Advent Day Eleven

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


December eleventh saw Danny waking up early. He could tell that Matt was still asleep, though, and didn't try to wake his mate. Instead, he held onto Matt and enjoyed the feeling of comfort and warmth that had been sorely lacking ever since Ultimus had invaded their world and ripped their free will from them.

Matt snuggled close in his sleep, feeling safe and loved. He always slept soundly ever since bonding to Danny. He was more well rested than even before Ultimus appeared. He was healthier than he'd ever been, thanks to Danny's care and strictness in making sure Matt took care of himself.

Danny relaxed as Matt snuggled in close, letting out a quiet, contented sigh at the feeling of his mate resting in his arms. He brushed a gentle kiss over Matt's hair, wanting to give his mate affection even if he wasn't going to try and wake him up.

Even though Danny wasn't doing anything that would wake him, Matt eventually stirred awake. Nuzzling Danny's chest, he snuggled closer and sighed. I will never stop being grateful to have this now... he thought. The one good thing to come from Ultimus' arrival.

I'm glad I have you and that we bonded, Danny replied, tightening his embrace a little. I'm glad I now have some influence over you, he added, remembering how much Matt's behaviour had worried him before.

Matt smiled at that. You have more than some influence, he admitted. You have final say.

Good. I need that, because otherwise, there's the chance I could lose you. With how you acted definitely seemed like you had a death wish, Danny said.

I didn't necessarily want to die... Not all the time, anyway. But I did feel the need to hurt myself... Like I deserved to be punished... And since no one else would... Matt responded hesitantly, a sense of shamed embarrassment and uncertain worry traveling the bond. Even if Danny already knew everything Matt had just admitted, it was still difficult to admit.

Can you tell me why? Danny asked carefully. He didn't even try to hide his concern, but he figured that the more he could understand about his mate's mental state, the better position he'd be in to help Matt.

I... Don't know... All the times I failed and people were hurt? The fact I was living a double life and lying to my friends? The fact my father died trying to earn enough to help me with my blindness? I couldn't honestly give a specific reason... Matt faltered. I just know I always feel guilty.

Do you still feel that way? Danny figured that if Matt did, he'd have to figure out a safe way of helping his mate to handle his guilt...a way that didn't result in Matt getting himself hurt; or, worse, killed.

Not as often... Matt responded, snuggling closer. Sometimes I feel guilty that I've managed to be freed and am happy when others who are better than me and who deserve to be happy aren't... But being with you helps.

Do you need other help from me? Danny asked directly. I don't want you to punish yourself, or try to punish yourself. Would it help at all to speak to me and leave it up to me about whether you need to be punished or not?

There was a noticeable intake of breath as Matt processed the question. I... I think it would probably be safer if I left it in your hands... But I don't always realize that is what I'm doing till after it has happened.

That's why it's good that we're bonded, Danny said. That means I have a better insight into your mental state than I did before.

Yeah. Maybe you can help me figure myself out when I can't do it on my own... Matt agreed.

Always, Danny promised. I'll always be here to help you.

Matt nuzzled Danny's chest again, snuggling. If I did need you to... handle me? What would you do? he asked curiously.

It would depend on the situation. How you were feeling, Danny answered honestly. If I could talk you down, or if you'd need a more hands-on approach. I would hope being bonded would help me to know what you need from me when you can't tell me yourself.

Matt nodded. I think you would be able to. You already help me so much....

I'm glad. I want to help you, Danny said honestly. I love you.

I love you too. Matt leaned up and kissed the bottom of Danny's chin. Are you ready to get up and start the day?

I am. Danny gently kissed his lips and then got up, helping his mate up as well.

It didn't take long for them to get ready for the day and head out to where everyone else was gathering for breakfast.

Druig was putting a platter down on the table as they walked in. "I think it is time for Pietro, Makkari and I to get to spend some time with each other. So if there are no objections, I want to go to a little town south of here and see what they have available from the list," he said.

Steve smiled at Druig. "Of course," he said. "Enjoy yourselves."

Loki was helping himself to breakfast, but there was a slightly perplexed look on his face and he was looking he was trying to spot something.

Peter noticed his mate's expression and wrinkled his nose, also looking around in confusion. What are you looking for, Loks?

I saw something...a toy Christmas elf. It is...creepy. Loki's shudder could be felt through the bond. I do not know where it has gone now.

Peter blinked and looked all around. I don't see anything... That does sound creepy....

It is not in here. Loki didn't sound so sure of himself, though, and was still looking he was expecting it to suddenly pop up out of nowhere.

Have you seen it other places? Peter asked, shifting closer to his mate.

Only in two places so far. But it is very disturbing. Loki wrapped his arm around Peter.

Peter snuggled close. I will watch for it as well! he promised.

Thank you, Loki responded.

Breakfast was jovial. The closer to Christmas they got, the more excited the children became; and the more determined the adults became to make sure as many of their Christmas wishes came true as possible.

Druig looked at his mates. Do you know where we are going? Or do you need to follow me?

Pietro shrugged. I think I have a pretty good idea of where we're going.

Me too. Makkari prepared to speed as soon as they hit the surface of the base.

In that case... Winner tops tonight! Druig sent impishly, just as they reached the front entrance. And then he was speeding off toward the town.

Pietro and Makkari quickly sped after their mate, heading towards the town.

They spent the rest of the morning locating items from the list. They sped back for lunch, then sped off to spend the afternoon gathering even more items. They made a significant dent in the list, but what made Druig the happiest was spending time with his mates.

Makkari had been the one to ultimately win the race and when they reached the base after they'd done their shopping, she asked innocently, Does the topping start now?

Druig grinned impishly. It does .. what do you require, Mistress? He glanced toward Pietro, to see his reaction.

Pietro grinned at his mates and snapped to attention like a soldier.

We should go to our room, Makkari decided, holding a hand out to each of them.

Pietro quickly took one of her hands.

Druig took her other hand. Lead on, Ma'am. He was grinning from ear to ear. He obviously was following as Makkari led them back to their room.

Once they were in their room, Makkari leaned in and kissed both of them, then stepped back with a mischievous smile. Undress each other.

Pietro reached out to begin undressing Druig, his feelings through the bond contented and happy.

Druig's own happiness spiked and he turned to begin undressing Pietro, making sure it was easy for Makkari to see. His attraction for his mates spiked and he started to get aroused.

It was obvious, through the bond and visually, that Makkari was becoming aroused by the sight of her two mates undressing each other. When they were both naked, she moved towards them so that she could reach out and run her hands over their exposed skin.

Druig shivered slightly. "Like what you see?" he asked, his voice soft and husky.

Yes. Makkari pressed in close to them. Very much so.

"Can we undress you as well?" Pietro asked, the heat of arousal obviously in his eyes.

Makkari nodded, giving her permission.

Druig took his time undressing Makkari, making certain Pietro had ample chance to do so as well. Soon, they were all naked and it was very obvious that they all were turned on. Take this to the bed? he thought, with a hint of amused excitement.

Race you there? Makkari teased, before she sped the few steps towards the bed.

Pietro followed quickly.

Hey now! Wait for me! Druig protested playfully, before taking a running leap into the middle of the bed between both of them. It didn't take long for them to slow down and get preoccupied with things that shouldn't be rushed.