What Is Revealed
Error Of Judgement

Warning(s): Spanking


The next morning came entirely too early, as far as Jessica was concerned. She didn't know what time it was, but her brother had gently knocked on the door of Steve's room to let their father know 'the King' was an hour away and would arrive at the compound with his entourage, if Steve wanted to ready himself. "I thought Elvis was dead..." she muttered, half asleep and not understanding why Tony found her so amusing. "...Jerk..." she muttered at her brother's retreating back, his laughter trailing behind.

Steve kissed her forehead. "You can sleep for a bit longer, if you'd rather," he suggested gently.

"That's okay..." Jessica sighed, cuddling close for a second before pulling away. "I'll take a shower. It will wake me up." She paused by the bed after standing, giving her father a hesitant look. "I... if I start feeling itchy again..." she began hesitantly, not sure how to word her question.

"Just come to me," Steve said gently. "I'll help you any time you need it." He gently stroked her hair.

Jessica gave him a tiny, if crooked smile. "Okay, daddy..." she said softly, before heading to take her shower.

Steve went to get ready himself.


Clint had just finished his shower and got dressed for the day. He'd sent Pietro and Wanda to the dining area to get breakfast, telling them he'd meet up with them shortly. He needed to talk to his father, though. Ever since his impromptu confession about lying to his uncle to get out of going to school and taking a test, he'd been feeling out of sorts. Not guilty exactly (he'd returned to school and had to take a make-up test that, for all accounts, was more difficult than the one given the rest of the class, so he felt like he'd been punished for his actions; plus, he'd learned his lesson, so didn't need to be taught anything); but he still felt a little unsettled. As if something wasn't quite right. He figured if anyone knew how to help him with that, it would be his father. Knocking on Coulson's door, he waited for his father to either tell him to enter or come out and join him.

"Come in," Coulson called, having got dressed, but taking the opportunity to complete a bit of paperwork before he joined the family for breakfast.

Clint came in, shutting the door gently behind him before glancing around to make certain his sisters or brother weren't there before walking over to his dad. His hands were in his pockets and he had a sheepish look on his face. "Hey, dad..." he said quietly.

Putting the paperwork aside, Coulson patted the bed next to him. "Come sit down, son," he invited, before asking, "Is this about what you inadvertently revealed last night?"

Clint gave a faint smile before walking over and sitting next to his father. "Am I that obvious?" he asked, with a hint of amusement.

Coulson wrapped an arm around his son's shoulders, drawing him in close. "You don't look like that unless you're about to own up to something," he commented.

"Yeah. Well. It's funny. I didn't feel guilty about tricking Uncle Nick after I did it. Mainly cuz when I returned to school, the make-up test was longer and harder than if I'd taken the original; it felt like I got punished cuz of that. I never lied to get out of a test, ever again, so I learned my lesson. And Uncle Nick didn't know, so there wasn't a rift between us from my lying..." The unspoken 'but' would have been shouting if it had a voice.

"But...?" Coulson prompted, his arm still wrapped around his son's shoulders.

"But now the lie is between us. At least it feels like it." Clint sighed.

Coulson kissed the side of his head. "Like there's a barrier between you now?" he asked, his voice gentle.

"Yeah. It's a pretty, big barrier, too. I lied to him... even if what I lied about is long gone and unimportant... I lied. It can’t have felt good to him... finding that out." Clint sighed.

"I'm sure it didn't," Coulson agreed. "But I don't think the barrier is a permanent one." He rubbed Clint's shoulder. "I think you can take the first step in removing it."

"I need to talk to Uncle Nick..." Clint sighed softly. He'd known what he needed to do immediately, when the feeling of disconnect made itself known. But it always helped talking to his father first. Coulson had a way that removed any doubts or insecurities he felt about his own decisions.

Coulson nodded. "You'll feel better once you have," he promised.

"Thanks, daddy..." Clint said quietly, giving Coulson a quick hug. "You help make everything seem so much clearer..." he said, with a tiny laugh.

Smiling, Coulson hugged his son tight in return. "I'm glad. I love you."

"I love you too, dad.... I guess I'll see you later at breakfast.... If you could keep Pietro and Wanda from coming to find me, I'd appreciate it. I don't know how long this talk will take. If Uncle Nick feels the need to lecture me, I know I'd deserve it..." He shook his head ruefully.

"I'm sure I can keep them occupied enough." Coulson ruffled his son's hair before standing up.

Clint smiled, standing up with his father and walking toward the door. "Thanks again, dad..." he said quietly, before leaving the room and heading toward his uncle's room.

As his children had gone down to breakfast, Fury was just leaving his own room when he saw his nephew coming towards him. "Morning, Clint," he said.

"Good morning, sir..." Clint said deferentially... always a sign that he felt guilty about something or was worried about something and needed to talk.

Noticing the clues his nephew was giving out, Fury motioned with his head towards the door to his bedroom. "Shall we talk in there?"

"Yeah... thanks..." Clint swallowed and walked into his uncle's room, waiting till Fury was inside and had closed the door before speaking.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Nick..." he started immediately. "I know it happened ages ago, but after I confessed, I can't help feeling like I opened a rift between us and I just... I don't want that. I should have told you long before last night and I just... I'm sorry...." Clint grimaced and ran a hand through his hair.

Fury gently squeezed his nephew's shoulder. "I don't want a rift between us either," he said seriously. "And you're right that you should have told me before now. I'm aware that you learned your lesson and wouldn't do it again now, but it doesn't change the fact you did lie to me, even though it was a long time ago."

Clint nodded. "I'd like to think I wouldn't lie to you like that ever again, that I've learned and grown. Still... it doesn't change the fact that I did lie to you. And then kept it hidden for so many years..." he whispered. He bit his lip, then winced and looked at the floor. "I... I am sorry, Uncle Nick. I need to make this right, but there is no way I can do it on my own...." he admitted. "Please help me make it right?" He looked up again, his face sad.

"Of course." Fury used his grip on his nephew's shoulder to gently lead Clint over to the bed. Taking a seat, he guided his nephew across his lap, securing him with an arm wrapped around his waist before proceeding to bare him.

Clint took a slow breath, closing his eyes before bracing himself with one hand on the floor and the other gripping onto his uncle's ankle. It was a relief to know that his actions wouldn't be standing between him and his uncle; even if it was only on his own part, since it seemed his uncle had forgiven him the moment he learned of the lie. "Thank you, Uncle Nick...” he said quietly, relaxing into the familiar (more than he wanted to admit) position.

In response, Fury gently rubbed Clint's back a moment or two before he lifted his hand, bringing it down in the first firm swat that he then repeated.

Clint didn't whimper or squirm or do anything to indicate he was in distress. The tiny hiss he expelled in response to the first smack sounded relieved. Clint felt himself giving in almost immediately to his uncle, his need to show his regret for the lie overcoming his body's natural, instinct to try and get away or fight the punishment.

Fury settled quickly into a pattern of swats, going down to Clint's thighs before he started over from the top and then paused to let his hand rest on his nephew's backside, gently rubbing, after the second circuit was completed. "You don't need me to tell you why lying to me was wrong, Clint," he said seriously.

"No, sir... I know exactly why it was wrong. I shouldn't have done it, no matter what my reason. The fact it took me so long to confess makes it worse. Even if I know I'd never do it again..." Clint's voice was soft and contrite. He was quietly crying and it was obvious in the way his voice caught and the watery sound of his words. He was still lying complete limp and submissive. There was no fight in him; he knew he had messed up badly and he needed things to be right more than he needed to not be spanked.

Fury rubbed a bit more and for a bit longer before he resumed swatting for a third circuit, going a fraction harder and faster. "I know you won't do it again, Clint. I've forgiven you. I love you."

"I love you too, Uncle Nick!" Clint gasped before he began to sob... still quietly enough only Fury would hear, but obvious all the same.

Fury stopped spanking and wasted no time in drawing his nephew into his arms, hugging Clint tightly on his lap.

Clint wrapped his own arms tightly around his uncle, slowly calming down. "I've never lied since then..." he said hesitantly, wanting his uncle to know he had learned.

"I know," Fury replied reassuringly. "I trust you, Clint. I know you wouldn't lie to me... haven't lied to me...."

"I won't. Trust is important..." Clint said quietly, continuing to hold onto his uncle. The rift had filled in. "Feels better..." he admitted sheepishly. "We're okay now...?"

"Better than okay," Fury promised.

Clint smiled, hugging Nick tightly again. "I love you. We should do something together sometime... like we used to do on the rare occasions dad had to travel on assignment..." He grinned.

"That sounds good to me." Fury kissed the top of his head. "I'm sure we can find time for that in the next few days."

Clint nodded. "Until then, I guess we should head to breakfast..." He grinned.

Fury nodded, helping his nephew to stand and waiting while Clint moved his clothing back into place before wrapping his arm around Clint's shoulders and guiding him from the room.


Mike had an interesting and enlightening chat with Ace the morning after the game about owning your actions, good and bad, and not dodging responsibility. He figured the obvious residual pain and guilt he felt still from his own actions did as much as the words to convince his son of the importance of being responsible.

Hank came into the room while Mike was talking to his grandson and stepped over to the two of them, smiling at Ace and gently squeezing his son's shoulder. "Good morning."

"Morning, Grandpa," Ace chirped happily...although by this point, he'd sidled closer to his father, picking up on Mike's emotions even if he didn't know how to help him.

"Morning, dad..." Mike said, with a crooked smile, wrapping an arm around his son.

Hank smiled at them both and said to Mike, "Can I talk to you for a few minutes, son?"

"Sure, dad." Mike glanced at Ace. "Go join Cassie and your Aunt Hope and Uncle Scott for breakfast, Champ. I'll be there with your grandpa when we're through talking."

Ace nodded quickly, hugging both his grandpa and his father before going to join the rest of the family.

Hank watched him and then turned to Mike with a gentle smile. "I can't help but notice you're still not feeling good, son," he said compassionately.

"I'll be okay in a day or so." Mike smiled weakly. "It’s not the first time I've remembered that event. It's not even the worst thing I've ever done. It's just the only one that happened unnecessarily and where I was a coward...."

"You don't have to handle it alone," Hank said, gently squeezing his shoulder.

"You think it would help? With decades of guilt?" Mike asked, not even pretending to not know what Hank was leading to with his comments.

"It wouldn't be the first time someone's stepped in long after the fact," Hank answered, thinking of his own experiences with Tony.

"I don’t know how it could help; I can't make things right now... but if you think it will, I'd like to try." Mike gave his father a sad smile.

"It might help you feel able to forgive yourself." Hank wrapped his arm around his son's shoulders and guided Mike to his bedroom.

"Maybe..." Mike didn't sound optimistic. "If nothing else, it will help that you know what I did...that you are doing something about it, even if it happened so long ago."

"You're my son and I love you. If I can help you, I will do anything within my power to do so." Taking a seat on his bed, Hank gently guided his son across his lap.

Mike easily went, not fighting in the least. "Thanks, dad. I appreciate that," he said quietly.

Hank rubbed his back gently and then proceeded to bare his son, drawing Mike in tight against his stomach before he raised his hand, letting it fall in the first firm swat that he then repeated.

Mike swallowed hard and forced himself not to pull away from the older man. He'd never actually been in this position before, even if he'd been swatted enough times for misbehavior that he couldn't truthfully say this was his first spanking. Being over Hank's knee made it somehow more unsettling. He was certain his father could tell.

Hank continued to gently rub his son's lower back, even while he continued swatting down to Mike's thighs before starting over from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "I know you feel guilty and that you're hurting, but you don't have to deal with that guilt alone. I'm here for you."

"I didn't... didn't want to burden you with something that happened so long ago... I was never punished for my part in what happened... I figured feeling guilty was my punishment..." Mike admitted, his voice catching. He was beginning to squirm, despite his intentions to hold still.

"No, Mike." Hank's voice was gentle as he completed the second circuit and began a third, going a fraction harder and faster. "You don't deserve to feel guilty for the rest of your life. I love you, son. You are not a bad person."

Mike felt himself give in at those words. "I love you too, daddy..." he whispered, letting himself go limp so he could feel the swats more keenly. "You really think I'm good?" he asked in a tiny voice, tight with unshed tears.

"I really do," Hank promised, focusing more swats to his son's sit spots and thighs. "You don't need to carry that guilt around with you, son. It's okay to let it go now."

Mike let out one more choked cry before obeying his father and just letting go. He wasn't sobbing uncontrollably, but he was crying hard enough that his body shook. He lay limp and accepting over Hank's knee, the knowledge that Hank believed in him allowing him to finally begin forgiving himself.

Bringing the spanking to a stop, Hank wasted no time in bringing his son up into his arms, wrapping them tightly around Mike and hugging him close.

Mike just cuddled close, his head on Hank’s shoulder and cried softly. Once his voice would work again properly, he sniffled, then said softly, “I do feel better, daddy. I know it can’t be cuz you punished me... that wasn’t even half of what I deserved. Must be because you know... and you still believe in me. I’m lucky I met you....”

Hank tightened his arms around Mike and kissed his head. "I'm lucky I met you too, son," he said seriously.

Mike smiled. Kissing Hank on the cheek, he stood and fixed his clothing. “Want to join the others for breakfast?” He grinned.

"Sounds good to me." Standing, Hank wrapped his arm around Mike's shoulders and walked with his son out of the room.


Bobbi glanced up as Mike and Hank arrived, giving her cousin a sympathetic smile.

Everyone was now in the dining room. Which ended up being a good thing, as Friday announced to the room at large, “King T’Challa has arrived with his sister, fiancé, cousin and...” She paused, as if asking someone unheard a question. “...His future liaison between his kingdom and the Avengers....”

Steve frowned slightly and glanced towards Tony and Pepper, wondering if his son or daughter knew who that was. He didn't ask, though, instead saying to Friday, "Please tell them that if they haven't eaten, they're welcome to join us. Otherwise, some of us will go and meet them."

“The princess has over-ridden any of her brother’s concerns about interrupting your meal and indicated that, ‘I’m hungry, brother and if you do not let me eat, I will make your suit tight in places you do not want tightness...’,” Friday returned, after a few moments where she spoke to the newcomers.

“Please show them the way out of the hangar, Friday. I’ll go and bring them here...” Tony quickly interjected, not wanting his friend to tempt fate. He knew how Shuri could be.

Pepper grinned. “They came early... I’m surprised they came early, but that’s a good thing!” She bounced in place.

"I'll join you." Steve had finished eating and now he stood up to go with Tony to meet the group from Wakanda.

Peter Parker had sidled his chair closer and closer to his 'twin', until he could talk to the other boy without everyone else listening in. "Are you okay?" he asked, his concern obvious.

Tony grinned and nodded at Steve, wrapping an arm around his father’s shoulders and giving him a quick explanation about how he and Pepper had met the monarch.

Kaine looked at the boy that he’d been cloned from. They said the original Peter was a little over eighteen years old, old enough for university. But he was currently re-growing from being a de-aged child, so he was the same age physically as Kaine. They looked identical. It only made Kaine realize more deeply that he was an aberration. “I’m not real, everything I am or thought I was... was you. I’m nobody...” he whispered.

Peter frowned and gently bumped shoulders with him. "You feel that, don't you? You're sitting here with the family... with your dad... doesn't matter how you came into being. You're still real. You're still a person."

"None of my memories were real. I don’t even know when I actually began. I looked it up with Friday, though. You all didn't notice me until a few months ago. Was that cuz I didn’t exist?" Kaine sounded completely lost and afraid. He was trying to be brave for Toomes... the man had given up a lot not killing him originally and was trying to do his best for him now. He didn’t want to seem ungrateful.

"Or maybe, with moving and everything, you just didn't ping our radar until a few months ago," Peter said. "It's a big world, after all."

Toomes couldn't help but hear his son's words and he wrapped his arm around Kaine's shoulders, hugging him tightly.

“Maybe...” Kaine said hesitantly. His cousin’s words, along with his father’s hug, helped a little. At least enough he could continue to eat.

Toomes stroked Kaine's hair. "You're here, with me, kid," he murmured softly, his voice low and reassuring.

"Why don't you come take a look at the grounds with me and Harry after breakfast?" Peter suggested brightly. "We're building a whole tree village...you should see what we've done so far."

Kaine glanced up at that, interested despite his feelings of ‘loss’. “A tree village?” His voice sounded happier. He could make some memories that were his own this way. He’d know they were his, because the real Peter would be part of them.

Peter nodded, smiling as it seemed like his twin was responding well to that. "Uh-huh. Pretty soon, we're all gonna be able to sleep in the trees!" He wasn't quite as childishly enthusiastic as he had been when he'd been de-aged fully...but he was close to it.

“That’ll be cool...” Kaine agreed. He liked being up off the ground. He glanced at Toomes, pressing closer to his father. “Am I allowed to go outside?” he asked hesitantly, not sure if they needed to keep him hidden until things were more settled.

Toomes smiled and gently squeezed Kaine's shoulder. "I'm sure just going outside the compound is fine. I won't be far if you need me."

“Thanks, dad...” Kaine smiled happily at his father and gave him a tight hug.

Toomes wrapped his arms tightly around Kaine in return and kissed the top of his head. "I love you, kid," he said, his voice low, but filled with sincerity.

Kaine nodded, hiding his face against the older man. Toomes was the one part of his ‘past’ that Kaine was certain was real. He held onto the older man like a lifeline. He couldn’t help but glance down the table toward Peter’s Aunt May. He was glad his ‘Aunt May’ had been nothing like her. That would have been too difficult.

Toomes gently stroked the back of his son's head, noticing the direction of his gaze. "I've got you, son." His voice was reassuring. Kaine's Aunt May might have been a lie...but Toomes wasn't.

“Promise, daddy? You’ve got me forever?” Kaine couldn’t help whispering.

"Forever." Toomes kissed his head. "I love you. Right about the time you tried to put yourself in between me and the guy on fire was when I realised that...how much I want and need you in my life."

“I love you too...thank you for wanting me...” Kaine whispered again, relaxing against his father. He glanced up when he heard footsteps heading their way, several seconds before Tony led the King and his entourage into the dining room. It was obvious his ‘senses’ were highly attuned to his environment.

Toomes gently pulled Kaine into his lap, figuring his son could sit there well enough until he finished eating. He also glanced up towards the newcomers, but only as they walked into the dining room.

Kaine blinked at finding himself on his father’s lap but didn’t try to get away. Instead, he snuggled down. He’d quickly come to realize this huge family was very affectionate physically, as well with words. No one seemed to think it unusual that a fifteen- year- old would sit on his father’s lap, so Kaine was able to accept it as normal too.

Tony gave Toomes and Kaine a grin before announcing, “This is our family, your highness...” He introduced everyone else before saying to them, “...His Royal Highness, King T’Challa of Wakanda, his sister the Princess Shuri, his fiancé the future Queen Nakia, his cousin N’Jadaka, although I think he goes by Erik?” He turned toward the one in question, who nodded in agreement. “And Everett Ross. I believe you all remember him? He has become a close friend and, dare I say, family member?” This time, he glanced at T’Challa, because Ross seemed a bit surprised by the assumption, before continuing, “...To the king...and will be liaison between Wakanda and the Avengers when the Royal family is in Wakanda.”

T'Challa nodded to confirm Tony's words and then looked at the rest of the family members. "I am very pleased to meet all of you," he said, with a warm smile.

Everyone was saying how pleased they were to meet T’Challa, when Pepper couldn’t contain her enthusiasm anymore. “I’m so glad you are coming to the wedding," she gushed and bounced in place.

Shuri’s eyes were wide as she saw the woman who was normally the same age as Okoye, younger than herself. “What happened?” She turned wide, accusing eyes on her brother, as if somehow it was his fault. Mostly because she thought he had known and kept the information from her.

"I am not sure." T'Challa looked around at the different family members. "There was some form of mishap?" he asked the room at large.

"You could say that," Maria commented wryly.

“Yeah... um... Brucie and Stephen can explain after breakfast?” Tony eyed his plate of food eagerly.

“Please, help yourselves,” Melinda offered, pointing to five empty chairs.

Nakia and T'Challa walked over to sit down, as the family members returned to their conversations, though also included the newcomers in those as well.


Breakfast had been over several hours and most of the adults were exchanging information with the newest arrivals. It left the younger members with a lot of free time.

Kaine looked up from where he sat in the family room when Peter and Harry came in.

Peter grinned at Kaine. "You ready to go outside? Maybe we can swing up into the treehouses," he suggested mischievously.

Harry shook his head at his best friend but smiled at Kaine. "He likes having a twin," he said in amusement.

Kaine blinked at Harry's words, then smiled shyly. "I'm ready..." he agreed, quickly standing up and moving to follow the two other boys.

As they moved through the compound, heading outside, Peter kept up a running commentary about where everything was. The place was big, after all. And with all the people staying there, he found it was easy to get turned around.

Kaine listened, wide-eyed at the explanations. It was easy to lose track of time...and forget that he had agreed to meet his father in Toomes’ room to clean up and talk a little more before lunch.

Heading outside, Peter didn't hesitate in going over to one of the trees, so they could climb into it. He grinned at Kaine. "You wanna go up first? We've got rope ladders...or you can swing up like Tarzan," he added.

“They won’t mind?” He glanced back toward the compound. He obviously wanted to swing up.

"I'm guessing you're used to swinging through the air," Harry commented. "I don't think there'd be a problem. As long as you're careful."

“Great!” Kaine enthused, shooting a web up to the uppermost branches in the tree and shooting up into the branches.

Peter turned to Harry with a grin. "Want a hand up, cousin?" He waited for Harry to secure himself and then followed their new cousin into the branches with his own web-shooters.

“It’s gorgeous up here!” Kaine breathed out as he looked around. Part of him couldn’t help glancing toward the compound, though. He had a feeling he was higher up than the adults would be happy about.

Peter grinned. "The view makes it all worthwhile," he commented, sitting cross-legged on the floor. A crackling from one of the branches had him looking a bit sheepish and he retrieved a police radio from where it was partially hidden.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "I thought you gave that back."

"No," Peter replied sheepishly. "I just...didn't correct that assumption."

Kaine was still in the topmost branches, but he heard the crackling and quickly dropped down, so he could go into the house. “You have a scanner?!” He sounded impressed.

Peter smiled at his 'twin'. "Yeah. I was like you at first. Always trying to go it alone. Until the Avengers caught me, and Dad adopted me...." He shrugged.

"And Uncle Bruce isn't going to be happy that you've still got that," Harry said.

"I know, but...." Peter paused as someone began to speak, indicating that there was a huge fire on the outskirts of the city. He quickly jumped to his feet in alarm.

“Is that close enough for us to get there?” Kaine blurted. His first instinct would always be to help.

Peter nodded. "Yeah. I think so."

"We should tell the family...." Harry started.

"No time." Peter grabbed his spider-suit from where he'd hidden it. "Grab on," he told Harry, glancing towards Kaine. "I'll race you there."

Kaine bit his lip. “I don’t have my suit...” he said hesitantly. “Do you have a cap or hoodie I can use?” He prepared to follow, even if they didn’t have one.

Peter paused, then quickly grabbed a hoodie and passed it to Kaine.

"Were you going to tell anyone about this?" Harry asked, grabbing onto his cousin.

Peter shrugged. "I heard Stephen, Wong and Mordo talking about making portals in a treehouse. I stashed some things in each one as soon as I was old enough to be out here unsupervised."

Kaine blinked a bit in confusion. “You made plans for sneaking out once portals were set up?” he asked in confusion. “Are they open now? Is that how we’ll get to the fire?” He quickly pulled on the hoodie, pulling it up to hide his face.

Peter shook his head. "They've not been set up yet. We should be able to get to the fire with our web-shooters. And... I didn't exactly make plans for sneaking out. Just figured it made sense to have gear to grab." He made sure Harry wasn't likely to slip and began to swing in the direction the fire was.

“Oh...okay...” Kaine quickly followed, not entirely certain Peter was being truthful, but not caring enough to question further... especially since he didn’t want to be left behind.

Harry clung to his cousin's back as Peter swung them through the trees and towards the city outskirts.

Kaine didn’t have any problem keeping up, especially since Peter was carrying Harry.


Toomes, aware that his son hadn't come to see him yet, figured he'd go and look for Kaine. He headed to the family room to check first, not really worried, at the moment, as he assumed the teenager had just lost track of time.


Kaine looked at the burning building in worry. Firemen were all over and the flames had mostly been contained. Mostly. “Is everyone out?” he asked, knowing instinctively that trying to do the firemen’s jobs would not be a good idea, but if they were needed to rescue people, it was a whole other matter.

Peter looked towards the building and then narrowed his eyes. "No." He pointed towards one of the windows, where a figure could be seen, and began to swing towards it.

Kaine's eyes widened as he saw something he wasn’t sure his cousin did; that the floor the person was on was about to collapse...and Peter had attached his web onto one of the beams that was about to collapse. He didn't stop to think about just telling his cousins. Warning them. Instead, he attached his web to a beam one floor up, that was still burning. He didn't think his webbing would burn and he could catch the others if the floor gave way before Peter got them out.

Peter over-balanced as the beam collapsed and his webbing shot back. He just managed to shoot out another strand right before the floor would collapse, but Harry lost his grip and began to fall.

"Harry!" Kaine yelled out, horrified, as he watched his cousin fall. Before he could shoot his own web out to catch him, though, a red and gold blur blasted by him, catching his cousin mid-fall.

Two more figures flew into focus, a greyish silver figure that was slightly bulkier than the red and gold; and a reddish-purple figure that didn't appear to be wearing armor, but had a cape. He gaped at them.

"War Machine...Vision...you have the other two kids and civilian?" Tony asked.

"I've got Peter and the lady he went after..." Rhodey acknowledged, carrying them to safety.

Kaine felt strong arms circle around him and instinctively let his webbing go to hold onto the red and purple guy.

"I have Kaine..." Vision carefully carried him to the ground.

Harry immediately twisted in mid-fall to grab hold of his father, careful not to hinder Tony's flight, but latching on tightly.

Peter didn't cling, but he did his best to help Rhodey as the man carried him and the woman to safety.

"I've got you, kid..." Tony said quietly, so only Harry could hear. "I've got you and I'm not letting go. But you and I are having a long chat when we get home."

Once everyone was safely on the ground, Kaine could see that, in addition to Iron Man, War Machine and the one they introduced as Vision...Captain America and Mordo were there with Maria Hill. He winced. "Are we in trouble?" he asked out loud, since he didn't see his own father nearby.

Tony glanced in his nephews' direction. "Your dads are waiting back at the compound. Your dad almost turned into our friendly neighborhood bulldozer when he realized what you were doing,” he said to Peter. He glanced at Kaine. "Your dad somehow managed to keep him calm. He wanted to come but being as we weren't certain how a certain flaming skull would take it, he's waiting with Bruce on the other side of the portal Mordo opened. Your grandpa will handle everything on this end. We're going home now," he told his son and nephews in a tone of voice that meant they had no choice.

Harry nodded in understanding to his father, but although he loosened his hold, he didn't actually step away from Tony, staying as close as he could. "I'm sorry," he whispered, so only his father could hear.

Peter winced and sidled nearer to Kaine. "Sorry. Getting us into trouble wasn't exactly part of the plan," he said apologetically.

Kaine blinked and gave Peter a crooked smile. "There was a plan?" The tone of his voice indicated he hadn't expected there to be one.

He followed his uncle through the portal, noting that War Machine and Vision had stayed behind to help with the fire. The only adult returning was his uncle Tony. "I'm just glad they caught Harry," he said in a whisper. "I don't think I would have made it in time."

"Yeah." Peter bit his lip, remembering the sheer terror he'd felt as his best friend had slipped away. For dragging Harry into that kind of danger, he figured he deserved however his father chose to respond. Trying to smile, he gently patted Kaine on the shoulder. "Well, getting into trouble together's a good bonding experience."

Harry was quiet, having come to a realisation that was now playing on his mind. He hunched in on himself, wanting to move closer to his father...but pretty certain he didn't deserve that.

"Kinda wish we'd bonded over pizza or something instead..." Kaine muttered, as he saw his father and Uncle Bruce waiting with stern expressions at the end of the hall.

Tony shifted closer to Harry and wrapped an arm around him, pulling him in close. "It will be okay, kid."

"Yeah...we'll do that next time." Taking a deep breath, Peter walked slowly towards his father with an apologetic look on his face.

Toomes didn't waste any time in moving over to his son, beginning to quickly check him over. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Harry responded by wrapping his own arms around his father, hugging on tightly. A sharp stab of guilt he hadn't let himself fully handle stabbed through him.

Bruce enveloped Peter in a tight, almost smothering hug when his son got close. "I am so relieved you are back..." he mumbled against the top of Peter's head, before drawing him under his arm and leading him to his bedroom.

Kaine gave Toomes a guilty look. "No, sir...I didn't even get singed." He held still while he was checked over, waiting for the moment he could move in for a hug...if he was allowed.

"I love you, kid." Tony picked Harry up, despite the fact he was no longer seven years old and had grown a lot. "Let's go talk." He carried Harry to his room.

Peter went with his father without protest, feeling worse about having got his cousins into trouble than being in trouble himself.

Toomes wrapped his arms tightly around Kaine as soon as he was satisfied he was unhurt. "I love you. So much," he whispered, his voice filled with relief, the tightness of the hug betraying just how frightened he'd been for his son's safety.

Harry didn't even think to protest, cuddling in close as he had done when he'd been de-aged down to seven.

Bruce walked to his bed, pulling Peter down beside him. "So. You kept a scanner. And when you heard about the fire, instead of telling us, you decided to go handle things on your own. Do I have the gist of it?" His voice was very calm, considering how upset he'd been before his son had been retrieved.

Peter squirmed, fidgeted...and bit the bullet. "If we're going for full disclosure, I've also been stashing supplies in the treehouses. Ever since I heard Mordo, Wong and Stephen talking about creating portals in there," he admitted.

Bruce couldn't help the tiny jerk of surprise at those words, giving Peter an incredulous look. He was surprised and a bit proud of himself that he managed to stay calm. And proud of Hulk that the big green guy had apparently determined that this was a situation where he wasn't needed, and he was staying well away. Taking a deep breath, he asked for confirmation. "So, this wasn't spur of the moment opportunity. You had planned ahead of time so that if you heard something on the radio, you could immediately take off without having to tell anyone...?"

"Not for me so much," Peter was quick to say. "I was putting my stuff there... but I was planning to suggest that we all store things there at the next family meeting. I just wanted to get a head start...."

"We all as in the whole family?" Bruce asked, calming down slightly as he waited to find out if his son had been planning to sneak off behind his back, or this had been a one-time sneak of opportunity.

Peter nodded. "It's why the scanner was there too. It just happened to be that it picked up the fire when Harry, Kaine and I were there. I didn't mention it before now ‘cause I heard them talking about the portals when I was still a little kid and I don't think I was supposed to hear." He didn't know for certain, but as the sorcerers had yet to mention the portals in the tree houses idea, he'd figured it wasn't down to him to blab.

Bruce blinked, nodding quietly. "I'm very glad your lapse wasn't exactly planned, even if it was... planning for something else that made it possible." Bruce shook his head as he thought of that. "You shouldn't have just rushed off to stop the fire without talking to anyone else. That's not how the family does things anymore."

Peter nodded, looking down, shuffling his foot on the floor. "I know... I'm sorry, daddy," he said quietly. In a much smaller voice, he added, "Harry lost his grip on me... I don't know what would have happened if Uncle Tony hadn't been there to catch him."

"I know..." Bruce held onto his son tightly. "That’s why we don't run off to handle things by ourselves without telling everyone else. Because it's important that they know to be ready in case something happens, and we need help."

Latching onto his father tightly, Peter took a deep breath. "I didn't do a very good job at making Kaine feel like part of us, since I got him in trouble with me...."

Bruce chuckled slightly. "Believe it or not, I think this situation probably has made him realize how much he is a part of the family..." He snuggled Peter a bit more. "You know you shouldn't have just snuck out, though. Even if you wanted to help your new cousin."

Peter nodded, cuddling into his father. "Maybe you should look after the scanner. That way, I won't be tempted by it again."

"That sounds like a very good idea. I'm proud of you for thinking of it," Bruce said. And he was proud. He had been planning to implement taking the scanner as part one of disciplining his son, but it would be more effective with Peter making the decision on his own.

Peter took a deep breath. "Is there anything else that's going to happen? Apart from the obvious, I mean."

"After the spanking, you will be grounded for the next two weeks. You will not be allowed to leave the compound unless with me or one of your aunts, uncles, or grandparents. There will also be a bed time of eight o'clock," Bruce said quietly, hugging Peter the whole time.

"Okay," Peter said quietly, knowing he couldn't argue against it; and the punishment was fair. "I am sorry," he added.

"I know you are," Bruce said gently. "Let's get this over with, then..." He carefully positioned Peter over his lap, then bared him. Tugging him in close and tight, he raised his hand and let it fall with a firm swat.

Peter winced at the swat, but tried to hold as still as possible, his sense of guilt at disappointing his father growing.

Bruce continued swatting at a steady pace, firmly but not too hard, down to Peter's thighs before starting a second circuit. He began speaking on the second circuit. "You know better than to leave the compound without permission, let alone without telling anyone you are going. You aren't fully back to your natural age. And you know I'm not against you helping, but I am against you rushing in without a plan. Without making sure you have back up."

"I... know...." Peter whimpered, tears beginning to fill his eyes. While his father wasn't swatting too hard, his emotions were surprisingly close to the surface and he could feel it wouldn't take much to push him over the edge.

"Just leaving without word and taking unnecessary chances will never be allowed and any time you do so... every time you do so... you will end up here. Over my knee. Am I clear?" Bruce began a third circuit. "You are too important to risk your life unnecessarily. And I won't accept you doing so."

"Yes, sir...." Peter began to shift in response to the swats, although he wasn't fighting the punishment. "I'm sorry, daddy...." he whispered, reaching down to hold onto his father's ankle so that he wouldn't throw it back to cover his backside.

Bruce continued to swat, increasing the strength and speed just a fraction and focusing more swats to where Peter would feel it most later. "I love you, Peter. You need to not do things that can take you away from me." His voice caught, finally allowing the worry and stress he'd been feeling since learning of the kids' actions to leak through.

Peter's breath hitched at the words and the tone of his father's voice and he slumped over Bruce's lap, beginning to sob quietly. "I'm sorry, daddy... don't wanna take myself away from you...." he managed to get out.

As soon as Peter slumped, his crying audible, Bruce ended the spanking. He carefully pulled Peter up into his arms, holding on tight. "I've got you, kid. I love you. So much."

Peter wrapped his arms tightly around his father and just snuggled, hiding his face against Bruce's shoulder. "I love you, daddy...." he whispered.

Bruce kissed the top of Peter's head and continued to snuggle him. "I love you. So much..." he repeated, in a whisper. He gently fixed Peter's clothes, then situated Peter, so he could keep snuggling.


Kaine just snuggled without saying anything. He didn't know what he could say other than sorry.

Toomes held his son for a few more moments and then lifted him into his arms so that he could carry him into the room, unwilling to let him go even for a second.

Kaine had a death grip on his father, the fact he'd nearly watched his cousin fall to his death and not been able to do anything to stop it sinking in fully. He started trembling.

Toomes wrapped his arms tightly around Kaine, kissing the top of his head and stroking his hair and back. "It's all right," he murmured. "You're safe. Your cousins are safe. I've got you, son...."

Kaine whispered, his voice shaky, "He almost died. He was falling and I… I couldn't catch him and he was going to die...."

"He didn't," Toomes replied reassuringly. "He didn't die, son. He's safe. And you're safe. I've got you, kid. I'm so relieved you're safe...."

"I shouldn't have gone..." Kaine continued to snuggle, his lingering fear for Harry finally calming, but turning into guilt that he'd worried Toomes.

"No, kid. You shouldn't have." Stroking his hair, Toomes continued, "At least not without letting anyone know or getting backup."

Kaine sniffled and pressed a bit closer before looking up into his father's face. "Am I in big trouble?" he whispered.

Toomes stroked the side of Kaine's face. "You're due a spanking, son. But even though you're in trouble for acting in a way you know you shouldn't, I will forgive you. I won't let you go. I won't stop loving you."

Kaine swallowed hard and sniffled. "I don't wanna ‘nuther spanking..." he said in a tiny voice, notably not pulling away, even if it meant Toomes being able to place him quickly and easily.

"I know, kid." Toomes kissed his forehead. "But it won't change anything between us. It'll be over fast and then we can spend the rest of the day together." He held Kaine a few more moments and then gently moved his son across his lap.

Kaine whimpered softly but didn't fight the position. In fact, he let himself go limp immediately- a completely different reaction than the first time Toomes had needed to punish him- and reached down to hold onto his father's ankle. "I know I was bad..." he sniffled, in a tiny voice. "I'm sorry...."

"You weren't bad, kid." Toomes gently stroked his lower back. "You aren't bad. What you did was naughty, but we'll deal with that and you'll be my good boy again." He rubbed a moment or two longer and then proceeded to bare Kaine before bringing his hand down in the first firm smack that he then repeated... not as hard as the first time he'd spanked his son, but enough to be felt.

Kaine let out a very tiny yip when the first smack landed, shifting his bottom slightly in response but not actively fighting. Even if his father wasn't spanking as hard as he had the first time, Kaine wasn't fighting or completely out of control, so its impact was felt and recognized immediately. "I'll be your good boy?" he repeated back to his father, a hopeful sound in his voice.

"Yes. My good boy," Toomes said, gently and reassuringly. He swatted at the same force and speed down to Kaine's thighs and then began again from the top. "I love you, Kaine. I was scared because I thought I might lose you. And I only just found you...."

Kaine sniffled and whimpered again. His rapid healing was making the spanking hurt a lot less than it probably should, he thought; but then again, his father's words and voice were doing a good job of breaking through what little resistance he was holding onto. "I love you too... I didn't mean to scare you... I didn't think about how you'd feel...." he admitted, in a choked voice, obviously feeling guilty about his lack of thought and his carelessness that hurt the man who'd adopted him and been there for him when his life fell apart.

Toomes began a third circuit of swats, going a fraction harder and faster. "I need you, kid. I need you to stay alive. You pulled me back. You were responsible for me choosing to change... to realise I could be a good man. You saved me."

Kaine let out a tiny whimper that turned into a watery whine. "You.... you're saving me now..." he said, in a tiny voice. He wasn't sure why he said what he did, but it felt right. It felt like Toomes was saving him, even if his methods of doing so were painful. He shifted again, the constant swatting finally beginning to overcome his rapid-healing and hurting. He whimpered again and began to squirm and wriggle; slowly at first, but then more frantically as the stinging burn became impossible to ignore.

Toomes tightened his hold on his son, drawing Kaine in closer and tighter to himself. "I love you, kid." He began to focus more swats to Kaine's sit spots and thighs. "You're mine. I told you on the plane I was claiming you. But it's completely official and I won't ever be letting you go," he promised.

"And you won't let me take myself away? Y... you won't let me b... be bad and do thi... things that might take me away?" Kaine's voice wobbled and it was obvious it wouldn't take much more to send him over the edge. The squirming was becoming feeble as he not only started tiring himself out, but because he could feel Toomes' tight grip and knew he wasn't getting away unless he employed unnatural strength against his father. And he didn't want to get away. Not really.

"I won't let anything take you away from me, kid," Toomes promised. "Not even you. I won't let go of you. I promise that you're mine. My good boy. I love you."

And with that promise, Kaine stopped what little feeble struggle he was giving and went boneless over Toomes' knee. "I love you too, daddy..." he said, in a tiny voice, stuffy sounding because of the tears that were suddenly blinding him. He let out a tiny, choked sound before giving up and beginning to cry hard... ugly hard... it was difficult to breathe. "...Sorry... so sorry... was bad... din wanna be bad... sorry, daddy...." The tears were as much about letting go of the remnants of fear about his cousin as well as his guilt for scaring his father. And he still hadn't yet got used to the fact that his father was on top of things and knew what he was doing and when he was doing it and cared enough to stop him. He'd thought for months, after gaining his abilities, that he was just lucky that his Aunt May hadn't caught on to his activities to try and stop him. Now he was sure the woman, posing as his aunt, knew exactly what he was doing but hadn't cared that he was putting himself into danger.

Toomes wasted no time in drawing Kaine up into his arms, hugging his son tightly and kissing the top of his head. "You aren't bad," he whispered. "I love you, kid." He stroked Kaine's hair and down over his back. "I'm so glad you're safe and that I have you back home with me...."

Kaine wrapped his arms around his father as tightly as he could, forgetting for a moment his enhanced strength, before he quickly loosened his grip and mumbled, "....Sorry..." in a watery tone, still crying, but not quite as hard now that his father was cuddling him... comforting him. "...Love you so much, daddy..." He didn't comment on his not being bad. He still felt like he'd been very bad. And the pain from the spanking was already fading away to where it only felt like a minor sensitivity. How could he have been punished enough to pay for what he'd done wrong?

Toomes stroked the back of his son's neck and kissed the top of his head. "You don't need to apologise for holding onto me, kid. And I've forgiven you for your actions, son. You aren't bad. You were trying to do what you thought was right. You should have checked in with me or one of the other parents, but I know you were trying to do the right thing."

Kaine sniffled and trembled a little more, but snuggled close again, letting his grip tighten again; though this time, it wasn't so tight that he might hurt the older man. "...I feel bad..." he admitted, in a tiny voice. "...Spanking doesn't even hurt anymore. Feels like I got away with something...." He winced as he realized he might have just given his father reason to spank him again. He didn't really feel like he'd been punished, but that didn't mean he wanted to be spanked again.

"You won't have got away with it, kid, but you won't be getting another spanking unless you need a reminder," Toomes said. "You are going to be grounded for two weeks...and you won't be leaving the compound without me or one of the other parents."

Kaine sniffled and swallowed hard, leaning back enough to look into Toomes' face. "Okay..." he finally said softly in agreement; even though he knew it wasn't up to him and that's what would happen, even if he disagreed, he wanted his father to know he wasn't going to argue or fight it. "...Do I have to go to bed early? Or stay away from TV and stuff?" he asked hesitantly.

Toomes gently stroked his cheek. "You'll have an early bedtime. And you'll be sticking close to me. No television. Phones only for emergencies. But we'll be spending time together."

Kaine nodded quickly, hiding his face against Toomes' chest. He was relieved. He wondered if there was something wrong with him to feel relief; shouldn't he be upset and arguing for a lighter punishment? He'd been spanked, after all... even if the results of it hadn't lasted more than a few seconds after stopping. But he didn't want to argue, and he did feel relief, the fact that Toomes had taken such complete control over his life and that he was behaving the way a normal parent would easing all the doubts and insecurities finding out about May had torn into him. "Okay, daddy..." he whispered. "...Thank you..." he added on, barely loud enough for his father to hear.

Toomes stroked the back of his son's head, tightening his arms around Kaine. "I love you, son," he murmured, kissing the top of his head. "I promise that I won't ever let you go. You've let me adopt you...forgiven me for the mistakes I made. I'm never going to let you down or let you get hurt or taken from me."

"And you'll help me be good..." Kaine whispered quietly, still snuggling close; afraid that if he pulled away, he might find he'd imagined Toomes caring about him so much and he'd really be alone.

Toomes stroked his hair. "I won't ever leave you, son. I can't. I saw myself through your eyes and I didn't like what I'd become. I changed and pulled back because of you."

Kaine began to cry again. Not because of what Toomes told him. He believed his father. It just hurt so much, knowing that everything up till now had been a lie. And he wanted so desperately to believe his father, but it was difficult. What if everything now was a dream too? What if it wasn't real? "I felt real when I was going with Peter and Harry..." he admitted quietly, through his tears. "...I felt real when you spanked me..." he admitted, a bit more reluctantly. "...Everything else just feels unreal... like a dream... ‘cept when you hold me really, tight and I can feel it. You can't do that all day long, though...."

Toomes tightened his arms around his son, pulling Kaine in closer and tighter. "You are real, son," he whispered. "And I'll hold you tight as much as or whenever you need. I want to hold onto you. I need to hold onto you. I might not be able to do it all day long, but I can certainly do it most of the day. All through the night." He stroked his son's cheeks, wiping away the tears.

"...I can stay with you at night still?" Kaine asked, in a tiny voice, relaxing as Toomes' grip tightened, anchoring him.

"You don't need to ask for permission, kid," Toomes murmured. "In fact, I'm gonna insist that you stay with me at night."

"Okay..." Kaine relaxed further, his grip tightening around his father. "...What now?" he asked softly. He knew it wasn't really that late. It might be time for the evening meal soon; and Toomes hadn't said anything about him going to bed without supper, so he suspected he would be expected to eat. Still... he was grounded, and he didn't want to leave his father's side. It was easier to just ask what he should do.

Toomes stroked his hair. "We'll join the others for the evening meal and you'll sit with me... on my lap... so I can hold you close and tight and keep reassuring you that you're real and that you're mine. Afterwards, we can talk in here. Or just cuddle. Whatever makes you feel the most settled."

Kaine blushed at being told he'd sit on his father's lap for dinner, but he was smiling, and he'd relaxed even further, so it was obvious he liked the idea. "Okay, daddy..." he whispered and continued to snuggle.

Cupping the back of his son's head, Toomes wrapped his other arm even tighter around him. "And you're a part of this whole family, too. They've drawn you in. You're not a copy of another boy. You're Kaine Toomes. My son."

Kaine swallowed hard. "...I'm Kaine Toomes... and I have a father...." He smiled crookedly, nuzzling into Toomes' chest. "...Ned is gonna be so shocked...."

"I know you're technically grounded, but if you think it might make you feel better, we can invite him round here," Toomes suggested, still stroking Kaine's hair, neck and back.

"I... I think..." Kaine bit his lip and looked up at his father uncertainly. "...I think maybe I need you to make that call..." he said hesitantly. It wasn't that he didn't want to see Ned. It was that he needed Toomes to be completely different than Aunt May... the fake Aunt May... the one who had run when the truth came out. If the truth hadn't floated to the top, she would have grounded him for sneaking out, but then wouldn't have 'noticed' if Ned snuck in to see him anyway.

"If he comes here, he's going to probably see you and Peter. I know he's your best friend. Do you trust him to know the whole truth?" Toomes asked directly. "Because if you do, then I'll make the call to invite him here. Because I think having your best friend in your corner is going to help you feel better in the long run."

"He'll go nuts at first. And he'll be surprised that you're here with me. And he'll be fan-boying over Tony and Cap and all the others..." Kaine bit his lip. "But I trust him to know the truth. He won't do anything to hurt me. Not deliberately, anyway...."

Toomes nodded, stroking the side of his son's face. "When you're up to it, give him a call and invite him to come ‘round. It doesn't have to be tonight, when you're still feeling emotionally vulnerable and will be sticking physically close to me."

"M... maybe in two weeks? When I'm not grounded anymore? I'll tell him I'm grounded. His mom is really strict, so he'll understand that...." Kaine smiled crookedly.

Toomes smiled. "That sounds good, kid. You could maybe tell him you're staying here, as he'll wonder why you're not in school right now."

Kaine nodded quickly, almost eagerly. "...Wi... will I get in trouble with school? Not going?" He sounded faintly worried about it.

"I doubt it," Toomes said. "And if there are any problems, I'm sure the Avengers will be able to come up with an explanation that will satisfy your teachers."

Kaine nodded, relaxing again. "...Unless they get those portals going that Peter mentioned... I'll prolly have to change schools anyway..." he said.

"We'll sit down and talk about your options," Toomes promised. "Whatever you want to do, we'll figure it out, son. I promise."

Kaine nodded. "Okay..." He sighed softly, squirming slightly. Things were feeling good and comfortable and he didn't trust good or comfortable. Not completely. He wriggled again.

Noticing the wriggling, Toomes raised his eyebrows. "You feeling okay, kid?"

"Just... making sure this is real..." Kaine admitted sheepishly, before wriggling again.

"You need something to help prove that to you, kid?" Toomes asked, remembering what his son had said about feeling like a real boy.

"Maybe..." Kaine said hesitantly, as he thought about it. "...Wish there was a way you could swat me, and have it sting for longer than a few seconds. Not that I want to be spanked... cuz that sucked big time... but when my butt stung, at least I could tell I wasn't dreaming... cuz it was like a totally strong physical sensation... and you holding me really, tight is the same way, except you can't hold me really, really, tight non-stop... especially if we go to eat dinner. You'll need your hands free. So, if the sting would last longer than a few seconds, you wouldn't have to hold me really, really, tight. Even though I don't like spankings. But it did make me feel real...." Kaine wrinkled his nose and blushed faintly as he realized he'd been babbling.

Toomes nodded, stroking his son's hair. "So, you don't want a spanking, but you feel like you need one?" he asked, trying to understand what his son was saying... and, more importantly, trying to understand Kaine's needs.

"Kinda..." Kaine said nervously. "...I mean... I think any really, strong physical feeling would prolly help me stay focused and not feel like I'm drifting... like I'm going to wake up and this will be a dream... but like I said. You can’t hold me really, tight all the time. And I don't think you'd like if I deliberately hurt myself. And I can't think of anything that would feel quite so much...." He frowned unhappily, not sure if he was explaining right. If his father had an idea of something that could help keep him grounded in the here and now that wasn't dangerous or inconvenient, he'd gladly try it. "Maybe I should just let it go. Eventually, it will all sink in and won't feel like aunt May is a nightmare, or you adopting me is just a really good dream... It's just... scary, that's all. Waiting for my head and heart to settle and accept everything...."

Toomes gently stroked the back of his son's head, even as he asked, "You don't think just being able to sit on my lap will help at dinner? What about this?" He slid his arm up under Kaine's shirt, so they could have the skin-on-skin contact. "I can eat with one hand. Hold you with the other."

Kaine wriggled for a different reason this time, unable to stop the giggle that escaped as his ticklish-ness betrayed him. "Maybe?" He glanced up hopefully. "Maybe it doesn't have to be really strong physical as long as I can feel it...." He didn't sound certain of that, but he sounded like he wanted to believe it. Because it would mean, perhaps, that he wasn't quite as broken as he felt at-the-moment and maybe things would start feeling real again more quickly than he feared they would.

"Why don't we try that?" Toomes suggested. "If you feel like you need to be spanked... or you need something of a reminder... we can come back here later."

"Okay, daddy..." Kaine nodded, giving a tiny smile and blushing.

Toomes kissed his cheek. "I love you, kid."

"I love you too..." Kaine's smile grew and he bit his lip. "...Can I pull my pants back up now?" He blushed even darker.

"Yeah, son." Toomes loosened his hold just enough to allow his son to put his clothing back in place, but still kept the skin-on-skin contact.

Kaine quickly righted everything, without getting off his father's lap, and then went back to cuddling, perfectly happy to remain like that until Toomes said it was time to go eat.


Tony carried Harry into the room, relieved he still had his son and that he was alive.

By that point, Harry was too ashamed of his actions and himself to look his father in the eye, instead hiding his face against Tony's shoulder.

Tony carried Harry into his room, firmly closing the door, then going to sit on the bed, Harry on his lap. "My heart nearly stopped when I saw you falling," he admitted, his voice shaky.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered, curling up on his father's lap and clinging on tightly, his voice heavy with guilt.

"I appreciate that, kiddo, but I'd rather you be careful than sorry..." Tony said, hugging Harry tightly and kissing the top of his head.

"I'm a bad person," Harry whispered, still clinging onto his father. "I didn't...I didn't think of it before. I let myself forget about it."

"Oh no, no, no, no, no....you aren't bad!" Tony disagreed, still holding onto Harry tightly. "You made a mistake. Mistakes are allowed...you just learn from them. I discipline you...remind you of what you should do...after you are punished, it's over and done with. But you are not bad. Never bad."

"Before...." Harry whispered hopelessly. "Before I... became yours. I was trying to think about why I didn't try harder to talk Peter out of going and... I realised. Because I still owe him. He doesn't know what I was planning to do. When I was still sick and so angry with him...." Some tears slipped out of his eyes as he whispered, "I can't stop thinking about it."

"Oh, Harry..." Tony whispered sadly, not loosening his grip in the least. "You were sick... scared... and, yes, angry. Because you thought your best friend was willing to let you die without trying to help you. The thing is... you never acted on those feelings. You never acted on them and you got help; and now your best friend is family." Tony kissed the top of his head again. "I am inclined to remind you that if you are trying to make things up to Peter for your feelings of before, that it would be more helpful to him if you stand up to him next time, instead of going along with him on his unnecessarily dangerous plans...."

"I nearly did," Harry whispered. "I was nearly at that point of acting before we came to the tower and you and Mom wanted me. I know you're right, daddy. I know I need to try to be a voice of reason. I'm sorry I wasn't this time...."

"Nearly only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades... or something like that." Tony shrugged. "The fact is, even if you thought it and almost did it... you didn't do it. You made the right choice in the end. Just like I believe you will make the right choice and be the voice of reason in the future."

Harry sniffled quietly and snuggled in closer to his father. "It's still hard not to feel bad," he whispered.

"I know... but the feeling bad just helps make sure you don't act on impulses that you might regret later. As-long as you don't use feeling bad as an excuse for doing what you shouldn't, you'll be okay," Tony said quietly. "Maybe if we take care of what you actually did do wrong, so you can get rid of some of your guilt, you can feel a little better."

Harry nodded. "Yes, daddy. I know what I did wrong and why... it's just a relief to know you still want me," he whispered, before pulling back so his father could position him.

Tony winced at those words, pulling Harry back to him in a tight hug. "I will always want you. Nothing you ever do will change that. Ever!"

Tony didn't know how long he held Harry close and tight after his son's comment; he just knew he didn't want to let go. Eventually, though, he knew he had to address Harry's actions, or the kid would find some way to twist it around in his head to mean that Tony didn't really care. That's what Tony would have done, after all. Sighing silently to himself, Tony gently pulled away and positioned Harry, pulling him in close and secure before baring him. "I don't think anything else needs to be said. You know what you did wrong. Just as I know you will do your best not to do the same thing in the future. But... if it happens again. I will still love you and want you. That will never change. Ever. No matter how many times I need to put you over my knee." With those final words, Tony raised his hand and began swatting.

Harry had clung tightly to his father, but when Tony moved him into position, he went without fighting or protesting, reaching down to hold onto Tony's ankle with a quiet whimper as the spanking began.

Tony didn't say anything else. Harry knew what he'd done wrong. Chiding the young man further wouldn't do anything but make him feel worse. Instead, Tony methodically spanked from the crest of his backside down to his thighs, firmly but not too hard, making certain to cover every inch before beginning a second circuit at the same speed and force. He made sure to watch Harry's response the entire time, waiting for the moment Harry reached the needed point.

Already close to tears, it didn't take long before Harry began to start crying, still slumped over his father's lap. "I'm sorry," he sobbed out, clinging emotionally to the sense of his father's love. To the knowledge that he would be forgiven, even though he'd made a mistake and done something he'd known was wrong.

Harry wasn't fighting, and it was impossible for Tony to continue spanking when his son was obviously repentant. He quickly pulled Harry up into his arms and resumed hugging him tightly. "I know you're sorry. I forgive you. I will always forgive you, just like I will always come after you as-long as I am physically able to. I love you, kid."

Harry clung tightly to his father, crying quietly into Tony's shoulder. "I'm glad you caught me... I was so scared," he whispered. "I thought I was gonna die...."

"I know. But I did catch you. And I have you now. No need to be scared anymore." Tony kissed the top of Harry's head, not loosening his hold at all.

Harry let his head rest on his father's shoulder, sniffling quietly. "I love you, daddy," he whispered. "I never expected to be wanted... but you changed my life. Gave me hope. I'm glad you found me."

"And I love you. And can’t imagine life without you. Adopting you is one of the best decisions of my life..." Tony smiled before gently fixing his son's clothing. "When you're ready, we can go out and meet up with your mom and brother. I know they were worried as well."

Harry nodded, snuggling for a few moments more before saying, "I'm ready now." He carefully slipped off his father's lap.

Standing up, Tony wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder and led him out of the room to meet with the rest of the family.


It wasn't long before all of the family members, including the newcomers, were gathered in the dining room for the meal. As he'd promised his son, Toomes had settled Kaine on his lap, keeping in physical contact with his son.

Peter moved his chair a bit nearer, eyeing Kaine in concern. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I got you into trouble...."

Kaine blinked, then blushed and nodded. "Yeah. I'm okay. But you didn't get me into trouble. I did that on my own...." He leaned against his father, making sure he left enough room that Toomes could eat, but close enough he could rub his back.

"Yeah, but it was my idea," Peter said apologetically.

Toomes kept his son close, still gently rubbing his back.

"Maybe. But I didn’t have to go along with it. Especially when I knew I shouldn't..." Kaine gave his cousin a crooked smile. "What's wrong with me isn't your fault," he added. "Everything I thought was true ended up not being real. I guess it is just catching up to me." He shifted slightly to get more pressure from Toomes rubbing his back.

Gabe was watching quietly, but couldn't help commenting, "It's hard when your whole life is turned upside down. But you have a lot of people here who will help you."

Toomes responded, putting more pressure in the rubbing and stroking of Kaine's back, even as he nodded to Gabe's comment. "You aren't dealing with all of this alone, son," he said gently.

Kaine smiled. "I know..." he said quietly. "I'm lucky I have all of you...."

"We're all lucky." Gabe nodded.

Toomes kissed the top of Kaine's head. "I love you, kid."

For his part, Harry shuffled a little bit closer to his parents, still feeling somewhat out of sorts and wanting to be close to them. Plus, he figured it might be easier on Kaine to see other family members needing that kind of closeness.

Pietro had ended up sitting next to Gabe, conveniently away from those family members who had super hearing. "Maybe we could try out my speed and your chair after the meal?" he suggested quietly.

Gabe blinked and looked at Pietro, before smiling with interest. He didn't even think a second before he was agreeing. "Yeah. Let's!"

Pepper pulled Harry in close, her arm around the younger man. She hadn't been the one to take care of him running off- and she was grateful for that- but that didn't mean she hadn't been worried. She was hovering, and it was obvious.

Kaine noticed how close Harry ended up to his mother and could tell his father wasn't much further away and relaxed. Apparently, no one would think anything amiss about his sitting on his father's lap during dinner. Even if no one else was doing it. Well, nearly no one else.

Kara, seeing how Kaine was sitting on his father's lap and they were both eating just fine, decided she wanted to be on her daddy's lap too. And had picked up her plate, moved it over next to her father's (Ward was shaking his head in quiet amusement and was carefully moving her silver-ware and drink closer to Fury as well) and then crawled up onto his lap, as if she belonged there. As far as she was concerned, she did.

Fury didn't hesitate in wrapping his arms around his daughter's waist, settling her so that they were both comfortable and could eat without any hindrance.

Although he'd noticed the shifting and closeness of the family members, T'Challa didn't comment or otherwise draw attention to it as he spoke to Steve about some of the plans for Wakanda reaching out.

Erik had noticed as well, but just raised his eyebrows in Shuri's direction and shrugged when she glanced at him. This certainly wasn't normal behavior in most families he'd seen in action; not unless the kid in question was very young, anyway. He'd certainly never seen a teenager act like this. But then, things had been in a big upheaval, if what he was hearing was anything to go by, and upheaval tended to either bring families closer together or tear them apart. It seemed it had brought this one together.

Bobbi saw Kara move onto her father's lap and shifted with a sigh. As angry and upset as she kept getting with her family, she was also feeling the urge to crawl onto her father's lap. She was finally getting back to her normal size and age, though; and even though she felt the urge to do the same thing Kara had just done, she also felt this need to distance herself and prove she could stand on her own... and crawling onto her father's lap would do the exact opposite. It sucked.

Coulson noticed the way Bobbi was shifting and he reached over and gently squeezed her shoulder. He didn't say anything or encourage her to move onto his lap; just tried to make it clear to her that the option was there if she wanted it.

Bobbi blinked and looked toward her father before smiling sheepishly. And shifting just that slight more closer, still hesitant to crawl onto her father's lap, but feeling the urge all the same.

Coulson wrapped his arm around her shoulders, drawing her in closer and tighter so he could settle her on his lap.

Bobbi relaxed as she found herself on her father's lap, letting her head fall onto his shoulder briefly before kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you, daddy..." she whispered.

"I love you," Coulson whispered, kissing her head.

"I know..." she whispered, snuggling close. "I love you too...."

Matt couldn't see what was going on, but for the first time in a long time, the tension in the room wasn't at staggering levels. It seemed as if everyone was calm and, because of that, it enabled him to be calm. "So... the King and his family are staying for the wedding? Are they staying past the wedding?" he asked the room at large, figuring if the King was present, then he could answer the question.

"For the time being, yes," T'Challa answered, unwilling to go into further details and share what was completely personal between him and Erik. Even though he trusted the Avengers, it wouldn't be fair to his cousin to speak out.

Matt nodded. "Cool..." He didn't ask any more questions, instead focusing on eating his desert.

"Does the king know how things happen here? Do I need to give another brilliant demonstration that makes it clear to everyone involved?" Wade's chipper attitude carried through the dining area.

"Am I allowed to blast his butt?" Soni muttered in Vanessa's direction, though Colossus could hear as well.

Gabe finished his desert and leaned over to Pietro. "Wanna go now?"

Colossus gently rested his hand on Wade's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, almost in warning...though he was careful to be gentle.

"Better not," Vanessa whispered back. "He'd only heal from it."

Pietro nodded quickly. "Yeah. I'll clean our stuff up first." Eager to get going, he moved at superspeed to clean his and Gabe's plates and utensils.

"I'm less worried about him healing from it than Colossus getting upset at me for using my powers against family..." Soni muttered back, this time her glance at Colossus a bit more nervous.

Wade grinned at his brother, feeling the squeeze and not taking it as the warning he probably should have. "They can't have not heard. I mean, they arrived in time for at least one of the family to misbehave. I heard the spanking and I was at the other end of the family floor. Although....I have to admit, I tend to hear things like that and immediately know what's up. Maybe they didn't know what it was they were hearing...." Wade pondered aloud, ignoring how all the kids had begun shifting and fidgeting uncomfortably; and at least two of them were bright red.

Colossus gently squeezed Soni's shoulder, even as he shook his head at his little brother. "I believe you need to work at employing a filter before you blurt out family matters," he commented, a note of fondness in his voice.

"So, you are a family and, as such, make use of family punishments," T'Challa commented. "That is good to know."

Nakia took a drink, purposefully not saying anything... though she was reasonably certain her fiance had had a similar answer to his cousin's actions.

"Oh... this was one of those thinking before I blurt situations?" Wade's eyes widened and then he made a face. "Sorry...." he said to the room at large, although he didn't really sound that sorry.

Erik looked flummoxed. It had surprised him when T'Challa had decided to handle him in the manner he had, but he'd thought it was more to do with the fact T'Challa didn't want to execute him and he would rather die than go to prison. Not because it was a family punishment. From the looks on everyone's faces in this room, it was a common event. He shifted. He'd have to be careful not to do anything that might convince his cousin he needed a reminder.

Soni sighed. "Relax, Big Guy. I won't blast his ass..." she muttered, just loud enough Colossus could hear, but hopefully none of the actual children would.

Kaine slunk down into his seat, so only the top of his head was visible.

Colossus nodded, gently patting Soni's shoulder.

Steve shrugged. "Maybe it's better to get it all out in the open. It works and it's a huge part of the family."

Toomes still had one arm against Kaine's back, but he gently stroked the back of his son's neck with his other hand.

Kaine glanced up at his father. He supposed he was lucky he'd been sitting on Toomes' lap. Otherwise he'd be under the table by now.

Jessica gave her father a sheepish look. "Probably. Especially with the way some of us get into trouble so frequently...." She was referring to herself but could see her cousin Bobbi blushing furiously across the table.

Trip snorted. "Why don't we clear the table and then meet in the family room, so that we can answer any questions about living here that the newest additions to the family might have?" He glanced toward his father for confirmation.

"I've got you, son," Toomes murmured, fingers gently stroking Kaine's neck while his other hand rubbed over his son's back.

Fury nodded. "I think that's a good idea," he agreed, waiting for Kara to indicate she was ready to get up.

Soon, everything was clean and they were heading to the family room to talk.


"So....how will this work?" Gabe asked his cousin curiously.

"Okay, I figured I could strap you in...." As he spoke, Pietro held up the buckled straps he'd brought out with them.

"Yeah...okay. Just make sure I can get loose if I have to..." Gabe smiled.

"Of course. Just let me know if they're too tight." Pietro began to strap his cousin in.

Once he was securely strapped in - and had assured his cousin that he was comfortable - Gabe asked, "What now?"

Pietro shrugged. "Now we run." He grinned, taking hold of his cousin's chair, and prepared to do exactly that.

Gabe grabbed hold of the handle bars and prepared to 'fly'. He never stopped once to think about it might be dangerous, for him or his cousin.


Clint had sat next to Wanda as the 'family dynamics' were explained to T'Challa and all the other newest arrivals. Even if they didn't live in the compound permanently, there was evidence that they would live there long enough and often enough that they should be warned; not only so they could feel at home if they found themselves in a situation where discipline needed to be employed, but also so they wouldn't be shocked if they heard it happening with other family. He frowned as he suddenly realized something, though. "Friday? Where is my son?" He glanced around at those gathered and realized everyone was in the family room except for two people.

"He is with Master Gabe, Master Clint..." the AI quickly answered. "...Outside on the training track."

Fury frowned at the AI's response and quickly stood up. "What are they doing out there, Friday?"

"It appears Master Pietro is... racing? Master Gabe around the track as fast as he can push him. They strapped Master Gabe in so that he wouldn't fall out of the chair, but the chair is not meant for the stress of moving that quickly and I can sense bolts and screws loosening. If they do not stop what they are doing soon, the chair will fall apart..." The AI sounded worried. "I cannot warn them. They do not have comms in their ears...."

Clint was immediately heading for the elevator to the upper level and outside.

Fury wasted no time in going after his nephew, quickly drawing level with Clint as they reached the elevator and stepped inside. While the elevator wasn't slow by any means, it certainly wasn't as fast as Fury needed it to be and he was tense and worried.

As soon as they had reached the level where all they had to do was walk outside to the track, Clint took off at a sprint, hoping that he got there to stop his son before something happened that would haunt Pietro for the rest of his life. Moving at Pietro's speed, if the chair fell apart, it would be as bad as an automobile crash.

Fury didn't waste any time in sprinting after his nephew, heading towards the blur that was Pietro and his son.

Once close enough that he hoped Pietro could hear him, Clint yelled as loudly as he could. "Pietro! Stop now!" The urgency of the matter added a tone to his voice that indicated disobedience wasn't an option (if it ever was).

Startled by his father's voice, Pietro came to a stop, still holding onto the wheelchair.

Gabe blinked and looked toward where the voice had come from. He'd been enjoying feeling the wind in his face, even if it was very fast. The look of worry on both of their father's faces told him something was wrong, though. "Uh oh. Why do I get the feeling I'm about to experience being a naughty family member for the first time...?" he muttered, somewhat nervously, as Clint began stalking toward them, looking over both of them to make sure they weren't hurt.

Fury quickly moved over to his son, also checking both of them. "Friday warned us about what you were doing. The chair was coming apart when you were running." His words were clipped, but the worry and fear underneath was obvious.

Pietro blinked. "I didn't think there was any kind of danger...."

"That is why... whenever we plan to use our equipment in a manner that is unusual for said equipment... we have tests run on it. Tony doesn't just invent something, hand it over and expect us to use it without seeing how it reacts to certain situations. It's a safety issue. Gabe's chair? Wasn't built by Tony. Whatever tests were run on it? I seriously doubt included being pushed at extremely high rates of speed around a track while holding a young man that, while not overweight, certainly isn't light. And I doubt Tony has tested it for such strains either..." Clint said solemnly. "I never even considered this particular issue might come up, so didn't think to mention it. But from now on, if you plan to use your super-speed on any item that normally doesn't go at a super-speed? Don't. Not unless the item has been tested by one of the scientists or the family in a controlled lab setting. Too many variables and things can go wrong if you don't know the limitations of the equipment." He glanced at his Uncle. "We probably need to make that a rule for everyone and announce it.... Speed isn't the only ability that might strain normal equipment if it's used unusually...."

Gabe swallowed. "Yes, sir..." he quickly responded to Clint, before looking at his father apologetically. "I never thought about speed putting a strain on the chair. I could have told him no... it just... it seemed like it would be fun and a way to... I dunno... get closer..." he said softly.

"There are other, safer, ways of growing closer and having fun together." Fury reached out to gently stroke Gabe's cheek. "Ways that aren't likely to end with one or both of you injured. Or worse. And if this is something you want to try out, we can look into it. But in a safe way."

Pietro swallowed, a guilty look coming over his face. "I'm sorry, Papa," he whispered. "I didn't think about the danger at all."

Gabe swallowed, feeling just as guilty. "I didn't think either..." he put out, not wanting Pietro to take the blame on himself. He could have said no.

"I know it wasn't deliberate. At the same time, it was unnecessary... and we've all talked before about thinking things through before acting. You weren't in a situation where you had to make a decision in a split-second and didn't have time to think. You just didn't bother to. That's as much of a problem as doing something dangerous, because it led you to doing something dangerous...." Clint said soberly, his words meant for both younger men; even if it was his son he was talking to directly.

Pietro hung his head, ashamed and unable to look his father in the eye. "I know, Papa. There was no good excuse or reason."

Fury gently squeezed Gabe's shoulder. "I know both you and Pietro thought this was a good idea last night. And we can work with Tony about making this possible and safe for both of you."

Gabe nodded. "We should have waited...or told someone what we were planning." He sighed. His own guilt was clear to see.

Clint took a deep breath. "Let’s go inside. Finish our talk in my room..." he said to Pietro quietly.

Pietro nodded, slowly walking over to his father.

"We'll go and talk in my room," Fury said to Gabe, gently rubbing his son's shoulder.

Gabe swallowed nervously but nodded. "Ok, dad..." he whispered.

Clint wrapped an arm around Pietro's shoulders and began leading him back into the compound, to his room. He made certain to use the elevator closest to his room that would allow them to avoid running into the rest of the family. If Pietro wanted to explain what he'd done, that was fine, but it had been an honest, innocent mistake. The only reason it needed addressing was Pietro hadn't thought before acting and he wanted his son to start thinking before he acted. As soon as they were in his room, he closed the door quietly behind him and then led Pietro to the bed, sitting down and pulling his son around to stand in front of him. "Do I need to explain why you are in trouble?" he asked gently. He didn't want Pietro getting the wrong idea, after all.

Pietro shook his head, looking down at the floor. "No, sir," he whispered. "I know... it was dangerous. I didn't think things through. I could have got Gabe seriously hurt...."

"You could have." Clint nodded. "Although it wouldn't have been entirely your fault; Gabe agreed, after all. If this had been in a situation where we were on a mission and you didn't have much time to make a decision and had decided to push him really fast to another area, we wouldn't be having this talk. So, I'm glad you realize that you aren't only in trouble because it was dangerous. In fact, I'll hazard to say that this time? You're actually in trouble more for the lack of thinking. Because if you had allowed yourself to think... what do you think you would have done?"

"I would have spoken to some of the family members about making sure the chair was safe," Pietro said, still unable to make eye contact with his father.

"Exactly. And Tony most likely would have invented a special chair on the spot so that you could push him really fast until you wore yourself out or he got dizzy, whichever came first..." Clint smiled faintly. "You need to think, no matter what you choose to do, if only to be certain you aren't accidently endangering yourself or your family or friends...." Clint reached up and gently touched the back of his hand against Pietro's cheek. "I love you, kid. If that chair had broken, Gabe would have been seriously hurt and you could have been. And I know you. You would have felt devastated with guilt at what you would have blamed yourself for. I don't want to see you hurt, physically or emotionally. You need to think before acting and I'm going to give you a bit more incentive and a reminder to do so." Waiting a few seconds to see if Pietro had anything else to say for himself, Clint drew his son around to his side and then gently tugged him over his lap.

Pietro whimpered softly, reaching down to hold onto his father's ankle. "I'm sorry, Papa," he whispered, trying to relax so the punishment could be over as fast as possible, and he could be comforted.

Clint pulled Pietro in tight against his stomach, a firm grip around his waist, before baring him. Raising his hand high, he began swatting in a fast tempo, firm swats that would sting but not leave bruising. He covered Pietro's entire backside down to mid-thigh without saying anything and then started a second circuit. That's when he spoke. "When you are going to do something, I want you to take a few seconds to ask yourself if there is any reason you shouldn't; and really think about the answer. You're a smart boy. You know when something might be dangerous or not. You know what is acceptable or not. And you know that if you stop and think, if you don't know the answer to the question, you'll have time to ask me or one of the other family. I don't want you hurt. Physically or emotionally. Thinking before acting will help cut back on the possibility of that occurring."

Pietro couldn't help but start to squirm, despite his intentions to stay still and accept the punishment. In a hitched voice, he said, "I...I know, Papa. I'm sorry. I'll...do better next time," he promised.

"I know you will, kid..." Clint affirmed, his belief and trust strong in his voice. He continued swatting at the same strength and pace, covering every inch of backside, again to mid-thigh, and then started a third circuit.

Slumping over his father's lap, Pietro began to cry, not resisting the punishment and still trying to sttuter out apologies.

As soon as Pietro had begun to cry- had gone limp and accepted the punishment- Clint was lifting him up and into his arms, holding him tightly. "I've got you, kiddo...it's alright. No one was hurt and you've learned from your mistake. Everything will be alright..." he said softly, snuggling Pietro close, kissing the side of his head.

Pietro immediately latched on tightly to his father, clinging to Clint. His tears died down to sniffles quickly, but he didn't let go, needing the comfort.

"I've got you, kid. I know you'll do better next time..." Clint encouraged, still holding onto Pietro tightly.

Pietro nodded, letting his head rest on his father's shoulder. "I will, Papa. I promise," he whispered.

"Good boy.... You want to go talk to Tony about making a chair?" Clint continued to snuggle his son, but his voice was impish... almost teasing... attempting to cheer Pietro up.

Pietro smiled, responding to his father's tone. "Yeah, actually, Pops. Maybe he'll never be able to run on his own steam, but I want to help him get as close to it as possible." He pulled his clothing back into place.

"And that is very admirable." Clint smiled. As soon as Pietro was redressed, he stood and put an arm around his son's shoulders. "Tony was in the family room. We can look for him there first...." He began to lead Pietro in that direction.

Pietro went with his father, leaning on Clint.


Fury led Gabe to his own room, gently closing the door and then walking over to the bed, sitting down so that he and his son were on eye level. "Do you understand why those actions you took were dangerous?" he asked.

Gabe nodded sheepishly. "The chair wasn't made to go at rocket like speeds. Even if I was strapped in, the movement... it could have fallen apart. Bolts and screws could have flown off and hit someone or something; and at the speed we were going, they would have been like bullets... I could have hit the ground and at the speed I was going, I would have ended up skinned or worse...." He sighed, looking down at his hands.

Fury reached out and gently squeezed his hand. "You could have been seriously hurt. Maybe even have been killed." He didn't try to hide his sense of worry and fear; instead, he said quietly, "You might not have been mine for as long as some of your other siblings, but I am still going to worry about you. I'm still going to care about your safety. And I'm still going to love you."

Gabe bit his lip and forced himself to look up into his father's face. "I'm sorry I was so thoughtless... I didn't mean to worry or scare you...."

Fury stroked his hair. "I know. But I was worried and scared because I love you." He paused and then continued, in a more gentle voice, "You haven't had firsthand experience yet with how the family deals with things. Do you need to ask anything before we handle this?"

"I... I think I understand how it should work. I... I can stand and shift close enough for you to put me over your knee. But I will need help actually..." He bit his lip and gave Fury an apologetic glance. "My balance won't be good enough to bend over or...well..." He sighed.

"It's all right, son. I'll help you," Fury said gently. He stood from the bed and began to help Gabe out of the chair. "You don't ever have to worry about asking for help," he said reassuringly.

Gabe leaned on Fury heavily, despite attempting to help himself as much as he was able. The position didn't lend itself to him being able to place himself, or even assist in placing him. "I won't worry, sir. I know you'll help me with anything..." Gabe swallowed. "...I wish I didn't make this necessary, though. I'm sorry...."

Fury helped and supported his son as much as possible, leading Gabe to the bed and carefully moving his son in place across his lap, making sure his legs and upper body were supported as much as possible. "I know, son. And I forgive you. This is to help you to remember to think about the potential danger next time, so you don't risk taking yourself from me. From your siblings. From any of the family." While he talked, he gently rubbed Gabe's lower back.

"I... I know, sir. I... I'm grateful you think of me the same as all the others..." he admitted, almost bashfully. "I didn't think... I should have, but I didn't.... I know I deserve a spanking..." He whispered the last, his fingers gripping at the comforter that was under his upper body.

"I love you just as much as them. I need you just as much as your siblings." Fury rubbed a moment or two longer and then proceeded to bare his son.

"I need you too, dad..." Gabe whispered, his voice catching. It had been a long time since he'd been punished... most people looking at his disability and giving him leeway and freedoms that others weren't allowed. He was relieved Fury wasn't letting him get away with his actions.

Fury wrapped his arm around Gabe's waist, giving him a bit of extra support, and then lifted his hand, bringing it down in a stinging swat that he then repeated. He didn't use too much force, as this was the first time he was punishing his son, but he ensured the swats were felt.

Gabe closed his eyes tightly and didn't try and fight his responses when the spanking began. Instead, he gripped the comforter more tightly and whimpered with each swat. His legs twitched but didn't move otherwise.

Fury continued the stinging swats down to his son's thighs before starting over from the top. Midway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "Those actions wouldn't have been a problem if your chair could withstand the force of Pietro's speed, but neither of you thought through what could happen and the potential danger. If your cousin and I hadn't come out when we did...." He paused, emotion strong in his voice. "I can't lose you, Gabe."

"I'm sorry, da... daddy..." Gabe whimpered out, his voice tight with the effort not to cry too loudly. He'd already scared his father. He didn't want him to feel bad about holding him accountable. "I did... didn't think. Th... thank you for saving me..." He whined this time. He was still twitching uncontrollably but couldn't really move much beyond that. His bottom was an easy target. "...Hurts!" he gasped out, tears beginning to fall down his face.

"I know, son." Fury paused to begin rubbing his son's bottom, soothing the warmth coming from it. "I've already forgiven you. I just don't want to lose you, son. I can't lose you. You're too important to risk."

"...Never do anything like that again... promise!" Gabe whimpered again before choking out a tiny cry. His father wasn't spanking anymore... the rubbing was comforting... so he felt like he could cry and not have Fury feel badly about it. Soon, he was quietly crying, his tears vocal and continuous. "...I'm sorry, daddy... I don't want to be lost... want to stay with you... love you...." He lay limp over Fury's lap. He wasn't going anywhere until Fury decided it was time to move him. Not that he cared. The position wasn't uncomfortable and felt safe.

Fury didn't resume the spanking, still continuing to gently rub Gabe's bottom. "I love you, son. So very much. And I won't ever allow you to be taken from me," he promised. "Whether it's by an outside force or through your own actions."

"F... from now on, I'll ask you be... before I do any... anything that might be dangerous..." Gabe said, in a shaky voice, his tears finally slowing as he calmed down. Almost all the sting was gone. The gentle rubbing was easing him into a complacent mindset.

"Good boy," Fury said, still gently rubbing. "If something's important to you, I'll do everything within my power to make sure it can happen safely."

"M... maybe if I want to do something... we can do it together?" Gabe asked, in an almost drowsy voice. The spanking hadn't been as difficult as he'd thought it might be to handle; but it had been intense enough that now he was relaxing (the gentle rubbing causing him to let go little by little), it was becoming difficult to keep his eyes open.

"Of course, son," Fury said reassuringly, still gently rubbing. He wasn't inclined to move Gabe so long as his son seemed comfortable in this position. Much like with Kara, he found himself resorting more to touch with this one of his sons.

Gabe smiled at that. "...I'd like that..." he whispered, letting his eyes close and remain that way. Now he could focus entirely on what his father was saying and on the comfort he was providing. For some reason, it didn't feel awkward or weird accepting this comfort from his father. It felt right. "...Love you...."

Fury let his other hand rest on Gabe's lower back and rubbed there, too, just stroking and keeping the contact with his son. "I love you. You're mine. No matter what happens." His voice was low and intense, making the words a sincere promise.

"...I like being yours..." Gabe mumbled, before falling into a peaceful sleep.

Fury didn't try to move his son, other than to carefully replace his clothing so he wouldn't get cold. He was perfectly content to hold onto Gabe for a while before shifting his son onto the bed.


Clint noticed all the family looked up when he and Pietro entered the family room. He also noted that his Uncle and young cousin hadn't returned yet. But they didn't need to have them in the room to make their request from Tony. He gently nudged Pietro, nodding toward where Tony sat next to Pepper, Werner and Harry on either side of the two of them.

Pietro took a deep breath and headed towards Tony. "I want to help Gabe feel like he can run again," he said to his cousin. "Do you think you could work on a chair that'll withstand the speeds I can run?"

Surprised, Robbie glanced at them, remembering the comments the previous night and what Friday had said. He was fairly sure he knew why Gabe and their father hadn't returned yet but couldn't help worrying about his little brother.

Tony blinked. "I'm certain we could come up with something..." he said, after a few second's consideration. "Depending on what type of paralysis he has and how degenerated his muscle and spinal cord is, we might be able to make something for him to wear that might enable him to walk...." And then Tony was staring at his tablet and muttering to himself, the problem catching his attention and pulling him from the present into the possible futures.

Pepper sighed. "Tooony! Work on it in your lab later!" she chided gently.

Tony blinked and looked up with a tiny hint of a blush. "Sorry..." he muttered to those nearby. He looked at Pietro again. "But yes. in answer to your specific request, I think that can be done...."

Pietro grinned. "Great!" He walked over and sat on one side of Wanda, leaving the other side of his sister free for their father.

Harry couldn't help but snuggle closer to his parents, still feeling a bit out of sorts from the day's events and remembering how he'd felt about his best friend before. It was still hard not to look at himself differently.

Pepper wrapped her arm more firmly around Harry and pulled him in close, kissing the top of his head. She didn't know exactly what had occurred, although she knew the bare mechanics of it- Tony had informed her why he'd had to punish their son, after all- but she knew someone fighting their own guilt well enough. Harry had been punished, though. And forgiven. Whatever he was beating himself up over, he'd have to come to grips with. She just hoped that if he had too much difficulty with doing so, he'd talk to her or his father.

Harry settled down, snuggling closer, much more open to the affection now that he'd experienced his parents' love and care as a child.

Harry wasn't the only one being snuggled, as Toomes had settled himself on a chair with Kaine on his lap, arms wrapped around the teenager's waist, holding him tightly; partly to help his son with his insecurities, but also partly because he himself needed that closeness.

T'Challa leaned closer to his sister. "Perhaps you and Tony could make use of some of the Vibranium to make the chair?" he suggested.

Shuri's eyes widened in excitement. "You would let us do that?" she eagerly asked.

T'Challa nodded. "And then perhaps other people in need could be helped by that work."

Shuri quickly nodded. "That is a good idea, brother. I will speak with him of it tomorrow morning...."

Ross was sitting nearby and leaned over. "If you find some way to help Gabe and are interested in branching out... I have some connections and might be able to set you up to work with some veterans' homes. A lot of paralyzed or badly injured people that could use help there...."

Kaine snuggled as close to Toomes as he was able to do. It was obvious he was struggling to stay awake, though. It had been a very eventful day.

T'Challa smiled at Ross. "I am sure that will be welcome," he commented.

Toomes was very observant and he kissed the back of Kaine's head. "I think it's time for bed, son," he said gently. He was prepared to carry Kaine to the bedroom, but thought he'd wait and see if his son would rather walk with Toomes' arm around his shoulders.

"Okay, daddy..." Kaine mumbled, not even noticing he'd fallen into the more childish term of address. He may have had the body and mind of a fifteen- year- old, but too much had been happening and he was still feeling unsettled and out of sorts. It was comforting to let Toomes take care of him. He snuggled closer to his father, hiding his face against Toomes' chest, his head nestled under the older man's chin.

Toomes stood up, lifting his son into his arms, hugging Kaine tightly. He gently stroked the back of Kaine's neck as he said a quiet goodnight to the rest of the family and then carried his boy from the room.

Kaine was asleep before they reached the bedroom.

In the family room, nearly all those who were aging up the most were half asleep, if not asleep. Kara had conked out while stretched out over her older brothers' laps, making it near impossible for Trip, Brock, Ward or Robbie to easily move without waking her. Trip glanced toward Odin. "Can you lift her up, so I can stand? I can carry her to bed then."

Odin nodded, moving over to carefully lift her into his arms.

All of Kara's brothers quickly scrambled to get up and soon, Trip was carefully transferring Kara into his arms. "Thanks, Uncle..." he said softly, giving Odin a huge smile before carefully carrying his sister toward his room. His father had Gabe. She could stay with her big brother tonight.

Odin smiled at his nephew in return and then turned to his own children. "I believe it is time we also retired to bed."

By now, Wanda was curled up nearly on top of her father, her eyes half-closed.

Clint smiled and carefully moved Wanda into his arms, before standing and moving toward his room. "C'mon, kid..." he said to Pietro.

Soon, the room was empty, everyone having retired for the night.