Advent Day Eight

Summary: Set after Avengers: Endgame. Fluff and stuff leading up to Christmas.
Warning(s): Explicit. Disciplinary and erotic spanking; Heavy Domination/submission; sexual situations; dub/non-con (consent after the fact/reluctant agreement); violence and mentions of violence; AU


The morning of the eighth day of December, Ajak stirred and rolled onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. Her sleep had been slightly disturbed by dreams, but she thought perhaps those were memories of her time on other planets, rather than linking with one of her counterparts in a different dimension.

Still, the dreams had left her feeling a bit unsettled.

Marc could sense his mate's unsettled disposition and shifted closer, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close in a protective hug. Kissing her forehead, he asked, Will it help to talk about it?

I'm not sure. Ajak sighed. The memories were from so long ago. I don't know why my mind has chosen to dwell on them.

Tell me? Marc encouraged. Maybe talking wouldn't help... But if he knew what troubled her, maybe he could come up with another idea. She did so much to help and take care of him, he wanted to be there for her.

Arishem never took any of my memories, she admitted. Not like he did to the others. Sometimes it feels like my head is...too full. Like I cannot hold all of these memories of all of these different lifetimes.

I... Can sort of understand that. Sharing my head with two other people... Marc said hesitantly, snuggling close.

Ajak wrapped her arms around him, hugging tight. You're probably one of the only people who can understand, she agreed. I just would like to know why the dreams have surfaced now.

They said Ultimus was possibly bringing a mind reader through... Marc remembered what Jessica had reported from Rollins' spying. Maybe that has something to do with it?

It's possible, Ajak agreed. Sometimes hearing one thing can trigger the memory of something else.

Yeah. I meant more that if there was a mind reader brought through... Do you think they'd be trying to read our minds while we slept and it jarred something...? Is that a possibility? he asked, with a strong hint of worry.

Maybe. Her own hint of worry came clearly through the bond. We should raise it as a possiblity to the rest of the base.

Marc nodded, nuzzling against her. When we go to breakfast...?

Yes. We can raise it then, she agreed, letting her hands rub gently over his body. I feel my dreams...there is something I'm missing, she admitted.

You have a lot of memories inside... maybe one of them is moving to the front. Maybe if you don't worry about it, it will become more clear and you can figure it out... Marc snuggled and nuzzled closer, before allowing himself to latch onto her nipple and gently begin to suck.

You could be right.... Her thought was cut off with a low moan as he began to suck on her nipple. She moved her hands down to gently grasp his shoulders, almost gripping as her body began to 'rouse.

Smiling, he continued to gently suck. He wasn't after sex for himself... he'd be happy just being held tight while he made her feel good. While suckling, he gently ran his hand down over her stomach and between her legs, gently rubbing there to stimulate.

She moaned softly, her arousal spiking and coming through the bond. It feels good, she encouraged him gently. You feel good. Her grip tightened a fraction on him.

Contented happiness spread from him to her as he continued to gently suck and rub, adding a bit of licking to his actions. It feels good doing this....

Her head fell back slightly as she began to grow wet between her legs, soft moans and groans escaping. She didn't attempt to quieten them, or to hide her reactions. He'd be fully aware of just how much he was affecting her.

Carefully, in case she didn't like it, he pushed a finger into her, beginning to rub inside as well. He shifted so he could begin to suck her other nipple.

She sighed, the action causing her body to grow warm with arousal. She couldn't help but arch towards his touch and and his mouth, her fingers gripping him more tightly.

Marc continued rubbing inside, licking and sucking, adding a second finger and bending his fingers just enough to reach the most sensitive spot inside her. He'd continue until she climaxed or told him to stop. He was eager to please her.

Very quickly, she felt herself teetering on the edge. As he found that sensitive spot inside her, she released...her body arching and a soft cry escaping her lips as she rode out the waves of her orgasm.

He continued to rub, kiss and lick until he was certain she'd finished, then carefully pulled his fingers out. He reluctantly released her nipple; he always felt calmed when he was attached in that way, but he didn't want to make her sore.  I love you... he thought contentedly.

I love you too. A calm, sated feeling came through the bond towards him.

What's the plan for today? Marc asked, obviously feeling lazy.

Nothing specific. Is there anything you would like to do? she asked him.

Maybe we can just hang out in here? Read? Listen to music? Marc suggested uncertainly.

I would like that, Ajak agreed. I enjoy spending time with just us.

I like that too... Marc grinned up at her, snuggling close again. All three of us like it, he added, before settling in place, content to just be.


"Can we have a Christmas party tonight? Watch Christmas videos and play Christmas games and put up a tree?" Morgan asked, as she looked at the calendar. "It's day eight!"

"I don't think we have a tree." Tony frowned. "Or ornaments, for that matter, though I suppose we can always make those...."

Lila sat up straight. "Laura and I can go get a tree!" she offered, excited at the prospect of decorating.

Laura glanced up, her interest immediately piqued. "Where would we get one from?" she asked. "We'd have trouble getting hold of one of the artificial trees...."

"We're in a forested area. If we took a shovel, we could dig up a smaller pine and transplant it to the park. We don't really need a huge tree and it might be nice to get a non-fruit tree variety in the park...." Lila looked around to see responses to her suggestion.

The people in the main room all looked interested, clearly liking the idea of having an actual Christmas tree.

"If the ground's hard, I could use my claws to help as well as the shovel," Laura suggested.

"Sounds good to me, as long as you're careful. What do you think, Steve?" Tony looked toward their leader.

"I don't see any reason not to," Steve answered. "As long as you're both careful."

"Great. We can head out after breakfast..." Lila smiled at Laura.

For the next hour, the most prevalent chatter was about the tree and how it would be decorated. Everyone was excited, not just the children. Lila and Laura had an escort to the elevator as they prepared to go topside. They had dressed for cold weather, as temperatures had steadily dropped during the last several weeks and Wong had warned them that if they weren't going to have the opportunity to be inside a building sheltered from the wind (even if that building wasn't heated), they needed to be prepared. Lila grabbed a shovel, something to wrap the tree's roots in, and a wagon to pull it back. "Prof? I'll keep a connection to you, just in case?" She looked at Charles as they stepped onto the elevator.

Charles nodded. "I'll make sure the connection is fully opened my end," he said. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you that if anything feels wrong, even if there's nothing obvious, you need to leave immediately." They'd spent more than a year using their instincts to survive, after all.

"Of course!" Lila smiled and nodded at Laura. "Let's go, Sugar..." she said impishly, leading the way out of the building. They immediately headed to the wooded area, looking for a tree.

What sort of tree are we looking for? Laura asked. My dad and I never really got a Christmas tree. I don't know which one is best.

We are looking for a small to medium sized fir tree... I know there were Christmas tree farms around before Ultimus... And some of those were in this area. I had Friday look up old maps and point out possibilities, and one of the old farms is about two miles from the compound. There should be some good options there, but I figure we can also keep an eye out as we walk. In case we find the perfect one on our way there. Lila grinned

Laura nodded, looking around, still very obviously on her guard. Even if she was bonded and the chances of Ultimus getting inside her head were slim to none...she couldn't help but be wary. Especially given how long she'd been running and hiding on her own for.

Lila could feel the nervousness and did her best to send calming emotions through the bond. She was a bit anxious as well, for the same reason, so she understood. Even with the nervousness causing them to be cautious and move carefully, they still reached where Friday had indicated the tree farm was in a decent amount of time and they began searching for the perfect tree to bring back. We want to be certain that nothing has made its home in the tree. I don't want to separate some poor squirrel or bird from its nest in this weather... And I don't think accidentally relocating a bird or squirrel into the park at the compound would be so good either, even if we fed them, she thought with amusement.

They wouldn't be happy trapped inside, Laura noted. She couldn't say she was much happier with that, even knowing it was necessary and that it was the only way to be free of Ultimus. What about this tree? she asked, as she found one that looked like it could be a good candidate.

Lila looked it over, making certain there were no animals living in it first. You are right that they would not like being trapped, even if the park is large. She then judged the size, if it looked like it would survive transplanting, and if it looked like it had enough limbs to decorate. I think it looks very good! Do you want to settle on this one, then? Or keep looking just in case, and keep it in mind?

If you think this one looks good, I think we should take it, Laura replied. I know this area is safe, but I still can't help She frowned, not sure she was using the right word. It was difficult to put into words how she actually felt.

Yeah. I know what you mean. And I doubt we'd find a better one anyway... Lila agreed, pulling out the shovel and beginning the process of transplanting.  With Laura's help, she eventually had the tree dug up and the roots carefully wrapped in the protective blankets that they'd brought. She and Laura put it into the wagon and began the even slower process of walking back to the base. They kept their senses open the entire time, not wanting to risk being caught unaware by Ultimus's soldiers.

Laura was very tense, eyes darting every which way. She didn't let her claws out, but she was ready and prepared to do so if she needed to. She was also looking around in case she saw any sign of her father. He was likely taken by Ultimus and if she could save him, she'd find a way to do so.

Lila just kept her eyes open. It was impossible not to notice how on guard and tense Laura was. She picked up the pace considerably so that they could get back to base faster. It was after lunch by the time they finally walked through the compound doors and got onto the elevator. First, we will eat and then we will plant the tree... although I think Peter-Andrew would probably plant it for us while we eat.... she thought to Laura. And then when the kids get out of their classes, we can all converge in the park to decorate it.

Okay, Laura agreed, relaxing fractionally once they reached the base. She might feel a bit caged in, being forced to stay underground, but she couldn't deny that it was safer; that she felt safer.

Lila handed the tree off to Peter-Andrew, then directed Laura into the kitchen area where they could get some food. There were leftovers from lunch. 

While they were eating, the others oversaw the planting of the tree. The children had made ornaments to decorate and Tony had even fashioned some lights to put around the tree. They unanimously decided to wait until after dinner to decorate, though. They made hot chocolate and cookies and had a small decorating party with everyone being able to place at least one ornament (the children put the most on).

"It looks like Christmas now!" Morgan declared happily.

Lila wrapped an arm around Laura and hugged her close, smiling at everyone around them. We did good... she thought, with a hint of pride.

Laura smiled and leaned into her mate, giving a quiet sigh. Yeah. We did, she agreed. It wasn't exactly peaceful, with the threat of Ultimus still hanging over their heads, but it was as close to it as they could possibly get.