Advent Day Twenty-Three

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


"Two more days till Christmas!" Colleen sang out, to the delight of the children. She then did a little shimmy, using one of the dances Kingo had taught her.

Kingo smiled at the sight of his mate doing one of the dances he'd taught her and clapped, giving her a wink. "Very good," he said.

"I had a brilliant teacher!" Colleen grinned back. Taking the hands of one of the children who was trying to dance with her, she began to show the child one of the simpler steps.

Standing, Kingo reached out to grasp one of the other children's hands, pulling him into one of the simple dances. He made sure the moves were easy for the rest of the children to follow as well.

The children were laughing and not doing bad at all. Colleen grinned even more brightly at Kingo. You are very good with them. Look at how they are gravitating toward you.

I like children, Kingo replied, smiling back at his mate. I'm happy we can spend time with them here.

You would be a good father, Colleen observed. Once Ultimus is gone...maybe....

It would be a different, better world, Kingo commented. A world we could bring a child into.

Yes. I don't think I could plan to do that before Ultimus is gone.... Colleen admitted. Unless it was to adopt. Ultimus has made so many orphans....

Adopting would be worthwhile, Kingo agreed.

Colleen helped the child she was dancing with into a seat. It was time to eat. It might even be necessary. I don't want to be negative, but we might not be able to reunite every family. Her feelings were sad and resigned.

I know. His own thoughts mirrored hers...but he also sent a wave of comforting reassurance through the bond. We could help the children who don't have anyone to find families, outside of any we choose to adopt ourselves, he suggested.

I want to do that, Colleen sent through gratefully, happy for his understanding and agreement.

Then that's what we'll do, he promised.

Jack Russell had been watching the impromptu dance recital with a pensive look. Feelings of protectiveness and fond defensive 'ownership' carried easily through the bond. The wolf had found its 'pack' and was very close to the surface.

Fury settled in place next to his mate and reached out, wrapping his arm around his mate's waist. Did you have a family back in your dimension? he asked.

No. I didn't want to put a family at risk, being with me. Not when there were hunters who would kill me without thinking twice, just because of what I was, Jack thought, sadly and almost wistfully. I had a friend who was almost like a brother. He was a creature too. But... This is the first time I ever felt like I was...home.

I'm glad, Fury said. You belong here. You belong with me. He gently squeezed around Jack's waist. We don't know how the bond works in sharing abilities, but I have noticed that I heal faster. And I have more energy than I did before. Not that he'd got tired easily...but now, when he was training, he could last a lot longer than he used to be able to.

Jack smiled at that. I have found that I feel calmer. I'm able to focus better. And while the wolf is still very close to the surface with the full moon approaching... he isn't trying to take over. He recognizes you as being in charge....

That's good to know, Fury replied. Do you need anything in particular to prepare for the full moon?

I don't believe so. The wolf is only dangerous when it feels threatened. And since we belong to you now, it feels safe... Jack grinned crookedly. I... do have to admit, the closer to the full moon, the more... horny I get. He blushed. Luckily, I'm not female. The chances of pregnancy increase during the full moon for our females.

Getting hornier isn't a problem, Fury said. I'm sure I can keep up with you, even if I'm not as young as I was. An element of teasing affection came through the bond.

Giddy amusement flowed through the bond. You've pretty much kept up with, if not outpaced me... Jack grinned fondly. If you didn't keep telling me, I wouldn't believe you weren't young.

Of course, I have spent almost my whole life honing those abilities. Fury's own fond amusement sparked through the bond.

Well, I like testing those skills... Jack waggled his eyebrows.

And I'm more than happy for you to test them, in any way you want to. Fury leaned over and kissed him.

Jack happily returned the kiss... eagerly. He made certain to put all his desire into the kiss, though he held back just enough to let Fury control the pace or how far they went.

Let's take this to our own room, Fury suggested. Putting action to words, he stood up and helped his mate to stand. He wrapped his arm around Jack's waist and led him from the room, heading to their own room.

Content to be with his mate, Jack followed without argument. Soon, they were secure behind closed doors. No one saw them again until dinner.