Advent Day Twenty-One

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


Sif was attempting to get ingredients together to make an Asgardian pastry. One of the children had remarked that it was day twenty-one and Christmas was four days away and she wanted to participate in some small way.

What are you making? Sprite asked her mate curiously. Can I do anything?

Lyja headed into the kitchen, walking close to Cassie, and noticed Sif and Sprite. "You decided to do some baking too?" she asked curiously.

"Everyone has been making their favorite holiday treats. I thought I would attempt to make an Asgardian treat that I grew up with..." Sif smiled at Lyja and Cassie before turning toward Sprite. "I would appreciate your help in finding the nearest equivalent to a frost berry. I described them to Friday, and she indicated it seems to be a cross between a strawberry and a cranberry.... Maybe I need to use half a portion of each...." she thought out loud.

"We could always try making a couple of different versions and see what's closest to what you know," Sprite suggested.

Lyja smiled. "I think that would be a good idea. I could make something my Mama and I used to have." She turned to Cassie. "Are there any holiday treats you'd like to make?"

Cassie grinned. "Potato candy!"

Sif nodded. "That's a good idea. I'll make a few small batches, taste it, then make a large batch of the one that is closest. I should have Thor and Loki taste test, too. They will remember it." She paused. Is there a special item you would like to make? she asked Sprite.

Not really. I was never very good at cooking. That was always Gilgamesh's specialty. Sprite smiled. I'd like to help you make yours, though. If you tell me what to do. She collected the strawberries and cranberries for Sif.

Even if you didn't bake or cook, I'm sure you had some favorite dishes... Sif smiled. She began to give directions for making the dessert.

Cassie was hovering next to Lyja. We can make your dessert first. Mine is very simple.

Well...let's make yours first. Then we can make one of mine. Sprite proceeded to follow Sif's directions.

Mine is simple too, Lyja said. It had to be, as we were in space most of the time. She began pulling out the ingredients that were needed.

The kitchen was filled with the sounds of directions being given and laughter. It took four different batches, but Sif finally found the blend that tasted closest to what she remembered.

Cassie was paying rapt attention to Lyja, memorizing the ingredients so she could make the treat for her mate.

Here. Try this. Lyja had put the food in to cook, and she scraped out some of the remaining batter and held the spoon out to Cassie. This is always the best part.

Cassie took a bite from the spoon, her eyes going wide. That's yummy! she thought, with excitement.

Sif finished the batter for the amounts they had decided were closest to what she remembered and put it into the oven. "Now it bakes for forty-five minutes. Did you think of something you would like to make? Or would you rather play cards?" She smiled at Sprite.

Lyja smiled at her mate, a feeling of happiness coming through the bond. Did you want us to make one of your favourite dishes?

"It'd be nice to play cards," Sprite replied.

The potato candy won't take long... If you still want to make it with me. Cassie grinned.

Sif grinned. "I have a deck of cards here. If you two want to make your candy, we can set up a game at this kitchen table...."

I would like to make it with you, Lyja replied, before responding out loud to Sif. "That would be nice."

Sif nodded. "Great. I look forward to trying this candy when you have finished," she added.

"Of course!" Cassie nodded and grinned, before beginning to pull out ingredients and explain to Lyja how the candy was made.

Lyja quickly moved over to help her mate start making the candy.

Sprite sat down at the table with Sif, so they could begin playing the game.

It didn't take long to make the candy. The longest portion was cooking the potatoes and soon, Cassie was rolling the candy paste and spreading peanut butter over it, then rolling it. "It needs to chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour, then we can cut it..." she said to Lyja.

Sif glanced up from the card game. "If you are ready, we can deal you in."

"I think we're ready." Lyja smiled at Sif, then turned that smile to her mate. "I look forward to trying it," she said warmly.

Cassie quickly put the candy in the refrigerator to set and then joined the others at the table.

Sif dealt them both in and they continued to spend an enjoyable afternoon together.