Advent Day Seven

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


The next morning, T'Challa followed Shuri into the dining area, listening to his sister talking to him about the new costumes she'd been creating, with the help of Tony and Phastos. Since T'Challa had had to leave his Black Panther outfit behind, Shuri had been offering to make him a new outfit similar to her own.

"I suppose I can use the recreation room to try out the outfit," T'Challa commented, as he sat down at the table and began to eat breakfast.

Elsa had come in by that point. "Outfit?" she asked curiously. Her dimension didn't have superheroes in costume. It had monsters, and hunters that wore a lot of weapons and leather.

"Yes! The Avengers here in this dimension, and the one I am from, wear outfits. Like this one." Shuri activated her own Black Panther costume.

"I had to leave mine behind when we came here," T'Challa explained. "It had been made by my sister. It seems fitting that a replacement is also made by my sister." Even if she came from a different dimension.

"Oh... That is useful!" Elsa admired the outfit. "Where I'm from, I just wore a lot of leather and had guns, knives, swords and stakes..." she muttered. "Oh! And wore this!" She held up the bloodred stone that hung on a chain around her neck. "This gives me power and... Well, made me close to invulnerable. It's slightly less powerful now... I think Ultimus has messed with whatever energies that help fuel it... But it still protects me."

"Since you two will bond, I could make you a matching outfit," Shuri offered. "I have been able to make the suits able to absorb kinetic energy from being hit, which gives protection...and power to any attacks."

"That could be useful. I'm not certain how the stone works, really. It has been passed down through my family for generations, though; to the point I possess some of the powers and abilities genetically, even if I don't have it on me..." Elsa admitted. "I would go from almost invulnerable to completely invulnerable!" She seemed excited about the idea.

"I will start working on the costumes after breakfast," Shuri decided, before deactivating her outfit and beginning to eat breakfast.

Elsa grinned happily and began to eat as well.

Wong glanced around. "I think I will make an excursion for supplies today. If anyone wants to give me a list... I can look for specific items...."

I'll go with you, Harry sent through the bond. Though I'll have to separate to pick up your present from me. He grinned at his mate.

Tony nodded. "I've had Friday combine all the lists and sort them by item type. They also have sizes, colors, and such where appropriate. When you find stuff, you can check it off. Then when other groups go out and look in different sections, they can get different items."

"I can be your transportation," Druig said. "That way, I can pick out something without Pietro or Makkari seeing." He grinned.

Harry smiled brightly. "Yeah...that sounds good," he agreed, with both Tony and Druig. He was clearly excited about getting to spend some one-on-one time with his mate outside of the base, even if they were still in danger from Ultimus.

"Good. Now that that is settled, we can finish breakfast then go..." Wong stated, with a smile.

The mood around the table was excited and happy. Despite Ultimus being more of a threat than ever, almost all of them had bonded, reducing his risk considerably (and those who hadn't would be soon), and the growing compound made life seem at least a little more normal. Loneliness might not be a thing of the past, but it was happening much less often and had more to do with emotional stability than being alone.

The children could be heard muttering that it was day seven and only eighteen more days to go.

Once breakfast was finished, Shuri disappeared into her labs to start work on the joint outfits for T'Challa and Elsa.

T'Challa moved over to Elsa. "Would you prefer my room or yours?" he asked.

"We can go to yours..." Elsa shrugged slightly. She moved to follow him.

T'Challa nodded and led the way to his room. Once they were inside the room, with the door closed, he asked, "Do you want to take the lead, the role of Dominant, or would you prefer I do so?"

"I tend to be in charge of every aspect of my life. I kinda like the idea of not being in charge of this... If that's okay?" Elsa's smile was almost coy.

"It makes no difference to me." Taking her hand, T'Challa led her over to the bed. He leaned in to kiss her as he began to run his hands over her body, beginning to remove her clothing.

Elsa leaned into the kiss, returning it eagerly. Just because they were doing this for a practical reason, didn't mean she couldn't enjoy herself; and it had been a very long time. She let her hands roam over him as well, beginning to remove his clothes when she was able to do so without getting in his way

It didn't take long before they were both naked. Once they were, T'Challa drew her down onto the bed with him, beginning to trail kisses along her neck and shoulders. At the same time, he gently stroked a finger between her legs...parting her folds.

Moaning softly, Elsa opened her legs for him as she began to kiss and nuzzle his neck and shoulders. She stroked over his back and flanks, squeezing and tugging him closer.

He gently pushed that finger inside her, gently kissing her bare skin before letting his mouth move to her breasts, engulfing one. His other hand squeezed and gently tweaked the opposite nipple.

Gasping and arching toward his mouth and hand, Elsa felt herself getting wet very quickly. She clenched around his finger, beginning to squirm with need. Her fingers clenched on his arms before rubbing to soothe after the action. "That's... That's good... Like that..." She moaned softly.

In response, he gently nipped at her nipple and squeezed the other one, making both red and swollen. At the same time, he continued moving his finger inside her, exploring and trying to bring her pleasure.

Elsa's groans grew louder, and she wriggled further at the attention. She was very wet by that point. "Please..." she started to beg. "Want... Need... You in me..." She slid her hands down toward his flank again, attempting to pull him closer.

Responding to her begging, he removed his finger and lined his member up, pushing inside her. At the same time, he continued to give her breasts attention.

"Yes ... So good..." she moaned, as she felt herself stretch around him and felt him filling her up inside deep, where even fingers couldn't reach. Her own hands clutched at his hips, fingers squeezing and digging into him as she held on. Her hips thrust up toward him to get him deeper. "Needed this..." she admitted, with a tiny, huffing laugh as her breathing became more labored. "Been so long... feels so good..." She nuzzled and kissed whatever part of him was closest to her mouth.

He moved his hands to her hips, gently grasping her as he began to thrust...deep and hard. "You feel good," he murmured, angling himself so that he could bring her as much pleasure as possible. He leaned in to kiss her deeply, pushing his tongue past her lips.

Elsa opened her mouth to accept his tongue into her mouth, licking and sucking greedily. Her groans and panting became louder and more rapid the more he thrust, her body tightening around him as she became more sensitive inside and raced toward the edge of release.

She felt so good surrounding him, warm and wet. His member was quickly growing to full hardness inside her and he pulled back from the kiss long enough to order, "Let go, now." Then, he returned to kissing her.

Elsa's groan was almost a sob, it was so needy. On his order, she immediately went into spasms, her body shaking and clenching and doing everything possible to pull him deep and hold him in place. It took several long moments, but when she finally finished, she was limp under him, body splayed open in the most vulnerable way possible.

T'Challa's own release came over him at the same time as hers and he released hard inside her, riding out the waves of his orgasm with a long, drawn-out groan. When it was over, he slumped over her and kissed her shoulder. I can feel you, he thought, a sense of peaceful satisfaction coming through the bond.

I can feel you too... Her immense satisfaction and contentment carried through the bond. Stretching like a happy cat, she squeezed around him playfully, just to feel a little more friction for a little longer. That was very good, and if you don't mind, I'd like another round as soon as we catch our breath. She smiled up at him mischievously, a hint of horniness shining in her eyes. I don't wanna leave until I'm sore inside and walking funny.

He chuckled softly. I am sure that can be arranged. And we do not need to wait long for a second round, he added, as his member was beginning to stir a second time...still buried deep inside her.

Oh... That makes me very happy... she nearly purred, as she stretched up and gave him a deep kiss.


Wong looked at Harry as Druig took both their arms. Rollins had given everyone a map of the safest spots to 'shop' and Wong had chosen the location he wanted to go, pointing it out to the speedster. He had the most current updated list that Friday had made combining all the lists everyone had made. Hopefully, they could fill their packs with enough items to start making a dent in it. It was a very long list. "I'm ready when you are..." He smiled.

Druig looked at Harry. "I'm ready if you are...."

Harry nodded. "Completely ready." He had his own list of things to pick for his bondmate, his father and his friends. If they couldn't find all the items on his list, he'd give it to one of the other groups when they went out.

Taking both of their arms, Druig sped then to the spot Wong had chosen. "Alright, let's get to 'shopping'." He grinned. "As long as we stay within shouting distance, we probably can separate..." He looked toward Wong for confirmation.

"Yes. That makes sense. Far enough apart we can shop for each other, as well as cover more territory, but close enough if something happens, we can quickly escape," Wong agreed.

He began walking to one of the shops he knew had items that were wanted, noting Druig heading the other way. You can of course stay with me... Unless you wanted to get your secret items first, he thought to his mate.

I'll stick with you first of all. I can get my secret items later. Harry walked next to his mate. I'm looking forward to when we can actually go on a proper date and don't need to hide from Ultimus. Having picnics in the park is nice, but sometimes it's nice to go places other than home.

I think sometimes, if it hadn't been for Ultimus, we might never have got together, even if we were from the same dimension... Wong thought, with very fond amusement. You are so anxious to 'go on a proper date' outside of our home.... While to me, the most perfect time is time spent at home with you.

Harry smiled and leaned against his mate, kissing Wong's shoulder. Don't get me wrong. I love spending time with whatever form that takes. But it'd be good to do that without needing to hide. A wave of contented happiness flowed through the bond.

I'll admit, the hiding part is annoying. But once I no longer have to hide... I will probably become an old, grumpy recluse... Wong teased, wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulders.

As long as I still get to be with your old, grumpy reclusive self... Harry teased, leaning into his mate.

Oh. No question of that. I fully expect you to take care of this old grumpy ass when it can't remember which direction it's going... Wong tried but failed to keep a straight face. He kissed the side of Harry's head, before making a gleeful whooping sound and nearly sprinting to a shelf in the store they were currently perusing. There are seven of these on the list and ten on the shelf!

Harry laughed silently through the bond...a trick he'd learned while they'd been hiding alone together for a year. We should grab all of them, then. In case anyone else decides they'd like one. He opened the pack he'd brought so that the items could be put inside.

Good idea! Wong carefully put all ten into Harry's pack before marking the items off the list. He looked around the store. Let's go check out that section... He took Harry by the arm and led him to another section that had craft and hobby supplies. The children had requested those so they could make presents for their parents or caregivers.

You think we should take all of these, or perhaps have another group come back for some of the craft items? Harry asked. There's enough here that we'll probably fill up at least one pack.

I think get as many as we can fit in a couple of packs... Then find our personal gift to each other. The kids will want time to make their gifts, so better have everything they need earlier than later. And we still have time to come out again another time for the other items if needed... Wong determined.

Good point, Harry agreed. He began to pack the craft and hobby items in the pack. I think I know where I need to look for my gift to you. It's a few shops away.

I know what I want to get you as well. It's in the same direction. We can split up when you are ready... Wong filled his pack with as many craft items as would fit.

I'm ready. Harry slipped his pack on his back and grinned at Wong. Our first proper Christmas's to many more.

I will drink to that after we've got the last of our gifts... If you want to meet me over in that little liquor store when you are done. Wong grinned, pointing at the shop.

Sounds good to me! Harry agreed, quickly heading towards the shop he'd planned.

Wong headed to his own shop. He found a couple of plastic shopping bags before going to gather the gifts he had in mind. He was mainly buying for Harry, but he also found items for Stephen and Mordo. Once he'd finally found everything he wanted and had room for, he walked to the liquor store.

It took a few minutes, but Harry finally gathered his own gifts: for Wong, his father, and Peter Andrew. He found a couple of extra gifts for some of the others at the base, too.

At the liquor store, Wong found a nice bottle of wine that he and Harry could have that evening. It was nice to talk about toasting each other here... But it was safer not to drink until they were secure in the compound again. He put a couple of bottles of champagne in the bags to take back to the others... as well as grabbing a carton of sodas for the children... then made his way back outside, to where Druig stood with his own stuffed backpack.

"Good thing we have time to go out again. From the looks of it, there is a lot of stuff we will want to get and not enough space to carry it all," the speedster joked.

Harry smiled. "There are so many people in the base, I think it'd be impossible to get all the required presents in one trip. Or even two trips."

"Yes. Well... We have a little less than eighteen days. We should be able to get enough for a proper celebration, at least." Druig smiled. "Are you both ready to go?"

"I am," Wong said, with a nod.

"I'm ready," Harry confirmed. "I have most of what I need."

"Let's go, then." Taking their arms, Druig sped then back to the compound.

Wong made his way to the storage area to put away everything that wasn't directly his. "Friday? Could you please update the list with notations about what Druig, Harry and I brought back?" he asked.

"Right away, Master Wong," the AI responded.

Satisfied that everything was as neat as he could make it, and that the children would be able to find the crafting supplies easily, he went back to his and Harry's room to wrap his gifts and wait for dinner.

Harry quickly added his own items that he'd collected for the general lists and then went to join Wong in their room, so they could share some wine and conversation.

Pouring each of them a glass of wine, Wong held his glass up in a silent salute. To making the best out of bad situations and the universe giving us someone to love. He gently kissed Harry, clinked their glasses together and drank.