What Is Revealed

Warning(s): Spanking
Note: Chto ty zdes' delayesh = What are you doing here?
Soldat = soldier


Bobbi hadn't been happy when nearly all the adults had run off to stop the Rider, leaving Darcy in charge. Oh, it was true that not everyone went... but anyone who was normally a field operative did. Except those who were still aging up. The fact she was closer to 19 years now instead of 15 didn’t matter. She’d been left behind. It hadn't taken her long after the Quinjet had taken off for her to decide to go off and get 'info'.

Ward hadn't intended to sneak off. He'd intended to stop Bobbi and bring her home. He just didn’t expect it to take so long and so hadn't left a message or called his father to let him know what he was doing. By the time he caught up with his cousin, they had been gone over an hour.


It took a bit longer than they would have liked, but Fury and Coulson eventually realised that Ward and Bobbi weren't anywhere to be found; and while it was possible that they'd left the compound separately, it was more likely that they were together.

"Friday, can you confirm where Bobbi and Ward are?" Coulson requested, standing with Fury in the garage.

"According to the GPS coordinates pinging from their cell-phones...they are in New York City proper, Director. They have been gone approximately three hours..." Friday answered. "...I am sorry, sir. I should have informed you when they left."

"That's going to be too far to drive quickly," Fury commented.

Coulson nodded. "Thank you, Friday. Could you tell us where Mordo and Wong are, please?"

"They are in the family room, sir, with Dr. Stephen...." Friday quickly answered.

"Thank you." Fury quickly began heading in that direction, Coulson not too far behind him.

Stephen looked up from where he was playing chess against Wong. He noted the looks of concern on his uncles’ faces immediately. "What is wrong now?" he asked, a hint of worry in his voice. Bobbi had been acting out so much lately, he had no doubt she played a part in the distress he saw on Phil's face.

"Bobbi's left and ended up in New York City," Coulson answered.

"Ward's with her," Fury added.

Stephen slumped. "One of these days, that girl's going to be tired of squirming when she sits down and will actually behave herself..." he muttered. "We can postpone our game till later, so you can help them, brother..." He smiled at Wong.

Wong nodded and stood immediately, motioning for Coulson and Fury to follow him so he could safely open the portal.

Stephen decided to go help Bruce while his brothers were occupied.


"Bobbi. We need to go home now. We've been gone several hours and there is no way they won’t know we are not where we’re supposed to be..." Ward argued. "Do you even know what you are looking for?"

"The court house where Vulture was on trial. I want to get copies of everything the judge saw. If it was really like he said, circumstantial evidence and coercion. Because I think it was more likely HYDRA..." Bobbi answered quietly.

"Okay. You are not breaking into the courthouse. And you are not going after this information on your own. We need to call our fathers." Ward took her arm and tugged her away from the building.


It wasn't long before Wong and Mordo had the portal open and were stepping through with their family members, just in case they were needed.

Having requested Friday to keep track of Bobbi's and Ward's whereabouts, it wasn't that long before Coulson and Fury began to track down exactly where their wayward children had got to.

Bobbi was being obstinate. Of course, she was. Luckily, Ward was just as, if not more, obstinate. He'd taken note of where they were when he'd learned of his cousins ill-advised plans and proceeded to drag her to the nearest 'family spot' he knew of. It wasn’t Rand Enterprises, or Stark Tower. It was a rather nondescript building, where three of their more esoteric family members had lived and worked. He hoped the Sanctum had a phone. His battery was almost dead and he wasn’t sure Bobbi even remembered hers.

They hadn't got far from the Sanctum before they noticed the kids there. Coulson and Fury wasted no time in moving towards Bobbi and Ward, relief and worry and fear showing through very clearly.

"What happened?" Fury asked immediately, quickly checking Ward over for injuries...while Coulson did the same to Bobbi.

Normally, Ward wouldn't have thrown his cousin to the wolves, so to speak. He would have admitted his own wrong doing and left her to admit her own. But Bobbi had been acting out entirely too much and he didn’t trust her not to hide things.

"Bobbi got it in mind to take off. I saw and followed. When I finally caught up to her, she explained a plan to break into the court house to get all the files and evidence the judge saw when he determined Toomes' case. She thinks HYDRA had something to do with the outcome. I pulled her away before she could follow through and dragged her here." Ward sighed, ignoring Bobbi's look of irritation and indignation. "On my own end, I completely forgot and neglected to leave a message or call...just taking off. I'm sorry, dad."

Fury gently squeezed Ward's shoulder. "Neither of you are hurt?" He'd managed to let go of his fear, but he was still very concerned.

Coulson wrapped his arm around his daughter. "We'll investigate the case in the safety of our home," he said.

Bobbi grimaced. "How can we do it at home when the evidence is in the court house?!" She stomped her foot. "I could have had it by now, if someone hadn't chickened out."

"I'm not going to argue with you, Bobbi," Coulson said firmly, keeping his arm wrapped around her as he headed into the sanctum.

Fury kept Ward close as he followed his brother inside.

Ward leaned into his father, watching as Bobbi tried to pull free of hers.

Coulson kept his arms around Bobbi as they went through the portal Mordo and Wong had opened, as the two had offered to drive the vehicles back so Coulson and Fury could take their children home as fast as possible.

Fury guided Ward through after his brother and niece.

"No! I don't know why you won't let me help!" Bobbi was protesting at the top of her lungs. She was getting progressively louder and more screechy the closer she got to her father's room, since she knew what that meant. "I'm older again! But you still won't let me help!" This was decidedly more whiney as well and she increased her frantic struggles to get loose from her father.

Ward shook his head as his cousin's antics caught the attention of everyone in the family, as well as two people he'd not met yet but that he suspected were the ones the Rider had gone after. Finally, he lost his cool. "Bobbi, just stop!" His voice was forceful and surprised his cousin enough that she stopped her caterwauling. He continued in a slightly calmer voice. "You know the issue isn't if we're old enough or big enough. If that was the only issue, I wouldn't be in trouble. We left without permission, or warning, and we did something that was dangerous, given who our enemies are. If we had told someone, it might have been different."

"For you! I would have just been told I couldn't go!" Bobbi yanked her arm hard, tears of frustration pooling in her eyes.

Ward threw his hands up in the air. "Well, you've been volatile and unpredictable. You keep doing things that aren't normal for you and taking chances that you'd never normally take. Can you blame him for wanting you close and safe until you're finally back to normal?!"

Bobbi stopped pulling away from Coulson at those words. Unfortunately, it wasn't because her cousin's words broke through. "No one understands!" she wailed, beginning to sob out her frustration and anger, sitting on the floor so that Coulson would have to carry or drag her.

Coulson crouched down in front of his daughter, reaching out to stroke her hair. "No, sweetie," he said firmly. "I do understand. I know how frustrating it is to be so limited in what you can and can't do. But just because I understand, it doesn't mean that it's okay for you to sneak out without a word. If one of our enemies had tracked you down...." He took a deep breath. "I can't lose you, Bobbi. I love you."

Seeing that Coulson had Bobbi well in hand, Fury gently squeezed Ward's shoulder and led his son to his own room.

"But they didn't! They weren't there!" Bobbi hiccupped through her tears. It was obvious the tantrum had run its course, though, as her argument was made in a tiny voice and was also just as obviously said to possibly get herself out of trouble. She was no longer pulling away from her father and, had started leaning into the affection he was giving. She whimpered, still crying forlornly and feeling sorry for herself. This would be her third spanking in as many days!

"That doesn't mean it couldn't have happened." Coulson gently stroked his daughter's hair. "We've got a great many enemies who would want to get their hands on you...on any of you. And I can't lose you, Bobbi. I love you so much." He kissed her forehead.

Bobbi slumped. She just didn’t have the energy to fight anymore and she knew her father was right. Nodding sorrowfully, she sniffled and leaned into her father for a few seconds before just crawling over his lap where he crouched in front of her. Or trying to. She just wanted to get what she knew was coming out of the way.

She was just so tired. She wasn't sleeping well but couldn't bring herself to go to her father like she normally would. Not with Gamora and Nebula watching. Lately, the only real sleep she got was after being spanked when she’d fall asleep on her father.

"We'll go to my room, sweetie." Coulson kissed her forehead before helping her to stand and leading her to his room, guiding her inside and closing the door behind them both.

Bobbi went easily, leaning on her father the entire way. She waited while he closed the door, then leaned on him again as soon as he was focused completely on her.

Coulson kept a tight hold on Bobbi, kissing her forehead, and then led her over to the bed. Taking a seat, he gently pulled her across his lap, securing her with an arm wrapped around her waist, before proceeding to bare her.

Bobbi immediately went limp. She was already crying. She didn’t know what to do. She felt like she should feel guilty and she probably would by the end, but right now, she just felt misunderstood, annoyed and wanted to get this over with.

Coulson gently rubbed his daughter's back, even as he lifted his other hand and brought it down in the first firm smack that he then repeated. "I do know how difficult things are for you right now, but that's no excuse to put yourself in potential danger." He continued the swats down to her thighs before starting over from the top again.

Bobbi let out tiny hisses and whimpers, but only wiggled a little. She didn’t argue or protest, though. She had been here one too many times for the same thing and knew her father's answer for every argument she'd give.

Coulson began a second circuit of swats, going a fraction harder and faster. "I'm going to assume you figured you could take off right now because of all the chaos going on...that you didn't think you would be missed. You're wrong. I notice when you're not around. I miss you when you're not around."

Bobbi whimpered again, beginning to squirm. She had to respond to those words, though. "With everything happening...you still noticed?" she said, in a trembling voice.

"Of course, I did," Coulson replied gently. "You are so important to me, Bobbi. I love you so much." He began to focus more swats to her sit spots and thighs.

Bobbi hadn't been fighting, but the realization that her father noticed, no matter what...it took all the wind out of her sails and she slumped completely over his knee, crying hard. "I was bad again! I've been so bad! I keep doing everything I know I shouldn't and can’t stop myself...!" She reached down and wrapped her arms around his leg in a tight hug. "I'm bad, daddy and I'm sorry...!"

"You aren't bad." Coulson wasted no time in drawing the spanking to a stop, gently gathering his daughter into his arms and hugging her tightly. "I love you. You aren't bad," he whispered, stroking her hair.

"But I've been so disobedient and argumentative and temperamental..." Bobbi continued to cry, as she wrapped her arms around Coulson's chest and hid her face.

"Things have been difficult for you," Coulson soothed, kissing her head. "And I know cramming so much growing up into so short amount of time is disconcerting, to say the least."

"That's not a good reason to do things that could take me 'way from you..." Bobbi whispered brokenly. It was easy to see where she'd been wrong and how she should have behaved after the fact. She just wished she could remember before she acted out.

"You haven't." Coulson tightened his embrace. "I've got you. I'm not going to let you go," he whispered.

"Even if I deserve to be...?" Bobbi choked out, in a tiny voice.

"You don't," Coulson promised. "You wouldn't ever deserve that."

"I'm sorry, daddy..." Bobbi mumbled, before snuggling closer, her voice giving away how tired she was.

Coulson stroked her hair. "I forgive you. I love you, sweetie. So very much."

Bobbi just continued to cuddle, sniffling and apologizing until she fell asleep.

Coulson held his daughter until he was certain she was fully asleep and then gently tucked her into bed.


Ward followed his own father without protest, noting that the rest of the family had gone back to their own activities and were pointedly ignoring the drama in the room.

Fury kept his arm wrapped around Ward's shoulders, holding his son close to himself, and guided him into his bedroom, closing the door behind them.

Ward couldn’t help but be tense as Fury led him into his room. He'd been arguing with Bobbi nearly non-stop and he was just so relieved to be home...but he couldn't relax. "I know what I did wrong, dad. I'm very sorry...I just want things to be right..." He sighed wearily and rubbed his forehead.

Fury tightened his arm around Ward's shoulders. "I love you," he murmured. "And even though you left without a word, I know you were trying to do the right thing and bring your cousin home. I'm proud of you for that."

"Thanks, dad...I just wish I'd remembered to let you know that's what I was doing. I don't like worrying you...and I could tell you were worried." Ward gave his father an apologetic glance.

Fury nodded. "I was worried...and scared...that I might lose you. I know things have been pretty hectic right now, but you're so important to me. I don't want to take any chances on losing you." He gently led Ward over to the bed and sat down, guiding his son across his lap.

"I know, dad. I'm sorry I put you through that..." Ward said quietly, reaching down to brace himself as soon as he was in position.

Fury wrapped his arm around Ward's waist, drawing him tight against his stomach, and then bared him. He lifted his hand and brought it down in a firm smack that he then repeated.

Ward let out a tiny hiss, forcing himself to relax and submit to his father. He had no intentions of fighting and wanted Fury to know that. Since he wasn’t fighting, it didn't take long for the tears to start falling.

"You don't need me to tell you what you should have done, son." Fury continued the firm swats down to Ward's thighs before starting over from the top. "Letting me know where you're going should be instinctual. We'll work on it until it is."

"Yes, daddy..." Ward hissed out, before a tiny cry escaped. It always hurt worse when he knew he'd disappointed his father. And he couldn't help but think he had this time.

Completing the second circuit, Fury paused to begin gently rubbing his son's bottom, as he had done the first time he'd taken Ward over his knee. "I love you, son."

"I love you too, daddy..." Ward continued to cry. The gentle rubbing helped ease the sting and made him feel forgiven, but he felt worse about worrying his father.

Fury rubbed for a few more moments and then resumed the swatting. "I can't ever lose you, son. No matter what you do, it will always be important that I know where you are...that I know you're safe. And the moment I think you might not be, I won't hesitate to come after you."

Ward gasped softly as the swatting began again, but it was his father's words that broke him the rest of the way. He hadn't been fighting and he hadn't been trying to stop his responses- he felt his father had every right to see and hear how he was being affected- but even so, he hadn't broken. Hearing Fury reminding him that he couldn't lose him? That he would come after him every time? He broke. He began to sob softly; not so hard as to be heard outside of his father's room, but hard enough Fury would have no problem hearing and knowing what was occurring. "I'm so sorry, daddy...I didn't mean to forget...I don't mean to keep things from you...." He cried.

Fury brought the spanking to a stop and gently drew his son up and into his arms, hugging Ward tightly to himself. "I love you, son. And I forgive you," he said.

"I love you too, daddy...so much...I never wanted to worry you...to upset you..." Ward continued to cry, even as he pressed close to his father and hold onto him tightly.

Fury cupped the back of Ward's head as he tightened his hold on his son. "I'm not upset anymore, son. I've forgiven you. I'm just glad I have you back safe with me."

Ward cuddled closer. "I love you...I'll do better...I will...."

"I know you will." Fury kissed his head. "You did the right thing, son. Next time, you just need to remember to check with me or one of the other family members."

"Yes sir..." Ward was finally able to stop crying, though he didn’t let go of his father. It was still a novelty, being cared about and loved so much. It meant a lot, being able to be close.

Fury kept his arms around his son, gently stroking Ward's hair and back. "When you feel up to it, maybe we can invite the rest of your siblings to join us for a family game?" he suggested.

Sniffling once more and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, Ward straightened and fixed his clothing. "I'm ready, daddy..." He smiled.

Fury stood up, wrapping his arm around Ward's shoulders and kissing his head. "I love you, son," he said, before guiding Ward from the room and going to find the rest of his children.


Peter snuck back into the room he shared with Toomes, wide eyed and giving the older man an apologetic look for his own temper tantrum on the jet.

Toomes had also heard the loud tantrum and when Peter came back into the room, he held an arm out to the teenager. "That explains why no one was taken aback by what happened on the jet."

Peter swallowed hard and ran to Toomes, hugging onto him tightly. "I thought I was too big for spankings, but she's almost a grown-up!" he whispered, obviously nervous. "Are you gonna spank me when I finally grow up?" The question made it clear why he was nervous.

Toomes wrapped his arms around Peter, hugging him just as tight in return. "If it's necessary, kid. You've been acting reckless and dangerous for too long. And that kind of behaviour is going to earn you a spanking. No matter how old you get." He gently pulled Peter onto his lap once more, stroking his hair and back.

Peter snuggled a bit more as he thought about that. "Cuz you care about me? And you aren't going to leave me before I grow up?" he asked softly.

"I won't ever leave you, kid," Toomes promised, kissing the top of his head. "I care about you. I love you. And just like I told you on the jet...you're mine now, kid. I'm not letting you go now."

Peter bit his lip and glanced at Toomes nervously. "Are...are you going to give me rules? That if I ignore them or disobey you, I get a spanking?" His voice was quiet. It had been surprising and sobering to find out that spanking wasn't unusual in this family. Since Toomes was going to live here now per Tony Stark's invitation and Toomes planned to take charge of Peter as much as he was able...well, Peter had a feeling his bottom and Toomes hand would be well acquainted before too long. Better to find out what was expected of him.

"Yes, but those rules are going to be more common-sense ones. Of course, not pulling any reckless or dangerous stunts is going to be right at the top of that list." Toomes gently stroked the back of Peter's head, tightening his arms around the kid. "You know what Mr. Stark called me? As far as I'm concerned, that's what I am."

"Really? I... How would that work? You live here now and Aunt May is prolly gonna ground me for life...Why would you wanna tie yourself to me when I won't get to see you much?" Peter tried to act like he didn't care, but it was obvious he wanted to be Toomes' kid.

"It wouldn't matter to me how much or how little I saw you, kid," Toomes said honestly. "I want you. I want to be your dad. With everything that entails."

"I want that too," Peter said, thinking about how Toomes had put himself between Peter and the Rider to protect him. How he had put himself at risk to keep Peter from jumping out of the jet. How he had held him and comforted him and not told him he was being a baby for crying so long and hard that he needed to be carried.

"Good." Toomes kissed Peter's head and cuddled him close. "And as soon as it's possible to do so, we'll make it official."

"Aunt May will need to give permission...she has custody of me...." Peter said quietly. "Maybe we can go tonight and talk to her?" He looked up hopefully.

Toomes nodded. "I think we'll have to run it by the Avengers first, but I'm willing to make my claim official as soon as possible."

Peter wiped at his eyes and sniffled, before giving a hesitant smile. "Can we go ask them now?"

Toomes smiled. "Of course." He kissed Peter's cheek and then helped his boy to stand up.

Peter only wobbled for a second and that was mainly for an excuse to lean on his new father than because he was having difficulty standing. By now, his spidey-healing had taken care of any remnants of the spanking he'd received. All that remained of that was the memory. Then again, the memory was likely what would help him behave himself in the future. "Can you talk to them?" He looked up at Toomes and bit his lip uncertainly... almost shyly.

"I will, if you'd rather." Toomes wrapped his arm around Peter's waist, unwilling to let his new son go any time soon.

"Thanks...dad..." Peter used the term of address hesitantly, not sure if Toomes would want him to call him that or not, even if he was planning to officially make Peter his.

Toomes smiled, very happy to hear that term of address, and hugged Peter a bit tighter against his side. "You're very welcome, son."

Tony was in the family room with his family when he saw Toomes exiting with copy-spidey. He nodded at the older man and smiled crookedly. "I've already contacted my lawyers, so we can work on you two making things legal. We can arrange for you to move your things here if you are ready. I figure the sooner you're in the compound where the 'Rider' can see you aren't really that bad and are trying to turn over a new leaf, the less likely he is to decide we aren't following through on our promise fast enough and come after you again..." He glanced around to make certain Robbie wasn't there to hear and feel badly about things. It wasn't the kid's fault he had an alter-ego that was hell-bent on justice at any cost.

Bruce came into the room at that moment, Stephen trailing behind him. He had a slightly green tinge to his skin, so his cousin took over explanations. "I don't know how to say this kindly, so I'll just say it and hope for the best." Stephen cleared his throat.

Toomes was about to respond to Tony when Stephen and Bruce appeared. He immediately tightened his arm around Peter's shoulders, prepared for just about anything...and for needing to pick up any pieces.

"Apparently...someone; and we suspect HYDRA, although I suppose it could be AIM or one of the other evil alphabets... someone was doing genetic experimentation and cloning. Because...our Peter and your Peter..." Stephen paused and licked his lip hesitantly, wanting to word things the right way and just not having a right way to say it. "...One of them is an exact duplicate of the other. We're confident that Bruce's son is the original because his Aunt May has his birth certificate and baby photos of him with his biological parents before they died in the accident. Plus, he's a few years older; normally, anyway...."

Tony winced. Stephen could be blunt, and it often came out sounding worse than he meant it to; but in this case, he didn't know how one would make it sound better.

Bruce was a bit greener by the end of his cousin’s explanation. "I... I need to go lock myself up for a bit..." he muttered, heading for the 'Hulk proof' rec room they had built specifically for him.

Steve stood, gently patting Tony's shoulder. "I'll go and check on him," he said quietly, not adding that he was going to go and get Bruce's Peter; but figuring the sight of his son would help Bruce.

Toomes gently led Peter over to one of the chairs, sitting down and drawing his son down onto his lap. "Do you know anything else?" he asked Stephen, hugging Peter tightly, knowing that this was going to have a negative effect on his son.

Stephen shook his head apologetically. "Without talking with your Peter's Aunt May and finding out whatever information she has... we can't really point to what might have occurred. They've been at this for years... we've known for a while about them stealing children and putting them with operatives to raise. We had no clue they'd included cloning in their activities. I'm sorry...." And he genuinely did sound sorry. "...I believe... and I think those in charge would agree... that we should probably at least retrieve your aunt tonight. If HYDRA is the one doing this and if they are watching her, we want to make certain she is safe...."

Tony nodded. "Of course. Trip and Robbie should be back soon. Your brothers might be a little longer, unless they find a way to make a portal and drive the cars through.... But that just gives us time to prepare. As soon as Mordo and Wong get back, we can take you to your aunt and find out what she can tell us... and make sure she is safe." Tony said the last bit to Peter, knowing the boy was probably already worried about his aunt.

Toomes gently stroked Peter's hair, saying softly to his boy, "Do you want to text her and let her know you'll be coming home soon? Or even call her?"

"I... I'll text her and let her know I'm coming home soon. I don't want her to know something is wrong till I can tell her in person. And if I call, she'll hear it in my voice..." he said, sounding confused, lost and much younger than his fifteen years.

Toomes wrapped his arm around Peter's waist, drawing his son in closer to himself. "Do you want to stay here? Or go back to our room?" he murmured, his full attention on his son.

"I need to know what's going on!" Peter sounded panicked at the thought that decisions would be made without him at least being there to hear them. It wasn't even that he wanted a say in what was done; he wouldn't know where to begin and, despite everything, he trusted the Avengers and his father to make sure he was okay. If they could. "What if... what if they made me to be a monster or something...?" he said nervously.

"You aren't a monster." Toomes stroked his hair, cuddling Peter tightly. "Do you have any questions?" he prompted gently.

"I wouldn't even know where to start. I'm good at science, but this is so far above my level..." He giggled sadly, a breath away from hysterics if Toomes hadn't got hold of him so quickly.

Tony gave the kid a sympathetic look. "We'll figure this out, kid..." he said reassuringly, glancing up when Steve returned. "Bruce?" he asked.

Steve paused next to Tony. "He's working on it," he answered, then glanced at Peter on Toomes' lap. "Would you like to meet your twin? He wants to meet you...." He deliberately phrased it that way, rather than implying the new Peter was a copy.

"H... he's not mad at me?" he asked hesitantly. "Mad that I exist?"

"Of course not." Steve smiled. "It's not a bad thing that you're here. I'm sure your dad will attest to that."

Toomes nodded, before whispering to Peter, "What would you like to do?"

"Can I meet him now?" Peter looked a little excited at maybe having a 'twin', even if the circumstances were less than ideal. He'd never had siblings before; and even though the Peter he was a clone of wasn't a sibling, it was likely as close as he'd get.

Steve nodded.

"Would you like me to come with you?" Toomes asked him softly.

"Yes... please..." Peter gave Toomes a grateful look as he stood up, so he could meet Steve's grandson.

Toomes stood up as well and wrapped his arm around his son's shoulders, leading him out of the room after Steve.

Peter bit his lip as he went into the room where the other Peter was standing with his father. Bruce wasn't green any longer, but he still looked worried and a bit sad. He hated that he put that look on the other man's face, even if it wasn't really him that had done it. He glanced at Bruce's Peter. "H... Hi..." he said, more shyly than he normally greeted people. The other boy looked exactly like him, even his age. He'd thought they'd said he was normally around 19 years old, but he certainly didn't look it. Although they did say normally.... He blinked as he thought of something. "I guess... I guess I should go by something other than Peter..." he whispered.

The other boy widened his eyes and then stood up, slowly walking towards him. "Wow... you look exactly like me," he whispered in awe. "How'd I miss that there was another Spider-Man around?" He stuck his hand out. "Peter... but then, you already knew that. And Quilll's Peter too... this is gonna get confusing...."

"Quilll?" Peter blinked and looked from 'first'-Peter to Steve and then to Toomes. "This is gonna get really confusing..." he said, already sounding confused.

Toomes gently squeezed his Peter's shoulder. "Why don't you give it a bit of thought whether you really want to change your name or not," he suggested gently.

The other Peter grinned at his twin. "Are you gonna move in here with your dad?"

"Is it really my name, though?" Peter asked, in a tiny voice, beginning to feel overwhelmed as the implications of what they'd found out began to sink in. "I don't know..." he answered Peter hesitantly. "...I still need to talk to Aunt May.... She..." He didn't get to finish his comment, though, as another boy, looking to be around the age of 17 or so, ran into the room at break-neck speed and ran directly into Steve.

"Oooof!" the blur said, before landing on his butt at Steve's feet. "...Sorry, Uncle Steve..." Peter Q. said sheepishly, before glancing toward the other two boys. "So, it is true! There's.... wow. You really do look alike!" He blinked owlishly. "I'm Peter! Pleased to meet you!" He bounced to his feet and held his hand out to Peter expectantly.

"...Uh... er... I'm Peter...?" Peter said uncertainly.

Peter Q. blinked. "You don't know your own name?" he asked, with a bit of worried confusion. He turned toward the open door, yelling out of it. "You said he was a twin...not that he'd hit his head and got amnesia!" he accused loudly.

"Oh for...." An aggravated female voice could be heard before Nebula popped her head into the door. "...I also said you shouldn't bother them, because they had important matters to discuss. Your fathers are not going to be happy that you disobeyed them and came in here anyway!" she said ominously, if the way Peter Q. gulped was any indication.

"Right. Uh..." He turned toward both of the other Peters. "I was never here!" He nodded sagely, before preparing to run out the door again.

Peter just looked stunned at the turn of events before he looked up at Toomes. "She was blue..." he said, in an uncertain voice, obviously wondering if his eyes were telling him the truth.

Toomes wasn't nearly as shocked...although that was more because he figured it wouldn't help his son at all if he was freaked. He gently squeezed Peter's shoulder.

"Yeah... and her sister's green," first-Peter said. "Don't worry. You'll get used to it. I don't even notice anymore."

Distracted by the new Peter's remark, Peter Q. paused in his preparations to flee. "Yeah. Nebula is kinda scary, but she's nice anyway. And my dad is blue and he can be scary, but he's really a marshmallow. And my other dad is sorta a gray-blue and he's kinda scary too, but he's nice. You don't need to be afraid of any of them anyway!" He paused, then turned slightly pale. "At least not if you don't disobey a direct order from 'em..." he muttered under his breath, before taking off for the door.

Peter just blinked, surprised he'd understood even half of what the other boy had said.

Steve had very quickly figured out that Peter Q wasn't supposed to be there and, rather than let the teenager take off, he moved and quickly grabbed his nephew by the shoulder, figuring it wouldn't be long before Yondu, or Drax, or both showed up.

"Aw, man! C'mon, Uncle Steve...they're gonna catch me..." Peter Q. pouted, though he managed to avoid whining. Barely. He knew he'd disobeyed, so he wasn't terribly surprised that his uncle would step in to stop him from misbehaving further by trying to run and hide.

Peter winced slightly, having a feeling he knew how the other boy would be in trouble, if the sounds he'd heard earlier from Bobbi and Ward were any indication. "I... need to talk with my Aunt May before I figure out if I'm living here or not..." he finally answered the other Peter's question. He suspected he would be, if only because, if HYDRA had engineered his birth, they would likely want to get hold of him now that the secret was out.

Steve turned Peter Q towards the door as Yondu appeared in the doorway with a slight look of exasperation on his face. "Come here, boy. At least yer other family members can keep an eye out fer ya when it's in yer head to cause mischief." He held his hand out to his son.

Peter P. blinked and tilted his head at that. "You've got an Aunt May too?" He glanced at his father, wondering if his aunt had been cloned as well.

"Aaaw... Daddy!" Peter Q. did whine this time... but he walked to his father and took his hand, even if he looked reluctant to do so. "I wasn't doing nothing bad!" he defended himself weakly.

Bruce had remained quiet through most of the conversation, but at that question, he slanted his head. "It might be possible...We'd need to talk with Peter's aunt and get a blood sample from her to know for sure, though...."

Peter's attention was split between real-Peter's question (was his Aunt May also a clone? If so, did that mean she was in danger? Maybe they needed to go get her right away!) and between Peter Quilll walking to the blue man that he called daddy. It wasn't so much a shock this time, seeing a blue person, since he'd been warned there were others around. He had to admit, he hadn't expected to see a blue man with an accent from the south. He shifted closer to Toomes.

Yondu drew Peter Q closer to him and delivered a firm smack to his son. "Doing what ya been told not to is disobedience, kid." He gave his son a couple more swats, heedless of the audience they had.

Toomes gently squeezed his son's shoulder and tried not to stare at Peter Quilll with his father. Instead, he addressed the other parents in the room. "Who will be going to collect May? Can we come along?"

"Ow! Daddy!" Peter Quilll whined again, but very obviously didn't try and get away, holding still so his father could swat him. He knew better than to disobey a direct order, even if it didn't put him or other people in danger.

Peter couldn't draw his eyes away, despite himself. Until Tony spoke. His eyes darted toward the Iron Man, noting that Tony didn't seem to be overly shocked by his cousin being disciplined in front of him. Maybe it was a common thing.

Tony answered Toomes. "I think you better come along; I think she'll believe it easier if Peter is there to confirm it. And you're his father now. She'll need to see that he wants to be with you if she's going to allow you the rights to adopt him...." He smiled, trying to keep any reservations he had about Peter leaving the compound under control.

"I'll be coming as well. If she'll allow me to do a blood test on her, we can quickly determine if she was cloned as well..." Bruce added.

Yondu delivered several more smacks and then gave his son a tight hug. "C'mon, boy. Let's go find yer other dad and your brother."

Toomes nodded. "I'm more than willing to come along too." He still had his arm wrapped around his Peter and he squeezed him gently.

"I'd like Brock or Bucky to come along as well," Steve said suddenly, trusting that he wouldn't need to explain to his sons exactly why.

"Yessir..." Peter mumbled sheepishly, hugging Yondu back just as tightly, before snuggling close to him and giving a tiny wave to the other occupants of the room. "I hope ya can come live with us," he said to Peter, before Yondu led him away.

"Thanks...." Peter called out uncertainly just after the older boy disappeared. He turned back to face the others. "Do...do you think my aunt's in danger?" His voice was filled with worry.

"We'll do our best to make sure she isn't," Tony responded, even as he sent a text to his uncle and cousin that they were needed. He knew why his father wanted them to come along. They were the only two with experience within HYDRA, who might know immediately if a HYDRA operative was in the area, who hadn't been deaged. It would be good to have warning about possible enemies being within range and while Veronica would do her best, sometimes the best defense came from a person.

Toomes stroked his son's hair. "Send her that text," he advised. "We'll be going there soon, but I'm sure she'll be fine." His voice was gentle and reassuring.

Peter nodded and quickly shot a text off to his aunt, saying that he'd be home soon, he had some friends with him and he needed to talk to her about something important. He didn't go into detail, though, not wanting her to worry. "Okay..." he said, as he got a response back. "...She says she'll be home waiting for this big question...and not to take too long because it's getting late." He smiled crookedly.

"Excuse me, Captain. But Mr. Trip and Robbie have returned and Masters Mordo and Wong did in fact open a portal to drive the cars through, once they were far enough out of the city. Should I have Masters Wong and Mordo come to your location so they can get you a portal to Master Peter's home?" Friday asked.

Just then, Bucky walked into the room, trailed by Brock. "You needed us?" he asked curiously.

"Yes please, Friday," Steve answered, before walking over to his brother and nephew. Speaking quietly, so as not to upset the new Peter, he explained the situation and what they were needed for.

Toomes gently stroked the back of his son's head. "I'll keep you close to me, kid," he promised.

"Promise?" Peter couldn't help but ask. His spidey-senses had been tingling all night. At first, he'd thought it was because the Rider was going after Toomes. But they'd stopped that, and he'd still felt that itch under his skin that made him think something was wrong. Then he'd found out he was a clone. The sense still wasn't letting up. Something big was coming and it scared him what it could be.

Bucky nodded in response to his brother's explanation.

Brock also agreed, sending a text to his father to let him know what was up and where he was going.

Stephen walked in shortly after with his two brothers. "Do you need me as well? Or do you think there are enough people and I'd be in the way?" he asked, with a tiny smile.

"I promise." Toomes gently squeezed his son's hand. "I love you, kid." He spoke at normal volume, making how he felt clear... and, also indicating he wasn't afraid of letting anyone else hear.

Steve looked towards Stephen, Mordo and Wong. "I'm hoping we'll be okay...but maybe it would be good to have backup just in case."

Stephen nodded. "Very well. Since my two brothers opened the last two portals, I will open this one, so that they can conserve their energy..." He gave a teasing glance toward Mordo.

Bruce turned toward his own son and said, "Why don't you go join your brother and sister? I'll let you know as soon as we return." He gave his Peter a tight hug and kiss on top of his head.

Peter nodded to his father. "Okay." He headed off to find Jemma and Leo.

Mordo nudged his brother's shoulder. "I'm happy for you to join in with some of the work," he replied in his own teasing voice.

"If we are all ready?" Stephen double checked the coordinates before opening the gate to the back of Peter's apartment building. While some people might see them, it wouldn't be quite as noticeable; and hopefully, if HYDRA were watching, they wouldn't see right away. He held the gate for everyone to go through.

Tony went first, having called his suit to him, and ready in case they were attacked. Bruce followed quickly, with Brock and Bucky flanking him. Peter waited for Toomes to move before even stepping toward the portal.

Toomes kept his arm wrapped around Peter's shoulders, almost possessively, as he guided his son through the portal, Steve following behind them.

Stephen waited for his brothers to pass through before stepping through himself and closing the portal. He gave Steve an expectant look of 'where to now?'

Peter cleared his throat. "We're up on the fourth floor," he muttered, as he headed to the back entrance of the building, leading everyone up the stairs. He paused for a moment before opening the apartment door and walking in, leaving the door open for the others. "I'm home, Aunt May. With my friends...."

Toomes didn't waste any time going inside after his son. Steve followed behind, but not so close that he would be encroaching on their personal space.

Tony waited outside the door, a sentry in case HYDRA decided to make an appearance. If he was needed, he could easily go in; but he knew what was needed most urgently was for Peter to talk to his aunt to find out what she knew and for Bruce to get blood samples. Steve and the others could handle the first easily enough without him and Bruce had the last taken care of.

Stephen waited outside with Tony.

Brock and Bucky went inside but stayed by the door.

May came walking out of her bedroom. "Peter, where were you that you are getting home so late? And what is so important that you couldn't bring your friends over tomorrow to talk about it, instead of bringing them no...?" Her eyes widened as she saw first Adrian Toomes and then Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner directly behind him.

Peter's spidey senses went haywire. His aunt looked nervous; and not in a 'what did my nephew do that has Captain America showing up in my apartment?' way. Her nervousness had a hint of guilt to it. The fact she was backing up toward her bedroom, even if slowly, was a bit worrisome as well. "Aunt May?" Peter's voice cracked at the end.

Toomes noticed the look on May's face and he gripped Peter's shoulder a fraction tighter...protectively and almost possessively. "Is something wrong?" he asked calmly, resisting the urge to glance towards Steve or one of the others to see if they might have an idea of what was going on.

"Peter...you need to get away from that man...he's dangerous. All the news stations say so..." May said calmly. It might have been convincing, except that the news stations hadn't been saying so, since Toomes had gotten off on a technicality and they had to be careful not to word things in such a way as to be charged with libel. Not to mention Steve Rogers was in the apartment and she seemed more afraid of him than of Toomes.

"Aunt May?" Peter's confusion was clear, as was the hurt he was already beginning to feel, because if his aunt was really worried for his safety, she would have had him over by her side and standing in front of him by now. His aunt was fierce, and he'd seen her defend people before; and she’d often defended him. This wasn't normal.

May shook her head and held out her hand toward Peter.

Peter was just about to step toward her and take it when a voice from the back of the room carried clearly. "Chto ty zdes' delayesh, Yelena?"

May started, her eyes going wide and frightened. "Soldat!" With that, she turned and fled, slamming her bedroom door shut and locking it.

Toomes had been prepared to move with Peter, but he automatically pulled his son closer to him and narrowed his eyes at the words. He wrapped both arms protectively around his son, hugging him tightly.

Steve quickly moved to the bedroom door. He could kick it down, but he'd prefer not to, and he glanced towards Bucky and Brock...in case either of them could shed some light on the woman's strange behaviour.

"She was one of my handlers when I was still the Soldier..." Bucky said, in a matter-of-fact tone. "She disappeared shortly before you found me again...on a different assignment."

"Guess we know what her assignment was now..." Brock said softly, not wanting to upset Peter, but knowing the boy had to have figured it out by now.

Peter was shaking and only Toomes holding onto him tightly was helping keep him in place. The spidey-tingling was gone now. The big, horrible event he'd been dreading had passed. He hadn't expected it to be the fact his Aunt was working for HYDRA, though. "I...is she really my aunt?" he finally asked, in a lost little boy voice. "Is anything in my life real?" he choked out, as tears began to run down his face.

Toomes crouched down, hugging Peter tightly to himself. "I'm real, kid," he whispered in his son's ear. "And so is the fact I love you and that you're my kid...my son. You're mine."

Although fairly sure she would have taken off, Steve quickly broke the lock on the door and ducked inside the room...in case there was anything that could tell them any more information.

May hadn't had time to destroy any files or evidence. There was a computer on her desk and a locked safe in her closet. There was also enough DNA available in various places that, even without blood, Bruce thought he'd be able to determine if she was a clone (which was highly doubtful at this point), or if she was even related to the boy she'd called nephew (also unlikely, given he was a clone, but one never knew). Bruce quickly began gathering samples to determine those things while Bucky informed Tony and those still outside of what had occurred, and Brock picked the safe, so they could get the documents inside.

While the Avengers collected the evidence, Toomes gently led Peter out of the apartment, keeping him close and holding him tight. If Peter indicated he needed more, Toomes was fully prepared to lift him into his arms and carry him until he could get back to the compound and properly cuddle his boy.

Peter was in shock. If it weren't for Toomes holding him up, he was pretty sure he'd end up on the ground, bawling his eyes out. As it was, he continued to press closer and closer to the older man, until he was at risk of tripping them both because his feet were nearly entangling with his father's. "She...she just ran. She didn't love me at all..." he whispered, his voice breaking at the end, as he finally couldn't keep from crying out loud.

Toomes quickly swept Peter up into his arms, easily holding the teenager against him, hugging him tightly and protectively. He couldn't speak for the woman who'd fled rather than at least try and explain things to the boy she'd been the guardian of, but he could speak for himself. "I won't ever leave you, kid. I've got you. I love you. No matter what happens, you're mine."

Stephen had noted when Toomes and Peter had returned outside. One look at the kid and he knew something had gone terribly wrong. Without a word, he opened a portal back into the Family Room of the compound, so that Toomes could take care of his son. Once they were safely through, he allowed it to close and looked at his two brothers. "Should we go check on the others?"

"They'd be likely to let us know if they need us," Mordo said, though he glanced towards Tony, in case the other man thought differently. It was quite obvious that, whatever had been discovered, it was hard on the youngster.

Tony winced as he saw how devastated the kid was. As soon as Stephen had closed the portal again and there was no chance of the kid overhearing, he spoke through the comms. "Did you catch her? Should I go looking? I can't believe she did that to him...."

"She took off," Steve answered his son. "We're collecting the information...data...anything we can. I'd ask you to look, but I can't imagine she wasn't prepared for discovery."

"You're likely right, but I'd like to look anyway...just in case..." Tony said, as he began to rise up into the air, so he could take a look and see where she might have escaped to.

Bucky interjected, "If you haven't found her within the next five minutes, she's gone. She was always very good at 'disappearing' when she didn't want to be found."

"If you find anything, or need backup, let me know," Steve instructed his son.

"Will do!" Tony responded, before flying off.

Brock had retrieved all the pertinent information from the safe by this point, including a thumb drive. "Think we should take the computer with us? Let Skye or Tony attempt to get information from it back at the compound?" he asked his uncle quietly.

Steve nodded. "It would be better, just in case. They'll also be better-placed in case there are any booby traps on the computer."

Brock nodded, handing Steve the bag of items he'd retrieved from the safe and then carefully dismantling the computer so that it could be taken back to the compound.

Bruce had finished gathering up all the samples he needed by this point. "If you all have everything that might be useful, I think we should head back to begin working on these items..." he said somberly.

"I'm on my way back. I thought I had her, but she disappeared into the subway system. Veronica will keep an eye out, but if she's as good as Bucky says..." Tony said over the comms.

"Is there anything we could do?" Stephen looked toward and asked his brothers softly. He hated that the kid had been hurt.

"Thank you," Steve replied, over the comms. "We're heading back to the compound, Tony. If you want to fly back and join us."

"Apart from inviting the two newest members to join in with the family...I'm not sure there's anything that will make the kid feel better," Mordo said somberly.

"On my way!" Tony answered, even as he was coming in for a landing.

Brock quickly carried the computer outside, followed by Bruce with the bio samples and Steve with the items from the safe. Bucky guarded their backs.

Stephen quickly opened another portal, waiting for everyone else to go through before he stepped through and allowed it to close.

Tony looked around at the somber group. "Alright, well..." He sighed. "If you'll put the computer in one of the offices, Skye and I can work on it..." he said softly.

"I'll take these samples back to the lab and begin processing them." Bruce was equally as somber.

"I'll help you, Bruce," Stephen interjected. "If that's all right?" He turned toward Mordo and Wong for permission.

Wong nodded.

"I'll let you know when it's time for a break," Mordo said. "In the meantime... if you do need either of us... we won't be far."

"Yes... of course..." Stephen nodded at his brothers, a grateful look on his face, then he turned and quickly followed Bruce.

By this point, nearly everyone was out in the family common area, trying to figure out what was going on. They could all hear the kid they'd met earlier in the day sobbing as if his heart had broken, through the door of the room his father-figure had been given.

Bobbi bit her lip, looking as if she wasn't sure she should ask, but she knew all her siblings and cousins who weren't allowed to go on the ops were wondering. "What happened?"

Steve took a deep breath and turned to the other family members. "It turns out HYDRA's messed up yet another person's life... this time a young teenager's... and we now have to be on the lookout for clones." He didn't want to say anymore; not without the new kid being able to give his input.

Bobbi blinked. "Damn..." She sighed softly and ran a hand through her hair. She really hated HYDRA. If she could find some way to make them pay for everything.... Shaking her head, she asked quietly, "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"At the moment, I'm not sure there's much any of us can do," Steve answered. "I think give his father a chance to talk to him...Tony, if you can get that paperwork to them, it'll probably help settle the kid, at the very least."

"Of course, dad..." Tony responded. "I had the lawyers send it to the office. I'll go get it now." He quickly left to get the papers to give to Toomes.

Bobbi sighed again and sunk onto one of the couches. It didn't surprise her when nearly all of the de-aged kids found spots on sofas and chairs nearby, so that soon, they were all in a group.

"Can we play Truth or Dare?" Kara asked hesitantly.

"I don't know if any of us feels up to any dares, Kar-bear..." Grant said gently.

"Then Truth or Truth?" Kara insisted.

Jessica shrugged. "Sure. Why not?"

Some of the other deaged members of the family sat down to join in, while some of the adults stayed with them and others went to see what they could find out.


Toomes quickly thanked Stephen before carrying Peter to their room, bringing his boy inside and settling them both on the bed, his hand stroking and smoothing his boy's hair and back.

Peter just continued to cry, inconsolable, as he thought about the fact that the one person he'd counted on since his parents died not only likely wasn't related to him at all but didn't care about him either. He would have forgiven anything if she'd indicated that she actually cared about him. Toombs had done that, after all. "What more am I going to find out?" he asked, with a hint of fear in his voice. "What else can be wrong with me?"

"There's nothing wrong with you, kid. And no matter what happens, I won't leave your side." Toomes stroked his hair. "I won't leave you, kid. You're not alone. I've got you...."


Tony hadn't taken long to get the paperwork that Toomes needed to make Peter officially his. Given that Peter's 'aunt' had taken off without word and Bucky had identified her as HYDRA, he didn't think it would be too difficult to arrange the adoption. He knocked on Toomes' door, not wanting to distract the man from taking care of his kid but thinking it might be helpful to both of them to know that at least one thing they wanted was able to go through.

Toomes tightened his hold on Peter, stroking his son's hair and back as he called softly, "Come in." He didn't want to let go of his boy even long enough to answer the door.

Tony poked his head in, then hesitantly came into the room. He carefully put the packet of paperwork on the table where Toomes could see it. "My lawyers delivered the paperwork for adoption. It's the standard one our family has been using for the last several years. All you really need to do is initial wherever your names are printed and then sign where indicated. Of course, you should read through it first; make certain there isn't anything you want added or taken out, but I figured since he's a minor, you'd have similar paperwork to what I had for Harry...." He paused. "We'll figure this out. You'll be alright, kid. We're all on your side...." Giving Toomes a crooked smile, Tony backed out of the room and closed the door.

Peter sniffled and looked up after he'd gone. His eyes were bloodshot and glassy. "I can be yours legal? Already?" He sounded a bit surprised at that fact.

Toomes thanked Tony before the other man left, then gently stroked Peter's cheek. "Yeah, kid. No waiting around. You're not going to lose me. And the sooner it becomes legal, I figure the better you'll feel."

"Lez sign now..." Peter said, his voice sounding hoarse and sore from all the crying he'd done that afternoon and evening. He needed to feel like he belonged somewhere. The more he thought about the fact he was a clone, the more he realized that he had no one, except for those who chose him to be theirs. That's what Toomes was offering and Peter was going to grab onto that offer with both hands and desperately hold on. Carefully getting up, he walked to the packet of papers and pulled them out, reading. "Looks like only you have places you have to initial. Anywhere my name goes has been left blank..." He sounded confused. A stick-it note fell off one of the sheets and fell to the floor.

Toomes moved over, resting his hand on Peter's shoulder so that he could lean over and look at the paperwork. He then picked up the stick-it note. "It's so you can change your name, if you'd rather start completely over." His hand shifted to the back of Peter's head and he gently stroked his son's hair.

"I can do that?" Peter sounded surprised. "I... I don't know. Everything's happened so fast. I've been Peter as long as I can remember; but now that I know there is another Peter and I was just a copy of him... I kinda want a name for myself..." he said softly.

Toomes kissed the side of his head. "If you'd like to take on my last name, you're more than welcome to," he said softly.

Peter twisted around and wrapped his arms around Toomes. "Yes, please!" he blurted. He wanted his own identity. Not one given to him by HYDRA. Not one given to him by the people who'd basically made him out of the tissue of another boy. "M... maybe you could name me completely...." he offered hesitantly.

Toomes hugged him tightly to himself. "What do you think of the name Kaine?" he asked gently, stroking his boy's hair and back.

"Does it mean something to you?" Peter asked curiously, since Toomes had come up with it fairly quick. "Cuz if so, then I like it a lot...." Peter left unsaid that he wanted his name to be special to Toomes, because then whenever he thought about him, it would make the older man happy.

Toomes smiled. "It's the name I always wanted to call my son...and now I can," he answered, stroking the side of his boy's face.

Peter smiled. "Hello. My name is Kaine Toomes." He grinned and held out his hand to shake.

Toomes' smile grew wider and he grasped his son's hand. "It suits you," he said sincerely.

Peter...no. He was Kaine now. Kaine threw his arms around his father and held on tightly. "Thank you!" he whispered against the older man's chest. "I was so afraid, but you've helped me not be so afraid..." he admitted.

Toomes hugged his son tightly in return, kissing the top of his head. "I'm glad," he whispered. "I love you, son."

"I love you too..." Kaine snuggled closer. "...Do we need to have them fill in my new name before we can sign, or can I just write it in and sign?" he asked curiously.

Toomes stroked Kaine's hair. "I'm sure you can write it in and then sign," he replied.

"Good... I don't want to wait..." Kaine said softly, before carefully pulling away and filling in the areas he needed to.

Once Kaine was done, Toomes began to sign where he needed to. Once he was done, he gently squeezed his son's shoulder. "Would you like to cuddle again?" he asked.

Kaine just nodded quickly and moved into his father's arms. He was very tired. It had been an emotional day. He felt drained. "Can I stay with you all night?" he asked quietly, not sure how Toomes would feel about it; if he'd think he was being a baby.

"Of course, son." Toomes moved them over to the bed and sat down, gently guiding Kaine onto his lap. "This should go without saying, but there won't be any more reckless and dangerous behaviour from now on," he said, thinking of the kind of behaviour his son had exhibited even before trying to launch himself from the jet.

"What if I'm chasing bad guys...? Sometimes dangerous just happens..." Kaine asked curiously. He didn’t have to guess what would happen if he did reckless dangerous things and his father didn't approve.

Toomes stroked his son's hair. "I would hope you wouldn't be in a position where you'd have to chase bad guys on your own. But if you are, then I expect you to take a minute or two to call me."

"And if I don't call you, or forget...I get a spanking?" Kaine formed it as a question, but he knew that's what would happen. He found he didn't mind. It just proved that his father cared... loved him... wouldn't leave. "That's fair..." he whispered and snuggled close.

"Exactly." Toomes kissed the top of Kaines' head. "But I'm still going to love you. Stay with you, no matter what. You're mine, son."

"I thought Aunt May loved me too..." Kaine sighed softly. "...Her name wasn't even May..." He snuggled against Toomes again. "Thank you for coming with me... for staying. I know you didn't have to. I caused you so many problems and you could have hated me, but... but instead, you're taking care of me. I dunno what I'd do if you weren't here...."

"I don't hate you," Toomes replied, stroking the back of his son's head. "You didn't cause me problems so much as made me see what I'd become, kid. I need you...to take care of you. I know everything about you... you know everything about me... and we've chosen each other anyway."

Kaine sniffled. "...Need you too..." he said softly. "...Love you...." He continued to snuggle, closing his eyes and relaxing as the events of the day caught up to him again and he began to fall asleep.

Toomes tightened his arms around Kaine, stroking his son's hair and back. "I love you," he whispered, hoping to soothe Kaine into sleep.

It didn't take long and soon, Kaine was sound asleep in his father's arms, trusting his father to have his back and keep him safe.


Bobbi glanced around the family room at all the gathered kids and adults. She grinned crookedly. "So... Kara wants to play Truth or Truth... because, some of you thinking doing Truth or DARE might be too big a temptation for some of us..." She blushed faintly, knowing she was one of the ones they were worried about tempting. "So, what are the rules to this game, Kar?"

Kara bounced in place next to her father. "Someone gets asked a question and they have to tell the truth when answering it. If they refuse to answer, then there is a penalty. After they've answered, then they get to pick another person to ask. I haven't figured out what a good penalty for refusing to answer is, though...." She glanced around the room, hoping that someone else might have an acceptable 'penalty' idea.

Lance was sitting next to Bobbi and he commented, "Why don't we start the game with sweets or something? That way, whenever someone refuses to answer a question, they have to give up one of them."

"I like that idea," Skye said happily.

Peter and Harry were both joining in the game, but Peter appeared distracted...as he was worried about his new 'twin'. He planned to sneak away and try to talk to the other Peter, one-on-one, as soon as he had the chance.

Bucky smiled at his son. "I like that idea as well..." he said, thinking about the fact that it would be a good penalty for all ages (even if most of them weren't as young as they looked, at least three of the kids were as young as they looked) and it was a safe thing that wouldn't hurt anyone unintentionally. "Who starts the questions?"

Kara bit her lip. "We could start with the youngest asking a question first; and I mean actual youngest, not deaged youngest..." she quickly interjected, in case someone tried to say she was still the youngest. She thought Cassie, Ace or Laura were younger, even with her being de-aged, but she wasn't sure. "Or we could start with oldest..." she added, glancing toward Odin.

"I'll go and get the sweets." Peter quickly stood up, waiting for Harry to join him, and headed to the kitchen... taking the long way around, so that he could go nearer his twin's room and try to overhear what was going on with him.

Steve looked at the three youngest. "I think it's a good idea to start with one of the youngest...." He paused, waiting to see if one of them would speak up.

Laura didn't say anything, a more uncertain look on her face, as she didn't really understand the point of the game.

"I'll go first!" Ace volunteered, though he paused to wait until Peter and Harry came back.

Kara bounced in place again. "Yaaaay!" she squealed, giving Ace a big grin. She waited until Peter and Harry came back with the candy as well, before asking, "Who do you want to ask your question to, Ace?"

"Umm...." Ace looked around at the people gathered around and looked at Logan, one of those there was still a lot most of them didn't know about. "What's your worst habit?" he asked.

Logan blinked, then grinned. "My worst habit...?" He paused thoughtfully. "I gotta say... I really try not to do it in front of people... but..." He let his Adamantium claws unfurl a little. "...Picking my nose. It's an uncouth habit and can be painful sometimes...."

He grinned unrepentantly as he let that sink in before asking, "Do I ask next?"

There were more than a few winces at that as everyone absorbed his response and then Steve nodded. "Yeah. I think that's how it works."

"Hmmm... okay. Uh... Lance. Have you ever ding dong ditched someone?" He grinned at his grandson.

"You mean recently?" Lance grinned back at him. "I did it a coupla times when I was a teenager. The first time round, I mean. I didn't actually get caught, though." He looked around, considering, before saying, "Okay, Wade, I'm sure we must all have wondered this. If you lost a day of your life for every time you swore, would you make an active effort to stop?" He grinned wider.

Wade cackled. There was no other word for it. "I'd be dead now..." he admitted gleefully. "...If you only knew how f...reaking hard I was working to not cuss now, in front of the rug-rats... You would not f...reaking believe it. It's been a real bitch, lemme tell you." His eyes widened, and he threw both hands over his mouth. "Oops...." He glanced around. "...Okay, Skye! After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it? And did you beat my record of two days?" He batted his eyelashes at her impishly.

"Ew." Skye shuddered at that. "I strictly obey the three-second rule," she stated, before looking at Bobbi. "Okay, Bobbi, what's the weirdest date you've ever been on?"

"Uh...." Bobbi thought about it before looking a bit sheepish. "...It's probably the date that I didn't realize was a date until it was over..." she started out. "I had just entered the academy to train to be an agent...and one of the guys in my study group decided to call all the group and ask them to meet up at his apartment to study. He said he'd order a pizza and have some drinks there. I said okay. I figured everyone would be there and it'd be good to study in a location where we didn't have to worry about the building closing..." Bobbi paused. "...What I didn't realize was that I was the first and the last person he called. I showed up at his place at the appointed time, the pizza was already there. So was the beer..." She grimaced. "...I didn't think I'd do well studying if I drank; plus, I wasn't legal yet, so I asked for a soda. He wasn't too happy about it but got me a can of Ginger-Ale. I opened the book to begin studying, but he's all 'let's wait for the others to get here to start', then proceeded to try and carry on a conversation about his favorite sport team. I wasn't fond of the team or that particular sport, but I tried to be polite."

Bobbi shook her head. "I should have known something was up by that point. I'd been there nearly an hour, and no one had shown up yet. But instead of being suspicious of him, I was feeling bad for him, thinking everyone but me had stood him up. Just before I was about to insist we begin studying without everyone else- if they were that late, then they could deal with not getting the information from us- he brings out a bag and says, 'I got you a gift!'" Bobbi sighed. "I hesitantly take the bag because, why would he get me a gift? and open it and it's a T-shirt with his favorite sports team's logo. And a pair of panties with the same logo. He said I could go try it on in his room if I wanted...and if I could take a picture, he'd appreciate it." She blushed and covered her face with her hand. "That's when I finally said, 'You didn't call anyone else, did you?' He didn't answer, but I could tell by the look on his face that he hadn't. I refused the 'gift', of course, and quickly left. He ended up dropping out of the academy and I have no clue where he ended up." She paused, then gave a sheepish look. "I'm sorry. I guess that was more creepy than weird...."

Skye winced at that. "Wow...I'm almost sorry I asked. I can't believe someone did that to you. But I think it's in the running for weird along with creepy...."

"I don't suppose you remember who it was?" Lance asked, an innocent look on his face.

Bobbi wrinkled her nose. "To be honest, I only knew his first name even then. I never learned his last name. I did learn not to go over to someone's house on a study date by myself, though. I always made sure I went over with at least one other member of the group, to ensure I didn't end up alone..." She laughed.

"Sounds like a good lesson to learn," Pietro commented.

"Yeah...no one can say I'm a slow learner..." Bobbi mocked herself and then turned toward her uncle. "Uncle Steve. Are you still a virgin?" she asked, her eyes wide and innocent. At some of the choked sounds she heard around her, she glanced around. "What? I can't be the only one that's ever wondered if the rumors were true!"

Steve raised his eyebrows at his niece but answered anyway... because refusing to do so would indicate he thought it was something to be ashamed of. "You can all stop wondering, then. Yes. I am."

"Really!?" Bobbi squealed. "That is soooo cool!" Her voice sounded oddly wistful.

Lance arched his eyebrows at the wistful note in her voice and gently nudged her. "You wish you were still one?" he asked curiously.

"Not exactly." Bobbi sighed. "I just wish my first time had been with someone I cared about and who cared about me...." She didn't go into further detail, though she did take Lance's hand and hold onto it tightly.

Lance gently squeezed her hand, glancing at his uncle, wondering if Steve would be willing to change the subject onto something a bit more lighthearted.

Steve looked at Ward, one of the newer members of the family, and asked, "What was the last thing you searched for on your phone?"

Ward got a deer in the headlights look on his face and blushed dark red at the question. "...Er..." He cleared his throat, glancing at the younger members of the family. "...I don't remember; let me look in my history...." he said, attempting to stall and get an answer that he felt comfortable saying in front of children.

"Or you could forfeit," Peter said brightly, indicating the pile of sweets each family member had in front of them.

"Yeah...yeah...okay. I forfeit..." Ward quickly said and put one of the sweets into the center of the table.

Peter grinned, looking like he wanted to say something teasing...but the fact there were young children around stopped him from teasing his cousin. Instead, he asked, "What are you going to ask?"

"I get to ask, even though I forfeited?" Ward blinked.

Kara quickly interjected, "Yep! Forfeiting counts as an answer. It's just an answer that says you didn't want to answer..." She giggled.

Ward nodded. "Okay then. Danny. If you could make one wish right this second, what would it be?"

Danny thought seriously about that and then grinned at his best friend. "I'd wish that we hadn't lost so much time in our friendship," he said honestly.

Ward blinked, then smiled crookedly. "I think I'd wish that too," he said softly.

Danny moved a bit nearer to Ward, pressing his side against his cousin's, before looking at the others. "Uh...Uncle Bucky...." He glanced at Bobbi, then at Steve, and a mischievous look came over his face. "Are you a virgin?"

"Heck no... I had fondue before I even joined the army, let alone when I went to France...." Bucky snorted, giving Steve an amused look.

Steve laughed at that, but didn't comment, especially as Laura was looking between her two older brothers, head tilted with a confused look on her face.

Bucky smiled at his little sister. "Alright, pip-squeak. I think it's your turn... Do you have any silly nicknames?" He grinned at Laura.

Laura blinked, before saying, "That one. That is a silly nickname." There was a hint of uncertainty in her voice, though, as she wasn't sure it was an appropriate response.

Bucky blinked in surprise, then began laughing. "You're right. It is a silly nickname..." he admitted, smiling at her.

Laura hesitantly smiled back and then looked around at the others. A bit uncertainly still, she pointed at Kara. "What...do you dream?" she asked hesitantly.

Kara bit her lip, remembering the dream that she'd admitted to her family earlier in the week that had got Robbie all upset. She glanced at her brother, then at her father. "...Good dream or bad dream?" she finally asked hesitantly.

Fury wrapped his arm around Kara's shoulders, squeezing her gently.

"...Good...?" Laura glanced towards her father, wondering if she'd asked the wrong question.

Logan wrapped his own arm around his daughter, giving Laura an encouraging smile.

Visibly relaxing at Laura saying she wanted a good dream, Kara perked up and smiled brightly. "Oh! I know! I dreamt that Whisper went catching butterflies with me! He was so cute holding the little net in his mouth, but the butterflies kept tickling his whiskers and he sneezed and let them all go!"

Laura relaxed, at both her father putting his arm around her and at the fact Kara was happier. She nodded and smiled hesitantly, before whispering, in a wistful voice, "I wish I had a cat...." She'd never had the opportunity to have a pet while in the lab. And she'd been afraid of putting voice to that want, knowing she could still react badly if startled.

Logan smiled at his daughter expressing a wish for something. She usually didn't say anything to indicate what she'd want and it was a relief to have her do so. "Maybe we can adopt a kitten for you...when things calm down a little bit..." he said gently.

"Oh!" Kara bounced in place. "We can look online at the humane society page and see if they have any that need adopting!" She bounced a few more times before frowning thoughtfully. "Uncle Phil. Have you ever butt-dialed someone?"

Coulson couldn't help but smile at the question. "It's happened a few times," he answered. "Never when it would be really embarrassing, which is fortunate." He looked towards Grant and smiled. "Okay, son...if the world was ending next week and you could do whatever you wanted, even if it was against the law, what would it be?"

Grant blinked at the question. "Even if it was against the law? Um... Wow. You know. I think I've done most everything people usually answer when asked something like that..." He laughed. "Being an agent did have some perks..." He wrinkled his nose thoughtfully. "But if I knew the world was ending next week and I could do one more thing before it happened? I'd want to spend it with all of you, doing things like this..." He blushed faintly at what he thought was probably a really sappy answer.

Coulson smiled at that. "I'm sure most of us here would feel the same," he commented, glancing around at the other family members.

Grant nodded. "Um...Blake. Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?"

"Yeah." Blake smiled. "Actually, it was a squirrel. Called Mr. Squiggles."

"Really?" Bakshi glanced curiously at his cousin.

Deacon turned wide eyes onto his brother. "Really?!"

Pyro blinked. "Wasn't Mr. Squiggles your dog when I first met you?" He sounded confused.

"Yeah, that was where the name came from. The dog was named after my imaginary squirrel." Blake shrugged and smiled at his brother and son, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders. "Mike. Is there something you did that you got away with? Never got caught?"

Mike glanced at his son and winced. "Yeah. I mean, with my job with SHIELD, I did a lot of things I got away with and didn't get caught simply because that was the job... but I don't think you meant that, did you?" He smiled crookedly. "This is an instance where you shouldn't try and be like your father..." he said to his son, with a hint of regret. "But when I was around Harry and Peter's normal age... a friend and I stole a neighbor's car and took it for a joy ride. I was driving....and crashed into a fence. I took off before the police could get there and left my friend to take the heat for it...." He rubbed the back of his head. "...Luckily, the neighbor didn't press charges against him, but I lost a good friend that day...." He sighed, obviously wishing he had been caught.

Hank leaned over, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "I think everyone has things in their past that they regret," he commented; though he thought perhaps he and Mike could talk later, if his son needed to.

Mike nodded. "Yeah. That's true..." he said quietly. It was obvious it didn't help him feel better about his actions, though. Taking a deep breath, he looked around the room to see who hadn't been asked yet. "Thor! What's the first thing you'd do, if you woke up one day as the opposite sex?"

"I would...." Thor paused and glanced at Loki, a smile spreading across his face. "I do not know what I would do, but...I would feel happy, as it would allow me to understand my brother's powers better."

Loki gave a bashful smile back at his brother. "If that happened, I would change with you so that we could hang out and I could give you ideas!" he declared.

"You could still change, brother," Thor said. "It does not matter which form you wear, as long as you are comfortable." He looked around the family members, focusing on Peter Q. "What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?" he asked.

"Well....I was bet by one of the crew members that I couldn't eat a ... well, I don't know what it's called really. It was this purplish, orangish, 12 legged, octopus-scorpion looking like thing?" Peter paused and gave Yondu a sheepish look. "I don't know if it counts as me actually eating it, though. Soon as Dad saw me put it in my mouth, he was pulling it out again and then making me wash my mouth out with this icky soapy stuff and drinking this milky, sour concoction that made me throw up. What was up with that anyway?" He gave Yondu a curious look, never having bothered to ask when it actually occurred.

"It wer poisonous," Yondu answered. "If yer'd swallowed any, it woulda been fatal. Ya got into enough trouble without trying ta feed yerself poison along with it."

"Huh...Thanks, daddy..." Peter gave Yondu an embarrassed grin and scratched his ear. "I don't think that crew member liked me much. He offered it to me again when you was off trading some of the goods we'd found. I didn't even try and eat it that time. Just looking at it and I could taste that soapy stuff and the sour vomit milk." He grimaced and shook his head at the thought. "Anywho... Mordo! What are some things you think about while sitting on the toilet?"

Mordo blinked, then gave a thoughtful frown. "I'm afraid most of what I think about is quite boring," he stated. "Though, occasionally, I used to use that time to practise when I was still a student."

Stephen blinked at that. "How ever did you relax enough to...do anything...if you were studying?" He snorted faintly.

"I wish I thought of practicing," Scott interjected. "All I can think of is that stupid unicorn and its rainbow ice-cream poop...."

Stephen turned to stare at his cousin in bemusement.

Mordo gave a faint smile to Scott. "And what is the most childish thing you still do?" he asked him.

"I play with action figures..." Scott mumbled and blushed. "Uncle Nick... If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose?" he quickly asked, to avoid any questions about the action figures.

"I suppose if I had to choose, I'd have to for naked," Fury answered. "I might be willing to speak my mind, but I do have a lot of sensitive information that can't just float around outside my head."

"That makes sense." Several heads were nodding.

Fury looked at Pyro. "What's your guilty pleasure? If you have one," he added, with a smile.

"I like to knit..." Pyro said bashfully.

Blake smiled, happy to know something else about his son, and gently squeezed Pyro's shoulder. "Do you have something you're working on at the moment?" he asked.

"A scarf for grandma..." Pyro blushed.

Blake hugged him a bit tighter. "That's really good, son. I'm sure she'll love it," he said, encouragingly and reassuringly.

Pyro smiled and snuggled a second before asking, "Nat. What was the last thing you texted?"

With a warm smile, Natasha answered, "I sent Lincoln a text, asking if he wanted to go for a walk on the grounds this morning."

"It was fun..." Lincoln grinned.

"Deacon...." Natasha smiled at Blake's little brother. "Do you cover your eyes during a scary part of a movie?"

"How'd you know?" Deacon joked.

"Because you wouldn't be the only one," Natasha joked back.

Deacon laughed. "So now that we've established that I'm a wuss..." He grinned. "Cassie. What is your favorite subject in school?"

"I like Maths," Cassie replied brightly.

Raina smiked. "That's a good subject."

Cassie grinned and then looked at Trip. "Do you sing in the shower? And if so, what?" she asked.

"I do. I sing Garth Brooks..." His face was serious.

Robbie chuckled. "I feel like this game is giving us all ammunition to use," he teased.

"And on that note...what was the worst trouble you ever got into at school, Robbie?" Trip grinned.

"Fighting." Robbie's answer was given somewhat sheepishly. "Skipping a few times...but I never wanted to back down from a fight. And if someone dared me to do something, I wouldn't think twice."

"That sounds familiar." Grant's voice was sheepish.

Coulson couldn't help but shift a bit closer to his son at the reminder he'd missed out on so much of Grant's life growing up.

Grant smiled at his father crookedly, leaning on the older man.

Coulson wrapped his arm around his son.

Robbie looked towards Clint. "Did you ever pretend to be sick to get out of something?" he asked.

Clint scratched the back of his neck. "To get out of a Chemistry test I hadn't studied for..." he admitted, while darting a look toward his father, then frantically looking around for the next person to question.

Coulson raised his eyebrows. "When was that?" he asked.

"You remember that weekend you had to suddenly travel to Belarus? All the other agents were on mission and even though Uncle Nick did his best to keep you close to home during a school week, he had no choice but to send you?" Clint answered hesitanty, before glancing at Nick; it had been his uncle he pretended with.

"Wow. If that doesn't sound familiar!" Paul gave his little brother a fond look.

Fury raised his eyebrows. "You're lucky I didn't find that out at the time," he commented.

"And as I recall, I got into trouble when I did it," Coulson commented.

Clint blushed at his uncle's words, knowing what would have happened if Fury had found out. He glanced at his father, wide-eyed, at the mention of getting into trouble. It wasn't unheard of to get disciplined for something you'd done at another point in time, if the person involved felt you still needed to learn a lesson from it.

Paul nodded. "That you did," he said amiably.

"We'll talk about it later, son," Coulson commented to Clint, not completely sure his oldest needed that behaviour answering now...but it didn't need to be talked about right this moment.

"Uh...sure, dad." Clint gave his father a smile, then glanced at his uncle and smiled at him too, albeit a little more apologetically. "So....Rocket! What is the most exciting adventure you and Groot went on before you met up with the rest of the Guardians?" he asked brightly.

"I am Groot," the tiny tree declared.

"Yeah. I remember." Rocket nodded before saying, "We ended up on a planet with...well, I'm not sure exactly what they were. They looked like trees."

"I am Groot."

"Yeah. They ate meat," Rocket said. "Had sharp teeth in their trunks. I nearly ended up as dinner. Actually, that's when we first met. Groot took offence to the fact tree-like aliens were trying to eat meat."

"And he saved your life?!" Kara looked excited at the possibility.

"I am Groot." If a tiny tree could look smug, Groot did.

"I returned the favour next planet we went on," Rocket pointed out, before glancing around, his eyes landing on Jessica. "What's in your web history that's really embarrassing?" he asked.

Jessica blinked at the question, then shifted uncomfortably and turned pink before darting a glance at first Luke, then her father, then the children. She looked like she wasn't sure how to word it and reached for a piece of candy to forfeit, but then glanced at her father again and swallowed. "It's...a page to help adults connect with other adults to uh....find a partner for hanging out and pursuing hobbies they have in common that can't be done solo..." She winced faintly. She glanced at Luke and saw his eyebrows had risen to his hairline. Yeah. She'd have to explain to him. She looked at her father again, wondering if he'd picked up on what she wasn't saying, since she'd talked to him about it.

Steve also raised his eyebrows, but he didn't comment on her answer, considering the children there. Instead, he reached over and gently squeezed her hand with a murmured, "We'll talk about that later."

"Okay..." Jessica whispered, squeezing Steve's hand back and biting her lip, trying to act like everything was normal and fine. "Pietro, how do you keep your clothes from catching on fire when you move so fast?"

Steve didn't let go of his daughter's hand, shifting closer to her.

Pietro shrugged. "I think it was something that was included in the experiments that were done. I've never had any danger with them catching on fire and that's not something I can do consciously."

Jessica blinked at that. "Huh. I figured you just used a special material for your clothes or something...."

Pietro shrugged. "Nope. Just part of my abilities, I guess." He glanced around at those who hadn't yet answered a question. "So, Mantis, how do your abilities work?"

Mantis slanted her head. "I am not sure. I was taken from my people when a baby and no one could explain it to me..." she said innocently. "I do not think there are any others like me that I can ask." She wrinkled her nose. "Do you think it is possible I can find out about my abilities?" She turned toward Drax.

"There are many here who also have abilities," Drax replied. "I am certain you will be able to get help to understand what you can do."

Mantis nodded serenely. "Groot...How often do you dance behind Drax's back and then pretend you weren't moving when he looks at you? I always sense great confusion from him when you do so...."

"I am Groot."

"He finds it amusing to do so," Rocket translated. "So he does it a lot."

"I am Groot." The little tree's voice carried a smug note to it.

"And he hasn't realised a lot," Rocket added.

Mantis giggled, looking at Drax sideways to see what he thought about it.

Drax grunted. "I knew that already."

"I am Groot." Groot looked around at the others and focused on Gabe. "I am Groot. I am Groot?"

"He asks who in this room would you swap lives with, if you could?" Rocket translated.

Gabe's eyes widened at the question and he smiled. "Well...I actually am very happy with my life, despite losing my ability to walk, so I wouldn't want to change; BUT, to be fair to the question, if I couldn't remain myself...I think I'd want to swap with Pietro. Cuz I used to really like running...." He gave his cousin a crooked grin.

A slightly mischievous look came over Pietro's face as he commented, "We could always try and see how fast I could go pushing your chair."

Gabe's eyes widened at that and he gave a mischievous look back. "With me in it?" He sounded entirely too hopeful.

Pietro nodded quickly. "Of course."

"And that won't be happening unless there's a way of making sure you stay securely in place," Fury was quick to say.

Gabe turned to give his father an innocent look. "Of course, dad. I'll even wear a helmet..." He grinned.

"Hope..." He looked toward his cousin sat next to her mother, his Aunt Melinda. "...What kinda person do you like to date? And do we need to be giving anyone a 'shovel' talk?" He grinned impishly.

Surprised, Hope darted a slightly nervous glance around the room before saying, quietly, "I haven't dated in a while." She knew she couldn't say much more without going into details about Kilgrave and she took a sweet from her pile to put forward as a forfeit.

Gabe got a chagrined look on his face when he noticed how nervous the question made her. "That's okay. I don't date either. Most girls want a guy who can walk beside them...." he said, with a tiny shrug. "Your turn to ask a question!"

"Umm...." Hope looked around and then focused on Jemma. "What's the strangest experiment you've done?"

Jemma blushed. "I...er...did an experiment where I ingested various different colors of food dye to see what color it would turn my.... Um..." She was bright red and couldn't finish her sentence.

Peter blinked and looked at his sister. "What colour it would turn your what?" he asked.

"My pee and poo..." Jemma muttered, turning even more bright red, if it were possible.

"Why?" Peter asked, immediately curious. "And did it work?"

Jemma gave her brother a tiny little grin. "Actually...some of them worked really well. The red and the green worked best; and the red was actually a little frightening, but..." She shrugged.

"Werner, " she turned toward her cousin. "What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever been caught doing by an authority figure?"

Surprised, Werner sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he admitted, "I got caught streaking. Trying to impress a girl," he admitted.

Tony grinned and patted his son on the back. "Sounds like a Tuesday, when I was your age."

Werner relaxed and gave a slightly embarrassed smile before asking, "Matt...what's the most awkward thing that's happened to you?"

"Eighth grade English with Sister Elizabeth...she smelled really nice and...well...I was in eighth grade..." Matt's voice was sheepish and he squirmed, remembering that year. "I had a break after that class. Took a lot of cold showers."

Sam chuckled softly and squeezed his son's shoulder. "You wouldn't be the only one to experience something like that," he said reassuringly.

Matt smiled and leaned against his father. "Leo. What is one thing you've always wanted to do, but haven't yet?"

Leo smiled and admitted, "To visit Egypt. I've always wanted to see the pyramids...."

"I don't see why we couldn't take a family trip there," Bruce said calmly.

"I'd like that." Leo's grin was hopeful. He looked towards Luke. "Would you rather live with no internet, or with no A/C or heating?" he asked.

"I can live without internet. It may not be easy, but it'd be easier than the no A/C or heating. Especially since a lot of modern buildings don't have ceiling fans or windows that open." Luke glanced around. "Wanda...if you could learn or take up any new hobby, what would it be?"

"I'd like to try sewing or cross stitch," Wanda answered, after a moment's thought.

"Oh! I do cross-stitch!" Yo-Yo exclaimed happily. "I could teach you and we could do it together!"

Wanda smiled. "I'd like that," she answered. Looking around, she asked, "Loki, have you played any pranks that you've later regretted?"

Loki gave a chagrined and somewhat sad smile. "There have been a few, but the one that always comes to mind first is the one I played on the Lady Sif when we were younger. She at least had tolerated me if not befriended me at the time, but after the prank, her animosity towards me was complete." He sighed softly.

Thor placed a hand gently on his brother's shoulder to encourage him, but he left it up to Loki whether he wanted to answer or pay one of his sweets as a forfeit.

"I....I was jealous of all the time she and the warriors were spending with my brother, so one day, I caught her napping by the courtyard pond and I... I cut all her hair off. She was bald as a baby. And Sif... had really, long, beautiful hair that she was extremely proud of." Loki cleared his throat and scratched his ear nervously. "She didn't even wake up, so how she knew it was me, I don't know; but she decided she hated me from that day forward."

Lorelei snorted softly. "She didn't know it was you. She just wanted it to be you because she didn't like the influence you still had on Thor and wanted an excuse to make you miserable. The fact you had done what she was abusing you for... well, I guess some would say it was Karma. I think it was just a coincidence. If you hadn't been the one to play the prank, you would be wondering to this day what you did to make her hate you."

Thor couldn't help but frown, gently squeezing Loki's shoulder. "I regret that you felt pushed out for so long, Loki. I hope I have made up for my actions then." Nothing had made him happier than being able to repair things with Loki.

"You can't blame yourself for this, Thor...You were still spending time with me when it occurred. It is not your fault I wanted all your attention and didn't want to share...." Loki tried to make his brother feel better. "Besides...we are closer now than ever...." As far as he was concerned, Thor had more than made up for any actions where he'd hurt Loki. Loki hoped he could say the same to Thor.

"Well... Bakshi. You learned that you were trained or at least training to be a medic or a first responder at some point in time, correct? Have you continued with classes for that? If so, how do you like them? If not, why?" He turned toward his cousin.

"I've been looking into classes to continue doing so, but haven't made any decisions yet," Bakshi admitted. "I still feel like I'm missing a lot and I'm not sure how any other people might react if I was to suddenly have a relapse or something."

Jemma slanted her head. "Have you thought about online classes, at least for subjects that don't require hands on participation?"

Bakshi nodded. "I was starting to look into them, but then everything happened with being deaged and it no longer seemed as important."

"We could look together later...if you wanted..." Jemma offered with a smile.

"That would be nice," Bakshi agreed, a hopeful look on his face.

Jemma grinned, then happened to notice the clock on the wall over the elevator. "Oh my...It's almost midnight!" she exclaimed in surprise.

Coulson followed the line of her gaze. "I think we should perhaps look at calling it a night," he commented.

Bucky nodded. "C'mon, brood of mine..." he teased his children. "Bed time. You can stay with me if you want..." he offered off-handedly, so that they'd realize they didn't have to; but he did want them.

Patsy glanced towards her brothers, wondering if they planned to stay with their father...as she did.

It didn't take long for everyone to start dispersing to their family rooms. Steve gently stopped Jessica with a hand on her shoulder. "I'd like to talk to you," he said, gently but firmly.

Jessica looked at her feet and swallowed but nodded. "Okay, daddy..." she whispered. She'd been expecting this from the moment she 'told her truth' and wondered if it wouldn't have been easier to just forfeit instead of admitting what she'd been up to. It would have been easier, but not better. She stepped closer to Steve, leaning into him so that he could lead her wherever he wanted to have their talk.

Steve wrapped his arm tightly around her shoulders, guiding her towards his bedroom. Leading her inside, he closed the door and then turned to face her. "How long has this been going on for?"

Jessica bit her lip. "A couple of days after we got caught at that bar, I started feeling like I needed... this... I got 'itchy'..." She frowned, uncertain if she was explaining it right. "...I had been okay for the few days after the bar and I figured out that the reason was..." She sighed. "...Was cuz you spanked me..." She muttered the last really, fast and softly. "So... I started looking online to see if there were any places nearby that might..." She winced, realizing even as she said it that it was a horrible idea. She was still deaged, after all. Any reputable place wouldn't allow her in and the non-reputable ones that would? Weren't safe.

Leading her over to the bed, Steve sat down and gently pulled her down to sit on his lap. "You aren't the only one to need handling in that way at times," he said gently. "Asking for help from your family is far better than going somewhere like that which isn't good for you."

"I know that in my head..." Jessica sighed, leaning against Steve and snuggling. "I also know that you don't like punishing me... even if you are willing to do it when I've been naughty and need you to step in. Asking you to spank me when I haven't actually done anything and don't feel guilty felt like I was being mean to you..." she admitted. "I almost went out and did something naughty so that I could be spanked, and you'd have a reason for doing it, other than your daughter being a masochist... but I think I'd rather feel itchy than have you give me disappointed dad face...."

Steve kissed her head. "There's nothing wrong with telling me when you need something," he said gently. "I'd rather you tell me, and we figure it out together, rather than you start looking elsewhere for something you need."

"I really hadn't thought ahead past looking..." Jessica whispered. "I didn't wanna be naughty, but the only way I coulda used one of those places is if I was naughty and snuck out." Her voice was sheepishly embarrassed.

"You don't need to be naughty and sneak out." Steve hugged her a bit tighter. "I can help you with what you need."

Jessica burrowed against him, so her head was under his chin. "It won't make you feel too bad?"

"It would make me feel worse if you felt the need to go to someone else," Steve answered honestly.

Jessica shifted so she could look up into his face. "Really?" she asked apologetically. "I don't want to make you feel bad..." she whispered. "I don't even know why it's an issue now...I haven't needed to... to.... to hurt myself since you adopted me. I guess all the stuff going on and my body getting rearranged so much... I just feel so stressed...." she admitted. "I'm glad I didn't sneak out and go to those places, though... I was trying to not hurt you and if going to them would make you feel worse...." She sniffled.

Steve stroked the side of her face. "I want you to be able to come to me when you need help, not strangers who don't know or care about you."

Jessica nodded, pressing her face into his hand. "Okay, daddy..." she said softly, sniffling again, before glancing down and whispering, "...I... I need your help, daddy. I feel like if something isn't done, I'm gonna melt down like Bobbi's been doin..." she admitted, in a tiny voice.

"I love you." Steve kissed her head and then gently moved her over his lap, wrapping his arm around her waist to keep her safe and secure before baring her.

"I love you too, daddy..." Jessica relaxed as he put her in place, the sense of relief that he'd help her no matter what she needed and that he wouldn't look down on her or think her a freak because she needed it immense.

Steve rubbed her back gently a moment or two and then lifted his hand, bringing it down in a firm swat that he then repeated. "It doesn't matter what you need from me. I will always do that," he promised.

Jessica's breath hitched as her father began to swat and she reached down, gripping his leg with both hands. She was listening to his words, though. He may not be punishing her, but she could still learn from him in this position. "No matter what it is? S'long as it doesn't actually damage me?" She took a shivering breath, surprised that her voice was so shaky, and she could feel tears pooling in her eyes already. She must have been more stressed than she'd realized.

"No matter what," Steve promised, swatting down to her thighs and then starting over from the top. "When I brought you into my family, it wasn't on the basis that you'd behave. Or wouldn't need. I want you. And I love you. No matter what I find out."

"I love you, daddy and I just don't wanna be a disappointment.... I disappoint so many people..." Jessica choked out, tears falling down her face. She wasn't wiggling or trying to get away, the pain helping her to focus and let go the tension she'd been holding onto.

"You aren't a disappointment. I'm proud of you," Steve said. "I know it was hard to admit what you did, but you were able to and it means I can help you." He completed the second circuit and began a third, going a fraction harder and faster.

Jessica allowed herself to slump a bit further and begin crying quietly... not loudly enough to carry outside the room, but loudly enough that Steve would know what he was doing was getting through and working. "I... I almost didn't..." she admitted. "I almost fo... forfeited. B... but I knew you needed to know... I knew I needed to tell you what I was doing, or I'd end up following through and I really want to be good for you...." she admitted, her voice catching.

"And I'm very glad you did," Steve said. "It was a very brave thing you did. I know it was scary to answer the question and admit the truth." He began to focus more swats to her sit spots and thighs.

Jessica felt herself relaxing even further, her father's words helping soothe the anxiety she'd been pushing down just as much as him 'handling' her did. "I... I'm glad I did too..." she whispered, in a teary voice. "I... I feel better when you take care of me...." she admitted. She knew if she had gone to one of the places she'd found online, it'd take a lot longer than the few minutes her father had been swatting her for her to be able to relax and let go. Because she wouldn't trust them like she trusted Steve.

"I'm glad. I would do anything to take care of you and help you feel better." Steve let his other hand stroke his daughter's lower back gently, carefully watching her to make sure he knew when her needs changed.

Jessica quivered at both the words and the gentle affection. She believed Steve, because she knew he was telling the truth. He was taking care of her now, despite the fact he hated causing any of his kids pain. Because he knew she needed him to take care of her this way. The knowledge that he had her and would help her with anything helped her let go of the last of her anxiety and she just slumped, crying softly. She didn't ask him to stop- him being in control of her was part of what she needed- but it was obvious that she was feeling better. It was also obvious that his words had got through to her. "I... I won't look for those places anymore..." she promised, in a tiny voice, in between tears.

"Good. You don't need them, when you can rely on your daddy to help you." Steve carefully moved her back into his arms again, hugging her tightly, stroking her hair and back and kissing her head.

Jessica continued to quietly cry as she snuggled close...all tension drained. "It would never work now..." she acknowledged softly. "I never felt safe or cared about in those places...I do with you, daddy. It... helped a lot faster..." she added, almost bashfully.

Steve tightened his arms around his daughter. "You're safe with me," he whispered. "You're safe. Loved. Cared about. And that will never change."

Jessica smiled and nuzzled against his chest. "Can I stay with you tonight, daddy?" she whispered.

"Of course," Steve replied, without any hesitation.

Jessica shifted slightly, smiling that while it didn’t hurt, she could still feel remnants of her father handling her. Pulling her underwear up, she kicked off her shoes and jeans, then looked at her T-shirt that didn't really go down far enough to be considered sleep-wear. "Can I wear one of your shirts, daddy?" she asked impishly. Her current size would cause one of his shirts to look like a tent on her.

Smiling, Steve opened one of his drawers and handed his daughter one of his shirts, before moving to get ready for bed himself.

Jessica quickly tugged her own shirt off and pulled on the one Steve had given her on, before getting comfortable the rest of the way. She then proceeded to neatly fold her jeans and T-shirt and put them on a chair, her socks and bra on top of those. She waited for her father to get in bed before crawling into bed herself.

Steve got into bed and then, once his daughter joined him, he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close and hugging her tight.

Jessica snuggled as close as possible, nearly on top of her father. "Love you, daddy. Thank you..." she whispered.

"I love you too. So very much." Steve kissed her head and held her tightly.

It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep.


Earlier that evening.

Erik stared at his cousin. "...Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships. Because they knew death was better than bondage..."

T'Challa knew why Erik was telling him to let him die. And maybe there were people who would say death was what he deserved. But all T'Challa could see was a child who had been abandoned by his people... by his father. Letting Erik die felt wrong. "No. There is another way," he said.

"I do not want to live in your prison, cousin. If I wasn’t clear enough before. And your laws demand at least that much..." Erik smirked.

"And I believe it's time for those laws to change," T'Challa said. "You do not need to die. You do not need to be imprisoned. But you will still be punished and expected to walk a different path."

"What are you thinking? Probation and community service?" Erik sounded interested, despite his disbelief. "Your people will not go for that. Auntie will not go for that. They would not trust me not to turn on you first chance I get." His smile was resigned.

T'Challa shook his head. "It would not be their decision. It would be mine. But that is not what I have in mind in any case. There is a specific punishment often used in families and, from what I have seen, occasionally on misbehaving adults. Spanking."

Erik shook his head. "I am not about to let you whip my butt. That's as bad as prison," he gasped. His breathing was slowing, and it was clear he didn't have much time left if something wasn’t done.

"I'm not talking about 'whipping you'." T'Challa crouched down next to Erik and placed a hand on his cousin's shoulder. "You are not beyond hope or help, cousin. Let me draw you back, as you should have been long before now."

Erik looked at T'Challa suspiciously, but finally nodded. "Do what you want. I can’t fight it..." he muttered, closing his eyes as blood loss began to overtake him.

T'Challa wasted no time in using clothing as makeshift bandages, making sure there wouldn't be any more blood loss. He then carefully lifted his cousin into his arms, carrying him to the medical area.


Erik hadn't been wrong, Shuri thought with exasperated fondness, as she looked at her brother. They'd quickly healed Erik, only for the elders to come forward wanting him to be placed on trial. T'Challa wanted their cousin placed into his custody, but the only way the elders would agree to their king attempting rehabilitation was if it wasn't in Wakanda. How her brother expected to rehabilitate Erik and rule his nation, she didn’t know. "What will you do?" she finally asked.

T'Challa wasn't surprised by the elders demanding that Erik be placed on trial, though he had no intention of allowing his cousin to be harmed anymore. Erik had missed out on being with either his family or his people and T'Challa was determined not to fail him again. "I have people I trust to keep running things here," he answered his sister. "As for taking him outside Wakanda... I have been informed that I have a place at the Avengers' compound, should I ever wish to make use of it."

"Why would they want you there?" Shuri affected a shocked look, although her eyes were twinkling. "Is Stark attempting to coerce more Vibranium from you?"

T'Challa smiled at his sister. "That's likely, although I also have the impression they like to keep friends and allies close. Many of the people there have been rehabilitated in the same way I wish to do so with Erik, so that will be an advantage. I was also informed there would be rooms available for you and Nakia, after I responded to the wedding invitation," he added.

"They made room for me as well? They must be desperate for someone who understands science...." she teased again, though she sounded a mix of surprised and pleased.

He smiled. "They understood it was important to me that you be able to be close by. If, of course, you want that."

"I am not leaving you alone with our cousin...you might let him go..." Shuri sounded as if she didn’t really believe that... maybe.

"No. Letting him go is the furthest thing on my mind," T'Challa said. "But I would still like you to come with me."

"When do we leave?" Shuri asked. It was a forgone decision that she would go.

"I need to speak with Erik and then Nakia and then take care of packing," T'Challa answered. "After that, it's when we're all ready. Ross will be taking us there."

"Ross? The colonizer is going as well?" Shuri sounded delighted at the news.

"Yes. He's proven a good friend and I think we can do a lot of good work for Wakanda together... all of us," T'Challa said.

"He is a good man, for a colonizer..." Shuri teased. "Go. Speak with our cousin. I must pack." She imperiously waved him off.

Smiling, T'Challa walked to the room their cousin was currently using and knocked on the door.

"Come in..." a resigned voice called out. Erik turned to watch his cousin enter. "They want me imprisoned or executed. I told you. You should have let me die."

T'Challa closed the door and turned to face Erik. "We will not be staying here in Wakanda."

"They exiled you for wanting to help me?!" Erik looked shocked.

"No," T'Challa answered. "They're not prepared to look at you the way I do. They want you imprisoned at best. I'm not prepared to let that happen, so we will be leaving."

"You're abdicating?" This time, Erik sounded horrified as well as shocked.

"I'm taking a temporary leave of absence," T'Challa said. "So, I can focus on you."

"Why would you do that?" This time, Erik only sounded confused. "After everything I did...."

"Because you are my family," was the honest, sincere response. "You were abandoned and left to fend for yourself. You deserve a second chance."

"You're really going to help me..." Erik whispered.

"I told you I would, and I will," T'Challa replied without hesitation. "I didn't save you just to have you locked away."

"So... what first?" Erik asked hesitantly, remembering what T'challa had already told him.

"I'm going to take care of punishing you first." As he spoke, T'Challa walked over to the bed and sat down, looking at his cousin. "Come here please."

Erik gave T'challa an incredulous look. "You were serious..." he muttered, before shaking his head and sighing deeply. "You know, I've killed men for less than what you're about to do..." he said, before walking over to stand at his cousin's side.

"I'm sure you've killed men for a lot of reasons." T'Challa took Erik's wrist and gently guided his cousin across his lap, wrapping his arm around his waist to secure him before he then proceeded to bare him.

"Wait... you never said you was doin it bare!" Erik began to struggle, though he was careful not to try and hurt us cousin. If he died, he wanted it on his terms, not the terms of a mob who wanted revenge for their hurt king.

T'Challa rested his hand on Erik's lower back. "This is a personal, family punishment. I'm punishing you as my cousin... as part of my family. To leave your clothing in place would only convince you there's a barrier between us. One does not exist. I won't allow it to."

Erik blinked at the response, unable to come up with an argument against it beyond 'I don’t want you to'. So, he swallowed hard and reached down to hold onto his cousin's ankle. "You don’t want any barriers..." he whispered to himself, the fact T'challa wanted him as family finally breaking through the barriers he'd put up himself.

"No barriers," T'Challa said firmly, keeping one hand on Erik's back, while he delivered a firm swat to his cousin's backside with his other. "You shouldn't have been left behind when you were a child, but I promise you I will not leave you behind. No matter what happens."

Erik hissed at the first swat, but it was his cousin's words that were making an impact. "And the rest of our people that need help? Will they be left and forgotten when Wakanda withdraws from the world again?"

"I don't plan for Wakanda to withdraw from the world," T'Challa answered, settling into a pattern of swats down to Erik's thighs before starting over from the top. "Your decision to act was not wrong, even though you shouldn't have gone about it the way you did."

"Wait... you think I was right?!" Erik couldn't keep the surprise out of his voice.

"You were right that Wakanda cannot close itself off from the outside world," was T'Challa's response. "When we leave here, we will be joining the Avengers in their compound and I will be working with them on the best way to reach out to those in need." He began a third circuit of swats, going a fraction harder and faster. "You did not need to try and sabotage our relationship before we even had a chance to build one."

"I didn’t think we could have a relationship!" Erik protested.

"You were wrong, cousin. Wrong in that, at least." T'Challa began focusing more swats to Erik's sit spots and thighs. "I care very deeply for you now, so I will not allow you to be harmed. Or to be taken away from me."

Erik had managed not to react till that point, but between his cousin's words - his promise - and the swats, he couldn't prevent himself from reacting. He began to squirm, letting out tiny whimpers.

"You are a part of my family," T'Challa reiterated, continuing to swat. "It doesn't matter what you've done. I've forgiven you for all of it."

"How? How can you?" Erik gasped, starting to cry quietly.

"Because I want you in my life. Because I want you." T'Challa rubbed his cousin's backside gently.

"I... I want to try... do you think it’s possible? To be a family? To help those who need us?" Erik's voice was hopeful.

"Yes. I want you in my family. I want us to be a family. And I fully believe that, together, we can help the people who need us," T'Challa answered honestly.

Erik slumped, giving in to his cousin. "I believe you," he whispered. "I'll work with you... not against you."

"Thank you." T'Challa rubbed Erik's back a moment or two longer and then replaced his clothing before carefully helping him into an embrace.

Erik took a deep breath, then hesitantly hugged his cousin back. "You didn’t try and break me. You had every right and reason to do so... but you didn't." He sounded mystified.

T'Challa hugged his cousin a bit tighter. "I'm not interested in breaking you. I want us to work together...to be family, as we should have been long before now."

"We'll do good together..." Eric agreed. "When do we go?"

"We need to pack and then we'll be flying out with Ross," T'Challa replied.

"Did they give you my items, or did they throw them away?" Erik smiled crookedly.

"Your belongings are safe," T'Challa promised. "What's important to you is important to me as well."

"Thank you..." Erik swallowed hard at the small act of kindness.

T'Challa smiled. "They're in my room. We can go there and pack together."

Erik nodded. "Okay, cousin. Tell me where to go."

Standing, T'Challa led Erik out of the room and into his own, showing his cousin where he'd placed Erik's belongings before he began to pack.

Since Erik's belongings were already packed, he stood out of the way and waited for his cousin. As soon as T'challa was packed, Erik followed him to where their travel companions waited.

T'Challa walked next to Erik, smiling when he saw Nakia and Shuri standing by the plane. "I'm glad you're all coming." He addressed the comment to all of them.

Nakia shrugged, but smiled as she said, "I wouldn't miss this."

"Colonizer is as already on board..." Shuri said, loudly enough Ross would hear her. She loved to tease the man.

Erik snorted, before following his younger cousin into the plane.

T'Challa shook his head with an amused smile and walked next to Nakia, onto the plane.