
Summary: Jason is not particularly happy about Zack's reckless behaviour
Notes & Warnings: AU, mentions of violence
Spoiler up to: Power Rangers Movie 2017



I’ve thought long and hard about sending you this email, but I think we need to talk, at the very least.

I almost don’t recognise myself since we found those coins. I know my dad doesn’t. He hasn’t asked me yet where I keep disappearing to. I think he’s just relieved I’m not getting in any more trouble with the cops.

Zordon told me I’m the leader. I thought he was messing with me at first, but it’s true the rest of you seem to fall in line behind me. And if I’m going to lead you all, then my priority needs to be keeping you safe. I can’t do that when you seem determined to kill yourself and the rest of us. I get you’re impatient to reach the finish line, and sometimes taking chances can be a good thing, but not when there’s no need.

I wouldn’t ask you to stop being a part of this. I don’t know much about being a Power Ranger, but it’s clear we can’t just throw the coins away. I couldn’t even leave mine in another room and I’m sure you must have experienced the same.

My dad’s a fisherman, so when I was younger and had to do a project on the job of one of my parents, I picked him. And while researching, I found out about corporal punishment in the Navy. There was something called Kissing the Gunnar’s Daughter. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but it involved strapping a sailor over a cannon and the use of a strap or knotted rope to thrash him as punishment.

I’m not suggesting I tie you over a cannon, but I am suggesting I punish you. That you meet me at the docks so we can take care of this matter. You already endangered all of us once. The others are still unsure about how seriously to take all of this, but every night since Zordon showed us Rita, I’ve had the same nightmare. People are dying. Men my dad knows and works with. And I can’t even warn him, because what can I say? How can I tell him what I know and how I know it?

I need to save everyone I can. And I need to make sure our team is protected. I know you might tear up this letter and I can’t force you to submit to being punished. But I care about the safety of the team. I care about all of you.

I’ll be waiting.
