Advent Day Twenty-Four

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


Shuri had been working in the lab for the past few days. It was now Christmas Eve...and she was pretty much finished on the outfit she was creating. Do you want a Christmas Eve present? she sent through the bond to Pyro.

You have an early present for me? Pyro asked, almost childish excitement that someone had thought of him flowing through the bond. Where are you? I'm coming to you....

I'm in my lab, Shuri replied, sending him a feeling of welcome through the bond.

It didn't take long before Pyro was slipping quietly into the room. I'm here... he sent through the bond, so as not to startle her. He moved to her side, wrapping an arm around her, giving a gentle hug and a kiss on her cheek.

Smiling, she leaned against him, letting her head rest on his shoulder for a second, before she pulled away enough to show him what she'd made: a new suit. It will withstand the hottest fire you can create.

"That's the most thoughtful, useful gift anyone has given me..." he breathed out loud, his voice awed as he reached out and ran his fingers over the suit. "Can I try it on?" he asked in excitement.

"Of course," Shuri replied. "You can test it out if you would like to."

Grinning brightly, Pyro made certain the door to her lab was closed before he began to strip so he could try on the outfit. It's so soft... He squeezed the material gently, before beginning to put it on. 

Shuri smiled and shifted so that she could get a good enough view. Comfort is very important.

Pyro preened, feeling her watching, making sure to put on a good show. He smiled mischievously. Well, it is very comfortable, he admitted. I got you something too. It isn't as personal, but I hope you like it....

Her smile brightened and a feeling of happiness came through the bond. What did you get me? Her excitement was almost childlike.

Wait here! Pyro gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then ran out of her lab to go to the park where the Christmas tree was. He quickly located her gift and ran back, handing it to her. It was brightly wrapped.

Her excitement and happiness spiked through the bond and she leaned in to kiss his cheek. Thank you so much! She unwrapped the present.

Pyro bit his lip, nervously waiting for her reaction to the laboratory supplies he'd found and retrieved for her; instruments that she could use for numerous experiments.

Happiness and excitement pulsed through the bond and she reached out to pull him into a tight hug. Thank you so much! They're perfect!

Pyro hugged tightly, contented and happy. I'm glad you like them. He kissed her nose. If you want to use them, I can stay here with you and be your assistant....

I'd like that, she agreed, her own feelings content and happy.

Great! Just tell me what to do... He grinned happily. I'm at your beck and call, Princess. He settled in to spend a happy and relaxing afternoon with her.


Eddie was arguing with Venom...again. Venom refused to come out in front of anyone but the small family they had formed in the year prior to joining the compound. That meant Eddie ate meals with everyone else, but then had to go back to the kitchens after everyone was asleep so Venom could get more of what he needed. He didn't begrudge Venom the food. He had told those in charge about the symbiote. So it was very frustrating that Venom refused to come out and made Eddie miss out on sleep because he couldn't eat at normal times.

Xavier had noticed that Eddie needed to keep sneaking to the kitchens after everyone else had gone to sleep. He'd left it for a short amount of time, hoping that Venom would be able to come round, but when the behaviour continued, he decided he needed to put a stop to it.

Making sure he kept the bond open between them so that he didn't spook either Eddie or Venom, Xavier went and found the two of them.

Eddie was trying to come up with an idea that would show everyone that Venom was good and also convince Venom that everyone thought that. The only idea he'd come up with was a bit dangerous, though, so he was reluctant to do it unless Venom refused to listen to reason. He was continuing to think on his options when Charles came in.

"Is everything okay?" Xavier paused close to Eddie...and therefore Venom, since the symbiote was inside his mate. "You're obviously deep in thought." He left the bond open between them, so that Eddie would hopefully feel a bit more comfortable being more open and honest.

Venom still refuses to come out around anyone not from our original group. I'm trying to come up with a way to convince him he doesn't need to hide... Eddie sighed softly.

Venom, why won't you come out? Charles asked the symbiote.

Venom whispered through Eddie, not wanting to risk being seen, I do not wish to scare the little Squishies...

They've been scared by Ultimus taking their parents from them, Xavier said. But if you show yourself to them, they will see you as another protector. They might not understand the bonding and what it entails, but they understand a lot more than I think most of the adults here give them credit for. And many of them are similar ages to Nate, who likes and trusts you, he added.

Maybe... Venom didn't sound convinced.

Eddie huffed in exasperation. "I'll prove it to you!" he nearly growled.

"How are you planning to do that?" Xavier asked his bondmate.

"He won't let me be hurt..." Eddie threw over his shoulder, as he walked out of the kitchen to head back to bed. "I'll just have an accident when there are a lot more people around. When they see him rescue me, they'll not be afraid and he can stop hiding."

Frowning, eyes narrowed with concern, Xavier quickly followed his mate. "Eddie, you are not going to deliberately hurt yourself," he stated firmly.

Eddie glanced over his shoulder. "Of course not. Venom won't let me be hurt, so it won't ever reach the point of me hurting myself...."

"You are not even going to try." Xavier walked to Eddie and reached out, clasping the other man's shoulder firmly. His voice was more stern now.

"It would let Venom prove to everyone that he is a help and not scary. And then he could stop hiding..." Eddie argued.

Venom had been and was conspicuously silent during the discussion.

"Putting yourself in danger is one of the worst ways to prove that," Xavier replied. "I know Venom protects you from harm, but what if something goes wrong? What if Venom gets hurt, or is unable to help you? Venom might make it harder for you to be hurt, but he doesn't make you indestructible."

"Wasn't going to do something super dangerous." Eddie pouted, feeling foolish in the face of Charles's admonishment.

"Should spank you for even thinking it..." Venom finally muttered, obviously upset that Eddie would push him in such a manner.

"Maybe we should move this conversation to our room," Xavier suggested, not wanting to embarrasss Eddie, but unable to help feeling like Venom had a point.

A spike of affronted irritation crossed Eddie's face as he muttered, "I wouldn't have to be thinking of anything like this if you weren't being a stubborn asshole....". He followed Charles to their room, though, not wanting to wake anyone else up with their arguing, or draw the attention of anyone who might still be up. It wasn't like Venom would come out where they would see them; it would just be Eddie and his mate having a loud and embarrassing discussion, as far as anyone else was concerned.

As soon as they were back in their room, though, Eddie crossed his arms over his chest. "Why am I the one in trouble when he's the one that kept pushing me?' he asked, sounding like a querulous child who had been arguing with a sibling. He hadn't been getting enough sleep and was beyond acting his age or listening to reason.

Xavier didn't bother trying to talk to Eddie, or calm him down with words. It was very obvious that the other man was at the point where talking calmly and reasonably wouldn't do anything. He moved over to Eddie's side and reached out, gently squeezing his mate's shoulder. He didn't say anything, instead using that grip on his mate to guide Eddie over to the bed.

Eddie didn't fight the physical guidance. For all the tired irritation that couldn't allow him to listen to reason, there was part of him, deep inside, that knew his mate was right, and needed Charles to take control and stop him. He couldn't stop himself.

When he reached the bed, Xavier sat down and guided Eddie into position across his lap. He wrapped an arm around Eddie's waist, pulling his mate tight against his stomach, then proceeded to bare him.

"But... I didn't do it... I just thought about it!" Eddie whined softly. He didn't try and pull away or fight, though. He submitted immediately. Through the bond was a feeling of frustration; but under it all was relief, acceptance, and gratitude that his mate was stepping in to stop him. He knew if Charles left it to him, he'd follow through on those thoughts. He never had been able to control his impulses when it came to questionable ideas.

"You would have done it if I hadn't put a stop to it," Xavier said, his voice calm. He kept the bond open between them, so that Eddie could feel his own feelings of reassurance and affection. He then brought his hand down in the first firm smack that he then repeated.

Eddie let out a tiny yip at the first swat and flushed. He couldn't believe he was being spanked at his age. Yes, he'd agreed that Xavier was in control, but somehow, he'd ignored what that really meant, even if he'd acknowledged it. You're right... he reluctantly admitted through the bond, finding it difficult to speak when he was clenching his teeth to avoid yelping after every swat. Charles didn't seem to be using his full strength, but it was still hard enough to hurt.

I know you want to help Venom, but putting yourself in danger is not the way to do that. Xavier continued to swat firmly, working his way over every inch of Eddie's backside before starting over from the top.

He won't listen, though! Everyone already knows he's there, but he won't let them meet him! Eddie had begun to squirm. The swats burned.

It doesn't do any good to try and force it. It won't help Venom, and it won't help you. Xavier started a new circuit of swats, going a fraction harder and faster.

I... I know. But it's getting so hard... I only get a couple hours of sleep before he wakes me up so he can eat and all the stuff he can't do while hiding, Eddie confessed. By the time he feels settled enough for me to sleep, I only get another hour before it is time to get up for the day. I'm so tired, it felt like a good idea to take chances and argue and... He began to cry. I still want to push. I don't think I can be good.

I know it's hard. Xavier's mental voice, along with the feelings coming through the bond, was gentle and reassuring. But you aren't alone in dealing with this. I'll help you. And if Venom doesn't feel comfortable enough to come out with other people around yet, maybe it's worth seeing if our bond would allow him to be in me for short periods of time, he offered. That way, you're not the only one staying awake for his sake.

I... I need your help. Can't do what I should without it .. Eddie admitted, finally slumping over Charles's knee.

Venom hesitantly peeked out of Eddie's shoulder. "I didn't mean to break him..." he said, in a small but very worried voice.

Xavier stopped spanking and instead started gently rubbing Eddie's lower back. When Venom emerged, he said softly, "Eddie needs enough sleep to keep him healthy, especially as he's hosting you. I understand you're worried about the people here being scared of you, but I really don't think they will be. The children here have accepted far more in this world than they ever had to before. Accepting a friend who just looks a little different will be much easier on them."

Venom leaned his head around to nuzzle Eddie's exhausted, tear-stained face before moving it up to look Charles in the eye. "I have been hurting him because I didn't want to scare the children... I didn't want to hurt him...." He paused. "You really believe they won't be afraid?"

Eddie remained lying over Charles's lap, softly crying. He was crying more because of exhaustion than any other reason, though. Through the bond, Charles would be able to feel his contentment at being over his mate's lap where Charles's could rub. He felt safe and controlled. With as out of control he'd been feeling, Charles being in control was comforting.

Xavier continued to gently rub Eddie's back, sending waves of reassurance, care and love through the bond. At the same time, he answered Venom's question. "Nate was never scared of you. The rest of the children won't be either. They already know that you protect Eddie. They already know you exist, even though they haven't met you yet."

"Okay..." Venom said quietly. "Eddie should sleep. I will refrain from waking him up at night...." He didn't say he would come out in front of the others, but he did seem a little less reluctant when he realized not doing so hurt his Eddie.

Eddie was relaxing more and more the longer Charles rubbed. He was barely aware of anything outside of his mate's hands. It didn't take long for him to fall into a peaceful sleep, not caring in the least that he was still draped, bare, over Charles's knee.

"Thank you, Venom," Charles whispered, not wantiing to risk his mate waking up. He moved carefully, replacing Eddie's clothing and then settling them both into bed, so that Eddie would finally get some proper rest.