Advent Day One

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


A couple of weeks had passed, giving all the newcomers a chance to get to know each other and begin to assimilate into the compound. Ilyana had finally developed enough trust that she allowed her blood to be drawn, though she was still very nervous and Emil had needed to be beside her. Cooper had made an effort to get to know the newcomers, especially as he felt a bit alone after all but a few of his group had bonded... And he had no inclinations of bonding to any of his group that were left, since they were like family.

Clint and Laura had bonded to each other, needing that reconnection to help ease the anxiety the separation caused by Ultimus had caused. Bruce and Betty had bonded as well. Clint didn't bond with Betty or Bruce bond with Laura, so it left their bond feeling more like a horseshoe than a circle. Clint joked that the bond forming a horseshoe was good luck.

Jessica had informed the group about Jack Rollins and learned about the alternate dimension's Natasha and T'Challa. Having three sources of spy information made everyone feel good, though they all couldn't help worrying for their friends and looked forward to receiving information from them, if only because it meant they hadn't been caught and were still alive.

Currently, everyone was cleaning up from dinner and making plans; some intending to go to the recreation area to play games, some planning to go to the 'park', and others planning to go to their rooms for some alone time.

Laura smiled as she noticed that Nate was playing with some of the other children, intending to go to the rec room for a movie and some games. A sense of relief came through the bond to Clint, even as she admitted, I was worried that he wouldn't have the chance to be a child again. She reached out and squeezed Clint's hand, a sense of peacefulness coming through the bond. They still had a lot of work to do before their whole world could be free...but this was another step in the right direction, as far as she was concerned.

Clint smiled at her, squeezing her hand and nodding. It's good to see him making friends. I know Morgan and 'Little' Jack were glad to see him. Having another pre-teen or young teen takes some of the pressure off them too. He leaned in and kissed her. Do you want to join the others? Or go back to our room?

I'm actually enjoying being able to have some more private time, Laura admitted. I'd like to go back to our room. She returned the kiss.

Clint's smile widened and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, leading her to the room. I'm glad. I need to talk to you. Get your opinion on something. Advice... he admitted. I missed having you around to offer advice. He chuckled.

As he was leading her to their room, he gave a tiny wave to Nate, encouraging him to have fun. There were enough adults around, he knew someone would send him to bed when it got too late; most likely Lila or Cassie.

I missed being able to give you advice. Laura's own amusement came through the bond as she admitted, I missed us working as a team. I'm glad we can do that now. She leaned into Clint.

Clint hugged her tight. We make a really good team, he admitted. Opening the door to their room, he let her go in first, following behind and closing the door behind them. He then walked over to the tiny couch, tugging her with him so they could sit comfortably while talking.

"You know Bruce and I bonded before we found you and Betty. But when we got both of you safely to the compound and bonded with you, well... I blocked the bond I had with him. Not completely- that just felt wrong- but enough that he doesn't automatically feel my emotions or what I am thinking beyond a slight buzz in the background. I wanted us to have privacy while we reconnected, you know?" Clint began, sounding uncertain for the first time since they'd reunited.

Surprised at the admittance, Laura looked into Clint's eyes and reached out, taking hold of his hand. "I'm guessing that feels uncomfortable, even if it's not blocked completely." She had a similar feeling about her bond with Betty...although they'd been bonded for a shorter timer than Clint and Bruce had.

"It... It's been difficult," Clint admitted. "It feels wrong too, even if it doesn't feel as wrong as completely blocking it. His and my relationship... It... It followed the more traditional trajectory of the bond than yours and mine has. You and I are partners. Equals in every way. Bruce and I... When we bonded, we tried to keep everything the same: good friends. But the bond encouraged something different and developed into something different and... I find myself feeling anxious because I've cut that off too." He sighed.

"What did it develop into?" She gently squeezed his hand. There was no upset or disappointment coming through their bond...just gentle encouragement for him to be honest with her.

"He... He became my Dom..." Clint blushed, giving Laura an almost sheepish smile, a feeling of hesitant uncertainty at wondering how she'd take it. "He helped calm... Settle me... When we weren't sure we'd find you and I was anxious. Not with sex, though I have to admit I was attracted to him and still am, but by taking charge. He uh..." The blush deepened. "...He spanked me to settle me. I kinda miss it...."

"He was what you needed...and you were what he needed, too?" Laura guessed. "I already know you can be submissive to the right person. And I know how much you and Bruce care about each other." Her own voice was calm and accepting. Her feelings were no different.

Clint slanted his head thoughtfully. "Yeah... We were both what the other needed. And pulling back, even though I thought it was the best thing to do... Feels unsettling. Wrong. Maybe I just...miss him? Even though neither of us have gone anywhere...."

"There's nothing wrong with that," she said quietly. "And it's understandable. More than understandable." Looking into his eyes, she asked, "Do you know what will help you feel better?"

"I don't know if I need to go back to him dominating me when I'm anxious, or if I just need to reopen the bond...but I probably need to talk to him about it." Clint sighed. "Not tonight, though. You aren't upset about it?"

"Of course not," Laura replied. "Bruce is important to you. And I agree that you need to talk to him about it...even though it doesn't need to happen tonight." She leaned in to kiss him gently. "He's important to you, Clint. You don't need to try and pretend he isn't."

"Bonding to him made it possible for me to find you and the kids... But it changed me in ways I didn't expect. I've only wanted to be with you, ever since we got together. Now... I want both of you. Feels selfish...." Clint snorted, but pressed closer to her, nuzzling the side of her head. "That you understand and aren't furious at me... I'm a very lucky man."

She pressed against him, kissing him a bit deeper. "I'm not angry. Or even upset. I know it's not like you chose to cheat on me. You just bonded to one of your best friends and your feelings developed from there."

"I love you so much..." Clint kissed her back just as deeply. He decided to think about his feelings for Bruce another time. Maybe he wouldn't have to talk about them with the other man. He already felt so much better talking to Laura. Soon, they were doing more than kiss as he showed his wife how much he appreciated her.


In the rec room, several of the couples had gathered to play truth or truth. Cassie looked around expectantly. "So... Everyone just asks questions and you either have to answer with the truth, or you give up some candy?"

Harley nodded. "I haven't had a chance to play it yet...but that's how the game was explained to me," he said, settling back on the chair he'd claimed.

"So... Who goes first?" Lila asked, looking around

"Well, Peter Andrew was the one to suggest it. Maybe he should go first?" Peter Tom said.

Peter Andrew shrugged. "Sure, I'll go first. Did we establish if we're asking specific people questions, or if someone asks the question and anyone who wants can answer it?"

"Let's have it be someone asks the question, and then anyone who wants to answers it and anyone who doesn't forfeits the candy..." Kate suggested.

"Okay." Peter Andrew paused to think about it for a few moments. "This question got asked during one of our original games, but I figure it's worth asking again now, since we have a lot of new people. What's the first thing you want to do when all this is over? When Ultimus is defeated?"

Ikaris stirred slightly from his position between his two mates. "Take my mates on a trip to see more of the galaxy," he said honestly. After all, Peter Tom had only seen a small portion of it during the fight with Thanos...and Sersi had had most of her memories of their previous trips wiped away.

"I'd like to do more learning," Harley admitted, looking a bit awkward. "I was thinking about it before...getting my Masters degree. And then Ultimus happened and...if it was possible, that's what I'd want to look at doing."

"Oh!" Peter Tom's eyes lit up at Ikaris' answer. "After I find Ned and MJ and make sure they are okay,  I definitely want to tour the galaxy!" he seconded his mate's idea.

Katie bit her lip and looked at Namor. "I need to learn how to be human again... But I really want to see the fishies. Even if I have to wear scuba gear this time."

Kate wrinkled her nose. "Actually, seeing fish sounds great. Going to the beach in the daylight and not being afraid of being seen because there is nothing to hide behind? I could get behind that."

Cooper nodded. "Throw a huge ass party and celebrate every holiday and birthday I've missed in the last several years!" He grinned. "You're all invited!"

Jack Russell laughed. "We could always start celebrating them now ..." he stated. "Or at least a few of them. It's December 1st," he continued. "Christmas is only twenty-four days away."

Dane sat straighter at that. "Christmas? This will be the first one free from Ultimus, even if we are still hiding from him.... I'd like to do something for it, even if it isn't very much."

"Is there a way to 'go shopping'?" Quill asked. "I mean, I know that we regularly go scavenge towns, but that's for needed stuff. Is there a way to go to new places and look for stuff for gifts?"

The game got derailed as the idea of Christmas took over


Bruce had led Betty to their room, keeping in close physical contact with her. It helped to calm him and settle him...although he still felt a bit on edge and like something was missing. Like someone was missing. And, of course, he was fairly sure he knew who that was...but he and Clint seemed to have come to a mutual agreement to keep their bond closed off, at least mostly, while they reconnected with their wife and girlfriend.

Betty snuggled to Bruce, thankful they were finally able to be together again. She wasn't feeling out of sorts or like anything was missing. She and Bruce were bonded now, but also, she and Laura had decided not to block the bond they had. Betty still felt a need to protect the other woman and it was easier to do that if the bond was open. She could sense Bruce's unease, though. You feel...uneasy, love.

Not exactly uneasy. Bruce moved over to the bed and sat down with her, drawing her in close. He spoke out loud. "You know that I bonded to Clint. We never did anything sexually, but...we did form something of a Dominant and submissive relationship. It seemed to fill a need we both had."

"You were the Dom?" Betty said, with a tiny smile. "It seems like Clint tends to give in to you even when he argues with anyone else."

Bruce nodded. "We've been friends for a long time. I think we both decided to keep our own bond limited with you and Laura here, but it feels...not exactly wrong, but like something's missing," he admitted.

"Limited how?" Betty asked out loud, honestly confused.

"We've limited how much of our emotions come through to each other," Bruce explained. "Closed off the bond...not completely, as I don't think either of us would feel right doing that. But it's now a trickle of emotion coming through, while before, there was a flow."

Betty blinked at that. "Laura and I haven't done that. You all said the bond adjusts to what is needed and since it felt...wrong...unnecessary... to block the bond in any way, we just left it open. If blocking it feels off putting to you...maybe that is the bond telling you that you need something different?"

"It's possible," Bruce admitted. "But without you and Laura here, doing anything felt wrong. And then I wanted to reconnect with you and I know Clint wanted to reconnect with Laura. It didn't feel wrong to limit the bond then, but it doesn't feel right to limit it now."

"I appreciate being the sole focus the last couple of weeks... And I know Laura does too. But we're settled now and I know you love me. And I know we'll be together forever. If you need Clint too, I'm okay with it. I mean... I need Laura. I didn't dominate her as much as you dominated Clint, but I was a big part of her life for a year and protected her and the bond made me in charge... So I get it. If you need more than what I can offer you alone and you get it from Clint... if the bond is telling you, you need more.... You should listen to the bond..." Betty smiled faintly and leaned in to kiss him.

Bruce relaxed, both physically and through the bond, and returned the kiss, deepening it a bit. Thank you. He allowed his sense of gratitude to flow from him to her. Thank you for understanding. She was right. He did need Clint as well as Betty. The two needs weren't the same, but they were both intense.

I couldn't do any less. She returned the kiss just as deeply. I waited too long to have you in my life again. That I now also have a whole family? I'd be a fool to not understand.

I love you. He pulled her down onto the bed with him, keeping the bond open, and proceeded to show her just how strong his feelings still were and always had been.


In the recreational room, it had become apparent that the game had devolved into a reciting of 'Christmas Wish lists'. It was still fun, though, and drew the participants closer together in friendship. Someone had even stuck a Calendar on the wall and marked a big red X through Day One of December...then they all made their way to their various beds, looking forward to Day Two.