Discipline In The Workplace

Gil and Bright.jpg

Summary: Follows Emotional Pain, Emotional Healing. Gil comes along to Malcolm’s next therapy appointment
Warning(s): Spoilers for the first season of Prodigal Son; spanking (mainly referenced) in front of witnesses; AU; references to violence; mention of writing lines


“You know, Dr. Coppenrath didn’t say you had to come with me to my next appointment, Gil. It was just a suggestion.” Malcolm, who’d been rather subdued after the events of the last twenty-four hours, finally spoke up after he’d spent the entire car ride sulking.

Not that Bright would use the word sulking, of course. But really, there was no other word for it.

As they stood waiting for the cell door to be unlocked, Gil glanced at his surrogate son, noticing that Bright was still refusing to make eye contact. The younger man fidgeted in place, one hand reaching behind his back before he snatched it away and muttered, “I don’t see why I have to drag you along to one of my therapy sessions. I never had to before.”

“You didn’t have a convicted criminal as your therapist before.” When the door was unlocked, Gil walked into the cell first, glancing around it before focusing on the single occupant.

Dr. Simon Coppenrath stood next to the cushioned chair that was next to his bed, arms folded over his chest. He caught Gil’s eye and nodded to him, then cast a glance towards Bright as the younger man sidled into the room.

Bright stepped over to the chair and sat down gingerly, settling in place with a wince and a glare at Gil. He then held his journal out to the therapist. “I wrote everything down there.”

Dr. Coppenrath took the journal, looking at Bright with eyes that were a little too sharp and knowing for Gil’s liking. “You were spanked recently?”

“Try today.” Gil eyed Bright, noticing the way the younger man squirmed and refused to meet his eyes. “This morning, actually. After what happened yesterday.”

“I didn’t mean to….” Bright began.

Gil held up a hand to forestall the protest. “I’m sick of hearing these excuses, Bright. You did mean to. Don’t even think about trying to claim you didn’t. This is a pattern of behaviour that I’m not going to allow to continue.” He figured it was probably a good thing that Bright was actually talking about it, rather than fuming in silence.

“You didn’t have to do it in front of Dani and JT!” Bright hissed, the beginnings of a blush forming on his cheeks.

Dr. Coppenrath looked up from where he was thumbing through the journal, eyeing Bright for a few seconds before he said, “From what you’ve written here, you know why he did that. After all, it was Dani who you left behind when you chased after the suspect. JT who you ignored and hung up on when he called you.”

Bright squirmed visibly in place and muttered, hanging his head, “Gil already scolded me for that. For all of it.”

“And all you did was brush me off and claim you weren’t sorry for what you did and that you’d do it again if you saw a need.” Gil couldn’t stop the note of irritation that crept into his voice. They’d already had that argument back at the precinct and Bright had ignored him then. He glanced at Dr. Coppenrath, but the therapist didn’t say anything, so Gil carried on speaking. “This dangerous, reckless behaviour needs to stop, Bright. You can’t take off after a suspect every time the urge takes you. We have procedures and rules in place for a reason.”

“And none of those rules or procedures include spanking your specialist in front of the other detectives,” Bright muttered, his face flushing.

“And I’ll do that again if I need to.” Realising they were getting side-tracked, Gil looked at Dr. Coppenrath. “I can see what Bright thinks he gets out of this. Are you expecting him to get you out of prison?”

“I don’t have any expectations from my patients when it comes to me personally,” Dr. Coppenrath answered. “What I expect is to see improvement in their own attitude and behaviour. And if that doesn’t happen, then we look at changing the type of therapy.”

“You’re spanking him when he screws up,” Gil stated flatly.

“Spanking therapy is an unconventional form of therapy,” Dr. Coppenrath allowed. “But it’s not about punishment. It’s about a safe space to release negative emotions. But we’re also using other methods.”

“And I’ve been sleeping a whole lot better since this whole thing started,” Bright added.

“But not changing your dangerous behaviour,” Gil said.

Bright squirmed a bit and muttered, “That’s where you come in. Dad.” He added the final word under his breath, but it was still clear enough to carry to Gil’s ears; and probably to Dr. Coppenrath’s, too.

“Are you really so resentful of the fact that Gil spanked you in front of the others?” Dr. Coppenrath asked, as if trying to get them back on track.

Bright squirmed even more in place and darted a look at Gil, a pout forming on his face as he muttered, “You were really mean.” Then, he sighed. “But maybe I deserved it.” He looked down, a darker blush forming on his cheeks.

“You gonna stop giving me attitude about it, then?” Gil raised his eyebrows.

“I don’t want you to spank me in front of anyone else ever again,” Bright stated empathically.

“Then don’t give me a reason to,” Gil responded, unmoving. “Then it won’t need to happen again.”

Bright looked away, glaring at the wall for a few moments. Then, his shoulders slumped and he sighed wearily. “Fine. I’ll try to do better next time.”

“Don’t try,” Gil replied. “Do. Or next time, I’ll have you writing lines. Wait for backup. Maybe 500 times will make it stick in your mind. So that it becomes instinctual.”

Gil!” Bright protested.

Shaking his head, Gil looked at Dr. Coppenrath. “I came with Bright this time because I’m concerned about him seeing a psychiatrist who’s been locked up. I can’t see how it’s safe for him to be here, given your history together.”

“He was responsible for me being arrested,” Dr. Coppenrath allowed. “But I was responsible for the actions that got me arrested in the first place. And that has nothing to do with these therapy sessions.”

“Then why did you suggest I come along?” Gil asked.

“You are Malcolm’s father figure, for all intents and purposes,” Dr. Coppenrath answered. “And I believe it’s a better idea to have you here for his support. Even if you don’t accompany him to every session he attends, it will probably set your mind at rest for his future sessions.”

Gil had to admit Dr. Coppenrath had a point. He’d been worried about Bright deciding on a therapist who had been arrested and was currently in jail. But now that he was here, it wasn’t as worrying as he’d considered originally. And that it had been Dr. Coppenrath’s suggestion for Gil to accompany Bright also helped set his mind at ease. “I’ll allow that you’re doing right by Bright, at least for right now. But if that ever changes….” His voice trailed off, but the threat was implicit.

Dr. Coppenrath appeared unmoved, meeting Gil’s gaze and simply asking, “Does that mean you’ll support Malcolm seeing me for therapy?”

“For as long as you’re helping him, I’ll allow it,” Gil stated. “But I expect to hear of any problems or issues that arise.” He looked seriously at his boy.

Bright nodded quickly, a flush forming on his face. He swallowed, glancing between Gil and Dr. Coppenrath before asking, “Do you have to be here for the next part?”

The actual spanking therapy part. Gil let his gaze linger on Bright for a few moments before saying, “I’ll wait outside.” He knocked on the door and, once it was opened, he slipped out.

Within seconds, the faint sounds of bare skin against bare skin reached his ears.

The End