Advent Day Fourteen

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


It was mid-afternoon of day fourteen for the Christmas countdown. Thor stood in the middle of the doorway to the recreational room, a disturbed look on his face.

Lincoln slid past him, giving him a questioning look, and went to sit next to Nebula. Across from her were M'Baku and Happy. Happy was teaching them both how to play Rummy. Lincoln smiled, taking the cards Happy dealt to him. "Thanks, man. Does anyone know what is wrong with Thor?" He glanced back at the large Asgardian who hadn't moved, still had a disturbed look on his face, and was staring daggers at the bookshelf in the corner of the room.

"Loki seemed confused a couple of days ago too," Nebula commented. "Maybe it's related?"

M'Baku was frowning at his cards, a slightly perplexed look on his face. He understood the rules of the game well just didn't hold much of an appeal to him. But his mate seemed to enjoy the game, so he'd go along with it.

"I recall hearing Loki mention some small creature moving around to various spots... I haven't seen anything. Hopefully, we don't have pests that have moved in, though..." Happy commented. He glanced at M'Baku. "You aren't really enjoying this, are you?" he asked ruefully.

"You enjoy it," M'Baku replied. "I will play it for your sake."

"We could find something both of us enjoy..." Happy pointed out quietly.

"I enjoy seeing you happy and getting enjoyment from something you like," M'Baku said.

Happiness and belonging surged through the bond at those words. Knowing he had someone on his side that cared about his happiness felt good, and his own desire to be worthy of such care... to help his mate be happy too... was strong. Smiling at M'Baku, he turned toward Nebula and Lincoln. "Are you enjoying the game?"

"Yeah. It's cool. We can play something else if you'd rather, though." Lincoln said this to the group, but it was Nebula he was focused on.

"I have found card games quite enjoyable," Nebula admited, remembering her time stuck on the spaceship with Tony. While the circumstances hadn't been ideal, she had learned to enjoy games.

"I'm glad. I want you to enjoy yourself..." Lincoln grinned, a feeling of love pulsing through the bond. 

"Do you enjoy this game?" Nebula asked him, clearly hoping that he would be happy doing this.

"I do." He smiled, and it was clear he was telling the truth. "It's simple, but still challenging. And the company is good." He gave her an impish wink, before teasing the other two men. "Even the behemoths."

M'Baku shook his head, but he was smiling. "I am quite certain that I can and will win this game."

"Yeah? We'll see about that..." Happy grinned wolfishly, his competitive side having just been challenged.

Lincoln laughed. "Whose turn is it?"

It wasn't long before the four of them settled into playing the game, talking and getting to know each other more.