Advent Day Sixteen

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


Wanda woke up fairly early on the sixteenth of December. She hadn't truly celebrated Christmas since her parents had been killed, but she was excited about the opportunity to learn from her mate. She quickly went into the bathroom to shower and dress, reaching out through the bond to ask Okoye, Are you ready? The excitement coming through made her sound nearly like a child, but it had been a long time since she'd been able to spend a holiday with anyone apart from her brother.

I am. I am in the training room... Okoye sent back. Her own emotions were calm, but there was still a sense of happy anticipation. She was looking forward to teaching her mate in the ways of the Dora Milaje.

I'll be there in a few minutes. Wanda finished dressing, having already checked with Okoye what the best clothing to wear was. It wasn't long before she reached the training room.

Okoye smiled in approval when Wanda walked in. You have chosen good clothing. You will be able to move easily, she observed. Taking Wanda by the hand, she led her to the center of the training mat and began to show her various positions and moved.

Wanda smiled happily when Okoye praised her and then she proceeded to carefully pay attention to the moves her mate was showing her. She copied them as Okoye showed her, moving easily.

Okoye continued to demonstrate, gently moving Wanda into the various positions. They continued in this manner for almost an hour before Okoye suggested, "Let's take a break."

Wanda had followed along easily, copying each position, and responding to the corrections. When Okoye suggested they take a break, she looked surprised. "How long have we been doing this for?"

"Almost an hour. We should drink some water and rest. We do not want to overdo it on our first session," Okoye stated. "Let's clean up, and then we can walk in our park if you still need to move. Or we can watch another Christmas video with the children."

"I'd quite like to watch another Christmas movie," Wanda admitted, moving to start cleaning up. "It didn't feel like it took as long as that," she added.

"It never feels like it took long for me. I always enjoy the activity so much, if I do not keep track of the time, I can lose myself in it," Okoye admitted. "Especially after my husband was arrested for fighting against the crown. It was a way for me to forget, for a little while, the responsibilities that weighed on me and the things I did not wish to dwell on."

Wanda nodded slowly. "Do you want to try and find him? Your husband?" she asked.

"I should. I did... do care about him. But I wish to find him because of our history and sentiment. We grew apart. If we had not, I do not believe we would have ended up on opposite sides when the kingdom was being fought over..." Okoye admitted.

"What happened?" Wanda asked quietly, as they finished cleaning up and prepared to leave the training area, heading towards the recreation room.

"There was, for all purposes, a fight for the throne of Wakanda. The one who supposedly won immediately began actions that would lead to worldwide brutal conflict and the potential devastation of Wakanda. And my husband actively and willingly carried out his orders because he thought interaction with the world was worth any cost. When T'Challa managed to come forward and prove that he hadn't died...and since he hadn't capitulated the contest wasn't concluded, and the cousin hadn't actually won...the interloper decided to use my husband's army to get rid of T'Challa instead of finishing the contest honorably. And my husband allowed himself to get used." Okoye sighed. "Until that moment, I didn't realize how far apart we had drifted, or how unhappy he was."

Wanda listened intently to Okoye, giving her bond mate her full attention, without interruption, through the explanation. "That must have been very difficult for you," she said softly once Okoye had finished speaking.

"It was not easy. But everyone was facing difficult situations at that time. I still cared deeply for him. Even loved him. But he betrayed our laws... betrayed me. So. While I feel I should try and locate him... It is not something I feel an overwhelming urge to do." Okoye smiled crookedly. "If I find him, I will want to help him. But..." She shrugged.

Wanda nodded. "I understand that Friday has been keeping watch for other people. Perhaps it is worth telling her about him, so that she can add him to her search?" she suggested.

"I… I will give her his description. If she finds him, I will of course help him. But I do not know how I will feel about him beyond wanting to help anyone get free if we have the chance..." Okoye admitted.

Wanda nodded. "You don't have to decide how you feel about him now anyway. Even if Friday is looking out for him, he might not even be found until after Ultimus is defeated."

"That is true." Okoye smiled at Wanda. "Despite his choices not aligning with mine, he wasn't a bad man. I hope he is doing well..." She sighed.

"We will find a way to save him with the rest of our worlds," Wanda said.

"We will," Okoye agreed.

The two of them left the training area and went to get something to eat and take a walk in the park.


Norman was just finishing up his work in the lab and he sent a message through the bond to Kate. I have an early Christmas present for you that I've been working on. I'd like you to try it out, so I can see if I need to make any changes.

A hint of excited curiosity immediately carried through the bond. Should I meet you in our room? Kate asked.

The training area would probably be better, Norman replied, even as he began heading there.

Okay! I'll be there soon! Kate promised, immediately beginning to head in that direction.

Norman arrived quickly at the training area, with his gift for her already prepared.

Kate entered the training area not long after Norman. She moved over to him, unable to stop from looking excited. The idea that he had a surprise for her felt good...the feeling of being loved strong.

Norman smiled, his own feelings of happiness to be around her...along with a feeling of love...coming through the bond. He'd kept the new bow he made her out of sight for when she walked into the training area. Now, he retrieved it and gave it to her.

Kate's eyes widened and she squealed, bouncing in place like an exuberant five-year-old. "You made me a bow!" The excited words carried through the room and the bond, and she impulsively threw her arms around him in a tight hug, clinging to him. You made me a bow, came through the bond again, this time with a sense of subdued wonder. It was more evidence that he didn't expect her to change for him, and in fact encouraged her to do what made her happy; even if she was sure he'd have preferred her not have such a dangerous hobby.

He smiled and hugged her back just as tight in return, kissing her hair. I gave it a few upgrades. I wanted you to try it out and make sure the fit and grip are right. If they're not, I can adjust it to what's best for you.

It looks gorgeous... she thought, still excited. I will aim for that target. She indicated the target furthest from them. Carefully, she took an arrow and slotted it, aiming slowly. She took her time so she could get a good feel of the grip. It fits perfectly... she thought. Like it was made especially for me. And the grip is secure. Taking a slow breath then exhaling, she let the arrow fly. It hit the bullseye.

A wave of happiness came through the bond at her words, even as he moved to give her the room she needed to draw and shoot her bow. I'm glad it suits you, he sent to her.

Grinning widely at the arrow's placement, she faced him. It more than suits me. She smiled, almost bashfully. It feels like... I don't think a gift has ever left me feeling so known and understood before. Thank you. Overwhelming love and gratitude flowed through the bond.

I'm so glad. His own love flowed back to her. I want to make you happy. The sincerity in those words were clear through the bond.

I am. Happier than I have a right to be... she sent back, her emotions welling up. She brushed at her eyes and blushed as she started crying.

Concern coming through the bond, he reached out and drew her into a close, tight embrace.

Kate clung to him tightly, snuggling. Sorry. I shouldn't be weepy for feeling so good... She let out a tiny, laughing huff.

Emotions can cause strange reactions. It's not a problem. He sent a wave of reassurance through the bond to her.

I just don't want to worry you... Kate nuzzled then kissed the side of his neck. Thank you for my bow... it's perfect!

You're my mate. Part of that is taking care of you. Don't ever worry about showing your emotions in front of me. Norman kissed her head. I'm glad you like the bow.

Kate gave him a huge smile. Want to help me practice for a little longer? Then... Maybe we can go walk in the park?

That sounds very good to me. Before long, he was helping her to practice, and they were enjoying their time together.