The Multiverse

Eternally Lucky Children

Summary: Ikaris takes some unexpected steps and gains a new family.
Warning(s): Specific spoilers for the Eternals and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness; AU; disciplinary spanking of an adult; mentions of violence; slight age-regression.


Dane fidgeted, looking at his watch again. His plane had touched down fifteen minutes ago, but they were still on the tarmac, waiting for clearance to pull up to the gate. He hadn't planned to make a trip to New York City. But the Ebony Blade had been stolen nearly at the same time Sersi literally vanished from his life, going to a place he couldn't follow. He could follow the blade, however; he'd got information that it would be sold in a secretive, private auction this very night.

Hopefully, he would be able to get off the plane soon enough to do some recon. He had no illusions he'd be able to buy it, so he'd need to steal it back.

After Sersi and the others had been taken, Ikaris left behind because he'd fought against the others in spite of joining them at the end, Ikaris had spent his time watching over Dane, when he wasn't checking on Sprite and how she was coping with life as a human.

Ikaris had watched the human from afar and followed him onto the plane, managing to keep hidden and out of sight. He might not have been able to create illusions like Sprite, but he was able to disguise himself among humans who had no idea of who, or what, he truly was.

Ikaris supposed he probably should feel jealous...angry, even. He and Sersi had been together for centuries, but then she'd found this human. Ikaris couldn't really blame anyone but himself, of course...and Sersi cared for the human. And after finally joining the rest of them, the rest of his family...Ikaris found himself wanting to watch over those Sersi cared for, while she was unable to do so herself.


Meanwhile, while Dane and Ikaris were sitting on a plane, waiting to disembark... in another part of the city, Kate Bishop was arguing with her mother about her life choices; and secretly planning to crash an auction, where she was certain her stepfather was planning something nefarious. A lot of weird stuff was going down and she was going to catch the culprits in the act. It's what Hawkeye would do, after all!


When the passengers were finally allowed to disembark, Ikaris hung back to keep enough distance between him and Dane that the human wouldn't realize he was being followed or watched. As he made sure he could see exactly where Dane was from the corner of his eye, Ikaris turned to help an older woman who was struggling to get her bag from the overhead bins.

Dane wasted no time in exiting the plane and quickly going to hail a taxi. He only had his carry-on with him. Any equipment needed to get the blade back would need to be purchased.

Ikaris finished helping the woman and exited the plane, spotting Dane as the human got into a taxi. It took only moments to find a secluded spot so that he could take off and begin flying after the vehicle, careful to stay out of sight.

Dane hadn’t wasted any time gathering what intel he could and then buying what he needed for a heist. Time went quickly and soon, he was being escorted into a back room of a non-descript building... filled with the rich and elite, who didn't mind more questionable purchases. He blinked as a young woman sidled up to him.

"A bit disgusting, really..." Kate muttered, where only Dane could hear. She sensed he wasn't like the others. "Most this stuff can't be shown if they don't want it confiscated. The money could do so much good in other places."

Pretending that he belonged, blending in with the humans entering the building, was easy enough for Ikaris. While he'd never got as close to them as Sersi had, some part of him always aloof even before learning of their true mission, he'd observed enough that he could play the role he needed to. That he could get inside the building.

A younger human woman had moved over to Dane and Ikaris narrowed his eyes, watching her closely. While she didn't appear to be a threat, he'd had enough experiences with Sprite to know...looks could be deceiving.

Dane nodded politely at Kate, not wanting to encourage her talking to him. He needed to slip out to the area where items were being kept until they were brought out front for sale. He needed to get the blade, then make an escape. He was relieved when she stopped talking and he was able to make his way to the items without being seen. He was less relieved to find she was up to the same thing. He was decidedly not relieved when she slipped on a mask and uniform and began fighting guards, drawing all sorts of attention.

"Dammit..." he muttered to himself, before frantically searching for the blade, while intermittently fighting any guards who decided to focus on him rather than the woman.

Kate hadn't intended on fighting. She'd only put the uniform on to hide her identity so her stepfather wouldn't know she was spying on him. She hadn't expected to have one of the guards yell, "Ronin!" before going after her.

Dane felt the adrenaline coursing through him spike when he finally found the crate. Sliding it open, he removed the blade, wielding it, before glancing around for the quickest exit. The female who'd interrupted his plans was in trouble. "Well, that won't do..." he muttered. Carefully putting the sword in its sheath on his back under his trench coat, he quickly moved to help her. Taking her arm, he backed toward a window facing the street. "You afraid of heights?" he asked.

"We're on the seventh floor!" Kate said, with a hint of worried incredulousness.

"Aim for the awnings..." was all Dane said, before stepping onto the window ledge. He glanced over his shoulder just long enough to position himself, then jumped.

"Crap!" Kate yelped at the unexpected actions. Looking out the window, then back at the guards, she realized she didn't have much choice. She swallowed hard, then followed Dane out the window.

Ikaris hadn't been too concerned when the fighting started. He would have stepped in if it looked like either human was in danger, but as they seemed able to take care of themselves, he hung back and just least for as long as it took to see Dane climbing out of the window.

It was more than obvious that the younger woman was afraid of falling. That she wasn't nearly as confident as Dane in climbing out of the window.

Dropping all pretense of being a normal human...and of keeping himself hidden from the human he was watching over...Ikaris flew towards the window. Towards the young woman. Grabbing her in a firm hold, he directed, "Don't struggle. You'll fall." Then, he began to glide towards the street below, holding her in a tight grip.

Kate didn't fight. She began chattering the moment they were out of the window. "Are you an Avenger?! How did you know I needed help? I'm Kate, by the way. Who are you?" she asked, just as they landed.

Dane had landed on the awning, perfectly sliding off to the sidewalk below. Even so, he had landed hard and had to roll to avoid breaking bones. By the time he stood and looked to see if his impromptu companion had followed him, Ikaris was landing next to him, Kate in his arms. "You!" he blurted.

"I'm not an Avenger," Ikaris replied. "And I saw you needed help because I've been keeping watch over him." He nodded towards Dane as he carefully released Kate.

Dane blinked at that. "What do you mean, you've been watching over me? I don't need watching!" he said, offended.

Kate snorted. "You kinda do. Who are you?"

"Dane Whitman..." Dane said, with an irritated glance at her words.

Kate grinned unrepentantly. "Kate Bishop."

Kate looked at Ikaris expectantly.

"Ikaris," he replied. "And it seems to me that you both need watching." He nodded towards the window. "Escape route cut off, so you decided that a seventh-story window made for a good replacement? If either of you had fallen, you'd have ended up with far worse than just broken bones."

"Didn't fall..." Both shrugged and spoke at the same time, before looking at each other again; Dane with a tiny smirk and Kate with a giggle.

Kate glanced toward the front door of the building as it was shoved open, and a goon ran out. "And it's been nice but see you!" She ran off.

"Shit..." Dane immediately ran in the opposite direction.

Neither waited to see what Ikaris would do.

Ikaris had helped the younger woman, because she'd needed it, but he could only keep an eye on one of the two of them. And it was Dane who he'd taken the responsibility for at the moment. So, rising into the air once more, Ikaris began to fly after Dane.


Life had been hectic and strange and sadly chaotic for a few weeks. In that time, Kate's investigation had led her to the track suit mafia. Had led to a battle for her life she'd not been expecting. Had led to Wilson Fisk.

Luckily for her, Dane Whitman had checked on her that first night and ended up sticking around to help her, or she may have been killed. Also luckily, they discovered her mother's fiancé wasn't guilty of everything Kate had originally thought he was (and he'd actually helped them escape the henchmen Fisk sent to kill them at the end). Not so luckily, she'd discovered her mother was guilty, had been working with Fisk all along, and while her mother had changed sides at the last moment to try and keep her only daughter from becoming a casualty of Fisk, it hadn't been enough to offset her crimes.

Kate watched as the police car drove away, carrying her mother to jail. She took a deep breath and turned toward Jack Duquesne. "Thanks... for everything. Especially after the way I treated you. I'm sorry I blamed you, especially when it was mom all along."

Jack shrugged. "You believed in her. That's the way it should be. I believed in her too. Now... I have to clean up the mess she left behind in the company. I... I'm sorry I can't do more for you, but if you need help finding a place to live, or references, or anything...."

"No... I'm good. My family's used you enough. I appreciate it, though." Kate smiled weakly. She gave a tiny, surprised giggle as he pulled her in for a quick hug, then a small wave as he walked away.

"You could come with me..." Dane shifted closer to her from where he'd been standing to the side, giving them space. "We made a really good team. And we only 'almost got killed' about five times." He smirked.


Ikaris had been keeping watch over Dane and, by extension, Kate. He'd stepped in whenever it seemed like the two of them were in more trouble than they could handle...had been witness to each of the almost getting killed scenarios. And each time it had happened, it had left him feeling worse and worse.

He wished Sersi was there. Not because he wanted to give up this self-imposed responsibility, but because she might have been able to give him a better insight into the mindset of these two humans and exactly why they kept putting themselves in danger.

"You could spank them, you know." Sprite's voice sounded from behind him, making him jerk in surprise and turn towards the former Eternal, who grinned at having startled him.

"Sprite. What are you doing here?" Ikaris asked. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"I ditched," she replied proudly. "I saw the news. The humans have got better technology now. They can capture a flying Eternal, even if he's not wearing his uniform." She clambered up onto the roof next to him and peered down at the two humans Ikaris was watching on the street. "Sersi would hate that he's putting himself in so much danger," she said softly.

"I know." Ikaris sighed and looked at the youngster. "You shouldn't be up here. You're human now. Means you can be hurt. And you should be in school," he added.

"But if you're adopting two humans, I want to be a part of the family too," she protested.

Ikaris didn't bother trying to argue with her. More than likely, she was reading him better than he was able to read himself. With a long sigh, he wrapped his arms around her and flew them both down off the roof, landing close by Dane and Kate. "Give me the number of your school. I'd better call them and do damage control."

"See?" Sprite grinned at him and stepped away. "You've already got the part of worried dad down perfect." She turned towards the two humans. "Hi, Dane! Who's your friend?"

Dane had been aware of Ikaris following him, them, around, although he wasn't aware how many of their close calls had only been close calls because of Ikaris' intervention. When Sprite showed up next to the other man, he didn't know whether to be happy at seeing the young ex-eternal or annoyed. Sersi had explained that the young girl was human now. Mortal, like him. Why was he suddenly attracting all the Eternals, though? "Hey Sprite," he finally answered. "This is Kate. Any word on Sersi?" he asked hopefully. He hadn't felt comfortable asking Sersi's ex about her. He wasn't certain the Eternal liked that he was, or had been at least, dating her.

Sprite shook her head, looking sad. "There's no word from the rest of the family, either...not since they sent a message saying they were looking for Sersi and the others."

Ikaris had taken out his phone and stepped away, calling Sprite's school to try and smooth things over. Unfortunately, as this wasn't the first time she'd ended up skipping school, he was clearly having trouble convincing the principal to give her another chance.

Sprite glanced over her shoulder, listening unabashedly to Ikaris' conversation, then turned back to Dane and Kate. "So. Any good schools where you two and Ikaris are going to settle down?" she asked outright. "Cause I think I ditched one too many times and they don't want me back." She sounded fairly chipper at the fact...but anyone who knew her well, or was observant, would be able to tell it affected her.

"Wh... uh... we..." Dane gave Sprite a befuddled look, before glancing at Kate and shrugging helplessly.

"We hadn't actually made any decisions. I have my apartment, but given everything that's happened, I'll probably want to move." Kate shrugged back.

"My flat is in London." Dane wrinkled his nose. "Guess both of you could go back there, with me..." he suggested uncertainly.

"Maybe?" Kate frowned thoughtfully. "First, I want to make a trip to upstate New York. That mask I found at the auction? Belonged to Hawkeye!" Her eyes took on the glimmer of a fan excited to meet their hero.

"Okay!" Sprite turned to Ikaris as he returned to the group. "We're going to upstate New York!" she informed him.

Ikaris frowned at those words. "Maybe there'll be a school there I can get you enrolled in. You were on your last chance...what were you thinking?"

"That I can still recognize the sound of broken bones even though I'm human now and it was filtered through a television screen." Sprite jerked her thumb towards Dane and Kate. "I can help you protect them."

Ikaris eyed her for a few moments before he said, "The news report wouldn't have shown the fight."

Sprite rolled her eyes. "No. But hacking into security feed is easy."

Dane snorted at that, quickly covering his mouth with his hand to hide his grin.

Kate didn't even try to hide, her laughter pealing around them.

Dane cleared his throat as he suddenly realized, "Broken bones? Who got hurt?"

"Just a couple of broken ribs," Ikaris replied. "They'll heal."

Sprite snorted softly. "Yeah, but at least with me here, I can help. So, you don't get broken bones."

"You're not getting involved in any fights," Ikaris replied instantly. "You're fully human now. Means you can get seriously hurt." He shook his head and sighed, then looked towards Dane and Kate. "We go to upstate New York. Then figure out the next move from there."

"Yeah... I rented a car. We can go by your place for you to pack a bag, if you need," Dane said to Kate. "Do you have bags?" he asked Sprite and Ikaris.

"Yeah. That'd be good," Kate agreed. "Do you think I need to call ahead? Tell them why we're coming?"

"No bags," Sprite replied. "It's much harder to sneak on an airplane if you're carrying bags."

"I didn't need to bring much." Ikaris shrugged, before saying to Kate. "Probably a good idea to warn them."

"No better time than now, I guess..." Kate shrugged, before glancing around. "You left the car at my place, remember? We need to catch a cab."

"I didn't forget." Dane snorted as he flagged down a passing cab.

Sprite quickly hopped into the backseat when the cab stopped next to them.

Despite his comments about broken ribs healing quickly, Ikaris still got into the cab a little gingerly. Healing faster wasn't the same as immediate healing, after all.

Dane got in next to Sprite.

Kate got into the front and gave directions to her place.

"So, Hawkeye's the Avenger with the bow and arrows, right?" Sprite asked. "Didn't they all move into a huge underground compound or something?"

"I dunno..." Kate glanced into the back seat, looking baffled. "I think they moved into a big compound where SHIELD is now headquartered. Maybe."

"At least it'll be an adventure," Sprite said brightly. "School is boring. Most of what they're trying to teach me, I already know."

"Yeah. I hear that. Even when I didn't know what they were teaching, I got bored," Kate agreed.

Dane wrinkled his nose. "School wasn't that bad," he argued.

"Let me guess. You were a genius straight-A student." Kate huffed.

Ikaris looked at Sprite. "I know you don't like it, but part of being human and part of being able to grow up is going to school. Learning. Building an identity for yourself that you don't have to hide."

"But I could do that easily with the resources humans have available now," Sprite said. "Just hack into the government system and make my own identity. No more having to go to school."

"How old are you now, officially?" Dane asked. "Legally, you can't drop out until you are at least 16. It may be higher. I'm not really sure for US states."

"Fourteen." Sprite sat back with a pout on her face.

Dane smiled at that. "Yeah. Even if you were able to hack into systems to set things up, they'd still expect you in school because of your age. Unless you set yourself up as a child genius. But then you'd have to hope no one mentioned it to a reporter, because child geniuses are considered newsworthy. Unless you want to be on the news as someone's 'feel good' piece?"

Sprite's pout grew even more as she said, "No. I want to be normal. But I don't want to go to school," she added.

"Part of being human is following the rules of the society," Ikaris said mildly. "If you find most lessons too boring, I'll see if I can find somewhere more engaging for you."

"It's only for two more years," Kate said from the front, not fully understanding, but wanting Sprite to feel better. "Aaaand... We're here." She quickly paid the driver, before hopping out to lead everyone up to her apartment.  "It won't take long for me to pack a bag. And get Lucky. Here, Lucky!" she called out, as she ran upstairs.

"Hey, Lucky..." Dane leaned over and scratched the dog behind the ears. "Of course, you're coming with us. We'd never leave such a good boy behind..." He began using the universal tone of voice for babies and pets, cooing over the dog, who was happily wagging his tail.

Sprite eyed the dog and then looked towards Ikaris. "You know, I liked them much better when they were wolves."

"I know," Ikaris replied. "I remember how much you cried when the one you'd bonded with died." He shrugged. "Might not be wolves anymore, but at least the time with an animal will feel longer for you now."

Dane remained quiet, petting Lucky.

It didn't take long for Kate to return with a bag. And a bow and quiver. 

"Planning to take lessons from Hawkeye?" Dane asked, with a grin.

Kate grinned back. "If he'll let me!"

Standing up to grab the nearby leash and clipping it on Lucky's collar, Dane walked to the door. "Follow me. Car's this way."

Ikaris followed quickly, Sprite a little more slowly, clearly lost in thought. 

They'd loaded the car quickly and were soon on their way, heading toward the 'Avenger's Compound'.


"So... got a call from a Kate Bishop." Sharon began talking immediately as she joined the entire family for lunch. "...She gave me this really long story about auctions and track suit mafia and huge fights and Wilson Fisk... I checked it out, by the way and everything she told me was true... Anyway, long story short; she found an item that belongs to you, Clint. Or at least belongs to one of your aliases when you are undercover. She and three friends are bringing it here. She said she might be able to give us a list of other items she saw at the auction that we may want to retrieve. They should arrive in two to three hours. They were in the City when she called and planned to begin driving up as soon as she got off the phone."

"She say what item? And how she knew it was my alias that used it?" Clint asked suspiciously.

"No. And I'd planned to have SHIELD agents meet them at the gate and escort them to interrogation, so we can find out," Sharon said, before looking at Maria, then Coulson and Fury, to see if they objected to her plan.

Meanwhile, both Matt and Karen had gone stiff, obviously agitated, and anxious.

Coulson looked towards his son. "You took on a few undercover missions when you were much younger that you had to wear a disguise for," he remembered. "Did you have anything go missing? That could help narrow down what and how long it's been gone for."

Fury nodded slowly to Sharon. "I'd like to sit in on the interrogation when they get here. She tell you anything about the others coming with her?"

Sam noticed the look on his children's faces and frowned worriedly, reaching out to place a hand on each of their shoulders, squeezing gently.

"I don't know... but given everything that 'went lost' when HYDRA made their move, I wouldn't be surprised if more than one of my disguises disappeared." Clint sighed. "I'm more worried that she seemed to know it was mine."

"She said two men and a girl, but didn't give names. I've assigned two younger agents to get in touch with the authorities in that area to get more information," Sharon said, as she sat down with her plate of food. "Given everything that happened there the last few weeks, there must be something to find."

"Can you find out more about Fisk?" Matt's voice was tight. "He was supposed to be behind bars, not getting involved in whatever they're involved in."

"We'll get a report together," Maria promised Matt. "Including everything we need to know. We'll find out what's going on with Wilson Fisk. And if he's not currently behind bars, we'll put him there."

Coulson looked at Clint. "Do you want to be there to ask questions? If she knows who you are, she might be more willing to be open." Pausing, he added, "Of course, given how much information she gave Sharon, there might not be an issue with her trying to hide things."

Blake was frowning. "You said a girl?" he asked Sharon. "Do you think they've got a child with them? Is it possible she might be in danger?"

Sharon shook her head. "I couldn't tell by her answers. She didn't appear to be trying to hide anything, though. We may not have any difficulty getting answers quickly. Given all the weirdness lately and the fact Clint is involved, like it or not, do we want any powered individuals in the questioning?"

"Why don't Dad, Buck and I sit in?" Steve suggested. "Any normal threats, we should be able to handle between us. But at least, if things go badly wrong, there'll be other people on standby."

"I could read them and tell you if they're lying or not," Riktor offered.

"I think, unless they seem less than honest, we'll not read them. We don't want them to distrust us if they are on our side and deliberately looking into people's minds or emotions without their permission breeds distrust," Jean said calmly; not wanting to discourage her son's desire to help but trying to teach him that he shouldn't just use his powers whenever he wanted without thinking about ramifications.

Sharon nodded. "So... Clint, Logan, Steve, and Bucky? Am I conducting the interrogation or do one of you want to handle it?" she asked Coulson, Fury and Maria.

"I'll conduct the interrogation," Fury said. "But there's no reason you can't be there as well, Sharon."

"It should be fairly safe, even if they turn out to be enhanced," Maria commented.

"Well... I'm assuming Clint will be there since he's the one she had info on. Steve, Bucky, Logan and you, Sir, makes five. I'm not sure one more person wouldn't make them reluctant to cooperate. I can wait outside of interrogation; in case I'm needed. If that plan is agreeable..." Sharon deferred to Fury.

Fury nodded. "Better to have someone on standby outside anyway," he agreed.

"You going to wait outside with me, sis?" Sharon grinned at Maria.

"Do you even need to ask?" The look on Maria's face was fond.

"No. But I'm nothing if not polite..." Sharon's grin broadened.

By this point, most of the family had finished eating their breakfast and were standing to clear their plates.

Fury looked towards Tony. "Tony, do you think Veronica could get video feed from the security cameras around where these newcomers were stationed?" he asked his nephew. "I want to see if any of them look familiar...."

Tony nodded. "Even if she can't... there are news stories popping up on my feed regarding some of the fallout. Ronnie? Can you get us video feed of..." He looked toward Sharon for confirmation. "...Kate Bishop? And get identities on any of her companions?"

"Right away, boss," the AI responded.

"Thanks," Fury said. "At least this way, we can go in prepared for the possibility of there being a threat if anyone does recognize them as an enemy."

"There are many, many videos that I am gathering, master Fury, but I have a still frame of Miss Bishop, in a car with three other individuals that was taken by a traffic camera shortly after she called Miss Sharon. The one driving is Mr. Dane Whitman. Miss Kate Bishop is behind him. The man in the front passenger seat, I do not have information on, nor do I have information on the young girl behind him; however, the two were caught on camera during an altercation in London not so long ago," Veronica said. Several pings could be heard, as she sent the camera photo to their devices.

Fury looked at the photo that had shown up on his phone, frowning. The picture was clear enough, but even so.... "I don't recognize any of these people."

Steve was staring at his phone, a strange look on his maybe he was seeing a ghost. "Buck? You see this too, right?" he asked his brother.

Buck lowered his phone, moving over to look at the photo on Steve's phone, as if it was a different photo. Shaking his head, he sounded mystified. "I'd say I don't believe it, but I've seen too much weird not to."

Meanwhile, Logan was also staring, a crooked grin on his face. "I know the male passenger..." he said out loud. "He went by Isaac when I met him, but he admitted his real name was Ikaris before we went our separate ways. Never got a last name."

"What is it?" Coulson asked.

"Bucky and I, we know this girl." Steve pointed at the young teenager in the photo. "But we knew her when we were teenagers. She called herself Sprite. She went to our school for about two years before telling us she had to move." He looked towards his father. "If this is her...she hasn't aged at all."

"If she's with Ikaris, it doesn't surprise me she hasn't aged. When I met him, it was in 1883,” Logan's gaze was reflective.

"Do you trust him?" Steve asked his father. "Sprite was a friend, but she was more prone to causing mischief than...well, even Bucky." He gave his brother a fond smile.

Bucky blushed. He hadn't told anyone, but the two years they'd known Sprite, many of his more mischievous activities had been an effort to impress her.

Logan nodded. "When I knew him, he was honorable enough. Of course, that was over a hundred years ago...."

"At least we won't be going in blind," Steve said. "We know two of them." He turned towards Clint. "I take it you don't recognize this Kate Bishop?” 

"No. Which makes the fact she seems to know so much about me a bit off-putting. I realize my association with the Avengers gave me a bit more notice, but not that much more," Clint remarked.

"Well, we'll find out soon enough," Fury said. "If you're ready, we'll head to interrogation now."

"That soon? Will they be here that fast? If they were in the City, it's at least a two hour drive to reach us here..." Sharon blinked, looking at her watch. "Although, they left an hour and a half ago and if Dane drives like most SHIELD agents, they could be here any moment..." She snorted.

"At least we'll be prepared," Fury said.

Not seeing any reason to wait, they all went to the interrogation room or the observation room, leaving instructions for the visitors to be escorted to interrogation as soon as they arrived.


Thirty minutes later, Dane was driving up to the gate. Security met them. "Please come with us. We will have one of our agents park your car after it has been checked for bombs."

"What? I'm not..." Dane looked at the others, to see if they would agree to such demands. Kate was already getting out of the car, Lucky hopping out after her.

Sprite got out of the car, looking around curiously.

"They'll need to take precautions, I assume," Ikaris said to Dane. "Let them do what they need to." He got out of the car as well.

"Aw, c'mon. Has no one heard about people disappearing into deep, dark government strongholds?!" Dane whined, before getting out of the car. "It's a rental! Don't scratch it!" he grumbled at the guard getting ready to climb into the driver’s seat.

The guards led the four into the building, taking them through winding halls and through several floors before reaching the interrogation room.

"Are we allowed refreshments?" Sprite asked brightly. "Cause I could really do with some coffee."

Ikaris frowned at her. "You're still drinking coffee?"

"Well, yeah." She rolled her eyes. "I'm telling you, of all the inventions humans came up with? Coffee was the best. Don't know how I went without it before." She turned a winning smile onto the guards. "Please?"

Kate grinned at Ikaris. "Be glad it's only coffee. I had my first rum and coke when I was thirteen..." she claimed unrepentantly.

"I was twelve..." Dane chuffed. He immediately high-fived her raised hand.

Clint cleared his throat. "Good thing my dad wasn't your dad...." He glanced at Coulson with a teasing but fond smile.

Sprite shrugged and wrinkled her nose. "Never really cared that much for the taste of it, really." She glanced curiously towards Clint and Coulson...and to the other men with them.

Steve cleared his throat and stepped forward, looking at the young teenager. "Sprite?" He spoke her name hesitantly, like he still wasn't sure she was real.

"Yeah." She cocked her head to one side. "Who're you?"

Ikaris spotted Logan and nodded slightly to him. "Your regenerative abilities still working, I see."

"They are. Didn't realize you also had them..." Logan smiled.

"Hey, Sprinkle..." Bucky used his old nickname for the young girl, wondering if she'd remember.

Kate was staring at Clint with a star-struck look... until Dane elbowed her. "Holy crap, it's really you! I've been a fan since the battle of New York! I've taken every archery lesson and gymnastics lesson and fighting lesson I could to become the best in the hopes I could even be half as good and brave as you!" She was gushing unreservedly. "I found your mask... your outfit!" She quickly pulled open her rucksack and pulled out the Ronin uniform, handing it to Clint. "Of course, at first, I didn't know it was yours...  but the goons kept saying Ronin was back every time I put it on and started coming after me, even when I wasn't trying to stop them, so I had to hack into some systems to try and find out who Ronin was and discovered it was you, and as soon as I knew that, I knew I needed to give this back to you, and if they had this at the auction, what other stuff was there that prolly shouldn't be sold? I mean, they stole Dane's magic sword..." She was babbling.

Dane watched her in open mouthed bemusement, having given up trying to stop her from spilling all their secrets in her fangirl gush. She'd ignored his first five attempts.

Sprite's jaw dropped open and she stepped forward, looking first at Bucky and then at Steve. "Buck? Stevie?" She looked a bit shellshocked as she said, "You're not Eternals...and you aged. But you oughta be nearly in your hundreds by now. 'Cept you look the same age as Ikaris."

Ikaris moved a bit nearer to the three humans he'd already begun seeing as 'his', even as he responded to Logan's comment. "Not regeneration. We're...." He hesitated, not sure how exactly to explain.

"Sophisticated robots, created by a Celestial cause he wanted to use us to birth more Celestials," Sprite said. "But it would have destroyed the whole planet. That's why there's now a giant statue in the middle of the ocean." She paused and then zeroed in on Bucky's mechanical arm. "Looks like you had a lot of adventures after I had to leave," she said quietly.

Steve heard the sadness in Sprite's voice and winced. She'd told them that her family had had to move away...had promised to write and had kept her promise for a while. But clearly, she'd left because they would have noticed that she didn't grow up. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "It must have been lonely for you."

"It's... a very long story..." Bucky said softly, his own voice sad.

Clint listened to Kate, his own eyes widening with each babbled word. "Uh... it seems clear that there isn't anything nefarious in her knowing who I am..." He glanced at his father. "Although hacking into government databases could get you in huge trouble," he said to Kate. "Maybe we can take this discussion to the family floor?"

Coulson nodded. "I think that would be a very good idea," he agreed. "Perhaps we could have Lincoln run some tests. Make sure there are no nasty surprises."

"And check that Ikaris' ribs are healing well?" Sprite asked, in a seemingly innocent tone.

Logan blinked at that. "You have hurt ribs?" Everyone stood and surrounded the newcomers to lead them out. "Friday, could you have Lincoln and Bruce meet us in our infirmary?"

"Right away, Master Logan," the AI chirped.

Kate became even more excited.

"The videos requested were sent to your phones, but I could move them to the family room so you can watch them on a larger screen. In case you need to hunt for clues," Veronica added.

Dane looked a little nervous at that announcement. "Video?"

Sprite's eyes widened. "You have AIs?" She smiled. "Phastos would be so excited to see this! He could help teach you so much!" Her face dropped and she glanced towards Ikaris as she said, quietly, "If we knew where he and the others were...."

"Your doctors won't have a baseline for me," Ikaris said to Logan. "Eternals look human. But we are not." Shrugging, he added, "Of course, Sprite is human now. She can finally grow up."

Dane smiled sadly at Sprite's mention of the missing Eternals, effectively distracted from the worrying comment of there being video and him not knowing what of.

"Maybe. But we can at least get scans and you can let us know if there is something that can be done," Logan said.

"Ajak would have been able to give information," Sprite said quietly.

Ikaris' wince at the comment was obvious, even though he didn't say anything. Sprite hadn't actively blamed him for killing Ajak...but he knew that had been the first decision in a line of very wrong decisions he'd made. "Lead the way," he said in resignation to Logan.

"Besides. You have to set a good example for your kids," Sprite said to Ikaris, before adding, "So, about that coffee...?" 

Logan gave Ikaris an interested look. "You have kids? How old? Are they nearby? My daughter Laura is here... you'll probably meet her while we're in the family room watching the videos."

"Um... if it isn't none of my business... what videos? Did we interrupt an important mission?" Dane asked.

Bucky shook his head. "No... when Kate called and said she had items belonging to Clint and knew all this information she shouldn't know, we had Veronica look her up. Since she mentioned bringing you all, we looked you up as well."

"There is a lot of video footage of the last several weeks..." Friday chimed in cheerfully. "Wade has already made several comments on it. Till Cable made them turn it off to wait for you all to arrive, anyway."

"Them." Sprite jerked her thumb towards Dane and Kate. "Ikaris has been their guardian angel for weeks. Which is probably what's on the videos," she added. "And he's older than them. Like way older. So, he might as well adopt them, cause it kinda seems like he has already. Unofficially."

"You can't make any comments on my age, Sprite," Ikaris said, notably not commenting on what else she'd mentioned. "You've been alive just as long as I have." He then looked towards Logan. "I'm surprised you have a daughter. You didn't seem to be interested in settling down when we first met.”

Dane and Kate were staring at Sprite by this point, mouths open in surprise. "What are you talking about?!" Dane blustered. "You guys only showed up once or twice until right before we came here. And it was always after we were done doing whatever we were going...." He wrinkled his nose. "Plus... I'm an adult. I'm no one's kid," he asserted.

Logan ignored Dane's protest to answer Ikaris. "I wasn't. She... wasn't planned. And it took a long time... too long... for me to accept that she was mine. I thought it was a hoax. No way was some government facility able to take my DNA and make a baby when I know I'm sterile. But... somehow, they did it. Anyway, I have her now and can't imagine her not being in my life, so even if her beginnings were less than ideal, I can't regret that they occurred. Not when they gave her to me."

Sprite rolled her eyes. "No, I was the one who showed up right before we came here. Ikaris is the one who stepped in to stop either of you from getting captured. Or hurt. Or killed. Or did you really think you were just that lucky to narrowly avoid the guys after you...what was it, four times?"

"Five," Ikaris corrected Sprite, almost absently, even as he added to Logan, "I'd like to meet her, then."

"Wait..." Kate began, just as Dane asked, "...What?"

Clint snorted, putting his hand up to hide his amused smirk.

"You can," Logan promised, just as they reached their floor and walked into the family room. "Laura, sweetie. Come meet an old friend of mine..." he called over.

The room was filled with every family member who, almost as one, turned to stare at the newcomers. Especially Kate and Dane.

"So... can we finish watching now? I'm interested to see how they get out of these messes..." Wade's voice carried easily.

"Director Fury?" Veronica asked. "You were the one to request the video. Should I start at the beginning?"

Laura glanced towards her father and then hesitantly approached, clearly wary, even if she was better at meeting new people than she had been.

Ikaris smiled at her. "Hello, Laura. My name's Ikaris." He kept his tone light and gentle, recognizing that she was skittish.

"Yes, please do, Veronica," Fury requested.

"Ooh, popcorn!" Sprite went over and plopped herself on the floor next to America and Kaine, who were closer to her age than any of the others, and happily helped herself to the popcorn when America offered it.

Logan smiled at his daughter, but as soon as she'd acknowledged Ikaris, he gave her a gentle sideways hug. "Go back and join your cousins. Looks like everyone is treating this as movie night..." he said in bemusement. He motioned for Ikaris to join him on one of the couchesEveryone else quickly found seats and Veronica began the 'show'.

By the end, three hours later, it was obvious to everyone that while Ikaris had saved Kate and Dane's bacon five times... there were at least twenty other times they'd just escaped certain death by the edge of their teeth. Which, considering cameras didn't catch everything, meant there were probably numerous other times as well that no one got to see.

Dane stared at the screen, a shocked look on his face. He hadn't even realized how close he'd come to dying some of those times.

Kate had a mixed look on her face; proud at what she viewed as her and Dane's skill and sheepish worry, because it was very apparent that most of those older than her were not impressed.

"If I did even half of that, I'd be over your knee getting my bare ass blistered!" Wade's voice carried easily through the silent room.

"I told you that you should spank them." Sprite's own comment to Ikaris carried just as clearly as Wade's had.

Ikaris had ignored Sprite's initial 'suggestion', because while spanking wasn't unheard of between the Eternals (Druig managed to 'talk' himself into several more trips over Ajak's or Ikaris' knee than if he'd just kept his mouth shut and attitude in check), he hadn't realized it was still in use in the human world. But seeing all of this, the full range of what he'd missed? All he could really do was acknowledge Sprite's comment with a simple, "Yeah."

Coulson cleared his throat, looking towards Ikaris. "Before you address their behavior, I think it would be a good idea to at least be checked over by my grandson. I know you indicated you heal fast, but at the very least, you probably want to be sure those ribs are in the correct position for full healing." He looked towards Lincoln.

"Our infirmary is just over there actually..." Lincoln pointed to a door on a wall of the room they were in. "I can get quick scans and then, if you point out anything that seems wrong, I can make note and we can treat it...."

"Wait! You're not actually going to...?" Kate's eyes were wide and nervous.

Dane's own eyes were wide and nervous, but he kept quiet.

Ikaris stood to head to the infirmary, but he did address Kate and Dane. "Since neither of you seem to see anything wrong with your actions, then yes. I'm inclined to use a punishment that I know has worked. And there seems to be little reason to hide it, given the reactions of those here indicate it's a punishment they too are familiar with."

"But! You aren't my dad!" Kate squawked. Her parents had only ever grounded her.

Dane still said nothing, moving to stand next to a wall thoughtfully, watching everyone else; watching to see what the rest of those present had to say.

"Where are your parents?" Coulson asked Kate, his voice very gentle.

"D... dad died in the Battle of New York..." Kate hesitantly admitted. "Mom... well, you saw the video... they took her to jail..." She swallowed, her voice soft and unhappy.

Coulson's voice and face was soft with empathy as he said, "Ikaris has been protecting you since he first met you, every time it's been within his power to do so. That's what a parent does. He put the safety of you, of both of you, above his own. You have the video evidence to prove it."

Kate wrinkled her nose in confusion. "But... why? I didn't ask him to. I didn't even know him at first...."

Dane had been listening and while he could understand what Coulson was saying and believed it fit Kate, he couldn't see how it applied to him. He was the lover of Ikaris' ex-lover. It frankly surprised him the Eternal had saved him at all. He doubted the older being wanted to be a father to him. He didn't even need a father. He'd been on his own since before his age of majority. While Kate continued to protest and argue the situation, he quietly slipped out of the room and began to make his way back to where he thought the car was.

"Probably a similar situation to the rest of us," Steve said, a little bit wryly. "It starts with stepping in to protect them, even from themselves. Then you continue doing it because you can't stand the idea of living without them. Eventually, you's more than just friendship. They're yours. Your family." He shrugged. "Some of us take longer to get to that point than others."

Kate blinked. "You... you think he wants to be my dad?" she asked uncertainly.

"I think he clearly cares about your safety," Coulson said. "And he didn't voice any arguments against taking that responsibility for you."

Kate wrinkled her nose again, before sighing. "I'm an adult...."

"So are most of us here." Steve shrugged. "And the majority of our kids were adopted as adults. Because they were in the same position as you."


Dane was in the garage by this point, trying to locate a guard to bring him his car so he could leave.


Lincoln did all the scans, showing them to Ikaris. "You do have cracked ribs. I can bind them for you...."

"Thank you," Ikaris replied. "Other than that, all of the scans do seem to be normal."

Lincoln quickly wrapped Ikaris' ribs. "We now have a file for you, so if something does go wrong, we can help you better," he said, as he finished up.

It was at that moment that Veronica interrupted, letting Ikaris know that Dane had sneaked out and where he was headed.

"Thanks." Ikaris addressed the AI as he quickly stood, thanking Lincoln and then heading towards the compound's exit.


Dane was frustrated. Not only did they refuse to release his car to him unless one of the directors cleared it, they had confiscated his bag because they'd found the ebony blade and didn't like the readings it was giving off. "I'll be damned if they force me to stay here..." he muttered to himself, leaving the garage and walking outside, beginning to hike toward the gate, but then changing his mind, as he was positive they'd just stop him there and return him to the compound. He veered off toward a wooded area. He'd find some part of a gate that didn't have actual people watching. Climb over the fence if needed.  Get a lawyer and sue for his property back.


Kate blinked at hearing Veronica's message and quickly looked around in confusion. "I didn't even notice he left... " she said, chagrined. She reached down and patted Lucky as the dog whined at her unease.


Dane was moving quickly. He soon reached an area out of sight of the compound and any guards. The fence was high and there were cameras, but the cameras were facing outside the fence to prevent intruders, not facing inward to keep occupants from leaving. He'd be over the fence and running before the camera reported his position.

Ikaris hadn't wasted any time, only moving slow enough to avoid damaging his ribs even more. If he was on the ground, there was no chance he would have found Dane. But he wasn't. And from his position in the air, he spotted the human easily.

Ikaris quickly came in for a landing, moving to intercept Dane. "You don't want to do this."

Dane stopped abruptly. "Why not? This whole place is crazy... pushing you to punish me like a... a... " He swallowed and shook his head. "That they even assume you want a relationship with me, let alone.... the only thing we have in common was Sersi! And then they took my blade! They had no right!"

"Sersi was why I started protecting you in the first place," Ikaris agreed. "But I never had to show myself to you. I didn't have to let you know I was there. Or stick around. As for your blade? I'm going to assume you didn't even try asking for it back before you sneaked out and tried to run away. Which is a poor form of repayment to people who have fought with you and for you."

"I did ask for it back! And was told unless the director cleared it, they were confiscating it. They had no right! I hadn't used it against them. It was safely packed in my bag! I wasn't planning to stay gone, either. I was going to get a lawyer. To get my property back without having to put up with the ridiculous notion that... that..." He growled and kicked the fence, before wincing and limping slightly. "Dammit."

Ikaris raised his eyebrows and spoke in a calm voice. "Instead of reacting like a child throwing a temper tantrum, why don't you try and calm down and think of this logically? The guards didn't know they were allowed to give you your blade back, because you didn't ask the ones in charge. The guards here were following orders. Can you really fault them for that? It would have been much easier, not to mention the honorable thing to do, to speak to the ones in charge. After all. No one has hurt you here. No one has even tried. And perhaps you might not like the idea of being spanked, but do you not think trying to run away from the consequences of your actions is childish? That leaving without a word to someone who has only tried to protect you is disrespectful and churlish, to say the least?"

Dane turned, leaning against the fence. He knew Ikaris was right; he should have just asked those in charge to allow him to leave. To give him back his property. But they were the ones encouraging Ikaris to spank him. And maybe it was churlish and disrespectful to just sneak out without word when Ikaris had done nothing but protect him, but Ikaris was seriously considering spanking. He'd known if he didn't leave, he'd soon be in the most embarrassing position of his life. But to hear Ikaris, he should have just accepted it as if it was normal and deserved. "There shouldn't be any consequences!" he finally ground out in frustration, but calmer than he had been. "I only did what needed doing..." He didn't respond to a lack of respect. He did regret how his leaving was rude to Ikaris... but not enough, not to have made the attempt.

"Really?" Ikaris asked calmly, moving over to Dane's side. He crouched down in front of the human and began to carefully remove Dane's shoe and sock, so he could check on any damage caused by kicking the fence. "You needed to put yourself in danger? It was necessary to risk your life...not just once, not just the five times I knew about, but more than twenty times?" He looked up into Dane's face. "Would you accept those kinds of actions if Sprite took them?"

Dane swallowed hard, his gaze falling to where Ikaris cared for him, then to the side. "No... I wouldn't have been happy about it; not that I would have been able to do anything about it," he admitted reluctantly. "A... are you really going to...?"

"You saw nothing wrong with those actions," Ikaris replied. "Nothing wrong with putting yourself in danger. If nothing else, a spanking will be a consequence that will stick in your mind and hopefully help you think next time. Since the alternative would be letting you get hurt by someone who wouldn't care if you lived or died." He straightened up and wrapped his arms around Dane, intending to fly the human back into the compound. "I don't think you've broken anything, but it'll be best to get it checked anyway."

Dane automatically wrapped his arms around the older man. For all he'd tried to get away from Ikaris, he trusted him. "Could we... could So, no one can hear?" He blushed dark. He was certain he wouldn't be able to remain quiet if Ikaris followed through on his plans.

"I can take care of it here," Ikaris agreed. "But if spanking is common enough to be discussed so openly, they might still guess that it's been done." He rubbed his hands gently down Dane's arms and back. Sprite hadn't been wrong about how he viewed the two humans he'd been protecting.

"M... maybe... b... but I'm already embarrassed. If they hear me acting like a baby, it'll be worse," he whispered. "Especially since..." He swallowed hard again. "Since I'm a little scared...."

"You don't need to be scared." Ikaris' voice was soft and reassuring. "A spanking will hurt, but it won't harm you." He hugged Dane close for a few moments, before leading the human over to a bench that was close by, but out of immediate view of any cameras.

"Not scared of the pain," Dane admitted faintly. "Afraid of what it means."

"The spanking?" Ikaris sat on the bench and gently guided the human across his lap. "It means Sprite wasn't wrong. About how I feel. About how I see you." He rubbed Dane's back for a few moments and then proceeded to bare him.

"What it means for my freedom... my autonomy. Once you can spank me for doing things you think are wrong... I'll hafta talk with you about my plans and if you say no, I can't imagine I'll get away with disobeying. That means you're in charge. I won’t be an adult anymore. I'll be a kid...." Dane's voice was small.

"You'll be my kid." Ikaris rubbed Dane's back for a few more moments and then moved his hand a little lower, so that it rested on the human's bared bottom. Raising his hand, he let it fall in the first firm, crisp smack that he then repeated. He wrapped his other arm around Dane's waist, pulling the human in close and tight against his stomach, as he delivered the swats down to Dane's thighs, before starting over from the top.

Dane's quick gasp was followed by a frantic squirming that only Ikaris' tight grip and strength kept him from falling to the ground. It hurt a lot more than he'd expected. Ikaris wasn't going easy, considering it was his first spanking. "... No..." he finally whined, in a strained voice.

After he'd finished the second circuit of smacks, Ikaris paused, allowing his hand to rest on Dane's bottom and beginning to rub gently. "Yes," he corrected. "You'll be my kid. You won't be taking any dangerous, reckless chances like the ones that you have been. Any one of those could have ended with you in the hospital or even dead and I won't allow that to happen." He rubbed for a few more moments and then began to smack firmly once more, his grip on Dane tight and firm.

By this point, Dane was crying, both from the unbearable sting and the complete helplessness he felt. Ikaris' words made the helplessness worse, because he knew the older man could enforce what he said. Dane was no longer a free adult. But... under the helplessness was a tiny warmth growing in his chest. Someone cared enough about him to protect him, even from himself. He felt safe with Ikaris, even if the Eternal was roasting his bottom. The conflict was confusing, and he reacted the only way he could: he squirmed more frantically to get away, crying vocally as he repeated, "...No..." in a tiny, choked, tear-laden voice.

Completing the third circuit of swats, Ikaris resumed gently rubbing Dane's bottom and upper thighs, his other arm still holding Dane close to himself. "From now on, anything you do that is dangerous or reckless will end with you in this exact same position. Over your father's lap, bare bottom spanked until you have learned your lesson." Once more, he resumed smacking, this time going a fraction harder and faster.

At hearing the promise and at hearing Ikaris refer to himself as his father, Dane was overcome by two emotions: need and fear. The need to give in and accept Ikaris as his father and let himself belong, and the fear that if he did that, he'd never be able to do anything of his own will, ever again. He really would be Ikaris' little kid, his little boy. It caused him to begin sobbing and thrashing around; not really trying to break free so much as to keep from breaking.

Ikaris held Dane close and tight, making sure that the human wouldn't be able to throw himself off his lap and onto the ground. That he wouldn't be able to harm himself. "I've got you, son," he murmured, even as he began to focus more smacks to Dane's sit spots and upper thighs, shifting his son enough for easier access to those more sensitive spots. "I've got you, little boy," he reiterated. "And I won't let go of you."

It was the words as much as the hard swats to the more sensitive parts of his bottom that broke him. Hearing Ikaris refer to him as 'son' and 'little boy', on top of being physically unable to slow or stop the punishment, left him feeling out of control. He finally gave up, slumping over Ikaris' lap like a rag doll, sobbing. "S... sorry... wi... will be good!" he choked brokenly.

"I know you'll be good, little boy." Ikaris stopped spanking and moved Dane onto his lap, cuddling him close and tight. One hand stroked his hair and back, while the other rubbed his bottom. "You belong with me now, son." He whispered the words into Dane's ear, before kissing the side of his head.

The words and the kiss caused Dane to slump further into Ikaris' arms, sobbing harder. "Didn' mean to be bad, sorry!"

"Not bad, little boy," Ikaris corrected, kissing his head again affectionately. "You were naughty. And I've taken care of that." He tightened his embrace around Dane, stroking and rubbing his son's hair, back and bottom. "Now you're my good little boy again."

Dane hiccoughed, pressing close and clinging. It was unsettling. He was an adult, but he felt so small and helpless and needy. "Shouldn't be a baby..." he whispered uncertainly; it was obvious he wanted and needed to let Ikaris be the adult but was fighting his own needs.

"I'm your daddy." Ikaris' voice was gentle and reassuring. "You're safe to be my little boy." He rubbed his hand under Dane's shirt and pushed his son's pants and underwear down further, allowing him to rub and stroke further.

Dane shivered, hiding his face against Ikaris' chest. As much as he felt he should pull back and be adult, it was too comforting to be held; and Ikaris didn't seem to mind. Was in fact encouraging his more childishly needy clinginess. "I wasn't trying to be naughty, daddy..." he whispered, even as he shuffled to enable Ikaris to be more possessive in his touch. "I still dunno what exactly I did wrong... only that it was dangerous and I'm not 'lowed to be dangerous..." he admitted.

"You're not allowed to be dangerous, little boy," Ikaris confirmed, kissing his son's hair. "Any more dangerous actions will get you spanked." He gently patted Dane's backside for emphasis, then resumed the rubbing and stroking.

"Yes, daddy..." Dane sniffled. "Jus'… wasn't trying to be dangerous. Didn' even know some of it was dangerous till I saw the video." He pouted faintly, pressing his face closer to Ikaris chest, and sighing softly as his father rubbed his bottom.

"That's why, little boy, you'll be staying in my sight for the foreseeable future." Ikaris gently kissed Dane's head, even as he continued rubbing his little boy's bottom. "If you struggle to see what's dangerous yourself, I'll help you."

"All day 'n night... all the time?" Dane's voice took on a slightly softer, more childish tone, as he began to accept Ikaris' authority over him, submitting completely.

"All the time," Ikaris agreed. "When I take you back into the compound, I'll carry you to be checked over by the doctor. Then, when I handle your sister, you'll be standing in the corner of the room. Right where I can see you." Gently patting Dane's bottom, he added, "And before bed, I'll give you another small spanking as a reminder to be my good little boy."

Dane whimpered and sniffled at the last item but didn't protest. If his daddy thought he needed another spanking to help him be good, then that's what he'd get. "Everyone will know..." he whispered. This time, he didn't seem as embarrassed at the thought. Now that he'd accepted Ikaris' role in his life, the idea that everyone else would know how the older man handled him wasn't as daunting.

"They are in family units as well," Ikaris said. "It wouldn't surprise me if others are in a similar situation."

Dane sniffled and snuggled some more. "Okay, daddy..." he whispered, squirming so his bottom was in better position for pats and rubs. If he was accepting that he was Ikaris' little boy, then there was no point hiding his needs from his daddy.

Ikaris cuddled Dane tightly, still gently stroking his hair and back and over his bottom. "You're my son now. My little boy. I won't let you go," he promised.

Dane swallowed. "Before you started following me and saving me... I felt drawn to you..." he whispered suddenly. "Not like with Sersi. Not a physical draw... a... I felt from the moment we met, even when Sersi was still here, that I could belong to you. And if I belonged to you, I'd no longer be in charge of myself... I sensed it and it terrified me...." He sniffled, nuzzling against Ikaris' chest. "It was just like I was afraid of; I belong to you and I'm not in charge anymore... I'm just like a kid again. Still scares me a little, but... not as much...."

Stroking Dane's hair gently, Ikaris asked softly, "You didn't have anyone who cared for you before? No one who would claim you as their own?"

"My parents died when I was really young. I had my uncle, but... he's in jail now... and even before then, he wasn't really all that attentive. I was pretty much making decisions for myself from the moment I was old enough to know I needed to..." Dane admitted hesitantly. "I was always 'grown up', even when I wasn't a grown-up. Being your little boy is completely opposite to what I've known most of my entire life...."

"You never had the chance to be a child," Ikaris said quietly. "I know what that's like. I never had a childhood. I was made this form and this age, just as Sprite was made fourteen and never able to grow up."

"I... I never really did. Maybe that explains why I've reacted so childishly to you. I dunno... Just. I never felt drawn like that to anyone else, ever. Why would I feel drawn to you in a... in a childish way? You weren't giving off fatherly vibes when we first met...." Dane sounded confused and still a little nervous, as if trying to work things through in his own mind so he could understand.

"I felt a similar draw to you then as well," Ikaris admitted. "But at the time, I was too focused on what I thought was my mission to act. Then with Sersi gone, I told myself I was watching over you...protecting you...because of her. In reality, I was lying to myself."

"This... being adopted by my girl-friend's ex-lover is normal, compared to my sudden need to be treated like a little kid. Only... I guess it wasn't sudden. When you showed up and started saving me, I... I deliberately made sure that you didn't know what I was doing, because I felt even then, if you told me to do something, I should obey... wanted to obey and be made to behave. The videos didn't even get everything I did; since the search was for what Kate was involved in, they didn't get all the things I did without her..." Dane sniffled. "...You'll prolly wanna spank me again when you learn of them."

"You'll be getting another spanking before bed anyway." Ikaris rested his lips against Dane's head. "If it's necessary, given the actions you've taken, bedtime spankings will continue for a while."

"Yes, daddy..." Dane whispered, cuddling close, relaxing at the words. As much as he was scared at the turn his life was taking, at giving all control to Ikaris, it finally felt like a buried need he hadn't wanted to acknowledge was being addressed. And he did trust Ikaris. If Ikaris spanked him every night for the rest of his life, he knew it would only be because the older man knew he deserved or needed it- and he wouldn't harm him. Feeling his father being in charge and making decisions for him helped ease some of the fear he had at giving up that control.

Cuddling Dane tighter to himself, Ikaris murmured, "I want to get your foot examined sooner rather than later. I'll put your clothing into place and then fly you back into the compound, so that the doctors can make sure you haven't done any damage."

Sniffling and nodding, Dane held still so Ikaris could do whatever he needed to do. He was extremely cuddly, feeling exceedingly young and needy.

Ikaris carefully redressed Dane, then stood, lifting his son into his arms, and cuddling him tightly. Then, he flew back into the compound and back to the medical area.

Dane kept his face hidden against Ikaris' chest, not wanting to face or see anyone they might pass on the way to the infirmary. He could hear the people, though.

"What happened? Is he okay?" Kate's worried voice carried down the hall as Ikaris carried him.

Lincoln's voice came closer, walking beside Ikaris. "Come this way. I'll examine him...."

"He's okay," Ikaris replied reassuringly to Kate. "Just that there's another injury that needs to be checked over."

Kate would have continued to question, but they'd reached the infirmary by that point and Ikaris was carrying Dane into the room.

"He'll be out as soon as I've checked him," Lincoln said quietly, firmly closing the door in her face.

Responding to the fact that Dane needed to be held and kept close, Ikaris carried his son over to the examination table and settled down with him, positioning himself so that he wouldn't get in the way of what Lincoln needed to see. "He kicked a fence outside. I want to make sure he hasn't caused any damage to his foot."

Lincoln raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. "Can you take his shoe and sock off? I'll get the scanner ready."

Dane didn't even make a move toward removing the items, waiting for Ikaris to tell him what to do.

Ikaris removed the shoe and sock, then gently tugged Dane back against his chest, supporting his son.

Lincoln couldn't help but look into Dane's face, to make sure he wasn't experiencing some other ailment than his foot; the man wasn't acting at all like he had been prior to leaving the compound. When he saw the slightly confused, needy, scared, and uncertain look on Dane's face and noted how he was leaning on Ikaris in such a submissive and reliant way, he realized; Dane was going to be one of his cousins that acted young occasionally. Maybe not as often as Kara, but he'd seen how Bobbi acted. And Wade. And Peter. He looked at Ikaris with understanding. If Dane was in a young mindset, then Ikaris would have to make decisions. "I'll show you to your room after I'm through the exam. Do you want me to check more than his foot? Did anything else happen?"

"I'd be happier if you did a complete examination," Ikaris replied. He didn't comment on Dane admitting that he'd done other dangerous stunts than what was shown on the video, but even without that knowledge, he figured a full examination could only be beneficial to both of them.

"A full examination needs him to take off his clothes. Here..." Lincoln reached into a cupboard and handed Ikaris an examination gown. "I'll go gather my equipment, if you want to get him ready."

Dane looked up at that but didn't say anything. If Ikaris wanted him examined, he'd be examined.

"Thank you." Ikaris waited until Lincoln gave them privacy, then began to carefully remove his son's clothes so that he could put the hospital gown on Dane.

"Do I hafta get a full exam?" Dane whined quietly. "I don't feel sick...."

"You told me that you'd done more dangerous stuff than I already knew about." Ikaris gently stroked Dane's hair. "I want to be certain that there is nothing wrong. That there are no injuries, no matter how small."

"Okay..." Dane said, in resigned acceptance. "When... when do you want me to tell you what I did?" He continued to hold still, even once Ikaris had him fully naked, and didn't try to pull away or hide. He was completely vulnerable to Ikaris.

Putting the hospital gown on his son, Ikaris settled in so that he could hold Dane close and tight, hands rubbing gently over his shoulders and arms. "We'll have that conversation this evening, after I've taken care of things with your sister. After I bring you out of the corner, you'll lay across my knee and tell me exactly and everything you did."

"Yes, daddy..." Dane whispered, relaxing in Ikaris' grip.

Lincoln returned and quickly but thoroughly examined the other man, making certain Ikaris could see what he was doing and take note of the same things he was. The older man was taking charge of Dane, after all, so he needed to know what was going on with his son.

By the time the exam was over, Dane felt like the doctor and his father knew his body better than he did. He was blushing darkly and hiding his face against Ikaris' chest.

"I haven't noticed anything majorly concerning. His foot will be bruised, and he should probably not walk on it too much for at least the rest of the day. Prop it up and if it swells, put ice on it." Lincoln suggested. "You can get him dressed again. I think Kara left pajamas on the beds for you, so I can show you to your rooms now, if you would like to retire for the night."

"Thank you." Ikaris began to dress his son, touching and hugging Dane reassuringly. Once his son was dressed, he gathered Dane into his arms and murmured, "I love you."

Dane blinked at that, tearing up and pressing close. "I love you too..." he whispered. "...Glad I'm not running or hiding from you anymore...."

Lincoln returned once Friday informed him Dane was dressed again. "Are you ready for me to show you to your room? I think Kate is already in the one assigned to her, but you'll notice that your room is connected to Sprite, Kate and Dane's rooms. All rooms for the person in charge are connected to the rooms of the ones they are in charge of."

Ikaris nodded in acknowledgement, even as he carefully lifted Dane into his arms, cuddling his son close and tight. "We're ready," he answered for himself and his son...not bothering to explain that Dane would be staying with Ikaris for the time being.

Lincoln quickly escorted Ikaris to the section of rooms where he and his family would be. He pointed out Sprite and Kate's rooms, before opening Dane's door and showing Ikaris in.  Pointing at the bed, he said, "I was right. Kara left pajamas for you..." to Dane, before pointing to another wall with a door. "That door leads to your room," he said to Ikaris. "You'll find two other doors leading to Sprite and Kate's rooms. I'll leave you now... if you need anything, have Friday get me."  He smiled and backed out of the room, closing the door.

Dane looked at Ikaris. "Do you want me in the pajamas, daddy?"

Ikaris nodded. "They look warm and comfortable. And it'll be easier to relax if you're wearing them." He carried Dane over to the bed, picking up the pajamas, before heading into his room. Once there, he dressed his son in the pajamas, noticing the flap. It took only a moment to pin it up and out of the way, leaving his son's bottom bare.

Dane blushed. "Daddy? Kate..." he said hesitantly, reluctant to argue with his father so soon, but embarrassed at the idea of his little sister seeing his still red bottom.

Rubbing Dane's backside gently, Ikaris said softly, "I want to focus your mind a bit while you're in the corner. So that you think about what you need to." Moving towards the bed, he sat down and gently moved Dane into place across his lap. Once his son was settled, he began to firmly pat Dane's backside.

"Oh..." Dane said, in a tiny voice. He didn't fight, though. He went where Ikaris led and when his father put him over his lap again and began to firmly pat, reigniting the hot sting on his red, sore bottom, he didn't try and get away or even squirm. He lay submissively limp over Ikaris lap and accepted the patting. He whimpered and whined softly as his bottom began to ache and become very sensitive again, tears sliding down his cheeks, but he didn't move from where he'd been placed.

Ikaris only patted firmly, not increasing the force or speed any. After a few moments of patting, he then began to rub his son's bottom once more. "When you're in the corner, you're going to think about all of the dangerous things you did, every single one, and then once you're laying across my knee again, you will tell them all to me."

"What if it wasn't dangerous, but was naughty?" Dane asked, in a tiny whisper.

"You will tell me every naughty thing you've done as well," Ikaris said. "And once I have that information, I will determine how many bedtime spankings will be appropriate."

Dane sniffled. "Yes, daddy. Every dangerous and naughty thing..." he said, in an almost woebegone tone. He already knew there was a large amount. He suspected he'd be spanked every night for a month, if not longer.

Wrapping his arm around Dane's waist, Ikaris delivered a series of light smacks to his little boy's bottom and thighs, ensuring that the sting would linger while Dane was standing in the corner. Then, he carried his son towards the corner and set him down to face it, replacing the flap over Dane's reddened backside. "You will stay here until I give you permission to come out."

"Yessir..." Dane said, immediately putting his face toward the corner, leaning forward until his head rested against the wall. His bottom stung horribly, causing tears to pool in his eyes, even if they didn't fall. The flap on the pajamas rubbed his sensitive bottom, making sure that he couldn't ignore the sting. He was grateful, though; his father had kept him from being embarrassed in front of his sister. It meant a lot.

"I love you, my little boy." Ikaris kissed the side of Dane's head and then moved towards the door that led to Kate's room. He knocked lightly before saying, "Kate, I would like you to come in here, please."

It was only a few seconds before Kate was opening the door between their rooms. She was dressed in the pajamas that had been left for her as well. "Ikaris! Is Dane alright? He didn't hurt himself, did he?" she asked quickly, worried. She then looked over the older man's shoulder, seeing Dane in the corner. "Oh..."

"Dane is fine." Ikaris answered for his son. "And I'm sure tomorrow, he'll be able to answer any questions you might have." He was fully aware Dane was unlikely to be up to answering anything tonight.

Kate swallowed. She remembered what had been discussed right before Dane took off. What Ikaris had promised. Seeing Dane in the corner, it was easy to guess why Ikaris had asked her to come to his room. "You're really going to spank me?" she asked, as she fully entered the room and closed the door behind her. She wasn't surprised and seemed resigned. She'd had time to think while Ikaris was retrieving Dane and while she'd thought she was too old for a spanking (nearly all of the other 'kids' in the compound had assured her she wasn't), she also knew she and Dane had done some really stupid things. It was kinda nice, having someone care enough about that, about her, to do something about it. "What do you want me to do?" she whispered.

Ikaris wrapped his arm around Kate, drawing her in for a tight hug before he guided her over to the bed. "I'm going to place you over my knee and spank your bare backside. You don't have to worry or be scared that you'll fall. I won't let you." Taking a seat, he gently guided her into place.

Sighing softly, Kate followed, letting him lead and place her. "Why bare?" She had to ask, even if she wasn't arguing against it. "Why not over my pajamas?" She quickly realized the purpose of the flap and wondered if her underwear would cause a problem. They couldn't be pushed down without removing the pajamas. "Um... I guess from now on, I have to wear the pajamas without underwear..." she said uncertainly, not sure if Ikaris would change his mind about doing it bare or make her undress completely. Unless she just tugged them up and gave herself the wedgie from hell. She couldn't help giggle snorting at the thought.

"I think that's the idea of them." Ikaris carefully helped Kate to stand. "It'll be more comfortable if you take the underwear off. As for spanking's more effective as a punishment." He didn't add that it enabled him to see what he was doing.

Kate nodded. "Turn around, please?" she asked bashfully, almost primly. As soon as he was facing the other direction, Kate quickly took off everything, then put the pajamas back on, without her underwear. She tossed those on the floor next to her door to retrieve when she went to bed. "I... I'm ready..." she said hesitantly. She really wasn't ready. But then, she didn't think she ever fully would be ready for a spanking.

Ikaris reached out and gently guided her across his lap once more. Once she was in place, he raised the flap of her pajamas, rubbing her back gently for a few moments. "Those dangerous actions you took weren't acceptable. And they weren't necessary. You could have had more help that would be less likely to end with someone hurt. Or worse." Lifting his hand, he brought it down in the first firm smack that he then repeated.

Kate's breath caught on the first smack, and she whined softly. "Yes, sir. Once I knew you were helping, I should have let you know our plans so you could help..." she admitted.

"Exactly right," Ikaris confirmed, settling into a pattern of swats down to her thighs, before starting over from the top again. "I could have lost you and that is not acceptable."

"I didn't even know you'd care if I was lost..." Kate whimpered. "I thought it was just Dane you were worried 'bout!" She was squirming by this point, tears quietly sliding down her cheeks.

"I saved you when you were prepared to jump out of a seven-story window," Ikaris replied. "It was both of you I was protecting." He began a third circuit of swats, going a fraction harder and faster.

"Ye... yeah. Sho... shoulda realized!" Kate gasped, squirming harder, before just giving it up as a lost cause and letting herself go limp, submitting to his authority. "I'm sorry..." she said softly. She was obviously crying, though not sobbing. She felt guilty for what she'd done, yes; but he was addressing that guilt. She wasn't scared. There was no reason to sob. Only reason to submit and accept. That's what she did.

Ikaris finished with a final few smacks to her sit spots and thighs, then he stopped. Replacing the flap, he moved her onto his lap instead of over it, cuddling her close. "I already think of you as my daughter," he murmured into her ear. "It would make me happy if you felt the same."

Sniffling, Kate snuggled close. "I already trust you with my life. I feel like I need to obey you, respect you. I want us to be in each other's lives. If I don't view you as a father, I'm very close...."

"I'm glad you're safe," Ikaris murmured. "I'm glad you're here, with me." He kissed the side of her head and cuddled her a bit tighter.

"Thanks to you..." Kate smiled, snuggling a bit more. "My dad would have liked you. Agreed with you spanking me.... if he still lived." Her voice was sad, but more in a remembering way than an upset way.

"I'm sorry you lost him," Ikaris said. "But you have another family now. Not as a replacement...but as well as those who have been in your life, whether they still live or not."

Kate sniffled, cuddling closer. "Thanks... Pop..." she said hesitantly. She didn't want to replace her father, but Ikaris was right. She didn't have to go without family.

Ikaris smiled at the term of address. "I'm glad you're in my life now," he said softly. "I'm glad you're safe."

"I'm glad too..." Kate said quietly, smiling up at him. "Thank you for giving me a home...."

"You'll always have one with me," Ikaris promised.

Kate smiled even wider and snuggled a bit more, before remembering Dane was in the room and being very quiet. Biting her lip, she looked at her brother, then back at Ikaris. "Should I go find Lincoln now? He said something about checking me out to get a baseline and also make sure I wasn't injured and didn't know it."

"That would be a good idea," Ikaris agreed. "If you need me, you know where I am. Just let me know before you come into the room."

"Okay, Pop..." Kate impulsively kissed him on the cheek, before carefully standing and heading back to her own room, picking up her underwear on the way out.

Dane listened as his sister's footsteps moved away, until the door opened and closed with a click. He was crying again. He'd heard Kate being spanked; and heard her easy acceptance of Ikaris into her life as a father. He also heard how she managed to accept her new position and the punishment with calm maturity. He was ashamed that he hadn't been able to. That shame made him feel even smaller and he couldn't stop himself from crying, even if it wasn't vocal.

Ikaris could tell that Dane was crying. Without hesitation, he stood and walked over to his son, guiding Dane into his arms and hugging him tightly. "There is nothing wrong with you, son," he whispered in Dane's ear.

"I... I can't control myself... can't control my emotions... can't behave my age... can't... can't figure out why..." Dane choked out, before beginning to cry harder and cling to Ikaris. He'd never felt like this before in his life, with anyone, and couldn't figure out why he was suddenly regressing to the behavior of a toddler just because Ikaris had decided to step into his life. Kate hadn't. Why was he reacting in this way?

"You had no one in your life." Ikaris lifted his son into his arms and carried Dane over to the bed, sitting and settling Dane on his lap, hugging him tightly. "You didn't have a parent who loved you and who would take care of you. But you needed one desperately. That's what this is." Kissing Dane's head, he added, "This is the little boy inside you who needed someone to love and take care of him."

Dane quivered, letting out a tiny sib begore burrowing into Ikaris' arms. "It's okay?" he asked, in a tiny voice.

"It's more than okay, son. It's more than okay to be my little boy," Ikaris responded. His hand stroked down Dane's hair and back. His other hand undid the flap covering his son's backside, beginning to gently rub.

"'Kay, daddy..." Dane whispered, sniffling, and cuddling closer still, unable to get enough of the attention he needed. It felt like if Ikaris let go of him for even a little, Dane would just float away into nothing; would be nothing. He only felt safe when Ikaris held him close and tight, gently dominating him.

"I love you." Ikaris stroked his hands over Dane's hair, back and bottom, gently kissing the side of his head. "Lincoln seemed very accepting of you deferring to me," he murmured. "It's possible other adult children do the same to their parents."

"They won't think it's pathetic of me... to want you to control me?" Dane asked, in a very, very small voice.

"Lincoln looked to me to make the decisions involving you," Ikaris pointed out. "If you'd like, we can ask him if he's seen similar behavior."

Dane blushed. "I dunno, daddy..." he whispered. "Do you think we should ask?" He snuggled, nuzzling Ikaris' chest.

"I think it might help you feel better about your needs to know that you aren't the only one." Ikaris gently pulled the pajamas free, allowing him better access to his son's body, rubbing and gently squeezing Dane's back, bottom and thighs.

Dane sniffled and nodded. "Okay, daddy..." He sighed softly as his father gave him affection, perfectly happy to be completely naked if that's what his father required of him. He wanted to obey and let Ikaris be in charge of every part of him.

Pressing a kiss to Dane's head, Ikaris held him close and tight for a few more minutes. Then, he positioned Dane across his knees once more and began to rub his son's bottom and thighs. "Now, little boy, you will tell me every single dangerous and naughty thing you did before accepting your place as my son," he directed firmly.

"Yes, daddy..." Dane's voice quivered, but he did as ordered, beginning from before he left London... beginning all the way back to when Ikaris first met him and saved him from the Deviant. If he was confessing, he would confess everything.

Ikaris listened to his son's confession, gently stroking, and rubbing his son's backside. Every so often, responding to one or another action, the rubbing would get a little bit firmer, or he'd add a firm squeeze to the rubbing.

The firm rubbing and squeezing helped Dane continue to be honest as he fell into a very submissive mindset. It was sobering. Saying out loud all the things he had done that were dangerous or naughty made him realize exactly how off the rails he had become... how much he needed Ikaris to step in and be his daddy.

By the time Dane had finished his confession, Ikaris was smacking more than he was rubbing or squeezing. "Two weeks." He spoke his son's sentence in a low, firm voice. "You will be getting spanked every night for two weeks, little boy."

"Yes, daddy..." Dane said, in a tight, tear-filled voice. He was scared. He hadn't realized how dangerous his behavior had become of late; how close to dying he was. He'd never been that careless before and didn't understand what it was about Sersi disappearing that had set that careless nature free, but he knew he needed help. "I'm sorry, daddy... so sorry..." he said fervently, hoping that Ikaris wasn't angry with him.

"I know, little boy." Ikaris' voice was gentle and reassuring. His other hand rubbed and stroked gently over Dane's hair, neck and back, even as he continued to swat his son's bottom. "I love you. And I'll help you learn how to be less dangerous and reckless," he promised.

"...Love you too!" Dane whimpered, slumping in acceptance of the correction he was receiving. His bottom stung badly, but he needed it to sting. Needed his daddy to make it sting, until he would be reminded who he now belonged to and who he needed to be safe for.

Ikaris moved back on the bed, until his son's entire body was supported, and began to smack harder and faster. His other hand continued to give gentle, loving affection...while the first gave his son firm correction, even though it was tempered with love.

Dane was blubbering by this point, but noticeably not begging his father to stop. He wasn't in the right frame of mind to argue; was only in a frame of mind to accept whatever Ikaris deemed necessary and deserved. Even if he couldn't sit right for the next day, he knew it was nothing compared to the fact he could have died. He reached down and gripped Ikaris' leg, needing to hold onto his father as much as he needed to be held onto.

Finally, Ikaris stopped the spanking. He wasted no time in moving his son onto his arms, on his lap, cuddling Dane tightly and rocking him slowly, as if he truly was a toddler. He kissed his son's head, murmuring soothing words of love into Dane's ear.

Dane just continued to sob and cling to Ikaris as a child would. He hid nothing from his father, leaving his body and his emotions open in complete vulnerability. He was Ikaris' little boy, completely.

Ikaris didn't so much as loosen his hold on Dane, rocking him and cuddling him close and tight, speaking in low, soothing tones to his little boy.

By the time Dane calmed enough to not be crying any longer, he was slumped against Ikaris, mouth-breathing because his nose was stuffed and swollen from crying. His eyes were swollen too, and his body was hot and flushed. He continued to snuggle tiredly, nuzzling.

Noticing his son's condition, Ikaris reached for some tissue and a bottle of water from a minifridge he'd noticed next to the bed. He carefully wiped Dane's face and then uncapped the bottle, encouraging his son to drink.

Dane obediently drank the water, not saying anything. He wasn't emotionally able to form the words, because he wasn't entirely certain what he needed to say. He could only hope his father understood.

"I've got you." Ikaris murmured the words reassuringly to his son. "I love you. You aren't alone anymore. Not without family anymore."

"Been alone so long..." Dane said, his voice faint and broken.

"I have you." Ikaris kissed his head. "I love you. I'm your daddy. You're my little boy."

"Your little boy forever, daddy?" Dane asked, in a small, needy voice. He wanted to belong forever. Needed to belong forever.

"Forever," Ikaris promised. "No matter what happens, it won't change."

Dane relaxed at the promise. "Thank you, Daddy..." he whispered, fighting a yawn. "Like being yours..." he admitted, almost shyly. He kept pressing close as possible, moving his body to follow Ikaris' touch.

Ikaris moved back onto the bed, so that they could both lay down and he could cuddle his son tightly against him. "You can sleep now, little boy," he murmured. "I won't let you go."

"Promise?" Dane couldn't help but ask in a trembling voice, even as he snuggled close, pressed against Ikaris, head to toe, latched on like a barnacle. 

"I promise," Ikaris replied. "I'll be right here, still holding onto you, when you wake up."

"Okay..." Dane believed Ikaris. Closing his eyes and letting out a soft sigh, he was soon sound asleep in his father's arms.