Advent Day Ten

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


It was fairly early in the morning when Harley began making tiny whimpering noises in his sleep. He hadn't had any nightmares for a while, but now, they were returning full force...and in his head, he was back in Gwen's bedroom, being tormented by the sadistic woman.

Maria was fully in tune with her bond mate by this point and at the first tiny whimper, she was awake and reaching for him, careful in her touch so as not to frighten him awake. Gentle. Harley? Wake up, Hon... You are dreaming.

Despite the gentleness of the touch, Harley couldn't help flinching awake. He blinked blearily before he focused on Maria's face...relaxing a fraction as he realized he was safe and no longer a prisoner. Sorry, he mumbled through the bond.

Never apologize for your dreams. You can't help them... Maria said firmly, letting her hand run over his arm gently. Can I... hold you?

Harley hesitated...a bit uncertain, but not really reluctant. Finally, almost shyly, he nodded. Yes. He said the word so that she would know, and feel through the bond, that he was being honest.

Smiling at him, she let her own feelings of happiness that he would trust her flow through the bond. Carefully, she shifted closer and wrapped her arms around him in a secure but not too tight hug. She then kissed the side of his head. It means a lot that you trust me.... she thought.

Harley relaxed, leaning into the embrace, and closed his eyes. You bonded with me, he thought. And you all tried to keep the heat off the rest of us when we were prisoners. How could I not trust you?

I know. But trusting with your head, and even with your heart, doesn't always translate to trusting with your emotions... Especially with trauma like you experienced. She snuggled him close, kissing the top of his head.

Harley sighed, snuggling in close, and let his eyes close. I feel safe, he said. Even with the nightmares...I still feel safe here. And at least I can be with my family. Instead of the strangers who had worn Tony and Pepper's faces.

I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, Maria promised. To make sure you stay with your family.

I know. His belief and trust in her came clearly through the bond.

Maria continued to gently stroke over his arms and back, holding him tight. I love you....

I love you too. He closed his eyes, the gentle stroking allowing him to calm and settle.

Maria continued with the gentle affection, content to provide it as long as was needed or wanted.

Harley was obviously content to stay close to her for the rest of the morning, in no particular hurry to rush to have breakfast.


it was a few hours after breakfast, but not quite lunchtime yet. Kamala had been talking with one of the children about what they missed because they had to hide and had decided to make Christmas cookies with any of the children that wanted to. She enlisted the help of several of the other adults, and the kitchen area was soon bustling with the sounds of baking and carols. And they weren't just making cookies. It smelled wonderful.

Mobius wandered into the kitchen and smiled at his mate. "The cookies smell good," he commented. "Do you need some more help?" He'd finished his own work...research, mainly, on anything he could find about Ultimus and the possible origins of the threat they were facing.

Kamala grinned happily. "If you want, you can help the little ones ice the cookies..." she suggested, as she pulled another pan out of the oven and set it on a rack to cool.

Mobius smiled. "Of course." He moved over to help the smaller children with icing the cookies.

By the time lunch time came, the kitchen was filled with various baked goods. Since there was no real room to make anything else, Frank and Grant took ingredients out to make sandwiches for everyone while those in the kitchen continued the bake fest. While this went on, another group went out for more items on the 'shopping lists'.

Eventually, lunch was ready, and people were sitting down to eat. The conversation around the dining table was light, with people actually feeling hopeful and happy as they prepared to celebrate their first Christmas free of Ultimus.


The light, hopeful feeling carried through the rest of the day and when Morgan crossed off Day 10 on the calendar, there was a small cheer. Then everyone went to bed.

Dane was happy and content and wide awake when he and Otto retired to their room. I want to take a quick shower... Is that okay? he asked his mate.

You can take a shower, Otto replied. But don't put any pajamas on. I want you to come out to me naked. He let his desire and need and love for his mate flow through the bond.

A feeling of warmth spread through Dane, and he gave Otto an affectionate and needy smile. Yessir. He quickly went in and showered, cleaning himself thoroughly inside and out, brushing his teeth and even making sure his ears were clean. He then got out and quickly dried, walking back out to his mate completely naked as ordered; still slightly damp, as he'd been in such a hurry. He was combing his hair.

Otto had moved to collect settle them on the bed next to him. He was sitting down, legs slightly apart. Come here, he ordered.

Dane quickly tossed the comb onto the dresser and nearly scampered to Otto's side in his hurry to obey. His body flushed, as he knew he would seem desperate, but he didn't care. Where do you want me, sir? he asked, as he stopped at the edge of the bed, next to Otto.

When Dane reached him, Otto reached out and positioned his mate across his lap, making sure his mate was positioned as comfortably as it was possible to be. I'm going to do whatever I want to you...and you are going to submit and let me.

Dane shivered at the words. Yessir... he breathed out. What are my instructions?

You don't release without my permission. You don't do anything without my permission. Otto began to gently rub Dane's backside, fingers slipping between his legs to stroke over his member.

Dane shivered again and whimpered. Am I allowed to make noise, sir? he asked, already slipping slightly into sub space at the orders.

You can make noise, Otto confirmed, as he reached out and picked up one of the candles he'd put to one side. He lit the candle and held it, angling slightly so that hot wax would dribble onto Dane's back.

Dane shivered and let out a tiny huffing noise as the hot wax dribbled onto him, slipping slightly more. Thank you, sir... he breathed, a feeling of gratitude that his master wasn't going to force him to control his voice coming through the bond. He wasn't certain he could, if ordered to do so.

Otto sent a wave of reassurance and affection through the bond as he continued to let the hot wax dribble onto his mate's back and over his bottom. He then leaned over and gently nipped at the skin he'd dropped the wax onto.

"Th... that's good..." Dane murmured softly, his voice catching at the sensation of heat and teeth... especially when the sensitive skin of his bottom was touched.

Otto didn't respond with words. Instead, he moved the candle so that he could dribble the hot wax between Dane's cheeks. Then, he leaned forward and swirled his tongue over it before pushing that inside his mate.

Dane would have been embarrassed at the high-pitched squeal that escaped his throat as Otto's tongue pushed inside, but he was too busy reminding himself to breathe and focusing on keeping his arousal at a level that didn't escape his control. He wanted to obey Otto, and that meant not releasing until or unless given permission. His member had become fully hard at the intrusion, though, and it was clear through the bond that he had slipped a little bit more as Otto took what he wanted. Yours... he thought, in a slightly hazy demeanor.

Mine. Otto thought the word back with a highly possessive sense of satisfaction. While his tongue explored inside Dane, his hands...both flesh and robotic...began to stroke, caress, squeeze and pinch every part of his mate's body it was possible to get to, shifting Dane enough to make it easy to get to his most sensitive areas.

The longer Otto possessed him, the more sensitive Dane's body became, and he couldn't help but quiver, shake and wriggle in response, his moans, whimpers and soft cries of need filling the room. By this point, he'd slipped to the very edge of sub-space. He felt so vulnerable and controlled. The only thing that kept him from going completely over into the unaware state that would need protection and care was his effort to obey Otto and not climax. His body felt like one big, exposed nerve. Master... he moaned softly... Yours... only yours... need you so much...

You're being so very good for me, Otto said, waves of desire and need and love coming through the bond towards his mate. He was still exploring both inside and outside Dane's body, the very act of his mate submitting to him turning him on. His own member was quickly responding, growing to the point that Dane would be able to feel it easily.

Am I, Master? Am I being good? Dane quivered at the praise, a sense of happy accomplishment spreading through him and giving him the strength to keep his arousal from escaping him. He was fully hard, leaking, but he didn't thrust or do anything to ease the pleasurable pain of the erection. His body belonged to Otto and Otto decided what was done to it, with it, or for it. He could feel Otto's own erection and hoped that Otto would take however much pleasure for himself that he could.

You are. You're being so good for me. I love you. Otto continued to swirl his tongue inside Dane...but finally, he pulled free with a grunt of satisfaction. His member was fully hard by this point, and he coated it in lube, then positioned himself so that he could push inside his mate.

I love you... Love you so much... Dane quivered, body shaking with his need to please Otto.

I love you. I love you so very much. Otto thought the words to his mate, as well as his sense of pride, possession and need for his mate. He continued to thrust inside Dane, his member quickly swelling to the point that it wouldn't take much for him to release.

Dane let out a tiny, whimpering sigh of happiness at feeling his mate release in him. He was aching, highly sensitive, almost over-stimulated. He moaned softly, tears sliding down his face as his body found the only allowed release for the tension that his arousal had caused. He didn't beg to release, though. He wanted to obey Otto and he wanted Otto to tell him what to do because he wanted it, not because Dane was begging for specific things or allowances.  Yours... he moaned softly, feeling completely owned as his master filled him up with his seed.

Otto's body slumped over Dane’s, and he pressed a kiss to his mate's shoulder. Mine, he agreed. He kept the bond open between them, so that Dane would be able to feel how much Otto desired him, along with how much he was needed and loved.

Dane shivered again at feeling all of Otto's feelings toward him, and his own feelings of love and completely dependent devotion bled through the bond to his mate. Will never be whole without you... never ever... he thought, quivering gently as he lay under Otto, taking on his mate's full weight and feeling grateful for it.  He was very aroused, but somehow had obeyed and not released. As he lay there, ignoring his own erection and instead focusing entirely on how Otto felt on him and in him, and how it felt to belong to his mate, the arousal very, very slowly began to subside.

Otto gently kissed Dane's neck and held his mate close to him, cuddling and sending soothing, loving emotions through the bond to Dane. You're so very good for me. He let his feelings of pride come through clearly.

Dane felt a warm contentment fill him at the words. The ache of arousal faded, to be replaced by the feeling of happy accomplishment. He'd obeyed his Dom and pleased him and that felt so good that he was almost high from the sensation. His body flushed, and he quivered like an excited puppy at the praise. Wanna be good for you. Need to be good for you....

You are so very good for me. I love you. Otto kissed and nuzzled the back of his mate's neck. Finally, he began to carefully pull out of his mate. He reached out with one of his robotic arms to retrieve a cloth so that he could clean them both up and not let go of Dane or separate from him.

I love you too... So much... Dane held still as Otto cleaned them both, not wanting to pull away. Once clean, he finally allowed himself to make one request. Hold me tight? So, I can't move unless you let me?

Of course. Otto stretched out on the bed and gathered his mate close, holding him tightly and brushing a kiss over his hair. He had his mate in his arms. He was happy and at peace.

Dane, feeling safe, secure, and protected, snuggled close and fell asleep.