
Summary: Hydra is at it again. Also, family bonding.
Warning(s): AU, spanking of an adult, mentions of offscreen violence toward the bad guys.


They had gone out to the treehouse after breakfast. Rather, Dane had gone out to the treehouse after breakfast. So much in his life had just abruptly changed in such a short time and it was finally catching up to him. He'd needed fresh air and to give himself room to think; give himself time to adjust to his new position in life and the fact he had a father now- a stern father who wouldn't allow any of the crap he'd been pulling his entire life. It was quite honestly overwhelming him and he'd been afraid if he didn't get away from the huge group of people he now lived with, he'd do something not recommended.

Kate had followed him, because of course she would.

"You don't have to babysit me, you know," he said, with a hint of frustrated amusement.

"Do I look like a babysitter?" Kate snorted. "I'm feeling it too, you know. Everything changing so quick and now... I don't know how to react."

"Yeah." Dane sighed. "We aren't in control anymore." He sounded slightly confused at the fact, but not upset.

Kate glanced at him and smiled. "No... And it feels really weird and I just know I'm going to push that boundary sooner than later. Do you think we made a mistake? Giving in and letting ourselves be adopted at our age?"

"No. Wasn't a mistake." Dane smiled crookedly. "As confusing and unsettling as it all is... That part felt right. Just... Have to get used to someone else calling the shots is all."

"I'm not real good at obeying," Kate said ruefully.

This time, Dane snorted. "Me either. Guess dad's hand is gonna get real friendly with our butts." His voice was chagrined.

"That's what I'm afraid of," Kate whined, before looking out over the woods.

They sat in the treehouse quietly, just watching everything in nature go on with life, not saying anything.


Sprite didn't really feel much different, after joining with the family and becoming a part of it. After all, even though she was thousands of years old, she'd been stuck in the body of a child for a long time...and had been treated as such by most of those around her, even her fellow Eternals who'd known better.

So although she was an old soul, she was also used to feeling stifled and protected...even when she didn't necessarily feel like she needed it. So when she'd realised her new 'siblings' had gone out to the treehouses, she went to join them...bringing snacks and drinks with her. "Hey. Either of you hungry?" she asked.

"Oh! What did you bring?" Kate perked up, shifting to see what her 'youngest' family member had brought.

"A drink would be nice." Dane nodded and moved closer too.

"Chips, candy...a couple of bottles of soda, too." Sprite deposited the items onto the floor of the treehouse. "So you two hiding out here from Dad? Or just to get away from the huge crowd in the compound?" she asked curiously.

Dane glanced at Kate and shrugged. "A little of both?" he said sheepishly. "I... I'm just a bit confused," he admitted reluctantly.

Kate nodded. "Same here. I mean... Don't get me wrong. I'm happy things turned out the way they have and I'd do it the same if I had the choice to make again... But it's a lot to get used to. Especially when you aren't used to being accountable to anyone but yourself."

Sprite shrugged and sat down cross-legged, beginning to help herself to some of the food she'd brought. "I mean, there's a whole family in there who're all in the same kind of situation, in the same kind of relationship, so I guess that makes it a bit easier? It's not like you're the only ones getting used to a completely different life all on your own."

"I know. But most of them have been at it for a few months, at least. They seem to have adjusted quickly, so there's hope it won't be this unsettling for a long time. Still..." Dane took one of the drinks and took the cap off, beginning to drink. He didn't mention the majority of his unease was due to his unexpected need to 'belong' and be 'young' and taken care of by Ikaris.

Kate shrugged. "Just because everyone is in the same situation doesn't mean it is easier or will be easier. It just means they understand. Or should, anyway."

"I think a lot of them were in similar situations, from what I've heard of their conversations." If Sprite felt any kind of guilt about having eavesdropped, she didn't show it. She might not be able to use her powers anymore, but that didn't mean she'd lost all of her skills.

"Heard a lot, have you?" Dane's voice was amused.

Kate grinned mischievously. "Anything we should know?"

"Well, leaving the compound is far easier said than done, for a start," Sprite said. "The AIs have no problem telling on one of the kids to their parents if either thinks the kid will get into trouble."

"They have an actual H.A.L.?" Dane's eyes widened. "I thought Friday just helped with info and stuff... Not that she actually made decisions on her own!"

"Well dang. There goes that idea..." Kate muttered under her breath at the same time.

"Friday and Veronica," Sprite said. "And it sounds like the first AI Tony created was similar." She looked a bit sad, unable to think about how much Phastos would have liked to see all of this. "Phastos would have liked it here."

Kate frowned slightly. "You'll find the rest of them," she said. "I get the feeling, as important as family is to this whole group, they'll all be doing everything possible to help."

"I'm not sure Arishem will let them go so easily." Sprite reached out for one of the other bottles of soda, opening it and drinking it. "But I guess if anyone can help get them back...."

"Carol Danvers seems really powerful... And so do the sorcerers. Between all the powered people and you and Ikaris..." Dane said sympathetically.

"I know they'll do their best," Sprite said. "And I'm pretty sure Ikaris has already been making plans about where to search for the rest of our family."

"So, they'll be found soon." Kate sounded confident.

"Maybe." Sprite clearly wasn't so convinced. But she was also making an obvious effort to believe it.

They remained quiet for a few minutes, quietly eating their snacks and staring into the woods. It was Dane who broke the silence. "How strict is dad, really?" he asked tentatively.

"He won't stand for any dangerous behavior," Sprite replied. "Something that could get you hurt or killed, he'll step in. But he's only gonna use spanking as a last resort...unless you actually need it," she added, remembering how it seemed like a lot of the family members needed to feel their parents' (or older siblings') control.

Kate wrinkled her nose. "Yeah. Guess if you need it, he'd notice and take care of you... Even if you were doing what was expected of you." She paused. "Hopefully in not quite as obvious a manner, though. Not everyone is as open as Wade apparently is."

"It seems's not exactly a secret, but people only talk about it as much as those involved are comfortable with," Sprite commented. "In Wade's case, his comfort levels seem far higher than most."

"Wade seems... Unique..." Dane allowed, nodding.

"So, no dangerous activity. But if we are used to being dangerous... We may not notice the danger till after the fact." Kate sighed. "Something else to get used to. Looking before we leap."

"Sounds a lot like the rest of them here," Sprite commented. "I'm sure Ikaris will help you...teach you...if you ask him."

"Maybe. Feels embarrassing to have to be taught something like that," Kate snorted, with a small laugh.

Dane didn't comment. He knew he'd need help and had already asked Ikaris to teach him. He saw no reason to tell the other two that.

Sprite shrugged. "You probably wouldn't be alone in it." She reached for more of the snacks.

Dane held his hands up to indicate he'd had enough when Kate picked up two more of the snacks and offered him one. "I'm old enough now that too much and I feel gross for at least a day after..." he said sheepishly.

Kate wrinkled her nose, as if debating her own intake of the sweets. "Good point," she muttered, returning them to the pile Sprite still had in front of her.

"One of the only bad things about becoming human...I'll eventually have to give up candy," Sprite said.

"Naw... You don't have to give it up. Just learn to eat it more moderately..." Dane smiled, reaching over and ruffling Sprite's hair.

"That still kind of sucks," Sprite said, though she grinned at Dane.

"The hazards of growing up..." Dane teased.

Kate smiled. "So... How'd you know we were out here anyway?"

"Well, it was really a process of elimination...." Sprite began.


Ava winced as she moved slowly around her room, checking that everything was in place. She still wasn't cured, but the pain was getting bearable...and she was able to leave the cryochamber for a bit longer each time. They were making progress, enough for her to come out and meet all of the people who had moved into the compound.

She probably should go back out to join the others...get to know more of the family...but at the moment, her room was semi-peaceful. And it was nice to spend a bit of time designing her own space, for when she could finally be out permanently.

Bill had adjusted fairly quickly to compound living. He'd watched all the families interact. He'd also got closer to his brother, Hank, and Janet. What made him happiest, though, was the fact Ava was improving. They had actually found a way to help her. His daughter was getting better. Knowing she was out of the cryo-chamber currently, he went to the door separating their rooms and knocked.

Ava placed a photo of herself and her father on the bedside table, moving back to make sure the placement was just right. Then, hearing the knock on the door, she glanced up. "Come in," she called softly.

Bill walked into her room and smiled. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

"A bit achey," Ava admitted. "But nothing like the pain I was in. And it's nice to be able to be out spend time with other people."

"I'm more than glad to hear that. You feel up to leaving your room? We could probably get some snacks together... Go outside for a little while. If there is anyone in the group you'd like to get to know better without the entire family, we could invite them...." Bill knew the large amount of people in the family could be overwhelming.

Ava smiled slightly. "I would like to go outside," she said. "Though I'm not sure who else to invite. I haven't got close to many people...."

"Well, inviting someone will give you the chance to get to know them better. Anyone you think you'd like to get to know?" Bill asked.

Ava thought about it for a few moments and then asked, "Friday? Is there anyone free who would like to join me and my Dad outside for a while?"

"There are several family members that appear to be 'bored out of their minds' if the conversation I am hearing is accurate," Friday responded. "I will ask if any of them would like to go outside," the AI continued.

Bill nodded. "Thank you, Friday." He turned toward Ava. "In the meantime, we can get snacks together."

"That sounds like a good idea," Ava agreed. She moved to exit her room, so she could head to the kitchen and gather snacks and drinks together, with her father's help.

It didn't take long to gather snacks and soon, they were headed outside to enjoy the sunshine. There was a quiet area with benches where they could watch SHIELD trainees or the wildlife, whichever appealed more. 

It didn't take long before America showed up. She'd been introduced to a lot of the family, but there were so many people...and she figured getting to know someone in a smaller setting might be a bit easier than trying to do so with so many other people around. "Hi!" she said brightly. "I'm America. I don't think I got your name in all the introductions...."

"Ava," Ava replied. "I don't think I've met you officially yet."

Bill smiled at the younger girl. "You're Clint's newest daughter. The one able to jump dimensions..." he said quietly.

"Yeah. I haven't had all that great control over it, but I haven't jumped to a new dimension yet, so...that's progress. I guess." America shrugged.

"Do you know the dimension you're originally from?" Ava offered the younger girl some of the snacks.

"I haven't been able to find my way back there," America admitted. She helped herself to some of the offered snacks.

"Well, you have a home here now, so you can safely look... Have somewhere to be... While you look," Bill said quietly.

America nodded. "Yeah. I can do that." She left unsaid that it wasn't so much her own dimension she wanted to find, but her mothers. Even if she'd been accepted into the family here...she still had others she needed to find.

"What was your home dimension like?" Ava asked softly.

"A lot less pollution. We lived more in nature than in towns or cities," America answered. "Other than that...not a whole lot different to this one."

"Were you the only one with your ability?" Bill asked curiously.

"I never found anyone with an ability like mine. I never found another me," America replied. "As far as I know, I'm the only one there is."

"Well... If we find someone like you... Maybe they'll be able to give you some pointers on controlling it. Until then, there are family members who teleport and even if it isn't the same, it could help." Bill shrugged faintly.

America nodded. "Wanda's helped me a lot. I like this version of her."

Bill smiled. "This group is good. It's hard to imagine any of them having bad versions. Though I'm sure there are some dimensions where they are...."

"There are," America said, her voice sober. "And some where different people took on their mantles."

"You mean like a different Captain America?" Ava asked curiously. That would have been harder to believe, if they didn't now have Peggy Carter here...who had been Captain America in her own dimension.

America nodded. "Although the version I saw was Peggy, who is now here...." She frowned. "I'm glad I was never able to dimension hop to wherever it was everyone became vampires."

Bill blinked. "Vampires are real?"

"Just like zombies are," America said. "And werewolves. Basically any horror movie monster you could think of, there're dimensions where they're real and exist."

"Have you met any of them?" Ava asked.

"Yeah...." America paused. "I actually had one vampire try to take a bite out of me. I don't think he liked the taste very much."

Bill huffed softly in amusement. "Hopefully, we all taste bad if that ever becomes a thing here."

"I'm sure we have plenty of people here who would make sure that didn't happen," Ava commented.

"Yeah. I'm sure they'd do their best," America replied.

"Of course." Bill smiled fondly at their attempts to reassure him about something he wasn't really worried about.

"So you were part of Hank's family before joining this whole big one, right?" America asked Bill curiously. "How'd that come about?"

"We worked together. Were friends. Though we had a falling out over a difference of opinion. We came together again to save Ava..." Bill gave a very brief assessment.

"What happened?" America turned her curiosity towards Ava.

"My body was constantly breaking a result of being exposed to the quantum realm," Ava answered. "It was agony...." A brief shadow passed across her face.

"Hank's wife Janet had got sucked into the Quantum realm...  He'd spent decades trying to figure out how to find her; bring her back, if possible. We believed some of what he researched could help Ava. That's when we made contact again." Bill's own face took on an unhappy glimmer as he remembered how they'd tried to steal Hank's equipment and research before actively asking him to help them.

Noticing the look on her father's face, Ava leaned against him and reached out to take his hand. She knew that he'd only acted against Hank for her sake. If it had been up to him, he probably would have asked her uncle for help outright.

Bill smiled at Ava, taking her hand and squeezing it gently. He had understood why she didn't want to ask Hank for help. Her belief that it had been Hank's fault her parents died was so deep, she couldn't. His choice had been to do things her way or watch her die and that hadn't been an option.

"And it worked?" America asked. "You were healed?"

"Not entirely," Ava admitted. "But everyone here is helping. Aunt Janet most of all. When it gets to be too much, I go back into cryo. But the times I can be out are getting longer and longer, so it is working...just taking a while to get there." She gripped her father's hand.

"This group has a way of accomplishing the impossible." Bill smiled. "I have no doubt Ava will be cured eventually, even if it takes a little longer. Just as I am sure they will help you."

"I'm sure they'll try," America replied. "And so far...I haven't jumped anywhere else. So here's hoping."

Bill nodded. "You know. I think I'm in the mood for ice cream. You young ladies want to join me?"

"Oh, I love ice cream!" America beamed. "The dimensions that didn't have it really sucked!"

Ava laughed softly. "I think that's a yes."

"Well, I happen to know there is a tub of vanilla chocolate swirl with our names on it inside. Care to join me?" He held out his hands to both women.

Ava quickly took her father's hand and stood.

America did the same.

Ten minutes later, Bill was scooping up ice cream and telling them a story about his favorite ice cream shop while growing up.


"So... Have you had anymore visions?" En Dwi asked his brother curiously, as he looked at the various sketches Taneleer had made since everyone had become aware of the multiple dimensions.

"A few..." Taneleer said hesitantly, before pulling out a sketchbook En Dwi hadn't seen yet. "Some have been rather disturbing," he admitted. He handed the book to his brother, who began looking through the newest sketches with interest.

"Eeew.... I wouldn't show Kate this one..." En Dwi shuddered, before continuing to look.

"Is that a vampire?" Rocket scrambled a bit closer on the bench he was sitting on.

"I am Groot!" Groot said.

Rocket blinked and glanced towards his little friend. "What do you mean, you've seen them before?"

"I have seen creatures similar to the legends of vampires in other of the nine realms," Bryce commented. "Though they are not called vampires."

"As have I," Taneleer said wearily. "Though I did not believe they populated on Terra...." He wrinkled his nose as he looked at his sketch of what was obviously a vampiric Kate Bishop. "Maybe one of the older, more experienced Terrans can shed some light on it?"

"Or one of the sorcerers," Rocket commented.

Bryce looked at Taneleer with some concern. "Have these visions been keeping you from your sleep?" he asked, noticing the weariness.

Taneleer almost said no before thinking better if it. "Yes. I... I am sleeping. But I frequently wake. I am more taking numerous short naps rather than a fully deep sleep."

"Told you you should get something for that..." En Dwi muttered in a sing-song voice, unphased when Taneleer gave him a grumpy glare.

"There are things that can help you to stay asleep longer," Bryce said. "Have you noticed an increase in the visions at all? Originally, I assumed you were getting them because of the dimension walls wearing thin, due to the zombies having taken over the realm Peggy is from." He frowned in concern. "Of course, that could mean there are other walls wearing thin...."

"It is the visions... Or dreams... That wake me," Taneleer admitted. "I have drawn as many as I can remember...." He pointed at the sketch book. "It is clear to me that they are not all of the same dimension. Though there are some similarities...."

"There are some who are at least somewhat familiar...and others who are not." Bryce frowned, looking over the images.

"Is that a person made out of spiders?" Rocket leaned forward, clearly fascinated.

"I believe so. And this appears to be... An elf?" Taneleer seemed confused, as it didn't resemble any of the elves he was familiar with, but he recalled one of the movies having characters that looked similar.

"That looks like one of those elves from those Lord of the Rings movies we had to sit through," Rocket observed.

"Yes... Well, creative ideas have to come from somewhere. Although I'm not sure I like the idea of the dimensional barrier being weak enough to give Tolkien a glimpse into that world a century ago..." Taneleer sounded bemused.

"If one creative idea came from dimensions bleeding through, others could have as well," Bryce said. "It might not be the barrier being weak so much as people linking with their counterparts in other dimensions."

Taneleer nodded. "Perhaps. Without studying it further, we may never know. But studying it could prove dangerous."

"There may not be a choice other than to study it, if we experience any more dimension fluctuations," Rocket said.

"I am Groot!" Groot declared his agreement.

"That... Is a concern..." Taneleer sighed.

En Dwi rolled his eyes and huffed. "You all act as if you don't want to study it. I know for a fact at least two of you in this group would jump at the chance. If we include other family members, at least ten would.'

"If there was a way to safely study it, I am sure even those in charge would want to do so," Bryce said. "It is difficult to know if any of the actions we take could cause the walls to grow even more thin...perhaps to shatter." He looked at the drawings. "The visions could be a warning that the walls are growing thin."

Taneleer nodded. "If that is the case... We need to prepare for the catastrophes that would occur. We were worried about an incursion having two Stephens in the same dimension. If more than two became a possibility...."

"I am Groot."

Rocket nodded and pointed towards one of the drawings. "That kind of looks like someone who's been brainwashed."

Taneleer wrinkled his nose and stared at the drawing. "How can you tell?" he asked curiously.

"They could just be taking drugs..." En Dwi inserted.

Rocket snorted softly. "I've seen enough people under mind control to recognise it for what it is."

"There is a certain look about them," Bryce agreed. "But it's difficult to say for sure. However, we are aware that people have been controlled here...brainwashed. It makes sense that there would be other dimensions this has occurred too." He frowned. "That it shows up here, instincts say this is a warning."

"Not to say you are wrong, because you are likely correct... But we should avoid attributing reasons or conclusions on other places based on what has happened here. Not without solid proof. If we do that too much, we run the risk of ignoring very small clues that could point to something entirely different..." Taneleer said softly.

"Dunno about you, but I've been feeling 'warned' ever since I learned Peggy Carter came here from a zombie dimension where all life was turned into unlife..." En Dwi grimaced.

"You weren't before that, given all the constant switching between dimensions?" Rocket asked.

"Before her, we never actually got to talk to any of the ones coming from other dimensions. Not long enough to be worried beyond a 'why is this happening?' type of worry, anyway..." En Dwi shrugged. 

"We can only hope that the sorcerers in her dimension succeeded in closing it off and that the zombies cannot escape to wreak havoc anywhere else," Bryce said.

"Hopefully. The fact I keep seeing all these 'familiar' strangers in my visions, you are probably right. Something is happening and the visions are a warning." Taneleer sighed. "I Just wish I could figure out what the warning was."

"I am Groot."

Rocket nodded. "If you're seeing visions, other members of the family might be experiencing strange things as well. Dreams, perhaps. We should ask them."

"That would be a good idea. They might be, and just thinking it is weird dreams...." Taneleer agreed

"We can bring it up at the family meal later," Bryce commented. "You could bring your drawings, if you think it might be a good idea." He smiled at Taneleer.

"I'll bring them... Though we may want to warn them that they are disturbing in some cases," Taneleer agreed.

"Considering some of the compromising positions in the last lot of drawings, they'll probably be expecting it," Rocket said.

En Dwi noted, "If they aren't, they have memory issues." He turned to head back inside.

Taneleer gathered his drawings and followed his brother.

"I am Groot?" Groot looked at the other two members of the family as they too began to head inside.

Bryce nodded. "Of course. We can go and get something to eat from the kitchen now."


Pyro wrinkled his nose and sighed as he attempted to finish the homework he'd been assigned. He'd dropped out of school as soon as he'd been legally allowed, but now, living with the rest of the family, he'd realized that education was important. Especially if he wanted to contribute to the family in a meaningful way. So he'd started taking classes from Jean and Scott, Charles, Remy and Logan; the other mutant teachers. As soon as he'd caught up enough, he planned to take his GED and then apply to the same university as his cousins.

Blake had noticed that his son had been absent for a little while. He knew Pyro was taking classes at Xavier's school and couldn't help but wonder if maybe his son was struggling some with the workload. He went to Pyro's room and knocked softly on the door.

"Come in," Pyro called out, putting his pen down and pushing back from his desk slightly so he could stretch, as well as see who was visiting him.

Blake opened the door and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him and smiling at his son. "You doing okay, kiddo?" he asked.

"Mostly..." Pyro smiled at his dad. "Trying to figure out this question for history..." He rubbed the back of his neck. He had been at this for several hours and his back hurt from hunching over his book. "I'm meant to write a short essay on the events leading to World War Two and how they might compare to events occurring today."

"Do you want some help?" Blake walked over to where his son was sat, pulling up the other chair in the room so that he could sit next to Pyro.

"If you could look over what I have so far... Let me know if it makes sense. Maybe if I obviously forgot something important...?" Pyro held his paper out to his father and smiled.

"Of course." Blake wrapped an arm around Pyro's shoulders, cuddling his son close, as he began to read.

Pyro leaned against his father with a sigh, his head drooping onto Blake's shoulder.

Blake brushed a kiss over Pyro's head, even as he read through the report. "It looks really good, son," he said, once he'd finished. "I think all you need to do is write a conclusion, draw all of your ideas together, and then you're done."

"Thanks, dad... It's not due for a few more days. Maybe I should take a break. Go sit in a hot tub... Is there a hot tub anywhere in the compound?" Pyro asked, stretching with a wince.

Blake smiled. "I'm fairly sure we have a couple of those. It's probably worth looking at installing more, maybe even outside, considering how many people are now living here."

"We could mention it to Tony.... Or maybe Uncle Phil or Uncle Nick, if we want it outside, since SHIELD trains here..." Pyro said with a grin, as he put his school items away, then slowly stood with another wince. "Been sitting too long." He laughed ruefully.

"We could probably just mention it to the whole family over dinner. That way, I'm sure others will jump on the idea and help us to persuade the others if they're reluctant." Blake waited for his son to stand and then wrapped an arm around his shoulders once more.

"True. Gang up on them. Especially if Kara, Bobbi and Jessica join the cause. We'd get the three big decision makers right there..." Pyro laughed. "Lemme grab my swim trunks and we can go look for a hot tub?"

"Go ahead." Blake pressed a kiss to the side of his son's head. "I'll wait for you outside." He stepped out of the room.

Pyro quickly retrieved his trunks and changed, then met his father in the hall.

Once more, Blake wrapped his arm around Pyro's shoulders, so he could guide his son towards where the hot tub was.


It had been a while since there had been a mission that other SHiELD agents couldn't take care of, long enough that it was a bit of a surprise when the request came in from one of the SHIELD directors in another country for help from 'Coulson's Team'. They'd then listed Grant, Skye, Jemma, May and Leo, as well as Coulson.

" feels so weird to be on the Bus again." Leo looked around the smaller, more cramped (at least, that's how it felt now) area that had been their base of operations before SHIELD had formed a family relationship with the Avengers and moved into the compound. "Hey, Jemma, do you think everything in the lab is how we left it? Shall we take a look?"

Coulson smiled fondly at Leo's comments and turned to address the team. "This is a quick in and out recon mission, as far as I'm aware. We shouldn't run into any trouble. I have the blueprints for the base here...Skye, this is where the mainframe for the computer is stored...." He began to show them the details on the map.

Jemma was already on her way to see what was in the lab and if anything had been moved. "It looks exactly as we left it. Was it locked up in a hanger somewhere, not being used?" she wondered out loud.

Grant was going through their weapons, making certain they'd have everything needed for their mission.

"I guess no one else needed to make use of the lab or the equipment after we all left it." Leo pulled out one of the night night guns that had been stored there and grinned at Jemma. "Feels so long ago that we made this."

"Everything feels so long ago..." Jemma grinned in agreement.

"Not sure why we're needed here, though," Leo commented. "Unless the other director thinks we'll come across samples to be tested? You think he might have a more personal relaitonship with Uncle Phil?" As he was talking, he moved around the lab...automatically checking the status of their equipment.

"It's hard to say. This is the first director since the SHIELD training restarted that asked for us..." Jemma frowned.

"Hopefully, that doesn't mean anything nefarious." Leo frowned as he picked up one of the beakers. "Looks like no one actually kept up with the maintenance here. If we get any samples, we'll need to do some basic cleaning and sterilising."

"We should probably work on that now... So everything is ready when we arrive," Jemma agreed, beginning to clean. She didn't comment on the possibility of nefarious deeds occurring. It went without saying that she hoped that wasn't the case.


In the meantime, Coulson had finished going over the blueprint with Skye and making sure she was comfortable with her part in the plan. He then went to find his son in the weapons locker. "Everything in good working condition, son?" he asked.

Grant was cleaning one of the guns. "As far as I can tell..." He smiled. "They give you any further details other than wanting our help?" he asked curiously.

Coulson shook his head. "Very few details apart from it being a recon mission. I get the feeling he doesn't want us to go in all guns blazing, Avengers. Do you want me to help you with cleaning the weapons?"

"You can if you want, but it isn't necessary," Grant said. "Cleaning them helps calm me and focus...."

Coulson nodded. "How do you feel about being back here?" he asked, reaching down to pet Copper, who was never far from his son's side. "It's been a long time."

"A bit nervous, to be honest. It has been a long time. And it feels weird not having everyone involved..." Grant wrinkled his nose, reaching down and patting Copper.

Coulson nodded in understanding. "It's certainly a lot quieter. But that might not be such a bad thing. It might do us some good to spend time together with fewer people around. Even if it is for a mission."

"Yeah. It's been a while since it was just us..." Grant smiled crookedly.

"After you're done with the guns, we can always spar for a bit in the rec area," Coulson suggested. "We might not be likely to fight, but there's no harm in being prepared."

"That'd be good. Always best to be ready, just in case," Grant agreed.

"We could see if the others want to as well," Coulson said. "Since everyone got deaged and we had more people join the family, Skye's been much more open to sparring." Even if she did prefer to get up later in the morning.

"Yeah. Let's ask..." Grant nodded, turning so he could follow his father out to find the others.

Coulson led the way towards where he'd left Skye, who was quickly sketching out her own plans based on the blueprints.


All of them had eventually been able to train. They'd also had the joys of showering in the cramped bus conditions, eating food cooked in the plane's kitchenette and sleeping for a few short hours as they flew to their destination. If it hadn't been for nostalgia and the fact the plane gave them a safe place to stay while on the mission, Jemma would have wondered why they didn't just have one of their sorcerer uncles open a portal. It would have been faster. Eventually, they had arrived and immediately began to work.

Skye had had training and was more capable than she had been since the first time she'd joined Coulson's team, but she still wasn't on the level of the fully trained agents. So she stayed at the back while her mother, Coulson and Grant took care of the enemy at the base...surprisingly quickly.

"Does this all seem a little too easy?" Skye whispered to Jemma and Leo.

"Yeah. It really does..." Jemma said worriedly, glancing behind them with sudden nerves. It was only because of that she saw the tiny movement in the wooded area surrounding the base. "Uh... Guys..." she whispered into the comms. "I saw movement in the woods...."

The comms crackled with Coulson's response almost immediately. "Can you see anything else? Don't put yourselves at risk," he added.

"It's hard to see who, or what, might be out there...but it feels like there are eyes on us." Leo sounded very obviously on edge.

Seconds after Leo said that, the grounds were swarming with enemy agents heading straight toward the three. "Coming to meet you! We've been surrounded and they're coming after us!" Jemma reported in a panic, grabbing both Fitz and Skye and dragging them into the building and barricading the door.


"We'd better retrace our steps," Coulson said to May and Grant. Putting word to actions, he began heading back the way they'd come, so they could regroup with the rest of the team. He tried to reach out to their other family members...but right after Jemma had spoken through the comms, the signal had been cut. He reported as such to the others.

Grant nodded tersely, immediately going into his 'deadly keep everyone safe' specialist mode. 

May noticed this and gave Coulson a look. "He still has his bracelet on..." she said softly to Coulson, nodding at the bracelet Grant always wore now that enabled his father to track him. "Wasn't it connected to Friday somehow? Could she warn the rest of the family?"

By this point, Jemma, Leo and Skye had reached them. "I barricaded the door, but I doubt it will keep them out long," Jemma fretted.

"It depends on whether they're aware of that connection or not...and if so, if they found a way of knocking out that connection too." Coulson was worried. If this was a trap they'd just walked into, all of their avenues of communication would be cut off.

But on the other hand, the family members who were on standby would have realised the comms had been knocked out and already be working on a way of getting to them.

"Are the labs clear?" Leo asked. "Jemma and I might be able to rig up something quickly for when they get in."

"We were heading that way when you contacted us. We should go there anyway. If we can clear it, it would make a more defensible position... If the maps were correct." Grant looked at his father for his decision.

Coulson nodded. "But it might not be so easy to get there. I think we'd already noticed that our progression was easier than any of us anticipated. That might no longer be the case, as they've made their move," he warned.

"I think we should still try. Before we end up sandwiched between their forces," May interjected.

"Stay close," Coulson said to Skye, Jemma and Leo.

"You got it," Skye responded.

Grant led the way. As much as his father wanted to protect him, he knew if they got hold of Coulson, it would be worse for all of them. His job was to protect the director. They got to the labs quickly, but they did have to fight once they got there. It was obvious there were experiments being done.


Eddie Brock had been held in stasis, which meant that Venom wasn't able to come out and protect him...or get either of them out of there. He was suspended in a metal contraption that was designed to measure his brain activity...his and Venom's. And it was working....

Until a misplaced shot took out the power in the lab. It was only a second before the backup generator kicked in, but it was enough. Eddie's body morphed into Venom's larger, impenetrable form and tore out of the restraints.


Leo jerked back as he heard the sound of screaming and tearing flesh and turned wide eyes to the others. "What was that?"

Grant quickly moved, putting himself between the others and where he heard the screams coming from, noting May was doing the same. "Stay behind us till we find out. Who knows what kind of experiments were being done here...?"

Coulson had his own weapon drawn, but he didn't push in front. Some of the sounds came from humans...but others weren't recognisable and the hairs rose on the back of his neck.

Venom rounded the corner into view, having just finished eating one of the scientists' heads...and ignoring the disgusted protests from Eddie. His host could be mad at him once they were out.

Pausing at the sight of the agents, Venom's mouth opened in a wide, toothy grin. "You don't smell like the bad guys here...."

Grant swallowed hard. He could see the blood in the alien's teeth... And a trail of blood behind him. He could only imagine what had occurred. "We aren't... Bad, I mean. We came here to stop the bad guys but we were set up. A whole lot of them are behind us, planning to capture us...." He wasn't sure giving the alien information was wise (and if it wasn't, both May and his father would set him straight when they got out of this mess), but it felt like it would be better to have the alien on their side.

The alien's mouth opened in an impossibly wide grin as he looked past the group, towards where the new bad guys would be coming from. Then, moving far faster than a creature of his size really should, he scaled the walls and landed on the other side of them. "Oh, Eddie says there are other prisoners!" he called back over his shoulder, before heading in the direction they'd come from.

Leo's eyes widened. "Is he...on our side?" he squeaked out.

"He's not attacking us. And we know those who are aren't on our side." Coulson made a quick decision to trust the alien creature wasn't about to turn on them. "We should save the prisoners he mentioned."

"Well... Looks like we've been given our marching orders," Jemma said, with chirpy amusement.

Grant couldn't help smiling at her as he rolled his eyes and continued moving toward where the alien had come from, so he could find those prisoners. He avoided looking at the headless bodies, not wanting to think on it too much.

Skye flinched as she passed the bodies, looking like she might be about to be sick. It wasn't the sight of the bodies that bothered her so much, but the stench. SHIELD did their best not to kill outright, even when it came to HYDRA.

Jemma was a little green around the mouth and she kept her eyes forward and away from the bodies as much as possible. She was less upset about the alien having killed HYDRA and more upset that the alien had eaten them.

May moved forward quickly when they found a cell with prisoners, working to get them out.

Skye had stuck with the rest of the group right up until they reached the cells where the prisoners were. As her mother began to open the cells and Coulson joined her, Skye glanced towards a room...a smaller lab...that looked like an offshoot to the main lab. She headed towards the door so that she could open it...not thinking about warning the others she was doing so.

Grant was busy guarding their backs, so didn't notice Skye heading to another room.

Jemma was at a computer screen, attempting to download information to a thumb drive. She didn't understand half of what she was seeing, but given time, she knew she could figure it out.

When Skye opened the door, the first thing she saw was another man strapped to a table. There was no one else in the room and she took a quick look around, making sure there were no obvious traps, before she hurried to the man's side and began to untie him. "My name's Skye May. I'm with SHIELD. We're here to get you out."

"Carlton Drake." As soon as one hand was free, he was helping to undo the rest of the straps holding him down. "I take it Venom and Eddie escaped?"

Skye paused, briefly, at the question...but didn't immediately answer it. She didn't know how many of the enemy would be left when Venom had finished with them; and she was worried that the more she thought about it, the more likely she'd be to actually be sick.

Meanwhile, Jemma had found a file that caused her to stare in shock, even as the information was transferring to the device Tony had given her. "This... This is not good..." she mumbled, with actual worry. If HYDRA did what the file seemed to dictate they were trying to do... It could be a worldwide disaster.

As soon as Carlton was freed, Skye quickly headed towards the door of the room and waved him through first.

As he stepped through the door, Skye glanced around, looking for any more information that could help action that proved to be a mistake.

A split second after Drake had stepped through the door, it slammed shut behind him, cutting off Skye's escape.

Grant heard the slamming door, spinning to look toward the sound. Holding up his gun defensively, he asked Drake, "Who are you?" He looked around quickly, noticing, "Where's Skye?!"

"I was strapped to a there. She got me out and then the door slammed shut." As he was talking, Drake was pushing on the door...trying to get it open.

Coulson's eyes widened and he quickly moved over to Jemma. "Are there any controls for the door?" he asked urgently.

"I... I'm looking .. Fitz... Help me look!" Jemma frantically tried to find door controls.

Leo had quickly moved to her side, scanning the files. "They're not here." He began to search the area around the door...looking for a keypad or similar.

Coulson joined in the search, even though he kept on his guard and his gun trained on the door.

"What was in that room? Is she in danger?" May asked fretfully.

"There was no one else in the room," Drake said. "That's where the danger was coming from. The people there." He tried pushing the door open for a few more moments, but quickly gave it up as a lost cause. "Someone must have been there, though. I never saw a door on the other side, but that doesn't mean there isn't a hidden passageway." He began running his hands along the walls, looking for another way to get to the room.

Everyone was becoming more and more frantic the longer the door remained closed.

Leo had noticed what Drake was doing and began checking the other side of the room. His eyes widened a fraction when he found a spot that sounded hollow in comparison to the rest of the wall. "I think the passage is here!" Not knowing what kind of threat there might be on the other side, he figured it was better that one of the specialists take the lead.

Grant had determined that whoever had been following them must have been stopped by the alien-they would have been there by now otherwise-so he moved over next to Leo. He began knocking on the wall to find the thinnest point. 

Coulson moved over quickly, having seen what his son and nephew were doing. He gestured for Leo to move back, holding his gun ready in case there was someone hiding immediately behind the wall.

Nodding at his father, Grant pointed to the area he found that seemed weakest. He then raised his foot up and kicked in that area, breaking through.

There wasn't anyone immediately on the other side of the wall, but Coulson could see a passage leading in the direction the room Skye was trapped in was in. He gestured towards it.

Nodding again, Grant held his weapon defensively before stepping into the tunnel and carefully but quickly making his way forward.

Coulson quickly followed his son into the passageway, which led them to a slightly larger area that looked in on a separate room. The room was clearly a lab area, with a bed that had loose straps dangling either side. There was no one in the room...but there was a large object that looked almost like a coccoon, with objects that looked markedly like crystals.

If there had been someone else in the small area, they were gone now...but Coulson didn't lower his gun. He nodded towards the room. "This is where she got trapped. So, she must be inside that cocoon," he said quietly.

Grant swallowed hard, keeping his guard up but quickly going to unlock the door so the others could get in.

May was through the door as soon as it opened. "Skye?!"

"Careful." Coulson gestured towards the crystals. "I don't know what those are, but we want to avoid anything else happening."

Gingerly, Leo picked his way over to the crystals. He'd brought containers and protective clothing with him, so that they could safely pack away the items without risking breaking them and freeing whatever might be inside.

"Is there any info on what was done?" Grant asked hesitantly.

"Jemma was downloading everything possible. Hopefully, there is information..." May was staring at the cocoon with deep worry.

As Leo quickly closed the lid, covering the crystals, the cocoon began to shake and crack. A split second later, Skye was breaking out of it.

"Thank goodness..." May breathed out in relief. "As soon as we get out of here, you're going to be checked out...."

Skye looked shaken...unsteady on her feet. "Is everyone else okay?"

"We're all fine. You were locked in here, though!" May was obviously worried, her normally calm demeanor shaken.

"You... You were in this... Stuff..." Grant had put on gloves and bagged some of the cocoon remnants. "Do you remember what happened?"

"I don't remember...after the door slammed shut...." Skye looked confused...glancing back at the remnants of the cocoon. "I was was dark...."

"Didn't Uncle Sam mention finding the remnants of what looked like a cocoon when he was on holiday with our cousins?" Leo brought a sample bag over to Grant, so that his cousin could put the remnants inside it.

Grant took the bag from Leo and handed his cousin the ones he'd already filled, continuing to gather all the evidence he could for the scientists to study.

Jemma had come in by this point. "He did...Yo-Yo and Karen found it near where they were staying. You think it might be related?"

"If it isn't, it seems like it would be an awfully big coincidence to have two cocoons that someone's burst out of...assuming that's what happened to the one they found," Leo responded.

"Yeah... If that is what happened with the one they found. Since there was no one there where they found the empty cocoon..." Jemma agreed.

"We'll take it back to the compound with us. Run tests," Coulson said. "We need to get our comms working again. And corral that alien, before it wreaks havoc on any innocent people outside this base."

"Should we assume it is safe to leave, since none of the reinforcements we were expecting to come after us... Came after us?" Grant asked hesitantly.

"I think we can try to leave," Coulson answered. "But we need to be prepared in case anything else goes wrong."

"Follow me, then..." Grant took point, moving quickly but carefully, prepared for if they met antagonists.

May wrapped an arm around her daughter, leaving it to Coulson to bring the rescued man with them.

Jemma bit her lip. "Will your friend be okay?" she asked Drake. No one knew where Eddie/Venom ended up.

"Venom will protect Eddie. And once the threat is over, he will likely relinquish control once more." Drake picked his way carefully through the carnage the alien had left behind.

Skye leaned heavily on her mother, still finding that she was unsteady...and a little dizzy, too.

By this point, Grant had moved into full operative mode. The carnage didn't affect him in the least, though he did his best to shield the younger members of his family from it.

May was too focused on Skye to pay much attention to the mess Venom had left behind.

Jemma was trying to act like it didn't bother her, but it was debatable how successful she was in hiding the fact it affected her.

Leo was definitely looking a bit green around the edges, but he tried to focus more on the samples they'd collected and the tests they'd run. "You think there might be other cocoons? Or remnants of cocoons out there?" he asked. "If we can find some, it'd be good to get samples to compare. Uncle Sam didn't mention anything about weird crystals, though..." he rambled.

"I don't think we were ever meant to find or get hold of these crystals," Jemma muttered. They had been very careful not to touch the crystals in question, not wanting to risk having a repeat (or worse) of what happened to Skye.

"Yeah, but why?" Leo's mind was working on the problem, rather than looking at the carnage that surrounded them. "Were they just supposed to disintegrate? Get destroyed when someone left the cocoon?"

Coulson kept close to his son, so that they could both protect the group while May focused on her daughter. Of course, it seemed like there was very little they needed to do. The alien had ripped through the enemy agents like they were nothing.

"If they were meant to disintegrate or be destroyed once someone left the cocoon, they'd have been more damaged, I think." Jemma frowned. "It is more likely that whatever they are meant to do either has nothing at all to do with the cocoons... Or HYDRA removed them once whoever was in the cocoon reemerged, leaving the cocoon behind as a mystery to panic people, or divert attention away from somewhere else, most likely. Again, that is assuming what Uncle Sam and our cousins found is the same thing as what trapped Skye. We won't know till we test and compare the remnants of the two cocoons."

"Maybe," Leo said. "We'll wait and see what, if anything, the tests tell us."

By this time, they were outside, and Coulson found their comms were active once more. "Steve? Nick? Tony? Do you read me?"

"We do." The comm crackled with Steve's response, his relief coming clearly through. "You went radio silent and Friday's given us reports of a big black alien who came tearing out of the base." They'd sent other members of the family to subdue Venom.

"The big black alien is a friendly," Grant quickly interjected. "We wouldn't have got out quite as easily without his help."

"Buck? You hear that?" Steve quickly sent the message to his other brother, one of those who'd gone after Venom.

"Don't hurt E.T.  Got it!" Bucky responded.

"When did Uncle Bucky watch E.T.?" Jemma blinked.

"With Tony as his nephew, I think the question is how did it take him so long to watch it?" Skye was still feeling a little bit weird, but now that she was outside, she was feeling a bit more like herself.

Coulson silently motioned for his son to accompany him to check on the status of the bus. If there was any chance it had been compromised, they'd contact the other family members for use of the Quinjet.

Grant nodded at his father, quickly moving to check on the bus and if it had been compromised.

While he hadn't been expecting something to go wrong on the mission, Coulson had left behind little signs that would tell him if someone had entered the bus. He helped his son to check it over before saying, quietly, "I don't think anyone else has been here."

Grant only relaxed minutely. "I'll feel better once we have everyone back at home..." he admitted, in a low voice. "You want me to wave them all on?"

Coulson nodded and reached out, gently squeezing Grant's arm. "I think we all will," he said, a hint of his own worry showing through.

Grant nodded, waving the others to come to the plane. He noted that another man had joined Drake; and he looked slightly queasy. "I think the alien returned..." he whispered, nodding toward the only person he hadn't been introduced to.

"He looks human now," Coulson commented, his voice just as low. "I'll be interested in learning more about this other form he takes. The alien talked about 'Eddie' as if he was another personality. Or another person."

"Jekyll and Hyde? Or something more like Bruce and Hulk?" Grant asked softly, smiling as May helped Skye up the stairs into the bus.

"It could be either of those...or none," Coulson responded. He nodded at May. "I've already asked Lincoln and Stephen to be on standby to check Skye over. I also want them to run tests on the rest of us. Just in case we inhaled any particles, or otherwise were affected by whatever happened to Skye."

"That was new," Drake said. "Whatever they did there. They hadn't tried it before." He frowned, a slight shadow crossing his face; guilt, perhaps?

"What did they try?" May asked brusquely. "If it was something new, then we aren't dealing with whatever Sam and his brood found. What they found was at least a year ago. Or did something else happen before we arrived?"

"They were mostly trying to get information about Venom and others like him. Running tests and doing interrogations," Eddie said.

"Venom is who you change into?" Coulson asked.

At that moment, Venom peered out over Eddie's shoulder, giving a wide, toothy grin. "I am Venom," he declared.

May blinked, glad she didn't jump at the sudden appearance like all the younger team members did, including the normally unflappable Grant. "So, you live in Eddie?" she asked hesitantly, looking for clarification.

"What kind of experiments?" Jemma finally asked hesitantly. "Is it related to that cocoon that trapped Skye?"

"Outside of my planet, we don't survive without a host," Venom stated.

"They're a symbiotic species," Drake supplied. "Something about this world, this atmosphere, means they can't survive in their natural form." He then answered Jemma's question. "They wanted to find out about Venom's abilities. About his people. They did draw blood samples, so perhaps they were looking for something related to whatever happened to your fellow agent."

Jemma nodded, looking at May. "So not related, but they were looking to see if there could be possible connections... Did you notice anyone else being experimented on? Anyone that got cocooned, then released?"

"No one else smells like she does," Venom declared, quite loudly, before swinging his head towards Grant. "Except for you. But not quite the same."

"Venom, we've talked about this," Eddie said, in a long-suffering voice. "Humans don't like it if you sniff them."

Grant wrinkled his nose, but it was more in concerned worry than offense. "How do we smell?" he asked hesitantly, remembering that the family scientists had done all kinds of tests to find out health baselines, among other things, and he and Skye were among a select few with a genetic marker no one else had. Why he'd think of that now, he wasn't sure, but him and Skye being singled out was disconcerting.

Venom cocked his head to one side, staring at Grant for a few moments before he answered finally. "Like burned metal. Not good to eat." Was it possible the alien was actually pouting?

Eddie looked a bit green again.

Grant cocked his head sideways and faintly grinned. "Guess that's good for me..." He snorted softly, amused.

Jemma blinked. "Do both of them smell like that? Or just Grant?"

By this point, the Bus was in the air, heading back home. May smiled crookedly, pulling Skye closer to herself. "You mind sharing your observations on smell and such with our scientists? It might give helpful clues to what we are dealing with."

Venom's grin was wide and toothy. "Do your scientists have food?"

"As long as you don't eat anyone at the compound, we will happily let you eat any kind of food you want," Coulson said.

Jemma smiled. "We have a lot of food. We have a lot of people with big appetites...."

"Then I will share my observations with your scientists!" Venom declared.

"We also have doctors at our home," Coulson said. "If any of you are injured, we can the very least, it would be a good idea to be examined."

"Venom heals any injuries I have," Eddie said. "But if you need to examine me...well, I know you're with the Avengers."

"They will likely want to give an examination so they know how your body should work... In case something ever happened, and Venom couldn't heal you." May was matter-of-fact in her statement.

Eddie nodded. "Sure. It makes sense. And at least we won't be holed up in a tiny, cramped cell."

"No. You'll most likely get adopted and move into one of the family suites," Jemma chirped happily.

Drake's eyes widened a fraction at those words. "So those aren't just rumors?"

"There are rumors?" Grant tried to act surprised, though the smirk on his face gave him away.

"There are always rumors," Eddie said. "The trick is to discern fact from fiction." He was clearly interested in seeing the compound for himself.

"That is very true," May agreed, with a smile. "We'll be back to the compound in around six or seven hours. If anyone wants to take a nap, or a shower, or anything."

"You have showers?" Eddie perked up. "Don't suppose you've got toothpaste laying around? I could do with getting this taste out of my mouth...."

"Yes!" Jemma quickly shifted. "And a change of clothes if you need... Please follow me..." She moved to take him back to the bunk area so he could clean up.

Eddie quickly followed her to the bunk area.

"I might take a nap," Drake admitted. "I haven't really slept much, at all...and I'll be better able to answer questions if I can rest a bit."

"I'll show you an empty bed." Grant led Drake back, following the same path as Jemma and Eddie.

"Do you need to sleep, sweetheart?" May asked her daughter.

"Maybe it'd help," Skye admitted quietly. "I still feel a bit dizzy. I wish I knew what that cocoon was. It's not like I've grown wings or something like that. Pretty sure you'd all comment if I suddenly changed."

"We'll figure it out. Make some inquiries. We've had contact with the other dimension too. Maybe they'll recognize the description of the cocoon and can give some ideas..." May attempted to soothe. "I'll help you back to your bunk." She carefully stood, wrapping an arm around Skye.

"Yeah...I guess. Hopefully, I'm not going to wake up with two heads or something." Skye leaned on her mother.

"I'll keep an eye on you..." May promised.

"Okay." Skye yawned. Once they were in her bunk, she quickly settled down for a nap.


Back at the compound, Bobbi was about to go ballistic. "How did we not know he was on HYDRA's side after all this time? If he's not, how did this set up get so perfectly planned? If it wasn't him, then it was someone very close to him!" she growled at the SHIELD agent delivering information.

Fury placed a calming hand on his niece's shoulder and squeezed gently. "They're on their way back. We'll figure out what went wrong and where the leak is," he promised. "But shooting the messenger doesn't do any good."

Bobbi took a slow, deep breath, closing her eyes and forcing herself to calm down. "Of course, Uncle Nick. Sorry...." She leaned toward her uncle, feeling helpless. She noted her cousin Bruce wasn't faring much better. He was looking faintly green.

"Why don't you give your dad a call?" Fury suggested. Glancing towards Bruce, he said, "It might make you feel better to talk to Jemma and Leo too."

Bruce nodded, taking a slow, deep breath himself. "Friday? Are you able to connect to the bus so we can talk to our family?" He reached over and pulled Peter close.

Peter had been hovering around his father, worried about his brother and sister, even after hearing they were all safe. He leaned into Bruce, not really able to relax.

"Of course, Doctor," Friday replied, before proceeding to do so.


On the bus, Friday suddenly came over the speaker. "Excuse me, but your family would like to speak with you...."

"Most of us are here," Coulson said. "Skye is resting with Melinda. We also rescued two prisoners who are resting as well."

A video call was quickly established and soon frantic family members were visible to everyone on the bus.  "Is everyone okay? Was anyone wounded?" Bruce asked.

"No one was wounded," Coulson answered. "However, Skye was exposed to something that put her in something that looked like a cocoon. While she doesn't seem to have suffered any ill effects, I've asked Lincoln to be on standby to run tests. We also have samples of the cocoon and what appear to be crystals, so that tests can be run."

"Okay... Why does that description sound familiar to me?" Bruce asked as he tried to recall. "We've heard of cocoons before, haven't we?"

"Uncle Sam found the remnants of one while he was on holiday," Leo supplied. "We don't know if it's the same type, but if they were able to get samples, we can at least compare."

"I'll get everything we had from his samples ready for comparison, then. Gives me something to do till you get back," Bruce muttered.

"Uh.. dad. It's two am where you are. We won't be back until at least six or seven. Have you slept at all?" Jemma asked, worried.

Bruce blinked at the question. "No... Couldn't sleep till I heard back from you that you were okay. I'll just do that first and have Friday wake me if I'm needed..." he said, a bit sheepishly and wearily.

"You want me to stay with you, Dad?" Peter asked quietly...but pitching his voice so that his brother and sister could easily hear him and know he was there for their father.

"Yeah. That'd be good, Petey..." Bruce smiled at his youngest son and pulled him in for a hug. "You two should try and get some sleep, too. Things are going to be very hectic when you've got back."

Jemma nodded. "We will, daddy.'

Bruce glanced at Hope and Danny. "You can stay with me too. And if your mom and sister wake up and want to talk, Friday can get you."

Danny nodded and wrapped his arms around Hope, who was looking like she was in a much worse emotional state. "Thanks. I think that'd be good for both of us," he said quietly.

Bruce nodded, pulling Hope in closer to hold her, recognizing she wasn't handling things as well as her brother or cousin. "C'mon, kids. Let's get some sleep so we can be wide awake and help when our family returns...." He led them out.

Jemma waited till the four were gone before looking back at Steve. "Is everyone else okay?"

Steve nodded. "We've all been worried about you all. I guarantee there's going to be some demand for family time once you're all back safely." He smiled, clearly having relaxed more now that he could see with his own eyes that his family members were safe.

Jemma smiled at that. "We're looking forward to it."

"Do you need anything from us?" Steve asked. "I've already asked Friday to tell everyone you're on the way back. And with two new people? Have you met them before?"

"I haven't. And... While it is two people, it is three individuals. You may want to prepare everyone for that..." Jemma smiled crookedly.

Steve's eyes widened a fraction. "Three individuals like your dad has the Hulk?"

"Sorta, but a little beyond that. When Hulk cones out, Dad disappears and vice versa. Venom and Eddie can be out at the same time and talk to each other. But Venom can't survive outside of Eddie..." Jemma said.

"That's not something I've ever come across," Steve said. "I wonder if any of the other family members have seen similar. I'll have to ask."

"Yeah. I think he might be alien if you want to ask our non-earth relatives...." Jemma nodded.

"I will," Steve replied. "I know Buck saw Venom. He can describe the appearance and see if it sounds familiar to anyone."

"He did? When?" Jemma perked up.

"When Friday gave us reports about a creature going on a rampage from the base," Steve answered. "A few family members went to subdue him...but Grant indicated he was on our side."

"Oh. Right. Why did we come on the bus instead of portalling?" She glanced at Coulson with an amused grin. She was happy to be on the bus again.

"We figured we could use it as a base...and would be less likely to draw attention, rather than portals," Coulson answered. "We could probably go through a portal back home, but someone would still need to take the bus back to base." He shrugged. "And I think there was the feeling of nostalgia about being back here too."

"I'm glad... " Jemma nodded. "It's been nice...."

"But I'm sure we're all more than ready to go back and join the rest of the family," Coulson added.

"To ease their minds, yes. But now that we are safe on the Bus, I'm not in a hurry. Other than not wanting them to worry." Jemma's smile was crooked.

Coulson nodded in understanding. "Still. Even though the Bus is safe, I don't think any of us consider it home anymore."

"No. That's true. I guess I'll go try and get some sleep. Things will be hectic once we're home." Jemma sighed.

"That's a good idea," Coulson agreed. "I think most of us are planning to get at least some rest."

"Goodnight, sir..." Jemma impulsively gave her uncle a hug, then headed to her bunk.

Voicing a response, Coulson then turned his attention back to navigating the bus, relieved that his family was safe...or at least as safe as it was possible to be, after what had just happened.


They had returned safely, without further incident. En Dwi and Taneleer had surprisingly (or not) been able to supply a little information on the newest alien to come to the compound. Sam had given what little information he had regarding the cocoon. Everyone had been examined to make sure they were healthy, particularly Skye.

The two newest people in the compound had been given rooms and they were now in the family room, talking to everyone. There were a lot of questions.

"So really... The only thing we've been able to figure out is that genetic marker you and some of the others have... Is more pronounced now. More noticeable. Are you certain you haven't noticed anything feeling odd or off?" Jemma asked Skye.

Skye shook her head. "I don't really feel all that different," she said hesitantly.

"We've made contact with one of the other dimensions," Leo said. "Is it worth reaching out to them? To find out if this is something they've seen before?" He left unsaid that it would also give his uncle and cousin the chance to see how their counterparts were getting on.

"Can't hurt..." Bruce said. "It might not be a bad idea to ask if they've received any odd dreams or visions too, given Taneleer's increased vision activity. If they have been... Well. It can't be a coincidence and I doubt it's for a good reason."

Steve glanced up at that and spoke in quite a hesitant tone. "Maybe it doesn't mean anything, but...I've been having some strange dreams recently," he said. "They mostly haven't really stayed in my head long enough to remember them, but it feels like there's something awful coming." He hesitated. "Last night, though, I saw a bit more detail. I don't know what dreams of other dimensions look like, but it felt more real than any other dream I've had before."

Logan frowned at that, worried. "Can you tell them to us, Son?" he asked. "It might jog memories of others who dream but didn't think it mattered."

Steve nodded. "It wasn't here, although it was a similar setting. SHIELD and Avengers together. From what I was able to piece together...they were in hiding. Underground. It seems like there was an enemy posing a threat to them. An enemy perhaps worse than anything ever faced before, since instead of outright fighting it...they were in hiding."

Coulson leaned forward slightly. "Could you tell who was there? What kind of relationship they had?"

"There were marks on many of their hands." Steve frowned, thinking back. "Two, sometimes three people with an identical mark...but all different to each other. A lot of them were people who are here...but there were others I didn't recognize."

Mordo frowned at the words. "The marks...that makes me think of something." He glanced towards Wong. "A spell."

Wong nodded slowly. "It's a spell I have studied, but there has never been a use for it."

Stephen wrinkled his nose at his brothers. "What kind of spell?" He only ever learned spells that he had an immediate use for.

"Who was there?" Tony asked his father. "Did you hear names in the dream? Maybe we should search for some people."

"It's a bonding spell," Wong explained. "Used as a last resort, to break mind control that is impossible to break in any other way. The bonding requires a dominant and a to control and the other to submit...and provides a protection against any other form of mind control."

"If they used that spell, things must have been dire indeed," Mordo said. "By all accounts, it is impossible to break."

Steve answered his son, telling him of those who he recognized...and then added, "I think there might have been different dimensions' versions of people there. For instance, there were three different Spider-Mans...and two different versions of Kate, though they looked identical, while each Peter Parker bore a resemblance to each other, but were not identical." He frowned. "As for the ones I didn't recognize...I caught a couple of the names. Druig and Jack."

"Druig was there?" Ikaris looked up immediately.

Tony glanced at Ikaris. "You know a Druig?"

Ikaris nodded. "My...." He hesitated. Yes, he'd considered Druig his son ever since they'd first come to this planet; that's what their relationship had been. But then they'd fought against each other and Ikaris had actively tried to kill him and... guilt flashed across his face, along with a sense of loss, as he murmured, "He was one of the Eternals taken by Arishem."

Tony couldn't help but notice there was more to the story than what Ikaris said, but he didn't push. Instead, he looked at his father. "I didn't think more than one version of a person could be in a dimension at a time. If they've got different dimensional versions in one place...."

"If they were bonded to someone from that dimension, it would be possible for them to stay in there without causing any ill effects," Wong said. "It would allow them to be recognized as part of the dimension."

"That's good to know..." Tony smiled.

Bucky glanced around. "So... Who's gonna contact our friends to find out all this info we don't know?'

"I know how to open the communication between our world and theirs," Hank said. "It just depends on who wants to be there with me while I do."

"I want to," Coulson said. While he didn't say the words, he suspected his family members would know that he wanted to assure himself of the continued safety of Grant Ward in the other dimension.

"So, Phil. You should probably talk to them too, Cap. And Tanleer. Since you two are the ones with visions." Stephen turned to head toward where they would contact the others.

Steve nodded and quickly stood up. "Bruce, did you want to come with us too?" He turned towards his other son who was there. "You'd probably be one of those best placed to ask the science questions."

"Yeah. Okay. Although this seems less in my realm of expertise..." Bruce smiled crookedly.  He moved to follow Stephen.

"I'm not sure any of us have any expertise in this," Coulson said quietly, as the group of them followed Stephen.

Stephen glanced around at those who had accompanied him before beginning to open the 'portal' that would allow them to communicate.

The portal opened immediately and without difficulty. Unlike the last time it had been opened, there was no scene of devastation.

Wong was on the other side of the portal, along with their dimension's version of Stephen. Mordo wasn't immediately present, as he'd been called away to help a student with a particularly difficult spell. 

"Is this a social call?" the alternate Wong asked curiously.

"More like we need to pick your brains. Or have you contact SHIELD in your dimension and find out something for us..." Stephen smiled, nodding at their dimensional counterparts. "A member of our family ran into something a bit worrisome, and we need to know if your dimension has anything similar. Also, Steve and Taneleer have been having visions very frequently...."

"Of other dimensions?" Wong asked.

"We believe so." Steve nodded. "My dreams were a bit clearer last night. I dreamed of a dimension whose people seem to have been forced into hiding. While I don't know the exact nature of the threat, it seems like it involves mind control. I noticed some clues that our own versions of Wong and Mordo believe point to a bonding spell being used."

The other Stephen blinked at that, glancing at Wong. "I haven't studied much on bonding spells. Perhaps I should retrieve Mordo?"

"That would probably be a good idea," Wong agreed.

Nodding, Stephen went in search of his mate.

Meanwhile the Stephen who had made the connection moved back so Coulson, Steve and any others who needed to ask questions or share information could move closer.

"Is it possible to contact any of your scientists there who might know about unusual cocoons forming around people... And what it could mean?" Bruce asked.

"We can contact your counterpart here." Wong nodded to Coulson. "I gather he has left SHIELD, but still has communication with them and ways to get information."

"We would appreciate it," Bruce said. "We are dealing with something new and need to know how dangerous it is. Things were said the last time members from your dimension came over that makes me think they might have valuable information."

"I will contact him straight away," Wong promised.

"Anyone else have anything they need to find out while we wait?" Bruce asked.

"I don't believe so." Steve looked towards the others for confirmation.

It wasn't that long but felt like forever when Bruce noticed movement on the other side of the portal again. Stephen was returning with Mordo, and Wong had retrieved Coulson’s counterpart.

Coulson's counterpart had arrived with his own son, his version of Grant Ward. He stood next to the younger man as he looked at each of them in turn before finally asking, "How can we help you?"

Bruce quickly explained about their latest mission and the cocoons, as well as the genetic marker that had been affected by Skye being cocooned. "Do you have anything similar over there? Do you have any information you can share? If HYDRA is planning something...."

"We do," the other Coulson answered. "Here in our dimension, our version of Skye underwent something very similar. Unfortunately, it also caused the loss of one of our team members. The cocoon awakened latent abilities inside our version of Skye...and I suspect it's very probable the same thing has happened to yours."

"When did these abilities start to appear? Our Skye says she doesn't feel any different and she hasn't indicated she has abilities. Is there something we should look for?" Bruce asked. "Also... She was not the only family member with this genetic marker. Do we need to worry about the others? What caused the cocoon to form?"

"Did you find any crystals?" the alternate Coulson asked.

"We did," Phil replied. "We gathered them...didn't touch them and made sure to use protective clothing while placing them into a container."

"Be very careful not to break them," Coulson said. "For those who don't have any latent abilities, the crystals are lethal." He paused. "As for the timeframe? Skye's abilities took longer to show themselves. The other who was in the same situation, Raina, showed them straight away."

"If you don't mind telling us, what were the abilities? And did it affect anything other than abilities?" Bruce asked.

"Not in Skye," Coulson answered. "Raina's physical appearance was changed. She became covered with quills and thorns...grew talons that could tear through hazmat suits easily. But aside from that, she became a clairvoyant, with the ability to see visions of the future. As for Skye? She developed the ability to manipulate vibrations. In anything, even the air around her."

Bruce's eyes widened. "We will definitely need to be careful. If it alters physical make-up, it could change someone to where they won't survive in our atmosphere."

Coulson nodded. "I wouldn't advise doing experiments with the crystals, but if it sets your mind at ease at all, our Skye never suffered any ill effects from it. I can't see it being different there, with all of the similarities there are between our dimensions."

Bruce nodded. "Thank you. She wasn't the only one with the marker. Raina had it as well and... I doubt she'd want her appearance to change so drastically, even if she gained clairvoyance. And then there were others too. If we can avoid tempting fate, I'll be happier."

"I agree." Steve nodded to his son. "I don't know if we want to risk running tests on those crystals, if they're potentially deadly to anyone without that marker. We might be better off destroying them in a controlled environment."

"And hope HYDRA doesn't have more of them..." Bruce muttered.

"We'll figure out a way to protect against them," Phil said. "And also discover who was responsible for the betrayal."

"Was that all you needed to know?" alter-Stephen asked. "About the crystals and about bonds?"

"I'm concerned that whatever threat the dimension I saw in my dream is could be something that will threaten other dimensions too," Steve said. "I didn't just see people who were bonded. I could tell there were people from different dimensions there too."

Alter-Stephen glanced at his Wong and Mordo. "If it were just another zombie outbreak, they wouldn't have needed to bond. And there wouldn't be bleeding of dimensions. Is it possible to make contact and find out what is happening? I know of dream walking, but that is dark. Is there a light version of dream walking we could try?"

"If any of our counterparts exist in that dimension, it may be possible to communicate with them...or at least send them a request for contact through a dream, along with the coordinates to open a line of communication here," alter-Mordo said.

Wong nodded. "We could perhaps attempt to send a message through meditation, if we knew which dimension to look."

"I know each of you was there." Steve nodded towards the sorcerers. "If it helps at all, it seemed like they'd formed a family unit not dissimilar to our own...with the added bonding, of course."

Taneleer snorted faintly at the description of them forming a 'similar' family group. "I suppose that is a way to put it," he muttered, thinking of all the visions he'd had that he was reluctant to show the family, due to how different the relationships were.

"I'm fairly sure that's outside of the bonding," Steve commented. He hadn't seen any of the more adult stuff going on...but he suspected that most of the couples he'd seen were sexually involved.

"Is there anything else you need from us?" alternate-Mordo asked.

"Just, if you could let us know if you manage to make contact with any of your counterparts?" Coulson requested. "If there is something that's possibly crossing over dimensions, or causing them to bleed into each other, I think it's important that we be aware."

Alter-Stephen nodded. "Of course. We will make certain you have any pertinent information."

"Thank you." Coulson looked towards his own counterpart. "And if you get any more information about what was done to Skye, or others, please do share that with us."

Alternate-Coulson nodded. "Of course."

Waiting long enough that anyone with further questions could ask them, the connection was finally severed. Bruce looked at all the family who had come. "Well, I have more questions now. But at least we have confirmation that the crystals are bad news and need to be avoided."

Steve nodded, a concerned look coming over his face. "Which makes me wonder...if this cocoon is similar to the one Sam, Matt, Karen, Yo-Yo and Luke found...were there crystals there to begin with? And if so, who has them now?"

Bruce's eyes widened at the question. "If it is the same type of situation... Not only are there other crystals out there, but possibly other people with powers they don't know how to handle..." He swallowed hard. "Friday... Can you do a search over the last year... No... Make that two years... Looking for any unusual occurrences where 'powered individuals' or 'mutants' were mentioned? Occurrences that the family or Charles' students were not a part of?"

"Of course, Doctor Banner," Friday replied.

Looking a bit ill at ease, Coulson said, "Considering the trap we were led into, it's possible there might be information hidden within SHIELD by HYDRA that hasn't come to light yet. I'll ask Tony about hacking deeper into the systems." He would have asked Skye, but given what they'd just learned, it was probably better to let her recover...and then figure out what to do if she ended up with the same powers as her counterpart.

Stephen had a pensive look on his face. "While you do that, I think it might be worth a trip to Kamar-Taj to see if the library there has information about these crystals. They obviously fall outside of any science currently known."

Steve nodded. "You probably shouldn't go alone, considering what's just happened."

Stephen snorted. "Considering the last several months, I seriously doubt I'd be allowed to go alone..."

Steve nodded, unable to argue with the comment. "I'm sure your brothers will go with you expect you'll need anyone else?"

"To be honest, I doubt anyone else would be able to understand the library enough to help. But Wong really should decide that, as he was in charge of the library." Stephen smiled.

"I was thinking more in terms of in case there's any fighting or protection needed," Steve said. "But we can discuss that with all three of you."

"Yeah. I don't think HYDRA would have access to Kamar-Taj... unless they found a sorcerer willing to betray all the other sorcerers. So, it should be safe. But I'll let my brothers have the final word on that as well." Stephen shrugged.

"I don't think we can rule any possibility out right now," Coulson said quietly. "But in any case, we can have a talk about it."

"Yes. I hate that you are right about that..." Stephen sighed. "At any rate, I will wait until tomorrow before doing anything. We should have time to discuss things before then."

Steve nodded. "I think there is no reason not to join the rest of the family now...unless there's anything else we should deal with before then?"

"I have nothing," Bruce responded.

Everyone else’s response was the same and they soon left to join the others.


Later, the family was retiring for the night. Since Stephen was still grounded, Mordo waited for their brother while Wong went to get ready for bed.

Stephen had, despite not being tired yet, gone to his room and changed into his pajamas at the time it had been decreed he was to be in the bedroom. After changing, he slipped through the door adjoining his and Mordo's rooms.

Mordo was sitting on his bed, waiting for Stephen. When his brother slipped into his room, he patted the spot next to him in invitation.

Swallowing and sighing softly, Stephen walked to Mordo and sat carefully next to him. Somehow, he kept from squirming. His bottom was tender, given he was still receiving nightly and morning ‘reminders’ because of his impetuous portal hopping. To be fair, his brothers weren't overly harsh. They only smacked enough to reignite the sting; except maybe every third day, they would give a full-fledged spanking so that there was sting to reignite. Tonight, was a third night. He glanced toward the door as Wong came in. "I know I say this every evening, but it isn't any less true... I'm sorry. I should have thought and spoken with you before just jumping through the portal."

"We both know that," Mordo said gently. "I understand these spankings are difficult, but they're not a punishment so much as a reminder."

"A reminder of how to handle the next similar situation when it arises." Wong walked over and sat down with his brothers. "Given that there seems to be further evidence of dimension bleeds, even if they are not as extreme, it's important that you remember the right thing to do if there comes a next time."

"Yessir... I need to learn. Need to remember," Stephen agreed quietly.

"Is there anything else we need to talk about before we get this out of the way?" Mordo asked.

"I don't think so, sir. You were there for the discussion with our counterparts. I assume if you disagreed with any of the options, you would tell me." Stephen smiled crookedly.

"Then there is no reason to put this off any longer." Wong gently squeezed Stephen's shoulder and then he shifted enough so that he and Mordo could guide their brother across both of their laps.

Stephen swallowed hard and shivered slightly. By this point, his backside was perpetually sensitive; but he cooperated, letting himself be draped over their laps. His pajamas were loose, and he'd forgone underwear, knowing he wouldn't want to be wearing any when they had done admonishing him.

His brothers both rubbed his back for a few moments before Wong bared Stephen. Then, both brothers began to smack his backside. There wasn't a lot of force behind the smacks, since both knew their brother was already very sensitive. But the smacks were definitely felt.

Stephen took a shaky breath, whimpering softly. To his chagrin, it only took a few smacks for tears to form in his eyes. He didn't squirm or do anything to get away, though. The sooner he accepted the reminder, the sooner it would end, and he could curl up in the arms of whichever brother decided it was their turn for him to spend the night with.

There was no need to lecture or scold. This was more of a reminder than a punishment; and Stephen understood what he did wrong. Mordo and Wong's goal was to get their brother to think things through next time, instead of stepping through a portal that could have potentially disastrous consequences. They continued to smack in tandem, ending the first circuit and beginning a second.

Stephen's breath caught and he slumped. It burned. But it was only what he deserved. He'd taken chances with portals so many times.

Once they'd completed the second circuit of swats, they began a third, going a fraction harder and faster. Even despite not using as much force as a full punishment spanking, it didn't take long for the effects to show.

Stephen huffed softly, his tears becoming vocal despite his efforts to accept what was happening without too much fuss. "...Hurts..." he said, in a small voice.

"We know." Mordo used his free hand to gently rub Stephen's back, his voice pitched low...gentle.

Wong did the same. "Losing you would be infinitely more painful."

"...I know." Stephen's voice became smaller, if possible. "I'm sorry...."

"And you are forgiven," Wong said. "We just need to make sure you think next time."

They finished up with a final few smacks to his sit spots and thighs, then moved him enough to cuddle him close, settled comfortably against both of them.

Stephen continued to cry vocally, if quietly, and snuggled as close to both his brothers as possible. "I need to... I know... I don't like worrying you both."

Both Wong and Mordo hugged their brother tightly.

"We believe that you can do better," Wong said seriously.

Mordo nodded. "Sometimes you just need a little encouragement to get there."

Finally calming, snuggling softly, Stephen smiled ruefully. "I've always been stubborn."

"That is an understatement, if I have ever heard one." Wong snorted softly.

"Fortunately, we are both more stubborn than you." Mordo smiled.

This time, Stephen snorted, a tiny laugh escaping. "You need to be..." he admitted, with a fond smile. Sniffling one last time, he looked between the two of them. *Who am I staying with tonight?" he asked softly. "May I go wash my face and then...?" He swallowed, carefully standing, and fixing the flap on his pajamas.

"We thought the three of us could sleep in here together," Mordo replied.

"Yes, you may wash your face before returning here." Wong nodded.

Nodding quickly, Stephen went to wash his face. He was soon back with his brothers, though, crawling into the middle of the bed so he would be between them. He lay on his stomach with a rueful smile. "I'm ready..." he whispered.

It didn't take long for Mordo and Wong to settle comfortably, one on either side of him, and begin to rub down his back gently and comfortingly.

Stephen settled, comforted by the gentle rubbing. "Love you..." he said softly, just before falling asleep.

His brothers echoed the words of love, despite the fact Stephen was asleep and wouldn't consciously hear them, and cuddled him close, falling asleep themselves.

The End