Consequences For Dangerous Behaviour

Summary: Follows Preventative Measures. After they manage to escape the hellish dimension they were trapped in, Satoshi learns that Yoshiki was prepared to sacrifice himself to save Ayumi, so he carries out his threat
Warning(s): Spanking, including with a paddle; major spoilers for the movie Corpse Party; minor spoilers for the video game version; AU; references to violence and canon character death; some descriptions of injuries and wounds
Author's Note: Technically fills the day seven prompt for Spanktember, Implement Breaks. I'm jumping ahead a bit - I have a couple of WIPs/ideas for previous prompts, but I don't know if I'll go back to them or not. My muse is a little bit temperamental. Any interest, though, please let me know!
I would appreciate comments/feedback/kudos, as those are all things that not only help me keep writing, but also make me feel better after some, quite frankly, crappy situations that have been happening recently.
I hope you enjoy!


Satoshi blinked a few times as he suddenly found himself standing outside, in the daylight. They were in a circle, those who had survived Sachiko's curse. On his left side, Yuka was holding tightly onto his hand, her shirt bloodied. On his other side was Naomi, still looking around with wild eyes and a look on her face that suggested part of her mind was still back there...lingering in Tenjin Elementary School, with their friends who they hadn't been able to save.

Ayumi looked like she was fine, but as he slowly let go of Naomi's hand, Satoshi couldn't help eyeing her suspiciously. Somewhere at the back of his mind, he couldn't help thinking about how she'd given Naomi a fake piece of paper. It had only been down to sheer luck that they'd stumbled on Seiko's own piece...although Naomi had insisted that Seiko had led them to it. Maybe she was right. Satoshi hadn't had the same experience with the 'good' ghosts as the others had, but he knew that some of the souls trapped in the school had helped, even those initially caught in the curse as well.

Satoshi found his attention drawn to Yoshiki. He hadn't had a chance to see the other man properly since they'd separated so that Yoshiki and Ayumi could try and help the ghosts of the children move on and find peace. Now that he had a better look at Yoshiki, he couldn't fail to notice the cuts and bruises that covered his bare skin.

"Yuka." Satoshi squeezed her hand when his sister looked at him, and smiled at her. "I need you to stay with Naomi for a few minutes, okay? I've got to talk to Yoshiki."

"I don't want you to go away," Yuka whispered, her eyes wide and fear-filled.

"It's not going to happen here. We're not trapped in that school anymore. It's safe." He gave her a reassuring smile and hoped he wouldn't turn out to be a liar.

"It's okay." Naomi smiled at Yuka and held a hand out to her. "I'll stay with you," she promised.

Yuka bit her lip, but then slowly put her hand into Naomi's, though her eyes remained fixed on Satoshi. "Please don't be gone for too long, big brother," she whispered.

"I won't be." Satoshi couldn't keep the smile as he looked away from his little sister. They'd all experienced horrible, awful things...and while Satoshi could understand the pain Sachiko felt, and how unfair it was for her life to be cut so short so brutally, he couldn't help feeling angry with her too. Because she didn't have to kill people who had had nothing to do with what had happened to her. And how were they going to explain away what had happened and everyone who had disappeared? Or would the deaths of their classmates, of their teacher, just become another unsolved mystery like Sachiko herself?

While he'd been caught up in his own thoughts, Satoshi had walked to Yoshiki's side and reached out, placing a hand on the other's shoulder and squeezing lightly. "Let's go inside." He nodded towards the school.

"You sure about that?" Yoshiki's muscles were tense under Satoshi's touch.

"I don't think we'll be in danger. Not unless we do the ritual again...and I know we won't." Satoshi used his grip on Yoshiki's shoulder to lead him towards the school entrance.

Yoshiki didn't voice anymore arguments, although he remained tense and visibly on edge. And as he walked, his teeth were clenched if he was trying to hold back sounds of pain.

Inside the school building once more, Satoshi took a moment or two to reassure himself that it looked the same as it had before. It was well-lit and bright inside, without any sign of the violence that had occurred in the other dimension. At least their school didn't look anything like Tenjin Elementary School. If it had, Satoshi wasn't sure he could have got Yoshiki through the doors again. He wasn't sure he would be able to go through the doors again.

When Satoshi began walking in the direction of the medical room, Yoshiki hesitated and pulled back slightly. "Where are we going?"

"To the medical room. I don't think the nurse will be there, but I'm going to check your injuries," Satoshi said firmly.

Yoshiki opened his mouth, but then closed it again as Satoshi continued to guide him. As they continued to walk, he muttered, "I thought we'd be going to the principal's office so you could use the paddle on me."

Responding to the words, Satoshi squeezed Yoshiki's shoulder a bit harder as he asked, "Does that mean you did something you knew I'd disapprove of?"

Yoshiki shifted slightly, not looking at Satoshi, before he said, "You won't be happy that I attacked the janitor. I was trying to save Ayumi, but...." He hesitated. "He was so much stronger than I expected. He got his arms around me and I felt...he was crushing me. I couldn't breathe. Couldn't get away. I thought I was going to die...." A haunted note crept into his voice.

Satoshi didn't say anything, but he stopped walking, causing Yoshiki to stop as well. Then, he wrapped his arms around the other man and hugged him close.

Yoshiki let his breath out slowly and leaned into Satoshi's arms, his own coming up to wrap around Satoshi in a hug that was just as tight. If nothing else, the way he all but clung to Satoshi made it obvious how much emotional turmoil he was in, because those were the only times (outside of a punishment) that he allowed himself to accept the comfort. "Are you mad?" he whispered after a moment.

"Not mad. But you shouldn't have put yourself in danger, and we are going to talk about it. But first, we're going to the medical room so that I can check just how seriously injured you are."

"I didn't think you had any medical training." Yoshiki spoke with a tiny amount of humour in his voice, even as he took a step back out of Satoshi's embrace. "Let's get this over with."

Satoshi wasn't sure if Yoshiki was talking about Satoshi checking him over, or if he was talking about the spanking. Probably, he was talking about both. Satoshi kept his attention on Yoshiki, unable to hide his worry, as they walked to the medical room and stepped inside. Once the door was safely closed behind them, he directed, "Take off your clothes."

Yoshiki's hands immediately went to his shirt before he paused, looking at Satoshi. "All of them?"

"You can keep your underwear on, but other than that? Yeah. Everything." As he spoke, Satoshi walked over to the medicine cabinets and opened them up, retrieving bandages and the antibiotic cream he found there. By the time he turned back to Yoshiki, the other man had removed all of his clothing, leaving his socks and boxers in place.

Satoshi found his eyes drawn to the bruises that covered Yoshiki's chest and stomach and he moved closer to his friend, reaching out and beginning to carefully probe the cuts and bruises...searching for any abnormal swelling or parts of his body that felt wrong.

Yoshiki held as still as possible, but he was obviously in pain and hissed softly whenever Satoshi touched a particularly tender spot.

"Sorry," Satoshi muttered. "I don't think anything's broken. There's bruising and cuts, of course. But maybe I should take you to the hospital to get checked out," he suggested, as he began to treat the cuts and bruises that were visible on Yoshiki's body.

"I don't need a hospital." Yoshiki huffed slightly, holding still even if his body was tense. "I've had worse wounds. Broken bones. I don't have any now." He shrugged and, when Satoshi had finished treating his cuts and bruises, he began to pull his clothes back on.

"If you feel any weakness...if it gets any need to let me know," Satoshi said seriously. "I'll make it a rule if I have to."

"Okay." Yoshiki finished dressing and then paused, looking into Satoshi's eyes and asked, "What now?"

Satoshi didn't answer with words. He could ask for more details about what had happened, but Yoshiki had told him enough that he could picture what had happened; Yoshiki trying to sacrifice himself to save Ayumi. He'd obviously escaped somehow...but Satoshi didn't need to know all the details to deal with what the other man had done. Instead of speaking, he reached out and placed a hand on Yoshiki's shoulder, squeezing lightly, before he used that grip to steer Yoshiki out of the medical room and along the corridor, heading towards the principal's office.

Yoshiki was quiet until they were inside the office with the door closed, then he asked quietly, "Are you going to use the paddle on me?"

"Yes." Satoshi gave Yoshiki's shoulder another squeeze before letting go. He then walked over to the cabinet and pulled it open, reaching inside and taking out the paddle.

It was well-worn, even though it hadn't been used in a long least, Satoshi didn't think it had been. Corporal punishment was no longer in use at that school and hadn't been since before they'd been students there, but Satoshi had seen the paddle once when he'd been in the principal's office to have a conversation about his grades.

Hefting the paddle in his hands, Satoshi gave it a few practice swings before he walked over to Yoshiki and grasped the other man's shoulder once more. He used that grip to guide Yoshiki into position, gently pushing him down to bend over the principal's desk. Keeping one hand on Yoshiki's back, he held the other man down as he drew the paddle back and then let it land firmly against the seat of Yoshiki's trousers.

A tiny hiss escaped Yoshiki's lips and he groaned softly. He reached out and grabbed the far end of the desk, gripping onto it wih a white-knuckled grip.

Satoshi landed the paddle against Yoshiki's backside twice more, landing each stroke just below the previous. He was careful not to strike too hard, holding back on using his full strength, but by the time he'd delivered six firm strokes, Yoshiki was shifting from one foot to the other and his body had grown even more tense under Satoshi's hand.

The seventh stroke, even though it wasn't any harder than the previous, caused the paddle to splinter and Satoshi paused, staring at the implement, before he let it drop.


"Hush." Satoshi pulled the chair out from the desk and helped Yoshiki to stand. Sitting down on the chair, he drew the other man to stand in front of him and began unfastening his trousers.

"I hate it when you do that," Yoshiki muttered.

"I know." Satoshi could have said more. He could have said he did it because it made the punishment more effective and memorable. He could have said that he knew Yoshiki didn't have much in the way of gentleness and care; that his tolerance for pain was far higher than his tolerance for gentleness. But he didn't say any of those things. Instead, he tugged Yoshiki's trousers down and then guided the other man into position across his lap.

Yoshiki swallowed audibly but didn't say anything. Instead, he reached down and closed his fingers around Satoshi's ankle.

Satoshi rubbed his back for a few moments, then eased his underwear down. Yoshiki's bottom showed a slightly darker tone where the paddle had landed, but Satoshi was relieved to see there was no sign of bruising. Continuing to gently rub Yoshiki's back, he asked softly, "Is there anything I need to know before we continue?"

"I thought you were supposed to ask that before even starting," Yoshiki muttered, shifting slightly.


He sighed. "Fine. Fine. No. There isn't anything else you need to know. Okay? I was willing to die to protect Ayumi. I would have done it, if she hadn't distracted that janitor when he was trying to crush me." He paused and then added, "I'm not sorry for what I did. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat. You can't tell me that you wouldn't do the same, if you thought it would save one of them. If you thought it would save Yuka."

"If I thought it would save you." Satoshi wanted to make sure Yoshiki knew he was counted among those Satoshi cared about; those who he would die for, if it came down to it. Even so.... "I wouldn't hesitate, but I would also fully expect to be made to answer for those actions. Because you were able to get away from the janitor, even if you were hurt, there was clearly another way that didn't need to result in you sacrificing yourself." His voice hitched with emotion that he couldn't hold back. Part of it was to do with his worry about Yoshiki putting himself in danger...and part of it was because of the high emotion that he was still experiencing. They were all swirling around inside him: the grief, pain and anger. He was holding onto his sanity by a mere thread...and that was only because the rest of them needed him to be strong.

Yoshiki didn't say anything, but his grip on Satoshi's ankle tightened a fraction and his body tensed.

Breathing in deeply, Satoshi lifted his hand and delivered the first firm smack to Yoshiki's bare bottom. He didn't waste any time continuing, peppering Yoshiki's entire backside with the hard smacks, from the crest down to mid-thigh, before starting over from the top.

It didn't take much for Yoshiki to begin squirming in position over Satoshi's lap. He didn't make any sounds through the first two circuits of smacks, then when Satoshi started over from the top a third time, he began to whimper softly and let out tiny cries.

Completing the third circuit of swats, Satoshi paused and let his hand rest lightly on Yoshiki's bottom, speaking in a stern voice. "You might not be sorry about endangering yourself, but I'm not necessarily looking for you to be sorry. I'm looking for you to be careful. I'm looking for you to consider your own safety as important as someone like Ayumi. I understand that won't be easy, but I expect you to try. And I'll keep doing this, every time it's necessary, because the alternative is losing you. And I won't let that happen."

"I don't think something like this is going to happen." Yoshiki's voice was strained, as if he was close to tears. "It's not as if...I'm going to do another ritual like that again. I'm not planning on going out and fighting angry, vengeful ghosts. I just won't hesitate if it's necessary."

Satoshi shook his head and lifted his hand once more. Ignoring the tiny whimper that escaped Yoshiki's lips, he began a new circuit of smacks, now putting a bit more force behind them. "It wasn't even necessary this time. None of the ghosts could be fought. Even the janitor...he was as much a victim of the curse as anyone else." The real villain had been the principal who had murdered Sachiko and her mother, of course, but he hadn't been trapped in the school with the spirits of those he'd killed. Briefly, Satoshi wondered what had happened to the man, but he quickly pushed those thoughts away to instead focus on Yoshiki. "This wasn't something you could solve with your fists, and you need to keep it in mind that sometimes, holding back and finding a better way is the right thing to do."

Another whimper escaped Yoshiki's lips as he squirmed a little more forcefully before finally slumping over Satoshi's lap. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice tight, before the sound of his tears reached Satoshi's ears.

Slowing the smacks, Satoshi finally stopped, resting a hand on Yoshiki's bottom as he said, "I want you to stay alive. No matter what happens." He rubbed for a little longer, then eased Yoshiki's clothing back into place before helping the other man to his feet. Standing up himself, Satoshi then wrapped his arms around Yoshiki and hugged him close.

Making an obvious effort to stop crying, Yoshiki raised his own arms and wrapped them around Satoshi in return. "No one else ever cared enough to try and stop me from being dangerous," he whispered.

"I know." Satoshi rubbed his hand down Yoshiki's back as he said, "But I care enough to put a stop to it. And I'll do it again, if you ever make it necessary."

"Okay," Yoshiki whispered. He took a deep breath and then stepped back, out of Satoshi's arms, wiping at his eyes. "Should we go back and join the others now?"

"Yeah." Satoshi stepped to Yoshiki's side, sticking close to the other man, so that he could walk next to him as they left the principal's office and made their way back outside to join the others.

The End