He shrugged, remembering how his own attitude had been that the rules should be followed to the letter. It was a stance he regretted now, as it had alienated him from his friends...his family...for so long.

"Are they used for other magics, though? Because I think the problem I was having- and maybe the others too, though I don't want to speak for them- is that I wasn't attempting to open a portal. I was attempting to form a shield. I was afraid to try and open a portal, especially in the base, as I didn't know if they could track me if I succeeded..." Tony looked sheepish.

"That does explain why it didn't work so well," Mordo said. "In effect, you were trying to perform two different spells at once. Next time, see if you can form the shield without the sling ring." Glancing towards Stephen, to see if the other man agreed with his idea, he added, "We can always go to one of the portalling spots outside the base so you can try with the ring there."

Stephen nodded. "We really should be practicing with you anyway. If you'd opened a portal to a location that was dangerous, there would have been no one there to help you. Now that we've had a chance to rest, we can have at least one of us available to supervise."

"I tried without the sling ring first of all," Peter Andrew commented. "But I didn't have any luck. I figured I'd read some of the books on the magic theory...figure out if maybe there's something specific holding me back, or if it's just that magic isn't going to work for me." He shrugged. He'd be slightly disappointed if that was the case, but it wasn't enough to make him unhappy or lose his temper.

"Given that you are only attempting to see if you have magical ability due to our connection," Stephen started, "it could be you are like I am. I didn't immediately produce results either..." His voice was chagrined and the look he shot towards Mordo was rueful. "I thought for sure the Ancient would give up and wash her hands of me...."

Mordo's smile was a little sad as he said, "She wouldn't have done that. She believed in you." She had done, right up until the very end.

"Speaking of the bond changing things...." Spiders cleared his throat and gestured towards Blade. "We were talking about the serum Blade needs to take...except he hasn't needed to since we bonded. Maybe that's a change worth looking into?"

Peter Andrew's eyes widened and his interest immediately spiked. "That's actually really useful information to know...I wonder if other physiological changes, or blends, that are similar might be seen." He quickly made some notes on the pad he'd taken to carrying around with him.

Blade smiled faintly. "I have to admit, that was one benefit I didn't forsee. I'm hopeful I can continue without needing the serum. Just in case, though..." He took out the last three vials he had left and held them toward Peter. "Do you think you could replicate these? If for some reason I need to start taking it again?"

Peter nodded and took the vials carefully, looking over them. "Are these the last you have? I'm just thinking you might want to hold onto at least one of them...just in case you find yourself needing it at the worst possible time."

"Good point..." Blade took one of the vials back, just in case. "Hopefully, I won't need any of them... But it helps keep me from changing into a vampire. Given how draining the spells were to cure Katie...."

Peter glanced at Stephen and then towards Mordo. "Yeah...which is why if we can all access magic, it would take some of the pressure ,off the three of you. At least it should help to spread out the power used, so maybe it won't leave you all as exhausted? If that works at all...."

"When there are more sorcerers, it is easier to spread out the amount of power used, so it would probably help," Mordo allowed.

"I have no doubt the four of you will figure it out and will soon be aiding Wong, Mordo and myself..." Stephen said, referring to Peter, Harry, Pepper and Tony. He glanced toward America. "And... There may be a few others with the potential to learn. If they are interested."

"I've been trying," America said, with a long-suffering sigh. "It's not working."

I think we should see if you got any spider abilities from me. Peter sent the teasing comment to Stephen through the bond.

Misty sent soothing feelings through the bond. You heard the man, baby girl. Sometimes it takes a while before the abilities kick in. But when they do, I have no doubt you will be powerful!

Stephen slanted his head and grinned. If I wake up on the ceiling, I fully expect you to help me get down

I just wish it was opening portals to other dimensions. America sighed, but the feelings and words of reassurance clearly helped and she automatically leaned into Misty, letting her head rest on the older woman's shoulder.

Of course, Peter replied, grinning back. But I think you should practise too.

Anything worth having seldom is easy, Misty pointed out, kissing the top of America's head.

I fully plan to, now that I've rested, Stephen acknowledged.

I guess. America relaxed further at the affection and she finished the food on her plate.

Just let me know if you need any help. Peter was obviously genuine in his offer.

I will, Stephen promised.

Everyone continued to eat, talking quietly among themselves.

Maybe we could do that family picnic at lunchtime tomorrow. Mordo sent the suggestion through the bond to Tony and Pepper.

I like that idea! Pepper was enthusiastic.

Tony sent through a wave of agreement. Turning to Harley, he said quietly, "Tomorrow, your mom and I want to have a picnic with the family. We'd really like you to be there..." He looked toward Peter Tom. "You too. And your mates." He looked back at Harley, since he was the one most likely to refuse. "We figure we could catch up with everyone without so many other people around...."

Maria gave Tony a small smile, sending soothing feelings through the bond toward Harley. It's up to you, but I think might help you. You could get some more memories of your actual family, instead of those who just looked like them.

Harley hesitated; not because he didn't want to join them, but because he was still struggling to separate the evil counterparts from his parents. Which wasn't fair to Tony and Pepper, he knew. He was safe here. Yes, he still had nightmares...but they were getting fewer now. He was healing mentally and emotionally, as well as physically, and....

"I'd like to," he said, before he could convince himself it was a bad idea. Before he could remember the fear and panic he'd felt while he was a prisoner. "It'd be good. I think," he whispered, reaching out to pick up his cup of water to drink. His hand didn't shake at all, he was pleased to notice.

"Great... That's... That's really good." No one had to be a bondmate to tell how happy Harley had just made Tony.

Harley's smile at his father was hesitant, but still real. He glanced around at the ohers around the table, biting his lip nervously, then abruptly leaned over to wrap his arms around Tony in a hesitant hug; the first time he'd initiated any contact since being freed from those who'd imprisoned him.

Tony's eyes widened in surprise and then he was carefully holding on to Harley, giving a tight hug that Harley could pull out of if he wanted or needed. "I love you, kid..." he whispered softly.

Feeling the hug returned, Harley wrapped his own arms a bit tighter around his father. "I love you too," he whispered, tears pricking at his eyes.

Everyone was quiet, but happy to see Harley reaching out to his father. There was hope that healing was possible for everyone


Katie looked at the plate of food Namor was encouraging her to eat. "There wasn't as much last meal..." she whispered. "I don't know if I can eat this much...." She hadn't eaten real food for over a century. "What if I get sick?"

"You don't have to eat all of it," Namor replied. "Just as much as you can. But you weren't sick when you ate earlier, so I think you'll be all right with this."

Swallowing and glancing up at Namor, Katie took a breath and began to eat. She did so slowly, but she tried her best to eat as much as she could. She managed a third of the plate before she finally pushed it away. "I can't eat any more. I'm sorry..." she whispered.

Namor nodded and moved the plate out of the way. "It's okay. Maybe you'll feel hungry later. Finishing what's on the plate isn't important, but it is important that you try."

"Yessir," Katie whispered.  She'd taken to using the term of respect shortly after waking from being turned human. She wasn't immortal any longer and he was. Maybe that didn't matter, but so much had happened, she felt so unsettled, and scared, and guilty. And somehow, acknowledging the difference in their status by using the term of respect... It helped her feel slightly less unsettled and scared. She still felt guilty, but that was never going away after what she'd become and done in her time as a vampire. She didn't know that she'd ever be herself again.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" Namor could see that she felt bad, even if it didn't seem to quite the same level as it had been. He figured a movie might help her feel a bit more relaxed, as it was something else for her to focus on that wasn't what she'd once been.

Katie bit her lip. "Can we watch the Little Mermaid?" Her voice was slightly hopeful, and a little of the personality she'd shown him before her soul was returned peeked through; the personality she'd shown before she felt all the guilt.

Namor nodded. "Thanks to Friday, we have access to most of the movies that were out before Ultimus invaded this world." He set the movie up to play.

Katie smiled at that. “I never got to watch movies where I lived before…” she admitted quietly. “When I was still human, we were pets. After….” She swallowed hard and wrapped her arms around herself in a self-hug.

In response, Namor carefully wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her in close. "Perhaps it's best not to think about your world right now," he said softly. "I can see it will only cause you pain."

"Everything I think of hurts..." Katie admitted softly, pressing closer to him. "Why do you like me now?" she asked suddenly. "Before... I thought I annoyed you."

"I was having to pretend that I was okay with everything that was going on. Having to stand by and watch innocent people get hurt...killed. Everything that reminded me of how trapped I was affected me." Namor wrapped his other arm around her, holding her in a hug that was comforting, not confining. "I might not be able to leave this base, but I know my people, my world, are safe. And I don't have to pretend anymore."

"My world was lost long before Ultimus showed up. They joined him immediately, seeing a chance to gain new pets. New feeding grounds..." She shuddered and pressed closer. "Will I have to go back there?"

"No," Namor replied. "If you can't stay here, when Ultimus is finally defeated, you can come to my world with me. It's not much different to this one...."

Katie smiled up at him at that. "Could I go with you anyway? You... You at least understand me..." she said hesitantly. "And the others are all bonded to each other, so it.. it feels like I'm an intrusion."

Namor nodded. "You are welcome to be part of my world," he answered honestly. "Much the same as when you joined me underwater and I showed you the shipwreck I had found. Though next time, we will have to find some kind of breathing apparatus for you, since you now have to breathe."

Katie's eyes widened. "I can't go without one..." she realized. "I can't visit the fishies at the sunken ship anymore..." she whispered sadly. The fact she wouldn't have been able to even if she didn't have to wear a mask, because of needing to hide, eluded her

"It doesn't necessarily mean that you can't, even when we get to the point of not needing to hide so much," Namor said. "When we're next able to go out for supplies, we can look for something that will allow you to join me under the water."

Katie gave him a gratefully hopeful smile. "Okay. I liked the fishies..." She slanted her head. "I think that's why I like The Little Mermaid," she added innocently.

"I'm sure it probably is," Namor agreed, letting one hand rub gently over her back. The touch wasn't demanding or sexual; it was just comforting and reassuring.

"I'm sorry I was a bother before..." Katie whispered, snuggling closer to him. "I was just trying to have fun. But if it wasn't fun for you too, it was wrong..." She sighed. Her actions to annoy Namor were tame, compared to other things she'd done. But at least he was here for her to apologize to.

"I forgive you," Namor replied, his voice gentle. "I understand you weren't in your right mind. I might not have seen someone in your state before, but I understood enough to see that you were missing something fundamentally important."

"Not sure I'm not still missing it .." She giggled softly. She certainly didn't feel any different. Beyond breathing now and feeling guilty.

"You have your soul," Namor replied. "And that is back. You are not missing it any longer."

Katie slanted her head, then nodded. "Yes... Is that why I feel so bad about what I did? More than I did before, even? Before, I felt bad because I thought I was being too much like my sire and I didn't want to be like him. Now I feel horrible because of what I makes my tummy hurt."

Namor nodded. "You feel guilty, because you now have a conscience, a soul, that enables you to feel guilt."

"Feeling guilty sucks..." Katie said in a very small voice, pouting. "I can't even fix what I did wrong...."

"Perhaps not," he replied. "But you can do better and be better. Make up for those who were hurt by doing good."

"Okay..." Katie cheered up slightly. "Will you help me do that? Help me know if I can do something good? I don't know if I remember how... It's been a very long time...."

"I'll help you," he promised. "I planned to do that even before we found you."

Katie smiled at that. "Really? I thought you didn't like me..." she said hesitantly. "When Gwen and I tried to get your attention, you... It seemed like you wanted me gone...."

"It was Gwen who was the problem. Not you." Gentling his tone, Namor added, "I think you saw that as well. She wasn't a good person."

"I... I know. She would have turned on me if it got her what she wanted..." Katie said sadly. "I still miss her, though. She treated me like I was normal and not crazy..." she whispered. "I know I... I have problems...."

"And I'll help you with them," Namor said, his voice even more gentle. "You aren't alone. You have the chance to heal. It will take time and it might be difficult, but I won't leave your side."

Biting her lip, Katie looked up into Namor's eyes. "Thank you..." she whispered.

He brushed a gentle, affectionate kiss to her forehead. "You are more than welcome."

Katie smiled again, impulsively throwing her arms around Namor and hugging tight.

In response, he wrapped his own arms around her, cuddling her tightly as they settled in to watch the rest of the movie.


Once dinner had finished and clean up had taken place, Peter Andrew took the samples to the lab and stored them away carefully. Heading back to the bedroom, his mind was busy figuring out the next steps to deconstruct the serum to its components. He still managed to remember to send a check in to Stephen before he opened the door to their room, though.

Stephen was mostly recuperated from having cast the spells to turn Katie human and resoul her, though he knew if he'd had to go the spells on his own, he'd likely still be sleeping. Still... He was tired. He was already in pajamas and reading in bed, having waited for Peter to finish and return before turning off the lights.

"I need to get washed up and brush my teeth," Peter said, closing the door behind him. "But you can turn the light off now, if you want. I won't make much noise.”

"I can wait. No need for you to have to move around in the dark." Stephen shrugged, putting his book on the side table.

"Okay." Peter headed into the bathroom. He changed into his pajamas, brushed his teeth, and then came back into the main room. "What are your plans for tomorrow?" he asked curiously, as he crawled into bed.

“I think I want to have everyone come into the infirmary and be examined. With all the changes everyone is experiencing due to the bond... I want to be sure there is nothing to worry about," Stephen admitted.

Peter nodded. "It looks like a lot of the changes are for the better. But I was thinking that if we see more physiological changes, there's a possibility that those bonded to people with a higher metabolism might experience the same. Which means we'll get through supplies faster. If we can prepare for the possibility now, we shouldn't be caught short if it does happen."

"Makes sense. If it helps in your research... I have had a larger appetite than I used to. I was attributing it to stress, but if I'm getting some of your traits..." Stephen smirked.

"It doesn't seem to make a difference in the mingling of abilities if the person is recognised by the bond as a dominant or a submissive," Peter thought out loud. "When we first noticed the changes, I thought it might." He paused. "When you run the blood tests tomorrow, maybe it's worth seeing if any blood types have changed? We also might be able to test healing properties of samples by introducing something foreign to them...."

Stephen nodded. I plan to check everything. Blood type. Allergies. Blood pressure  if the bond is causing bond-mates to blend so they are the same....

"Do you mind passing on the results you get?" Peter asked. "I don't know if we want to spend as much time trying the magic tomorrow as we did today...though Wong and Harry didn't join us all for dinner, so hopefully, things are better emotionally," he added.

Of course. It's important we are all on the same page and have all the information. If, in your research, you discover something that could affect someone's health, I expect you to share your findings as well... Stephen thought reassuringly.

"I think most of what we've found so far will affect people's health, even if it currently seems to be for the better." Peter shrugged. "But I'll continue to share it with you anyway."

Good... Stephen wrapped an arm around Peter, pulling him close. Good night... he thought, just before falling into a weary, but peaceful sleep.

Peter closed his eyes and nestled in close, quickly falling asleep as well.


Lincoln had gone to the infirmary to make sure everything was straightened up and ready for the next day. Ultimus had a way of doing things that threw the best plans into disarray and he didn't want to be caught unprepared. He began making a list of items they should look for in their next supply run.

After dinner had finished, Nebula had gone to check on the condition of the weapons. Even though they were trying to avoid hurting any of those being controlled by Ultimus, the presence of dark counterparts made it clear that they would have to fight eventually. So she made sure their weapons were in good condition.

I have a list of medical supplies we should stock up on. Did you notice anything missing in the armory that we should try and get? Lincoln asked his mate.

Not any weapons, but I think we should try and get some more ammunition, Nebula answered. We might be fortunate and find warehouses that have some in. If not, we may have to do a raid on one of the buildings Ultimus' soldiers were using as a base.

We can bring it up tomorrow in the group meeting. Are you ready to go back to our room? Lincoln asked curiously.

I am on my way there now, Nebula replied.

I'll meet you there, Lincoln sent back, quickly turning off the lights after a quick scan of the room to make certain he hadn't left anything out that shouldn't have been. He then returned to their room.

Nebula was already inside the room, getting ready for bed.

Lincoln quickly changed into pajamas, brushing his teeth and washing his face. He couldn't help noticing his mate as she was getting ready and a feeling of appreciation and attraction flowed through the bond. He was grateful he'd bonded to someone capable and intelligent, but physically, he thought she was beautiful too and he made certain she could feel that from him. It hurt to hear her put herself down; and he wanted to make sure she knew he didn't look at her in disgust.

She paused, briefly, at the emotions she could sense from him and then allowed herself to open up through the bond...letting him feel that she too found him attractive. And he was willing to take care of her. Even if she didn't need felt good to have a bond mate willing to do that for her.

At feeling her attraction to him, Lincoln smiled at her, happy contentment flowing through the bond. He crawled into bed, waiting for her to get comfortable.

It didn't take long before Nebula was also ready for bed and she got in next to her bond mate.

Gently and slowly, in case she didn't want to be so close to him, Lincoln drew Nebula into his arms, cuddling her close. He was attracted to her, but he was more concerned with showing her affection and that he loved her. They had time to deal with attraction when she was more comfortable with being physical with him.

Letting out a tiny breath, Nebula allowed herself to relax against his arms. Slowly, hesitantly, her arms came up to wrap around him in return. It's not you, she sent through the bond, not wanting him to think that her hesitation had anything to do with him. She was more open to the affection than she had been initially. Her body was barely tense...though she'd react at a moment's notice if she had to.

I know, Lincoln thought back soothingly, his hand gently rubbing her back as he kissed her forehead. If I thought it was me, I wouldn't even attempt this. He smiled and kissed her forehead again. I'd like to sleep with you in my arms tonight. Is that okay?

She nodded, closing her eyes at the kiss. I like it. The words whispered through the bond; something she hadn't truly planned to send to him. She didn't feel as messed up and broken, inside and out, when he held her and gave her affection and treated her like a person, instead of a killing machine.

I'm glad. I like it too... His affection and love were clear in the bond. Carefully, he maneuvered both of them into a comfortable position so they could sleep. He didn't let go of her at all.

The rest of the tension seeped out of her body as she let herself shift closer to him, almost melting against him. Her own feelings of love and trust in him slipped through the bond.

Goodnight, Love, he thought serenely. He was soon asleep.

It didn't take long for her to slip into sleep as well, nestled against him.


While Sam was getting ready for bed, he reached out through the bond to his mate. How are you feeling with all this going on? he asked Brock. There're a lot more people here in the base now. Gives hope that we'll eventually be able to take out Ultimus and free our world for good.

Brock was in the shower, quickly washing, not wanting to be away from his master any longer than he had to. It's... I don't think it's really settled in yet... he admitted. It's almost unbelievable, if I wasn't witnessing it all with my own eyes. I'm just grateful you have me. I don't know if I could deal as well without your strength. The gratitude carried through the bond easily. He finished washing and quickly got out of the shower, barely drying off before walking out fully naked, skin still damp, toweling his hair.

Sam had settled on the bed, but his body language and positon were open...ready for Brock to join him. I won't let you go, he promised. No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side. You'll always be mine. He had the collar and leash next to case Brock wanted to wear it. His mate didn't always...but it was always there if he did.

Finishing drying his hair, Brock finally stood next to the bed and shyly asked, "Do... Do you want to finish drying me?"

Sam smiled at his mate. "I would like to," he said softly, reaching out for the towel and beginning to carefully and gently do so.

Brock held still, slipping slightly into submission as his master cared for him. Affection and love bubbled through the bond. Sam being stern, firm, and authoritarian with him- spanking him often enough to reinforce that he was in charge and help Brock pay for his last wrongs so the guilt could ease- had helped the ex-HYDRA agent more than he'd ever thought it would be possible to help. But moments like this? When his master was gentle and taking care of him? Those helped just as much. That had surprised Brock. Now he sought the gentle affection just as often as he looked for the firm control or punishment.

Once he'd finished drying Brock, carefully and thoroughly, Sam wrapped his arms tightly around his bond mate. Do you want to get changed into pajamas? Or would you prefer to stay naked, so we can keep the skin to skin contact? he asked softly.

I'd like to stay naked for you, sir... Brock admitted, almost bashfully. It helps me feel safe and calm when you have complete access to me.

Sam smiled at the response and brushed a gentle kiss over his mate's forehead. "That's absolutely fine," he murmured. "Did you want to wear the collar? I'm not sure wearing the leash to sleep in is a good idea...."

Yessir... Brock closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss, a happy and contented sigh escaping, the happy contentment flowing through the bond as well. Please? I belong to you....

In answer, Sam brushed a gentle, tender kiss against Brock's lips. Then, he picked up the collar and carefully fastened it around his mate's neck. It looks good on you. 

Brock felt himself calming, slipping into an obedient mindset as soon as Sam fastened the collar on him. It feels good, Sir. Feels like I belong.... Giving Sam a peaceful, happy smile, Brock shifted only a little as he asked, I'm yours?

You're mine, Sam promised. I love you. I'll take care of you. And that will continue even after Ultimus is defeated and we're all free. I hope you won't want to leave.

I won't. Brock was certain of that. After everything I've done wrong... You forgave me, gave me a second chance, saved me. I can't imagine not needing you in my life.

You're worth forgiving. Worth getting a second chance. Sam was just as certain in his declaration as Brock was in his.

Impulsively, Brock leaned in and kissed Sam, nuzzling against him, allowing all his feelings of need, dependence... love... flow to his mate.

In response, Sam sent his own feelings of love, need and desire through the bond, returning the kiss. One arm gently pulled his mate closer, so their bodies were pressed together as much as possible.

Brock relaxed against his mate contented, snuggling close.

It didn't take long for Sam to fall asleep, feeling content and happy with his mate in his arms.

Brock fell asleep very shortly after Sam, comforted by being held close and tight and knowing that he was safe and loved.


Thor paced the room silently, like a big cat in a zoo. It feels like there should be something more that we could do... he thought toward his mate. He was a man of action. Hiding in the base, as pleasant as the base was, grated against his very nature.

Yondu was sitting on the bed, cleaning his arrow, polishing it to a vivid shine. I know how you feel. But until we know exactly the threat we are facing, leaving the base is a bad idea.

Aye. I know. It doesn't make it easier to handle, though. Thor grimaced. If I were younger, I'd have been out of this base and searching despite the danger. At least I have learned enough not to give in to that impulse. His demeanor became slightly sheepish.

Yondu snorted softly. Not sure age has much to do with reckless behaviour. My kid is still able to get into trouble, even though he's fully an adult by Terran standards.

Thor chuckled softly. Yes. Quill and I had many moments of head-butting? I think he called it, when I travelled with him and the other Guardians. Many moments where we egged each other on into trouble as well. He frowned faintly. I suppose my age really isn't the reason I have refrained, after all; considering that was not that long ago.

Sometimes events and experiences can cause a person to 'grow up' mentally, Yondu observed quietly.

True. And the stakes are so much higher now. Frivolous and reckless behavior isn't as appealing when others' lives are at stake. Thor smiled faintly.

I suspect those feelings are shared. Even among those who are reckless. A faint amount of humour came through in Yondu's voice.

It wouldn't be surprising. As reckless as a lot of us are, we still care deeply about others. Being reckless isn't as fun when it is other's lives on the line. Thor shrugged faintly.

Being reckless is about not thinking rather than not caring, Yondu observed.

That... Is true. Thor paused. Perhaps after 1500 years, I have finally grown up. Thor's feelings were sheepish amusement.

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Yondu's own emotions were faintly amused.

Thor just grinned at his mate before sending a fairly lurid image through the bond, a teasing, impish feeling accompanying it.

I think both of us might be a little overdressed for that, Yondu joked.

Huh... You are right. What should I do to rectify that problem? Thor pretended confusion.

Why don't we start with you coming here? Yondu suggested.

Like this? Thor innocently asked, while walking in a slow, provocative sway toward his mate.

Yondu's arousal immediately spiked and he moved so that he could watch Thor as the Asgardian walked towards him, heat filling his eyes.

What now... Sir? Thor nearly purred through the bond.

Now...we solve the problem of there being too many clothes in the way. As soon as his mate was close enough, Yondu reached out to begin slowly stripping him.

Thor groaned happily, beginning to remove Yondu's clothes as well. Unless he was told to hold still, he intended to help every step of the way.

Yondu didn't try to stop his mate, shifting enough to make it easier for Thor to remove his own clothing. It didn't take long and they were both naked. Yondu leaned forward to kiss Thor deeply, even as his hands roamed over the Asgardian's body.

Thor breathed in deeply, scenting his mate. Have I told you yet today that I feel so very lucky you are who I mated with? He kissed Yondu eagerly.

You haven't. But I have not yet told you the same, so I believe we are equal. Yondu gently scratched over Thor's skin with his nails...tugged the Asgardian down onto the bed with him.

Thor chuckled as he landed on the bed next to Yondu, immediately letting his hands run over his mate's skin as he kissed wherever his fingers had touched.

Yondu groaned softly at the kisses. He kissed Thor's shoulder and then gently bit; not hard enough to break the skin, but enough for his teeth to be felt.

Thor moaned softly, shivering at the rougher treatment. Feels good... He licked a stripe across Yondu's chest.

That feels good too. Yondu's arousal was clear, both through the bond and in his body's physical response as it shuddered and he groaned at the sensations.

A pleased, proud feeling coursed through the bond that Thor could elicit a reaction like that from his mate. Humming happily, he latched onto one of Yondu's nipples and began to suck.

Yondu's groan was long and drawn out. His hands moved to gently grip Thor's hair as his mate began to suck his nipple. His member was quickly growing and swelling. It wouldn't take long to reach full hardness.

Humming against Yondu's chest, Thor shifted to engulf the other nipple, sucking almost greedily. A heated spike in his arousal gave away the fact he liked having Yondu grip his hair; liked that it made him feel controlled.

Responding to the feelings coming from his mate, Yondu's grip turned slightly stronger; not enough to hurt, but enough to ensure that Thor wouldn't be able to pull away easily. He let out another long, low groan at the feel of his mate's warm mouth sucking him.

Nibbling gently, not enough to break skin, Thor began to kiss his way down Yondu's torso; licking, kissing and leaving tiny marks on his mate's skin. He might not be in control, but he felt like Yondu belonged to him just as much as he belonged to the other man, and that possessiveness came through clearly in his actions. Even so, when he finally reached his destination of Yondu's arousal, he paused and asked permission. May I?

By this point, Yondu was aroused to the point that it was almost painful, his member leaking precum. He gave Thor permission wordlessly through the bond, barely able to focus enough to pull words together even through the mental communication.

A feeling of happiness went through the bond at being given permission. Thor immediately latched on, taking Yondu's member in deep and beginning to lick and suck greedily.

It was hard, supremely hard, but Yondu managed not to release immediately when he felt his mate's hot, wet mouth engulfing him. His fingers gripped Thor's hair tighter as waves of need, want, desire flowed through the bond towards Thor.

Thor continued to suck, satisfied with himself and how he was affecting his mate.

It didn't take long before Yondu felt himself nearing the edge. He still wasn't coherent enough to form words, but his fingers flexed in Thor's hair to give his mate some warning.

Thor took a deep breath and held it before sliding down and taking the rest of Yondu into his mouth sucking hard.

With a low, long cry, Yondu released hard into Thor's mouth, his orgasm washing over him in waves.

Thor stayed latched on, swallowing every drop that Yondu gave to him.

Once the waves of his orgasm had receeded, Yondu moved his hands to Thor's shoulders and gripped gently. That felt really good. Thank you.

It was very much my pleasure. Thor carefully withdrew, looking up at his mate with a smile.

Yondu leaned forward and gently kissed Thor, cupping the side of his mate's face.

Thor returned the kiss. I love you... he thought, before crawling up to cuddle against his mate.

I love you too. Yondu wrapped his arms tightly around Thor and closed his eyes.


Lila looked at the ones who had accompanied her on the quest for a new home 'hidey-hole'. They looked as frazzled as she felt. Something definitely was going on; all the HYDRA soldiers working with Ultimus were on high alert, and the controlled were going out in groups of at least four. She was positive her small family wasn't the reason.

Cassie looked back before signing, 'They aren't after us. I think there are others who are free. If we can find them...'

Cooper nodded at her assessment. He signed back, 'If we can find them and they are willing to let our group join, we can send a message back to Xavier.'

'Where do you think they might be?' Lyja signed. What if we could leave a coded message of some sort? Of course, that would only be possible if they had some idea of just who might be hiding. She frowned. 'Maybe I should join one of the groups and pose as a HYDRA soldier. I might be able to pick up something from them.'

Cooper frowned and Lila shook her head.

'Every time you pretend, I am worried they will discover you; and that is only for short time of infiltration,' Cassie signed. 'And you heard what was said when you showed everyone who you saw last time! They have very powerful people working for Ultimus. Chances of them figuring it out are a lot higher!'

'I planned only to try and infiltrate one of the patrols that was outside, rather than inside the base itself,' Lyja replied...though she didn't try to argue with them or otherwise change their minds. 'I do think that perhaps leaving a message of some kind might work. We wouldn't have to show ourselves. We could keep watch from a distance. Pick an area where there is lots of cover.'

Eddie had remained quiet this whole time, but finally signed himself. 'How would we word a message? We don't want it found and interpreted by the wrong people. But we don't know who is free either, so coding it so only specific people would understand, doesn't work either.' He waited a few moments before turning slightly green and shaking his head vigorously.

Cooper blinked, having seen this reaction enough times to understand what was occurring. 'What does Venom say?'

Eddie grimaced. 'If we can capture and interrogate one of the HYDRA soldiers, maybe they know some names so we know who to look for. And he'll make sure they can't run back and tell on us after.'

Lyja winced at the idea, but it didn't take long before she was signing, 'I know it's not an ideal situation...and probably not one those back at the base would agree with...but maybe we should consider it? At least the interrogation part. Venom doesn't have to eat the person...but I think maybe getting the information would be useful. If there are others who are resisting, we'll be stronger together. And...maybe they've figured out a way to protect themselves from falling under Ultimus' control,' she suggested.

Eddie sighed, then signed back. 'It actually isn't a bad idea. And Venom is right that we can't let anyone we interrogate go. Not if they are a willing supporter of Ultimus. It would put everyone at risk. Better he take care of it, no matter if I find it gross to think about '

Cooper gave Eddie a sympathetic look, but nodded in agreement.

'So... we are grabbing one of the HYDRA lackeys to interrogate?' Cassie mimed.

Lyja nodded. 'I can shift my form and get one of them to come with me with minimal fuss. I've seen enough of their soldiers to have a variety of different forms,' she suggested.

'As long as you aren't surrounded by so many, we can't get you away if necessary...' Lila obviously fretted, even if they were speaking in sign language.

'I'll be careful,' Lyja promised. 'I won't step out, even in another form, if there's a bigger group than we're used to seeing.'

'Ok. Let's do this, then. Before it gets too dark. We will want time to get to a safe hiding spot...' Cooper smiled crookedly.

Lyja nodded and the group of them carefully and quietly sneaked towards where one of the normal patrols of HYDRA soldiers went. From what they'd seen so far, although the paths varied a little, there was enough of a pattern that it was fairly easy to predict where they were going.

Cassie motioned toward one of the HYDRA soldiers who had wandered off on their own. The fact their teammates didn't complain seemed to indicate it was typical behavior, so hopefully, the fact they had disappeared wouldn't immediately become noticed.

Lyja nodded and quickly changed her shape to one of the HYDRA soldiers who wasn't with the rest of the who she'd recognised as being one of the captains, or perhaps generals. Making sure she wasn't seen by the rest of the group, she quickly approached the lone goon.

"Sir! I didn't think you returned until tomorrow!" The goon saluted. "Do you have new orders from...?"

"Yes." Lyja's voice sounded like the one she was impersonating, but she was also careful to keep to his patterns of speech as she continued, "But the information is sensitive. It cannot be shared with just anyone. Follow me." She began walking back to join the others.

The HYDRA goon looked surprised for a moment, but then straightened up as the idea that he might be promoted above his fellow goons caused him to ignore the strangeness of the request. He followed.

Lyja made sure they were well out of view of the rest of the HYDRA soldiers before she reached the rest of the group, prepared to immediately quiet the goon if there was a risk of him crying out and potentially being heard by the others.

Cooper was ready to act the moment he could do so without drawing the others to their location. He'd immediately immobilized the goon and destroyed his radio before checking for trackers.

Venom had taken over by this point, prepared to carry their prisoner to a location where they could actually talk, so Lyja could ask her questions.

'They haven't noticed anything,' Lyja signed to the rest of the group, resuming her normal form. 'But that won't last, so we need to find somewhere suitably secluded soon.'

'There was a cave about twenty minutes back that isn't near any towns or any of the places we noticed the goons walking to or from...' Lila signed.

Cassie nodded. 'I remember it. It should hopefully be safe enough, and it will be a good place to sleep tonight before continuing tomorrow. Make plans....'

Lyja nodded and quickly began heading back the way they'd come. She knew they were all on their guard, but she also made sure to keep watch as well...ready in case they came across any more HYDRA goons.

It felt like it was the longest twenty minutes of Cooper's life as they made their way to the cave, but soon, they were safely inside where they could interrogate their prisoner. Venom put the goon down and stepped back so Lyja could question.

Lyja moved forward and began to interrogate. She'd learned a lot from her father, who'd been involved in questioning prisoners, so she knew what to say and do to get the information required.

Lila and Cassie kept watch by the cave entrance. Lila didn't know how long the questioning went on for. When Lyja and Cooper finally came to join them at the entrance, she focused on their faces; doing her best to ignore the short scream, then noises that made her lose her appetite. "What did you find out?" she asked Lyja.

"There are people who have escaped Ultimus' control," Lyja answered. "He didn't know how, but thinks those in the new base might have an idea. Captain America was already free, but he's somehow managed to free others...and a lot, by the sounds of it. There were a couple of names." She hesitated. "One of them was Clint Barton." It was impossible to be certain if it was the Clint from this dimension or not...but for their sake, she hoped it was.

"Way to go, Dad..." Lila whispered, unable to keep hope out of her voice. Even if it was another dimension's Clint, it meant some version of her father was fighting.

Cassie smiled crookedly. "Did he indicate if they had an idea where the rebels were at? Or at least where they might have gone? If we left a message for Captain America at a spot he'd been to before, maybe he'd show up there again at some point...."

"They've been collecting supplies," Lyja answered. "While they haven't been least by anyone who has lived to tell the tale...there are areas they're clearly hitting, as there have been very faint signs left, even if it is impossible to triangulate a position. I got a couple of locations out of him. One isn't far from here, but I don't think we'd be able to reach it tonight."

"So... A goal for tomorrow. And we will want to continue looking for a safe place to bring the others to..." Eddie had walked up by this point, looking a bit green, but resigned. Venom had luckily, considerately, rinsed his mouth out before withdrawing back into Eddie, so other than an uncomfortable feeling of fullness, he didn't have any nasty reminders if what the symbiote had done.

"Charles will be contacting us soon. We can eat dinner while talking to him and then go to bed," Cooper suggested.

Eddie nodded. "I'll take first watch. I'm not hungry and not really tired now, either."

"I can take the second watch," Lyja offered. She headed back into the cave and over to their supplies, intending to prepare some food with them. It wasn't much, but it would at least keep them from feeling hungry through the night.

The others quickly set up camp, making sure they could easily defend themselves if necessary. Soon, they were around a tiny fire, eating dinner, exchanging information with Xavier, and trying to prepare themselves mentally for the next day.