Advent Day Twenty

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


Peter Andrew had spent most of the morning in the lab, working on various experiments. When it got to lunchtime (or, rather, when his stomach decided it was lunch time), he headed to the kitchen to begin making a sandwich.

Last night, he'd dreamed...and he was pretty sure he'd dreamed about his counterpart, another Peter in a different dimension. And in his dream, his counterpart had been making a peanut butter and banana sandwich.

It wasn't a combination Peter would have ever thought about putting together before, but if his counterpart liked it...there was probably a good chance that he'd also like it.

Stephen had been giving a health class to the children. With the lack of real schoolbooks or a certified teacher, the adults were teaching the children whatever age-appropriate items from their own professions they could. He walked in to make himself a sandwich and coffee. "What are you making?" he asked curiously.

"A peanut butter and banana sandwich," Peter answered. "I had a dream about one of my least, I think it was one of my counterparts. And he was making a peanut butter and banana sandwich. So, I figured I'd try it."

Stephen blinked. "Okay. I'll stick to jam, I think." He began to make his own sandwich, pulling out strawberry jam from the refrigerator.

"You might have a point there." Peter eyed the sandwich he'd just made. Now that he'd made it, he wasn't so sure it looked all that appetizing.

"Well. Best not to waste food..." Stephen grinned mischievously and took a big bite of his sandwich. I believe I read once that peanut butter and banana sandwiches was a favorite of Elvis Presley....

Peter took a much smaller bite of his own sandwich, chewing it carefully before swallowing...a look of disgust on his face and coming clear through the bond. I think he can keep it.

Stephen had just taken a sip of soda to wash down the sandwich when Peter's response came through. Coupled with the disgusted look on his face, it caused Stephen to inhale the soda, and he had to put his plate and can down while he choked and coughed. If a version of him came through from another dimension, you can tell him that... he thought in wry amusement.

I'll be sure to tell him that. If I ever got the chance to meet him. Peter eyed the sandwich but continued eating it. Stephen was right, after all: they didn't want to waste food. He did take plenty of sips of soda in between mouthfuls, though, to try and remove the worst of the taste.

Surely it isn't that bad... Stephen gave his mate a skeptically amused look. He finished his own sandwich and drank his soda. It's banana. And peanut butter. Supposedly, they complement each other.

It's not the worst thing I've tasted, but I can't understand why my counterpart likes it. Peter finished the sandwich and the rest of his soda, quickly washing the rest of the taste away, and grimaced. Well, lesson learned there.

Well... It proves that our counterparts aren't clones. We likely need to remember that when dealing with different versions of our friends. Stephen nodded. Just because our version of a friend likes certain things and behaves certain ways, doesn't mean every version will.

I guess you're right, Peter said. It's a shame, though. I thought I might discover something new about myself. He began to clean up.

You did, though. A fond feeling spread through the bond. You discovered you do not like peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Would you have even tried to find that out before?

Peter paused, thinking seriously about the question. No, I probably wouldn't have, he admitted. It wouldn't even have occurred to me.

Well, there you have it. You now know something new about yourself you wouldn't have known. Maybe next time, I will try that peanut butter and banana sandwich... Stephen teased.

Well, like you said, you'd learn something new about yourself, Peter replied, a trace of amusement in his voice. Want me to wash up your things too?

We can wash up together. Stephen smiled. Are you busy the rest of the afternoon?

Not really, Peter answered. There's nothing more I can do on any of the experiments I had running...and there aren't any new samples to look at for the bond, so.... You? he asked.

I finished what I needed to do as well. Want to go watch a movie? Stephen asked.

Sure. We could always join the kids for another Christmas movie, Peter suggested impishly.

Stephen paused. You don't think they are watching that Grinch monstrosity again, do you? he asked hesitantly.

Uh, maybe? It seems to be one of their favorites, Peter replied.

Maybe we can go back to our room and watch something a little more adult... Stephen suggested.

Sure, Peter agreed easily. They'd finished cleaning up by that point and began to head to their room to do just that.

Once in their room, Stephen found a more obscure and less childish Christmas movie to put on, then settled on the bed with Peter to watch it. Peace flowed through the bond.


Kamala looked over Mobius shoulder curiously but kept quiet. She didn't fully understand what she was looking at but didn't want to interrupt to ask questions.

Mobius put down the book he was reading and sighed, rubbing at his temples. He hadn't found out anything...not really...and now, he was getting a headache.

Frowning slightly- she might not feel his pain, but the tension was palpable through the bond- Kamala began to massage Mobius' neck and shoulders without thought. "Did you not find what you were looking for?" she whispered softly, in deference to his head, not wanting to risk making the headache worse by speaking through the bond.

"Unfortunately, not." He relaxed under her touch, letting out a tiny sigh as her massage helped soothe the tension headache that had formed. "I'd hoped there would be information on Ultimus...but every promising lead I found came to a dead end."

"I'm not really surprised. He probably destroys anything about himself as soon as he can, to prevent his enemies finding out information..." Kamala said softly, continuing the massage. It made her happy to help ease his pain.

He sighed, a feeling of gratitude coming through the bond towards her. "It feels good," he said softly, obviously relaxing into her touch.

Good. I am happy I can help you feel good... Kamala continued the massage, allowing her love for him to flow through the bond.

You do. Very good. I can feel the headache going away already. He knew she'd be able to feel it through the bond, too.

Kamala smiled and she leaned over to kiss the back of his neck. When you are done for the day, would you like to relax in a hot bath while I read to you?

That sounds like a really good idea, he agreed, a feeling of happiness sparking immediately through the bond.

Kamala's own sense of happiness spread through the bond at feeling Mobius's happiness. How long do you think till you are finished? She was grinning brightly.

I'm finished now. He turned his head enough to capture her lips with his own.

Kamala returned the kiss eagerly. Let's go, then... she thought, a spike of lust traveling through the bond. She held her hand out to him so they could retreat to their room together.

Taking her hand, he followed her into their room, so that they could relax and spend the rest of the day together.