Double The Danger, Double The Trouble

Summary: Some things never change
Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick; AU; explicit sexual content; references to canon character death; elements of BDSM
Pairings: Ice/Mav; Rooster/Hangman
Author’s Note: Written for the Gemini Challenge on Discipline Fic Discord. The challenge is two spankers or two spankees (in this case, I’m writing two of each). Oh – and Ice is alive and whole in this. It can basically be considered to be set in the same universe as the rest of my Top Gun fics


When Ice got out of the car, having parked outside the academy, the first thing he heard was the roar of plane engines. Immediately, the first thought that went through his mind was, Who the hell has Mav got up there with him when they’re all supposed to be grounded? The rumble of thunder reminded him that the planes were grounded for a very good reason…and he quickly hurried inside the academy, heading towards the control room.

By the time Ice reached the area, thunder was rumbling almost nonstop and lightning was flashing, lighting up the hallway inside. And Ice was worried. This wasn’t the first time Mav had done something so dangerous…but it was the first time he’d done so in a long time. After the successful mission, Ice had truly hoped that his lover would be able to settle down. Maybe he was wrong to constantly bail Mav out of trouble, but saving Mav from himself had become second nature to Ice by now.

Of course, no one outside of Ice and Mav knew exactly how Ice handled things between the two of them. Even if Mav didn’t stay in official trouble, he was in trouble in their relationship…and in some ways, that was worse to deal with.

Inside the control room, Ice barely acknowledged the people there. He quickly walked over to the comms and spoke into Mav’s radio. “Mav. All planes are grounded. You get your ass back down here now.” Once upon a time, early on in their relationship, he might have hidden the worst of his fear and worry underneath a mask. After all, there was a reason he’d been given the moniker of Iceman.

But over the years they’d been together, things had changed enough between them that Ice was more demonstrative, whether he and Mav were alone or not.

There was a brief moment of silence and then the radio crackled with Mav’s response. “Hey, Ice. I wasn’t expecting you at Top Gun today.”

Ice raised his eyebrows at the outright admittance that Mav hadn’t expected him to be at Top Gun. It wasn’t a surprise that Mav had acted believing he wouldn’t be found out. The ready admittance to it made it clear that Mav was seeking attention. That he was seeking Ice’s attention.

“Mav. You land the plane right now.” A slight edge crept into Ice’s voice. He couldn’t help it. The rumble of thunder and the crackling of lightning just made him even more aware of just how much danger his lover was in.

It was clear the tone of his voice got to Mav, because the other man’s response was given in a quiet, subdued tone. “I’m coming in for a landing now.”

“Good,” Ice replied. “And make sure your partner in crime lands too.” He didn’t wait for a response and headed out of the room with barely an acknowledgement to the others there.

By the time Ice got back outside the academy, Mav had landed the plane and got out. He walked over to Ice, a sheepishly guilty look on his face. “I really thought you weren’t going to be here today.”

Ice took a deep breath and pulled on the sense of calm that had allowed him to move as high up in the ranks as he had. It was easier than it had been when he and Mav had first formed their relationship. Not that Mav himself had changed much.

Looking past Mav, Ice clenched his jaw when he saw the other pilot who’d been up with his lover. He probably shouldn’t have been surprised. In the short amount of time he’d known Hangman for, the younger pilot had shown he was more like Maverick than any of the others.

Of course, there were some differences.

Focusing on Mav, Ice spoke in a low, calm voice, even though that didn’t match how he was feeling inside. “You know it doesn’t matter if I’m here or not. All pilots were grounded. This wasn’t about trying to keep you from the sky, Mav. This was about making sure you stay safe.”

“I’m sorry….”

Ice held up a hand to forestall anything else Mav might be about to say; any other excuse his lover might try to come out with. “No. You’re not sorry,” he stated. “This wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t something you were doing because you felt you had to do it. There was no good reason for going up there today, when you’d been grounded. Was there?”

Mav’s eyes flashed, like he was going to argue. Or protest. But then his shoulders slumped and he sighed. “No, Ice. No excuse. No reason. I know I’m in trouble.”

Ice gave a sharp nod and then turned to Hangman, who was standing a few feet away from them. “You’re lucky you aren’t in the same kind of trouble as Maverick,” he said sternly. “But you’re grounded for the rest of this week.”

“Yes, Admiral,” Hangman said quietly.

Ice waited, just long enough for either man to add something if they needed to. When there were no comments made, he grasped Mav’s arm and began to lead his lover inside the academy, heading towards their room.

Mav kept quiet until they were inside their room with the door safely closed behind them. Then, he grumbled, “I can’t believe you scolded me in front of someone else.”

Ice raised his eyebrows. “You’re lucky I didn’t turn you over my knee and spank you then and there. What were you thinking, Mav? You could have crashed the plane. Could have been struck by lightning. Could have been killed.”

Mav swallowed, glancing away, and muttered, “We were nearly killed. Me and Rooster. He nearly didn’t come home and it…would have been my fault.”

Ice sighed and closed his eyes, feeling the last bits of his temper drain away with those words. “Mav.” He paused. Took a deep breath. Opened his eyes to look into his lover’s eyes once more. “I know you’re still grieving for Goose. I know that it doesn’t matter how much time passes, you’ll never stop blaming yourself entirely. But you did everything right when it came to Rooster. It wasn’t your fault he went back for you. And you did what you could to keep him alive. To keep both of you alive. And you came home. To me.”

“But I nearly didn’t. Rooster nearly didn’t.” Mav ran a shaky hand through his hair. “I would have killed them both,” he whispered.

They were past the point where words could work, if there was ever a chance words would have worked. Ice reached out and clasped Mav’s hands. He didn’t say anything else. There was nothing more to say. He merely led his lover towards the bed and he sat down. He guided Mav across his lap. Secured the other man in place with an arm wrapped around his waist. Tugged Mav’s pants and underwear down, then lifted his hand and brought it down in a sharp slap to Mav’s right buttock. Watched the faint pink handprint bloom before he delivered a matching smack to the left. He continued to swat, hard and even, working over every inch of the other man’s backside down to mid-thigh and then beginning again from the top.

I’m sorry.” Mav’s words came out in a gasp, his breath hitching.

“I know, Mav.” Ice continued to smack, hard and firm, making sure no bit of skin was left untouched. By the time he paused, hand resting on his lover’s bottom, Mav’s entire backside, from the crest down to mid-thigh, was a dark pink in colour. “I can’t lose you. Do you understand that? Every time you put yourself in this kind of danger, I worry you won’t come back to me.”

“I know, Ice.” Mav sounded broken. Like he was close to tears.

Shaking his head, Ice returned to swatting Mav’s backside, this time going a fraction harder and faster. “If you know, why are we still dealing with this? Why am I still having to step in to save you from yourself? I don’t want to use my position to keep you grounded, Mav. It would make you miserable. You’d hate it and I’d hate doing that to you. But what choice do you leave me?” He began to focus more swats to Mav’s sit spots and thighs, turning those areas the same shade of red as the rest of his bottom.

Ice.” Mav’s voice broke and he slumped over Ice’s knee, beginning to sob out broken apologies.

It was hard, so very hard, but Ice forced himself to continue for a few more smacks. His palm was stinging by the time he called it done. Mav’s whole bottom was red and hot by the time Ice stopped. Mav was crying, hard, by the time the spanking was over. His whole body was shaking from the force of his sobs.

Ice moved Mav onto his lap instead of over it and wrapped his arms tightly around the other man. He knew the tears weren’t just from the pain of the spanking. The punishment had served more as a catalyst for releasing the stress and fear of being so close to dying. Ice knew Mav needed to let go, otherwise the darkness would fester inside him. Like an infected wound.

It took a long time for the tears to finally die down. When they finally did, Mav was resting against Ice’s shoulder, blinking blearily. “I really am sorry,” he whispered, voice sounding wrecked.

“I know. I love you, Mav.” Ice kissed him gently, tasting the salt of the tears. “I just can’t lose you. Don’t let me lose you. Please?” He whispered the words against Mav’s lips.

“I’ll try,” Mav whispered in return. “But sometimes I can’t pull myself back from the edge. Not alone. Times like those…I need help. I need your help, Ice.”

“And you’ll get it. Whatever form that takes,” Ice promised. “When you need me to be in control, when you need me to take that control, I’ll do that. That’s my promise to you.”

“I love you, Ice.” Mav leaned up and kissed Ice, decidedly less chastely than the kiss Ice had given him. “And I really appreciate you taking care of me.” With a grin, he said, “But now…I need you to take care of me in another way.” He took hold of Ice’s hand and moved it towards his groin.

Snorting softly, Ice pulled Mav down onto the bed with him. “Your wish, my command. At least for now.”


Hangman had watched Iceman leading Maverick inside the academy with a slightly uncomfortable feeling in his gut. Somehow, he had the feeling he’d just witnessed a very private situation. Despite the fact he’d been grounded by the Admiral, he had the strongest feeling the kind of trouble Maverick was in was much more personal.

If he was entirely honest, Hangman didn’t know why he’d followed the older pilot up into the air. It wasn’t like he didn’t know they’d been grounded. That it was too dangerous for them to go up there. He was reckless, sure. He knew himself well enough to be aware of that. But he really didn’t have a death wish.

Waiting long enough to be sure he wouldn’t run into either of the older two men, Hangman walked into the academy, moving slowly. He was lost in thought as he walked to Rooster’s room, knocking lightly on the door to announce his presence before he opened the door and then stepped into the room.

Rooster glanced up from where he was sitting on the bed, phone in his hand. “Hey.” He smiled, his eyes lighting up…a far cry from their first interactions. “I missed you today. You go out for a drink?” He put his phone to one side.

Hangman took a step closer to Rooster and then paused. He didn’t know why he said the next words; just knew that he needed a reaction of some kind from the other man. From his boyfriend. “I went up today.”

Rooster frowned, narrowing his eyes slightly. “There’s a storm.”


“And we’re supposed to be grounded.”

It wasn’t really a statement that required a response, but Hangman found himself giving one anyway. “Yeah. Maverick went up. I followed him.”

“Were you trying to get yourself killed?” Rooster asked.

“I wasn’t thinking,” Hangman admitted. “I didn’t think about any kind of danger. I just wanted to go up. So I did.”

“Okay,” Rooster said slowly. “Don’t do that again. Okay? There’s a reason when we’re grounded. A good reason.”

“That’s it?” The words escaped Hangman before he could stop them. He took another step closer to the bed. Closer to Rooster.

Rooster stood and moved closer, so they were nearly nose to nose. “What do you want me to say? I don’t have any power or control over you, Hangman. I don’t want you to go up when it’s dangerous. You could get yourself hurt. You could get yourself killed. But I can’t stop you.”

Hangman’s stomach sank. He didn’t really know what he wanted here, only that he wanted, needed, a different reaction. He needed Rooster to react the same way Ice had reacted to Mav pulling the dangerous stunt. And while he didn’t know exactly what kind of trouble Mav was in with Ice, he was certain it was more personal than the consequences the Admiral had given him. “I’d stop you.” The words slipped out without thought. “If it was the other way round. I’d be pissed.”

“What do you want from me?” Rooster asked.

“I want you to care enough to bust my ass because I did something dangerous and stupid,” Hangman replied. It wasn’t something he’d ever thought he’d want, or even need. But he’d seen the relationship between Ice and Mav and…he wanted that. He wanted someone who cared enough about what he did to react when it didn’t matter who was watching.

Rooster reached out and clasped Hangman’s hips. He pulled until Hangman was closer to him; until their bodies were pressed together. And then he leaned forward. Kissed Hangman, hard and deep, forcing his tongue inside.

Hangman’s hands rose to grip onto Rooster’s arms as he allowed the kiss. Responded to it. The forcefulness went straight to his member, causing it to stir in interest. By the time Rooster pulled back from the kiss, Hangman was panting for breath and gripping the other man’s arms so that he wouldn’t lose his balance.

“You sure about this?” Rooster asked softly. “If you want me to do this now, it’s not gonna be a one-time thing.”

“I’m sure.” Hangman shrugged. “Though it’ll go both ways. You do something stupid and dangerous, I bust your ass.”

“Yeah. Okay,” Rooster agreed. He wrapped his hand around Hangman’s waist, fingers gripping gently, and began to walk over to the bed.

Hangman followed along quietly. Rooster’s hand was warm and comforting; a solid weight he could feel even through his clothing. When the other man sat down on the bed, Hangman moved to Rooster’s side and lowered himself into place over the other man’s lap. He shifted slightly, enough to make sure he was comfortable and wouldn’t fall.

Rooster still had one hand on Hangman’s waist and he kept it in place as he tugged Hangman’s pants and underwear down.

As cool air wafted over his bared backside, Hangman couldn’t help but shiver and reached down to clasp Rooster’s ankle. He forced himself to relax in place over Rooster’s lap. After all, he’d asked for this.

The first smack landed with a crack that made Hangman jump. An immediate sting blossomed where Rooster had struck and he clenched his jaw so that he wouldn’t cry out. Again. He’d literally asked for this. He might not be able to stop himself from reacting, but he would do his best not to make Rooster feel bad about this.

Still, the smacks weren’t gentle. They were hard and fast and Hangman barely had time to catch his breath between them. Within moments, his whole bottom was stinging…and then aching. His fingers clenched tighter around Rooster’s ankle as the smacks continued, delivered firmly. Rooster’s other hand rested on Hangman’s waist, pushing his shirt up out of the way so that his palm could rub gently against bare skin.

The spanking stung, but Hangman could gain comfort from the position; from Rooster’s hand resting on his bare back. He began to shift in response to the building sting; started squirming when Rooster concentrated more swats to the tops of his thighs, making those more sensitive spots sting and burn as well.

“I don’t really remember my dad.” Rooster’s voice was quiet, only pitched enough to be heard over the smacks he was delivering. “I have some vague memories of him. But he died. And I know…my mom never recovered from it. It’s kind of clear Mav’s never really got over it.” He paused to deliver a few stronger smacks to Hangman’s sit spots and thighs, then started over from the top as he continued speaking. “I know how it feels to be up there. It’s like the rest of the world falls away and you don’t have to worry about anything else other than being up there. But you can’t go up there when it’s dangerous. It would have been so easy for you to get hurt. To crash. So yeah. You do that again? I’m busting your ass. And it’ll be worse next time.”

Tears ran down Hangman’s cheeks. The spanking did hurt, but his tears were as much to do with Rooster’s words, with his promise, as anything else. It soothed something deep inside him. He trusted the other man’s words. He believed Rooster wanted him to stay alive. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice hoarse and heavy with his tears.

The swats slowed and then stopped. Hangman felt his underwear and pants pulled up over his tender, aching backside and then he was helped up, caught in a tight embrace.

Hangman wrapped his own arms tightly around Rooster, holding on. He breathed in deeply, his tears dying down to quiet sniffles, and then leaned up and pressed his lips to the other man’s in a hard, nearly desperate kiss.

Rooster returned the kiss with interest, hands sliding down Hangman’s back and over his hips. Breaking the kiss, he whispered, “I think we’re both wearing too many clothes.”

“Oh?” Hangman gave a cocky grin and began to unbutton Rooster’s shirt. “Let me help with that.”

The End