Chapter Eight

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact); AU


The next morning, everyone was up early and had a good breakfast. After cleaning up, Steve was making the teams, deciding who would be going out for supplies and who would stay in base and clean, teach the children, or work on setting up more living areas. They also needed a team to search for more potential rescues.

Eventually, it was decided that Stephen would accompany those going to search for supplies, especially since they were running low on things like lube, necessary for the bonding. Frank would go with Stephen and so would Ross and Phastos, Ross having let them know of other SHIELD warehouses that they could gather things from. Also included in the group would be Pietro, in case the group looking for supplies ran into any potential rescues.

The group heading out to search mainly for potential rescues were Druig, Mordo, Tony, Ajak and Steve. Those who were left behind had various tasks they were needing to get on with. They'd also handed over a list of needed supplies to those going in that direction.

Since they knew where to go for various supplies and had lists, it didn't take long for Stephen's group to gather one batch of supplies, drop them off at base, then head out again.

Tony looked at his team. "According to Friday, there were some potential rescues further north. I have the coordinates." He gave them to Mordo.

Mordo didn't waste any time in opening a portal using the coordinates Tony had given him. He prepared a shield around the group as they stepped through, not wanting anyone to get caught unawares.

"Any idea who we might run into here?" Druig asked.

Tony frowned. "Unfortunately, no."

"Whoever it is, we should be able to capture them fairly quickly...." Steve paused, head tilting to one side as he listened.

Moving next to a building, Nebula crouched down, not entirely certain she hadn't been seen. She'd been sent out on patrol by Ultimus, though hadn't truly expected to see anyone other than Bruce Banner, who she'd been sent out with.

She glanced over her shoulder towards the hulking green giant and frowned. She would have been far more inconspicious on her own, but...her master had insisted. She hadn't had a choice but to obey him.

"We need to tell Ultimus." Bruce's hand inched towards the homing beacon on his chest.

"Not yet." Nebula pushed his hand down. "It's not the full group. I should follow them. See if they lead me to the others. You should stay here."

Tony noticed Steve's movement. "You hear something?" he whispered to the captain. Be prepared. We may have company, he thought to Mordo.

Steve nodded, his voice barely perceptible as he said, "I heard movement by the side of that building." He gestured towards the one where Nebula was crouched with Bruce.

"We should alert Ultimus," Bruce insisted.

"No." Nebula was under Ultimus' control, but she retained enough of herself to want to take care of this alone. Without help. "Stay here," she ordered, beginning to move closer to the group...using the buildings as cover.

Mordo sent an acknowledgement to Tony and prepared a spell, ready to cast should it prove necessary.

Druig moved closer...until he was within range of both Bruce and Nebula, then sent out a wave of power to control them. He hoped it was enough. Luckily, Mordo was also ready.

Nebula's eyes widened as, abruptly, the control over her was cut. She could still feel Ultimus at the back of her head, trying to regain control, but.... She shook her head. "How do you get rid of him permanently?"

Bruce straightened as Ultimus' control broke and his eyes immediately shifted towards the rest of the group. "Tony...Steve...." His smile was one of relief when he spoke the latter's name. "The vaccine worked?"

Steve nodded. "There's another, more permanent way to get him out of your heads, but it's better to discuss that back at base." He quickly handed them both hospital gowns. "He'll have trackers on you...."

Quickly, Nebula and Bruce began to change.

Steve glanced towards Tony. "Did Friday indicate anyone else close by?"

"She said there were at least four within a two-mile radius. But the other two kept moving... as if they were looking for something." Tony shook his head. "We should get them back to base and then have her give us the most recent scan of where they are."

"Actually sir, they are at these coordinates." Friday sent through his earpiece.

Tony snorted. "Okay... we can get them now, apparently." He gave Mordo the coordinates.

Mordo nodded and quickly opened up a new portal to the coordinates.

Ajak moved closer to Druig and therefore Bruce and Nebula as they went through the portal, just in case something happened and the two new people needed to be subdued.

Clint was watching the area closely, while Lincoln gathered all the medicines he could fit onto a large rolling storage box. Ultimus didn't want the rebels fighting against him to have access to them... and he still had a few members helping him who weren't directly controlled that occasionally needed medical attention. Anything Lincoln didn't gather would be destroyed when Hawkeye set the building ablaze. He held a hand up to pause Lincoln when he saw a portal open in the distance and a group step out.

He pushed the beacon to alert Ultimus as he was maneuvering to shoot at Rogers.

Mordo immediately spotted the two men and raised a shield around the group to protect them all from the arrows.

Steve was moving immediately, staying withn the shield's proximity, heading towards the two new people. One of them, he recognised. He didn't know the other.

Druig followed. If he could get within range of both, he'd be able to stop them.

"Dammit... he hit the beacon. Can you garble the signal, Friday? Make it look like it is from somewhere else?" Tony asked, before yelling at Clint. "Hey, Katniss! We're trying to help!"

Clint blinked. He recognized that voice and it jarred him enough for Druig to move just close enough to use his power. "Tony... Steve... Bruce?"

Lincoln hesitantly moved forward with the huge container of medical supplies. "How did you free us? How are you free?"

"Not a lot of time to explain, unfortunately. Strip and put on these gowns. Then we'll get out of here and talk..." Tony held out the gowns to them.

Clint and Lincoln quickly changed into the gowns, watching as everything they'd been wearing was thrown through a portal into a hell dimension.

"Take us home, Mordo...?" Tony asked his mate.

Mordo nodded and quickly opened the portal to the normal place back at their base.

Steve glanced around, to make sure there were no more threats to face, then quickly led the way through the portal and towards their base.

Bruce's eyes widened as they reached the base and he looked towards Tony, clearly impressed. "How did you have the time to work on this?" He assumed it was Tony's project. After all, the other man was just paranoid enough to have expected something like this.

"I was working on it before Ultimus showed up... just in case," Tony admitted.

Lincoln had brought the huge container of medical supplies through. He'd told Tony the container was there when he arrived and Tony had done a quick scan to make certain nothing that shouldn't be on it was attached.

Druig led the four to the holding cells so Steve could explain and give them supplies... since Stephen was still out with the other team.

Steve explained what was involved in the bonding, as quickly and concisely as he could.

Nebula frowned. "So the only way for him to get out of our heads for someone else to be there instead?" She didn't sound too keen on the idea.

"It's the only way we've found," Steve said. "The only way we can be sure of that works."

"The bond adapts to the individual needs of whoever is involved," Mordo said quietly. "Barring the first time necessary to form the bond, there's no need to continue having a physical relationship."

"Or a relationship that isn't equal," Tony added.

"For all the bond initially encouraged one to be in charge, that urging eases once the couple decides what it is they actually want." Druig smiled.

Clint sighed. "Can't say I'm thrilled, but if it let's me have a chance at finding Laura and the kids...  What about it, Bruce? If I'm doing this, I'd be more comfortable with a friend who understands me."

Lincoln frowned and shifted closer to Nebula. "We could be together. With the understanding that we'll be equals after. No one has to be in your head."

Bruce nodded his agreement to Clint. "At least we're not in the position of forcing or being forced." He could read between the lines. The only way this could have started was through Steve. Steve would have had to force the bond with the person he'd formed it with. It couldn't have been easy on a man who'd always done what he believed was the right thing.

"Equals," Nebula repeated, in a slightly sad voice. Thanos had forever pitted her and Gamora against each other, wanting them to be equal...but it had never been what Nebula wanted. Now, her sister was gone, another likely tool for Ultimus...and she was alone with people she'd fought alongside, but didn't really know that much about. She shifted a bit nearer to Lincoln, almost without thinking about it.

"We do need to take blood samples before you bond," Steve said. "We have two scientists who are studying the effects of the bond and learning what they can about it. Plus, I think it helps from a medical standpoint."

"Yes, of course..." Lincoln immediately moved forward, holding his arm out. As a doctor at one point, he understood the importance. "I have to warn you... my blood may appear different. I'm... inhuman."

Clint moved forward and offered his arm as well.

They had the medical equipment already in the cell and Steve moved to take the blood samples from Lincoln, Clint and Bruce without any difficulty. "You aren't the only one who has different blood," he said to Lincoln. "A lot of us here are enhanced and have differences in their blood."

Nebula hung back, eyeing the needles and, by extension, Steve, distrustfully. She'd been 'upgraded' too many times to trust anything, even something that looked like it was only for medical purposes.

Tony sensed her hesitancy. "Hey, Blue. After everything we went through with Thanos... I wouldn't do you dirty..." he said quietly. "But if you need any more convincing...Friday? Can you ask Quill and Loki to come down?"

"Of course," the AI responded, before sending that message to the two.

It didn't take long before Loki was heading to the cells, leading his bond mate along.

"Hey... Friday said you needed us?" Peter asked curiously, standing slightly behind Loki and laying his head on the Asgardian's shoulder, making it clear who he was bonded to and in what position. "Oh, hey! Nebula!" He gave the woman a huge smile.

Nebula glanced at him. "You have also had blood drawn for tests?" Her voice was hesitant. Uncertain. She didn't sound afraid...then again, she was used to hiding fear. Used to hiding any weakness, really.

Peter Q. blinked, then nodded. "Yeah. You know me. I don't like needles... but they actually did it really good. Didn't even feel it. And now they have info to compare with if I get sick. That's kinda important, since Ultibutt has messed up our ability to fight normal illnesses...."

"We've all been through it," Loki said. "It makes sense to get an idea of what's normal, so that if something isn't normal, it can be fixed." His arm was wrapped casually around Peter's waist, fingers gently resting on his bondmate's hip.

Nebula's jaw clenched, but she finally nodded and moved over so that Steve could take her blood as well.

Clint eyed Loki and Peter. "So... you two?"

"We're bonded," Loki confirmed. "Not just for the time needed to break Ultimus' control."

Clint's eyebrow rose. "There's an option for it not to carry past Ultimus?"

Tony grimaced. "We don't know yet if it can be broken once it us no longer needed. Some of us have decided even if it is, they'll keep the bond. Others of us have taken a wait and see attitude. Not all of us have the same type of bond, though. It really does seem to form according to the needs of those who are doing the bonding."

"It's why these samples are important." Steve finished collecting the blood from Nebula and stored that as well. "And samples will also be collected once the bond is formed. The more information Harry and Peter can collect, the better chance we have of seeing if it can be broken after Ultimus is gone. If those involved want it to be broken."

"What have they discovered about it so far, apart from there being different types of bonds?" Bruce asked curiously.

"It's possible for some of the bonds to be formed between three people. Perhaps even more," Steve said. "Not all of the bonds have that ability. It seems some of the submissives have what they're referring to as a 'jealousy gene'."

"It also seems that those from other dimensions who are bonded with someone from this dimension are recognised as belonging here," Mordo added. "Which is useful, considering that otherwise, there'd be the risk of an incursion. Whole dimensions could be destroyed."

At the words 'jealousy gene', Clint snorted. "Is it mostly the younger ones with that gene? Most of us who've lived long enough would be more concerned with having as many freed as possible, not if we had to share our Dom or not."

Steve paused at that. "It does seem to be more of the younger ones who have that," he said, a little bit wryly. "In either case, we'll give you privacy to form the bond. Just let Friday know once it's completed."

"Understood." Noticing the partition, Bruce went to move it, so they could each have some privacy.

Lincoln led Nebula to the other side of the partition, making certain to bring clothes for both of them, as well as washcloths and a basin of water to clean up. "I know I said we'd be equals. But at least initially, one if us needs to be in charge. Are you more comfortable being in control... or would you prefer for me to take charge?"

"I am more used to being the follower than the leader," Nebula admitted, almost a bit hesitantly. She tugged uncertainly at the hospital gown, aware that she wasn't really what someone would view as 'desirable'. She was too different and changed.

"That's fine. I'm used to taking charge when it is needed. I don't mind, if that's what you want." He shifted closer and ran his hands gently over her arms while looking into her eyes. "I've never been with a non-earthling before. So, if I do something that you don't like, please tell me immediately. Or if there is something you would like that I might not think about...."

"I haven't been with anyone before. Ever," she admitted, still somewhat uncertainly. She couldn't help but tense her cybernetic arm at the touch before she forced herself to relax. It wasn't painful, even though she wasn't used to being touched in that way.

Lincoln paused before continuing when she didn't tell him to stop. "That's okay. I know we need to do this before Ultimus can shove his way into our heads again, but I don't think we need to rush." He let one hand move to her waist, gently gripping but not removing her gown yet.

"You don't need to take your time," she said. "I'm not used to...." She hesitated, not sure what the right word was. Gentle? Having someone take their time? Not being harmed or otherwise changed? The confusion passed over her face.

"Maybe I don't... but I'm not going to hurt you because I went too fast either," Lincoln said firmly, moving one hand to stroke her breast through the gown.

Her eyes widened a fraction as her body responded, almost arching towards his touch. It was clear she wasn't used to it, even though she wasn't scared. More nervous.

Lincoln smiled at the reaction, applying a bit more pressure and rubbing his thumb over her nipple, moving his other hand to her other breast to give it the same treatment, squeezing and rubbing.

Nebula let out a tiny sound, maybe a whimper or a moan, as her nipples grew hard and sensitive. She shifted a little closer to him, almost pressing into his touches.

"I'm going to remove the robes... okay?" Lincoln paused for her permission.

Nebula nodded, her skin growing a little flushed; at least the parts that weren't cybernetic.

Carefully, Lincoln let his robe drop first so she wouldn't be the only vulnerable one. He was obviously aroused, his own nipples hard pebbles and his member swollen and hard, jutting out. Once he was completely naked, exposed, he gently removed her robe. He then went back to squeezing and caressing her breasts. "It feels good, touching you like this..." he murmured. "You can touch me, if you'd like...."

Slowly, she reached out with her own hands, letting them touch and explore his own body. "It feels good," she whispered, her voice hoarse. "I'm not used to something feeling good...not hurting." She was relaxing fractionally more the longer he touched her. She'd been expecting and waiting for pain, but she didn't feel pain.

"Good. It should feel good. If it doesn't, let me know..." Lincoln encouraged, letting his hands stoke down her sides and cup her bottom, gently squeezing and rubbing there.

She let out a quiet sigh, nearly a groan, and pressed into his touch. An unfamiliar sensation formed in her stomach, like it was filled with warm liquid. She didn't understand the feeling, but it didn't hurt and she liked it, so she wasn't really worried. She still touched him, letting her hands rub lightly over his back.

"I'm going to touch between your legs now..." Lincoln whispered, before sliding a hand down and running his thumb gently over her clit, while his index finger rubbed against her folds.

She gasped, eyes widening as he touched her where no one had ever touched her before. The noise she let out was more of a whimper now and she clung to him tighter, part of her worried she might lose her balance. It wasn't normal for her to feel this kind of weakness...and it certainly wasn't normal for her to react by submitting, rather than fighting against who or what was making her feel weak.

Lincoln supported her, gently leading her to the mat and helping her down before lowering himself down between her legs. He resumed gently rubbing her most intimate areas for several minutes before gently slipping a finger inside of her and rubbing inside.

Nebula's breath hitched and she gasped. It hadn't taken long at all for her to grow aroused; to become wet. Her hands gripped him tighter, almost desperately. She didn't know how to handle arousal, how to handle giving up control in this she clung to him, because she didn't have any other way to deal with it.

"It's alright. I've got you..." Lincoln said softly. "Are you ready for me to be inside of you? To complete the bond?" he asked.

"As ready as I think I could possibly be," she whispered, trying not to sound as uncertain as she felt.

"It's okay. I'll go slow..." Lincoln promised, before lining his member up to her entrance and slowly pushing in an inch, before stopping and waiting for her to indicate she was ready to take more.

Her fingers gripped on him and she took a deep breath, adjusting to more unfamiliar sensations she'd never had before. It didn't hurt, though. In some ways, it felt good. That warm liquid feeling in her stomach intensified and it didn't take long before she was nodding, giving him permission to continue.

Lincoln slowly pushed in, watching her face the entire time so he would know if he needed to stop.  Finally, though, he was completely in her, their bodies flush against each other. He let out his breath in a soft moan. "You feel so good around me..." he whispered.

"It feels good," she whispered back, like she wasn't sure it was supposed to feel good. It was true that very little had felt good in her life.

Lincoln waited just a little longer before he withdrew slightly and pushed back in, beginning a long, slow thrusting.

Nebula groaned softly, her fingers tightening their grip on him as he began to thrust. The warm liquid feeling was growing...expanding...engulfing her entirely, until she felt that she stood on the very edge. A sudden, unfamiliar stab of fear went through her and she stiffened at the uncertainty, warring with the arousal and sudden need to give herself to him.

"It's okay..." Lincoln immediately stopped moving, waiting for the fear to leave her eyes.

Slowly, the panic and fear receeded...but the warm liquid feeling didn't. In fact, it was stronger after he stopped and waited for her to be ready. Her body relaxed completely against him, subtly shifting so that he'd find it easier to resume thrusting. It was done more on instinct than with conscious thought, but...the fear was gone.

Lincoln waited a few seconds more to be certain, then began his slow thrusting again. Eventually, though, the need to speed up and thrust harder became difficult to ignore. He gradually began to thrust more quickly, more deeply, more forcefully in increments. If she needed him to slow down again, it would be easy for her to say so.

She groaned softly, her body responding to the harder, more forceful thrusts. She was teetering on the edge, knowing she would fall. Her whole body was flushed with her arousal. Her arms wrapped around him and pulled him closer, tighter, against her.

Lincoln thrust harder, faster, until he knew he was seconds from release. The tightening of her grip told him she was close too. "Let go..." he gasped.

That was it. That was all it took and her orgasm came over her, making her cry out. It was intense, like nothing she'd ever felt before. She clung to him as it washed over her, needing something stable to hold onto.

Lincoln released within seconds of feeling her release, his seed shooting deep into her. He moaned softly as warmth enveloped their bodies, and a bonding mark formed on their hands. It worked. He looked into her eyes. Are you okay?

She nodded. I can feel you. Her mental voice was filled with a sense of wonder, rather than fear or upset. I can feel you,'s not the same as feeling him. I feel like...I trust you. The admittance was a deep one. Nebula didn't trust easily. Barely trusted at all.

I'm glad. I trust you too. And I'll do everything within my power to make sure we can continue to trust each other, Lincoln thought, gathering the washcloths and beginning to clean her up. Once she was clean, he put the clean clothing on her before cleaning himself up and then dressing.

Through the bond, it was clear that Nebula felt much more at ease once she was covered again. She couldn't hide the fact that she was cybernetically changed, but at least with clothing covering her, it was more difficult for others to see just how damaged and broken she was.

Your scars are part of who you are. And I think you are beautiful. Lincoln carefully pulled her closer, so they could wait for release.

Nebula eyed him uncertainly, but she didn't argue or protest...even if she didn't necessarily agree with his statement.


Bruce watched as the other two disappeared behind the partition and then turned towards Clint. "Who's going to take the lead on this?"

"Maybe you should. The more control you have, the better, right?" Clint smiled crookedly.

"I have a lot more control than I used to, but you're probably right," Bruce agreed. He walked over to the supplies and collected what he figured they were going to need. "Once Ultimus is out of both of our heads, we'll probably want to talk about how things will go from here." He looked at Clint. "Make yourself...well, as comfortable as you can."

"You got it, buddy..." Clint walked to the mat, took off the robe, then got on his hands and knees. They weren't romancing each other at the moment, so there was no need to prolong.

"Never actually done this before, but I know the mechanics of it." Bruce walked over to Clint and crouched down next to the other man. He poured a generous amount of lube onto both hands and reached out to begin stroking Clint's member with one hand. He pressed one finger of the other hand against Clint's entrance and began to rub against it, knowing he needed to prepare his friend first. Ultimus was at the edge of his mind, still trying to get in, but he didn't want to rush and cause any damage.

"Yeah... can't say I have much more, but knowing the gist is helpful..." Clint gasped softly.

Bruce continued to pump Clint's member, even as he pushed the finger inside the other man and began to move it in circles inside. He did that for a few moments before adding in a second finger and moving both of those inside.

"Feels... feels good. Even if it feels odd..." Clint breathed out, his member hardening inro an erection.

"That's good to know," Bruce said softly. "You can tell me if it starts to hurt, or feels uncomfortable. We can always take a pause." Aware of the fact that he was much bigger now, he continued to take his time, eventually coating a third finger in the lube and slowly pushing that inside.

"Yeah. I trust you, big guy. I'll tell you if it hurts. I can handle a little discomfort if it gets him out of my head faster," Clint said.

"Glad to hear it." Bruce moved the three fingers inside Clint, even as he continued to stroke and gently squeeze the other man's member. He didn't really feel anything more than friendship and affection borne out of friendship for Clint, but Ultimus didn't care about any of his converted having affection or being close to anyone. Bruce found his own member beginning to harden, as if the actions of being this close to someone else were enough to turn him on.

Clint couldn't say he would have ever chosen this. He and Bruce had gone through a lot together as Avengers and they were friends and he'd do anything to help the other man if he was needed. This was what his friend, what he, needed to get rid of Ultimus, so he would do it, but they'd never been attracted to each other. Still, if they were going to do it, there was no reason not to enjoy it. Clint focused on how Bruce's hand felt stroking him and how his fingers felt inside and he had to admit, it felt good. He moaned softly as he loosened up enough for the discomfort to ease and the 'good' turned to 'great'. "Yeah... okay. If you keep rubbing there, I'll be able to take anything you give..." He gasped as Bruce rubbed over his prostate.

Bruce didn't say it out loud, but he couldn't help thinking it would make it much easier on both of them if they could get some pleasure out of it. He continued rubbing for a bit longer, continued pressing against Clint's prostrate. Finally, though, he withdrew his fingers. He removed his own hospital gown and he coated his member in the lube. Gently grasping Clint's hips, he pushed inside his friend.

Clint forced himself to relax so he could accept Bruce into his body. The prostate stimulation had done a great deal toward making Clint rouse. When his friend began pushing into him, even though the stretch stung slightly, he still felt good. He groaned softly as he felt himself opening and taking in Bruce's member. The position made him feel more submissive. Somehow, that made it better.

Bruce paused, long enough to make sure that Clint wasn't uncomfortable or hurting, then began to thrust. His fingers tightened on the other man's hips, gently pulling Clint to make it easier to thrust harder and deeper.

"Oh...oh, wow..." Clint groaned as his eyes rolled back at the pleasure he was feeling. Bruce was large enough that he filled Clint completely, stretching just enough to cause a constant pressure everywhere his shaft was. That pressure combined with the continual rubbing of Bruce's member against his prostate and soon, the only reason Clint hadn't fallen on his face was Bruce's grip. He was a moaning, whimpering, incoherent mess. He was falling apart around Bruce.

Bruce's own member was growing and swelling inside Clint. While they weren't a couple and wouldn't carry on a sexual relationship past this, it still felt good. He could tell it felt good to Clint and that made him rouse a lot more quickly than he'd ever expected.

Clint's own member was straining. He was on the edge of release, only instinct enabling him to hold back.

"Let go." Bruce whispered the words, nearly a growl, into Clint's ear, instinct driving him to give the order.

Shuddering under and around Bruce, Clint obeyed, releasing hard onto the mat.

Bruce's own release came over him at the same time and he released inside Clint. As the waves of his orgasm receeded, he felt warmth fill him and saw a mark form on his hand. And he could suddenly feel Clint, in a way he hadn't felt anyone before. I can't feel Ultimus anymore.

Neither can I... but I can feel you. Clint quickly responded. You feel like safety.... The bond was wide open. Clint didn't try to hide his feelings of gratitude to Bruce. He also didn't try and hide that even if they both knew this was a one-time coupling, if he ever had to have sex to save his life again and he couldn't be with his wife, he'd choose Bruce. It had been really good, despite the circumstances.

That's good. We're both free of Ultimus now. Protecting each other. Not much different than when we were both fighting together. Bruce carefully withdrew from Clint and then automatically began to clean up and then dress the other man.

Affectionate amusement carried through the bond, as well as a hint of submission, as Bruce cleaned and dressed Clint. Clint was able to take care of himself, but Bruce just decided to do it for him... and Clint couldn't bring himself to argue.

"I think the bond feels more...settled...if I take care of you. Even if our relationship isn't sexual." Bruce spoke with a sheepish note to his voice. He began to clean and dress himself.

Hey... it's okay. I felt inclined to let you and you know how I am about stuff like that normally.... Clint smiled crookedly. I think the bond likes when I listen to you. I'm not really the submissive type, but... I have no problem letting you have final say on things we are deciding together. I can follow you.

Bruce frowned at the comment. I wonder if the bond changes more than just the obvious. If it creates submission when someone wouldn't normally be submissive. I'll be interested in taking a look at the experiments that have already been run.

Might be good to find out if any changes are personality-wise, or just in how the sub reacts with the Dom... Clint agreed. I know we were expected to go get physicals and blood drawn once we bonded. They should be here soon.

Bruce nodded and cleared his throat. "Friday? Could you let them know that the bonding has been completed, please?" I assume that Lincoln and Nebula have finished their own bond.

"Of course, Dr. Banner. Dr. Campbell and Ms. Nebula have completed the bond as well, if you want to move the partitions to talk," Friday said.

Clint began washing down the mat they'd used, so it wouldn't be dirty the next time the room was needed.

Bruce moved the partition, so that they were no longer cut off from the other couple in the cell.

Lincoln smiled at Bruce. "Dr. Banner. It is good to meet you."

Bruce smiled and extended a hand to Lincoln. "Please, call me Bruce. I would have liked this meeting to be under better circumstances."

Nebula snorted softly. "As soon as one threat is dealt with, another takes its place."

"You aren't wrong." Clint chuckled.

Stephen appeared at the door to the cell and opened it. "If you come with me, we can do the physicals and second blood draw and then we can show you around the base. You'll want to pick a room... or rooms... depending on how you decided your relationship would be."

Bruce nodded. "How many people have been freed so far? Ultimus hid the exact number of people freed...." He moved to follow Stephen.

A hint of nervous uncertainty came from Nebula at the idea of more physicals, though she didn't say anything.

"Currently, we have managed to free thirty-three people using the bonding method. There are also twelve children living on the base," Stephen answered.

Lincoln shifted closer and put a hand on Nebula's waist to calm her.

"That's a lot more than I realised." Bruce smiled. "It looks like we have a chance to actually fight back."

Nebula allowed herself to relax, leaning into his touch.

"Fighting back one pair at a time.... Heeey! Brucie, Legolas, Blue and new guy I have to find a nickname for! Welcome to the land of not being Ultimus' wind-up doll!" Tony crowed happily.

Bruce shook his head, but couldn't help smiling at Tony. "Since this is your brainchild, are you going to be the one giving us the tour?"

'Yep! Once the good doctor has finished what he needs to do. The others have all arrived back from their scavenging trip too, so there's more new stuff for you to go through and pick out all for your very own." Tony grinned. "And tonight, after dinner, we're going to have another getting to know your housemates game-night."

"I'm not sure if I should be relieved or concerned about what sort of things this night might entail." Bruce moved to position himself so that Stephen could easily examine him and draw blood.

Nebula eyed Tony curiously. "Will it be more like the getting to know you games we played on the journey back to Earth?"

"Not exactly... although we might be able to persuade for some of those games!" Tony grinned. "Most of the younger group are fond of truth or dare, so we'll likely end up doing that at least a little. Any particular game we did that you'd like to do?"

Stephen finished up with Bruce and went to check Nebula's vitals and draw blood while Tony had her attention.

Nebula stiffened a little as Stephen took her vitals and drew blood, but didn't pull away. "I enjoyed all of them." She spoke with a wistful note in her voice. Since Thanos had taken her, she'd never been able to play games. Never had the opportunity to actually be a child. "What is Truth or Dare?" she asked curiously.

Lincoln allowed his vitals to be drawn. At her question, he said, "It is a game where you get to choose either to answer a question truthfully, or you can perform some type of action, a dare, that they give you..." He looked toward Tony. "Do you all play by different rules?" he asked, before a spark of electricity shot out of him and shocked Stephen.

"Sorry. I didn't know if the powers had returned or not. Guess they did..." Lincoln blushed as Stephen shook his head and shook out his hand.

Tony stared for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah. What Sparky said. Only in our version, you are asked a question, but if you don't want to answer the forfeit is doing a dare. If you don't do either, you have to give up candy."

Clint was last to give blood and have vitals taken. "Well, let's see our new home."

Bruce looked immediately interested in the spark that had come from Lincoln. "Do you have control over that?"

"You say that like giving up candy is a bad thing," Nebula said dubiously. "Isn't it unhealthy for Terrans?"

Lincoln smiled crookedly. "I mostly had control over it. As long as I regularly practiced. When Ultimus arrived, everything just... I didn't know if the ability would return."

Tony grinned wildly. "It is... but that's one of the reasons it is so good!"

"I assume there are training areas, since I expect others have to relearn abilities." Bruce glanced at Tony for confirmation.

"I will take your word for it." Nebula still looked dubious.

"Yes! We have labs and training areas and media rooms. But mostly, the base is a home... 100 rooms, a large kitchen and dining area, a large living or recreational area. Well... as large as I could safely make it, considering we are underground and trying to remain secret..." Tony motioned them to follow him as soon as Stephen completed Clint's physical. He began to show them everything, introducing them to the others if they were in an area being shown.

Bruce's interest in the labs immediately sparked and he questioned Harry and Peter about the experiments they'd been doing.

Peter showed Bruce what they'd done so far, though elements of frustration were creeping through the bond, despite his best efforts to hold the full amount back.

Nebula wasn't really that interested in the labs. It was obvious being there was somewhat traumatising for her, so she only took a cursory look around before quickly going to wait outside.

Lincoln stayed long enough to get a feel for everything before joining Nebula outside. He wasn't a scientist and the only lab work he'd ever been involved with was to understand Inhumans. He considered himself a doctor above a scientist.

Tony followed them out. "The rooms were the last spot to show you. Well, those and storage so you could pick out clothes and personal items. I can go ahead and show you. Show Bruce and Clint when they are done here."

"Sounds good to me. That okay with you, Love?" Lincoln asked, with a smile.

Nebula nodded. "I have no preference for the location of a room," she said. "I am willing to let you make the decision."

"You know both Tony and Peter Quill. That's two more people than me. We can try to get a room near them..." Lincoln offered.

"There are two rooms left on the first floor for bedrooms, so that is possible," Tony said, as he took them to storage for belongings.

"I suppose." Nebula wasn't really all that good with people. She'd only ended up growing closer with Tony than most people because they'd been stuck on the spaceship together. And she only knew Peter Quill through Gamora. The idea of being around so many people, so many who she didn't really know, made her nervous.

"We could go on the second floor as well... give you time to get used to everyone without being surrounded by them," Lincoln offered.

"I think I would prefer that," Nebula admitted. Since they were in the storage room now, she began to collect various items; mostly what she needed, rather than anything for play or fun. Apart from Tony's games on the ship, she was completely unfamiliar with what Terrans did for fun.

Lincoln nodded. "Okay. We'll do that, then." He gathered his own items, as well as a Starkpad so he could hopefully download books, movies or games.

As soon as they had their items, Tony led them to the elevator to take them to the second level of rooms. "No one is on this floor yet, so you have your choice of rooms to pick from."

Lincoln looked at Nebula. "Do you prefer your own room? Or do you feel better to share with me?"

Nebula hesitated. She wasn't used to being given a choice; hadn't really been used to true freedom in a long time. Through the bond, her feelings were of uncertainty...loneliness. She wanted to ask to share with him, but didn't know how to put that request into words. She'd never shared a room with someone before.

Lincoln felt her feelings and could only hope he was interpreting them right. "We can share. You can always move to your own room later, if you want."

Nebula nodded, a clear sense of relief coming through the bond. "I don't mind which room," she said softly. 

"First one we come to, then..." Lincoln grinned. As soon as the elevator stopped to let them off, he turned left. "This one..." He opened the door to let her inside. "Thanks, Tony."

Nebula nodded to Tony and then stepped into the room, glancing around to memorise its layout before she moved to set her belongings down.


Eventually, Bruce and Clint took the last two rooms on the first floor, after retrieving some clothing and supplies for themselves.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet. Dinner was quiet. Time spent with the children wasn't quiet, though it did cause Clint to go quiet.

Soon, the children were in bed, though and it was time for the 'game'.

"Are we playing this the same as last time?" Pietro asked curiously, looking around at the rest of the group.

"Maybe we can find a way to streamline it. There are a lot more people now..." Stephen pointed out.

"What about asking the same question to each pair? Or three-person?" Phastos suggested.

"That could work," Druig said. "Group asked gets to ask the next question...."

"So we'll go by the same rules as before?" Steve asked. "Those who don't answer have a dare. And if they don't want to do the dare, that's where the candy bars come in."

"Sounds right to me," Wong said.

"So who wants to ask the first question?" Bruce looked around.

"Since Steve started this whole family group, let's let him start the game." Tony grinned at his friend.

"All right." Steve glanced around the room and focused on two of the people he didn't know as well as many of the others: Lincoln and Nebula. "What's your biggest pet peeve?"

"Inane chatter," Nebula muttered, though it was still clear enough to carry to the group.

Lincoln grinned at Nebula's answer, before adding in, "People misusing science."

Varying nods and voices of agreement came from a lot of the scientists in the room.

Steve motioned towards the couple. "Your turn to ask."

Lincoln looked at Nebula and indicated she could ask since she was feeling uneasy still and it might help her if her questions could be answered.

Nebula looked quite uncertain, but shifted her focus towards Loki and Quill. Quill, she already knew; the Asgardian wasn't familiar to her. And even though Quill was one of those who didn't hide much, she'd only heard about fights he'd won and had no personal stakes in. "What's the worst fight you've been in?" she asked finally...hesitantly.

Loki winced. "My brother," he admitted. "Thor. We used to be very close as children, but after learning we were not biologically the same...I reacted in a way I now regret."

"The fight against Ego..." Peter answered, obviously still hurting from the encounter. "Lost the man who actually was a father to me because of the sperm doner who killed my mother...."

Loki placed a hand on his bond mate's arm, squeezing gently, in a show of support.

Peter, unabashedly and unashamed, wrapped both arms around Loki in a tight hug and snuggled.

Loki hugged Peter tightly, pulling his bondmate onto his lap, since various other couples didn't seem to have any problems cuddling their partners on their laps. He sent waves of reassurance through the bond as he asked, Would you like to ask the next question?

Yessir... Quill thought before looking around and settling on Reed and Yelena. "What are your plans for when we finally get rid of Ultimus?"

Reed paused and then shrugged. "Finding the people from my own dimension, who Ultimus might have sent to others. And getting my children back," he said honestly.

"I don't have any..." Yelena shrugged. "I was drifting before Ultimus."

"You are welcome to stay with me," Reed offered.

"You would want that? After you find your family?" Yelena asked curiously.

"We're bonded now. Connected in a way no one outside of this group can understand," Reed said. "I doubt it would feel good to separate."

"You are probably right," Yelena acknowledged. Turning her head, she looked at Bruce and Clint. "How does it feel... bonding to a friend instead of an acquaintance or stranger?"

"I've not had much of an opportunity to learn about it yet," Bruce admitted. "I will say that I think it's easier to be bonded to someone I already know and was friends with. We have a better understanding of each other."

Clint nodded. "Yeah. I know most of you were strangers... or little more than acquaintances... but the fact I know and trust Bruce made it so much easier."

"I think we'll probably be able to answer better once we've had a bit more time," Bruce said.

Clint nodded. You want to ask next, Big Guy?

Bruce looked towards Tony and Mordo. "How are you both finding it? Since you were virtual strangers and have a platonic relationship."

Tony glanced at Mordo. "I knew from the beginning I needed it to be platonic, because I plan to find Pepper again and didn't think it would be fair to her or Mordo if it wasn't. Once I've found her and freed her, I figure Mordo, Pepper and I will talk and decide what is best for all of us moving forward. If we stay platonic or not... if Mordo finds someone... now that we are bonded, all big decisions need to be made with everyone involved."

"I believe we have formed a friendship that is lasting," Mordo said. "And it is a closer friendship than most of those I have experienced before. But I don't feel any need to push for more."

Tony smiled at his bond mate. "I know I gained a valuable friend." He turned toward Ajak and Marc/Steven. "Has the bond been helpful in understanding and helping Marc's condition? Has it been helpful for your ability to heal at all?" He asked mainly Ajak, though it was meant to be a question for both of them.

"There hasn't been a need for using my ability to heal for Marc," Ajak responded. "Since he hasn't received any injuries." She glanced at her bond mate for confirmation, before continuing to answer Tony's question. "Marc and Steven are two separate personalities, but the bond has eclipsed them both. I can feel when the other takes over."

Marc smiled at Ajak. "From my end, the bond has enabled better control and memory when Steven and I trade off. We know what the other is doing... but we're able to communicate even better."

Ajak smiled and wrapped her arms a bit more tightly around her bondmate. "It's been beneficial," she murmured softly.

"Very much so..." Marc snuggled close.

Would you like to ask the next question? Ajak asked her mate.

I guess, Marc thought, before glancing around the room. His gaze landed on Stephen and Peter. "When this is over, if the bond can be broken and you could go back to your life like it was before Ultimus, would you?"

Peter blinked at the question, glanced briefly at Stephen, and spoke in a slightly hesitant, uncertain tone. "I'm not sure I could go back to my life like it was...before. But even if the bond can be broken and is broken, I...would still like to try and pursue a relationship with Stephen."

"I'm pretty sure the bond can't be broken. But... if it were.... When Ultimus is gone and we are able to return to life as close to normal as possible...I would want to take a step back. Disengage and then start from a position of getting to know each other without the bond's influence. Too much has gone down to not give our connection a chance, but I'd feel much better about it if I could believe ninety-percent of it wasn't caused by the bond," Stephen admitted. "Of course, since the bond can't be broken, that is more difficult to do. But I still believe it would be vital for me. To be able to get to know Peter gradually, without having all this," he waved his hand around, "hanging over our head. Like I did with all prior relationships. To try and make sure it isn't the bond encouraging the relationship, instead of just enhancing."

"That would have been the ideal before Ultimus was ever in the picture," Peter muttered. It was also one of the main reasons he'd been trying to keep himself separate as much as possible, despite the bond's constant urging to keep himself open. Moving back out of the room is still an option, he sent through the bond. I know you're still kind of stuck with me for the time being, at least until me and Harry figure out how to break the bond, but I'm still willing to give you as much space as I can.

Until Ultimus is gone and we can focus on a life where we aren't constantly in danger, there's no point. Once we can have a life that is more than surviving, we can figure it out then. Stephen shrugged. He'd said the bond couldn't be broken and that was true. What he hadn't said- and what he kept hidden from Peter, though he was certain all the sorcerers knew- was that the bond tended to accommodate itself to the needs of the submissive bonded. A pair like Mordo and Tony could go their own ways and live life free of each other and everything would be fine, as long as Mordo was happy that way. Phastos and Ross, though seemingly a bit more connected, could likely return to life as normal with frequent phone calls and visits so Ross didn't feel alone. Even a pair that had embraced the D/s urgings could live separate lives with an occasional reconnect, if the submissive could be happy that way. 

Peter? As far as Stephen could tell, even though Peter tried his hardest not to be overly clingy, his submissive needed to have a full-on life with him to be happy. Peter wasn't really capable of stepping back and being happy. He was barely able to hold back from being clingy. Stephen didn't want to make his bond mate feel guilty about it. Peter had lost a lot, so it was understandable. But the fact that how strongly the bond would control them was completely up to Peter and his needs and wants meant Stephen's options were limited.

You could still have your own room. At least until we get more people freed that the room has to be given up. Yes, Peter was still trying to convince himself he could just step back and everything would be fine. Okay, he had more nightmares, but it wasn't as if he wasn't used to those. Even before Ultimus had invaded, he constantly dreamed about Gwen and how maybe he could have saved her. He was used to going without much sleep. His body adapted, thanks to his blood. If I have bad dreams, I can just go sit in the park area, he added. It's not really like being under the night sky at the moment, but I've been thinking about how to make it look like it is.

Peter, it's... Stephen sighed and put an arm around Peter's shoulders. It's not physical proximity that is the issue. It's the mental and emotional connection. After Christine got married, I had resigned myself to never having a partner. Not beyond friendship, anyway. And I was happy with that. There are ways to take care of physical urges and they don't require feelings, or empathy, or any connection beyond attraction. I've never been good with the connections needed to have a relationship beyond friendship. If I had been, I would have still been with Christine. I'm barely able to handle the emotional components of friendship. Stephen was rueful. If you do better sharing a room, there is no reason not to.

I was hoping the physical distance might help with the mental and emotional, Peter admitted. I know it isn't easy for you. Or something you're comfortable with. I don't want to make you constantly feel everything I do. I don't think I can get you to like me when you're constantly having to do that. He sighed. "Do you want to ask the next question?" he asked out loud.

I know. It's not your fault. You shouldn't change yourself. Under other circumstances, where we could have got to know each other without everything hinging over our heads, it quite possibly would have been different. This is the hand we are dealt. You trying to change for me isn't going to help and will only make you miserable. Stephen squeezed gently. "You can ask...."

Peter bit his lip, unsure of how he could actually stop being miserable. Either he stopped fighting himself and made Stephen uncomfortable, which would make him even more unhappy, or he carried on stopping himself and...well, at least that way, only one of them was uncomfortable or unhappy all the time. He did let himself lean into Stephen, though. Even though he thought he probably shouldn't.

Wanting to think about something else, Peter focused on Wong and Harry. "Have either of you noticed anything weird or unusual when you're actually physical with each other, since both of you are from different dimensions?"

Harry frowned at the question. "I don't think so," he answered. "Save for the bonding itself, of course. But it's not like either of us have any extra limbs or appendages where there shouldn't be. Not that I've noticed, anyway," he added, his tone faintly joking.

Wong wrinkled his nose. "Weird when we are physical with each other? As in when we have sex?" he asked for clarification. "What kinda weird are you expecting? For us to sprout hair in odd places when we climax? That I got bigger than I used to be because of the bond? That our stamina increased?" He shook his head no.

"Not really," Peter answered. "Just wondered if there were any minor physical differences either of you had noticed."

"None that I have noticed..." Wong shrugged. He turned toward Harry. "You have a question?"

Harry shrugged and glanced around at the other couples, focusing on Sam and Brock. "Have you noticed any emotional changes in yourselves since forming the bond?"

"I don't think there were many changes," Sam admitted. "That feeling, that desire, to dominate was there before we formed the bond."

Brock smiled wryly. "I feel a lot more submissive than I used to be. But then, I'm not as confident either. Realizing you were on the wrong side and knowing there's no way you can ever make things right on your own can wreck your confidence...." He swallowed hard, gaze falling to the ground.

Sam placed a hand on Brock's shoulder and squeezed gently. You have a second chance now, he said gently.

Brock gave Sam a grateful smile, leaning toward his Dom. Thanks to you... he thought.

Sam smiled and pulled Brock closer, onto his lap. Do you want to ask the next question?

Brock almost shyly put his head on Sam's shoulder. He looked around for someone to ask a question to. Who should I ask?

Is there anyone you'd like to know more about? Sam asked. Like Bucky? Or Danny? Or Matt? There are a few who haven't been asked a question yet....

Brock nodded and bit his lip. "How do you not give up? When you feel broken?" he asked Bucky and Thena, attempting to make it more neutral so both could answer. What he really wanted to know was how do you live with what you've done wrong in the past? But he didn't know that Thena had done wrong...and Bucky had been forced to it, so it wasn't really a good question for him either.

"I rely on those stronger than me to help hold me up till I can hold myself up. We aren't alone, no matter how much it feels like we are." Bucky smiled.

Thena's own smile was sad, even though it carried affectionate fondness as she glanced towards those of her family who were there and free. "My family," she said quietly. "When my mind overwhelms me, I know that those around me, those who I choose to be around me, will do what is necessary to stop me from hurting others. Or myself."

Ajak's own smile was fond and she reached over to gently place a hand on Thena's arm.

"Of course," Phastos said quietly. "That's what family does."

Bucky smiled fondly, wrapping an arm around Thena's shoulders in support.

Thena allowed herself to lean into Bucky's arm and looked towards Druig and Pietro. "How do you handle things between you?" she asked. Considering Druig's ability, she was certain that he wouldn't be controlling a bond mate...and she hadn't noticed any of the kind of Dominant and submissive traits some of the others had exhibited.

Druig looked impishly at Pietro. "Depends on who is feeling more bossy..." he teased. "Last night, we both got a shot...."

Pietro grinned back and let his shoulder rest lightly against his bond mate's. "Like Druig said. We switch."

Druig glanced at Danny and Matt. "What about you two? Matt seems so confrontational with everyone else. How do you handle things?"

Like a couple of the other Doms, Danny had pulled Matt close to him, nearly sitting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around his bond mate's waist as he answered, "We've established I'm the one in control. Matt doesn't always know where the limits are." He squeezed his bond mate gently.

"I am confrontational," Matt admitted. "Danny makes sure I don't get myself killed because of it... "

"It's easier to make sure of that now." Danny couldn't help but remember how things had been when they worked together before. At least he wasn't as likely to lose Matt now.

Matt's smile was wry. "Maybe if I had listened then, I wouldn't have all but died that night."

"Yeah...that isn't going to happen again," Danny commented. He glanced around at the other couples who hadn't been asked a question yet, focusing on Phastos and Ross. "You two aren't romantically involved, but you seem closer than Tony and you think you'll continue that closeness even after Ultimus no longer threatens our world?"

"I hope so. I find Phastos' company enjoyable and... well... I didn't have a family. I had friends, but no one I was very close to. I realize now that I was lonely. And I don't want to go back to that." Everett smiled at his bond mate.

Phastos smiled at Everett in return. "You will always have a place in my home and in my life," he promised.

"Thank you for that." Ross' smile grew. Glancing around, he adressed Otto and Dane. "You quickly embraced the bond and everything it seemingly pushed for. Do you think you will continue as you are when we are free of Ultimus?"

"I believe that is the plan," Otto answered honestly. "Once Ultimus is no longer a threat to any of our worlds, we will decide where it's best to stay."

"As far as I'm concerned, my place is with Otto... wherever that might be," Dane added.

Otto smiled, wrapping his arms a bit more tightly around Dane, and looked towards Steve, Frank and Grant. "You're the only ones with a three-person bond, at least at the moment. How are you finding it?" he asked curiously.

"I thought it might be confusing, but it's easier than I expected," Steve admitted. "That's possibly helped by the fact I was already used to experiencing the bonding with Frank. I can easily differentiate between the emotions I'm feeling from each of them."

"To be honest, I was more uncertain about forming a bond with another man," Frank admitted. "But that worked so much better than I expected and knowing how good it worked for us, I just had a feeling adding a third would enhance our bond. I'm happy I was right."

Grant flushed. "Having two strong, moral men to help guide me? And not turn on me when I make a mistake? I wish I'd had this long ago."

"You have it now. And you won't lose it." Steve smled at Grant.

"Thank you... both of you." Grant looked between both of his bond mates.

Frank shifted so the younger man was sandwiched between him and Steve.

Steve wrapped his arm tightly around Grant, sending waves of reassurance and affection through the bond.

Frank glanced at the only ones who hadn't been asked a question, Norman and Kate. "Do you intend to stay close after Ultimus is gone?"

Kate snuggled closer to Norman, looking up at him to answer first. It was obvious she'd base her own answer off of what he said.

"I think we will always be close," Norman answered. "Things might change once Ultimus has been stopped, but I won't ever stop caring."

Kate nodded. "I don't know exactly what will happen, but I trust Norman and can't imagine not having him in my life... not now."

"I think we are connected. No matter what happens next," Norman said quietly.

Kate nodded before impulsively wrapping her arms around Norman in a hug. It wouldn't do much to help him feel better about her age, but she needed to snuggle. And she was younger than him. She couldn't change that. Maybe if he felt uncomfortable making love to her because of her age, he'd feel more comfortable with other types of affection. Maybe one day, he'd decide her age didn't matter; he wasn't related to her by blood and he hadn't raised her... though a small part of her got kinda excited when he took control and 'made her behave'. Kate stiffened up slightly and her eyes widened as she suddenly thought to herself, ...Crap... do I have a daddy kink? She pulled away slightly, realizing Norman had probably heard her entire inner monologue (she was only able to block when actively trying to do so and she hadn't been trying). She'd probably just made him uncomfortable again. She was embarrassed at herself.

Don't worry about what you're thinking. Norman's voice was wry. I don't think you have a daddy kink. I think it just feels good to you when I take care of you. It feels good to me to take care of you, he said honestly, letting her feel the truth of that through the bond. He pulled her close to snuggle again.

Kate relaxed at his acceptance, snuggling close again. Sorry... I know you aren't comfortable with this and I just keep making it weird... she thought unhappily.

Don't worry about what you need, Norman answered. I'm perfectly willing to give you affection and care. Even if the age difference between us does make me hesitant about doing more, he said honestly.

I know. Kate snuggled closer. Still... don't wanna make things weird.

It's not weird, Norman replied reassuringly.

You're not just saying that to make me feel better?" Kate thought, with a hint of amusement. I think of a lot of weird things... you're always so nice about it. Pretending I didn't just broadcast every single thought in my head, no matter how inappropriate. She'd got better at hiding some things from her bond mate... but sometimes a random thought of something she wondered if she might like to be done would pop into her head before she thought to block and she'd end up informing him of such gems as 'I wonder if he'd turn me over his knee to rub or pat my bottom', or 'I wonder if caramel would taste as good on him as it does my sundae', accompanied immediately after by 'I wonder if he'd like licking caramel off of me?'

If I need to block, for any reason, I can, Norman said. But I don't mind hearing your thoughts inside my head. I actually enjoy listening to you. The difference in our ages might make me feel uncomfortable, especially given the fact that I am attracted to you and you're younger than my son, but that doesn't mean I want you to hold back.

A warmth flooded her and butterflies filled her tummy at his words. Knowing how he fel made it easy to be patient. She didn't hide her feelings and decided to take him at his word. If he didn't mind her blasting even her silliest thoughts through the bond, sometimes seemed amused by them, then she'd stop hiding. Okay, she thought, all her affection and attraction and blossoming love slipping through.

Norman pulled her in closer against himself and wrapped his arms more tightly, almost possessively, around her waist. On his end, the bond was open, allowing her to feel his own attraction, desire, care and love.

Peter Quill glanced around at the group. "So that's all? That was a quick game...."

Frank snorted in amusement. "Last time, we did it individually and it took forever..." He laughed.

"We've got some time," Steve commented. "We've gone through a round of truth questions. Does anyone have a dare they want to throw out there? Maybe something that anyone who feels comfortable doing can." He smiled briefly. "Maybe anyone who accepts the dare earns an extra candy bar."

Kate perked up at that. "What kind of candy bar?" She really liked chocolate, but some were better than others.

Quill blinked. "Yeah... what kind of candy bar?" He'd spent so long off Terra, it had been a long time he'd had earth candy.

Steve glanced at Tony. "Where did you put the candy after the last game? I'll go grab it."

"In the kitchen, on the top shelf out of reach of grabby little fingers. Didn't think we wanted super hyper toddlers...."  Tony grinned.

Steve snorted softly in agreement and went to grab the candy bars.

"Are we putting limits on the dares?" Harry asked curiously. "Like, I dunno, no streaking?"

Peter snorted softly. "Uncomfortable memories of past Truth or Dare games?"

"Oh, yeah." Harry winced. "Of course, there was alcohol involved those times...."

"Nothing that might make someone puke!" Kate grimaced, remembering throwing up on her step-father.

Dane thought. "Dares have to be given to the Dom? If they don't think it's a good idea, they veto it? I don't know about the rest of the subs, but I tend to not back down even if I should...." he said sheepishly.

"If it's being left open to whoever wants to take the dare, then the Doms have the chance to veto it anyway," Phastos said. "Even if the subs do want to do it."

Steve returned with the candy bars, letting Peter, Kate and whoever else wanted see what they were.

"Who does the asking?" Everett grinned at the look on the younger members' faces as they found their 'favorites' in the pile.

"Do we have to take a dare? Will there be a penalty if we decide not to?" Yelena asked.

"No one will have to take a dare," Steve said.

"Why don't each pair, or group of three, have a pile of candy bars?" Pietro suggested. "If you don't take a dare, you sacrifice one of your candy bars to one of the pairs who did."

Yelena wrinkled her nose. "I may as well just give all the candy to everyone else and sit out. I can tell just from watching and listening to some of you that you're going to end up with it anyway..." She shrugged faintly. She knew some things would put her in a bad head space and even if she didn't say no, Reed would be able to tell and probably would.

"That's not necessarily the case," Phastos said mildly. "A dare could be anything. Even to share a story about themselves."

"Doesn't stories fall under truth?" Yelena asked curiously. "Americans confuse me sometimes...."

Bucky smiled. "A story could be truth if they are given specific instructions for it that limits story choice to a very specific story. But if it is very generalized and they have to pick from numerous situations, it could be a dare."

Yelena thought about it and nodded. "I suppose that makes sense."

"Does anyone have any dares they'd like to start with?" Loki asked.

Marc looked around. He had a dare.. but he didn't want to be the one to start the game.

Pietro, figuring that no one would mind if he reused a dare from the first game, spoke up. "I dare the Doms to draw a tattoo on their subs' body with a permanent marker. Anywhere you like and whatever you want it to be." Phrasing it like that, he hoped that even the more reserved and platonic couples would feel able to take part.

Druig grinned at Pietro. Are we acting like I'm the Dom for game purposes? Since we are equals and switch, we could both draw on each other...

I figure whoever feels like being the Dom for each dare can be the Dom, Pietro answered. But we can both draw on each other.

 If I draw on you, I can let you see what I'm drawing through my eyes, Danny offered to Matt.

Phastos, after checking in with Ross through the bond, took hold of his bond mate's hand and began to draw on Ross' palm.

Matt smiled and shifted closer to Danny. I'd like that.

Matching drawings? Druig asked.

Kate shifted in Norman's arms. One of these days, you will draw on me and I will find a way to make it permanent... I like your drawings....

Yelena noted how Phastos was drawing on Ross' palm and looked at Reed. Where would you like to draw?

Tony took Mordo's hand and also began to draw on his palm.

Stephen shifted Peter to sit in front on him and began to draw on the scruff of his neck... a spider surrounded by what was obviously meant to be one of his magical portals.

Steve paused, briefly, and then began to draw on each of his subs' arms, a matching shield symbol.

Danny kissed the side of Matt's neck and shifted his own bond mate to begin drawing on Matt's shoulder, shifting the other man's shirt out of the way to make it easier.

Pietro nodded his agreement and sent a mental image to Druig, with a question.

Maybe when Ultimus is gone and we no longer have to live in fear of him. Norman moved Kate enough so that he could begin drawing, choosing her hip for the placement.

Why don't I draw on your arm? Reed suggested, waiting long enough for her to agree before he began to do so.

Peter managed to hold still, but it was clear through the bond that it was hard. He was very ticklish.

The other Doms had also started drawing on their subs, all in various different spots.

Kate settled happily at those words. The location he'd picked was neutral, but still more personal than arm or shoulder. It felt good.

The room was quiet as everyone drew the 'tattoos'. Soon, they were finished. It was obvious that the dare had affected at least some of the subs.

Harry, curled up on Wong's lap and cuddling up with his mate, looked around at the group and, with a grin, said, "I dare you all to...yell out the first word that comes to your mind. On the count of three. All at the same time."

For the next few seconds, there was chaos and Tony was grateful the children were asleep on the floor below them. He gave Mordo a sheepish look at the man's stare when his own word ended up being Googleplex.

A few others came out with completely abnormal words. Peter's own one being blood garnered him an odd look from Harry, but given the experiments they'd been running, he figured it was fairly normal compared to what could have been said.

Loki's own word didn't sound anything remotely close to a language any of them knew, save perhaps his own bond mate and Nebula.

Quill's loud laugh carried through the room and he couldn't stop laughing, his bond mate's word having surprised, and delighted, him so completely.

It took several minutes for the chaos to die down and even then, Quill could be heard giggling every few seconds.

Finally, Marc placed his own dare. "I dare all the Doms to put their sub over their knee and give them a spanking. Your choice how hard, of course...."

Tony snorted. I'm willing to give up a candy bar. Unless you want to be spanked, he thought with sarcastic humor.

I think I can do without that, Mordo replied dryly.

Peter had already told Stephen he was open to anything...but he knew his bond mate was much more reserved. He couldn't stop the spike of interest that came through the bond, but even before it died away, he was picking up a candy bar and gently tossing it into the centre of the group.

Steve, fairly sure that neither of his subs would enjoy or want to take the dare, put his own candy bar into the centre.

Harry leaned back against Wong's chest to look into his Dom's eyes, giving his own wide-eyed, puppy dog look. Please, Master?

What do you think? Pietro asked Druig, clearly intrigued by the idea.

Dane smiled at Otto. What do you want to do? I know I belong to you and have nothing to prove.

Druig shrugged. I'm good either way. You thinking I spank you, or completely confuse everyone by you spanking me? he thought impishly.

Wong immediately pulled Harry over his lap and began to gently swat; not quite an actual spanking, but a little bit more than a firm pat.

Stephen sent acknowledhrment of Peter's action, with a warm feeling of thankfulness that his bond mate understood him and wasn't asking for him to be so public.

Kate swallowed hard. The competitive side of her that didn't like to lose was warring with the little girl side of her that didn't want a spanking. Even if she wasn't in trouble this time and it likely wouldn't be as hard, it was still a spanking. But if they didn't, they'd lose a candy bar! And she didn't want to lose a candy bar just because she was afraid of a few smacks to her bottom! And she really shouldn't be afraid anyway, because she trusted Norman. Maybe there was something wrong with her to be afraid of something so insignificant. And now she felt like she needed him to spank her just so she could prove to herself that she wasn't a coward. She was working herself up into a nearly agitated state that she'd have difficulty settling down from without help.

Yelena snorted. It is up to you..  she thought to Reed. She'd been through a lot of pain in her life. She'd also done a lot of kinky stuff to sell a role. This was tame.

No, thanks... Ross tossed in a candy bar.

Matt leaned into Danny. I can take it, sir. I just don't know if you like people watching you handle me or not....

Twin, Thank yous, were sent to Steve from Frank and Grant.

Quill just shrugged and squirmed into place over Loki's lap without shame.

Bucky tossed in a candy bar, while pulling Thena closer in a protective embrace.

Brock waited for Sam to decide. It wasn't like he didn't deserve a spanking... or one-hundred... and this wouldn't even be a real one.

Marc blinked at seeing how many threw in candy bars and how many were still deciding. Was this dare a mistake? he asked Ajak, almost nervously.

I know you said one of your kinks was for your mate to put you across their knee and do anything they wanted to your bottom, Otto thought back. But I'd prefer we do that in private, where we don't have to limit ourselves because others might be uncomfortable.

I'm thinking we should switch it up. Pietro's own tone was mischievous.

Letting out a quiet, contented sigh, Harry immediately relaxed over Wong's lap, sending waves of gratitude and love to his bondmate.

I'm not comfortable with spanking you if you have done nothing to deserve it. Norman's voice was firm as he picked up one of the candy bars and put that in the middle. He then tugged Kate in closer against him.

I think anything like this, we should take part in privately before making it public, Reed said, putting in his own candy bar.

Danny looked around. Since there are others doing it, I don't see any reason not to. He gently guided Matt across his lap, opening the bond so his mate could see through his eyes.

Loki didn't seem surprised or bothered. Instead, he rubbed Quill's back gently and then began to swat, lightly but still enough to be felt.

I don't think it's appropriate for us to do right now. Sam's voice was gentle and reassuring as he put a candy bar in.

No. I don't believe so, Ajak said. It gives those who are comfortable enough to do so the chance to explore a side of themselves with others who understand them. She guided Marc across her lap.

Yessir. I like that idea... Dane thought, as he tossed one of their candy bars into the center.

Have at me, cupcake! Druig winked at Pietro.

Wong continued the gentle swats, paying attention to his mate's reactions. He'd stop once Harry was in danger of being uncomfortable if they went go further. 

Kate was only a little disappointed. She hadn't really wanted a spanking and knowing Norman didn't want to spank her if she hadn't been naughty helped ease some of her distress about being afraid. If it felt wrong to him, then she didn't need to feel guilty about it not feeling right to her. Still... she snuggled close and tried to calm down.

Matt relaxed in place and paid attention to what Danny was showing him. Thank you for showing me... he thought, with affection.

Quill only squirmed enough to make it obvious it was felt. Otherwise, he held still; it didn't hurt and somehow made him feel closer to Loki.

Brock relaxed, letting himself cuddle to Sam.

Lincoln followed Bucky's example with Thena and tugged Nebula in close to him, putting a candy bar in the middle.

Marc sighed softly as he was positioned. Maybe I should have worded it differently and dared them to rub their subs' bottom. So, it would seem less punitive.

Pietro smiled at his own bond mate and reached out, gently running his hands down Druig's arms before he lightly tugged the other man across his lap. He took a few moments to get them both comfortable, then began to gently smack...taking his cue from the others in the room and paying careful attention to Druig's reactions and his bond mate's feelings through the bond.

Harry had already shared with the group that being spanked was a turn on for him. It didn't bother him once his bottom began to sting; it didn't truly hurt and the effects felt good.

Norman kept his focus on Kate and not on his son's position. He knew Wong spanked Harry; it was impossible to miss how the subs had been punished when they all got into trouble together. And he'd been there when Harry had shared that being spanked was a turn on. Still. It didn't feel right watching, even though Harry was quite obviously happy with it.

There's no reason for you not to take part as much as I can, Danny said. Use my eyes to see whenever and wherever you need to. What I have belongs to you. He rubbed Matt's backside gently for a few moments, then began to gently smack.

Loki didn't swat very hard at all, aiming to make Quill's bottom sensitive when he let his mate up again, but not sore. To that end, he interspersed rubbing between the swats, squeezing gently every so often.

I think those who are more reserved would still have chosen not to, even if you had worded it that way. Ajak gently rubbed over Marc's bottom before she began to lightly swat. No one seems distressed at experiencing or witnessing it, even those who are not taking part.

Druig settled into place. While he wasn't feeling particularly submissive, the position did leave him feeling a bit more out of control and needing to rely on Pietro. It didn't bother him. In fact, he found he liked needing to rely on his mate and made certain Pietro could tell.

Kate just continued to snuggle, hiding her face against Norman's chest. It felt weird to watch the others getting smacked, even if they liked it. Plus, she was still feeling a little unsettled at her previous battle with herself, even though Norman had taken the choice out of her hands.

Matt felt a wave of affection toward his mate and made sure Danny could feel it.

Quill found himself settling, becoming more submissive with the handling. He hadn't expected to be affected that way and it was clear in his feelings through the bond.

True. Some are much more reserved than others. Marc settled in to enjoy the attention, trusting the Doms to know when it was time to move on to another dare.

None of the spankings went on for very long, just enough for the subs to feel some of the effects when they were sitting down, whether on their Doms' laps or not.

Ajak kept Marc in position, though she was gently rubbing rather than continuing the spanking.

Phastos, wanting to make sure those who hadn't taken part were able to feel included, cleared his throat. "I dare each of you to share something you've done on autopilot."

Tony chuckled. "Flew in my suit? I had JARVIS or FRIDAY to control it for me."

Lincoln thought about it. "For a while, I was running on autopilot. I was so tired, but knew if I stopped, I'd be caught and thrown into a cell by someone wanting to experiment on me."

"Until I broke free of the brainwashing, it felt like everything was on autopilot," Bucky admitted.

Stephen winced. "I was acting on autopilot driving, the day I crashed. If I'd been paying better attention, I wouldn't have lost control of my car."

"Running. A lot," Pietro admitted.

"I very often cast small spells on autopilot," Mordo said.

"I was carrying out an experiment in the city," Peter said. "And I started petting a cat when it brushed up against me. Except it wasn't a cat. It was a raccoon. But it seemed to enjoy the attention."

"I did the same, but it was a skunk," Bruce said, with a soft chuckle.

Other members of the group shared their own stories and answers.

"It's getting late. Maybe we can play again tomorrow..." Stephen suggested.

Steve nodded his agreement. "Tomorrow, we'll look at more locations of people to free from Ultimus' control." He stood and offered a hand to each of his subs to help them up and lead them to their room.

Various comments of good night were uttered as they began to filter out to head to their rooms.

Clint followed Bruce to their rooms, clasping the other man on the shoulder as they parted. Goodnight, Pal. See you in the morning.

You know where I am if you need or want to talk, Bruce replied, clasping Clint's own arm affectionately.

Of course. Same goes for you! Clint smiled and went into his room.


Druig walked into his and Pietro's room, a thoughtful look on his face. He quietly got ready for bed.

You look like you're deep in thought, Pietro commented, as he too began to get ready for bed. Care to share what's on your mind?

It surprised me... how being over your knee with you spanking me made me feel... good. Druig wrinkled his nose.

Was it a turn-on? Pietro asked. We can continue to explore it, here in our room. If you'd like.

Maybe? It... it made me feel more submissive than usual. Even when I'm following you instead of you following me, I never felt myself feeling... helpless and almost dependent... Druig admitted. I think it could be a turn on.

Do you want to try it again? Pietro asked. We couldn't go far in front of the others. But there's no one else here now.

I wouldn't say no if you are interested... Druig admitted.

Pietro reached out and took his mate's hand, squeezing it gently. He stepped over to the bed, drawing Druig with him, and sat down, gently tugging his mate across his lap just as he had during the game.

Druig's stomach flipped and fluttered at the position. He left the bond open so Pietro could feel how he was making Druig feel.

For his own part, Pietro kept the bond open between them. He rubbed gently down over Druig's back, then proceeded to tug his mate's pants and underwear down, letting his hand rub gently over Druig's bared backside before he delivered a light swat.

Druig inhaled sharply and whined softly as his stomach fluttered again. I think I can safely say it's a turn on... he thought, as his member twitched in interest at what was occurring.

That's good. Pietro gently rubbed the spot he'd just swatted, then delivered another light smack before rubbing again.

Druig moaned softly, his toes curling as he reached down to grasp Pietro's ankle. Do... do you like this?

I like it. Especially that you trust me to do this. Pietro left himself fully open through the bond, so that Druig could feel that it turned him on as well.

Druig groaned softly, lifting his hips up just enough that he could unzip Pietro's pants. Can... can you get naked? We both get naked? And do this? he asked hopefully. Pietro was fully in control of the situation.

Pietro sent a wordless agreement through the bond and began to help Druig out of the rest of his clothes.

Druig helped as much as he could, giving an appreciative whistle as he saw his mate's body. As soon as they were both naked, he followed Pietro's directions back over his mate's lap. He was nearly fully aroused by this point.

Pietro's own appreciation and desire for his mate flowed freely through the bond, unfettered. He continued to lightly swat and gently rub and squeeze Druig's bottom.

Druig moaned and whined happily, squirming gently so that their members rubbed against each other.  He felt really good... needy... willing to obey anything Pietro told him to do.

Pietro's own member was quickly growing and swelling, making it clear that this was turning him on. He clearly enjoyed being able to have this power, this control, over his mate.

Druig's squirming intensified the longer Pietro spanked him. He could feel his mate's arousal and it caused his to grow further. His own feeling of helplessness and submission grew the more Pietro took control. Feels so good....

You feel so good to me. You're being so good for me. Pietro's love for his mate came clearly through the bond.

I love you... like being good for you... Druigs emotions dropped slightly; not enough to be unaware, but enough that it was obvious Pietro was fully in control. His bottom stung by this point and he enjoyed the feeling.

Pietro put a little bit more force behind the swats, just enough to make the sting feel more intense. He still rubbed and squeezed between the smacks, his arousal clear not only in his body's reactions, but also through the bond.

Druig groaned louder, squirming more intently. Feeling Pietro's erection against his own, while he could feel his mate's arousal through the bond, pushed him closer to the edge. It was heady, giving Pietro so much control. He could feel the sting continually by this point and knew he would for at least the next hour. Please... please, love... he found himself begging hopefully.

What do you want? Pietro liked hearing Druig beg. It was clear through the bond.

Need... need you in me. Need you to take me... please... Druig begged through the bond, before begging out loud in a needy, aroused voice "Please fuck me...."

Pietro moved his mate, positioning Druig so that he could easily take his lover. He reached for the lube and liberally coated his member in it, then pushed inside Druig, grasping his mate's hips to make it easy to thrust.

Druig groaned loudly in appreciation at feeling Pietro inside of him. So good... so perfect.. he thought, as he gently squeezed around his mate's member.

You feel so good to me. Pietro kissed the nape of Druig's neck and continued to thrust, gripping his mate's hips tightly.

Druig let his head fall forward, exposing his neck in a sign of complete trust and submission. He felt his member tightening in preparation to release, but he held on. He didn't want to cum until Pietro was spilling inside of him.

Pietro had already been close to release, just from taking his mate over his knee and spanking Druig. It didn't take too many thrusts before he knew he would release. Let go, he ordered his mate, so they'd release together.

Exhaling with a soft whine, Druig shuddered and released, hard, his body clenching tight around his lover as if to hold him deep inside for as long as possible.

Pietro let go at the same time, his release long and hard. He gripped Druig's hips tighter and nuzzled his mate's neck.

Druig moaned softly, murmuring in a happy, satisfied voice, "That will never get old...." A wave of affectionate love was sent through the bond toward Pietro.

Pietro responded with his own feelings of affection and love. He stayed inside Druig for a few more moments before he withdrew and began to clean them both up.

Druig smiled, still a little blissed out, over his shoulder at his mate. Anything I can do for you? he thought.

You've already done everything for me. Pietro stretched out alongside Druig, after cleaning them both up, and wrapped his arms tightly around his mate.

Druig wrapped his own arms tightly around Pietro and gave him a lingering, if chaste kiss. You've given me just as much. I never thought I'd find love in a situation like this, but... as horrible as Ultimus is, I can't help being grateful that it brought us together....

I know it's still early to be talking about after Ultimus, but no matter what happens, I want to stay with you. Pietro returned the kiss.

I do too. I'll follow you anywhere. Druig smiled.

Good. Pietro hugged him a bit tighter. Sleep now. Maybe you'll take control in the morning, he said impishly.

Druig chuckled at that, kissing Pietro again before snuggling close with his head on Pietro's chest. It didn't take long to fall asleep.

Pietro very quickly slipped into sleep as well, holding his mate close even as he slept.


Bucky led Thena to their room. Once inside with the door closed, he began to get ready for bed. What did you think of the game? he asked. The questions seemed easy enough and let us get to know the others a little better.

Thena nodded. Most cultures I have interacted with use battle to get to know each other. Asking questions and giving dares is...different. Not bad, though.

Bucky nodded. None of it bothered you?

Are you thinking about the dares? she asked. It didn't really bother me. Even if being spanked, or spanking someone else, doesn't excite me or feel like a turn-on.

Bucky nodded. I didn't feel an inclination to want to do that, but I didn't even ask you... so, I'm glad you weren't upset.

I couldn't give up that control, even if I wanted to, she answered. Not knowing what could happen.

That's what I thought. But I didn't mean to assume. I still should have asked. Bucky smiled.

Then ask next time. She shrugged.

Okay. Is there anything that you think might make it easier to live here? With all these people? Bucky asked.

I don't always know what triggers an episode, she answered. But since we're connected emotionally and mentally, perhaps you will have more of a warning than I do.

I will do my best to watch, Bucky promised. By this point, they were both ready for bed and he pulled the sheets down, getting into bed and holding an arm out toward her.

Thena got into bed next to him, closing her eyes and letting herself relax against him.

Bucky relaxed as well, soon falling into a peaceful sleep.


Loki had his arm wrapped around Quill's shoulders as they headed back to their own room. Once they reached it and both started getting ready for bed, he spoke. We've been here for a while now. What do you think about all this?

It's wild. I don't remember Terra being like this when I was a kid. Or relationships being like this... Peter admitted, as he stripped.

I don't think the relationships are typical, Loki thought back, as he went to brush his teeth. It seems like they've made the best of what's required to fight back against Ultimus. But there are still so many still under his control.

Peter padded into the bath to brush his own teeth. True. The need to bond to break free of Ultimus has caused a lot of relationships that prolly wouldn't have occurred before.

And with people who might not have even met if it wasn't for Ultimus, Loki said. We wouldn't have met at all if Ultimus hadn't brought me from my own dimension.

That's true... Peter thought, a little sadly. I remember Thor mentioning you had died in this universe.

I hope we can find the version of my brother who exists in this dimension, Loki said. I would see him freed.

Yeah. They seem to be trying to get all the Avengers who are alive in this dimension. As long as Ultimus hasn't sent him to another world or another dimension... Peter wandered back into the bedroom.

There are likely to be many people who have been displaced from their own dimension. It makes a certain kind of sense, from an invader's point of view. To split up potential allies and stop them from coming together to rebel. Just like they've done here. Loki settled down on the bed and waited for Peter to join him.

Peter crawled onto the bed and into Loki's arms. That's true. He likely wasn't counting on a way to break his hold being found. Or that people would be willing to permanently tie themselves to strangers. He nuzzled against Loki like a puppy.

Loki wrapped his arms around Peter and stroked his fingers through his bond mate's hair. In this dimension, at least, freedom is worth being bound. And I am not unhappy with the way things have turned out, he admitted.

I'm not either, Peter admitted. It isn't hard being submissive to you.

 I'm glad to hear it. Loki gently rubbed down his back and over his bottom, pulling his bond mate close.

Peter made a happy little chuffing noise at the possessive touch, snuggling closer. Like when you touch me, he admitted.

Good. I like touching you too. Loki continued to do so, just giving possessive affection as he cuddled his bond mate close.

Peter snuggled happily, falling asleep to the possessive affection.

It didn't take long for Loki to fall asleep as well, still holding his mate close...protectively...possessively.


When they'd returned to their room, Kate had gone to take a shower, cleaning herself quickly if thoroughly, same as the night before, then turned the shower on full blast cold. She was still feeling uncertain and unsettled and wasn't certain why. She figured if cold showers helped with arousal, maybe they would help with being unsettled.

Norman began to get undressed. Once he was ready for bed, he picked up the book he'd been reading before, curious to see what other differences he might notice in the history of this dimension, in comparison to his own.

Finishing up her shower, Kate quickly dried off and put on her nightshirt. She then walked out into the bedroom and crawled into the bed next to her mate. She was still feeling unsettled, but was trying to ignore it.

Norman put the book to one side and wrapped his arm around Kate, gently drawing her against his side. He was able to sense her emotions through the bond and even though he didn't know what had caused it, it was automatic to try and help her feel better.

Kate put her head on Norman's shoulder and snuggled. I don't understand myself sometimes, she finally thought. Why would I be jealous of something I didn't even want?

Perhaps it wasn't what they were doing, but how easily they did it, Norman suggested. Those who took part in the dare had no trouble being that demonstrative in front of everyone else.

Maybe. It seemed so easy for them. I'm always so confused and second guessing myself, Kate agreed.

You aren't the only one who feels confused and uncertain, Norman said. We're building a relationship while trying to free people from a more intense form of brainwashing than anyone has ever dealt with before. Feeling unsettled is normal.

Guess I'm really lucky you were the one to bond me... Kate snuggled closer. I'd be totally off the rails with someone less calm.

I saw the worst possible part of myself, Norman admitted, hugging her a bit tighter. I wasn't always able to be calm and in control, but after losing that control once already...I'm determined not to allow that to happen again.

Kate relaxed as his grip tightened, feeling his strength and control easing some of the constant nervousness she had been feeling. I wish I knew how to calm myself down. Going after bad guys, I always kept my nerves under control. When it comes to my feelings and personal stuff, it's like I'm a raw nerve under constant stimulation.

You've been a slave under Ultimus' control for more than a year, Norman said. Even if you were entirely in control of yourself before, being in this type of situation is enough to affect even the most well-adjusted person.

Some would say I haven't been all that well adjusted since the battle for New York, Kate admitted.

In either case, this situation isn't exactly conducive to mental well-being, Norman commented. But even if you feel unsettled and out of control, you can always lean on me. We're bonded now. And even if there was a way to break that bond, I wouldn't take it.

To Kate's horror, she started crying at those words. Hearing Norman all but promise not to leave her left her feeling equally safe and vulnerable. She pressed closer, hiding her face against his chest.

Norman pulled her closer, gently gathering her onto his lap, and began to stroke her hair. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and held her close and tight, letting her feel him through the bond.

Feeling his acceptance and the affection caused Kate to lose more of her control over her emotions and she started crying harder.

Norman didn't try to stop her crying. He just held her, close and tight, stroking her hair and down her back. The bond was still fully open between them and he let his own emotions of calm, affection and love flow from him to her.

Kate quivered, sniffling and snuggling, only refraining from nuzzling or kissing Norman's shoulder and chest because she was all gross from her tears.

Norman kissed her hair gently and held her that bit tighter. I love you. He sent the words and emotion through the bond, so that she could feel it.

"I love you too... so much," Kate whispered, in a tiny voice. Need you....Can't make it without you....

Norman's smile was faint as he said, "That's why it's good you have the jealousy gene. It means I can devote myself entirely to you."

Kate started crying again at the words, guilt spearing through the bond. That's so unfair to can't be with anyone else cuz I'm an insecure little baby!

I never wanted to be with anyone else, Norman answered. Don't feel guilty. Don't feel bad. There's no need. I don't want to bond with another person.

Kate tried to calm down again, clutching onto Norman and hiding her face against his chest. She was quivering. Her nightshirt had twisted up around her waist, exposing her underwear. She didn't care. She somehow felt safer the more vulnerable she was to her Dom, letting him take care of and protect her.

This isn't a bad thing. Norman sent waves of reassurance through the bond as he held her. His hands stroked her hair and down her back, still cuddling her tightly.

It feels unfair to you. And then... I think I'm ha... happy that only I can belong to you and I feel so selfish... Kate sniffled, burrowing against him.

It's okay to be selfish, Norman said. Don't feel bad about it. There's nothing wrong with how you feel.

I'm sorry, though... I can't help it... I just can't stop thinking and... and then I end up like this... Kate took a shuddering breath.

React however you need to, he said gently. I can handle anything you're thinking or feeling.

Kate had finally stopped crying, but a feeling of sadness was creeping through the bond. She was still feeling unsettled and needy, but she didn't understand why and couldn't have explained herself if she tried.

It doesn't matter how you feel, he said. Or why you feel. Just know that I'm here for you. And I don't regret bonding with you.

Thank you for being patient with me... Kate continued to snuggle, feeling like she couldn't get close enough.

I've got you. He kissed the top of her head, continuing to stroke over her hair and back.

I know... Kate sighed softly. As comforted as she felt being snuggled and caressed by Norman, something just wasn't letting her go.  She gave up figuring it out. At least she was getting some comfort, even if her mind wouldn't leave her slone.

It's a bit late to look at it now, but tomorrow, I think we should look at ways of helping you settle and calm down, he said. Or at least a way to quieten your mind, so you stop overthinkng everything.

Yessir... Kate agreed, giving him a tiny hug in response to his care. 

For now, try and sleep. I'll keep hold of you, he promised.

Kate fell asleep.

Still holding his bond mate close, Norman also slipped into sleep.


As soon as he and Stephen got to their room, Peter quickly slipped into the shower. Some aspects of the game had been gently arousing (although he hadn't figured out how having his neck drawn on could be both ticklish and arousing) and it hadn't actually gone down. So...cold shower it was.

Stephen had quickly brushed his teeth and dressed for bed, getting in and reading one of the books Wong had managed to salvage from the Sanctum.

Peter took a bit longer than usual in the shower, enjoying the luxury of being able to take his time (under Ultimus' control, he'd done nothing more than the bare minimum needed to survive). Finally, though, he got out and dried himself off, dressing for bed and brushing his teeth before stepping into the main room...after quickly checking in to make sure Stephen wasn't in a position where he needed any privacy. "What are you reading?" he asked curiously.

"A history of... Mephisto..." Stephen wrinkled his nose.

Peter raised his eyebrows. "You don't sound very sure. Is it terribly boring?" He stepped over to the bed.

"No. It's actually interesting. Just wondering how this is the first time I'm learning of this character, considering his power.” Stephen frowned.

"What is his power?" Peter sat on the bed next to Stephen, watching him intently.

"Would be easier to tell you what his powers aren't..." Stephen muttered. "I suppose we should be grateful he didn't decide to take over the dimensions...." Sighing, he put the book to the side.

"I can be quiet if you want to carry on reading," Peter said.

"It's a big book. I can finish reading later. Besides, it's late and we'll have another busy day hunting for people to rescue tomorrow." Stephen smiled. "Was there something you wanted to talk about before sleeping?"

"I always like it when you talk to me," Peter said honestly. "When you tell me about yourself." There was a hopeful note in his voice. He couldn't stop the desire to learn more about Stephen from coming through the bond.

"For as egotistical as everyone believed me to be... let's be honest, that I am." Stephen smirked. "... I don't really enjoy talking about myself and never really know what to say. It's easier if I can answer questions."

"Okay, so how about this? Did you always want to be a surgeon?" Peter asked.

"No. I was good at it. And I'm smart. And I like a challenge. When I was in university trying to decide what to do with my life, it was one of several options that appealed because it was challenging, but also offered opportunity for acclaim and recognition if I succeeded." Stephen's smile was sheepish. "I didn't start developing my better personality traits until I lost everything that fed my worst traits."

"I think there's a lot to be said about you that you did change, even if it did take an outside force to do it," Peter said. "I haven't really met any other surgeons. Even before I became Spiderman, I never really got injured or even sick. But I've met plenty of other scientists with God complexes."

Stephen smiled at that. "Sometimes I think you have to have one to be truly successful in the field. Otherwise all the times one failed would crush you."

"I can see that from a medical standpoint," Peter said. "When someone's life is on the line. With science, I prefer to take the stance of Thomas Eddison. You always learn something from a failure." He paused. "So how did you handle it while learning magic? I assume you didn't just succeed in that straight away."

"I had hit rock bottom when I was finally accepted to learn magic. By then, my failures became a challenge. If I failed the first time at something, then I wouldn't stop till I had conquered and succeeded," Stephen said quietly. "I already knew I was far from the best by then and the only one I had to prove anything to was myself."

Peter paused and then reached out, gently placing his hand on Stephen's arm. He wasn't looking for affection, just wanting to offer some small measure of comfort. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I think it's really good that you pulled yourself back up again, though."

"Yes, well... if I hadn't, I wouldn't be here now. Who knows what might have happened? I appreciate you caring, though." Stephen gently squeezed Peter's hand.

"I care about you," Peter said. "It's not because of the bond. The bond just makes what's already there stronger. At least for me." He shrugged. "And the bond didn't make me love you, either."

Stephen paused. "Okay...." He wasn't entirely convinced the bond had no influence over Peter, but he wouldn't argue it.  He settled back to sleep, holding an arm out for Peter.

Peter nestled against Stephen's side and closed his eyes, allowing sleep to overtake him.


Frank followed Grant into into their room, Steve close behind. "What did you think of the dares? You think we need to make new rules for the game so those not in typical Ds relationships aren't left out?" he asked.

"I wouldn't necessarily say it's required," Steve said. "There was really only one dare that only those in a more D/s type of relationship would take part in. All of the others, no one was left out."

"True. Still... there are some relation type Dares that will definitely leave out at least two of the bonded pairs every single time..." Frank said. "Asking something we aren't sure about is one thing, but it doesn't feel right to dare things that we know for a fact they won't participate in. Like an unfair advantage in winning their candy...." He chuckled.

"We could always implement a rule saying there has to be a dare, or forfeit, for the platonic pairs," Steve commented.

"So... if a dare is given that obviously is non-platonic, a second platonic dare would need to be given?" Grant interjected.

Steve nodded. "We could come up with a list of platonic dares to choose from."

Both Grant and Frank nodded at that.

"Seems more fair." Frank smiled.

"We can bring it up at the meeting tomorrow, when we decide who we're rescuing next," Steve said.

"Sounds good," Frank said. Grant was already getting ready for bed. Frank quickly did so as well.

Steve began to get ready for bed too. It didn't take long and then he was settling on the bed, holding an arm out to each of his subs.

Frank immediately crawled next to Steve on one side, snuggling close.

On Steve's other side, Grant was pressed as close and tight as possible.

Steve wrapped his arms around both of his mates, cuddling them close, sending waves of affection through the bond.

Soon, they were all asleep.