A New Home
Deja Vu

Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe to date; AU


When she woke, Kara was confused and disoriented. Something felt wrong, but she didn't know exactly what it was giving her that feeling. What she did know was that she was scared and wanted her daddy. Planning to go in to him, she moved to get out of bed; only to discover the floor was a lot further away than she remembered. She landed on her bottom with a thump, banging her elbow against the end table with a painful thud. It was too much to process.

"Daaaaaaaddyyyyy!" The heart-rending wail of a very young child carried through the entire family floor, the screech enough to wake even the heaviest sleeper.

While it was nearly impossible to tell whose child was calling out, pretty much all of the fathers (and mothers) were awakened by the scream and there was a crowd of concerned adults...and some much younger than they should have been...heading towards the source of the scream.

"What's wrong?" Bobbi gasped out, still half-asleep, even as she was moving toward her cousin's room, following her father.

Grant was rubbing his eyes. "I don't know, but it sounded horrible..." He stumbled slightly in surprise as his voice cracked and shot up an octave in the middle of a sentence. He hadn't had problems with his voice doing that since he'd finally finished growing toward the end of his teen years. He kept moving, though. That cry had scared ten years off him, he'd swear! It was no wonder his voice was acting up.

Trip was the second to Kara's room and Brock the third, directly behind their father. "What's wrong with her, dad?"

Fury wasn't given time to answer, though, as another tear-filled and terrified, "Daaaaaddy!" was sobbed out, carrying just as far as the first one and waking anyone who hadn't already woken fully the rest of the way.

"Ginny! I know you didn't go out and get plastic surgery at two o'clock in the morning, so how on earth...!" could be heard down the hall as Pepper went to help her elderly parents since they'd come to see what the commotion was about.

By this point, Fury had reached his daughter's room...but even he was stopped short by the sight of what could only be his daughter, aged about two, sitting on the floor bawling.

No matter the age, Fury couldn't do anything other than respond to the terror. He was quick to head to his daughter's side, crouching to wrap his arms around her even as he turned. "I think we need to...." He paused, his voice breaking off as he finally took in the appearance of his other family members. "We need Bruce...." he finally said, trying not to show any hint of shock.

Kara, at any age, trusted her father completely. As soon as he crouched down to wrap his arms around her, she was throwing herself at him and gripping onto him as tightly as her tiny two-year-old hands would allow. Burying her head under his chin, she continued to wail out her fear, liberally sharing with him her tears and snot.

Trip had stopped just inside the doorway, Brock next to him, and the rest of the family crowding in behind. He wasn't as adept at hiding his own shock. "Kara?" he breathed out nervously.

"What happened to her?" Grant had ducked under a few arms and come to stand beside his cousin. He winced as his voice cracked again; and then he noticed that he was shorter than Trip. "What the hell?" He stumbled backwards into his own father.

Coulson automatically reached out to grab his now much younger appearing son and steady Grant. His eyes swept over the family members, taking in the younger appearances of all of them... including Fury. It wouldn't be a stretch to imagine he himself had deaged, though he wasn't going to waste any time checking his reflection. His voice came out much calmer than he really felt. "Veronica. Please inform Bruce what has happened, if he's not already aware, and ask everyone else to join us for an emergency meeting in the family room."

"He's already aware..." came a harried voice from the back of the group. "Please have Uncle Nick bring Kara to the first-aid room... it's a bit calmer than the family room will be and I need to check her, Peter and Harry out to make certain there aren't any complications...since they appear to have de-aged beyond teenage status. The rest of you will be checked out as well, but it can wait till the smallest ones are dealt with. I'll have Veronica keep me informed on what is going on in the family room, if the rest of you want to convene there and start brainstorming...." Bruce finished his own orders, knowing that as the resident 'doctor', he would be listened to. Pausing, he called back while on his way to the room in question. "Oh...and if someone could please call Helen Cho and possibly ask Bryce to return?" He directed the last toward Odin.

Coulson was quick to relay that information to Fury, who wasted no time in standing with Kara in his arms and heading through the group crowding around in the direction Bruce had indicated.

Coulson still had his hand on Grant's arm and was looking around for the rest of his children and grandchildren, so he could provide them with reassurance and get them to the family room without any mishaps. He reached out with his other hand and gently squeezed Bobbi's shoulder.

Bobbi automatically moved closer to her father. She hadn't changed height at all, but she was much more slender and girlish in physique. She looked down her body and sighed. "Damn it. I was finally happy with my curves and now they're gone!"

Raina huddled as close as she could, given that her brother and sister were currently crowding their father. She nodded at Bobbi's words, however.

Clint wrapped his arms around his own children and gave his father a quirky grin. "You and I seem to be the same age now, dad..." He chuckled. Aren't you glad I stopped de-aging in the early twenty range instead of making you relive my teen years?" he teased.

Pietro had a thoughtful, slightly mischievous look on his face as he glanced at his father and grandfather. "I wonder if we still have our abilities...." he mused out loud, nudging his sister.

Coulson smiled at Clint. "Even if you had gone that far down, it wouldn't change anything. And this time is easier...." he added, looking around at the others. "Compared to the previous time, at least no one seems to have lost their memories...." he continued.

Natasha had made her way over with Lincoln, arm wrapped around his shoulders.

Odin moved over with his children. "Bryce was arriving today anyway. I will go and fetch him earlier," he said. "Perhaps we could hold off on the meeting until everyone who needs to be here is?"

"And when it is actually time to wake up and not 2 a.m," May interjected.

"That sounds like a good plan," Logan interjected, even as he picked Laura up and held her close, worried that the sight of the young woman who had befriended her suddenly being so young and frightened would affect her badly.

Bruce had gathered his bag by this point and, motioning to Harry and Peter- who were huddled together behind Tony- he started to walk toward the first-aid room where he'd sent Fury with Kara. "I'll check the kids out and then, depending on what I find, I'll send Harry back to you..." he said to Tony, giving Pepper a tiny smile. "Until then, I'd suggest everyone try and get a bit more sleep, even if you all gather in the family room to do it...."

It didn't take long for everyone to get settled back into their rooms, though Odin left Loki, Lorelei and Darcy in the care of Thor and Mack while he made the trip to Asgard to retrieve Bryce.

Mack glanced at Thor and raised his eyebrow slightly, then looked at his other siblings. "So...why d'ya think it affected us all differently?" he asked curiously. "Some of us only look like we're in our early twenties...but a lot of us look like young to mid-teens. What was the deciding factor?" He slanted his head. "It can’t be hormones- since just as many of the boys are affected as the girls...."

Thor frowned. "I do not know," he replied. "Kara, Harry and Peter have all become much younger and perhaps that is something caused by one thing in particular."

"Well...all three of them were on medicine for a cold or flu...but I'm sure Bruce will take that into consideration..." Darcy sighed. "I think we might should try and sleep before dad returns, though. In case we're needed to answer questions and need to be rested to think clearly...."

"Of course..." Mack smiled apologetically, motioning his siblings toward the bed.

"I am certain nothing else will happen tonight," Thor stated. He waited for his siblings to settle in the bed before he joined them, wanting to be certain they were all comfortable.

Once Thor was situated, it didn't take long to fall asleep, despite the earlier adrenaline rush. Soon, they were all sleeping so soundly, they didn't even hear Odin return and crawl in next to them.


Kara clung to her father as tightly as her newly child sized hands could grasp. She wasn't certain why- she knew Bruce and wasn't afraid of him- but the knowledge she was going to get an examination filled her with anxiety and she couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was this form she now wore. Even though she could think clearly and believed she knew what was happening, she found herself behaving as an actual two- year old would. She couldn't even speak except for basic or simple words. Her mouth just wouldn't cooperate. It was as if her mind was too adult for a child's mouth to keep up with. And having a child's mouth didn't seem to be the only issue.

Widening her eyes, she began to squirm frantically as a basic human need made itself known and immediately became urgent. Of course, her father wouldn't just put her down in her current condition and had just tightened his grip so she wouldn't fall. She tried to tell him what the problem was, but only whines escaped until, "...Potty!" she blurted out, desperate to be put down so she could find the restroom. Of course, no sooner had she finally got the word out, then it was too late; childish muscles, that had not yet been trained to control, lost control.

She began to sob again as not only did she soak herself completely-since she hadn't been dressed for potential accidents-she also soaked her father. She was mortified and hid her face under his chin again.

"I'm going to need you boys to undress and put on these gowns," Bruce was saying. "...If you could get Kara undressed, Nick; I don't have a gown small enough for her, but you can use this sheet to wrap her in till the exam."

Fury stroked his daughter's hair reassuringly. "I'll need to clean her up before the examination," he said to Bruce. "It seems like it isn't just a physical change...." He adjusted his grip slightly so he could find what he needed while still ensuring his daughter didn't fall.

Harry hung back a bit and had to be coaxed into getting undressed and into the gown by his cousin.

"Of course..." Bruce nodded sympathetically at his uncle, helping as much as he was able by finding a plastic bag to put the sheet into so he could hang it off his uncle's wrist. "...Would you like me to call Jemma to help you?" He gave Kara a concerned glance, not sure exactly what his younger cousin would be thinking about the situation.

Kara heard her cousin and looked up with wide eyes, a spike of fear racing through her at the thought that her daddy might hand her over to someone else. It scared her, even if the other person would be a family member. "NO!" she blurted out in a high-pitched, childishly defiant tone, before hiding her face again and gripping onto her father even more tightly than before.

Bruce smiled crookedly at that response, deciding he'd let Nick handle Kara for the moment, and turned toward Harry. "Would you like your dad to come in?"

"It's all right. I'm not going to leave you or let someone else take care of you," Fury promised his daughter, even as he began to carefully clean her up.

Harry fidgeted, his eyes wide and worried, but finally nodded.

Bruce nodded before addressing the AI's. "Friday, could you please have Tony come to be with Harry?"

"Of course, Dr. Banner," Friday answered calmly, before relaying the message to Harry's father.

Within moments, Tony was walking into the room. "Hey, Har... This is really weird, I know, and probably scary, but I went through the same thing a year or so ago and your Uncle Bruce found a cure for me and made me all better, so I'm positive he can help you and Petey and Kar-bear...." He pitched his voice in a soothing manner, but loud enough that the now two-year-old could hear in hopes that it would calm her enough to make things easier on his uncle. He moved over and gave Harry a gentle hug. "Why don't we let your uncle Bruce check out Petey first and you can see what all he is doing before it is your turn?"

Kara was listening to what was being said and it helped...a little...to know that something similar had happened in the past and it had been 'fixed'. Of course, what helped the most was her father's promise that he wouldn't leave her and that he'd be the one to take care of her. She wanted to say thank you. She wanted to say she'd cooperate, but she was scared. What she ended up saying was, "Daddy...." and reaching up and patting his face with her hand even as he was cleaning her.

Harry relaxed, visibly, with his father's presence and hug and leaned in, hugging his father back tightly, or as tightly as he could, even as he nodded.

Even younger, Peter had always been more outgoing and confident than his best friend. Catching Harry's eye, he gave him a huge grin even as he moved to make it easier for his father to examine him.

Fury stroked her hair reassuringly, wasting no time in getting his daughter clean and dry and then wrapping her in the sheet so she'd be warm. "Everything's going to be all right," he said soothingly.

Bruce examined his son as quickly but carefully as possible, having Veronica do all the scans necessary, as well as drawing blood. He was glad that they had thought ahead to having everyone answer questions about medicines and activities that they had done or been doing prior to eating the pie. While his own memory hadn't been affected by his own de-aging, it was hard to tell if the fact Peter, Harry and Kara had de-aged back into childhood would affect their own memory and the information gathered could be crucial to finding a way to cure them and get them back to normal. Soon, he'd got all the information he needed and was reassured that his son was healthy and uninjured, even if he was in the body of a seven-year-old. "Okay, son. We're all done. I know Harry would appreciate you staying close, though, so if you want to go sit over there, I'll finish with your cousin as quickly as possible and then you can go join your brother or your sister to go back to sleep...." He smiled at Peter. He didn't say that he planned to begin working immediately on finding a cure for them.

Tony eyed his brother suspiciously, but didn't comment on the fact that it was obvious Bruce didn't intend to return to sleep after checking out the youngest members of the family. He'd leave arguing about it to his father...or his uncle, since Nick was there to hear Bruce and realize what he was planning just as easily as Tony was. "C'mon, Har... let's get you checked out and then we'll go join your mom and catch a few more zzz's. That sound okay to you?"

Kara, once clean and dry and safely in her father's arms with him comforting her, found it impossible to keep her eyes open. The body she now had seemed to have spurts of energy, followed by moments of complete drain. Soon, she was drooling on her father's shoulder, sound asleep, her tiny hands still gripping him tightly, though they had loosened slightly in sleep.

Peter was quick to join Harry, nudging his cousin in the ribs and giving him another huge grin. "See? It's not that bad! And you'll have to do it to animals, too," he added, remembering his cousin wanted to study to be a vet.

Fury carefully lifted Kara into his arms and carried her over to Bruce, though he waited patiently until his nephew was finished with Harry. He'd also heard what Bruce didn't say and planned to insist his nephew slept. Freeing one hand from his tiny daughter, he tapped out a quick message to Steve...since Bruce might be more likely to listen to his father.

Bruce had finished with Harry as quickly as he had Peter and nodded at Tony. "Ok, squirt..." he said to Peter. "...Go with your uncle and cousin and they'll drop you off with your brother or sister, depending on which one you'd rather stay with." He smiled and ruffled a hand through Peter's hair affectionately before turning to focus on the smallest member of the family.

Tony sighed silently, but didn't argue with his brother. "C'mon, kids. Let's go finish out the night in our beds..." He smiled, putting an arm around Harry and then drawing Peter close with the other arm. "Whatever you need to have ordered, just give the list to Friday. It can be here as soon as stores are open to deliver..." he said quietly to his Uncle as he walked by.

Bruce was also quiet as he carefully but gently began to examine the smallest member of the family, not wanting to wake her up. "There don't appear to be any external injuries due to her age reversal. Veronica? Are there any internal issues we need to be aware of?" he asked the AI softly.

"There do not appear to be any issues, doctor. All scans indicate a healthy two-year-old. There may be some emotional issues, if she has retained her adult memories...." the AI hesitantly put out.

Fury sighed. "It's impossible to tell if she might retain them or not. If she has, then she hasn't been able to communicate that fact. She knows I'm her father.... When she next wakes up, I'll see who else she recognises." Maybe he'd even see if Laura brought a reaction, depending on if Logan was happy for his daughter to see Kara or not.

"Once we know who she recognizes, we can introduce different things and objects she should know. It's a starting place, at least," Bruce agreed.

"I know I'm going to need diapers...." Fury began compiling a mental list of what he was going to need for his suddenly two-year-old daughter.


Even though Steve headed back to the room with those of his family not involved with other situations, he didn't sleep. He himself had seemed unaffected by the aging and so had Bucky...but he assumed that was because of the differences in their physiology, given what had been done to them.

Bucky had got his children situated, but hadn't returned to his own room. He supposed this could count as one of those times he could be grateful for what had been done to him...since he didn't change like everyone else. It gave a sense of security to those who had suddenly found themselves changed. He stood outside his bedroom door and just listened in case he was needed.

Steve received the message from Fury and quickly headed over to Bucky. "I'm going to get Bruce from the lab," he said to his brother. "Can you keep watch in case any of my kids need me before I get back, please?"

Bucky nodded and headed toward Steve's hall. "Sure thing, Stevie..." He grinned at his brother as he disappeared.

Steve quickly made his way to the labs, double checking with Veronica about which one his brother, son and niece were in.

"They are still located in the first-aid room..." the AI directed.

Bruce cleaned up, putting items back in his bag and in their proper place in the room and making sure everything was the way it had been before he did his examination.

"Thank you," Steve responded, heading into the office and moving over to his son. "Bruce, you need to go to bed," he said seriously.

"Dad..." Bruce glanced up, obviously reluctant. "...I need to go up to the labs...start the blood work...or at least get the samples in the fridge so they aren't rendered useless."

"I'll help you get the samples in the fridge, but after that, I insist you do go to bed," Steve said. "You're more likely to make mistakes if you're tired and don't get enough sleep."

Sighing, Bruce was about to argue, but gave his father a crooked grin instead. "I can't say you're wrong," he said. "Alright. As soon as the samples are stored properly, I'll go to bed. Is Odin back yet?" he asked, as he put the vials in a sturdy container to carry to the floor above.

"I don't believe he is yet, but I'm sure Veronica or Friday will be able to tell us for certain," Steve answered.

"Yeah...okay..." Bruce got on the elevator and waited for Steve to join him before pushing the button to go to the floor with the labs. "I know that no one else aged under their teens...but did anyone age far enough down where they may need help?" he asked, more in an effort to stay awake than to get information. He could always get information in the morning, after all.

"As far as I'm aware, the only real issue seems to be your uncle Nick with Kara," Steve answered. "I think everyone's coping. It helps we had some forewarning."

"Yeah...I somehow doubt anyone envisioned this as the possible outcome when we worried about negative consequences from the pie..." Bruce chuckled.

Steve smiled. "No, but at least some of us have dealt with a similar situation before."

"How our family originally formed..." Bruce smiled.

"Exactly," Steve replied. "We got through it that time. We will again," he promised.

"It might not be as easy...most of those affected most strongly will have the hormones of a teen...." Bruce warned. "Given that those of us not affected as strongly are still going to have the reactions of an early twenty-something, there is likely to be a lot of head-butting...."

"Oh, I know it won't be easy," Steve said ruefully. "Considering how stubborn some of you are as full-grown adults...." The look he directed at Bruce was fond.

Bruce's smile was sheepish. "Yeah... well... you're more stubborn. Have to be, to keep us other stubborn idiots in check."

Steve couldn't put his arm around his son, carrying the vials as he was, but he did press close against Bruce's side for a second or two before the elevator stopped and he was stepping off.

It didn't take long for Bruce to store the vials he carried and then the ones his father carried in the proper place. He then stood with an indecisive, hesitant look on his face. It wasn't that he wanted to argue with his father or disobey him. It was that he was so worried about those in his family that had been affected so much more strongly and he was feeling the urgency to find out why they had been affected differently and to do something to help them. If everyone had just been deaged to the early twenties, he wouldn't have felt so pressed. Heck. He'd probably just tell everyone that unless negative health affects started cropping up, they should just let themselves reage naturally. Having a younger body certainly wouldn't hurt anyone in the line of work they were in.

But they hadn't just deaged to early twenties. Some had deaged further and while those who were now teenagers would likely adapt to their new hormone levels and would be fine growing up naturally- Peter, Harry and Kara had a bit further to go. A lot further in Kara's case. Asking them to go through their child-hood with adult memories? He didn't think that that would be the best thing for them, let alone fair to ask. He glanced at Steve, then sighed. "No chance of my changing your mind?" he asked, almost rhetorically.

"I'm afraid not, son." Steve reached out and wrapped his arm around Bruce's shoulders, squeezing him gently. "Come on. Let's get back to bed. You can stay in my room," he offered, partly to keep his son close...partly to make sure Bruce didn't try sneaking away when he thought his father was asleep.

Bruce blinked, looking at his father to see if he was upset. He normally didn't suggest Bruce stay in his room with him. He didn't see any irritation, however. Just worry. "Ok, dad," he found himself saying.

Steve gave him a reassuring smile and guided his son back to the elevator so they could return to their floor.

Bruce realized he must be more tired than he'd realized when the next thing he knew, Steve was helping him into bed. He'd completely zoned out the return to the family floor and walking to his father's room. "Peter...?" he asked, blinking and looking around.

"Master Peter is asleep in his brother's room. He is fine, doctor..." Friday's calming voice whispered into Steve's room, so as not to startle them, but to let them know if anything occurred, she'd wake them.

"Everyone will be fine until the morning," Steve said soothingly, helping Bruce to settle into bed and reaching out to stroke his son's hair.

"Yeah...Ok, dad..." Bruce said wearily, snuggling close as soon as his father was also in bed, not even realizing that's what he was doing, since he was already asleep within seconds of his head hitting the pillow.

Steve wrapped his arms around Bruce, hugging his son close as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


It had been a rough night, to say the least. Kara couldn't adjust to her new size or inability to vocalize what she was thinking. It was almost worse than being brainwashed, she decided. At least when she was under Whitehall's control, she was still able to function for the most part- and she didn't realize she was broken. Now? Now she knew in excruciating detail how broken she was, but she couldn't tell anyone. She couldn't get her mouth to form the words correctly and even if she could, she found herself confused on which words to use...as if her brain was wanting to revert to childhood as well, but couldn't and was punishing her for the fact by confounding every attempt she made to show she was still an adult in her mind, if nothing else.

The frustration and confusion played havoc on her ability to rest, let alone sleep, but her toddler body needed rest and because it didn't get what it needed, she found herself reacting like an over-tired toddler. Her father had bathed and changed her again after she'd had an 'accident' and wet the bed and so far, she'd not had another one. She'd heard Fury requesting Friday to order diapers and other paraphernalia that a toddler would need, however, and it upset her more than it probably should have. Fury was carrying her toward the dining room where everyone was meeting for breakfast and she was doing her damnedest to get out of his arms so she could run and hide; she didn't want everyone to see her like this again! When getting away proved impossible, she began screaming at the top of her lungs in a tantrum.

Bobbi had been coming from across the 'main' hall and met her uncle in front of the elevator, wincing when she heard the shrill anger in her cousin's voice. Biting her lip, she offered hesitantly, "Do you want me to hold her for a minute while you get your food together, Uncle Nick?" She wasn't entirely sure if Kara would allow her to hold her if she was giving her father such a rough time. As close as Kara and Bobbi were, Kara adored Nick and the fact she was giving him such grief did not bode well for anyone else being able to placate her.

Fury adjusted his grip on his daughter so he could hold her more easily, stroking Kara's hair as gently as he could. "I think I'd better keep hold of her," he replied, though he smiled at Bobbi to show he was grateful for the offer of help. "But if you can get us some food together...." He did, however, look down at his daughter, wondering if Kara would show, in some way, she knew Bobbi and would indicate she'd understood her cousin's words.

Kara, amidst her screaming and squirming, had heard her cousin. She'd glanced in Bobbi's direction and widened her eyes slightly as she saw that Bobbi had deaged a bit further than the early twenties of all the others she'd seen the night before. It caused her to pause in her screaming for a few bare seconds as she gripped her father's shirt and stopped trying to get away, instead holding onto him as if afraid that he might actually hand her over. But she obviously wasn't scared of Bobbi. She just didn't want anyone but her father to handle her when she was incapable of taking care of herself. Sniffling, she hid her face against Nick's chest and bit her lip, letting out a quivery, " 'Obbi...."

Bobbi blinked, smiling a little more brightly at the fact Kara seemed to know who she was, even if her cousin also seemed to be reluctant to come to her. "Okay, Uncle Nick. I'll get your plate fixed up. Will you want a separate plate for Kara, or do you just want to feed her off of yours?" she asked curiously, figuring if he was going to share, she'd give him extra food.

"I think maybe a separate plate." It was obvious Kara knew not only him, but Bobbi as well and Fury was troubled by the possibility that his daughter, for all she was acting like a toddler, still had the mindset of an adult. If that was the case, then treating her as a child when it wasn't necessary could cause emotional damage additional to what she'd already suffered. He couldn't do anything about having to change her and wasn't sure he could just put her down, though he considered maybe he could let her walk next to him, holding his hand, until her younger form tired. "Kara, would you like me to put you down so you can walk holding my hand?" he asked, deciding to try with the possibility that she still had her adult memories.

Kara blinked at being given the option, having just about given up on her father ever putting her down. Giving her father a big grin, she nodded her head rapidly and pointed at the floor imperiously. "Down!" She sounded happy and excited though.

Bobbi blinked at the response, giving her uncle a worried look. She suspected her cousin had her adult memories as well, so the position Kara now found herself in couldn't be easy. "Two plates of breakfast, coming up!" she said, keeping her tone happy and unsuspicious, not wanting Kara to realize she was worried about her. That might make her cousin even more defensive.

Fury placed his daughter on the ground and then held his hand out to her, leaving it up to Kara to take. His next words were chosen on the assumption that he was correct in her still having her adult memories and he was careful to keep his own worry out of his tone. "You're much younger, so don't feel upset if you get tired fast. Or if you need help with something."

The look of gratitude on Kara's face would have been endearing if it weren't so heart-breaking, Bobbi thought. She smiled as the much younger girl put her hand into her father's, content to accept his help now that she knew he understood she was only a child in body. And then an impish gleam sparked in her cousin's eyes and the 'toddler' was pulling her father toward the dining room...as much as one her size was able. Bobbi bit back a chuckle and followed, immediately beginning to plate up food for her uncle and cousin.

Grant glanced over as the three entered the dining area, a sullen look on his face. He might be an adult and understand theoretically what had happened, but it wasn't making it any easier to deal with his sudden mood swings. He didn't remember finding it so difficult to keep his emotions in check the first time he was a teen. Of course, at least half of his teen years were spent in isolation with only a dog for company, so it was possible his ability to control himself hinged completely on the fact he hadn't had to deal with other people.

Fury smiled, allowing himself to be pulled along by his daughter, happy that Kara was much calmer now. As Bobbi plated up the food, he headed over to his sons with Kara.

Coulson couldn't fail to notice the sullen look on Grant's face and sat next to his son, placing a hand gently on Grant's shoulder as he noticed Copper at his master's feet.

Grant glanced at his father and gave a crooked, if disgruntled smile. It wasn't his father's fault he was out of sorts. Reaching down, he pet Copper, allowing the dog to help calm him.

"I can't believe this! It took forever for me to get big enough that the Ravagers left me alone and now I'm friggin scrawny again!" carried plainly and peevishly down the hall. Grant snorted, an empathetic look on his face. He knew how Quill felt. He wasn't happy with his diminished size either.

Drax stood at his son's back, looking down at Quill. "I understand your frustration, but you will soon grow again," he stated. "That will be easier if you eat properly."

"We'll figure this out," Coulson promised quietly.

"Aaaaw, man! You're going to make me eat vegetables and stuff, aren't you?" Quill moaned, but went and sat down next to Grant, since Grant appeared to at least be sympathetic to his complaint.

Grant snorted at the comment. "Vegetables and fruits and probably not very much candy and stuff..." he muttered under his breath, figuring his father would be doing something similar with him. He glanced toward Kara and tried to push the irritation away. At least he wasn't a toddler.

Peter glanced toward Kara as well and straightened up, stopping his complaining. At least he didn't need Drax to change him and bathe him because he was too small to take care of himself. It could always be worse. "Well..." he finally said. "...On the bright side. I'll fit in with the younger group on this planet now and might be able to learn some new dance moves from them without looking like a perv!" He grinned brightly.

Bobbi choked on the sip of juice she'd just taken.

Coulson heard his son's muttered comment, but rather than respond to that, he placed a hand on Grant's shoulder and leaned in close to whisper in his ear. "I missed out on all of your childhood and teenage years, barring the short period of time when you were deaged before. I know you're frustrated, but I never had the chance to see you at this age."

Drax frowned. "I do not believe you should just worry about learning dance moves," he stated, aware there were still enemies, even if their home now was as safe as it could be.

Grant paused at that, glancing up at his father. "I...wasn't a very nice teenager..." he admitted with a crooked smile. "Prolly a good thing I wasn't able to subject myself onto people the first time. I have a feeling I'm going to be getting in a lot of trouble..." He sighed, but leaned into his father.

Peter's eyes widened. "Of course not! I plan to learn a few other 'moves' as well!" He grinned impishly. The first time he went through his teen years, he'd been on a ship full of mostly male aliens...and while that hadn't stopped him from becoming a 'ladies' man- or at least a man who attracted females from all sentient races- he hadn't had much opportunity to do typical teenage stuff. Yondu wouldn't have cared (or at least Peter didn't think he would have), but there just hadn't been a lot of opportunity. He'd gone straight from kid to adult and missed a lot of the fun things in between. Some might say that's why his maturity level wasn't much beyond that of a teenager, but that was their opinion. Peter had plans. Turning to Grant, he grinned. "Maybe you and I can do something later? Since we seem to be in the same situation?"

Grant eyed his cousin, then grinned back wolfishly. "Yeah. That might be fun."

Bobbi looked between both boys and frowned. "I want to come with!" she interjected.

Peter glanced at his other cousin that had been affected and nodded. "Sure...the more the merrier." He grinned.

Kara flung a bite of her eggs in the direction of her three cousins, irritated that she was too small to join them. She was positive whatever they had planned, they wouldn't want a toddler with them, even if it was only a toddler in body. She giggled when the egg hit Quill smack in the middle of his forehead. She may not have her normal body, but her aim was still very good.

Coulson wrapped his arm around Grant, addressing the group as a whole. "Just make sure you check in before you go." His voice was mild, but still made it clear they were expected to follow the rules.

Lance grinned and nudged Bobbi. "Maybe I'd better come too. Keep an eye on you...." he teased.

Peter Parker was sitting next to Harry, as was his normal thing to do and had somehow wound up across from Laura. Having noticed the previous day that the girl was shy, and reacting as a child who wanted to reach out to someone 'on the outside', he noticed Kara's actions...and decided it would be a great idea to copy them.

Laura's eyes were on her plate and she jerked back in surprise when a piece of bacon landed right in the middle, having been catapulted by Peter.

Kara had noticed what Peter did and giggled again. The fact that no-one had said or done anything to stop her the first time was all the encouragement she needed. She flung another piece of egg and hit Bobbi on the nose just as the other young woman was about to answer Lance.

"I'd li...what the...?" Bobbi blinked and looked down, tugging her shirt out far enough that she could reach in and try and get the bit of egg that had landed in her bra, back out again. "...Not funny, Kar-bear!" she said without any heat, smiling crookedly at the peals of full-out laughter from her cousin's tiny body.

Fury couldn't help but smile at his daughter's antics, though he couldn't help wondering if her childish behaviour might be a bad sign; if the child mind was overpowering her emotionally. Of course, there was no way to know for sure....

Peter grinned widely across the table at Laura, who darted a look of pure confusion at her father. Her initial response to feeling threatened was to lash out, but...food landing on her plate wasn't a threat. Was it? More and more, she was studying the adults around her, trying to adapt her behaviour based on what she could see.

Logan raised an eyebrow at Peter, but didn't scold him. There had been a lot of stress in the last day and as long as no one was hurt- and the kids helped clean up any mess they made- he saw no reason to put a stop to their innocent fun, even if normally he would have scolded them about proper table etiquette. He leaned over and whispered to his daughter, "I think he wants to play with you. Have a 'food fight'. If you want to throw a bit of egg at him..." he encouraged gently. Laura had had very few opportunities to behave like a child. Maybe having some of the other 'kids' deaged to younger would be good for her.

Kara saw her father's smile and it made her happy. Throwing her tiny arms around his neck, she hugged him tightly, unmindful of the fact she had sticky, egg covered hands that were now transferring the stickiness and egg to her father.

Laura looked at her father, a little surprised he would suggest doing that. Very hesitantly, as if worried he might disapprove, she did as he suggested and threw a small bit of egg at the other child.

Peter's grin was so wide, it almost reached his ears, as he threw another bit of bacon at her...then one at Harry, trying to get his cousin to join in.

Logan just smiled indulgently at the three kids. Winking at Laura, he picked up a tiny bit of egg on his own fork and flicked it toward Steve.

It didn't take long for breakfast to degenerate into a food fight; primarily involving the children, but the adults also got a few hits in, too.


Yondu didn't really need to do much. Flying the ship helped him to relax and clear his mind and he could always switch to autopilot. Manual flying helped him not to think, though. Not to think apart from finding his other kid. Quill might not have seen him as a father, but Yondu had cared deeply about him. And now with only Kraglin left and him no longer a part of the Ravagers...well, Yondu didn't have much left now.

Kraglin sat beside his captain, taking care of everything in the ship that Yondu couldn't take care of while piloting. He didn't say much. They'd lost a lot of friends in the mutiny...a mutiny that he had helped spur, even if he hadn't meant to. He was thankful he'd at least managed to do the right thing by his captain and get Yondu his crest and arrow back. If Yondu had been jettisoned out into the cold depths of space to die like the rest of those who hadn't wanted to betray their captain, Kraglin didn't know what he'd have done.

Yondu broke the silence, primarily because he could see Kraglin was withdrawn. He knew sometimes it was important to have something to do when you'd lost nearly everything important. "The last sightings were of his ship spiralling out of control. We'll need to be careful in this part of the galaxy. Just in case the ship was attacked by something we haven't seen before."

"'Cordin to the talking twig...his ship just disappeared...Left him and that Rocket fella behind on this ship and left his girlfriend fighting with her sister back on that planet..." Kraglin's voice was quiet, almost hesitant. As if he didn't feel he had a right to say anything.

Yondu glanced sideways at him. "I know what it's like to regret actions you've taken, kid," he said bluntly. "You wouldn't be here with me if I didn't want you here."

"Dunno how you can trust me again after how I messed everything up..." Kraglin swallowed. "If'n I hadn't questioned you in front of everyone...the mutiny wouldn't ‘ave happened. My friends wouldn' be dead 'cuz of me. You wouldn' ‘ave almost died...." Kraglin swallowed again and glanced down, not able to face his captain.

Yondu grunted and switched the ship to autopilot so he could give his full attention to Kraglin. "You listen to me, kid. The mutiny might've happened anyway, even if you hadn't spoken up. A lot of the crew was unhappy with the way I run things. You might've been the catalyst, but you weren't the cause."

"It don't feel that way!" Kraglin argued. "Mebbe it woulda happened, but mebbe if it did? It woulda happened somewhere that she couldn’ta taken your arrow away and you'd a stopped it...."

Youndu clasped Kraglin's shoulder. "I don't blame you, kid. But feeling guilty is going to get you making mistakes that could get you killed. So I'm gonna punish you," he stated, plain and simple.

Kraglin swallowed hard. "Yessir...I...I'll try not to fight..." he said. It wasn't clear exactly what he expected the punishment to be, but it was very clear that he thought he might die from it. Yondu wasn't known for his mercy when crew messed up as badly as Kraglin had.

Yondu didn't fail to notice the look on Kraglin's face and he lightly squeezed the younger man's shoulder. "I ain't gonna hurt you permanently or fatal," he said gruffly.

Kraglin relaxed at those words. If Yondu didn't usually have mercy, he also didn't usually sugar-coat what he planned to do. If he said Kraglin wasn't gonna die, Kraglin knew he could believe it. Yondu wouldn't have hesitated to tell him if he was going to die. "Wh...what do you want me to do, Cap'n?" he asked uncertainly.

"I'm gonna tan you," Yondu replied. "So you will go over my knee."

Kraglin blinked. "You usta do that to Quill when he messed up bad..." he said, eyes widening. Everyone knew how Yondu felt about the Terran whelp...if Yondu was treatin him the same way....

"I care about you too. Just as much," Yondu said gruffly.

Kraglin swallowed hard. "I care bout you too, sir...Mor'n anyun else. I'm glad you gots yer ship back..." he said quietly, before moving to stand next to Yondu's knee.

Yondu didn't waste any time, guiding Kraglin across his lap and settling him in position before he bared the younger man. Lifting his hand, he brought it down firmly at the crest of Kraglin's bottom and then repeated the swat.

Kraglin wasn't ashamed to admit he whimpered at the swats. Yondu never did anything by halves and that included correcting those under his charge. He managed not to try and squirm away, though. Barely.

Yondu continued the swats down to Kraglin's thighs and then started over from the top. Partway through the second circuit, he began to speak. "It wasn't you that killed your friends. You don't need to hold that guilt."

"I shoulda stopped it..." Kraglin said...gasped, really. "Shoulda done something..." A tiny sob escaped.

"And if you'd tried, you likely woulda been killed too," Yondu replied, completing the second circuit and beginning a third, going a bit harder and faster. "You did the right thing waiting."

"I did?" Kraglin's voice was pathetic with his need to be told he hadn't done the wrong thing...the need to feel Yondu's approval. He began to squirm helplessly as the swats became harder and faster, unable to stop himself.

"It let you come and help me when it was safe to do so. And it saved your life," Yondu said. "I didn't lose you."

"That...that's good?" Kraglin felt stupid for having to ask, but he'd never thought Yondu cared that much about him and now he was being told and shown that maybe he'd been wrong about that. He choked back a tiny sob, the pain and new revelations beginning to overcome him.

"Very good," Yondu confirmed. "If they'd killed you...well, I don't know I'd come back from that," he admitted.

At those words Kraglin went boneless over his captain's knee, just crying out the guilt, remorse and grief. "...Same...can't lose you..." he said, between tears and apologies.

Yondu brought the spanking to a stop and, like he had done each time with Quill, wasted no time in moving Kraglin into his arms, onto his lap instead of over it.

Kraglin and the crew had known how Quill was disciplined- it was impossible to live on a ship the way they had and not known what was occurring, given Quill's typical response when he was corrected- but he hadn't realized how Quill was comforted after. He tensed up fractionally until he realized what was happening, then slowly let himself relax against Yondu, accepting the comfort. "You're gonna wanna go after your boy, right?" he asked quietly but clearly, his intent to help Yondu in whatever way Yondu needed obvious. "I been runnin a trace on the area where they disappeared and got faint signs of a portal being opened. If'n we ask around, we might hear tale of portals opening elsewhere that we can trace and see if the ships signature is there...."

Yondu nodded, hand cupping the back of Kraglin's head. "We'd have heard rumours if any of his multiple enemies picked him up." It was still possible Quill was in danger, though, and Yondu wasn't sure that would be much better. An enemy he knew was an enemy he could fight or bargain with.

"We'll find 'im, Cap'n. I fig'r we can talk to the Collector...he hears stuff. If'n we got somethin' he finds worthwhile for the info...." Kraglin gave Yondu a crooked grin. "I got that little trinket from two jobs ago...might catch 'is eye. Get 'im to talk...."

Yondu nodded. "As long as it isn't something you'd be reluctant to part with," he said gruffly.

"Way I figure...I was gonna sell it to the highest bidder next port we arrived at. Selling it to the Collector for info on my brother's location is worth more." Kraglin shrugged, giving Yondu a sideways glance to see how the older man reacted to Kraglin's inserting himself into 'the family'.

Yondu's smile was sincere...happy. "At least then both my boys will be where I can see them."

Kraglin smiled back, relaxing at the response. He hadn't been imagining it, then; Yondu considered him just as much his as he'd always considered Quill. It felt good to belong...to have family. "What first, then, Cap'n?"

"We'll go see the Collector first," Yondu replied, making it clear he valued Kraglin's suggestions.

"Coordinates have been set, Cap'n. Soon as you're ready..." Kraglin grinned and prepared himself for the ship to increase speed.

Yondu didn't waste any time getting them set on course.


Pepper was all kinds of out of sorts, finding herself younger than her son; well, younger than he would be if he hadn't also deaged. It didn't help that her parents weren't exactly sure how to handle it, alternating between letting her continue as if nothing had happened and treating her like they had when she'd been a teenager the first time. Huffing, she rubbed her forehead and reread the email she'd sent the office about catching a highly contagious virus and that she'd need to reschedule all important meetings and her assistant would need to take care of those that weren't able to be rescheduled. It was going to cause no end of headache when she finally got back to the office.

Steve and a few of the other parents had supervised and helped with the cleanup after the food fight had finally finished. Steve had checked in with his kids and grandkids...and Pepper was the only one he hadn't yet found. Checking with Friday about her whereabouts, he headed in search of his daughter.

Pepper grimaced as she sent the very last email before turning toward her mother and father, who hadn't left her side since the deaging had become known. "We should go meet up with the others. I want you to meet Steve...."

Steve paused outside the room and knocked politely.

Pepper looked toward the door and then at the clock and winced. "Damnit...we missed breakfast...I'm gonna be in trouble now..." she muttered under her breath, before calling out, "Come in!"

Even though it was muttered, her parents still heard. "In trouble with who?" her mother asked.

Steve opened the door in time to hear the question. "We missed you at breakfast," he said mildly to Pepper.

Pepper's eyes widened. She hadn't realized she'd spoken loudly enough for her parents, who normally you had to speak loudly to get them to hear anything, to hear her. She grinned in relief as Steve popped his head in. "Dad! I haven't gotten to introduce you to Mom and Dad yet!" She blinked at how odd that sounded, but didn't make any other comment...trying to ignore her mother's question and hoping the older woman wouldn't repeat herself.

Steve stepped fully into the room, smiling warmly at Pepper's parents and extending his hand to shake theirs. "Steve Rogers. It's good to meet you," he said sincerely.

The sentiment was echoed by the two older.

"Sorry I missed breakfast..." Pepper sighed softly, giving Steve a tiny, chagrined smile. "...I'd actually wanted to introduce Mom and Dad to everyone, but I needed to get work squared away, since I obviously can't go into the office looking like this..." She looked down at her more slender, girlish figure. "The rumor mill would go crazy wondering how I'd hidden a daughter all these years if I showed up looking like this...."

Steve nodded. "There's some food left, if you'd all like to come and join me." He glanced at Pepper's parents.

Pepper's father smiled. "That would be nice. And perhaps we can properly meet our grandson," he added meaningfully.

"Of course!" Pepper blinked, giving Steve a worried look. "Harry was at breakfast, wasn't he? I thought I'd seen him going with Tony, so thought it was safe to come and take care of the office issue before...."

Steve nodded. "You missed the food fight," he commented wryly.

Pepper's mouth fell open and she slumped, actually looking dejected at the news. "There was a food fight? And I missed it?" Had she been her normal adult self, she might have been amused at the idea of a food fight, but she wouldn't have been upset at actually missing it. It was just one tiny bit of evidence that the deaging was in more than just body.

Steve raised his eyebrows, but merely said, "I'm sure there'll be other things happening that you won't miss. Shall we go and have some breakfast? I'm sure Tony can bring Harry back in."

"Yes...I'd like to have Harry come back in for at least a little while, if he isn't in the middle of something. He needs to meet his other grandparents...and I miss him...." Pepper gave a tiny smile to everyone, but she had a moody look in her eyes. She looked down, not understanding why she was so upset about something so silly as missing a food fight of all things. She'd attribute it to hormones, but she hadn't been this moody the first time she'd been a teenager...at least she didn't remember feeling this moody.

"I'm sure that will be fine." Steve smiled, but it was tinged with worry, as he noticed the look on her face. He quickly tapped out a message to Tony, asking his son to bring Harry back to the dining room, and then looked at Pepper and her parents. "If you'd like to follow me...."

Pepper's mother gave her daughter a gentle hug. "We're looking forward to meeting him. And the rest of the family."

Pepper smiled and took her mother and father's arms to help lead the to the dining room. "I think everyone else is anxious to meet you too..." she said, her mood seeming to improve somewhat at her mother's hug.

"You can say that again!" Jessica bounced into view. "Hi! I'm Jessica. Pepper's sister..." She grinned and took Pepper's father's arm to help him so that Pepper wasn't struggling to help two unsteady people.

Pepper's eyes widened at the visible evidence that she wasn't the only one deaged to a teenager, then glanced at Steve. How did he feel at suddenly having two teenage girls when he'd had two adult daughters not more than a day before?

Steve smiled at both his daughters, turning a more reassuring smile to Pepper. Even if he wasn't quite sure what had caused the worried look, he knew most of the family members were going to need reassurance of some kind. "I'll go and get some plates," he suggested, while Pepper's parents greeted Jessica.

"It's really great that you can visit," Jessica continued, talking to Pepper's parents, "although things are a bit in upheaval at the moment.

"Yes, we can see that." Pepper's mother smiled. "What exactly happened?"

"An experiment accidentally mixed with an alien fruit in a pie we all ate before the mistake was discovered..." Jessica was still grinning. For some reason, being dragged didn't seem to bother her at all, although she could have just been really good at hiding it.

Steve returned with the plates of food that he set in front of Pepper and her parents. "We'll figure this out," he promised. "We have some of the best minds working on a cure."

"Eh...I'm not worried...." Jessica smirked, reaching over and stealing a piece of bacon off Pepper's plate before getting up and going into the kitchen to get herself a snack.

Pepper snorted. "You don't have a multi-billion dollar company to run," she muttered in amusement.

"We'll get through it," Steve reiterated, gently squeezing Pepper's shoulder. "You have people you can trust."

"Yeah...luckily." She glanced up as the rest of the family traipsed back in to meet her parents, since they had gone straight to sleep the night before. She couldn't help but feel again that she knew her grandpa Logan's friend, even though she hadn't spoken to him yet.

Remy had quickly seen that the family members had changed ages, but he only looked surprised for a moment before he was grinning and heading over to Pepper. "I thought I recognised you before...."

"Then...it is you!" Pepper breathed, before squeaking and throwing her arms around Remy in a tight hug.

Tony blinked and gave a crooked smile. "Uh...Sweet-Pepper, have you met grandpa's brother before?" he asked, sounding confused.

"This is the guy who saved me...from my story!" Pepper beamed.

"In that case, I am more than happy to meet- and thank- you!" Tony quickly reached over to shake Remy's hand, even though Pepper hadn't let go of him.

Remy freed one arm from Pepper so he could shake Tony's hand, raising his eyebrows at the teenager. "I didn't think you'd want to talk about what happened."

"What happened?" Pepper's mother asked. "And who is this?" She smiled at Remy.

"I never did talk about what happened. Until a few months ago on a family vacation. Everyone was telling stories and...it just felt like time..." Pepper flushed, then glanced at her mother. "This is Remy, momma. He helped me out when I was in college years ago. I almost got into a bad situation but he got me out of it before it could get bad. Helped me a lot..." She didn't go into detail, not certain how her parents would feel finding out about what had happened at this late date and not sure how to proceed even if she should tell them the whole story.

Logan raised an eyebrow at finding out his brother had a connection to one of the family members and hadn't mentioned it. Although knowing Remy, the Cajun hadn't even realized there was a connection until arriving last night. And this story of Pepper's had him curious, but he refrained from asking about it in front of everyone. It was in her past and if she needed everyone to know, she'd tell everyone. Otherwise, he'd wait till they were alone to give her the third degree. He already felt very protective of Steve and Bucky's families, viewing them as his family now. The thought of one of his grandkids having been in the type of trouble that needed help to get out of worried him.

"You didn't tell us anything about that," Pepper's father commented, looking a bit curiously at Remy.

Remy smiled. "Well, it was a long time ago. We've all done things in the past we regret, I'll wager."

"I'll drink to that!" Jessica piped in with a smirk, as she headed toward the bar. She'd done pretty well not drinking as heavily once Steve adopted her, but finding herself back to age fifteen had her itching to drink again.

Steve was quick to wrap his arm around Jessica's shoulders and steer her away from the bar. "We'll just stick with juice and water for the time being," he said.

"Aw, c'mon, Dad! I'm not really fifteen!" Jessica protested, but didn't try and get away or head back that direction again. She knew when to pick her battles.

Steve didn't point out to his daughter that it wasn't the age so much as the drinking alcohol for wrong reasons in general that was the problem. Instead, he merely squeezed her gently to himself and settled her on one of the chairs, looking around with a smile at the rest of the family members who had gathered.

Logan chuckled slightly at his son's response to his granddaughter's attempts to get intoxicated, but didn't say anything. He glanced at Bruce as her brother did say something.

"You may not really be fifteen, but your body is; and knowing how you used to drink in the past, I'd be afraid you'd poison yourself by overdoing because you thought you could handle the same amount as you used to," Bruce said calmly, as if he was discussing the weather.

"You don't think my tolerance level is the same?" Jessica blinked.

Tony patted his sister on the back. "Would you want to take the chance? I know damn well, as much as I drank when a teen, I couldn't handle near the amount of alcohol when I was fifteen as I could by the time I was 21 and legal."

"I would suggest listening to Bruce," Steve said softly. "He knows what he's talking about." He gently squeezed her shoulder.

Jessica sighed, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. Despite everything that had occurred the last few days, the morning was starting out pleasant, on the verge of nice, and she didn't want to be the one to ruin the mood.

"What I don't understand is how some of us only went back to our early twenties, while others went further...sometimes much further...back." Darcy frowned. "Is that normal? For, you know...abnormal stuff?" She glanced at Pepper's parents. "Hi! I'm Darcy by the way."

Pepper's parents smiled and introduced themselves, the other family members following suit.

"I think Dad's working on that," Leo said. "There are a few tests that we're still waiting on the results for."

At that moment, Helen Cho arrived. "Hopefully, we can have some information for you soon..." she said, having overheard Leo. "This is definitely different than the Tower. Do you not have labs on your floor?" She glanced around curiously.

"No...all labs and working areas are on the public floors above. The family floor is just living space with a few small offices for personal business..." Tony smiled, moving forward to take Dr. Cho by the elbow. "I'll show you where the labs are. Uncle Odin was going to retrieve Healer Bryce and hopefully, they should be back soon if they aren't already."

Bucky glanced around at the re-gathered family, then looked at his children. "I don't know about everyone else, but I think it might be a good idea to take today easy. Just so we can make sure that there aren't any side-effects that just haven't had a chance to manifest yet."

Leo smiled at his father. "You might want someone to keep an eye on Petey and Harry, then," he commented. "I already had to divert baby brother away from the labs once."

Bruce blinked, then glanced around the room, trying to locate Peter and Harry. "They're too small to be in the lab unsupervised, even if they remember everything..." he muttered under his breath, where only those with enhanced hearing would be able to hear him.

Logan snorted. When had being too small ever stopped anyone from doing what they wanted if they believed they 'knew' enough to handle the obstacles? Especially when in possession of abilities like this family had? "Maybe everyone can congregate in their parents' or grandparents' rooms to watch movies... That way, if something occurs, there will be several other people around to be able to notice immediately, but we aren't all just hanging around like a school group that lost its tour guide."

Jessica had grabbed hold of her nephew by this point, giving Harry a crooked smile. "Sounds good to me..." she said, even as she managed to grab hold of Pete in her other arm.

Peter just blinked innocently at his aunt, then turned a pout onto his father. "I can help." Deaged or not, he still had his abilities. And he knew what was wrong, even if, very much like Kara, his child form and mind kept taking over.

"Help being the operative word, young Padawan!" Jessica answered for Bruce, hoping to derail any argument on her nephews' part by drawing his attention onto herself. "I'm sure when they reach a point where your expertise is needed, they'll call you in to work with them. Until then, though, better not to take chances on making things worse...." She didn't say 'like Kara'. She didn't even look in her cousin's direction. It was fairly obvious that was what she meant, though.

Kara agreed with her cousin mentally. Emotionally was a different matter and her frustration at the situation translated into a loud wail because everyone was suddenly avoiding looking at her.

Peter frowned, a mutinous look passing over his face. Harry didn't really seem that interested in the conversation. While he still retained his own adult memories, he was feeling 'carried along' by his own child mind and was too busy trying to control those urges so he didn't act too much like a child and cause problems.

Fury didn't hesitate in wrapping his arm around his daughter's shoulders, though he didn't draw her into his lap, figuring that a more childish form of comfort might make her feel worse.

The look of abject horror on Jessica's face at realizing she'd upset her cousin might have been funny if the situation wasn't so stressful. Of course, stressful usually resulted in Star Lord saying the wrong things at the wrong time. "I know, Kar...the only girls gonna be interested in 'dancing' with me now are gonna be 'jail-bait'. It SUCKS!" He made a disgruntled face at his cousin that truly looked ridiculous.

Kara blinked and stopped wailing as everyone stopped looking at her and turned to look at her oblivious cousin who was 'practicing' his dance moves, eyes closed and mouthing the words to a song only he could hear. She began to giggle, childish peals of laughter carrying through the room and reminding everyone who'd got deaged how much further they could have gone.

"Your aunt is right." Tony finally sighed. "You can help when your knowledge is needed. Until then I'd rather you stay out of the lab and potential mishap and enjoy being a kid. It isn't that bad. Believe me." He smiled, giving Steve a fond look as he remembered his own 'relived' childhood.

Steve smiled. "I might have wanted to change the exact circumstances of you being deaged, but not the experience itself." His own look was fond, remembering that as the first time he'd felt Tony considered their relationship the same way he did; that he saw Steve as his dad.

"One of the best experiences ever..." Tony agreed.

Grant smiled. "Can't really argue against that..." he said.

"So...everyone is splitting up and going to watch movies with the 'rents?" Jessica asked curiously.

Steve smiled. "I think that's the plan." He looked at each of his children, indicating he wanted them to join him.

"I'm sure we can do the same," Fury addressed Kara.

"Is Grandpa and Great-Grandpa joining us? And Aunt Laura and Great-Uncle Remy?" Jessica asked, with a glint of mischief in her eye.

Kara began to bounce up and down in place at Fury's words, then reached up toward him imperiously. "Up!" she demanded, the thought of spending time with her father and brothers watching a movie causing her more childish emotions to take over, despite her adult memories. She didn't try and fight it. She remembered her father saying she could be his little girl for as long as she needed. She somehow didn't think he'd realized how literal that would turn out to be, but if she didn't mind being dependent on him and letting herself act more immaturely when she was still in her adult form, then maybe it was time to stop fighting it in child form. It was entirely too tiring. Those thoughts only took a few seconds to race through her mind, however, her attention soon completely on Fury and the fact that he wasn't picking her up fast enough for her liking. "UP!" She stomped one tiny foot.

"Hey, less of the 'Great'," Remy said with mock annoyance. "But that aside, I'm sure we'd be willing to join you...though maybe Laura might prefer to play with the other kids?" He glanced at Logan.

Laura glanced up in confusion, not sure of the title she'd been given. There was still a lot she had to learn.

Fury reached down to pick up his daughter, glancing around for Trip and Brock.

"Well...all of the kiddies except Kar-bear will be with us anyway...so if she wants to hang out with Harry and Peter, she'll have every chance..." Tony smiled at his aunt. "What do you think, Laura? Do you want to watch movies with Peter and Harry? I'm sure you'll have a chance to hang out with Kara again later."

Laura considered that and then nodded, slowly and gravely. There was more of a hopeful look on her face now. It had taken a long time for her father to accept her. She wasn't sure she could trust this apparently easy acceptance from everyone else, but she desperately wanted to.

Logan noticed the reticence and slumped slightly. He wasn't foolish enough to blame all his daughter's hang ups on himself- she'd gone through hell before ever meeting him- but maybe if he'd been more willing to accept her in the beginning, she'd have an easier time believing when others immediately accepted her. He gave Charles a regretful look. The older man had every right to say 'I told you so'.

Trip and Brock had returned to Fury's side by that point with soda and a big bucket of popcorn. "Know what movie you want, Sis?" Brock asked amiably.

Kara gave Brock a look that could only be described as disbelieving frustration which she then voiced by babbling out several words that only a few could be recognized, reminding everyone that, while she might still have an adult mind, her childish body wasn't quite able to keep up with it.

Brock winced. "Sorry..." he said sheepishly, before giving his father a worried look. He hoped that Kara's mental abilities wouldn't regress too much because of her inability to interact.

Charles' look towards Logan was one of reassuring understanding and he simply reached out a hand to gently pat his son's knee. He knew and understood why Logan had taken a while to accept Laura and he didn't blame him. "I know you haven't had a chance to watch too many movies." He smiled at Laura and then looked around at the others. "Perhaps you could let her see one of your favourites?" he addressed the smaller family as a whole.

Fury gently squeezed Kara and then reached out a hand to touch his sons' shoulders reassuringly. "We'll find a way for you to get what you want across," he promised his daughter, keeping any hint of worry out of his own face and voice.

"I'm not sure how appropriate some of the favorites are for a young girl." Bruce wrinkled his nose.

"Not really a problem, Green Bean..." Tony teased. "Since the one favorite everyone agrees on is Star Wars...."

Steve smiled. "Shall we go and get snacks and drinks, then? Settle into the room?" he suggested.

"Sounds good to me!" Jemma grinned, grabbing Leo and Peter's hand and motioning with her head for Harry and Laura to follow her. "C'mon! We can go get the snacks while Grandpa gets his room arranged for the group to converge...."

The family was quick to start moving from the room, Steve headed to his to ensure there was enough space for all of them.


Kara nodded at her father, cuddling close.

"Dad's right, sis. We'll do everything possible to help you communicate," Trip said. Brock just nodded, still feeling slightly guilty at having forgotten Kara was having trouble talking.

"Are you ready to go to my room?" Fury addressed the three of them.

Kara just nodded her head rapidly, snuggling closer yet.

"Yeah, we're ready, dad." Trip smiled.

Fury gave his sons a reassuring smile, reaching out to gently squeeze each of their shoulders and then beginning to carry Kara to his room.


Logan found himself observing his sons' families- his family- closely as they went to Steve's room. He'd noted Bucky was coming with his brother, even though his room was apparently not far from Steve’s. He had no doubt that, if it wouldn't have been too difficult- and some of the kids obviously needed alone time with their parents- that nearly everyone in this large and extended family group would have congregated in one room. Breaking into the smaller family groups was comforting to those who had been strongly affected.

He was also noting how the various 'children' were handling the situation. For the most part, everyone was staying calm and unworried, although it was obvious they were a bit more worried about those who had de-aged further than very young adult-hood. Some, though, were beginning to show signs of stress. The two boys who had regressed to the age of children seemed less worried than their parents, which was understandable. It was typical to worry more about one's child than the child might worry about themselves. Tony also seemed to be a bit worried about Pepper; even though she was a teenager and not a child, she'd still regressed further than him and Logan could tell the fact was bothering the genius. Jessica seemed to be happy enough with the situation, although if the look in her eye was any indication, Steve would need to keep an eye out for her to do something later. He glanced toward Bucky's kids, taking note of who had been affected in his tiny group.

Lance, now a teenager of about the same age as Bobbi, was walking alongside Bakshi, who was also a teenager, talking animatedly to him. Their sister hadn't deaged as much as them and actually now appeared a little older than Jessica, who she kept casting worried looks towards.

Jessica literally bounced over to Lance, Bakshi and Patsy, throwing her arms around the now young men and giving Patsy an impish look. "I've got soooo many ideas of things we can do now..." she whispered conspiratorially, including Patsy in the comment, even though Patsy hadn't deaged as far.

Lance gave his cousin a big grin. "What sort of ideas?" he asked.

Even though his daughter was whispering, Steve's advanced hearing allowed him to hear what she was saying, but he didn't give any sign of it.

Patsy didn't glance at her father or uncle, but although she looked at Jessica, she was slightly nervous about what her now teenaged cousin was planning.

"Well...I'm thinking I'm in the mood to go clubbing and see how many clubs I can sneak into...It's been a while where sneaking in would be necessary..." Jessica giggled softly, glancing around to make certain no one who might object was listening in. "I want to see if I've still got it..." she said, meaning her ability to talk bouncers and door security into letting her by, even though she wasn't (at least physically) old enough. Jessica glanced at Patsy. "You remember when we snuck into that seedy little hole in the wall on 4th and Main?"

"I remember we both agreed it was a bad idea." Patsy glanced surreptitiously towards her father and uncle, hoping one or both of them had overheard Jessica's comments. She didn't want to be the one to tell her cousin no.

"Well...yeah. Afterwards, we pretty much had to agree that it was, given that we both ended up being carted in to the police precinct and had to wait for your mom to come pick us up..." Jessica frowned at that memory. "But before the whole bar fight that got the cops called in, in the first place, it was fun. Wasn't it?" Jessica bit her lip, noticing that Patsy seemed reluctant to agree with her idea. "Aw, c'mon, Patsy. It's not like we're really fifteen-years-old..." Jessica whispered, frustrated that her best friend in the world wasn't on the same page as she was.

Patsy glanced towards the older members of their family, at least older in maturity. "I don't know...neither of our dads are likely to go for it," she pointed out.

Lance shrugged. "There's no harm in going out and letting off some steam. It's not like we have to tell them exactly where we're going."

Jessica nodded enthusiastically and grinned broadly at Lance. "Exactly. It isn't like we'd be going somewhere dangerous..." she continued to whisper, hoping to convince Patsy to join in.

Bucky had been listening in to the conversation as well and was torn between wanting to step in and nip the idea in the bud, vetoing it firmly so there would be no doubt they weren't to do it. At the same time, he wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt and not assume they'd actually go through with the idea, especially if Patsy was able to talk to their better sense. He looked at Steve to see which action he was leaning toward.

Steve, also overhearing his daughter, sidled nearer to Bucky, speaking in a low enough voice that it would only carry to his brother's ears...though it was possible their father would hear as well. "I think we should keep an eye on them," he said quietly.

"Yeah..." Bucky whispered back at the same level as his brother. "Think we need to warn Coulson? Since if they do anything, Bobbi will likely be involved?"

Logan could hear just as well as his two sons and sent both of them a slight nod that he thought they should. It would probably confuse anyone who saw it, since they wouldn't know why he was nodding.

Steve noticed his father's nod and gave a slight nod to indicate he knew what Logan was saying before addressing Bucky. "I agree with Dad. We should let Coulson know."

Bucky pulled out his phone and sent a quick text doing exactly that. "Done..." He smiled at his father and brother, before clearing his throat. "Jemma, Leo and the kids will be back soon. Has a movie been chosen?"

"I thought Star Wars was being settled on." Steve glanced around at the rest of the family members.

Even though she was gradually learning the correct forms of behaviour, Laura was still prone to moments of being startled. There hadn't been a picture on the wall in her room and she stared at the one on Steve's in fascination, before jumping and hissing when the image changed.

"Whoa, calm down, sweetie...it's meant to do that!" Logan quickly moved to calm his daughter. "That's where the movie will be shown..." He glanced toward Steve, as if asking for confirmation.

Steve nodded and addressed Laura. "Most of the rooms have pictures that change," he said, smiling at her.

Laura glanced at her father, still a bit wary, but relaxing a fraction.

At that moment, Jemma led her group back into the room. They had several bowls of popcorn and cases of soda. "Are we ready?" she asked brightly.

Steve smiled warmly at his grandchildren. "I think we were just confirming which movie to watch."

"Well, I for one like the idea of Star Wars, so if there are no objections we can just have Veronica start showing it..." Jemma grinned as she began to pass around the popcorn and drinks.

There were no arguments and pretty soon, everyone was settled in to watch the movie. Peter had planted himself between Harry and Laura, appointing himself as the one to make sure she was all right.


Sam wrapped an arm around his son and daughter each, guiding them from the dining area to his room.

Karen snorted in amusement, giving her father a cheeky grin. "Foggy's not going to believe this until he sees it. He plans to come by this afternoon after work..."

Matt winced. "He just wants to tease me..." he muttered morosely. He hadn't been fond of his teen years and while he still retained his adult mind, the fact that his body had returned to the way it was during one of the most rough periods of his life had seriously affected his mood.

Sam squeezed them both gently. "I know you might not be happy with the situation as it stands right now, but we'll find a way to deal with this," he promised.

"It's not that bad, Matt... I mean, you're still all super-ninja...the only thing that's really different is your size..." Karen tried to encourage her brother.

"Size and hormones..." Matt muttered, then sighed. "I know you're right. It could have been worse..." he said, thinking of Kara and how much more difficult things had to be for her.

Sam kissed each of their cheeks. "We'll deal with this," he promised. "The whole family is here to support each other."

Matt just hunched in on himself, crossing his arms over his chest and coming very close to pouting. He didn't disagree with his father, but it was obvious the words weren't bringing the comfort that Sam meant them to.

Karen sighed and leaned against Sam. "Are we going to watch movies too? Or maybe play cards?"

"Whatever both of you would like to do," Sam promised, squeezing them both gently. Even if his words weren't working to comfort his son, he hoped the constant affection would help at least a little.

"I think I'd like cards..." Matt finally said, with a tiny smile. His voice still sounded morose, but at least he seemed a bit calmer.

Karen and Matt followed their father into his room and while Karen went to find the cards, Matt sat down, not entirely comfortable in his new (old?) form yet.

"Would either of you like snacks? Or drinks?" Sam asked them.

"Do we have chips and cheese that we could make nachos?" Karen asked curiously. "If not, then regular chips will work."

Matt nodded. "That and a soda?"

Sam smiled. "I'm sure we can manage nachos and soda," he replied. "I'll start on the food, if you two want to figure out what game we'll play first."

"Alright, daddy..." Karen smiled brightly and went to get out the different games to bring to the table. Matt was still pouting- there wasn't any other word she'd associate with the look on his face- so she didn't bother asking him to help. It didn't take long, anyway and soon she was going through a list of options for her brother to choose from.

It wasn't long before Sam returned with the tray of nachos and drinks, sitting down to join his children in the game.

Matt eased up slightly as the night progressed, but he was obviously thinking of something; and the way he kept darting furtive glances at Sam every few minutes made it just as obvious he was trying to keep Sam from finding out about it.

Sam could hardly fail to notice the way his son kept looking at him and partway through another game, he reached out to gently squeeze Matt's shoulder. "Is something worrying you, son?" he asked softly.

"How am I supposed to stop bad guys now!?" Matt blurted. "I can't even do my lawyer job because no one will want to hire a kid!"

Sam wrapped his arm gently around his son's shoulders, drawing him close. "Until we figure out how to put everyone back to normal, there's nothing to stop you from researching cases and seeing how you can help Foggy in the caseload there is currently."

"Research?" Matt's voice sounded like every whiny teenager being told they had to write a research paper, ever.

Karen laughed. "Wow. We'll have to tell Bruce. Usually you don't mind the research."

Sam smiled slightly, but was still obviously concerned. "Well, you don't have to do research. It was just a thought," he commented, wondering what other parts of his son might have changed.

"Ok..." Matt nodded, slightly mollified. There was a worried look in his eyes, though. He knew he usually didn't mind researching things, since his only dislike of it was that sometimes materials weren't available in Braille. He knew his reaction wasn't normal for him.

Sam hugged him close. "We'll figure out how to get things back to normal," he promised. "But remember, even if you're not a teenager in your mind, your body is...which might be why you're having different reactions to things that you would normally be fine with."

"I hope that's all it is..." Matt murmured into his father's shoulder, before wrapping his own arms around Sam and holding on tight. "...Didn't like being a teenager the first time I went through it..." he admitted with a disgruntled sigh.

"Maybe it can be better this time..." Karen offered hesitantly.

"What didn't you like about it?" Sam probed gently.

"I had just gotten used to my senses...how to use them really...I mean I was learning before Dad died, but he tried to protect me as much as possible, so I didn't have to deal with too many sounds or smells or anything...I had to start dealing with that after he died. I had just started getting used to things when my body decided to betray me by getting taller and I started tripping over everything! And...and certain smells affected me like they hadn't before..." He blushed and refused to say anything else, leaving it to Sam and Karen to figure out what he meant.

Sam pressed a kiss to the side of his head. "It might be that you have to deal with those kinds of things again, but you have the whole family around you to help and support. You have me and Karen. And you have Foggy. You've also learned how to utilise your abilities already, so it'll be easier this time around."

"I...I hope so..." Matt sighed. "...But that helps. Remembering I'm not alone this time. I mean. I had Stick last time, but he's not terribly nurturing...." Matt wrinkled his nose in amusement.

"You aren't alone," Sam promised. "I'll always be here for you, son. Even if it's just a case of needing the company, but not feeling able to talk."

Matt didn't say anything, just holding on more tightly. He didn't think admitting his hormones were making him moody was necessary; Sam could most likely tell.

While he didn't want to embarrass his son, it was only them and Karen in the room and deciding he wanted to make sure Matt was comforted properly, Sam gently pulled him onto his lap.

"Daaaad!" Matt groaned, but notably didn't try to get away and actually snuggled down.

Karen didn't say anything, but she was grinning widely.

Sam wrapped an arm snugly around Matt's torso, pulling him close without hurting him. He wrapped his other arm around Karen's shoulders, so he could hug both his children.

"Maybe we can just relax and you read to us, Daddy..." Karen said softly, not wanting to move from the affection and fairly certain Matt didn't want to either.

Sam smiled, pressing a kiss to each of their heads. "That's fine with me," he said softly. His bookcase was within easy reach, so he merely asked, "Any preference on what you'd like me to read?"

"A mystery!" Matt quickly requested.

Karen just smiled and nodded at her father to let him know she didn't mind the choice.

Soon, both kids were snuggled up to their father, intently listening to him.


Ben looked at his son and gave him a small smile. "Would you like me to call Deacon? Have him visit for the summer?"

Blake was still trying to get used to suddenly being deaged back down to a teenager, not feeling quite at home in his old skin. At his father's suggestion, though, he quickly nodded. "I'd like that," he admitted.

Ben pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed. It didn't take long at all to arrange for Deacon to drive up from the college, his last class having ended three days before. Ben then turned toward his son. "He'll be here in the morning..." he announced. "He said something about bringing a friend with him."

Blake smiled, happy at the thought of seeing his little brother, then blinked and asked, "Did he say which friend?" He trusted Deacon, but wasn't sure what friend Deacon might be choosing to bring with him.

Ben frowned. "No. He wouldn't tell me." He didn't say it seemed suspicious.

Blake did think it sounded suspicious. But he was also happy at the thought of having his brother visiting for a while. "I trust Deacon... and it's not like there isn't room," he commented.

"There's an empty room not far from the one we set aside for Deacon, so it isn't a problem," Ben agreed. "Your mom is actually lucid today and asked to see you. Feel like going in to her room and playing cards?"

Blake's smile was instant and bright. "I'd like that," he admitted. He knew it was difficult on his dad when his mom was having a bad day, so it made him even more glad when she was having a lucid day.

Ben smiled and wrapped his arm around Blake. "We'll just make the most of this situation," he said. "Enjoy it, even if it seems like we shouldn't."

Blake leaned into his father and nodded, giving a slight sigh. "Deacon will probably find this funny."

"He might. Or he might just be worried..." Ben paused. "...Most likely both." He smiled, gently directing his son into the room before following him in. "Sweetheart...I brought our boy in to see you." His voice carried to the woman in the bed. At her motioning, he gently nudged Blake to go hug his mother while he got the card table set up on the other side of the bed and got out a deck of cards. Soon, the three were having a lively game and talking like they normally couldn't do when his wife wasn't so lucid.


May looked at her daughters and made a split second decision. "We're going to the pool. No one is scheduled to use it, so it is free. Since we can't go out to a spa, it's the closest thing I can think of. I need to relax." She grinned at the two girls, hoping that they liked the idea. She was trying to help them relax just as much as herself.

Skye looked down at her teenaged form and sighed. "Great. Now I have to get used to this again." She wrinkled her nose, remembering she hadn't exactly been graceful the first time she'd been this age, then looked at Hope. "At least you're still close to your normal age."

Hope nodded, but she was still unsettled by the whole situation. "I'd like to go to the pool," she admitted quietly.

"It won't be that bad. And look at it this way...now I've been your mom when a child and a teen. You'll get to experience all the parental interference you missed the first time through..." May teased.

"I heard that, Melinda!" Lian walked up at that moment. "And if a certain someone wasn't constantly trying to skirt the rules, I would not have 'interfered'!" May's mother was smiling, so it was obvious she was teasing as well.

Skye's eyes lit up and she turned to look at her grandmother. "Do you have any stories to share?" she asked eagerly.

"Oh...I have more than a few..." Lian chuckled, ignoring her daughters disgruntled look.

"Maybe you can tell us some while we're at the pool?" Skye suggested innocently.

"I would love to," Liam said, before wrapping one arm around each of her granddaughters. "Hurry and change and I can start as we walk up to the pool!"

May groaned softly and rolled her eyes, but her smile was fondly amused, so it was obvious she didn't mind and was just putting on an act.

Hope looked a little unsure, but Skye's enthusiasm was infectious and eventually, she was chiming in with her own questions.


Hank counted himself lucky that his son and daughter weren't affected by the deaging as strongly as some members of the family. Still, that made him all the more determined to figure out how to help the family members who were affected.

Hank focused on his son, smiling at Scott. "Is everything set for Cassie's visit?" he asked.

Scott was grinning so wide, his face was beginning to hurt. "Yes...her room is set up exactly right and I've got her for two whole weeks! I'm just so thankful I wasn't hit as hard by the deaging as some of the others. I would have hated for her to not be able to come and I'm pretty sure Maggie would have thought I wouldn't be able to take care of her if I was a teenager...never mind the fact that there are soooo many other people that would help step in." He sighed. While his ex-wife was more understanding and accepting of him and what he did now-a-days, she still had a tendency to worry about him being able to take care of Cassie as a father instead of as a 'friend'. He had to admit sometimes she was right to worry, but he'd got so much better. Especially since Hank had stepped into his life.

Hank smiled. "I'm sure we can figure out something we can all do together, even if we might not want to leave home while so many of our family members are vulnerable." He looked at his daughter. "Did you need to rearrange any of your meetings?"

"Only a couple of Skype ones," Hope answered. "Nothing that would cause any problems, considering most of my contacts know something of the type of lab work you and the rest of the family do."

"It seems like poor Pepper is the only one who has to worry about her business associates finding out what happened..." Scott wrinkled his nose. "I'm glad you won't have problems," he said to Hope.

"It could have been worse," Hope agreed, remembering that, for certain members of the family, it was a lot worse.

"She doesn't arrive until the weekend, unfortunately- I'm a few days ahead of her arrival being ready- so that gives me time to check and double check. And also gives time for us to maybe call in reinforcements to help the others...since they are so busy trying to hold down the fort, I'm not sure they've thought of calling in reinforcements...." Scott looked pensive. "Wondering if I should call the guys...or at least Luis...to help out with basic stuff. He's not a bad chef and if he cooks for everyone, it would keep the others who are researching or protecting from having to take time to do it; or risk having take-out since we don't know what caused this and it would probably be a good idea to know exactly who is eating what and when until it gets fixed...." Scott bit his lip, not sure if his suggestion was valid or not, but he knew if Cassie had been affected by something she ate that reacted poorly to who knew what, he'd be leery of letting her eat anything he didn't know exactly what it was.

Hank nodded. "I think that's a good idea and would be worth bringing up during a family meeting. I'm not sure only one person would be up to the task, though, so perhaps we should look at a group of people we know we can trust. Or at least who we can do background checks on."

Scott nodded. "I'm sure everyone in the family knows of at least one person that might be able to help..." he agreed.

"Friday, would you pass Scott's suggestion on to the rest of the family members and ask them to think about anyone they know who we could bring in?" Hank addressed the AI.

"Of course, Doctor Pym. I will do so now," Friday replied.

Scott smiled. "So… you two want to watch a movie?" he asked.

Hope smiled. "That would be nice."

Hank nodded. "If you can both agree on one to watch, I'm fine with anything...."

"I know just the one..." Scott said. Rummaging around in the pile of DVDs he had, he pulled out one of Hope's favorite movies.


Loki was pacing in front of his father's door while Lorelei watched quietly. Darcy was sat to the side of the door on the floor, her chin propped on her hands. Mack shook his head. "He'll be back soon, I'm sure...."

Retrieving Bryce had taken longer than Odin had anticipated. Not because the healer had been reluctant to come, but because there had been a spate of injuries when a patrol had found themselves attacked by a group of beings. Odin had had to arrange for a group of soldiers to arrest the attackers and make sure no one else was in danger before he could return to Midgard with Bryce. Thankfully, no one had been killed and the injuries had been easily treated. Still, Odin was relieved to be returning home with his children, Bryce in tow.

Darcy glanced up when Friday announced Odin had returned with the Asgardian healer. "Thank goodness..." She sighed. Loki and Lorelei's nervousness was getting to her.

"Did something happen, Father?" Thor asked, worried.

"A minor skirmish," Odin answered. "I am sorry for worrying you." He smiled reassuringly at his children.

Loki frowned. "Skirmish? Asgard's enemies are not taking advantage of you remaining on Midgard with us, are they?" His voice sounded a mixture of worried guilt.

Darcy frowned as well. "Do you need to return to take care of things, daddy? Cuz, we could come with you. Or if that's not okay,, we'll be fine staying here with the rest of the family till you can return. As much as we'd miss you, you are the king...."

Odin moved closer to his children. "It was a group of rogue soldiers who have been captured and there are no traces of any other enemies," he answered. "I do not need to leave...though when things have returned to normal here, I would like to take you all to Asgard with me to visit."

"I'd like that!" Darcy grinned. "Won't that be cool, Jane? Visiting when you aren't being taken over by an alien infinity stone?"

Jane smiled at the idea. "There's so much I want to learn about..." she said, remembering everything she'd seen. Even if she wished the circumstances had been better, she couldn't deny that her curiosity had been awakened.

"Where are the labs?" Bryce asked. "There is still a little bit of the day left and I would like to familiarise myself with what has already been learned."

Loki straightened. "If it is acceptable to my father, I will take you to them. They are in the SHIELD portion of the building, as Tony wanted the family dwelling to be family only and no business. I believe there has been a room set aside for your use also that I can show you to first, so that you may know where you can return to rest when you are ready...."

Bryce nodded. "Thank you."

"Come back here once you have shown Bryce where he can work," Odin said. "I would like to spend some time with all my children."

"Yes, dad..." Loki smiled at his father, then nodded at Bryce. "If you would come with me..." He led Bryce toward the guest rooms to show him where he would be staying.

Darcy watched her brother leave. "Friday made an announcement while you were gone...well, more like a request...."

"What was the request?" Odin turned to give his children his full attention.

Lorelei answered. "Because of the fact that so many of the family have been deaged to an age where they are more in danger than they normally would be, Uncle Hank has suggested that if we know of anyone outside the immediate family who might be able to come and help in case of emergency- be on call as it were- it might be a good idea."

Mack nodded. "I was planning to call a woman that I became good friends with before I joined the family. She was a freelancer that sometimes helped me when direct SHIELD channels wouldn't work, so she's familiar with what we do."

Darcy grinned impishly. "Are you certain she is only a 'good friend'?" she teased.

Mack blushed, but didn't say anything.

Odin smiled at his son. "There is certainly enough room for more people to stay here," he commented. "I am afraid the only people I know here on Asgard are those who are already here."

"Eric might come, if I ask him to," Jane said, thinking. "He's a scientist, so he can help out with that." She smiled. "And possibly babysitting." Though she couldn't imagine any of the deaged kids being too impressed with that.

Lorelei wrinkled her nose at the term, but didn't say anything.

Darcy outright laughed. "They'll likely look on it as more like a Warden...."

"I doubt it will be that bad..." Mack interjected, though the tone of his voice didn't sound as certain as his words.

"It may not be necessary," Odin said. "If there are other people who can step in with what's needed to be done, it means my siblings can devote their time fully to your cousins." As could he himself to his own children.

"That would be preferable..." Lorelei sighed, looking a bit relieved that if anyone was going to be watching her like a hawk, it would be her father. As much as she loved her uncles and aunt, the situation was unsettling enough that she didn't want anyone but her father.

Odin smiled at her. "That is how I would prefer it, too."

"What will we do tonight?" Mack asked curiously, leaning against the wall, since it appeared they would be waiting for Loki to return before going into their rooms or joining their father in his.

"Whatever you would all wish to do," Odin replied. After the upset in Asgard, all he wanted right now was to be close to his children. He didn't care what they did.

"Maybe..." Darcy eyed her father sideways, a coy look on her face. "...Maybe you could tell us some stories about when you were younger? Did anything like this ever happen to you?"

Mack straightened up, a grin lighting his face. "I think I'd like to hear some stories..." he agreed.

"Nothing exactly like this, but there were things that happened," Odin answered with a smile. "Once your brother rejoins us, I will share some."

"Until then, perhaps we could gather together some snacks and something to drink?" Thor suggested.

"I'll get it!" Darcy jumped up quickly and ran down the hall toward the kitchen area.

"I'll just go help her..." Mack grinned and quickly followed his sister, though he didn't run.

It didn't take long before they had returned, their arms filled with the snacks. Loki arrived back from showing Bryce where to go at nearly the same time and everyone followed Odin into his room.

Odin waited for his children to be settled comfortably and then began regaling them with times of his own childhood and teenaged years.


Drax walked close to Peter, able to tell his son wasn't happy with the way things had turned out. "Is there anything you would like to do?" he asked.

"I dunno...everything just feels really weird..." Peter sighed. "Maybe we can go for a walk outside? Do you think that would be alright?" He gave Drax a hopeful look.

Drax nodded. "I am certain that will be fine," he agreed, before asking the AIs to pass on to the other family members that they were doing that. Just to be on the safe side.

Peter was in a bit of a better mood by the time they'd gone up to the outside. The fresh air helped calm his nerves and made him feel a little bit more optimistic. Only a little bit, though. "What if they can't find a cure? What if I have to grow up all over again?" he asked out of nowhere, obviously worried about the possibility.

Drax looked at his son. "You have grown up once already. You will be able to go through it again if necessary." About to say something more, he was cut off as a vessel came into view, high in the sky above them, and began to descend.

"That's not the point..." Peter interrupted, before his attention was also caught by the vessel descending toward the compound. "...Uh...Veronica? Could you let the others know we have company? That ship looks familiar..." he said, with a hint of nervousness. The last time he saw that ship while he was on earth was when he was being kidnapped after running from his mother's death-bed. He liked it here and he liked the family he had built up, but he had no clue what to expect from their visitor. What if the man made Peter leave?

Getting the information about where Peter's ship had gone had cost a fair bit. It was a price Yondu didn't mind paying, so long as it got him and his other son to his boy. When the ship landed and the hatch opened, he was relieved by the shape he saw...but that relief became confusion and then worry, as he realised Peter now looked like a teenager.

Peter blinked nervously as Yondu exited the craft. He wasn't entirely certain what to expect of the space pirate. The man had berated and tormented him as often as he'd protected him, although Peter could see now that the older man was just attempting to toughen him up so that he'd be able to survive the harsh conditions of living on a spaceship among aliens who would kill you soon as look at you. It was all he could do to not hide behind Drax like a naughty school-boy when he suddenly felt guilty for causing his childhood guardian to have to come look for him. As it was, he couldn't stop himself from hunching over and looking at his feet sullenly, a look Yondu had become all too familiar with when Peter was a teenager the first time.

Yondu wasted very little time in heading down the ramp towards Peter, waving for Kraglin to follow him. He wasn't unaware of the various trained family members who had arrayed outside the building, but his focus was on Peter...at least until any of the others proved themselves a threat. Reaching the teenager who'd once been his charge, but as important as his son, Yondu placed a hand on his shoulder. "What happened to you?" He didn't even try to hide his concern.

Drax took a step nearer to Peter, quite obviously protectively. He didn't do subtle well.

"Uh..." Peter answered ineloquently, caught by surprise at the concern Yondu felt not being hidden. Even when Yondu had been concerned in the past, he certainly had never allowed anyone else to see that concern. Especially not total strangers who might use that concern against him. And yet here he was, acting concerned in front of all of Peter's family, who were all strangers to him.

"He ate a piece of pie that didn't agree with him..." Jessica piped up from Peter's left. He hadn't even noticed her moving closer. "Actually...it disagreed with a lot of us...Are you here to help find a cure?" Jessica shifted in an attempt to move out of range of Steve's grip, realizing that not only had she drawn the attention of a potentially hostile alien to her, she'd moved a lot closer to said alien than her father was comfortable with, if the look he was giving her was any indication.

Steve was quick to move to his daughter's side, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to draw her to him and away from the alien. "Are you here for a particular reason?" His voice was a lot less confrontational than it could have been, since he hadn't failed to notice Yondu's reaction to Peter.

Yondu turned to the man who seemed to be one of those in charge. "I was searching for...Peter here, as his ship fell through a wormhole." He'd nearly called Peter his boy, but had switched at the last moment, not entirely sure his kid would respond well to that. Even if Yondu wasn't prepared to hide how he felt.

Drax grunted, glancing at the ship and then at Yondu. "How many are in your ship?"

Yondu's smile was humourless. "Just me and Kraglin."

Peter blinked at that. "Where's the rest 'o the crew?" he asked curiously and with a bit of worry bleeding through in his tone. As much as he liked to complain about how Yondu had raised him...the man had taken care of him and taught him and cared in his own way and Peter cared about Yondu too. For there to only be Yondu and Kraglin left, something bad must have happened.

Jessica didn't fight Steve's grip or the arm around her, but she did attempt to stay close to Peter, curiosity and her own natural protective streak encouraging her not to leave.

The flash of sadness that came over Yondu's face was gone as quickly as it had appeared. Drax was more observant than he appeared, but still lacked the subtlety that would have had most of the family steering the conversation in a different direction. Plus... "What took out a whole crew of Ravagers?" he asked outright. "Are you escaping from something?"

Yondu didn't try to deny it, though he did say, "There's no threat coming after us."

Peter wasn't oblivious and he caught the look on Yondu's face as well. Unlike Drax, he wasn't quite as blunt, but it had more to do with the fact he was afraid to hear the truth than because of a desire to direct the conversation onto a less dangerous topic. If he didn't hear what actually happened, he could pretend it hadn't occurred. Swallowing, he looked at the ground and wrapped his arms around himself, fighting off a sense of loss that he didn't understand. "So you're safe...?" he managed to squeak out, his voice cracking embarrassingly.

"Yeah, kid." There was no disguising the fond gruffness in his voice as Yondu looked at Peter. He didn't put voice to what had happened. He'd continue to try and protect his boy as much as he could. "There's no danger following us...."

Steve had relaxed his guard the more it seemed like Yondu was there because he cared about Peter than because they were going to be facing any more danger. Shaking his head, he glanced at Peter and Drax, then at the two newcomers. "You'll probably have more privacy to talk inside...." He left it at that, figuring Peter would let them know somehow if he didn't want the two strangers there.

Peter looked up at that, glancing at Steve. "Thanks, Uncle Steve..." he said softly if clearly, his voice carrying to all nearby and giving away through his tone- despite his efforts to keep his emotions in check- that he was worried, scared and upset...though it was just as clear that the feelings weren't because of Yondu. "C'mon back to..." He paused and looked at Drax, almost pleadingly. He didn't want to find out whatever had happened to send Yondu and Kraglin off in the ship alone by himself.

Kraglin swallowed and gave a tentative smile toward Drax, realizing that the big man was the one they most likely had to convince if the way Peter was looking toward him was any indication. "You're one of Peter's Guardians...aren't you?" he asked curiously, not realizing that the words had become true in more than just one way. He began to wonder, however, when he noticed Peter's face turn bright red at the words.

Yondu heard the form of address and began to worry less about what Peter might do once he found out the true identity of his biological father. If the kid had a family here, he was unlikely to want to leave them... even though the thought of not being a part of Peter's life brought a stab of pain to his heart.

Drax gave a nod, since the term was true insofar as his relationship with Peter now. "Perhaps we could go to my room," he suggested to his son, making it clear he wasn't going to let Peter out of his sight.

Peter nodded rapidly. "Come with us..." He motioned to Yondu and Kraglin. "We can talk in Drax's room. Veronica will likely want to do a scan on you when we enter the building, but it won't hurt and it helps with security..." he added, as an after-thought. He was a bit surprised at how excited he was to show off his new home to Yondu. As if he was looking for the other man's approval. He wiped the grin off his face quickly. Yondu was here to deliver news of some sort; why else would he have come? There were more important things to worry about than if the Captain approved of his new life.

He led the two newcomers to Drax's room, but waited for Drax to lead the three of them in. Meanwhile, the rest of the family had returned to wherever they had been before Veronica announced the arrival. If he could, he'd share the story with everyone else later.

Drax led them into his room, then turned to the newcomers and waited.

Yondu cleared his throat and spoke in a gruff voice. "I'm glad to see you're safe here, barring the 'mishap' that's made you a teenager." Glancing at Drax, he took a deep breath and admitted what, to this point, only Kraglin knew. "I was worried about you. You disappeared. None of your friends knew where you were...."

"Are they safe?" Drax interrupted.

Yondu nodded. "They are now."

Peter slumped in relief, a weight that he hadn't realized was so heavy on him lifting at the news. "That's great...we weren't sure...we got thrown through that wormhole before we could check on anyone else. The Sovereign really wanted all of us dead. Kinda surprised they didn't put a bounty out on us...."

Kraglin winced and cleared his throat. "They did....We took it 'fore Yondu saw what they were really like and decided he rather liked that you got one over on them. Decided not to finish the job, even though it cost lots a coin...."

It had ultimately cost him his crew, too, but Yondu couldn't rightly say Peter wasn't worth it to him. After all, he'd had no intention of bringing Peter back to the Sovereign. "They might still hold a grudge, but I don't think they'll think to follow you out here," he said. "The rest of your Guardians are laying low." He hesitated, but Peter needed to know the truth. "But there's someone else who still wants to get hold of you."

Peter was still stuck on the fact Yondu gave up lots of coin instead of catching him for the bounty. "You gave up a high paying job so I could get away?" he squeaked. "Is that why the rest of the crew aren't here? They looking for another high paying job?"

Kraglin looked close to tears again, not knowing how to tell his little brother that he'd invited a mutiny and anyone loyal to Yondu had been killed...the rest of those who had mutinied being killed when he'd finally braved letting Yondu, the raccoon and the twig free.

"No, kid." Yondu's voice was soft and gentle...at least for him. "We're all that's left." He sidled a bit nearer to Kraglin, close enough to bump shoulders with his son in a way to offer comfort and affection without embarrassing him.

"It was my fault," Kraglin choked out in a strained voice. He quickly explained what had occurred.

"But you got Yondu...and Rocket...and Groot out before it was too late..." Peter's voice was sad but filled with gratitude. Swallowing, he turned toward Yondu, forcing himself not to think of what had occurred...the dead...he couldn't do anything about that anyway. "You said someone is looking for me?" His voice cracked again and he winced with a blush.

Yondu nodded. "When I picked you up from Terra the first time, there was a reason for it. I was hired to collect you and then deliver you." He paused. "By your biological father."

Drax's eyes narrowed and he took a threatening step closer to Yondu. "You kept Peter from his father?!"

Peter's own eyes flashed with irritation, but he was too excited to finally get a lead on the man who'd spawned him to focus on it. "My father's looking for me? Mom always said he was so wonderful! If he's looking for me, then he must have wanted me! Right?" He turned toward Drax. "He didn't just decide we were nothing and leave us alone!" It was clear from his voice that he'd thought exactly that...that his father felt he and his mom weren't worth coming back for and hadn't wanted Peter.

Yondu took a step closer to Peter, ignoring the look on Drax's face, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Kid...it isn't a good reason he's looking for you." He touched Peter's face, encouraging him to look into his eyes. "I didn't take you to him...I kept you on my ship...because you weren't the only child he fathered." A troubled look came over his face. "And your mother wasn't the only one."

Peter's face was completely open as he allowed Yondu, Kraglin and Drax to see his confusion and disbelief. "You kept me from him deliberately because I wasn't his only kid? Because he was a bit irresponsible and a playboy? Just...just because he liked the ladies doesn't mean he couldn't have been a father....!" He got an offended look on his face. "...I was a playboy for years...you think I wouldn't be a good dad?!"

"No, kid." Yondu's desire to protect his boy warred with the knowledge that Peter needed to know the truth. Still, it was hard. He himself had learned the truth too late. "I kept you from him because, out of all the women he impregnated, your mother was the only one who survived. Because, out of all the children he fathered...all those he hired me to collect...he killed every single one." The site of the mass grave still haunted Yondu. It was why he'd worked so hard to ensure Peter could protect himself.

Peter paled at those words, an uncertain, unwilling look crossing his face; although it was obvious he believed Yondu, it was just as clear he didn't want to believe him. "No...he...he didn't.... There must have been some reason none of the other women survived. I mean, Mom got cancer...a sadly common disease on Earth...Terra. Maybe he just had extremely bad luck picking women who were prone to illness..." He didn't mention the children who had died, not wanting to know how Yondu knew they'd been killed or why the older man was positive it had been his father to do so.

"You must be aware your father wasn't human, kid," Yondu said. "His name's Ego and the form he used to father children was merely an … extension. His true form is a planet. A whole world. I wasn't able to learn everything about his plans, but I learned there was a reason why he fathered so many children."

"And his goal was not reached?" Drax cut in. "Which is why those children are now dead."

Kraglin gave Peter a sympathetic look. "I don't think 'is goal was reached yet...it's why 'e's started looking for Peter again. After you all saved the Galaxy from Ronan...'e musta realized you was still alive, Petey.... He thought you was dead before. We heard that 'e was looking for ya."

"How....how do you know he's responsible for the kids dying? Maybe whatever killed their moms is what killed them...." Peter protested, although it was obvious his heart wasn't in it and he fully believed what Yondu and Kraglin were saying.

Yondu let his other hand rest gently on Peter's shoulder, wanting to hug the boy even if he wasn't sure how it would be taken. He held back, even though he wanted to comfort his boy like he used to. "For a while, I was reuniting children with their father. I started to grow suspicious when I wasn't seeing any signs of them. Before he told me about you, I did some investigating. And I found them. Their remains. Every single one of them."

"And that is why you ran with him?" Drax guessed. "You have been protecting Peter since he was a child."

Yondu nodded, even though his eyes were still fixed on Peter. "Not like it hasn't always been easy. But I've done my best t' make sure you can protect yourself. Even when you was chafing under my rules."

Peter swallowed. "You...you did," Peter agreed. "You always treated me different...I just thought it was cuz eventually you'd find my real dad and get a big payout. Instead, you were protecting me. You were treating me different cuz..." He blinked and swallowed again. "All this time I was looking for my father...why didn't you tell me? Why...why didn't you just drop me off somewhere he'd never look? You didn't have to keep me with you...."

"Yeah, I did," Yondu replied. "You were my boy. You still are my boy. I wasn't gonna lose sight of you. I wasn't gonna let anything happen to you." Even if it had cost him, it was a price he'd paid willingly.

Peter blinked again, looking away from the others. He was finding it difficult not to start crying. His vision of his birth father had been shattered (not that he'd really believed his father was David Hasselhoff, but still...he'd believed the man was as close to a super-hero as you could get without being a super-hero). To find out that the man who'd fathered him had killed all his siblings- and he believed Yondu's words...the man had no reason to lie about something like that. "I spent so much time wishing for my father to come get me..." He swallowed before finally looking back up at Yondu. "...Looks like he had me all along..." His smile was tiny, hesitant, uncertain of what response he'd get and more than a little sad because of his shattered dream... but there was also a hint of relief and gratitude.

Peter's eyes widened as what he'd just said actually settled into his mind. He looked at Drax, then back at Yondu as he suddenly realized. "...I've got two dads..." Then he got a nervous look on his face and whined. "...Aw, man! ...I've got two dads! I ain't ever gonna get away with anything now!" He pouted and gave Kraglin a dirty look as the younger alien started laughing with loud guffaws.

The look of relief on Yondu's face was obvious and he finally gave in to his urge to wrap his arms around Peter in a tight hug, happy that his boy was accepting him into his life.

Drax looked at Peter and then focused on Kraglin. "And a brother, too," he commented bluntly, having noticed the protective way Yondu acted around the other man.

Peter would never admit to snuggling up to Yondu, but he pressed closer and held on tightly, hiding his face against the older man's chest. He eyed Kraglin from his position of not-snuggling and nodded at Drax's words. "...And a brother..." he said, his dirty look turning a bit more mystified as he watched the older alien to see how he viewed the situation. Kraglin had been a teen when Peter was brought on board while still a child and had often been given the responsibility of keeping the Terran alive and out of trouble when Yondu had captain's business to handle. It wasn't such a leap to view the laughing man as family- as a brother- but if Kraglin didn't like that idea....

Kraglin heard Drax's words also and stopped laughing long enough to nod vigorously. "I been treating him like a pesky younger sibling for long as I known him. Bout time he realized it..." He chuckled and then started laughing again when Peter stuck his tongue out at him.

Yondu's affectionate smile was directed at both of his boys, tightening his arms around his teenaged son, because he could do that now and not worry that Peter wouldn't like it. "I got both of you now," he said, one hand rubbing over Peter's back.

Peter let out a soft sigh and gave up the pretense, snuggling close. "You'll stay here, won't you?" he couldn't help but ask, the hope clear in his voice. He looked toward Drax again, an uncertain, worried yet hopeful look in his eyes. Drax had become very important to him and he didn't want the other man to think he was no longer wanted or needed; at the same time, Yondu had always had a very large role in Peter's life and finally being able to recognize and acknowledge that role was important to Peter.

"I ain't gonna let you go again," Yondu promised, stroking his hair. Somehow, he couldn't stop giving the affection. Not now that he'd started. Not now he could.

Drax noticed the look and took a step closer, giving a smile towards his son. "I am glad you now have your other father," he said, his words making it clear he still considered himself Peter's father along with Yondu.

Kraglin stopped laughing at Drax's words and grinned at Peter. "Yep...now you's got two daddies and a big brother watchin yer back. No one gonna get close and hurt ya!"

Peter smiled crookedly at Drax and Kraglin. "Guess that's good and all, since I seem to have shrunk!" he groused happily.

Yondu gave a soft snort. "Even after you return to your proper age, it ain't gonna change," he vowed. "I'm gonna keep right on protecting you. Be easier now yer not running."

"Yeah...not much felt like running for a while now..." Peter admitted. He'd loved being a Ravager...loved the freedom of space and not being held to rules; or at least he thought he had. Since crash landing back on Earth and not being able to leave...since being given rules and a home and a family...he was discovering that he was just as happy not running. Well...as long as he wasn't in trouble and in danger of a butt roasting, at any rate.

"Good." Yondu touched his cheek. "You deserve to be safe. With me. With your other dad...your brother. The rest of your family."

Peter's smile grew. "You're gonna like the rest of them...." he said, with a hint of excitement. "I can't wait to introduce you both!"

"I think I do already," Yondu answered. "Because they want to protect you as well. I am glad," he said honestly.

"You are much happier now than when they came out of the ship," Drax commented, remembering Peter had acted like he was feeling guilty about something the moment he'd seen Yondu.

"Well yeah! I mean...I'm really sorry to hear about the crew and all..." a brief look of sadness crossed over Peter's face, "...but I thought they were here cuz Yondu wanted his thing back and it got destroyed on the Milano, so I didn't...." He blinked and stiffened as he realized he'd all but admitted stealing from Yondu while Yondu still had hold of him. Biting his lip, Peter attempted to extricate himself and put a little bit of distance between them before he explained...since he knew Yondu would want to know what he'd taken.

Yondu tightened his arms around Peter, effectively trapping him. "What did you take, kid?" he asked, a serious, almost stern note slipping into his voice.

Peter gulped- there wasn't any other word for it- and fidgeted before mumbling something against Yondu's chest.

Kraglin blinked, a confused look on his face as he looked between Peter and Yondu and then looked at Drax, wondering if the other man knew what Peter had just said, since it wasn't intelligible to Kraglin at all.

Yondu's hand came to rest on Peter's lower back, patting it lightly, almost in warning. "Care to repeat that, kid?" Although phrased as a request, the tone made it clearly an order.

Drax raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything or attempt to put a stop to the proceedings. After all, if Peter had stolen something from him, there was no question he'd be going over Drax's knee.

"I took one of your crests...the gold one tipped in rubies that made it look like your hair was on fire..." he said, reluctantly and sullenly admitting what he'd done. "I kept it on the Milano, but..." He bit his lip and gave up any attempt to get away. While no one in this room would have raised an eyebrow if he'd stolen from someone else <given that they were all thieves of some sort>, stealing from family was an entirely different matter.

"Oh, Petey..." Kraglin said softly, in an entirely too sympathetic tone.

It hadn't even occurred to Yondu that his boy would have stolen his crest. Or that he would have been running partly because of that. "Okay, kid. I'm going to put you over my knee and I'm going to spank you," he said, bluntly and outright.

Peter's eyes widened and he began to squirm in an attempt to get away, even though he had expected this would happen when Yondu found out. "Nooooo!" he whined.

Yondu didn't waste any time, guiding the youngster over to the bed and taking a seat before arranging the lanky teenager across his lap, a position that had become familiar while his boy had lived on the ship with him.

"No...Yondu! Pleeeease... it was a long time ago! I won't ever do it again!" Peter continued to wriggle and attempt to get away, but as was the case when he truly was a teenager, he wasn't as strong as his father and once Yondu had decided he'd misbehaved badly enough to warrant a punishment, nothing would stay the older man's hand until Peter was a contrite, blubbering mess. Even knowing the futility of fighting- and knowing that fighting would likely make the spanking harder- Peter couldn't stop himself from trying to get away.

Yondu pulled his boy against his stomach, wrapping an arm around Peter's waist to make sure his boy's squirming wouldn't catapult him off Yondu's lap. He then proceeded to bare his son and brought his hand down in the first hard smack at the crest of Peter's backside and then repeated it.

Witnessing Peter have his bare backside reddened by Yondu wasn't a new experience for Kraglin. The kid had gotten into trouble often enough while still living on the ship with the captain and the rest of the Ravagers that, for a while, it was a common occurrence. He wasn't sure how Drax would handle seeing it done, though and couldn't help but glance at the other man.

For his part, Peter continued to squirm and wriggle, though Yondu's tight grip kept him from moving very far at all. He also continued to whine and plead for Yondu to stop. Somewhere around the seventh or eighth smack, though, he seemed to realize that Yondu wasn't going to stop until he felt that Peter had been punished enough and he gave up the begging, instead clenching his teeth tightly in an effort not to begin crying like a baby.

Drax wasn't sure he would have spanked Peter in front of other people, but that was more because he'd noticed the way the family handled things. He didn't look away. If his son was going to steal from the family, he needed to accept the consequences that whichever father was bringing him in hand would give him.

Yondu delivered the hard, sharp smacks down to Peter's thighs and then started over from the top, speaking partway through the second circuit. "You didn't need to steal it, kid. I would have given it to you if you'd asked. I would give you everything."

Peter blinked back the tears that were already streaming from his eyes and reached down, wrapping his fingers into Yondu's pants leg and holding on tightly. "...I...I didn't thin...think you...you'd gi...give me that!" he gasped out as Yondu continued to blister his bottom. It hurt. It hurt so bad. It was all he could do not to begin sobbing. He continued to wriggle and squirm, though it was obvious he was tiring, as the movement wasn't as frantic or rapid as it had been.

Yondu completed the second circuit and then began a third, going a bit harder and faster. "You think I consider you less important than my possessions? I would give up everything for you." He didn't voice that he already had, pretty much.

"I...I di...didn't think I was that important!" Peter finally admitted in a wail. "I didn't know!" He gave one last frantic attempt to get loose, throwing himself from side to side in an effort to dislodge Yondu's grip, then threw both hands back to cover his bottom.

Yondu moved Peter's hands out of the way, pinning them against his back, and increased the force and speed a fraction more. "You ain't gonna doubt that again, kid. You are that important. You have always been."

"I won't! I won't doubt it ever, ever, ever again! I won't, daddy! I promise!" Peter sobbed out, before going limp over Yondu's knee and crying brokenly. He hadn't realized that the older man had actually cared about him until that day; finding out how wrong he'd been about how Yondu viewed him and his relationship to the man was an eye-opener. Of course, realizing that the man had actually cared and was protecting him for all these years left him feeling more than a bit guilty at how he had treated Yondu, but now that he knew, he wasn't ever going to abuse the man's trust or affection ever again. He promised himself that.

Yondu brought the spanking to a stop and wasted no time in gathering his boy into his arms on his lap, hugging Peter tightly to himself. The last time he'd done this, his boy had pulled away in a fit of temper. Stroking Peter's hair, Yondu hoped he wasn't going to experience that again. "I got you," he whispered.

Peter remembered the last time Yondu had spanked him and how he'd pulled away from the comfort. He'd been miserable for days after, feeling like things weren't completely finished because, while Yondu had punished him, the older man hadn't been able to assure Peter that he was forgiven and everything was alright, due to Peter's stroppy attitude. Peter wasn't going to make that mistake again. As soon as Yondu was holding him tight, Peter twisted around and wrapped his own arms around the older man, burrowing against him with his head tucked under Yondu's chin. "I'm sorry...Know better...don't steal from fam'ly..." he whispered in between tears.

Yondu tightened his arms around Peter, relieved to be able to hold him, and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "You don't," he agreed. "But you've been punished. It's over and I forgive you," he promised.

Slowly, Peter was able to calm down, his sobbing ebbing into quiet tears that eventually turned into sniffles. He never let go of Yondu the entire time, though, snuggling as close as possible and soaking up the affection. Swallowing, he turned a bleary eyed look to Drax. "...You f'give me too?" he asked, in a tiny voice. He knew Drax had to be disappointed that Peter would steal from a family member. Taking Yondu's crest was a lot different than lying about and keeping the infinity stone from Yondu. Or taking the Milano (since Yondu knew about the Milano and could have easily taken it back if he really didn't want Peter to have it).

Drax stepped closer to Peter, reaching out and placing his hand on his son's shoulder, squeezing gently without dislodging Yondu's embrace. "You have been punished. I forgive you too," he promised.

Sniffling quietly and giving Drax a teary smile, Peter snuggled against Yondu again. Finding out his sperm donor had been a murderous asshole who had an ulterior motive in wanting him...an ulterior motive that likely wasn't good in the least...had left him feeling bereft. He may not have ever known his father, but the dream of his father was so ingrained in his life and so full of detail that having it destroyed almost felt like a physical blow. He sniffled again and asked wearily, "Do you think he hurt my momma?"

Drax really wasn't good at being subtle, but he knew his son well enough to know that answering the question honestly would, more than likely, hurt Peter. He gently squeezed his son's shoulder.

Yondu ran his hand over the back of Peter's head. "I'm not sure we can ever be certain of that," he replied. "But he won't get to you. Not with all of us here." Catching his other son's eye and not wanting Kraglin to be left out, he waved him over to join them.

Peter knew they were holding back, not wanting to tell him what they really thought, but he was grateful for the avoidance. It was bad enough he felt deep down that Ego had been the reason his mother had died. Having his two fathers confirm it wouldn't help him feel better.

Kraglin moved closer to the tiny huddle and reached over, ruffling his little brother's hair. "No ways he getting to you!" he confirmed their father's words.

Peter sniffled and shifted so Kraglin could join in the cuddle, only letting go of Yondu long enough to pull his underwear back up. He'd kicked his pants off somewhere during his struggle to get free and counted himself lucky he hadn't lost the under-garment as well.

Yondu kept one arm around Peter and wrapped his other arm around Kraglin, though didn't pull his other son down on his lap too. While he was fairly certain he could get them both to fit, Drax was standing close enough that he'd likely get pushed out. And Yondu couldn't help smiling when Drax placed his hand on Kraglin's shoulder, too, giving the younger Ravager a smile. "If we are sharing one son, it only makes sense that we share two," the big alien said, making it clear he was accepting Kraglin as a son as well as Peter's brother.

The startled yet pleased look on Kraglin's face caused Peter to begin giggling, which caused him to blush. He was having a very difficult time controlling his emotions in his younger form. "Damn good thing I didn't deage as far as Harry and Peter." He sighed. "Or poor Kara."

Kraglin's eyes widened. "Others were shrunk to even younger versions of themselves?"

Drax nodded. "Two of the boys have been deaged to about seven years old. One of the girls is now about two years old, but still seems to have her adult mind."

Kraglin winced at the last. "That's rough...."

Peter nodded. "It's hard on her...."

"You have us now." Yondu rubbed Peter's hip gently. "We're here and we can help where it's needed."

"Everyone will appreciate that..." Peter smiled, letting his head drop onto Yondu's shoulder before reaching to take Drax's hand. He didn't know if it was stress from so much happening the last few days, or the fact he was emotionally younger, but the affection of the two men felt good and he didn't want it to stop.

The bed was big enough that Drax, holding onto Peter's hand, was able to sit down and encourage Kraglin to join them on the bed, holding onto his other son's hand too.

Yondu gently stroked Peter's hair, his other arm around Kraglin's waist so he could keep in contact with both his sons.

Peter yawned and despite himself, fell asleep in his father's arms.

Kraglin pursed his lips. "Is this normal for those deaged so far down? Or is he just tired from stress?" His question was quiet. "How best can we help?"

"There has been a lot of stress going on right now," Drax said.

"And what he learned today has likely tired him out," Yondu commented.

"Yeah. I thought he knew his position in our lives. Every one of the Ravagers knew he was yours..." Kraglin was amazed Peter hadn't realized.

"It is not too surprising," Yondu said. "He'd already felt rejected...." He sighed, knowing he should have made it clearer to Peter.

"It is easy to look back on what you did in the past and feel you could have done things better," Drax said.

Kraglin sighed and nodded. "We'll just hafts make sure he knows better this time 'round..." he finally said. He stood slowly so as not to wake his little brother and reached under the bed, pulling out Peter's jeans. "He'll be wanting these when he wakes up. Maybe. They're a bit rough." He glanced at Peter's bottom. Dark pink skin peeked out from underneath the briefs and Kraglin just knew Yondu hadn't gone easy on the whelp. Not that he could blame his father. Peter had to realize his worth and sometimes the only way the kid would remember such things was with a physical reminder that lasted a few hours.

He looked at Drax. "Almost expected you to stop the whoopin...."

Peter shifted in his sleep and whimpered as he put pressure on his bottom. Sniffling, he nuzzled against Yondu for a few seconds before settling. Kraglin smiled sadly. "...'e 'andled this spankin' lots better than any of the ones you had to give him on the ship. Course, on the ship, you didn't dare cuddle him after to help ease him. Even though I knows you tried to show him by givin him easier chores after and makin sure the mess was his favorite foods for a few days...somehow think this be better...." He nodded at the way Peter was seeking the physical comfort.

"This is not an unusual form of punishment here," Drax replied. "When someone does something they shouldn't, they are spanked. He should not have stolen from you. Even if what he stole had less value than him," he added to Yondu.

Even though Peter was asleep, Yondu couldn't help but tighten his embrace, even while nodding to Kraglin's words. "It is better," he agreed with his older son.

Kraglin nodded.

At that moment, Friday spoke up. "Sirs...two rooms have been assigned to Masters Kraglin and Yondu.... the rest of the family is requesting that everyone meet tomorrow morning for an update and introductions, as the other individuals they are inviting to help out during the crisis will be here by then."

Kraglin blinked. "Gives the whelp time to get all his snuggle needs out of the way...." He grinned at the two fathers.

"Perhaps we should all stay in one room for tonight?" Drax suggested, fully aware that Peter would likely need both his fathers. And that he wanted the chance to get to know his new son.

"Wouldn't be the first time," Yondu replied. Once more, his arm snaked around Kraglin's waist to pull his older son in close. Peter might have needed cuddling after being spanked, but Yondu knew Kraglin was still haunted by guilt. He'd keep them both close, with the help of their other father.

"Your bed's plenty big 'nuff for all of us..." Kraglin noted. "Is tha' typical?"

"It is normal for parents to have all their children in the room...even in the bed...with them," Drax answered. "The family seems to grow at the same rate animals breed."

Kraglin snorted in amusement. "That would explain how large this family is...." He glanced down at his 'baby' brother again. "If we're gonna be meeting the rest of the family tomorrow mornin, I think I wanna get some shut eye too. Peter's prolly gonna wanna be next ta both of you, so I kin sleep onna side...."

"The bed's big enough for you to stay close to one of us," Drax said gruffly.

"Who do ya want t' sleep next to?" Yondu asked.

Kraglin slanted his head and thought. He was still dealing with the guilt of what he'd done to his captain- his father- and while Drax had quickly and easily decided he would be a father to him as well, they hadn't had opportunity to get to know one another. "If'n ya don't think it will disturb Peter...I'll sleep on yer other side, sir." He waited for Yondu to respond. That would put Yondu in the center of the bed instead of on a side; the captain may not like that.

"It wouldn't disturb him," Yondu promised. "And it won't disturb me. I want t' keep you both close," he said reassuringly.

"K....dad..." Kraglin grinned crookedly at being able to say that out loud after years of feeling it was true but not able to do anything.

Yondu grinned at the name and then turned to Drax. "If you get yourself comfortable, I can arrange Peter and then me 'n Kraglin'll settle in."

Drax nodded and shifted over to the bed.

"Looks like whatever put him back in years done wore him out," Kraglin noted, as Peter barely stirred while Drax got in and Yondu arranged him so the larger alien could hold him while the captain and Kraglin could get into the bed.

"Punishment will do that, too." Yondu settled in next to Peter, then held his arm out for Kraglin to join him.

"Yeah...think Ida remembered that he was always sleepy after he'd earned himself a trip o'er yer knee...poor kid..." Kraglin got in and pressed up close we to his father. "Night, dad....night, Pop..." he said to Drax, a hint of wonder in his voice that the taciturn man had decided Kraglin was his because he and Yondu were sharing Peter.

Drax smiled and reached across so he could gently stroke Kraglin's hair. "Good night, son," he said.


Mike Peterson growled under his breath as he saw the caged human, HYDRA guards tormenting him. Focusing on the mouths of the guards, he used his enhanced sight to lip read and was shocked to realize just who the caged human was. "So von Strucker's son isn't one of HYDRA's elite? Gotta update our file on him then...."

He paused. He wasn't here on a rescue mission. In fact, Werner von Strucker was the only non-HYDRA individual, sans Mike, and if even half of what the kid's file said about him was true the kid deserved to be where he was. Of course, the file had been wrong about him being HYDRA elite, so....

Sighing, Mike raised his weaponized hand and shot. By the time he was done, the only ones still breathing were him and the kid. He'd gotten the intel he'd come for prior to running across the cage, so it was time to get out. Moving quickly, he wrenched the cafe door from its hinges and then broke the bindings on Werner. "You're coming with me..." he said firmly, if in a bit of a monotone voice. SHIELD might be able to get some useful information from him.

Motioning with one hand, he began making his way toward the exit. It was a bit odd and a little worrying that they weren't running across any guards.

Werner was too shocked to do anything other than follow his rescuer...if that was what the man was. He wasn't seriously hurt, but was fairly certain he'd wrenched his ankle going down hard when he'd initially been grabbed. It was hard to do anything more than hobble along, but he tried to go as fast as he could, not wanting to be left behind.

A figure stood framed in the exit. Humanoid appearing, with a flaming skull for a face. Werner jerked back a step, looking at the stranger who'd rescued him and then at the figure that didn't even look human.

For his part, Mike held back, just watching the being blocking their exit. He'd been hearing stories on the street about a flaming skull headed man. Supposedly, he only went after those who had done something 'bad' and weren't sorry for it. At least that's what one little abuela told him. He'd done a lot of bad in his life- although he was sorry for it (most the time). Finally sighing, he asked, "You gonna let us go? Or should I take another exit? I'm assuming we have you to thank for the lack of HYDRA goons swarming us...."

The skull changed, morphing back into the normal human face. Shaking his head, Robbie spoke rapidly. "I took them out, but one got a call for reinforcements through. I've gotta car outside. Quick getaway." He motioned with his head. "Follow me."

Mike blinked. "Well, okay then. C'mon, kid..." He took Werner's arm and half supported, half dragged him after Robbie.

There were bodies all over as they exited into the cold air. Werner allowed himself to be towed after Robbie, jogging towards his car. As they reached it, Werner couldn't help but comment, "Nice ride."

Robbie shrugged, giving a tiny smile. "Got some perks." He opened the back door and quickly waved the two other men inside.

Mike helped Werner into the back seat before moving around to the front passenger side of the car. "I'll ride shotgun," he said, climbing in.

Robbie didn't argue, barely waiting for them to strap in before he was driving, glancing in the mirror to check they weren't being pursued. He didn't want to change while there were people who would get hurt in his car.

"Umm..." Werner spoke up, sounding a little bit shell-shocked. The whole day had been crazy. "Thank you. I think," he added, not sure if he'd been rescued or if he was going from a bad situation to a worst one. At least he wasn't tied up or strapped down.

"I gotta check in with my handler. You mind?" Mike held up his comm unit so that Robbie wouldn't think he was talking to himself. He didn't respond to Werner; his rescue hadn't been planned, so he didn't feel he really deserved any thanks.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't say anything about me," Robbie replied. "I've got someone to protect."

Werner swallowed and spoke in a rather subdued voice, "I didn't realise it at the time, but they mentioned keeping tabs on you. I'm guessing they might have been planning to capture you." His captors had spoken freely in front of Werner, having already told him he was going to die. He'd believed them.

Swearing, Robbie wrenched the car off the road. "I've gotta get my brother."

Mike had been talking quietly into his comm, but that didn't mean he wasn't listening to the other conversation. "Got it." He turned toward Robbie.

"Get your brother and then if you'd be so good to drive to a location I'll tell you- there's been a development where I'm needed. Maria is going to arrange to have my son brought there to meet me, so if you want to bring your brother there, I'm sure it will be safe. There'll be Avengers looking out for him..." he said, a tiny quirk of his lips indicating he wasn't sure how this had become his life.

Robbie raised his eyebrows. "Avengers, huh? Probably the safest place he can possibly be," he said, driving towards home. "It's gonna take me a few minutes," he warned.

Werner wasn't really sure what they planned to do with him and didn't really have the courage to ask. Noting a pad and pencil tossed on the floor in the car, he picked them up and began quickly writing everything he could remember about what the goons had been talking about. Even the things he didn't understand. He'd picked up on enough to be aware the organisation was planning something big. And even though his father had been a part of HYDRA's elite, Werner had never been close to the man. Or shared his beliefs.

Mike nodded to show he'd heard Robbie, staying on alert after the man left in case he needed help. He noted Werner writing in the back seat. "What're you writing?" he asked.

"Everything they talked about," Werner replied. "Figure you'll be interrogating me anyway. This way, there's a head start."

Robbie didn't waste any time heading into his apartment and finding his brother. "We need to leave. Is there anything you can't leave behind?" he asked, beginning to pack up the chair.

"What?" Gabe blinked in confusion. "Why...?" He shook his head, thinking. "Nothing that can't be picked up later, I guess.... Do I have time to pack a suitcase? Are you going to tell me what's going on?" He doubted it. His brother tended not to share information if he thought Gabe was better off not knowing.

"I'll come back and grab some clothes later," Robbie replied, not wanting to risk anyone coming while they were still here. He put the chair by the door and then picked up Gabe. "There are two men in the car. We're going to an area where there are Avengers...."

"Wait...what?" Gabe blinked, holding onto his brother. "Since when do you know men who know Avengers...?"

"Since today, apparently." Even though he was worried and trying to hurry, Robbie was still very careful with his brother as he carried him out of the building and to the car.

Mike had been watching carefully and when he saw that Robbie was carrying the younger man, he quickly got out of the car and opened the door for him. "Need me to grab anything?" he asked. He didn't offer to let Gabe sit in the front; he needed to be able to maneuver to fight and help Robbie get away if they suddenly found themselves being pursued, but that didn't mean he wouldn't make the younger man as comfortable as possible.

Gabe glanced at Mike his eyes going even bigger. "You know a cyborg?" he whispered faintly.

Mike couldn't help but chuckle mirthlessly as he waited for Robbie to answer him.

"Not a cyborg. Just happens to have some robotic parts replacing his human ones." Robbie then addressed Mike. "I need to grab Gabe's chair. If anyone comes, just drive. Get him away to safety. I'll catch up." He quickly placed his brother into the car, but left it to Gabe to strap himself in.

Mike nodded, then got back into the car, positioning himself so that if he needed to make a quick get-away, he could do so. Luckily, no one did come and soon, Robbie was back with the chair, putting it into the trunk. When Robbie got back into the car, Mike said quietly, "So far, no one has shown up and there is no one looking, but my eyes and ears have reported that there is someone headed our direction about five blocks away. We need to go quick." He shifted, preparing himself to protect the car while Robbie drove, if necessary.

Gabe swallowed as he heard Mike. "Who's after us?" he finally asked. He'd noticed the beat up appearance of Werner and connecting the dots wasn't difficult. Whoever his brother was rushing them away from were obviously nasty individuals.

Robbie nodded, wasting no time in putting the car in gear and driving, waiting for Mike to tell him where they were headed. "Bad guys," he answered his brother.

The frustrated, grumpy look Gabe gave his brother at that answer would have caused Mike to cringe if it had been directed at him. As it was, he couldn't help but chuckle softly under his breath. He'd tell the kid himself, but maybe Robbie had a reason for not wanting to give the kid a direct answer. Calmly, he told Robbie where to drive. Maria had promised to pick up Ace and bring him with her. All he could do now was keep the guys he was with alive and hope that they didn't pick up a tail.


Coloussus shook his head and landed another swat to the man's backside across his knee. While he was considerably stronger than Wade, Coloussus was very careful not to use anything close to a fraction of his true strength. While Wade healed fast, he didn't want to break the other man. And by now, he'd had plenty of practise to hone his technique.

"Ooooooow! C'mon, Big Guy! It...it isn't like... Ooow! It isn't like you didn't find out!" Wade wailed. He knew he had messed up badly. He'd taken the message. He should have passed it on. "I didn't want to leave the mansion, though....I wanna stay home and not be responsible and giving him the message would have meant he'd go and be responsible and want me to be responsible too...Is that so wrong of me to try and thwart?" Wade wasn't talking to Colossus and Vanessa had left the room as soon as she'd seen the look on the bigger man's face, grabbing Negasonic Teenage Warhead- or Soni as Wade liked to affectionately annoy her with- and quickly leaving. (She'd seen Wade get his ass blistered by Colossus once and it was enough, thank you very much. It wasn't even arousing in the least; which, given how kinky she and Wade could get, was a surprise.) In any event, Wade wasn't talking to anyone in the room that could be seen, though the words were clear enough for Colossus to hear.

By now, Colossus was used to Wade addressing people he couldn't see and had accepted it as just another one of the other man's many quirks. At least this one wasn't likely to get Wade in hot water. "It is wrong," he replied firmly, swatting each of Wade's thighs before beginning a new circuit. "And not wanting to be responsible is not an excuse to hide something from me I should know about."

Wade bit his lip and risked a glance over his shoulder at the man currently tenderizing his posterior. "It was wrong?" His lower lip quivered slightly as he tried to determine exactly how mad at him Colossus was. As much trouble and grief as he gave the other man, he actually liked the gentle giant; well, gentle when he wasn't disciplining Wade anyway. If Colossus thought he'd done something wrong, then Colossus would be disappointed in him. Might be angry with him. None of those were things Wade wanted between him and Colossus. He winced and grimaced as the big hand continued to smack his already very sore backside and couldn't help but try and wriggle away so that his butt wasn't such a good target.

Colossus tightened his hold, still mindful of his own strength, pulling Wade closer against his stomach. "Hiding the message from me, knowing it was something I needed to see, was wrong," he confirmed. "How can I trust you if you do that?"

"You don't trust me anyway!" Wade stuck out his lower lip, but it was more an effort to deflect from the fact he had started crying than because he truly was pouting or believed what he'd just said. He didn't know when it had occurred exactly, but Colossus's opinion of him mattered to him and the thought he wouldn't trust him hurt.

"That is not true and you know that," Colossus replied firmly, even as he continued the spanking. "If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't keep you with me. I wouldn't take the time to do this." Or spend time with the other man. Pausing his words but not the spanking, he then added, "And I wouldn't trust you to take with me into a situation that is unknown."

"I know it isn't true..." Wade admitted quietly, before shifting again. "...Trust you too..." he added. "I must trust him, since I keep deliberately doing things I know will get me put over his knee...." he muttered at the wall again. "...Can't let him know it's deliberate, though. He'd wanna know why and even I know that wanting to be spanked isn't normal...that it normally doesn't make most people feel safe...." Wincing again and letting out a loud whine, Wade threw his hands back to cover his bottom. Deliberate or otherwise, it hurt and he was damn well going to make certain Colossus knew it hurt.

Colossus moved Wade's hands out of the way, holding them against his back. "You know, Wade, that I can still hear you even when it is not me you are talking to," he said, not entirely certain if Wade would listen to a reassurance from him about 'wanting' to be spanked. Colossus was fairly certain it wasn't the spanking Wade was looking for by itself, but it didn't feel right to address something that wasn't exactly meant for his ears.

Wade blinked through his tears and huffed, "...And you know it is rude to listen to other people's conversations with invisible people!" he spouted impertinently, giving another hard wriggle to see if Colossus was distracted by his words enough to break free. He'd have been really disappointed in himself if he knew his huff at finding the grip as strong and secure as always actually sounded relieved instead of frustrated. "If you know...then..." His voice trailed off. It changed things. "I can't deliberately get into trouble if Colossus knows it is deliberate. It just would seem too odd.... not that I don't get into trouble without meaning to often enough. I just have that kinda personality..." He stopped his monologue to whimper. His backside really hurt! If it kept going, he'd actually need the big guy to hold and cuddle him after. Maybe he should just stop being stubborn and admit he'd done something he shouldn't and apologize....

"Wade...." Colossus increased the force behind the swats a tiny fraction. "Perhaps you should not be so concerned with seeming odd," he suggested. "After all, there are other quirks in your character I have accepted. And if you feel the need to go across my knee, I would rather you find a way of telling me than do something that would get you into even more trouble."

"Oomph...I think I should be embarrassed that he heard that- wouldn't embarrassment be a normal reaction?" Wade continued to talk to the wall. "...But I'm not embarrassed at all...actually feel relief that he knows. Still..." Wade broke off his 'conversation' to gasp as the smacking had reached a point his bottom felt like it was against a hot stove. "...Ooooow," he whined again, his focus now fully on Colossus and the never-ending sting of the man's hand. "..Why...why would I ask for this?" It was really a rhetorical question, since he knew he'd pretty much admitted to doing things so he'd be in this exact position. If he didn't know why he wanted it, how could he expect his big steely friend to know?

"It doesn't matter 'why'," Colossus replied. "What matters is you need it. I care about you, Wade. And I accept everything about you. Including this."

"Really?" Wade sniffled and took a deep breath to keep his voice steady. "You care about me and don't mind that I'm a freak?" His voice was still more quivery than he'd like and sounded incredulous. There were few people who would admit to caring about or even liking him. "...I'm so annoying...."

"You are not a freak, Wade," Colossus replied. "Nor are you annoying. While I would wish you wouldn't misbehave yourself over my knee quite so much, it will not change how I feel about you."

Wade stilled at those words, hearing the sincerity in Colossus's voice. "You really mean that..." He swallowed. He wriggled again, not even trying to stop the tears as they fell from his eyes this time. "I'm gonna feel this for days..." he said in a tiny voice. He would have liked there to be less relief in his own tone. Of course, now he was feeling twinges of guilt for the hassle he'd caused Colossus. "Sorry I didn't give you the message..." he finally said, his voice clear and sincere. "I'll tell you everything they said...." He wriggled again, wondering if that would be the end of it and he'd be let up now...or if his friend would follow through to the end. He was now saying all the right things, after all....

"I believe you." Colossus paused, resting his hand on Wade's backside, before saying, as quietly as he could, "But we are not finished. You did hide the message from me and I can't let you off the rest of the punishment for it." He resumed swatting.

Wade couldn't help but kick his legs out and gasp as Colossus resumed smacking his bottom. The brief reprieve made the swats seem that much harder and he let out a tiny moan that turned into a wail before he could help himself. He began thrashing in an attempt to move his bottom out of reach. Considering he barely moved half an inch from his friend’s lap, despite his efforts, he really should have saved his energy.

Colossus made sure his grip was firm, but not too tight, as he continued to swat Wade's bottom. "I need you to be honest with me the next time," he said seriously. "What you do won't ever change our friendship, but it will get you spanked. Each and every time it is necessary. Because I know you are a better man than sometimes you act."

"I'm not that good, big guy..." Wade protested sorrowfully, positive that if Colossus thought that, then he was doomed to disappoint the other man. He continued to struggle, but the thrashing became weaker and weaker as he tired himself out from the fruitless attempt to get away. Taking a shuddering breath, he soon found himself lying meekly over Colossus knee, accepting what he knew he had earned, tears falling down his cheeks. And then he was crying vocally, tiny hitched sobs escaping.

Colossus brought the spanking to a stop and gathered Wade into his arms, hugging the other man close and tight against his chest. "You do not think you are good, but you are," he said seriously.

Wade took a deep, quivery breath before wrapping his arms just as tightly around Colossus. "I'ma gonna disappoint you..." he whispered in a sad voice. "I won't wanna, but I will...."

Colossus tightened his embrace, always mindful of his strength and careful not to risk hurting Wade. "You will only disappoint me if you stop trying," he replied. "I know you are good."

"Thank you..." Wade said softly. "...For...for taking care of me. Not being weirded out by...by this...by me. For believing I can do better...." He slumped against his friend. "So...this was what they told me..." He began to explain the message Charles Xavier had left for Colossus.


Mordo closed the communication and walked to the library to tell Wong of the message he'd received. Together, the two of them headed in search of Strange.

Stephen Strange straightened up, stretching. He'd been researching this particular book for three hours and had barely got past the third page. it was time for a break...before one of the two mother-hens who'd decided they were his keepers came and insisted he take a break. He'd probably need to reread the last three pages again anyway. "Ah...just in time," he muttered to himself, turning to face the door. He sensed them both approaching.

Mordo didn't bother knocking on the door, instead opening it and heading into the room. "I hope you're prepared to take a break," he announced, without any preamble. "I've just received a message. We're needed."

"Well, it is mainly you," Wong said. "But we will both be accompanying you."

Strange blinked. "You're so certain that I will just go wherever?" He snorted and shook his head. "Or, for that matter, if I do go that you can choose to accompany me no matter what I say?" Of course, he knew if either of them told him he was going and that they were going with, that would be what occurred. They always managed to talk him around to their way of thinking; and nine times out of ten, it didn't involve any pain to his backside at all. Because they were usually right and he could see that they were right nearly immediately. Of course, the one time out of ten where he didn't see they were right immediately and he wasn't able to convince them they were wrong, he'd ended up wishing that he'd just given in without argument anyway.

"You can feel free to try and argue," Mordo said calmly. "About whether you are going and about whether you will be taking us. I will save you time on the first count. The Avengers are in need of your assistance."

Stephen straightened at that. "They need my help? Are you certain it was me they asked for? Stark doesn't like me.... I can't believe he'd request me to come for any reason short of the end of the world...."

"The request came from Asgard," Mordo answered. "From Odin, through Heimdall the guardian. It seems there was a mishap involving some apples and many of the Avengers have deaged." He frowned. "What is more alarming is that two of their family members have become children and one is now a toddler."

Stephen's eyebrows furrowed together as he learned that last part. "That can't be good..." He immediately started heading toward his bed-chamber where he kept his bag. "It was the apples, you say? I've not learned much about them, but from what little I do know, it should not have deaged anyone...." He was so focused on the problem set before him that he didn't even realize he'd given up his protest at being accompanied.

"My understanding is that the apples were mixed accidentally with an experiment." Mordo walked after Stephen, waving Wong to follow. It wasn't like he couldn't get to the same place if their charge suddenly decided he was going to try and head there without them, but then it would become necessary for Mordo to take him to task; and even though it had become necessary at times, he actually didn't enjoy that aspect of taking care of the other man.

Stephen sighed. "Of course. Science and magic rarely mix well..." he muttered, not commenting on the fact that he was being followed, since it meant he could continue asking questions as he packed. Besides which, he didn't feel that putting his butt on the line in order to try and leave without the other men, would be a wise battle to fight; it wasn't like they didn't know where he'd be going and couldn't follow. They'd been his teachers, after all. Throwing items into a carry-all, he was soon closing the case and turning toward the other two. "I assume you are already packed?"

"Naturally, otherwise I'm certain you would try to slip away from us." Mordo smiled, not entirely serious. Stephen was arrogant and stubborn, but tended to pick his battles more carefully. "I have been given coordinates for just outside their base."

Stephen nodded. "I'll just let you open the portal, then...." He smiled at his friend and mentor. As irritating as it was to have both the men watch over him so closely, it was also comforting in a way. He'd not had too many close friends before joining the order, his personality tending to drive people away rather than pull them in. The fact they put up with his attitude and still liked him let him overlook a lot of the irritation that came from them deciding they should be in charge.

Mordo nodded and didn't waste any time in opening the portal. Nor did he waste any time in heading through first. Just in case there was any danger.

Wong motioned for Stephen to follow, having decided to be at the rear. Just in case.

Stephen shook his head and stepped through. Once Wong had stepped through and the portal had closed, he remarked, "You both realize I'm a big boy now. You really don't need to protect me so completely..." He sounded amused and the affection in his tone was clear.

"Humour us," Mordo replied, nudging shoulders with him. "You know we both think of you as family."

"And you are likely to work yourself to the bone if we let you," Wong put in.

"I..." Stephen paused and then a sheepish look crossed his face. "...I can't really say you are wrong..." he reluctantly admitted. Sighing, he shrugged faintly. "Very well, I will humor you. Lead the way, 'Dads'..." he teased.

Rather than actually 'leading', Mordo walked on one side of Stephen and Wong on the other. Both men were aware that there might be some conflict and tension between their charge and members of the Avengers, but since all accounts were that Tony, in particular, had been adopted by the not-unreasonable Steve Rogers, they hoped there wouldn't be any major problems to deal with.

Reaching the entrance to the base, Mordo didn't waste any time in announcing their presence, making sure he indicated they were invited there by Odin.

"If you would please follow the lights, gentlemen..." Friday's dulcet tones carried to the men, even as she lit a pathway for them to follow to the elevators that would take them to the family floor.

"Stark's outdone himself with this building..." Stephen muttered, impressed despite himself.

"Thank you. If you approve, then I know I did it right..." a cheeky voice responded, before Tony moved up to walk beside Wong, glancing around the other man to nod at Strange and Mordo. "Thank you for coming. There's rooms set aside for all of you...the rest of the family is waiting in the family room."

Stephen blinked at the friendliness of Tony; usually, they were both aloof to each other. The billionaire seemed to have decided that he was going to try and be civil, though, so Stephen could do no less. "Thank you...I...I can see how you were affected. I've been told there are others that were affected more strongly, though?"

Tony frowned, his eyes worried. "Yes...my son is one of those. He was deaged to a seven-year-old, as was my nephew. And my cousin Kara is now two-years-old. They all still retain their memories, though...."

Mordo noticed the worry on Tony's face...not to mention the fact the billionaire was also much younger and had clearly been affected...and nodded. "We'll put our bags in the rooms and then come and join you." It was automatic to take charge when it came to Stephen, but at least it seemed the two men were going to be civil to each other.

Wong looked around with interest, taking note of anywhere potential threats could come from. He had to admit, it seemed as well protected as it could be.

"Thank you." The gratitude in Tony's voice was palpable. "Friday will direct you where to join us when you are ready...." The Iron Man straightened his shoulders, then turned to go join the rest of his family.

Stephen waited till it was just him and his mentors before speaking again. By that time, they had reached their rooms. "It's worrisome that they have retained their memories. The discord between body and mind may cause problems later...."

Mordo nodded in agreement. "Especially if they can't communicate in the way they're used to." He set his bag in his room and waited for Wong and Stephen to do the same, before checking with the AI about which direction to take.

Stephen moved to walk beside his friend, though he stood a scant few inches behind him in deference to Mordo's position as his teacher. Soon, they were in a large room filled with sofas and chairs. It managed to look very cozy and inviting despite the size. "The rumors of you forming a very large family were true, then...." He glanced around at everyone.

Steve stood and walked over to shake hands with each of the three men. "That's true, although we have had some new arrivals along with the three of you," he said. He was quick to introduce everyone, although the introductions did take a little longer due to the sheer amount of people there were.

Out of everyone there, Werner felt like he was the only one out of place, fairly certain he was in the room because no one had any idea what to do with him. He still had his notes that he'd written and unnoticed by him, Harry had sidled a bit nearer and reached out to pick up the pad from where it rested next to his hand. Sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the man's chair, Harry began to read what he had written. It was giving him a headache to make out some of the words, but his adult mind was still active and it seemed the notes were important.

"So...everyone you've asked to come is either a doctor or scientist meant to try and help find a cure...or muscle to provide protection and do any jobs that come up that can't wait for your teams to be back to normal?" Mike said quietly.

"I still think I could handle any jobs that came up, just fine!" Jessica grumbled.

Steve sighed and pushed his hand through his hair. "I'm not sure I would phrase it quite like that. The people here are people who we trust, or people who are trusted by those who have proven themselves. The fact is, though, we need help. As it stands, quite a few of the family members have to relearn bodies they left behind. Or they can't actively act against any kind of threat we might face." He smiled faintly. "We're not really sure what's needed right now outside of trying to find a cure. Maybe nothing will happen. But just in case...."

Harry's mind was quick to catch up with what he was reading and he frantically nudged Peter, showing his cousin part of the pad. While Peter took it off his cousin, Laura - who'd been 'adopted' by the two boys - glanced at the pad, but although she knew how to read, her mind, while mature, was still very childlike and she didn't understand in the same way the boys did.

Werner, finally realising that his pad had wound up in the clutches of the three younger (barring Kara) kids, started, "Uh... maybe you shouldn't be reading that....?"

"Dad!" The call, coming from a normal-aged Harry, would normally be questioning, hesitant, uncertain. The child mind, combined with the sense of urgency, meant it actually came out like a child truly of seven would demand his parent.

Tony straightened, moving quickly to his son's side. "What's wrong?" he asked worriedly, noting that Pepper had also moved to stand by their son...even though she looked like an older sister at this point.

Eyes wide and worried, Harry pointed to the writing on the pad, where Werner had detailed the HYDRA goons talking about testing a virus on people. The conversation between the men had been written down word for word, though it was hard to tell from the written conversation if the men had really been intending to use Werner as a test subject.

Robbie, remembering that Werner had been the one to warn him HYDRA had had him on their hit list, leaned over and frowned as his eye caught another written conversation - about a group of children in a holding facility.

Danny, who wasn't quite sure what he was doing in the group (even though he'd willingly come along with Claire, dragging Ward with him) leaned forward slightly. "Is that something the rest of us need to know about?"

"What are you all doing over there?" Ward Meachum asked suspiciously, giving Danny a curious look.

Grant was closest to the younger kids and he quickly leaned over Robbie's shoulder and read quickly before he could be shooed away. He jerked straight, his eyes wide. "We gotta stop them!" His voice cracked and he began to run toward the elevator so he could get equipment together, his perceived urgency of the situation leading him to act.

"Wait! What? Grant?!" Bobbi's voice was higher than normal also, so her nervous yelling for her big brother came out as a high-pitched shriek that made anyone close to her wince.

Grant was ignoring all the younger family yelling for him and hadn't noticed his father moving in fast to collect him (Phil being wise enough to know he wouldn't listen so saving his breath). He'd just arrived at the elevator when it opened and he had to stop short since there was no room to get on.

"Hey...Big Guy? Are we there yet? Vanessa and I can't see..." a smart-ass tone carried through the room.

Coulson reached his son's side in time to see the big, hulking metallic man in the elevator. He quickly recovered and placed his hand on Grant's shoulder to draw him back. "Calm down, son," he murmured so only Grant would hear him. "We will stop them, but we need to prepare. No one is arguing against the urgency of the situation." Turning to the elevator, he quickly addressed Colossus. "You must be who Charles asked to come... I'm Phil Coulson, Director of SHIELD."

"I am Colossus," the giant rumbled, stepping out of the elevator so his companions could exit and then turning to introduce them all. "This is Wade, Vanessa and Negasonic Teenage Warhead," he said, without any hint of a smile at the last.

Wanda had extricated herself from her father and wandered over, just in case she was needed to block the elevator. She heard the names and saw the familiar red suit. "You're here!"

Vanessa raised her eyebrows at the recognition in the girl's tone and glanced at Wade. "You know a teenager?"

Grant gave his father a reluctant look, but allowed himself to be led back, curiosity over the newcomers derailing his 'go now' attitude of before.

Wade's eyes widened at Wanda's words. "I'm here!" he exclaimed back, before wrinkling his nose. "You look familiar, but fuck me if I can figure out why...." he said, ignoring the disapproving parental looks he was getting for cussing in front of children. He turned toward Vanessa with a slightly 'duh' look on his face. "...And you know I know teenagers! We live in a friggin school! Soni is a teenager! And one of the more stereotypical type in attitude, if I may say..." he ended in an aside, facing the elevator which had no one in it.

"Which stereotype would that be, Mister DeadPool?" Friday asked primly.

Negasonic, or Soni as Wade liked to call her, actually grinned when Wade startled and jumped two feet into the air at having one of his monologues to the 'invisible people' answered by an 'invisible being'. They had been met at the landing pad by Maria Hill and she'd led them to the elevator, giving directions on which floor so Friday and Veronica hadn't spoken in his presence until that moment. "Tell me you heard that..." he said to Colossus and Vanessa.

"Ms. Hill will be back in five minutes. She is retrieving healer Bryce so that he can meet all the newcomers...." Friday said to the room at large.

"That's Friday, one of Tony's AIs that he made..." Wanda headed back to her father's side, exhibiting all of the signs of an excitable teenager; a far cry from her usual calmer personality. "Papa, Wade's here. Remember we told you about him on the island?"

Pietro blinked and stared at his twin. "Uh, where did my calm, responsible sister go?" he asked in mock horror.

Colossus frowned, glancing after the teenager, taking note of the other teenager who had silver hair. "Didn't you tell me about twins with abilities when you were cut in half and called me to come and collect you?" he addressed Wade.

"Yeah!" Wade's voice became excited. "They helped get me to my hotel room so I didn't have to spend the night fighting off wild critters that would want to eat me!" He slanted his head. I don't remember them being teenagers, though...." He shifted almost uncomfortably. "I'd a never been so...suggestive... like I was if I'd known they were teens..."

Clint just eyed the red clad man. He was torn between telling him off for flirting with his children the way he had, or easing his worry by letting him know they weren't normally teenagers and he hadn't been obnoxious to a minor. Finally, he settled on, "I'm Clint. Wanda and Pietro's father."

Coulson cleared his throat. "Actually, the age ties into why we've called so many people here. We had a mishap and everyone in the family ate something that was mixed with an experiment. The result is that many of our members are now much younger than they should be. Some extreme cases." He was still standing close to Grant, hand resting on his son's shoulder.

Vanessa raised her eyebrows, though really, she wasn't surprised. Turning to Wade, she nudged him. "Might have to tone down the language. At least when we aren't alone," she murmured so only he would hear.

Danny had extricated the pad from Harry and was reading through the notes Werner had made. "I'm guessing you know about this virus already...?" He looked up at everyone else.

"Known and had experience with." Leo shuddered, remembering how it affected Grant. At least Coulson had insisted on bringing the other man back at that point. Leo was never more glad than when they'd agreed to give Grant a chance.

"Fuck...you're right." Wade sighed to Vanessa, before hitting himself upside the head. "Damn it! I don't think I'm going to be able to fu....fudging do it!" He moaned loudly in frustration.

Grant winced and withdrew into himself before saying hesitantly, "They gave it to me originally...to see what would happen. After they gave me another serum that was meant to keep me from getting sick...."

Strange had listened to all this quietly. "I'm assuming that the serum must have worked, as you are still here...it seems that we should divide the chores up between those of us with scientific and medical backgrounds. Half should work on a cure for those who were deaged. The rest should work on a vaccine or antidote to this potential biological threat."

Coulson wrapped his arm around his son's shoulders, pulling Grant tight against him even as he spoke to Strange. "Bruce has all of the paperwork from that time and other information we've been able to find."

"Well, those of us without that kind of background should work on getting these kids out," Danny said, eyes fixed on the paper he was reading. He looked at Werner. "Is there anything you might have missed out?"

Werner shook his head. "I have near perfect recall...." It helped him a lot when he was partying and getting drunk; the latter of which seemed like a very good idea at the time.

Deacon was standing next to his friend, St. John. Neither of them were saying much, though. Deacon had got into a mild disagreement with his brother when Blake had realized Deacon rekindled a friendship with the other boy. Only Blake's trust in Deacon had kept the disagreement from turning into a full-fledged argument.

Even so, Pyro knew Deacon's brother disapproved of him and so was staying out of the way as much as possible. Because of that, he was not happy when Deacon piped up and motioned toward both of them. "We can help try to find the kids...."

Blake might have been physically close to Deacon's age, but emotionally, he was still Deacon's big brother. "HYDRA has a much larger reach than Fisk. I'm not comfortable with you risking drawing attention to yourself." His gaze moved onto Pyro as he added, "Either of you."

"I'll be best placed to help look for the kids," Robbie said. "I recognise a few of the places they were talking about." He leaned closer to Werner, almost bumping shoulders with the other man. "Good job." There was a wealth of gratitude in his voice; and an almost protective note. He'd seen Werner was worried about what was going to happen to him. The other man wasn't bad. If he had been, the Ghost Rider spirit would have killed him too.

"I'm just as able to help as anyone..." Deacon protested. "Especially given the fact you're pretty much the same age as me now...."

Pyro elbowed his friend slightly, sensing that using that as an argument wasn't going to be viewed favourably. "We can help wherever they put us..." He shrugged. It wasn't that he didn't want to help look for kids, but he felt like he was already on thin ice just because of his past.

"I can do research on the internet," Gabe offered.

Ward sighed. "I really don't know how much help I'll be. I'm a businessman, for crying out loud. I guess I can make sure their funds are cut off or blocked...make it difficult for them to operate. At least enough to cause confusion and give you a chance to act...."

"I'll just go and knock some heads off. That's always fun!" Wade giggled.

"Need me to babysit?" Soni was looking at her fingernails with a bored look on her face, but her tone of voice was sincere.

Danny shifted so he was sitting next to Ward once more. "Not every battle gets fought with fists," he commented, before adding quietly, "I'm still glad you came."

Skye bounced a little in place. "I can organise everyone technical so we can get live feeds into the places they're being held," she suggested. "And work on a strike to hit them just where it'll do the most damage."

"I don't know if I'd call it babysitting," Steve said to Soni. "Harry, Peter and Kara still have their memories of their true ages, but Kara doesn't seem able to react outside of being a child and Peter and Harry are finding it difficult, I think."

"I'd like to help," Werner said quietly. "But I'm not even sure why I'm here and not just... I don't know... left away from here...."

"After everything I put you through, I figure I owe you my support in whatever way I can give it..." Ward shrugged, listing toward the side in Danny's direction.

Gabe nodded at Skye. "We can work together!"

"So...not babysitting. More just assisting. Like a candy-striper." Soni nodded.

Wade looked at his 'little sister' askance. "How do you even know what a candy-striper is?!"

"I read!" Soni said in an affronted tone.

Mike looked at Werner. "You're here because you were willing to warn us and help. You could have kept quiet. Could have used the information to gain yourself a better position. You didn't. Means there's hope for you."

Danny shifted closer so his shoulder was resting against Ward's, in close contact with the other man. "I don't care about that. I care I have my friend here with me...." he said, softly but with complete sincerity.

Skye grinned at Gabe. "Do you need to use a computer here? We have plenty that are top of the range..." she teased her billionaire cousin.

Steve looked between Soni and Wade, a bit helplessly, before nodding. "That's probably the best way of looking at it," he said to Soni.

Werner blinked. "I wouldn't even have thought to do that... I mean... you're the good guys. And you saved me, even though you weren't there for that. No way I'd try and barter what I learned."

Gabe nodded at Skye. "Until someone can pick up my things, I'll need to borrow something...."

Ward smiled at Danny and relaxed. Their relationship may have been strained at times, mostly due to Ward's jealousy, but it had never broken. He was thankful for that.

Soni nodded at Steve before glancing at Logan and Laura. "Hey, Laura...Logan. So who here is your family?" She grinned impishly. Before leaving the school, Charles had explained that they were going to meet up with his grandkids and great grandkids.

"And that is why we can trust you and help you..." Mack said. He'd walked over by that point, his arm around Yo-Yo. He'd missed his girlfriend considerably.

"I have Healer Bryce and Helen Cho. If everyone working on the various needed cures would like to group up so they can compare notes and assign tasks..." Maria called out through the room. She'd taken charge temporarily so that Fury, Coulson and Steve could focus on their families.

"Okay, well I'm sure there's something you'll find useful...more than one...." Skye glanced around at the others, then back at Gabe. "I can grab my laptop and one for you. We can work in here or in one of the other rooms... there are offices on this floor too."

Danny grinned at Ward, entirely comfortable with his friend. It wasn't like he was one to hold a grudge. He glanced over at Skye and Gabe, then at Ward. "You want to join the technical side? I'm not sure I'd be much help attacking on that front, but I'll stick with you."

Laura glanced at Soni, but it was clear the smaller girl was still a bit confused and overwhelmed by everyone there. In fact, Peter and Harry had become calming presences for her, especially because Peter had appointed himself the one to look after her while her father was busy.

Harry, in the meantime, was drawing something on a clean sheet of the pad. Werner, not sure how to respond to Mack's comment, crouched down to look. "What'cha doing there...?"

"Harry," the small boy supplied.

"Harry." Werner nodded, repeating the name, and stuck his hand out. "I'm Werner."

Gravely, the small boy shook Werner's hand before shifting his position slightly. Taking the notes he had been reading, he'd begun drawing a map, working to scale the probable hideouts the HYDRA goons had been referring to.

Steve quickly began checking in with Strange and the other newcomers, figuring where they'd be best placed.


It was several hours later and teams had been designated, assignments given, rooms assigned and dinner eaten. Now, everyone was either congregated back in the family room to watch a movie, or had retired to their rooms to read, rest, or relax.

Grant had retreated to his room. He was upset, but his father and uncles had been firm in their decision. Those deaged to a teenager or younger would not be part of any ops that took them off the compound. In fact, until a cure was found to put them right, they wouldn't be leaving the compound for any reason. It was frustrating that all his experience and knowledge was relegated to research and helping to make plans that the 'adults' would be following. He wanted to be where the action was! He looked up as there was a knock on his door. "Come in," he said sullenly.

Jessica poked her head in the door before slipping in, dragging Lance and Bobbi with her. "Hey. You think it's as unfair as we do, right?" she said in a knowing tone.

"Yeah," he responded in a mumble. "But not like we can do anything."

Lance frowned and sat down on the bed. "There isn't anything to stop us doing our own little bit of recon," he said. "People are going to be coming and going." Lowering his voice, he added, "Shouldn't be hard to sneak out...."

Bobbi nodded eagerly. "He's right. Just because we're younger we shouldn't need to be locked up like untrained children who know nothing. We can do recon easily. Maybe even better than if we were older. No one suspects teenagers...."

It didn't take Grant long at all to agree. "Let's do it then. Tomorrow night. We should probably keep our group small to avoid drawing attention so if anyone else wants to do something we shouldn't all go together.

Jessica slanted her head. "If you three get a group together, I can get a group as well. There's a club where I think I can get some intel. I'll get some of the girls to go with me for a girl's night. Any guys try and pick us up we can get info. Maybe you three go to a different club? Get a few others with you?"

"Sounds good. We can get our groups finalized tomorrow," Bobbi said. "We better do something else now though, before they get suspicious."

Lance shrugged. "Movie? Board game?" he suggested. "Or, you know, just sit here commiserating about how we're not allowed out. It's not like our parents would be surprised by that."

Grant snorted. "As much fun as commiserating is, I think I'd rather watch a movie. Friday? Can you play the last James Bond film on my view screen please?"

"Of course sir," Friday responded. Within seconds, the movie was playing.

Lance quickly headed out to get them drinks and snacks, bringing everything in for his family members and sitting close to Bobbi. Almost without thinking, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in close.


Once the meal had been taken, Mordo, not giving Stephen a chance to lock himself away in his room with research, was quick to suggest that they convene in his room. As well as just spending time in their small family unit, Mordo also wanted to lay down some ground rules.

Stephen didn't say anything to Mordo's suggestion, although it was obvious he was a bit confused at being pulled aside when there was important research to be done. He stepped into the room Mordo had been assigned and turned to face his two mentors. "Is there something I need to know?" he asked brusquely, his attention not fully on where he was and who he was with because he was already thinking four steps ahead for what he needed to do in his research.

"Yes," Mordo replied firmly but calmly. "Your first instinct is going to be to throw yourself entirely into researching this problem. To the extent that it will be detrimental to your health. I'm giving you a warning now. When either of us tell you to take a break, you will take one. You won't neglect yourself to solve this."

Stephen's eyes widened. That had caught his full attention. "Wh... Ho... I am an adult! I know when I need to take a break and I don't need either of you to intervene and tell me!" he protested.

"Going by every other time you've been caught up in work, you have not taken a break until one of us has forced you to," Wong stated.

"Your health, mental and physical, is just as important now as it was when we first met," Mordo added. "When you neglect to take care of yourself; well, that's what we're here for."

Steven let out a long drawn out sigh, sounding more like a grumpy teenager than the adult he was. "Fiiine!" he moaned out. "May I go now, Dad 1 and Dad 2?" he snarked.

"As long as you understand that you will not be working all through the night and you will stop when I tell you," Mordo replied, his voice carrying a heavy hint of, 'Or else'.

Steven's head dropped to his chest in resignation. "Yessir..." he muttered, before looking up to see if he really was dismissed.

Mordo reached out, gently squeezing Stephen's shoulder. "We'll see if there's anything we can do while you're doing that...you know how to reach us if you need either of us."

"Yes. I do." Steven's voice was clipped, but only because he was feeling in a hurry to go start researching. He didn't say it often, if ever, but he actually appreciated that Mordo and Wong looked out for him.

"I'll come and find you when it's time to take a break." Mordo squeezed his shoulder once more and then gently released him.

Steven nodded quickly, then almost ran out the door in his haste to get to the labs and begin working.

Mordo exchanged a glance with Wong and shrugged. "I'll give him two hours and then I'll go and retrieve him."

"You know he won't want to stop," Wong replied dryly.

Mordo nodded. "I'll give him one chance not to argue with me...."


After breakfast, Danny approached Ward. "Skye offered to show me around. Do you want to come?" he asked hopefully.

Ward was about to say no, but one look at Danny's hopeful smile and he found himself nodding. "Sure. It will be helpful to know where everything is. Especially if I need to have a teleconference. I should know where quiet available offices are...."

As they began to walk, he couldn't help but ask, "...Why didn't Colleen come with you? I would have thought she'd be of more use to you than me...."

Danny walked next to Ward, heading to where Skye had suggested they meet. "I didn't ask you based on that. I would have brought both of you, but she had engagements she couldn't get out of. And coming here with you...with my friend...is better."

Ward glanced at Danny again. "It will be good..." he agreed.

Danny grinned at his friend. "Besides, we're meeting the Avengers. Not many people can say that." He spotted Skye and stopped next to her. "I guess it must be quite disconcerting to be at such a different age."

"Yeah. But there are still things I can do from here," Skye replied, thinking about the family members who normally went out on the ops. She turned to Ward and held her hand out. "Skye. Just in case you lost my name in the crowd."

Ward couldn't help but grin at the younger girl. "Ward. I'm not so great with the electronic or the physical...but if you want advice on their finances, I'm your man." He chuckled.

"Honestly, if I can get through their firewalls, we could probably use that," Skye replied. "I can send viruses, but if you think you can cut their funding...hurt them that way, however temporarily..." Sobering, she added, "These are the real bad guys. A lot of the people here have been hurt by HYDRA. That's why emotions are running so high."

Fury had left his sleeping daughter with Brock. He loved Kara, but while she didn't actively need him, he figured he might see if there was anything he could do or any of the newcomers he could talk to. He headed over in time to hear the last sentence from his niece. "That's why it's such a big help that you two and the others agreed to come," he said.

Skye grinned. "Hey, Uncle Nick. Kara doing okay?" she asked sympathetically.

"Sleeping," Fury replied. "This is hard on her."

Ward nodded at the other man. "Kara was deaged to a toddler? That can't be easy." He turned toward Skye. "You get me into their systems and there will be numerous children's hospitals that will receive sizeable donations from whichever shell companies they set up." His grin was shark-like.

Skye grinned. "Starting tomorrow, you can join my team," she suggested, then turned to her uncle. "Are you joining us for the tour, Uncle Nick?"

Fury nodded. "She's sleeping right now." He didn't say he was worried that Kara's mind would slip further and further away. Pushing that down, he turned to Danny and Ward. "You might remember me more easily, due to my eyepatch. I'm Nick Fury, one of those who will need to have anything planned run by. Just as important is keeping everyone here safe."

Ward nodded, though he really didn't think he'd be doing anything that needed planning or pre-approval. "Ward Meachum. Hopefully, I can be of some use to you...."

At that moment, May walked up. "Taking them on the tour?" she asked her daughter, even as she nodded at the two men.

Fury smiled and addressed Ward. "It's good to have you here." He turned to May and nodded to her. "Melinda."

Skye smiled at her mother. "Yeah, Mom. Did you want to join?"

"Sure. Maybe we can start making some plans..." She said this to Fury. The man had been swamped with caring for his now toddler daughter, so she figured they should take advantage of the time Kara was sleeping as much as possible.

"It's probably a good time," Fury said.

"Ward's gonna be on my team," Skye quickly informed her mother. "When we get in the system, he's going to lay waste to their finances."

Danny couldn't help grinning at the teenager's enthusiasm and looked at Ward, hoping he'd notice it as well. It was still a sad truth that his friend thought in terms of being useful or not....

Ward blinked, visibly surprised at Skye's excitement that she'd be working with him. He was used to people being reluctant to work with him unless he could get them what they wanted. "Seems the least I can do..." he murmured, a tiny smile forming despite his efforts to remain serious and aloof.

Skye quickly began the tour, moving past the family rooms and showing Danny and Ward the smaller office areas.

As they moved to the elevator to see the other floors, Fury said, "And if there's anything you need to be bought and delivered here, you can just give the list to Friday, one of the AIs."

"Thanks. I think I brought everything I'll need, but that's good to know." Ward was amazed at everything he'd seen. He'd had money all his life, so the amount of stuff wasn't what amazed him. What amazed him was how many people were living in the compound as family; and how many agents were loyal to an organization that, not that long ago, had been deemed an enemy of the state. There was power here. A lot of power. That was the one thing Ward respected and craved, after having dealt with his father and being powerless against the tyrannical maniac for so long. He had a goal that he wasn't going to let anyone be in charge of him or tell him what to do ever again. Maybe if he became part of this...this whatever it was...that goal would become true much faster.

"We also try to eat together most evenings," Fury continued, as they stepped into the elevator to go to the next floor. "The dining table was a little cramped, but I think I overheard Steve placing an order for a new one to be custom-made." He gave a small, slightly rueful smile. "Given how fast we grow, it wouldn't surprise me if we'll need an even bigger one before the year is out."

"I think everyone's heard the rumours about this family, but I never imagined it all working out so well," Danny commented, even as he looked around at everything.

"My family didn't even work with three all that well..." Ward muttered to himself. He realized most people didn't realize the kind of man his father had been; his own sister had been fooled, after all. It was difficult for him to imagine so many people getting along as a family and not tearing each other's hair out.

May smiled at Danny. "There are bumps sometimes, but the one thing we all agree on is that we talk things through and we don't run from the problems. And we care enough about each other that we work through whatever issues occur."

Danny moved a bit closer to Ward, bumping shoulders with him. "It seems to work out, however you're doing it. But I noticed some people weren't happy with the decisions being made...." He wasn't fishing for information; he was just naturally curious. His own relationship with his parents had been good, but he'd come to realise just how strained things had been for Ward. It had taken a while for him to discover that.

Fury had heard Ward's muttered comment. "A few of the family members have come from home lives that haven't been perfect, but they've all found a place here," he said, not adding that a part of him thought the newcomers might also find a place. He'd also noticed Ward's comments about usefulness. Again, that hadn't been unusual for many of the family members and Fury found himself wanting Ward to feel like he had a place there. But even though he was usually blunt and said what he was thinking, he didn't want to spook the younger man and risk scaring him away.

Ward chuckled at Danny's observation. "Think about it, Danny... You're normally an adult, able to handle adult jobs and you're good at your job. Suddenly, you're no longer an adult in body or emotions, only your memories are adult. And just as suddenly, you're relegated to 'safer' jobs that your new size and emotional abilities can handle while other people- strangers really- do the job that normally you would do. Would you be happy with that decision? Honestly?" He gave his friend a crooked but knowing smile. He knew Danny wouldn't want to be held back by anything- he'd refused to return to K’un-Lun, even though everyone he'd trained with for years had insisted that was his place, after all; if he normally did a job, a change in size and temperament wouldn't be reason enough in his eyes to keep him from doing it still.

May's smile was weak. "It's hard on them, I know. It's hard on all of us. But...until we know exactly how everyone was affected- completely know, not just guessing- we don't want to risk anyone doing something that might trigger something worse to happen. Or have them hurt because they realize, as they are in the middle of a fight, that their body won't cooperate like it usually does. They don't have to like it, as long as they understand why and follow the rules...."

Ward snorted faintly. It was obvious what he felt about having to follow rules. After being under his domineering father's thumb for so long, he didn't want to follow any rules that he didn't set for himself. He certainly didn't want to follow someone else's rules.

"And it's like I said earlier," Skye said. "There's a lot of bad feelings towards HYDRA."

"A lot of good people lost." And a lot of people who were still badly affected, even if they were healing and, in certain cases, had been given the opportunity to grow into their own person, free of the influences of their pasts. Fury's gaze lingered on Ward. "The rules we have in place are there to help make sure everyone here is safe from whatever threat there might be on the horizon. The safety of everyone here is important, so while you are here...no matter if you feel like an outsider...you will still be expected to follow the rules there are."

"But those are just common sense ones, right?" Danny asked, also not failing to notice his friend's response.

Ward shifted, not looking at anyone in particular. He knew Fury's last remark was aimed more at him than Danny. He knew he'd been a bit obvious with his distaste with the idea of rules. "Of course," was all he said. He'd never deliberately do anything to put this family in danger. Of course, that didn't mean he was going to just follow along blindly. If he wanted to do something and it wouldn't endanger the others, he was going to do it, rule or not.

May didn't say anything, but gave Nick a knowing look. They'd have to keep their eyes on the financial wizard, it looked like.

Fury didn't say anything either, although he nodded slightly to May to indicate he'd seen her look. By now, Skye was leading them through the next floor. Not oblivious to the conversation, she was trying to at least diffuse the tension. But she did glance at Fury's face, recognising that he might start reaching out to Ward.

"So...other than screwing them over financially, what exactly would I be needed for?" Ward finally asked, in the hopes of easing tension.

Fury took a moment or two to answer, trying to figure out just how he wanted to word what he was going to say. "While it's true that we've reached out to all of the newcomers because of the difficulty, no one is here based on what they can do for us. As Steve mentioned in the initial meeting, everyone is here because they're a known and trusted friend, or because they're known and trusted by those people. We aren't going to measure you based on a pre-conceived notion of how 'useful' you think you are."

"Good to know," Ward said, almost flippantly. It was obvious that the words had been heard and he was actually hearing and thinking about them.

May's smile was tiny and knowing and only there for the briefest of seconds for Fury to see. She turned toward Danny. "So...tell me about your training. I'm curious about what style you learned...."

Danny shrugged and smiled. "It was actually several different styles," he answered. "I can demonstrate, if you want." He'd noticed the rooms used for training purposes and added, "I can also help the others who have been deaged keep up with training... teach them some of what I've learned."

"Just so long as it doesn't involve getting up at the crack of dawn," Skye said.

Ward chuckled at that. "Not a morning person, I take it?" he asked in amusement.

"Mornings are for sleeping," Skye replied. "I'm not against training. Just not that early."

"That's fine...as long as the morning begins before 11:00 am..." May teased. She looked toward Danny. "But I think it might be good for you to work with everyone. Maybe if they're learning some new techniques, it will help them feel better about the situation. If only a little...."

Danny nodded. "I'm good at whatever time," he said.

"Maybe I should get some lessons..." Ward teased.

Danny heard the teasing note in his friend's voice, still.... "That wouldn't be such a bad idea," he commented.

"All of the family members have had training, even those not necessarily going on ops," Fury said.

Ward blinked. "I don't know...I'm a bit old to be starting a new fitness routine..." he hedged. It wasn't that he didn't find the idea intriguing, but he wasn't sure how good a pupil he'd be if Danny was the teacher. They were getting along much better now, but that didn't mean Ward wanted the younger man telling him what to do, even if it was to teach him something.

"If it's going to be a regular thing, you could always sit in and see what you think," Fury suggested. Ward wasn't his (at least not yet, but it wouldn't be long before Fury knew he'd stop holding back), so he couldn't order the younger man to train. No matter how beneficial it might be.

"Yeah. I guess I could do that..." Ward conceded, still not wanting to promise anything, but not wanting to argue about it or risk hurting Danny's feelings. "So...What's the plan now? We all start working on what we came here to do? Have another big group meeting? Eat lunch?"

May laughed. "We just had breakfast an hour ago. You can't be hungry already!?"

Ward actually blushed. Not a usual occurrence for him. "I didn't eat breakfast. Was too nervous to find out what I'd be doing...." he admitted reluctantly.

"There's not a problem with having a late breakfast, though it shouldn't become a habit," Fury said. "Why don't I take you to the kitchen and you can find something? Danny can work with Melinda on a schedule for training."

Ward glanced toward Danny to see if he was alright with the suggestion, but his stomach growled loudly enough that he figured his friend would be insisting he go if he didn't. "If it truly isn't a problem..." he said hesitantly, turning to go with Fury.

Danny waved his hands at his friend in a shooing motion. "Go. Eat something. I'll come find you in a while."

Fury moved a bit nearer to Ward; not touching, but close, and led him back to the elevator to head to the family kitchen.

Ward couldn't help but feel as if he was being corralled. Even though Fury had been very careful not to be pushy, it had been obvious he'd insist if Ward said he wasn't interested in eating. It was also just as clear that the man was used to being obeyed. It was all he could do to not tell the older man to mind his own business, but he doubted that would go over very well and since they were going to be living here for the unforeseeable future, he figured he needed to at least try and get along with the people he'd be living next to. It was confusing, though. As much as Fury's concern annoyed him, it made him feel good too. Sighing, he let Nick lead him into the kitchen.

"We've got a lot of different options, so if there's anything in particular you'd like, we probably have it," Fury said. "And if there's anything you'd like for the next several days, it can easily be ordered in."

"I'll keep that in mind...I normally don't eat much if anything for breakfast, though. I'm a bit surprised I am hungry now. Must be because I was walking around instead of sat at a desk..." He grinned crookedly, running a hand through his hair.

"We tend to try to make sure we eat breakfast and dinner together, barring any missions that might crop up," Fury commented as he began to prepare some food for the younger man. "I know you don't really have a connection to anyone here outside of Danny, but I'd like to get to know you," he said, plain and simple.

"Why?" Ward winced at how suspicious he sounded, but if it's one thing his father had taught him, it was paranoia.

"Because I like you," Fury replied. "And this family hasn't been built holding back or hesitating whenever we've been drawn to someone."

"But...you don't know me..." Ward argued back, honestly confused...and a little freaked out by the fact that he wasn't wrong. Fury wanted to step into his life and tell him what to do. He could understand the other man wanted to take charge and be dominant; be the alpha, as it were. His own father had made sure he knew his own place in the pecking order and it hadn't been to be in charge. He hadn't been out from under his father's control for very long, though and he knew he didn't want to put himself back into someone else's control without a very good reason. He took a deep breath, trying to keep from becoming agitated.

"I don't have to know everything about you to know that I feel drawn to you," Fury replied. "I know you're chafing under the idea about rules. How I'm feeling right now doesn't have anything to do with the rules you will still be expected to follow. I'm not interested in you for what you can do for me. I'm interested in you because of you."

Ward shook his head. "I...I believe you believe that. I guess we'll see...." He didn't say anything about still being expected to follow rules. That was one thing that hadn't been gone over specifically, although hints had been dropped here and there. From what he could gather, 'the rules' were all common sense things, so he supposed it wouldn't be a case of him having a hardship obeying them. Chances were he'd be doing what was expected without even thinking about it. Still...if something came up, he wasn't going to cave to any 'rule' if he thought something needed doing. "Thank you..." He indicated the food he'd been given and began to eat.

Fury got him a drink and set that out on the table, too. "I understand you might be reluctant to put your trust in someone you've only just met. If it helps at all, you aren't the only one who has had trouble accepting they have worth. Steve and Tony have butted heads on more than one occasion." His smile was wry.

"Steve still adopted him...How has that worked out for them?" Ward's voice was sceptical, but it wasn't as sarcastic as he had intended. Genuine curiosity carried through and it was obvious he wanted to believe Fury. At least as far as the man seemingly liking him anyway. He still wasn't enamoured of the idea that Fury wanted to take care of him like he seemed to be trying to do.

"It's worked out very well," Fury answered. "Steve hasn't attempted to control him, just persuade him to curb his more self-destructive behaviour." He smiled. "He never gave up on Tony. He never decided Tony was too much trouble or effort. That's something you'll find the whole family has in common."

"Sounds perfect..." Ward snarked. He had a hard time believing that Steve didn't control Tony. He had a harder time believing that there wasn't ever a time when he'd thought Tony was more trouble than he was worth and the only reason it worked was because Tony didn't give him reason to get angry.

Fury shrugged. "It hasn't been perfect. But they've weathered everything and come through stronger. They're not the only ones with that kind of relationship, but they are the ones in the public eye the most. Everyone here is family through choice. Through the bad as well as the good."

Ward just nodded. The man knew his family better than Ward did; Ward didn't want to insult him with disbelief. "So...other than financially ruining the bad guys, what expectations are there? You mentioned rules...."

"They really are common sense ones," Fury answered. "Not doing anything dangerous. Checking in with me or one of the other authority figures if you plan to leave...depending on the situation, we might require people to leave in pairs or even groups."

"Okay...the nothing dangerous makes sense...but the checking in thing..." Ward grimaced. "Not really feeling it...."

Fury nodded. "The sad truth is, we have a lot of enemies. And if we don't know where someone is and something does happen, we won't have an idea of a starting point. But it's also respectful to let someone know if you're heading out."

"Seems too much like asking for permission..." Ward wrinkled his nose. Fury wouldn't know of how he'd been required to check in with his father nearly every step he took due to the man's paranoia and distrust of his son. It had nothing to do with keeping Ward safe and everything with controlling him.

"Not really," Fury replied. "The only reason you might be asked not to leave is if there's a real danger. The rules are to keep everyone safe. Not about forcing you to conform."

"Yeah, sure. Okay," Ward agreed flippantly, although he wasn't aware how defiant he sounded. "What if I forget? Do I get sent home? Put in time out? Soundly scolded?" This time, he knew he sounded like a smart-ass, if the smirk on his face was any indication. He didn't see how it could be possible to enforce such a rule; especially since he wasn't family.

"You wouldn't be sent away, no matter what," Fury replied honestly. "But as to consequences... in the family, when someone endangers themselves or does something they know they shouldn't, they get spanked." Probably, any of the other parents would have been less blunt about it. But Fury knew he wanted Ward and if he wanted the younger man to respond to him, he had to lay all the cards on the table.

"Yeah...that isn't happening..." Ward shook his head mulishly. It was bad enough when his father beat him for failing to live up to expectations. There was no way he'd let someone else beat him for disobeying some childish rule.

Fury sat down opposite Ward. "What was your home life like?" He had a few theories, but rather than just assume, he'd rather hear it from the younger man honestly.

"My mother died when we were really young. My father treated my sister like a princess. Treated me like a prince in public." Ward spoke perfunctorily, little emotion in his voice. "You know what the news said about him? The third time he died....?"

"What did it say?" Fury kept his eyes on Ward, giving him his full attention.

"He embezzled a lot of money. Caused a lot of deaths. He would have been in jail if he'd lived." Ward didn't act surprised or shocked or upset at the accusations.

Fury nodded. "He treated you badly?" Although phrased as such, it wasn't actually a question. He'd guessed as much already.

"I failed to handle a business problem in the manner he expected and he beat me. I was already an adult by then, if that tells you anything." Ward looked away. "Second time he died, I killed him. I was certain, if I didn't, he'd kill me."

Fury reached out, placing his hand on Ward's arm. "I can understand why it was necessary," he said. "It doesn't make it any easier, what you had to do, I suspect."

Ward looked askance at Fury. "I know...there wasn't a choice really. He wasn't human...hadn't been for a long time. Whatever they did to him, the ones that kept him alive after he got terminal cancer...it stripped what little humanity he had in him out. I think he actually died of the cancer and they reanimated him...can't prove it and I'd be put in a white jacket and locked away if I said as much...." He swallowed. "I stabbed him. He was dead. I threw him in a bog where he'd had me dump the bodies of two men he had killed. For all the good it did me. He came back. Only reason he didn't kill me is that he was proud of the fact I'd attempted to murder him. Said I wasn't as much a waste of space pansy as he'd thought." Ward snorted. "Third time he died, I made sure he was cremated. Can't come back from that. Least I hope to hell not...." He shuddered.

"We've seen a lot of strange things here," Fury said. "Even if the worst happens and there is a way he comes back, you'll be safe here. You are safe here," he promised, his voice sincere.

"You believe me?" Ward was surprised. He'd only told the truth because he figured it was so unbelievable that Fury would get irritated with him and back off. To have the older man believe him and not bat an eyelash was unexpected. "I just admitted to killing my father...twice...and you not only believe me, you're ready to give forgiveness and assume I had good reason...." He couldn't keep the shock out of his voice.

Fury gently squeezed his arm. "After the things I've seen, what you've told me is not unbelievable. I know what it's like to do something other people would view as bad without knowing the full story. It's easy to believe you had a good reason because I can see you're a good man."

Ward had nothing he could say to that. He just shook his head incredulously. He knew what he was like and how he'd treated people in his efforts to gain his father's approval and pride. He knew things he'd done just to get ahead himself without anyone else being a factor. He didn't consider himself good in the least, so he wasn't sure what Fury saw in him. Swallowing, he blinked a few times, then continued eating. He was surprised, but having Fury sit next to him while eating, even if they weren't speaking, wasn't uncomfortable in the least. He actually found it more comfortable than he thought he had a right to feel. Finally, he had finished eating though and stood to clean up after himself. He turned toward Fury. "I'll get started on ruining them as soon as I've got the go-ahead," he said softly.

Fury nodded and stood as well, gently squeezing Ward's shoulder. "I know Skye's going to be getting set up soon. I don't know how long she might take, but she's good at what she does and she'll want you there as soon as she's broken through. If she's ready, I'll take you to her and whoever else she's gathered."

"Thank you, sir..." It was easy to fall into the habit of being respectful to the older man, even if he refused to become deferential. Fury hadn't done anything to deserve disrespect, after all. As soon as he was cleaned up, he followed Fury to wherever Skye was located.


May had finished showing Danny around the compound and then Skye had disappeared to begin working her computer magic, leaving May with the younger man. It was obvious to May that Skye had bonded with Danny. She herself hadn't felt an immediate connection; but that didn't mean one wouldn't form and if Skye had formed an immediate connection, it was worth looking into. "Hey, kid. Want to meet my other daughter and train a bit? She's a bit more of a beginner than a lot of the rest of the family- since she never was a SHIELD agent prior to joining- and if you can help her learn to defend herself better, I'd be very appreciative." She'd also be able to see if Hope formed a quick connection to the younger man as well. And give herself time to get to know him better, because if both her daughters bonded with him? Then maybe it was time she got them a brother.

Danny nodded and grinned. "Sure. Where are we headed?" He waited expectantly for May to lead the way. He liked Skye and expected he'd get on with her sister, too.

"I believe Hope was going to work out a little bit, so we'll head back down to the family floor and check in the sparring room..." May smiled, gently taking Danny by the elbow and leading him back to the elevators so they could go there. It didn't take long at all and soon, she was pushing the sparring room door open and peering in to see who was there.

Lincoln was facing off against Hope, both of them trying to remember the steps from the last lesson they'd been given. Lincoln was finding it more difficult due to his diminished size. "I'm really glad I finished my residency when I did. Forget trying to explain why I'm suddenly a teenager again... I wouldn't have been able to do my job right for tripping over my feet!" He sighed as Hope helped him up off the floor for the third time since they'd started.

Hope nodded sympathetically. "It's harder on all of you...." She turned as the door opened and smiled at her mom, before tilting her head slightly at the sight of Danny. "We're having a larger training session?" she asked.

Danny smiled warmly at her. "I have quite a bit of training in martial arts, so your mom thought I could work with you a bit." Glancing at Lincoln, he added, "You too, if you'd like to join."

May smiled at her daughter and great-nephew. "Maybe working with Danny will be easier; since he wasn't an agent, he'll train you as a non-agent. It might be better for you...."

Lincoln smiled at the other man. "Anything that helps me learn this stuff better...I was trained to be a doctor, not a fighter. I find myself pulling back to try and make certain I don't damage my hands...or hurt anyone else."

Danny nodded. "You're not wrong to want to protect your hands, but there are ways you can do that without needing to pull back. As for hurting me?" He grinned. "Leave worrying about that to me." He began to teach them some of the easiest moves, figuring it was better to learn from basics. As they became more confident, they'd probably mix fighting styles; make it harder for enemies to anticipate their moves.

Lincoln grinned at their newest 'teacher', then glanced at Hope, his grin growing. He had to admit Danny's style was a bit easier to follow than when he was learning from some of the rest of his family. Danny was looking at it from the viewpoint of a non-agent, non-combatant (although it was obvious he was capable of fighting). Because of that, he taught like a non-agent or non-combatant. "I think if you stayed and taught me from here out, I'd love it!" he admitted, with a sheepish look toward May.

"That might be possible to arrange," May said quietly, a considering look on her face.

Hope was quick to nod her agreement. "It's easier to follow you than the others," she admitted, a bit shyly. Not to say that the SHIELD agents were bad teachers; but Danny seemed to have a knack.

Danny grinned. "Well, I'm not sure how long I'll be staying here for, but I can make time for lessons while I am." He glanced at May, not sure what the look on her face meant, but it didn't really bother him.

May continued to watch as Danny taught her younger daughter and nephew. She could see why learning from him would be easier for them; he thought more like they did, for one thing. It was also clear that he fit in with both of them and they enjoyed his company. She glanced at Hope to see if she seemed to have the same connection building as Skye seemed to; and watched him to see if he seemed to be feeling the same way. Her daughters being drawn to him was all well and good, but if he didn't feel drawn to their family....

Hope responded well to Danny's teaching and while she was still a bit shy, he was able to draw her out of her shell more. Danny was comfortable and confident in what he was doing and just like Skye, Hope was responding and interacting comfortably with him.

May watched the lesson till it had gone on for about an hour. The kids didn't show signs of stopping; they were all enjoying themselves a lot, so she finally interjected. "Why don't you all take a break for a bit, take a shower and go relax. You were working out for at least an hour before we showed up, so you don't want to over-do..." she cautioned.

Lincoln blinked. "Yipes, you're right. I lost all track of time. I'm supposed to meet mom in fifteen minutes!" He turned toward Danny. "Thanks so much for your help, man! I think this is the first time I've understood everything the first time through in...well...ever." He laughed sheepishly. "Maybe we can meet again tomorrow to practice some more?" he asked hopefully.

Danny was quick to nod. "If we arrange for a couple of hours after breakfast? And if anyone else wants to join in, we can let them know about it."

Hope smiled, not actually saying that she thought the other family members would benefit, even though she thought the ones who were now teenagers probably could. Lincoln had managed to stop tripping over his feet as much, after all.

"Great! I'll let the others know!" Lincoln beamed at Danny before waving at May and Hope. "See you all at lunch, gonna go take a quick shower and find mom before she starts looking for me!" He ran out of the room.

May chuckled. "You fit in well..." she commented to Danny, curious to hear what he thought about the family.

"It's nice here. It feels good," Danny replied. Thinking for a moment, he added, "I almost thought there wouldn't be room for anyone to make friends... that we'd all remain on the outside. I'm glad to see that isn't the case."

"I think you're well on your way to being more than friends..." May smiled gently, having noted the way her daughters reacted to the younger man. She found herself beginning to feel drawn to him as well, simply because she could see how much her daughters enjoyed being around him and trusted him. "...If you wanted to stay here after everyone is back to normal, I expect that it wouldn't be a problem...." She fell short of actually telling him she wanted him to stay and become part of the family, if only because she wanted to avoid scaring him off.

Surprised, Danny gave the comment some serious thought. "It feels like...a home here." He didn't say, 'like my home'. It was scary how easily he could imagine himself living there. Still.... "I wouldn't want to stay without Ward." Even if his friend didn't want to stay, Danny couldn't bring himself to stay in a place he thought his friend wouldn't be welcome.

May's smile broadened at the show of loyalty. "I have a feeling that he'll be given an invitation to stay as well, if I know Nick very well at all..." she said, with a tiny hint of amusement. "And I'm glad it feels like a home to you. Because I'd like it to become your home. In fact...if you aren't against the idea...I'd like our family to become your family...." She watched him closely to see what his reaction to that would be.

Surprised, Danny looked at May, then at Hope, then back at May again. "What...?" He cleared his throat. "How would that work?" he asked, not sure he was reading the situation right.

May smiled, making sure she looked at him while talking, her eyes meeting his in an effort to show how sincere she was with the offer. "...I would adopt you. You'd become my son; Skye's and Hope's brother. You'd move into the compound permanently...." She slanted her head. "...If you're worried about your job or potential jobs, you could commute with Pepper. Or you could work for SHIELD and the Avengers. Whatever you want. But you'd live here with us...." She reached out hesitantly, slowly - in case he wanted to pull away- and brushed her hand over his cheek. "You're helping us right now, but if you stayed...if you let me...I would help you as well. I'd protect you...."

For a long time, Danny had convinced himself he was okay without his parents. Then finally repairing his friendship with Ward, and the other friends he had, felt like he didn't need anything else. But at May's offer, hope sparked within him. He stepped nearer to her, leaning into the touch. "I'd like that." His voice was quiet, but no less sincere.

Hope's smile was huge, though she didn't say anything. She was fairly certain Skye would be happy with the turn of events, too.

"Good. Because I very much want you..." May's smile carried through in her voice as she stepped forward and pulled the younger man into a tight hug. She held him for a few minutes before reaching over and pulling Hope into the hug with them. Finally, stepping back far enough to look into his face, she asked, "Are you alright with doing this immediately? Or do you want time to tell your friends first?" She knew that Matt and Foggy now had paperwork ready to go at a moments notice, given how frequently the family grew in size, but if Danny wanted to talk to Ward about it, or anyone else, she wanted him to have that opportunity. It was a big step after all.

Danny hadn't hesitated to reciprocate the hug, a little surprised at how quickly this had happened, but still happy. "I would like to talk to Ward first...." he replied. He didn't know if Fury had a similar feeling to May. Maybe if he did, Ward would be happier knowing he wasn't the only one being asked to be part of the family.

"Whenever you're ready, then," May agreed easily, not worried, since Danny obviously wanted to be part of the family and had already agreed. "I will get Matt and Foggy to get the paperwork ready and when you are ready to sign, we can sign."

Danny smiled happily. "I'd better go and get showered and changed...." He gave his new mom and sister another hug and then left to do just that.


Robbie made sure Gabe was settled in with Skye and Ward and didn't need anything, then turned to Werner, who he'd invited along with him. "Did you want to go check on the youngsters? I noticed you and Harry seemed quite taken with each other."

"I'm not really that good with children...."

"Yeah, but he's not really a child. And that's probably why he likes you," Robbie mused out loud. "You talk to him like he's on the same level as you."

Gabe was busy paying attention to what he, Skye and Ward were doing, but he could still hear his brother. "I talk to them like they are the same level as well... I mean, in reality they are our age. Just because they currently look younger..." He gave his brother a fond look of exasperation. "Of course, you still treat me as if I'm twelve, so maybe I should explain that it isn't anything personal...."

Ward found himself chuckling at the interplay between the brothers, but didn't say anything regarding Gabe's observation. Instead, he gave directions. "I think Harry and Peter were planning to watch a movie in the family room. Trip might be with them, depending on if his sister woke up or not. He and Brock were watching over her while their father worked...."

Robbie smiled at Ward. "Thanks." He took Werner's arm, turning towards Gabe. "You know you can just text me if you need me...." he began.

Skye began making shooing motions. "Can't concentrate if you're stood there distracting my team." While mostly teasing, she still figured they'd get more done if they could just focus. Of course, she'd had to set a timer to remind them to take a break. Left up to her, she'd get so absorbed, she'd forget. And she had two others working with her who would need breaks too.


Kara had woken from her 'nap' one hour exactly from when she'd fallen asleep... and, upon realizing that her father was busy elsewhere and she was in her brothers' care, began to act the part of 'terrible two' with fervor and way too much glee. Currently, she was running around the couch in the family room, just barely eluding Brock catching her, while Trip was rolling on the floor laughing. Apparently, being two again made his sister think running around nude was acceptable and she'd disrobed on her way out of the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothing behind her.

"You could help catch her!" Brock griped to his brother, though it was obvious he wasn't really upset. Seeing his brother so amused and hearing his sister's high pitched squeals of happiness had him moving just a slight bit too slow to actually catch her, since catching her would mean the fun would end. It wasn't like the compound wasn't warm enough and she was only two at the moment.

Robbie and Werner entered the room in time to see the tiny toddler running around being 'chased' by her brother. Robbie couldn't help chuckling at the sight and then smiled when Harry got up from his place in front of the television and headed over to them, grasping Werner's hand. "Come and watch," he demanded.

Robbie chuckled at the bemused look on Werner's face as he allowed himself to be led over to the television to watch with the other children.

Trip calmed down enough to motion Robbie over to the couch to sit next to him, still chuckling at his sister's and brother's antics, but calm enough to actually be able to talk. "Never a dull day..." He smiled at the other man.

Kara had managed to move to the opposite side of a couch close to the hall holding the stairs and quickly dashed that way, already up three steps by the time Brock realized what was occurring.

"Oh crap!" Brock yelped, before trying to jump over the couch in an effort to reach her before she got any further. "Oooow! No, Kar-bear! Come back!" Brock yelled with a groan from his position on the floor, where he'd landed face first.

Kara giggled, not realizing her brother's painful landing, and kept going. She was going to find their father!

Robbie took a seat next to Trip. "Yeah, I can see that...." He glanced towards the disappearing toddler and quickly scrambled up. "Want me to try heading after her?"

Trip's eyes widened as he stood up as well. "Maybe we better all head her off. If she gets upstairs, the agents won't mind so much, but she'll be mortified when she gets back to her regular self...."

By this time, Brock was up and limp-running after their sister. "Kar-Bear! Stop right now, young lady!" He interjected a bit of Nick's 'dad' tone into his voice, but when she just looked back and giggled again, he knew he'd not carried it off very well.

"It'll probably be hard even if she doesn't...." Robbie glanced back at Werner and, seeing the other man seemed to be looking after (or perhaps being looked after by) the other children, went to help Trip and Brock.

"Well, yeah...but it will be hard even without her having a bit of 'toddler' fun..." Trip agreed. "So far, none of the non-family agents have seen her; if they see her, then I'm afraid she won't want to face any of them after the fact. Family is different than non-family...."

For her two-year-old size, Kara moved very quickly. But sensing that Brock was almost about to catch up to her, she crawled over the railing, so that she was on the side of the stairs that she'd drop several feet if she lost her grip.

Brock stopped immediately about three feet away from her, holding his hands up in a 'stop' gesture so as not to startle her. "Kar-bear. You know that's not safe...Please hold very still and let me get you...." He made certain to keep her attention on him.

Robbie didn't waste any time. With Kara's attention on Brock, he quickly but quietly took the remaining stairs towards the toddler, reaching and taking a firm hold, pulling her safely away from the railing in one swift movement.

At that moment, Fury, alerted to his daughter's 'escape' by Friday, appeared. He swiftly made his way over to Robbie, giving the younger man a nod of thanks. "I'll take her...."

Kara widened her eyes in surprise at suddenly finding herself in the arms of one of the 'new people', but before she could get too upset at the fact that she was being held by someone she didn't know well, her father was there and Robbie was handing her over to him. Wrapping her arms around Nick's neck, Kara pulled herself up and gave him a slobbery kiss on the cheek. "Daaaaaddyyyy!" she squealed happily.

Brock, relieved that his little sister had been rescued and was now safe, slumped on the stairs and finally began to assess himself for injury from falling over the back of the couch and onto his face. He figured he would have a rather vivid bruise on his forehead, at the least.

Trip patted Robbie on the back and gave him a grateful look. "Good job, man. Thanks!"

Fury held his daughter securely with one arm and quickly headed over to Brock, spotting the bruise on his son's face. He rested a hand gently on Brock's shoulder. "It's probably just a bruise, but I'd like Bruce to check you out," he said, his voice firm and worried.

Robbie relaxed and smiled at Trip. "Figured we don't want her falling from any height...."

"Yessir," Brock easily agreed, knowing that head injuries were nothing to fool around with. Especially not with everything else that had been occurring.

"Brock got boo-boo!" Kara said...loudly...and reached out a tiny hand to lightly touch her brother's face. "...Sowwy..." she said in a more subdued voice, realizing that he'd got hurt trying to stop her from going up the stairs.

"No. That would not have been good at all," Trip agreed. "You're good with kids," he remarked, as he unobtrusively maneuvered Robbie back to the couch where the other 'children' and Werner were now playing a game on the X-Box.

Robbie shrugged and let himself be moved back into the room. "I've been looking after my brother for a long time. But I'm still a bit overprotective of him," he admitted.

"I hear that. I haven't had my sister for quite as long; and even though she's an adult- well normally- I am very protective of her. I'd be a lot worse if I'd had her as my sister from the day she was born...." Trip admitted. "I'm glad you were able and willing to come here when Mike got the call. The fact you didn't know any of us and were still willing to pitch in, means a lot."

Robbie took a seat on the couch. "The Avengers...the people living here...are the good guys. Everyone is in agreement on that. Besides...." He glanced at Werner and lowered his voice; though he didn't know if any of the kids had super hearing or not. "I wanted to make sure he wasn't treated roughly. You know? If he hadn't warned me HYDRA knew about me, I wouldn't have got back to Gabe in time."

Trip glanced at Werner from the side of his eye and nodded. "It was his father that the Avengers fought against. Nothing would be held against him beyond his own actions; and since his actions were to warn you and us as soon as he was able to do so- and it's obvious HYDRA didn't care about his father's position and were hurting him... I'm fairly certain he'll be accepted into the family. He needs someplace safe to call home." His voice was pitched low so that only Robbie could hear it.

Robbie gave a slight smile. "I think the younger deaged kids have already adopted him," he commented. "I left my brother with Skye and Ward. She shooed me out..." he said, amused.

Trip laughed at that. "Looks like Gabe has been adopted by his own group of 'kids', then. How about you? You found a niche yet?" Trip slanted his head curiously.

"Not really," Robbie admitted. "I was just sticking with Gabe and Werner for the moment."

"Well...since they've been hijacked by my other family members, how about you and I hang for a bit? If you have any questions about what's going on, I can answer them..." Trip offered with a grin.

Robbie shrugged and smiled. "Sure, sounds good to me. You all seem to have taken this deaging thing in stride," he commented.

Trip smiled benignly. "It helps that I wasn't deaged further than twenty. I might have handled it alright if I ended up fifteen, but I'm not sure I'd handle it well at all if I'd ended up seven years old or younger..." he admitted.

"Yeah, doesn't really seem like there's a rhyme or reason for why some of you ended up deaged further than others," Robbie observed.

"I think Bruce has some suspicions, but with things being the way they are, he wasn't really able to investigate it further. Hopefully with healer Bryce here, as well as Dr. Cho, Matt's nurse friend Claire and Stephen Strange, the group of them will be able to confirm or refute his suspicion and maybe..." Trip shrugged.

Robbie nodded. "At least you've got a lot of people here to help, even if there are the added problems with HYDRA."

"Yeah. We've been very lucky in that. Speaking of which, thank you for being one of them. You really didn't have to involve yourself in our problems; you could have just as easily disappeared with your brother when you found out that they were targeting you. I have no doubt you're able to..." Trip eyed the other man.

"Yeah, maybe, but like I said...you're all the good guys. Helping out is the right thing to do. Besides," Robbie couldn't help chuckling, "Gabe would never have let me live it down if I didn't bring him to one of the safest places."

Trip laughed. "Yeah. Little brothers are like that..." he agreed in amusement. "Speaking of, you want to go see what yours is up to? It should nearly be time for lunch and if we don't go check on them, they'll work right through...."

"Yeah, good idea." Robbie stood up. "And then I can blame you if Gabe accuses me of mother-henning," he teased.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've been accused of that!" Trip responded with a laugh. Putting an arm around Robbie's shoulder, he headed toward the elevators so that they could go up to the computer labs and retrieve their family members.

As they were walking toward the elevator, Tony passed them with a nod and a smile. He stopped behind the younger boys and Werner, watching them play games for a few minutes before clearing his throat. "You all will be wanting to find a good place to stop so that you can go get cleaned up for lunch," he said, firmly if kindly.

Werner, guessing Tony's comment was aimed at the younger kids, still put his controller down. "Maybe we can continue later, if your parents say it's okay."

Harry shrugged and put his controller down, standing up. Unlike the previous evening, he was once again busy trying not to act like a child...though he still put his hand in Werner's when the man stood up. His older mind knew that Werner had been hurt and scared by what had happened to him. It translated to the child sticking close to him so he wouldn't feel as bad.

Peter shrugged and also put his controller down. "Okay, but I'mma beat you," he informed Harry, reaching his hand out to tug Laura to her feet.

Tony smiled at the way the two boys showed protective feelings toward Laura, who was younger mentally if not physically, and Werner, who had been hurt badly. "I think some more play time can be arranged...after you get some fresh air. I was thinking of taking a walk outside and would like the four of you to join me...." He placed a hand on Werner's shoulder, gently directing him toward the restrooms. He knew the other kids would follow wherever the older boy went.

The look of surprise on Werner's face at being included was almost comical. Or it would have been, if Harry hadn't been aware of how difficult it was to believe you were being included. Not really knowing what else to do, Werner allowed himself to be steered towards the restrooms.

Peter's grin was huge as he led Laura along by the hand. While it was unlikely his uncle would let him practise swinging through the trees in this form, he was fairly certain Tony couldn't watch all of them at the same time.

Tony wasn't clueless by any means; and being prone to mischief and doing things he shouldn't himself, he could tell the glint of plans for mischief in his nephew's eyes. "I do trust that when we're outside, there won't be anything done that will require me to notify parents of misdeeds?" he said off-handedly, as he stopped outside the restrooms to wait for them to wash their hands.

Peter blinked completely innocently. "Not at all, Uncle Tony," he replied, before heading into the restroom to wash his hands.

"Yeah. Why don't I believe that?" Tony huffed quietly to himself, an amused look on his face. He smiled at Werner. "I know you're nearly an adult already, but given the fact you were holding onto that controller, and I know for a fact that germy little hands were holding onto it before you, you'll probably want to wash your hands too." He smiled to take any sting out of what was basically him treating Werner like a kid. Even if the kid was a kid, as far as Tony was concerned.

Werner nodded. "Uh, yeah. I'll do that." Harry came out at that point and Werner headed in to wash his hands, while Harry stopped next to his father. He didn't say anything, but leaned against Tony.

Tony wrapped an arm around Harry and pulled him in close, kissing the top of his head. "You like Werner, don't you?" he asked quietly, having noted Harry's attachment to the older boy.

Harry nodded immediately. "He's like me...." he said, trusting his father would understand what he meant without his more adult mind battling with the child to find the right words.

Tony slanted his head. "I could see that," he said. "It would explain why I feel like we should invite him into the family..." He paused. "I'll talk to your mom and get her opinion."

Harry nodded and then just wrapped his arms around his father, as tight as a seven-year-old could, and held on. He was unsettled and worried and those feelings translated into a need for comfort that, at his normal age, he'd have a hard time expressing.

Tony, remembering his own foray into being a child, could empathize and wrapped his arms tightly around Harry, hugging back just as tightly. That's how the others found them when they exited the restrooms. Tony smiled at them all. "Okay, kiddies. Let's go fill your bellies with lunch so you have energy for our walk."

Harry let go of his father, so Tony could walk, but still slipped his hand into Tony's and held his other hand out to Werner.

Not wanting to disappoint the boy, Werner hesitantly put his hand into Harry's, though he still seemed very unsure about the whole situation.

Peter had taken Laura's hand again and was talking enthusiastically to her. While she didn't say much, she was listening.

Logan arrived in time to see Peter talking nonstop to Laura and smiled. "You want to sit near Peter, sweetie? Or near me?"

Peter changed topics very quickly. "You could do both. I can sit next to Harry...then you sit next to me...and Great-Grandpa sit on your other side!" He beamed at having come up with a solution.

Laura hesitantly nodded, a bit overwhelmed by the chatter, but responding to Peter's attempts to include her.

Tony glanced toward the door as more chattering could be heard before Ace and Cassie skipped into the room, Scott and Mike following close behind while Hank and Hope brought up the rear.

"You want to sit with the other kids, Sweet Pea?" Scott asked his daughter.

Mike glanced at Ace, asking him the same thing without words.

"Yeah." Cassie nodded and glanced at Ace, who shrugged and nodded too.

Peter glanced over and quickly grinned, then waved them over to him, Harry and Laura while he figured out who was going to sit where. He'd already adopted Werner into the group, despite the age difference, and quickly had Werner sitting next to Harry and the other two arranged as well. He would have included Kara, but it was obvious she would stay with her father.

Brock had come into the dining area following his father. Luckily, he had not injured himself beyond a bruise. When he'd had to explain what had happened to Bruce, his baby sister had turned bright red, her adult mind deciding to take issue with her childish actions. He hadn't wanted to tell on her, but he knew their father needed to be aware of what she'd done, so the story about the stairs and Robbie saving her was told as well while Fury got her redressed.

Fury hadn't actually swatted his daughter, even though he had taken serious issue with her actions, and had scolded her like he would a child, knowing her adult mind knew better, while redressing her. Carrying her into the dining room, he looked around...not only for Trip, but also Ward; and Robbie, for that matter.

Hank had followed Scott, Mike and their children in, watching fondly as his granddaughter sat easily next to Ace and began trying to draw Laura into conversation, though she wasn't anywhere near as pushy as Peter.


Realising it was getting to be lunch time, Blake put the paperwork he was reading to one side and stood up. Heading to his mother's room, he knocked lightly and then put his head round the door to catch his father's eye. "Hey, Dad. Are you coming for lunch, or do you want me to bring food back for you and Mom?"

Ben smiled at his son before looking back at his wife. She was having another bad moment and currently had fallen asleep. "I'll come with you, son. Are Deacon and St.John there already?"

"I was going to go retrieve them," Blake answered. "I think they might be in Deacon's room, if you want to wait for me to let them know it's lunchtime."

"I'll go with you." Ben stood and moved to his son's side.

Blake nodded and then moved to Deacon's door. Knocking lightly, he called, "Hey, kids. It's time for lunch."

Deacon popped his head out. "Already? Wow, I must have lost track of time reading..." He grinned before stepping out into the hall. "I'll get Pyro..." he said, disappearing toward another set of rooms; not thinking about the fact that his brother and Ben had never heard that particular nickname, or the fact that it generally represented something that might concern them.

Blake frowned. "Pyro?" he repeated, wondering if he should be concerned.

Deacon didn't hear his brother's question, as he was already knocking on St.John's door. "Time for lunch..." he called in.

It didn't take long for Pyro to open the door and join him. He'd been getting very bored, reading not holding as much interest for him as it did for Deacon. "Know what we're having?" he asked curiously.

"There's actually a team of people who are in charge of cooking meals now," Blake replied. "Before, it would depend on whose turn it was and if they wanted to actually cook or order takeout. So it could be anything, really. We've got enough in that, if there's anything you don't like or are allergic to, there will be other options."

Pyro blinked at that. "So...you've got hired chefs to cook for the family? Given how many people there are, it doesn't surprise me..." He grinned. "Lead the way!"

Blake headed in that direction, walking next to his father.


Sam wrapped an arm each around his son and daughter. "Ready to join everyone for lunch?" he asked.

"Yeah. I think Foggy was with Jessica, Mack and Yo-Yo. And Claire is with healer Bryce. Do we want to pick them up to go with us, or assume Steve and Odin will be handling that?" Karen grinned.

Sam smiled. "I expect Odin will retrieve Healer Bryce and Claire, so why don't we get the others?" he suggested.

"Lead the way, then..." Matt grinned, taking hold of his father's arm. He didn't really need to be led around, but he liked to take any opportunity to be close to his father.

Sam kept in close contact with both of his children as he checked with Friday and then headed to the area where Foggy was with the others.

Foggy glanced up as his girlfriend and her family came into the office where they were talking about possible plans and legality; Foggy wanted to help them do things as much above board as possible, so that there were no chances of the perpetrators getting off on technicalities. "Hey, Babe... What's up?" He smiled.

Mack glanced at his watch. "It's lunch time. How did it get to be lunch time already?" He blinked.

"Probably because you and Foggy keep arguing over what needs to be done verses what is legal to do..." Yo-Yo snorted gently.

Jessica nodded. "HYDRA are bad enough to get themselves legally put away without us doing it secretly. Although...getting them assigned to one of our prisons would be safer than a regular run-of-the-mill joint...."

"Be that as it may...it's time for you all to take a break. I hear the new chef made lasagna!" Karen grinned and took Foggy's arm, tugging him toward the door so that they could head to the dining area.

"We could always set up a family meeting for later," Sam commented. "But right now, it is lunch time. And I know certain people have parents who won't take no for an answer." His smile at Yo-Yo was friendly, but it was quite clear he was going to insist.

"No problems, Papi!" Yo-yo teased Sam. If he wanted to act the part of her parent in making sure she ate, she wasn't going to argue. It was actually rather sweet that he didn't want her to feel left out; even if she was an adult, capable of making a decision on when or when not to eat.

Sam smiled at her, deciding he wasn't going to look too closely at how the jokey nickname made him feel, and waved for them all to join him. "There aren't really assigned seats and there is enough space round the table," since a new table had been specially ordered in, "but by now, I suspect a lot of the seats next to each other will be taken."


Mordo wasn't surprised to learn that Stephen was still in the lab. Sending Wong ahead of him, he headed in that direction. After all, the other man's inability to pull himself away from his work was one of the reasons Mordo had warned him about a break in the first place.

Stephen was lost in his research. It wasn't that he forgot to keep track of time, though. No, he'd actually looked at the clock to check his progress several times. He knew it was time for a break. He just didn't want to stop in the middle of what he was doing and was taking a chance that Mordo and Wong would be too busy to check on him.

It didn't take long to track Stephen's exact whereabouts and Mordo stepped into the lab where the other man was working. "You need to take a break. It's time for lunch," he said firmly.

"Can't right now...in the middle of this section and I'll have to start over if I quit..." Stephen answered quickly. Although maybe, he could admit to himself, he shouldn't have said it in such a sing-song voice. That was like a red flag to a bull.

Mordo stepped over to him and spoke in a serious, though calm voice. "Our agreement was you take a break when I tell you to." There was a heavy note of warning in his voice as he looked around, spotting a chair he could use close by.

"I will!" Stephen griped in irritation. "I just need to get to the end of this chapter...." Said chapter was at least another twenty pages but he didn't admit that.

Mordo didn't look at the book. Whether it was one paragraph or several pages, he was well-acquainted with Stephen's tendency to push 'just a bit more'. Taking a firm hold of the other man's shoulder, he pulled him away from the book and began heading towards the chair.

"What..? You made me lose my place!" Stephen whined in an aggrieved tone. He didn't notice where he was being led, his focus still completely on the book.

Mordo didn't respond. Reaching the chair, he took a seat and gently tugged Stephen across his lap in one fluid movement.

Stephen stiffened as he suddenly realized his position. "No! Mordo! Please! I'll go! I'll eat! You don't need to...to...spank me!" The revulsion in his voice when he said the word spank was almost comical.

"I warned you," was all Mordo said, proceeding to bare his backside. Just in case his charge began struggling and risking falling, Mordo wrapped his arm around Stephen's waist, drawing him tight against his stomach.

"I'm too big and too old for you to...to..." Stephen slumped as he realized this was happening, no matter what he said. "I'd hoped you wouldn't notice...." he admitted quietly, with a hint of embarrassment.

Mordo rested his hand gently on his charge's lower back. "You don't give me enough credit. I will notice what you're doing and when you are not taking care of yourself." He rubbed Stephen's back gently, then lifted his hand and brought it down in a firm swat at the crest of the other man's backside.

Stephen was stabbed by a frisson of guilt. "I...I don't mean any disrespect," he said softly. And then yelped as Mordo's hand landed hard.

"You would work yourself to exhaustion if I allowed you to." Mordo raised his hand and brought it down again. And then another two swats below the first. "To expect me not to notice and, worse, not to care is doing me a great disservice." By now, he settled into a pattern of swats, his hand falling to emphasise each word.

"I wasn't even thinking about it affecting you!" Stephen winced, his voice coming out strained as his mentor continued and he tried not to immediately start crying. "I wa...wasn't thinking about it affecting anyone but me and I thought I cou...could handle it!" he continued, his voice shaky.

"You are going to run yourself into the ground." Mordo continued down to Stephen's thighs and then started over from the top again. "If I tell you to do something, I expect you not to argue, because when I tell you something, it's because it's important. Because you are important."

"But...I...you...we..." He faltered, not entirely sure what he wanted to say. To say that Mordo wasn't in charge of him wasn't entirely true. While he'd progressed in his training considerably and could be considered an equal in some ways, he knew Mordo still viewed himself as his mentor. Stephen still viewed Mordo as his mentor. To say Mordo didn't have the right to take him in hand wasn't really true either. Stephen had given him that right long ago when he first began training under the other man. And he hadn't actually told Mordo that he no longer had the right; he wouldn't tell him that. It felt like it was too final a declaration that would break their connection and Stephen found himself loath to break their connection. "I don't want to be spanked!" he finally said petulantly, his voice sounding like he was very close to frustrated tears.

"Which is what makes it effective as a punishment," Mordo responded. "You are not supposed to 'want it'. If talking to you cannot break into your stubbornness, perhaps this will have some effect." He gentled his tone, but increased the force and speed behind the swats a fraction. "And indicate to you just how seriously I take your safety and wellbeing."

Another spear of guilt lanced through Stephen, but he stubbornly ignored it. That didn't mean he didn't react, though. He wasn't lying about not wanting a spanking and he was perfectly willing to do whatever necessary to get this whole humiliating and painful event over as soon as possible. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to worry you!" he choked out, big fat tears pooling in his eyes before they slipped down his cheeks.

Mordo shook his head and began a new circuit of swats, well aware that Stephen wasn't truly remorseful or surrendering. "No. I do not believe you are sorry," he replied calmly. "Only regretting that I did come to retrieve you."

"No! No, I am sorry!" Stephen protested, although he had to admit to himself at least Mordo was correct in his assessment. He wriggled around, his tears falling faster and began to cry more loudly. "I should have not dismissed your concerns...." He tried being conciliatory by admitting the one thing he did feel guilty about. It might not have changed what he chose to do, but he was sorry for dismissing Mordo's feelings in this matter. He hadn't meant to make the other man feel like Stephen didn't give him credit where it was due.

Mordo still didn't stop, shifting Stephen forward enough (helped by the other man's wriggling) to begin swatting his sit spots. "You shouldn't dismiss your own health. There was no one to pull you back in your old life, but that is no longer true," he stated.

Stephen whined and cried harder, going limp over Mordo's knee in the hopes it would convince the man to stop. There was a reason no one dared pull him back in his old life and it wasn't just because he had no one. It was because he was an arrogant bastard and he wouldn't let anyone pull him back. The fact he hadn't fought Mordo harder would have shocked anyone who knew him before.

Mordo still didn't stop, aware that they weren't at the needed point yet. He began swatting Stephen's sit spots and thighs a little harder. "I know you think you should be allowed to push yourself as much as you can, but I won't sit back and watch you hurt yourself. Even if I have to get through to you in this way."

"But I'm an adult! I make my own decisions! Even if they are spectacularly bad!" Stephen's crying was slightly more genuine this time, as the sting had built up to actual pain and Mordo's insistence that he wouldn't allow him to work himself into sickness or injury made him feel like the other man might actually care about him.

Mordo didn't stop spanking, although he did lessen the force a bit. "And if they are bad, I will step in and save you from yourself when it's necessary."

"I believe you!" Stephen ground out, before beginning to kick his feet and squirm in distress. "I'm sorry I didn't heed you!" He threw his hand back over his bottom. He still didn't understand why Mordo was so insistent, but he wouldn't make the mistake of dismissing him ever again!

Mordo caught Stephen's hand, moving it to the other man's back, careful not to hurt the damaged hand. "The next time you disregard my directions, this will happen. I won't allow you to overwork yourself for any reason. Even if you think you no longer need me, that doesn't mean I will stop caring about you."

Stephen stiffened at the words. "Y...you care about me?" His voice was strained. "That's why you're doing this?"

"Yes, Stephen," Mordo replied, in a very gentle tone. "I have cared about you from the very beginning and nothing has caused a change in how I feel. Nothing will change it."

At those words, the tiny sliver of guilt Stephen had been fighting off swamped him. He'd already been lying limp, so it was a very slight change, but noticeable all the same when the boneless-ness became genuine instead of put on. The forced tone of the tears became more open and real. "I'm sorry for disregarding your wishes," Stephen whispered, in a shaky, heartfelt breath.

Mordo brought the spanking to a halt. Gently rubbing Stephen's back, he replaced the man's clothing and then helped him up off his lap and into a tight embrace.

Wiping futilely at his eyes, Stephen gave up and just let himself quietly cry. When Mordo wrapped his arms around him, he shifted closer and let his head fall to the other man's shoulder. "I'm an arrogant ass...you know this won't be the last time I test your patience..." He sighed.

"Then it's just as well my patience won't run out when it comes to you," Mordo answered, calmly and without heat. He hugged his charge close and gently stroked his hair.

Stephen sniffed once and gave his mentor a teary smile. "I'll try not to be too exasperating...."

Mordo just gave him another squeeze before saying, "When you're ready, you can wash your face and then I'll take you to lunch."

Stephen nodded, allowing himself to cuddle a bit longer before pulling back and putting back on his 'doctor' persona. The others had enough to worry about without seeing him behaving like a child. Quietly, he walked to a nearby sink and washed his face before turning back to Mordo. "Am I presentable?"

"You look fine." Mordo gently squeezed his shoulder and then steered him out of the lab towards the dining area.