Advent Day Four

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


It was breakfast the next morning and Druig, Pietro, and Makarri had just returned from their excursion on Jessica's behalf. She looked at them hopefully. "Did you find a message?"

Druig nodded. "Yes. We actually did. It's a bit worrying, though. The message said he is feeling worried about his situation; that there are rumors of Ultimus sending a mind-reader to this dimension. He thinks he might have to make a run for it fairly soon."

Jessica's eyes widened. "He'd probably go to the location on the signs you all left..." she said uncertainly.

"And if or when he does, Friday will alert us and we'll pick him up," Tony asserted. He glanced over to where the children were marking on the calendar hanging on the wall. "What are you trouble magnets doing?" he asked, in amused curiousity.

"Marking off Day four on the calendar!" Morgan chirped. "Only twenty-one more days!"

"The first Christmas since Ultimus invaded...our first Christmas being truly free of him," Laura said quietly, before smiling at Clint...and then at Betty. "It's a cause for celebration."

Clint nodded. "It is very much a reason to celebrate..." he said a bit distractedly, before looking at Druig. "I hate to ask this, but do you think you can leave a message for Natasha and T'Challa? Find out if this rumor Rollins heard is true?"

"Sure. Write it out and I'll take it over right after breakfast and make sure they haven't left a message for us," Druig agreed.

"They should get out anyway," Steve said. "Even if the rumours are wrong, there's still the chance that Ultimus will send a mind reader. We should make sure they come to meet us."

"Tell them that. They've been in there a long time and the fact there is even rumors is concerning..." Clint agreed.

"Got it. Tell them to get out while things are calm and the sneaking is easier." Druig nodded.

"Good idea," Fury agreed. "They might be from a different dimension...but they're still important to us."

Cooper glanced around. "There's a version of Aunt Nat that survived?"

Bruce nodded. "She came from another dimension with T'Challa, to spy on Ultimus...but I'm sure she wouldn't want to put either of them in danger of discovery, or of revealing what they know about us."

Cooper nodded. "Let's finish breakfast so we can send them the message..." he urged, glancing around the table.

"That's the plan..." Frank huffed in amusement, as he continued to plate food up and put it in front of the youngest members of the compound who didn't have a parent to help them.

Everyone worked together and soon were eating. As soon as he was finished, Druig retrieved some paper and made a quick message, warning their spies of what the other spy had mentioned... showing it to Steve for his approval. "If this is okay, I'll speed it to the drop off point..." he said.

"Take at least one other person with you. Just in case," Tony ordered.

"I'll go as well," Steve said, moving forward to accompany Druig.

Druig smiled at Steve. "Ready now, sir?" he asked, in a chipper tone.

"Ready when you are," Steve confirmed.

Taking hold of Steve's arm, Druig disappeared with the captain before anyone could blink.

"That is so weird... seeing Druig with Makkari's ability..." Sersei commented.

Peter Tom looked at his bond-mates. "You all haven't started getting any of my abilities yet?" he asked curiously.

Everyone had finished eating by this point and began to clear the tables. Children went to their 'classroom', while anyone without a specific job followed their mates who did have a specific job, or headed off to do whatever needed doing for the day.

Clint looked at Laura. I think it is time I talked to Bruce... the anxiety at being away from him hasn't improved... he admitted, before glancing at his other bond-mate. He fully opened the bond between him and the other man for the first time since they'd retrieved Betty and Laura.  Bruce? I... I need to talk to you...  Despite his efforts at controlling the flood of emotions, he had been keeping them walled back for so long, they flooded the now open bond. Bruce would be able to feel the strong anxiety coming from Clint.

Bruce felt the emotions flood through and he immediately sent a wave of reassurance to Clint, even while addressing Betty. I need to talk with Clint. Can I use our room?

Of course. I'll hang out with Laura... Betty reassured, before walking over to her other mate and wrapping an arm around Laura's shoulders. Let's go to the park while the guys talk...

Laura willingly went with Betty.

Bruce moved over to Clint and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. We can talk in my room, he said, beginning to lead Clint there.

A feeling of intense relief went through Clint, and through the bond, at the physical connection when Bruce put his arm around him.  Yessir... he thought gratefully, following Bruce without any resistance at all. Once they were in the room, door closed to the outside, Clint faced Bruce. "I made a big mistake..." he said, in a tight whisper. "I should never have blocked off the bond. I thought it was the right thing to do, but everything has been feeling wrong for... several days, if not longer...."

"Clint...." Bruce reached out and placed his hands on the other man's shoulders, squeezing gently. "We both blocked the bond...but I agree with you. It's been hard. It's been feeling wrong. I think it was necessary to begin with, but it's not necessary now."

Clint nodded. "That's what Laura said... said... I need you and that's alright. That I need to listen to what the bond is telling me... Just... it's telling me I need you, need you. Now that Laura is here and we are bonded and that's right... the bond wants more..." He winced, biting his lip, not sure if the bond was telling Bruce the same thing or not. If Laura hadn't been encouraging, he wouldn't have had the guts to tell Bruce. He didn't want to ruin his relationship with his best friend.

"Betty said much the same thing to me," Bruce admitted. "That she was okay with me needing to be with you and needing to be with her as well. I just...wasn't sure how to bring it up with you," he said, a little sheepishly.

"We have some really smart women in our lives..." Clint smiled crookedly. "I... I think Laura is expecting me to stay here with you until I feel settled again..." he said hesitantly, before continuing in thought, finding it difficult to ask out loud. Will... will you... claim me again? Help settle the bond? I promise I won't block you out ever again, once it feels right....

Bruce nodded, reaching out and drawing Clint in to kiss him deeply. Then, he began to slowly strip the other man...gently squeezing down Clint's arms and over his chest as he did so.

Clint relaxed as Bruce agreed. Just because he felt the need for the bond to be complete in that manner, it didn't mean Bruce did. He returned the kiss eagerly, trying to show Bruce how much he appreciated, loved, his friend and dominant, through his lips. Just being touched by Bruce settled the bond enough for him to know this was what he needed to feel complete again. He was ever so grateful Laura understood.

As soon as Clint was naked, Bruce guided him towards the bed and settled down on it, tugging Clint down with him. He kissed the other man a bit more firmly, touching and exploring Clint's body.

Clint whimpered softly, returning the kisses as much as he was able, letting his hands roam over Bruce's body as well. It didn't take long at all, almost embarrassingly quick, for him to become fully aroused, leaking precum and moaning with need.

Grunting softly with satisfaction at the reactions he was drawing from Clint, Bruce reached out to open the drawer that contained the lube. He opened it and drew out the bottle, coating one finger in the lube before he pushed that inside his bond mate.

Clint's groan was loud and long as he felt himself breeched. "Needed this... needed you..." he admitted, in a tiny voice. Having talked to Laura and realizing that she understood and approved of him remaining close to Bruce, it was much easier to admit. Bruce was a missing piece to himself that he'd never known even existed until the bond. He'd known he was more submissive to some people, but he'd never felt the need to submit so fully and deeply before Bruce and now that he was accepting that part of himself, that part of the bond, he realized that he couldn't ignore it. Ignoring it messed with him emotionally and mentally and none of his family members, his bond mates, deserved that. He didn't deserve that.

I need you. Bruce sent the admittance through the bond, even as he began to move that finger in slow circles inside Clint. He opened himself up fully through the bond...allowing Clint to feel everything that Bruce felt. Including how much Bruce needed and loved his bond mate. He'd held back before, even before Betty and Laura had arrived. He wasn't holding back now.

At being able to feel Bruce's feelings and realizing how much the other man needed and loved him, any insecurities that remained faded and Clint let go completely. His own feelings of need, desire and love flowed back to Bruce and the emotion caused him to tear up, the visible evidence of how strongly he felt sliding down his cheeks. He shivered at feeling Bruce's finger moving inside, his body opening and relaxing to allow Bruce deeper access.

Good. You're being so very good for me, Bruce breathed through the bond, even as he continued moving his finger inside Clint. After a few moments, he coated a second finger and pushed that inside too...moving both in slow circles inside his mate.

Clint's groan was filled with pleasure and need. His complete acceptance of Bruce's position in his life, as his dominant, and the fact Bruce had the right to touch him so deeply and intimately flowed through the bond. Need to be good for you... he thought, his emotions swelling at the praise.

I love you, Bruce sent through the bond, as he continued to move his fingers in circles inside Clint. Finally, though, he could feel that he was on the edge...and was sure Clint was too. He withdrew his fingers and lubed up his member before pushing inside his bondmate.

Clint breathed deep, mouthing at Bruce's shoulder as his mate pushed in, stretching him open. Feels so good... he moaned. Feels so right, having you fill me completely....

You feel so good surrounding me, Bruce thought. I need you. He began to thrust, grasping Clint's hips tightly.

Need you... so much... never block you again... Clint promised, arching his back so Bruce could go deeper. Need to feel your control over me.... He gasped as Bruce's shaft rubbed over his prostate.

Good. Bruce gave a low, possessive growl and leaned down to kiss Clint hard, pushing his tongue into his mate's mouth. You're mine.

Always! Clint opened his mouth, accepting Bruce's claim of his mouth the same as he accepted the claiming of his body. He was very close to the edge, holding on for Bruce's order.

Bruce continued thrusting, until they were both as close to the edge as it was possible to get. Then, he ordered, Let go!

On Bruce's command, Clint immediately released, his body quivering, squeezing and spasming around Bruce. He clenched tight, holding onto Bruce and trying to keep him inside as long as possible.

Bruce's own release came over him at the same time and he released hard inside Clint, his fingers gripping his mate's hips tightly enough to leave imprints of his fingers behind.

Once it was over, Clint lay limp under Bruce, breathing hard and deep. A satisfied feeling carried through the bond. He finally felt complete again. Bruce was a thrumming presence in the back of his mind, right next to Laura. Everything was right. "Love you..." he whispered softly.

"Love you too." Bruce kissed him tenderly. "Thank you for reaching out." 

"Had to... just felt all wrong," Clint admitted, nuzzling Bruce's shoulder. "Finally feel right again. Can feel you in my head, next to Laura... where both of you should be. Only one missing is Betty..." he whispered.

"And I'm missing Laura," Bruce said quietly. "I think it would be right if the four of us completed the bond. It's the only way we'd all feel truly complete."

"I think you're right... I'll ask Laura to come here..." Clint offered.

"I'll ask Betty the same thing," Bruce commented. "I think they're together anyway."

"Yeah. Laura said they never closed off their bond. I wouldn't be surprised if they were reconnecting while we were fixing ours..." Clint smiled sheepishly.

"I suspect they've had much less difficulty navigating their bond than we've had ours." Bruce sent a message to Betty, asking if she could come and meet him and Clint.

Clint sent Laura a message, asking her to come with Betty to meet with him and Bruce as he thought about Bruce's observation. "Laura has always been practical. And not prone to jealousy. Given both of our occupations working with SHIELD, she always told me to do whatever I needed and she could accept it as long as I came home to her.  Once the bond is complete, I can be home with all of you...."

Bruce nodded, carefully pulling out of Clint...though he didn't immediately clean them up. If things went the way they expected, there was no need to clean up any mess they made twice.

Clint lay back in the bed, not trying to cover himself.

Soon, the door to the room was opening and Betty was slipping inside, tugging Laura behind her. She glanced toward Bruce and Clint, not even blinking at the fact both men were naked and obviously sated. She grinned and gave a soft wolf-whistle. "Does this mean we're finally completing the circle?" she asked, in a gently teasing tone.

Bruce nodded and gave both women a quick grin. "If you're both in agreement, that is."

"We were just waiting for you both to figure it out too." Laura smiled, gently teasing.

"Well, I always did say you were smarter than me..." Clint teased his wife back, then held out a hand to Betty.

Grinning, Betty gently pushed Laura in Bruce's direction, then went to Clint. "As long as you appreciate us..." She laughed softly as she reached him, leaning in and kissing him.

Bruce smiled and reached out, drawing Laura to him and kissing her deeply.

The bond thrummed between them as they completed the circle that had begun months before. Peace, contentment and desire urged them forward. They didn't leave the room again that night.