Clint Barton

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Full name: Clint Barton
Portrayed by: Jeremy Renner
First appearance: Meeting The Older Siblings
Parent: Phil Coulson
Grandparent: Ben Coulson
Aunt/Uncle: Paul Coulson, Cathy Coulson
Siblings: Natasha Romanov, Grant Coulson, Raina, Bobbi Morse, Gamora, Nebula, Jeffrey Mace
Children: Wanda, Pietro
Nieces/Nephews: Lincoln, Valkyrie

“And I was really glad he’d caught me and decided to take me in when, the next morning, the police did show up asking questions. I don’t know how, but he somehow convinced them not to arrest me and let him ‘handle it’. That’s not the only time he’s ever gotten my bacon out of the fire, either.”

Clint, to Grant. Commiserations

Clint first met Phil Coulson when he broke into the agent’s house at 15 years old. This wasn’t that long after Coulson had lost his wife and son and he’d spent a long time throwing himself into his work and ignoring his own safety and the worry of his friends and family.

Clint had been abandoned by his brother and he was hungry and desperate. Fortunately for him, he broke into the house of a man who had a son-shaped hole that needed to be filled. And after some hiccups along the way (bad habits are hard to break), he eventually followed in his father’s footsteps and became a spy.

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Before the events of Redeeming Grant and before Coulson’s death at the hands of Loki, Clint found himself a sister - Natasha Romanov, also known as the Black Widow. While his mission had been originally to take her out, he felt a draw to her and she felt one towards him and defected. The two of them are as close as twins might be, often going on missions together. And while Clint might not be a super-powered individual, he is able to hold his own, both with his acrobatic skills and with his ability with his bow and arrow.

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“I wasn’t basing my love on some misunderstanding of you and what you were capable of doing. I love you; every part of you, including your powers.”

Clint, to Wanda. Acceptance

Wanda and Clint became attached to each other very quickly. As soon as Clint showed signs of accepting her for who she was, she saw him as her father; or, in other words, ‘Papa’. Thanks to Clint, she’s been learning better focus and more control over her powers.

As for his son, Pietro, the two are quite similar in personality. When they first met and Pietro realised Wanda had attached herself to the Avenger, he acted to save Clint’s life. Acted…and nearly got himself killed in the process. But that was arguably one of the defining moments that led to Clint deciding to act on his paternal feelings for the twins.

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Random Facts

  • Due to spending some time in a circus before being adopted, Clint is very acrobatic.

  • After having been mind-controlled by Loki, he has enough focus to prevent any more mind controlling.

  • His birthday is the same day as his little brother’s, Grant.

  • He has tried to outrun cars in the past.