Advent Day Twelve

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


The morning of the twelfth of December, Phastos got up fairly early. He'd planned a full day with his two mates and his son...complete with a picnic in the park. He'd got up earlier than Ben and Ross, so that he could start preparing for their day.

Ben had woken up not long after his husband and quickly dressed and joined him, careful not to disturb Everett.

"He's been working so hard, trying to map out locations that he remembered as being storage areas for items that might be useful to the compound; places that might be safe... Part of me wonders if we should set a time where he has to quit. But what he is doing is useful and the others are working just as hard, so... you've known him longer. What do you think?" he whispered to Phastos, deliberately not speaking through the bond because he didn't want to accidentally wake Ross if he picked up on the 'frequency'.

"I think you're right," Phastos agreed, his voice just as soft. "I think we need to put boundaries in place. I know everyone is working hard here...but they're also taking time to relax and take care of themselves. It's important that Everett do that as well. And if he can't do it himself, then I think we need to be prepared to do that for him."

"Glad we are in agreement, love." Ben smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "Today would be a good day for a relaxing day... and if I'm not wrong, you seem to have something in mind?"

Phastos smiled. "I planned for us to spend the day with Jack...starting with a picnic in the park. And then playing some of the board games; perhaps even making and decorating some gingerbread men."

"That is a wonderful idea... and I'm sure Jack will agree. And Ross too, once he learns of it. He loves Jack as much as we do..." Ben smiled. "We might not even need to resort to ordering him if he realizes what your plans are...."

"That would definitely be the better option," Phastos agreed. He leaned forward and brushed a kiss against Ben's lips, a feeling of love and happiness coming through the bond.

"Why don't we let him sleep a little longer...? I'm certain Jack is up now. We can go make breakfast... let him help. Then he can bring his Da breakfast in bed...." Ben smiled.

"That sounds good," Phastos agreed. He wrapped an arm around Ben's shoulders to guide his husband from their bedroom.

It didn't take them long to find Jack; their son was already up and watching a Christmas video in the recreation room with the other children. Motioning to him, Ben asked, "Do you want to help make breakfast in bed for your Da?"

Jack's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly, standing to join his two parents who were there. "Yes please!"

Phastos chuckled softly and reached out to wrap his arm around Jack, hugging their son close. "Let's go to the kitchen, then." He began walking in that direction.

Ben followed behind, smiling brightly. He was so grateful to be able to be with his husband and son again. The fact they'd gained a fourth member to their family was just the icing on the proverbial cake. "What should we make? Omelets? Pancakes? Oatmeal?" he asked Jack.

"Pancakes!" Jack exclaimed enthusiastically. "With fresh fruit and syrup!"

Phastos laughed. "Pancakes it is."

Ben chuckled and began pulling out the ingredients for pancakes. "Do you want the fruit in the pancakes, or on top? Or as a side?"

"In the pancakes." Jack went to pick out the fruit he wanted to put in the pancakes.

Phastos smiled fondly as he went to gather syrup and get the cooker turned on, so that they could cook the pancakes.

Ben quickly made the pancake mix, then grabbed a pan so they could begin the process of cooking.

It didn't take long before the three of them were cooking, preparing pancakes for them to share with the fourth member of their family.

As soon as they had a platter of the pancakes, Ben looked at Phastos and Jack. "Shall we carry these in and wake your Da up?" he asked Jack. "If you want to carry the plates, and if you'll bring the glasses and drink..." He looked at Phastos. "I'll bring this platter of pancakes and the syrup."

Jack quickly nodded, reaching to pick up the plates and heading carefully out of the kitchen.

Retrieving the glasses and drink, Phastos began to follow their son, walking slowly so that he could stay next to Ben.

Ben carefully balanced the platter of pancakes and the syrup, walking back to their room with the rest of his family. It didn't take long, and they were slipping inside quietly.

Everett was still sound asleep, a testament to the fact he'd been overworking and not getting enough sleep.

I'll wake him, Phastos sent through the bond. He carefully placed the glasses and drink down, then moved over to Everett's side and placed a hand on his other mate's shoulder.

Despite being tired, it only took Phastos's touch to wake Everett. He opened his eyes, instantly alert. "Is everything okay?" he asked, noticing everyone in the room.

"Everything's fine." Phastos' smile was warm, and he sent waves of reassurance through the bond.

"We made breakfast!" Jack said proudly.

Everett blinked at that before carefully sitting up. "You brought me breakfast? In bed?" He sounded equal parts confused, bemused, and pleased.

Jack nodded quickly before he began setting everything out.

Phastos smiled at Everett. "You've been working so hard, I thought we'd take today just for us."

Everett blushed. "Just the family? And no working?" he asked for confirmation. He was grinning, though.

"No working," Phastos confirmed. "We're spending the day together, all four of us. It's a family day."

"I like the sound of that..." Everett said quietly, a feeling of happiness that he was part of the family seeping through the bond.

Jack was busy setting out the trays with the plates and pancakes. Now, he began pouring each of them a glass of juice. Then, he sat down on the bed with Everett. He was really too old to 'snuggle', but he wanted to be close to all of his parents.

"Was this your idea, Jack?" Everett asked with a smile, wrapping an arm around the boy. He never thought he'd be able to be a parent to anyone... he was grateful that Jack accepted him. That could be felt through the bond as well.

"It was Papa and Dad's," Jack answered honestly, leaning into Everett.

Phastos chuckled good naturedly. "I'm sure you would have thought of it if we hadn't."

"Well, I appreciate that you wanted to participate...It means a lot to me..." Everett said honestly. Jack could have hated him, viewed him as an interloper. But he hadn't.

Ben smiled at his son and his other mate fondly. "Let's eat before it gets cold..." he said, making sure everyone had what they needed before sitting down and beginning to eat.

Phastos ate hungrily, having quite a big appetite. He was obviously happy and content with his mates and his son. Those feelings came very clearly through the bond, as well as in the way he smiled often at his family.

Everett relaxed, enjoying the meal, and looking forward to the day he knew he'd be spending with his family. He felt like he truly belonged.


Brock had been spending a lot of time following Sam around since Jack Rollins had showed up. Seeing his old brother-in-arms... someone else who had willingly followed HYDRA, but eventually realized what a mistake it was... had given him hope that maybe others would turn on HYDRA and Ultimus. It also made him feel more secure in his decision. But even with the positive emotions he'd gained from having his old friend back in his life and on the same side as him, there was a slight unhappiness. It reminded him of all he'd done wrong before realizing his errors, and he'd been feeling guilty. Following Sam kept him from acting on that guilt.

Sam noticed that Brock was sticking close to him. He couldn't miss how his mate was feeling. After lunch, he reached out through the bond to his mate. Let's go to our room, he suggested. I think we need to talk.

Yessir... Brock responded, shifting to follow Sam back to their room.

Sam led Brock to their room and headed inside, closing the door behind them. I noticed that Jack appearing has affected you. He started off with a simple statement, leaving it open for Brock to talk about what he needed to.

Brock swallowed before looking up at Sam from his slumped posture. We were best friends... almost brothers... in HYDRA together, Brock began. It feels really good to see that he realized the same thing I did and turned on them too... Even if we both were too little, too late. He winced. I can't help feeling guilty, though. And now, seeing him every day... I feel stupid too. I can't stop thinking about what I should have done. What we should have done. Because if two of us realize how wrong we were, then it wasn't something that was really hard to see. It shouldn't have taken us as long as it did to realize.

Sam listened, paying attention not only to the words his mate was saying, but also to what was coming through the bond. Finally, he spoke. It's true that you were on the wrong side...that you were both on the wrong side. And maybe it's also true that you were there for far too long. But you also need to remember that you both switched sides without any help. You both chose to do the right thing. Without any encouragement or being forced into it.

Brock listened to his mate, and it helped, a little, but not completely. How could I have ever believed I was right?

It's really easy to look back at something with hindsight and know the path you should have taken, Sam replied.

I know. Still. It doesn't make me question myself any less... Brock sighed.

You did what other HYDRA agents have refused to or been unable to, Sam said. You realized you were wrong...and you turned against them. You did a lot more than many other people could have done. He reached out to draw Brock into his arms. Learning from your mistakes is more important than having never made those mistakes at all.

Brock relaxed as Sam held him. Thank you for that... he thought gratefully. I do want to learn... I don't want to make the same mistakes.

I know you won't, Sam replied. Not only have you learned from the mistakes you've already made, but I'm here for you now. And I won't let you make those same mistakes again, he promised.

Brock moved closer, pressing into Sam. I know you'll help me. I can't ever thank you enough....

Sam kissed him tenderly. I love you. You don't need to thank me, he said seriously.

Brock returned the kiss eagerly, needing to show how much he loved and needed Sam. He couldn't have done any of what he'd done and succeeded, not without Sam's help. I love you too. So much.

Sam led Brock to the bed and gently pulled him down onto it, so that he could spend the rest of the day demonstrating how he was there for Brock and would continue to be there for him.