Advent Day Two

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


Katie had thoroughly enjoyed herself the night before, becoming better friends with everyone. The discussion about Christmas coming up had got her thinking, though. This wouldn't just be the first Christmas in years without Ultimus controlling them... It would be her first Christmas ever. They didn't celebrate in her own dimension. She wanted her first Christmas to be special... Or at least, she wanted her first gift that she'd ever give to Namor to be special. Plus, she wanted to decorate. Many of the discussions the night before had been about decorations.

With that in mind, she'd decided to leave the compound and go to one of the nearby towns she'd seen while still working with Ultimus' cronies. She remembered there being a Christmas store there that had decorations. And if she found something for Namor too? All the better. She didn't think to ask permission, or even tell anyone. She was still getting used to being a frail mortal and didn't think about danger to herself.

Much like Katie, Spiders wasn't used to all of this. Christmas had been a thing in his dimension, but after his physical body had been consumed by a horde of spiders, he hadn't taken part in those celebrations. He hadn't taken part in any celebrations. And he was still getting used to being in his own body...even if it wasn't exactly his body, it felt close enough to it.

But still, he wasn't used to having his activities curtailed. And he wasn't used to being in a weaker, more 'squishy' body. And when he realised Katie was leaving, he went to go with her...because that behaviour wasn't unusual for them. And he didn't think to talk to anyone, even his own mate, about where he was going.

Katie had gone quite a way before she realized Spiders was following her and she stopped to wait for him to catch up. "I didn't notice you there!" she chirped happily, not thinking about the fact her not noticing could be a concern. "I'm going to a store I remember had Christmas decorations. I want to decorate... And maybe find something nice for Namor," she added.

"That sounds like a good idea." Spiders walked alongside her, his hands stuck in his pockets. "Maybe I could find something for Blade," he mentioned, almost offhandedly. He wasn't entirely sure what his bondmate would like...but maybe he could see what Katie picked out for Namor, if she found something, and could make a decision then.

"Yes! This will be wonderful!" Katie enthused, as they continued to walk. She was being careful, though not as careful as she probably should have been. When she noticed a path she hadn't seen before, her curiosity overcame her. I wonder where this leads? she thought, the idea bleeding through the bond. She turned and began to follow the path.

Spiders was walking alongside Katie. He was paying some attention to their surroundings, but not exactly as focused as he should the others back at the base would expect them to be. When Katie began to follow the path, he went with her without thinking about it. At all.


Namor had been talking to Shuri when the thought from Katie bled through the bond. Frowning, he reached out to her...immediately able to tell that she wasn't in the base. He just wasn't sure where she was. Katie. Where are you? he sent to her.


Katie stopped moving as she heard Namor in her head. "Oh!" She looked around, realizing she had never been where she currently stood before. "Where are we?" she asked Spiders, even as she sent a mental picture of where she stood, along with a confused feeling.

Spiders stopped, frowning as he looked around...also realising he'd never seen this area before. "I don't know," he admitted. "I was following you...." His own feelings of confusion came through his bond, along with some worry. He quickly began scanning the area, trying to figure out the best way of retracing his steps.


Namor quickly excused himself from Shuri, as he felt the confusion from Katie and his concern and worry spiked. "Friday, can you tell me where this area is?" He began to describe the mental image of the place Katie had sent him.


Biting her lip, Katie didn't move forward. She could feel Namor's concern and see Spiders' worry. "We came from that direction... I think..." she said uncertainly. It had been a very long time since she'd actually had to pay attention to her surroundings, instead of just listening or smelling her way back.


Blade felt Spiders' sudden worry. What's wrong? he asked, suddenly on alert. He could immediately tell his mate was too far away to be in the compound

Friday quickly took Namor's information and compared it to the topographical information she had of the area. "I believe you are describing this area, Sir," the AI responded. "I can't give you an exact match, but your information fits this mile long stretch of wooded area. It used to be a walking trail and is halfway between here and a tiny tourist town that no one has visited yet because it does not have a grocery store."

I left the base with Katie, Spiders admitted. We were going to one of the towns...and then she went down a different path and I followed. I'm not completely sure which way we need to go so we can head back, he admitted.

Namor could feel Katie's uncertainty and directed her, Don't go anywhere. Let me know if you see or hear anyone. Out loud, he requested, "Friday, can you send a message to one of the speedsters to meet me? We'll need to retrieve Katie...."


Okay. I'll tell Spiders we need to stay put, Katie responded, before doing just that.


Blade made his way to the control room, looking for someone who could actually leave the building, since if he was seen outside, Ultimus would realize he hadn't died and might realize Namor and the others still lived too. "Friday... Spiders and Katie have gone off and got lost... We need to..." he stopped as he saw Namor, the Speedsters comjng in right before him. "...I see you already know, then."

Namor nodded. "Katie sent me a picture of where they've ended up. Friday was able to identify the area, so Druig, Makkari and Pietro are going to retrieve them." He glanced towards the speedsters. "It might be a good idea for Steve or Tony to go with you."

Druig nodded. "Friday? Is Steve or Tony available to go on a retrieval?'

"Sir has indicated he will come with you. He will wear his GPS and take a camera so we can map the newer area better," Friday stated.

Five minutes later, Tony walked in. "I'm ready. Let's get the wayward kiddies...."

Pietro grabbed hold of Tony and sped away from the base, heading towards the area, knowing that Druig and Makkari would follow easily.


Katie fretted on the trail, waiting for the others to retrieve them. "I think he's unhappy with me..." she said sadly. "I messed up."

Spiders glanced at her. "I'm sure he won't be really mad..." he said, even though he was worried as well, not able to figure out what Blade was thinking or feeling. Was his mate upset with him? The idea of someone being upset with him and him actually caring about that was unusual...and he didn't really like the feeling.

"Mad, I know how to handle. Upset..." Katie shrugged uncertainly.

At that point, Druig and Makkari sped in, stopping in front of the two. Pietro was close behind with Tony.

Tony looked around once he'd got his footing. "Interesting spot you found... You see any bad guys?"

Katie shook her head mutely.

"We haven't seen anyone," Spiders confirmed, feeling his own sense of uncertainty.

"We ready to go, then?" Druig asked.

Tony nodded. "Yeah. We can get a group together to investigate this area later," he added.

At those words, Druig took hold of Spiders and Makkari took hold of Katie, leaving Pietro to take Tony. They were quickly back at the compound and heading back inside.

Namor had been waiting anxiously for the return of his mate. As soon as Katie was brought back to the base, he headed over and drew her into a tight hug. "Are you hurt?" he asked, both out loud and through the bond.

"No... We didn't see anyone. I just realized I didn't know where I was and couldn't smell my way home..." Katie's voice was very soft and sheepish. She snuggled close to Namor apologetically.

Tony snorted. "And on that note, I'm going to go start lunch. I feel the need to smell good food."

Druig laughed. "I'll help you."

Namor sighed and hugged her a bit tighter as the speedsters followed Tony to the kitchens. "We're going to have a talk about why it's important for you to pay attention to your surroundings." He began to lead her to their room.

"Yessir..." Katie replied easily, following him. Are you mad? she thought uncertainly.

I'm not mad. As he led her into their room and closed the door behind them, he spoke out loud. "I was worried about you. You could have easily wandered into an area that was dangerous. As it was, you ended up in an area that none of us were familiar with. It could have been so much worse than it actually was."

"I didn't mean to," Katie said, in a small voice. "I always went everywhere before with no problems. But I never got to go during the day and... It was just so interesting....."

"I know it's hard," Namor said quietly. "But we're not in a position where you can go out wherever you'd like to. Not yet. We're still in danger. The whole base is in danger."

"Yessir..." Katie's voice was even softer as she realized how badly she'd messed up, even if nothing bad had happened. She looked at the ground like a scolded child.

"I know you didn't mean anything bad by it. I know you didn't think." Namor kept his voice gentle as he continued, "I'm going to help you to remember for next time. I'm going to spank you." He began to gently guide her towards the bed.

But I don't want a spanking! Katie didn't speak out loud, but the 'whine' could be heard. She didn't fight him, though, meekly following where he led. She trusted Namor. If he felt she deserved a spanking and that it would help her, she'd accept his decision without argument.

I know. But it's really important that you remember for next time, so that I don't risk losing you because you got distracted. And you shouldn't have left the base without talking to me first. Reaching the bed, Namor took a seat on it and gently guided Katie across his lap.

I should have got permission? Katie asked, as she reached down and wrapped her arms around Namor's leg. I'm sorry I was bad....I'll ask next time.

You weren't bad, Namor corrected. You are not bad. But yes. You should have asked for permission. I might not have been able to go with you, but at least I would have known that you'd gone. He rubbed her back for a few moments and then proceeded to bare her.

Katie whimpered as she was bared and pressed her face against his leg. But she didn't try and get away. You really aren't mad? A hint of insecurity bled through. She wasn't used to being punished when the one punishing wasn't furious at her.

I'm not mad. I love you. I just want you to stay safe for me. Wrapping his arm around her waist, drawing her close and tight against his stomach, Namor lifted his hand and brought it down in a firm swat that he then repeated.

Katie believed him. At realizing he wasn't punishing her in anger but because of worry and love for her, she slumped over his knee, fully accepting. I love you too. I'll try to do better... She let out a tiny gasp as the spanking began.

I believe you. I believe you'll try to do better. He settled into a pattern of swats, going down to her thighs before he started over from the top.

Katie didn't try and hold still. In her mortal form, she knew she was no match for Namor's strength and he'd hold her in place easily. She began squirming nearly immediately, letting out tiny hisses and whimpers when a smack was particularly painful.

Finishing the second circuit, Namor began a third, going a fraction harder and faster. Partway through that circuit, he began to speak. "If Ultimus' soldiers had found you, they wouldn't have shown any mercy. They would have killed you...but not before trying to get every bit of information they could, by any means necessary."

At those words, Katie started crying, hard, and apologizing. I'm sorry. Was wrong and stupid and thoughtless. Won't leave here ever again! She held tightly to his leg, sobbing.

You can leave, as long as it's with a group for protection and you let me know. Namor finished with a final few smacks to her sit spots and thighs and then stopped, quickly drawing her into a close, tight embrace.

Katie threw her arms around him, burrowing against him, clinging tightly. I won't go anywhere unless you say it's okay... she promised. Hearing of what could have gone wrong, she felt spooked... Reluctant to leave his side, although she didn't say anything. He'd already given up so much for her, she wouldn't be a clingy baby, even if she felt a need not to leave his side even in the compound.

He hugged her just as tightly, kissing her shoulder and then her cheek. Good. He could feel how she felt and it prompted him to say, But I'm going to ground you as well. You won't be out of my sight unless I say it's okay.

Yessir... A sense of profound relief flowed through the bond and she nuzzled against him. I'm glue until you say not to be....

Exactly. He kissed her tenderly. I love you.

Katie returned the kiss eagerly. I love you too. So much. Peace and contentment flowed through the bond and she continued to snuggle.


Blade watched as Namor led Katie away. Are you hurt at all? he asked Spiders. Do you need Lincoln to check you over? He moved closer, putting a hand on Spiders' shoulder to either lead him to the medical suite or to their room, depending on his answer.

Spiders shook his head. We didn't meet anyone. No accidents or anything. No injuries at all.... He spoke uncertainly, an apologetic feeling coming through the bond.

Good. I'm glad. Blade's sense of relief was palpable. Let's go to our room and talk. He began to lead his mate to their room.

Swallowing, Spiders went with his mate without protest. I'm sorry, he offered hesitantly, not sure if Blade would accept an apology or not.

I know. I know you didn't mean to worry me or do something so dangerous. I'm not mad, Blade offered reassuringly. But you need to remember to pay attention to your surroundings and not lose track of what you are doing when you are outside of the compound. You aren't invincible anymore. You can be hurt... or worse. I don't want to lose you. I love you.

Spiders winced at those words, a wave of guilt coming through the bond that he hadn't thought about it. It's still hard to get used to that, he admitted. That I'm not invincible. That there's someone who does care about what happens to me.

I know. It's something that needs to become habit, though. And because of that, I'm going to give you an extra incentive to think about it next time. He led Spiders into their room. I'm going to spank you.

Spiders' eyes widened and darted to Blade's face. You're going to spank me? His nervousness came through the bond clearly. No one ever spanked me before.

I am. It is something that won't harm you, but will hopefully be memorable enough that you don't forget to be careful next time you go out. So you don't end up doing something that is harmful to you... Blade answered, before gently leading him toward the bed.

Spiders followed uncertainly. Even though he was obviously nervous, it was also obvious that he trusted Blade and wouldn't fight his mate.

Blade sat on the bed and gently pulled Spiders across his lap, pulling him in close and secure before baring him. "I don't want to lose you. You need to be aware of your surroundings. You need to be careful. And you need to tell me when you are leaving the compound, so that if something happens, I know what your plans were and can go after you..." he said sternly, before raising his hand and letting it fall with a firm smack.

Spiders jumped, letting out a tiny whimper as the first smack landed. "I'm sorry. I...I didn't think." He hadn't been used to needing to tell someone where he was going; that he was expected to tell someone where he was going. He wasn't used to anyone caring that he stayed safe.

"I know. But you will in the future, won't you?" Blade's response was sympathetic and understanding, but he continued to smack firmly, completing a full circuit and beginning a second.

"I...I will...." Spiders' breathing hitched. It wasn't really the pain of the smacks that were causing his emotions to be so close to the surface, even though they were painful enough. No, the emotions were close to the surface because someone was actually caring enough to step in and make sure he changed his behaviour. It was such a novel experience, he found himself surrendering much more quickly than he ever could have imagined.

"Good. I'm glad of that. I won't lose you if there is anything at all in my ability to keep from it," Blade asserted. By this time, he'd started and was already half-way through a third circuit. Reaching the point where he might have started a fourth circuit, if Spiders wasn't already surrendering, he focused a few quicker, sharper smacks to his mate's sit spots and thighs, bringing the spanking to an end. He then carefully tugged Spiders up into his arms, sitting on his lap. I love you.

Spiders quickly latched onto Blade, wrapping his arms around his mate and clinging on tightly. He might not have been crying hard...but he was still crying. Sniffling, he pressed in close. I love you too. And I'm sorry.

I know. I forgive you. I know it wasn't deliberate. I think it would be best if we stayed close together for a while, though. No going anywhere without me... or at least without asking me first. Even in the compound. I just... need to keep you close, Blade admitted.

Okay. Spiders sniffled softly. Does it make me weird that I'm kind of relieved at that? he asked sheepishly.

No. Not weird at all. Blade smiled, holding Spiders more tightly. I'm glad you like the idea instead of fighting me about it, though.

I wouldn't fight you on staying close...even if it is because I did something bad, Spiders admitted.

Not bad. Just not safe. And I expect you to keep yourself as safe as it is possible. Blade kissed the side of Spiders's head.

I will. I'll do everything I can to stay safe for you, Spiders promised, pressing into the kiss and cuddling close to his mate.

Good. I think we can stay here until lunch time... Blade suggested.

Okay, Spiders said agreeably, perfectly content to cuddle with his mate until then.


A few hours later, everyone was gathering in the dining area for lunch. The children were very chatty, asking questions of the newcomers and explaining what they were doing in school. Only a few had realized that Katie and Spiders had gone out and needed to be retrieved, those who had been part of the retrieval, so it came as a bit of a surprise when Katie just said, out of nowhere, "I'm grounded!" as if it was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

Lila blinked and glanced around to see what everyone else had to say at the words. "That's... good?" she asked hesitantly.

Eddie wrinkled his nose. "I haven't been grounded in a very long time, but I don't remember it being good..." he said, in confusion. "Does it mean something different here?"

"Some of those here do better having rules and boundaries set," Steve commented...although he didn't comment on who those were, outside of Katie, who'd already spoken up. "I suppose it probably feels good to know someone cares enough about your behaviour to bring you in that's why being happy about it is likely." He shrugged. He wasn't a psychologist, but he'd observed enough about the effects of the bond to assume he was right.

"If you already feel submissive in some way, or would like to be, deep down, it seems the bond removes those inhibitions," Peter Andrew offered helpfully. "Kind of like how alcohol does. But you don't get the hangover the next day."

Katie pouted innocently. "I just like being with Namor... If I'm grounded, I know I won't be left alone or behind .." she said softly, betraying what her life had been like for centuries before she was given back her humanity.

"If I'm certain of one thing, it is that Namor wouldn't leave you alone or behind, even if he didn't ground you," Yelena said soothingly, wanting to discourage any possible future misbehavior that was 'seeking groundings.'

Katie thought about it, then nodded. "I know that in my head..." She smiled crookedly.

Eddie leaned back and thought about Steve's words. It was obvious what Cap said fit the unique woman to a 'T', even if she thought her reasons were different. He had to admit he was hoping to find a bond-mate that was strong enough to control both him and Venom. On his best days, he made a lot of unfortunate mistakes and Venom tended to encourage reckless behavior. Hiding from Ultimus had been the longest stretch of time where he was careful... and must of that was because the group he was with encouraged him to be careful and encouraged Venom not to push. He glanced at his 'family', his gaze settling on Xavier. Hey, Prof? He waited to see if Xavier answered his mental nudge.

Charles had been sitting, listening to the conversation but not joining in...instead seeing what he could learn from the group he was now part of. When Eddie reached out to him, he sent an acknowledgement, but didn't respond with words...instead waiting for Eddie to continue with what he needed.

Do you think you'd ever ground your bond-mate? Once you find one, anyway? He wrinkled his nose and tried not to stare as Katie very obviously squirmed and winced as she shifted on her chair. She wasn't commenting on her sore backside, but he suspected more than grounding had occurred.

It would depend if we'd talked and decided we both wanted that kind of relationship, Charles answered honestly. I can't see myself grounding whoever I bond with unless we'd had a clear discussion and both had agreed to a more Dominant and submissive relationship.

Yeah. That makes sense... Eddie thought. I never thought about what I wanted, but... Whatever or whoever I end up with, I think they need to be able to take charge enough to help me control Venom.

How do you feel about that? Charles asked.

Honestly... I'm not upset about it. Even before Venom, I used to do stuff that was questionable. We encourage each other's worst attributes. As much as I think I'd chafe at being dominated, I also think it would be a relief, Eddie admitted.

Did you make a decision about who you'd like to bond with? Charles questioned.

I... I don't want to bond with a stranger, Eddie admitted. If... if you aren't against it, I really think I'd be most comfortable with you.

I'm not against it, Charles replied. I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't willing. Can I take your words to mean I'm the one taking charge?

Eddie blushed, which probably confused those nearest him, since they didn't realize he was talking to anyone. Yessir... I think that's probably better for everyone involved, he thought sheepishly.

We'll take care of it after lunch, then, Charles promised. For now, it's important for both of you that you eat.

Eddie glanced toward Charles and gave him a crooked grin. Yessir. I'll make sure we eat enough for both of us... he thought.

I am very hungry! Venom sent through the mind link, surprising Eddie.

I'm sure you are, Charles replied. A very good thing about being here is that we're not scrounging for as much food, with the plants growing in the park.

"I know Eddie is happy about that. He didn't really like me eating bad guys..." Venom stuck his head out where everyone could see him and spoke aloud.

"Venom!" Eddie nearly whined and hid his face behind his hand, hoping no one was terribly upset or grossed out at the alien.

Although briefly taken aback, Steve quickly took that information in his stride and glanced towards both Eddie and Venom. "You won't need to eat any more bad guys. You'll each have plenty of food here," he promised.

Eddie gave Steve a grateful look. "That makes me much happier..." he admitted quietly.

Venom huffed. "Bad guys taste good. But I don't like upsetting Eddie, so I won't eat them unless you say I can..." he conceded.

"I'm sure it won't be necessary," Fury said...addressing both Eddie and Venom, since he figured Eddie needed some reassurance as well.

"Alright..." Venom sighed.

"We can eat extra of whatever you like. Even if it isn't my favorite..." Eddie tried to make Venom feel better. Venom's tastes tended to run towards high carbs and junk food, so he wanted to make it as easy for his symbiote friend as possible.

"You'll eat extra beets?" Venom asked skeptically.

'If that is what you want. Beets are good for humans anyway, so if eating them makes you happy, it can't be a bad thing. And we gotta be a good example for the littles." Eddie smiled crookedly.

"Eddie is right," Charles commented. "And we'll all make sure that there's plenty of food to sate your appetite, Venom." He pushed the plate of beets towards Eddie, figuring the sooner it started, the better.

Taking a deep breath, Eddie began spooning the vegetable onto his plate, taking more than he normally would, though he did leave enough for everyone else. "We can get seconds once everyone has eaten some," he told Venom when the symbiote started to protest. "And maybe, once I've bonded and can't be taken by Ultimus, we can be part of the group that goes out foraging. We can find things you might like that they haven't thought to get."

He smiled at Charles and began to eat.

Charles smiled in return and resumed eating as well. "I'm sure that can be arranged," he commented between mouthfuls.

Soon, everyone was eating and chatting. A few of the braver children came up to Eddie and interacted with Venom. Seeing the children at ease around the symbiote, and Venom actually doing his best not to scare them, helped Eddie relax and be able to eat. Eventually, the meal was done and everyone was cleaning up. Once his own mess was taken care of, Eddie shifted closer to Xavier. Your room, Prof? he asked hesitantly.

Unless you'd feel more comfortable in your own, Charles answered.

I haven't really made my room much of my room, to be honest. It's... I got too used to having people in the room when I slept... Eddie admitted sheepishly.

All right, Charles replied. We'll use my room, then. He waited for Eddie to join him, so they could go there.

Eddie quickly moved to where he was beside and just behind Charles so he could be led to the room. After... do... do you want to keep your own room? he asked uncertainly. He tried not to let on that he was hoping he could move into Charles room permanently.

We can move in together, if you'd prefer to, Charles offered, as he led the way into his room and closed the door behind them.

I... I don't want to impose on you, but... it feels odd not being with someone; other than Venom, anyway. If you really don't mind... Eddie said softly, moving to stand in the middle of the room and wait for instructions.

I don't mind, Charles confirmed. He moved over to Eddie and began to strip the other man.

Venom had, thankfully, disappeared into Eddie to give him and Xavier the semblance of privacy. Eddie swallowed and left himself pliant so that he was easier to undress. "Thank you..." Eddie whispered.

"I should thank you, as well. You're putting a lot of trust in me, doing this," Charles said seriously. Once Eddie was completely naked, he guided the other man towards the bed and pulled him down with him. His hands began to stroke up and down Eddie's body, squeezing every so often.

"I've trusted you from the very beginning when we joined up..." Eddie admitted. "Somehow, I've always felt like everything would be okay as long as I listened to you..." He blushed as the attention quickly went to his groin and he began to get erect. He carefully, in case Xavier didn't want him to, began to run his own hands over Charles shoulders and arms.

Charles smiled at those words. "That feels good," he said...talking about both the words and the touch. To further encourage the affection, he pressed into Eddie's hands...not hiding that it made him feel good.

Eddie smiled back and began to stroke and squeeze Xavier more firmly and confidently. "It really does..." he responded, his erection full by that point.  "May I...?" He indicated Charles' clothes and the fact he was still wearing them.

"Go ahead," Charles encouraged.

Carefully, but eagerly, Eddie began to remove Xavier's clothing. As soon as his future bondmate was naked, he pressed close to get skin on skin contact. "Feels good..." he whispered. "Been a long time...."

"For me too," Charles admitted, before drawing Eddie in for a deep, lingering kiss. "You feel good," he whispered against Eddie's lips.

Eddie returned the kiss hungrily, but giving in completely to Charles. "This feels so right...I'm so thankful you decided we could be together..." he whispered back, before pressing further into the kiss, opening up for deepening it.

In response, Charles delved his tongue into Eddie's mouth, beginning to explore inside. His hands continued to rub down Eddie's back and sides, still squeezing, before his fingers lightly gripped the other man's member. His own was quickly growing to full hardness and leaking precum.

Eddie moaned into the kiss, letting his tongue rub along Xavier's, gently sucking. He began to shallowly thrust as he felt Charles gripping him.

Charles continued to stroke, but he stopped short of pushing Eddie to the point of release. After all, they needed to do the ritual to bond. He opened his drawer and took out the jar of lube. As he continued to kiss Eddie, he coated one finger in the lube and then pressed it against Eddie's entrance.

Eddie shifted enough so that he was wide open, giving Charles full access to his body. The tiny groan he let out betrayed how good it felt... how aroused he was. He was leaking precum enough that his member was slick from it. Pulling back from the kiss long enough to breathe, he begged, "Please," in a needy voice, then leaned in, capturing Xavier's lips with his own again.

It took only a moment for Charles to decide that both of them were far too near to the edge to take his time at this point. Pulling his finger away, he quickly coated his member in the lube. Then, he pushed inside Eddie.

Eddie moaned, grunting softly as he felt himself stretch around Charles. He felt overfull, but it still felt too good to stop. "Yes... please... more..." he begged further, his voice taut as he tried to hold on long enough to complete the ritual.

Gripping Eddie's hips, Charles began to thrust inside him...going hard and fast, although he made sure he didn't harm the other man. At the same time, he leaned over and captured Eddie's lips in another deeper, harder kiss.

Eddie gasped at the feeling of being overpowered and controlled as Xavier nearly hammered into him. He feverishly returned the kiss, clenching as tightly around his lover as possible, causing more friction. He was on the edge, barely holding on, waiting for permission to fall.

Charles dragged away from the kiss, only for long enough to order, "Let go." Then, he returned to kissing Eddie...nipping at his mate's lips. His own release was so close, it only needed Eddie's to trigger his.

Whimpering softly, Eddie immediately climaxed on Charles's order, his body quaking under and around his new master. A feeling of warmth spread through his body and suddenly, he could feel Charles in the back of his head; not like the normal telepathy, but a more permanent connection. I can feel you inside me... he thought giddily.

Charles' own release had come over him at the same time as Eddie's. As it faded, he felt Eddie there, stronger than how it felt when he could sense others. I can feel you too, he sent, his kiss turning more gentle and tender.

I belong to you now... Eddie's sense of relief and belonging was strong. And you belong to me. And from now on, I obey you.... he promised.

We belong to each other now, Charles agreed. No matter what happens.

Eddie snuggled close, contented. After we get cleaned up, can we just stay here till dinner time?

Of course. Charles held Eddie close for a few more moments before he finally pulled out. Then, he collected what he needed to clean them both up...and once that was done, he stretched out alongside Eddie and drew his mate into a tight embrace once more, so that they could cuddle until it was time for dinner.