The Multiverse
False Security

Summary: Matt is reminded that outside of the compound isn’t necessarily safe.
Warning(s): AU; mentions of violence; team as family


Sam settled in the family room with his children, sitting with Matt on one side of him and Karen on the other. Both of them were struggling at having learned about Fisk still working his machinations and he wanted to stick close to them.

There were a couple of other family members in the room. Sprite had ended up making friends with America and Kaine and was sitting with them, talking animatedly about her time spent in Ancient Greece.

Matt was listening to the younger teens talk, the first-hand information Sprite was providing a slight distraction. Very slight. "How is he... whose pocket did he have to grease?" he mumbled angrily.

Karen just snuggled closer and watched the door, waiting for Foggy to get home.

Kaine was enthralled with Sprite's stories. "My history book said..." he interjected, asking her if the book was accurate.

"Not exactly." Sprite went off into a tangent of information.

Ikaris walked into the family room at that point and raised his eyebrows at Sprite. "Did she tell you how she was responsible for most of the myths and legends from that time?" he asked Kaine. "Sprite's always enjoyed telling stories."

"I'm good at it, too," Sprite said.

Sam hugged his children a bit closer and tighter and looked towards Ikaris. "You planning to join us with the rest of your kids?" he asked quietly. "We don't always get that many chances to just sit and talk as a family."

"Oh yeah!" Kaine looked excited. "We can all tell stories! That was lots of fun on the island!"

Dane walked in not far behind Ikaris, just in time to hear Kaine. "I'm always game to find out how wrong my learning was...." He sounded amused.

Kate was standing next to him. "Do all the stories have to be history?" She pouted.

"Actually, most of them aren't to do with history, as such," Sam said. "A lot of the time, we share stories about us. Trouble we got into. Or what our kids got into. Family connections others might not have known about." Looking at Ikaris and Sprite, he added, "Like you both knowing Logan and Steve and Bucky. That kind of story. Helps us to learn more about each other as family."

"Oh... this sounds good!" Kate quickly moved to sit on a chair near the others. "Who starts?"

Sam shrugged. "Generally, it's whoever has a story they want to share." Glancing at his children, he added, "Or who needs to think about something else for a change." Giving Matt a gentle squeeze, he commented, "Like a recent situation you were involved in."

Matt turned his face toward his father. "What recent situation are you thinking about?" he asked curiously, willing to play along if it would help him calm down about Fisk.

"I was thinking about the most recent time, when Foggy texted me asking me where you were," Sam replied. "You were supposed to be at a court case."

"Oh! Right. That was an awful day..." Matt grimaced. "Luckily, the judge was understanding...."


Sam hadn't wasted any time in asking Lincoln to meet him in the medical room. On his way there, he sent a message to his son, letting Matt know that he loved him and would see him soon. No matter what had happened, he needed his son to feel reassured, cared about, loved.

Matt was feeling more frustrated at the situation than worried about his father not being happy with him. For once, what had happened wasn't a result of him taking needlessly risky chances; and had caught him by surprise to boot. He felt like he had failed in some way, not realizing that the thugs had come up on him until they were attacking. They had thought him an easy mark. He wasn’t, but even so, he'd been severely outnumbered. The only reason he hadn't been hurt worse was because he was in such good shape and was so well trained, and he'd only got away because a group of burly construction workers had heard the ruckus and called the police, as well as scaring away his attackers. They'd then stayed with him until the police could come.

The police had taken his statement and escorted him to the courthouse, since he'd refused to go to a hospital. He'd been relieved that the judge didn't throw out their case because of his tardiness, and had rescheduled for the following week.

Now, he was in the infirmary at home. He wasn't planning to fight them taking care of him now. An hour or so after the attack and he wasn't feeling quite as 'fine' as he'd been attesting to everyone else.

Sam was more than used to his son insisting that he was fine, even when he wasn't. Unprepared to take Matt's word for him being fine, Sam had insisted on his son being checked over thoroughly. He stuck close to Matt, making sure he didn't get in the way of Lincoln's examination. "Did you recognize the people who attacked you?" he asked, wondering if his son had been targeted by criminals he'd helped to put away previously...or if he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"No... their voices were unfamiliar and none of them fought like any of the organizations I've fought before. They didn't say anything that made me think they were paid to attack me, either; it seemed they just thought I'd be an easy mark..." Matt said morosely, cooperating as much as he was able while Lincoln wrapped his ribs and cleaned the cuts and scrapes he'd received.

"Maybe you're right," Sam said. "But if there are cameras close by, I want to get the feed from them. Even if this was nothing personal against you, they still attacked someone they believed was defenseless. The next person they target might not be as skilled as you."

"Yeah... sorry I wasn't much help, dad. If I'd been able to stop them, they wouldn't be a risk to other people now..." Matt said softly.

Sam shook his head, wrapping his arms around his son in a tight, though careful hug. "I'm just relieved it wasn't worse," he said quietly. "I was so scared when Foggy told me you weren't answering him. I knew you wouldn't have missed going to court without a reason."

Matt smiled crookedly, hugging back. "I just wish I knew why... how... they got the drop on me. I usually catch when someone is trying to sneak up on me. They weren't even trying to sneak..." Matt was seriously confused.

"Did you have a lot on your mind?" Sam asked. "If you were thinking about something else, like the court case, you might not have been immediately aware of your surroundings."

"No more than usual... least, I don't think so." Matt frowned. "I didn't sleep well last night either, but I don't remember dreaming, so... I don't know."

Sam hugged him a bit tighter. "It might not be anything to worry about. Just a case of you being taken by surprise."

"Yeah. Just... have to not be distracted when I'm outside the compound. Got used to being somewhere I didn't need to worry about things like that," Matt said uncertainly.

"That's not such a bad thing to get used to," Sam said quietly.

"No... it isn't." Matt smiled crookedly. "Just need to remember outside the compound isn't as safe and not zone out." He blushed, embarrassed that he had zoned out.

"I'm sure it's just a fluke," Sam said gently. "I can't imagine it being something that will happen often."

"After today, it won't. I'll be too paranoid..." Matt laughed, then winced as his ribs ached.

Lincoln interrupted and handed Sam a bottle of pills. "I'll leave you in charge of these. It's pain medication. One tablet every four hours as needed for pain. Keep an eye out, though. If he has a fever, or tenderness develops that wasn't there before, let me know immediately, as it could be infection."

Sam nodded, taking the pills. "I will do. Thank you," he said. Looking at his son, he added, "I'm going to insist you room with me for the next week, at least. That way, I can be sure of noticing if anything seems worse."

Matt didn't even blink at the decision. He'd been expecting it from the moment he was back in Sam's purview. "Okay, dad. Appreciate the help..." he said softly, smiling.

"And I'll be happy keeping you close, after the scare I had." Sam hugged his son a bit tighter, still mindful of his injuries.

Matt returned the hug tightly, if carefully. As soon as Lincoln dismissed him, he let his father lead him out.