Advent Day Seventeen

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


Thor had been getting increasingly more skittish and paranoid as the days progressed. He thought at first, he might be becoming delusional... hallucinating... but he knew for a fact Loki had seen it as well. And the children were seeing it too. They whispered furtively whenever it showed up and were on their best behavior. The adults, though, studiously avoided looking at it. It was infuriatingly baffling. He found himself trying to be on his best behavior around it, since he did not know what it was doing and children often instinctively understood things adults forgot.

Yondu had noticed his mate's preoccupation with something...very similar to the way Loki and his own son had been reacting to something. And his mate had been acting...strange. Like he was worried he might be caught doing something he shouldn't. What's got you acting so twitchy? he asked his mate finally, through the bond, having noticed that look on Thor's face more often than not.

You truly do not see it? Thor's response was surprised. I had thought the adults were just ignoring it, since only the children have responded beyond Loki and Peter. But if you truly do not notice it... Thor's worry spiked.

What is it? Yondu asked, not sure what his mate was referring to. Thor's worry was clear through the bond, though, and he wanted to help the Asgardian to feel better...if he could.

The tiny ELF creature! Thor's entire body vibrated, along with his emotions. He moves. Every day. Even though he seems not to live!

Ah. Yondu was quiet for a few moments before he finally spoke. The elf is a toy. It doesn't move on its own accord. The adults move it into a new spot every day. It's some kind of Terran tradition. He was careful not to sound like he was making fun of his mate, able to tell just how distressing this had been for Thor.

Thor visibly jerked at that news. What? But... I have not seen the adults touch the elf, let alone move it..Confusion flowed through the bond.

The adults move it when the children aren't around or aware, Yondu said. I didn't realise you weren't aware.

Thor slumped, beginning to feel extremely foolish. I never saw them moving it. Neither did Loki or Peter Jason... The three of us worried that if we were the only ones seeing it, we needed to find a way to protect everyone. His emotions were sheepish

Yondu sent a wave of reassurance through the bond. None of us are familiar with the customs of Terran. You shouldn't feel foolish for not understanding. I only realised because I have seen some of the adults moving the elf while the chiildren have been asleep.

Should have just asked if you knew what was going on. Thor's sheepish embarrassment grew.

You know for next time, Yondu pointed out.

Yeah. I should let Loki know. He was as worried as I was. Thor smiled crookedly.

And I can let my son know that there is nothing to worry about, Yondu said.

Thor smiled at Yondu. Thank you. You could have teased me mercilessly for my foolishness.

You were worried about something you'd not experienced before, Yondu replied. I wouldn't tease you for not knowing something.

Thor smiled again, shifting closer and kissing Yondu chastely. I love you

I love you too. Yondu returned the kiss.

I think Loki and Peter are watching a movie. Let's go tell them the news about the elf, and then we can cuddle on the couch and watch the movie too... Thor half suggested, half asked.

I think that sounds like a very good idea, Yondu agreed, beginning to head in that direction.


Grant watched Yondu and Thor head to the media room. Thor looks much more relaxed. Yondu must have figured out what was wrong and helped him, he thought to his mates.

I think you might be right, Steve agreed. Hopefully, they can help Loki and Peter Jason as well.

So, what's the plan for today? Grant thought. Eight more days to Christmas....

A hesitant feeling came through the bond before Frank suggested, Some of the kids who haven't found their parents yet are feeling sad. I thought maybe we could 'adopt' them for the season. Help them pick gifts for their friends, make cookies, and do stuff with them that the kids who found their parents are able to do....

I think that sounds like a really good idea, Steve agreed. We can start doing that now, if you'd like to.

Happiness that his idea was received positively was clear through the bond and on Frank's face. Yeah. Starting now would be great. The kids are in the school room. We can go let them know. Find out what they'd like to do first.

That sounds like a good idea. Steve immediately began heading towards the school room.

It didn't take them long to get there. It was quickly obvious which children still didn't have their parents. The children with parents were with their families doing Christmas stuff, and while the parents were also including the children who weren't theirs, the effectively orphaned children obviously were holding themselves back, not wanting to intrude or feeling out of place. Frank immediately motioned to two of them. Grant motioned to another two.

Steve didn't hesitate to motion to the two remaining children, smiling when the group of them moved over to join. "We haven't found your families yet, so Frank thought you might like to join us for our Christmas celebrations," he said, smiling warmly at them.

Frank felt his heart well at the bright grins of the children when they realized they'd have their own adults for a 'family group'. "How would you all like to make cookies?"

There was immediate enthusiasm from the children. It was hard not to join in with their enthusiasm...and those feelings came clearly through the bond, from Steve to his two mates, along with a sense of gratitude towards Frank for suggesting this idea.

"Sugar cookies? And gingerbread people?" Grant contributed, a feeling of excitement pulsing.

A series of happy, enthusiastic responses made it clear that the children were very taken with that idea...and Steve found himself smiling, happy and almost contented, as they began to make their way towards the kitchen.

Groups had been going out to different locations every day since the beginning of December. As a result, they had all the ingredients needed to make not only the sugar cookies and gingerbread people, but also ingredients to make several other types of holiday cookies. Grant smiled at Frank and Steve, feeling their contentment and becoming contented himself. For the first time that he could remember, he was looking forward to the holidays.

Frank felt his sadness about his lost family disappearing as he helped to cheer up the children who were missing theirs. He was at peace.