Advent Day Thirteen

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


Wade had been watching his bond-mate closely, paying attention to his feelings. He could tell something was up. The almost sad feelings had become more pronounced when they'd walked into the kitchen briefly the morning before and seen Jack helping two of his fathers make breakfast in bed for the third. Colossus hadn't said anything last night, but he had cuddled Wade more tightly. Now, as he watched the children announcing, "It's day thirteen!" he was paying even more attention to Colossus. You okay, Big Guy? he finally asked.

I am.... Colossus hesitated, stopping himself before he could say he was fine. There are a lot of family members here who have been reunited, he said. I have...there is someone I lost when I was young. A sister. She'd been taken. It was clear that seeing so many children was making him remember and grieve that loss, but there was something else underneath those emotions.

That's hard. You never said anything before, though. It seems to be bothering you a lot now... Is there something else that made it...more difficult? Wade asked hesitantly. He wasn't known for his ability to relate and soothe, but he wanted to help his mate.

I thought she was dead, Colossus admitted. We all did. Because there was no sign of her, no matter how hard we looked. But.... His voice trailed off. She used to have this toy she loved. A stuffed dragon. She used to carry it everywhere with her. She talked to it like it was a living thing. He hesitated. I'd never seen another one like it...until now.

Wade blinked at that, quickly glancing around the dining room at those who were still there eating. It didn't take long for his gaze to fall on Ilyana. Do you think... is Ilyana...?

I am not sure, Colossus admitted. And I do not want to say anything unless I am. But she is the right age. And I understand she has no family to speak of, is possible.

Maybe we can get her and Emil in a conversation. Just kinda hint at things your sister would know. If it is her, she'll pick up on it and might say something that lets you know for sure... Wade suggested.

If she remembers. She was very young when she was taken, Colossus said.

It can't hurt to try... Wade hesitated. Maybe it would hurt his mate to try and fail. He didn't want that to happen. I could just ask her how much she knows of her history. Everyone knows how nosy I can be....

That might help, Colossus admitted, gratitude that his mate would be willing to do this for him coming clearly through the bond.

Of course. You know I'd be a complete fool for you. Being nosy is easy... Wade sent back, with all the love and affection he could convey.

You do so much for me, Wade, Colossus said seriously. And I love you for it. He reached out and wrapped his arms around his mate in a tight hug.

Wade let out a loud and happy sigh, snuggling close. He didn't care if he drew others' attention. He actually liked them seeing how affectionate his mate was. I love you, he responded back.

A feeling of happy peace came through the bond...even though it was a little bit tempered by sadness. Colossus was clearly happy to be with his mate.

Wade continued to quietly cuddle. I will ask when she is through eating. She seems like she is a bit skittish with strangers, and I don't want to accidently mess up her meal....

It doesn't have to be today, Colossus replied. It just makes me happy that you are so willing to try to help me.

I will always help you, if I can... Wade promised.

Colossus responded with a wordless feeling of gratitude and love. He only stirred when everyone else stood to begin clearing away their plates and utensils.

Wade hugged Colossus, nearly hanging off of him in a clingy way, grinning happily. He made certain to smile at Emil and Ilyana. When it did become an opportune time to just blurt out his question, it might help if they were both familiar with his unique personality. Plus... He liked hanging onto Colossus. It felt good knowing his looks and personality didn't repulse his mate.

Colossus was more than happy to hold onto his mate. It clearly felt good to him to have Wade all but hanging off him. His smile towards the other couple was a bit more hesitant and almost shyer than Wade's, but then again, he'd always been more reserved.

Emil smirked at the way Wade was hanging off of Colossus, but not in a mean way. He nodded toward them in acknowledgement. Maybe Wade's free spiritedness would help Ilyana relax and warm up to the group. He hoped so. He hated that she couldn't relax in what was essentially now their home.

Ilyana looked confused by the sight, more than anything else, but it didn't really bother her. She clutched her stuffed dragon a bit tighter, taking some comfort from the familiar toy...even if he couldn't interact with her in this form.

Reed glanced towards the giant mutant with his mate hanging off him, then addressed Yelena. Is there anything you would like to do today?

Yelena smiled wistfully. All the children... So excited about Christmas. I never really had a childhood... But for a few short years when Natasha and I were settled in Ohio, before our family had to run... We had a few traditions. She glanced at him. Did you have any traditions? Maybe we could do one of yours and one of mine....

Reed smiled a bit wistfully at the question. We used to have mince pies and mulled wine. And leave some out for Santa on Christmas Eve, he admitted. My children knew from an early age that Santa wasn't real, but they still liked the idea of leaving out treats for him and his reindeer.

Yelena's smile grew at the words. We would string popcorn to hang on the tree. And watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas... Not the Jim Carey movie. The cartoon.....

Both of those sound like very good ideas, he agreed. Are there any other traditions you'd like us to do?

The only thing I really remember is Melina and Alexis putting on old Christmas music and slow dancing to it. Natasha and I were supposed to be in bed, but we'd sneak out to watch them... The wistful feeling had returned.

He found himself responding to the emotions from her, reaching out and placing a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. We could perhaps put on old Christmas music, he suggested.

I... I would like that... Yelena's smile brightened again, and she leaned into his grip.

If you make a list of your favourites, I'm sure Friday will be able to find them easily, he said.

And we can get a recipe for your special wine. If we need ingredients, maybe someone will know where we can get them... Yelena impulsively hugged him. Thank you.

Reed hugged her tight in return. Thank you, he responded. Being here with you, being freed from Ultimus, has given me hope that I can free the rest of my family.

We will find them and free them. I am certain of that, Yelena thought confidently.

Thank you. His feeling of gratitude came clearly through the bond.

Of course. You are my family now. That makes them my family. I want to find them too... Yelena admitted.

They will be very happy to meet you. He smiled.

Family is important. I lost my sister... But I have another chance to be close to a version of her. My version would have liked you, I think... Yelena sent a fond feeling through the bond.

That is very high praise, Reed said, his mental tone serious more than joking.

It really is... Yelena agreed. She had a way of seeing past all the walls and bull that people put forward to see the real person. I do not know this Natasha... But she seems similar.

If you'd like to get to know her better, perhaps we can invite her and Jack to join us later, Reed suggested.

Maybe. She doesn't act like she recognizes me. Maybe I don't exist in her dimension... Yelena paused, the idea of not existing somewhere a disconcerting feeling.

That is possible, Reed said. I know there isn't a version of me that exists in this dimension.

Yelena nodded. Doesn't that feel odd to you? she asked curiously.

Sometimes. But I don't think we have any choice other than to get used to it, he answered honestly.

That is true. Yelena sighed and leaned on him. Would you like to see if they have the ingredients for that mulled wine? She smiled up at him.

Yes. We can do that. He hugged her against his side as he led her to the kitchen so that they could check the ingredients.


They did find ingredients. Once the children had gone to bed, they made enough mulled wine to share with any adults who cared to join them, put on old-timey Christmas music and relaxed until it was time for bed. It was the perfect end to Day thirteen.