Advent Day Three

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


The next day was uneventful. People wandered into the kitchen and got breakfast at random times of the day, sticking more to family groups and bonded pairs. There was an unspoken need for connection. It made things interesting for those still not bonded, though. They found themselves congregating together in the recreational room, getting to know each other further; just in case they could form a connection and bond sooner than later.

Cooper hoped he could form a connection and not have to wait until they found others not in the compound. Seeing the others who were bonded and how happy they were made him long for that safety and security against Ultimus. "So... what do you all think about... all this?" he asked those in the room with him: Emil, Ilyana, Riktor, Jessica, Sam and Elsa.

"What do you mean?" Jessica asked. "Are you talking about the compound? The bonding? The fact they all seem to be in Ds relationships?"

Cooper shrugged. "Any and all of the above?"

"It seems to work for everyone here," Riktor commented. "I guess it's not a normal way of fighting back against Ultimus...but it works, so that's important."

Sam grimaced slightly. "I feel bad if someone decides they want to try and bond with me. I don't know how it works, but I'm still having nightmares. Last thing I want is to drag someone else into them with me."

"Maybe whoever bonds with you will be able to help you with them..." Cooper suggested.

Jessica glanced at him. "How so?"

"Well, I know when Mom and Betty bonded, they became able to share thoughts and feelings. Bolster each other, calm each other, whatever... Maybe whoever bonds with you, Sam, will be able to observe your nightmares from an outside perspective and come up with a way to help you...." Cooper said.

Emil nodded. "Seems like there are a lot more pros to the bond than cons. And the fact it keeps Ultimus out of our heads is the biggest pro."

Sam shrugged. "I guess we'll just have to see."

Riktor glanced towards Cooper. " you feel a draw to anyone?" he asked curiously. Out of the group of them, Cooper and Elsa were the only ones he didn't know. And he didn't really feel drawn to any of the ones from his own group, since they felt more like family to him than potential bond mates.

"Everyone I came here with is too much like family to me... I guess I'm hoping I click with one of you all..." Cooper admitted.

Emil had wrapped an arm around Ilyana in a comforting way, as she was being very quiet and he figured she was probably feeling uncomfortable being with so many people.

Riktor nodded in understanding. "Yeah. I kind of feel that way around my group, too," he admitted.

Ilyana had been quietly holding her stuffed dragon, but she leaned into Emil as he wrapped an arm around her. "There's so many people here..." she whispered, not adding that she wasn't used to so many people anymore.

"I know, sweetie. Do you want to go to your room for a little while and get some quiet?" Emil asked considerately.

Cooper smiled at Riktor. "Sounds like you and I should get together. If only because we can't see getting with anyone we knew before..." He laughed faintly.

"Maybe..." Ilyana admitted, though she clearly felt bad about needing to have some quiet.

Riktor shrugged. "If you're willing to bond with a near stranger...."

Emil stood and helped Ilyana stand. "Don't feel bad, Love. It's a lot to get used to. I could use some quiet myself," he said, as he led her back toward their rooms. "You can stay with me for a little in my room, if you don't want to be alone completely," he offered.

Cooper looked at Riktor. "We've been hanging out a few weeks now, so not a complete stranger. I have to admit, bonding will take a huge worry away....if you were serious about it."

Ilyana nodded, letting herself lean on him. "That'd be nice," she admitted.

Emil led Ilyana into his room. "Have you given any more thoughts to bonding?" he asked her. It was on all their minds... How they couldn't leave the compound until they were safe.

"I don't know who I'd bond with," Ilyana admitted. "Whoever it was...they'd be taking on a lot." She looked down at her stuffed dragon, wishing she could open a portal to her dimension so that she could talk to him.

"You know, I'm more than happy to take it on. I bring my own baggage. It'd be good to be with someone that understood that ahead of time," Emil said quietly.

Ilyana glanced at him, a little uncertainly. "You're offering to bond with me?"

"I am..." Emil said. "We know each other. We know the challenges each of us face. And the bond apparently adapts to what is needed... So. If you think you could be happy with it, I would be willing to bond with you," he asserted.

Ilyana bit her lip, thinking seriously about it, before she finally nodded. "Okay..." she whispered, still a little uncertainly. She slowly put her toy dragon down, turning him so that he couldn't 'see' them.

Emil smiled patiently as she adjusted the dragon, then once she was facing him again, he held his arms open, inviting her to move into them.

Ilyana took a deep breath and moved over, stepping into his arms...stepping close to him. She was nervous, but not really afraid. She'd made the decision and wouldn't back out.

Reaching forward and gently pulling her into his arms, Emil just held her for a few moments, cuddling her. "I'm going to undress you now, okay?" he finally whispered, waiting for her to respond before continuing, treating her like a skittish filly.

Ilyana took another deep breath before letting it out slowly and nodding. "Okay," she whispered.

Waiting a few more seconds for her to get used to the idea, he began to remove her clothing. He didn't rush. After each piece was removed, he gently ran his hands over the exposed skin, stroking and squeezing, leaning in and kissing as well.

Whimpering and letting out tiny moans and huffs of air, she pressed into the touching and kissing when it felt especially good. She wasn't a virgin...this wasn't the first time she'd been with someone. But it was the first time it had been due to her own choice.

Emil continued the gentle stroking and kissing. Soon, she was completely naked and he led her to his bed. "I'm going to get undressed now," he said quietly, helping her onto the bed before quickly disrobing himself. As soon as he was naked, he climbed onto the bed next to her and began his gentle exploration again, paying close attention to her movements and sounds so that he would continue to make her feel good.

Biting her lip, Ilyana reached out hesitantly...almost touch him in return, letting her hands lightly rub lightly over his arms. His own touches and exploration made her feel good and she didn't try to hide that or hold back her reactions.

"That's good, Love..." Emil encouraged the touch. He began to arouse and it was obvious to her, as he didn't try and hide it.

Ilyana grew a little bolder with her touches and exploration at  his encouragement. Her own body was flushing, growing warm with arousal, as she continued making tiny sounds to indicate how good she felt.

Emil was soon fully aroused. He moved back up her body to capture her lips in a kiss while he gently inserted a finger at her center, moving it slowly inside her.

She responded eagerly to the kiss, moaning against his lips and arching against him when he pushed a finger inside. It felt good.

Emil continued to kiss and finger, waiting for the moment when she was aroused enough it wouldn't hurt.

It didn't take long for her body to reach full arousal, her juices beginning to flow. She gave a tiny whimper, gripping onto him a bit tighter.

He pulled away from the kiss long enough to whisper, "I'm going to take you now..." before shifting between her legs and lining up, pushing in slow and steady.

Ilyana gasped, body arching as she whimpered softly at feeling him push inside her. It didn't hurt, didn't even feel uncomfortable, but she wasn't used to that kind of action feeling good and not hurting.

Emil nuzzled her shoulder as he continued to push in. "I got you, Love... it's going to feel so good..." he promised, as he finally pushed all the way in. He held still for several moments, to allow her to adjust to him, before he started thrusting, slow but firm.

Her moan was long and drawn out. She began panting softly, her body becoming more sensitive as he thrust inside her. Her breathing began to come in heavy pants, betraying just how aroused she was.

He continued to thrust slow but deep, making sure she felt every inch of him. While thrusting he kissed and gently nibbled the skin of her shoulders and neck.

She couldn't stop the breathy gasps and moans that escaped her lips, clinging tightly to him. It didn't take much for her to reach the very edge and she gripped onto him tighter, almost afraid to let go and fall over the edge.

"Let go... he murmured into her ear, kissing the shell of it. "I'll follow right behind..." Emil groaned.

All it took was him giving her permission for her orgasm to shudder through her. She couldn't help crying out, her fingers gripping him even tighter as her body arched.

Emil grunted at feeling her tight grip, feeling her orgasm under and around him, and he lost control, going into a shuddering climax himself. When his body finally calmed enough that he could talk, he kissed her again. That was very good... he thought. I can feel you in my head now. A constant presence. We can always be there for each other now.

Ilyana's body relaxed and she smiled up at him, a sense of peace and calm radiating from her to him. You feel comforting. Safe, she admitted. It might only be the third day in December, but I feel like I got my Christmas present early.

Emil blushed at that, a pleased grin forming on his face as he looked down at her. I feel like I was gifted too... he admitted, before carefully pulling out. I'm going to clean us both up and then we can just stay in bed for a while. I see no reason to rush back out with all the rest of the people.

Ilyana nodded. It feels nice and peaceful in here. She hesitated before asking, Can we share the same room, now that we're bonded?

Yes. I would be very happy if you'd move in here with me, Emil kissed her again, before going to get washcloths. It didn't take him long to clean them both up and soon, he was cuddling her close again. We can move your things just before dinner.

I'd like that. Ilyana closed her eyes and cuddled in close, relaxing visibly in his arms.


"Well. We could wait, on the off chance that we might find someone we mesh with better," Riktor said. "But I agree with you. Bonding will make things easier. We won't have to worry about Ultimus getting in our heads. And we'll have a bit more freedom than we do currently. So yes. I'm serious about it."

"In that case... Now?" Cooper grinned crookedly.

"Now's as good a time as any," Riktor agreed.

"Yours or mine?" Cooper asked amicably, standing up to head to the rooms.

Riktor shrugged. "I can go either way."

Cooper thought about it. "My room is a mess. Probably should go to to yours," he said sheepishly.

"Okay, we can use my room," Riktor agreed easily, as he made his way to his own room. He opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door once Cooper was in as well. "Have you ever done anything like this before?" he asked curiously.

Cooper wrinkled his nose and flushed. "No..." he reluctantly admitted. "I kinda wanted to wait for 'the one' and then Ultimus happened and my opportunities disappeared."

"I haven't either," Riktor admitted. "I know enough about the mechanics, but we'll both be feeling our way along. I guess we want to figure out who's going to take the lead in this."

Cooper nodded. "I'm not really the take-lead type, but if you don't feel comfortable doing it, I guess I can manage...."

"I can take the lead. It isn't a problem." Riktor hesitated. "My powers are similar to Charles'. If you're agreeable, we can create a mind link before the bond forms. That way, I'll be able to tell immediately if something feels good...or doesn't...and adjust accordingly."

Cooper's eyes widened at that. "Yeah. That sounds good!" he said, impressed. "I don't have any special abilities," he said hesitantly. "I'm just regular. Not anyone special...." He didn't mean to sound insecure, but both of his parents were very good at what they did, and Lila and Nathan took after them. Compared to the rest of his family, he felt like he was like a plain boiled egg to their souffle. Finding out his future bond-mate had powers brought that deeply hidden insecurity out. Would Riktor change his mind?

"You managed to stay free of Ultimus for over a year," Riktor said quietly. "I wouldn't call that just regular. And once we bond, it should follow the same pattern as the others," he added. "Which means you'll be able to use my ability."

Cooper nodded. "Wish I could give you something extra too, but... I'll just have to make sure I'm as helpful as possible."

"You're giving me safety and security from Ultims," Riktor said honestly. "It's more than enough."

Cooper smiled crookedly. "It helps that you think so..." he admitted.

"Every time I went out before, I had to worry about the possibility of Ultimus getting his hooks in me," Riktor replied. "I won't have to worry about that anymore once we're bonded." He led Cooper over to the bed and began to strip him, letting his hands rub gently over bare skin as it was revealed.

"We can go out and the only thing we'll need to worry about is patrols..." Cooper agreed. He shivered as he was undressed, not fighting Riktor's movements, hesitantly running his hands over the other man as well.

Riktor reached out mentally, opening a link between them so that he'd be able to feel if something felt good to Cooper or not. Once his soon to be bond mate was naked, he gently pulled Cooper down onto the bed with him.

Feeling Riktor through the link helped Cooper relax. He couldn't mess up if Riktor could see in his thoughts what his intentions were. He obediently crawled onto the bed next to Riktor, keeping himself pliant and open.

Riktor began to follow the path his hands had taken with his lips, tongue and teeth...gently grazing Cooper's skin. While he did so, he kept the link between them open...making sure Cooper felt good.

Cooper shivered, quickly becoming aroused at Riktor's actions. He continued to stroke over Riktor's arms and shoulders, feeling very vulnerable, as Riktor was still clothed. He gently squeezed where his hands rubbed.

That feels good, Riktor said encouragingly, through their mental link. You feel good, he added.

Cooper smiled at that, beginning to rub and stroke more confidently, letting his fingers slip under Riktor's clothes where possible. He kept himself open and vulnerable to whatever his future bond-mate chose to do. "Feels so good..." he murmured, in a voice rough with arousal.

Riktor leaned forward to kiss him, slow and gentle, letting his tongue press against Cooper's if asking for entry.

Groaning, Cooper opened his mouth obediently, instinctively giving in to the request. He was shifting into a more submissive mindset.

Riktor pushed his tongue into Cooper's mouth. At the same time, he let one hand move down to the other man's member, beginning to stroke it firmly.

Cooper eagerly but gently sucked on Riktor's tongue, as he began to gently thrust into his mate's hand. He groaned more loudly, his grip on Riktor's shoulders tightening.

Riktor continued until he could feel Cooper swelling in his grip. Then, he summoned the lube to his hand...coating a finger in it.

Whimpering softly, Cooper squirmed under Riktor, trying to get closer. His hand slid down Riktor's chest and slipped under the waistband of his pants, awkwardly rubbing him.

That feels good, Riktor encouraged through the link, so that he didn't have to break the kiss. He coated a finger in the lube and pressed that against Cooper's entrance.

Cooper quivered at the touch, moaning softly and opening his legs farther so Riktor had better access. He tugged gently at Riktor's pants, trying to get better access to his mate's member. He felt exceedingly vulnerable and controlled, being the only one who was naked. He felt himself slipping into submission more deeply.

Riktor shifted to allow Cooper to tug at his pants. He began to slowly push his finger inside, still not breaking or pulling back from the kiss. Instead, he gently nipped at Cooper's lips once more.

Cooper gasped in air between kissing, a tiny whimper escaping as he felt Riktor's finger pushing in. His hands shook, but he managed to push his mate's pants down far enough to release Riktor's member and begin stroking him firmly.

It was immediately obvious that Cooper's attention aroused Riktor and his member began to swell and grow. He groaned softly against Cooper's lips, even as he began to rub his fingers in slow circles inside the other man.

Cooper groaned, gripping and stroking Riktor firmly. He was losing control over himself, though... giving all control to Riktor. He let out needy whines and whimpers, pressing towards the other man.

Good. You're being so very good for me, Riktor said encouragingly through the link. He coated a second finger in the lube and pushed that slowly inside Cooper, then began to move both fingers in circles inside the other man.

Cooper quivered at both the words and the attention. He needed so much... "Yours..." he gasped out, as he drew in another breath before continuing to offer his mouth for Riktor to plunder. He opened his legs further, whining softly as Riktor stretched him.

"Mine." Riktor whispered the word in a low, possessive growl. He continued to move his fingers inside Cooper, making sure the other man would be entirely ready for him.

"Please..." Cooper finally pulled out of the kiss long enough to beg. "...Can't hold on much longer...."

In response, Riktor slowly pulled his fingers out and then lubed up his own member, already hard and leaking precum. Then, he pushed inside Cooper in one smooth, easy glide.

Cooper's moan of satisfied need was almost obscene. He mediately wrapped his legs around Riktor, pulling him close and tight, and pressed open-mouthed kisses against the other's neck and shoulders. He gripped onto him tightly and quivered with the effort not to immediately release.

Riktor gripped Cooper's hips tightly as he began to thrust, knowing that they were both close. After a few seconds, he ordered, "Let go." He was so close, he knew his own release would come over him at the same time as Cooper's.

Gasping out at the order, Cooper immediately released, hard, his body quaking and shuddering, clenching tight around Riktor.

Immediately, Riktor's own release came over him and he emptied hard inside Cooper. As the waves of his orgasm faded, he could feel the other man a different way to the mental link he'd formed between them.

That was mind-blowing... Cooper thought, a sense of giddiness and fatigue threading through the bond. He focused on the connection he could feel between him and Riktor, realizing, You're in charge. I can feel the bond urging me to follow your lead....

Only if you want and need me to be, Riktor replied. The bond will adapt if that's not the type of relationship we want.

I don't know... I know I'm not a leader myself. Tend to follow more often than not. But I don't tend to submit easily either. Least not usually. I do whatever feels right in the moment... Cooper looked up at Riktor and squeezed around the shaft that was still buried inside him. Do you think, since I tend to do what feels right, that the bond urging me to submit to you will end up feeling right and that's what will happen? Even if it wasn't what I'd have done in the past?

I don't know, Riktor replied. But we have no reason to rush into anything. We can take things slow and see how it goes. Maybe it'll feel right to share dominance. If you'd like to take control another time, we can try that.

That doesn't sound like me... but who knows? Now that I feel safe, I'm also feeling a lot more confident... he admitted.

Like I said. We don't have to make any firm decisions about where our relationship will go just yet. Carefully withdrawing from Cooper, Riktor went to retrieve cloths to clean them up.

Cooper yawned. Yes... we probably shouldn't until things settle a bit more anyway... he agreed, sinking onto the bed and yawning again. Can we move in together? When I wake up? He yawned a third time.

Of course. Finishing cleaning them both up, Riktor stretched out on the bed next to his bond mate, feeling pretty tired himself.

Cooper impulsively moved into Riktor's arms, snuggling. Thanks for saving me... he thought, before falling asleep.

In response, Riktor hugged Cooper a bit tighter and closed his own eyes, quickly slipping into sleep as well.


After four of the group had gone off to bond, the non-bonded group had gone off to do other things. Jessica made her way into the kitchen area, where she found the speeders. "Could one of you do a favor for me?" she asked hesitantly.

"Depends... what ya need?" Druig asked curiously.

Sighing and letting her worry show, Jessica said, "I'm not able to leave the compound yet, because I'm not bonded. But the last few times they checked for messages from my informant Jack, they haven't found anything. I'm just worried about him and was wondering if someone could go there tomorrow morning and see if maybe he sent a message today.... I know they went yesterday and checking every day is impossible, but I've just got a bad feeling...."

Druig looked at his mates. "What you think? The three of us can go check while everyone is making breakfast..." he suggested.

Pietro nodded. "Even if there are no messages left, we can always look for any signs that people have been there," he said.

Makkari nodded her own agreement.

Jessica relaxed. "Thank you. It would be so much easier if I could leave to look myself, but... until I bond..." She winced. "I appreciate your help, though."

"No problem," Druig said. "We'll let you know what we find out."

Nodding, Jessica left to go to her room. The rest of the day continued on, turning into night.

Soon, the compound was silent.